Category Archives: mekemeke

Sugar Ray Leonard RETURNS KI Lowell ha'utiraa o MEMORIAL 42 TAU i muri i toa NATIONAL AURO karapu TITLE THERE

Danny O'Connor VU. Gabriel BRACERO rematch Headlines
SATURDAY, Oct. 10 MEI IN Lowell, Massachusetts
Tīkiti ON Tuhinga NOW!
(Credit Photo: Te Pirimia mekemeke Champions)
Lowell, Mass. (October 1, 2015) – E wha tekau ma rua nga tau i muri i riro ia tona tuatahi karapu National Golden Tournament taitara i Lowell Memorial Auditorium, Hall-o-Famer Sugar Ray Leonard hoki Rāhoroi, October 10 ki te whare ano hītori rite te kaitātari pouaka mo Te Pirimia mekemeke Champions (PBC) i runga i NBCSN, e whakatairangatia ana e DiBella Entertainment i feohi ki Murphys Mekemeke, kia whakakitea ora i Lowell, Massachusetts.
Headlined PBC i runga i NBCSN e te rematch 10-a tawhio noa ki waenganui o Framingham (MA) Welterweight Danny “Bhoy” O'Connor (26-2, 10 Koó), Kei te whawhai nei ki te ngaki i ana 2011 mate ki Brooklyn Welterweight Gabriel “Tito” Bracero (23-2, 4 Koó). O'Connor ko Leonard e rua o wha anake iwi ki ake riro i te karapu National Golden ko National Amateur Championship i roto i te taua tau. O'Connor kohia ekea e rua i roto i 2008.
Riro Leonard runga hōnore i roto i te wehenga Kōmāmā (132 pauna) o te 1973 National Golden karapu Tournament, outpointing Hilmer Kenty i roto i te whakamutunga aito i Lowell Memorial Auditorium. Riro Leonard nga karapu National Golden Tournament i taitara Welterweight marama te tau e whai ake nei, i whitu nga tau i muri mai ka Kenty te toa tuatahi ao ngaio i Emanuel Steward'S hohoro-ki-riro rongonui Kronk Faleva'inga i Detroit.
“Meatanga ki tetahi o nga momeniti tino utu nui o toku mahi i roto i te Lowell, Massachusetts,” Leonard recently said about his aforementioned experience. “Ko te faufaa rahi.”
I tua atu ki Leonard me Kenty, te tahi atu toa heke mai e rima ao – Marvin Hagler,Arona Pryor, Art Frias, Leon a Michael Spinks – whakataetae i roto i te 1973 National Golden karapu Tournament. Leonard, Hagler, Pryor ko Michael Spinks he International Mekemeke Hall o inductees Rongonui.
Leonard kua tetahi here ki Lowell, the fourth-largest city in Massachusetts. I roto i te 1978, riro ia he whakatau 10-a tawhio noa ki runga Tiki Eklund i Hynes Auditorium i Boston. Eklund ko te matenga kaiwhakangungu o tona hawhe tuakana-, “Ko te whakakake o Lowell” a toru-wā “Whawhai o te Tau” kaiuru “Irish” Micky Ward, te tangata e whakanui ana 50th huritau tenei e haere mai October 4.
Ngā i runga i te PBC i te NBCSN telecast ano he tūturu whā super whetu maranga Honatana “Salomon Kingi” Guzman (19-0, 19 Koó), he Māori Dominican Republic nei inaianei e ora i roto i Lawrence tata (MA), e i runga i mātanga pouri Danny Aquino (17-2, 10 Koó), o Meriden (CT), i roto i te 10-a tawhio noa tahi-āhuatanga.
Haamata te haapurororaa i 8 p.m. AND/5 p.m. PT a ka whakaatu Quincy, Mass. mā amanaki Ryan “Ko te Polish Prince” Kielczweski (23-1, 7 Koó) ki Brooklyn o Rafael “DYNAMITE” Vazquez (16-1, 13 Koó) i roto i te a'ee 10-a tawhio.
Lowell Memorial Auditorium, hoki i whakahaerehia te 1995 National Golden karapu Tournament, tohu i te ho'iraa mo O'Connor me Kielczweski, nei riro e rua New Ingarangi Golden karapu taitara Tournament reira.
He tīkiti runga i te hoko, me te utu i $125, $85, $50 a $35, e kore e tae atu utu ratonga hāngai, me te takoha. Ākonga Motuhake, hōia me utu tikite matua e wātea ana hoki. No te tīkiti toronga
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Mō ētahi atu pārongo, toronga, a, te whai i runga i TwitterPremierBoxing, LouDiBella, DropkickMurphys, MurphysBoxing, DOC_Boxing, TeamBracero, @NBCSports and @Swanson_Comm and become a fan on Facebook at,,, /

Mua AO toa Miguel Vazquez & ARGENIS Mendez tutuku ON PREMIER BOXING toa TOE-KI-TOE Tūrei ON FS1 & Mekemeke Champions FOX SPORTS ON RĀTŪ, OCTOBER 6 MEI TE Dancehall i roto i San Antonio, Texas

