Kateqoriya Arxiv: boks


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MONTREAL (Oktyabr 6, 2021)The inaugural World Boxing Council (WBC) Bridgerweight World Championship fight (altında 224 lbs.) will take place on October 22nd, promoted by Groupe Yvon Groupe (GYM) in collaboration with Three Lions Promotions, and a presentation of Mise-O-Jeu, at the Montreal Olympia.

As recently announced by the WBC, Do Not. 1 contender Oscar “Kaboom” Rivas (27-1, 19 Kos) will face Ryan “The Bruiser” Rozicki (13-0, 13 Kos) to headline “The Conquest” in the 12-round main event for the vacant WBC title.

Rozicki is a powerful, undefeated puncher who has won each of his thirteen professional fights by knockout. His record includes his win over Shawn Miller (18-4-1, 7 KO) May ayında 2019 for the WBC International Silver crown, as well as the defense of the same title in February 2020 against Vladimir Reznicek (9-2-2, 4 Kos).

By his uncompromising style, “Bruiserbecame very popular especially in English-speaking Canada. “Rivas will be my toughest opponent yet,” Rozicki explained. “It’s everything I’ve dreamed of since I started boxing. Thanks to Yvon Michel and my promotional team for making this possible. On October 22nd, I will become world champion.”

In front of him stands an opponent who has been waiting for his chance for a long time, top contender Rivas, who easily disposed of Sylvera Louis (8-5, 4 Kos) by retirement after three rounds last March. Rivas, əlbəttə, was the victim of a very controversial defeat in July 2019 in England to Dillian Whyte (25-1), by way of a 12-round decision despite having sent him to the mat in the ninth round.

Oscar Rivas is in the best shape of his career,” according to his trainer, Marc Ramsay. “I know Rozicki very well and he is very dangerous. He reminds me of a big Joe Smith, Jr., who without being the best technician, compensates with enthusiasm, aggressiveness and determination in the ring

This fight turns out to be more than a major one for the careers of the two pugilists. The winner will be crowned king of this new division. The historic showdown marks the return of American television to Canada for the first time since December 2018 as it will be broadcast live on ESPN + Amerika Birləşmiş Ştatları. Cəmi, this prestigious gala will also be broadcast live in nearly fifty countries. In Quebec, the event will be available on pay-per-view television on Canal Indigo, Bell TV, Shaw TV and Fite.tv.

ATƏT özellikli hadisə, charismatic Sébastien Bouchard (19-2-0, 8 Kos) will be in his second fight of 2021, after suffering a major injury against Ayaz Hussain in 2019. He will face Mexican welterweight SergioChecoOrtega (24-2-0, 18 Kos), of Baja California, Meksika, in an explosive 8-round duel.

With his third knockout victory this past August 28ci in as many career fights, Alexis Barrière (3-0, 3 Kos) will return to the Olympia ring. Bu dəfə ətrafında, the heavyweight will face Rafael “Rafaga” Sanchez Rojas (5-1, 3 Kos), Meksika, in a 4-round clash.

As expected, the 6-round rematch between Alexandre Roberge (1-1-0) and Francis Charbonneau (3-1-0, 1 KO.) remains on this card. The two cruiserweights caused quite a stir on March 16th in their 6-round confrontation, which Charbonneau won by way of split decision.

Canadian light heavyweight prospect Terry Osias (9-0, 4 Kos) was supposed to have a fabulous 2020 with a series of fights planned at the Casino de Montreal. The pandemic decided otherwise, baxmayaraq ki. Osias finally finds his way into the ring again on Oct. 22nd against his Mexican opponent, Joaquin Murrieta (9-9-3, 7 Kos), who has won his last two fights by knockout.

Middleweight Kevin Menoche (4-0, 4 Kos) will put his undefeated pro record on the line versus Thad Ridsdill (2-2, 1 KO).

Belə, a colorful evening awaits boxing fans Oct. 22nd at the Olympia in Montreal. Faktiki olaraq, GYM will be promoting its 49th world championship fight in Canada since its founding in 2004.

CANELO VLVAREZ VS. CALEB PLANT LOS ANGELES BASIN KONFERANSI İQTİBADI & ŞƏKİLLƏR – Mübahisəsiz Super Orta çəki Çempionatında Showdown Başlıqları SHOWTIME PPV® Şənbə günü Canlı yayımlanır, Noyabr 6 Las Vegasdakı MGM Grand Garden Arenada


(Şəkil kredit: Amanda Westcott/SHOWTIME)

Pound-for-Pound King Canelo Alvarez və məğlubedilməz çempion Kaleb Plant, Şənbə günü mübahisəsiz Super Orta Çəkisi Dünya Çempionatına baxarkən zərbə vurdular., Noyabr 6 SHOWTIME PPV-də® Las Veqasdakı MGM Grand Garden Arenada Premyer Boks Çempionları Tədbirində

Basın HERE Amanda Westcott / Showtime şəkillər üçün®

Basın HERE Nabeel Əhməd şəkillər üçün /
Premier Boks Çempionlar

Basın HERE Sean Michael Ham/TGB Promotions-dan fotolar üçün

LOS ANGELES (Sentyabr 21, 2021) - Boksun konsensusu №. 1 funt üçün funt qırıcı, Meksikalı super ulduz və vahid WBA/WBC/WBO Super Orta Çəki Dünya Çempionu Kanelo Alvares və məğlubedilməz IBF Super Orta Çəkisi Dünya Çempionu Caleb "Sweethands" Zavodu Çərşənbə axşamı günü onların tarixi və çoxdan gözlənilən mübahisəsiz super orta çəki çempionluğu yarışına baxan mətbuat konfransında mübahisəyə çevrilən sıx baxışlar üçün görüşdülər..

Tədbirə başlayan uzunmüddətli üz-üzə gəlmə zamanı, Müvafiq komandalar döyüşçüləri ayırmaq üçün səhnəyə qaçmazdan əvvəl döyüşçülər bir-birini əvəzlədi və baxışlı zərbələr endirdi., altı həftədən çox vaxt ərzində döyüş gecəsində zirvəyə çatacaq rəqabəti gücləndirir.

Kanelo və Plant şənbə günü döyüşəcək, Noyabr 6, Las Veqasdakı MGM Grand Garden Arenada Premyer Boks Çempionları tədbirində SHOWTIME PPV-də canlı yayımlayın, qalib dörd kəmər dövrünün ilk mübahisəsiz 168 kiloluq dünya çempionu kimi tarix kitablarına adını yazdırdı..

