Category Archives: mekemeke




Las Vegas (March 3, 2015) – 50-year old WBC #17 nguha taumahamaha, “Bronco” Billy Wright (46-4, 37 Koó), he iti iho i te rua wiki atu i tona 10-a tawhio a'ee kaupapa matua ka ū mai ki Gilberto Matheus Domingos (22-2, 20 Koó). The bout takes place at the Tatou Ko Pa Casino in Fort McDowell, Arizona on the Whakatairanga RJJ mekemeke kāri March 13, 2015. Bronco Billy Wright gives his thoughts on training camp and defending his WBC Latin AMERICAN a FECARBOX taitara.


Bronco Billy i te whakangungu taka puni….

Training camp has been tough this time around. I’ve been working really hard to get in the best shape of my life. My trainer Rafael Garcia Jr. has me doing some out of the box training methods that has been real beneficial to my boxing style. We are finishing up our last days of sparring this week. I’ll be ready to bring it Rāmere muri.


Homai Bronco Billy i ona whakaaro i runga i tona a'ee ki Domingos….

“E mohio ana ahau ki Domingos kei te haere ki te titiro mo te knockout rite am ahau, so we’ll see who lands the first bomb. Like in all my fights, I’ll be looking to end the fight early. If I need to go some extra rounds, Ua ok ki taua ahau, rite ahau i roto i te āhua mekemeke pai. Te haere ia ki te pangia e te tahi toku kaha, e te no te tino.


E korero ana Bronco Billy i runga i te parururaa i ona taitara WBC….

“Te Wawao ia toku WBC Latin AMERICAN a FECARBOX titles is a pretty big deal for me. It’s my leverage to compete at the top level as I try to crack the top ten in the WBC. Right now I’m at #17, engari whakamahere ahau ki te neke ake i ki ia whawhai i tēnei tau.


Bronco Billy matapaki he nguha taumahamaha-tau 50 tau….

At this age I feel stronger then I was when I was younger. It’s that old man strength I guess you can call it. Ahau kia mātau, wiser and more discipline at this stage in my career. I have a goal to become the heavyweight champion of the world and motivation is greater than ever. A lot of these top contenders are shying away from fighting me. I just want to earn my opportunity and fight the best.


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Tickets utu $20 whakauru whānui, $35 a $50, kei runga i te hoko i teie nei, a taea te hokona e te karanga Bronco Billy Wright i (702) 524-3331.


Te Tatou Ko Pa Casino Kei i 10424 Te Tai Tokerau Fort McDowell Road, Fort McDowell, THE 85264. Doors tuwhera i 6:00 P.M. Ko te whawhai tuatahi i 7:00 P.M.

SHOWTIME SPORTS® ia faatura Tuhinga o ISRAEL VAZQUEZ-Rafael Marquez RIVARLY WITH whawhai Tauhira, Rauna, Whakaahua, Stats & MORE

Whawhai Full e tahuna ki SHOWTIME EXTREME®, SHOWTIME te Wā®

& SHOWTIME ON DEMAND® Timata With Vazquez-Marquez ahau



Pāwhiritia te te whakapakoko ki te mataara i te 2007 Te rauna o te tau

Credit Photo: Tom Casino / SHOWTIME


NEW YORK (March 3, 2015) - SHOWTIME Sports will offer boxing fans a chance to relive one of boxing’s most intense and brutal rivalries as it rolls out content in celebration of the classic showdowns between Mexican legends A Iharaira Vazquez a Rafael Marquez.


I teie pô,, i te waru o nga tau o to ratou whawhai tuatahi epic, SHOWTIME EXTREME (10 p.m. AND/PT) Ka tapae Vazquez-Marquez ahau, he kōwhiringa loto o 2007 Whawhai o te Tau. Na i runga i te Wenerei, Vazquez-Marquez II, he slugfest i hua he rauna o te Winner Tau tawhito-kura, Ka AIR i 11 p.m. AND/PT. The third installment, te 2008 Whawhai o te Tau, Ka AIR i runga i Rāpare i 10 p.m. AND/PT i te SHOWTIME EXTREME


Ētahi atu, Ka Air Vazquez-Marquez ahau-IV i roto i te "rave'a haamahutaraa i" tenei Rāhoroi i runga i SHOWTIME EXTREME timata i Poutumarotanga ET/PT.


I roto i te honore o te totohe, Ka tukua ano SHOWTIME Sports photos matarohia, ngā tere-patu, stats as well as full rounds. The third round from Vazquez-Marquez I and the third round from Vazquez-Marquez II (2007 Te rauna o te tau) Ka wātea i runga i YouTube, Facebook and the SHOWTIME Sports website. I tua atu, Ko te Blog mekemeke Ka tukua e toru nga pou i te kaitātari mekemeke SHOWTIME me te kōrero Steve Farhood rite titiro hoki ia i runga i te tuatahi e toru hui epic i waenganui i nga toa 122-pauna.


