Category Archives: mekemeke


Beibut Shumenov Whakaū Hei Pepeke Mai Hōtaka a'ee tika ki te whara
Las Vegas (Whiringa 30, 2015) – Detroit o Isiah Thomas (15-0, 6 Koó) a Russia o Murat “Iron” Gassiev (22-0, 16 Koó) ka tutaki i roto i te whawhai 12-a tawhio noa o cruiserweights tūturu rite te hui tahi-matua o Te Pirimia mekemeke Champions(PBC)i runga i Koi Rāmere, Hakihea 18 i te Poe i Palms Casino Resort i Las Vegas.
Ka whakakapi i tēnei a'ee te hui tahi-matua whakaritea i mua i waenganui i Beibut Shumenov andKrzyzstof Wlodarczyk i muri takoha Shumenov i ki te haere atu e tika ana ki te inury kanohi.
Headlined PBC runga i te Koi e tūturu Cuban Rances “Hau Kid” Barthelemy (23-0, 13 Koó) a Russia o Denis Shafikov (36-1-1, 19 Koó) i roto i te whawhai taitara ao Kōmāmā, me whitu teina tūturu Chris “Young Kingi” Pearson (13-0, 10 Koó) a maranga amanaki hinga kore Gervonta “Tank” Davis (13-0, 12 Koó) i roto i te wae motuhake.
Tikiti mo te takahanga ora, whakatairangatia ana e te e Mayweather Whakatairanga i roto i te feohi ki Warriors Mekemeke, E utu i $100.50, a $25.50 me utu e hāngai ana, a kei runga i te hoko i teie nei. Kia hokona ngā tīkiti i ranei i karanga i te Tari Pouaka Pearl i 702-994-3200 ranei Ticketmaster i (800) 745-3000.
He hua o Imanuela Steward o Kronk Gym i Detroit, Thomas i arahina e te kaiwhakangungu rongonui mutunga puta noa i te mahi runaruna e kau e rua taitara Junior Olympic me te mētara koura i te Cadet Toa Ao. Mai i tahuri pro i roto i 2008, te-tau 26-tawhito, kua ano ki te ngaro, me te tino tata tangohia ake he wikitoria faahiahia runga mua hinga kore Horano Shimmell roto i te Hōngongoi.
He nohopuku-aranga amanaki-tau 22-tawhito, Kei te tūturu hoki Gassiev mai tahuri pro i roto i 2011 a kua tukua e toru whakaora mutu tonu mai hanga i tona tuatahi stateside i Hānuere o tenei tau. Hei kanohi Vladikavkaz, Russia, Nona ia whakaora mo te mua hinga Leon Harth me hōia Pirika Cora Jr., Ismail Adbdoul ko Levan Jomardashvili.
Te whai i runga i TwitterPremierBoxing, RealKidBlast, _ChrisPearson, GervontaDavis, SpikeTV, SpikeSports, MayweatherPromo, WarriorsBoxingProm,PearlAtPalms KoSwanson_Comm ka riro i te tahi i runga i Facebook a

Arama Mate tenei po Rāmere Mykal Fox ki te whawhai i te Racetrack hītori roto i Fort Washington, Maryland

Fort Washington, MD (Whiringa 30, 2015) – Tūturu Forestville, Maryland super Kōmāmā Mykal “Ko te Ahorangi” Fox (7-0, e rua Koó) Ka fehangahangai tona wero uaua ki te rā, ka anga ia Arama “Boy kino” Mate (18-6, 11 Koó) o Sopron, Hungary i runga i Rāmere Hakihea 4 at the historic Rosecroft Raceway in Fort Washington, Maryland. Ko te-a tawhio noa e ono a'ee hinaaro kupu matua te tāpae lineup 8-whawhai e kore e e whai i te kaimekemeke kotahi ki te record ngaro i runga i te kāri.


Whakatairangatia ana te kāri e Whakatairanga Kings me tīkiti e tēnei wā i runga i te hoko ($40/$60/$75) i ranei na roto i te te karanga 301-899-2430. Tikiti hokona i te tari pouaka i runga i te po, whawhai kaupapa ki te $5 tāpiri.

Hanga Fox e tona ahua tuatahi i raro i kara whakatairanga nga Kings i muri i te waituhi i te mahi ki a ratou i runga i Oketopa 8, 2015. Ko te 'amanaki tūturu-tau 19-tau tahuri pro i April o 2014 i muri i te whai wāhi i roto i neke atu i te 100 pāngia runaruna. Ko te 6'4″ Fox Ko te teina o tūturu whitu teina Alantez, ko wai te mea he DiBella whakangahau signee. Whakangungutia te Fox Brothers i to ratou papa, Troy, i te Lloyd Irvin Academy i te hiero Hills, MD.

Mate, 24-tau-tau, Ko te mua Hungarian Kōmāmā Champion me tomo te a'ee ki te whakauru i roto i 3 o tona whakamutunga 4 pito. Tona whawhai ahua anake i roto i te United States, mua i tenei tau, Whawhai Mate maia i roto i te a'ee teata motu ki tūturu Top Kapa amanaki William Silva i mua i te mutu i roto i te rima o tawhio noa e te pere tinana.

Whakatairangatia ana te kāri e Whakatairanga Kings, te matchmaker ko Ross Molovinsky. Tīkiti e tēnei wā i runga i te hoko ($40/$60/$75) i ranei na roto i te te karanga 301-899-2430. Tikiti hokona i te tari pouaka i runga i te po, whawhai kaupapa ki te $5 tāpiri. Tenei ka waiho Kings Whakatairanga hui tuatahi mekemeke ngaio i roto i te āhua o Maryland.

Hōtaka ki te puta i roto i te 6-rauna pāngia:

Mā whitu Thomas Snow (17-2, 11 KO o) o Capitol Heights, Maryland ka kite mahi ki Tibor Nador (6-2-1, 3 KO o) o Nagykanizsa, Hungary.

Charles Natal (6-0-2, 2 KO o) o Cleveland, Ka tangohia Ohio i runga i Grayson Blake (6-4, 2 KO o) o State College, PA. i roto i te a'ee Welterweight.

Junior Castillo (7-0, 7 KO o) o Santo Domingo, Ka whawhai mua i roto i te Jr. A'ee whitu ki Roland Runga (6-1, 4 KO o) o Budapest, Hungary

I roto i te pāngia 4-a tawhio:

Chris Warden (1-0, 1 KO) o Lusby, Ka whawhai MD i roto i te Jr. A'ee Welterweight ki Bernardo Rodriguez (Tuatahi pro) o Miami, FL

Shynggyskhan Tazhibay (2-0, 2 KO o) o Karaganda, Ka tangohia KAZ James Robinson (3-3-2, 1 KO) o York, PA. i roto i te a'ee Welterweight.