Canlı tədbirin biletləri hazırda satışdadır və onları buradan əldə etmək olar AXS.com. Tədbir Canelo Promotions və TGB Promotions tərəfindən təşviq edilir və Hennessy və Value tərəfindən sponsorluq edilir..

Eddi Reynoso, Canelonun məşqçisi və meneceri, və Justin Gamber, Zavodun məşqçisi, Beverli Hillsdə keçirilən tədbirdə döyüşçülərinə səhnəyə çıxdılar. Çərşənbə axşamı mətbuat konfransı iştirakçılarının dedikləri budur:

Kanelo Alvares

“Siz mənim səviyyəmdə deyilsiniz və noyabrda görəcəksiniz 6. İndi döyüşmək istəmirsən, Mən sizə söz verirəm.

“Biz yoxdan gəlmişik və burada olmaq üçün çox çalışdıq. Kiminsə bizim haqqımızda yalan danışması üçün, Eddini incitdi. Baxmayaraq ki, budur. Sadəcə olaraq noyabrda hamıya kim olduğumuzu göstərməliyik 6.

“Kalib Billy Joe Saunders və Callum Smith ilə eyni səviyyədə ola bilər, amma o mənim səviyyəmdə deyil. Mən onun geri çəkilmək üçün burada olmadığına hörmət edirəm. Bu gündən görürsən ki, bu, mütləq yaxşı döyüş olacaq.

“Mən nə etməli olduğumu bilirəm və onun haqqında çox şey bilirəm. O, yaxşı döyüşçüdür, amma bacarıqlarımı bilirəm. Təcrübəm döyüşdə mənə üstünlük verəcək. Floyd Mayweather-ə qarşı Caleb-in oxşar üslubları ilə qarşılaşdım, Erislandy Lara, Austin Trout və Saunders.

"O, özünə güvənməyən bir insandır və buna görə də bir çox şeylər haqqında çoxlu bəhanələrlə gəldi.. Baxmayaraq ki, buna əhəmiyyət vermirəm. Noyabrda əlimdən gələni edəcəyəm 6 və mübarizəni qazan.

“Şübhəsiz olmaq Meksika və komandamdakı hər kəs üçün tarixdir. Şübhəsiz çempion olmaq karyeram üçün sadəcə böyük bir şeydir.

Səhnədəki davada: “Mənə nə istəsən deyə bilərsən, amma anama yox. Anam haqqında nəsə deyən hər kəslə döyüşəcəm. Və əvvəlcə yelləndi. Mən sadəcə onu itələdim. Əvvəlcə yelləndi, və mən etdiyimi edirəm. O, xətti keçdi.

“Səkkiz və ya daha az raunddan sonra bitəcək. Bu adamı nokaut edəcəm. Asan.”


“Mən yalnız bir şeyi insanların haqlı olduğunu sübut etməkdən daha yaxşı bilirəm, və bu insanların yanlış olduğunu sübut edir. Mən bütün həyatım boyu bunu etmişəm. Mən səhnəyə çıxan kimi, insanlar nəyi bacara bilmədiyimi və nəyi edə bilməyəcəyim barədə danışmağa başladılar. Mən gələn harada, boks cəmiyyəti yoxdur. Baxıb deyə biləcəyim başqa bir mütəxəssis yox idi ki, əgər o bunu bacarırsa, onda mən bacararam. Məndə yalnız ağlım və ürəyim var idi.

“Mən bunu məşhur olmaq və ya diqqət çəkmək üçün etmirəm. İlk başladığım zaman, sadəcə mən və atam idi. Heç kim bu gün burada dayanacağımı düşünmürdü. Onu xatırlayıram və babam kiçik bir boks idman zalı açmaq üçün bir az pul yığmışdı.. Küncdə sadəcə bir ağır çanta asılmışdı. Ancaq həqiqətən bir şey istəyəndə, bütün bəzəkli şeylərə ehtiyacınız yoxdur. Sizə sadəcə ağlınız və ürəyiniz lazımdır.

“Mən bilirəm ki, noyabrda qalib gəldiyimi deyəndə insanlar mənə inanmırlar 6. Mənə bir şey edə bilməyəcəyimi söyləyən bütün insanlar, inandırıcı həyat yaşayırsan və inandırıcı işlər görürsən. Özümə söz verdim ki, bu yolu zirvəyə çatdıracağam, yol boyu şaqqıltı və yanma problemi olmadan. İnanılmaz bir həyat sürmək və inanılmaz şeylərə nail olmaq üçün yola çıxdım. Məndən şübhələnən insanlar mənim burada olmağıma səbəbdir.

“Migel Kottonun qardaşı sənə toyuq rəqsini etdirə bilər, amma mən bacarmıram? Əvət. Sözlərimi qeyd edin, Noyabrda 6 sözləri eşidəcəksiniz, "Və super orta çəkidə yeni mübahisəsiz çempion,' amma sözləri də eşidəcəksiniz, 'və hələ də məğlubiyyətsiz.'

“Mübahisəsiz olmaq çox şey deməkdir. Mən bu idmana çox qurban vermişəm və uzun müddətdir ki, bununla məşğulam. Bütün bu işlər bir anda aşağı düşəcək. Mən adımın o tarix kitablarında olmasını istəyirəm və burada olmağımın yeganə səbəbi budur.

Səhnədəki davada: “Sadəcə orda bir qədər normal şakalarımız oldu və sonra nə oldu, baş verdi. Baxmayaraq ki, bu məni narahat etmir. Diqqətimi cəmləmişəm və noyabrın 6-da bağlanmışam”.

EDDY REYNOSO, Canelonun məşqçisi və meneceri

“Düşünürəm ki, bu, əla döyüş olacaq, 168 kiloluq bölməni birləşdirdiyimiz yerlərdən biri. Hər döyüşdə etdiyimiz kimi, idman zalında çox çalışacağıq. İdman zalında həmişə çox çalışmışıq.

“Bu gün işlərin necə getdiyinə görə bir az üzüldüm, amma sonda noyabrda rinqdə hər şeyi həll edəcəyik 6.

“Bizi ən çox incidən təhqiramiz dildir. Biz hörmətli insanlarıq, və biz başımızı dik tutaraq bundan irəli gedirik. İndi yaxşı məşq edəcəyik, mübarizəni qazan və bundan sonra nə olacağını gör.

“Sosial mediada bir çox şeylər danışan, lakin sonra görünməyən çox insan var. Bəziləri bütöv bir ölkəni və onun ölkəsini təmsil edən böyük idmançını sıradan çıxarmaq istəyir. Çox zibil danışırlar. Buna baxmayaraq çox çalışmaq lazımdır. Bizim qədər çox çalışmaq üçün cəsarətli olmaq lazımdır”.

