Category Archives: mekemeke


Whakaahua Na Team Hernandez
Fresno, Pērā i (August 24, 2015) – Super-Welterweight hinga kore amanaki, Marcos “Ko te haurangi” Hernandez (6-0, 2 Koó) hanga hoki tona Whawhai Club mowhiti OC i te Hangar i Costa Mesa, California tenei Rāpare, August 27, 2015 ki Luis Alfredo Lugo (14-22-1, 5 Koó). The 8-round bout will be the third fight of the year for the 6’2 Fresno, CA native and serve as the co-main event of the night. E whakahaeretia ana e Al HAYMON, Kei te titiro Hernandez ki te hoatu i te pā he mahi nui rite titiro ia ki te noho tūturu.
“Aroha whawhai ahau i runga i te kāri OC Whawhai Club i te iringa,” Said Marcos Hernandez. “A ka waiho ki te rima toku wa whawhai ki reira. The fans really appreciate a good fight and that’s what I plan to do once again. I want to thank Al Haymon for keeping me busy and I’m very grateful to my team for their support. I’m learning more about myself with each fight and I can see the improvement. This will be another great opportunity to sharpen my skills. Lugo has been in the ring with a lot of good fighters and I know he’s is coming to fight. I’m looking forward to the challenge and my goal is to keep my undefeated record intact.
Tikiti mo te Aug 27 Whawhai Club OC whakaatu e hokona i roto i! Standing room only tickets will be sold for $30 te Po o te whakaaturanga i te karanga (949) 760-3131. Doors tuwhera i 5:00 pm. tīmata a'ee tuatahi i5:30 pm.
Whawhai Club OC – Pro Mekemeke & Pro MMA
Rā: Rāpare, August 27, 2015
Time: 5:30 PM
OC Fair me Events Center – Ko te Hangar Building
88 Fair Puku
Tomo – Kuwaha 8 Off Arlington Dr.
Costa Mesa, Pērā i 92626
Map & Directions


“Ko te patukia Out Kingi” haere kāhua Korean Randall Bailey tohu ki Whakatairanga AK Hōtaka ki te whawhai Oct. 4 i roto i te South Korea

