Kategorija Archives: boksas

Mwakinyo Vs Denes, WBC Africa (WBC-ABU) Super pusvidutinio svorio čempionatas

Next Door Arena, Dar es Salam, Tanzania 26th March 2021

Dėl greito atpalaidavimo

Dar es Salaam, Monday 15th March 2021

Plus TV To Broadcast Mwakinyo Vs Denes WBC/ABU Title Fight Across Africa on 26th March.

The Jackson Group, Global Boxing Stars and Epic Sports and Entertainment, the co-promoters of the Rumble in Dar series, in association with the Tanzania Tourist Board #VisitTanzania, KCB Bank, Onomo Hotels, Urban Soul Apparel (Botswana) and M Bet, today announced that Plus TV (DSTV channel #294) is to broadcast the second edition of the series exclusively across Sub-Saharan Africa.

“We are very excited to partner up with the Rumble in Dar series co-promoters the Jackson Group, Global Boxing Stars and Epic Sports and Entertainment as well as DSTV Multi-Choice Tanzania and KCB to bring the Rumble In Dar second edition to our esteemed viewers in and across Africa.

“We are proud to take boxing to global stage through this partnership. Plus TV is available exclusively on DSTV channel number 294 to more than 30 African countries.

“We urge our viewers to tune in on the day of the event from exactly 8pm to enjoy this unforgettable event.” Said Ramadhan Bukini, Operations Director at Plus TV

Back in January boxing fans around the world were enthralled by an incredible evening of boxing featuring world stars such as Bulgaria’s Tervel Pulev and American Shawn Miller amongst others, that concluded with Tanzania’s very own Ibrahim Class securing the World Boxing Federation (WBF) intercontinental championship after a 12 round Battle Royale with seriously tough South Africa based Malawian Dennis Mwale.

The second edition of the Rumble in Dar series, as with the first, has a closely matched international card that features two World Boxing Council African Boxing Union (WBC-ABU) Championship contests.

The main event sees Tanzania’s Hassan Mwakinyo (18-2-0) in action against Zimbabwean Brendon Denes of Zimbabwe (8-0-0) for the the vacant WBC Africa (WBC-ABU) Super pusvidutinio svorio čempionatas.

The co-main event pits Nigerian Olanrewaju Durodora (34-0-8) against Tanzania’s Shaban Jongo (8-1-2) for the WBC Africa (WBC-ABU) čempionatas.

The stellar undercard features closely matched international fights:

8 Round Heavyweight Contest:  Switzerland based Kenyan Collins Omondi (5-0-0) versus Zimbabwe’s Elvis Moyo (9-6-2)

6 Round Heavyweight Contest: Ukraine’s Ihor Shavadzutskyi (5-0-0) versus Uganda’s Shafik Kiwanuka (3-0-0)

8 Round Lightweight Contest: Tanzania’s Ibrahim Class (25-6-0) versus TBA

8 Round Super Welterweight Contest: Bulgaria’s Yosif Panov (18-3-0) versus Tanzania’s Nicolaus Mdoe (10-5-1)

4 Round Heavyweight Contest: Bulgaria’s Pencho Tsevtkov (4-0-0) versus Zimbabwe’s Simon Madhanire (1-2-1)

8 Round Super Welterweight Contest: Zambia’s Lolita Muzeya (16-0-0) versus TBA

4 Round Lightweight Contest: Bulgaria’s Joana Nwamerue (3-0-0) versus Zimbabwe’s Netsai Vaina Bondayi (2-3-1)

6 Round Heavyweight Contest: South Africa’s Ardi Ndembo (2-0-0) versus Malawi’s Alick Gogodo (4-5-0)

The second edition of the Rumble in Dar series, in association with the Tanzania Tourist Board #VisitTanzania, KCB Bank, Onomo Hotels, Urban Soul Apparel (Botswana) and M Bet, will be broadcast live across Sub-Saharan Africa exclusively by Plus TV, which is available exclusively on DSTV channel number 294 in more than 30 African countries as well as syndicated globally to linear and digital channels (check local channel listings) and on-line at FITE TV.



Rumble in Dar Second Edition Promo Videohttps://youtu.be/pt8XHDgkJHs


Lengvas pojūtis Isaacas Cruzas pelnė vieningą sprendimą prieš Matiasą Romero iš pirmo pralaimėjimo; Terrellas Gausha per TV laidų atidarymo programą SHOWTIME surengia pabrėžtiną TKO pergalę prieš Jamontay Clarką.® „Premier“ bokso čempionų turnyre

Spauskite ČIA už Nuotraukos iš Amanda Westcott / Showtime
(Netrukus nuotraukos bus įkeltos)

Spustelėkite čia, jei norite žiūrėti pagrindinio turnyro paskutines akimirkas

Spustelėkite čia, jei norite žiūrėti David Benavidez interviu po kovos

Uncasville, Conn. - Kovas 13, 2021 - Buvęs dukart pasaulio čempionas Davidas Benavidez išsaugojo nepriekaištingą savo ringo įrašą su 11oji-turo techninio nokauto pergalė prieš veteraną Ronaldas Ellisas šeštadienio vakaro laidos „SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING“ pagrindiniame turnyre „WBC Super Middleweight Title Eliminator“., tiesiogiai per SHOWTIME iš Mohegan Sun arenos Uncasville mieste, Conn., į "Premier" Boksas Čempionų atveju.

Finikso „Benavidez“ (24-0, 21 Kos) mirgėjo puikus rankos greitis, tikslumas ir galia, kai jis dominavo Elisyje (18-2-2, 12 Kos) nuo Lynn, Mišios., per 11 raundų, kol teisėjas Johnny Callas pagaliau pamojo kovą 2:03 priešpaskutinio turo. 24 metų žvaigždė užėmė reikšmingą vietą visų trijų rezultatų kortelių etape (99-91, 98-92 x2) sustabdymo metu.

„Aš vertinu savo pasirodymą gana gerai, bet žinau, kad galėjau padaryti geriau,- sakė Benavidezas, kuris išplėtė savo tobulą rekordą 24-0. „Ronaldas Ellisas yra sunkus konkurentas. Tikiuosi, kad gerbėjams patiks tai, ką jie matė. Mečiau daug derinių, štampai kekėmis. Daug kartų maniau, kad Ellis mesti, bet jis to nepadarė. Kepurės nuo jo, jis kietas vyrukas. Tai buvo šiek tiek vėliau, nei norėjau, tačiau sustabdymas vis tiek yra sustabdymas. Tikiuosi, kad gerbėjai šį vakarą sulaukė gero šou “.

Bokso stebuklas tapo jauniausiu pasaulio vidutinio svorio pasaulio čempionu bokso istorijoje, Benavidezas pasirodė meistriškai, ką patvirtina jo smūgio statistika, nusileidimas 289 apie 532 galios smūgiai, išmetami, kad akį traukiantis ryšio greitis būtų 54%. Benavidezas prisijungė 50 smūgiai į 11oji kuris galiausiai pristabdė. Abu kovotojai kartu metė 1,403 štampus. Po jo dominuojančio laimėjimo SHOWTIME, Benavidezas yra dar vienas žingsnis arčiau pasaulio vidutinio svorio kategorijos susigrąžinimo.

„Aš noriu visų didelių vaikinų,- pridūrė Benavidezas. „Kalbėdamas ir gerbėjams, jie norėtų pamatyti mane prieš visus didelius vaikinus, nes, kaip matote, Man patinka mėtyti smūgius. Man patinka stabdyti žmones, todėl aš, palyginti su bet kokiu dideliu vardu, būtų nuostabi kova. Noriu [Jermall] Charlo, Canelo Alvarez, Kalebas augalų, Visi jie."

