Category Archives: mekemeke

Terence Crawford vs. Thomas Dulorme Tickets Na i runga i Sale

Terence Crawford vs. Thomas Dulorme

Battle mō te wātea WBO Jr. Welterweight Championship

Rāhoroi, April 18

I College Center Park i University o Texas Arlington

Teata Live i runga i HBO®

Tickets Haere I te Sale teie mahana i 10:00 AM CT


Arlington, TX (March 5, 2015) – Tūturu World mekemeke Organization (WBO) toa Kōmāmā me te Mekemeke Writers Association o Amerika o (BWAA) Fighter o te Tau Terence “Bud” Crawford Ko movin’ i runga i runga — ki te wehenga Welterweight teina — te wahi e tangohia e ia i runga i THOMAS “Thunder” DULORME, te No. 2-nguha te ao-tauanga, for the vacant WBO junior welterweight world title. Crawford vs. Ka tangohia Dulorme wahi Rāhoroi, April 18, i College Center Park kei runga i te wānanga o te University o Texas Arlington in the Dallas/Fort Worth area. The world championship fight will be televised as part of a split site doubleheader live on HBO mekemeke I muri Dark®, timata i 9:45 p.m. AND/PT.


E whakatairangatia ana e Runga Rank®, i roto i te whai wāhi ki Gary Shaw Productions, Foreman Boys Whakatairanga me Tecate, Ka haere tīkiti ki te kaupapa Crawford-Dulorme taitara ao I te Sale tenei Paraire, March 6 i 10:00 am CT. Utu i $200, $100, $60, $40 a $25, me utu e hāngai ana, Ka taea te hokona ngā tīkiti i College Center Park tari pouaka, online i ranei ranei i te waea i (817) 272-9595.


I am ready to do bigger and better things at 140,” Said Crawford.


“Ahau i konei ki te whakamatau ki te ao nei e ko ahau te toa pai i roto i te wehenga Welterweight teina,” Said Dulorme. “Crawford he record tūturu, engari e kore ngā riro ia i te whawhai i 140 lbs. Kei te pėhea e ahau i te wikitoria pakeke-whawhai, tetahi e ka whakahokia mai e ahau te fare ki taku iwi o Puerto Rico.”


“Ko te pai Dulorme, kaimekemeke pai-porotaka. He hihiri tatou no te mea te 140 Ka kawea mai pauna wehenga te pai i roto i o Terence,” Na ka mea a Brian McIntyre, Tahi-kaiwhakangungu me te tahi-te kaiwhakahaere o Crawford. “Te 140 utaina wehenga i te runga whawhai. He nui hoki Terence tenei rite e hohoro kite katoa.”


“Terence i te tau horanga i roto i 2014 hopu tokanga o te ao ki te toru mahi-pai taitara ao whakaora en huarahi ki imiraa Fighter o nga ekea Tau,” Na ka mea a Todd duBoef, peresideni o Runga Kapa. “Ka titiro ia tonu e torohaki i runga i April 18 ka hoki ia ki a HBO, on the hunt for another world title against Thomas Dulorme of Puerto Rico.


“Au rawa i ahuareka ai ko ahau taea ki te mahi i tenei whawhai ki te Kapa Top,” Na ka mea a Gary Shaw. “Whakaaro Terence Crawford te tetahi o nga Lightweights pai i roto i te mekemeke, engari kei te neke ia ki runga ki te Welterweight teina te wahi e fehangahangai ia he tino takoto, me te pūmanawa Thomas Dulorme, nei tūturu ngā i 140 pauna. I want to thank HBO for showcasing what I perceive is another great fight for the fans. I smell an upset in the making. This will be the start of a great run of fantastic fights for HBO.


“Ki te ka puta whetu Terence Crawford o roto i 2014, te pātai inaianei ko e founga teitei e whetū kake ranei, ki te e Huripoki tona hoariri Thomas Dulorme te trajectory,” Na ka mea a Pita Nelson, perehitini tuarua o te hōtaka, HBO Sports. “Toa rite Kōmāmā tau whakamutunga, Roaa Crawford tana BWAA Fighter o nga hōnore tau ki maia, whakaora huatau ki runga whakataetae, a streak which continues in stride up the scale against the hungry Dulorme, who is undefeated at 140-lbs. It will be a split-site doubleheader not to be missed on our late night Boxing After Dark franchise.


Crawford (25-0, 17 Koó), o Omaha, NE, hanga ana 2015 mowhiti tuatahi titiro ki te hanga i runga i tona whetu-hanga 2014 which featured three world championship victories as well as Fighter of the Year honors from the BWAA and major media alike. He began his career-best year last March 1, tika 13 ra poto o te ono o nga huritau o tona tuatahi ngaio. Crawford captured the WBO lightweight title, dethroning paruru i toa Ricky Burns i runga i Burns’ pūreirei te kāinga o Glasgow, Scotland. Te kaute i te whakatau kaha, me te loto, Whakanohoia Crawford te ao mekemeke i te pānui ki tona mahi virtuoso rite unuhia e ia i roto i tūnga katoa i roto i te tuuraki Burns, nekeneke i te toa te parururaa i puta noa i te whawhai, while switching back and forth between orthodox and southpaw stances. He followed that with a dramatic and critically-acclaimed knockout victory of undefeated former world champion and Cuban Olympic gold medalist Yuriorkis Gamboa on Pipiri 28 in a Fight of the Year nominee. It was one of the most-watched fights of the year with over 1.2 miriona ngä kaimätakitaki hopu i te ora, -wā tuatahi rongona o te whawhai, according to Nielsen Media Research. He concluded 2014 i runga i Whiringa 29 ki te shellacking tino o te kotahi-wā kaiwero taitara ao, me te No. 1 nguha Ray Beltran, toa 11 o te 12 rauna. Crawford is only the second Nebraska native to be recognized as a boxing world champion. Perry “Kid” Pōhatu, i Rock Bluff, mau te karauna Welterweight, patoto i Johnny Alberts i Brooklyn, i roto i te 1914, kia rite ki te Omaha Ao-Herald.


Dulorme (22-1, 14 Koó), o Carolina, Puerto Rico, puta ki te rarangi ngaio i roto i 2008 i muri i te mahi runaruna oranga i ngā he moni 140-2 record. He has long been a fan-favorite of Puerto Ricans for his slick all-action fighting style. Dulorme enters this fight riding a two-year six-bout winning streak, ki pai mahi-ana toa e haere mai ana i roto i te hoki-ki-hoki whawhai i roto i te 2014 and both televised on HBO. He opened up 2014 with a 10-round unanimous decision victory over undefeated contender Karim Mayfield to capture the NABF super lightweight title and ended the year unifying his NABF title with the NABO junior welterweight title via an exciting 10-round decision over Hank Lundy. A consensus Top-Five contender, Dulorme he ao-tauanga No. 2 i te Ao mekemeke Association (WBA), Kaua e. 3 i te Kaunihera mekemeke Ao (WBC) a No. 4 e te WBO me te International mekemeke Federation (IBF).


No te whawhai e haere whakahōunga ki, ranei, i runga i Facebook,,, a ki runga ki Twitter i,, ranei Use the Hashtag #CrawfordDulorme to join the conversation on Twitter.


Pāwhiritia HERE No te Photos

Credit Photo: Naoki Fukuda

Las Vegas (Rāpare, March 5) – The final press conference for the inaugural Te Pirimia mekemeke Champions (PBC) i runga i NBC whakaatu ka mau wahi i tenei ra i MGM Grand rite whawhai, korero kaipāho me whakahaere ki te pāpāho i mua o to ratou tuatahi pouaka whatunga primetime i runga i Rāhoroi, March 7 i te MGM Grand Garden Arena.


Utu tikiti mo te hui ora e i $400, $300, $100 a $50, e kore e tae atu utu ratonga hāngai, me te takoha, kei runga i te hoko i teie nei. Ki te ki atu tenei na roto i te waea ki te kāri matua nama he, karanga Ticketmaster i (800) 745-3000. Wātea i he hoki Tickets ranei


Whakatairangatia ana tēnei kāri e Goossen Whakatairanga me ngā Keith Thurman vs. Robert Guerrero a Adrien Broner vs. John Molina, JR. i roto i te whawhai e ka hau ora i runga i NBC (8:30 p.m. AND/5:30 p.m. PT).