No te Tonu Tuku
Miami / Seoul (August 24, 2015) – E toru-wā, toa e rua-wehenga te ao Randall “Ko te patukia Out Kingi” Bailey (45-8, 38 Koó) Kua hainatia he kirimana whakatairanga motuhake ki Whakatairanga AK South Korean-e hāngai ana, Kaiwhakahaere o Bailey Si Star (Whakahaere SHS mekemeke) kauwhautia tenei ra.
Bailey, nei whawhai i roto i Miami me te whakangungu i reira e Orlando Cuellar, Kei te whakaritea ki te hanga i tona tuatahi Whakatairanga AK October 4, i roto i te hui matua versus te hoariri ki te kia takoto, i Seonhak Mekemeke Stadium i Inchon, Korea South.
“Ko te whai wāhitanga rawa whakaongaonga mō Randall tenei,” Stern said. “Kua ahau i ngā wheako whaiaro i roto i te Far Te Tai Rāwhiti me tetahi o oku whawhai, Sherman 'Tank’ Williams, riro o taitara te tokorua ki reira. (WBO China Rohe me ngā taitara mā te whakatau 12-a tawhio noa WBO Asia Pacific wā, Pipiri 28, 2012, vs. Chauncy Welliver i roto i te Macao, China) I’ve been to South Korea and it’s an extremely exciting place. The great career of Randall Bailey will continue. I’d like to thank promoter Andy Kim mo tuku ia tatou i tenei faingamālie rahi ki.”
“Ua oaoa vau i rawa ki kua hainatia Randall Bailey,” AK Whakatairanga peresideni Andy Kim kōrero. “Te ti'aturi nei e ahau tauturu tenei whakanui i te scene mekemeke Korean. He kaimahi US Army me te rota o te iwi ke i roto i Korea, ka tumanako ahau e anaanatae i te reira ratou e, rawa. Te tūmanako, Ka taea e Randall tiki tetahi pere taitara ao hohoro, ka whakahoki mai i te whitiki taitara ki Korea.”
Patua Bailey kua he England o runga Welterweights teina, me Welterweights i roto i tona mahi ngaio-tau 19, whai wāhi Mike Jones, Rocky Martinez, Carlos Gonzalez, Hector Lopez, Demetrio Ceballos, Anthony Mora, Juan Polo Parete,Frankie Figueroa, DeMarcus Corley, Harrison Cuello, a Jackson Osei Bonsu.
Bailey, 40, ko te mekemeke Organization World (WBO) toa Welterweight teina (1999-2000), Takitaro World mekemeke Association (WBA) titlist Welterweight teina (2002) a International Mekemeke Federation Welterweight Sharing (2012),
Na i runga i te misioni ki te riro i te taitara te wha ao i roto i tona piha taimaha tuatoru, the always dangerous and feared junior middleweight believes this signing has given him a new lease on his boxing career. He has had many problems securing fights in the past few years simply because he’s such a risky opponent for champions, contenders me runga opuaraa he rite.
“E kore e taea e ahau ki te haere ki reira tatari,” Bailey (fakatātaa'i runga mauī ki tona matenga kaiwhakangungu Orlando Cuellar) mea. “This is going to do a lot for my career. I spoke to my new promoter and he’s as excited about signing me as I am about signing with him. He told me that getting me another world title is his goal. He knows me, e paingia ana e ia, a ka te katoa ia e pā ana ki te mahi i tana mahi i rite toku kaiwhakatairanga.
“Haere ahau ki South Korea i roto i 2005 ki te kaimekemeke wahine kawea tatou i reira ki te whawhai. Ko te he haerenga pai, a lot of fun. Traveling to fight there won’t bother me a bit. I ahau i te kirimana pai, no complaints at all with what they’re giving me. I’ll go there a week before my fight to get acclimated. When I come back from a fight, Ka tango anake ahau rua, e toru nga ra atu, and then go back in the gym because I know that I’ll be fighting every three or four months. I’m excited and ready to get there to fight.
“Ko te pokapū mekemeke o te mahara, ka hohoro nuku ki Korea South, ka hanga Randall Bailey i tona tuatahi ki reira,” Cuellar predicted. “One look at his devastating one-punch power and Koreans will fall in love with him. Aha Manny Pacquaio Ko i roto i Makao me Roy Jones, JR. i roto i te Russia, Randall Bailey will become in South Korea. Bailey has a great opportunity to make a big splash in South Korea. Once Korean boxing fans get a taste of Bailey, ka kia te potae ratou.”
Piri Bailey kua he tipu eu o AK Whakatairanga whawhai, tae hou Waitohu te faaara runaruna Pakistan (87-16) mā super Muhammad “Falcon” Waseem, Te toa Welterweight WBC Āhia Kaunihera mekemeke Neeraj Goyal (3-2-2), o India, me te whitu Dilbag Singh (1-0), o India.
Twitter: @ AK-Whakatairanga, KOKing_Bailey

Haruru ana 'ROBIN Deakin rapu ana tona Renaissance


Na Jon Collins
I roto i te 1950 he kaihoko tawhito rima te tahi mea tau huaina Ray Kroc i te taitara o te kaihoko milkshake kino rawa i roto i Illinois.

Te kore e mohio Kroc ko ia pai atu i. E rave rahi matahiti i muri mai i te 1954 ko ia i te milioni maha i muri i taketake Makitanara. “Te onoono anake he māfimafí” i tuhituhi Kroc muri.

He kua kaimekemeke pai atu i Robin Deakin ngā. Taitara o “te kaimekemeke kino rawa i roto i te UK” ranei “te punchbag tangata” mara ki a ia he ara atu i te tohu ahakoa.

Whiriwhiria Deakin, i te wā wawe, ki te waiho i te mema o te aha ka wā ahau Ingarangi Mekemeke o Fine journeyman Club (FJC), he patu whakahere i te waiwaiā me pātari o taitara mō paydays auau.

A Hull Tony Booth, he stylist Rēinga me humorist i roto i te whakakai, ko ha mēmipa rongonui o te FJC, ko o Brum Pita Buckley nei mutu ki te lekooti pro o 32-256-12. Ko te 256 parekura.

Whawhai a Warley Howard Clarke te kōrero Fernando Vargas mo IBF te taitara ao marama whitu i te Madison Square Garden i roto i 1999, maka ana ake ātete kei hoki 4 rauna. Hoki Karaka ki te UK, a ngaro ana 68 o tona muri 70 pāngia i mua i taoto.