Rīpekatia Sam o Greenbelt, MD o Greenbelt. Ka meinga e MD tona tuatahi pro i roto i te a'ee Cruiserweight ki hoa debuter pro Hampton Miller o Norwalk, CT.

Santario Martin (1-1) o Gainesville, Ka tangohia FL i runga i Nicholas Hernandez (2-1) o te Reading, PA i roto i te a'ee taumahawaenga.

Tickets, utu i $40/$60/$75, tīkiti e onsale ipurangi i www.beltwayboxing.comranei i te waea i 301-899-243

JAMES DEGALE tohe Super whitu taitara I Kuititanga Thriller OVER whenua Favorite Lucian'okú MAA ON SHOWTIME®

Whiwhi Eleider Alvarez Matau Hei Kanohi WBC Light Heavyweight Champion

A Tamutu Stevenson, Ko wai Waea Out Sergey Kovalev hoki Pipiri whakakotahitanga


Adrian Granados puranga Tūturu Amir Imam I SHO EXTREME


Hopu te anō i Tenei Rāhina I 10 p.m. AND/PT I te SHOWTIME EXTREME


Pāwhiritia HERE Hei Tikiake Photos i Amanda Westcott / SHOWTIME


Te Kuititanga, Canada (Nov. 29, 2015) - Awhina James DeGale tona IBF Super whitu World Championship i roto i te mau i runga i kainga tino me te toa mua Lucian'okú i runga i Rāhoroi i roto i te hui matua o SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING.


Ko te korero taitara tuatahi mō DeGale, te 2008 Mētara Olympic koura i Ingarangi i haere i runga i te ara ki Boston mua i tēnei tau ki te riro i te taitara, a whiriwhiria ki te tiaki i roto i te rohe fakafili.


'okú, i ngana ki te riro hoki te whitiki IBF ka awhina ia ia e iwa nga wa i waenganui i 2007 a 2012, put on an inspired and gutsy performance in an electric atmosphere to open the new Videotron Centre in Quebec City. But the unbelievable pace, me te i te täoro ki o tika overhand, matā tinana me hiato i te DeGale muri (22-1, 14 Koó) whakamatauria ki te kia i te rerekētanga rite DeGale ka kaha 116-112, 117-111 (rua).


"Au e ahau taitamariki, me au hou ahau. Au peaking ahau tika i teie nei,” DeGale said. “I’m ready for the best in the world. Credit ki'okú – te ia he toa nui, me te whakapono ki ahau, ka hoki ia e ".


"Ka rite ki kua mea ahau i roto i te mua, Ko ia he toa-ao o te piha. Kua tonu ka e ahau nga mea ki te mahi i runga i roto i te toru, ka wha nga tau i te muri, me te haere ahau ki te hei toku pai. "


'okú (32-3, 25 Koó) didn’t look anything like the fighter that lost to Carl Froch in 2012. But while the 35-year-old stalked the switch-hitting DeGale with a relentless attack, e kore e taea e ia nui ki ikuna'i te kawenata hohe lahi, nei maka 524 nifó mana whakaritea ki 278 mo'okú.


“I think it was a great fight. I did my best tonight,” Bute said. “I think it was a close fight. He’s an Olympic champion, he’s a world champion. If the judges give him the decision I respect that. I’ll be back in the gym to work hard and continue to fight. I think it was a very close fight. I’m happy with my performance and I’ll be back in the gym to get back in the ring one more time.


“The last three years were difficult for me. After I lost to Carl Froch that was a very difficult period for me. I took a break, and now I’m back. Ite ahau nui, Ite ahau hauora, me te inaianei kua ahau tetahi atu tupono ki kia hoki i runga i te tihi.


“Maybe a few rounds I waited too much and didn’t put the punches together and I let James fight me. When I pushed pressure and pushed back I won the round.”


I roto i te a'ee whakatuwheratanga i runga i SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING, Roaa Eleider Alvarez te tika ki te kanohi WBC Light Heavyweight World Champion Tamutu Stevenson ki te nuinga whakatau tata i runga i Ihaka Chilemba, ngä 114-114, 118-110, 115-113.


Alvarez, runga No. 2 i te WBC i 175 pauna, tīmata tere, me te pocketed rauna ki te No. 1 ranked contender Chilemba. But Chilemba weathered the storm and fought his way back in the fight as Alvarez couldn’t keep up the pace he established in the earlier rounds.


Ka haere mai whawhai e rua i roto i ki te tikanga o te ru i roto i te 12th , me te whakatau tumanako, me te ki te riro Chilemba i te a tawhio noa whakamutunga te whawhai e kua kingi te Unuunu.


"I mohio ahau i ahau ki te whakaoti i te rauna i muri mai kaha, engari e whakapono ana ahau i nui ki te riro i te whawhai ahau,” Alvarez said. “I’m ready to accept the challenge and face Stevenson. Ki te riro i te toa ao, whai koe ki te whiua te toa. Na e te aha ahau whai ki te mahi i. "


Mark tohe e Alvarez, nei whawhai i roto i Montreal tata, ko te painga o te "whakatau whenua,"Ahakoa te kaiwhakawa i kingi i te whawhai ko te Unuunu he rohe, ka i te tahi atu e rua i kūpapa rohe.


"Ahau i whakaaro i nui ki te riro te reira e ahau,” Chilemba said. “But it is what it is. Ahau mana'o nei e taea te karanga koe i te reira i te whakatau whenua. "


I muri i te whawhai, Noho iho SHOWTIME Sports ope Brian Custer ki Stevenson ki te tiki i ona whakaaro i runga i Alvarez-Chilemba me tona heke mai.


"Ko te he whawhai tinana tata,” Stevenson said. "E ia (Alvarez) riro i tēnei whawhai, engari ko te reira tino tata. "


"Te paraparau nei tatou e pā ana ki Kovalev no te kī tonu te WBC ia te No. 1 nguha. E hiahia ana ahau i tenei whawhai ki te tupu. The fans want it to happen. I said June is perfect for me. He said ‘OK, Pipiri,'Ka mea a Kathy Duva' Kāore he raruraru, June.’ Then she said on HBO. Na ka mea ahau, 'Wareware e pā ana ki te pouaka whakaata, let them talk.’ We want the fight to happen. Let the TVs work together and make it happen.


“I want to fight Kovalev. That’s the best opportunity for me because I want his titles. For sure, this fight will happen in June. I don’t have a problem; my team doesn’t have a problem. I want this fight in June.


Kovalev is scared. I talked to him, saw it in his eyes that he’s scared of me. It will happen, but I know Kovalev is scared. I want Kovalev. I’m very hungry to get his titles.”


Ora Adrian Granados he knockdown tuatahi-a tawhio noa ki te paorooro tūturu amanaki super Kōmāmā Amir Imam i roto i te a'ee whakatuwheratanga o SHOWTIME BOXING ON SHO EXTREME ki te TKO a tawhio waru (2:34).