Ko te Apanere Merehe vs. Ka teata Arturo Santos Reyes a'ee ora te Rāhoroi, March 7, i runga i te whakaaturanga NBC (8:30 – 11 p.m. AND) ranei i runga i te telecast NBCSN (11 p.m. AND).


Tirohia te i raro hoki ta te mau piahi i ki te mea e pā ana ki te po nui o whawhai.


KEITH Thurman


“Ko te kāri ataahua taua, me te taua whawhai ataahua tenei. Kua hiahia matou tenei mo te ia, me te kua tatari marie tatou.


“Robert Ko te toa nui, he toa ao maha, me te ahau au i te toa o nāianei te ao. E mohio ana ahau ki nga pā hiahia ahau ki te manga ake i roto i te piha haapiiraa, e ko toku tupono ki te mahi i te tenei. E mohio ana koe ki te mea ahau e pā ana ki, te reira 'Koó mō te ora'.


“Ahau tika tino oaoa e te oaoa. E kore e taea e ahau tatari ki te manga i runga i te tauine apopo, anō-hydrate, ka haere ki te mahi.


“Ki te taku whawhai haere rua, e ono ranei waru rauna – E rapu ana ahau mo te knockout. Kei te tatari ahau ki a ia mo te paheke ki runga, ka ki te hoatu hoki e ahau e kotahi te wā pupuhi.

“E haere ana ahau ki toku mangai ki te whakatuwhera ake, a mea e ahau haere mai ahau ki te patoto ia i roto i. E hiahia ana ahau ki te hei i te toa tuatahi ki te ake patoto i Robert 'te Varua’ Warrior. Mauruuru e ahau ki a ia mo te tango i tēnei whawhai, ka kua mahia e ia mo nga mea katoa e. E mohio ana ahau ki te haere mai ia ki te whawhai a ka whiwhi i tēnei wikitoria, a te reira i toku mahi ki te kore e tukua e tupu.”

“E kore e taea e toku roro whakatatau pēhea te nui o te whai wāhi, ko tenei hoki ahau. Ko ha tāpuaki, me te honore, ki te hei i runga i tenei nui o te atamira. He maha toa ao e taea e kua whakatuwheratia ake i tenei whakaaturanga. Ko te kāri ataahua tenei me ahau kororia ki te hei i te hui matua ahau.

“Ko te aha te hiahia mekemeke tenei. Ana tēnei wā kei te te te mea e haere ana ki te hoe i taku mahi. Tamata tatou ki te whakahoki mai i te whakatupuranga koura.”

ROBERT Guerrero


“Tenei mo'oni ko te haamaitairaa. Te riroraa i runga i tenei wā he maere. Ahau haere mai ahau ki te whawhai. I te Rāhoroiahau po rite ki te haere.


“Ko te he ra nui no te kahore koutou e me cable TV ki te mataara mekemeke muri.


“Ko toku hoariri whakamutunga uaua, a mahi ahau ki etahi wharanga, engari e koe ki te kia taea e ki te hinga, me te whakarerekē. Ka e ahau he mohoao iti, me te slugging i te reira i roto i tahi ia ia tika tīmata.


“He nga turaki i te haere ahau ki te 147, whakaaro te iwi i ahau nati. E kore e whakaaro wā te iwi katoa e taea e ahau te mea i te tahi mea, Whakamatau ahau he ratou.


“Ki te ora koe i te āhua noho o te toa; kia taea ki te whawhai ia wā koe.


“Ahau rite ki te haere. I ahau i te puni whakangungu nui, me te tino pakeke mahi. Ko te wā ki te tango i te tiaki o te pakihi Rāhoroi po. I matou te rota o te mahi rerekē i roto i te puni whakangungu ki te faaineine no te tenei whawhai.


“Kei te korero Keith Thurman e pā ana ki te haere mai ki waho, me te riroraa i te tangata tuatahi ki te patoto ahau i roto i. Ahau rite o te wero i taua momo.


“[Keith] Ko te tino kaha Thurman, me he kaupapa nui lateral. Ka taea e pouaka e ia, whawhai i runga i te roto. He hoki te rota o kohakore ki tona kēmu, ā, e haere tatou i ki te tango i te rawa o ana kohakore.


“Ko te maere tenei kāri whawhai. Ko te puaretanga e haere tatou ki te tiki he tuatahi. E kore noa te aamu whawhai, engari toku kōrero hoki e rite ana te pai, ki te aha te huru o te tangata e matou ki waho o te whakakai.


“Te riroraa i roto i reira korero ki te katoa, me te whakaatu atu, e te tika kore ahau e. Heoi te tahi mau taime e kore ahau au tonu i roto i te kanohi tūmatanui, no te mea ahau ake o te tangata tūmataiti nei e tiaki o tona hapu e ahau. Ko ahau koa, ka whiwhi i tēnei wā toku kōrero me te kōrero o taku wahine ki te iwi whānui ahau.


“Hinengaro i roto i ahau inäianei hanga te wheako katoa o te mea i haere taku wahine. Mātakitaki ia whawhai mo tona ora, hanga ana e ia ki ahau ite e manga e ahau ki te mowhiti no te mea e aroha ana ahau ki tenei takaro.”




“Kua ahau i roto i te nana,t, engari au e ahau tonu konei, ka kua anake whiwhi toku ingoa nui, ara i roto i nga wa kino.


“Na to tatou 'AB i te NBC.’ Au Mr ahau. NBC, katoa kei te haere mai ki te kite i te Whakaatu AB.


“Nei au ohorere, te mea pouaka hongere ahau ki runga ki ahau, E kore ahau e tiaki, ki te ona Whatunga Cartoon, Kei te haere ahau ki te kawe mai i te reira.


“John Molina Ko te toa o te piha haapiiraa te ao fifi, e kore ia e i roto i tenei tūranga ki te kahore i ia. Ia patu tonu nga taumahatanga me mai i runga i te taha ki matau o te tokotoko, engari ko te wa kei te haere ia i reira ki te hei i runga i te pito kino o te raau tenei.


“Kei rite hoki te whawhai kuri matou, e kore e mahu'inga'a e founga nui te mowhiti ko. E kore matou e rere i John Molina. Ahau e kore e mataku i te kaha.


“Ka kite tatou i Rāhoroi po, Au ka tu ahau John Molina me au maka ana e ahau taku kupu i runga i taua.


“He nui te faaineineraa i roto i tenei puni, Ite ahau kaha, me te rite. Te haere ki te waiho i te whawhai nui.


“I te mutunga o te ra, ki te mea te iwi kahore i ahau i titiro toku pai no te mea kahore i mutu ahau toku hoariri, engari ka titiro koe i te hunga e whawhai Raniera ahau nga hoariri i roto i mua o te ahau. I te roa rite ki te pupuri i ahau toa, e te mea faufaa.


“Kei te haere John Molina ki te haere mai ki te whawhai, engari i haere mai ratou katoa ki te whawhai, e kore e haere ngā ia ki te whiua ahau.


“Ko te rangi o te rohe hoki ki ahau, Ahau tonu taitamariki, me kua mahi ahau kia nui i te kuao tau. Kei te haere ahau ki te paari i roto i te hākinakina, engari i te mutunga o te ra e ahau au tonu ki ahau.”


JOHN Molina JR.


“Ko te he honore ki te hei wahi o tenei whakaaturanga e ka kawea mekemeke hoki ki te aronga. Pai rite, me te oaoa ki te hei i runga i tenei turanga matou.


“Ko te kore e taea e te kāri nui ki te ui ia whakaatu, me te mahi i PBC me NBC reira tika. E kore e taea e ahau tatari ki te waiho i te wahi o te reira, e mo taua pere ki te waea March 7.


“Haere pai Camp me matou 110 ōrau rite ki te kawe i te reira. Ko te kore e taea e te kāri nui ki te ui ia whakaatu me PBC me NBC e rave i te reira e tika ana. E kore e taea e ahau tatari ki te waiho i te wahi o te reira, e mo taua pere ki te waea March 7.


'Kei te haere tenei ki te kia dogfight i runga i Rāhoroi po.


