Category Archives: mekemeke

Whawhai Report: Katara Koó Rozembergs rite Wood & Smith Score Victories tuatahi Maere TKO

Report: Gianluca Di Caro

Ko te tikanga ko te reira rānei te Rāmere ranei Rāhoroi po e whiwhi ahau toku whakatika auau
o te mahi pugilistic, tenei wiki, ahakoa ko reira he iti rerekē rite i hanga e ahau
te haerenga i London ki runga ki Leeds i runga i te Sabati ata, in order to catch the latest offering from former Irish Champion, kaiwhakatairanga tahuri, Lee Murtagh.

Whakaaro ko reira he Rātapu ahiahi / te ahiahi whakaatu, Ko te nui o ahau
maere, Ko e maere e aore, e, no te taenga mai e ahau i te wāhi, a good couple of hours before the advertised start time, it was already more or less full to capacity.

Kia ki te mea i te pā Leeds mohio mooni ki he founga ki te oaoa i ratou, te
huru i te Pryzm nightclub i hiko, so no surprise that when the highly entertaining MC, Mr. Tony Dean, announced each of the boxers that the crowd vociferously showed their support, not just of the home fighters but they also made the opponents welcome too, which makes a nice change.

Headlining i te whakaaturanga i tino rohe Sam Smith, who was making her pro debut, ki a Latvia Jekaterina Lecko.

Mai i te atu kotiro e rua neke ki te tango i mowhiti pokapū, tentatively boxing off the back of their jabs, after about twenty seconds or so Lecko decided to step it up a tad, throwing a good stiff jab immediately followed by a looping right to the head, Smith closed her guard just enough to catch the shot on her glove, i mua i pihinga i te tika tika, which caught the Latvian flush.

Katia ano Smith i roto i, me te kia ripiripia ki te tika nui ki te tinana, me te maui
ki te matenga, Tamata Fecko ki te tu ki tona whenua, engari ka haere mai Smith i roto i te ara
kaha akina te hoki Latvian ki te taura.

I te tīmatanga whakamahia Fecko ia werohanga ki nui pānga ki te pupuri i Smith i te kokoru, engari
around the forty five second mark Smith slipped under the jab and let rip with a huge shot to the body, quickly followed by another to the head that shook the Latvian girl to the core.

Neke Smith tika tonu i roto i mo te fakapō, maka ana i te tini o te matā nui,
leaving Fecko no option but to cover up in the hope that she could survive the onslaught.

Smith had now corralled the Latvian into the corner and began bombarding Fecko with shots from every conceivable angle, then just as Fecko straightened up Smith landed an absolute peach of a shot to the body that sent Fecko straight to the canvas.

As referee Jimmy Byrne made the count Fecko looked towards her corner and shook her head before desperately trying to make it to her feet, however clearly in distress she instantly dropped back down onto one knee, leaving Jimmy Byrne no option but to call a halt to proceedings on the seventy second mark of the first round.

Prior to Smith-Fecko Lincoln’s unbeaten big punching Middleweight Nathan Decastro, ki Elvis Rozembergs o Latvia, i roto i te rounder e ono.

Decastro’s ring moniker is ‘Nightmare’ and boy oh boy I bet young Mr. Rozembergs will be having plenty of them after this fight.

Katara, he mua English Amateur International, is about as clinical as they come. Right from the off the Lincolnshire lad picked his shots with precision, landing three pin-point perfect shots just with his opening salvo.

Rozembergs he kēmu ahakoa, clearly believing that attack is the best form of defense the Latvian came straight back with a series of off target looping right hands, ia wā whakaatu i Katara ki te mārama pukupuku -Rozembergs tinana - kia whakatakotoria ana mātanga ki runga ki, nei o te akoranga i ia, landing seriously solid shots each time.

On about the minute mark Rozembergs tried to back Decastro up by coming in hard and fast with a double handed flurry, however Decastro side stepped before letting rip with a big right to the body, which sent Rozembourgs to the canvas.

Ko te Latvian mārama i roto i te pouri, instantly referee Jimmy Byrne stopped the fight and called the ringside doctor and paramedics into the ring.

I muri i te meneti torutoru a Rozembergs i āwhina ki ona waewae, me te rite i ia
riro pakipaki Mataora i te whakarongo mauruuru.

I mua ki te Katara-Rozembergs ko tetahi tuatahi pro, tenei wā
Middlesborough Welterweight Chris Wood, ki Edgar Milevics.

Kihai i Milevics ataahua tetahi pai atu rānei Lecko Rozembergs ranei, in fact the Latvian lad was sent to the deck in the first twenty seconds,
e whai ake nei Wood laku i te tika nui ki ona rara.

Milevics hanga te tatau, but on the restart you could see his heart was no longer in the fight, electing instead to cover up in the vein hope that Wood wouldn’t land another big shot.

I pā ana ki te tohu tuarua o nga rima tekau tupu te mooni, Wood sneaked a lovely little hook in just behind Milevics guard, causing the Latvian to bring his hands down to protect his body, which left him open to a big right to the head, which left Milevics no option but to cover up again and as he did Wood calmly threw another big left to the body, which sent Milevic down to the canvas for the second time.

Milevic just about managed to make it to his feet but referee Jimmy Byrne took one look and see how unsteady the Latvian was on his feet and rightly stopped the fight on the sixty seconds mark.

Tautoko mo te pāngia ngaio e toru, were a number of European Boxing Federation (EBF) pāngia fakangofua ia.

Ko te tetahi matua, mo te EBF International whā Championship, see Leeds’ Sophie Varley in a rematch against Malta’s Mandy Cortis.

Cortis had come all the way from sunny Malta to a rather wet and Windy Leeds to defend the title she won last time the two met.

Ko te rauna e toru tuatahi Cortis te whakatangihanga a te kēmu tatari, tumanako e te katoa
kotiro mahi Varley e Kilisimasi ia i roto i.

Rauna e wha, ko te take nui atu ara, with Cortis electing to take the fight to Varley, te tīmatanga i ū te kotiro Maltese he pai torutoru matā, but Varley is as tough as they come and by about the fifty second mark wrenched control back with a fantastic display of boxing, culminating with Cortis backed onto the ropes and absorbing a seemingly never ending barrage.

Mō te meneti kotahi tohu toru tekau, ko reira Cortis i te whakaeke ano, utilizing her jab to great effect to set Varley up for a combination or two, until the final ten seconds or so, i te he toe parakore ki te koromatua Battle kowaiwai.

Te mana Cortis te nuinga o nga rauna whakamutunga e rua, ki etahi
mekemeke ataahua, Tonu he pūkete nui i homai e Varley o ia, noa i te
nui o te mahi i hoatu e ia ki roto ki te wā tīmatanga o te rauna i tata
heke ia.

Ko te mārama haere te reira ki te kia tata, and it was with Varley securing the title by a very, tino tata 58-57 ngā whakatau.

Ko nga hua o te toenga o te kāri EBF i:

Piro o York Carly McKenzie he pai 40-37 tohu wikitoria ki runga
A Bridlington Mel Halstead mo te taitara EBF Central Area mā whitu.

Leeds’s Graham Mattison scored a one minute and fifty second second round TKO victory over Blackpool’s Richard Leak in the EBF Northern Heavyweight contest.

Piro Leeds 'Jay Stevenson he 30-28 tohu te whakaoranga mo o Stoke Phil McGinn.

Piro Leeds 'Liam Hayes he 40-37 tohu te whakaoranga mo o Stoke Lewis Sherrat

A Manchester Jimmy Gold piro te tata 29-28 victory over Bramley’s Philip Walker.





Kia mataara, te hokinga o te SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING Doubleheader

Apopo/Rātapu i 9 a.m. AND/PT i te SHOWTIME,

Rātū, March 31, i 10 p.m. AND/PT I te Sho EXTREME

Pāwhiritia HERE Hoki Charlo vs. Martirosyan & Gonzalez vs. Russell Jr. Photos

Credit Photo: Esther Lin / SHOWTIME

Pāwhiritia HERE Hoki Brook vs. Na Photos

Credit Photo: Lawrence Lustig

Las Vegas (March 28, 2015) - I muri i haere mai tata ki te kororia aito te ao i roto i te 2014,

Gary Russell Jr. (26-1, 15 Koó), he runaruna a Ākuira he United States mua, tukua i runga i tona kupu whakaari i roto i te ahua whakamīharo Rāhoroi po, knocking out defending champion Jhonny Gonzalez (57-9, 48 Koó), o Mexico City, i roto i te wha a taka i roto i te hui matua o te SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING doubleheader whakatairangatia ana e te DiBella Entertainment i Ko te Pearl Pikitia i nikau Casino Resort.