Ko te he kuru mate mo te Imam, nei tomo te whawhai kia rite ki te No. 1 kaiwero whakahauanga ki WBC Super Kōmāmā World Champion Viktor Postol.


Imam looked like he was going to finish the fight early after a nice left-right combo floored the Chicago native. But after escaping the first, Granados te mangai te tempo o te whawhai, worked the inside and prevented Imam – considered one of boxing’s most talented young contenders – from establishing his jab. With Imam unable to keep the fight at a distance, Granados picked apart the Don King-promoted fighter. After seven rounds of punishment and Iman gasping for air against the ropes Granados finished his opponent with a series of devastating combo shots.


He Granados koa (15-3-2, 10 Koó), nei te parekura ki whawhai ki te lekooti ngā o 49-0, tohe tona take ki te riro i te kaiwero whakahauanga.


"E whakapono ana ahau kia ahau i te kaiwero whakahauanga,” Granados said. “He was in line and I stopped him. Eaha te auraa? Come on. I was the underdog, engari e ahau tika haere ki te tango i te reira. Ahau i haere mai ki te tango i te reira.


"Mana'o i te reira nui. Kia i ahau kōemiemi ia ko ahau kia rite ki, 'Kua ka koe ki te tiki ia ia i teie nei. This time you’re not taking it from me.’ It was a flash knockdown. Mau ia ki te ringa matau, engari ko ahau pai. Ahau pihai noa tika ake a mohio ahau ia ia e haere ki te whakamātau ki te whakaoti i ahau. Ka tatou i roto i te reira, a haere ana tika hoki ki te mahi. "


Ahakoa te mate e vare i, E ahau (18-1, 15 Koó) e kore e tatarahapa tango i te whawhai pea e e patoto ia i roto i te totohe taitara.


"E mohio ana ahau ki te iwi ai mea kia kaua e tangohia e ahau tenei whawhai, ko ahau e hiahiatia ana i tenei whawhai i roto i waenganui i rite te rangi-ake mo toku whawhai i muri mai no te mea e kore ahau i hiahia ki te tatari mo te ono ki te waru marama mo te pere taitara ao.


"Ko te kī ki te whawhai ki toku werohanga, Ahau e kore e tika i whakamahi i te reira nui,” Imam said. “But that’s the way it goes and I’m going to definitely come back stronger. I wasn’t thinking anything after that first-round knockdown. I’ve done that many times and didn’t think the fight was over. I wasn’t surprised at all by the way he came out. E matau ana ahau pehea ia whawhai. Te ia he toa pai me i te reira he ki reira katoa. "


I roto i te a'ee whakatuwheratanga o SHOWTIME BOXING ON SHO EXTREME, tūturu amanaki taumahamaha Oscar Rivas (18-0, 13 Koó) patototanga i hōia Joey Abell (31-9, 29 Koó) i :46 o te tuarua a tawhio.


Rāhoroi o SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING telecast ka anō-rangi i runga iRāhina, Nov. 30 i 10 p.m. AND/PT runga i SHOWTIME EXTREME i te SHOWTIME BOXING ON SHO EXTREME ka anō-rangi i runga i te Wenerei, Nov. 2 i 10 p.m. ET / PT. Both telecasts will be available On Demand beginning tenei Rātapu.

Mauro Ranallo called the SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING action with Hall of Fame analyst Al Bernstein and former world champion Paulie Malignaggi commentating and Jim Gray reporting. I roto i Spanish, Alejandro Luna called the blow-by-blow with former world champion Raul Marquez serving as color commentator. Ka karanga Barry Tompkins te mahi SHOWTIME EXTREME i ringside ki faihisitōlia mekemeke Steve Farhood te taviniraa ei kaitātari mohio.


The executive producer of SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING is David Dinkins Jr. with Bob Dunphy directing.

Cave KO o Rojas Hei Haumaru Ao Karauna

I roto i te mua o te mano nui i te Dartmouth Sportsplex i Dartmouth, Nova Scotia, hero rohe Tyson Cave noaa te Mekemeke Union Ao (WBU) Super whā World Championship ki te knockout tuarua autaia a tawhio o uaua whakakapinga mutunga Walter Rojas (24 toa 23 i te ara o KO me 7 parekura).


Whakaaturia Cave tona mekemeke makehe me ngā pūkenga ārai ki te Āketina kekeno nui puta noa i te a tawhio noa tuatahi, kanikani a tawhio noa te Rojas tonu atu haere mai i mua i te kato i te Āketina atu ki etahi matā koi.


Early i roto i te rua o nga Cave u he pere tika wāhi titi ki te tonoa Rojas ki te koaka.


Matau i te tīmata Rojas haere pakeke, me te nohopuku i runga i te whakaeke kotahi atu, Makehe mowhiti mahi a Cave whanau whakahohea te Halifax, a muia ana toa ki te karo i te tahi mau tika fakamātoato nohopuku nui, Na rite i mua i u Cave akatainuia pere tika ki te tonoa Rojas ki te koaka mo te wa tuarua i tetahi atu.


I runga i te tīmata i tēnei wā ko reira Cave i haere i roto i te pakeke me te nohopuku, ū te pere nui ki te whare o te Āketina i tonoa ia ki raro, a roto i te taura.


Tamata Rojas tino ki te tiki ki ona waewae, heoi kihai i whai nui ruruku ki te wahia ia ia ake te whakamahi i te taura, i tatau Kaitautoko Hubert Earl o haere mai ki te mutunga, Hinga Rojas na i muku te te Earl tino ite te a'ee o kia taea e te te raru Āketina farii āwhina hauora i runga i te meneti kotahi me te tohu tuarua e rima tekau.


I muri i te whakaaturanga whitiki faaararaa a Championship mea te Sharing hou karaunatia.


"Whakarongo e hiahia ana ahau ki te whakawhetai ki te WBU mō te hanga i toku moe mai pono, E hiahia ana ahau ki te whakawhetai Rio (WBU Europe te peresideni Gianluca Di Caro) me tona whakahaere mō te hanga tupu tenei.


Me ahau whakawhetai toku rōpū, toku papa me Tony Makhoul o TMG whakangahau hoki te reira hoki ahau, me te hanga tupu tenei.


Walter He tangata whawhai pono, tu ana ia i roto i ana i taua meneti whakamutunga i muri i kore i a Ihu Rios te tiki i ona visa, Ko te rite ki te haere ia, kahore feaa ka mau ia ki te whawhai a ka tae ki te whakaora i te whakaatu, he toa mau.


Whakaaro ahau whakamatauria e ahau i ahau i te pūkenga ki te tiki tangata i roto i te reira, whakawhetai ki a koe, whakawhetai ki a koe, whakawhetai ki a koe.