Ellis, 31, parodė didžiulį ryžtą ir labai tvirtą smakrą, nes sugėrė nuolatinį buvusio dukart pasaulio čempiono puolimą.. Benavidezas spaudė veiksmą, dažnai dirbdamas virvėmis, Ellis nusileido 89 nuo jo 334 Stumtelėjimus.

„Aš būčiau galėjęs šiek tiek labiau užkirsti kelią ir valdyti daiktus ir neleisti jam manęs užgniaužti,- sakė Ellisas. „Po velnių taip, aš norėjau pabaigti. Nenorėjau jam suteikti tokio pasitenkinimo. Aš galėjau šiek tiek daugiau pajudėti ir nepadaryti tiek šūvių į galvą. Kepurės nuo jo. Jis padarė tai, ką turėjo padaryti. Jis niekada skauda man, tai juokingas dalykas. I took a lot of shots but he didn’t damage me or have me super hurt. I never thought about quitting.”

The sports world lost an icon today as the death of Marvelous Marvin Hagler was reported hours before the live telecast began. A member of the International Boxing Hall of Fame, Hagler, kuris buvo 66 metai, fought in the first main event ever on SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING on March 10, 1986. Hagler was honored with a ceremonial 10-count prior to tonight’s main event. Click Here to Watch SHOWTIME’s Tribute to Marvin Hagler

Benavidez reflected on Hagler’s passing after the fight: “I had met Marvin once before and he was a great champion. Someone told me he fought the first fight on SHOWTIME. Someone on my team let me know a few hours before the fight that he had passed. Liūdna ir jis bus praleistas. Jis buvo tikra legenda “.

Be bendro pagrindinis renginio, Isaacas Cruzas (21-1-1, 15 Kos) Meksiko pelnė vieningą sprendimo pergalę prieš Argentinos Matiasas Romero (24-1, 8 Kos) 12 turų WBA lengvo svorio kategorijos eliminatoriuje. Tai buvo pirmas kartas, kai 22-ejų Cruzas nuėjo 12 profesionalo karjeros etapų. Skaityta teisėjų rezultatų kortelė 114-113, 115-112 ir 118-109. Neoficialus „SHOWTIME“ žaidėjas Steve'as Farhoodas įmušė kovą 115-112, duodamas raundus 10 per 12 kylančiai žvaigždei.

„Aš nesu patenkintas kovos stiliumi, tačiau esu patenkintas, kad parsivežiau pergalę namo ir mes priėjome„ Ne “. 1 vieta WBA,Sakė Cruz. „Aš nežinojau, kas nutiks [kiek teisėjai]. Mes visą laiką privertėme kovą, o teisėjams būtų buvę labai neįmanoma ką nors padaryti man, kai aš buvau stumiantis kovą “.

Visą 36 minučių romaną, Cruzas nuolat darė spaudimą priešininkui, kuris privertė Romero, labiau patyręs profesionalas, pernelyg laikytis bandant sustabdyti spaudimą. Nepaisant to, kad teisėjas Harvey'as Dockas dažnai įspėjo, 24-erių Romero niekada nebuvo nubaustas. Per šiurkštų varžybas, tačiau, Cruzas už mažą smūgį buvo užmuštas tašku šeštame raunde.

„Jis buvo kovotojas, nenorėjęs keistis smūgiais,- pridūrė Cruzas, remdamasis atkakliu klinikavimu. „Man buvo labai atsibodę klinikos - jam niekada nebuvo įspėjimo. Aš padariau viską iš ten. Not the best way I wanted to do it but thank God we won the fight and we’re taking the victory home.”

Romero presented an effective jab throughout the fight, nusileidimas 89 apie 282, but it was Cruz’s power punching that ultimately earned him the victory. Kryžius, who is now the No. 1 contender for a world title shot at 135 svarų, nusileido 145 apie 459 Baterijos štampus, įskirtinai 91 Kūno kadrai.

“Obviously I’m not happy with the decision,” stated Romero following his first professional loss. “I thought maybe it was a draw. Overall I’m happy with my performance. He’s supposed to the be the ‘Pit Bull’ and I went the distance. You have to take the opportunities when they are presented and I wish I would have had more time to get ready for this fight.”

In the evening’s opening bout, Cleveland’s Terrell Gausha (22-2-1, 11 Kos) scored an impressive second-round technical knockout over fellow Ohioan Jamontay Clark (15-2-1, 7 Kos) Cincinnati. Gausha, 33, did not land a single power punch in the opening round but worked well behind the jab, winning the round on two of the judges’ scorecards. As the second round neared completion, Gausha beautifully countered a lunging left hand from the southpaw Clark which sent the 26-year-old to the canvas for the first time in his professional career. Clark beat the count but moments later was met by a barrage of unanswered punches in the neutral corner. Referee Arthur Mercante jumped in and called a halt to the bout at 2:44 antrojo turo.

“I knew Jamontay was a tough kid, I’ve been watching him since Cleveland so I knew about him already,” said Gausha. „Jaučiausi turėjęs galimybę jį išmušti, bet nežinojau, kaip klostysis kova. Bet aš jaučiuosi gerai, įvykdė žaidimo planą. Mano treneriai mokėsi kino ir mes įvykdėme egzekuciją.

„Aš tiesiog neskubėjau,“- pridūrė Gausha. „Aš statydavau spąstus. Žinojau, kad jis galų gale bus atviras, bet ir aš turėjau būti atsargus, nes jis - vaikinas, turi gerą kairę ranką. Bet aš žinojau, kad jo žaidime yra skylių, mes įvykdėme ir kai pasitaikė proga, mes nusileidome ta didele dešine ranka “.

Su savo pabrėžtinu sustabdymo laimėjimu, the 2012 „Olympian“ iškyla kaip pretendentas į supervidutinio svorio kategorijos šaudymo titulą. Pirmuoju ir vieninteliu pasaulio titulu nušovė 2017, Gausha dropped a unanimous decision to current super welterweight world champion Erislandy Lara.

“I know I made a statement tonight,“- pridūrė Gausha. “I put the division on notice. I’m locked and loaded and I’m ready. I want to be a world champion so I’m looking to fight whoever I need to fight to get to the belts.”

Šeštadienio Showtime ČEMPIONATO Boksas telecast will replay Sunday at 8:55 tarifu. ET/PT on SHOWTIME and Monday at 10 p.m. ET on SHOWTIME EXTREME.

Veteran sportscaster Brian Custer hosted the telecast. Versatile combat sports voice Mauro Ranallo called the action ringside alongside Hall of Fame analyst Al Bernstein and three-division world champion Abner Mares. Two Hall of Famers rounded out the telecast team: boxing historian Steve Farhood as unofficial scorer and world-renowned ring announcer Jimmy Lennon Jr. The telecast was available in Spanish via Secondary Audio Programming (SAP) with former junior middleweight world champion Raúl “El Diamante” Marquez and Alejandro Luna calling the action. The executive producer was four-time Emmy® award winner David Dinkins, Jaunesnysis. The director was Bob Dunphy, son of legendary Hall of Famer Don Dunphy.

The event was promoted by TGB Promotions and Sampson Boxing.

Daugiau informacijos rasite www.SHO.com/sports, www.PremierBoxingChampions.com, sekti Twitter @ShowtimeBoxing, @PremierBoxing ir @TGBPromotions „Instagram“ @ShowtimeBoxing, @PremierBoxing and @TGBPromotionss or become a fan on Facebook at www.Facebook.com/SHOBoxing.

