Category Archives: mekemeke

Koroma: Ko te tuara o GH3 Whakatairanga

Nutley, Nj(March 26, 2015)— I te Maehe 13, GH3 Whakatairanga Vito Mielnicki o te i te po oranga rite toru whawhai runga i te kamupene o te whakatairanga o te, whitu tūturu Antoine Douglas, katoa toanga knockout ngä whitu super Jerry Odom me tūturu whā super Arama Lopez i te ShoBox: Ko te Generation New i roto i te ave, New York.
Taua po, ko te-hua i o rota o te mahi pakeke hoatu i roto i te e Mielnicki me tona eu hanga.
Ko tētahi tangata e hanga ana e ia nga mea katoa e taea ko Kay Koroma.
Koroma Ko te tangata mekemeke i te Washington, D.C. wāhi nei Mielnicki credits rite he matakite mo tona kamupene.
“Kamata e ahau toku kamupene, Whakatairanga GH3 ka hainatia e ahau Antoine Douglas & John Thompson i roto i te Atlantic City. Kay te kaitohutohu o Antoine me i taua wāhi i runga i matou ka ki korero, me te whakanoho i tētahi mahere i roto i te motini a runga i te aha ki te hanga i te kamupene o taitamariki whawhai nui. Because of our relationship, Ua tauturu ia ki te haina i a tatou Jerry Odom,” Na ka mea a Mielnicki.
I waenganui i Douglas me Thompson, whawhai ratou ma waru nga wa i roto i te tau tuatahi i raro i te kara GH3 Whakatairanga.
“Whakapono ahau i roto ia ia, ka whai whakaaro tatou tetahi ki tetahi, ka whakawhirinaki tahi i te tahi. He is gifted and driven like myself.
“Tatou kite ko te ki te hanga i te tēpara o whawhai thoroughbred ki tenei nui amateur”
Kei te tango i teie nei Mielnicki me Koroma te taahiraa i muri i roto i te whakawhanake i te whawhai i te opuaraa ki toa ao.
“Kay Kei te hanga i te puni i roto i te Northern Virginia. It will give our fighters a great foundation with housing and all the needs for a fighter to have the best preperation for a fight. This will be a complete camp atmosphere.
Haunga te Douglas kaitohutohu, Koroma te John Thompson whakangungu mo tona April 10a'ee ki tūturu Stanyslav Skorokhod e ka riro he a'ee whiringa whāiti i roto i te Boxcino 2015 JR. whakataetae whitu i roto i te Peterehema, PA kia ka whakaaturia i runga i ESPN 2.
“E kore e Kay rapu i te Limelight nama ranei engari kua ia he hoa nui ki a GH3. Because of his vision we are working with top amateurs Shakur Stevenson, Kōhao Roberson, Troy Isley a Danny Gonzalez & Hans Perez. These are the next generation and with Kay’s help, ka waiho ratou kaha ki te haere ki te puni, me te tūmanako ka hoatu a reira ki a ratou nga whai wāhitanga pai ki te riro mau maona. Kay is going to be the next top trainer in the business. He is a quiet before the storm. To matou hononga hohonu i roto i kī ana i te runaruna katoa a tawhio noa te motu.”
“I te runaruna runga, me te pūmau pro matou, a kei te whiwhi tatou rite ki te haina i te tahi taranata runga hou, a ka taea ki te ngā ia ratou i runga i te raupapa CBS Sports Whatunga e kua mahi ngätahi matou ki a Greg Cohen Whakatairanga ki runga ki matou. We think we have the outlet like nobody else to showcase our talent and move the fighters at the pace that we have moved Antoine, Jerry a John Thompson. They fight often and it shows in their performances.
Whakapono Mielnicki e ko te tau tenei e ka haere atu i tana whawhai i opuaraa ki contenders me ana opuaraa teina hei whetu o te heke mai.
“2015 ka he te tau horanga nui mo tatou. I want to thank Kay, Dennis Porter a Ronald Simms i te Alexandria, Omaoma Virginia mekemeke mō te whakapono i roto i to tatou hui taitamariki e tupu e i te tere nohopuku.”
Ka meinga e Oscar Bonilla tona tuatahi GH3 i runga i April 2 i roto i te Connecticut; Hoki John Thompson April 10 i roto i te Boxcino 2015 JR. whitu whakataetae i runga i ESPN 2; Hoki Arama Lopez ki te mowhiti i runga i April 17 hei wāhanga o te kāri CBS Sports Whatunga me te tūmanako Antoine Douglas me Jerry Odom ki te hoki i roto i te Mei.
GH3 Whakatairanga ngā tūturu whitu Antoine Douglas, Super whitu o Jerry Odom & Derrick Webster, tūturu Super whā Arama Lopez me te Jr. Whitu John Thompson, Jr., tūturu Welterweight Jerrell Harris,tūturu Super whā Qa'id Muhammad, tūturu Kōmāmā Oscar Bonilla me Light Heavyweight Lavarn Harvell ki te GH3 Whakatairanga eu.

Chazz hoki i roto i te mahi i runga i Rāhoroi Witherspoon, April 18 i GPG Takahanga Center i Pennsauken, New Jersey

Plus tūturu Matthew Gonzalez, Vidal Rivera, Obafemi Bakari, Courtney Kaipuru, Erick Kitt, Malik Hawkins a Antoine AIkens
No te Tonu Tuku

Pennsauken, Nj (March 25, 2015)-I te Rāhoroi po, April 18 i te GPG Takahanga Center (I mua i te Woodbine Inn) i roto i te Pennsauken, New Jersey. I roto i te hui matua, nguha taumahamaha Chazz Witherpsoon ka i roto i te mahi.
Whakatairangatia ana te whakaaturanga e Silver pune Whakatairanga a Witherspoon.
Witherspoon (32-3, 24 KO o) o Paulsboro tata, Whakatūria New Jersey himself rite ki tetahi o i runga Heavyweights rite St American. Riro University paetahi o Hohepa i tona rua tekau ma toru nga tuatahi pāngia ki te whakauru ia i runga i nga momo o Michael Alexander (11-0), Talmadge Griffis (24-6-3), Honatana Haggler (18-1) i mua i te mamae tona mate 1 ki te rua-wā kaiwero taitara ao i mua nei Chris Arreola mā whakakāhore i tautohetia.

Haere Witherspoon i te ki te riro e toru riro i te rarangi i kitea e te mutu 8 whakangahau a tawhio mo Arama “Ko te Repo te kaihe” Richards (21-1). Pōti taua whawhai ko Ring Magazine o 2008 Whawhaitia taumahamaha o te Tau. Na ka maturuturu iho Witherspoon te whawhai ki te rua-wā kaiwero taitara ao meake nei Tony Thompson.

Haere Witherspoon i te ki te piro knockouts 4-piritahi i ngā he whakangaromanga 3-a tawhio kino ki runga ki Tyson Cobb (14-2).

Na ka tangohia e Witherspoon i te 'amanaki tūturu Heta Mitchell i te April 28, 2012 i roto i te a'ee te wahi i Mitchell kino i ahatia Witherspoon i te rave rahi mau taime i mua i haere mai Mitchell atu ki te wikitoria.
I roto i te he a'ee whakamutunga, Mutu Witherspoon Cory Felipisí i te rua rauna i te Takahanga GPC i runga iJanuary 24.
Fâraa i runga i te undercard i roto i te ngākau 4-a tawhio ka:
Vidal Rivera (1-0, 1 KO) o Camden, Nj e i runga i Tyron Stewart (0-1) i roto i te taupatupatunga whā super.
Obafemi Bakari (2-0) o Staten Island, NY ka whawhai debuting pro Andrew Osborne i roto i te JR. whawhai whitu.
Matthew Gonzalez (2-0) o Vineland,Ka tangohia nj i runga i Joseph McDonald (0-1) o Concord, NC i roto i te JR. whawhai whitu.
Courtney Kaipuru (4-0, 4 KO o) o Pensacola, Ka tangohia FL i runga i te hoariri ki te huaina i roto i te JR. Welterweight a'ee.
Paris Kihoma ka hanga i tona tuatahi pro i roto i te a'ee Welterweight o Baltimore.
Erick Kitt (5-0, 2 KO o) o Pensacola, FL e kite i mahi i roto i te JR. whitu a'ee.
Malik Hawkins (2-0, 2 KO o) o Baltimore, Ka tangohia MD wahi i roto i te JR. Welterweight a'ee.
Andrew Pureifoy o Philadelphia e whawhai i roto i te whawhai cruiserweight.
Antoine Aikens (9-0, 1 KO) o , Ka tangohia nj wahi i roto i te a'ee taumahawaenga super.
Rocco Salimbene o Pennsauken, Ka meinga e nj tona tuatahi pro i roto i te whawhai Kōmāmā
Tikiti mo te ahiahi nui o taitara mekemeke $80 no te Ringside, $60 for select a $40 no te Urunga General a taea te hokona e te karanga 856 472 0443 ranei 609 938 1755 ranei i te īmēra i
He ka he i muri i taua i te GPG Takahanga Center.
Kei te GPG Takahanga Center i 1443 Ararere 73 i roto i te Pennsauken.