Heoi ano ahau i te Prince o Hali, hey whakarongo ake heoi ano ahau i te Prince o Hali, Ko toku ingoa hou KING Cave.


Toku raupapa tuatahi ko e haere tatou i ki te whawhai i roto i Ingarangi, e tatou e haere mai ki te whawhai a Paora Economides, Na e hiahia ana matou Scott Quigg Carl Frampton rānei, te tangata toa e whawhai, e te hunga e hiahia ana matou. "


Errol Spence JR. Waipuke Alejandro Barrera ON tona ara KI PAE-rauna Tuhinga
Erickson Lubin Scores Maere Tuarua-Rauna Knockout
Neke atu i te Alexis Camacho
Pāwhiritia HERE No te Photos i Suzanne Teresa / Pirimia Boxing Champions
Dallas (Whiringa 28, 2015) – Te toa Welterweight Super ao Jermall “Hitman” Charlo (23-0, 18 Koó) mutu “Silky” Wilky Campfort (21-2, 12 Koó) i roto i te wha-a tawhio ki te pupuri i tana taitara Rāhoroi avatea i runga i Te Pirimia mekemeke Champions (PBC) i runga iNBC i te Bomb Factory i Dallas.
Whakamahia Charlo tona tiketike, me te werohanga ki te whakahaere i te whawhai, me te pupuri i te tenacious Campfort i whiwhi roto me te ai tetahi mate ki te wawao i te taitara. I roto i te rua o a tawhio noa, U Charlo he paheko rua-tokua e mutu ki te ripeka tika ki te tonoa Campfort ki te koaka.
Tonu te raruraru mo Campfort i taka noa e toru rite Charlo hono i runga i te matau kaha maui e hoatu Campfort iho te wa tuarua. A, no te tangohia ake te mahi i roto i te taka noa e wha upped Charlo te fakaaoao a whakanohoia Campfort i runga i te whāriki mō te wa whakamutunga ki te tini i mahue Campfort tapahia me taea ki te kite i roto i tona kanohi matau.
Kaitautoko Mark Calo-aue mutu te whawhai 1:16 ki tetahi taha e wha. Outlanded Charlo Campfort 62-11 i runga i te rauna e wha, a ka u 30% o ona nifó kaha.
Kite te hui tahi-matua Dallas's-ake whetu maranga Errol “Ko te Truth” Spence Jr. (19-0, 16 Koó) hoatu i runga i te whakaatu mo tona mano oire rite mutu ia Alejandro Barrera (26-3, 17 Koó) i roto i te rima o-a tawhio noa o to ratou tukinga Welterweight.
Spence Jr. whawhai äta i roto i te taka noa tuatahi, ongoi i hoariri tona i haere i roto i te titiro ki te whakamahi i tana kāhua rorirori ki te whakakahore i te toa whenua tūturu. I taea ki te whenua ki te uppercut wawe i runga i Barrera, Spence Jr. whakaritea ka anga ki Barrera toto ki te raupapa o ringa mahue i roto i te taka noa e rua.
Tonu Barrera ki whakairi uaua i roto i te toru, te wha nga rauna, engari i roto i te taka noa e rima ka puta Spence i ki te whakahoutia anaanatae i roto i te whakaeke tinana. Ka tonoa e ia Barrera ki te koaka ki te puhipuhinga ki te tinana, a aru ana i taua mea ki i muri tata ki tetahi huaki i runga i te tinana i mua i kaitautoko Laurence Cole mutu te whawhai 1:46 ki a tawhio noa, e rima. I tangohia Barrera ki Baylor Medical Hospital i muri i te whawhai.
I roto i te a'ee whakatuwheratanga teata, maranga amanaki Erickson “Ko te Hammer” Lubin (13-0, 10 Koó) homai he knockout tuarua-a tawhio autaia runga Alexis Camacho (21-6, 19 Koó).
Ko te whetu putanga tūturu i Orlando ia taupokina iho e no Mehiko ki tona matau tere i te pere te whakatuwheratanga. Ko ia e taea ki te tomo korero o Mehiko ki te werohanga kaha a tonoa Camacho ki te koaka i roto i te kotahi a tawhio noa ki te matau tika nui.
Ka puta mai i roto i Lubin i taka noa e rua titiro ki te mutunga hohoro te whawhai, a ko taea e ki te whenua i te matau tika haohaoa. Ka haere mai te knockout kotahi-tokua 42 hēkona ki te tuarua a tawhio.
Tenei ko te aha te whawhai i ki te mea Rāhoroi:
“Toku gameplan ko ki te tīmata atu te whakamahi i te werohanga me ki te kite pehea hiahia huru ia. Ko te he patu kaha.
“Na pakeke ahau mahi i roto i te puni, te reira i te mana'o nui ki te kite iritihia te reira ki te wikitoria. I mohio ahau i ahau painga, na e ahau noa hiahia ki te tango i toku wa kia ka tino ka e ahau te whai wāhi ki te whakaatu i toku kaha.
“Ko Camp tino pai. Ahau riro noa te taitara Mahuru 12 a kua mau kua reira ahau. Haere reira ka tiakina te reira. Ahau i te toa mau ao.
“Aroha ana ahau ki Dallas! Ko te kupu tenei rite te whare tuarua. He nui ēnei pā, me te titiro atu ahau ki te haere mai hoki.
“Kua hokona e ahau te werohanga pai i roto i te mahi. Kei te haere ahau ki te pupuri i te whakamahi i te reira, no te mea e kai ana te reira i to'u utuafare.
“Kei te haere ahau ki te noho tika i konei i 154. Ko toku taitara tenei a haere ahau ki te tiakina i te reira. Ahau rite mo te tangata e ahau.”
“I ahau i te raruraru mua tona werohanga whiwhi. Kia ahau ka i roto i, ko na ia nui nui atu i ahau, a kihai i taea e toku nifó tino whakapehapeha ia. Mana e ia te whawhai ki tona werohanga.
“Tamata e ahau ki te hanga i te whawhai tupu, engari ko te reira uaua ki te whiwhi i roto o ia. Te ia te taata nui me te toa tino pai. Otiia ite au i rite i ahau i roto i reira ki te taumahamaha marama.
“I te knockdown whakamutunga ka tia toku kanohi, me te kahore ahau i kite tino. Ko te aha mutu reira te tohutoro.”
Errol Spence JR.
“Ko te rautaki ko ki te kia manawanui, me te ki te tiki i aku wahi. Ko ia atu rorirori atu whakaaro ahau e ia. Kokiritanga ahau te reira i te iti moka engari Ua tito kotahi ahau i ahau e ahau tangohia toku wahi, a whakarongo ki toku kaiako, I taea e ahau haere mai i mua, ka mutu ia ia.
“Ko te tino nui te mahi tinana. Ko e me'a ako'i tatou mo i roto i te omaoma, mahi ka haere te tinana ki te matenga. I roto i te rauna tuatahi ahua o ahau ka atu i te reira, engari hoki ki reira ka haere ahau, a ko taea e ki te mutu ia.
“I reira tino ētahi raru whawhai i roto i te mua o toku pā oire. Ka mau te reira i ahau e te tokorua tuatahi o rauna ki te tiki i runga i taua. Na ka mahi i te mea e ahau te tikanga e rave noa ahau tīmata a mahi ana e ia i roto i.
“E hiahia ana runga ahau 10 welterweights. Toku whāinga ki te riro i te toa ao ko. Ki te whai ahau ki te haere ki Ingarangi ki te whawhai awa Kell, Au pai ki te mahi i te ahau.”
Erickson LUBIN
“I mohio ahau i ite ia, na i ahau ki te tango i toku wa ki te tiki ia ia i roto i te reira. Kihai ahau i pai kia rere rawa nui. Noho ahau i muri i te werohanga a ka mahi i te reira.
“Ko toku vitiviti toku ringa ārahi, ka kite ahau i rere ia ia i roto i, na whakamahia ahau e matau Rank ki te hoatu ki a ia i roto i.
“2015 kua he tau nui. Ka hoatu e ahau a reira he te tango anake no te ahau e kore e tonu te taitara ao i. Au whakapai ake ahau ano he toa i nga ra katoa.
“Ko rahi toku rōpū, me te mohio ratou ki ahau kia pai, e maka ana e ratou ki ahau i runga i te te ara e hiahia ana ahau ki te hei i runga i. E hiahia ana ahau ki te tiki i hoki i roto i te whakakai wawe tonu, me te kore e taea e ahau e tatari.”
# # #
PBC i te NBC i whakatairangatia ana e Leija Battah Whakatairanga.
Mō ētahi atu pārongo'a'ahi, te whai i runga i TwitterPremierBoxing, FutureOfBoxing, ErrolSpenceJr, LeijaBattahPR, NBCSports, and @Swanson_Comm and become a fan on Facebook at Highlights available to embed at

