Category Archives: mekemeke

$2000 Throwdown Fantasy mekemeke Jacobs vs. Quillin Headlines kēmu hou & Hoki o kēmu Head-ki-Head

No te Tonu Tuku
NEW YORK (Hakihea 1, 2015) – Kēmu Head-ki-upoko, tuku kaitākaro ki te haere 1 1-i runga i-ki rānei i te tūponotanga o toa te whakatau i te kaute ranei, hoki mai mo te muri $2,000Throwdown Game mekemeke Fantasy, online i, powered eCompubox.

Ko te pupūtanga whitu tia'ihia nui i waenganui i te toa ao te parururaa i Danny Jacobs me te wehenga titlist 160-pauna o mua Peter “Chocolate Kid” Quillin headlines the new Throwdown Fantasy Boxing Game. Jacobs ($5100) Kei te titiro atu i runga i Quillin ($4700) no te mea te mua he teina, bigger and hits equally hard. Both are dangerous punchers but Quillin has proven to have the superior whiskers.
Ko te tino nuinga o tōtika i roto i tenei kēmu ko Regis Prograis ($5800) versus underdogApera Ramos ($4000). Prograis is a rising star whose boxing skills are far superior to always tough Apera Ramos ($4000)
Ko tētahi atu tino taimaha ko te Fedor Chudinov ($5600) i runga i hoholo toa mua aoPirika Sturm ($4300). Not only has Chudinov already defeated Sturm, te hoki ia teina, tere me te ngawari.
Southpaw hunga tinihanga Ihu Cuellar ($5400) He rahi me te mana painga kiA Honatana Oquendo ($4300). Cuellar figures to catch Oquendo after a few feeling-out rounds.
Toa o mua te ao Chris Algieri ($5000) Kua ngaro pea tona rua whawhai whakamutunga, engari i ratou ki te Manny Pacquiao a Amir Khan. Algieri’s aggressive style and experience should prove to be the difference against Erick Bone ($4300).
Kia te whawhai pai o te wiki i waenganui i taitamariki, mano-ahuareka Omar Figueroa($5000) me te hōia Antonio DeMarco ($4200). The aggressive Figueroa must control the pace against DeMarco, puta nei nga ra pai ki te waiho i muri ia ia.
Āhuatanga te taumahamaha huri-em te rua o te heke mai pūmanawa challengers taitara ao i roto i Dominic Breazeale ($4800) a Charles Martin ($4700). The big punching, tough Breazeale has holes in his game that he’s been able to overcome against smaller opponents. Martin, Heoi, is a live ‘dog with the same size as Breazeale and equal power. Ētahi atu, te ia he Lefty.
Kitea tētahi atu piha taumahamaha te marere nei Chris Arreola ($4800) whawhai Travis Kauffman($4500), who is moving up in clash in terms of quality of opponent. Weight is always an issue with Arreola, which effects his ability to throw punches in bunches. Kauffman wants to push the pace versus Arreola, tango ia ia ki te wai hohonu engari toa rauna haere te ara.
E toru nga huarahi ngāwari ki te tākaro Throwdown Fantasy: 1. Tīpakohia rima whawhai i te rōpū kēmu, te whakamahi i te $25,000 te taupoki utu (kite i runga); 2. Na ka aru i piro i roto i te wā tūturu, kowhetetia ngā mō te whakauru, knockouts me Compubox tatauranga (kite rā tauira i raro nei); 3. Te kaute i te nuinga o ngā toa. Te nuinga o ngā kēmu muri i te wiki tonu, me te he toa maha ia.
Ngā Toa o farii ngā hāngai ana hoki te pehea ratou te mahi, utu ia kāhua o te mekemeke, aCompubox E wātea ana mō te rangahau i ngā tatauranga whawhai

Kaitākaro New nei haina ake inaianei farii urunga FREE ki Throwdown Fantasy o ia marama Mekemeke Freeroll kēmu. Throwdown Fantasy also provides a $250 pukapuka noa kia tomo kaitākaro te whakamahi Piro Throwdown (3 katoa free ki runga ki rēhita) a $25.00 free game. Waitohu ake a te tākaro he utu. Te wāhi ki te rēhita me te tākaro mō te kore utu, me te ka neke ki kēmu utua te iwi i.
Twitter: @Throwdownfan
Instagram: throwdownfantasyboxing