JUSTIN GAMBER, Bitki Təlimçisi

“Bizə inandığına və istədiyimiz döyüşü və tarix yazmaq fürsətini əldə etdiyinə görə bütün komandamıza təşəkkür etmək istəyirəm.. Bu qan təri və göz yaşı idi, eynən, bura çatmaq üçün. Uzun bir səyahət oldu. Bu mübarizə pulla bağlı deyil, miras haqqındadır.

"In 1996, 15 yaşım olanda, Ən sevdiyim döyüşçü IBF Super Orta Çəkisi üzrə Dünya Çempionu Roy Jones Jr idi. O vaxt hər bir azarkeş 168 funt sterlinqdə mübahisəsiz çempion olmaq istəyirdi və indi mən IBF çempionunu məşq edirəm və biz bütün mərmərlər üçün mübarizə aparacağıq..

“Noyabrda uyğunlaşın 6 və siz dünyanın ilk mübahisəsiz super orta çəki çempionunu görəcəksiniz və o, Tennessidəndir. Bu gün bu mətbuat konfransında baş verən hər şey bizi hərəkətə keçirəcək və bizə daha çox aclıq verəcək.

TOM BROWN, TGB Promotions Prezidenti

“Bir neçə cəhd lazım oldu, amma bu gün noyabrda super orta çəkidə mübahisəsiz çempionatla qarşılaşırıq 6. Bu tədbir üçün SHOWTIME-da şəbəkə tərəfdaşlarımızla işləmək həqiqətən xoşdur. SHOWTIME idmanın ən böyük və ən mühüm hadisələrində iştirak etmək üçün uzun bir tarixə malikdir və bu mübarizə ilə davam edir..

“Pound-for-funt kralı Canelo Alvarez ilə işləmək şərəfdir, Eddy Reynoso və Canelo Promosyonları olan hər kəs. Mən də Plant komandasında hər kəslə işləməyə qayıtdığım üçün çox şadam. Mən Caleb-in pro debütünü təbliğ etdim 2014 və onu bu gün burada bu vəzifədə görmək çox gözəldir.

“Kanelo üç titulun sahibidir, Kaleb isə 168 funt-sterlinq divizionunda dördüncü titulun sahibidir. Onlar dörd kəmər dövründə ilk mübahisəsiz çempion olmaq üçün mübarizə aparacaqlar. Noyabrda tarix yazılacaq 6 Las Veqasdakı MGM Grand Garden Arenada.

STEPHEN Espinoza, Prezident, SHOWTIME İdman

“2021 SHOWTIME Boxing üçün fenomenal il oldu. Bu, son yaddaşımızda ən məhsuldar illərdən biridir. SHOWTIME təqdim etdi 17 bu il canlı boks hadisələri, daha bir neçə ilə. Səkkiz dünya çempionatında döyüş, çoxlu dünya titullarının birləşmələri və indi mübahisəsiz titul uğrunda iki döyüş SHOWTIME üçün çox yaxşı il kimi SHOWTIME üçün əla bir il olur. SHOWTIME böyük döyüşlərin evidir. Bu, boksda ən etibarlı və ən uzunmüddətli şəbəkədir. Boks idmanına daha mənalı və ya daha əhəmiyyətli öhdəlik götürən başqa heç bir şəbəkə yoxdur. Biz boksun ən böyük və ən yaxşı döyüşlərinin vətəniyik.

“Biz Canelo Alvaresi SHOWTIME-da salamlamaqdan qürur duyuruq. Biz həmçinin Caleb Plant-ı SHOWTIME debütü üçün salamlayırıq. Demək olar ki, doqquz il əvvəl - sentyabr idi 15, 2012 – Kanelo SHOWTIME-da Josesito Lopezə qarşı həyəcanlı döyüşdə debüt etdi.. Doqquz il uzun müddətdir. Bu, çox gənc bir Kanelo Alvares və çox gənc Eddy Reynoso idi. Bu, Canelonun hazır olduğunu nümayiş etdirdiyi təsirli döyüşlər seriyasına başladı, mövcud olan ən çətin döyüşləri aparmaq arzusu və tələbi. Birlikdə geri 2013, biz o vaxt bütün zamanların ən böyük baxış başına ödəniş rekordu qoyduq, çünki biz Canelonu boksun ən yeni baxış başına ödənişli ulduzu kimi təqdim etməyə kömək etdik.. İndi doqquz il sonra, Biz onu bu meqa döyüş üçün yenidən salamlamaqdan qürur duyuruq”.

# # #

Daha çox məlumat üçün www.SHO.com/sports, www.PremierBoxingChampion.com, Twitter @Canelo-da izləyin, @SweetHandsPlant, @ShowtimeBoxing, Instagram @Canelo-da @PremierBoxing və @TGBPromotions, @CalebPlant, @ShowtimeBoxing, @PremierBoxing və @TGBPromotions və ya Facebook -da bir fan olmaq www.Facebook.com/SHOBoxing.

Matt Conway notches 20th career win, Stops Rodolfo Puente in second round “Murrysville Madness” results from Pennsylvania

“Murrysville Madness” results from Pennsylvania

MURRYSVILLE, Penn. (Sentyabr 21, 2021) – Pittsburgh junior lightweight Matt “Sweet Child” Conway, the reigning IBA Intercontinental Junior Lightweight Champion, notched his 20ci career victory in this past Saturday night’s “Murrysville Madness” non-title main event against dangerous Colombian puncher Rodolfo “El Tsunami” Puente (20-8-2, 16 Kos).

“Murrysville Madness,” Gionta Management tərəfindən təqdim edilmişdir, was held at a nearly sold-out SportsZone Arena in Murrayville (PA).

This was our first time promoting at this venue and things went really well overall,” deyə promouter Derek Gionta bildirib. “We will come back here, inşallah, in the near future. This was our third show this year at two different venues and it’s great to remain consistent despite the difficult times we encountered earlier this year in regard to the pandemic. The plan is to keep moving forward and building up these guys.”

“There were a number of intriguing fights. Matt Conway had a monumental victory for his 20ci win as a professional. He will be come back January 15ci in a big fight on our show in Cheswick, PA.”

Conway (20-2, 9 Kos) positioned himself for an IBA World title fight in January, which Gionta will promote at The Pittsburgh Shrine Center in Cheswick, PA.

Against Puente, Conway overcame Puente’s early aggression, but after the opening round, the Colombian did little more than hold. A Conway left hook dropped Puente in the second round and that marked the end of the fight and show shortly after from a referee stoppage.