Jerry Odom ki te whawhai ki Michael Mitchell i runga i te Paraire, Hakihea 11 i te PAL Parsippany i Parsippany, New Jersey

Tūturu Ian Green, DeLorien Carraway, Hector Frometa, Arturo Trujillo, Leon Johnson, Hakim Bryant, Cassius Chaney & Dustin Fleischer ki te puta i runga i te kāri
Kia tukuna tonutia atu

Parsippany, New Jersey (Whiringa 27, 2015) – I Po te Paraire, Hakihea 11, GH3 Promotions will present an outstanding night of professional boxing at the Parsippany PAL i roto i te Parsippany, New Jersey.

I roto i te hui matua, whakaongaonga taumahamaha Light, Jerry “Ko te Kings Tama” Odom Ka tangohia i runga i Michael Mitchell i roto i te a'ee whakaritea mō te 8-rauna.
Odom o Bowie, Maryland he lekooti o 13-2, ki 12 knockouts.
Te 22 riro tau-tawhito Odom ona pāngia tuatahi tekau ma rua, i kitea e te mutu a tawhio 7 oaoa i runga i mua tūturu Vilier Quinonez i runga i te Hōngongoi 25, 2014. Odom rebounded from his first defeat, i ko i te whakakāhore i tautohetia ki Andrew Hernandez ki pō ngahau, me te whakangaro i Hernandez i roto i te taka noa tuatahi o to ratou Maehe 13, 2015 rematch. The Quinonez and Hernandez rematch bouts where nationally televised on ShoBox: Ko te Generation New.
I roto i tona a'ee whakamutunga, Mutu Odom i roto i te toru rauna e Hamuera Clarkson i runga i te Hōngongoi 17, 2015 i roto i te Peterehema, PA.
Mitchell o Paterson, New Jersey e ha lekooti o 3-6-2 ki 1 knockout.

Mitchell has faced five undefeated fighters which includes his last fight when he lost a decision to Meng Fanlong on September 26 i roto i te Beach Haven, Nj

I roto i te 6-a tawhio noa tahi-āhuatanga, Ian Green (8-0,6 KO o) o Paterson, Ka titiro New Jersey ki te noho tūturu tonu i roto i te a'ee 6-a tawhio noa whitu ki Jamie Campbell (11-10, 8 KO o) o London, Ingarangi.
Green, ko titiro he amanaki runaruna runga, kua nui rite kua tīmata ia tona mahi ngaio flawlessly. He is coming off 1st round stoppage over Travis Dickinson on November 14th in Springfield, VA.
Riro Campbell ana pāngia tekau tuatahi. He has faced world champions Danny Jacobs, Anthony Dirrell a Hall o Famer, Virgil Hill.
I roto i tona a'ee whakamutunga, Mutu i Campbell i roto i 2 rauna e Mike Gavronski i runga i Oketopa 13 i roto i te Shelton, Washington.
I roto i te pāngia 6-a tawhio:
Arturo Trujillo (7-0, 3 KO o) o te Reading, Ka tangohia PA runga i te hoariri ki te kia kauwhautia i roto i te a'ee Welterweight.
I roto i te pāngia 4-a tawhio:
DeLorien pi e (5-0, 4 KO o) o Minnesota e kite i mahi i roto i te whawhai Welterweight.
Oscar Bonilla (3-1-2) o Brodgeport, Ka whawhai CT Welcome Diaz (2-1, 2 KO o) o Prospect Park, NJ i roto i te a'ee Kōmāmā.

Hector Frometa (1-0) o Miami, Ka tangohia FL i runga i Drew Morais (1-4-1) o Southgate, MI i roto i te a'ee Welterweight.

Leon Johnson (1-0, 1 KO) o Paterson, Ka whawhai nj Rex Harris (1-3, 1 KO) o Harrisburg, PA i roto i te whawhai Cruiserweight.

Hakim Bryant (5-0, 4 KO o) o Asbury Park, Ka tangohia nj i runga i te hoariri ki te kia te ingoa i roto i te a'ee taumahawaenga.

Cassius Chaney (5-0, 3 KO o) o Bridgeport, Ka tangohia i runga i te hoariri CT kia kiia i roto i te a'ee taumahamaha.
Dustin Fleischer (5-0, 5 KO o) o Monmouth Beach, Ka tangohia nj i runga i te hoariri ki te kia te ingoa i roto i te a'ee Welterweight.
He ka 8 pāngia runaruna e ka pahika atu ki mua i te whakaaturanga ngaio e ka ngā standouts Vito Mielnicki Jr., Malik Nelson, Dwyke Flemming, Kevin Bonilla,Rajohary Chance a Armani Macphall.