Kevin Dever Sports Whakahaere tohu Tūturu taumahamaha marama Cuban Luis Garcia

(L-R – Kevin Fatongia, Luis Garcia ko Patrick Brown)
PEEKSKILL, N.Y.. (Hakihea 1, 2015) – Kauwhautia Kevin Dever Sports Whakahaere kua te hainatanga o tūturu Cuban amanaki taumahamaha o te marama Luis “Ko te Lion” Garcia ki te kirimana whakahaere motuhake.
Fatata e waru tau ki muri,Garcia (12-0, 9 Koó) papahoro mai Cuba ki Mexico ki hoa kaimekemeke Alexei Acosta. Garcia (12-0, 9 Koó), nei noho i roto i te Cork, Ireland, made his professional debut in 2008. He now lives in Peekskill, New York.
“Ko te he huringa nui, ina whakakorikoria ahau ki a Ireland atu ko reira ono hepetoma i ma'iri, no te neke ahau i konei,” the 28-year-old Garcia explained. “It was a lot harder in Ireland because I didn’t speak a word of English. I learned English from the street, watching TV and reading. It’s not a big change for me to move around because I traveled all over the world when I was a member of the Cuban National Team.
E kore kua Garcia whawhai i roto i tata e wha tau e tika ana ki ngā take whakahaere o mua, engari tona hokinga mai whakaritea he tenei Rāhoroi po, Hakihea 5, against an opponent to be determined in a six-round bout at Barclays Center in Brooklyn. His last fight was a win by eight-round unanimous decision over previously undefeated (12-0) Alexander Johnson i runga i Hakihea 30, 2011 i roto i te Cabazon, California.
“Ehara i taku whakatau kia kaua e whawhai i te tau e wha mua,” Garcia added. “Something happened with my now former manager and promoter. I trained all the time, sparred te rota, and did as much as I could do in the gym. I still had a contract until it expired. I’ve known Kevin for 2-3 tau. He asked me why I wasn’t fighting and I told him everything. He said to call him when my contract expired because he wanted to manage me and that’s what I did.
“Amerika tuku whai wāhitanga pai ahau, pai atu i Ingarangi Airana, and I’m going to finish my boxing career here. I’m fighting December 5th and taking things step by step. I’m not going to rush. There are a lot of great fighters in the light heavyweight division and I hope to be in the mix next year.
E rua whawhai a Garcia mua ki tona whakamutunga ki Johnson i mīharo 2010 knockouts hangarau o te toa mua ao Byron Mitchell (28-6-1) a Jorge Rodriguez Olivera (19-1), aua, i roto i te rua o a te ono o nga rauna.
“Mahue atu i ahau mekemeke ki te reka kino i roto i toku mangai, engari I titiro ahau ki te tiki hoki ki te mekemeke,” mea Kevin Fatongia, nei tahi whakahaere-Garcia ki Patrick Brown. “I knew him from Ireland and I always wanted to manage this kid. He called to tell me his contract had expired and we worked out a deal that brought him here to live in New York.
I honestly don’t see any rust watching him spar. I know sparring isn’t fighting but everybody in the gym stops to watch him workout. Ahau tika whakaaro e, kua kotahi ia te tahi mau whawhai pai i raro i tona whitiki, ka waiho ia hei nguha runga i roto i te wehenga taumahamaha marama. Luis Garcia Ko te toa pai kua ake mahi ahau ki.”
Garcia, he mētara koura te Ao Junior Championship, papahoro no te mea i te matekiri o ia i muri i te whakakahore i te wahi i runga i te 2008 Team Olympic Cuban, ahakoa hinga ia iku mētara hiriwa Olympic Emelio Correa, JR. in the Cuban Olympic Qualifier. Correa is the son of 1972 Toa Olympic Emelio Correa, Sr., I whai wāhi tonu nei i roto i te mekemeke runaruna Cuban ka tīpakohia tana tama i runga Garcia ki te tohu Cuba i roto i te 2008 Olympics. Correa lost in the championship final to James DeGale, te kawenata nei wawetia ko te International Mekemeke Federation (IBF) titlist whitu super.
Ehara i te kaimekemeke Cuban angamaheni korero-tuatahi, Mohiotia Garcia te rite ki te puncher e hōu e whakapono maha insiders i atu ka huripokitia e atu i tetahi kaimekemeke Cuban kua nei papahoro, outside of Guillermo Rigondeaux a Yuriorkis Gambote, nei e rua kua toa-wā maha ao rite ngaio.
Kei te mahi Garcia i roto i te Kia Tuatahi mekemeke i Peekskill me Westchester Mekemeke Club i White Plains (NY), te wahi te whakangungua ia e Nick “Pongaponga” Delury me tona kaiāwhina, te ao o mua kaiwero taitara Larry Barnes (44-3, 17 Koó). A former No. 1 nguha Welterweight runga i roto i te ao, Barnes’ e toru anake te parekura ano he pro i ki toa o te ao Pirika “Tito” Trinidad, Haora Mamby a Luis Ramon “Yuri Boy” Campus.
“Te ia he koati nui, rawa atamai me te whakaute,” Delury kōrero. “He te te tahi waikura i te atu e wha tau, engari ora Luis he pai, healthy lifestyle and he hasn’t suffered any damage in the ring. Te ia 28, mātauranga, and a true gentleman. It’s been a pleasure working with him. Luis is a gifted boxer. He’s extremely exciting to watch and has a perfect blend of offense and defense.

Tūturu Jr. Whitu nguha, Julian ” Rock J” Williams e hiahia ana ki te whakatu au ki te tau whakamātau PED a tawhio noa

Philadelphia , PA (Hakihea 1, 2015)–Tūturu Jr. Whitu, Julian “Rock J” Williams Kua takoto te Gauntlet ki kaimekemeke katoa a tawhio noa te ao, rite e hiahia ana ia ki te hei i te kaimekemeke ngaio tuatahi, kia whakamatautauria e RUA USADA & VADA matapōkeretia puta noa i te tau.

Williams (21-0-1, 13 KO o), Kei te runga wā maha-7 i te WBC, Tau-10 e te WBA, & Tau-6 e te IBF, wants to prove to the world that there would be no doubt left in anyone’s mind as he continues his quest to become world champion.

Te 25 Kua piki Māori tau-tawhito o Philadelphia ake te to muri, ka kua riro i te tino tahi puta noa i te ao mo tona kāhua tahi-friendly i roto i tei roaa ia ngā pūkenga faahiahia kua mahia ki nei ia i te moniker o “Mr rave i te reira katoa”

Kei raro, Williams whakaraupapa tona kite o pēhea, he aha tupurangi whakamatautau e hiahiatia te i te i te taumata toa

VADA vs USADA Tirohia

“E hiahia ana ahau ki te mohiotia rite te kaimekemeke 1 ki te whai wāhi mātātoa i roto i 365/24/7 Olympic Kāhua Testing ki ngā pokapū e rua rerekē. USADA ko VADA. E kore ahau e mohio ki te mea ka waiho e ahau te kaimekemeke pai o tenei wā, e toe ki te kia kitea. Ko te aha e whakamatau ahau, Ko e lavame'a he 100% legit. E hiahia ana ahau ki te waiho i te pionie i roto i tenei. Au wawetia te rapu ahau kaitautoko ki te awhina i ahau. E kore ahau i te milioni ano, na te moni he take engari e mahi ana ahau ki te tiki ki te wāhi i reira e taea e ahau te whakamatautau tonu noa'tu ki te whai ahau i tetahi whawhai whakaritea e kore ranei. Tenei ka waiho te tino ngāwari hoki ahau no te mea ko ahau 100% horoi i te wa katoa. E kore etahi o te wa. E kore ahau e hema i roto i te inu e paowa ranei rānei. E kore e whakaaro ahau te reira kiko ki te whakamatautau i nga toa kotahi i roto i te ao. Ko e whakaaro ahau kia runga i mua ia koutou, me / te toa ka kia waiho tatou i roto i te poka wai whakamātautau tupurangi ranei. Ki te taea e ahau ki te kia meatia tenei e ahau, ka manako ahau tetahi hoariri kaha'ú ki te whai wāhi ki ahau. Ki te kite pake toku hoa tauwhainga ka taea te pā me pāpāho te utu i te tohutoro ataahua, me te whakatau mutunga.”