I roto i te tahi-āhuatanga i runga i SHOWTIME®, tūturu Jermell "Iron te tangata" Charlo (26-0, 11 Koó) o Houston, riro i te tata, whakatau 10-a tawhio loto ki runga Vanes Martirosyan(35-2-1, 21 Koó), o Glendale, Calif., i roto i te taupatupatunga o runga rima-welterweights super runga. I reira kahore he knockdowns i roto i te a'ee ngä 97-93 a 96-94 rua.


Ko te southpaw pūmanawa, me te tere-fisted Russell, e tu ana, kua whakawhiti ki Gonzalez, whakamahia tona tere whānui ki te nuinga. Maturuturu iho ana e ia te toru nga wa tautōhito, kotahi i roto i te toru me te rua i roto i te wha i mua i kaitautoko Weeks Tony poipoia atu te whawhai 37 hēkona ki te a tawhio (ki te whanga ki te pāwhiri knockout HERE).


"Ko te ahua o te mahi e titau tonu ahau i tenei otiia e kore e whiwhi tonu,'' Na ka mea a Russell, nei ngaro tata te whakatau 12-a tawhio ki te Vasyl Lomachenko i roto i tona feinga tuatahi i te karauna whakamutunga 126-pauna Pipiri 21 i runga i SHOWTIME. "Ki te noa i matau te tangata e founga pakeke matou mahi hoki tenei, te wa hoatu e matou i roto i te omaoma, nga mea hinengaro, me te tinana te mahi ki runga ki matou, ka maka ia tatou i roto i tenei ra,.


"E tonu ngaahi fakafaingata'a'ia'anga ki te hinga, engari ko ahau hoki tenei whawhai 100 ōrau. Tenei wikitōria Ko mo te iwi katoa te hunga i ki ahau i te timatanga. ''


Rautaki a Russell i ki te whakakore González 'matau maui vaunted, a oti ana ia ia te mahere ki te tino tata.


"I kore matou i roto i tenei kia tahuri te reira ki te ara tika,'' Na ka mea a Russell. "I haere matou ki te tu tika i roto i te pute. E matau ana matou he aha González pai ki te mahi, me e te maka i te matau i mahue whānui. Tamata e ahau ki te mounu ia ki whiua e te reira, ka meatia e ia.


"Totonu, E kore e ahau whakaaro whakahokia ana e ia i te knockdown tuatahi. ''


Gonzalez, he rua-wā toa te ao mā whitu WBC - me te hōia o te 16 ao taitara whawhai - riro te taitara mo te wa tuatahi i roto i te Paenga-whāwhā 2011 a hanga wha nga pa taitara angitu i mua i ngaro i te reira i roto i te Mahuru 2012. I runga i te knockout tuatahi-a tawhio rawa riro ia i te taitara i runga i Apanere Merehe i roto i te August 2013 i runga i SHOWTIME, a kua hanga e rua parepare taitara angitu ake i mua i hinga ki Russell.


González patua ana kahore he ngatahi i te aroaro o hohoro te puta atu i te whakakai.


"Au OK ahau,'' Ka mea ia. "Kihai ahau i e mahara ki tenei ahua o te whawhai i te katoa. Tūmanakohia matou ia ki te rere a tawhio noa te mowhiti ki te whai i ahau. Otiia kihai i ia. ''


I roto i te tahi-āhuatanga, Kati Charlo fakaangá o tona anō mā te hinga tona hoa tauwhainga uaua ki te rā.

I maere ia i te ara i tona ōrite ki Martirosyan te takaro i roto i. "Tino tika ana ahau i te whawhai nui te ngaru o,'' Ka mea ia. "Ko faingofua tenei whakaritea ki te mea whakaaro ahau i tatou i roto i te no te.

"Whawhai ahau atamai, me te, ka ka korerotia e ahau ki te tiki i te reira ki runga, I mohio ahau he aha te wa ka oti i ahau. Au tino rite mo te pere i te taitara te ao. ''

Martirosyan, i tapahia i runga i te kanohi maui i te tukirae fāinoa i roto i te rauna tuawaru, i faahitihia whakama ki te hua.

"Ahau ite pai 100 ōrau i riro ahau i taua whawhai,'' Ka mea ia. "Ko ahau te kino i a akina atu e nga mahi. I I rere katoa ia. U ahau nga nifó kaihoroi. Ahau tino ongo'i riro ahau i te a tawhio whakamutunga.

"Ua maere roa ahau e te tukirae [i te mutunga i roto i te a'ee te toitoti ia kōrero ia me te rata ringside te tarai]. Papau hēmanawa ahau toku kanohi maui i muri i te a ko reira tia. Ko e te kore kupu.

"Ua ite au e, ua pupuri ahau ia ia. Ia e kore kotahi tukino i ahau. Ahau e kore e tino e matau ki tenei whakatau. ''

I mua Rāhoroi, i runga i SHOWTIME BOXING INTERNATIONAL, tūturu toa Welterweight IBF Brook Kell (34-0, 23 Koó) lōmekina kaiwero whakahauanga Jo Jo Rana (34-3, 18 Koó), maturuturu te Romanian ā-wha nga wa Kānata i mua i te beatdown tokotahá-kotahi i totitoti ana te paari i muri i te wha o tawhio i Motorpoint Arena i roto i te Sheffield, Ingarangi.


Brook, o Sheffield, i hanga i te korero tuatahi o te taitara Welterweight ka tangohia e ia i mua tūturu Shawn Porter whakamutunga August i te SHOWTIME me te whawhai mo te wa tuatahi mai i te mamae i te wharanga nui, i patua ana ia i roto i te huha i roto i te hararei i runga i te motu o Tenerife Mahuru whakamutunga.


Whakakitea te Welterweight whakaihiihi kahore pānga kino i te i roto i te hoki i te aronganui ki te mowhiti, rēhita e rua knockdowns i roto i te rua o a tawhio, a e rua atu i roto i te wha, ki te knockdown whakamutunga e haere mai i te pere kati. I tukua e Rana te tuatahi hinga knockout o tona mahi (ki te whanga ki te pāwhiri knockout HERE).


"Au hoki e ahau, tamaiti!"Ka mea a Brook, nei mahi kino ki te nuinga o roa Rana electrified te pā oire i te faaineine i te e'a no te te te pupūtanga nui i roto i te heke mai.


"Ko reira pono mīharo ki te haere i roto i te aroaro o toku pā katoa. Kihai i whakaaro ahau ake ahau e haere ano, much less box again. Tenei ahau te whakaki nei ngā huarahi. E kore e taea e hoatu e ahau ki nga kupu te nui o te tikanga o te reira ki te kia hoki, me te parururaa i te taitara te ao. Te auraa ra, nga mea katoa ki ahau.


"Ko e pakeke reira te pupuri i te reira tahi. Ko tenei ko te no ahau te wahi. Mana'o pai te waewae. Mana'o te waewae rite pai rite te tahi atu waewae. Kahore he raruraru ki te waewae.


"Ki te e matakitaki ana koe Amir Khan, ka tae mai ki konei ki ahau. E mohio ana ahau ki kei te wahine whakatarapi huri noa i te pāhau koe. Ka tangohia koutou e ahau i roto i. ''


Ko te doubleheader SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING ka anō-hau i tenei wiki e whai ake:



Apopo, Rātapu, March 29, 9 a.m. ET/PT SHOWTIME

Rāhina, March 30, 10 p.m. AND/PT SHOWTIME EXTREME


Rāhoroi o two-fight telecast will be available at SHOWTIME ON DEMAND beginning apopo, Rātapu, March 29.

Brian Custer hosted the SHOWTIME telecast, ki Mauro Ranallo calling the action, Hall of Fame analyst Al Bernstein and former two-time world champion Paulie Malignaggi commentating and Jim Gray pūrongo. I roto i te simulcast Spanish, Alejandro Luna called the blow-by-blow and former world champion Raul Marquez served as color commentator. The executive producer of SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING was Rawiri Dinkins Jr. ki Bob Dunphy aratai.


# # #


"Gonzalez vs. Russell Jr. ", ko te 12-a tawhio noa aito te ao a'ee mo o González WBC mā whitu o te Ao Taitara, a ka whakatairangatia ana e DiBella Entertainment. I roto i te tahi-āhuatanga, Ka mau Jermell Charlo i runga i Vanes Martirosyan i roto i te super mahi Welterweight. Ka mau te hui wahi i te Pearl Pikitia i nikau Casino Resort i Las Vegas. Ko te kaupapa Whakapāho i runga i SHOWTIME.


