Category Archives: mekemeke

PBC – Whakahokia te rauna Next ki te tāwhana TV me Paraire. E whitu. 18 i 9 p.m. ET i te katoa te rā Live I Full te rā University I Winter Park, Fla.

Āhuatanga Takahanga Main whitu tekau whawhai
Fernando Guerrero a Karepe Truax
Co-Main Ko Welterweights whakaongaonga
Jamal James & Juan Carlos Abreu
Ētahi atu
Tūturu Rising Star Erickson Lubin Ka hari i te
A Mexico Orlando Lora
Fred Hickman (CNN Sports, ESPN) Mano ora Telecast,
Fran Charles (MLB Whatunga, NFL Whatunga) Waea Whakatangihia-i-Whakatangihia,
Austin taraute whakarato Tātaritanga
Atlanta (August 21, 2015) – Middleweights whakaongaonga Fernando Guerrero (27-3, 19 Koó) a Karepe “Golden” Truax (25-2-2,15 Koó) tutuku i roto i te evet matua 10-a tawhio noa rite Te Pirimia mekemeke Champions – Ko te rauna Panuku hoki ki Patupatu TV, ki te roma ora i runga i, i runga i Rāmere, E whitu. 18 i 9:00 p.m. (AND).
I roto i te hui tahi-matua, tūturu amanaki Welterweight Jamal James (17- 0, 9 Koó) e i runga i te kaha Juan Carlos “Meringue” Abreu (18-1, 17 Koó). The opening fight pits undefeated rising star Erickson “Ko te Hammer” Lubin (11-0, 8 Koó) ki Mexico o Orlando Lora (31-5-3, 19 Koó).
Fred Hickman (CNN Sports, ESPN) ka mahi ano i rite ki te ope o Patupatu TV a PBC – Ko te rauna Panuku, ia Fran Charles (MLB Whatunga, NFL Whatunga) karanga te mahi pupuhi-i-pupuhi, and former Super Welterweight World Champion Austin “No te feaa” Taraute ki te whakarato i te matauranga, me te tātari.
PBC – Ko te rauna Panuku, whakatairangatia ana e te Warriors Boxing, Ka tango i te wahi i te katoa te rā Live, te kāwanatanga-o-te-toi mahi wāhi i runga i te whare wānanga o University te rā Full i Winter Park, Florida. Te raupapa whakaatu whetu heke mai o te hākinakina o me toa. Ko te tuatahitia raupapa i runga i August 2 Ko te angitu knockout, te whakatakoto i tētahi record viewership Patupatu TV mo te telecast kotahi.
Tickets mo te hui ora kei runga i te hoko i teie nei, a kua utu i $50 no te nohoanga i rahuitia, me te $25 no te whakauru whānui me te taea te hokona e karanga Warriors Boxing i(954) 985-1155 ranei mā te toro Taea hoki te hokona tīkiti i roto i Ticket Force i karanga (877) 840-0457.
I roto i te hui matua o tenei PBC – Ko te rauna Panuku, te mua kaiwero taitara ao, Kei te titiro Guerrero ki te hanga atu o te kaha i Aperahama Han i Paenga-whāwhā, me te ki tetahi atu whawhai taitara. Dominican Republic born Guerrero currently fights out of Los Angeles, Pērā i.
Fanauhia i roto i te Osseo, Minnesota, Truax is an experienced veteran who has fought professionally since 2007. Whawhai te nuinga i roto i te kāwanatanga i tona whare o Minnesota, i hinga ia i roto i tona tuatahi 19 pro whawhai, i roaa ia he 2012 whawhai ki a Jermain Taylor. Truax dropped a tough decision to Taylor, a kua mai hoatu tahi i te 7-1-1 record. Truax’s only losses have come from world champions and he looks to get back in world title contention with an impressive performance on the PBCKo te rauna Panuku.
I roto i te hui tahi-matua, he Welterweight te roa i te 6′ 2″, Hinga James te rite ki te ngaio. Whawhai i roto i Minneapolis, kua kua e ia te wikitoria e rua i roto i 2015, engari anga te whakamātautau nui o tona mahi, ina anga ia Abreu i runga i Mahuru 18.
Whakawhanakehia Abreu kua he ingoa ano he kaitoi knockout, ka mutu tekau o tona whakamutunga 12 hoariri i roto i te tawhiti. Ko te Santo Domingo, Tangohia Dominican Republic Maori kua heke iho whawhai mua hinga Miguel Taveras, Aperahama Peralta a Puro Pairol i tona mahi-tau e rima.
Ka rite ki te whawhai whakatuwheratanga o te PBC – Ko te rauna Panuku, he tino-i hopohopo ki amanaki ki he kāhua whakaongaonga, kua pakaru te Lubin-tau 19-tawhito ki runga i te scene titiro ki te whai wāhi me te hoariri mutu wawe. Since November 2014, i ia 2 knockouts matamua-a tawhio noa, ka outclassed 2 hoia mātanga. He will be fighting just outside of his hometown of Orlando, Florida, ka e ia i runga i Lora i runga i Mahuru 18.
Whawhai i roto i Sinaloa, Mexico, Titiro Lora ki te hanga i taua mea whakaora tika e toru i roto i te 2015 ina e ia i runga i Lubin. He toa fehangahangai ao pērā i Keith Thurman me Paulie Malignaggi, Ka tumanako te Lora pai-whakamatauria ki te tango Lubin ki nga wai hohonu, no ratou tapawha-atu.
Mō ētahi atu pārongo'a'ahi, te whai i runga i Twitter @ PremierBoxing, BounceTV, FernandoDomini, GoldenCalebT, EricksonHammerLWarriorsBoxingPromFullsail MeSwanson_Comm me te whai i te aparauraa te whakamahi i #PBConBounce, riro i te tahi i runga i Facebook,
Bounce TV is carried on the broadcast signals of local television stations and corresponding cable carriage. Bounce TV is the fastest-growing African-American (AA) kötuitui i runga i te pouaka whakaata, me te ngā i te ranunga hötaka o taketake, me te atu-whatunga raupapa, pikitia nekehanga tapere, motuhake, ora hākinakina me te ake. Bounce TV has grown to be available in more than 85 miriona mau fare puta noa 90 mākete me 90% Awherika utuafare pouaka whakaata American o — tae katoa o te mākete pouaka runga AA. I roto i nga kaiwhakatū o te Patupatu TV he whika rongonui Amerika Ambassador Andrew Young, a Martin Luther King III. No te wāhi hongere rohe, toronga

GH3 Whakatairanga O'Shanique Foster, me te Lavarn Harvell i roto i te mahi i runga i te pō o te Rāhoroi i roto i Washington, DC

Nutley, Nj (August 21, 2015) – Po apopo i Te Tai Tokerau Hall i Te Tai Rāwhiti Market i Washington, D.C, e rua whawhai i raro i te kainga GH3 Whakatairanga ka i roto i te mahi i runga i te kāri e whakatairangatia ana e te Jeter Whakatairanga.