'Ko ia te taua Broner, Ka taea e ia te mea nga mea katoa e hiahia ana ia. E hanga e ia tona moenga ake ki ana kōrero, me te inaianei ia ki te whawhai. Ana kēmu hinengaro e te whai ana ia ki te tākaro e kore e mahi.


“Kia tatou te tiki i roto i te whakakai, nga mutu te korero, e rua ringa rite noa ahau.


“Kua hokona e ahau te mana, me nga pūkenga ki te riro i tēnei whawhai.


“Kia pai te whakaaturanga, me te fafau atu nei au kimoutolu pahū.”


Apanere uwha


“Kua ahau he papatu, e toru-wā te ao, me te whai ahau Arturo Reyes i roto i mua o te ahau. Te reira ki te honore, me te pai, me te te oaoa ki te whawhai i runga i NBC.


“No faatura ki te eé ake konei, engari whakamahere ahau ki te tahae i te whakaatu. E hiahia ana ahau ki te titiro i te pai. Kua tahaetia e ahau i te whakaaturanga ki te aroaro o, a te haere i te reira ki te pa ano i runga i Rāhoroi po.


“Te ti'aturi nei e ahau rangi katoa i roto i te Rāhoroi po, pai mataara katoa i roto i te mea kei te haere a Apanere Merehe ki te faahoruhoru.


“Tetahi o enei whawhai i taea e ngā kaupapa matua, kahore faufaa i te tikanga, na Au te oaoa noa ki te waiho i te wahi o te reira. Kei te haere te rota o te iwi ki te kia i te haruharuraa o na to koutou ki te whawhai ki te hopu i te aro o te kaimätakitaki.


“E te reira e rua ki te kanikani me te tango i te reira e rua ki te whawhai. A, no te whai koe i te toa nei te haere ana ki te hoatu ki a koe tana katoa, hopoi mai te reira i te pai i roto i o koutou. Au whawhai ahau te tangata nei ngā kahore i te patototanga ki waho, ka te haere ia ki te kawe i te pai Apanere Merehe i roto i.


“Kei te haere ahau ki te hanga i te reira i te whawhai mīharo, me te au haere tino e ahau mo te knockout.”


Arturo Santos Reyes

“Au fiefia ki te hei i runga i te kāri, me te oaoa vau ki te kia i konei a tawhio noa taua whawhai nui ahau.


“Te haere ki te waiho i te whakaatu nui, me te rapu atu ahau ki te hoatu i te pā utu o to ratou moni.


“Apanere Merehe, ko te toa nui, otiia e kore ahau e wehi taata. Ia pai haere mai ki te whawhai.


“Kei e rua toa Mexican, me te Mexican mau maona tatou, na e mohio ana koe ki reira te haere mai ki te hei pahū i roto i te whakakai me ahau tika tumanako katoa i roto i te ao, i runga i te TV pai.”


SUGAR Ray Leonard, PBC i te NBC Kaitātari me te Boxer rongonui

“Ahau rite tonu oaoa rite katoa atu, no te mea ko te roa takaroa tenei. Getting mekemeke hoki i runga i primetime. E mohio ana ēnei kaimekemeke pūmanawa mīharo e tenei Rāhoroi te po, ano ki te whiriwhiringa nui ko me te pā e te kaiwhakawa.


“Mahara ahau i roto i teie ti'araa, e te reira i nui atu i te pae tino, te reira hinengaro. Enei kaimekemeke i te mea e te reira ki te hei superstars. Rāhoroi ka he ra nui mo te mekemeke.”

JON MILLER, Peresideni, Papatonotanga NBC Sports & NBCSN


“I te mo o hākinakina NBC e opani tatou i ki kia i konei, E waimarie ki te whai 22-wā Emmy-tohu toa Sam Waipuke tokanga'i i te hui, me te o runga-rangi taranata i te rōpū A-rārangi tatou.


“Whakaaro ahau he rite ki te kite i te mekemeke i roto i te primetime Amerika me Rāhoroi Ka kite koe, e whakarongo i te takahanga maere.


“Mātou oaoa e enei whawhai, me o ratou kapa nui he tuhaa o te utuafare NBC, a e kore e taea e matou te tatari ki te tiki haere.”


Mō ētahi atu pārongo'a'ahi, a, te whai i runga i TwitterPremierBoxing, KeithFThurmanJr, GhostBoxing, AdrienBroner, @ JohnMolinaJr135, abnermares, NBCSports AMGMGrand, ka riro i te tahi i runga i Facebook i a

Dawejko kite whai wāhitanga nui i roto i te heke mai, engari i te tuatahi me whiwhi e Umohette tenei Rāmere i 2300 Arena i roto i te Philadelphia

Philadelphia (March 5, 2015 ) – Tenei Rāmere po i te 2300 Arena i roto i te South Philadelphia, streaking Heavyweight Joey Dawejko (13-3-2, 6 KO o) of Philadelphia takes on Enobong Umohette (9-2, 8 KO o) o Milwaukee, Wisconsin in a bout scheduled for 8-rounds.
Ka titiro Dawejko mo tona wha whakatangetange knockout a tawhio tuatahi, me te ia oti noa te puni whakangungu roa marama i roto i te Easton, PA.
Ngā te puni o nga mema katoa o Mark Cipparone te Club 1957 Whakahaere a whakaratohia i te ariā pai i ngā o te hunga i rite ki te kaimekemeke tatini.
“Haere nui te puni Training. My whole team was there and I am ready to go forRāmere,” Said Dawejko.
I roto i te Umohette, Kei te whawhai Dawejko te taata e kore ia e mohio nui e pā ana ki reira atu, kua nuinga ia whawhai i roto i te Midwest me mau he knockout mo US mua. Häkinakina, Dante Craig.
“Kāore i te nui rīpene ki runga ki a ia. He is about 6-feet tall and he must be able to punch a little bit based on his record.
Me te ao o mua Jr. Toa Amateur e te wikitoria, he could be in line for a Kia 8 pupūtanga ki Amir Mansour i roto i te a'ee e pai kia wahi o te ESPN Rāmere Kāri whawhai Night.
“Ehara i te mea pakeke rawa ki te noho arotahi ki runga i tenei whawhai. I need this fight to put me in position for whatever fight is being talked about.
Ahakoa kua mutu e toru pāngia whakamutunga o Dawejko te aroaro o te mutunga o te rauna tuatahi, ia e kore e haere i roto i titiro mo te mutu wawe.
“E kore ahau e haere ki tetahi whawhai titiro ki te patoto tetahi i roto i. We train for 8 rauna ake a ki te haere mai te reira e aore, mai te reira.”
Ka whawhai Dawejko anō pakeke rite ia ia, me tana ipo Maria e tatari ratou tamariki 2 a tawhio noa April 9.
Kihai ia i hiahia ki te kōrero nui rawa e pā ana ki Mansour, engari artist Mansour ka ringside te karanga i te mahi i runga i a Comcast a ka ui ki te Dawejko e whai tetahi ki te mea ki a Mansour, “Whakaaro ahau he mea nui e ka Amir ringside kia taea e ia te whakaae ia te mea e taea e titiro atu ki te i runga i Kia 8.”
Kaiwhakahaere mea Dawejko o Mark Cipparone o Club 1957 Whakahaere,” The reality is that Joey Dawejko “Ko te Tank” Kua hanga kotahi ano te buzz pai tika i roto i te mekemeke. Mohio ana ahau e tona whakamutunga 3 whawhai mutu i roto i te tuatahi a tawhio taikaha KO o whai tahi mea ki te mahi ki a te reira! Na ka teie mahana, E kore e taea e ahau te mea ki te haere ki hea, kahore te tangata te ani i ahau i te “Ko te Tank” Ka whawhai ano? He mea whakaongaonga no te mea kua whakahoutia Joey pānga ki tokomaha i roto i te mekemeke kopikopiko i te tahi i whakatapua ki te tauhou, me te katoa i roto i waenganui i. Hiahia ana te tangata ki te kite Joey whawhai!

