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Anthony Dirrell, Canelo-ya qarşı əsas tədbirdə maraqlı rəqib Markos Hernandezlə döyüşür.. Bitki SHOWTIME PPV

Məğlub olmamış keçmiş dünya çempionu Rey Varqas döyüşə qayıdır
Meksikalı Leonardo Baez Super Dəhşətli Ağır çəkidə mübarizədə

Daha! Super Yüngül Çəkinin İddiaçılar Elvis Rodriguez və
Xuan Pablo Romero Meydanı Baxış Başına Ödəniş Açarında Off
9 dək. ET / 6 dək. PT

LAS VEGAS (Oktyabr 18, 2021) - Keçmiş dünya çempionlarının iştirak etdiyi üç yüksək stavkalı qarşılaşma, ən yaxşı iddiaçılar və yüksələn gələcək çempionlar çoxdan gözlənilən SHOWTIME PPV tədbirinə əlavə edildi. Kanelo Alvares Caleb "Sweethands" Zavodu şənbə günü super orta çəkidə mübahisəsiz çempionluq uğrunda mübarizə aparır, Noyabr 6 Las-Veqasdakı MGM Grand Garden Arenasında Premyer Boks Çempionları tədbirində.

Super orta çəkidə ikiqat dünya çempionu Anthony "Dog" Dirrell maraqlı rəqibə qarşı mübarizə aparacaq "Dəli" Markos Hernandes 10 raunddan ibarət əsas yarışda, məğlubiyyətsiz keçmiş super ağır çəkidə dünya çempionu isə King Vargas Meksikaya qarşı hərəkətə qayıdır Leonardo Baez 10 dövrəlik attraksionda. Baxış başına ödənişin başlanğıcı 9 dək. ET / 6 dək. PT, super yüngül namizədlər Elvis Rodriguez John Paul Romero 10 raundluq üz-üzə gələcək.

Canlı tədbirin biletləri hazırda satışdadır və onları buradan əldə etmək olar AXS.com. Tədbir Canelo Promotions və TGB Promotions tərəfindən təşviq edilir və Hennessy və Value tərəfindən sponsorluq edilir..

Dirrell (33-2-2, 24 Kos), ikiqat WBC 168 kiloluq dünya çempionu, Sakio Bika üzərində yekdil qərarla ilk dəfə titul qazandı 2014. Flintdən olan, mən. gələn il səs çoxluğu ilə bu titul Badou Cekə düşdü, altı düz zəfəri bir araya gətirmədən əvvəl yenidən çempionluq üçün mübarizə aparmaq mövqeyinə qayıtmaq. O, ikinci dəfə titulunu ələ keçirdi 2019, Texniki qərarla Avni Yıldırım üzərində qələbə qazandı. Ən son, Dirrell fevral ayında Kyrone Davis ilə heç-heçə ilə mübarizə apardı, Sentyabrda David Benavidezə qarşı titul döyüşündən sonra ilk döyüşündə 2019.

"Mən bu mübarizə üçün çox hazır deyiləm,"dedi Dirrell. "Mən Hernandezin çətin rəqib olduğunu bilirəm və əminəm ki, biz Kanelo ilə eyni kartda mübarizə aparırıq, çünki onun orada çoxlu azarkeşi olacaq.. Amma bilirəm ki, böyük səhnədə və bu böyüklükdə bir kartda döyüşməyə hazıram. Errol Spence Jr-da döyüşdüm. vs. Shawn Porter undercard və məncə, bu döyüş gecəsi də oxşar hisslər keçirəcək. Qələbə qazanmaq üçün nə etməliyəmsə, etməyə hazıram. Azarkeşlər atəşfəşanlıq gözləməlidirlər. Mən hərəkətdən çəkinmirəm və ümid edirəm ki, Canelo-ya qarşı qalibi qazana biləcəyəm. Noyabrın 6-da yaxşı çıxış etsəm, əkin”.

Fresnodan döyüş, Calif., Hernández (15-4-2, 3 Kos) karyerasında gözəl rəqabətlə üzləşmişdir, çətin yoldaş yüksələn iddiaçılar bir litany mübarizə. 28 yaşlı oyunçu ən son sentyabr ayında əvvəllər məğlub olmayan Armando Resendiz üzərində təsirli yekdil qərarla qalib gəldi.. Onun son zəfərinə əlavə olaraq, Hernández iki dəfə keçmiş super ağır çəki çempionu Jeison Rosario ilə qarşılaşıb, revanş matçını uduzmadan əvvəl ilk görüşlərində heç-heçə ilə mübarizə aparırdılar. O, həmçinin Kevin Newman II və Thomas Hill-də məğlub olmayan döyüşçüləri məğlub etdi.

“Sentyabrın əvvəlində çıxışımdan sonra bu döyüş üçün əla təlim-məşq toplanışı keçirirəm,"Deyən Hernandez. "Həmişəki kimi, azarkeşlər məndən əyləncəli bir döyüş gətirməyimi gözləyə bilərlər. Bilirəm ki, karyerasında çox şeyə nail olmuş keçmiş dünya çempionu ilə qarşılaşıram. Mən yalnız qələbə və onunla gələcək hər şeyi əldə etmək üçün hər gün çox çalışmağa diqqət edirəm."