RING CITY USA ANNOUNCES STACKED UNDERCARD for march 18 event in puerto rico

Live on NBC Sports Network and NBC Sports App

9:00 p.m. IR / 6:00 p.m. PT

Twitch Prelims Start at 6:30 p.m. IR / 3:30 p.m. PT

Los Angeles – March 12, 2021 – Ring City USA, the new sports media startup that debuted its Thursday night boxing series in November 2020, announced a stacked undercard today for its March 18 renginys, the next fight night of the boxing outfit’s three-event residency in Puerto Rico. The three-fight main card will begin at 9 p.m. ET / 6 p.m. PT on NBC Sports Network in the United States and Puerto Rico, and on Twitch for fans outside of the U.S, live from Albergue Olimpico (Olympic Center) in Salinas.

The six-fight event is headlined by another chapter in the iconic Puerto Rico vs. Mexico ring rivalry asAlberto Machado (22-2, 18 Kos) of Rio Piedras, Puerto Rikas, mūšiaiAngel ‘Tashiro’ Fierro (17-1-1, 13 Kos) Tichuana, Meksika, in a ten-round lightweight bout. Machado was previously slated to fight undefeated prospect Hector Tanajara who was forced to withdraw due to illness.

In the evening’s co-main event from Puerto RicoJose ‘Chiquro’ Martinez, (21-1-2, 14 Kos), of Las Marias, Puerto Rikas, clashes with three-time world title challengerIsrael ‘Jiga’ Gonzalez (26-4, 11 Kos) of Los Cabos, Meksika, in a ten-round bantamweight bout.

The 28-year-old Martinez looks to stay in the win column following a second-round knockout of Yeison Vargas in February 2020 in San Juan, P.R. His last four victories have come by knockout.

Following a hard-fought twelve-round decision loss to pound-for-pound great Roman “Chocolatito” Gonzalez in October 2020, the 24-year-old Gonzalez defeated Samuel Gutierrez just two months later in December 2020 in San Lucas, Meksika. Martinez has also challenged world champions Khalid Yafai and Jerwin Ancajas for their title belts in the last three years.

A six-round light heavyweight fight will round out the main card on NBC Sports Network featuringIrish’ Joe Ward, (2-1, 2 Kos), of Moate, Airija, who will look to avenge his pro debut setback againstMarco ‘El Muneco’ Delgado, (7-1, 5 Kos), of Turlock, Kalifas.

Fighting at Madison Square Garden on October 5, 2019, Ward suffered a severe knee injury in the second round which delivered Delgado a technical knockout victory. Ward has bounced back with two first round knockouts taking place in December 2020 Meksikoje. Since the victory over Ward, Delgado has continued his winning ways with a six-round decision over previously undefeated Burley Brooks in December 2020 in Arlington, Teksasas.

Headlining the Twitch undercard broadcast, kuris prasideda 6:30 p.m. IR / 3:30 p.m. PT, three-time world title challengerMaricela ‘La Diva’ Cornejo, (13-4, 5 Kos), Los Andžele, Kalifas. faces off againstAlma Ibarra (7-1, 4 Kos) Monterrey, Meksika.

In the last three years, Cornejo has twice come up short against unified Super Middleweight World Champion Franchon Dezurn-Crews in her quest to win a world championship. Sandwiched between the two world title fights, Cornejo was victorious in a tremendous performance against veteran Erin Toughill on January 27, 2019 in front of her legion of hometown fans in Los Angeles.

A winner of her first seven fights, Ibarra looks to return to the win column following a hard-fought ten-round decision loss to undefeated WBA Interim Junior Middleweight Champion Raquel Miller on November 23, 2019.

In an eight-round flyweight battle, former world champion and knockout artistAngel ‘Tito’ Acosta, (21-2, 21 Kos), San Chuanas, Puerto Rikas, mūšiaiGilberto Mendoza (17-9-3, 8 Kos) of Modesto, Kalifas.

The 30-year-old Acosta made three successful defenses of his world title before losing to Elwin Soto in June 2019. In his last fight in October 2019, Acosta stopped Raymond Tabugon in the fifth round. The upset-minded Mendoza hits the ring following a hard-fought decision loss to top undefeated Mexican prospect Sergio Rios Jimenez.

Rounding out the card in a six-round junior lightweight battle, Top nenugalėtas perspektyvaEdwin ‘The Chin’ Valentin(9-0, 8 Kos) will fight in his hometown of Salinas when he faces veteranHectoro Marengo (7-14-4, 4 Kos) iš Arecibo, Puerto Rikas.

Follow Ring City USA on"Facebook""Twitter"irInstagramfor the latest updates or visitwww.ringcityusa.com.

About Ring City USA

Ring City, which launched in 2020, is boxing’s newest sports media platform. Working in tandem with a variety of promoters and talent, its new boxing series places an emphasis on competitive matchups that genuinely test the fighters and excite the fight fans. Ring City provides great fights in the ring and compelling shoulder programming outside of the ring. Ring City is the proving ground where up-and-coming talent can earn their stripes and launch themselves into the upper echelon of boxing stardom.

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GYM returns for first time since 2019 su “the homecoming: rivas vs. louis 2

MONTREAL (Kovas 9, 2021) -"Groupe Yvon Michelis (GYM) will organize its first event in 16 months – “The Homecoming: Rivas vs. Louis 2”Tuesday night, Kovas 16 at Hotel Plaza Quebec in Quebec City, Kvebekas, Canada.

“The Homecoming,” presented in co-promotion withNew Era Fighting & Promotion and in collaboration ofLee Baxterio reklamos is headlined by a rematch featuringOskaras "Kaboom" Rivas (26-1, 18 Kos) irSylvera “Sly” Louis (8-5, 4 Kos) in the 8-round main event. Rivas defeated Louis by 4-round majority decision back in 2012.

A representative of his native Colombia at the 2008 Olimpinės žaidynės, Rivas is coming off a controversial loss July 20, 2019, by way of a 12-round decision toDillian Whyte (25-1) in the United Kingdom for the vacant World Boxing Council (WBC) Interim heavyweight title.

A maximum of 120 fans for a total of 250 peoples will be allowed to attend “The Homecoming.” Boxers and trainers had to have quarantined for 14 days prior to the event, and they must carefully check any Covid potential symptoms during 10 days after the fights.

Rivas is rated No. 1 in the WBC’s new weight class, Bridgerweight (200 į 224 Svoris.), and he and Louis will participate in the Bridgerweight’s inaugural fight.

“It was not easy to put all the parts in place, to have our sanitary protocol accepted and to obtain all the required authorizations while Quebec City was in the worst of the Covid pandemic time and declared a red zone,” GYM presidentYvon Michel said. “It has been tireless teamwork for several months and full collaboration from the participants. It is an expensive but important adventure for the relaunch of our activities and the restarting of the careers of our boxers. This gala will allow several boxers to regain hope and WBC # 1 aspirant Oscar Rivas to restart the machine for whom we have very ambitious plans this year.”

“The Homecoming” will be streamed live by FITE worldwide on the FITE mobile apps, visos pagrindinės OTT programos ir svetainė (www.FITE.tv), pradedant 8 p.m. IR / 5 p.m. PT, už $29.99 USD (galima anglų arba prancūzų kalbomis). Jis taip pat bus prieinamas Kanadoje per „Canal Indigo“, "Bell televizija, Shaw TV and YOOP.

Be bendro funkcionalus atveju, Canadian favoriteSebastianas Bouchardas (18-2, 8 Kos) takes on welterweightMario Perezas (20-7-5, 12 Kos) in a 6-tound bout. It will be the first fight for Bouchard since he was injured in the ring in November 2019.

Former NBA and NABO middleweight championPatrice Volny (25-1, 18 Kos) squares off against former Canada middleweight titlistJanko Trotter (10-5-2) in a super middleweight clash of Canadians. This is a very important fight for IBF #6 ranked Volny who has been appointed to box PolishPatrikas Wojcickis, IBF #3, for the mandatory position to challenge world championGenadijus Golovkin in May.