Ka rite ki te ringa i runga i te kaiwhakahaere te whakapau ahau he rota o te wā i roto i nga kaimekemeke omaoma whanganga, ka āta kua runga ake tere toharite Joey, runga ake i te mana toharite, me te tino nui ia he IQ mekemeke tino nui. Ka rite ki te hua o tenei, Kua roaa Joey toku aro e rua, me toku tautoko tonu me ahau whakakake o ana mahi ahau. Noho aro mai no te mea ko te pai ano, ki te haere mai ko nga mea e mua hoki “Team Dawejko”.
Whakatairangatia ana Dawejko e Peltz Boxing.
Joey Dawejko 022115
Joey Dawejko
Club 1957 Whakaturia Whakahaere i roto i 2013 na roto i te kaipakihi rohe Mark Cipparone. Cipparone Ko te rangatira o te whānui me te angitu rongonui Tuhinga o Rocco. Mai te hanganga o Club 1957 Whakahaere kua tataki ia nga mahi o etahi o nga whawhai runga i roto i te whenua. I tēnei wā whakahaere ia Heavyweight Joey Dawejko, Welterweight Raymond Serrano, JR. Kōmāmā Tevin Farmer me Jr. Kōmāmā Jason Sosa me ētahi atu.

Baltimore mekemeke horo'a Snap, Crackle a Pop March 27!

Baltimore, MD (March 4, 2015) - Ka tapae Whakatairanga Baltimore Mekemeke tetahi ahiahi o te mahi-Kikī whawhai i te "Snap, Crackle ka Pop "e ki runga o Michael Eighth Avenue i Glen Burnie, MD Rāmere, March 27.


Kei runga i te hoko inaianei tīkiti mā te te karanga 410-375-9175 haere ranei ki te Tīmata tīkiti takitahi i $25 me nga tepu VIP o 10 E wātea ana hoki $500. Ka taea e ticketholders VIP katoa pārekareka ki noa oeurves hors d'i 7-8 pm me nga nohoanga rangatira i roto i te whare. Ka hoki ticketholders VIP taea ki te whai wāhi i roto i te tika, me te motuhake te oha ki te toa 5-wā te ao Vinny Paz, ko wai e haina i tëneti, te matapaki i tona kiriata me te waina kamupene ka ū mai.


Doors tuwhera i 6:30 PM a ka haamata te a'ee tuatahi i 8.


I January 23, Whakangahau Whakatairanga Baltimore Mekemeke te whare ki tonu i i o Michael Tuawaru, te hanga i tētahi tono nui mo te hoki tere.


I roto i te hui matua o te ahiahi, rongonui whitu teina Joey "Bazooka Joe" Veazey o te Baltimore Mekemeke Faleva'inga anga Lamont White o Washington, DC. Mohiotia hoki tona turanga tahi pono, Whakaritea Veazey i ki te whawhai i runga i te 23RD engari i takoha ki te te unu i tika ki te whara. Last tau, Riro Veazey te mētara hiriwa i nga karapu National Junior Golden. Ka riro maha whakataetae mai i te tīmatanga e ia mekemeke, ano he tamaiti, Ko Veazey i runga i te ara ki te stardom.


Veazey a White whawhai te reira i roto i mo te karauna o Te Tai Rāwhiti Junior whitu.


Slugger taumahamaha me mua a Ākuira he whutupaoro Sam "Vanilla Gorilla" Rīpekatia Ka tiakina tona taitara o Te Tai Rāwhiti vs Jeff Knight i roto i te a'ee tahi-ngā o te ahiahi. I roto i te 2013, Whiti hanga matua motu na roto i te kaute i te knockout tere i roto i te aamu, demolishing Adrian Bean i te wha hēkona.


Tutaki Allen "Ko e Hampden Hammer" Burris Tyrone "Bug Jitter" Jones me Courtney Hartlove tapawhā atu ki somer "Rautupu" Smith i roto i te kotiro attraction motuhake a'ee.


Mua a Ākuira he poitūkohu kolisí Stefon McCray, Joe Nolan, Ed Park, Steve Apa, Melad Attashy me 2015 Golden karapu Champion Tommy Coe Jr. Ka puta ano hoki i runga i te kāri.


I roto i te pānga ki tenei ahiahi mārō o whawhai, Kei te hautū Baltimore Boxing he motuhake 50/50 rāwhara mō te Scholarship te Fund Brooke me Natana Fenush. I hanga te pūtea ki te āwhina County Baltimore Department Fire Lieutenant Paora Fenush, tona wahine tata haere atu.


"E rapu ana i mua i ahau ki tetahi atu hui nui i runga i te 27th,"Ka mea kaiwhakatairanga Jake Smith. "Wā Whakamutunga, i matou i te whare Kikī me te katoa hiahia ki te mohio, i te to tatou whakaatu muri. Whakakake ano ahau ki te kia te āwhina te whānau a Paora Fenush o. E tango i homai te tangata hoki e tāmate he aito American tino e kua ora te mau utuafare e rave rahi i te āhuatanga mōrearea. Ko te reira i taku e pai ai, me te honore, ki te āwhina i roto i wahi katoa i tahuri ara e taea e ahau. "

Andrade take Taitara whakakotahitanga wero whawhai ki a Lara

A Rimitiriu e 'Boo Boo’ ANDRADE

WBO Junior whitu Champion & 2008 Te. S. Häkinakina

Providence (March 4, 2015) – Tūturu World mekemeke Organization (WBO) toa taumahawaenga teina A Rimitiriu e “Boo Boo” Andrade (21-0, 14 Koó) He wero World Mekemeke Association titlist Erislandy “Ko te Dream American” Lara (20-2-2, 12 Koó) ki te whawhai taitara whakakotahitanga i roto i te April May ranei.


Andrade, te 2008 U.S. Häkinakina me te 2007 World Amateur Toa mētara koura, a kua hoko e toru-te wā toa amateur National Cuban Lara leta i roto i te pāpāho i tēnei wiki.


Andrade ta Kua Lara kua rere i ia, ia Lara kī e kore ia te āwangawanga e pā ana ki te whawhai i te aravihi Englander New, te karanga ia ia he “brat pahuatia”.


I roto i te te tauākī, Na ka mea a Lara tahuri iho Andrade he whawhai ESPN2 ki a ia, me e ia “whooped e kaihe mō te kore utu i roto i te amateurs.” Ui ano Lara nei, i roto i te whakarite, Kua whawhai Andrade. Ia unuhia i roto i te whawhai nui o tona mahi ki te stablemate o Lara Andrade ka mea a hoki, Jermell Charlo, tera e āpiha Andrade i runga i te kirimana.


Hoki te record, Patua Lara Andrade i roto i te 2007 Pan-Am Kaiwhakarei, 9-4, i roto i te kēmu i tū i roto i te Venezuela, Heoi, Kaiwhakahaere o Andrade Na ka Farris Ko tere ki te tāpiri, “Tuatahi o nga mea katoa, ka i Lara ake e mātihetihe ana a Rimitiriu e’ kaihe? Does Lara mean in the amateurs when he ran away from him for three rounds? Ko tino i roto i te amateurs ratou-tau e rima tau rerekētanga no te Rimitiriua te taure'are'araa tonu me te, ara ka, Hiahiatia ana Lara kaiwhakawa tāwāhi ki te tahae i taua whakatau. Lara landed something like nine total punches during the entire fight. If that’s an ass kicking, pai, tatau ia tatou i roto i te!”


Tapiritia ano Farris kia ngāwari ki te hanga i te whawhai i waenganui i Lara me Andrade. “He torutoru anake nga ra i mua,” Farris tuhia, “Whakahuatia Lara ko ia i pai ki te whawhai ki a Rimitiriu i roto i te mua no te anake $15,000. Na, E ua papû ia'ue HBO ranei Showtime e pai hāngai tona tono.”


Andrade riro te wātea WBO Whiringa taitara 9, 2013 i te ara o te whakatau 12-a tawhio noa ki runga i mua hinga kore Vanes Martirosyan (33-0-1), te toa taua aro Lara ki roto i te Unuunu e iwa-a tawhio. Whawhai tino o Andrade tata i muri Pipiri i tona korero taitara tuatahi ki te kaiwero whakahauanga Brian Rose (25-1-1), i roto i te i titiro autaia Andrade i roto i te knockout whitu-a tawhio noa o te kawenata.