Marama Heavyweight Lavarn Harvell (14-1, 7 KO o) o Atlantic City, Ka tangohia New Jersey i runga i Quincy Miner o Kansas City i roto i te a'ee whakaritea mō te 6-rauna.

JR. Kōmāmā O'Shanique Foster (6-0, 3 KO o) o Houston, Ka tangohia Texas i runga i Frank Horano i roto i te a'ee 4-a tawhio noa.

Ka waiho ko te tuatahi mo Foster i raro i nga Whakatairanga GH3 Banner te a'ee.

O'Shanique Foster
O'Shanique Foster

Taumahamaha AO Tuhinga DEONTAY Wilder ME Johann DUHAUPAS ōkawa whakaatu i to raua toa PREMIER BOXING ON NBC pupūtanga AT Birmingham PRESS AMUIRAA

Whawhai ki te waharoa o Off Mahuru 26 Live From Legacy Arena in BirminghamOn NBC At 8:30 P.M. AND/5:30 P.M. PT
Pāwhiritia HERE No te Photos
Credit: Heather Durham
Birmingham, AL (August 21, 2015) – Taumahamaha o te Ao Champion Deontay “Ko te rererangi Bronze” Wilder (34-0, 33 Koó) whakahaerehia te amuiraa press inanahi ki te kauwhau ōkawa tona Pirimia Boxing Champions (PBC) on NBC bout taking place Rāhoroi, Mahuru 26 ki Johann “Ngārara” Duhaupas (32-2, 20 Koó) i Arena Legacy i Birmingham.
Wilder ka tiakina e tona taitara mo te rua o nga wa i roto i te kāwanatanga i tona whare. Duhaupas, ko wai kua kahore i mutu, tūmanako ki te whakatara i te taumahatanga, ka mahi i te mea kua rite, kahore hoariri o mua ki a Wilder – puta te wikitoria.
Ka tohu tēnei whawhai i te hokinga mai o te taumahamaha mekemeke aito te ao i roto i te primetime ki NBC. Ko te a'ee tuatahi taumahamaha taitara i roto i te primetime i runga i NBC mai i Mei tenei 20, 1985, ka tetahi toa ao taumahamaha o tūturu Amerika, Larry Holmes, awhina tona taitara ki Carl Williams i Reno, Nevada ki te kaipāho rongonui Marv Albert i runga i te karanga, pera me ka waiho e ia ki runga ki Mahuru 26. Na, Titiro Wilder ki te tiki ake te wahi i mahue atu Holmes, ka whakaora-ao te piha mahi taumahamaha tika ki te pā hākinakina’ ruma ora.
Tikiti mo te takahanga, whakatairangatia ana e te e DiBella Entertainment i roto i te feohi ki Bruno Team Takahanga, tīmata i te tika $25 a kei runga i te hoko i teie nei. No te tīkiti haere ki
Quotes Mai Rāpare o Press Conference:
“Ngā kore i te patototanga e ia i roto i tae noa ki inaianei. Ko e tonu te whāinga hopea ina ahau i roto i reira ki toku hoa tauwhainga, ki te tango ia ratou ki raro. Ko e pehea i whiwhi toku ingoa i roto i reira, i roto i knockouts, a ka hiahia ahau ki te pupuri i taua faufaa ai'a haere.
“Ko te nui hoki ahau ki te patoto i toku hoa tauwhainga whakamutunga i roto i, me te inaianei ahau i runga i te spree knockout.
“Taku pā pa homai ki ahau te torohaki me te pūngao ki te ki kia nui i te mea i mea ai ahau tonu.
“Ko te ballgame rerekē ina e koe pā ana ki te heavyweights tenei. Ngā haere mai katoa ki te tiki te mea i ahau. Ahau rite i te reira. Aroha ana ahau ki te reira mau. He pai ahau he o te ao tino hiahia, i roto i te ara pai.
“I te whawhai whakamutunga, I electrifying i te pūngao i roto i reira. Ko te na nui. Ko te iwi kia hyped a taea e koe ite i te hau i roto i reo o te iwi haere a tawhio noa, ka karanga ratou ki toku ingoa. Na e te tetahi o nga mea ka whai koutou whawhai i te toa i te kāinga. E koe kia nui te aroha, me te tautoko.”
“'Oku Oaoa ki te hei hanga i toku waiata US, me te whawhai mo te taitara taumahamaha te ao i roto i te po kotahi ahau. Ko te whai wāhitanga nui o toku mahi tenei a haere ahau ki te tango i te rawa o te reira.
“Deontay Ko te whakataetae nui, engari au e haere mai ahau ki tenei whawhai rite ki te hanga mea tino uaua hoki ki a ia.
“Whakamahere ahau i runga i brining i te taitara ki te kainga ki France.”
Jay nehenehe, A Wilder Trainer
“Te reira i te-i te ra, te ra-, pereki-i-pereki ki te oraraa e te toa ao.
“Te haere ki te waiho i te whawhai uaua. Ngā kahore i mutu ia i te aroaro o. Te haere mai atu e ia te wikitoria nui o tona mahi ki Manuel Charr. Ko te nui tenei, whawhai nui, me te ki te kia te haere i te reira tika i roto i te konei Birmingham.
“Ko toku tika tonu wero ki te pā tenei: Tenei ko te wahi e hiahia ana matou ki te hei. E hiahia ana matou ki te hei i roto i te Alabama. E hiahia ana matou Deontay ki te whai i tona pūreirei te kāinga i roto i te Alabama. E hiahia ana mātou ki te whakaatu i te ao he aha e taea e Alabama mahi i runga i te TV ao. E hiahia ana matou ki te whakaatu ki a ratou i te undercard takatu taitamariki e haere ake ana, a matou e hiahia ana te reira katoa tika i konei. Ka taea e anake e tupu, ki te he ki tonu tenei wahi.”
MAYOR WILLIAM BELL, Koromatua o te pa o Birmingham
“Iwi i te katoa i runga i te whenua e karanga kua mō ruma hotel. Wawe e taea e ratou te tiki i roto i te? He whakaongaonga hoki tatou pa, tenei.
“Te iwi i korero e pā ana ki te whawhai tuatahi, a kihai noa huri noa i te whenua. I korero ai ratou ki reira a tawhio noa te ao.”
# # #
PBC i te NBC returns with a 12-round heavyweight world title clash between Deontay Wilder and Johann Duhaupas. I roto i te hui tahi-matua o te ahiahi, e whetu tūturu Omar Figueroa i runga i te toa o mua ao Antonio DeMarco i te 12-rauna o te mahi super ono tekau. Whakatairangatia ana te hui e DiBella Entertainment i roto i te feohi ki Bruno Team Takahanga. Haamata te telecast i 8:30 p.m. AND/5:30 p.m. Ora PT i Arena tawhito i roto i Birmingham, Alabama.
Mō ētahi atu pārongo, toronga, a, te whai i runga i TwitterPremierBoxing, LouDiBella, @BronzeBomber and @NBCSports and become a fan on Facebook at, a

Global Sports Romaroma, he whatunga hākinakina hou, whakarewa te reira whakaatu ora tuatahi, “Best I roto i te mekemeke.”