Whawhai Mutunga

“Mau ahau i tetahi whara toku whawhai whakamutunga e kore ahau e kōrero e pā ana ki. E kore kua unuhia e ahau i roto i te whawhai no te mea o te wharanga, me te haere e kore ahau i ki whakatangi toku faingamālie ki te kupu matua PBC i tata toku oire. Heoi hanga e ahau toku ngakau ake i haere ahau ki te pupuhi tika i roto i toku hoa tauwhainga. Aita te taata e ite i ahau 4 ki te tīmata tuatahi o KO tawhio toku mahi, kia taea whawhai ahau rite ki te whiriwhiri e ahau. Toku kaiwhakangungu korerotia ki ahau i haere te tahi atu whawhai te tawhiti kia kore ai e whakaaturia toku whawhai i roto i te reira o te taatoaraa. Puritia e ahau korero ia haere ahau ki te tiki i te mutu a tawhio 1. Na i hoatu e ahau manawarü anō ki te haere mai i roto i roto i te mamau. Cuello ko te toa totoka engari i mohio ahau ko ia i roto i te pouri i te 1 hēkona ruarua. Kihai i whai ia i te reflexes kaha ranei ki te mahi ki ahau.”

Future Hoariri, Post Whawhai Interview
“E kore ahau rite ata rite ki ta etahi iwi whakaaro. E kore ahau haamâ rānei. E kore e tika i runga i te kōrero ahau no te mea ka ngaro ahau i toku mata. Katia ki te whawhai Ahau i roto i te huru kino rawa, a kore e taea e ahau ngaro toku mata. Na e kore e ahau i nui kōrero. Otiia ko ahau i roto i te rohe i muri i toku fight.I tika piro te wikitoria nui i roto i te mua o toku e patata. Aroha ana ahau ki Philadelphia, I whanau ahau, ka whakaarahia konei. Ko ahau āta i Te Hau-ā-uru Philly ka kua tatou i te toa ao e kore i. Ko te whawhai pai o roto Philly e te nuinga o Te Tai Tokerau i Philly South Philly rānei. Tyrell Biggs Ko te kaiakopono o toku, te ia i Te Hau-ā-uru Philly otiia kihai ia i riro i te taitara. Danny Garcia a Bernard Hopkins he i Te Tai Tokerau Philly…A, no te mutu te tohutoro ki te whawhai ko ahau i roto i te rohe, ka kite ahau i tetahi paihere o Te Hau-ā-uru Phily i roto i ia whare…… Ko faitotonu mohio ahau i haere ahau ki te kaipaipa ia wawe. Toku kaiwhakangungu kua korero i ahau e hoatu e ahau ko eé wawahi ētahi wā mā te kato ratou motu tū. Na i muri i mutu i te tohutoro ki te whawhai, kia mohio nga tangata katoa te mea ko ake.”

“Austin Trout he hoariri pūmanawa o toku nei i te mahi ano he kaipāho. Na haere ahau ki runga, me te kia mohio ia he aha ko ake. Na ka mahi toku uiuiraa tukua e ahau te katoa e mohio e haere ahau ki Houston ki te whawhai Jermall Charlo mo tona taitara. Ko faitotonu i ahau e no te ui toku kaiwhakangungu i tangohia e ahau te whawhai ki rānei taata. E kore ahau e whiwhi ki te hunga e whawhai ahau no te mea kahore ahau e tiaki. Tukua ahau hapai i ia e. Otira ka korerotia e ia ki ahau i ui ia, na e ahau noa ka waiata e pā ana ki te reira. Otiia e kore au e ahau te korero i runga i taua a muri ake. Whiwhi i te reira koroheke, me te kore ahau e tiaki i muri ki te whawhai ahau rānei taata. Kua haapii mai au e mekemeke ko te mahi. Ko ahau he iti inoino e kore i te tiki i ahau rānei whawhai, engari kua ahau ako whakaaetanga me kua neke ahau i runga i. E hiahia ana ahau ki te aro ki te tangata te mea pai ki te whawhai, me toku rā i muri mai. E hiahia ana ahau te hunga ko eé te pai o te waimarie me te angitu tonu.”

Rā Next

“Whakaaro ahau e whawhai ahau 4 taime i roto i 2015 engari tika e kore te reira e titiro i taua ara. Ahau tino hiahia ki te tiki 4 i roto i te mea e tape'a te reira koi koe. Ia whawhai i ahau i tenei tau ko ahau koi me te koi. Plus whawhai maha pupuri kati koutou ki taimaha i te nui. I tika korerotia e ahau e pai kia haere ahau i roto i Hānuere. So I just finished a two week mini camp just to work on strength. I’m in the heat of camp now with a return date of January 16 ranei Jan 23. E whawhai e ahau te #1 wahi i roto i te IBF ki te riro i te nguha whakahauanga ki te whawhai mo taua taitara. I te mutunga o te ra e kore i hoatu e ahau ki tetahi mea i roto i te mekemeke. E kore e taea e ahau te tiki i te toa ki te noa tiakina ki ahau. Na i te riroraa ei te whakahauanga, Au e ahau akina he pere taitara me te whakamahere e ahau i runga i te tango painga tonu o reira.”