Ētahi atu! Night tonu i te mahi undercard Āhuatanga Top Texas Talent
San Antonio (October 1, 2015) – Toa o mua te ao Miguel “Titere” Vazquez (35-4, 13 Koó) a Argenis Mendez (22-3-1, 12 Koó) ka tutaki i roto i te taupatupatunga Kōmāmā 10-a tawhio noa i runga i Te Pirimia mekemeke Champions (PBC) Rātū TOE-TO-TOEi runga i FS1 a Mekemeke Champions i runga i FOX Sports i runga i Rātū, October 6 i te Dancehall i San Antonio, Texas ki te kapinga teata timata i 9 p.m. AND/6 p.m. PT.
Tikiti mo te takahanga ora, whakatairangatia ana e te e Leija Battah Whakatairanga, e utu i $ 282 tepu o wha tūru, $109, $71, $38, a $22 tae atu ki ngā utu katoa (w utu / i roto i $260, $100, $65, $35, $20), a kei runga i te hoko i teie nei. Ki te hoko tīkiti karanga Leija Battah Whakatairanga i(210) 979-3302.
Te October 6 headlined hui e tūturu kaha-puncher Huriu “Ko te Kaitao” Jackson (19-0, 15 Koó) squaring atu ki te whakaongaonga Jose “Bolivita” Uzcategui(23-1, 19 Koó) i roto i te 12-a tawhio noa whitu super tukinga.
E rua runga opuaraa whawhai i roto i Texas e kupu matua te undercard rite Ryan “Kaupoai” Karl (8-0, 6 Koó) e i runga i Alfonso Olvera (4-1, 2 Koó) i roto i te ono rauna o te mahi te Welterweight, me te Stephen Lovett (13-0, 11 Koó) e i runga i Dustin Echard (11-1, 8 Koó) i roto i te waru-a tawhio take taumahamaha o te marama.
Tonu te mahi ki-tau 21-tawhito Houston-Māori Justin DeLoach (11-1, 6 Koó) i roto i te ono-a tawhio super whakataetae Welterweight, me te 25-tau-tawhito Rickey Edwards (8-0, 3 Koó) i roto i te Paterson, New Jersey i roto i te ono tawhio whawhai Welterweight teina.
Tahi atu whawhai ka faatito-tau 27-tawhito Ruma Tony (1-0) i roto i San Antonio ki Baton Rouge o A Honatana Heard (0-1) i roto i te whitu a'ee wha-a tawhio noa, 20-tau-tauCresencio Ramos (4-0, 3 Koó) o San Antonio mata Hiha Martinez (0-6-3) i roto i Rock Rāuna, Texas i roto i te-tau 24-tau e wha a taka whakataetae mā me te James Kite Jr.. (1-0), tama a pūrākau San Antonio Hehe James Leija, tango i runga i-tau 23-tawhito L.D. Herbert (0-4) o Houston i roto i te wha a taka noa Welterweight teina pupūtanga.
Te whakaawhiwhi i te mahi he-tau 28-tawhito San Angelo, Whanau Texas- Enrique Neira Jr. (3-0) pakanga-tau 27-tawhito Eddie Tigs o San Antonio i roto i te whitu whakataetae e wha super a tawhio, 23-tau-tawhito San Antonio-Māori Hohepa Rodriguez (9-0, 2 Koó) ki California-tau 30-tawhito Ihu Sandoval (5-7-3, 1 KO) i roto i te ono rauna o super mahi mā, 26-tau-tau Daniel Balcer (2-0, 2 Koó) o San Antonio anga Laredo-tau 30-tawhito, Whanau Texas- Alberto Espinoza (3-7) i roto i te wha a taka noa teina e mau whitu me San Antonio o Ramon Cárdenas (1-0) i roto i te wha-a tawhio noa a'ee whā super kiJamie Hernandez (1-3-2) o Killeen, Texas.
He toa ao o mua i 135-pauna, te Vazquez-tau 28-tau ka awhina tona taitara waru nga wa i tona kingitanga aito. I muri i te patu Ji-Hoon Kim mo tona taitara, e haere ia i runga i ki tiakina reira ki nga momo o Denis Shafikov, Mercito tuhi, Leonardo Zappavigna ko Ammeth Diaz. Whawhai i roto i Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico, Vazquez tino tata te nuinga Jerry Belmontes i runga i tona ara ki te wikitoria i roto i Maehe.
Fanauhia i roto i te Dominican Republic, engari whawhai i roto i Brooklyn, Mendez kei te haere mai atu o te mutu tanguru mo Raniera Evangelista Jr. Riro te 29-tau-tawhito te taitara ao i roto i 2013 no te patototanga a roto Juan Carlos Salgado i roto i te wha o-a tawhio noa. Mendez nona whakaora Martin Honorio hoki, Cassius Baloyi a Anthony Napunyi mo te mahi e rā hoki ki 2006.
He amanaki tūturu māngai Houston, Karl i te mahi runaruna pai e mutu ki a ia runga toru i roto i te iwi i roto i te wehenga 141-pauna. Kua te-tau 23-tawhito kua riro e wha nga wa i roto i 2015 a tino tata mutu Malcolm Terry roto i te tīmatanga o Mahuru. Kei te whakahē ia i te Olvera 25-tau-tawhito, i whanau nei i roto i Mexico, engari whawhai i roto i Tucson, Arizona.
He whawhai Ahitereiria i roto i te U.S. mai 2014, Titiro Lovett ki te hanga i runga i te torohaki kua riro ia i roto i 2015 ki toru whakaora knockout kia tawhiti. Haere mai whakamanamana whakamutunga te-tawhito-tau 30 o roto i te Hōngongoi ka mutu ia Jinner Guerrero i roto i te wha o tawhio. Ka whawhai Lovett te reira i roto i ki te Echard 29-tau-tawhito i roto i Washington, Te Hau-ā-uru Virginia.
Te whai i runga i TwitterPremierBoxing, @ JuliusTheChef1, LeijaBattahPR, @ FS1, FOXDeportes, CowboysDanceHal KoSwanson_Comm ka riro i te tahi i runga i Facebook i Highlights wātea i

John “Apollo Kidd” Tae Thompson i Manchester, Ingarangi mo Oketopa 10 WBO Junior whitu taitara ao whawhai ki a Liam Smith

Kia tukuna tonutia atu
Manchester, Ingarangi (October 1, 2015)–WBO maha-rima runga teina nguha taumahawaenga & Boxcino 2015 toa, John “Apollo Kidd” Thompson tae te ata Rāpare i roto i Manchester, England in advance of his October 10 WBO whitu teina tukinga taitara ao ki Liam Smith e ka tango i te wahi i te Manchester Arena.
Thompson o Newark, New Jersey, Kei te whakatairangatia ana e GH3 Whakatairanga me Kara Whakatairanga, he fiefia mo ki te whai wāhi hei toa ao.
“Koa ki te hei i konei ahau, engari i ahau he mahi ki te mahi i a i runga i Oketopa 10. That night I will become world champion.
Credit Photo: Marc Abrams

LIGHT Heavyweight ka nguha Edwin Rodriguez Te pakanga tūturu MICHAEL hiri LIVE ON NOV. 13 EDITION OF PREMIER BOXING CHAMPIONS ON SPIKE FROM BEAU RIVAGE RESORT & Casino I Biloxi 9 P.M. ET / PT