Kelly Swanson

Mauruuru koe, operator. Mihi, katoa, for calling in. We have a great call this morning and this afternoon actually here on the East Coast to talk about the March 28 SHOWTIME whakaatu, CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING Whakaatu, ngā Jhonny Gonzalez, Gary Russell, JR. me Jermell Charlo ki a Vanes Martirosyan. Kei a matou nga kaiwhawhai katoa e hono mai ana i tenei ra i runga i te waea. Ka timata ma Jermell me Vanes. Ko, i mua i te whiwhi tatou ki te whawhai, Te hinaaro nei au ki te whakamōhio Chris DeBlasio, Te Perehitini Tuarua mo nga Whakawhitiwhiti korero mo SHOWTIME Sports hei whakaki i a koe mo te whawhai. Chris?

Chris DeBlasio

Mihi kia nui, Kelly. Kei te pirangi noa ahau ki te tuku mihi ki nga kaiwhawhai mo tenei karangatanga, whakawhetai te press hei konei, a tika te mea mo o Stephen Espinoza, te EVP me te Kaiwhakahaere General mō te SHOWTIME Sports, me o matou katoa i SHOWTIME, kei tatou tino hiamo ki te hoki ki reira whiwhi ki te kaupapa SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING ora pai tenei Rāhoroi. Kua kite pea koe i te perehi mekemeke, Ko reira e pā ana ki te rua wiki ki muri e kauwhautia ai e te tua o te tūāpapa hou i huaina SHOWTIME Mekemeke International. Ko te whawhai tuatahi ka waiho tenei Rāhoroi, March 28; he whawhai o te ao i runga i te whatunga SHOWTIME ora ki o tatou kaiohauru. Na, te tauira tuatahi ko te huarahi pai ki te whana atu to tatou Rāhoroi March 28 kapinga mekemeke, me e ngā pepa hei te Kell awa Jo Jo Rana IBF Welterweight World Championship whawhai ngā tango wahi e i roto i Sheffield versus, Ingarangi. Kei te haere a SHOWTIME ki te kawe i taua whawhai i te wa 6:15 Eastern, 3:15Kiwa. Na ka, Ka tango ia tatou i te whati i roto i nga haora te ahiahi, me ka haere ora i 10 p.m ET./7 p.m. Hui PT SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING ki Jermell Charlo, Vanes Martirosyan, Jhonny Gonzalez raua ko Gary Russell. Na, te reira ahua o te rua- wāhanga pūhara i runga i Rāhoroi ki toru whawhai ora haere mai ki a koutou, e tino harikoa ana matou. A ka maioha matou ki te whai waahi ki te mahi pakihi me nga taangata kei runga waea i konei i tenei ra. Na, kahore he tetahi atu, kia timata tatou. Kei te mihi atu ki a koutou.


Kelly Swanson

Te pai. Me tetahi tuhi tere — kaua ranei, pāpāho, kotahi tuhipoka tere — kua tika matou i tono mai i roto i te Fight Wiki o Apiti Media, pera pai titiro hoki i roto i o koutou mēnā, and it will give you the details of what is going on this week for the fight. Mauruuru koe. Te pai, let’s go ahead and open it up. Mau, let me go ahead and introduce the two guys that are on the call right now. They want to say a couple words. Tuatahi, we have Vanes Martirosyan. He’s a world-ranked 154 pound contender. Vanes, e hiahia ana koe ki te korero i te tokorua, korero ki a matou pehea te haere whakangungu me pēhea te e whiwhi koe rite mo te whawhai?

Vanes Martirosyan

Whakangungu te haere nui, everything is going good. We can’t wait to fight. E mohio ana koe, E ua papû ia'ue te katoa ta e te aroaro o te whawhai ratou, but we really are ready to go. We just can’t wait to go.

Kelly Swanson

Te pai, nui. Mihi kia nui. And where are you training?

Te. Martirosyan

I’m training here in California at Main Event Sports Club. There’s been a couple of locations we’ve been training, engari kua te nui kua Main Takahanga Sports Club, nga pāpāho e ka i teie mahana.

K. Swanson

Na, I’m going to move to Jermell Charlo. He’s an undefeated super welterweight contender. Jermell he aha koe e kore ai e korero iti ki a matou mo nga mea e tupu ana i roto i to puni whakangungu me te ahua o to ahua ki te whawhai.

Jermell Charlo

He pai te whakangungu. I nga wa katoa ka hikoi ahau ki te mowhiti, whiwhi ahau rite mo te whawhai katoa wa, Te ahua nei kaore ano kia tae mai he wa ka whakahoki ano ahau i a au ano, ka mahi ranei i tetahi mea pera. Kua ako ahau mai i aku hapa katoa o mua. Ia wini kei te ako tonu ahau. Na, he pai te puni whakangungu. Kaiako Ronnie Shields, Danny Arnold. Whakatuwheratia e ahau toku omaoma ake, no reira ka whiwhi au i etahi haora i roto i te po e hiahia ana ahau. Na, Kei te pirangi ahau ki te whawhai ki taku mahanga teina. Kei te tohe matou ki te whawhai. Kaore au e tatari ki te whawhai. He rite tonu ki a Vanes, te ia hiakai, te rite ia. Kua rite ahau.


Homai e rua o koutou tūranga, rite whakaaro rite runga 10 contenders i roto i te 154 pauna te piha haapiiraa taimaha, i roto i to outou feruriraa, e whakaaro ki a koutou i tenei he whawhai whakakorenga? Vanes, he aha e koutou whakaaro e pā ana ki taua?

Te. Martirosyan

Ki taku whakaaro ko nga whawhai katoa i tenei wa i tenei wa o aku mahi me te mahi a Jermell me kiia he whawhai taitara. Ko te — Whakaaro ahau he mea — he whawhai whakakore. Kei te titiro ahau ki tenei he whawhai toa. He pakari ake a Jermell i nga toa katoa, kia ki ahau, Ko te whawhai aito tenei, a ko ta matou i whakarite ai. A me waiho he whawhai whakakore. Kaore au i te mohio mena he penei ranei, engari e te nahea tatou e tango i te reira rite, a e tatou tango tenei ano he whawhai taitara ao.


Jermell, koutou whakaaro i runga i taua – Ko reira he eliminator mana he de märena tetahi ranei?

J. Charlo

He rite ano ki ahau. Ki taku whakaaro he whawhai uaua tenei. Ko ia whawhai he whawhai mo toku oranga. Na ka hikoi ahau ki roto i te mowhiti me te whakarite kia whawhai ahau ki tera kei muri o taku hinengaro. He toa toa a Vanes — tupu ki a ia ki runga. E mohio ana ahau ki te aha kawea e ahau ki te tepu. A ko tenei whawhai he whawhai mo te tangata, te reira i te whawhai ki te whakaatu i te tino tycoon o te hākinakina, ko te hunga e i roto i te 154 wehenga pauna pauna. He maha nga mea e pa ana, na te reira, nui atu i te whawhai taitara ki ahau.


Jermell, i koe mea e tupu koutou ake ki te iti bit ia?

J. Charlo

Yeah, Ahau tupu ki a ia ki runga, i te iti rawa e rua, e toru nga tau ki te Vanes, e mohio ana koe, me tona utuafare, tana iwi, e mohio ana koe? Na, E mohio ana ahau ki — e matau ana tatou tahi e te tahi pai.


Kia koe takatu tonu sparred tahi i te tahi?

J. Charlo

Yeah, kua sparred tatou tahi e te tahi mau taime e rave rahi.


Kia pehea te maha, e mea koutou? A pehea te roa o mua?

J. Charlo

Kaore e taea e au te kii e hia nga wa. E mohio ana ahau i hoki mai i te wa e iti ana matou. He tamariki ake ahau, tonu te tamaiti iti e tipu ake ki te tangata. Na, tika i teie nei, Ara e kore e whakaaro ahau e pā ana ki te pehea i reira, he aha te mea e pā ana ki, ranei e founga te whakangungu, i tahi whakangungu tatou. He teka ianei noa 19 — Ko ahau 17, 16, 17, 18, Te tikanga e ahau, aua tau. Here, tau fehangahangai mo ia te tahi no te mea tatou kei i te runga e rua, a koinei te mea ka tupu i a koe i roto i te wehenga kotahi. Kaore he korero mo ia ake, he rereke ranei mo ia. It’s just work.