GCP Faaite Whakaaetanga whakatairanga ki Tatae Super Kōmāmā ka nguha Karim 'Hard Hitta’ Mayfield


Ko whakakake Greg Cohen o Greg Cohen Whakatairanga ki te kauwhau i te hainatanga o San Francisco e hāngai ana-nguha super Kōmāmā Karim “Kimi Hard” Mayfield (19-2-1, 11 Koó) ki te kirimana whakatairanga motuhake.
He rongonui me te mekemeke tino rohe i roto i te Area Bay, kua mea patu kē te whai mana Mayfield mua toa ao Mauricio Herrera, me te reira-tūturu Raymond Serrano. Riro ia te Nepo Super Kōmāmā Championship i roto i 2011 a ka mau ia pai te rua.
The 24-year-old has also served as a sparring partner for world champions Manny Pacquiao, Antonio Margarito, and Sergio Mora. Haere Mayfield ki mekemeke te mutunga o, i pakeke 20, engari riro 54 o tona 58 runaruna whawhai i mua i te haere i runga i te roimata ano he ngaio.
I am excited to be signing with GCP and look forward to being back in action early in 2016,” Said Mayfield. “Tenei ka hoatu e ahau i te whai wāhi ki te whawhai etahi nga whawhai runga o roto i te ao. Ko pakeke ahau i mahi te whakarite, mau toku rohirohi ope, rite ki te haere pārera hopu tau i muri mai.”
Greg Cohen, tona kaiwhakatairanga hou, ta hanga Mayfield he tua tino mai ki te tēpara GCP o whawhai.
“He mīharo aravihi tūturu me te tuakiri ki te riro i te whetu crossover Karim,” Na ka mea a Cohen. “Ua oaoa vau i rawa ngā whiriwhiria ia tatou no te tauturu ia arata'i ia tona mahi. E haere tatou ki te tiki i a ia hoki i roto i te whakakai maha, kia whakakoi ake ia ona pūkenga mīharo, me te reira ko te rangi te rohe mo tenei tangata taitamariki.”

Cohen ta ka kauwhau ia a Mayfield ahua tuatahi i raro i te kara GCP rawa hohoro.



Tags Live I 5 p.m. AND/PT i runga i SHO EXTEME


NEW YORK (Dec. 1, 2015) - SHOWTIME Sports® ka tapae te WBO Whitu Ao Championship i waenganui i te parururaa i titlist Andy Lee me te kaiwero hinga kore Billy Joe Saunders i runga i Saturdaa, Dec. 19, ora i runga i Sho EXTREME (5 p.m. AND/PT) i Manchester, Ingarangi.


Te SHOWTIME BOXING INTERNATIONAL whakahere o te Pouaka Nation telecast will feature analysis from SHOWTIME boxing experts Brian Custer, Al Bernstein a Paulie Malignaggi before and after the world championship showdown. An encore presentation of the bout will air on SHO EXTREME later that evening at 9 p.m. AND/PT.


"Kei oaoa ki te whakaora i tenei matchup nui o runga Middleweights ki te US matou. whakarongo,"Ka mea Stephen Espinoza, Executive Vice peresideni me Kaiwhakahaere General o SHOWTIME Sports. “The 160-pound class is one of boxing’s hottest and deepest divisions right now, a kia patia i te toa o tenei whawhai ia mo te pupūtanga matua whakakotahitanga ranei i roto i 2016. "


A Ireland Lee (34-2-1, 24 Koó) riro te wātea WBO taitara ki te TKO te ono-a tawhio noa o na-tūturu Matt Korbov i roto i te Hakihea 2014. Te 6-waewae-2, 31-tau tahi i runga i te wini pūkenga e ono-whawhai i mua i mekemeke te utu i te afa 12-a tawhio noa ki te toa tūturu mua Peter Quillin i runga i April 11, 2015, i roto i te Brooklyn. Both fighters went down in a highly competitive scrap that was scored 113-112 mo Quillin, 113-112 mo Lee me 113-113.


I mua i tahuri ko pro Lee te runaruna runga, me te kanohi Ireland i roto i te 2004 Olympic Games i Atene.


"E mea rahi e oku pā i roto i te U.S. ka whiwhi ki te kite i te whawhai i waenganui i ahau, me Saunders me kī ahau te haere te reira ki te kia whakaongaonga,"Ka mea a Lee.


Saunders (22-0, 12 Koó), of Hatfield, Hertfordshire, United Kingdom, Ko o te WBO No. 1 whitu tekau nguha. The 26-year-old is coming off a fourth-round TKO over Yoannan Bloyer whakamutunga Hōngongoi 24 i roto i te London.


E rua tīmata ki muri, i roto i te nuinga o te wikitoria tuhipoka-utu o tona mahi, te 5-waewae-11, Ka mau Saunders i te afa whakatau 12-a tawhio noa ki runga Chris Eubank Jr. i runga i Nov. 29, 2014, i roto i te London. Kua riro wahi katoa engari kotahi o Saunders 'whawhai i roto i Ingarangi; te tahi atu ko Airangi ki te Raki.


Was Saunders hoki te runaruna ta'na; kanohi ia Ingarangi i roto i te 2008 Olympic Games rite te Welterweight i te tau o 18. Saunders is the great-grandson of one of Britain’s most famous gypsy bare-knuckle champions, Absolom Beeney.


"He po nui hoki ahau tenei me te oaoa vau e te haere i te reira i roto i ora ki Amerika ahau,” Saunders said. “The U.S. viewers will get to see just what I can do when I face Lee and become world champion. It’s a big boost for me and takes the fight to another level when American TV comes on board and then you know it’s a big fight on the world stage. I hope that (Gennady) Golovkin me (Miguel) Ka waiho cotto rua matakitaki no e ahau nohopuku tata ratou taumata a ka whiwhi ratou ki te kite i te aha ahau katoa ahau e pā ana ki ".


Ka mea kaiwhakatairanga Frank Warren, "Au oaoa e ka pouaka inaianei SHOWTIME Lee vs ahau. Saunders ora i roto i te U.S. as it confirms the importance of this fight on the world scene. My relationship with the network goes back many years with fights like Joe Calzaghe vs. Jeff Lacy, Ricky Hatton vs. Kostya Tszyu, Frank Bruno vs. Oliver McCall, plus Naseem Hamed and Nigel Benn fights. I believe that Lee vs. Saunders will be another great fight to add to that list because of what’s at stake for both fighters. What lies ahead for the winner will make them fight to their very best.”