Keçmiş WBC Super Bantamweight Dünya Çempionu, Vargas (34-0, 22 Kos) noyabrda rinqə çıxanda zədə səbəbiylə işdən çıxacaq 6. 30 yaşlı gənc Böyük Britaniyaya yollanıb. titulunu ələ keçirmək üçün 2017, əvvəllər məğlub olmayan Gavin McDonnell üzərində bir qərar qazandı. Mexiko şəhərinin sakini, Varqas titulunu beş uğurlu müdafiə etdi, Oscar Negrete də daxil olmaqla, ən yaxşı namizədləri məğlub etdi, Ronny Rios və Azat Hovhannisyan. Onun son döyüşü və beşinci uğurlu titul müdafiəsi iyul ayında keçmiş dünya çempionu Tomoki Kameda üzərində yekdil qərarla alındı. 2019.

“Rinqə qayıtdığım və PBC ilə debütüm üçün çox şadam,"Varqas dedi. “Noyabrda yenilənmiş Rey Varqası görəcəksən 6. Rəqibim çoxlu kombinasiyalar atan, sürətli döyüşçüdür. Çətin mübarizə olacaq, amma bilirəm ki, qalib gəlmək üçün nəyə ehtiyacım var. Canelonun anderkartında böyük səhnədə olmaqdan daha xoşbəxt ola bilməzdim. Bilirəm ki, döyüş gecəsində parlamalıyam, bu vitrindən yararlanın, və pərəstişkarları üçün gözəl mübarizə aparın."

Aşağı Kaliforniya, Meksikalı Baez (21-4, 12 Kos) bu döyüşə son üç çıxışının qalibi daxil olur, hamısı TKO tərəfindən gəlir. 26 yaşlı oyunçu qalibiyyət seriyasını əvvəllər məğlub olmayan Karlos Karaballoya və keçmiş çempion Ceyson Moloneyə məğlub olduqdan sonra birləşdirdi.. Baez, o vaxtdan bəri peşəkar mübarizə aparan 2013, ABŞ-da döyüşəcək. dördüncü dəfə noyabrda 6. Onun dövlət gəzintiləri arasında, Baez, fevral ayında yekdil qərarı əldə etmək üçün keçmiş müvəqqəti çempion Moises Flores üzərində üstünlük təşkil etdi. 2020.

"Mən noyabrın 6-da keçiriləcək bu böyük çağırış üçün həyəcanlıyam" dedi Baez. “Mən azarkeşlərə əsl Meksika müharibəsi verməyi və qələbə qazanmaq üçün hər şeyi rinqdə qoymağı planlaşdırıram.. Canelo anterkartında döyüşmək şərəfdir və mən bundan maksimum istifadə edəcəyəm. Bu, ayaq üstə müharibə olacaq, və mən göstərəcəyəm ki, o, mənim gücümə və təcavüzümə qarşı dura bilməz”.

Rodríguez (11-1-1, 10 Kos) nokautlu qələbələrlə səhnəyə çıxdı 10 Onun ilk 11 döyüşlərdə. O, beş qələbə qazanıb 2020 Oktyabr ayında Cameron Kraeli nokautla və dörd ay sonra Luis Alberto Verona qarşı qərarlı qələbə ilə kampaniya. Doğma Santo Dominqodan döyüşür, Dominikan Respublikası, Rodriguez ən son Kenneth Sims Jr-a qarşı dar səs çoxluğu qərarından imtina etdi. May ayında.

“Komandama ilin ən böyük döyüşü üçün hər baxışa görə ödənişi açan bu möhtəşəm fürsəti əldə etdiyinə görə çox minnətdaram.,Rodriges dedi. “Qarşımda çətin rəqib var, amma həyatımın ən yaxşı formasındayam. Hər kəsə əsl sövdələşmənin mən olduğumu göstərməyə hazıram. Məqsədim eyni olaraq qalır, və bu, dünya titulunu qazanmaqdır 2022. Ilk, Mən sadəcə noyabr ayına fokuslanmışam 6 və dünya tituluna gedən yolda qələbənin gətirəcəyi fürsətdən istifadə etdiyimə əmin olmaq.”

Romero (14-0, 9 Kos) in pro çevirdi 2017 vətəni Meksika üçün döyüşdükdən sonra 2016 Olimpiya oyunları. 31 yaşlı güclü veteranlar Nestor Armas göndərildi, Nestor Qonzales və Ranses Payano 2019, onun yeganə Sergio Torres Alvarado üzərində 10 raund qərar qazanmadan əvvəl 2020 müsabiqə. Romero bu ilin aprelində arxa-arxaya 10 raundda yekdil qərarla qalib gəldi., ABŞ-da qalib gəldiyi üçün. Deiner Berrionu məğlub edərək debüt etdi. Geniş həvəskar karyerası boyunca, Romero, orta çəki dərəcəsində məğlub edilməmiş iddiaçı Qabriel Maestre üzərində təsirli qələbə qazandı.