Pito-i-ira, Andrade pahono whakapae hape o Lara me ngā kerēme unsubstantiated. “I tenei pohewa tuku whawhai e rua tau ki muri i runga i ESPN,” Ka ui Andrade haapapû. “Koe me ahau e rua mohio e kore tupu, Lara. I sure as hell never saw any offer to fight Lara on ESPN. Ko wai i whawhai ahau? Me anake ahau ki te whakahua i tetahi ingoa: Tukia ahau Vanes Martirosyan, e kore e taea e te taata Lara whiua! Lara was lucky enough to get a draw because he RAN around the ring for the first half of the fight instead of fighting. Ko, hey, e te aha Lara mahi. Ui noa ‘Canelo‘ (Alvarez) me pā mekemeke nei titiro ki to ratou whawhai.


“Na ka mea a Lara wā, ki hea. How about April or May if he needs more time to hit the track and get extra laps in? Kotahi, nui ake te mea, Lara, Kua kahore i haere i atu e ahau i te kirimana. Ake ake ake! E kore koe pea mutu rere a tawhio noa roa nui ki te ara e matau e. The only contract I ever signed to fight Charlo was a month ago and Charlo declined. Lara said I signed a contract to fight Charlo before that. Ki te taea e whakaatu ia ki ahau he kawenata e hainatia e ahau ki te whawhai Charlo i te Hakihea 13th, Fafau atu e ahau ki a mutu te karanga ia i roto i. Lara, taea e koe te rere – e matau ana te katoa te mahi koe — otiia e kore e taea te huna e koe. Pakihi oti ki te tango i te tiaki o to tatou.”


Kaitohutohu kaha o Lara, Al HAYMON, He patua o ngā rā pouaka, whai wāhi April 18i runga i Showtime i Carson, California. Julio Hiha Chavez, JR. kanohi Fonfara Andrjeji roto i te hui matua, engari he hui tahi-matua e kore kua kauwhautia.


“E kore e Lara e taea ki te hapai i a Rimitiriu e’ rahi me te kaha,” Parau Farris, “a maoro, ka hopu, ko Rimitiriua te ia. Ko te wa anake e tu ana Lara, ka whawhai, ka e ia tana kaihe tukua ki a ia e te (Alfred) Angulo. The ONLY reason he got out of that fight alive is because Angulo suffered an eye injury at the end. Te kore, I haere Lara ki te koaka ano mo te toru o te taime, me te tetahi i kite i taua whawhai e matau i te reira.”


A pee i a Rimitiriu e Andrade i runga i TwitterBooBooBoxing.


ESPN Rāpare Night e whawhai Hoki roto i South Florida ki

Kaha Kāri whawhai teata

Kingi IBF Super-mā whitu Champ
Rances Barthelemy I tumanakohia ki te puta

Ka hoki i roto i te whāiti o te ao i te kia ESPN o Hialeah Park Rāpare Whawhai Night hoki ki tenei wāhi rongonui ki te ahiahi mahi-Kikī o te mekemeke ngaio taitara i runga i March 26 tīmata i 6 PM ET.

Ko te kāri whawhai whetu-hokowhitu, Ka e te haapurorohia ora i roto i te United States me i roto i te mākete Latin matua i runga i ESPN2 me ESPN Deportes, Ko te whakaaro ki te whakauru i te tuatahi Kōmāmā o kingi Rances aito IBF Super-mā whitu “Hau Kid” Barthelemy, ko wai te mea 21-0 ki 12 knockouts.

Leon Margules o Warriors Boxing, tahi-kaiwhakatairanga o te kaupapa ki a Hialeah Park, haapapu e, e ngā te kāri he Welterweight take tekau-a tawhio waenganui i Breidis “Ko te Khanqueror” Prescott (27-6, 20 Koó) o Colombia a Fredrick “General Okunka” Lawson (23-0, 20 Koó) o Ghana.

“Tenei ka riro he whawhai matua mō te Prescott,” Margules ana. “Te ia 31, i teie nei. E riro ia toru whawhai, engari maturuturu iho e rua mai i te tīmatanga o te 2012, na te ia tino nui i roto i te āhuatanga pau-win ki te pai ia ki te noho hāngai i roto i tona wehenga.”

Prescott, whawhai inaianei i roto i o Miami, riro te tuatahi 21 whawhai o tona mahi ngaio i mua i ngaro haerenga hoki-ki-hoki i roto i te mutunga o 2009.

Ko e ono nga tau teina i Lawson 25. E riro ia toru rerekē wātea pāngia taitara rohe mai i Hakihea o 2012, tino tata te wātea IBF International Welterweight taitara i roto i te Hōngongoi o 2013.

“Kihai i Lawson whawhai i roto i te United States anō-kei tae noa ia ki a Chicago whakamutunga tau,” Margules tuhia. “Ko ia te pro totoka e kore e me te taiao hoa ki te riro. E riro ia i roto i Minnesota me California mai haere mai ki Amerika.”

Rua tūturu whawhai taumahamaha Cuban ka whawhai i runga i te kāri. Yasmany “Ko te Tiburon” Consuegra e ha lekooti o 16-0 ki 14 knockouts, te nuinga i roto i te tīmatanga o te wāhanga. E kore kua Consuegra i ki te tatari mo nga scorecards ki te tatauhia mai toa i te a'ee wha-a tawhio 5 matahiti i ma'iri a'e i roto i te toru o tona whawhai ora anake. Robert Alfonso Ko 4-0 i roto i tona mahi taitamariki.

Tikiti mō te ESPN o Rāpare Whawhai Night, kī hoki rite “Whawhai Night,” kei runga i te hoko i roto i Force Tikite i teie nei (,, a, i te whare herehere Hialeah Park Casino.

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Mō Warriors mekemeke

I whakarewatia i roto i te 2003, Whakahaere Warriors mekemeke i raro i te kuware kaupapa-kawea te kaimekemeke pai i roto i te ao ki te whawhai pā, ōrite ratou i roto i te pāngia whakataetae, a i roto i te raveraa i te reira i te tauturu anō-whakapumautia te hākinakina o te mekemeke mo te whakatupuranga hou.


Ki te te raupapa o whakaaturanga Utua-Per-Tiro angitu, me nga whare Kikī ki tona nama, Kei te mahi i te tauira pakihi Warriors whakamiharo i roto i te hākinakina e he nui roto i te hiahia o te auahatanga me te pūngao e hopoi mai i te kamupene ki te tepu.


A, no te haere mai ki raro ki reira ahakoa, Ko anake rite pai rite ki nga whawhai he kamupene whakatairanga, me te whawhai whakatairanga i te reira. Warriors Kua tukua Mekemeke i runga i akina katoa, ki te pāngia tino pērā i Lara-Molina, Cayo-Peterson, Aperahama-Miranda ahau me II, Miranda-Pavlik, Miranda-Green, Ibragimov-Briggs, Ibragimov-Klitschko, Urango-Hatton, Urango-Bailey, Cayo-Maidana me Ibragimov-Holyfield.


Mō ētahi atu mōhiohio i runga i Warriors Mekemeke, visit their website at


Las Vegas, Nevada (March 4, 2015) Tenei Rāhoroi tohu ahiahi he po hītori rite nga hoki pūtaiao reka ki te wä tönui pouaka whakaata whatunga i runga i NBC tau i runga i te toru tekau i muri i. tau “Te Pirimia mekemeke Champions” ka meinga tona tuatahi raupapa i roto i te miriona o te mau utuafare puta noa i te motu, me te he tino ki te tae pā whawhai tūao me aficionados mekemeke. He nui hoki te hākinakina tenei rite he hakari he atamira mō te kaimātakitaki o ngā reanga katoa ki te mōhio ki te takaro o te mekemeke me ona whetu heke mai.


Ko reira ano he tūāpapa mō ngā whawhai ngaio ki te riro ingoa whare, me te whai i te waia whānui ki nei e ratou, me o ratou papamuri. Ko runga U.S Mea taua toa. amanaki taumahamaha, Dominic “Te pouri” BREAZEALE (13-0, 12 KO o). BREAZEALE, i teie nei 29, i whakaurua ki te mekemeke i te tau ngā mutunga. Muri i te tākaro quaterback mo te University o Northern Colorado, Hanga Breazeale he whakatau ki te waiho i te rino mātiti me te tomo i te papa mekemeke i roto i 2008.