Booth, Buckley ko Clarke i kaimekemeke mau pai, No Deakin ki tenei karapu vahi. He lekooti o 1-51 e kore e korerotia i te aamu o te mau faaotiraa oire, whawhai tangohia i pānui poto, homai atu taimaha ki hoariri taimaha etc. Heoi tonu peia Robin i runga i a i runga i, te tautururaa i te kaiwhakatairanga ki runga, me te heke iho i te UK, tae noa ki terminating tona raihana ki te Poari o te Mana.

E rapu ana Deakin teie mahana ki te whakaputa ke take. E hiahia ana ia i roto i o te FJC me te hinaaro nei te raumati Indian. Tonu anake 29, ia pouaka i raro i te MBC raihana pro.

He tuakiri here, te ia te tangata ke tuatahi katoa ake ki kua noa chatted ki e toku 6 tamahine tawhito tau ka uiuihia e ahau ki a ia.

I 29 Rāhoroi August, i tona whare i roto i York Hall, ka feinga ia ki te riro i te whakataetae pro 2 i roto i te 4 x 3 a'ee v o Latvia Deniss Kornilovs. Whakangungua hoki tenei pō ngahau i te Sharing mua Michael Jennings, Ko Deakin i roto i te huru pai o tona ora.

Tōtikatia āwhina e tona PR Lisa, celebs rite Daniella Westbrook me te mau melo o Big te taea'e a Towie ka waiho i roto i te haereraa i ringside i runga i te 29 o. Ara Barry Hearn, te impresario nui ia, te auraa ki te haere mai.

Ka tahuri atu te rihiona o Deakin pā i katoa i runga i te gaffe ki hamama Robin ki'amanaki wikitoria. Haruru ana 'Robin taea e meinga Renaissance Robin.

Deakin, kahore he tangata ke ki nga aitua, Ko te pourewa o hanganga hītori. Ka whiwhi ia ki te mutunga o te haere i roto i te mea ara i roto i te oraraa ia whiriwhiri.

“Te onoono anake he māfimafí” – te pû, e piiraa o toa – mowhiti ahakoa te konä rawa o te tangata Rahua nei 51 taime i roto i te whakakai kia tawhiti, engari kua whanau ki te riro!

Ko te whakatairanga ARIKI Mark Lyons me Billy James-Elliott whakaaro nui Guys o te mowhiti II takahanga ka tango i te wahi i York Hall, Bethnal Green, London i te Rāhoroi 29th August 2015.

Sanctioned tēnei hui te angalelei o te Mekemeke Komihana Malta (MBC)

Tickets, utu £ 35 (paerewa noho) a £ 65 (Ringside) E wātea ana i tetahi o nga boxers tango wahi, i runga i te a karanga ranei 07960 850645 ranei 07807 282559.