The co-feature was the “Fight of the Night.” Pittsburgh super middleweight Kiante Irving (9-0-1, 9 Kos), bir 2018 Milli Qızıl Əlcək Çempionu, and Antonio Louis Hernandez (5-11-3, 3 Kos), battled to an exciting 6-round split draw.

Irving won the first three rounds, primarily by using his stiff jab and landing solid rights to Hernandez’ body. Hernandez, lakin, owned the last three rounds, controlling the action and landing power shots that hurt Irving on multiple occasions. High drama filed the room as Irving proved a chin and heart to go along with his power. Hernandez, sporting a deceiving record and at just 22 dək təvəllüd, has time to turn the corner and make up for early struggles against high quality opposition. Both sides have expressed interest in a rematch.

Ohio lightweight Ryizeemmion “The Humble Beast” Ford (6-1, 4 Kos) dominated Carlos “Jaguar” Jimenez (1-3-1), Meksika, setting the pace until he landed a hard right that buzzed Jimenez. A follow-up attack prompted the referee to halt the action midway through the opening round.

Pittsburgh super middleweight Eric Lomax kept rollin’, setting the pace and blasting out Jacob Ikaika Martin (1-1) with only 9-seconds left in the fourth and scheduled final round. Lomax passed the test in impressive fashion as he boxed well and fought with explosiveness in spurts.

Kyrgyzstan native Baszybek Baratov (5-1-2, 1 KO), who fights out of Monroeville (PA), defeated Buffalo featherweight debutant Joe Reed, winning a unanimous decision. Scores idi 40-36 x 2 və 39-37. “Baz” was slippery on the defense, while picking shots from all angles while Reed stood conventional and had some success of his own at times.

Pittsburgh super lightweight and Matt Conway’s brother, “Maverick” Mike Conway (4-2-1, 1 KO), joined his bro in the winner’s circle, pitching a “shutout” 4-round decision versus Joshua Zimmerman (0-4). Conway worked his way inside to nullify Zimmerman’s height and length advantage and used a double hook several times.

In the first match of the evening, southpaw Paul Palombo won his pro debut when his opponent, middleweight Jabrandon Harris (0-7) of Texas was unable to continue after two rounds. Palombo boxed well out of his southpaw stance and turned it up after a quiet opening round and picked his shots nicely on the inside.

Aşağıdakı tam nəticələri:


Matt Conway (20-2, 9 Kos), Pittsburgh, PA
WTKO2 (1:39)
Rodolfo Puente (20-8-2, 16 Kos), Barranquilla, Kolumbiya

Kiante Irving (9-0-1, 9 Kos), Pittsburgh, PA
D6 (58-56, 56-58, 57-57)
Antonio Louis Hernandez (5-11-2, 4 Kos), Kansas City, KS

SUPER middleweights
Eric Lomax (4-0, 3 Kos), Pittsburgh, PA
WTKO4 (2:51)
Jacob Ibaika Martin (1-1, 1 KO), Takoma, WA

Paul Palombo (1-0, 1 KO), Camış, NY
WTKO2 (3:00)
Jabrandon Harris (0-7), Bryan, TX

SUPER Lightweights
Mike Conway (4-2-1, 1 KO), Pittsburgh, PA
WDEC4 (40-36, 40-36, 40-36)
Joshua Zimmerman (0-4), Baltimore, MD

Ryizeemmion Ford (6-1, 4 Kos), Alliance, OH
WTKO1 (2:01)
Carlos Jimenez (1-3-1 (0 Kos), Saltillo, Coahuila de Zaragoza, Meksika

Baszybek Baratov (5-1-2, 1 KO), Monroeville, PA
WDEC4 (40-36, 40-36, 39-37)
Joe Reed (0-1, 0 Kos), Camış, NY

Facebook: /DerekGionta
Cuqquldamaq: @DGionta
Instagram: @d_p_g1
LinkedIn: Derek Gionta - Gionta İdarəetmə


Rajon Chance Fights Elon De Jesus to a
Majority Draw in Co-Main Event

Basın HERE Photos
Kredit: Sean Michael Ham / Premier Boks Çempionlar

BAKERSFIELD, BELƏ AS. (Sentyabr 18, 2021) – Unbeaten rising lightweight prospect Jose Valenzuela (10–0, 6 Kos) məğlub Deiner Berrio (22–4–1, 13 Kos) yekdil qərarı ilə (100-90, 99-91, 98-92) in the 10-round main event of FS1 PBC Fight Night action, and on FOX Deportes, Saturday from Mechanics Bank Arena in Bakersfield, California.

Valenzuela totally dominated the first three stanzas, landing nearly four times the punches that Berrio landed.

In the fourth and fifth rounds, Berrio found a bit of a rhythm with his unorthodox style and landed a few clean shots on Valenzuela.

Lakin, Valenzuela made some adjustments, continued to severely outwork Berrio and dominated much of the second half of the bout.

Even when Berrio landed a right hand to Valenzuela’s jaw in the eighth round and followed it up with a left hand that briefly stunned Valenzuela and pushed him back, Berrio took his foot off the gas, allowing Valenzuela to regain himself and win the eighth round on two of the judges’ scorecards.

The tenth and final round was an all-out slugfest with both fighters landing their share of blows, but Valenzuela survived the best of what Berrio had to offer and cruised to a wide decision victory.

The co-main event on FS1 featured Rajon Chance (5–0–1, 5 Kos) mübarizə Elon De Jesus (3–0–1, 2 Kos) to a majority draw (57-55 for Chance, 56-56, 56-56) in a six-round super bantamweight attraction.

De Jesus seemingly jumped out to an early lead, landing several powerful overhand rights in the third round that resulted in a cut opening up on Chance’s forehead.

Dördüncü turda, Chance and De Jesus got twisted up with Chance bending down to stabilize himself. As Chance leaned forward, De Jesus landed a blow to the back of Chance’s head. Referee Jerry Cantu immediately deducted a point from De Jesus for the infraction.

Midway through the fifth stanza, De Jesus scored a sensational knockdown with a massive right uppercut to Chance’s jaw. Chance picked himself up off the canvas and complained to Cantu that he couldn’t see anything. Cantu called for a timeout to have the ringside physician examine De Jesus’ eyes and the physician approved the fight to continue.

Although De Jesus dominated the action throughout and scored the only knockdown in the contest, the point deduction resulted in a majority draw with both Chance and De Jesus maintaining their undefeated records.

The FS1 opener showcased Amed Medina (4–0, 3 Kos) məğlub Abdur Abdullah (4–5, 0 Kos) yekdil qərarı ilə (40-35, 40-35, 40-35) in a four-round super featherweight showdown.