Mō ētahi atu pārongo, toronga, te whai i runga i Twitter iSHOSports, jhonnygbox, mrgaryrusselljr, TwinCharlo, LouDiBella MePearlAtPalms, te whai i te whakahaere mā te whakamahi i #GonzalezRussell, riro i te tahi i runga i Facebook i 'a'ahi ki te Blog SHOWTIME mekemeke i ranei



Gary Russell Jr. matapaki papamuri mekemeke o tona utuafare, tūranga o tona papa i roto i tona kokonga, me tona hihiri e whai ake nei i tona mate ngaio tuatahi ki te Vasyl Lomachenko. Russell sitepu i roto i te mowhiti mo te WBC mā whitu World Taitara ki te toa te parururaa i Jhonny Gonzalez apopo,Rāhoroi, March 28 i 10 p.m. AND/7 p.m. PT i te SHOWTIME ®.


Pāwhiritia te te whakapakoko i raro ki te mataara, share, ka whakaū i tenei ataata:



A faaite i tenei ataata:

(Credit Photo: SHOWTIME)


# # #


"Gonzalez vs. Russell Jr. ", he 12-a tawhio noa aito te ao a'ee mo o González WBC mā whitu World Taitara, Kei te whakatairangatia ana e te DiBella Entertainment. I roto i te tahi-āhuatanga, E Jermell Charlo i runga i Vanes Martirosyan i roto i te super mahi Welterweight. Ka tango i te hui te wahi i te Poe i nikau Casino Resort i Las Vegas, a ka rangi ki runga ki SHOWTIME (10 p.m. AND/7 p.m. PT). Ka hoki te telecast wātea i roto i te reo Pāniora mā hōtaka ororongo Tuarua (SAP).


Utu tikiti mo te hui ora e i $200, $100, $75, $50, a $25, me he utu e hāngai ana i runga i te hoko. Kia Tickets kia hokona mā te te karanga Ticketmaster i (800) 745-3000 ranei te pāwhiri HERE. E hoki Tickets te ipurangi i


Mō ētahi atu pārongo, toronga, te whai i runga i Twitter iSHOSports, jhonnygbox, mrgaryrusselljr, TwinCharlo, LouDiBella MePearlAtPalms, te whai i te whakahaere mā te whakamahi i #GonzalezRussell, riro i te tahi i runga i Facebook i 'a'ahi ki te Blog SHOWTIME mekemeke i ranei


E wha-Part Pakipūmeka Series Hei Whakaurua Motuhake Na ka Award-toa "hopearaa" Episode o te Whatunga; Tuatahi Rangatū Rāhoroi, April 18, I SHOWTIME anake®


(Credit Photo: SHOWTIME)

NEW YORK (March 27, 2015) - SHOWTIME Sports® whai wāhi motuhake ki te tuku kaimätakitaki Floyd "Money" Mayweather me te hui tino tūmanako o te tau ki te "Roto Mayweather vs. PACQUIAO,"He pakipūmeka e wha-wahi tupu chronicling i te ora o te toa pauna-no te-pauna te koiora rite Whakatere ia tona ka tutū te ki Manny Pacquiao. Episode 1 tuatahi i runga i Rāhoroi, April 18 e whai ake nei tonu te oraSHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING® doubleheader ngā superstar Mexican Julio Hiha Chavez JR.


Roto Mayweather vs. PACQUIAO delivers a unique perspective of the compelling and popular Mayweather in the weeks leading up to the biggest prizefight of this generation. In the fourth installment, Hopearaa, E hāngai ana SHOWTIME Sports te whāiti Emmy Award-toa motuhake me Sports i runga i te whakaari ohorere o te whawhai wiki, e ngā kaimātakitaki i roto i te taura i te po, whawhai, a ki te ngakau o te toa i roto i te muri a'ei o te a'ee.


"Whakaturia SHOWTIME kua iho motu me tona rohe o te nui whawhai i roto i te mekemeke, kua ki te titau i te whai wāhi ahurei whakarato tatou mai to tatou mau kaimätakitaki,"Ka mea a Stephen Espinoza, Executive Vice te peresideni & Kaiwhakahaere General, SHOWTIME Sports. “INSIDE MAYWEATHER vs. E kore e pōwhiri anake PACQUIAO kaimätakitaki ki te puni o Mayweather i te aroaro o te whawhai, engari e hoatu mātaki hoki he matapihi ki aua momeniti whakaari, me te maha oto tonu i te aroaro o, i muri iho i tenei whawhai hītori. "


Pūmau SHOWTIME kāmera e i roto i te puni o Mayweather i roto i te atarangi o te rama kanapa o Las Vegas. This unparalleled access allows INSIDE MAYWEATHER vs. PACQUIAO ki te tipitipi hoki te pihi i te persona tūmatanui takihuri a a Mayweather i te heheu i te whai papahueke o te tino e propels te tūturu, toa motuhake.


Mai i te matakitakinga whāriki whero o te amuiraa tīmata press i roto i Los Angeles me nga karawhiu a te puni whakangungu ki te kaha o te i roto i te-paunatia me te ruma tauiraa marino i muri i te pere whakamutunga, Roto Mayweather vs. PACQUIAO tuku he titiro roto-i roto i i te kaupapa e kahore tāwhai.


Kua marere wha tekau-whitu whawhai ki te whakakai ki Mayweather me katoa 47 have come away empty. With complete access to Mayweather and the vast entourage that surrounds and supports him, kaimātakitaki o Roto Mayweather vs. Haere mai PACQUIAO ki te matau te mea hanga tick "Money".


Roto Mayweather vs. PACQUIAO tuatahitia wāhanga i runga i SHOWTIME ki maha whakaaturanga encore, including the cable television premiere on CBS SPORTS NETWORK. All episodes of the series will be available on SHOWTIME ON DEMAND®, SHOWTIME te Wā® a online i


Ø Episode 1 premieres Rāhoroi, April 18 i runga i SHOWTIME, e whai ake nei tonu SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING Chavez vs. Fonfara (10 p.m. AND/7 p.m. PT).

Ø Episode 2 premieres Rāhoroi, April 25 i 7:30 p.m. AND/PT i te SHOWTIME

Ø Episode 3 premieres Wednesday, April 29 i 10 p.m. AND/PT i te SHOWTIME.

Ø Epilogue premieres Rāhoroi, Kia 9 i runga i SHOWTIME


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Mō Showtime Networks Inc.:

Showtime Networks Inc. (SNI), he āpiti whakapau ki te-ngā o CBS Corporation, nona a mahi nga kupenga moni pouaka SHOWTIME®, THE Whitiāhua Channel a Flix®, me te pai kia rite ki te awa multiplex SHOWTIME 2, SHOWTIME® Showcase, SHOWTIME EXTREME®, SHOWTIME TUA®, SHOWTIME NEXT®, SHOWTIME WOMEN®, SHOWTIME FAMILY Rohe® me te kiriata ChannelXtra. SNI tuku SHOWTIME HD hoki, THE Whitiāhua Channel HD, SHOWTIME ON DEMAND® me te kiriata Channel ON DEMAND, me te motuhēhēnga ratonga SHOWTIME wā o te whatunga®. SNI whakahaere hoki Smithsonian Networks, he mahi ngātahi i waenga SNI me te Smithsonian MoE, e tuku Smithsonian Channel. Whāngai SNI katoa whakarato tangi whakarei te whakamahi i Dolby Digital 5.1. Markets SNI a tohatoha hākinakina, me ngā kaupapa whakangahau mo te whakaaturanga ki kaiohauru i runga i te kaupapa utu-ia-tirohanga i roto i SHOWTIME PPV®.


Montreal (March 27, 2015) – Ko te concretization o te Ko te Ring, WBC, WBA, IBF a WBO marama whakakotahitanga taumahamaha whawhai i waenganui i a Tamutu “Superman” Stevenson me Sergey “Krusher” Tangohia Kovalev Kua tetahi taahiraa faufaa. Kaunihera mekemeke te Ao (WBC) Kua whakahau te tono putea ki te tango i te wahi April 17 i roto i te tikanga ki te whakatau i te kaiwhakatairanga o tenei hui nui.

I te tīmatanga tono e Groupe Yvon Michel (Te omaoma) ki te inihua i te wa e hiahiatia ana ki te faaineine no te te kaupapa nui rite tenei whawhai super, whakaae te WBC ki te manaaki i te tono putea i runga i Apr. 17 i roto i te Mexico.

Ka whai he painga i runga i te tahi atu kaiwhakatairanga i te toa o tenei tono putea i roto i te ngā o te whakatau i te rā, wahi me te whatunga pouaka mo te pupūtanga taumahamaha marama. Ia rōpū ka wahia e te tono rite i runga i te 50-50 pūtake.