Katoa e wha Vazquez-Marquez ka wātea i runga i whawhai SHOWTIME te Wā aSHOWTIME ON DEMAND timata Rāhina, March 9. Below is the full schedule of action on SHOWTIME EXTREME:


TODAY / Rātū, March 3

· SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING: Vazquez vs. Marquez ahau, 10 p.m. AND/PT


Wednesday, March 4

· SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING: Vazquez vs. Marquez II, 11 p.m. AND/PT


Rāpare, March 5



Rāhoroi, March 7

· SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING: Vazquez vs. Marquez ahau,Poutumarotanga ET/PT





Fakamatala'i e Farhood rite "Te pahūtanga o te faito toi," their first meeting had all the action and drama of a Hollywood blockbuster and left fans –and the fighters– clamoring for a rematch. Vazquez and Marquez delivered yet again in their second meeting just five months later in yet another old-school, slugfest toto e hua i te rauna o te toa tau -te tāngata me te hua e ui te kēmu rapa.


Vazquez-Marquez III, whakataetae tika 363 ra i to ratou hui tuatahi, Ko te whakanui o te mekemeke i tona pai rawa, anake te tukinga i roto i te totohe, ki te haere i te tawhiti, me te 2008 Whawhai o te Tau. The two would meet for the fourth and final time again in 2010.

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Mō Showtime Networks Inc.:

Showtime Networks Inc. (SNI), he āpiti whakapau ki te-ngā o CBS Corporation, nona a mahi nga kupenga moni pouaka SHOWTIME®, THE Whitiāhua Channel a Flix®, me te pai kia rite ki te awa multiplex SHOWTIME 2, SHOWTIME® Showcase, SHOWTIME EXTREME®, SHOWTIME TUA®, SHOWTIME NEXT®, SHOWTIME WOMEN®, SHOWTIME FAMILY Rohe® me te kiriata Channel Xtra. SNI tuku SHOWTIME HD hoki, THE Whitiāhua Channel HD, SHOWTIME ON DEMAND® me te kiriata Channel ON DEMAND, me te motuhēhēnga ratonga SHOWTIME wā o te whatunga®. SNI whakahaere hoki Smithsonian Networks, he mahi ngātahi i waenga SNI me te Smithsonian MoE, e tuku Smithsonian Channel. Whāngai SNI katoa whakarato tangi whakarei te whakamahi i Dolby Digital 5.1. Markets SNI a tohatoha hākinakina, me ngā kaupapa whakangahau mo te whakaaturanga ki kaiohauru i runga i te kaupapa utu-ia-tirohanga i roto i SHOWTIME PPV®.

Champions Hoki: Takahanga March Nottingham Bell me Churcher Co-rainamatua 7.

E whakatakotoria mua Ingarihi o Doncaster me British Champion Andy Bell me Welsh mua o Newport, a British Masters Champion Lee Churcher ki te tahi-kupu matua tino O'Hara Whakatairanga kaipahua BACK hui Wayne O'Hara o, i te Hotel Britannia i Nottingham tenei haere mai Rāhoroi - 7th March.


I muri i te ngaro rima tau tata i te hākinakina, e whai ake nei i te mate ohorere ki a John Donnelly, i roto i te rounder aito-kore ono i roto i te Mei 2010, A Doncaster Andy Bell te pae hopea hanga i tona hokinga e tatali roa ki te whakawehi tenei Rāhoroi.


Timata Championship pakanga a Bell i te April 2007 ki te waru te wikitoria mutu a tawhio ki runga o Shrewsbury Neil Marston mo te taitara BBBofC Midlands Area whā.


E rua marama i muri mai ia te tāpiri i te Masters whā karauna o Ingarangi ki tona rūnanga taonga, ki te wikitoria ngā totoka i runga o Sheffield Mo Khaled.


E toru noa nga marama i muri mai hoki i roto i Championship mahi i kotahi ano Bell, tenei wa te wero a Bradford Robert Nelson mo te wātea BBBofC English Super mā taitara. Bell tapiritia he toru whitiki ki tona kohinga e tipu, ki te ano tetahi atu wikitoria Tuhinga, tenei wa i roto i nga hēkona matenga o te whitu harikoa.


I roto i tona whawhai whakamutunga o te 2007 wa Bell nā tana taitara Ingarihi ki te wikitoria ngā tau i runga i te Grimsby Wayne Bloy.


I roto i te Maehe 2008 Bell tāpiri te whitiki Lonsdale hiahiatia ki tona kohinga, i muri i te patu te wa roa BBBofC British Super mā Champion Chris Edwards i roto i te e mau i haere i te tawhiti, Bell toa i te mārama taha o 117-111 i runga i Judges Phil Edwards me scorecards Terry O'Connor o me 115-113 i runga i scorecard Tiati John Keane o.