“Komandamın Las-Veqasda Canelo şousunda döyüşmək üçün mənə bu gözəl fürsəti qazandırdığı üçün çox həyəcanlıyam,"Dedi Romero. “Olimpiya oyunlarında mübarizə apardığım kimi özümü xoşbəxt və həyəcanlı hiss edirəm. Noyabrda nədən ibarət olduğumu sübut edəcəyəm 6. Rəqibim kim olursa olsun, Mən həmişə çox məşq edirəm və qələbə qazanmaq üçün əlimdən gələni etməyə hazırlaşıram”.

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Canelo vs. Bitki boksun №-li konsensusunu görəcək. 1 funt üçün funt qırıcı, Meksikalı superulduz və vahid WBA/WBC/WBO Super Orta Çəkisi Dünya Çempionu Canelo Alvarez şənbə günü məğlubedilməz IBF Super Orta Çəkisi Dünya Çempionu Kaleb “Sweethands” Plant ilə tarixi döyüşdə üz-üzə gəlib., Noyabr 6, Las Veqasdakı MGM Grand Garden Arenada Premyer Boks Çempionları tədbirində SHOWTIME PPV-də canlı yayımlayın.

Canlı tədbirin biletləri hazırda satışdadır və onları buradan əldə etmək olar AXS.com. Tədbir Canelo Promotions və TGB Promotions tərəfindən təşviq edilir və Hennessy və Value tərəfindən sponsorluq edilir..

Daha çox məlumat üçün www.SHO.com/sports, www.PremierBoxingChampion.com, Twitter-də #CaneloPlant heşteqi ilə izləyin, və @Canelo, @SweetHandsPlant, @ShowtimeBoxing, @PremierBoxing və @TGBPromotions, Instagram-da @Canelo, @CalebPlant, @ShowtimeBoxing, @PremierBoxing və @TGBPromotions və ya Facebook -da bir fan olmaq www.Facebook.com/SHOBoxing.

WBA Welterweight Champion Jamal James Battles Undefeated Contender Radzhab Butaev on SHOWTIME® Saturday, Oktyabr 30 in a Premier Boxing Champions Event from Michelob ULTRA Arena at Mandalay Bay in Las Vegas – İndi satış Biletlər!

Rising Welterweight Star Jaron Ennis Duels Veteran Contender Thomas Dulorme in Co-Main Event and Exciting Unbeaten Lightweight
Michel Rivera Kicks Off Telecast Facing Matías Romero

İndi satış Biletlər!

LAS VEGAS (Oktyabr 13, 2021) – WBA Welterweight Champion Jamal “Shango” James will defend his title against unbeaten contender Radzhab Butaev in a 12-round duel that headlines a night of action live on SHOWTIME Saturday, Oktyabr 30 in a Premier Boxing Champions event from Michelob ULTRA Arena at Mandalay Bay Resort and Casino in Las Vegas.

The SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING® veriliş başlayır 10 dək. ET / 7 dək. PT and features rising welterweight star Jaron “Boots” Ennis in a 10-round showdown against veteran contender Thomas Dulorme ATƏT-əsas hadisə. Telekanal başlayır, exciting unbeaten lightweight contender Michel Rivera faces Argentina’s Matías Romero 10 dövrəlik attraksionda.

Canlı hadisə üçün biletlər, TGB Promotions təşviq olunur ki,, İndi satış üzrə və AXS.com əldə edilə bilər. Ennis vs. Dulorme is promoted in association with D&D Boxing. Rivera vs. Romero is promoted in association with Sampson Boxing.

“A stacked lineup of top contenders and up-and-coming future champions will be on full display October 30 on SHOWTIME in Las Vegas," Tom Braun dedi, TGB Promotions Prezidenti. “Jamal James has battled his way to the highest levels of the welterweight division and will get one step closer to gathering elite status if he can overcome the unbeaten Radzhab Butaev. The undercard bouts will also feature two rising stars, as Jaron Ennis and Michel Rivera look to impress in tough matchups on a big stage.”

Minneapolis’ James (27-1, 12 Kos) returns to action after his previous outing saw him earn an interim title by defeating Thomas Dulorme in August 2020, before later being upgraded to the “regular” championship. The 33-year-old is riding a seven-bout winning streak that includes triumphs over Abel Ramos, Diego Gabriel Chaves and Antonio DeMarco, with four of those matchups coming in his hometown, where he has grown a rabid fan base. With a win on October 30, James moves nearer to a potential rematch of his first and only defeat against WBA Welterweight World Champion Yordenis Ugas.

Training is and has been at 100%,said James. “I’m excited to finally get back in the ring and defend my title. This will be the fight where I show everyone why I’m elite in this profession and should be recognized as one of the best.

The 27-year-old Butaev (13-0, 10 Kos) will finally square off against James in a long-awaited matchup ordered by the WBA. Butaev turned pro after approximately 400 amateur bouts in 2016 and reeled-off KOs in six of his first seven outings. Originally from Russia and now fighting out of Brooklyn, N.Y., Butaev returned to the ring in December 2020, stopping previously unbeaten Terry Chatwood in the third round.

“We’ve been working hard for a year leading up to this fight,” said Butaev. “Everything is going really well in camp and we’re excited to finally get in the ring against James. I’ve seen how James fights and it’s definitely going to be a clash of styles. I can just promise that I’m going to bring the war and make this an exciting fight. I’m going to start writing my history on October 30.”