TOP Haké STARS Marcus Browne me Hugo Bevan tapiritia ki MAI PBC ON NBC KĀRI

No te Tonu Tuku
MASHANTUCKET, CT (August 21, 2015) – Undefeated light heavyweight rising star “Sir” Marcus Browne (15-0, 11 Koó) Ka tango i te toa mua ao Gabriel Campillo (25-7-1, 12 Koó) i whitu tūturu Hugo “Te tōku” Rai(22-0, 12 Koó) Te pakanga a Poland o Lukas Maciec (22-2-1, 5 Koó) hei wāhanga o te pāngia undercard ngā i runga i te Te Pirimia mekemeke Champions (PBC) i runga i NBC kaupapa i runga i Rāhoroi, Mahuru 12 i Foxwoods Resort Casino i Mashantucket, CT.
Te Mahuru 12 card is headlined by undefeated middleweight star Peter “Chocolate Kid” Quillin (31-0-1, 22 Koó) tango i runga i Michael Zerafa (17-1, 9 Koó) in a 12-round middleweight matchup, while super welterweight world champion Koroniria “K-9” Rage Raro (34-5, 19 Koó) defends against undefeated rising star Jermall Charlo (21-0, 16 Koó) i roto i te hui tahi-matua. Haamata kapinga Live i 4 p.m. AND/1 p.m. PT i te NBC.
Ko te undercard, whakaturia nei ki te whana atu i 1 p.m. AND, Ka ngā rua o te kānapanapa taitamariki whetu ki runga-a-haere mai i roto i te katoa o te mekemeke e maka ana ratou pūkete tūturu i runga i te raina rite Browne me Bevan whakataetae i roto i to ratou matchups 10-a tawhio motuhake.
A 2012 U.S. Häkinakina, Browne has been very impressive since making his pro debut in November 2011.The 24-year-old Staten Island-native is coming off his two most impressive victories to date this year. I te Mei, Browne te wā Koroniria White (21-3) mo 10 rauna ki Barclays Center i Brooklyn. I mua ki te e, i roto i te April, Piro Browne he TKO te ono-a tawhio noa faahiahia i runga i nguha te koiora Arona Pryor Jr. Kei te titiro Browne ki maka tona ingoa ki roto i te 175lb te ranunga te whawhai runga o. wehenga, me he whakakitea mīharo ki te toa mua ao Campillo e rave noa i te.
Campillo he 3-1 i roto i ona pāngia whakamutunga e wha, tae atu ki te wikitoria te mutu pouri nui ki runga tūturu mua Thomas Williams Jr. (17-0) i roto i te August o whakamutunga tau. Nona te-tau 36-tawhito whakaora mo Beibut Shumenov, Hugo Hernan Garay me Mirzet Bajrektarevic mo te mahi e rā hoki ki 2002. Ko te toa i roto i Madrid, Mohio Spain, ki te haere ia ki te hanga tetahi rere i te taitara taumahamaha marama, e kore ia e taea e tetahi mate.
Oxnard, California’s Centeno has long been one of boxing’s top prospects with victories over Ayi Bruce, Keandre Leatherwood, Angel Osuna and Gerardo Ibarra. I roto i tona whawhai tino tata, he faced his stiffest test to date against James De La Rosa and passed with flying colors, scoring a spectacular fifth-round knockout. Ready to make his move on the middleweight elite, Centeno will take on the 26-year-old Maciec out of Lubin, Poland. Maciec enters the bout on a five-fight win streak, including victories over Lanardo Tyner and previously unbeaten fighters Jussi Koivula and Sasu Karapetyan. Maciec he 15-1-1 i roto i tona whakamutunga 17 pāngia a he rite ki te whakaatu i te ao e no ia i te tihi o te 160lb. wehenga ka hanga e ia tona U.S. tuatahi.
Taea e te mutunga te Browne Bevan ranei whawhai ake ano he a'ee tārere mo te haapurororaa NBC tārewa te putanga o te whakaritea pāngia e rua teata.
Tikiti mo te takahanga ora, whakatairangatia ana e te e DiBella Entertainment, E utu i $150, $85 a $45, e kore e tae atu utu ratonga hāngai, me te takoha, a kei runga i te hoko i teie nei. E wātea ana i ngā tīkiti a ranei i te toro i te Foxwoods’ Tari Pouaka. Ki te ki atu tenei na roto i te waea, karanga Ticketmaster i (800) 745-3000.
Mō ētahi atu pārongo'a'ahi,, te whai i runga i TwitterPremierBoxing, KidChocolate, @ K9Boxing, FutureOfBoxing, LouDiBella, FoxwoodsCT Ko Swanson_Comm, riro i te tahi i runga i Facebook i Toa, a

Weaver Hoki I roto i Action UK – Anga Skripkins I York Hall tenei Rāhoroi.

Team mua GB whetu Iain 'te Mea koa' Kei te whakaturia Weaver mo tona a'ee tuatahi UK, mai hoki i Amerika, tenei haere mai Rāhoroi i te York Hall i Bethnal Green, te wahi e fehangahangai ia Dinars Latvian Skripkins.


Weaver, i whawhai whakamutunga i York Hall hoki i roto i te Oketopa 2013, kua te whakatū ia ia kia rite ki tetahi o nga opuaraa runga i roto i te wehenga Super mā whitu ultra whakataetae ao.


Mai tona haerenga whakamutunga ki te whare o te mekemeke i roto i te Capital City, Kua noaa Weaver rua pai mutu te piha haapiiraa tuatahi te whakauru ia mo Spain hāngai Moroccan Hassan Elyatouti ko Palāsilá Edilson Rio.


I roto i tona a'ee whakamutunga, ki Newark, Amanaki New Jersey o na hinga kore Wanzell Ellison, Ko Weaver te patunga o te tahi mau pai tawhito tunu te kāinga pupuku o te scorecards, ki te horoia tona record te kore mä.


Na hoki i runga i te oneone o Ingarangi kotahi atu Weaver, hanga ana e ia mārama kua takoto ia ki te tiki i te tokorua te whakauru atu te pai i raro i tona whitiki, i mua i te nganatanga ki te tiki i te rematch ki Ellison i runga i kūpapa whenua wā tau i muri mai.