Tickets i runga i Sale Na
Biloxi, Miss. (October 1, 2015) – Light nguha taumahamaha Edwin “La Bomba” Lotilikuesí (27-1, 18 Koó) Ka tangohia i te tūturu Michael kekeno (19-0, 14 Koó) Rāmere, Nov. 13 i runga i Te Pirimia mekemeke Champions (PBC) runga i te Koi ora i ataahua Beau Rivage Resort o MGM Resorts International & Casino i runga i te Mississippi Gulf Tai. Kapinga teata ka timata i 9 p.m. AND/PT.
“Ko te whai wāhitanga nui hoki ahau ki te āta fakafefeka'i ahau kia rite ki tetahi o te pai 175-patu muka i roto i te katoa o te mekemeke tenei,” Said Rodriguez. “Michael kekeno kei te haere mai ki te whawhai a ka mohio ahau ki te tikanga o te wikitōria mo ia me tona mahi. E te mea, tenei te haere ki te toku po. Kotahi ka mea a George Bernard Shaw e, Ora 'E kore te mea e pā ana ki te kimi koe. Life Ko e pā ana ki te hanga koe.’ Tenei wikitoria Ko te wahi tino o te puzzle kua hanga e ahau mo toku ora. He wikitōria i runga i Nov. 13 E turai ahau he taahiraa matua ofi ki wero mo te kongakonga o te karauna taumahamaha marama, a reira te kahore, me kahore tetahi e ka whiwhi i toku ara o te whakatutuki e.”
“Te hinaaro nei au ki te whakawhetai rōpū e whai wāhi mō te hanga i tenei whawhai he mooni,” ka mea kekeno. “Kua noho ahau arotahi hinengaro me i roto i toku whakangungu ki te kia e i tino rite ahau mo toku faingamālie ka haere mai te wa. I ahau i te turanga kaha, me te ua haamaitaihia kua ki te whai wāhi ki te whakaatu i te ao toku taranata. Ka waiho e ahau rite ki te haere, no te nga mowhiti pere i runga i Nov.13.”
Tikiti mo te takahanga, whakatairangatia ana e te e DiBella Entertainment, E utu i $62.95, $48.95, $34.95 a $20.95, me utu tāke, me te mahi. He tīkiti runga i te hoko i teie nei, a taea te hokona i te tari pouaka Beau Rivage Theatre, ranei i karanga Ticketmaster i (800) 745-3000.
“Edwin Rodriguez Ko tetahi o te pai 175-patu muka i roto i te ao mārama, me whakamanamana ia i te whiwhi ia i te kēmu-ake o tenei ërä me te whai wāhi ki te whakaatu ia ia ki te whakamātautau pono uaua i roto i te tino i titiro me amanaki tūturu Michael kekeno ahau,” Na ka mea a Lou DiBella, Peresideni o DiBella Entertainment. “Kia te toa o tenei a'ee i roto i te rārangi mo te pere ki a Tamutu Stevenson, ranei tetahi o te tahi atu toa i roto i te wehenga taumahamaha marama, a ka titau tatou i te mahi mīharo i eé e rua, no ka tutaki ratou Whiringa 13.”
“Riro te wehenga taumahamaha marama kua kotahi o te wehenga tino mālohi roto i te mekemeke,” Na ka mea a Jon Slusser, Senior Vice te peresideni, Sports me Motuhake, Koi. “Koi he fiefia ki te whai e rua o nga whetu aranga i roto i tenei akomanga taimaha, Rodriguez me kekeno, whawhai i te reira i roto i.”
“Ko MGM Resorts International te kāinga ki te ngā mekemeke pai i roto i te ao,” ka mea a Beau Rivage Talēkita o Entertainment Anthony Gibson. “Kua titiro ki ahau he rota o te mekemeke i roto i te whakamutunga 40 tau me ngā DiBella mahi whakangahau a i Beau Rivage e etahi o kua kite ahau i te pai. Ko te whare tapere, te mowhiti, nga kaimekemeke me te kōhauhau e te tuatahi-piha tonu.”
He runaruna ta'na nei riro i te 2006 National Golden karapu mētara koura, me te he 2005 U.S. National Championship mētara koura, te Rodriguez-tau 30-tawhito tomo tenei whawhai kia rite ki te toa o e toru ana whakamutunga. Fanauhia i roto i te Lepupelika engari whawhai i roto i Worcester, Mass., Haere mate ana'e o Lotilikuesí ki tūturu Andre Ward i roto i 2013 a ka nona ia whakaora mo whawhai tūturu mua Will Rosinsky, Jason Escalera ko Ezequiel Osvaldo Maderna. Te nuinga tata mutu ia i mua hinga kore Craig Baker i roto i te toru a taka ki runga ki te kāri Mei PBC.
Tūturu me whawhai i roto i Atlanta, Georgia, Kekeno titiro ki te hanga i te tohu i runga i Nov. 13 ka anga ia tona whakataetae uaua ki te rā. -Tau 33-tawhito te whutupaoro kāreti takaro i te University o Alabama te&M te aroaro o te whiwhi i tona timatanga i roto i te mekemeke me te tahuri pro i roto i 2008. I roto i te 2012 mutu ia te mātanga Byron Mitchell i roto i te kotahi a tawhio noa, me te kua tapiritia rima whakaora ki tona record mai i reira tae atu ki te wikitoria Maehe mo Carlos Reyes.
Mō ētahi atu pārongo'a'ahi a, te whai i runga i TwitterPremierBoxing, LaBombaBoxing, LouDiBella, SpikeTV MeSpikeSports, ka riro i te tahi i runga i Facebook, i,

Adrien Broner vs. KHABIB ALLAKHVERDIEV, Vs. Jose Pedraza. Whakaahua tūmomo Edner Cherry MEDIA & Korukī mō MAA TE AO CHAMPIONSHIP doubleheader