Mekemeke hōtaka mo te ao mamati

Tuatahi “Best i Mekemeke” Whawhai Night, Rāmere August 28 i
Tijuana, Mexico

Kia tukuna tonutia atu

Las Vegas, NV (August 21, 2015) – Best I roto i te Mekemeke (Mihapipi) he hōtaka mekemeke rawa online e hāngai ana hipoki ki runga, me te haere mai whawhai o tenei ra. Whakawhanakehia e te whakaatu i ki te whakaki i te āputa i roto i te mekemeke i waenganui i whawhai tika tīmata ki waho, me nga boxers runga i roto i te hākinakina. Pare e haapurorohia neke atu i te toru haora o te hipoki mekemeke ora i te a'ee tuatahi ki te hui matua.

I te haapurororaa matamua i runga i te Paraire, August 28, 2015 Ka ngā te taitara a'ee IBU whitu tekau i waenganui Tony Hirsch (18-6-2, 8 KO o) tango i runga i Rolando Paredes (9-2-2, 8 KO o)

Ko te katoa 11 ka rere kāri a'ee timatanga ora i 10:30 PM ET i runga i YouTube, a ka ngā nga momo o rongonui mā te marama wahine Kenia Enriquez (13-1); ono tekau Demond Brock (9-3) me te opuaraa tūturu tekau mā super Ihu Trujillo me Jorge Escalante (2-0)

“To tatou rangahau i roto i te mekemeke whakaatu e runga i 80% o kahore e haapurorohia i te whawhai, a kei te rerekē haere GSS e,” e ai ta Armando Bareño, brainchild i muri Global Sports Romaroma (GSS).

Kua Bareno i roto i te ahumahi mekemeke mo te pakeke te whitu nga tau, a ko te ope nui i roto i te whakaputa me te Rapa whakatairanga Top Kapa me to ratou aroaro ipurangi o te roma ihirangi ora e ngā kāri whawhai nui i nga mea katoa i runga i te ao. Hua Bareno a whakahaua wāhanga pāpāho ao Top Kapa o, Te utu Per Tirohia pänui, me te ihirangi tukutuku..

Ka whai GSS awa ora, me te ki runga ki te ihirangi hiahia e wātea ana mā rorohiko, televisions atamai me ngā pūrere pūkoro. Ka whakarewa GSS ki “Best I roto i te Mekemeke” a ka haere tonu ora hākinakina rere ki te whānui o te hōtaka hākinakina momo, tae atu ki ngā hākinakina i raro i mahi i te pouaka whakaata.

Kua awhi GSS te heke mai o te hōtaka hākinakina mā te mahi tahi a YouTube ake, ko wai e whakarato ratou hanganga me te roma āheinga nui ki te whakaora i papatono ka me te wahi kaimätakitaki e hiahia ana ki te whanga ki.

“He he he ara te kura tawhito o te whakaaro ka tae mai te reira ki hākinakina. Ko te whakaaro e pouaka he kingi kua mate,” e ai ta Bareño. “Ko te heke mai o te fakafiefia ko whakaorangia Ipurangi hōtaka.”

Whakaae GSS nga huringa e tīmata kē i roto i te hōtaka pouaka whakaata, me te hākinakina. Kua mātakitaki i nga kaitākaro nui katoa i roto i te ahumahi päpäho whakatere i te huringa i te pouaka whakaata paerewa ki i runga i te mātakitaki tono i te arotahi matua mō te kamupene hou.

“Whakamahere tatou i runga i te i roto i te wahi e tika ana ki te pūmatua i runga i te huringa i roto i te peu mātakitaki,” e ai ta Bareño. ” E opuahia kamupene tairanga mō te pouaka whakaata, i reira e opuahia tatou mo te roma me te Internet tuku, hoatu matou he painga nui ka haere atu pūpū pouaka.”

Te whakaora i te Tuhinga! Miguel cotto ME CANELO Alvarez ki te tīmata i TUAWHĀ-CITY INTERNATIONAL PRESS TOUR NEXT UIKE! Whakaurua PRESS TOUR mutu te Los Angeles, Mexico, NEW YORK CITY ME Caguas, Konifelenisi PRESS Puerto Rico e tuwhera ana ki te iwi whānui! Pā mai! Los Angeles (Aug. 20, 2015) Miguel Cotto (40-4, 33 Koó), te WBC kingi, Ring Magazine a Lineal whitu tekau Ao Champion me te Maori tuatahi o Puerto Rico ki hei te toa ao i roto i te akomanga taimaha rerekē e whā, me te superstar Mexican Canelo Alvarez (45-1-1, 32 Koó), te mua WBC me WBA Super Welterweight World Champion, Ka whana atu te haerenga press ao i runga i te Mane, Aug. 24 i mua o to ratou pupūtanga 12-a tawhio noa mo te Magazine whitu tekau Ao Toa WBC me Ring i te Center Mandalay Bay Events i Las Vegas i runga i Rāhoroi, Nov. 21. Cotto vs. Te aroaro Canelo e Roc iwi Sports, Whakatairanga Boy Golden, Ka hua Miguel cotto Whakatairanga me Canelo Whakatairanga, me a wehea ora e HBO Pay-Per-Tiro timata i 9:00 p.m. AND / 6:00 p.m. PT. Ka timata i te haerenga i roto i te Los Angeles i runga i te Mane, Aug. 24; Ka haere tonu i roto i te Mexico City i te Rātū, Aug. 25; New York City i runga i te Wenerei, Aug. 26 a faaoti i roto i te Caguas, Puerto Rico i runga i Rāpare, Aug. 27. Ka atu taipitopito e pā ana tūnga haere katoa e kauwhautia hohoro. Cotto vs. Canelo, he whawhai 12-a tawhio noa mo WBC me Ring Magazine whitu tekau Ao Toa o cotto, e wahi Rāhoroi, Nov. 21 i nga Events Center Mandalay Bay i roto i te Las Vegas. Te aroaro o te whawhai e Roc iwi Sports, Whakatairanga Boy Golden, Miguel cotto Whakatairanga me Canelo Whakatairanga, ka tautoko e Corona tāpiri; Mexico, Ora i te reira ki te Tui i te reira!; O'Reilly Wāhanga aunoa a Tequila Cazadores. Ka hua te hui, ka wehea ora e HBO Pay-Per-Tiro timata i 9:00 p.m. AND / 6:00 p.m. PT


Whakaurua PRESS TOUR mutu te Los Angeles, Mexico, NEW YORK CITY ME Caguas, Puerto Rico


Konifelenisi PRESS e tuwhera ana ki te iwi whānui! Pā mai!