"Ki te mea i roto i tatou whakama wa whakamutunga ko te kōrero, Riro ahau e whawhai whakamarie, heoi anake piro kotahi whakawa reira toku ara.


Ka whawhai tatou tenei Rāhoroi a ka whai i te iti rawa tetahi atu whawhai konei, Na ka tatou e te mahi i nga mea katoa tatou e nehenehe e ki te mau i te rematch, tenei wa rānei konei i roto i te UK pea e aore vahi kūpapa rite Germany.


Hoki ki inaianei ahakoa, Au tino titiro atu ahau ki te hoki York Hall, Kua ahau i taua mau haamana'oraa aroha o whawhai i reira.


He te tonu te huru pai i reira, te reira tino ko te wahi motuhake.


E kore matou e mohio ki te nui rawa e pā ana ki Dinars (Skripka), engari kua rongo ko ia he koati rawa uaua.


I mua i tēnei tau whiua ia amanaki Tiamana Tunahan Keser me i mea katoa i rongo ko e he whawhai nui me te mahi whakaharahara i Dinars.


Na e kore e underestimating tatou ia tetahi tongi,, engari e mohio ana ano hoki e he beatable ia me e te to tatou mahere, tukitukia ia, a rave i te reira i roto i te kāhua. "


Āhuatanga Iain Weaver versus Dinars Skripkins i runga i te whakatairanga ARIKI Mark Lyon e Billy James-Elliott Wise Guys o te whakakai II hui ka tango i te wahi i York Hall, Bethnal Green, London i te Rāhoroi 29th August 2015.


Sanctioned tēnei hui te angalelei o te Mekemeke Komihana Malta (MBC)


Tickets, utu £ 35 (paerewa noho) a £ 65 (Ringside) E wātea ana hāngai i Iain i runga i 07971 295869, i tetahi o nga kaimekemeke tango wahi, i runga i te raina-i karanga ranei 07960 850645 ranei 07807 282559.

Ring 8 Ahiahi Family Picnic tenei Rātapu i roto i Nassau, Island roa, NY

No te Tonu Tuku
NEW YORK (August 24, 2015) – Ka Ring e tū 8 o ā-Family Picnic tenei ahiahi Rātapu (Aug, 30), 12-6 p.m. AND, i Brady Park i roto i te Massapequa Rahui, Nassau i runga i Long Island, New York.
“Ring katoa 8 te mau melo, me to ratou mau utuafare e te mau hoa, titiro atu ki to tatou pikiniki ā-,” Ring 8 president Bob Duffy said. “Ko te katoa e pā ana ki ia pārekareka, e kore e tika mekemeke, engari ko te tikanga e mutu kōrero ake te pā ana ki to tatou hākinakina tino. This is also one of the few opportunities for Ring 8 te mau melo ki te kawe mai to ratou utuafare e te whakatau tahi atu mau melo’ utuafare e mau hoa.”
Rorerore o tenei tau, ka ngā o hamipeka, heihei, kuri wera, te-tātā witi-i runga i-, macaroni and potato salads. Beer, wai, houra, kofí mo e tií e whakaurua hoki, me te pihikete me keke mo te kai reka.
Kei Brady Park he papa tākaro, ara hīkoi, me te wāhi hūhoiho, me te poitūkohu, bocce ball and shuffleboard courts. There is also a lake stocked every year for fishing. There will be plenty of children activities, tae atu ki te kaipeita mata me te makutu.
Whakauru ki anake $10.00 ia pakeke, $7.00 mō ngā tamariki, a $30.00 for families of four or more. For additional information call Duffy at 516.313.304.
Directions: Waiho 31 i runga i Tonga State Parkway, mau tika tae noa ki tae koe he mutunga mate, me te hanga i te mahue ki Linden St., haere 200-iāri ki moana Drive, tangohia tika, me te haere āhua 2 miles to the end. Brady Park will be on the right, tango ranei LIRR ki Massapequa Park, ka haere ki poraka hauauru.
ABOUT KING 8: Ring 8 ka te waru o nga āpiti o i reira he aha mohiotia rite te Veteran National kaimekemeke Association – konei, KING 8 – me te i ēnei rā parau tumu o te whakahaere tonu mau tonu: Kaimekemeke Tauturu i kaimekemeke.
KING 8 Kei te tino ngākaunui ana ki te tautoko i te iwi iti waimarie i roto i te hapori mekemeke nei e rapua e te tauturu i roto i ngā o te aufauraa i reti, utu hauora, ranei te mea tika fie ma'u.
Haere i runga i te raina ki te hoki ētahi atu mōhiohio e pā ana ki KING 8, te rōpū nui o tona ahua i roto i te United States me neke atu i te 350 te mau melo. Utunga mema Annual ko anake $30.00 a e tika ana te melo tata'itahi ki te hakari kuru i KING 8 hui ā-marama, hāunga Hōngongoi me August. Kaimekemeke hohe katoa, runaruna me te ngaio, ki te raihana mekemeke o nāianei pukapuka ranei e tika ana ki te KING haapoupou 8 mema tau. Manuhiri o Ring 8 He mai te mau melo i te utu o te anake $7.00 ia tangata.