Vanes, koe ite i te ara ano e pā ana ki o koutou wa i roto i te whakakai ki a ia?

Te. Martirosyan

Yeah, I remember when we used to train. It was good training. We were always in competition — ahau, him and his brother. We used to go running at Memorial Park every day, and we’d try to see who’d finish the lap first. It was always competition between us — running and training or what-not. But it was nothing but love and I respect him, tona papa, me tona kaiwhakangungu, Ronnie Shields. They’ve been good people to me. Ko Rāhoroi po, kei te haere ia ki te hei i toku hoariri i roto i te whakakai. Hoki inaianei, waho i te whakakai, E faatura ahau katoa. Once we step in the ring, te reira i te aamu rawa rerekē.


Your fight that took place in October was a big win for you against Willie Nelson. You harnessed a lot of the emotion going into that fight because it had taken place just after your promoter Dan Goossen had passed away and you had his brother Joe in your corner. It was a lot of heavy emotion that night, and you really came through in a big way that night. He uaua ki te whai i taua karekau i muri i a koe?

Te. Martirosyan

Kaua e, no te mea i taua whawhai, i matou ki te wareware e pā ana ki te rota o te mea. I mate a Dan. I pouri katoa matou, a kihai matou i mohio me aha matou. A i tino whakaaro matou — 'Kia whawhai ia tatou’ ranei e kore ahau e mohio ki te Joe (Goossen o) ka haere ki reira. Kaore au i mohio he aha te mea kei te haere. He nui rawa te kare-a-roto i roto i taua whawhai. He iti nei ta matou matara atu i te whawhai. Engari i whakamahia e matou hei hihiri mo ta matou whawhai. He nui tenei whawhai ki ahau. A, no te ngaro ahau ki a Andrade, Kihai ahau i manga ki te mowhiti 100 ōrau, a, no ahau i haere mai ki te kāinga — ka haere mai koe i te fare i te foi, te reira i te mana'o kino. E kore ahau e taea e titiro ki toku wahine, aku tamariki. Te ahua nei kei te tuku ahau ia ratou ki raro. Na, tika i teie nei, Ahau tika i roto i taua aratau te wahi hiahia kaua ahau te mate i te kite e ano.


Ki te i koe ki te riro i tēnei whawhai, mārama, hiahia kia koutou i roto i te tūranga mō te whawhai taitara ao nui. E māhorahora ana koe ki te tatari mo te kotahi o te hunga, fakakaukau'i aua whawhai anake te whawhai pea rua i te tau, ranei e hiahia ana koe ki te noho, me te kaha te tango atu whawhai i waenganui ia ratou?

J. Charlo

E mohio ana koe, toa i tēnei whawhai ki ahau — he taitara ao ka pai. He mea nui te taitara o te ao. Kei te pirangi ahau ki te whawhai mo te taitara o te ao. Kei te pirangi ahau ki te taitara o te ao. Koira te moemoea me te wawata o ia kaimekemeke i nga wa e tamariki ana ratou. Whawhai mo nga take taitara ao, me tenei mea anō katoa, engari ki te au i konei ahau te hanga i toku ingoa, e te paturaa i toku waitohu, e te tika rite nui. Te riroraa i te ingoa whare puta noa i te Kaunihera mekemeke Ao, nga mea katoa. Ko faufaa ki ahau.

Te. Martirosyan

Ko te whawhai, tenei whawhai — Hiahia mea ahau, ano ki te rota o te toa e he toa tika inaianei i roto i to tatou piha haapiiraa taimaha, te nuinga o ratou rere tika o ratou mangai, timata ki a Andrade. He whawhai penei mo maua ko Jermell, te reira i te taua whawhai nui hoki ahau, e mohio ana koe, engari ehara mo tatou anake. Te tikanga e ahau, mo nga kaiwhaiwhai. Kei roto nga kaiwhaiwhai, a he rawe. Te tikanga e ahau, He iti rawa koe e kite atu i nga kaiwhaiwhai penei i a au me Jermell e hiahia ana ki te eke ki runga ki te whawhai tetahi ki tetahi. E mohio ana koe, te tikanga, Ka whiwhi te iwi ki runga ki nga tūranga rite ko tatou, ko te hiahia noa ratou ki te korero he maha nga korero kino mo nga toa kia eke ki te whakataetae taitara o te ao. Ko, e mohio ana koe, koe uaua tiki ki te kite i contenders rite taua, e mohio ana koe, Kaua e. 1 a No. 2 te whawhai tetahi ki tetahi ina, e mohio ana koe kei te tino pirangi raua ki te whawhai tetahi ki tetahi ka kii raua e rua ki te whawhai. Na, te reira i te whawhai nui, engari ite e ahau kia rite ki, e mohio ana koe, tatou i whaikupu katoa kia — pepa tatou e rave i to tatou pai, a ite ahau kia rite ki nga pā e kee e te toa mo tenei whawhai.

K Swanson

Te pai, nui. Koutou e tama, Whakaaro ahau, ko e to koutou pātai whakamutunga, no reira ka mihi matou ki a koe ki te tango i to wa whakangungu. Na Vanes, Kei te tumanako matou ki te kite i a koe a muri ake nei mo to whakangungu tuwhera. Na, Jermell, e kite matou ki a koe i roto i Las Vegas i muri i tenei wiki.

J. Charlo

Kaore he raruraru. Ka kite koe, eé.

Te. Martirosyan – Mauruuru koe. Kia tupato.

Kelly Swanson

E haere tatou i ki te whakawhiti i te piiraa i runga ki Gary Russell, JR.

K. Swanson

Gary Russell, JR. Ka e anga Jhonny Gonzalez mo Gonzalez o 126 taitara pauna, te WBC Featherweight World Championship. Gary, ki te hiahia koe ki te korero ki a matou i tetahi iti bit fekau'aki mo e founga whakangungu kei te haere, tou i te anaanatae ki te hei whawhai Jhonny Gonzalez mo tenei taitara ao, me te aha koutou whakaaro e pā ana ki te whawhai katoa i roto i te whānui?

Gary Russell Jr.

I matou i te puni whakangungu nui. Kua mea katoa kua tino, kahore he ngatahi, kahore he tapahi kokonga. Ko matou 120 ōrau kua rite mo tenei whawhai. Kare e taea e taatau te kii ko tatou ano te Toa o te Ao WBC hou.

K. Swanson

Kei te mahi i te tahi atu koutou whawhai koutou tetahi mea i roto i te puni i roto i te faaineineraa no te tenei e te rerekē?

G. Russell Jr.

Kaua e, kaore matou e mahi i tetahi mea rereke hei whakarite mo tetahi o nga whawhai. Ki taku whakaaro ko te rereketanga anake, i runga i te whawhai rānei, you want to prepare depending on the opponent that you’re competing against. Na, Whakaaro ahau anake te rerekētanga ko te rerekētanga i roto i te mākutu. Hiahia ana koe ki te kawe i roto i te takatu e whai he kāhua ōrite ki ko wai te mea e kee koe kia whakataetae ki etc. That’s the only change that we’ve made so far. Haunga e — ngaahi tefito'i taketake, mowhiti generalship, tere ringa, mana ki pahaki, te kaha me te conditioning, te taua, ko nga mea katoa o taua mea.


Ga, i miharo koe ki te tiki i tetahi atu pere i te taitara?

G. Russell, JR.

Kaua e, E kore ahau maere. Ka e ahau nga Whakatairanga Al Haymon taua, tika Al Haymon i roto i te whānui, ina tae mai te reira ki taua. Ko ia taku kaiwhakahaere, a ka mohio tatou i meatia e ia nga mea katoa i roto i tona kaha ki te ngana ki te hanga i nga mea tupu mo matou, and give us another shot at a world title. I’m extremely grateful and thankful for this opportunity.


A, no te whawhai koe te whawhai ki Lomachenko mo tetahi o nga taitara, e tangohia e koe tetahi mea i roto i o taua mate? Ahakoa te mea i te wheako, te ranei i runga i taua taumata o te atamira e kawea mai e koe ki tenei faingamālie tangaroa muri?

G. Russell Jr.

O te akoranga. One of the main things that we took out of it is, ki te kahore ngā wahia ana e ia, don’t fix it. In that particular fight with Lomachenko, we did a lot of things completely different in that fight that we normally wouldn’t do. We brought other people in. We let other people take the reigns and be in control of our conditioning. Kua kite tatou i te putanga o taua me nga pānga taha o reira. E kore matou e tangohia parekura ngāwari, i tawhiti. So we’re back on pace. We have the same team around us that have been here from the beginning of my career all the way up until now. I matou te taua ara kapa hoki i roto i te nekehanga. Kei rite tatou, e tatou arotahi, e tatou takoto, e peia a e tika matou titiro ki te hoatu i te whakaatu pai tatou.