Mai i U.S. Bank Arena i Cincinnati, Ohio
Pāwhiritia HERE Hei Tikiake Photos i Stephanie Trapp / SHOWTIME
Cincinnati, Ohio — (E whitu. 30, 2015) – Adrien Broner (30-2, 22 Koó) a Khabib Allakhverdiev(19-1, 9 Koó) tū te īngoa pāpāho i te Punch House i roto i Cincinnati i runga i te Wenerei a faaineine ai ratou no te a tenei Rāhoroi WBA Super Kōmāmā World Championship, ora i runga i SHOWTIME (10 p.m. AND/7 p.m. PT) i U.S. Bank Arena.
I roto i te SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING co-āhuatanga, tūturu IBF Junior Kōmāmā World Champion Jose Pedraza (20-0, 12 Koó) ka tiakina e tona taitara ki mua kaiwero taitara aoEdner Cherry (24-6-2, 19 Koó).
SHOWTIME EXTREME whawhai me opuaraa tūturu Robert Aranga Jr. a Jamel Herringwhai wāhi hoki i roto i Wednesday o īngoa. Aranga Jr. (15-0, 12 Koó) Ka tangohia i runga i Juan Ramon Solis(20-9, 9 Koó) i Herring (13-0, 8 Koó) Ka fehangahangai Yakubu Amido (19-7-2, 17 Koó) i roto i te 10-a tawhio noa pāngia motuhake Kōmāmā tenei Rāhoroi. FAKATOKANGA: Solis Ko te whakakapinga mutunga mo te Miguel Acosta kauwhautia mua hei hoariri mo Aranga Jr.
I tonu Broner tona taurangi o puku ki te pāpāho, te toa e toru-wehenga ao “kia mahi i tana ringa ki te korero” i roto i te tūmomo spirited i roa tata 90 meneti.
Tenei te aha i te era atu nga whawhai SHOWTIME o ki te mea i runga i te Wenerei:
“Titau ahau Broner ki tamata ki te tākaro tona kēmu, engari ka tākaro tatou i to tatou kēmu.
“Ko te wheako e ahau riro i muri i ngaro i te taitara i roto i toku whawhai whakamutunga [ki Hehe Vargas] Ko e tino matau ahau te faingamālie e ahau kei te hoatu e ahau e haere ki tenei whawhai.
“E kore ahau māharahara e pā ana whawhai i roto i te whenua o Broner. I have fought many fighters in their own cities and it doesn’t bother me.
I te Rāhoroi po, Ka whakaatu ahau i te pā he whawhai nui, me te haere mai i roto i ki te wikitoria.”
Jose Pedraza:
“Whakangungu tatou pakeke te wa katoa, Ko tatou i roto i te āhua nui, me te faaineine tatou no te nga whawhai kia rite ki te hoa tauwhainga ko te toa.
“Edner Cherry Ko te toa tino mātanga. He is a strong guy and good puncher.
“Ko ahau i roto i te āhua nui, me te ahau rite ki te whawhai 12 rauna.
This could very well be the toughest fight of my career. He hasn’t lost in seven years. But we are very prepared, ako te puna whawhai a ka he rite ki te haere mai Rāhoroi.
“Ka tākaro i te wahi nui toku tamarikitanga i roto i tenei whawhai. Ahau nui muri atu ia ia, me te, i waho i te feaa, Ka riro ahau i tenei whawhai.
“E kore e taea e ahau e tatari mo te pā ki te whanga ki tenei whawhai, a ki te kahore e taea e ratou i konei i to tumanako ahau mataara ratou i runga i SHOWTIME. It will be a great fight.
Edner Cherry:
“Tenei ka waiho i te whawhai tino uaua. We’ve been training hard and had a great camp.
“Au e kore tango ahau tetahi mea atu i ia, te ia he toa uaua. Te ia he toa mo te take. Ko i runga i Rāhoroi Au e haere mai ahau po mo taua taitara, e te toku mahi.
“Ako'i matou hoki 12 rauna pakeke, engari ki te haere mai te knockout, na, ko ahau rawa fiefia. All I’m looking for is a very hard 12-round fight.
“Ake mai i toku mate taitara ki Timoteo Bradley i roto i 2008, I’ve pushed myself to get back into this position and to give myself the opportunity for a title shot at the right weight class. I’m finally in the right weight class for me.
“Bradley ko te toa nui nui, no te whawhai matou [i roto i te 2008]. Ko te pohehe i runga i to tatou mutunga. Ia ko noa te taata nui, engari ko ahau i roto i te whakakai ki tetahi te whawhai pai i roto i te ao o me ahau tino ako i taua whawhai.
“Korerotia e ahau e ahau kia hari e kore ahau i riro i taua taitara ki a Bradley no te iwi, i roto i toku ngakau, E kua whawhai ahau i 140, engari e kore e ko e toku piha taimaha. E kua ahau i te ihupuku whawhai i toku ora 140. I glad I didn’t win it, engari au hari whakairihia ahau i roto i reira, ka eke ahau hoki ki roto ki te whawhai nui ano ahau.
“Kua kua ahau te whakarite mo tenei whawhai mo 15 tau, a haere ana a reira ki te whakaatu i runga i Rāhoroi.”
“I ahau i te rota o te iwi e haere mai ana i Toledo kia kite i ahau. Kei oaoa katoa e pā ana ki reira ratou.
“Ko te rua taku wa whawhai i runga i SHOWTIME EXTREME tenei a ahau pono manaakitia. It’s a good opportunity to showcase my skills on national television.
“Ahau tetahi mea e pā ana ki toku hoa tauwhainga e mohio, engari e ahau te mahi e runga i te whakaaro. It’s been the same thing as the rest of my 15 hoariri. Kihai ahau i ako ia ratou i te katoa. Whoever they put in front of me, e te te whakamātautau i ahau ki te hinga, me te kia tawhiti kua ahau te mahi pai a haere ratou katoa.”
JAMEL Herring:
“Te ia toku hoa tauwhainga pai ano. He’s a tough guy, tino roa. He’s a lot more durable than my last few opponents.
“Ahau e tango tetahi mea i a ia, engari au hihiri, me te titiro whakamua ki atu ahau e aki atu i te tetahi mea e ahau. It’s going to be a great step up and people are going to see a lot more than they’ve seen from me in the past.
“Ahau i roto i te āhua nui. I just had a fight back at the end of August. I took literally three days off instead of a whole week and came right back, na kua ahau i hoki e toru nga marama mua whiwhi ki tenei rā i roto i te āhua.
“Te reira i te haamaitairaa ki te e taea ki te whakaatu i toku taranata i runga i te atamira ā-motu hei utu o te wāhi o te rohe ranei te i runga i te kāri nui, engari e kore e whiwhi ahua o te TV te rongo tetahi. Now I’m part of the big show.
I don’t take anything for granted or let it get to my head. To me it’s another fight and I take every fight seriously. E kore e mea faufaa te reira nei Au i ahau ki, nga whawhai ko te kohatu takahi ki te taitara, na he nui nga whawhai.”
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Mō ētahi atu pārongo'a'ahi te whai i runga i TwitterSHOSports, AdrienBroner, WarriorsBoxProm KoSwanson_Comm ranei riro i te tahi i runga i Facebook a