Former Canadian amateur champion and member of the Canadian National TeamAlexis Barrière, will make is long awaited pro debut when he meetsColin Sangster (2-0, 2 Kos) in a 4-round fight between Canadian heavyweight prospects.

There matches showcasing cruiserweights are also on tap on the undercard: PopularYan “Wild Thing” Pellerin (10-1, 4 Kos) priešMarco Parente (1-4-3) in a 6-rounder, plus a pair of 4-round fights betweenFrancis Charbonneau (2-1, 2 Kos) vs. Alexandre Roberge (1-0, 0 Kos), irAlexander Beaule (1-0L 1 KO) priešNick “Big Mac” Naccarato (0-0-1). 

Kortelė gali keistis.




ABOUT THE YVON MICHEL GROUP (GYM): "Groupe Yvon Michelis (GYM) buvo įkurta 2004 by Yvon Michel and his associates. The organization’s mission is the development of high-level boxers through support in management and especially by management in competition. In order to achieve its objectives, GYM is active in talent recruitment and event organization, having developed major partnerships with Gestev, „Videotron“, TVA Sports, Mise-O-Jeu, Loto-Québec, Montreal Casinos and Lac Leamy, RNC Media and 91.9 Sporto, & CO, Bel Printing & Lapointe Dental Center, Rival in addition to cooperating closely with Rixa Promotions. The entire GYM team is actively working with the Yvon Michel Foundation to help fight breast cancer. GYM President Yvon Michel was inducted into the Boxing Canada Hall of Fame in April 2017. GYM has contributed to the development of many world champions, including Marie-Ève ​​Dicaire (IBF), Adonis Stevenson (WBC), Eleider Alvarez (WBO) and Artur Beterbiev (IBF), "Jean Pascal (WBC) and Joachim Alcine (WBA), the most ever by a Canadian promoter in history.

„Mercedes-Benz“ stadionas Atlantoje, kur vyks „Triller Fight Club“ 2021 Pradinis renginys balandžio mėn 17, PPV bokso kortelė, kurią užrašė Jake'as Paulas ir Benas Askrenas

„iNDemand“ yra išskirtinis Šiaurės Amerikos kabelis, Palydovas & „Telco Pay-Per-View“ platintojas; FITE tvarkyti tiesioginį pasaulinį skaitmeninį srautą ir „Power TrillerFightClub.com“

Atlanta ir Los Andželas, Kovas 8, 2021 - Trilerių kovų klubas šiandien tai paskelbė „Mercedes-Benz“ stadionas Atlantoje, Gruzija, bus TFC steigiamojo renginio namai 2021, balandžio mėn 17 „box-pay-per-view“ kortelės antraštė Džeikas Paulas ir Ben Askren. Tai bus pirmasis visų laikų kovinis renginys vienoje dinamiškiausių vietų pasaulyje, kuriame buvo „Super Bowl LIII“ namai.

„iNDemand“, pagrindinis sandorio vaizdo pagal pareikalavimą ir PPV programavimo paslaugų teikėjas Šiaurės Amerikoje, tarnaus kaip išskirtinė JAV. ir Kanados kabelis, palydovas, ir telco PPV teikėjas renginiui. Ventiliatoriai galės užsisakyti renginį per PPV per esamą kabelį, palydovinių ir telekomunikacijų PPV teikėjai, įskaitant „Xfinity“, Spektras, Kontūras, „DirecTV“, AT&T televizorius, Indas, „Fios“, ir „Optimum“ (JAV), taip pat Rogers, varpas, Šou, „Videotron“, ir Sasktel (Kanada). FITE, pagrindinė PPV skaitmeninė platforma tvarkys tiesioginį tiesioginį mokėjimą už peržiūrą internetu, ir per „FITE“ mobiliojo ir „Smart TV“ programas, žaidimų valdikliai ir visi pagrindiniai OTT įrenginiai, taip pat „TrillerFightClub.com“.

Siūloma renginio PPV mažmeninė kaina yra $49.99 (Ne JAV. & Kanada). Sirgaliai už Šiaurės Amerikos ribų gali patikrinti FITE nuorodą https://www.fite.tv/watch/jake-paul-vs-ben-askren/2p8y0/ tarptautinei kainodarai.

Keturių valandų laida, kuris prasidės 20:00 ET su tiesiogine PPV pagrindine kortele, pradedant nuo 21:00 ET, netrukus bus paskelbta jaudinanti kovų apatinė kortelė. „Triller Fight Club“ yra „Triller“ ir Snoopas Doggas ir jam vadovauja Ryanas Kavanaughas.

„Mūsų vizija apie dideles kovas, dideli pramogos ir pasaulinės klasės renginiai gali tilpti tik į pasaulinės klasės vietą, ir „Mercedes-Benz“ stadionas atitinka šią viziją,- sakė Kavanaugh. „Balandžio 17-oji visiems bus netikėtumo ir veiksmo elementas, nuo muzikos gerbėjų iki atsitiktinio ir nuoširdaus kovos gerbėjo. Tai, kaip pristatysime naktį šioje moderniausioje vietoje, ir toliau iš naujo apibrėžs vartotojų įsitraukimą į pasaulinį vartotoją, su pasaulinės klasės partneriais, tokiais kaip „iNDemand“ ir „FITE“, prisijungs ne tik dėl šio renginio, bet kitiems turėsime 2021 ir už jos ribų."

„„ Mercedes-Benz “stadionas ir toliau bus didžiausių sporto ir pramogų renginių vieta, ir mes sveikiname „Triller Fight Club“ šiame ypatingame renginyje,"Sakė Timas Zulawskis, AMB sporto ir pramogų vyriausiasis pareigūnas. „Mes tikimės savo stadioną pademonstruoti pasaulinei auditorijai, kurią kuria Ryanas ir jo komanda, ir didžiuojamės būdami šios istorinės bokso ir pramogų nakties dalimi “.

„Mercedes-Benz“ stadionas yra Nacionalinės futbolo lygos „Atlanta Falcons“ namų stadionas (NFL) ir „Atlanta United“ iš „Major League Soccer“ (MLS). Viena labiausiai vertinamų vietų pasaulyje, stadione vyko Koledžo futbolo atkrintamųjų varžybų nacionalinis čempionatas 2018, „MLS All-Star Game“ ir keletas didžiausių muzikos ir pramogų renginių, be NFL ir MLS nuomininkų. Viešai nebus parduota bilietų į renginį. Norint prisijungti prie tiesioginio renginio bus pasirinktas labai ribotas skaičius gerbėjų ir svečių, su išsamia informacija bus paskelbta artimiausiomis savaitėmis, ir viskas bus taikoma griežtai vietinei, valstijos ir federaliniai protokolai dėl COVID 19.

„Mes džiaugiamės vėl dirbdami su„ Triller “po neįtikėtinos mūsų„ Tyson vs.. Jones Jr.. Praėjusių metų lapkritį įvykęs PPV renginys - tai buvo vienas perkamiausių visų laikų PPV renginių,"Sakė Markas Boccardi, „iNDemand“ SVP, Programavimas & Rinkodara. „2021 m. Bus puikūs„ Pay-Per-View “renginių kategorijos metai, ir mes žinome, kad Jake'as Paulas ir Benas Askrenas surengs įdomų pagrindinį renginį balandžio 17 d. “

“„Triller Fight Club“ jau atkūrė kovos sporto pristatymo žanrą, ir džiaugiamės galėdami prisidėti prie šio įvykio pristatymo pasaulinei auditorijai,” sakė Michaelas Weberis, „FITE“ COO. “„Triller“ ir „FITE“ yra puiki pora nepriekaištingam rezultatui pristatyti, šios akimirkos verta gerbėjų patirtis be užpildų.”