Ka taea te hokona tikiti mo $125, $100, $75 a $50 na roto i te te karanga 862-223-9487

GH3 Whakatairanga ngā tūturu whitu Antoine Douglas, Super whitu o Jerry Odom & Derrick Webster, tūturu Super whā Arama Lopez me te Boxcino 2015 JR. Whitu tekau Champion John Thompson, Jr., a Welterweight tūturu Hector Frometa, Jerrell Harris & Keenan Smith, Marama Heavyweight Lavarn Harvell, JR. Kōmāmā O'Shanique Foster & Super whitu tekau Andrew Hernandez ki te GH3 Whakatairanga eu.




Mai i VidKo reiraotron Centre i Quebec City, Canada


Pāwhiritia HERE No te Photos Mai Amanda Westcott / SHOWTIME


Te Kuititanga, Canada (Nov. 26, 2015) - Tūturu WBC No. 1 runga super Kōmāmā Amir Imam (18-0, 15 Koó) a Adrian Granados (16-4-2, 11 Koó) fehangahangai atu i runga i Rāpare i mua o to ratou a'ee 10-a tawhio i runga i Rāhoroi, Nov. 28, i runga i SHOWTIME BOXING i runga i SHO EXTREME.


Ko te SHOWTIME BOXING i runga i SHO EXTREME telecast haamata ora i 9 p.m. AND/PT from the Vidéotron Centre in Quebec City prior to that evening’s SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING telecast. In the SHO EXTREME opener, taumahamaha tūturu me whetu runaruna te ao o mua Oscar Rivas (17-0, 12 Koó) Ka fehangahangai Joey Abell (31-8, 29 Koó) i roto i te a'ee 10-a tawhio.


IBF Super whitu World Champion James DeGale (21-1, 14 Koó) ka tiakina e tona whitiki ki mua Sharing 168-pauna Lucian'okú (32-2, 25 Koó) i roto i te hui matua o SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING ora i runga i SHOWTIME®(11 p.m. AND/PT). I roto i te tahi-āhuatanga, a te WBC No. 1-ranked 175-pound fighterIsaac Chilemba (24-2-2, 10 Koó) Ka tapawha atu ki No. 2-ranked Eleider Alvarez (18-0, 10 Koó) i roto i te marama taumahamaha eliminator taitara ao mo te tika ki te kanohi WBC Champion Tamutu Stevenson.


Tenei ko te aha te mau piahi SHO EXTREME i ki te mea i runga i Rāpare:



"E mohio ana ahau ki au e tango ahau i te mōrea mā te tango i tenei whawhai, engari haere ahau ki te tango i te rawa o tenei. E kore e tino hiahia ana ahau era no te mea ahau i roto i te omaoma tonu. Na kia a whiwhi noa tenei whawhai i roto i te ara, a ka tatari tika ahau mo te whawhai taitara ao.


"E kore ahau e ite pēhanga. E mohio ana ahau ki te aha peke ki ka ka e ahau ki tenei kēmu mekemeke ngaio ahau, a ka whai i ahau he kapa pai a tawhio noa ahau. Kei tatou i te porohita whäiti me te tino kaha, a ka haere mai nga wāhitanga, Ka waiho e ahau rite ki te tango i te rawa o te reira.


"Kei te korero People e pā ana ki e hiahia ahau ki te whawhai Errol Spence me whiwhi utu (i runga i te U.S mua. Olympic tamataraa mekemeke mate). E kore ahau e whai utu i runga i toku ngakau. Te tikanga e ahau, tino taea e ia tatou ia rave i te reira, no te neke ahau ake te piha haapiiraa taimaha, engari e tika ana inaianei ahau arotahi i runga i te pere taitara 140-pauna ahau. E hiahia ana ahau e pere taitara i roto i te tīmatanga o 2016 ki (toa ao WBC nāianei) Viktor Postol.


"(Postol) Ko te toa pai, a ka eke ia ki te taitara mo te take, otiia e kore koe e taea e huna me te rere hoki roa rawa me kei te haere mai toku wa tau i muri mai. Whiwhi koe tetahi korero, ka te reira katoa i ahau. Te reira Young te Kaiwhakaako katoa. "



"E mea ahau ko te whawhai nui o toku mahi tenei. Te haere ki te waiho i te whawhai nui me te rapu atu ahau ki te nui te po.


"(Imam o) ka te rota o te taputapu me te ia tino pūmanawa. Ka tango tatou i te reira a tawhio noa na roto i te taka noa, me te whakarerekē rite te whawhai haere.


"Kua turapa ahau pai. E kore ahau makona ki te ara i haere atu toku mahi, kua ka i he rota o te whakatau kino a raruraru whakahaere. Kihai i kawea mai e ahau haere rite toku hoa tauwhainga ko. Ko ngā tauturu te reira ahau tupu te tahi mau kiri matotoru, me te huanga ki au te aha ahau i konei i tenei ra.


"Kua fehangahangai ahau whawhai uaua ki te aroaro o, a kihai te reira i te wā tuatahi kua ahau te underdog. Ka hutia atu e ahau i tenei pouri.


"E rapu ana ahau ki te paorooro te ao mekemeke i runga i Rāhoroi po ".



"Toku kaha ko toku tere, me te ara hoatu e ahau te pēhanga ki runga ki toku hoa tauwhainga. Na haere au e ahau i muri i (Abell) a ka hoatu he rota o te pēhanga ki runga ki a ia tae noa ki te taka ia.


"Ahau na fiefia me te huhi ki te whawhai ano i runga i te atamira nui. Whawhai ahau i runga i ShoBox i roto i toku whawhai whakamutunga a ko reira mīharo. Te mea faufaa roa no te ki te kia kite i ahau, kia taea e ahau toku moe, ka whiwhi ki te tihi 10 i roto i toku wehenga.


"Ko te whawhai nui o toku mahi me te whai wāhi nui kua tonu ahau i tenei. E hiahia ana ahau noa ki te tino kumikumi e ahau, me te titiro mīharo. "


Stacy McKinley, Kaiwhakahaere o Imam me te kaiwhakangungu

"E kore e taea e kitea e ahau tetahi mea e ti'a ia tatou ki te mahi i runga i. Ko te kaha, me te tū tangi Amir me ngā ia te pae ite atu wa katoa whawhai ia. Te ia te puncher kino. Te ia te mōkihi tonu me e te tino uaua ki te kitea. E kore e ratou haere mai a tawhio noa maha rawa.


"Te hinaaro nei au ia ki te whawhai Adrien Broner tau i muri mai. Te hinaaro nei ahau ki te whawhai ki nga takatu katoa, me whakakotahi nga taitara katoa tau i muri mai. Mekemeke te haere ki te hiahia te superstar hou teie nei e he riro Floyd Mayweather, a kore e haere e tatou ki te tatari 15 tau ki te hanga i tetahi atu tetahi. Whakaaro ahau Amir whakakotahi te taitara katoa i 140 a 147, Na hiahia whai tatou i to tatou superstar hou ki roto ki 36 marama.