Los Angeles (Aug. 20, 2015) Miguel Cotto (40-4, 33 Koó), te WBC kingi, RingMagazine a Lineal whitu tekau Ao Champion me te Maori tuatahi o Puerto Rico ki hei te toa ao i roto i te akomanga taimaha rerekē e whā, me te superstar Mexican Canelo Alvarez (45-1-1, 32 Koó), te mua WBC me WBA Super Welterweight World Champion, Ka whana atu te press haere ao i runga i Rāhina, Aug. 24 i mua o to ratou pupūtanga 12-a tawhio noa mo te WBC a Ring Magazine whitu tekau World Toa i nga Events Center Mandalay Bay i roto i te Las Vegas i runga i Rāhoroi, Nov. 21.

Cotto vs. Te aroaro Canelo e Roc iwi Sports, Whakatairanga Boy Golden, Ka hua Miguel cotto Whakatairanga me Canelo Whakatairanga, me a wehea ora e HBO te utu-Per-Tiro timata i 9:00 p.m. AND/6:00 p.m. PT.


Ka timata i te haerenga i roto i te Los Angeles i runga i Rāhina, Aug. 24; Ka haere tonu i roto i te Mexico City i runga iRātū, Aug. 25; New York City i runga i Wednesday, Aug. 26 a faaoti i roto i te Caguas, Puerto Rico i runga i Rāpare, Aug. 27.


Ka atu taipitopito e pā ana tūnga haere katoa e kauwhautia hohoro.


Cotto vs. Canelo, he whawhai 12-a tawhio noa mo te WBC o cotto me Ring Magazine whitu tekau World Toa, e wahi Rāhoroi, Nov. 21 i nga Events Center Mandalay Bay i roto i te Las Vegas. Te aroaro o te whawhai e Roc iwi Sports, Whakatairanga Boy Golden, Miguel cotto Whakatairanga me Canelo Whakatairanga, ka tautoko e Corona tāpiri; Mexico, Ora i te reira ki te Tui i te reira!; O'Reilly Wāhanga aunoa a Tequila Cazadores. Ka hua te hui, ka wehea ora e HBO Pay-Per-Tiro timata i 9:00 p.m. AND / 6:00 p.m. PT.

Whakaurua PRESS TOUR mutu te Los Angeles, Mexico, NEW YORK CITY ME Caguas, Puerto Rico


Konifelenisi PRESS e tuwhera ana ki te iwi whānui! Pā mai!

Los Angeles (Aug. 20, 2015) Miguel Cotto (40-4, 33 Koó), te WBC kingi, RingMagazine a Lineal whitu tekau Ao Champion me te Maori tuatahi o Puerto Rico ki hei te toa ao i roto i te akomanga taimaha rerekē e whā, me te superstar Mexican Canelo Alvarez (45-1-1, 32 Koó), te mua WBC me WBA Super Welterweight World Champion, Ka whana atu te press haere ao i runga i Rāhina, Aug. 24 i mua o to ratou pupūtanga 12-a tawhio noa mo te WBC aRing Magazine whitu tekau World Toa i nga Events Center Mandalay Bay i roto i te Las Vegas i runga i Rāhoroi, Nov. 21.

Cotto vs. Te aroaro Canelo e Roc iwi Sports, Whakatairanga Boy Golden, Ka hua Miguel cotto Whakatairanga me Canelo Whakatairanga, me a wehea ora e HBO te utu-Per-Tiro timata i 9:00 p.m. AND/6:00 p.m. PT.


Ka timata i te haerenga i roto i te Los Angeles i runga i Rāhina, Aug. 24; Ka haere tonu i roto i te Mexico City i runga iRātū, Aug. 25; New York City i runga i Wednesday, Aug. 26 a faaoti i roto i te Caguas, Puerto Rico i runga i Rāpare, Aug. 27.


Ka atu taipitopito e pā ana tūnga haere katoa e kauwhautia hohoro.


Cotto vs. Canelo, he whawhai 12-a tawhio noa mo te WBC o cotto me Ring Magazine whitu tekau World Toa, e wahi Rāhoroi, Nov. 21 i nga Events Center Mandalay Bay i roto i te Las Vegas. Te aroaro o te whawhai e Roc iwi Sports, Whakatairanga Boy Golden, Miguel cotto Whakatairanga me Canelo Whakatairanga, ka tautoko e Corona tāpiri; Mexico, Ora i te reira ki te Tui i te reira!; O'Reilly Wāhanga aunoa a Tequila Cazadores. Ka hua te hui, ka wehea ora e HBO Pay-Per-Tiro timata i 9:00 p.m. AND / 6:00 p.m. PT.

RŌMANA Martinez vs. Orlando Salido ahau “THE WAR” FIGHT FULL wātea mā te ipurangi I Tuhinga o mua “Tĭtĭ HIGH” REMATCH ON SATURDAY, Mahuru. 12 ON SHOWTIME PPV®

Pāwhiritia HERE Hei Watch Martinez-Salido ahau I te SHOWTIME Sports® YouTube Whārangi:
“THE WAR” – Martinez Roma vs. Orlando Salido ahau – E wātea ana mā SHOWTIME Sports YouTube whārangi i roto i te mua o to ratou rematch ka ū mai i runga i te undercard o te Floyd Mayweather vs. Andre Berto Welterweight World Championship wahi tango Rāhoroi, E whitu. 12, ora i runga i SHOWTIME PPV (8 p.m. AND/5 p.m. PT) i MGM Grand i Las Vegas. A leading candidate for the 2015 Whawhai o te Tau, Brawled Martinez a Salido mo 12 rauna mahi-Kikī i runga i April 11 i roto i te Puerto Rico, with hometown favorite Martinez dethroning Mexican champion Salido of his WBO Junior Lightweight crown. Martinez knocked Salido down multiple times to begin his third reign as 130-pound champion.
“Tĭtĭ HIGH: Mayweather vs. Berto,” he 12-a tawhio noa a'ee aito te ao Welterweight mō WBC me WBA taitara 147-pauna o Mayweather, is promoted by Mayweather Promotions LLC. The event will take place Saturday, Mahuru 12 at MGM Grand in Las Vegas and will be televised by SHOWTIME PPV. The undercard features a WBO Junior Lightweight World Championship fight, i te mea he rematch i waenganui Martinez Roma, a Orlando Salido. Also featured on the pay-per-view telecast will be a WBC Super Middleweight title bout between Badou Jack and George Groves, whakatairangatia ana e te i roto i te feohi ki Team Sauerland. Ko te a'ee PPV tuwhera poka toa mua ao Jhonny Gonzalez ki Puerto Rico a Honatana Oquendo i roto i te 10-a tawhio noa a'ee ono tekau teina.