I roto i nga tau e toru me te hawhe, Riro Breazeale maha whakataetae i roto i te rarangi runaruna te mutunga ū ia he wahi i runga i te 2012 United States Team Olympic whakataetae i roto i te wehenga Super Heavyweight. He maha ngā marama i muri mai, Breazeale e haina ki te kaitohutohu mana Al Haymon, ka tahuri pro raro i ngā akoranga o te whetu amateur mua, me te taumahamaha ngaio John Bray.


Pere C /

I roto i ona pāngia tuatahi e iwa, Breazeale parautia na roto i tona fakafepaki i roto i te wha rauna iti ranei tae atu i te tuuraki o te hōia taumahamaha Lenroy Thomas. I roto i tona a'ee ngaio whakatekau, Breazeale e haere i te distancefor te wā tuatahi i roto i tona mahi ki te hōia uaua i roto i te Nagy Aguilera. Ahakoa te a'ee e muri rauna katoa waru whakaritea, Whakakitea Breazeale taea e ia pouaka tōtika peppering Aguilera i te hinaaro ki ngā o ārai, tika tonu, matau maui me uppercuts.

Mutu ana pāngia e toru i muri mai i roto i te ahua maheni ki ona hoariri mutu te i roto i te toru ngā wāhanga iti iho ranei. Kua riro te reira i te tīmatanga nui ki te mahi a Breazeale me kei te ako ia rā ki te kaiwhakangungu John Bray. “Au makona ahau te wahi e ahau te tika i teie nei i roto i toku mahi, engari e mohio ana ahau ki i tonu ahau i te rota ki te whakapai ake i runga i roto i te tikanga ki te kia rite ki te riro i te toa taumahamaha o o te ao. Whakawhirinaki ahau, kia whakapono ai i roto i te aravihi o John, ki te tango ahau ki taua taumata. Kua John kua i roto i puni ki nga momo o Tyson, Kua Lewis me Holyfield, kua whakangungua e kaiwhakangungu rongonui me.”


Hoki Breazeale ki te mowhiti tenei Rāhoroi ahiahi ki tona hoa tauwhainga uaua ki te rā, Victor Bisbal (21-2, 15 KO o), te 2004 Häkinakina i Puerto Rico. Ko te whai wāhitanga ki te whawhai i roto i te Las Vegas i te MGM Grand Arena i te NBC ko te moemoea mai pono, me te 2012 Ko te rite hoki tenei Häkinakina

Photo C / e Adrian Jiménez

wero. “Ko ahau pono fiefia ki te whawhai i tēnei wiki i runga i te taua turanga nui, me te ahau titiro ahau i mua ki tenei wero, me te hanga i tetahi ingoa whare toku ingoa. E mohio ana ahau ki te haere mai Victor ineine me ahau tino rite i ahau kia rite ki te pai. Te haere ki te waiho i te po nui o mekemeke mo nga pā”, Said Breazeale.


Ko te oaoa hoki tenei faingamālie hoki Trainer John Bray rite matau ana ia ki tenei whawhai e taea te tango i tona tauira i amanaki ki te nguha. “Victor Bisbal Ko te whiro, me te toa tino ta'na hei Häkinakina ki te lekooti o 21-2 ki 15 knockouts. Ka whai Dominic ki te hei i runga i tona “A” kēmu ki te tiaho me te rite ki tana kaiwhakangungu e taea e ahau te korero ki a koutou e ka ke e a ake ia. Na i roto i-mekemeke me te te patu Bisbal i roto i te ahua faahiahia, ka meinga te pānui tango te ao mekemeke e Dominic Breazeale he mo'oni, me te rite hoki nui me te pai nga mea i tenei.”


Whakatairangatia ana te PBC i te NBC e Goossen Whakatairanga me tikiti mo tenei po mīharo o te mekemeke e taea hokona i a kei te utu i $400, $300, $100 a $50.

“Here Mai te pouri!



Salita inks Kazakh Knockout artist Bakhtier Eubov

Brooklyn, NY (March 3, 2015)–Whakatairanga a Salita he fiefia ki te kauwhau i tetahi whetu i mua nei kua tapiritia ki to ratou rārangi.
Now opponents who will be getting in the ring with Bakhtiyar Eyubov, e kore ai e ratou pera oaoa, no te mea i te anga i ngā pūkete katoa i te hai te mana.
Yeyubov, 5-0 ano he ngaio, ki te rima knockous ki tona nama, mai i katatānga, te kāinga rite whitu superstar Gennady Golovkin. Ka rite ki Golovkin, Titiro Eyubov ki te tango i te kaiwhakawa i te whārite. Ko e mo'oni, tangata ia ia e haere i te pere te whakatuwheratanga, rite kua tae mai wha o ona Koó e rima i roto i te kotahi a tawhio.
Ki te mo 150 toa i roto i te amateurs, he nuinga e KO nui, Ko reira mārama e ka uru tona kāhua ki te AtAKi i tino pai, a Salita he hihiri ki te kia pā New York City-rohe pūtaiao reka tirohia ia ia i roto i roto i te heke mai e tata ana.
Eyubov Kua koa kē he ingoa ano he banger wehi, na i ngā ia ki te whakaae ki te whawhai i 147 pauna te huarahi katoa ki runga ki te taumahamaha te marama, 175 pauna, ki te whakawai hoariri ki te rimarima i ki a ia ki runga. Whakarapopototia te hai-tau 28-tawhito te ake thusly i te kaiwhakatairanga Salita: “Ko ia he puncher tinana kaitaua, me te whāinga ki te tiki i te KO wa katoa. Eyubov he kāhua whakaongaonga, me te ko ia rawa hiakai ki te piki ki te tihi, me te kia i te toa ao.”
Ka e Wilson Naranjo te whakahaere Eyubov, nei whakahaere toa ex Luis Collazo me nguha te ao-tauanga Raphael Vasquez.
Ka hohoro Salita kauwhau i tona kāri whawhai ngaio muri, a ka taea te kite tatou i te mau taleni o te 'amanaki' Eyubov hoki tatou. Tae noa ki reira tirohia i te ataata
Bakhtiyar Eyyubov AZE vs  Cliff Newton USA   February 17, 2012
Bakhtiyar Eyyubov Aze vs Cliff Newton USA February 17, 2012
Mō ētahi atu mōhiohio tirohia i roto i

Whawhai SUPERSTAR ON THE tuatahi toa PREMIER BOXING ON NBC'ilo FIGHT KĀRI Tuhinga Tuhinga CAMP mua o to ratou MATI 7 SHOWDOWNS AT MGM GRAND i Las Vegas

Las Vegas (March 3, 2015) – Ko te makau tahi whai wāhi i runga i te tuatahi Te Pirimia mekemeke Champions (PBC) i runga i NBC whawhai kāri i runga i Rāhoroi, March 7 faaite ratou i te ahunga whakamua i tenei ra i runga i te āhua o te haere puni whakangungu me te faufaa o te hokinga mai o te mekemeke ki te pouaka whakaata whatunga primetime.


Utu tikiti mo te hui ora e i $400, $300, $100 a $50, e kore e tae atu utu ratonga hāngai, me te takoha, kei runga i te hoko i teie nei. Ki te ki atu tenei na roto i te waea ki te kāri matua nama he, karanga Ticketmaster i (800) 745-3000. Wātea i he hoki Tickets ranei


A faaineine ai ratou ki te whakatuwhera i tētahi vahe hou i roto i te hītori mekemeke, Keith “Kotahi te Time” Thurman,Robert “Ko te Varua” Warrior, Adrien “Ko te Problem” Broner, John “Ko te Gladiator” Molina Jr. a Apanere Merehe ka tango i etahi wa i roto i to ratou tarena whakangungu femo'uekina ki te matapaki i te tuatahi o PBC.




Q: Aha to outou mana'o no ni'ai te whawhai i runga i te atamira nui i te MGM Grand Garden Arena mo te wha o nga wa?


A: Aroha ana ahau ki MGM Grand. Ko te wa whakamutunga i te whawhai e ahau ki reira rite te hui tahi-matua ko te honore. Ko te honore noa rahi ki te hei i te hui matua tenei. Whakamana reira a rave rahi whawhai-ao o te piha haapiiraa i hanga Floyd Mayweather kua reira tona fare. Kei te tae mai pono tenei te moe.