"E ki te whakamahi i tana werohanga ki te riro ia i runga i Rāhoroi. E ka e ia he werohanga ataahua, te werohanga pai i roto i te mekemeke. Na ka mea katoa ki te haere mai i muri i te reira ".


# # #


Te hui, i karangatia "TE reclamation", Ko te whakaaturanga o Vidéotron i mahi tahi ki a Mise-e-Jeu. He tīkiti runga i te hoko i te tari pouaka Vidéotron Centre, i runga i, i te omaoma (514) 383-0666, i InterBox (450) 645-1077 ranei i karapu mekemeke Champion (514) 376-0980.

butelucian, @ Jamesdegale1, yvonmichelGYM, interboxca,stormalvarez, SHOsports,


Ko Emanuera Rodriguez Ka poro Elicer Aquino I roto i te Tāpare Fitú
Pāwhiritia HERE No te Photos
Credit: Lucas Noonan / Pirimia mekemeke Champoins
Miami (Whiringa 25, 2015) – Super toa Welterweight ao me te sensation CubanErislandy “Ko te Dream American” Lara (22-2-2, 13 Koó) pai te awhina tona taitara ki te toa ao mua a Slovenian Jan Zaveck (35-4, 19 Koó) i roto i te Pirimia Mekemeke Champions i runga i ESPN whakaatu i a Miami Hialeah Park Racing & Casino.
Nā ki te rangi i roto i te rohe, oho ake i te hui matua, hei āta whakarite i te whawhai tupu. Mai i te pere te whakatuwheratanga, Mana Lara te mahi mā te ū whiu taimaha. I roto i te toru a tawhio noa, mutu te tohutoro ki te mahi ki a Zaveck ki te taura, taea ki te haere tonu. Ko te tohutoro ka karanga te mutu ki te whawhai i :41 ki te tuatoru a tawhio noa.
I roto i te rua o whawhai teata o te ahiahi, Puerto Rican amanaki whā tūturu Emmanuel Rodriguez (14-0, 10 Koó) ta te knockout a tawhio whitu kiAquino Unuunu (17-2-1, 11 Koó) i te Dominican Republic.
I roto i te whakataetae i kite mahi nui i roto i te koki e rua, Rodriguez mutunga whakamatauria kia nui rawa hoki Aquino ki. Mutu te mōhiohio i te whawhai i 2:44 ki te whitu a tawhio noa.
Tenei ko te aha te whawhai teata i ki te mea e pā ana ki o ratou mahi te po nei:
“Whakaaro ahau whawha ahau te pēhanga pai te po nei. I noho ahau i roto i te pute, a whawhai toku whawhai. Ko te wikitōria nui tenei mo ahau. (Zaveck) Kei te he toa mua, me te ia ngā kahore i te patototanga i tae noa te po nei.
“Au rawa hari ki hoki te whawhai i roto i te rohe Miami. Ko tenei toku wa tuatahi hoki whawhai konei mai 2009 a Au koa ko ahau e ahei ki te hoatu i runga i te whakaatu pai mo te pā ahau. Ahau rawa mauruuru mo te ara whakakitea e ratou ki runga ki te tautoko i ahau te po nei.
“Patua ahau (Zaveck) ki te pere nui ki te kauae, a piri noa tona tinana katoa. I ia amuamu e pā ana ki te mamae i roto i tona taringa, me tona waewae, engari te rārangi raro ko ka e ahau te win.
“Ka fehangahangai ahau tetahi e hiahia ana ratou ki te hoatu i roto i mua o ahau i 154 lbs, te kore te reira Canelo (Alavarez) ranei (Miguel) Maoa. Na ka haere tatou ki runga ki te 160 lbs.”
“I tēnei wā e ahau i te mamae koi haere i toku kaki ki toku pokohiwi i runga i te taha ki matau.
“I mohio ahau i taea e ahau tamata ki te whawhai ki runga ki a te whenua i te tokua waimarie, engari ko e he pea iti, a ko reira pea pai ki te mutu, ka whawhai tetahi atu ra.
“Ua ite au i te pai i roto i reira i te aroaro e. Tamata e ahau ki te ohorere ia i te whawhai ki a ia i roto i te tata, engari i tango ahau he tokomaha rawa nifó me ia te mana tino pai.
“Ahau kua kore rite tenei whara i mua i. Ko reira tino ke. Kei te huamo te mamae.”
Emmanuel Rodríguez
“Ka rite ki tīmata te whawhai i taea e ahau e korero ki ko Aquino he toa kaha, engari tīmata kotahi ahau mekemeke ia i mohio ahau taea e mutu ahau te whawhai i roto i te rauna i muri mai.
“Ko te mahere ko ki te tango ia ia ki nga wai hohonu, me te hanga i te reira i te whawhai roa. I roto i te whitu o tawhio korerotia toku kokonga ahau ki te mutunga reira, ka rongo ahau.
“Whakaae ahau ki te Tuhinga. I tango ia rawa nui te whiu i roto i reira.
“Hoko ko ha konga o te kāri PBC i runga i ESPN tauturu tango toku mahi ki te taumata muri. Ua mauruuru vau no te tenei faingamālie.
“Ka whawhai ahau te tangata toku kaiwhakatairanga me te kaiwhakahaere e korero ki ahau ki. Ahau rite mo te tangata e ahau.”
Aquino Unuunu
“(Lotilikuesí) was better te po nei. Ko te kahore atu taua ake uaua. Ko ia he toa pai atu ahau. Ahau e tango atu tetahi mea i a ia.
“E kore ahau i mamae i roto i te whawhai. Ko ia kaha, engari puritia e ahau toku whenua, ko e kore i roto i te raru. Patua e ahau ki a ia ki etahi matā pai rawa. Ia noa u hau atu i ta ahau. Ko te taku he.
“Kihai i ahau inoino. I just ran into a great fighter and te po nei was his night. Ka whakahokia e ahau. Ko te kotahi noa whawhai, a ako he lēsoni.”
# # #
I whakatairangatia ana te kāri i Warriors Mekemeke.
No te toronga pārongo, te whai i runga i TwitterPremierBoxing, LaraBoxingWarriorsBoxingProm KoESPNBoxing ka riro i te tahi i runga i Facebook i

Whakatairanga Kingi o ki te kāri atamira i te Track Historic Horse Racing i Fort Washington, Maryland i runga i te Paraire, Hakihea 4

Fort Washington, MD (Whiringa 25, 2015)–I te Rāmere po, Hakihea 4, Ka whakatairanga Whakatairanga Kingi o te po nui o mekemeke i te Historic Horse Racing Aroturuki i Fort Washington, Maryland.