I roto i te Whiringa- 2008 Bell ka awhina te karauna o Ingarangi, ki Ingarangi o nāianei, me te Pākehā whā me te mua WBA Inter-Continental Champion Lee Haskins.


I muri i te tekau ma rua sensationally tata whawhai, mahi katoa, rauna ngaro Bell i ki Haskins i te ngā tata taha o 116-113, i runga i Judges Howard John Foster me Dave Parete 'scorecards me te noa ofi taha o 115-114 i roto i te kanohi Tiati Victor Loughlin o.


I te Rāhoroi Bell ka fehangahangai i te tino ite Slovakian Elemir Rafael.


Co-headlining i te kaupapa hara BACK ko tetahi hoki mai Champion, A Newport BBBofC Welsh Area whitu Champion Lee Churcher.


Churcher, kihai nei i whawhai mai te iwa o nga win mutu a tawhio noa ki runga ki Barrie Jones i roaa ia i te taitara Welsh i Mei 2012, hanga i tona hokinga tino mai ki te mowhiti i runga i Rāhoroi, te wahi e fehangahangai ia he wero kaha i te tangata pakeke Slovakian Vladimir Tazik i roto i te wha rounder.


Ahu te kāri tautoko mo nga Champions e rua o mua e te a'ee te kāinga onge hoki rawa ake Matt Scriven o Nottingham, ka anga ia Julius Rafael.


Ka ngā ano te hui kaipahua BACK he tau home tupu taranata o Nottingham o, tae atu ki Clinton Chambers, Tom Langley, Connor Ruddoch, Jack Whitehouse, Tom Mulligan, James Wheldon, De La Tuhinga me te āhuatanga ki te pupūtanga i waenganui Carl Coulthard me Karston Lejoint.


Lee Churcher versus Vladimir Tazik me Andy Bell Elemir Rafael tahi-kupu matua te Wayne O'Hara versus, Hui tino O'Hara Whakatairanga hara BACK, i te Hotel Britannia i Nottingham i te Rāhoroi 7th March 2015.

Hoki, mo tenei hui ka whakaratohia he angalelei o te Mekemeke Commission Malta (MBC) -

Tickets, utu £ 35, me te £ 55 (Ringside) no te whati BACK i te Hotel Britannia i Nottingham, E wātea ana i tetahi o nga kaimekemeke whakataetae karanga Matt i runga i ranei 07833 995770.


Doors tuwhera i 6pm, a'ee tuatahi 6:30pm

MARIO Barrios taputou Las Vegas tuatahi ON Guerrero-Thurman UNDERCARD

Photo By Paora Gallegos

Las Vegas (March 2, 2015) San Antonio’s 6’1 undefeated featherweight sensation, Mario Barrios (7-0, 3 Koó), ka meinga tona tuatahi Las Vegas i runga i te undercard o Guerrero vs. Thurman tenei Rāhoroi March 7, 2105, i te MGM Grand Hotel. Ka fehangahangai Barrios Justin Lopez (5-2, 3 Koó) i roto i te mea e tona a'ee 6-a tawhio tuatahi.


Kua mohiotia hoki ona ringa nohopuku, Kei te pai ki ia whawhai whiwhi Barrios. Ki Lopez, ka titiro ia ki te haere tonu i tona feinga ki te noho tūturu tonu ki te mahi maere.


“A, no te e te koati e tipu ake koe i roto i tenei hākinakina, whakaaro tonu koe e pā ana ki te mea e riro te reira rite ki te whawhai i roto i te capitol mekemeke o te ao, Las Vegas,” Said Barrios. “Now that time has come and I’m ready to get busy. I don’t know much about my opponent expect that he has some power. Tetahi i te iti, E rapu ana ahau ki te haaputapû te hunga i roto i te haereraa i ki te mahi nui.”


Tohutohu e Al HAYMON, E mohio ana Barrios ko ia i roto i te tūranga faahiahia ki te tango i tona mahi ki te taumata muri.


“Tenei ka toku a'ee 6-a tawhio tuatahi, te tahi mea kua ahau titiro atu ki mo te wa roa,” Tonu Barrios. “Ki te nga rā katoa i haere mai i Al Haymon ake…I’m looking to be his number one prospect. He aha te mahi i Haymon Mekemeke mo te hākinakina he mīharo. Ahau rite ki te whiti i runga i March 7.”