He I te Sale tīkiti Na!
Las Vegas (August 20, 2015) – Mua e toru-te wā toa ao, me te Mexican kaha-puncher Jhonny Gonzalez (58-9, 49 Koó) ka tangohia i runga i Puerto Rico o Honatana “Puehu” Oquendo (25-4, 16 Koó) i roto i te 10-a tawhio noa te pupūtanga ono tekau teina e ka whakatuwhera ake Tĭtĭ HIGH: Floyd Mayweather vs. Andre Berto, te ora, e wha-whawhai, SHOWTIME PPV® kaupapa i runga i Rāhoroi, Mahuru 12 i te MGM Grand Garden Arena i Las Vegas timata i 8 p.m. AND/5 p.m. PT.
Tikiti mo te takahanga ora, whakatairangatia ana e te e Mayweather Whakatairanga LLC., E utu i $1,500, $1,000, $750, $500, $300 a $150 a kei runga i te hoko i teie nei. E whāiti tīkiti ki waru (8) ia whare hoki utu tīkiti katoa te kahore te $150 kāwai tīkiti, whāiti nei ki te wha (4) ia te whare. Ki te ki atu tenei i te waea ranei ki te kāri matua nama i te, karanga Ticketmaster i (800) 745-3000. Hoki e wātea ana ngā tīkiti mō te hoko i ranei
“Tenei ka hei whawhai ātaahua mo nga pā ta tatou i ite katoa e te tāwhainga hākinakina i waenganui i Mexico, me te Puerto Rico mahia tonu te nui whawhai,” Said Gonzalez. “Oquendo Ko te toa nei i haere tonu atu a te tangata e pai ana ki te whakawhiti whiu. I will demonstrate that I have the desire to return to the top and fight for a world championship. Whai wāhi i runga i te kaupapa Floyd Mayweather he he faingamālie nui hoki ahau, a ka meinga e ahau te nuinga o te reira.”
“Ko te tino nui tenei faingamālie ki Jhonny Gonzalez no te mea ka fehangahangai e ahau he toa mua te ao, a ka waiho wahi o te whakaaturanga nui headlined e Floyd Mayweather,” Said Oquendo. “Ko te he honore ki ahau mo hei wahi o te undercard o tenei hui. 'Oku Ou vēkeveke ke vahevahe i te atamira ki toku whanaunga Rocky Martinez ahau, nei i te whawhai nui ki a Orlando Salido hoki, na i reira e rua pakanga i waenganui i Puerto Rico, me te Mexico. E pakeke ako'i tatou ki te tiki i roto i te runga huru mo tenei whawhai.”
“He i roto i te pā mekemeke mo ki te whakaoti ki te tua o te Jhonny Gonzalez vs te po nui o te mahi i te tīmatanga. A Honatana Oquendo matchup,” Said Leonard Ellerbe, CEO o Mayweather Whakatairanga. “Tenei ka tetahi pene i roto i te Mexico vs. Totohe mekemeke Puerto Rico. Kahore ahau e feaa e, e waiho nga tangata e rua te reira i te katoa i roto i te mowhiti i runga i Mahuru 12 a ka ora ake ki te hui hītori.”
Ko te hui matua ngā te whawhai whakamutunga i roto i te umanga faahiahia o te mekemeke kingi pauna-no te-pauna Floyd “Money” Mayweather (48-0, 26 Koó) rite e ia i runga i te toa Welterweight e rua-wā o mua Andre Berto (30-3, 23 Koó) i roto i te whawhai 12-a tawhio noa mo WBC me WBA taitara 147-pauna o Mayweather. Ka titiro Mayweather ki ōrite te 49-0 tohu o te toa taumahamaha o te mutunga o Rocky Marciano ka whakaū i tona kerēme rite “Ko te Best tonu.”
Ka whakaurua hoki e rua oranga taitara ao whawhai i runga i te telecast utu-ia-tirohanga.
Roma “Rocky” Martinez (29-2-2, 17 Koó) ka aituä tona taitara WBO Junior Kōmāmā i roto i te rematch ki te kaimekemeke tera ia, toa-wā e wha te ao Orlando “Siri” Ka haere (42-13-2, 29 Koó). Whakaaro ratou whawhai tuatahi i roto i te April o tenei tau, e maha ki te waiho i te kaitono ārahi mo whawhai o te Tau. I tua atu, Badou Jack “Ko te Ripper” (19-1-1, 12 Koó) ka meinga e te korero tuatahi o tona taitara WBC Super whitu tekau World ki kaiwero whakahauanga “Saint” George Groves (21-2, 16 Koó).
Ki te Gonzalez vs. Tāpiri Oquendo whawhai ki te SHOWTIME PPV telecast tāmi-Kikī, He i roto i te pā mekemeke mo te po o te mahi i runga ki raro e āhuatanga e rua atu tāpiritanga ki te Mexico vs. Totohe mekemeke Puerto Rico, e toru whawhai taitara ao, me te a'ee whakamutunga o te whawhai nui o tenei whakatupuranga.
Ko tētahi nga whawhai Mexican pai o tenei era o, Puritia Mexico City a Gonzalezhas toa te ao i 118 a 126 pauna, hinga nga momo o Hall-o-Famer Mark “Sharp rawa” Johnson me ngā toa o mua ao Fernando Montiel, Irene Pacheco, a Hozumi Hasegawa i te ara. Ka haere mai tona taitara mahi toa tino tata mā te auheke knockout tawhio tuatahi o e toru-wehenga toa Apanere Merehe i roaa ia e te WBC tekau mā World Taitara. E tiakina ana e ia te taitara rua i mua i ngaro ki Gary Russell Jr. engari poipoia te-tau 33-tawhito hoki mua i tenei marama, i te patuki i Kazuki Hashimoto.
He nguha runga i Bayamon, Kua riro Puerto Rico Oquendo 11 o tona whakamutunga 13 whawhai, tae tona wikitoria tino tata ki runga i Gabino Cota i Maehe. Nona te 32-tau-tawhito whakaora mo Joe Luis Araiza, Eden Sonsona, Alejandro Montiel a runga tiaturiraa Guillermo Avila. Ka whawhai ia mo te ono o nga wa i roto i tona mahi i MGM Grand ina tomo ia ki te mowhiti i runga i Mahuru 12.
# # #
“Tĭtĭ HIGH: Mayweather vs. Berto,”he 12-a tawhio noa a'ee aito te ao Welterweight mō WBC me WBA taitara 147-pauna o Mayweather, is promoted by Mayweather Promotions LLC. The event will take place Saturday, Mahuru 12 at MGM Grand in Las Vegas and will be televised by SHOWTIME PPV. The undercard features a WBO Junior Lightweight World Championship fight, i te mea he rematch i waenganui Martinez Roma, a Orlando Salido. Also featured on the pay-per-view telecast will be a WBC Super Middleweight title bout between Badou Jack and George Groves, whakatairangatia ana e te i roto i te feohi ki Team Sauerland. Ko te a'ee PPV tuwhera poka toa mua ao Jhonny Gonzalez ki Puerto Rico a Honatana Oquendo i roto i te 10-a tawhio noa a'ee ono tekau teina.
Mō ētahi atu pārongo'a'ahi, and follow on Twitter at @floydmayweather, AndreBerto, BadouJack, StGeorgeGroves, @ Romancito77, sirisalido, jhonnygbox, JonathanOquenmayweatherpromo, SHOSports MeSwanson_Comm ranei hei te mea powhiriwhiri i runga i Facebook, i, / TheRealAndreBerto, a