I mua i te Stevenson (25-1, 21 Koó) vs. Kovalev (27-0-1, 24 Koó) Ka taea e ngunguru tupu, ahakoa, e rua me riro whawhai ratou a'ee muri. Stevenson, te Haiti-whanau Quebecer, He no te paruru angitu tona WBC me Ko te Ring karauna April 4 i roto i te Quebec City ki Cameroon Māori Sakio Bika (32-6-3, 21 Koó), ia Kovalev kua 90 ra ki te mahia he korero whakahauanga o tona whitiki IBF ki Wīwī Nadjib Mohammedi (37-3, 23 Koó) i te wahi ki te kia takoto.

Kaiwhakatairanga o Stevenson, Omaoma te peresideni Yvon Michel, Kei te hiamo e te taea o te whakatairanga i te mea i taea e te whawhai marama nui taumahamaha o te katoa-wā. “Haere i mua ia tatou ia no te mea ataahua, me tona kapa (te kaitohutohu Al Haymon me te kaiwhakangungu upoko Jevan Sugar Hill) hiahia tenei whawhai e wehingia ana ki te tupu,” Ua haamaramarama Michel. “Toku kaimekemeke (Stevenson) e hiahia ana ki te hoatu ana pā, e kore anake i Quebec, engari i huri noa i te ao katoa, te whawhai hiahia tino ratou.

“A Tamutu i te whana te whakapanga o ducking Kovalev whakamutunga raumati, engari kua tona taumu'a taupotu kua tonu ki te whakamatautau ko ia te Kingi o nga Heavyweights marama.”

Kōrero katoa ki ahau e pā ana ki Sergey Kovalev,” WBC, Tāpiri te Ring me tuturu toa marama te ao taumahamaha Stevenson. “Kua arotahi tino i runga i Sakio Bika ahau tika teie nei, engari e hiahia ana tino ahau ki te whakakotahi i te taitara. Ko ahau te kingi o toku wehenga, me te rite ki te whakamatau i te reira.”

Ko te southpaw-tau 37-tau, tino māia o toa i te nui whitiki katoa taitara ao, hoki tuhia, “I roto i te meka, nga taitara e rua (WBA a IBF) e ngaro Bernard Hopkins ki Kovalev i mahara kia oku ki te, engari rere atu Hopkins ki HBO, kaua ki te whawhai ki ahau.”

I te tauturu o te WBC

Uaua tukua tinana hoki, toa o ētahi atu whakahaere ki te hei wahi i roto i ona tūranga. I roto i tenei take, Heoi, hanga te WBC he okotahi, ka kī e, i tona 52th uruoaanga ā-tau Hakihea whakamutunga i roto i te Las Vegas, te Kovalev vs. E kia Jean Pascal a'ee toa te kaiwero whakahauanga mō te taitara o Stevenson.

Ko te faufaa me te nui o te whawhai ki nga taitara katoa o te wehenga kotahi i tĭtĭ tākiekina te Poari WBC o Kawana ki te hanga i taua whakatau.

“Ko te rautaki pai e Kathy Duva (peresideni o Main Events me Kovalev te kaiwhakatairanga),” Michel kōrero. “Mau i teie nei a Tamutu ki te kanohi Kovalev i roto i te a'ee whakakotahitanga, otinga i te tukanga ohie, kahore roa, unnecessary bargaining. E kore e tatou toa hoki iho, kua tika te Countdown tīmata.”

Tono tuatahi mo Matthysse vs. A Provodnikov HBO Mekemeke I muri Takahanga Dark® Hua i roto i tahuri Stone Resort Casino Tukuange Final Poraka o Tickets

Te April 18 “whawhai o te tau” kaitono wāhi pirimia mekemeke New York o te i te mea e tata sellout oti ki te tīkiti whakamutunga tukua te teie mahana


Oneida Nation wā kāinga (March 27, 2015) – A, no te te Rāhoroi, April 18 whawhai i waenganui i Lucas “La Maquina” Matthysse a “Ko te Siberian Rocky” Ruslan Provodnikov i tahuri Stone Resort Casino i kauwhautia, pahųtanga o te ao mekemeke – and ticket sales mimicked the enthusiasm. Due to the unprecedented demand to see this sure-fire “Whawhai o te Tau” kaitono, hokona tūru ringside i roto i anake 15 meneti – and the entire event is now near sellout with Turning Stone releasing the last group of tickets. Limited $35 a $25 tūru e tonu e wātea ana mō tenei whawhai epic.


Mua Champions Lucas World “La Maquina” Matthysse me “Ko te Siberian Rocky” Ruslan Provodnikov, e rua o faingataa punchers o te mekemeke, Ka tangohia te atamira i runga i April 18i tahuri Stone Resort i roto i te 12-a tawhio noa te pupūtanga o Welterweight teina, ka e kia teata hei wāhanga o te doubleheader pae ritua ora i runga i HBO mekemeke I muri Dark®. The clash of these two fearsome fighters will generate what is sure to be an all-action battle to remember.


Ko te ope o tenei hui kōrero, tahuri Stone Resort Casino te Oneida iwi o, continues to be nationally recognized as a leading venue for blockbuster boxing matches. I roto i te meka, tīpakohia kōrero mekemeke Mike Tyson tahuri Stone Resort rite te wāhi mo tona tuatahi te ao, ano he kaiwhakatairanga, Te tamahine Muhammad Ali a Laila Ali hanga tona tuatahi mekemeke i tahuri Stone, Kua whakatairangatia ana me te tokomaha mekemeke whare-o-famers kāri whawhai whawhai i te huihui i roto i ngā tau tata ranei, me te tahuri u Stone inaianei, kua he “Whawhai o te Tau” nguha i runga i ngā huarahi i roto i te Los Angeles, Las Vegas and Miami. Te April 18 fight will mark Turning Stone’s 15th televised boxing event in less than two years, cementing i te huihui ano he tūruhi mō knockout motu-teata whawhai.


A maere pono 3,400 eka ūnga huihui, Tahuri Stone Resort hoki tuku e wha hotels tohu-toa, he ranunga tūmōmō o neke atu i te 20 pai- a tūao-kai wharekai, taonga-te ao o te piha haapiiraa, tae atu ki ngā wāhi kaukau papai e rua, akoranga korowha taumata-ngaio rima, he tēnehi me te korowha dome roto, kōwhiringa whakangahau nui, wāhi Nightlife maha, me te he 120,000 square foot Vegas-style gaming floor. Turning Stone Resort recently received several prestigious awards, tae atu ki toru tohu AAA Whā Diamond, ekea hoatu ki te iti iho i wha ōrau o ngā āhuatanga whaimana o AAA, wehe tahuri Stone rite anake te huihui i roto i te taatoaraa o te apato'erau ki e toru wha wāhi Diamond i te kotahi rawa.


Matthysse vs. Provodnikov Ko te 12-a tawhio noa a'ee Welterweight teina te aroaro e teWhakatairanga Kara, Whakatairanga Boy Golden i roto i te whai wāhi ki te Whakatairanga Box Arano a tautoko e kurahauao tāpiri, Mexico, Ora i te reira ki te whakapono te reira! a Khortytsa vodka. E whakaritea tēnei wā Doors ki te whakatuwhera i 6:00 p.m. ki te a'ee tuatahi whakaritea hoki 7:00 p.m. and the HBO Boxing After Dark® telecast will being at 9:45 p.m. AND/PT.


Limited seats are still available by calling the Turning Stone Resort Box Office at 315-361-7469 online ranei i Ticketmaster.

Mō ētahi atu pārongo, toronga,, a te whai i runga i Twitter i GoldenBoyBoxing,BannerBoxing, HBOBoxing, RuslanProvod, @ Tahuri Stone a ka riro i te tahi i runga i Facebook i Golden Boy Facebook Whārangi,, ranei Tatapau Black and visit us on Instagram GoldenBoyBoxing, @ Kara mekemeke, @ Tahuri kohatu a ruslanprovod.


Pāwhiritia HERE Hei Tikiake Photos

Credit Photo: Whakatika Photography Group

Washington D.C. (March 26, 2015) – A little more than two weeks in advance of his highly anticipated bout at Pokapū Barclays i roto i te Brooklyn, Lamont Peterson (33-2-1, 17 Koó) pāpāho whakahaerehia i te Bald Eagle Recreation Center i Washington, D.C. Lamont, tona teina, Anthony, me te kaiwhakangungu o Lamont, Barry Hunter, took some time out of their training schedule to discuss Lamont’s Te Pirimia mekemeke Champions pupūtanga ki Danny “Swift” Garcia (29-0, 17 Koó) i runga i April 11.


Kei raro tēnā kitea korukī nui i te hui, i tae atu i te tā, haapurorohia me putanga pāpāho ipurangi i huri noa i te rohe o:


Lamont Peterson, Super Kōmāmā World Champion


“Ko te mahere kia ki tika haere atu ki reira, ka whawhai ki a ia. Noa'tu o pēhea te ahau whiriwhiri ki te whawhai, Ite e ahau kia rite ki e taea e ahau te riro. E whai i ahau waewae tere, engari e taea e ahau te whakamahi i ia ratou i te rave i te tahi atu mau mea rawa. Ka taea e ahau te haere atu. E kore ahau e tonu i ki kia haere whakamuri. Ka piri ahau ki te mahere kēmu, otiia e kore matou e mohio ki te mea he tika inaianei te mahere kēmu.