Toa e te whitiki ME Brooklyn!
Te noho i SHOWTIME® AT 9 P.M. AND/6 P.M. PT
General Tickets On Sale Rātū, October 6 I 10 a.m. AND
Brooklyn (Mahuru 30, 2015) – I roto i te pupūtanga tino tūmanako i waenganui i rua o whawhai whakaongaonga rawa, me te pūmanawa o Brooklyn, WBA whitu World Champion Daniel “Ko te Miracle te tangata” Jacobs (30-1, 27 Koó)Ka tango i te toa mua ao Peter “Chocolate Kid” Quillin (32-0-1, 23 Koó)i runga i Rāhoroi, Hakihea 5 i Center Barclays i Brooklyn ora i runga i SHOWTIME (9 p.m. AND/6 p.m. PT).
“Kahore te kahore te ruarua tenei te haere ki te tetahi o te nui whawhai kua kite ake Brooklyn,” Said Jacobs. “Pita me ahau haere hoki te wa roa, engari ko te mahi tenei. Ahau te toa me te ia i te kaiwero. Kei te haere ahau ki te mahi i nga mea katoa e taea e ahau ki te riro i runga i Hakihea 5 ka whakaatu i te ao e ahau te pai kua Brooklyn ki te whakahere.”
“Kua tatari te pā he wa roa mo tenei whawhai, a inaianei te reira te mutunga konei,” Said Quillin. “Ko hoki i roto i te omaoma ahaui runga i te Mane i muri i toku whawhai ki [Michael] Teuteu ki he Zerafa Hakihea 5. E mohio ana ahau ki reira he pera nui i te tĭtĭ no te ahau -a tika whakamanamana whitiki, me te Brooklyn. Te haere ki te waiho i te po ki te mahara hoki ahau, a mo te katoa o Brooklyn.”
Tikiti mo te takahanga ora, whakatairangatia ana e te e DiBella Entertainment, tīmata i $50, e kore e tae utu e hāngai ana, a kei runga i te hoko Rātū, October 6 i 10 a.m. AND a taea te hokona ipurangi mā te, mā te karanga ranei 1-800-745-3000. Ka hoki kia wātea i te Tari Pouaka American Express Tickets i Center Barclays timatanga Wednesday, October 7 i 12 p.m., ki te he e wātea ana tonu tīkiti.
Kua ēnei whawhai kaha e rua i runga i te akoranga tutukinga mo e rave rahi tau, teiti ki ka ko Quillin i muri i noho i roto i runga i te tau e tika ana ki te mate pukupuku i te mahi i te WBO Whitu Champion me Jacobs hoki ki te tūnga nguha.
I tukuange Quillin tona whitiki e tika ana ki te whanau o tana tama, me te mate o tona matua keke, Tonu Jacobs ki whakatika i roto i te tūranga, ka roaa tona taitara ao ki te knockout i August o 2014 mo Jarrod Fletcher i Brooklyn. Kua roaa ia toa knockout whakaora i roto i te marama whakamutunga e rua, a ka hoki mai kaimekemeke e rua ki te pae o to ratou ao taitara-toa mahi ina taupatupatu ratou i Center Barclays.
“Ko te-ma'iri kahore e tenei, pick'em whawhai i waenganui i rua o nga Middleweights pai i roto i te ao,” Na ka mea a Lou DiBella, Peresideni o DiBella Entertainment. “He pono ko te whawhai o Brooklyn tenei, ki e rua Danny me Pita matou te mana ki te waihanga i pahū i roto i te po taikaha. Pono e mutu SHOWTIME 2015 ki te bang…ranei, he tokomaha o ratou.”
“Daniel Jacobs vs. Pita Quillin Ko te matchup ahurei o rua bona whetu whitu tūturu, ia i roto i te pirimia o tona mahi,” Na ka mea a Stephen Espinoza, Matua Vice te peresideni me Kaiwhakahaere General, SHOWTIME Sports. “Kei te rite whakanoho iho ki āu reira rite ka kitea e koe i roto i te wehenga, a ka tu te reira ki te riro i te whawhai umanga-faufaa no nga tangata e rua. Titau tatou ka hanga i te mahi i roto i te whakakai me te huru i Center Barclays mo te po rawa fakangalongata'a. No te pā mekemeke, e kore e tetahi i pai ake i tenei te tiki.”
“Ko te matchup Brooklyn hopea tenei,” Na ka mea a Brett Yormark, Tumu o Center Barclays.
“Miracle tangata vs. Chocolate Kid Ko e pā ana ki te neke atu i te taitara te ao, te reira e pā ana ki ngā tika whakamanamana Brooklyn me te kororia. Ko te rite hoki te taone Hakihea 5.”
He ahua ranga nei e whawhai i Center Barclays mo te rima o nga wa, Oti a Brooklyn Jacobs tona ara ki te toa ka patua e ia Fletcher mo te taitara whitu. I roto i te 2011, i te whai i te taitara i roto i te whakakai, whakawehi pukupuku tona ora, ka puritia e ia i te hiti no te 19 marama. A ka hoki mai ia, tangohia ake e ia te wahi i mahue atu e ia, e kore, kua ka ngaro mai. Ko te-tau 28-tawhito kei te haere mai atu o te mutu a tawhio tuarua o te toa mua ao Sergio Mora i August.
Quillin whiwhi hoki i roto i te whakakai i muri i, no te patototanga i Michael Zerafa mua i tenei marama ki te whai ake i tona Unuunu pakeke-whawhai ki te toa whitu ao Andy Lee i roto i Paenga-whāwhā. Riro ia te whitiki whitu tekau i roto i 2012 ki tona miramira-hurori, turakitanga ono-knockdown ki Hassan N'Dam i roto i te kāri mekemeke tuatahi i whakahaeretia i Center Barclays. Fanauhia i roto i Chicago, whakaarahia i roto i Rapids Grand, Michigan, engari e noho ana i roto i Brooklyn, haere te-tau 31-tau i runga i ki te paruru i taua taitara ki contenders kaha Fernando Guerrero, Gabriel Rosado a Ruka Konecny. Na, “Chocolate Kid” titiro ki te hoko i te toa ao mo te rua o nga wa.
Kawea tüäpapa hōtaka Brooklyn BOXING ™ Center o Barclays e te AARP. Mō ētahi atu pārongo'a'ahi te whai i runga i TwitterSHOSports, DanielJacobsTKO, KidChocolate, LouDiBella, BarclaysCenter KoSwanson_Comm ranei riro i te tahi i runga i Facebook, a


I te Rāhoroi, Mahuru 26, Roaa puehu-Hernandez-Harrison tona 15th knockout ki James Wayka (16-14-1, 8 KO o) o Green Bay Wisconsin i te hiero Masonic i Norfolk, Virginia. Mutu Hernandez-Harrison Wayka i 1:18 o te a tawhio noa tuatahi ki te tini o te nifó tinana e whai he knockdown.