Pāwhiritia HERE No te Photos Mai Team Figueroa
WESLACO, TX (Hakihea 1, 2015) – Kaimekemeke tūturu Omar “Ko te Panterita” Figueroa (25-0-1, 16 Koó) Kei te haere ki te kati i roto i tona tau ki te hoki mowhiti, kia tonoa ia ki 2016 rite e rua hei whetu i roto i te hākinakina, engari ano te riri hou i roto i te wehenga 140-pauna.
Figueroa matua Te Pirimia mekemeke Champions (PBC) i runga i te NBC roto i te primetime i runga iRāhoroi, Hakihea 12. PBC i te NBC ka AIR ora i 8:30 p.m. AND/5:30 p.m. PT i San Antonio a AT&Center T, ka pakanga Figueroa toa mua ao Antonio DeMarco(31-5-1, 23 Koó).
South Texas o “Ko te Panterita” (iti Panther) i te tuatahi super Kōmāmā kaha i roto i te Mei ki titlist mua Ricky Burns me i muri i te roa e te wharanga, Ko te hoki ia, hauora, me te pupuhi i runga i ngā ipurau katoa.
“Ahau rite,” Said Figueroa. “Mai kua neke ahau ki runga ki te 140 Kua ua ahau kaha atu ake ake. Tenei wiki i roto i te puni, i muri i ngā wā toku mākutu, Kua ua ite ahau e ahau i honotanga ake me e nui haere toku tere, me te kaha, kua. Toku whawhai Mei ko te tohu pai o te aha taku e mea me tenei whawhai ki DeMarco e tetahi tetahi. Mana'o tūturu tenei wehenga taimaha ki ahau.”
Ka oho ake te piha taimaha i roto i 2015, kitea hoki i tenei tau hoki whakangungu Figueroa ki tona papa, Omar Sr., i roto i tona oire o Weslaco, TX.
“Ko Mekemeke i roto i te toto o toku utuafare,” ka mea ia. “Toku papa, tuahine, teina, me te whaea e whai wāhi katoa ki rānei whakangungu whawhai ranei. Te taea ki te whakangungu i te kāinga, e karapotia ana e toku utuafare e mea faufaa ki ahau. Mea katoa te mahi ahau he mo toku hapu, me toku hapori.”
Te whakatipu ake i roto i te U.S e rua. ko Mexico, Whawhai Figueroa i runga 200 whawhai runaruna i roto i Mexico, me te 100 i roto i te U.S. i mua i te tahuri pro. He whakakake Mexican-American me Texan, Kei te rerekē i te Figueroa 25-tau-tawhito whakangungu tenei puni tae mākutu ki te maha o te whawhai i Texas me te āhua e karapoti ana.
“Au tāpi ahau ki te mahere whakangungu, me te conditioning tenei puni – manawa, mākutu – engari kei te tino te whakapakari i te rerekētanga nui hoki ahau, ka tango tiaki o toku tinana i roto i rerekē tīkina taupā. Ahau te huka, totoro, me te whakamahi i te Theraband i roto i workouts. Au hoki e mahi ahau ki atu mahi whakaora – whakamahana ake, hei whakamatao i raro, whakaongaonga, ultrasound, Ka taea e korerotia e ahau ki toku tinana, me te puni mahi e ngā huri i te reira i toku tinana.”
E kore tetahi hei noho tonu, te kaipara tūturu-whanau e tuhipoka o etahi o nga regimens whakangungu i ngā kaiako i roto i mua i te ngana ki te “ako'i mātau” a ape i te overtraining.
Te Hakihea 12 PBC i te NBC whawhai ka waiho hoki te take ki tona teina Brandon putanga i runga i te haapurororaa NBCSN utuafare.
“Ahau tino mauruuru no toku rōpū katoa me te kaiwhakatairanga Hehe Leija me Mike Battah. E hoatu ana e ratou te rota o te whawhai pūmanawa Texas he pere i runga i te kāri kaha motu. Me mekemeke ki te tautoko me te kawe ake taranata i puta noa wehenga katoa, a te reira nui ki te kite i etahi o toku rōpū ētahi atu opuaraa runga whiwhi i te pere i runga i te pire rite tenei tetahi me te. Ko hono tokoni'i ia ki te tupu mekemeke.”
Mō ētahi atu pārongo, toronga a, te whai i runga i TwitterPremierBoxing, LeijaBattahPR, , OmarFigueroaJr, @NBCSports and @Swanson_Comm and become a fan on Facebook at Highlights wātea i


Taupae, California (Hakihea 1, 2015) – I roto i iti iho i te rua wiki, tūturu runga U.S. amanaki taumahamaha Dominic “Te pouri” BREAZEALE (16-0, 14 KO o)hoki ki te mowhiti ki “Prince” Charles Martin (22-0-1, 20 KO o) in a battle of undefeated American heavyweights. Te 2012 Ka teata te a'ee's Häkinakina i runga i-wa pirimia NBC i runga i te Pirimia mekemeke Champions live telecast whakaritea nei ki te tango i te wahi i te AT&Center T i San Antonio, Texas.

Pane ki tona wiki tonu whakamutunga o te puni whakangungu i roto i te faaineineraa no tona a'ee ka ū mai ki Martin, Breazeale ngā ona whakaaro i runga i tona puni kia tawhiti, whawhai i runga i NBC mo te toru o te taime i tēnei tau, tona hononga ki te kaiwhakangungu hou Manny Robles me ana tūmanako mō te a'ee ki Martin.
Whakaaro o Breazeale runga i te āhua puni whakangungu kei te haere:
Photo c / o Team Breazeale
“Puni whakangungu kei te haere nui kia
far. It’s definitely the best training camp Ihave had thus far in my career. I continue to learn a lot from my trainer Manny Robles and working on fundamentals and technique has been a plus in this camp. My strength and conditioning coach Sean Martinez has also introduced new training techniques that work on my core and help with my explosiveness.