Balandžio 17-oji kortelė bus pirmoji „Triller Fight Club“ serijoje 2021 Specialūs renginiai, po debiutinio rekordo nustatymo „Tyson vs.. Jones Jr.. PPV kova 2020, kuri sugriovė visus skaitmeninės kovos PPV įrašus ir tapo aštunta sėkmingiausia kova su PPV istorijoje. Šiame renginyje Jake'as Paulas užims buvusį „Bellator“ ir VIENO čempiono čempioną Beną Askreną vakaro antraštėje. Paulius, kurio bokso debiutas prieš buvusį profesionalų sportininką Nate'ą Robinsoną pasiekė visokius fanų įsitraukimo rekordus, susidurs su Askrenu, kuris pereina į boksą po MMA rekordo - devyniolika pergalių ir du pralaimėjimai, šeši nokautai ir šeši pateikimai. Askrenas profesionaliai debiutavo MMA 2009 prieš Joshą Flowersą, kur pirmajame ture laimėjo TKO. Kaip buvęs „Bellator“ čempionas, VIENAS čempionų čempionas, PAN Amerikos čempionas laisvųjų imtynių varžybose, dukart NCAA imtynių čempionas Misūryje ir dukart „The Dan Hodge Trophy“ nugalėtojas, Askrenas prisijungia prie „Triller's Fight Club“, turėdamas nemažą patirtį ringe.

Be to, kad yra bendrasavininkis, Snoopas taip pat teikia strateginius patarimus „Triller Fight Club“, padedant atrinkti kovotojus ir muzikinius veiksmus parodos sustabdymo renginiams. Pramogų ekspertas, sėkmingai laviravęs daugybę įvairių sričių projektų, Snoopas užsitikrino savo mėgstamiausių gerbėjų vietą per pirmąjį „Triller“ sporto renginį, Tysonas vs.. Jonesas.


Televizija: Kabelis, palydovas & telco PPV teikėjai, įskaitant „Xfinity“, Spektras, Kontūras, „DirecTV“, AT&T televizorius, Indas, „Fios“, ir „Optimum“ (JAV), taip pat Rogers, varpas, Šou, „Videotron“, ir Sasktel (Kanada).

Srautas visame pasaulyje: FITE.TV ir visi „FITE“ mobilieji, Išmanioji televizija, žaidimų valdiklis ir OTT programos, taip pat įvykio „microsite“ centras: „TrillerFightClub“.

Syracuse’s Amir Anderson Goes from underdog to top dog

2020 USA National Boxing Championships

Jūra. 25-Balandis. 4, in Shreveport, Luizianos 

COLORADO SPRINGS, Etapas. (Kovas 8, 2021) – In the 2019 USA National Boxing ChampionshipsAmir Anderson was a relatively unknown competitor from Syracuse (N.Y.), but this year he believes he’s one of the “top dogs” in the 165-pound decision.

Anderson will be competing in the youth division at the 2020 JAV Boksas Nacionalinis čempionatas, postponed due to the COVID-19 pandemic from last December to March 25 Balandis 3, in Shreveport, .

Anderson’s goal at these championships is simple: he wants to win to lock down a slot on the USA Boxing Youth Team, which will give him a leg up in terms of qualifying for the 2024 Olympics in Paris.

“The winner in each weight class qualifies for the USA Boxing Youth Team,” he explained. “Runner-ups are alternates and can make the team if the winner can’t for whatever reason. Noriu laimėti! 

“Last time I had nothing to lose at Nationals. Dabar, I have everything to lose. I do my research and breakdown other fighters in my weight class. I’ll be more focused this time because I was an underdog then and now, I’m the top dog in my division.”

The 17-year-old Anderson has already tasted success, capturing top honors at the 2019 Junior Open and 2019 Eastern Regional Open, in addition to finishing in the runner-up position at the 2018 & 2019 National Junior Olympics.

Still a high school senior, Amir describes himself as an all-around boxer with a unique style in which he can box or bang, hit the angles and throw a lot of punches.

Like every amateur boxer, last year was a tremendous challenge to train, due to COVID-19 pandemic restrictions. “I trained six hours a day in my basement to get in really good workouts,” Anderson said. “And I ran my miles, taip pat. When my gym opened-up last July 2II, it was limited so I had to still workout in my basement. It was hard to stay focused, but I knew how.

“I really planned to win a lot of regional and national tournaments to get national recognition. I wanted to fight in Bulgaria with the junior team, but that was canceled, taip pat. The pandemic was a setback for me, but we’ll see what’s in store for 2021.”

The National Championships is the first trip towards Amir Anderson’s Parisian goal for 2024 at the Olympics.



"Twitter": @USABoxing, @USABoxingAlumni

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APIE JAV BOKSĄ:  The mission of USA Boxing shall be to enable United States’ athletes and coaches to achieve sustained competitive excellence, išsiugdyti charakterį, remti bokso sportą, and promote and grow Olympic style boxing in the United States. The responsibility of USA Boxing is not only to produce Olympic gold, bet taip pat prižiūri ir valdo visus mėgėjų bokso aspektus JAV.



(Penktadienis, Kovas 5, 2021 – Flint, MANO) Women’s superstar Claressa Skydai furthered her claim as boxing’s “GWOAT” Friday night and became the unified WBC, WBO, IBF & WBA Super Junior Middleweight World Champion, by scoring a one-sided 10-round unanimous decision over Marie-Eve Dicaire of St-Eustache, Kvebekas, Kanada, in the 10-round main event of the historic all-women’s “SUPERWOMEN: SHIELDS VS. DICAIRE event at the Dort Financial Center and live on pay-per-view in Shields’ hometown of Flint, Mičiganas.

Skydai (11-0, 2 Kos) also became the first boxer in the four-belt era to become an undisputed world champion in two weight divisions by virtue of her shutout victory (100-90 by all three judges) over now former champion Dicaire (17-1).

Uncharacteristically, the 25-year-old Shields turned counterpuncher early in this fight, to offset Dicaire’s attempts to bounce in and out of range. Relying on her reflexes to punish any attempt at aggression by Dicaire, Shields shut the Canadian down and then turned back to her customary forward aggression later in the bout.

Dicaire landed a quality southpaw left on Shields in round four, possibly her only significant blow of the fight, and Shields simply shook it off to no effect.

I can’t be mad about my performance,” said Shields after the bout. “She just kept elbowing and headbutting me. I tried for the knockout and I almost had it a couple times, but we’ve got two minutes and the ref not breaking it up when she’s holding me and elbowing me. I’m happy but I still wanted the knockout. I just didn’t have enough time. Tuo dienos pabaigos, I am the new undisputed champ at 154 and the first boxer to be undisputed champ twice.”

Shields said she was happy to have accomplished her latest piece of history in front of her family and friends in Flint, even if the pandemic meant a lot fewer fans in attendance.

“With Covid, we couldn’t have a full capacity. Yra 300 here and that’s the capacity of the day, so we have a full house. We couldn’t have full capacity, but I know if we could have, we would have had 6000 people in here. I’m happy to have been able to do it here (in Flint). I started boxing here at Berston Fieldhouse at 11 metai. Never in a million years did I think I’d be on pay-per-view and fighting for an undisputed title and be one of the biggest stars in boxing. I just wanted to win an Olympic Gold medal. God has given me two Olympic medals. aš turiu 12 championship belts now. It doesn’t feel real to say undisputed twice.”

When asked about two of her remaining rivals in boxing, fellow superstar Katie Taylor of Ireland and her one-time conqueror in the amateurs, Savannah Marshall of the UK, Shields brimmed with confidence.