MORE! E tūturu STAR Omar FIGUEROA ON mua AO Tuhinga Antonio DEMARCO I MAHI super Kōmāmā!
Tickets I te Sale Na!
Birmingham, AL (August 20, 2015) – Toa taumahamaha te ao Deontay “Ko te rererangi Bronze” Wilder (34-0, 33 Koó) ka meinga e te korero tuarua o tona taitara, ina anga Wīwī a ia Johann “Ngārara” Duhaupas (32-2, 20 Koó) in primetime on Te Pirimia mekemeke Champions (PBC) i runga i NBC Rāhoroi, Mahuru 26 i Arena Legacy i Birmingham, Alabama.
Haamata kapinga teata i 8:30 p.m. AND/5:30 p.m. PT with exciting undefeated brawler Omar “Panterita” Figueroa (25-0-1, 18 Koó) hoki ki te mowhiti ki te toa o mua ao te whawhai Antonio DeMarco (31-5-1, 23 Koó) i roto i te 12 rauna o te mahi super ono tekau.
Ka tohu tēnei whawhai i te hokinga mai o te taumahamaha mekemeke aito te ao i roto i te primetime i runga i NBC. Ko te a'ee tuatahi taumahamaha taitara i roto i te primetime i runga i NBC mai i Mei tenei 20, 1985, ka tetahi toa ao taumahamaha o tūturu Amerika, Larry Holmes, awhina tona taitara ki Carl Williams i Reno, Nevada ki te kaipāho rongonui Marv Albert i runga i te karanga, pera me ka waiho e ia ki runga ki Mahuru 26. Na, Titiro Wilder ki te tiki ake te wahi i mahue atu Holmes, ka whakaora-ao te piha mahi taumahamaha tika ki te pā hākinakina’ ruma ora.
Hoki Wilder ki te kāwanatanga i tana whare ki te paruru i tona taitara mo te rua o nga wa tenei tau i muri i te patuki i Eric Molina i roto i te iwa o tawhio o ratou a'ee Pipiri. Wilder riro tana taitara ao ki te mahi tūtahi ki toa mua Bermane Stiverne i Hānuere, a ka te tuatahi American tūturu ki te riro i te taitara taumahamaha mai Michael Moorer i roto i 1994 me te U.S tuatahi. whanau toa taumahamaha mai Shannon Briggs i roto i 2006.
“Whawhai i te kāinga nui toku tūmanako wa whakamutunga, me te haere mai hoki ano ko te manaaki ki runga ki toku ora,” Said Wilder. “E rapu ana ahau i mua ki te kawe mai ake mekemeke ki a Alabama, me te whakauru i te āhua katoa ki tenei hākinakina nui.”
“E mohio ana ahau ki toku hoa tauwhainga e rahi nui, me e te aha e rapu ana tatou i mo i roto i te hoariri. Kei a ia he lekooti nui, me te ngā kahore ia i te patototanga i…tae noa ki anga ia ki ahau,” apititia Wilder. E mohio ana ahau ki he uaua Duhaupas ka haere mai ia ki te whawhai, me e te rite te mea ta tatou e hinaaro.”
“Ko ahau hari rawa ki te kia wero Deontay Wilder mo te taitara taumahamaha ao,” ka mea Duhaupas. “Ko te whai wāhitanga nui tēnei i a ka meinga e ahau te nuinga o te reira i runga i Mahuru 26. Deontay Ko te kaimekemeke pai, engari e ahau te ngakau o te raiona, me te itoito hinengaro ki te hapai i tetahi mea i roto i te whakakai.”
“Deontay Wilder Ko tetahi o nga whetu kānapanapa i roto i te mekemeke,” Na ka mea a Lou DiBella, Peresideni o DiBella Entertainment. “Mahuru 26 ka tohu te toru o tona whawhai aito taumahamaha o 2015 me te korero tuarua o tona taitara. Te reira nui mo ki te mekemeke i te toa taumahamaha o Amerika hanga i te korero i roto i tona whenua, i runga i te pouaka whakaata free, i roto i te primetime. I roto i te tau taumahamaha, Deontay Ko te toa taitamariki, e te reira nui ki te kite i te whawhai a ia na maha, me te haere tonu ki te tupu me te whakapai ake i rite te toa.”
“Ko te whawhai tuatahi taitara taumahamaha i Alabama i tenei raumati ko te angitu nui, me te tatari tatou kahore iti tenei wa a tawhio noa,” Said Gene Hallman, peresideni a te tumu o Bruno Team Takahanga. “A, no te te Sharing taumahamaha tenei e hiahia ana ia ki te whawhai i roto i te Birmingham, hanga e koe tupu te reira. Kei te titiro whakamua matou ki tetahi atu whakaaturanga e whakaponohia o te tautoko mō te Deontay i te iwi o Alabama.”
“Mai Holmes i te '85 ki Wilder i te '15, NBC Sports tonu tona kainga tupu mekemeke taonga ki te whawhai taitara taumahamaha i roto i te primetime,” said Jon Miller, Peresideni, Papatonotanga, NBC Sports a NBCSN. “Ka whakamōhio tēnei haapurororaa Deontay ki te rōpū hou katoa o te pā hākinakina, i te mea e whakatakotoria e matou ki te mahi, no te tuatahi ngätahi matou ki te PBC.”
Tikiti mo te takahanga, whakatairangatia ana e te e DiBella Entertainment i roto i te feohi ki Bruno Team Takahanga, tīmata i anake $25 a kei runga i te hoko i teie nei. No te tīkiti haere ki
Whanau a whakaarahia i roto i te Tuscaloosa, Wilder he whawhai te whakapehapeha o Alabama ka whawhai e wha nga wa i roto i tona whenua, kotahi i roto i te Mobile, a inaianei e rua i roto i te Birmingham. Ka timata te 29-tau-tawhito te mekemeke i te ao o te 21 i muri i tana tamahine whanau Naieya i te tuaiwi ritua. Ahakoa te tīmatanga te mutunga i roto i tenei hākinakina, Wilder e haere i runga i ki te tohu i te U.S. i roto i te 2008 Olympic Games, i reira riro ia he mētara parahi. Ko ia te kaimekemeke whakamutunga Amerika tane ki te mētara i roto i nga Olympics.
I mua i mā te whakatau 12-a tawhio noa toa tona taitara, Kihai i Wilder tukua te hoariri ki te tiki mua te wha a tawhio noa i roto i tetahi o pro ana whawhai. Neke atu i te taua wa reirahia ake Wilder whakaora mo Audley Harrison, Siarhei Liakhovich, Jason Gavern a Malik Scott.
He toa mātanga tu 6'5″ ki 20 knockouts ki tona ingoa, Hanga Duhaupas tona U.S. waiata i runga i Mahuru 26 titiro ki te ite ana moe tangaroa taumahamaha. I muri i tahuri pro i roto i 2004, riro te-tau 34-tawhito i tona tuatahi 17 whawhai ngaio me kua tangohia ake French, South American me nga taitara taumahamaha Mediterranean ki runga i tona mahi-tau 11. Ka whawhai i roto i te 10 whenua rerekē puta noa i tona mahi, te papatu, i roto i te Abbeville, Moni, Kua France kua i roto i nga ahua o te taiao hākinakina, me te kore e poua e nga whakamarama kanapa o te primetime, ina tomo ia ki te mowhiti i runga iMahuru 26.
Hanga Figueroa tona PBC me 140-pauna tuatahi i runga i Kia 9 ka tangohia ano e ia toa o mua ao Ricky Burns i roto i te whawhai whakaongaonga i ngā nui mahi e rua-te ara, puta noa i. Riro te 25-tau-tawhito te taitara 135-pauna te ao i roto i 2013 ka outslugged ia Nihito Arakawa i roto i te nanakia “Whawhai o te Tau” whawhai i mua i te parururaa i tona taitara ki Jerry Belmontes me Daniel Estrada. Fanauhia i roto i te Weslaco, Texas, Kei te titiro ia ki te waiho i te kaha tino i roto i 140 LB. wehenga taimaha.
He toa te ao o mua i roto i te wehenga ono tekau, nga DeMarcosteps hoki 29-tau-tawhito ki te mowhiti i roto i Birmingham i runga i Mahuru 26. Whawhai i roto i Los Mochis, Sinaloa, Mexico, nona ia whakaora mo John Molina Jr. a Jorge Linares. Titiro ia mo tetahi i pere i tetahi o te pai i roto i te kēmu rite e ia i runga i te tūturu Figueroa.
Mō ētahi atu pārongo, toronga, a, te whai i runga i TwitterPremierBoxing, LouDiBella, @BronzeBomber and @NBCSports and become a fan on Facebook at, a