E urupare ana Erislandy Lara ki a Rimitiriu e Andrade

“Whooped kua ahau e kaihe mō te kore utu i roto i te amateurs”

HOUSTON, TX (March 2, 2015) – WBA Champion, Erislandy “Ko te Dream American” Lara, pahono ki WBO Champion A Rimitiriu e Andrade o kerēme e kore te ia hiahia i roto i te whawhai whakakotahitanga ki a ia.

“Ka whawhai ki a ia e ahau wā! My resume speaks for itself. I’m willing to fight Cotto or GGG next…whakaaro koe au hohaa e pā ana ki tenei brat pahuatia iti ahau? Titiro ki toku anō o whawhai nui kua ahau whawhai, Williams, Molina, Vanes, Taraute, Canelo, Angulo a inaianei Smith. I roto i te 24 whawhai, te tangata whawhai ia?”

Haere Lara i te ki te mea e pā ana ki Andrade whakaari hou e pā ana ki toia i te mea i tona whawhai hōtaka whakamutunga…

I’m the best in the division. If I put my name to a contract I show up and fight, pērā ia ka unuhia e ia i roto i o te whawhai nui o tona mahi ki Charlo. Kāore i ki te whakahua i, tahuri iho e ia i te whawhai ki ahau, i te ESPN2 tau i ma'iri, i ahau i pai ki te mātihetihe ana ki te hoatu he te patu ki runga ki a ia mo te $15.000. And don’t forget, Whooped kua ahau e kaihe mō te kore utu i roto i te amateurs!!! Tavini tona ingoa ki a ia tika…Ia o Poo Poo!”

Waea Andrade i Erislandy Lara

Providence, RI (March 2, 2015)–I muri WBO tau-kotahi runga Jr. Whitu, Jermell Charlo whakatau ki te kore e whawhai whawhai WBO Jr. Toa taumahawaenga A Rimitiriu e “Boo Boo” Andrade, Kua tahuri a Andrade papa / kaiwhakangungu a Paora ki tona whakarongo ki te whawhai ki a WBA whitiki ma'u Erislandy Lara.
“Hainatia e mātou tētahi kirimana ki te whawhai Charlo te marama i mua,” Na ka mea a Paora Andrade. “Ëtahi ia ki te whawhai i te taata e whiua tatou kua i roto i Vanes Martiroysan. I don’t even think Charlo will beat him. I can see Vanes out bullying him and win a decision about eight rounds to four.
“Ko te i roto i te mua, me te inaianei to tatou ki te titiro ki te heke mai.”
Taua heke mai tūmanako ngā Lara.
“Ko te tino whawhai mo tatou ki a Lara. Fighting Charlo would not have done much for us anyway. That would have been like a man fighting a boy.
“Kei te te karanga matou Lara i engari kua ia ia kahore whakautu. He doesn’t have a dance partner, pera he tika mo e rua o tatou te wā.”
Whakapono Andrade tahuri e pā ana ki he tākaro ataahua hoki te Cuban e korero ana i tona ara ki te whawhai ki a Canelo Alvarez whakamutunga tau, a inaianei te reira te wā hoki ia hei i runga i ki te mutunga te fariiraa o te taata rite, pai me te taea ki te whawhai ki a ia.
“Whakaaro Lara ko ia orotika na roto i te te karanga i Canelo na roto i te haere ki tona amuiraa press. He and trying to embarrass him and goad Canelo into a fight. Lara is now in that position. We would go to one of your press conferences and embarrass you but you don’t even have a fight on the table, na kahore he amuiraa press mo koutou.”
“E aha e kore koutou e manga ake ano he Canelo, ka riro i te tangata, me te farii i to tatou titauraa rite i Canelo mo koutou.”
“Te mana'o nei e ahau e kore te mea na orotika hoki a ia i muri. And if you do step to the plate, taea e koe te kawe mai to koutou hu rere no te mea ko koe te kaikawe pai ka kaimekemeke.”
Mea Arthur Pelullo o Kara Whakatairanga, tahi-kaiwhakatairanga o Andrade, “Ko te he whawhai tenei e hiahia ana a Rimitiriu e. Last year he wanted wanted a fight with Canelo. Canelo had and has other plans now so why not fight the man who some people believe beat him in Lara.
“Ite tatou a Rimitiriu ko te JR pai. whitu i roto i te ao nei, me te ara ki te whakamatau i te he ki te whawhai i te pai. Erislandy Lara has proven to be at the top of the division. This is the type of fight that will show the boxing world that Demetrius is a star,” ka mea tahi-kaiwhakatairanga, Joe DeGuardia o Star Boxing.
A pee i Banner Whakatairanga i runga i pāpāho pāpori mō te Banner ngā whakahōu hōu katoa
BannerBoxing #TeamBanner ;;



Ētahi atu, Ka kawea Star Rising tūturu Jermell Charlo i runga i Vanes Martirosyan i roto i te Super Welterweight Pupūtanga

E ora i runga i SHOWTIME® i 10 p.m. AND/7 p.m. PT

Las Vegas (March 2, 2015) – He doubleheader-ao o te piha haapiiraa, ngā toa mā whitu te ao Jhonny Gonzalez (57-8, 48 Koó) parururaa i tona taitara 126-pauna ki te whetu taitamariki whakaongaonga Gary Russell Jr. (25-1, 14 Koó)i roto i te hui matua i runga i SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING, Ka tango i te wahi i te Poe i nikau Casino Resort i Las Vegas, i runga i Rāhoroi, March 28, ora i runga i SHOWTIME (10 p.m. AND/7 p.m. PT).