Q: He reira tetahi anō te hihiri whawhai i runga i te kāri PBC tuatahi i runga i NBC i roto i te primetime?

A: It’s a blessing and I’ve been working towards this for 19 tau. Al Haymon could have picked any of his great fighters for this moment and I’m honored be part of this night and kick things off right.

Q: He aha koe e whakaaro ki te hoki o te mekemeke ki te pouaka whakaata whatunga primetime taea e rave i mo te hākinakina o te mekemeke?

A: Ki te NBC hoki e haere mai ki te mekemeke primetime homai te reira kaimekemeke tatou he faingamālie ki te whiti ano i runga i te atamira nui. We’ve been continuing to fill up arenas for years, engari kei te hoki mai mekemeke ki te whāiti auraki ki te tokua ara nui i runga i March 7.

Q: He aha koe e whakaaro o tou hoa tauwhainga?

A: I tona papa, i te tahi kōrero, a ka mea te tahi mau mea i, but I’m expecting him to come out throwing punches and looking to execute his game plan when we enter the ring. We’re going to show him that he never should have signed this contract. There’s a different side of Keith Thurman inside that ring and he’s going to learn the hard way.

Q: He tetahi ki reira, e ia i roto i te whakakai e āwangawanga koe?

A: He hasn’t fought anyone with extreme power like me.

Q: E mahi ana koutou i tetahi mea motuhake ki te faaineine no te tenei matchup ngā?

A: He’s been in the ring with some great fighters, ko nga whawhai ko tona’ ake wheako akoranga. Pakeke tatou mahi i roto i te whakangungu wa katoa ki te pae waho kaimekemeke, outpunch punchers, and I’m expecting to be ready to do everything better than him.

Q: What have you been doing to pass the time when you’re not at the gym or training?

A: It’s actually a very mundane lifestyle. I’m resting, whiwhi mahi werowero ngira mirimiri ranei therapy. Ahau rite ki te haere ki waho, ka kite i te pai hip-hop. I’ve been eating some good sushi and seaweed salad, engari tika e noho i runga i toku kai, me te takoto me te ora i te aroaro o toku oma te mutunga o te po, me te pea te wātū i roto i toku ruma hyperbaric.


Q: He aha me tatari te pā i runga i March 7? E whai koe i te matapae?

A: I’ll be honest, I’m going to stand there and exchange with him for six rounds, and if he’s still standing there we’ll see. Ki te kaha toku ki pahaki te KO e ahei te haere i tetahi wa ki taua kotahi tokua. Ki te haere ia ki reira te wero i ahau i a ia, e aore…Ka taea e ara te mea he pere tinana. I’m just looking to get him out of there. I’m going to do what I need to do to stay a champion and we’re looking to move on past March 7 ki te wikitoria.

ROBERT “Te Varua” Guerrero


Q: Aha to outou mana'o no ni'ai te whawhai i runga i te atamira nui i te MGM Grand Garden Arena?


A: MGM Grand is the Mecca of boxing venues and I’m very excited to be performing in the main event against an undefeated young lion like Keith Thurman.

Q: He reira tetahi anō te hihiri whawhai i runga i te kāri PBC tuatahi i runga i NBC i roto i te primetime?

A: Aue yeah, Ahau hihiri tino ki te hei i te toa tuatahi ki te kawe mekemeke hoki ki NBC i te primetime. Kei te mahi i Al Haymon te mahi whakaharahara ki te PBC. E hiahia ana ahau ki te whakaatu i te ao ahau he toa whiriwhiri, me te aha te huarahi pai ka ki te rave i te reira ki te toa tūturu ao.

Q: He aha koe e whakaaro ki te hoki o te mekemeke ki te pouaka whakaata whatunga primetime taea e rave i mo te hākinakina o te mekemeke?

A: Ko te nui i roto i te huarahi kia maha. Tuatahi, tetahi ki te TV e taea mataara i tēnei whawhai, kia mirioni o atu iwi taea rangi i roto i te. Ka maere te maha o pā hou kia e ka riro. Hoki aua pā hardcore kore nei e taea e tona ringa taura, tenei ka he manawa o te rangi hou, ki te kite i te whawhai kakari runga i te TV whatunga auau. Fans e tika iri i te pae wharekai hākinakina ranei, e kore e nei noa rite, ka Mätauranga i roto i te mekemeke, a ratou, ka riro katoa pā hou ki te mahi ka te kitenga o ratou. Te haere ki te kia nui mō te katoa.

Q: He aha koe e whakaaro o tou hoa tauwhainga?

A: Thurman he rota o te mana, me e te tahi mea kia noho ahau mōhio o.

Q: He tetahi ki reira, e ia i roto i te whakakai e āwangawanga koe?

A: Ko ia te toa pai, but I’ll be prepared for whatever he brings into the ring i runga i Rāhoroi.

Q: E mahi ana koutou i tetahi mea motuhake ki te faaineine no te tenei matchup ngā?

A: Au te mahi ahau i te torutoru nga mea rerekē, engari kahore e taea e ahau te kōrero e pā i te taime.

Q: What have you been doing to pass the time when you’re not at the gym or training?

A: Wā te haamau'araa ki toku utuafare. Kei toku hihiri ratou. 

Q: He aha me tatari te pā i runga i March 7? E whai koe i te matapae?

A: I roto i te Spanish mea tatou "Chingasos." Ko te aha te pā e taea e titau i ahau i runga i March 7. Ka oku ringa kia whakaarahia i te mutunga o te whawhai, a ka rongo koe i te kaitautoko e mea "Na ko te hou ..."

Adrien “THE PROBLEM” Broner


Q: Aha to outou mana'o no ni'ai te whawhai i runga i te atamira nui i te MGM Grand Garden Arena?


A: E mohio ana koe ki te aroha ahau ki te taime nui ki te whāiti. March 7 Kei te haere ki te hei toku wa ki te whiti me te MGM Grand ko te wahi ki te rave i te reira.


Q: He reira tetahi anō te hihiri whawhai i runga i te kāri PBC tuatahi i runga i NBC i roto i te primetime?

A: O te akoranga, Al Haymon has lots of guys who could have fought on this first card and I’m honored to have been chosen.

Q: He aha koe e whakaaro ki te hoki o te mekemeke ki te pouaka whakaata whatunga primetime taea e rave i mo te hākinakina o te mekemeke?

A: Ko te mahi nui tenei. Ko to tatou faingamālie ki te tiki i te aro o te mano hou katoa o te iwi tenei. Kei te ana tēnei haere ki te mekemeke nui atu ake ake.

Q: He aha koe e whakaaro o tou hoa tauwhainga?

A: John Molina Jr. Ko te toa pono. Tika ia tona ingoa. He’s like a punching bag that can hit back with power. He’s a deadly fighter. Ka taea e anake te tango te reira i te tuarua mo ki te whawhai te huri tino ki te taata rite taua, so I’m taking this fight very seriously. I’ll be ready though.


Q: He tetahi ki reira, e ia i roto i te whakakai e āwangawanga koe?


A: Ka taea e anake te tango te reira i te tuarua mo ki te whawhai te huri tino ki te taata rite taua, so I’m taking this fight very seriously. I’ll be ready though.

Q: E mahi ana koutou i tetahi mea motuhake ki te faaineine no te tenei matchup ngā?

A: We’re just doing what we always do, maka ana i roto i te mahi pakeke. It’s been great having this experience with my newborn son, but I’m very focused on March 7.

Q: What have you been doing to pass the time when you’re not at the gym or training?

A: Well mau ahau i whanau noa, he tama, Adrieon, he wiki tokorua i mua. I was supposed to go out to Washington D.C. ki te mutunga o toku puni whakangungu, engari mutu i ahau ake noho i roto i te Cincinnati ki te hei ki tona whaea, me te kia kite e whanau ia. Ko ha a'usia nui.


Q: He aha me tatari te pā i runga i March 7? E whai koe i te matapae?

A: There’s going to be lots of heavy hitting. I’m looking forward to stopping John Molina Jr., and if I don’t stop him it will be a bloody massacre.