Ennis (27-0, 25 Kos) is the latest in the pantheon of outstanding Philadelphia fighters, combining sublime boxing skills with natural power in both hands. After numerous appearances on ShoBox: New Generation, the 24-year-old Ennis graduated to headlining his first SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING telecast in his last outing in April, as he became the first fighter to stop former world champion Sergey Lipinets. The knockout victory gave Ennis 17 KOs in his last 18 döyüşlərdə, with the only blemish being a no-decision in the first round against Chris van Heerden in December 2020.

“I’m glad to be back in the ring October 30 on SHOWTIME in Las Vegas,” said Ennis. “This is another step towards becoming world champion! They haven’t seen nothing yet. It’s time for me to continue to shine and be great. I can’t wait to show out and have some fun.”

The 31-year-old Dulorme (25-5-1, 16 Kos) has amassed a solid resume at 140 və 147 pounds during his career, climbing into the ring with world champions Yordenis Ugas, Jessie Vargas and Terence Crawford. Born in Marigot, Guadeloupe but representing Carolina, Puerto Rico, Dulorme rebounded from a loss to Crawford for a 140-pound title by scoring back-to-back knockouts, followed by a narrow decision loss to Ugas. The world title challenger is coming off solid efforts in back-to-back decision losses against Jamal James and Eimantas Stanionis.

“I think in the Stanionis fight I demonstrated that I am still at the top level,” said Dulorme. “A lot of people told me I won that fight and I thought I did too. I’m excited to face Ennis because he’s a good fighter, but he hasn’t fought anyone like me. The fans can expect another great performance from me on SHOWTIME.”

Santo Domingo-ci il təvəllüdlü, Dominican Republic and now fighting out of Miami, Fla. Rivera (21-0, 14 Kos) burst onto the scene in 2019, making his U.S. debut with a victory over Juan Rene Tellez. The 23-year-old continued his ascent in 2020, adding a stoppage win against Fidel Maldonado Jr. and a unanimous decision triumph against lightweight contender LaDarius Miller. Rivera has continued his dominance with a pair of knockout victories in 2021, stopping Anthony Mercado in February before most recently delivering a highlight-reel knockout of Jon Fernandez in July on SHOWTIME.

“Romero made a big mistake taking this fight,"Rivera deyib. “What he’s seen from me in the gym, is not the same thing that he’s going to see on fight night. He is far from a fight night fighter. He folds under pressure or runs. He is a good fighter, but he’s not at my level. I won’t let him go the distance like Isaac Cruz did. Oktyabrın 30, I’m going to give him the beating of his lifetime.”

Romero (24-1, 8 Kos) made his stateside debut in March, dropping a competitive decision to top lightweight contender Isaac Cruz on SHOWTIME. Əvvəl, the Cordoba, Argentina native picked up a pair of victories in 2020, winning a 12-round decision over Javier Jose Clavero in November, while stopping Gabriel Gustavo Ovejero in March. Ildən pro 2015, the 25-year-old will look to bounce back from his first defeat and move into title contention against another elite 135-pound opponent.

“Rivera and I have the same promoter and I personally requested for Sampson Lewkowicz to let me fight him when I saw he had no opponent,"Dedi Romero. “I am willing to step in because I know I can beat him. We have trained at the same gym, but never sparred. His style is perfect for my style. This is going to be another victory for me to add to my collection.”

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Daha çox məlumat üçün www.SHO.com/sports, www.PremierBoxingChampion.com, Twitter @ShowtimeBoxing təqib, @PremierBoxing və @TGBPromotions Instagram @ShowtimeBoxing -də, @PremierBoxing və @TGBPromotions və ya Facebook -da bir fan olmaq www.Facebook.com/SHOBoxing.

2nd “Fight Night” charity event Presented by Punch4Parkinsons

DEDHAM, Kütləvi. (Oktyabr 13, 2021) – The second “Fight Night,” a charity boxing event presented by Punch4Parkinsons, will be held Saturday night, Oktyabr 23rd, Moseley's On The Charles in Dedham'da, Massachusetts.

Regular people, not professional or amateur boxers, will lace-up their gloves to support Punch4Parkinsons’ fight against Parkinson’s disease. A memorable night will include numerous boxing exhibitions, each a scheduled 3-round (1:30 per round) match.

“Through our charity ‘Fight Night’ we are able to support local boxing gyms with rock steady programs,” Punch4Parkinsons founder/president Ryan Roach explained, “as well as one-on-one and small group boxing lessons. We cover 100-percent of Parkinson’s fighters’ gym memberships. We now have more than 100 Parkinson’s fighters, mostly in New England, but we do have some fighters in Florida and Texas.
“One of our fighters recently went to the doctor and she had dropped 20 points on the Parkinson’s scale. She attributes this to the boxing we provide her three times a week.”

Last year’s “Fight Night” charity event was canceled due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Limited tickets priced at $200.00 (Ringside, row 1), $175.00 (Ringside, row 2), $165.00 (Ringside, row 2), və $75.00 (dayanan otaq) and available for purchase by going online at www.punch4parkinsons.com or contacting one of the participating fighters.