I roto i te tahi-āhuatanga, whetu maranga tūturu Jermell “Iron te tangata” Charlo (25-0, 11 Koó) anga i te whakamātautau uaua, ina e ia ki runga ki te mātanga US mua. Häkinakina Vanes Martirosyan (35-1-1, 21 Koó) i roto i te faufaa te pupūtanga o Welterweight super.


Utu tikiti mo te hui ora e i $200, $100, $75, $50, a $25, me he utu e hāngai ana i runga i te hoko i tenei ra, Rāhina, March 2, i 12 p.m. PT. Kia Tickets kia hokona mā te te karanga Ticketmaster i (800) 745-3000 ranei te pāwhiri HERE. E hoki Tickets te ipurangi i


“Au fiefia ki te haere mai hoki ki te United States. Te mau taime atoa i whawhai e ahau i runga i te oneone American, Kua mahi-te huri i te reira hoki ahau,” Said Gonzalez. “I roto i te 2012, [Daniel] Mutu i ahau Ponce De Leon i roto i Las Vegas, a hanga whakaaro ahau ki toku rautaki katoa. Ahau hoki i haere mai ki te U.S. i roto i te 2013 a mutu ahau he toa tūturu, Apanere Merehe. Na, au hoki e ahau, a kotahi ano ahau e anga ahau i te hoariri uaua. E kore ko Russell i te whakamātautau ngāwari, engari au māia haere ahau ki te kotahi atu maere katoa ahau. Whakaaro tangata i ahau i te tupono noa i roto i 2013 a huia ahau Merehe o tona taitara. Kai mō te whakaaro.”


“Au haamaitaihia ahau ki te kia hoki i runga i tenei atamira, whawhai kotahi ano hoki te taitara te ao,” Said Russell Jr. “Haere mai poto i ahau ake i toku faingamālie tuatahi mo te taitara, me e kua atu hihiri ahau atu i a ake ake, ki te kia mahi i te mahi i runga i March 28. Ka pae hopea mau e ahau ake taku whitiki rawa ake.”


“Aroha whawhai ahau ki runga ki SHOWTIME me ahau oaoa ki te hoatu i runga i te whakaatu mo te pā i roto i te Las Vegas ahau,” Said Charlo. “I ahau i te hoariri uaua, whakaaro te iwi e kore ai e ahau rite, engari ki runga ki March 28, e haere ratou ki te mohio e ahau tango ahau i runga i te hākinakina.”


“Ko te whai wāhitanga nui hoki ahau tenei, me ahau whakawhetai noa ki te tiki i te whai wāhi ki te whakaatu i toku mau taleni,” Said Martirosyan. “Charlo Ko te koati uaua, ko ahau kua kua huri noa tenei hākinakina roa me te haere ahau ki te whakaatu ki a ia te tahi mau mea e kore ngā kite ia i te aroaro o. Ko te pā pai whiwhi rite mo te whakaatu e wehingia ana.”


“Kī tēnei putanga o SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING ki hei mahi-Kikī,” Na ka mea a Lou DiBella, Peresideni o DiBella Entertainment, kaiwhakatairanga o te hui. “He hakari te hui matua te kaimekemeke matarohia versus matchup puncher, ki te patipati, pūmanawa Häkinakina mua Russell titiro mo te faaoraraa, me te taitara ki kingi, e toru-wā toa te ao ngangau Gonzalez. Ko te tahi-āhuatanga i waenganui i Charlo me Martirosyan ko te taupatupatunga tino whakataetae o te momo. Ko te whawhai nui i roto i te heke mai mo te toa o tenei a'ee.”


March 28 should be a tremendous night of fights ki te whana atu te oma tāpae o te mekemeke i runga i SHOWTIME me CBS,” Na ka mea a Stephen Espinoza, Executive Vice te peresideni & Kaiwhakahaere General, SHOWTIME Sports. “E rua pāngia i runga i te SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING telecast whai pānga taitara ao. Ko te mau ohipa matua ōrite te mana knockout tetahi-tokua o te toa ao Jhonny Gonzalez versus te tere o Gary Russell, ko wai te tetahi o nga kaimekemeke tino mohio i roto i tetahi wehenga. A ki Jermell Charlo vs. Vanes Martirosyan, to tatou i te matchup o runga contenders 154-pounder rua, ia i runga i te mimiha te o te rave'a taitara ao.”