PHOTO nama: Emmanuel Canjuras


Hailing i Washington, D.C. ki te tūturu record ngaio o 28-0 (15 KO o), Hernandez-Harrison ko te tau 15 Welterweight whakatau i roto i te ao i te WBC me te kingi WBC Continental Amerika Welterweight Champion. I te wa o tona a'ee pro tuatahi i te matahiti o 17, Haaputuhia Hernandez-Harrison i te record runaruna o 167-30, toa e rave rahi Ringside World Toa, National Silver karapu Toa me toru tika National Golden karapu Toa i 2007 ki 2009.


Ano, i runga i Rāhoroi, Mahuru 26, Ka mau Dustin "te White Tiger" Fleischer i runga i Ira Frank (1-0, 1 KO) o Milwaukee, Wisconsin i roto i te Welterweight a'ee wha-a tawhio noa i te Veteran Memorial Park i roto i te Beach Haven, New Jersey. Fleischer noaa tona knockout wha i roto i ngā haerenga ngaio e wha, tiaki i tona record tino i 2:53 o te a tawhio noa tuatahi ki te Kaore ringa matau ki te matenga.


New Jersey native and Two-Time State Golden Gloves Champion Fleischer is on a quest to become the first grandson of a Holocaust survivor to be crowned world champion. With an amateur record of 112-18, Fleischer Ko te ahuahunga o 1996 Olympic Head Coach Alfred Mitchell me te paetahi whakaotinga o te US. Olympic Education Center for boxing at the age of 16.Fleischer made his professional debut on January 9, 2015 at The Theater at Madison Square Garden during Roc Nation Sports’ inaugural torona mekemeke takahanga, scoring a second round technical knockout victory over Frank Jordan in a fight that was televised live on FOX Sports 1.



Mō Roc Nation Sports

Roc Nation Sports, he iti-wehenga o Roc Nation, whakarewa i roto i te puna 2013. Kaiwhakatū Shawn “Jay Z” Te aroha o te Carter o hākinakina arahi ki te hanganga tūturu o Roc Nations Hākinakina, tautururaa i kaitäkaro i roto i te ara ano Roc Nation kua tautururaa i toi i roto i te ahumahi puoro mō tau. Arotahi Roc Nation Sports i runga i faateitei kaitäkaro’ mahi i runga i te tauine ao e rua i runga i a atu te mara. Conceptualizes Roc Nation Sports, me puta hokohoko, me te tautoko mo te, röpú hapori, aroha here-mai, whanaunga pāpāho me te rautaki waitohu. Whakarewahia Roc Nation Sports tona wehenga mekemeke, he kamupene whakatairanga mahi tonu nei tohu toa o te ao Miguel cotto me Andre Ward, i roto i te August 2014. Roc Nation Sports’ rārangi ngā kaitäkaro tuatahitia pērā i Robinson Cano, Skylar Diggins, Kevin Durant, Geno Smith, Victor Cruz, P Sabathia, James Young, Dez Bryant, Ndamukong Suh, Rusney Castillo, Yoenis Cespedes, Jaelen kaha, Todd Gurley, Wilson Chandler, Erick Aybar, Frances Tiafoe, Justise Winslow a Willie Cauley-Stein.


Adrien Broner oroko UP MŌ tona mahi, Hape o te taure'are'ae MO HONO KAHA'Ú I BOXING

* * * VIDEO Matohi * * *
You have to learn from your mistakes. When you understand and you know why you’re losing, then you can fix it. This next half of my career I’m going to be the AB that’s about business and about boxing.” – Adrien Broner
Pāwhiritia te hononga i whakaahua i raro nei e aore ki te whanga ki, te hora me te / ranei tāmau i tenei ataata
Credit Photo: SHOWTIME
SHOWTIME Sports® tutaki ki Adrien Broner i HeadBangers Faleva'inga i Washington, D.C., rite faaineine ia ki te kanohi Khabib Allakhverdiev tenei Rāhoroi i runga i SHOWTIME®. During the lengthy interview Broner spoke candidly about his approach to the sport and learning from past mistakes. We found the interview compelling and, i roto i te whakakapi o kōpipiri te whai wāhi ki Broner i roto i te arahi ake ki tenei hui, ua te reira e tika ana ki te faaite i tenei putanga roa puka i roto i te faaineineraa no te kōrero matatau koutou kia mahi ai i runga i.
Broner vs. Allakherdiev mo te wātea WBA Super Kōmāmā World Championship tenei Rāhoroi ora i runga i SHOWTIME (10 p.m. AND/7 p.m. PT) i U.S. Bank Arena i Cincinnati.
# # #
Mō ētahi atu pārongo'a'ahi te whai i runga i TwitterSHOSports, AdrienBroner, WarriorsBoxProm KoSwanson_Comm ranei riro i te tahi i runga i Facebook a

TAE MAI Miguel cotto i Los Angeles FOR TRAINING CAMP WITH kaiwhakangungu Freddie Roach AT WILD KĀRI BOXING CLUB FOR NOV. 21 HBO UTU-PER VIEW Showdown AGAINST Canelo Alvarez


Credit Photo: Hector Santos Guia / Roc Nation Sports / Miguel cotto Whakatairanga, LLC


Credit Ataata: Team cotto / Roc Nation Sports


Los Angeles (Mahuru 30, 2015) – Ka kingi nei WBC, Ring Magazine ko Lineal whitu World Champion Miguel Cotto (40-4, 33 Koó) Kua tae i roto i te Los Angeles ki te timata puni whakangungu i Wild Kāri Mekemeke Club ki kaiwhakangungu Freddie Roach mua o tona Rāhoroi, Nov. 21pupūtanga ki mua WBC me WBA Super Welterweight World Champion Canelo Alvarez (45-1-1, 32 Koó) ka e kia hua, ka wehea ora i HBO Totongi-Per-Tiro i Ko te Events Center Mandalay Bay i roto i te Las Vegas.


Raro nei te mea i cotto ko Roach ki te mea e pā ana ki te tīmatanga o te puni:


Miguel cotto: WBC, Ring Magazine ko Lineal whitu World Champion

"Neke atu i rite ahau ki te tiki ki te mahi, me te kakato māia e te mahere nei Freddie Roach roto i te wahi mo to tatou kapa kei te haere ki te whakarite ko ahau mateuteu ki te maukati i roto i tenei wikitoria i runga i ahau Whiringa 21."