Those unable to attend but interested in making a donation can do so by going online at www.punch4parkinsons.com.

Açıq qapı 7 pm. ET with the first match slated for 7:30 dək. VƏ.

WEB SAYFASI: punch4parkinsons.com
FACEBOOK: /punch4parkinsons
TWİTTER: @punch4parkinsons, @RoachRyan
İNSTAGRAM: @punch4parkinsons, @RyanRoach82

Hard working Fernandez ready for first main event

10 16 Fire Fist Poster.jpg
St. Petersburg, FL (Oktyabr 14, 2021) – To say that St. Petersburg junior welterweight Joseph Fernandez has a good work ethic would be an understatement.

Each weekday, Fernandez’ morning begins at 4:15 AM when he wakes up to get ready for strength and conditioning training at 5. Following the class, Fernandez grabs something to eat, cleans up and heads to his fulltime job installing hurricane windows and doors. The labor-intensive position has him working 8 qədər 10 hours per day. After work, Fernandez has a short time to relax and recharge before a 2-3 hour workout at Fight Fitness Center in Pinellas Park, FL.

Deməyə ehtiyac yoxdur, it’s a challenge for the St. Petersburg native.

“It requires a lot of hard work and dedication,” said Fernandez, who has an excellent 13-3-3 peşəkar ledger 4 wins by KO. I have to remain focused on what I’m doing at that moment and not think about what else I’ve got going on during the day.”

Şənbə günü, Oktyabr 16, Fernandez headlines for the first time when he meets tough Panamanian Jose Forero in a ten round contest for the ABF Atlantic 140 pound championship.

Bir veteran 22 döyüşlərdə, Forero’s shared the squared circle with champions and contenders including George Kambosos, Jezreel Corrales, Jaime Arboleda and Willian Silva.

“He’s a durable fighter who likes to come forward and he won’t go down easily,” Fernandez said of Forero. “I’ve watched him a few times and he’s been in there with some really good fighters but we’re prepared for everything he has to offer. I’m excited to be headlining a card for the first time and worked incredibly hard to get here. The plan is to put on a great show and emerge victorious!"

The card is promoted by Fire Fist Boxing Promotions in association with Pahlavan Promotions and takes places at Banquet Masters in Clearwater, FL.

13-0 lightweight Iron Alvarez of Tampa, FL will swap leather with Jonatan “El Guapo” Godoy of Argentina over six rounds in the lightweight division. Alvarez, var 10 wins by knockout and scored a 2nd round stoppage of Pablo Cupul last month.

Lightweight Daniel Bailey of Tampa puts his 7-0 record on the line against upset-minded Puerto Rico’s Pedro Hernandez in a six rounder. Son bout, Hernandez beat 5-0 Daniel Perez and Bailey will be Hernandez’ sixth straight unbeaten foe.

In separate for round contests, light heavyweight Imran Haddabah of St. Petersburg meets Victor Rivera of Los Angeles, BELƏ AS, flyweight Simona Sarpa of Tampa by way of Italy squares off against Park City, UT’s Maryguenn Vellinga Hinz, cruiserweight Adrian Pinheiro of Orlando, FL faces Wilson, NC’s Dequanti Johnson and Tampa middleweight Christopher Rodriguez challenges Milwaukee, WI native Jay Ellis.

Former Kazakh amateur champion Nikoay Shvab, a lightweight residing in Miami, FL, and Tampa bantamweight Luis Rivera are scheduled to appear in separate contests.

Tickets are on sale at bit.ly/boxing-tickets və ya axtararaq 727-525-3159. Açıq qapı 5:30 and the opening bell will sound at 6:30.

For more information on Fire Fist Boxing Promotions, visit Firefistboxing.net or Facebook.com/firefistboxing.

King’s Promotions Returns to 2300 Arena on Saturday, November 20th

Top Prospect Atif Oberlton Makes Hometown Debut

Kenny Robles takes on Naim Nelson

James Martin Set To Appear

Undefeated Fighters James Bernadin,Quadir Albright, Julian
Gonzalez, Devon Young and Alejandro Jimenez

Jeremy Cuevas Back in Action
PHILADELPHIA (Oktyabr 14, 2021)–King’s Promotions is set to return to the 2300 Arena ilə South Philadelphia haqqında Şənbə, November 20th with a big card of boxing planned that will feature outstanding talent in competitive fights.

Making his hometown debut will be top prospect Atif Oberlton.
Oberlton will take part in a six-round light heavyweight bout against Brent Oren (4-6, 1 KO) Harrisburg, PA.

Oberlton, 23 years-old of Philadelphia is considered one OF the top prospects in the sport, and he is coming off a 5th round stoppage of Jasper McCargo (4-1-2) on June 27th in Minneapolis, Minnesota
Oberlton of Philadelphia was the number-two ranked light heavyweight in the United States and was a favorite to be part of the United States Olympic team, but he decided to turn his attention to the paid ranks.

Oberlton competed in approximately 100 amateur fights where he won many tournaments, o cümlədən: U.S. Yeniyetmələrin Milli Olimpiadası; Two-time National Golden Gloves champion and Eastern Elite Qualifier. Oberlton placed 2nd at the 2020 United States Olympic Trials.