“Ki te waiho i te Unuunu nui mo Las Vegas tonu Boxing,” Na ka mea a Billy Conn, Vice peresideni o whakangahau me Events motuhake mō te Poe i nikau Casino Resort. “Ko te Poe Ko tetahi o nga wāhi tino tupu te wahi e taea e koe te hopu aua kaitäkaro te piha haapiiraa te ao i roto i te mahi.”


Ko tētahi nga whawhai Mexican pai o tenei era o, Mexico City’s Gonzalez Kua tū tata'uraa aito te ao i 118 a 126 pauna, hinga nga momo o Hall-o-Famer Mark “Sharp rawa” Johnson me ngā toa o mua ao Fernando Montiel, Irene Pacheco, and Hozumi Hasegawa, haere i te ara. -Tau 33-tau te Gonzalez’ haere mai mate whakamutunga i roto i 2012 ki Daniel Ponce De Leon, engari kua riro ia i tona whakamutunga e rima whawhai, tae atu ki te rawa 2013 knockout matamua-a tawhio noa ki runga paruru i beltholder a Apanere Merehe hono fokotu'u hake tona mahi. Kua rua awhina ia te taitara i roto i te Mexico a inaianei hoki ia ki te US. i roto i te korero tino uaua i runga i March 28.


He kaimekemeke lahi pūmanawa, Capitol Heights, Maryland o Russell Jr. Kei te titiro ki te patu taitara ao koura i roto i tona pere tuarua i te whitiki. Te 2008 U.S. Häkinakina titiro ki te muru i roto i te mahara o tona faingamālie tuatahi, ka hinga ia i te nuinga whakatau 12-a tawhio noa ki Vasyl Lomachenko. Ko ia taea ki te hoki atu ki tona ara toa i roto i te Hakihea 2014, ka wā ia Christopher Martin i runga i tona ara ki te whakatau loto. Na Russell Jr. Kua whakatakotoria ona kanohi ki runga ki Gonzalez’ rima tekau mā whitu karauna.


E Si'í-i-tetahi-minuti i to tona māhanga ōrite Jermall, Charlo Kei te hoki i te toa taitamariki tino runga titiro ki te tiki i tetahi taahiraa piri ki te pere taitara ao. He toa roroa mo tona wehenga, Charlo ka marere ake i roto i te piha haapiiraa i roto i 2014 a tukua e toru whanui whakaora whakatau loto mo Gabriel Rosado, Charlie Ota a Mario Lozano. IMarch 28, e ia i runga i tetahi atu titauraa fifi, ina tutaki ia te mātanga Martirosyan.


Fanauhia i roto i te Armenia, engari whawhai i roto i Glendale, Calif., Martirosyan kanohi te U.S. i te 2004 Olympics a kua hoatu tahi he mahi pro oranga mai. Riro ia tona tuatahi 32 whawhai i mua i te whawhai toa o nāianei ao Erislandy Lara ki te Unuunu i roto i 2012. I tukua e ia he hinga kuiti i te whakatau wahia i roto i tona pere taitara ao tuatahi ki a Rimitiriu e Andrade engari kua turapa ki te whakauru ia pai ki runga ki Mario Lozano me Willie Nelson.


Ko te hui e wahi i te Poe i nikau Casino Resort i Las Vegas, a ka rangi ki runga ki SHOWTIME (10 p.m. AND/7 p.m. PT). I roto i te hui tahi-matua, E Jermell Charlo i runga i Vanes Martirosyan i roto i te super mahi Welterweight. Ka hoki te telecast SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING wātea i roto i te reo Pāniora mā hōtaka audio Tuarua (SAP).


Mō ētahi atu pārongo, toronga, te whai i runga i Twitter iSHOSports, jhonnygbox, mrgaryrusselljr, TwinCharlo, LouDiBella MePearlAtPalms, te whai i te whakahaere mā te whakamahi i #GonzalezRussell, riro i te tahi i runga i Facebook i 'a'ahi ki te Blog SHOWTIME mekemeke i ranei

Bronco Billy Wright – Ko te Tale O A 50-Tau Old ka nguha

Ko te tangata ko te 50 tau, me te he kopu e protrudes i roto i te tikanga e kōrero ana te pēhanga toto, me te cholesterol taumata kei roto i te waehere rohe whero.


E kore e pera, ta “Bronco” Billy Wright, te pea te nuinga o contenders taumahamaha kua tae mai ahau puta noa i roto i toku tekau tau o hipoki tenei rohe marama whero o te hākinakina.