Medina, who had never fought beyond the first round in his young career, knocked down Abdullah with a short, right uppercut in the opening frame.

Over the following three rounds, Medina controlled the action, landing nearly three times the punches that Abdullah landed, en route to a lopsided decision.

The event was promoted by TGB Promotions.

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Undefeated super featherweight prospect Daniel Bailey shipping up to Boston for first time

Daniel Bailey posed.jpeg
BOSTON (Sentyabr 16, 2021) – Undefeated super featherweight Daniel “G.D.F.E.” Bailey (7-0, 4 Kos) bir gənc, military man who will be in Boston for the first time. Rather than sightseeing, baxmayaraq ki, he’s all business as he prepares for his September 25ci fight on “Fight Night On The Charles IIIat Mosley’s On The Charles in the Boston suburb of Dedham, Massachusetts.

Vertex Promotions, which will promoted “Fight Night On The Charles II” on Friday night, Yeddi. 24, also presents “Fight Night On The Charles at Moseley’s III,” as well as the USA Boxing-sanctioned amateur card, 2021 New England Championships, Saturday afternoon, all at “Mosley’s On The Charles.”

Bailey (7-0, 4 Kos), who fights out of Miami by way of Tampa (FL), will make his New England debut against an opponent to be finalized in a 4-round bout. A 4-time U.S. Army and 2012 Ringside National champion, Bailey is the cousin of multiple world champion Randall Bailey.

Most would think this Army veteran would try to visit Bunker Hill, Lexington and Concord where the Revolutionary War started, or any of the other many historic attractions for tourists in Boston. Forget that he’s not even attending Friday night’s show, never mind visit the nearby city.

“After the weigh-in (Friday afternoon),” the 25-year-old Bailey said, “I’ll be resting in my room until Saturday. I don’t take anyone lightly. But I am excited to be fighting there for the first time and I’m ready to perform for the crowd. This trip is all business, I’m not on vacation.”

This will mark the active fighter’s sixth fight in 2021, possibly the most for any American fighter during the pandemic. In his last fight this past July in Miami, Bailey won a 4-round unanimous decision against Mike Fowler.

“I’m a man on a mission,” Bailey explained. “I want to end the year with a 10-0, 7 knockouts record. I’ve put pressure on myself because I want to look great while winning. I’m a lot surer of myself as a professional than I was as an amateur. I’m still the same kid I was the first time I walked into the gym at an 11-year-old. I always put in overtime work that I’m not asked to do.”

Saturday night’s card will be headlined by undefeated welterweight prospect Adrian “Tonka” Sosa (11-0, 9 Kos) Lawrence (MA), in an 8-round bout against Danny “Venado” Flores (15-24-1, 8 Kos).

In the 6-round co-featured event, məğlubedilməmiş ağır çəki perspektivi James "The Slim Reaper" Perella (8-0, 5 Kos), Mansfielddən döyüş, Massachusetts, takes on Mexican veteran Isias Martin Cardona Gonzales (26-22, 18 Kos). Perella is a 4-time USA New England Championships and 4-time New England Golden Gloves Champion.

Another promising prospect, Weymouth, MA junior welterweight Eric “Gladiator” Goff (3-0, 2 Kos), and Dorchester (MA) featherweight Troy Anderson, Jr. (1-0, 1 KO), bir 2016 Rocky Marciano Turnirində çempion, will be in action in 4-round bouts versus TBAs.

Lynn (MA) light heavyweight James Perkins (5-0-1, 4 Kos) takes on Trevor Ollison (0-2-1), while pro-debuting Marcus Davidson is matched against fellow Kansan Austin Reed Ward (0-8) in a pair 4-rounders.

Yenilməz ABF American West və NBA Continental çempionu, 23-yaşlı Albany (NY) welterweight RayJay “The Destroyer” Bermudez (13-0, 10 Kos) will headline Friday evening’s show in the 8-round lightweight match versus Uganda-native Philip “The Hunter” Adyaka (7-15, 4 Kos), who is fighting out of Saint Paul, Minnesota.

Kartlar dəyişdirilə bilər.

Tickets for both shows are on sale for $95.00 (row 1), $85.00 (2nd row), $65.00 (3rd row), $55.00 (ümumi qəbul) və $45.00 (dayanan otaq). Contact any of the competing fighters to purchase tickets, limited availability at the door.

Açılacaq Doors 7 pm. ET with the first bout scheduled to start at 7:30 dək. ET on both evenings.

Saturday afternoon’s (2-5 dək. ET.) amateur show will require a separate admission ($20.00 adam başına) on sale at the door.


LAS VEGAS– Sentyabr 16, 2021 – Undefeated 122-pound world champions are set for a unification clash as WBC championBrandon “Heartbreaker” Figueroaand WBO championStephen “Cool Boy Steph” Fulton Jr.will battle in the SHOWTIME main event Saturday, Noyabr 27 in a Premier Boxing Champions event from Park Theater at Park MGM in Las Vegas.

Figueroa and Fulton were originally scheduled to face each other on Saturday, Sentyabr 18, before the fight was pushed back due to a positive COVID-19 test for Figueroa.

The SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING® da başlayacaq veriliş 10 dək. ET / 7 dək. PT and also features undefeated super bantamweight contenderRa’eese AleemMeksika ilə mübarizə aparırEduardo Baez10 raunddan ibarət əsas yarışda. Opening the telecast, unbeaten rising bantamweight contenderGary Antonio Russelltakes onMexico’sAlejandro Barrios in a 10-round showdown. Tədbir TGB Promotions tərəfindən təbliğ olunur.

Previously purchased tickets will be honored for the rescheduled date with no action needed. Should the guest not be able to attend, a refund for the tickets can be requested through October 17, 2021. Once the refund window is closed, all sales are final.

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Daha çox məlumat üçünwww.SHO.com/sportswww.PremierBoxingChampion.com, Twitter @ShowtimeBoxing təqib, @PremierBoxing və @TGBPromotions Instagram @ShowtimeBoxing -də, @PremierBoxing və @TGBPromotions və ya Facebook -da bir fan olmaqwww.Facebook.com/SHOBoxing.


(Broken Arrow, OK) As part of Showtime’s 20th anniversary season of ShoBox: New Generation, bu cümə, Sentyabr 24, 2021, Salita Promotions will return to one of the most unique fight venues in the United States, outdoors in the City of Broken Arrow, Oklahoma’s arts and entertainment district, for a live tripleheader broadcast featuring six prospects boasting combined records of 72-2-1.