Hōtaka ki te puta i roto i te a'ee 6-a tawhio noa, ka e tūturu Mykal Fox.

Fox o Forestville, Maryland he lekooti o 7-0 ki 2 knockouts. Te 19 tau-tawhito kei te haere mai atu i te whakatau 6-a tawhio loto mo Juan Carlos Castillo i runga i Hōngongoi 18 i roto i te Washington, DC.

Kia ka kauwhautia tona hoariri tata.

Hōtaka ki te puta i roto i te 8-rauna pāngia:

Mario Muñoz (16-0-1, 10 KO o) o Kuatalahala, Ka whakataetae Mexico i roto i te a'ee mā whitu ki te hoariri ki te ingoa.

Mā whitu Thomas Snow (17-2, 11 KO o) o Capitol Heights, Maryland ka kite mahi ki te hoariri ki te ingoa.

I roto i te pāngia 6-a tawhio:

Charles Natal (6-0-2, 2 KO'sO o Cleveland, Ka tangohia Ohio i runga i Grayson Blake (6-4, 2 KO o) o State College, PA. i roto i te a'ee Welterweight.

Junior Castillo (7-0, 7 KO o) o Santo Domingo, Ka whawhai mua i roto i te Jr. A'ee whitu ki te hoariri ki te ingoa.

I roto i te pāngia 4-a tawhio:

Chris Warden (1-0, 1 KO) o Lusby, Ka whawhai MD i roto i te Jr. A'ee Welterweight ki te hoariri ki te ingoa.

Shynggyskhan Tazhibay (2-0, 2 KO o) o Karaganda, Ka tangohia KAZ i runga i te ti hoariri e huaina i roto i te a'ee Welterweight.

Rīpekatia Sam o Greenbelt, MD o Greenbelt. Ka meinga e MD tona tuatahi pro i roto i te a'ee Cruiserweight.

Santario Martin (1-1) o Gainesville, Ka tangohia FL i runga i Nicholas Hernandez (2-1) o te Reading, PA i roto i te a'ee taumahawaenga.

Tickets, utu i $40/$60/$75, tīkiti e onsale ipurangi i ranei i te waea i 301-899-243

Nguha hinga kore Juan Dominguez & YENIFEL Vicente inā-OFF ON PREMIER BOXING toa TOE-KI-TOE Tūrei ON FS1 & BOXING ON FOX SPORTS toa AT 9 P.M. ET / 6 P.M. PT

PLUS kanohi Cruiserweight hinga kore KEITH Tapia
Trenton, New Jersey
Tīkiti ON Tuhinga NOW!
Trenton, Nj (Whiringa 25, 2015) – Juan Dominguez (19-0, 13 Koó) a Yenifel “Uira” Vicente (27-3-2, 19 Koó) ka tutaki i roto i te mā whitu pupūtanga 10-a tawhio noa e matua Te Pirimia mekemeke Champions (PBC) Rātū TOE-TO-TOE i runga i FS1 me Mekemeke Champions i runga i FOX Deportes, Rātū, Hakihea 8 i Sun National Bank Center i Trenton, New Jersey me te kapinga teata timata i 9 p.m. AND/6 p.m. PT.
Te tahi atu mahi teata āhuatanga Cruiserweight hinga kore Keith “Machine Pū” Repair (16-0, 11 Koó) pakanga Garrett Wilson (16-9-1, 9 Koó) a tūturu amanaki whitu maranga Ko Emanuera Aleem (14-0, 9 Koó) e anga Carlos Galvan (11-3-1, 10 Koó) i roto i te a'ee a tawhio waru.
“Kua hihiri rawa ahau e tenei whawhai, me tenei faingamālie,” Said Dominguez. “Ko te faaineineraa kua rahi, me te mea e haere ana ahau ki te whakaatu i te katoa o toku pūkenga i roto i te whakakai. Ahau e hiahia ana i te whawhai taitara ao, me te he tetahi faataupupuraa i roto i toku ara tenei.”
“E mohio ana ahau i ahau he hoariri rawa uaua i roto i mua o ahau me i he aha ahau te faaineine ahau maro atu i ake,” ka mea a Vicente. “Ka waiho e ahau rite mo tetahi mea Dominguez Kua maka i ahau. Tenei ka waiho i tētahi whawhai mahi-Kikī.”
Tikiti mo te takahanga ora, whakatairangatia ana e te Whakatairanga Kingi o, E utu i $70, $50 a $30, e kore e tae utu e hāngai ana, a kei runga i te hoko i teie nei. Ka taea te hokona TicketsHERE, i te tari pouaka Sun National Bank Center i te karanga ranei 800-298-4200.
Fanauhia i roto i te Santiago de los Caballeros, Dominican Republic engari whawhai i roto i Brooklyn, Titiro Dominguez ki te whakaoti i roto i 2015 ki tona record tūturu tonu, me te 20 te whakauru pro ki tona ingoa. Tenei e tohu toru te whakauru tonu i roto i 2015 i muri i patua e ia Carlos Rodriguez i tanguru ko Mario Macia i Mei. I mua ki te 2015, kua tangohia te 29-tau-tawhito ake whakaora mo German Meraz, Camilo Parete ko John Alberto Molina.
29-tau-tawhito te Vicente tomo ana Hakihea 8 a'ee ki whakaora tonu e rua i muri i te patuki i Reynaldo Villamizar a Manuel de los Reyes Herrera. I tūturu ia i roto i 26 whawhai ngaio i mua i te hanga i tona U.S. waiata i roto i 2012. Fanauhia i roto i te Lepupelika engari whawhai i roto i Miami, He pono ka waiho Vicente te wero stiffest ano mo te hinga kore Dominguez.
He amanaki tūturu i roto i te Santurce, Puerto Rico, Kei te hohoro maranga Tapia ki te mana nguha i roto i te wehenga Cruiserweight. Tahuri pro Repair i roto i 2011 a hanga ana U.S. tuatahi ki te knockout a tawhio tuatahi i runga i Rafael Valenzuela. I te 25-tau-tawhito, kua he pukumahi 2015, kato ake e wha nga whakaora i roto o te tawhiti, tae atu tona whakamanamana tino tata, te paahitia matamua-a tawhio noa o Anthony Caputo Smith. Ka ātete ia i te Wilson-tau 33-tawhito i roto i Philadelphia e tomo tenei whawhai i runga i te wini pūkenga e toru-a'ee.
He amanaki tūturu i roto i te Te Tai Rāwhiti Meadow, New York engari whawhai i roto i Richmond, Virginia, Mai Aleem atu o te wikitoria tino mo Oscar Riojas i Mahuru. Kua reirahia te-tau 22-tawhito ake toru whakaora i roto i 2015 a ka titiro i roto i te kāhua ki te mutunga i te tau, ina e ia i runga i te Galvan-tau 24-tawhito.
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