Q: Aha to outou mana'o no ni'ai te whawhai i runga i te atamira nui i te MGM Grand Garden Arena?


A: I’m very excited to be back there again. Kei te ana tēnei e haere ana ki te waiho i te po nui o mekemeke mo te ao ki te kite.


Q: He reira tetahi anō te hihiri whawhai i runga i te kāri PBC tuatahi i runga i NBC i roto i te primetime?

A: I’m always motivated, but I don’t want to dig too much into the hype and risk getting distracted. Te riroraa i runga i tenei turanga i runga i NBC he nui hoki te hākinakina. I just don’t want to psych myself out.

Q: He aha koe e whakaaro ki te hoki o te mekemeke ki te pouaka whakaata whatunga primetime taea e rave i mo te hākinakina o te mekemeke?

A: It doesn’t get any bigger. We’re back in the mainstream section of sports. Te riroraa hoki i runga i NBC me i roto i 120 miriona mau fare he nui. Hoki matou whawhai wai ranei i maka to tatou oraraa i runga i te raina, ko te tino whakaongaonga tenei.

Q: He aha koe e whakaaro o tou hoa tauwhainga?

A: He’s a very talented three-time world champion, but he’s just another fighter like me.

Q: He tetahi ki reira, e ia i roto i te whakakai e āwangawanga koe?

A: Kāore i tino, I’ll be looking to come out victorious like any other time that I step into the ring.

Q: E mahi ana koutou i tetahi mea motuhake ki te faaineine no te tenei matchup ngā?

A: I’m not doing anything special, but this is the best camp I’ve ever had. Kāore he ngatahi haere ki tenei tetahi. Mārama to matou he mahere kēmu no te mea e matau ana tatou he rerekē katoa whawhai, but there’s nothing necessarily special aside from preparing 110 ōrau.

Q: What have you been doing to pass the time when you’re not at the gym or training?

A: Ahau rite ki te noho taime e to'u utuafare. It’s important to remember why and who I’m doing this for. Na i runga i nga ra atu ahau rite ki te hei ki taku wahine, me te tamaiti. He kua rota o hiccups aronganui i roto i tenei puni ki te paahitanga o toku papa ruau, a ka ngaro taku hoa pai tona whawhai ki a whēwhē Simi. So it’s been tough finding the time to mourn those important people properly, but it’s just further motivation for me to perform well.


Q: He aha me tatari te pā i runga i March 7? E whai koe i te matapae?

A: It’s going to be an amazing match. Every time I enter the ring it’s a fight of the year candidate and I’m going to win.

Apanere uwha


Q: Aha to outou mana'o no ni'ai te whawhai i runga i te atamira nui i te MGM Grand Garden Arena?


A: I’ve fought at MGM Grand over 10 wa – mana'o te reira, ano he te kāinga – and I’ve won there every time, whakawhetai te Atua. I’m looking forward to winning there again on March 7.


Q: He reira tetahi anō te hihiri whawhai i runga i te kāri PBC tuatahi?

A: Ae, o te akoranga! I’m looking forward to fighting on the PBC inaugural card on NBC and on national TV. It’s an amazing opportunity to showcase my talent to new viewers as well as boxing fans.

Q: He aha koe e whakaaro ki te hoki o te mekemeke ki te pouaka whakaata whatunga primetime taea e rave i mo te hākinakina o te mekemeke?

A: It’s huge for the sport. Ki te haere koe hoki ki te Sugar Ray Leonard ra, teata enei whawhai katoa i runga i te TV haapurororaa, a ki runga ki NBC, na te hītori, ko reira. Ki te whai whana atu i runga i Rāhoroi, March 7 i roto i te primetime Ko te whakanui mo'oni mo te hākinakina, me nga pā. E haere te tangata ki te mauruuru i te pūtaiao reka o te mekemeke i roto i tenei whawhai, me te raupapa.

Q: He aha koe e whakaaro o tou hoa tauwhainga?

A: Hoki ahau, I’m ready for the fight. I don’t underestimate him; he’s a dangerous fighter in that he is an ex-Olympian so he has that amateur background.


Q: He tetahi ki reira, e ia i roto i te whakakai e āwangawanga koe?

A: He’s had a good record and has fought some tough opposition. Hopoi mai rota o te wheako ia ki te mowhiti. I’m ready for him though.

Q: E mahi ana koutou i tetahi mea motuhake ki te faaineine no te tenei matchup ngā?

A: E kore te mea e pā ana ki tetahi whawhai, engari e pā ana ki te mahi tenei. Whakatata tatou i tenei whawhai – me nga whawhai – ki te tainga me te fafauraa. Ki te hākinakina, me tona hītori Ehara i anake, engari to tatou hōtaka whakangungu. Ahau toku rōpū, ā, e arotahi ana ki te toa, me te kowhetetia toku whitiki wha.

Q: What have you been doing to pass the time when you’re not at the gym or training?

A: I think everyone knows that I’m a family man. When I’m not in the gym or training I’m spending time with my wife and two daughters.


Q: He aha me tatari te pā i runga i March 7? E whai koe i te matapae?

A: Pahū. I’m not just fighting my opponent that night; I’m fighting towards my fourth belt.

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Paora Andrade, Matua / kaiwhakangungu o WBO Jr. Middleweight champion Demetrius Andrade responds to Erislandy Lara

Providence, RI (March 3, 2015)–Ko te whai ake ko te whakautu ki te toa WBA Super Welterweight Erislandy Lara i Paora Andrade, te papa / kaiwhakangungu o tūturu WBO Jr. Toa taumahawaenga a Rimitiriu e Andrade:
Mr here. Erislandy Lara:
I roto i te pahonoraa i ki o koutou kōrero, te tangata i tuhituhi tou whakautu kia whiwhi tika ratou meka.
A, no te whakarongo matou ki a koutou, kite tatou i te whakamanamana hopea o te wairangi i roto i teie nei ao. You are the only boxer that successfully brainwashed himself with false facts.
I matou e kore e patua ana i roto i to tatou ora i te whawhai i runga i ESPN 2 ki te whawhai ki a koe. I roto i te meka, ka tutaki ahau ki a koe i roto i taua wharekai i New York, ka mea ara matou e, e ko Rimitiriua te tuku i tona mahi whakawhanake, ka whawhai ki a koe mo te moni nui atu e whai hua ana i te $15,000. When was the last time you fought for $15,000? And you agreed with me.
Na ko konei te wa mo ki te tiki ia tatou tahi ko paraparau koe e pā ana ki te katoa ko te whawhai horihori i roto i te whenua ke e riro ia koutou e tika e wha ngā ka ko Rimitiriua te tika 17 a ko koe 21. I runga o taua, e mohio ana koe, ina haere ki te whenua ke whiwhi tonu hoariri tona he anō e rima ngā tētahi American. We saw it at the Pan Am Games, i roto i nga Olympics me te wa i whawhai matou i runga i te oneone ke.
I muri i te kitenga a Rimitiriu e’ taumata taranata, faaoti e koe te haere ki nga Olympics e kua he kaha i taka, ka whakatau ki te tahuri pro.
I matau ana tatou katoa, he maha nga wa hoki takatu nei kua mea patu e te takitahi i roto i te amateurs mai me te whakatuwhera ake i te kēne o te kaihe whoop ka whawhai ratou rite ngaio.
Kite ahau i whakairi e koe tou rārangi roa o te mau ohipa, Ko tatou katoa whawhai i roto i te whanaketanga i te tīmata matou, engari titau koe kihai i whawhai matou tangata, me te whai koutou.
Ko te hoariri anake e to tatou i roto i te noa ko te Vanes Martirosyan. We have the utmost respect for him and the best you can do was pull out a draw. I guess you were happy that headbutt occurred because Vanes was on his way to knocking you out. Then comes Angulo. The moment he trapped you, maturuturu iho ia koutou rua, a ano ka mawhiti koe, no te o te koromatua waimarie i pupuhi ake te kanohi o Angulo. How many times will luck be on your side?
Na ko te wa hoki ki a koutou te tangata ake, ka tangohia i te wero. Forget the cheap talk, mahi e hiahia ana koe ki te tiki i te reira i runga i? Yes or No? A real man and a real champion would answer yes.
Paora Andrade
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