Melson ki te tākaro i roto i Heroes & Legends aroha Softball Game!

Boyd Melson army photo.jpg

No te Tonu Tuku

New York, NY (August 23, 2015) - WBC USNBC toa whitu teina Boyd ka whai wāhi "Rainmaker" Melson i roto i te Heroes & Legends Charity Softball Game on Rāhoroi, August 29 i Tuatahi Energy Park i roto i te Lakewood, Nj.
Tīkiti takitahi hoki $10 a $40 Tūru VIP tae tina, E wātea ana i te karanga inu, me te wa ki te whai wāhi 732-901-7000 ranei i / BuyClear.asp?EventID =149462&tonu = buynew.asp #.VXC1Ps9Vikr. E whāiti nohoanga VIP ki te tuatahi 100 manuhiri.
Gates whakatuwhera i 3 PM a ki reira ka waiho te Derby oma te kāinga i 4:30, whai i te tākaro poiuka.
Te aroaro o te hui e Oceans ono Real me Partners. Ka whai hua puta tapu Island, he whakahaere pai-kore e te kaimahi Warriors i patua, me ētahi atu monokia ki te whakarei ake te hauora, me te kiritau ratou. The game was started ki te āwhina i ngā hōtaka hākinakina rehabilitative hōia 'a āwhina ngā whakahaere hōia-e hāngai ana,
Ka tākaro Melson mo nga Heroes Heart Waiporoporo, he rōpū ngā tokomaha hoia i werohia taviniraa i to tatou whenua. Ka ātete ratou e te Legends, hanga ake te kapa o kaitäkaro o mua, tae atu leaguers matua Jeff Frazier, Jay Wireinu ko Andy Ashby me Super Bowl XXV Champion Stephen Baker me te mau melo o te ropu toka Madison Haké.
I muri i te kēmu, Tokanga WBC Foundation te peresideni Jill Diamond mētara ki te kapa toa i roto i ka ringa.
"Kei te e ui te reira i te honore e whakaponohia ki ki te tākaro i roto i te kēmu,"Ka mea a Melson, he Rahui Army Āpiha me 2003 Te Hau-ā-uru Point paetahi nei takoha ona peke whawhai ki Team whawhai ki te haere ki te āwhina i te whakaora tauraa whara ua. "Kua tata ki toku ngakau te Warrior Project Wounded kua me he ano hoki toku whaea he kaitautoko nui. Tikanga enei kaiwhiwhi Heart Waiporoporo te tino pai me te kaupapa rite tenei ko te iti rawa e nehenehe e rave tatou no te hunga hoia toa whara tiaki tatou te ti'amâraa. "
Ka taea e pā taunekeneke ki Boyd mā twitterBoydMelson ranei


'Kid Pacquiao’ Whakangungu i roto i Cebu City, Tatari ana i runga i U.S. Work Visa

Tūturu Kōmāmā Jonel “Kid Pacquiao” Dapidran (6-0, 3 Koó) Ka haere tonu ki te whakangungu i roto i Cebu City, Philippines, e tatari ana i runga i te uruwhenua mahi ki te United States.
Kei te neke kaiwhakatairanga Sampson Lewkowicz te puni katoa i Las Vegas ki Cebu City ki te mahi ki te slugger-tau 17-tawhito, tae atu kaiwhakangungu runga Jun Agrabio.
“Agrabio te haere i reira ki te āwhina i tenei koati tiki ki te taumata muri,” Na ka mea a Lewkowicz.
Ta Lewkowicz e ka whai Dapidran kotahi e rua ranei whawhai i roto i te Philippines i tatari i te visa tika.
“E hiahia ana ahau ki te pupuri i a ia itoito na e, no te hanga e ia i tona tuatahi US ka waiho ia rite ki te hoatu i runga i te whakaatu nui,” Ua haamaramarama Lewkowicz.