Baltimore mekemeke ki te manaaki i Olympic Qualifiers Mahuru 8-11!

Baltimore, MD (August 20, 2015) - Ka manaaki Whakatairanga Jake Smith o Baltimore Boxing i roto i te tahi USA Boxing, me raro Haana te Eastern rohe tamataraa Olympic Women o Qualifiers Mahuru 8-11 i te Hotel ataahua Baltimore Harbor i Baltimore, MD.
Nō rite "Ara ki te kororia", Ka ngā te hui rau o nga wahine i ngā āhua tata'u ki te tiki i tetahi taahiraa piri ki to ratou moe o māngai i te United States i roto i te 2016 Olympic Games i roto i Brazil. Atu rangatira rohe ngā tino ake Crews a Baltimore Franchon me Red Lion PA o Brittany Inkrote.
Ko nga rauna whakatuwheratanga o "Ara ki te kororia" tango i te wahi i runga i 8th a 9th, ki nga whiringa whāiti, me te whiringa inumia hoki te Rāpare te 10th a Rāmere te 11th aua. Doors tuwhera i 6:30 a ka haamata te whawhai tuatahi i 8:15 pm i nga ra katoa e wha nga koi. E wātea ana i runga i tīkiti tautoko mō te rauna te whakatuwheratanga. Tīkiti takitahi hoki nga whiringa whāiti tīmata i $15 me whiringa i $25 taea hoki te hokona i ranei mā te karanga 410-375-9175. Tepu VIP, tae maitai hors dourves me nga nohoanga rangatira i roto i te whare, E wātea ana hoki nga whiringa toa i $350. Kei te Baltimore Harbor Hotel te i 101 W Fayette St.
Hei wāhanga o tenei hui maha ra-motuhake, Baltimore mekemeke te whakapehapeha Kaiiriiri ki te āwhina i whakaara whakahaere maha moni, me te mōhiotanga hoki o ratou take.
I te Rātū a Wednesday, Kia mohio te Whare o Rutu, ka e Baltimore Boxing i roto i te feohi ki te Qualifiers Olympic. Ko tētahi o ngā pokapū tutu hoa tupu o te iwi tino, E tauturu te Whare o Ruth mano o nga wahine kei te aki me nga tamariki kitea haumaru me te haumaru. Whakahaere o Rāpare o te honore ko te American uma Cancer Foundation. Whakapumautia i roto i te 1997, te uma American Cancer Foundation (ABCF) whakarato pūtea āwhina mō te āta pukupuku uma me whakamātau tātaritanga mō takitahi uninsured underprivileged ranei. I roto i te Oketopa 2011, Horoa Baltimore mekemeke te ōrau o ratou puta i te kāri whawhai ki te ABCF. Rāmere rōpū o te ahiahi, ka waiho i te tonga Atlantic Amateur Boxing Association, e tokanga'i mekemeke amateur katoa i roto i te āhua o Maryland.
"Ko te oaoa tino kua ake kua ahau mo te takahanga mekemeke tenei a kua kua e ahau a tawhio noa te hākinakina te nuinga o toku ora,"Ka mea a Smith, he prizefighter mua nei i whakanuia e rau o whakaaturanga ki boxers whakangungu i roto i te tua i te Baltimore Boxing Club. "Ka kia enei e wha nga ra i fakangalongata'a mo te State o Maryland, a City o Baltimore. E kore e pā i te whai wāhi ki te kite i nga ra tika wha o te mahi i anake tino pai ai, kia whanga ana ratou ki te mētara koura Olympic muri, engari. Ki te kei i roto i te tata Baltimore ranei koe, kia ki te haere mai i roto i, ka kite i hītori!"
Mō ētahi atu pārongo, haere ki ranei.