E kite koe González rite te toa pai nui atu i Lomachenko, ranei pea tetahi wahi o te toa atu whakaraerae atu Lomachenko rite ranei? Me pēhea te tāpae koe ake nga kau ma'u taitara e rua?

G. Russell Jr.

Kei whawhai e rua tino rerekē ratou. Lomachenko has a little bit more hand speed than Jhonny Gonzalez. He kaha ake a Gonzalez ki te pupuhi. He toa kino ake a Jhonny Gonzalez i a Lomachenko na tona kaha ki te patu me te mea he tohunga mohio noa ia., te kaha ki te whakauru i enei rauna katoa hei tohunga ngaio. He tino toa a Lomachenko. Ka aro nui matou ki nga whawhai katoa. Tango e koe kahore tetahi mo hoatu. Tatou tino mea, oh, Ko te whawhai kino tango ki a Jhonny Gonzalez tenei, engari ite tatou me te mea te mea kawea ano e matou ki te tepu, ka teitei i roto i te mutunga.


He aha ngā i meatia e koe kehe ki te faaineine no te Lomachenko e hiahia koe e kore koutou i?

G. Russell, JR.

I kawea mai e matou he tangata mo to maatau kaha me to maatau. I mohio matou he rereke to maatau kaha me to maatau. Ahakoa i tae mai ki te huarahi i tapahia e matou te taumaha, he rereke. Te arahi ki te whawhai, matou i roto i te sauna mo te rua mua, e toru pea nga ra e arahi ana ki te whawhai. Koina te hiahia o taku kaiako kaha me te whakamaarama kia mahia e au.

Tetahi kei te kite e taua whawhai, ahakoa ko reira Lomachenko ranei tetahi atu, kua kite ratou i te taa-i roto i toku malava pahaki, toku manawanui, toku tere, noa ahau, ano he tangata. I mohio te iwi e kore ko e te Gary Russell, JR. e hiahia kite ratou i te o mua 24 whawhai.A ko etahi o nga mea i puta i te whawhai a Lomachenko. I tino ngenge me te ngenge i te rauna tuatahi, e mohio ana koe?


Mō Jhonny Gonzalez — ia mea papû Ko te taata nei te mea he puncher rōrahi, e kore te ia wehi ki te tu i roto i, me te hokohoko. Nahea tenei mahi whawhai ki tou painga, ki te te whawhai ia he whawhai González angamaheni i roto i to outou feruriraa?

G. Russell, JR.

E kore e whakaaro ahau e kei te haere ia ki te taea ki te mahi ki te, kotahi ano, toku tere. Ki taku whakaaro ka taea e taatau te mahi me taku tere. He puhoi tonu ia i te tere. Ahakoa he kaikopere ia, Me noho tonu te tini o nga kaikopere ki te whakamahi tika i enei whiu. Ki taku whakaaro kei te ngaro ia i te mana rangatira mo nga mahi waewae e hiahiatia ana e ia — te wawetanga waewae. Na te rota o ngā tītere ko te iti whānui. Na, Ka waiho e ahau e pā ana ki ki te outpunch ia, ka e taea ki te Kilisimasi ia i waenganui i ona whiunga kuru.


He aha i koe whakaaro o te whakatau i roto i te whawhai Lomachenko?

G. Russell Jr.

Kaore au i whakaaro ki tetahi mea. Ko te mea anake i rehitatia i roto i toku hinengaro ko te meka kaore au i te kaha ki te mahi i te huarahi ka mahia e au.. Kaore au i tino titiro ki tetahi whakatau. Kare au i titiro ki te haere o te kaiwawao mo te whawhai me etahi o enei mea. Ko te mea anake i puta ki toku hinengaro ko te mea kua ngaro noa taku whawhai ngaio tuatahi, a ka kite ahau i ahua o te take he aha ahau i ngaro — Ko reira e kore te mea i taea e ki te mahi i taua mea tikanga mahi ahau ahau.


Na, ite koe e koe ngaro te whawhai ka?

G. Russell Jr.

He pono. Ka tino kii ahau kua ngaro ahau i te whawhai.


Pa koe i runga i Al Haymon mua. Ka taea e koe te whakamārama te mea ko tana pānga i roto i to koutou umanga? A kua kite katoa tatou i nga nekehanga i mahia e ia. Me pehea e awhina ai koe ki te anga whakamua?

G. Russell, JR.

Ite e ahau me te mea ko te ahi i raro i enei kaiwhakahaere me ngā kaiwhakatairanga. He te te kaha kapa. Ka e taea ki te korero ki to koutou kaiwhakahaere koutou kaiwhakatairanga ranei koe, 'Hey, Ko taku mahere kēmu tenei, koinei te mea e hiahia ana ahau ki te whakatutuki i tenei tau.’ I pirangi ahau kia kaha ki te tohe mo te taitara o te ao. Kei te pirangi au kia wha pea nga whawhai i tenei tau, pea ono whawhai i tēnei tau, aha. Tou kaiwhakahaere me te kaiwhakatairanga, haere mai i reira e ratou i roto i i, kia taea e ratou ki te whakatau ia koe i waenganui o ratou mahere kēmu. Mena kei te pirangi koe kia ono nga whawhai i roto i te tau, me ētahi atu, kia taea e to kaiwhakahaere me to kaiwhakatairanga te mahi mo koe. Ki ta matou whakaaro he tino pai a Al Haymon ki te mahi i nga mea e hiahia ana matou mai i a ia. Ko e pā ana te hunga e matau ana ki a koe, Te mana'o nei au.


Pane ki tenei whawhai, e ite koe rite whai ki te hoatu tetahi kounga o te whawhai ki tino kia pā hāngai ana ki a koutou, me te ingoa whare hanga e koe ki a koe? Inaianei he maha nga papa mo te mekemeke, e ite koe rite reira ngā tapiritia pēhanga ki te hoatu i runga i te whawhai whakaongaonga, ranei e ongo'i koe rite taea e koe tonu tika, āta pouaka me te riro pā i taua?

G. Russell Jr.

E kore ahau e pono e ite me te mea e to tatou ki te mahi i tetahi mea i roto i o te mau. E haere koe ki te kite i te angamaheni Gary Russell, JR. e kua kite koe i te o mua 24 whawhai — tere ringa, āheinga ki pahaki, mowhiti generalship me te aha. ,Kia mau ake te rota o whawhai i roto i te hype, a ka ite ratou me te mea to ratou ki te mahi i nga mea i te iti ake ki te riro i te pā i runga i, aha. Ehara tena i tetahi o aku mea. I nga wa katoa ka whakahihiri ahau me te kore e poauau. A ka mahia e au nga mea e pai ana ahau ki te mahi.

K. Swanson

Te pai, Gary, whakawhetai ki a koutou kia nui mo te wātea ki te whakahoki aua pātai, a ka mauruuru matou tango koe i te wa i roto i pukumahi koutou ra, a ka titiro atu tatou ki a te kitenga whawhai a koutou i tenei Rāhoroi, March 28, i te Poe i te nikau Casino Resort i Las Vegas, a ora i runga i SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING. Mihi, Gary.

* * *

Utu tikiti mo te hui ora e i $200, $100, $75, $50, a $25, e hāngai ana roa

He utu i runga i te hoko i teie nei. Kia Tickets kia hokona mā te te karanga Ticketmaster i (800) 745-3000 ranei te pāwhiri HERE. E hoki Tickets te ipurangi i


Gonzalez vs. Russell e wahi i te Poe i nikau Casino Resort i Las Vegas, a ka rangi ki runga ki SHOWTIME (10 p.m. AND/7 p.m. PT). I roto i te hui tahi-matua, E Jermell Charlo i runga i Vanes Martirosyan i roto i te super mahi Welterweight. Ka hoki te telecast SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING wātea i roto i te reo Pāniora mā hōtaka audio Tuarua (SAP).


Mō ētahi atu pārongo, toronga, te whai i runga i Twitter iSHOSports, jhonnygbox, mrgaryrusselljr, TwinCharlo, LouDiBella MePearlAtPalms, te whai i te whakahaere mā te whakamahi i #GonzalezRussell, riro i te tahi i runga i Facebook i 'a'ahi ki te Blog SHOWTIME mekemeke i ranei

Fan Favorite Ahmed Elbiali mai tenei Rāpare i runga i whawhai ESPN Friday Night

Ihipiana slugger te marama taumahamaha Ahmed Elbiali (9-0, 9 Koó) Ka hoki ki te whenua maheni tenei Rāpare, March 26: whawhai i roto i te a'ee undercard ESPN Rāmere Night whawhai-teata, tenei wā, he ono-rounder ki a Ingarangi Mike Stafford (13-2, 3 Koó).