Oren is coming off a huge win as he upset previously undefeated Omar Salem (9-0) on August 28th in Myrtle Beach, SC
Altı dəyirmi bouts, Kenny Robles (8-1, 3 Kos) Staten Island, New York takes on Naim Nelson (14-5, 1 KO) of Philadelphia in a super lightweight encounter.

James Bernadin (4-0-1, 2 Kos) Lancaster, PA mübarizə edəcək Kevin Asmat (6-2, 5 Kos) North Bergen, NJ in a lightweight battle.
Quadir Albright (3-0, 3 Kos) of Chester, PA moves up to six-rounds and takes on his biggest challenge to date in William Hernandez (7-1, 4 Kos) of Burien, Washington in a super lightweight contest.
James Martin (7-3) of Philadelphia is back home to fight Edgar Torres (8-2-1, 4 Kos) of Woodbridge, VA in a welterweight fight.
Jonathan Rodriguez (9-1, 3 Kos) Bethlehem, PA fights the battle-tested Roberto Pucheta (10-20-2, 6 Kos) of Jalisco, Mexico in bantamweight tussle.

Jeremy Cuevas (13-1, 10 Kos) of Philadelphia will take part in a super light fight against an opponent to be named.
Dörd dəyirmi bouts:

Julian Gonzalez (4-0, 4 Kos) Reading, PA mübarizə edəcək Tyric Gainey (0-1) Paterson, NJ in a super featherweight fight.

Devon Young (1-0, 1 KO) of AIken, SC takes on rugged Nicoy Clarke (2-6) Jersey City, NJ in a heavyweight fight.

Rasheed Johnson (7-4, 3 Kos) Philadelphia döyüşlərdə Andres Abarca (2-5) of Normandy Park, WA in a welterweight fight.

Tickets for this outstanding evening of boxing are $150, $100, $75 və $50 və əldə etmək olar https://2300arena.showare.com/ordertickets.asp?p=382&src=default

Mike O'Han, Jr. headlines “Championship Road” Nov. 13th in Hampton, NH


QUINCY, Kütləvi. (Oktyabr 14, 2021) – Granite Chin Promotions presents its seventh and final event of 2021, “Championship Road,” şənbə gecəsi, Noyabr 13, streaming live onbxngtv.com, from The Rim in Hampton, New Hampshire.

New England welterweight champion Mike “Bad Boy” O’Han (13-1, 7 Kos), Granite Chin’s most recent signee, meets Mexican Israel “Filipino Tigre” Rojas (14-24, 5 Kos), in the non-title fight main event. It marks O’Han’s first scheduled 10-round bout.

Fighting out of Whitman (MA), O’Han captured the vacant New England title last November, when he won an 8-round unanimous decision over Ryan Dibartolomeo, followed by a successful title defense in his last fight in June, when challenger Tyrone Luckey retired after the five rounds.

In the 6-round co-featured event, undefeated welterweight prospect Denzel “Double Impact” Whitley (6-0, 5 Kos), of Holyoke (MA), faces John Ferrara (0-1), of Tiverton, Rhode Island.

“2021 has been a breakout year for Granite Chin,” Granite Chin Promotions president Chris Traietti said, “but it won’t light a candle compared to what is coming in 2022. The roster is getting bigger, more signings are on the way, and people will see Granite Chin fighters more and more on the biggest stages in the sport.”

undercard mübarizə, each slated for 4 el, is Woburn (MA) middleweight Julien “Black Dragon” Baptiste (3-0, 2 Kos) vs. Providence’s pro-debuting Alfred “Keenan” Raymond, Lynn ‘s (MA) pro-debuting Alex Falcon vs. Wallace Nass Silva (0-2), Maine middleweight Llmar Kelly in his pro debut vs. Wallace Nass Silva (0-2), Holyoke (MA) junior middleweight Carlos Castillo (3-0, 3 Kos) vs. Swansea’s (MA) Entoni Andreozzi (0-1), Pittsfield (MA) super middleweight Steve Sumpter (2-0, 2 Kos) vs. Juan Celin Zapata (6-19-2, 4 Kos), və Springfield (MA) middleweight Jamer Jones (1-0, 1 KO) vs. Woburn’s (MA) Aguilando Brandao (1-7).

Da, Lawrence (MA) lightweight “El Gallo” Kevin Rodriguez (2-1, 1 KO) vs. Daron Jenkins (0-5),  Springfield light heavyweight Laurent Humes (2-0, 2 Kos) vs. Woburn’s pro-debuting Thailisson Nunes, Providence (RI) welterweight Damon Towns (3-0, 2 Kos) vs. TBA, and Pittsfield (MA) heavyweight Quinton Sumpter (1-0, 1 KO) vs. Woburn’s pro-debuting Wewerson Silveira Silva.

dəyişiklik Card mövzu.

Biletlər faiz $60.00 (Ringside) və $40.00 (ümumi qəbul, in addition to ringside tables of four for $260.00, are available to purchase atwww.TicketRiver.com (Axtarış: Championship Road).

Açıq qapı 5 pm. ET with the first bout at 5:30 dək. VƏ.