I muri i te oma tino angitu ano he matchmaker me te kaitohutohu, Whakawhiti i runga Sampson Lewkowicz ki te taha whakatairanga o te mekemeke ngaio i roto i te Hānuere 2008.

Kua tupu Sampson Mekemeke ki tetahi o umanga whakatairanga tino whaimana o te ao, māngai maha pai whawhai a te ao, me te tino whaihua kuao contenders o.

He Sampson mekemeke hoa whakatairanga katoa i runga i Te Tai Tokerau me te South America, Africa, Asia, Aotearoa, Ahitereiria, Kua ngā huihuinga Europa me Central America, me Sampson Mekemeke teata i te taua whatunga tuatahitia rite HBO, Showtime, ESPN, VU. a rave rahi whatunga ao.

KĀRI FIGHT oti Fanongonongo FOR TUESDAY TE Brooklyn whawhai I koni ISLAND


Brooklyn, NY (August 22, 2015) – Kaimekemeke-World rongonui Dmitriy Salita me tona raupapa Brooklyn Pakanga, ka wera ake koni Island i te Rātū, Aug. 25, rite te IBF mua, WBA a NABA International Junior Welterweight Champion hopoi mai “Mekemeke I te Beach” hoki ki MCU Park, te fare o Brooklyn Huripari te peisipolo. Ka whakatuwhera Salita Whakatairanga utu o ngā o te tau ki te kāri whawhai ngaio i te Mets New York’ wāhi kawenata iti i runga i taua ahiahi, hoatu pā hākinakina New York City, me te rohe ki te whai wāhi ki te hopu maranga whetu me contenders rite wiriwiri ratou i te Hïkoi.

Gates whakatuwhera i 6 p.m. ki te a'ee tuatahi whakaritea hoki 7 p.m. rite “Brooklyn Pakanga: Mekemeke I te Beach” hopoi mai pāngia pro ki te Hïkoi koni, Island mo te wā tuatahi i roto i 14 tau. Te hui mekemeke ngaio whakamutunga i te Huripari Brooklyn’ puta wāhi i runga i te Hōngongoi 8, 2001, ka Hector Camacho Jr. patua Hehe James Leija mā te tautohetia, kaitautoko-tū TKO.

“Ko ahau rawa fiefia ki te kawe i te raupapa Brooklyn Pakanga ki te whare o te Brooklyn Huripari i koni Island,” Said Word, nei i whawhai i roto i Flatbush, Brooklyn, ano he ngaio. “He wahi huihuinga te ao-rongonui, me te ä i New York City koni Island ko, ki te tiki okiokinga me te whakangā me te whakangahau tino mīharo mai te wahi iwi. August 25 ka waiho ki te kaupapa hītori e ka ngā mekemeke-ao o te piha haapiiraa i roto i te huru e mea hakari ana. Te faaitoito e ahau katoa ki te 'Kilisimasi ake’ ratou mahere raumati, me te amui mai ia matou!”

Oti te kāri whawhai kei te inaianei, me e wātea ana i raro. Timata tīkiti rite iti rite $15 a e wātea ana mā te karanga 718-507-TIXX (718-507-8499) ipurangi ranei i

I roto i te hui matua, mua kaiwero taitara ao Alex Miskirtchian (25-3-1, 9 Koó) tihi i te ūkui ki mua toa Nepo, a pai-mohiotia battler Brooklyn Koroniria Maukati (22-7-2, 14 Koó) i roto i te tukinga tekau mā whakaritea hoki 10 rauna. Cruiserweight kaiwero taitara Junior Wright (13-1, 11 Koó), haere mai atu i te e whakakitea totoka i roto i te wero taitara ao i roto i te Russia, tutaki Michigander tiketike Harvey Fakafiefia (14-22, 7 Koó) i roto i te a'ee whakaritea mō te ono rauna. I te ara o Kazakhstan, me te hanga i teie nei tona whare i roto i te Marine Park Brooklyn, Bakhtiyar Eyubov (6-0, 6 Koó) titiro ki te maongo ana pā kainga hou ki tetahi mahi knockout rite anga ia Cory vom Baur (2-3) o Spokane, Horoi, hoki i roto i te ono.