I have had quality sparring here in California and have flown in a southpaw sparring partner to prepare me for my bout with Charles. This past weekend I traveled to San Francisco to work with a southpaw and it was great work.

Mau mana'o o Breazeale i runga i whawhai i runga i NBC mo te toru o te taime i tēnei tau
“Ko te nui ki te whawhai i runga i te pouaka whakaata, but to fight on a prime-time network that reaches millions of viewers and attracts new boxing fans is a blessing. I have to thank my adviser Al Haymon for the opportunities he has provided me and I intend to make the best of them. I think what stands out to me is the fact that my grandmother who doesn’t have cable can watch me for free.

What the Premier Boxing Champions series has done for the sport of boxing is awesome. I hope to gain quite a bit of new fans come Hakihea 12.”

Hononga o Breazeale ki kaiwhakangungu hou Manny Robles:
“E kore e mohio ki te rota o te iwi i tenei, but I trained with Manny throughout my entire amateur career leading up to and during the Olympics. Although I haven’t trained with Manny in three years, I feel as if we had never missed a beat. I feel very comfortable training with Manny and he has a great amount of knowledge about the sport.

Ite pono ahau e he ia te kaiwhakangungu e tei te mātauranga me ngā pūkenga e taea te tiki i ahau ki taua taumata muri.”

Tūmanako o Breazeale i runga i tona a'ee ki Martin:
I know this is the toughest bout of my career thus far and I’m definitely ready. I expect to win and win convincingly. With Klitchko being knocked off by Fury this past weekend, the heavyweight division is open for the taking. Beating Martin is the next step on the path to the world heavyweight championship. I am always looking for a knockout, engari ki te kore e tae mai i te reira e taea e ahau te kī e ka kotahi o te reinga, i te whawhai tenei.”


Na i Welterweight, Thomas “Cornflake” Kite LaManna kanapa heke mai

Hanga LaManna Welterweight tuatahi tenei Rāhoroi ki Ariere Vasquez i te Claridge i Atlantic City

No te Tonu Tuku
Atlantic City, Nj (Hakihea 1, 2015)–I Rāhoroi po, Hakihea 5, Thomas “Cornflake” LaManna tango i runga i Ariere Vasquez in the main event of a card that will take place at the Claridge Hotel i Atlantic City.
Whakatairangatia ana te kāri e Haké Whakatairanga Mekemeke i feohi ki Vincent M. Stream Gulf Whakatairanga o Ponte.

Ka waiho ano te kāri whawhai roto i te taha ki Ray McCline o te Atlantic City Mekemeke Hall o te Rongonui.

LaManna (18-1, 7 KO o) o Millville tata, New Jersey & Vasquez (12-11-2, 8 KO o) o Managua, Ka tangohia Nicaragua wahi i roto i te Welterweight a'ee 8-a tawhio noa.

Vasquez kei te haere mai atu i te nuinga whakatau hinga ki tūturu Thomas Mattice i runga i Noema 25 i roto i Erie, PA.

Tenei ka waiho i te haerenga kotiro i roto i te wehenga 147-pauna mo te 6'2″ LaManna. He spent his career at Middleweight and Jr. Whitu.

E kore ahau e mohio ki te nui e pā ana ki Vasquez i tua atu i te e ia he southpaw. Ahau i roto i te āhua nui, me te ka waiho rite mo te mahi i te ringa,” Na ka mea a LaManna.

“Ite e ahau pai i te taimaha. Kihai i ahau i te raruraru te whakaū i te taimaha tika na kihai Ko te rite uaua ki te hanga i te reira. Ko tuwhera whānui te wehenga Welterweight, me te kite ahau i whai wāhitanga e haere mai ana i roto i te heke mai e tata ana.”

Rising Promotions and Vincent Ponte’s Gulf Stream Promotions is looking to have a huge breakout 2016 a ka kawea mekemeke hoki ki Atlantic City, engari i te tuatahi to tatou ki te tiki mua Ariere Vasquez.”
Kaiwhakangungu o LaManna, Raul “Chino” Rivas has had success moving fighter’s to their proper weight class and he feels LaManna will benefit greatly fighting at Welterweight.
“Tenei ka waiho tona whawhai tuatahi i 147 pauna”, Said Rivas. “Kua Camp kua pai a ko ia i roto i te āhua nui. I believe he has been fighting out of his weight class. He is not a 154 tukituki, kia anake te 160 pauna toa. He is a Welterweight and people will see his knockout ratio improve.
“Ka waiho Thomas koi mo tenei whawhai. He is still a young fighter and by next year, ka kite koe kaha tana pakeke ki tāpare tona Welterweight,” oti Rivas.
Mea, Debbie LaManna o Rising Whakatairanga, “Ko to tatou whakaatu tuatahi tenei a e tatou oaoa ki te kia mahi i tenei i roto i te Atlantic City, e he hītori mekemeke maere. I want to thank the Claridge as well as it has been a great pleasure to work with New Jersey Athletic Commission. Larry Hazzard and Rhonda Utley are great to work with.
Said Vinny LaManna, Matua / Kaiwhakahaere o Thomas LaManna, “I waenganui i tona rua whawhai whakamutunga, Titiro Thomas kua fakaofo pai. This a great move for him to go to Welterweight and I feel he will come into his own.
Mea, Vincent M. Ponte o Gulfstream Whakatairanga, “He pai ki te whanaketanga o Thomas matou me titiro tatou ki nga mea nui i roto i a ia i roto i 2016.
E tango LaManna wahi i roto i tona whawhai 3 i roto i 4 marama.
“Rite hoki ahau ki te whakawhetai ki toku kaitautoko MHP, Rpm Sales Aunoa me PUAI Beverages.”