Freddie Roach: Hall o Rongonui Trainer, E whitu-Time Trainer o te Winner Tau Award me Trainer o Miguel cotto


"Ko te pūngao i Wild Card he i te katoa-wā teitei. Miguel Ko tetahi o nga tangata faingataa mahi mohio ana ahau, a kihai ia i ururua tetahi wa ki te mowhiti ki ahau whiwhi. E mohio ana ahau kei a tatou nga taputapu e ti'a ia tatou mo te puni whakangungu angitu e ka hoatu Miguel i roto i te pai te tūnga taea ki te whiua Canelo ".



Ka taea te hokona tīkiti e toe ana i te tari pouaka Mandalay Bay,,, ngā tauwāhi katoa Ticketmaster ranei i karanga (800) 745-3000. Ticket orders are limited to four per person.


Cotto vs. Canelo, he whawhai 12-a tawhio noa mo te WBC o cotto me Ring Magazine whitu tekau World Toa, e wahi Rāhoroi, Nov. 21 i nga Events Center Mandalay Bay i roto i te Las Vegas. Te aroaro o te whawhai e Roc iwi Sports, Whakatairanga Boy Golden, Miguel cotto Whakatairanga me Canelo Whakatairanga, ka tautoko e Corona tāpiri; Mexico, Ora i te reira ki te Tui i te reira!; O'Reilly Wāhanga Aunoa, Tequila Cazadores ko Corporate Travel Whakahaere Solutions (CTMS). Ka hua te hui, ka wehea ora e HBO Pay-Per-Tiro timata i9:00 p.m. AND/6:00 p.m. PT. A pee i te whakahaere mā te whakamahi i #CottoCanelo.

Peltz Mekemeke faahanahana 46 Tau Anniversary

I roto i te timatanga…
I he teuteu ki he Rāmere o Puerto Rican mekemeke Classic i te 2300 Arena i roto i te Philadelphia, kaiwhakatairanga J Russell Peltz, International Mekemeke Hall o Rongonui , te piha haapiiraa o 2004, manatu tona timatanga i roto i te mekemeke 46 matahiti i ma'iri a'e.

I teie mahana whakanui-ranei ahau pea mau-te huritau 46 o toku whawhai tuatahi i rite ki te kaiwhakatairanga mekemeke. I taea kua tatari tetahi tau e wha e ahau ki te tuhituhi tenei kōrero, engari e mea rite te wa roa i teie nei, me te bet noa roa ki te tae i taua taumata.

Ka kite ahau i anake i te meneti torutoru o toku kāri mekemeke tuatahi. Ko te Hepetema. 30, 1969, i te Blue Horizon-kore ano rongonui-a ko ahau femo'uekina i roto i te tari pouaka ki te mama, hoko tīkiti ki te whakamutunga o te 1,606 iwi romia e matou i roto i reira i taua po ki te whanga ki whitu Bennie Briscoe whakangaro Tito Marshall i roto i to ratou rematch. Mau tatou ka tahuri atu te iwi i taua po, me e te tahi mea e kore ahau e mahi i ano. He aha I whakaaro ahau?

Tera tetahi miscommunication ki te uniana i tukuna nga kaihoko titeti na ka taka ratou ki te whakaatu, Utua e ahau mama-gratis, o te akoranga-a tauturu ia ki te hoko i te tīkiti.

Ko ahau 22 tau, 15 marama i muri i tu'ite i te fare temepara me iti iho i te 30 tangohia ra i mahi-wa tonu i runga i te tokotoko hākinakina i Ko te Evening Bulletin. I hiahiatia e ahau te mekemeke whiua i Ko te Bulletin, engari ka e ahau te manawanui ai ka Jack Parai, te kaituhi mekemeke, ka te toronga i runga i tana whakatānga whakahauanga i pakeke 65 a kihai i ahau e pā ana ki ki te whakairi a tawhio noa tatari ki a ia mo te mutu ranei, rite papa e mea, whana i te peere.

Na ka meatia e ahau ta nga Grad kāreti-tau 22-tau nei i whakaarahia i runga i te whaimana Raina Main e rave-e ahau riro te kaiwhakatairanga mekemeke.

I whakaorangia ahau e pā ana ki $5,000 i roto i te kāreti mai ahau i-wa tonu i runga i te mea ka karangatia e ratou i te mahi Kōura Shift i Ko te Bulletin, tīmata i te raumati i muri i toku tau teina i te hiero. Mahi ahau i po ki 8 ahau, kōrero whakatika, tuhituhi tapanga me matua, me te mahi i re-tuhi. Katahi Hiahia peia ahau i 30 & Market Street ki Te Tai Tokerau Broad Street mo toku tau matua i te hiero, haere ki te piha haapiiraa i 9 ahau ki te 1 pm, Na peia home ki Piriha Cynwyd ki te haere ki te moe.

Ko te he tau pou-Olympic i roto i Philly me i reira ko taranata i runga i nga ara katoa. Mahara ahau te mutunga o te raumati o 1969, peia ake Columbia Avenue-i teie nei Cecil B. Moore-a tahuri tika muri 22d Street wahi tahuri Columbia ki Ridge. E rua ngā whare i te koki tu te kapi, ko Café o Roach. I te tihi o te Roach Café, ake te rere pari o arawhata, ko Champs Faleva'inga, rere e Quenzell McCall, nana nei i hanga whakangungu Percy Bassett ko Leotis Martin me Kitten Hayward me Briscoe me te maha atu whawhai Philly runga ona wheua.

Tutaki ahau Sam Horomona, he tangata a tawhio-hinana friendly nei fatuhia te horoi kākahu i roto i Te Hau-ā-uru Philadelphia, a faaite ahau e ia ki tona toa hou, he momo-tau 17-tau nei i titiro ki te tahuri pro. Ko tona ingoa Eugene Hart. Tapaina a Sam ia Huripari.

He tau mua, i te omaoma i te whawhe o te Ekalesia Faaiteraa i 12 & Norris, tika atu wānanga o te hiero, I uiui e ahau tetahi atu kuao kaimekemeke amateur mō te kōrero i tuhituhi ahau mo Ko te Bulletin. Ko tona ingoa Bobby Watts. Ka karanga ratou ki a ia Boogaloo.

Kihai i reira kua he kāri whawhai pro i roto i Philly mai Mei, ka i rite mo te tahi mahi pā rohe.