“Whakaatu tonu toku mentality i roto i te whakakai, rawa i roto i te mutunga o nga rauna. Ui e koe te rota o koutou tinana i roto i taua whakakai me te rota o te wa e haere ai ia ki te mea e mohio reira. Na tino mai to koutou tuakiri i roto i, a ka whakaaro ahau e te hau atu i te tahi atu whawhai i reira tiaho ahau. Ko nga rauna i muri e, ina tangohia te tikanga e ahau ki runga ki te whawhai. He rota o te wa e hiahia ana ahau i ahei te haere tatou atu rauna.


“Ko te pā hiahia kia kite i tenei whawhai kia hiahia ahau ki te kia mohio i tupu te reira. E kore tino karanga ahau i roto i ngā ingoa kōrero e pā ana ki te hunga e hiahia ana ahau muri ranei. Waiho e ahau i te reira ki runga ki nga pā, ki te pāpāho no te mea i reira he rota o whawhai e nga pā hiahia ana ki te kite i taua e kore e tupu. I te mutunga o te ra, Au whawhai ahau mo nga pā, me nga pāpāho kahore he aha pera whawhai ko wai e hiahia ana ratou ki te whawhai ki ahau?


“Au noa titiro ahau ki te tango i nga mea mahi ahau te pai me te mahia, a ka ahau au titiro ki te tangohia atu e nga mea e pai Garcia a ka hopukia atu ia ia ki te mahi i te mea e kore e meatia e ia i te pai atu pinepine. E kore ahau e titiro ki tetahi whawhai o mua o tona ka whakaaro kei te haere tatou ki te haere i taua ara.


“Ahau he toa pai. Te tino e ia he counter-puncher me e titiro tatou ki te tino e kore e kia pahono tatou i te ara etahi kua.


“He kua piki me ngā heke i roto i te puni. I te tahi taime te reira te wā ki te wahia hoki, ka wātea, engari i ētahi wā ki te wā ki te pakeke te mahi. Tairanga ite ahau nui. He rota o te iwi mea tenei, engari kua tonu toku puni whakangungu pai tenei, me te ahau hari ahau te wahi i tika i teie nei. Ahau rite ki te whawhai.


“Ko te whawhai nui hoki ahau tenei. I muri i tenei i reira te kahore i mahue ki te mahi i roto i te piha haapiiraa taimaha. Te hinaaro nei au ki te neke ake i muri i tenei whawhai i muri.”


Barry Hunter, A Peterson Trainer


“Lamont Ko te toa tino pūkenga. Kua i roto i nga rau whakakai o nga wa ia. Ka taea e pouaka e ia. Ka taea e whawhai ia raua i roto, a waho. Ka taea e ia strategize, engari e taea hoki e ia tino pukuriri.


“Danny Ko te toa totoka. E kore e meatia e ia kotahi e rua ranei, nga mea nui, engari e ia he rota o te mea pai. Vai ra te tahi mau mea ahakoa e kua kite tatou i roto i a ia, e whakaaro tatou e nehenehe ia tatou ia whakamahi me te e haere tatou ki te haere ki waho ki reira ki te mana'o ki te rave i te reira. Tairanga ahau whakaaro Lamont he he toa pai.


“He te te torutoru noa ingoa nui i mahue i 140, neke katoa atu, kua ki runga ki te 147. Na ko te ara o Lamont o whakaaro e anake te ara i hanga tenei whawhai tikanga i 140 i ki ia i taea e fehangahangai Danny Garcia. Ko atu e pā ana ki te hoatu i te pā he aha e hiahia ana ratou ki te kite i tenei. Kei te ana tēnei haere ana ki te hoatu pā he whawhai nui noa ano i runga i TV motu.


“NBC Ko te whatunga hākinakina pono. To ratou NBA, WNBA, NFL, MLB, NHL, RRM me anake te hākinakina i te ngaro ko te mekemeke. Whakamahia mekemeke ki te hei i runga i nga whatunga, a i ratou whawhai rongonui ki te whawhai rongonui. Kore i te mea tonu e pā ana ki te whitiki rānei. Katahi ka puta ke nga mea, engari e hoatu ana tenei tatou i te whai wāhi ki te kawe mai mekemeke hoki ki te pā pono.”


Anthony Peterson

“E kore au manavasi'i ahau e pā ana ki te mātakitaki i tenei whawhai. Haere noa ahau ki te noho hoki a mataara. A Lamont na rite.


“Danny Ko te toa faahiahia. Ko te i roto i tona DNA, engari Lamont te pera arotahi au māia te haere ia ki te riro ahau.


“Lamont ako ki te whawhai tiaki ahau i runga i te ara.”


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Tikiti mo te takahanga ora, whakatairangatia ana e te e DiBella Entertainment, E utu i $300, $200, $150, $100, $80 a $50, e kore e tae atu utu ratonga hāngai, me te takoha, a kei runga i te hoko i teie nei. E wātea ana i ngā tīkiti, a, i te American Express Box Office i Center Barclays. Ki te ki atu tenei na roto i te waea, karanga Ticketmaster i (800) 745-3000. No te tīkiti rōpū, tēnā karanga 800-GROUP-bk.



Mō ētahi atu pārongo'a'ahi, a, te whai i runga i TwitterPremierBoxing, LouDiBella, DannySwift, @ KingPete26, KidChocolate, AndyLeeBoxing, @RealLuisCollazo, @NBCSports and @BarclaysCenter and become a fan on Facebook at, a A pee i te aparauraa mā te #PremierBoxingChampions me #BKBoxing.

Tāpae UNDERCARD haere mai ana ki Barclays Center ON SATURDAY, APERIRA 11 AS PART o NIGHT super o whawhai

E Dominican OLYMPIC GOLD mētara Pirika Diaz ON Brooklyn'S Gabriel BRACERO


U.S. Maona Marcus Browne me Errol Spence JR.

I roto i te mahi

MORE! THE whakaongaonga Viktor POSTOL ME Tuhinga tūturu Prichard kopirua ME HEATHER Hardy KI TĀURU THE KING

Brooklyn (March 26, 2015) – Kia pai ka māngai superstars o te hakari, me te heke mai i runga i Rāhoroi, April 11 i Center Barclays i roto i te Brooklyn rite te undercard tonu i te mau maona, opuaraa me nga whetu meake nei patua te mowhiti titiro ki te faahoruhoru i te mano Brooklyn.


Ngā te undercard whakaongaonga Olympic Gold mētara mo te he Lepupelika Pirika Diaz whanau Brooklyn-Pakanga Gabriel “Tito” Bracero i roto i te 10-a tawhio noa whakataetae super Kōmāmā. Ētahi atu, te hokinga mai o Brooklyn o ake Luis Collazo, ko wai e whakataetae i roto i te mahi Welterweight.


Whawhai ano ki Center Barclays ko te rua o 2012 U.S. Mau maona, as undefeated prospect “Sir” Marcus Browne e i runga i te mātanga Arona Pryor Jr. me te tākaro Olympic o Browne Errol Spence Jr. hanga i tona tuatahi Brooklyn ki-, he mea patu kotahi Samuel Vargas.


I tua atu i runga i te undercard tāpae te te tino whai whakaaro mai Viktor Postol, me amanaki tūturu Prichard “Keria” Kopirua whawhai Honatana Batista me amanaki tūturu Heather “Ko te Heat” Hardy” e i runga i Renata Domsodi i roto i te a'ee whā super.


“Ko te he honore mo kia whawhai i ahau i roto i te New York no te taime matamua, i Center Barclays. E matau ana ahau ki e haere i te pā Tominikeni ki te haere mai i roto i te ope tonu ki te tautoko i ahau,” Said Diaz. “Bracero Ko te toa uaua, engari i ahau te ao moe taitara, me te tu ana ia i roto i toku ara.”


“Ko te kupu tenei he moe mai pono hoki i ahau,” Said Bracero. “E ora ana ahau i roto i te Sunset Park, tika iho i te poraka i Center Barclays me mauruuru ahau mo ki tenei faingamālie whawhai i roto i te mua o toku pā whenua. Kua ahau i roto i te reinga i roto i te ora, engari e kore kua hoatu e ahau ki runga ki runga ki toku moe. Ki te whakapono koe i roto i koe, Ko taea tetahi. Ko toku iku'anga tenei a ko ahau rite.”