Vasquez, 28 tau ka tahuri ngaio i roto i 2005 a whawhai ana te tuatahi 11 whawhai i roto i tona Nicaragua taketake. He twice fought Juan Antonio Rodriguez for the WBC Youth Featherweight title and held undefeated Eliezer Landas (10-0) ki te Unuunu i roto i te a'ee mo te taitara WBA Fedecentro Super whā.
Kua fehangahangai ia whawhai tūturu rima tae atu e toru i tona whakamutunga.
I roto i te 6-a tawhio noa tahi-āhuatanga, Welterweight Anthony “Wai” Young (11-1, 5 KO o) o Atlantic City, ka tango i runga i Cherry Hill o Anthony Prescott (5-7-2, 2 KO o) i roto i te pakanga mō te mana whakamanamana New Jersey.
Te 27 Māori tau-tawhito o Atlantic City he lekooti o 11-1 ki te rima knockouts, ka waiho hanga tona ahua 5 i roto i tona whenua. He is coming off a 6-round unanimous decision over Jonathan Garcia on August 15 i roto i te Atlantic City.

He whakauru ia mo tūturu Anthony Miller Prescott (1-0) a Anthony Abbruzzese (3-0). He is coming off a 6-round unanimous decision defeat to Kareem Martin onAugust 28 i roto i te Washington, D.C.

I roto i te a'ee 6-a tawhio noa
John Lennox (13-3, 5 KO o) o Carteret, Ka tangohia nj i runga i Willis Lockett o Takoma Park, MD.
I roto i te pāngia 4-a tawhio noa:
Alvin Vermall (6-0-1, 6 KO o) o Lake Place, Ka whawhai LA Brian Donahue o Philadelphia i roto i te a'ee Cruiserweight
Quian Davis (0-0-1) o Vineland, Ka whawhai nj Santario Holdbrooks (0-2) o Kannapolis, NC i roto i te a'ee taumahamaha.

Edgar Cortes (2-1) o Vineland, Nj ka kite mahi i roto i te a'ee whā.

Luis Perozo ka meinga e tona tuatahi pro o New York ki Tariuha Jackson (0-2) o Anderson, SC i roto i te a'ee Kōmāmā.

Tickets e $50 GA, $75 Ringside, $75 Stage & $125 VIP (Wharau o 5 e wātea ana hoki $500) and are available at
The Clardige Hotel is located at 123 S. Indiana Ave. Atlantic City NJ
Instagram: risingpromo

FIGHT Whatunga BOXING HÖTAKA Apiti (Nov. 30-Dec. 6, 2015)

(U.S. anake rārangi te kore te kore tohua. No te hōtaka Canadian oti, tirohia from your region.)
Whawhai ko Whatunga te 24/7 whakatapua pouaka teihana ki te whakaoti i kapinga o hākinakina whawhai. Tags te reira i ngā hōtaka e arotahi ana ki te hōkai katoa o te momo hākinakina whawhai, tae atu ki ngā whawhai ora, me te ake-ki-te-miniti rongo me te tātaritanga mō te mekemeke, whakauru toi hōia, kickboxing, mamau ngaio, ngā tikanga mau rākau, rongo whawhai, me te raupapa whakaari whawhai-waiata, pakipūmeka me te āhuatanga kiriata.
Kei raro kitea ngā o te hōtaka o tenei wiki:

Rāhina, Nov. 30
7:30 p.m. & 11:30 p.m. ANDWhawhai Na Extra New – Ko te rongo hou, recaps, āhuatanga me te tātaritanga roto o te kēmu whawhai.
9:00 p.m. AND – GFL Greatest knockouts – Haaputuraa whakaatu o te mekemeke, MMA me knockouts kickboxing.
Rātū, Dec. 1
12:00 p.m. ANDGFL Greatest knockouts – Haaputuraa whakaatu o te mekemeke, MMA me knockouts kickboxing.
4:00 p.m.KOTV mekemeke Classics – Reliving fakangalongata'a mekemeke whawhai i te tekau tau e rua o mua.
8:30 p.m. ANDWhawhai News Na Tāpiri – Ko te rongo hou, recaps, āhuatanga me te tātaritanga roto o te kēmu whawhai.
Wednesday, Dec. 2
2:00 a.m. & 7 a.m.KOTV mekemeke Classics – Reliving fakangalongata'a mekemeke whawhai i te tekau tau e rua o mua.
7:30 p.m. AND — Whawhai Na Extra New – Ko te rongo hou, recaps, āhuatanga me te tātaritanga roto o te kēmu whawhai.
Rāpare, Dec. 3
1:00 a.m. ANDKOTV Weekly – Uhi i te rongo hou katoa i roto i te mekemeke pro, ngā whawhai tata tonu me ngā i te pūtaiao reka.
7:00 p.m. AND Whawhai Whatunga mekemeke Weekly – Hosts Corey Erdman and Morgan Campbell invite exclusive guests to discuss the latest in the sweet science.
8:30 p.m. ANDWhawhai Na Extra New – Ko te rongo hou, recaps, āhuatanga me te tātaritanga roto o te kēmu whawhai.
Rāmere, Dec. 4
11:00 a.m. ANDWhawhai Whatunga mekemeke Weekly – Nga mano Corey Erdman ko Morgan Campbell fakaafe'i manuhiri motuhake ki te matapaki i te hou i roto i te pūtaiao reka.
12:00 p.m. — KOTV Weekly – Uhi i te rongo hou katoa i roto i te mekemeke pro, ngā whawhai tata tonu me ngā i te pūtaiao reka.
7:30 p.m. AND Whawhai Na Extra New – Ko te rongo hou, recaps, āhuatanga me te tātaritanga roto o te kēmu whawhai.
Rātapu, Dec. 5
7:00 p.m. AND — KOTV mekemeke Classics
– Reliving fakangalongata'a mekemeke whawhai i te mua
8:00 p.m. ANDUltimate Classic mekemeke: Morgan vs. Lightburn – Ngā LC Morgan vs. Ludwig Lightburn i Mar. 28, 1956 i roto i te Cleveland, OH.
Twitter & Instagramfightnet


Toa o te Tau Timothy Bradley ki te haere ki te 29 o Ring ā- 8 Takahanga Hararei & Dec Awards Ceremony. 13 i roto i te New York; Melvina Lathan, Sadam Ali, Heather Hardy & John Duddy roto 2015 tohu toa