Ko te putanga po Rāpare motuhake o whawhai ESPN Rāmere Night, te aroaro e kurahauao Deportes tāpiri me te ESPN’ Whawhai Night te aroaro e kurahauao tāpiri i 9 p.m. AND i runga i ESPN2 a ESPN Deportes, Ka headlined e te-rounder 10 ngā Welterweight tūturu Fredrick “General Okunka” Lawson (23-0, 20 Koó) tango i te pakeke-ki pahaki Miami transplant Breidis Prescott (27-6, 20 Koó).


I roto i te 10-a tawhio Kōmāmā tahi-āhuatanga, tūturu mua IBF Super mā whitu Champion Rances “Hau Kid” Barthelemy (21-0, 1 Nd, 12 Koó) Ka tango i te Angino Parete (18-6, 16 Koó).


Tikiti hoki “Whawhai Night,” kei runga i te hoko i roto i Force Tikite i teie nei (,, a, i te whare herehere Hialeah Park Casino.


Tenei ka te tuawha ahua ESPN mo Elbiali, a ka ngā hanga ano e ia te nuinga o ratou, piro knockouts kino i roto i te katoa e wha. A former Egyptian champion now residing in Miami, Elbiali ta e kore e haere ia e haere mai ana ki tenei whawhai ki te tuku i te KO rite te whakaaro tuatahi i roto i tona ngakau.


Kua i koe etahi knockouts nui i runga i ESPN rangi, Kei te whakamahere koe ki te whakaora i tetahi atu tetahi tenei Rāpare?


Haere noa ahau ki te tamata i te rave i te mea e ahau pai mahi me e te haere ki waho, ka tiki i te win. Ki te haere mai te KO, e te kahore he ohorere no te mea te aha ako'i ahau mo.


Kōrero ki ahau e pā ana ki te whai wāhitanga kua i koe ki te whiti i runga i FNF. Kua meinga e koe ahua o to ratou haere ki te hoki te knockout i runga i te undercard teata.


Ae! Kua ha faingamālie mīharo, me te haamaitairaa ki te e taea ki te whakaatu i toku taranata i runga i ESPN. Ka rite ki te ngaio, Ka mohio ahau e te mea ano hoki e pā ana ki whakangahau i te hunga mātakitaki, me te pā. Mekemeke ko te hākinakina ataahua, me te pakihi. Au, no te ahau ake i runga i te atamira ahau ki te tū.


A, no te koe i ite atu i te nuinga o whawhai hit koutou uaua?


Tui i te reira e kore e ranei, E kore ahau whakaaro patua ahau pakeke, me te kore ahau e tonu e whakaaro i te katoa. Toku arotahi matua i roto i te puni, ko te ki te whakangungu toku tinana ki te patua uaua, me te kore e whiwhi hit. A, no te te te reira i te wā ki te whawhai, Tika whakaaro ahau e pā ana ki te tuku i oku ringa haere me te hoko mahi i te mahi.


Kia pehea te hohoro tae noa puta koe ki FNF taumata hui matua?


Au tumanako ahau, tūturu, i te tau i muri mai. O te akoranga me ahau ki te tiki i roto i nga whawhai, me te titiro tu'u i roto i ia o ratou. E kore ahau e rite ki te tiki i runga i toku mahunga. Ko te kē tenei katoa, he mea moemoea e ahau ora ahau, ka haere ahau ki te tango taahiraa i te reira na roto i te taahiraa.


Heoi korero mai ki ahau te mea e matau ana koutou e pā ana ki tenei taata e whawhai koe, Mike Stafford.


E mohio ana ahau e te ia he toa Ingarangi e ngā haere mai ki atu wheako pro. Haere noa ahau ki te haere i roto i, me te mahi i te mea e ahau pai mahi me e te BOX.

# # #

Mō Warriors mekemeke

I whakarewatia i roto i te 2003, Whakahaere Warriors mekemeke i raro i te kuware kaupapa-kawea te kaimekemeke pai i roto i te ao ki te whawhai pā, ōrite ratou i roto i te pāngia whakataetae, a i roto i te raveraa i te reira i te tauturu anō-whakapumautia te hākinakina o te mekemeke mo te whakatupuranga hou.


Ki te te raupapa o whakaaturanga Utua-Per-Tiro angitu, me nga whare Kikī ki tona nama, Kei te mahi i te tauira pakihi Warriors whakamiharo i roto i te hākinakina e he nui roto i te hiahia o te auahatanga me te pūngao e hopoi mai i te kamupene ki te tepu.


A, no te haere mai ki raro ki reira ahakoa, Ko anake rite pai rite ki nga whawhai he kamupene whakatairanga, me te whawhai whakatairanga i te reira. Warriors Kua tukua Mekemeke i runga i akina katoa, ki te pāngia tino pērā i Lara-Molina, Cayo-Peterson, Aperahama-Miranda ahau me II, Miranda-Pavlik, Miranda-Green, Ibragimov-Briggs, Ibragimov-Klitschko, Urango-Hatton, Urango-Bailey, Cayo-Maidana me Ibragimov-Holyfield.


Mō ētahi atu mōhiohio i runga i Warriors Mekemeke, visit their website at

SADAM Ali mata Francisco Santana AS TE CO-MAIN MAHI ON THE WLADMIR Klitschko VU. Bryant Jennings KĀRI ON APRIL 25

FROM Madison Square Garden IN NEW YORK



NEW YORK CITY (March 25, 2015) – Ko te tūturu Port “World Kid” He me te -punching nohopuku Francisco “Share” Santana Ka kanohi atu i “Te nuinga o Famous Arena o te Ao”, Madison Square Garden i te Rāhoroi. April 25 rite te tahi-āhuatanga ki te “Ko te Returns Champion”, te Heavyweight Championship Ao i waenganui i toa taumahamaha motuhake Vladimir Klitschkkaiwero o a runga-tauanga Bryant Jennings. Ka teata te doubleheader ora i runga i HBO World Championship Boxing timata i 10:00 p.m. AND/PT.


Whakatairangatia ana e te Whakatairanga Boy Golden a Gary Shaw Productions, te Welterweight pupūtanga 10-a tawhio noa i waenganui i te rua o nga whetu maranga i te hākinakina o e hoatu pā te po whakaongaonga o te mekemeke rite whakatuwhera e ratou ake te telecast te aroaro o te hui matua tino tūmanako taumahamaha.


Kōkiri tīkiti ki “Ko te Returns Champion” kia hokona i roto i te Tari Pouaka Madison Square Garden i and through Ticketmaster, (, waea 1-800-435-5000.)


“E oaoa vau ki te whawhai i roto i te āhua i toku fare o New York, i Madison Square Garden ahau,” Na ka mea a Brooklyn, New York o Sadam Ali. “Kua hanga etahi o nga whawhai nui i roto i te hākinakina ratou tohu i tenei wāhi; Muhummad Ali, Joe Lewis, Oscar De La Hoya, Bernard Hopkins and I’m ready to be part of that history. Francisco is a tough fighter and I’m ready to take him on and with the help of my promoter Golden Boy Promotions move forward to becoming a world champion.


“Kua riro mai i ahau toku ara ki te tūranga ahau i roto i te mea kua ahau whawhai a whiua whawhai nei i tūturu,” Na ka mea a Francisco Santana o Santa Barbara, California. “Nothing has come easy to me on the way up. Fighting stiff opposition is what prepares a fighter for the next level and I’ll be ready for anything Sadam Ali brings. My promoter Gary Shaw told me if I kept winning he would get me a big fight, and here we are getting ready to fight one of the best young contenders in the world. A win against Ali will sky rocket my career and that’s exactly what I plan to do.


“Raa mai atu o te tukinga whakaongaonga i kite ia ia knockout te toa i mua tūturu, Kei te titiro Sadam inaianei ki te tango i te muri, taahiraa hira ake te arawhata Welterweight,” Na ka mea a Oscar De La Hoya, Kaiwhakatū a te peresideni o te Whakatairanga Boy Golden. “Ki te ringa uira-tere, mana knockout pono, me te ana i te kai ki te hei i te pai i roto i te wehenga, te 'World Kid’ Ko te Me-kite hoki pā katoa.”


“Francisco Santana Ko te toa nei grinded tona ara ake nga tūranga, a roaa tenei whawhai ki a Ali i te HBO,” kī Gary Shaw. “This is a feel good story about a kid who fought his way to the big stage and bright lights of Broadway. Those bright lights are now shining on his career. I’ve always said, he toa nei he hiakai ko te tino kino, and Santana is famished. He wants to win this fight and show the world he’s worthy of a world title shot. I believe Santana is the underdog in the public’s eye, engari ka tinihanga ia kotahi ano ia i te iwi whānui ki te wikitōria nui i runga i April 25.”