“Katie Taylor is not the worry. 147 pounds is. They’d have to pay me a lot to lose my butt and go down to 147. Tuo dienos pabaigos, I’m a woman. I don’t have big breasts, but I got a nice butt, so come with that dough and I’ll be there. At least a million and I’ll be there.

“Savannah Marshall can’t f*** with me. Leiskite keep it real. Savannah Marshall, you won a lucky decision when we were kids. Also London was hosting the Olympics. If you want to gloat about beating me 14 points to 8… come on now. And then I went on to become world champion in three different division and she broke. She knows she cannot and will not ever be able to f*** with me. She can come to America. I will go to the UK. We can go to Mexico. We can go anywhere, and I will f*** her up. She knows that. She’s scared of me. Savannah Marshall can get it. Tell Eddie Hearn, he came that whack-ass 250K. Tell him to come with 500K… 750K if he wants me to go to the UK and smoke his girl. Pay me.”

Dicaire continued her graciousness in post-fight questioning and promised not to let the loss dampen her future in the sport.

“I think Claressa did a good job tonight,“, - sakė Dicaire. “Tonight, she was the best. Sometimes you win and sometimes you learn. Šįvakar, I learned. I think this is just going to allow me to grow stronger. I don’t box to protect my record or keep my record at 0 nuostoliai. I box to beat champions. Šįvakar, I had the chance to fight the real champion. She won this time but count on me to go back to the gym and work hard and be world champion again for sure.

Skydai, who says her much-publicized MMA debut will likely be in Las Vegas in June, threw 409 punches in the fight and landed 128 įskirtinai 34.9% of her power punches. Dicaire threw 263 punches in return but landed just 31.

“Flint Michigan got the baddest boxer in the world!” said Shields to her fans. “We two-time undisputed. Pacquiao who? Canelo who? When someone else does what I did let me know.”

Naktį anketa bendrai Main Event, Houston’s undefeated Danielle Perkins (3-0, 1 KO) showed marked improvement and had a much easier time in her rematch against Georgia’s Monika “Lay Em Down” Harrison (2-2, 1 KO), scoring a dominant eight-round unanimous decision while picking up the WBC Silver Heavyweight Championship in the process.

The former amateur world champion Perkins used every bit of her superior athleticism, 6’ height and 72-inch reach to move around the ring and keep the 5’ 10” Harrison at bay with a punishing southpaw right jab and a steady diet of strong left hands to the head and body. Kartais, Referee Michael Griffin appeared to be considering a stoppage, but the durable Harrison kept coming forward and swinging for the fences for all eight rounds, despite the firepower coming her way.

Balai buvo 80-72 iš visų trijų teisėjų.

“I apologize for not getting a knockout. I swear next time I’ll come back and give it to you, titnagas,” said Perkins, po kovos. “Monika made some adjustments this time. I hit her with some solid hammers and that girl stayed on her feet so kudos to her.”

Perkins threw 353 punches in the fight and landed 121 įskirtinai 40.9% of her power shots. Harrison threw 273 shots, but only found a home for 21 jų.

“I want to be the undisputed female heavyweight champion of the world,” continued Perkins. “I want to be the best you’ve ever seen.”

Undefeated bantamweight Jamie “The Miracle” Mitchell (6-0-2, 43 Kos) of Pacific Grove, Kalifornija, looked impressive in battering and stopping more-experienced veteran Noemi “La Rebelde / No-No” Bosques (12-16-3, 2 Kos) in five one-sided rounds.

With the two-fisted punishment from Mitchell steadily increasing with every passing round, Referee Gerard White decided the stumbling and retreating Bosques had had enough and mercifully waved the fight off at 1:49 of the fifth.

“I was just zoned out. I was doing whatever fit the moment,” said Mitchell, po kovos. “That’s how I got the knockout. Thanks to my coaches and thanks to Claressa Shields for putting me on this card. This is an unforgettable moment for women.”

Prior to scoring the technical knockout, Mitchell landed 48% (80/167) of her power punches, ir 40% (94/234) of her total punches. Noemi Bosques only landed 24 apie 153 štampus.

“I like to pick on myself to do better,” said Mitchell of her performance. “There were certain things I wanted to do, but they don’t call this girl a gatekeeper for nothing. I wish I had gotten her out of there quicker and been crisper with my jab. She was a bit tricky.”

In the opening bout of the broadcast, 2012 Olimpinis bronzos medalininkas Marlen Esparza(9-1, 1 KO) stayed busy ahead of her scheduled challenge of WBC Flyweight Champion Ibeth Zamora in April with a dominant six-round unanimous decision over Canada’sShelly Barnett (dabar 4-4-2, 2 KO).

Barnett tried to be aggressive, but Esparza’s skills allowed her to pot shot her bigger opponent, nearly at will, especially as the fight wore on. “We knew she was tough and bigger,” said Esparza. “I wanted someone with more weight because I never fight above 112 kg. and I think I handled it well. I’m happy about the way everything played out. I’m happy to have been part of this event and to be working with Claressa again.”

Esparza threw 352 punches in the fight, nusileidimas 126, įskirtinai 26 body shots and 38.4% of her power shots. Barnett threw 291 and landed 49. Teisėjai balai buvo 60-54, 6-53 x 2.

On the free pre-show portion of the pay-per-view, middleweight Timur Kerefov stayed undefeated (11-0, 6 Kos) with a TKO 3 over Saint Petersburg, Florida veteran Manny Woods (dabar 16-11-1, 6 Kos). Woods left eye couldn’t hold up under the onslaught of punches from the Russian former amateur star. The time was 1:06. Kerefov, Detroit via Shalushka, Russia and now training at Kronk Gym, threw 190 punches in the abbreviated encounter, nusileidimas 80, įskirtinai 24 Kūno kadrai. Woods threw 122 and landed just 17.

SUPERWOMEN: SHIELDS VS. DICAIRE was presented by Salita Akcijos kartu su "Groupe Yvon Michelis, dedicated to this year’s International Women’s Day (Pirmadienis, Kovas 8, 2021) and proudly sponsored by online gambling titansBetonline.net and plant-based online marketplace Vejii.
# # #

John Vera stops Cleotis Pendarvis in opening round

RJJ Boxing Official Results

BILOXI, Praleisti. (Kovas 5, 2021) – Fort Worth (TX) vidutinio svorioJohn “The Phenom” Vera sustojoCleotis Pendarvis in the opening round of last night’s RJJ Boxing on UFC FIGHT PASS main event at Biloxi Conference Center in Biloxi, Meksika.

RJJ Boxing was streamed live and exclusively on UFC FIGHT PASS®, the world’s leading digital subscription service for combat sports. To sign up for UFC FIGHT PASS, apsilankykitewww.ufcfightpass.com

Vera vs. Pendarvis suddenly and surprisingly ended midway through the opening round, when Pendarvis (21-8-2, 9 Kos), a former USBA champion, stopped throwing punches and went to his knees. He was counted out with what is believed to be a hand injury.

“Well,” Vera (20-1, 12 Kos) said after the fight, “the way my fight ended was anticlimactic. I was feeling really good and calm in there. I was just finding my range, establishing my jab and calculating. He threw a jab to the body and I blocked it with my elbow. I felt his knuckle hit my elbow. Sucked ut ended that way, bet ką jūs galite padaryti?"

Vera has now won his last two fight since suffering his only loss as a professional back in 2018, when he traveled to France as a world rated fighter to take onMichel Soro(31-2-1) for the WBA Interim junior middleweight title, in which Vera lost a 12-round unanimous decision.

In Vera’s previous fight this past in August, “The Phenom” won a 6-round unanimous decision in Las Vegas overRavshan Hudaynazarov (17-2), a former world-rated fighter from Uzbekistan.