“Ka taea e ahau te pupuri i te pae lemon meringue i roto i te kotahi ringa, he porowhita paukena i roto i te tahi atu, e ano patoto koutou i roto i!” e ai ta te noho Las Vegas (46-4, 37 knockouts) i roto i te phoner tata.


Wright, nei Räkau rite te pro i roto i 1986 i muri i tango ki te mekemeke ki te tiki hoki i roto i te āhua i muri i whawhati i tona hoki i roto i te ati i te wähi mahi, told me he’s set to glove up on March 13 at We Ko Pa Casino in Fort McDowell, AZ against Gilberto Matheus Domingos, te 22-2 (20 Koó) Palāsilá.


Ko te te whawhai tuatahi i roto i te US mai 2012 hoki Wright, nana nei i hanga, kua Bolivia tona fare mowhiti atu i te kāinga o te mutunga o. “Whawhai i roto i te America he tino nui,” Na ka mea te kaimekemeke, tauanga No. 17 i taumahamaha i te WBC. “Tenei te pō ngahau Ko te tetahi uaua ki te farii i hoki te iwi. I ahau ki te haere ki waho ki te tiki whawhai. Fighting konei, E kua e ahau tika kua he toa karapu me te, kahore ki taua, engari e kore e te taua te mea ahau e hiahia ana.”


He aha e hiahia ana ia, e ai ta ia, Ko hoki koutou noa ki te rangi i roto i te, ka whakawa i ia e ona hua, e kore tona te meka e ia he nui rawa o te kehua sweets ranei. Ko te pai ki te hoatu Wright i te pere, ka maka ia ia ki runga ki tenei kāri rōpū Roy Jones Jr. o me ngā tumanako ia he whakaaro tuwhera koe me.


“Tirohia te hoki koe! Ae, Ahau 50 engari mahi i te reira ki toku painga. Akaanga ahau; E ahau toku kaupapa matua i roto i te haki. E kore ahau e inu, e kore e mahi i te mea haurangi i ahau i roto i toku 20 me 30 matahiti, inu pia, whai remu. Kaua e, E kore ahau e tukuna ana, Kua ki te titau mai te iwi a Tamutu-momo. Ahau he toa tawhito-kura. I koe, hoki i roto i te '80s, Larry Holmes, Tim Witherspoon, Tony Tubbs; Ahau atu i rite ki te kaitapahi. Ki te rapu koe kia kite i te tinana, whakaora koutou moni, engari te kore haere mai ki te kite i ahau, me te whawhai knockout whakaongaonga. E haere koe ki te kite i taua mo te tino.” Haere tonu Reading…



Tickets utu $20 whakauru whānui, $35 a $50, kei runga i te hoko i teie nei, a taea te hokona e te karanga Bronco Billy Wright i (702) 524-3331.


Te Tatou Ko Pa Casino Kei i 10424 Te Tai Tokerau Fort McDowell Road, Fort McDowell, THE 85264. Doors tuwhera i 6:00 P.M. Ko te whawhai tuatahi i 7:00 P.M.


Ora i runga i CBS i 3 p.m. AND/12 p.m. PT

Montreal (Feb. 27, 2015) – Light toa taumahamaha o te ao A Tamutu “Superman” Stevenson (25-1, 21 Koó) hoki ki te mowhiti Rāhoroi, April 4 i Pepsi Coliseum i roto i te Quebec City ki te paruru i tona taitara ki te toa mua whitu super ao Sakio “Ko te Scorpion” Taurus (32-6-3, 21 Koó). Te April 4 takahanga tohu te tuatahi o Te Pirimia mekemeke Champions (PBC) i runga i CBS (3 p.m. AND/12 p.m. PT).


“Ahau oaoa ki te hei i te headliner mō te kaupapa PBC tuatahi i runga i CBS ahau,” Na ka mea a Stevenson. “E mohio ana ahau e mutu Bika i tetahi mea, ka pena ano e mīharo, me te tino piro-whakaaro te whawhai. Te matapae ahau e ngaro Bika i te knockout mo te wa tuatahi i roto i tona mahi.”


“I muri i enei tau katoa whawhai i 168 pauna, i hoko kaha atu te uaua ki te taimaha, a, ko e he take nui i roto i toku hinganga,” Na ka mea a Bika. “E kite ahau kahore he raruraru hanga i te peke ki te taumahamaha te marama ki te kanohi Stevenson, a kahore ahau e ongo'i ka e ahau i te ngoikoretanga no te mea i hanga ki te toa i tenei whakawhiti pai te ia iti iho i te rua tau ki muri ki a Chad Dawson. Fafau atu nei au ia outou e, e riro ahau i te toa hou i runga i April 4.”
Stevenson, 37, riro te ao ki te taitara marama taumahamaha i Pipiri o 2013 i roto i te Montreal, mā te autaia 76-rua, knockout matamua-a tawhio noa ki runga ki te ka-he whawhai ki te kingi o te wehenga, Dawson. Roaa te wikitoria faahiahia Stevenson “Knockout o te Tau” a “Fighter o te Tau” ekea. I roto i tona korerotanga tuatahi, i te whai ake E whitu. 28, toa o mua te ao Tavoris “Thunder” Kapua i te auraa i te whakamātautau nui mo te toa hou ki te kia, engari i akina atu te southpaw kaha Cloud ki te e taoto i te mutunga o te whitu o tawhio.