“E oaoa ki te tāpiri i tēnei tahi-āhuatanga whakaongaonga ki tenei hui faahiahia headlined e te Heavyweight Championship Ao i waenganui Wladimir Klitschko me Bryant Jennings matou,” mea Tom Loeffler o K2 Whakatairanga. “Kia whakarato te matchup o enei whetu aranga e rua mo te whawhai whakatuwhera rawa kaha ki te telecast HBO.”


Mua 2008 U.S. Häkinakina, Port “World Kid” He (21-0, 13 Koó) has been on the fast track to success in boxing since his professional debut in 2009. The undefeated fighter impressed critics and fans early on, tūtahi ana hoariri katoa, tae atu Michael Clark nei whiua e ia mā knockout i roto i te taka noa tuatahi i runga i April 2014 to gain the WBO NABO Welterweight Title. In August of the same year, Patua Ali Jeremy Bryan mā te whakatau i maringi ki te riro i te WBO Inter-Continental Welterweight Taitara. In his most recent bout and the most notable to date of Ali’s career, fehangahangai ia Juan Carlos Abregu patoto iho ia i roto i te toa a taka ono, i te iwa i te knockout hangarau i roto i te iwa o taka noa ki te hoatu Abregu tuarua tona mate mahi.


Tūturu mai 2012, Francisco “Share” Santana (22-3-1, 1 KO) has solidified himself as one of the brightest and most dangerous stars in the welterweight division. His victories against former undefeated prospect Eddie Gomez and veteran Joachim Alcine, have propelled him to the top of the weight class. Santana’s most recent wins came by way of knockout. In August of 2014, Mutu Francisco Luis Alfredo Luko i roto i te rima o tawhio, aru e te mīharo knockout a tawhio tuatahi o tetahi amanaki tūturu i roto i te Kendal Mena, a bout that took place in January of 2015. Santana is ready to add another win to his record when he faces Sadam Ali on April 25.


Sadam Ali vs. Francisco Santana Ko te a'ee Welterweight 10-a tawhio noa te aroaro e te Whakatairanga Boy Golden me Gary Shaw. Haamata te telecast HBO World Championship Boxing i 10:00 p.m. AND/PT.


Wladimir Klitschko vs.. Te aroaro o Bryant Jennings e K2 Whakatairanga me Gary Shaw Whakatairanga i roto i te whai wāhi ki Madison Square Garden.


Mō ētahi atu pārongo, toronga,,, te whai i runga i Twitter iGoldenBoyBoxing, GaryShawBoxing AHBOBoxing, riro i te tahi i runga i Facebook i Golden Boy Facebook Whārangi, Gray Shaw Productions Facebook Whārangi, a ka haere ki a matou i runga i InstagramGoldenBoyBoxing meHBOboxing.

McRae ki te kanohi hinga kore Charles Martin mo Nepo Taitara i runga i Klitschko-Jennings undercard!


Laurel, MD (March 25, 2015) – Heavyweight hopeful Dwayne “Big Ticket” McRae will have the opportunity to move up the rankings when he battles unbeaten and highly touted NABO champion Charles Martin in a ten round championship match Rāhoroi, April 25 i Madison Square Garden.

Ko te a'ee e wahi i mua ki te whawhai taitara taumahamaha tino tūmanako ao i waenganui i toa kotahi Wladimir Klitshcko me nguha tūturu Bryant Jennings. E wātea ana i runga i Tickets mā te te karanga ranei 866-858-0008.

Nō i Laurel, MD, McRae He totoka 15-3 kaute ngaio ki 8 te whakauru ia i te knockout. Fighting i raro i te kara Mastermind Mekemeke, He te toa i roto i tona whakamutunga e ono McRae me kua ngaro tika kotahi i roto i te rima tau whakamutunga. Ahakoa kua tangohia wahi te nuinga o ana whawhai i roto i te Maryland, Washington, DC me Virginia, te-tau 34-tau i tāwharau i mo te a'ee ki te hoariri kakari runga.

I titiro rite ki tetahi o kānapanapa me tere maranga heavyweights Amerika o, Ko te tino Martin 20-0-1 ki 18 knockouts. Fanauhia i roto i te St. Louis, MO a hāngai i roto i Los Angeles, Pērā i, Martin o derailed e toru hoariri i mua hinga kore i roto i te Vincent Thompson (13-0), Glendy Hernandez (10-0) a Alexander Flores (14-0), tu i te muri ki te riro toa Nepo. Ia nona hoki i te knockout a tawhio tuarua i runga i mua toa runaruna te ao Joey Dawejko, ko wai kua mai piro e ono whakaora tika.

"Ko te whai wāhitanga nui hoki toku mahi tenei,"Ka mea a McRae. "I roto i oku kanohi, Ahau tūturu ano mai i rua o toku parekura whakatau i tautohetia, me te mutu te tahi atu whawhai i he, na toku tūranga tino kia rite ki tona. "

Ano he māia e te haere tenei whawhai ki te kawe ia ia ki te taumata muri i runga i te mea kei te kite ia o Martin McRae, o te WBO #4 a IBF o #6 nguha runga.

"Ko ia te toa tika, engari kihai i kite i ahau i tetahi mea mīharo. E mohio ana ahau ki te aha ahau e nehenehe e rave i roto i reira, me e te tawhiti faufaa hau atu i te mana he 0 i te mutunga o toku record. A, no te rua whawhai i roto i te whakakai, ahakoa o mahara nei te ki hei te toa nui i muri e kore e ranei whiwhi, Ka taea e tetahi mea tupu, e ko toku wa ki te whakaatu katoa te mea i ahau mo'oni hanga o tenei!"

Kia puta te a'ee McRae-Martin hei wāhanga o te telecast ao. Ka whai atu mōhiohio.

SHOWTIME SPORTS® tohua hoki te Whatunga Tuhinga IVA 2015 SPORTS EMMY® AWARDS

NEW YORK (March 24, 2015) - I te Rātū, Ko te National Academy o Television Toi & Sciences (CREAM) ua faaite i te tautapa mo te 36thAnnual Tohu Sports Emmy.


Riro SHOWTIME Sports te whatunga pai iwa Sports Emmy Award kōharinga mo nga kupenga e moni’ hōtaka hākinakina i roto i te 2014, kitea e tungoungou mō te Pakipūmeka Kōhure Series me Kōhure whakatika Körero Häkinakina, e rua mo te tohu-toa raupapa SHOWTIME "WÄTEA KATOA".


I roto i te katoa, riro te whatunga moni e wha kōharinga mo roto i te NFL, e toru hoki "WÄTEA KATOA", e rua mō te "60 meneti SPORTS", he tahi-hanga o te CBS News. I roto i te NFL, he tahi-te hua ki a CBS Sports, me te NFL Films riro e toru kōharinga mō te kapinga kōhure o Super Bowl XLIX.


Ko te rārangi katoa o ngā kāwai i roto i te i tohua SHOWTIME Sports:


  • Takahanga Sports Kōhure whakatika wā — WÄTEA KATOA: Hopearaa: Mayweather vs. Canelo
  • Sports tu'u-Series Pakipūmeka - WÄTEA KATOA
  • Kōhure Long Puka Whakatika - WÄTEA KATOA: Hopearaa: Mayweather vs. Maidana II
  • Āhuahira Poto Kōhure - "ki roto ki te NFL": Ko te Final Stitch
  • Tu'u-Camera Work - "i roto i te NFL": Super Bowl XLIX Season 7 Final
  • Kōhure Long Whakatika Puka - "I roto i te NFL": Super Bowl XLIX
  • Kōhure Post-Hua Ororongo / Sound - "i roto i te NFL": Super Bowl XLIX Season 7 Final
  • Kōhure Sports Journalism - "60 meneti SPORTS":Phil Ivey
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Riro SHOWTIME Sports rua Sports Emmy Tohu i te 2014 tikanga mō te Best whakatika Sports Takahanga Rohe mō "WÄTEA KATOA: Hopearaa: Mayweather vs. Canelo me te Āhuahira Long Kōhure mo te 60 Āhuatanga MINUTES SPORTS Falls Great. Mai 2009, Kua riro SHOWTIME Sports 10 Sports Emmy Awards.


Kia ka pānuitia ngā toa o te 36th Tohu Sports Emmy i runga i Rātū, Kia 5 i te Ceremony Sports Emmy Tohu i Frederick P. Rose Hall i roto i te New York City.