Set in the middle of the scenic city’s town square, in the 10-round bantamweight main event bout, 26-year-old Detroit native Ja’Rico O’Quinn (14-0-1, 8 Kos) will face California’s 24-year-old Saul Sanchez (16-1, 9 Kos). The co-main event will pit undefeated featherweight prospects Jayvon Garnett (10-0, 5 Kos) and Luis Reynaldo Nunez (11-0, 8 Kos) against each other in a ten-round bout and in the opener, Alejandro Guerrero (12-1, 9 Kos) faces the undefeated Otar Eranosyan (9-0, 6 Kos) in an eight-round super featherweight contest.

The event will be Salita Promotions’ second attempt to stage a fight at the outdoor boxing hotbed. Avqust ayında 2019, a Salita event featuring undefeated Uzbek Shohjahon Ergashev had to be moved to the nearby confines of the Central Park Community Center due to rain.

“I am thrilled that Showtime selected Broken Arrow for these boxing matches during ShoBox’s 20th anniversary,” said Broken Arrow Mayor Debra Wimpee. “I can’t think of a better place to showcase these amazing athletes than right here in the beautiful and award-winning Rose District. The atmosphere on Main St. is going to be like nothing we’ve seen before, and I’m excited that a global audience will get to see what we Broken Arrowans have known all along. The Rose District and our citizens are second to none when it comes to celebrating the arts and entertainment.”

Promoter Dmitriy Salita says he’s hopeful this time the weather will cooperate and set the stage for an unforgettable setting for the fights Friday night.

“I am honored to promote the September 24 ShoBox in such a unique outside setting,"dedi Salita. “The City of Broken Arrow have been wonderful hosts and we are happy to be returning for this out-of-the-ordinary ShoBox event. The weather reports are favorable this time and we have a fantastic show lined up with crossroads fights, top to bottom.”

In the unlikely event of inclement weather, the show will once again relocate to Central Park Community Center at 1500 S. Main St.

O’Quinn vs. Sanchez – 10-Round Bantamweight Main Event Bout

Previously rated in the top-ten in the world by the WBO at 115 manat, O’Quinn last fought at 118 pounds in a dominating unanimous decision over Oscar Vasquez in the 250th edition of ShoBox in January 2020. Ranked as the No. 1 amateur bantamweight in the country compiling a record of 130-18 peşəkar dönüş əvvəl 2015, O’Quinn boasts blazing-fast hands and an ability to throw effortless combinations. A fan favorite in his hometown of Detroit, he was busy in 2018 və 2019, winning three times in each year, with five of the six fights taking place in his home state of Michigan.

“I’ve been waiting for this moment,” said O’Quinn. “I can’t wait to show my talent to the world again. I don’t really know much about him, but he better learn all he can about me. Not that it will help him any. I’m going to win because there are levels to this and he is not on my level. That will be very apparent quickly. I’m a strong force in the bantamweight division. Training is going good but it’s hard. I train hard and fight easy.”

24 yaşlı Sanchez, No sırada olan. 8 by the WBA at 118 manat, is riding a four-fight winning streak. Onun son vaxt, Sanchez made quick work of Frank Gonzalez, knocking him down three times en route to a first-round stoppage. The Pacoima, Calif. native scored an eighth-round stoppage of Brandon Benitez in an entertaining and all-action fight in his ShoBox debut in May 2019. He dropped his next fight, a split decision to Edwin Rodriguez, but rebounded with a unanimous decision over Victor Trejo Garcia to jumpstart his winning streak. Trained by Manny Robles, Sanchez is the younger brother of 19-1 professional featherweight Emilio Sanchez.

“This is the biggest fight of my career on the biggest stage of my career, and I’m not going to let this opportunity pass me by,” said Sanchez. “I’m going to show everyone watching on SHOWTIME that I belong with the big boys. O’Quinn is a good fighter but I’m going to give him his first loss. I’m at a point in my career where I need to make that turning point to a world title shot, and that time is now.”

Garnett vs. Nunez – 10-Round Super Featherweight Bout

Jayvon Garnett hails from the boxing talent-laden city of Cincinnati, Ohio, where he first put on a pair of boxing gloves at the age of six. He had a stellar amateur career fighting over 110 vaxt, developing his style and sharpening his skills in Ohio’s very competitive amateur boxing scene. The 26-year-old is coming off his career-best professional win, a unanimous decision over the once-beaten Jose Argel in June. Combining exceptional quickness and accuracy with a propensity for power, the 5’3” Garnett stopped five of his first six professional opponents. He has won his last four contests on the scorecards, all unanimously.

“It feels great to be fighting on SHOWTIME,” said Garnett. “I always dreamed of fighting on big platforms, but never dreamed it would be ShoBox for my first TV fight. Mən rəqib haqqında çox bilmirəm, but I will win this fight because I’m smarter. Ring, I’m a boxer and a thinker, but I also have heavy punches. Bu qələbə ilə, I’m going to the next level up the ladder and getting closer to being in the world rankings.”

A decorated amateur in the Dominican Republic, Puerto Plata’s Luis Reynaldo Nunez started boxing at age eight and went on to win a number of national championships as a member of the Dominican national team, including gold in the 2016 Youth Championship. A fan-friendly pressure fighter with heavy hands, Nunez turned professional at 18, passing every test put in front of him in his native country. His unblemished resume includes a unanimous decision over then 20-3-1 Eliezer Aquino and a fourth-round KO over then once-beaten Giovanni Gutierrez.

“I am extremely grateful for the opportunity to be fighting on SHOWTIME,” said the 21-year-old Nunez, who will be fighting outside of the Dominican Republic for the first time. “My opponent is a good fighter but I am here to show him what happens against real competition. Thanks to my team for getting me this opportunity and I look forward to making a splash on national television.”

Guerrero vs. Eranosyan – Eight-Round Lightweight Bout

Houston həyata mübarizə, Texas, Guerrero is a big-punching prospect who will be making his third appearance on ShoBox, looking to improve his record to 2-1 on the prospect development series. He won a closely contested slugfest via majority decision over Jose Angulo in March 2020, but was upset by Abraham Montoya in February. A celebrated amateur who won two junior national titles, the 23-year-old “Pork Chop” has sparred with the likes of world champions Mikey Garcia and Brandon Rios at the famed Garcia Boxing Academy in California.

“Training is going great,” said Guerrero. “I’ve been in shape for two months so now it’s just touching up basic stuff here and there with my technique. I know Eranosyan will be tough, so we’re going in with a strong mind knowing he can fight. I’m training hard because I will have to be more than ready. The guy will not be a walk in the park. But I have a different mentality now. The last fight, I went in with the mentality of ‘I can beat everybody.This one, I have to go in with a smart mind and actually box the guy and use all my skills.”