Cuqquldamaq: @Qranite_Chin, @flymikemarshall

World-Rated Russian Light Heavyweight Ali Izmailov Returns Saturday for Showdown Against Detroit’s James Ballard in Dearborn, MY

Bu şənbə, Oktyabr 16, IBF #11, WBC #14 and WBO #15 light heavyweight Ali Izmailov (5-0, 3 Kos) returns to action against capable hometown veteran James Ballard (10-3, 3 Kos) in the eight-round main event of promoters Kenny D Moore and Vi Tran’s of Second 2 None Promotions’ “Best of Tomorrow 12” event at the Performance Arts Center in Dearborn, Michigan.

The 28-year-old Izmailov, from Malgobek, Rusiya, is a former amateur standout who won multiple elite international tournaments. Already world-rated as a professional at just 5-0, 3 Kos, Izmailov recently started working with world-famous Florida-based trainer John David Jackson at his Action Jackson Boxing Academy in Fort Lauderdale.

Jackson, who has spent the last three weeks sizing up his new protegee, says Izmailov is a diamond in the rough waiting for polish.

“The sky is the limit for him with his punching power,” said Jackson of Izmailov. “He’s a tremendous puncher, but he’s also got natural boxing skills. Bir döyüşçü kimi, I don’t think he realizes his potential. I’m getting him to move his head more and throw more combinations, instead of one power punch at a time. Nothing against his old trainers, but once he learns to throw three or four shots to set them up and camouflage the hard ones, he will be unstoppable.”

Jackson says the 32-year-old Ballard will be a good test for Izmailov and his newfound skills, but shouldn’t be able to derail any of their plans.

“Ballard is good, but Ali just has to pressure him and go to the body to break him down. Once his opponents feel his power, they all have a change of heart. Once Ali hits him with some good shots, it’ll be a matter of time.”

“Ali has amazing potential to be a star and John David is the perfect trainer to bring that out of him,” said Izmailov’s promoter, Dmitriy Salita. “I think you’ll see the improvements immediately under his expert tutelage. Ali was already the best prospect in the light heavyweight division.”

Tickets for “Best of Tomorrow 12” are priced at $25 - $1,000 və vasitəsilə onlayn olaraq əldə edilə bilər Eventbrite.com. Döyüş gecə, the action starts at 7:00 pm. The Ford Community & Performing Arts Center is located at 15801 Michigan Avenue in Dearborn, MY. The event is sponsored by One Punch Knockout Gym, Topbreed Management, Pharaoh Website Hosting & Restaurant Online Ordering Service, MJ Diamonds, Family Tied Entertainment.

19-Year-Old Phenom Gabriela Fundora Returns October 23 in Mexico Against Alejandra Soto

Şənbə günü, Oktyabr 23, 19-year-old flyweight prospect Gabriela “Sweet Poison” Fundora (4-0, 2 KO) will return for a six-round flyweight battle on LC Promotions’ “Round x Round” event at the Salón de Usos Múltiples 3 Coronas in Los Reyes, Estado de México, against tough veteran Alejandra “Tintanita” Soto (7-6-1, 3 KO).

The event will be streamed live on Facebook.

Fighting for the fifth fight already this year, the skillful 5′ 9″ southpaw from Coachella, California, says winning her last two by KO was not a coincidence.

“I’ve turned my power up a notch,” admits Fundora during a break in training. “It happened so naturally. My first two pro fights, it was like dipping my toe in the shallow end. As soon as I had my third fight, I got used to the rhythm and since then it’s been time to sit down on my punches and show them what we’ve really got.”

While Fundora says she doesn’t often study specific opponents, she’s looking forward to getting back in the ring against Soto.

“I don’t know much about her, but we train hard to prepare for any style. We you know what you bring to the ring, you don’t worry about who you’re facing. The more I fight, the more chances I get to go over what I’m doing wrong during fights and fix it for the next one. I’m improving very quickly fighting every month and I’m in top shape.”

From a fighting family that also includes top super welterweight contender Sebastian “Towering Inferno” Fundora, the former amateur standout Gabriela says she’s seeing big improvements working, as she always has, with her father/trainer, Freddy, at his growing gym in Coachella.

“We’ve been training like this since I was small. It’s nothing new. We wake up at 6 am and run about six miles. Sonra, around 5 pm, we do strength and conditioning and then we get into the boxing. My speed and power are improving,” she said happily. “I recorded myself doing mitt work I didn’t realize how fast and hard I was punching until I watched the video.”

Set to have her third consecutive fight in Mexico, Fundora says she’s been very happy with the reception from Mexican fans.

“The fans in Mexico have all been very kind,” said Fundora. “They treat me like one of their own. We decided to take some fights in Mexico so I would have the experience of going outside my comfort zone to fight and the people here are amazing. It’s been an amazing experience.”

Surprisingly Fundora says the plan is to fight up to two more times this year.

“We fight every month, so by the end of the year I hope to have six fights,” Fundora asserted. “I hope to be fighting for a regional belt by next year. It’s all going to be happening soon.”