“I would like to get in the ring as soon as possible,” Vera added. “I wanted rounds, so it’s time to get right back in there. I’m unscathed and in shape.”

Be bendro funkcionalus atveju, ABF West super lightweight championChriston Edwards (12-2, 6 Kos) won a 6-round unanimous decision from Texas welterweightJonathan Steele (9-7-1, 6 Kos) in a non-title fight.

Eridson Garcia (11-0, 7 Kos), of Houston by way of the Dominican Republic, won a split decision againstJose Miguel Diaz Valenzuela (6-1, 1 KO), Phoenix, in a battle of undefeated super featherweights. Scoring, nors, was odd as Garcia won 60-54 ir 59-55, but the third judge scored it a draw, 57-57.   

Tennessee super lightweightTyler “Short Fuse” Tomlin liko nenugalėtas, tobulėti iki 10-0 (6 Kos) with a quick stoppage of overmatched Venezuelan veteranRicardo Ocampo (12-11, 7 Kos), who was knocked out at the 53-seconds mark of round one.

Official results below



John Vera (20-1, 12 Kos), Fort Worth, Teksasas

WKO1 (1:38) 

Cleotis Pendarvis (21-8-2, 9 Kos), Lancaster, Kalifornija


Christon Edwards (12-2, 6 Kos), Hiustonas, Teksasas

WDEC6 (59-55, 58-56, 58-56) 

Jonathan Steele (9-7-1, 6 Kos), Duncanville, Teksasas


Eridson Garcia (11-0, 7 Kos), Hiustonas, Teksasas

WDEC6 (60-54, 59-55, 57-57)   

 Jose Miguel Diaz Valenzuala (6-1, 1 KO), "Phoenix", Arizona

Super lengvasvoriai

Tyler Tomlin (10-0, 6 Kos), Ashland, Tenesis

WTKO1 (0:55) 

Ricardo Ocampo (12-11, 7 Kos), Curuzu Cuatia, Valenzuela


Websites:   http://www.RoyJonesJrBoxing.comwww.ufcfightpass.com  

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"Twitter": @UFCFightPass, @Keith_Veltre@RoyjonesJRfa @RoyJonesJrOfficial

Instagram: @UFCFightPass, @KeithVeltre, @RoyJonesJrBoxing


Bryan Chevalier Scores Impressive Third-Round Knockout in Co-Main Event

Danielito Zorrilla Earns Technical Decision in Telecast Opener


Kreditas: Tom Hogan – Hoganphotos/Ring City USA

Click Here for Photos from Tonight’s Ring City Event

Click Here to Watch Adams TKO Victory

San Chuanas, PUERTO RICO – March 4, 2021 – Former world title challenger Brandon Adams scored the biggest win of his career with a stunning eighth-round technical knockout to upset blue-chip rising star Serhii Bohachuk in the main event of Ring City USA’s inaugural 2021 event from Felix Pagan Pintor Gym in Guaynabo, Puerto Rikas, and live on NBC Sports Network.

Despite flashing athleticism and quick hands throughout the fight, Adams (23-3, 15 Kos) was down on all three scorecards (68-64 x2, 69-63) sustabdymo metu. The 31-year-old lost all three rounds heading into the eighth frame when he unleashed a perfectly placed counterpunch that hurt Bohachuk which set up the opportunity to land a sensational left hook that sent Bohachuk to the canvas for the first time in his professional career.

“He was a tough guy,” said Adams. “He brought another side out of me that I knew was inside. I had to dig in deep tonight and use all the strength that I had to connect with one of those punches from the cannon.”

Adams, who hails from Watts, Kalifornija, is the first fighter to return to the Ring City USA series on NBC Sports Network since its inception in November 2020. In two outings on the Thursday night boxing series, he has scored two emphatic knockouts in main event performances. Adams’ matchup with Bohachuck was originally scheduled for December but his opponent was forced to withdraw after testing positive for COVID-19. Adams went on to stop Sonny Duversonne in the second round of that event at Wild Card Boxing Club in Los Angeles.

“It was real tough fighting in there tonight,” continued Adams. “The ring was wet; the ref was against me tonight. It was an uphill battle. I am an explosive fighter and I couldn’t take advantage of that because I didn’t have my legs under me because the ring was wet. But even though I was irritated, the show must go on. I am a pro. I have to figure out how to get the W and that’s what I had to do. I am grateful for the win. I loved Puerto Rico, everyone out here embraced me with love.”

Bohachuk, who is originally from Vinitza, Ukraina, and now resides in Los Angeles, entered the fight with a pristine professional record, išryškino jo 100% knockout percentage through 18 kovas. The 25-year-old dropped the first round on all three score cards but went on to control the pace against the veteran Adams for most of the fight by cutting off the ring and exhibiting steady body work.

“I thought he was dominating the fight,” said Bohachuk’s head trainer Manny Robles. “I told him to watch out for that left hook. I told him if he took away that left hook then he would control the fight. It takes a couple of rounds for Serhii to get warmed up, but he looked good and his defense was actually really improving until that knockout.”

In the co-main event of the evening, super featherweight prospectBryan Chevalier (15-1-1, 12 Kos) iš Bayamon, Puerto Rikas, scored an impressive third-round knockout againstCarlos Zambrano (26-2, 11 Kos). Chevalier, 26, returned to the ring following a 15-month layoff yet showed no signs of ring rust as he scored a quick knockdown in the first round. Trečiojo turo, he scored back-to-back knockdowns, highlighted by a thudding left hand to the midsection that sent Peru’s Zambrano to the canvas and unable to beat the count.

“I had the height and youth advantage tonight, but he had the experience,” said Chevalier. “I had to figure out what he was going to bring and adapt in order to get the victory. Aš esu labai laimingas su mano veiklos. I am the best 126-pounder in all of Puerto Rico.”

Opening the telecast on NBC Sports Network, Puerto RikasDanielito Zorrilla (15-0, 11 Kos) and Kazakhstan’sRuslan Madiyev (13-2, 5 Kos) engaged in an exciting back-and-forth battle. The 28-year-old Madiyev brought the fight to Zorilla with relentless pressure while the tactical Zorilla countered well. Penktajame ture, Madiyev was docked a point for a punch behind the head and at 1:16 aštuntojo turo, referee Janny Gomez called a halt to the bout due to another punch behind the head, which was deemed an accidental foul. The 27-year-old Zorrilla earned a technical decision victory as two of the scorecards favored the Puerto Rican (77-75, 77-74) while the third was tallied in favor of Madiyev (76-73). Ring City’s unofficial scorer Steve Smoger saw the fight 76-75 in favor of Zorrilla.

“Ruslan was just getting his groove,” said head trainer Joel Diaz after the fight. “He was getting stronger after the fifth round and Zorrilla was getting tired. He kept hugging Ruslan during most of the fight. Asmeniškai, I think Zorrilla wanted out of the fight.”

Madiyev exited the ring quickly upon the decision being announced but Diaz voiced his opinion about the end of the bout.

“He wasn’t hurt, he’s a good actor,” continued Diaz. “Zorrilla should be a telenovela actor. We were winning that fight, and this isn’t fair for my fighter because he put in the work. But what can you do? We gotta keep moving forward.”

Danielito Zorrilla is currently in stable condition and was taken to the hospital following the bout to receive routine tests.

Earlier in the evening, live in the U.S. and around the world on Twitch, Ring City USA presented three four-round fights. In the main event of the Twitch undercardFernando Vargas,, Jr(2-0, 2 Kos) earned his second professional win in impressive fashion, scoring a first-round technical knockout against El Salvador’sSalome Flores Torres (0-3). The 24-year-old Vargas, Jr, under the tutelage of his father – two-time super welterweight world champion Fernando Vargas, Sr, sent Torres to the canvas twice before the fight was waved off.