Timothy Bradley (R) vs. Juan Manuel Marquez
(pikitia angalelei o Chris Farina / Kapa Top)
NEW YORK, NY (Whiringa 30, 2015) – Rima-wā, toa e rua-wehenga te ao Timothy “Koraha Storm” Bradley ka haere i te 29th Ring ā-tau 8 Takahanga Hararei me Tohu Ceremony, Rātapu ahiahi (12:30-5:30 p.m. AND), Hakihea 13, i te Russo On te Bay i roto i te Howard Beach, New York. Bradley will receive his award as the 2015 Ring 8 Fighter o te Tau.
Randy Gordon will serve as the event’s Master of Ceremonies. Other 2015 Ring 8 tohu toa (kite te rārangi katoa i raro) ngā mua heamana Komihana Athletic New York State Melvina Lathan (Tai o te tekau tau), tūturu No. 1 ao nguha Welterweight Port “World Kid” He (NY Fighter o te Tau), Heather Hardy(NA Wahine Fighter o te Tau), “Ireland o” John Duddy (Uncrowned Champion), Andre Rozier (Trainer o te Tau) a Joe DeGuardia (Kaiwhakatairanga o te Tau).
32-tau-tawhito te Bradley, whawhai i roto i te nikau Springs, California, Ko te-wā e rua, me te kingi Mekemeke Organization World (Te toa Welterweight WBO, i roto i te tua atu ki te he marama te ao Welterweight toru-wā titlist.
Tona rārangi o ngā pārurenga pānui rite te wai te wai o te mekemeke i roto i te 140 ki 147 wehenga pauna: Manny Pacquiao, Juan Manuel Marquez, Ruslan Provodnikov, Joel Casamayor, Devon Alexander, Jessie Vargas, Luis Carlos Abregu, Lamont Peterson, Kendall Holt,Junior Witter a Brandon Rios.
Timothy Bradley earned his award with an outstanding performance against Brandon Rios (WTKO9),” Ring 8 peresideni Bob Duffy mea. “Te mahi tahi me te kaiako hou, Teddy Atlas (fakatātaa'i ki raro ki te matau ki Bradley) , Ko te rangi te rohe mo Bradley. Matou tino waimarie ki te whai Timoteo ratere whenua ripeka ki te haere to tatou Takahanga Hararei ki te tiki i tona Fighter o te tohu Tau.
“No te mea ko te taua rōpū nui e whakahonore tatou tenei tau i tenei, we expect a sold out crowd of 400. To tatou mau melo e titiro atu ki tenei hui i tenei tau. Mauruuru mau tatou tuku ia ratou to ratou tautoko rite Ring 8 proudly continues its record for lending a helping hand to those in the boxing community who are less fortunate. Ia tau, ka whakanui to tatou Ceremony Takahanga Hararei me Tohu to tatou hākinakina nui o te mekemeke, rīanga pūtea nui-e hiahiatia ana ara te kia mau ai tatou i to tatou misioni no to tatou mau taeae rawakore me tuahine i roto i te mekemeke. Roa'tu tatou e aueue i to ratou pito.”
2015 KING 8 Tuhinga WINNERS
Fighter o te Tau: Timothy Bradley
Tai o te tekau tau: Hon. Melvina Lathan
NY Fighter o te Tau: Sadam Ali
NY Wahine Fighter o te Tau: Heather Hardy
Uncrowned Champion: John Duddy
Co-Cutmen o te Tau: George Mitchell & Mike Rella
Mema Poari o te Tau: Billy Strigaro
Trainer o te Tau: Andre Rozier
Hapori Ratonga Tohu: Kevin Collins & Gerard Wilson
Kaiwhakatairanga o te Tau: Joe DeGuardia
Kaitautoko o te Tau: George O'Neill
Official o te Tau: Carlos Ortiz, JR.
Amateur Official o te Tau: Christina Vila
Roa & Hiranga Ratonga Tohu: Jack Hirsch
Kōtaha o itoito Tohu: Paddy Dolan
Prospects o te Tau: Wesley Ferrer & Danny Gonzales
Ring auvaha i o te Tau: Rawiri Diamante
Mea ïa Tohu: Kāpara Ron McNair, JR.
Tīkiti Limited, utu i $125.00 ia tangata, E tonu e wātea ana ki te hoko mā te whakapā Bob Duffy i te waea (516.313.2304), īmēra, arowhai mēra ranei (kia utua ki Ring 8) ki a ia (164 Lindbergh Road, Massapequa Park, NY 11762). E mai takoha o tetahi hāhi mo te hunga taea ki te haere ki te hui.
Tickets ngā he moko oti ki te cocktail haora i runga i te urunga, aru i te nohoanga i te hui tohu, tina me te purini, a tuwhera pae runga papa-puta noa i te ahiahi. He ka hoki te mākete puku o Etahi mekemeke. Tūmanakohia ana tēnei kaupapa ki te hoko-i roto i, me te tohe katoa ki te hoko tīkiti wawe tonu i roto i te tikanga ki te mau nohoanga pai.
Ko te rā kati mō te pānuitanga hōtaka Kei te tata hoki Whārangi tonu ($150.00), Hawhe-Whārangi ($80.00), me te Hauwhā-Whārangi ($50.00). Me te īmēra pānuitanga katoa ( ranei te ti'ahapa ki Duffy (516.313.2304) i te wāhitau whakarārangitia i runga ake.
Haere ki ipurangi ki mō ētahi atu mōhiohio e pā ana ki Ring 8 ranei ona Events Hararei ā-tau me te Tohu Ceremony.
Kei a Russo I te Bay te i 162-45 Crossbay Blvd. i roto i te Howard Beach(718.843.5055).
Ring 8 News: Jack Hirsch, ko wai e te fariiraa i te 2015 Ring 8 Roa & Hiranga Ratonga Tohu, I tata pōtitia rite Vice te peresideni o Ring 8.
Haereraa Ring 8 Ceremony manuhiri rongonui hararei me Tohu ngā toa o mua ao Mark Breland, Luis Collazo, Iran Barkley a Vito Antuofermo, me Sean Monahan, Bobby Cassidy, Harold Lederman a Frankie Galarza