Reytinq №. 9 by the WBA at 130 manat, Eranosyan was a highly decorated Georgian amateur who has transitioned seamlessly into the paid ranks. The 27-year-old didn’t turn professional until August 2020, but has already fought nine times. Now based in Miami Beach, Fla., “Pitbull” owns two notable fourth-round KOs over the 32-4 Juan Carlos Pena, including in his last time out on August 13. Eranosyan will make his ShoBox debut as he fights for the seventh time in 2021, which also marks his first pro fight outside of Florida.

“I haven’t studied Guerrero too much, but I watched a couple fights and he’s a good fighter with very good punching power and very good stamina,” said Eranosyan. “I’m adding a lot of stamina training and working on my legs for this fight to be ready for him. I don’t know exactly what will happen, but simply I am the best in the division, so I will win.”

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Daha çox məlumat üçün www.sho.com/sports Twitter @ShowtimeBoxing təqib, SHOSports, #ShoBox, və ya Facebook bir fan at olmaq www.Facebook.com/SHOSports

ShoBox haqqında: New Generation
Bu il, the critically acclaimed prospect developmental series, ShoBox: New Generation, celebrates its 20th anniversary on the air as it continues to match top young talent tough. İyul ayında başladığı ildən başlayaraq 2001, the ShoBox philosophy is to televise exciting, izdiham-xoş və rəqabətli oyunları istəyən perspektivləri üçün bir sübut torpaq təmin edərkən bir dünya adı uğrunda mübarizə üçün müəyyən. Artan siyahısına bəzi 84 ShoBox çıxdı və var döyüşçüləri dünya adları daxildir sağlayamayacağını inkişaf etmiş: Errol Spence Jr., Andre Ward, Deontay Wilder, Erislandy Lara, Shawn Porter, Gary Russell Jr., Lamont Peterson, Guillermo Rigondeaux, Nonito Donaire, Devon Alexander, Carl Froch, Robert Guerrero, Timothy Bradley, Jessie Vargas, Juan Manuel Lopez, Chad Dawson, Paulie Malignaggi, Ricky Hatton, Kelly Pavlik, Paul Williams və daha çox.

Shearns Boxing taking care of unfinished business First pro boxing show ever in Framingham, Kütləvi.

Fight Night in Framingham” Oct. 16ci

FRAMINGHAM, Kütləvi. (Sentyabr 14, 2021) — Nineteen months after it was originally scheduled, “Fight Night in Framingham” finally will be presented October 16 by Shearns Boxing Promotions for the benefit of “Fighting Life” at Sheraton Hotel in Framingham, Massachusetts.

Canceled due to COVID-19 restrictions, “Fight Night in Framingham” will mark the first professional boxing event ever held in Framingham, a city incorporated in 1700, located in the MetroWest subregion of Greater Boston, az 40 miles from Boston.

“Fighting Life” is an after-school youth boxing program and academic empowerment program, available 100-percentfree of charge to students beginning in elementary school through high school education.

High Octane Classics is the presenting sponsor. Other sponsors include Platts Landscaping and Shamrock Sports.

“We had to cancel this show last year just a week before the event,” promoter Chuck Shearns explained. “A lot of people had put in a lot of work for the event, so it was disappointing for many, especially fighters. When events were allowed again in Massachusetts, we wanted to finish what we started in Framingham. Although still in uncertain times, we waited just a bit hoping that it would lessen the possibility of another cancellation. We are feeling confident that this will be the great event that we started last year.”

Shearns is excited about promoting the first boxing event in Framingham history, as well as working in association with Fighting Life.

“Shearns Boxing Promotions (SBP) is very excited, and we look forward to putting on Framingham’s first-ever boxing event for a great charity, Fighting Life,” Shearns added. “I think what speaks loudest is the amount of community and business support Fighting Life has received. I think it says a lot about what (Fighting Life founder/head coach) and the board are trying to accomplish with this organization. This kind of support will go a long way.”

Located in UpperKuts Boxing Club in nearby Ashland, MA, the Fighting Life Boxing Program was founded as a resource and program to provide children with a positive outlet in life. Ziyarət www.fightlif.org to learn more about this organization.

The purpose of Fighting Life is to provide a safe space to promote structure, growth mindset, self-worth, and goal setting through physical and academic fulfillment and self-discipline.

“It is an outlet for kids,” Thomas said. “Kids who have been picked on. Bullied, or at risk find it’s a safe haven. We take kids from all walks of life. We don’t turn anybody away. If their parents can’t afford the membership fee to join the gym, we provide a voucher to apply to waive the fee. Not all of these kids come here to become boxers. We have fitness classes in addition to teaching boxing lessons.

“This show is important because the attention and money we receive will help us get more volunteers, avadanlıq, and go places to box that we’ve never been. Any money we receive will go straight to the kids. Our dream is to promote our own shows someday and get our charity’s name out there for the benefit of our programs. Boxing is growing here in Framingham, and we believe that here will be more boxing in our city. I even check on the kids in school and if they need help, they’ll have a big brother right next to them. Everything is for the kids!"

Undefeated Florida-based junior middleweight Josniel “TG” Castro (5-0, 3 Kos) will headline “Fight Night in Framingham” in a 6-round bout versus 57-fight veteran Rynell Griffin, Las Vegas. Castro has been active, something few boxers have been able to do during the pandemic, as this will be his fourth fight of 2021.

The co-featured event features a “graduate” of Fighting Life, Marlboro, MA super lightweight Nelson “Chino” Perez (3-0, 2 Kos), who will fight Ryan Venable (2-6) 6 dəyirmi bout. Puerto Rico-native Perez is a past New England Golden Gloves champion.

Perez hasn’t forgotten where he comes from. He trains at UpperKuts and often teaches youngsters there how to train to become boxers. “I try to teach the kids to stay out of trouble,” Perez remarked. “I coach them a little to help them live and prosper. It’s great seeing these kids in the gym. I’m very excited to be part of this event to benefit Fighting Life.”

Hometown favorite Kevin Lewis will make his professional debut in a 4-rounder against a fellow Framingham resident, super middleweight Saul “The Spider” Almeida (0-14-4), one of the top MMA fighters in New England.

A pair of New Haven (CT) fighters will also be in action. Three-time New England Golden Gloves champion, super middleweight Elvis Figueroa (7-0, 4 Kos), and 4-time New England Golden Gloves champion, pro-debuting featherweight Felix Parilla, will fight in 6 and 4-round bouts, müvafiq olaraq, versus opponents to be determined.