New York State Mekemeke Hall tīkiti hakari Rongonui Whakangungu hoko nohopuku

Rātapu, April 26 i te Russo On te Bay, Howard Beach, NY

NEW YORK (Moana. 24, 2015) – Kei te hoko nohopuku tikiti mo te wha ā-tau New York State Mekemeke Hall o te Rongonui (NYSBHOF) tina arataki, tautoko e Ring 8, Rātapu ahiahi (12:30-5:30 p.m. AND), April 26, i te Russo On te Bay i roto i te Howard Beach, New York.


NYSBHOF Class o 2015




WBC toa Welterweight teina & Vietnam Veteran Haora Mamby Bronx/Brooklyn

WBA whitu teina kaiwero taitara Joey Giambra Buffalo

1961 National toa karapu Golden Johnny Persol Brooklyn

-Wā rua kaiwero taitara Welterweight te ao Harold Weston New York City

Toa taumahawaenga WBO Lonnie Bradley Harlem


Toa te marama taumahamaha World Paora Berlenbach Astoria

“Uncrowned” toa Welterweight te ao Billy Graham Manhattan’s Eastside

2-Toa mā Time World Frankie Genaro New York City

World whitu & toa Welterweight Tommy Ryan Redwood/Syracuse

Toa te marama taumahamaha World Jimmy Slattery Buffalo




NYSBHOF & Ring 8 peresideni Bob Duffy Manhattan/Massapequa Park

Kairīpoata Mike Katz Bronx

Trainer Tommy Gallagher Howard Beach

Kaiwhakatairanga / cutman Bob Miller Albany

Faleva'inga rangatira o Gleason Bruce Silverglade Brooklyn


Trainer Charley Goldman Brooklyn

MAORI matchmaker Harry Markson Kingston

Kaiwhakatairanga Cedric Kushner Manhattan

MAORI matchmaker Jimmy Johnson New York City

Kairīpoata Damon Runyon Manhattan

Kaiwhakahaere / matchmaker Al Weill New York City


Comments i etahi o te 2015 NYSBHOF inductees:


BRUCE SILVERGLADE: “Ko ahau oaoa tino kia whakawahia ki te NYSBHOF. He he honore ki te kia mohio, ka hoatu ki roto ki ki te taua rōpū faahiahia o te iwi. Kua faahiahia tonu ahau, ka i roto i te wehi o te Hall o Famers. Na, Ko ahau tetahi o ratou. E ki te whakawhetai ki toku wahine hoki e aki ana tonu ahau ki te whakatutuki i te iti moka atu ahau.”


Tommy Gallagher: “Ko te ara nui, ki tetahi pito toku mahi mekemeke tenei. Ka anake e mahi i ahau i tenei i tetahi atu 2-3 tau, Ahau tukia ahau. Ko te honore faahiahia tenei engari, tino nui, E kore ahau e pai te reira, ki te kahore i reira mo nga whawhai nui katoa kua nei i whiwhi ai ahau i konei. Hiahia noa ahau hei tetahi atu taata i waho i nga eé A-taha. I ahau toku whare hākinakina o mo 30 tau, a i taea e ki te whakatau pera maha tamariki nui ki te whakangungu. Kua ahau i te mahi nui.”


BOB MILLER: “Te reira te iwi pae apatoerau pai e kore e wareware i roto i te mekemeke. E kore e mohiotia e pai matou, me ahau oaoa tae ratou i roto i ki te tētahi i tenei rohe. Tenei te tikanga o te rota ki ahau, me toku utuafare, tae atu katoa o toku kuao nei e reira. Tenei pea ka te miramira o toku mahi. Te tiki i whakawahia he tihi. Ahau rawa, tino hari e whakaaro ratou ahau i te tikanga o te reira e ahau. Ite e ahau he rota o te takatu haere i roto i te kua mahi i te rota mo te mekemeke. Au rawa hari ki te haere ki te NYSBHOF i roto i te piha haapiiraa i taua rite Bob Duffy. Kua matou hoa pai mo te wa roa, haere hoki ki te ka i ia ki te kōmihana. Au tino titiro ahau i mua ki tenei.”


Joey GIAMBRA: “Tuatahi, I want to thank my son, Joey Jr., kua mahi hoki katoa ia hoki ahau. I would like to thank Bob Duffy for all of his hard work and devotion to our beloved sport, Ring 8, te New York State Mekemeke Hall o te Rongonui, Henry Hascup. Rick Farris, te WBC me te tini ke atu. Ko ahau kororia hohonu, me te whakaiti ki te kia whakawahia ki te New York State Mekemeke Hall o te Rongonui. Kihai i taea e ahau e waiho i muri oaoa ki toku ingoa haere etahi o nga kaimekemeke pai rawa whanau, ka whakaarahia i roto i te āhua nui o New York. I tokomaha kia kua mohio, te pai i roto i te kēmu mai i New York! What a tremendous honor and recognition this is for me and my family.


Te 2015 tīpakohia inductees i te taha o nga mema o te komiti whakaingoa NYSBHOF: Jack Hirsch, Steve Farhood, Bobby Cassidy, Jr., Don Majeski, Henry Hascup, Ron McNair a Neil Terens.


Ka riro ia ia inductee he whitiki ritenga-hoahoa hei whakaatu i tona arataki ki te NYSBHOF. He whakatū papa NYSBHOF katoa i runga i whakaatu i te Komihana Athletic New York State.


Kaimekemeke katoa e hiahiatia ana ki te kia paruparu no te i te iti rawa e toru nga tau, i roto i te tikanga ki te kia āhei NYSBHOF arataki, me inductees katoa me i noho i roto i te New York State mo te wahi tino o ratou mahi mekemeke.


CLASS o 2012: Carmen Basilio, Mike McCallum, Mike Tyson, Jake LaMotta, Riddick Bowe, Carlos Ortiz, Vito Antuofermo, Emile Griffith, “Sugar” Ray Robinson, Gene Tunney, Benny Leonard, Tony Canzoneri, Harold Lederman, Steve Acunto, Jimmy Glenn, Gil Clancy, Ray Arcel, Nat Fleischer, Bill Gallo a Arthur Mercante, Sr.


CLASS o 2013: Jack Dempsey, Johnny Tanitī, Sandy tera hōiho, Maxie Rosenbloom, Joey Archer, Iran Barkley, Mark Breland, Bobby Cassidy, Doug Jones , Junior Jones, James “Buddy” McGirt, Eddie Mustafa Muhammad, Bob Harumu, Shelly Finkel, Tony Graziano, Larry Merchant, Teddy Brenner, Mike Jacobs, Tex Rickard a Don Dunphy.

CLASS OF 2014: Floyd Patterson, Tracy Harris Patterson, Billy Backus, Kevin Kelley, Juan Laporte, Gerry Cooney, Mustafa Hamsho, Howard Davis, Jr., Lou Ambers, Jack Britton, Terry McGovern, Teddy Atlas, Lou DiBella, Steve Farhood, Gene Moore, Angelo Prospero, Whitey Bimstein, CuS D'Amato, William Muldoon a Tom O'Rourke.


Utu Tickets e i $125.00 ia pakeke me te $50.00 mō ngā tamariki (i raro i 16), a ka ngā he moko oti, me te cocktail haora ki runga ki te urunga, tīmata i 12:30 PM/AND, me te tina (rara pirimia, ika heihei ranei) me te tuwhera pae puta noa i te ra.


E wātea ana ki te hoko tikiti i te te karanga NYSBHOF / Ring 8 peresideni Bob Duffy i516.313.2304. E wātea ana Pānui mō te hōtaka NYSBHOF, mai $50.00 ki $250.00, mā te whakapā me te Duffy.


Haere i runga i te raina i hoki atu ngā kōrero e pā ana ki te New York State Mekemeke Hall o te Rongonui.

ABOUT KING 8: I hanga i roto i te 1954 e te ex-prizefighter, Jack Grebelsky, Ring 8 ka te waru o nga āpiti o i reira he aha mohiotia rite te Veteran National kaimekemeke Association – konei, KING 8 – me te i ēnei rā parau tumu o te whakahaere tonu mau tonu: Kaimekemeke Tauturu i kaimekemeke.


KING 8 Kei te tino ngākaunui ana ki te tautoko i te iwi iti waimarie i roto i te hapori mekemeke nei e rapua e te tauturu i roto i ngā o te aufauraa i reti, utu hauora, ranei te mea tika fie ma'u.


Haere i runga i te raina ki te hoki ētahi atu mōhiohio e pā ana ki KING 8, te rōpū nui o tona ahua i roto i te United States me neke atu i te 350 te mau melo. Utunga mema Annual ko anake $30.00 a e tika ana te melo tata'itahi ki te hakari kuru i KING 8 hui ā-marama, hāunga Hōngongoi me August. Kaimekemeke hohe katoa, runaruna me te ngaio, e tika ana ki te KING haapoupou 8 mema tau. Manuhiri o Ring 8 He mai te mau melo i te utu o te anake $7.00 ia tangata.