“Au fiefia ki te whawhai ano i Center Barclays. Ua farii au i te tahi o te mau taime tino whakaponohia o toku mahi i reira,” Said Collazo. “Tenei ka toku whawhai wha i Center Barclays me te whakamahere e ahau i runga i hoatu i taku pā pa he rota kia hiamo e pā ana ki runga i April 11.”


“Au harikoa, he whakaongaonga ki te whawhai i Center Barclays mo te waru o nga wa,” Said Browne. “Kei te haere toku hoa, me te whānau ki te haere mai i roto i, me te tautoko i ahau, ano te mahi tonu ratou, engari ko ahau noa atu oaoa ki te waiho i runga i te kāri ki te eé kia maha whakaaro ahau whawhai nui, me toku hoa, ano Kid Chocolate me Lamont Peterson.”


“Fighting i Center Barclays mo te wa tuatahi, ko ha faingamālie nui, me te whakamahere e ahau ki runga ki te hanga i te nuinga o te reira,” Na ka mea a Spence Jr. “Kei te haere ahau ki te pakeke te mahi i roto i te puni ki te hoatu i runga i te whakaatu nui mo nga pā i roto i Brooklyn.”


“I whanau ahau, ka whakaarahia i roto i Brooklyn, a ko reira he honore kia karangatia ki hoki ki te whawhai i roto i toku oire i Center Barclays,” Said Hardy. “E rapu ana whakamua ahau ki te maka ana i runga i te whakaatu nui mo nga pā i runga i April 11.”


“Ahau rawa oaoa e pā ana ki tenei kāri, me nga kāinga katoa i runga i te undercard. Collazo Ko te toa me te tangata nui, e aroha ana i te pā ki te mataara,” Na ka mea a Lou DiBella, Peresideni o DiBella Entertainment, kaiwhakatairanga o te hui. “Pirika Diaz versus Gabriel Bracero ko te pupūtanga New York, ki te mētara koura Dominican Olympic i te Bronx e anga ana i te “Nuyorican” i Sunset Park, Brooklyn. Ano, te ahua Brooklyn tuatahi o 2012 Ka Häkinakina Errol Spence he whāki i mau mo nga pā. Tāpiri whetu maranga rite Marcus Browne Staten Island o me te ake Heather Hardy o Brooklyn, te wahine tuatahi o DBE, a to koutou nga makings o te hiko, ta'etuku po o te mahi.”

“Ko te ngakau o te mekemeke i Center Barclays ko nga kaimekemeke nui rohe e whawhai i roto i to tatou mowhiti,” Na ka mea a Brett Yormark, Tumu o Center Barclays. “To tatou April 11 kāri e kore anake e whakaorangia matchups primetime nui, engari e hoatu ana e rave rahi o toku whawhai tino, tae atu Luis Collazo me Marcus Browne, te whai wāhi ki te whakaatu i ō rātou pūkenga i roto i to ratou whenua. Kei te ana tēnei haere ana ki te he po whakaongaonga mō te Brooklyn Boxing.”


Tenei rārangi whakaongaonga o pāngia undercard ka kīnaki i te Pirimia mekemeke Champions (PBC) on NBC primetime main event bouts featuring undefeated superstar Danny “Swift” Garcia (29-0, 17 Koó) e anga Lamont Peterson (33-2-1, 17 Koó) and the middleweight championship bout between “Irish” Andy Lee (34-2, 24 Koó) a tūturu Peter “Chocolate Kid” Quillin (31-0, 22 Koó). Ko te utunga tuarua o PBC i te NBC haamata i 8:30 p.m. AND.


Tikiti mo te takahanga ora, whakatairangatia ana e te e DiBella Entertainment, E utu i $300, $200, $150, $100, $80 a $50, e kore e tae atu utu ratonga hāngai, me te takoha, a kei runga i now.Tickets hoko e wātea i, a, i te American Express Box Office i Center Barclays. Ki te ki atu tenei na roto i te waea, karanga Ticketmaster i (800) 745-3000. No te tīkiti rōpū, tēnā karanga 800-GROUP-bk.


He Häkinakina rua-wā e tohu ana i te he Lepupelika, Diaz (16-0, 8 Koó) riro te mētara koura i te rua o ona kēmu Olympic i roto i 2008 i roto i te Beijing. Whawhai Na i roto i te Bronx, titiro te-tau 31-tau ki te noho tūturu tonu, ka e ia ki runga ki Bracero i runga i April 11. Tenei whawhai e tohu i tona wa tuatahi whawhai i roto i te New York me ia e kore te feaa e hiahia ana ki te faahoruhoru i te pā i roto i tona pa home whāngai.


Whanau Brooklyn-te Bracero (23-1, 4 Koó) Kua mahi tona ara ki hoko ko ha nguha i roto i te wehenga Welterweight teina. Ka haere mai tona mate anake i roto i te 2012 ki DeMarcus Corley, engari kua turapa ia ki te riro i tona whakamutunga e rima whawhai, tae atu ki tona wikitoria tata te nuinga i runga i nguha taitara mua Dmitriy Salita. Na, faaineine ia ki te hanga tetahi tauākī ki Pirika Diaz i roto i tona tuatahi Center Barclays.


Ko tētahi o whawhai a Brooklyn tino i teie mahana, Collazo (35-6, 18 Koó) Ka whai kia ki te tiki i hoki i runga i te ara, ka tomo ia ki te mowhiti i runga i April 11. I te Mei o 2015 Collazo fehangahangai Amir Khan i roto i te pakeke whawhai 12-a tawhio noa mate whakatau loto, Ka ngangau i te wini pūkenga e wha-whawhai. Kaua rawa e ka parekura karapīpiti, whakapono te onepü o Collazo e hoatu i tana mano pa ki a ia te whakanui hiahia ia ki te tiki i te wini.


I whakatata ia tona record waru ahua i Center Barclays, te 2012 U.S. HäkinakinaBrowne (13-0, 10 Koó) Kei te longo hoko ki hōu tūruhi o te mekemeke. Hinga kore ano he ngaio, ki e rima knockouts i roto i te te mowhiti Center Barclays, whakaaturia te Māori Staten Island kua te nui here whawhai ia i roto i tona iāri. Anga Browne te-tau 36-tau Pryor Jr.(19-7, 12 Koó) i Cincinnati i roto i te a'ee taumahamaha o te marama.


A 2012 U.S. Häkinakina nei i te mahi runaruna tino whakapaipai, Spence Jr. (15-0, 12 Koó) i Desoto, Texas, Kei te titiro ki te noho tūturu tonu, me te haere tonu ki te hanga i tētahi ingoa mo ia i roto i te hākinakina. Whanau Columbus-te hinaaro te whawhai 25-tau-tau Vargas (20-1, 10 Koó) whawhai i roto i Ontario, Canada.


He i roto i-tau 31-tau o Kiev, Ukraine Postol (26-0, 11 Koó) kua hanga he ingoa mo ia i rite ki tetahi o nga tangata tino wehi i roto i te wehenga super Kōmāmā. Ka anake whawhai rua i roto i te USA i mua i, April 11 Ko te whai wāhitanga nui hoki ki a Postol te hanga i tētahi tauākī i runga i te oneone American. I muri i te wikitoria fakafiefia mo Selcuk Aydin i Mei 2014, Primed Postol mo te nui 2015.


Fighting i roto i Puerto Rico, te nohopuku-aranga Kopirua (13-0, 10 Koó) hanga i tona ahua tuarua i Center Barclays i runga i April 11 i muri i tūtahi Lenwood Dozier i Brooklyn en route ki te whakatau e ono-a tawhio i roto i August 2014. Ko te-tawhito-tau 22 ka fehangahangai te-tau 30-tauKaiiriiri (14-5, 7 Koó) i roto i te Lepupelika i roto i te super mahi Welterweight.


Kua ki te toa o te kēmu mekemeke wahine tuatahi-ake ngaio i Center Barclays,Hardy (12-0, 2 Koó) hoki i runga i April 11 titiro ki te pupuri i tana record tino tonu. Tana wikitoria o mua i Center Barclays haere mai i roto i te Pipiri 2014 ka riro ia i te whakatau wahia ki runga Jackie Trivilino. Te nuinga tata, riro ia i te whakatau loto ngoi ki Elizabeth Anderson i Hakihea 2014. Titiro ia ki te pupuri i taua torohaki haere i runga i April 11 ka anga ia i te Renata Domsodi (12-6, 5 KO o) i roto i o Budapest, Hungary i roto i te whakataetae mā whā super.


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Mō ētahi atu pārongo'a'ahi, a, te whai i runga i TwitterPremierBoxing, LouDiBella, DannySwift, @ KingPete26, KidChocolate, AndyLeeBoxing, @RealLuisCollazo, @NBCSports and @BarclaysCenter and become a fan on Facebook at, a A pee i te aparauraa mā te #PremierBoxingChampions me #BKBoxing.