E rua marama i muri mai, “Superman” faka'osi te tau ki te wikitoria ta'e runga i tona No. 1 nguha whakahauanga, Tony “Rererangi” Bellew o Great Britain, nei i taea ki te whakaoti i te ono o nga tawhio. I te Mei 2015 i te Bell Centre i Montreal, Kaiwero kaupapa Fonfara Andrzei whakamatauria ki te waiho i te kaiwero uaua ka tukinotia pā i ki te a'ee fakangalongata'a rite Stevenson te patototanga a Fonfara iho rua i roto i te tīmatanga o te rauna anake ki te haere ki te ie i ia i roto i te iwa o tawhio. Judges ngä te whawhai 116-109, 115-110 a 115-110 hoki Stevenson i roto i tona SHOWTIME® tuatahi. I roto i tona haerenga whakamutunga, Dec. 19, 2014 i runga i SHOWTIME i te Pepsi Coliseum, “Superman” hanga mahi poto o te hōia Russian Dmitry “Ko te Hunter” Sukhotskiy, ka tu ia ia i roto i te rima o.
Taurus, whawhai i roto i Ahitereiria i te ara o tona Cameroon Māori, i kanohi ia i te 2000 Olympics, Kua roaa te ingoa ano he uaua, toa ngangare taratara nei kua whawhai i te pai. Kua i roto i te taitara e ono ao whawhai ia (1-3-2), e pupuri ana i tetahi o nga karauna 168-pauna wehewehenga i roto i 2013-14. Kua maha toa o te ao whawhai ia, kahore i te patototanga i roto i 41 pāngia ngaio a ko ia “Ko te nguha, Season 3” raupapa mooni pouaka toa i roto i 2007.


“Ko te Scorpion” faaite tona taikaha-ao o te piha haapiiraa, me te faaotiraa i roto i te whawhai ki te whiriwhiri middleweights super o te ao i taua wa, challenging world champions Markus Beyer a Joe Calzaghe i roto i te 2006, Lucian Bute i roto i te 2007 a Andre Ward i roto i te 2010. Resilience me te mahi pakeke te mutunga utua atu mo Bika ka riro ia hiahiatia te taitara 168-pauna, hinga Marco Antonio Periban i te whakatau i roto i te 2013 i Center Barclays i Brooklyn, N.Y.. Ia pai te ono marama i muri mai ka mau tona take mā te whawhai ki te 12- Unuunu a tawhio ki Anthony Dirrell i runga i SHOWTIME i roto i 2013. Te mutunga ngaro Bika tona whitiki i roto i te rematch ki Dirrell i te SHOWTIME August whakamutunga.


PBC i te CBS, headlined e te marama taumahamaha whawhai aito te ao i waenganui i Stevenson me Bika, E hāpaitia ana e te Groupe Yvon Michel (Te omaoma) a ka homai e e Videotron me i roto i te whai wāhi ki Mise-O-JEU.
Haere Tickets runga i te hoko Rāhoroi, Feb. 28 i 10 a.m. Na, i te pouaka tari Pepsi Coliseum i Quebec, na roto i te te karanga (418) 691-7211 ranei (800) 900-7469, online i, i te omaoma (514) 383-0666 a Champion mekemeke Club (514) 376-0980. Utu tīkiti ngā i $25 ki $250 i runga i te papa.


No te mea kei te tū i te whakaaturanga o te ra i te aroaro o Aranga, Omaoma akiaki ana i te iwi whānui Quebec ki te haere mai tatou ei mau utuafare, me ngā rōpū mā te whakahere e rua tīkiti (i roto i te turanga) hoki-te-utu-a-1 tuku motuhake mō te rua nga ra anake (Rāhoroi, Feb. 28 a Rātapu, March 1) mo aua tīkiti hoko tika i roto i


Mō ētahi atu pārongo'a'ahi a, te whai i runga i Twitter iSHOSports, yvonmichelgym, AdonisSuperman ASakio_Bika, te whai i te whakahaere mā te whakamahi i #StevensonBika, riro i te tahi i runga i Facebook 'a'ahi ki te Blog SHOWTIME mekemeke i ranei