I moe ahau o ia toku whakapakoko apîraa, Hall-o-Famer Harold Johnson, i roto i te hui matua, engari e kore e taea e ahau te ringa i te $2,000 hiahia ia. I riro ahau hoa ki a Pat Duffy, ka tuhituhia ētahi kōrero e pā ana ki runaruna mekemeke i ahau i Ko te Bulletin. Mana Duffy te amateurs i roto i te rohe tri-kāwanatanga, ka i ia tona ringa i roto i te AtAKi rite te pai. I whai wāhi ia ki Leotis Martin ko Sammy Goss ko Bennie Briscoe me mo te taurangi o $1,000 ki te ōrau o te rihīti kuwaha ka e ahau Briscoe ki te whawhai i te rematch ki Marshall, nei i mea patu Bennie wha nga tau i mua.

Duffy ano i te taumahamaha Jerry Tiati ingoa, i te wāhanga Kensington o Philly, a tapiritia e ahau ia ki te kāri i roto i tona tuatahi pro. I runga i te pānui i tāutuhia e ahau te whakawa i rite te Kensington Heavyweight Champion. Tino!

George Hill, i te whakangungu i Champs Faleva'inga, whakaae ki te hanga i tona ake tuatahi pro ki Tiati.

Jimmy Toppi, Jr., fatuhia te Blue Horizon. Whakanuinga ia whawhai i ngā wāhi Philly i roto i te 1940, me te 1950, me te taenga atu ano i rongo ia e pā ana ki toku hui matua, tohu ia he sellout. Toppi e kati tana mahi i nga ra katoa i 2 pm, na e peia e ahau i runga i ki te Blue Horizon i toku fare i roto i te wāhanga Germantown o te pa, waka ki waho, ka tatari ki te kite, ki te e whakaatu tetahi kiritaki ake ki te hoko tīkiti. Taime atoa kite ahau i te tangata waea te opani i te Blue Horizon, Hiahia te puta atu ahau o toku motokā, karanga i runga ki a ratou, ka hoko ia ratou tikiti i roto i toku kātua.

Ka huihui te kāri, ahakoa Watts’ hoariri taketake, Te Tai Tokerau Philly hoa Lloyd News kino Nelson, whakakorea atu te rua wiki i mua i te whakaaturanga, a ehara i te mea noa tata ki Hepetema. 30 e kitea e ahau Ron Nesby, i te whakangungu i omaoma Gil Clancy o roto i New York.

Papa ko i te paipa, whakawera, me te rangi-conditioning pakihi, a tangohia ana e ia 100 tīkiti ringside a hoatu ratou e ia i ki tona hoa pakihi. Utua e ia ki ahau mo te katoa o ratou-e ratou i $5 o tetahi,. Te mana'o nei au ko ia hoha'a e kore e meinga e ahau te reira i roto i te mekemeke. Ka haere mai toku matua keke Bob ki te whawhai, a ka eke ia mate i muri i te kai i te hotdog Blue Horizon.

Ko ahau i te kori nga po, Champs me te PAL 23 i roto i Te Tai Tokerau Philly, Passyunk me te Juniper Faleva'inga i South Philly. Na, i reira etahi engari i te hunga Fab Whā.

Malcolm “Flash” Gordon, he junkie mekemeke New York roa-rouru nei i hokona e te mīhini mimeograph ki tona moni mua tau Pae whakahau, whakaae ki te hoko i ana ngā hōtaka i teie nei-rongonui i te whawhai mo 25 sēniti ia.

Tom Cushman, te kaituhi mekemeke mo te Daily News, Ko te kaitākaro matua. I tutaki ahau Cushman i Oklahoma City i te tau torutoru mua. I mutu ia i reira–i runga i tona ara Te Tai Rāwhiti i Denver ki te tīmata i tana mahi hou i te Daily News-ki te taupoki ana te kapa poitūkohu o hiero i roto i te whakataetae Kirihimete, a ko ahau i reira, ano he kaituhi mō Ko te Bulletin.

Mohio Cushman e kaituhi mekemeke i ētahi atu nūpepa i roto i te pa ka tango moni i raro i te tepu i ngā kaiwhakatairanga ki te tuhituhi kōrero whawhai-mua, a ka korerotia e ia ki ahau, ki te ake ake ia mau te mahi ki ahau e taea e kihi ahau to tatou poroporoaki auhoaraa. Ehara i te mea tupono noa!

Ko te Inquirer kupu matua te ra i te aroaro o toku kāri: He Peltz Rite Hei Tiki i tihore?

Hokona matou i roto i. I te wa, te 1,606 pā i roto i te haereraa i māngai te mano nui i roto i te aamu i te Blue Horizon o. Ko te kuwaha ko $6,010 ki tīkiti utu i $3 a $5. Haere mai ōrau o Briscoe ki $1,314.58 a haere atu Marshall ki $788.75.

Whiua whitu Oscar Coor Clarence Finney i roto i te-rounder wha katoa-rohe ki te whakatuwhera i te kāri-i runga i te wā, fakanatula, i 8 pm-a Huripari Whakatangihia atu South Philly o Sheldon Moore Hart, kihai nei i whakahoki te pere mo te a tawhio noa e rua. Mahi pakeke Jerry Tiati, a mutu George Hill i roto i te wha o tawhio noa, me Boogaloo Watts-pouaka i roto i Ron Nesby i roto i te 6. I roto i te hui matua, Briscoe i te hau. Ripekatia ia Marshall i raro i te whitiki wawe a ka amuamu Tito ki te tohutoro, Haere Bennie runga, a ko reira katoa i runga i roto i 60 hēkona. E kore Marshall pouaka ano.

Columnist Sandy Grady ko reira i Ko te Bulletin. Tona kōrero te ra i muri mai–Mai True haurangi Dream–korerotia e pā ana ki toku matapae i roto i te kāreti e te ra kotahi oku hoa kia haere mai ki toku kāri whawhai. Ia i tuhituhi ano hoki e toku (tuatahi) wahine a i noho ahau i roto i te fare i roto i Germantown me nga mea anake i roto i te reira i te moenga, he huinga TV, me te ngeru, ko Ophelia. Ki te moni i hanga tatou i taua po ($1,438.83), I tuhituhi Grady e pea inaianei e hoko tatou i te tahi taonga.

He marama ruarua mua, ui toku wahine i ahau te whakaaro ki ahau, i taea e ahau hei angitu i roto i tenei mahi te mea i hanga. Ka korerotia e ahau ki a ia kia tangohia te reira ahau e pā ana ki ono marama ki te whakatangi oku penapena engari hiahia whai i ahau he scrapbook nui te ra kotahi ki te faaite i to tatou tamariki e pā ana ki te wa ratou Teti ko te kaiwhakatairanga mekemeke.