Mamae Zimbabwe mekemeke Project Lion Heart o Heoi tētahi atu haamahutaraa i

New York, NY, March 26, 2015-Lion Heart mekemeke Productions’ gallant effort to resuscitate professional boxing in Zimbabwe may have been dealt a fatal blow. The Zimbabwe Boxing Board’s unexplained failure to act on a request by the company for permission to stage a boxing tournament in Harare may be the final straw that broke the camel’s back on the company’s “Zim Project.


I roto i te Hakihea o 2014, Lion Heart’s Board of Directors met and resolved to have one final go developing Boxing in Zimbabwe by exploring the possibility of promoting a quarterly boxing series in Harare starting in April 2015. Ka rite ki te hua, te kamupene faaoti ki te unga tona CFO, Edward Mendy, ki Zimbabwe tēra ki tetahi anake whāinga-te tirotiro i te whaihuanga o te hautū i te whakataetae mekemeke i Harare kia puritia i runga i April 16 ranei April 23, 2015 i roto i te taha ki te 35 whakanui Day Independence o Zim, or other date as feasible. Ancillary to same, Tēra Mendy i ki te whai ake: (1) te whakaū i te rā, (2) mau i te wāhi, (3) book Zim boxers to feature in the Main Event, a / ranei hui tahi-matua, a (4) whakaaetanga poari haumaru ki te manaaki i te kaupapa.


Ko te Takahanga Main o te Mei e whakaarohia 2015 inaugural event was slated to feature Former Two Time British Champion and Two Time Commonwealth Champion Danny Williams (46-18) tango i te ake Thamsanqa Dube o Bulawayo (12-3), a former WBA Pan-African Champion. In the Co-Main Event, Namibia me mua World Champion Harry Simon (30-0) was selected to take on an opponent to be announced. The Undercard was to be highlighted by a special feature boutWBC Africa Welterweight Charles Manyuchi (15-2) ko te ki te paruru i tona taitara i runga i te oneone te kāinga mo te wa tuatahi tonu tika te mahi i te whawhai whakatauranga ranei (raro ki te whakaae o tana Zambian kaiwhakatairanga Chris Malunga me ana hoa). Manyuchi is currently the most internationally recognized Zimbabwean Boxer and has been plying his trade in neighboring Zambia since 2012 for lack of options at home. The event would have been broadcasted live on ZTV and streamed live worldwide on the Internet. I tua atu, e te kaupapa kua rebroadcasted i runga i te kaupapa roa mā takere hākinakina rohe i roto i te USA, e tae ki runga 165 Miriona mau fare taura American (mo 100 Miriona mau fare ahurei) te whakamahi i Lion Heart Boxing Productions’ established contractual relationships. I tua atu, inumia te hui i ki kia tātahi rohe me i roto i te tahi atu hokohoko, te ao rite whaihua.


I roto i te ake o hiahia Zimbabwe te kamupene o, Mendy mahue New York no te Harare i te Hui-tanguru 26, 2015 on exploratory mission. He was received warmly by Zimbabweans of walks of life and spent a very enjoyable and productive ten days in Zimbabwe, visiting various cities and meeting with people. Lion Heart was able to achieve all of the stated goals except the last one, mau tautoko ZBB mo te kaupapa e whakaarohia ana, ahakoa te hui tuatahi whakaritea i runga i kaupapa o Mendy ko te Poari. Kia aroha mai, kihai noa kihai i te Mekemeke Poari Zimbabwe whakarato i te kamokamo taketake, e kore e ara karanga te reira i te hui mana o te Poari ki te farii i Mendy tepu Lion Heart o ranei mahere. Ki te rā, a toru wiki i muri mai, Lion Heart has not received any correspondence from the Board on its application to host an event in May. The only information it has received relative to the event is from media reports, ki te pānga e hiahia te Poari wa ake ki te whiriwhiringa.


Nā ki te aro-kore o te ZBB, Lion Heart regrettably has decided to put its Zim Project on hold indefinitely. Says Lion Heart Event Coodinator Sporty Smith, “We have no choice but to put our Zim Project on hold since the ZBB has failed to afford us the smallest of professional courtesy. We can understand a Board’s refusal to sanction an event it does not like it. A failure by a Board to reply, whakatutuki ngā rā kati whakaarohia reira, a te kore kore ki te communcate, Heoi, is unheard of. Not only was the board frosty in its welcome of Edward Mendy, it would not even convene a meeting of the board even though advance arrangements were made with it. I tua atu, the Board would not even give us the courtesy of a response despite numerous follow-up inquiries. What is most shocking about the whole thing, mahi o te ZBB (ranei inactions), Kei te e kore te rite i te reira i te ZBB kua whakatakotoria tetahi mau ohipa mekemeke tūturu i roto i tona wā o nāianei, he wā tau e toru-e pau i roto i te Hakihea, ranei kua whakaritea i tetahi mau ohipa mekemeke i runga i tona maramataka. E kore ano e tetahi whakatairanga atu i te Raiona Heart patoto i runga i nga tatau o te Poari ranei, e ngana ana ki te whakatairanga i ngā kaupapa mekemeke i Zimbabwe. Ko te kupu, e raruraru ana mo'oni hoatu matou i te pōwhiri tino mahana me te ngākau he pūkōrero to tatou kaupapa te kore riro mai i kaimekemeke, kaiwhakangungu, te tahi atu mau melo o te o te hapori mekemeke, nga pāpāho, tourism and other government officials as well as ordinary Zimbabweans. Basically we have a Boxing Board that has seen no boxing events in its current term, heoi e kore e te mea i mahi i runga i te takahanga mekemeke tūturu anake whakatakotoria ki mua i te reira, me te whakataetae nui whakaarohia ki te tīmatanga ao i taua.”


Tautooraa Lion Heart o ki te tauturu i te whakawhanake i te hākinakina o Boxing i Zimbabwe, te “Zim Project,” Kua hora ki runga i te tekau tau. In addition to sponsoring various tournaments in Zimbabwe over the last decade, Kua ngana Lion Heart Mekemeke Productions me ona rangatira ki te āwhina i mua i te mahi o te maha kaimekemeke TIMUWAWE, tae atu ka tūturu Thamsanqa Dube me Ihimaera Kuckocha, na roto i te tautoko ia ratou no te faahaere i to ratou whakangungu me mahi i roto i te USA. Heoi, ahakoa te mea e whakapono ana te reira ki te waiho ona mau tautooraa pai, A kua Lion Heart Mekemeke Productions tino iti angitu me ona Project Zim me he kahore iti ranei ki te whakaatu mo ona mau tautooraa nānā ki te tauturu i te ahunga whakamua Boxing i Zimbabwe.


Kihai i ngā tauwhāinga Boxing i Zimbabwe e Lion Heart tautoko whakatutuki i te hua pūtea e hiahiatia ana. I tua atu, ngā kaiwhakatairanga rohe me hoa TIMUWAWE (atu i te Gilbert Munetsi) that Lion Heart Boxing Productions had contracted with over the years had turned out to be unreliable and unproductive. Many of local promoters and partners promised much and delivered little. I tua atu, the Zimbabwe Boxing Board would not approve the signing of any of the fighters that Lion Heart had interest in the 2000’s. Te nuinga tata, Whakaae Lion Heart ki te tauturu i te kaiwhakatairanga iti rohe, Delta Force Whakatairanga, with an event he planned by securing the event’s purse money and depositing same with the Boxing Board. The local Promoter, Heoi, was unable to organize the event to the Board’s satisfaction. After that experience, Lion Heart te hopea whakatauria i roto i te 2014 to give up on its Zim Project. Heoi, I whakaae Lion Heart e Chit Town kaituhi e hāngai ana, me te Poari ZBB mua Mema Gilbert Munetsi ki te vilitaki i roto i ona mahi Zim, ka pupuri i runga i te mahi i runga i te Zim Project.


Ta CFO kamupene Edward Mendy, “Hei faitotonu, equal credit for our perseverance on the Zim Project should go to Gilbert Munetsi and I. But for our continued pleading and my obstinacy in the face of adversity, Lion Heart e kua roa poroa tona waitaua ki Zimbabwe Boxing.”