Nguha Welterweight whakaongaonga Sammy Vasquez hoki ki tona kainga ki te kawe i Jose Lopez AS PREMIER BOXING CHAMPIONSON FOX SPORTS 1 Haere mai KI TE California Tuhinga o Pennsylvania huihuinga Center i California, PA. TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 15 AT 9 P.M. ET / 6 P.M. PT

Plus Thomas Williams & Umberto Savigne Square-Whakaweto
I roto i te Light Heavyweight haruru
He I te Sale tīkiti Na!
Pittsburgh, PA (August 19, 2015) – Undefeated hometown favorite Sergeant Sammy “Ko te wai taea Mexican” Vasquez (19-0, 13 Koó) ka tomo i te whakakai i roto i tona iāri ake rite whawhai e ia i roto i ki te Jose “Pātuki” Lopez (25-3, 15 Koó) i roto i te Welterweight kēmu-ake 10-a tawhio noa i runga i te Mahuru 15 putanga o FS1 o Rātū TOE-TO-TOE.
Ka rangi te hui ora i te Whare Wānanga o Pennsylvania huihuinga Center California i roto i California, PA. ki te kapinga teata timata i 9 p.m. AND/6 p.m. PT.
Tenei whawhai ko te utunga tuarua o Pirimia Boxing Champions’ FOX Sports 1 raupapa a whakatakotoria ki te kawe mai i tetahi whawhai-ao o te piha haapiiraa whakaongaonga ki te pouaka whakaata e uiké. Te hui tahi-matua i runga i Mahuru 15 ka kite i te marama taumahamaha taupatupatunga 10-a tawhio noa i waenga i Thomas Williams (18-1, 12 Koó) a Umberto Savigne (12-2, 9 Koó).
“Ko te mana'o pai i roto i te mekemeke te whawhai hoki i roto i tou whenua,” Said Vasquez. “Hei i runga i FOX Sports 1 a ki te kia headlining i toku whenua, e kore e he ki tetahi mea pai i reira. Ahau manaakitia pono ahau ki te whai i tēnei whai wāhitanga.”
“Ahau rawa oaoa mo tenei faingamālie,” Said Lopez. “E mohio ana ahau e ahau i te underdog, a ka tīmata i roto i nga pā hutia mō Vasquez, engari ka whakakitea e ahau ki a ratou i te ngakau o te toa ahau. Ka waiho ia hei whawhai nui mo nga pā katoa e matakitaki ana.”
Vasquez kei te haere mai atu o te kaha i kaitoi knockout Nigeria Wale Omotoso i roto i te Hune i roto i te whawhai toto e riro Vasquez i te whakatau loto. Tona wero uaua ki te rā, Whakakitea Vasquez e ia nga pūkenga ki te pouaka i runga i te waho, me te bang roto, ka tika. Ki tetahi wikitoria i runga i te uaua “Pātuki”, tumanako ia ki te whakamatau i te rite mo welterweights runga pērā i Keith Thurman ia, Shawn Porter a Danny Garcia.
Tikiti mo te takahanga ora, whakatairangatia ana e te e Team Vasquez Whakatairanga, E utu i $200, $100, $60 a $30, e kore e tae atu utu ratonga e hāngai ana, me te takoha, a kei runga i te hoko inaianei. E wātea ana i ngā tīkiti Ki te ki atu tenei i te karanga waea Team Vasquez i (724) 797-8694.
Kua ngaio whawhai 29-tau-tawhito te Vasquez mai 2012, i muri i te taviniraa haere rua o te ohipa i roto i te Iraq ano he mema o te National Guard. I hanga ano e ia te reira ki nga whiringa whaiti o te 2012 U.S. Tamataraa Olympic a riro koura i te 2010 a 2011 Armed Forces Mekemeke Toa. Ko te whawhai i roto i o Monessen, Penn., e kore e kua ngaro ano he ngaio, me te titiro ki te whakapai ake ake tana take i roto i te wehenga Welterweight.
He slugger te tangata e whakataetae i roto i te mahi-Kikī whawhai tonu, Lopez ka meinga e tona U.S. waiata i runga i Mahuru 15. Whawhai i roto i Coahuila de Zaragoza, Mexico, kua reirahia te-tau 24-tawhito ake te whakauru ki runga Jorge Páez Jr., Jhonny Navarrete, Jose Emilio Perea me Mahonilai montes mo tona mahi-tau e rima. Tumanako ia ki te hanga i te mana'o kaha i runga i te hunga Amerika, ka tamata ia ki tere i te toa pa Vasquez.
I 27-tau-tau, Kei te titiro Williams ki te tango i roto i tetahi atu nguha uaua i runga i tona ara ki te totohe taitara. Ko te Fort Washington, Nona whanau Maryland-toa whakaora mo Enrique Ornela, Koroniria White a Yusaf Mack puta noa i tona mahi. Tino tata te wā ia Michael Gbenga i runga i tona ara ki kowhetetia te whakatau loto i roto i te Hakihea 2014.
Fanauhia i roto i te Cuba ko whawhai inaianei i roto i o Miami, Riro Savigne he mētara koura i te 1999 Pan American Games me te 2000 Toa Cuban Motu. Kua mea patu ia Jeff Lacy, Maxell Taylor me whawhai mua hinga Jackson Junior me Quinton Rankin mai i tahuri pro i roto i 2009. Nga whawhai-tau 36-tawhito mo te wa tuarua i roto i te Pittsburgh i runga i Mahuru 15.
Mō ētahi atu pārongo'a'ahi a / kāinga a Te whai i runga i TwitterPremierBoxing, @ SammyV2112, TopDoggJr, @ FoxSports1, TGBPromotions ASwanson_Comm, ka riro i te tahi i runga i Facebook,