Na, ka maha nga kanohi Irish kia ataata rite Emerald Moutere, e rua-wā ma'ona John Joe Nevin (3-0, 2 Koó) brandishes tona 2012 pūkenga mētara hiriwa mō rauna e wha ki te whā Mauler Mexican Victor Capaceta (4-7, 2 Koó). Āpiha NYPD Dimash Niyazov (7-0-3, 5Koó) tutaki Ariel “Ahi” Durán (8-7-1, 5Koó) o Kuini i roto i te a'ee ono tekau tino-tūmanako whakaritea hoki e waru rauna.

Whawhai i roto i Jamaica, Queens, Giorgi Gelashvili (1-0, 1 KO), he Welterweight teina aranga, Kei te he e toru-te wa toa motu Hōriana mua titiro whakamua ki te tango i runga i DeLoren Gray-Jordon (0-1) o Ohio i runga i wha rauna. Tūturu Brooklynite Gary Beriguette (6-0, 4 Koó) titiro ki te pupuri i te whārangi ma rite anga ia Welterweight Anton Williamson (1-4) o ofi mai Rochelle New, NY.

Kia ka kauwhautia Pāohotanga mōhiohio i te rā i muri mai. Me whakapā hoa rangatōpū hiahia Mark Fratto

No te mōhiohio titeti me ngā whakahōunga i runga i “Brooklyn Pakanga: Mekemeke I te Beach,” tēnā takiuru ki me A pee i te mahi katoa mā pāpāho pāpori nui ki runga ki te hui – a ki runga ki te po, whawhai – iBrooklynBrawlNY i runga i Twitter, me te i teBrooklynBrawl i runga i Instagram, ranei i te whakauru i te #BrooklynBrawl tūtohu me #BoxingAtTheBeach.

“MAN Macho” No Mehiko tohu TORU TAU mahi ki a Goodwin

Hoki ki te mowhiti i runga i "e kore tatou e mutu" whakaatu i York Hall Oketopa 17th


30 kua tau tawhito mua Prizefighter Champion awa "Macho tangata" no Mehiko i te kaimekemeke hou ki te hoatu i te aranga o tona mahi, me te haina i te kirimana tau e toru ki te aranga kaiwhakahaere Steve Goodwin.


Hit Cruiserweight no Mehiko i nga wahi tiketike toa Prizefighter i roto i 2013 i taka engari kua ki te tino whakarite i tana i pūmanawa mai. I kua ngā awa i roto i te oaoa whawhai, a kua i pā ki runga ki te mata o ratou nohoanga i ia i tukua i roto i te afata teata whawhai fetongi ki Stephen Simmons, a Craig Kennedy i ona whawhai tino tata.


Na ka whakaturia e awa e pā ana ki te kimi i te rōpū whakatairanga, me te whakahaere hou "e whakapono ana ahau e te kapa i muri pai i roto i te mekemeke i muri Matchroom te Goodwin o" ka mea a awa. Ko ahau na fiefia, me te i Ingarangi e ano i Steve me tona kapa i muri i ahau. "


No Mehiko he hoki e tika ana i roto i te mowhiti i runga i Oketopa 17th i runga i te undercard o nui pire taitara mega a Goodwin "e kore tatou e mutu" i York Hall. "Ahau e hiahia taitara" ka mea a Mehiko "I muri i toa Prizefighter kia ahau i haere i roto i te huarahi taitara o te rohe Southern, Ingarihi me te British. Tenei wa ki a Steve tenei ko te huarahi e hiahia ana ahau ki te haere. To tatou i te mahere, me te i muri i te korero ki a Steve me te rōpū, ko te tino i reira te buzz ".


Ko te ngakau i te rironga hou "ahau ngakau ki te hei mahi ki a awa ahau, kia whakapono ahau e taea e ia i whakahoki tatou ki te wahi e no ia ki runga ki te awa matua UK TV Goodwin. Ka mahi tatou i te reira i te tere e tika, me te whakaaro e ahau i roto i 12 months time Wadi will be back in the big time. Kei te haere te reira ki te hei mahi whakaongaonga ki a awa. Ko ia he taata tino pai ki te utuafare ataahua, a ka hoatu a reira e ahau nui e pai ai he wahi o tona angitu "