Ange Mendy, “I muri i runga i nga tau kotahi tekau o te mahi i waho te angitu i runga i to tatou Zim Project, to tatou kore o te angitu i roto i te ngana ana ki te haina i ngā kaimekemeke Zim ki te kawe ki te USA i roto i 2004-2005, te te tokomaha ki Cox Chigwana i roto i 2013 me to tatou atu tata tautooraa tutuki ki te āwhina Clyde Musonda me tona Delta Mekemeke Productions whiwhi ratou hui o nga whenua o roto i 2013-14, tatou noa i ki te kanohi i te mooni e kore ai Zimbabwe e no tatou. Our trials and tribulations in Zimbabwe are well-documented, covered in great part by the Zim media and well-known to members of the current Board. While I am not one to give up easily, I learnt a long time ago that there is really no sound business reason for force a promotion in a jurisdiction with an unfriendly board. This is very unfortunate considering the scale of the proposed May event, tona pea ki te jumpstart Boxing i Zimbabwe, ka mahi ano he waka mō te tauwhiro Sports Tourism, te ngākau o te tahi atu ngä kaiwhaipänga me te nui nui o te mahi hoatu kē i roto i te Zim Project.”


Mō Whakatairanga Lion Heart Boxing (te kaiwhakatairanga)

Lion Heart mekemeke Productions te hāngai ao Mekemeke kaiwhakatairanga, me Sports Entertainment Company i roto i te US. Whakaturia te kamupene i runga i roto i 2001 mo te whakaaro anake o te whakarato ngā kaupapa kounga runga ki teitei uara whakangahau, me kua whakatairangatia ana ngā huihuinga mekemeke i te wha fenua. Ko te Kamupene hohoro roaa te rongo, he kaihanga o te kounga tiketike whawhai, me te pai te whakaute hoki tona maimoatanga ataahua o whawhai, me te ū ki te whawhai’ tika.


A Lion Heart Mekemeke Productions kua rite ki tetahi o ona pou mo te kawenga rangatōpū he motuhake pānga i roto i te āwhina ki te whakawhanake i te takaro o te mekemeke i roto i Africa. Tenei moni arahina reira ki te whakatairanga i te mekemeke i Zimbabwe, me whenua Awherika ki te he hawhe tatini, katoa ki taumata o te angitu.


Mōhiohio Whakapā

Mō ētahi atu pārongo e pā ana ki Lion Heart Boxing Productions, Ltd., Rāpare Whawhai te po @ yas Island, ranei te Rāpare Raupapa whawhai Night, tēnā karanga Edward B. Mendy, Āpiha Pūtea Chief, i +973-650-9721 tuhituhi ranei ki a ia ranei 11 Eric Drive, Kinnelon, Nj 07405.


Las Vegas (March 26, 2015) – Ko te pai po o whawhai ngā WBC mā whitu World Champion Jhonny Gonzalez (57-8, 48 Koó)parururaa i tona taitara ki tino te whakaaro ka nguha Gary Russell Jr. (25-1, 14 Koó) a runga contenders 154-pauna Jermell Charlo (25-0, 11 Koó) a Vanes Martirosyan (35-1-1, 21 Koó) offwill squaring kia awhina hoki i tētahi ki tonu te po i te undercard whawhai ngā whawhai o te piha haapiiraa tuatahi i roto i te matchups uaua.


Haere reira wawe, a kahore e mahue i te meneti o te mahi kia rite tatau i te Poe i te Poe i nikau Casino Resort tuwhera i 2 p.m. PT ki te whawhai tuatahi tīmata noa minuti i muri.


Utu tikiti mo te hui ora e i $200, $100, $75, $50, a $25, e hāngai ana roa

He utu i runga i te hoko i teie nei. Kia Tickets kia hokona mā te te karanga Ticketmaster i (800) 745-3000ranei te pāwhiri HERE. E hoki Tickets te ipurangi i


Gonzalez vs. Russell a Charlo vs. Tags ora Martirosyan i te SHOWTIME® i 10 p.m. AND/7 p.m. PT.


Ngā te undercard whakaongaonga teina o Jermell, Jermall Charlo (20-0, 16 Koó),titiro ki te pupuri i ana record tūturu tonu ki te kaha Michael Finney (12-2-1, 10 Koó) i roto i te 10-a tawhio noa Welterweight super a'ee.


I roto i te mahi hoki, ko te J'Leon Love (18-1, 10 Koó), nei hoki ki te mowhiti i muri i te mamae tona mate tuatahi, a ka titiro ki te tiki i hoki i roto i te tīwae win ki te hōia whakaongaonga Scott Sigmon (24-6-1, 13 Koó) i roto i te 10 rauna o super mahi whitu.


Ko tētahi atu toa tūturu whakaongaonga, Ronald Gavril (11-0, 9 Koó), Ka whakataetae i roto i te 8-a tawhio whitu super a'ee.


Mua kaiwero-ao taitara Ko te Hiha (26-2, 17 Koó)hanga ana 2015 tuatahi, no ia tapawhā atu ki te taitama, me te tiketike Hiha Juarez (15-3, 13 Koó) i roto i te a'ee whā whakaritea hoki 8 rauna.


I roto i te atu mahi undercard, amanaki tūturu Thomas Hill (2-0) Ka titiro ki te pupuri i tana record ngaio tino ki Jeremiah Whārangi (2-1, 2 Koó) i roto i te 4-a tawhio noa Welterweight super a'ee.


Te whakaawhiwhi i te po te he pakanga o te super lightweights mātanga i waenganui i Levan Ghvamichava (13-1-1, 10 Koó) a Derrick Findley (21-14-1, 13 Koó) whakataetae i roto i te a'ee 6-a tawhio.


Tino me te tūturu,te Jermall-tau 24-tau Charlo Kei te primed hoki te whai wāhitanga taitara ao me tona teina,. Noho ia i roto i tūturu 2014 ki te whakaora tino mo Hector Muñoz, Norberto Gonzalez a Lenny Bottai. Ka tangohia te Houston-Māori i runga i te-tau 23-tau Finney i roto i o Opelka, Alabama, titiro ki te maongo kotahi ano.


Ko te nguha runga nei i runga i te pareparenga o te whawhai taitara ao i mua i te mamae tona mate tuatahi, te-tau 27-tau Te aroha Ko te ngakau ki te tiki i hoki i roto i te whakakai me hoki i roto i te tīwae win i runga i March 28. I mua i tona mate, Te aroha hoatu i runga i te whakaatu mekemeke faahiahia i runga i tona ara ki te whakatau loto mo Marco Antonio Periban i Mei 2014. E ia i runga i te ngangau te whakamatautau te whawhai--tau 28-tau i roto i te Bedford, Virginia o Sigmon i noho nei i roto i ki te whawhai runga tae atu Kelly Pavlik puta noa i tona mahi.


Ko tētahi atu toa i whanau ki waho i te U.S. engari whawhai inaianei i roto i Las Vegas, Whanau Romanian-Gavril ki te artist knockout ki te record tūturu ōrite. Ko te ka tamata mo tona knockout tika te rima i roto i te rarangi-tawhito-tau 28.


He mauroa ka nguha whawhai i roto i Puerto Rico, Ko tenei te pae hopea ka tana pere taitara ao tuatahi i roto i Dec. 2013 engari ngaro te whakatau loto ki Leo Santa Cruz. Poipoia hoki ia ki te wikitoria mo Alex Rangel i roto i 2014 a inaianei e te 29-tau-tawhito i runga i te kuao ngangau i roto i te-tau 23-tau Juarez i roto i Mexico City.


He 'amanaki tūturu nei i hanga i tona tuatahi pro i roto i te Aug. 2014, te 20-tau-tau Hill Ka titiro ki te rere i roto i hoariri tonu i runga i March 28. Anga ana te Milwaukee-Māori te-tau 21-tau Whārangi i roto i o Wichita, Kansas.


Ko te whawhai tuatahi o te po, ko te tino ki te kawe mai pahū rite e rua whawhai mātanga whawhai te reira i roto i roto i te wehenga super Kōmāmā. Te tuatahi i roto i a Potiwhera, Georgia engari whawhai inaianei i roto i o Hayward, Calif., Ghvamichava Kei te titiro ki te tiki te toru o tona wikitoria i roto i te rarangi. Ka whai i te toa te whakamatautau te whawhai-te 29-tau-tau e tu ana i roto i tona ara i roto i te-tau 30-tau Findley i roto i o Chicago.


Gonzalez vs. Russell e wahi i te Poe i nikau Casino Resort i Las Vegas, a ka rangi ki runga ki SHOWTIME (10 p.m. AND/7 p.m. PT). I roto i te hui tahi-matua, E Jermell Charlo i runga i Vanes Martirosyan i roto i te super mahi Welterweight. Ka hoki te telecast SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING wātea i roto i te reo Pāniora mā hōtaka audio Tuarua (SAP).


Mō ētahi atu pārongo, toronga, te whai i runga i Twitter iSHOSports, jhonnygbox, mrgaryrusselljr, TwinCharlo, LouDiBella MePearlAtPalms, te whai i te whakahaere mā te whakamahi i #GonzalezRussell, riro i te tahi i runga i Facebook 'a'ahi ki te Blog SHOWTIME mekemeke i ranei