“With every fight, I will continue to grow and listen to my father,” said Vargas, Jaunesnysis. “This was just my second pro fight. We were looking for the knockout, but the TKO is OK. I was establishing my jab to get my distance and then unleashed my left hand.”

In his hometown of Guaynabo, Puerto Rikas, Harold Laguna (2-0, 2 KO) worked the body early and often en route to a first-round knockout victory overDarwin Alvarez (0-1). In the first fight of the evening, Puerto Rican prospectJorge Diaz (1-0, 1 KO) picked up his first professional victory againstFelipe Munoz (0-1) via second-round knockout.

Calling all the action ringside in Puerto Rico was former two-time welterweight champion Shawn Porter joined by NBC Sports blow-by-blow commentator Bob Papa. Brian Campbell served as fight night analyst with Curran Bhatia reporting from ringside. The executive producers of tonight’s presentation ofBohachuk vs. Adams on NBC Sports Network were Eric Weinberger, Jeff Huggins & Frank Samuel. The telecast was produced by David Gibson and directed by Matt Celli.

Tonight’s full three-fight telecast will be available to watch on-demand on the NBC Sports App with authenticated sign-in.

Ring City USA returns to NBC Sports Network on March 18 with back-to-back weeks of Thursday night boxing from Puerto Rico. In two weeks, the next chapter in the Puerto Rico vs. Mexico ring rivalry will take center stage when former super featherweight world titlistAlberto Machado(22-2, 18 Kos) susiduria nenugalėtas auga perspektyva Hector Tanajara(19-0, 5 Kos) in a 10-round lightweight main event. Kovo 25, Ring City will highlight one of the biggest fights in women’s boxing between seven-division world champion and future Boxing Hall of FamerAmanda Serrano and current two-division titlistDaniela Bermudez for Serrano’s WBO and WBC featherweight world titles.

Follow Ring City USA on"Facebook""Twitter"irInstagramfor the latest updates or visitwww.ringcityusa.com Daugiau informacijos.

About Ring City USA

Ring City, which launched in 2020, is boxing’s newest sports media platform. Working in tandem with a variety of promoters and talent, its new boxing series places an emphasis on competitive matchups that genuinely test the fighters and excite the fight fans. Ring City provides great fights in the ring and compelling shoulder programming outside of the ring. Ring City is the proving ground where up-and-coming talent can earn their stripes and launch themselves into the upper echelon of boxing stardom.

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Jimmy Williams finally gets his “world title fight”

BOSTON (Kovas 2, 2021) – New Haven (KT) super welterweight boxer Jimmy “Quiet Storm” Williams will finally get what he calls “his world title fight” tonight against former world champion Jurijus Foreman in an 8-round bout for the vacant American Boxing Federation USA super welterweight championship, at the Kentucky Center for African Americans in Louisville, Kentucky.

Meistras (35-3, 10 Kos), kovoti iš Bruklino, captured the World Boxing Association (WBA) super welterweight World title in 2009, when he won a unanimous 12-round decision versus defending champion Daniel Santos (32-3-1).

“We sparred back when I was a kid when I trained at the Joe Grier Boxing Academy in Patterson, Naujasis Džersis,” Williams explained. “Joe was the one who gave me my nickname, ‘Quiet Storm.’ Yuri is a true world champion. I basically have come from nowhere to share the ring with a world champion. What we’re doing is what boxing is all about. It’s not about age; jis 40 and I’m 34. Age doesn’t mean anything. I’m not a top dog, which is probably why they offered me the fight, but I’m a real fighter who will be in with a world champ. This is my world title fight!  Laimėjimas, prarasti, ar piešti, I’ll be fighting a world champion. I’m not scared of anybody. It’s not about money, it’s who I am, and I always step up to the challenge. This is going to be a great fight.”

Williams (16-5-2, 5 Kos) is proud to be one of the rare football players who has succeeded in boxing. He was a standout cornerback at Southern Connecticut State University and invited to several NFL tryout camps. He came close to making the cut with the then-Oakland Raiders.

“I’ve always been a boxer at heart,” Williams said, “so football was easy for me. It was great getting calls from NFL scouts. I walked away from football for boxing. I’m a former Division 2 college football player fighting a world champion. I knew when it was time to leave football, but I’m not ready to leave boxing yet. I don’t need to box. I’m educated, work in the community, and I’m a father. I’m blessed to be boxing and I’ll know when it’s time to hang up my gloves.”

Williams didn’t box until after his mother, Belinda, was murdered in 2008 and her case remains unsolved. He lost his father to cancer.

“This fight for Jimmy is by far the biggest of his career,” Williams managerRyan Roach (Fighter Locker) remarked. “It’s a must win to get him back on track. He knows what he has to do. He made a move to Veloz Boxing in Rhode Island and he’s a different fighter from what he was in his last two fights. Just being around ‘Boo Boo’ (pasaulio čempionuDemetrious Andrade) and those guys there has Jimmy where he needs to be for this fight.”

Williams has been promoted byJimmy Burchfield’s Classic Entertainment and Sports (BEE) since he turned pro in 2013.

“We have a close relationship,” Burchfield commented. “I turned him pro, got him on national television a few times, and even attended his wedding. I’m very proud of him. He’s been tremendously loyal to CES as we have to him. This is a great opportunity. He didn’t hesitate a minute to take this fight. He has a new trainer, Brian Johnson, and Jimmy has been driving bad and forth from New Haven to Providence to train. I think he’s in the top shape of his life, because he knows the importance of this fight. He deserves to have this opportunity.

Something special about his fight tonight against Foreman for Williams, an African American, is fighting at this venue (Kentucky Center for African Americans) in the hometown of his hero,Muhammadą Ali.

“I’m paying homage to all people who’ve lived my dream,” Williams remarked. “It is what I represent. We’ve lost a lot of people in the last year. Fighting in Louisville is big for me because it’s the home of ‘The Greatest,’ Muhammad Ali. I look at Ali more for his character and what he stood for than his boxing. He stood for something and lost the prime of his career because of it. I try to be like him in terms of who I am. He gave me the confidence be who I want to be in life. I’ve read every book about him. I refuse to give up like Ali. I’m a throwback fighter.”

Fighter Locker’s growing stable of gifted boxers includes California super flyweightRocco “So Cal Kid” Santomauro (20-1, 6 Kos), Troja, NY ABF American West super lightweightRay Jay “The Destroyer” Bermudez(12-0, 9 Kos), super vidutinio svorio“The Amazing” Shawn McCalman(6-0, 4 Kos), Ne JAV. Army super bantamweightDaniel Bailey, Jaunesnysis. (2-0, 1 KO), lengvasLeonel de los Santos (2-0, 2 Kos), a 2-time Dominican Republic Olympian, pro-debuting Boston featherweightTroy Anderson, Jaunesnysis., pro-debuting Dominican Republic welterweightJuan Solano, and Salt Lake City, Utah brothers, Super lengvasIgnacio Chairez (7-0-1, 4 Kos) and lightweightGabriel Chairez (3-0, 2 Kos). 


WEBSITE:  fighterlocker.compunch4parkinsons.com 

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INSTAGRAM: @RyanRoach82

ABOUT FIGHTER LOCKER: Įkurta 2019, Fighter Locker is a comprehensive sports agency that manages professional boxers. Fighter Locker also helps to brand boxers by finding their voice with a 100-percent customized service. Fighter Locker does not really believe in working models. It believes in partnership optimization models in motion.

Fighter Locker uses four creative steps because it believes in “the foundation is everything”: 1. wisely conceived, 2. creatively restrained, 3. Proudly judged, 4. sharply targeted.