Also fighting on the undercard in 4-round bouts is Boston heavyweight Wallace Nass Silva (0-2) and pro-debuting Sean Evans, fighting out of Shrewsbury, MA. Brazilian middleweight Leonardo Ladeira (0-6), of Revere (MA), will fight TBAs.

Faiz $75.00 ringside and $60.00 ümumi qəbul, biletləri onlayn əldə etmək olar https://www.eventbrite.com/e/fight-night-in-framingham-tickets-171408807357, at UpperKuts gym, or from any of the local fighters on the card.

Açıq qapı 6 dək. PT, ilk bout 7:00 dək.



Cuqquldamaq: @ShearnsBoxing

Sampson Boxing Signs The Cuban Menace, Pablo Vicente, bir Promotional müqaviləsi

Sampson Lewkowicz of Sampson Boxing proudly announces the signing of power-punching Cuban super featherweight Pablo “The Cuban Menace” Vicente to an exclusive promotional contract.

Vicente, currently residing in Panama City, Panama, but originally hailing from Havana, Cuba, is currently ranked #10 in the world by the WBC. A former decorated amateur on the vaunted Cuban National Team, Vicente (17-1, 15 Kos) peşəkar çıxdı 2016 and has gone on to stop all but three of his professional opponents.

The 28-year-old will make his Sampson Boxing debut on Friday, Oktyabr 29, at the Centro de Convenciones Vasco Nunez de Balboa, Bella Vista, in his adopted home of Panama City in a 10-round showdown against Argentina’s Javier Herrera (17-4-1, 8 Kos) for the WBC Continental Americas Super Featherweight Championship.

“I am very happy to have gained a promoter who can properly move my career in Sampson,” said Vicente. “Our plan is to begin fighting in the US and start climbing up the ladder to a world championship. I am going to train like never before because I know I have been given the opportunity of a lifetime to reach all my dreams as a fighter.”

Lewkowicz, boxing’s premier talent scout, says Vicente will make a great addition to his ever-growing stable of contenders, prospects and champions.

“The Cuban Menace will be a world champion,” said Lewkowicz. “He is a very strong fighter with excellent power in his combinations and the skill level you would expect from an elite fighter. We will continue his development and move him into the fights he needs to become another great champion from the Island of Cuba.”

Sampson Boks haqqında

Sampson Boxing bütün Şimali və Cənubi Amerika üzərində təqdimat tərəfdaşları var, Afrika, Asiya, Yeni Zelandiya, Avstraliya, Avropa və Mərkəzi Amerika. Sampson Boxing hadisələri HBO kimi premyera şəbəkələrində yayımlanıb, Showtime, ESPN, ESPN+, DAZN, VS., FOX, Fox Sports və bir sıra beynəlxalq şəbəkələr. Daha ətraflı məlumat üçün, ziyarət sampsonboxing.com.

Marco Antonio Barrera and Daniel Ponce de Leon to Make Triumphant Returns to Boxing in Six-Round Welterweight Showdown

Tickets for “La Ultima Batalla” (Son Duruş) are available

exclusively via the Inn of the Mountain Gods Website

ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. (Yeddi. 13, 2021) – International Boxing Hall of Famer and former three-division world championMarco Antonio Barrera will return to the ring for the first time in more than a decade when he squares off against former two-time world titleholderDaniel Ponce de LeonŞənbə günü, Nov 20, 2021, Inn of the Mountain Gods Resort-da & Mescalero-da kazino, New Mexico.

Come celebrate the Thanksgiving holiday five days early as these two legendary fighters square off in a six-round welterweight clash and headline an electrifying, eight-fight Tapia Promotions card.

Barrera (67-7, 44 Kos) makes his dramatic comeback four years after being inducted into the International Boxing Hall of Fame in 2017. Ranked by No. 43 ESPN tərəfindən bütün zamanların ən böyük boksçuları arasında, the “Baby Faced Assassin” has captured world titles across three weight divisions and earned 43 onun şanlı peşəkar karyerasının başlanğıcında ardıcıl qələbələr.

Heç vaxt rəqibdən çəkinmək olmaz, Qvadalaxaranın qüruru, Jalisco, Meksika, has battled many of the sweet science’s finest including fellow Hall of Famers Erik Morales (üç dəfə), Johnny Tapia, və Xuan Manuel Markes, eləcə də gələcək IBOFer Manny Pacquiao, Paulie Ayala, Naseem Hamed, və Amir Kahn.

Aslandan (45-7, 35 Kos), Chihuahua, Meksika, yeddi ildən çox müddətdə ilk dəfə məşhur kvadrat dairəsinə dramatik şəkildə qayıdacaq. Fighting out of Huntington Park, Calif., müəyyən artikl 2000 Meksika olimpiya komandası üzvü ilə karyerasını açdı 24 ardıcıl qələbələr, o cümlədən 23 nakavt.

Keçmiş iki divizion dünya çempionu, De Leon boş qalan Dünya Boks Təşkilatına iddia etdi (WBO) Oktyabrda super ağır çəki titulu 2005 və altı uğurlu müdafiə etdi. İlk dünya titulunu qazandıqdan təxminən yeddi il sonra, cənub pəncəsi slugger sentyabr ayında Jhonny Gonzales üzərində səkkiz raundlu texniki qərarla ikinci qazandı 2012 Ümumdünya Boks Şurasına iddia etmək (WBC) featherweight crown.

In the first of two exciting co-features, undefeated super featherweight contenderAbel Mendoza(30-0, 23 Kos) hopes to keep his perfect record intact and ascend to the upper echelon of the 130-pound division when he takes on fellow El Paso, Texas, brawlerAntonio Escalante (29-11, 20 Kos) 10 dəyirmi çıxan qarşıdurmada.

The second co feature pitsJosh “Pitbull” Torres (23-7-2, 14 Kos), returning to Inn of the Mountain Gods Resort & Casino against once-beatenSteven “Manos de Oro” Villalobos (15-1-1, 11 Kos) in a welterweight showdown.

Rounding out the card will be a found-round, 270-pound battle royale pitting Streetbeefs standoutsCody Beck vəJohnathon Rice making their pro debuts, undefeated up-and-comersKlinton Çaves(Albuquerque, N.M.), Javier Fernandez(San Antonio, Texas) vəAngel Chavez(Sacramento, Calif.) against opponents to be named, vəLuis Angel Jimenez of El Paso in his initial pro bout.

Biletlərfor the thrilling eight-fight extravaganza promoted by Tapia Promotions start at $75 and are on sale exclusively viahttps://innofthemountaingods.com