O te tetahi 'O' Ahiri Hei Haere - Maere Counihan Poroa Radic I te One

I te Rāmere po, i runga i te Stephen Vaughan ka whakanuia hui RED Kohu, taua wahi ka mau i te Grand Central Hall i Liverpool, Piro o Birmingham Antonio Counihan tetahi win nui, ka mutu ia i mua tūturu Ruka Radic i te Czech Republic.


Ki te rua hunga tautohe hiahia ki te pupuri i mau o te 'O' utu nui i runga i to ratou record, reira i herea ki te kia te tahi mau raru korero teka, ringside e kore e tika i te whawhai, engari ano hoki i to ratou utuafare e pā noho, tautautefito ki he taimi ka te a'ee tïmata.


Ko te Radic i tangohia e te painga wawe, haere mai i roto i pakeke me te nohopuku titiro mo tetahi mutu wawe, Heoi Kīhai te Counihan, hei utu mo pooti ki te pouaka atu te hoki o tona werohanga pai, e tōtika puritia te kino Czech i te tawhiti, a ia tape'ahia ana tamataraa wawe.


Huri noa i te tohu meneti e rua, rite tonu takoha Radic tona ara whakamua kotahi ano, Ka marere atu Counihan i roto i te ki te tika nui ki te tonoa Radic ki raro, ki te koaka.


Hangē pē ko te kaitautoko Mickey te ngangare ki e pā ana ki ki te tae te mutunga o te tatau, Te whakahaere Radic ki te hanga i taua mea tika ki ona waewae, ahakoa te iti unsteadily. I titiro a Mickey te ngangare ki ki te whakarite i taea ki te haere tonu Radic, i mua i te tīmata anō i te a'ee.


Haere te tonu i ia te mua rangatira runaruna Ingarangi tonu i runga i te whawhai, ki te huaki ringa rua ki e rua upoko me te tinana, Hipoki ake Radic ko te kaha o te pakūtanga he whanariki, ki runga ki a ia i te rawa nui, me te i roto i hēkona tupu te mooni, ka hanga Radic tona haerenga tuarua ki te koaka.


Kia ano Radic hanga noa te reira ki ona waewae, engari i āta disoriented, mahue kaitautoko Mickey te ngangare ki te karanga, kahore kōwhiringa he kopa ki whakahaere i runga i te meneti e rua, e rua tekau ma waru tohu tuarua o te rauna tuatahi.


Ki te whakaahua i te wikitoria rite mātua ko te pupuringa kōrero, Whiti te piha haapiiraa o Counihan i roto i, kahore he feaa te 23 te tau tahi, whakamatauria ia ia ki te kia kotahi o te kuao opuaraa ārahi i roto i te wehenga Kōmāmā ultra whakataetae.


Korero i tona fare mua korero Counihan poto e pā ana ki te whawhai, me te āhei o tona wero tuatahi mo te Championship i roto i te heke mai e tata ana.


"'Io Pai rite mea katoa i te aroaro o te reira i te whawhai tino nui, e rua ko Ruka, me ahau hinga kore, na i ki te haere 'O' o ha taha, i roto ano ia ia te tāpiri pēhanga anō i runga i te po.


Râ ko ia he whakakapinga mutunga, e kore matou e matau ki tetahi mea i pā ana ki ia, atu i te ko ia te toa ki te rua toa Tuhinga nui, kihai i pera tino whiwhi te taime no te faaineine no te ia āta, engari i rite ki te hoariri taketake he hai nui uaua matou i mohio e nui ki te kite ia tatou i roto i to tatou teuteu.


Ua ite au i te pai, tino pai, āhua pai o toku ora, i te mea he nama ki toku kapa, pai kua ake ongo'i e haere ana ahau ki te whawhai, Ko ahau pai, me te he hāneanea, me te tika te taitamariki, i te ara kua whakamaheretia matou.


Ko ia te kaimekemeke pai, e māmā ake te reira i hanga hoki ahau, Ahau rite te iwi mekemeke e hari ki te pouaka, kaua ki te mau i runga i te wa katoa.


Kihai i ahau e mahara ki te mutu kia ia anake wawe na, tika nga mea katoa e tuwhera ana ki runga ki ahau, me te pere i te wahi ki runga ki a haere ana ia ki raro,, i muri i ahau i matau ki i taea te tiki ia ia e ahau i roto i reira, na i haere i roto i mo te mutu.


Haere ki te whai i te okiokinga iti i teie nei, a ka whiwhi hoki i roto i te omaoma, me te haamata i te faaineine no te toku whawhai muri, e e i roto i te Leeds i te Hune 7th.


I muri i taua tūmanako whiwhi toku whawhai taitara tuatahi, Kua korerotia e ahau, ka riro te reira i roto i te Birmingham Coventry ranei, e e pai, me te rohe hoki i oku pā mo te huringa.


Te kōrero e pā ana ki toku pā, E ahau ki te mea i te nui whakawhetai ki a koutou ki a ratou, ratou e maere haere ratou katoa i runga i te whenua, ki te tautoko i ahau, Ka taea e rongo tonu ana koe ki a ratou, He nui ratou, pau o ratou moni roaa pakeke haere mai ki te tautoko i ahau, Ahau e kore e tika e taea e whakawhetai ratou nui. "


Sky Sports Box Office Will Exclusively show Live Coverage of Floyd Mayweather vs. Manny Pacquiao i runga i 2 Kia

Kua whakawhiwhia tika ora motuhake Sky Sports Office Pouaka ki 'te whawhai o te rautau', te aito whakakotahitanga tukinga te ao Welterweight i waenganui Floyd Mayweather me Manny Pacquiao, thanks to an agreement announced today.

Ko te whakataetae, tetahi ki tewhea o ngā takahanga tino hanganaki fiefia atu i roto i te hītori mekemeke, Ka whakakitea ora i te MGM Garden Arena i Las Vegas.

Ko te hui e huihui nga kaimekemeke rahi e rua o te wā o te katoa: Floyd Mayweather (47-0-0) te tūturu 11 wā toa te ao, me te kaipupuri o te taitara WBC me WBA, a Manny Pacquiao (57-5-2) te kingi toa Welterweight te ao WBO me te toa o te 10 taitara ao.

Ka taea ki te whai hanga-ake ki Mayweather v Pacquiao puta noa i ona awa, me putanga pāpāho mamati nga kaimätakitaki Sky Sports, tae atu ki te whai wāhi ki te kaimekemeke e rua’ puni whakangungu, hui press me ahua tūmatanui.

Barney Francis, Te whakahaere i Kaiwhakahaere o Sky Sports, mea: “This fight has everything and is set to be one of the biggest sports events of the year. As the home of boxing in the UK and Republic of Ireland, e fiefia tatou ki nga tika e whakawhiwhia.

“Ka whakarato tatou Sky Sports kaimātakitaki ki te pai hanga-ake taea puta noa i to tatou awa, me putanga, me te kapinga pai o te whawhai iho i to tatou kapa i roto i Las Vegas.”

Ka whakaratohia Analysis o te whawhai e Adam Smith, mua toa cruiserweight te ao Johnny Nelson me te toa o mua Kōmāmā te ao Jim Watt, as well as a range of boxing experts. Sky Sports viewers can also enjoy an extensive schedule of support programming providing the best possible analysis of the fight including the weekly magazine programme Ringside, te Toe Ringside 2 Raupapa podcast Toe me te āhuatanga uiuinga roa.

Ka Sky Sports News HQ i roto i Las Vegas i roto i te hopea hanga-ake ki te kawe i te hou rongo me te tātaritanga i te puni e rua tae atu i te mau amuiraa press mana, a ka paunatia-i roto i rite ki nga whawhai e rua whakaoti ratou puni whakangungu me te anaanatae tae kirika te ware.

The event is part of a packed month of live sport that Sky Sports viewers can enjoy during May. The schedule includes live coverage of the Barclays Premier League, te Bet Sky Championship me League 1 a 2 Whiringa, Kotimana Cup Final, te Spanish a Monaco Prix Grand, kaitākaro o te korowha Championship i Sawgrass, me te whutupōro o te rīki Magic Weekend i St James Park taiwhanga o Newcastle.

Ko te utu o te hui £ 19,95 me € 24,95 puta noa i ngā momo katoa o te tono ki runga tae noa ki e ko waenganui po Rāmere 1 Kia. From then on the cost will still be £19.95 / €24.95 if bookings are made via remote control and online, engari ka utu £ 24,95 / €29.95 if booked via the phone. Please note an additional £2 booking fee still applies if bookings are made via a telephone agent. Cable customers please contact your operator for booking information.