“Gabriela Fundora, the Sweet Poison, will be a world champion very soon,"Dedi onun təşəbbüskarı, Sampson Lewkowicz. “She has settled into the professional style and now she is knocking everyone out. I’m looking forward to a very exciting year next year for Gabriela.”

Silva confident ahead of Seldin showdown

Silva 2.jpg

St. Petersburg, FL (Oktyabr 7, 2021) –Willian “Baby Face” Silva will battle Cletus “Hebrew Hammer” Seldin for the NABA Super Lightweight title Saturday, Oktyabr 16 at the Barclays Center in Brooklyn, NY.

Originally from Brazil and currently residing in Florida, Silva has an excellent professional record of 28 ilə qalib 3 defeats and 18 nakavt qalib. Müəyyən artikl 33 year old has faced the likes of undisputed lightweight champion Teofimo Lopez, top rated Arnold Barboza and Felix Verdejo.

One of New York’s most popular fighters, Seldin will be fighting for the 22nd time in the Empire State. The Long Island native enters the ring with an excellent 25-1 qeyd və 21 wins by stoppage. Notable fighters he’s defeated include Zab Judah and Roberto Ortiz.

A win by Seldin brings him closer to a world title shot but Silva has other plans.

“This is a great opportunity and I’m going to make the most of,” Silva said from his training camp in St. Petersburg, FL. “Seldin is a good opponent but I have the necessary skills to have my hands raised on October 16. I also know a win in this fight would prove that I am among the best fighters in my division and move me closer to my goal of winning a world title.”

Silva’s manager, Jody Caliguire of Fire Fist Management, is excited and believes his fighter will emerge victorious.

“Willian was actually scheduled to fight in October 16 in Florida before this fight came together. It’s almost as if this was meant to happen and I know Silva has what it takes to pull this out. He’s training with Hall of Fame coach Jim McLaughlin, who’s brought out the best in him. Seldin is in for a big surprise!"

The bout airs live on Triller and precedes the Verzuz battle between hip hop legends Big Daddy Kane and KRS-One. Both fighters are promoted by Star Boxing.

Former USA amateur stars in action: New Haven’s Elvis Figueroa returns to ring, Felix Parilla making pro debut at “Fight Night in Framingham” on October 16th


FRAMINGHAM, Kütləvi. (Oktyabr 7, 2021) – New Haven (CT) super middleweight Elvis Figueroa and pro-debuting Felix Parrilla, a pair of former USA amateur stars, will be in action October 22nd In the first professional boxing show ever held in Framingham, Massachusetts.

“Fight Night in Framingham” card, presented by Shearns Boxing Promotions, will benefit “Fighting Life,” at Sheraton Hotel in Framingham, Massachusetts[BT1] . “Fighting Life” is an after-school youth boxing program and academic empowerment program, available 100-percentfree of charge to students beginning in elementary school through high school education.

New Haven is a 2-hour drive to Framingham, located in the MetroWest sub-region of Greater Boston, az 40 miles from Boston

High Octane Classics is the presenting sponsor. Other sponsors include Platts Landscaping and Shamrock Sports.

A 3-time New England Golden Gloves champion, eləcə də a 2015 USA Nationals silver medalist, Figueroa (7-0, 4 Kos) has been inactive for more than two years. He will face veteran Dallas fighter Larry “Slo Mo” Smith (12-49-2, 8 Kos) 6 dəyirmi bout.

“I may have been out of the ring for two years,” Figueroa explained, “but never out of the gym, and that’s the key to this sport. I’m always in the gym working and staying busy. COVID changed the way of doing things, but I didn’t change my goal or vision of winning a world championship.”

Parrilla, a 4-time New England Golden Gloves champion in addition to being the 2018 National Golden Gloves silver medalist, will make his pro debut in a 4-round fight against Sidell Blocker (1-11-1).

“I’m excited to be making my pro debut,” Parrilla said. “It’s been a long wait, but God’s timing is perfect. I’m ready to show everyone that I belong here.”

Figueroa and Parrilla are Boxing in Faith Gym stablemates in New Haven, where they are trained by the highly respected Luis Rosa, Sr.

A proud “graduate” of the Fighting Life program, nearby Marlboro, MA super lightweight Nelson “Chino” Perez (3-0, 2 Kos), another past New England Golden Gloves champion, will headline against Ryan Venable (2-6) in the 6-round main event.

In the 6-round co-featured event, undefeated Florida-based junior middleweight Josniel “TG” Castro (5-0, 3 Kos), a Puerto Rico native who grew up in Massachusetts, meets Rynell Griffin (8-47-2, 2 Kos), Las Vegas.

Hometown favorite Kevin Lewis will make his professional debut in a 4-round bout versus fellow Framingham resident, super middleweight Saul “The Spider” Almeida (0-14-4), one of the top MMA fighters in New England.

Also fighting on the undercard in 4-round bouts is pro-debuting heavyweight Sean Evans, of Shrewsbury, MA, vs. TBA; and Philadelphia welterweight Jeffrey Torres (7-1, 3 Kos) vs. Framingham’s Jader Alves (0-12).

Faiz $75.00 ringside and $60.00 ümumi qəbul, biletləri onlayn əldə etmək olar https://www.eventbrite.com/e/fight-night-in-framingham-tickets-171408807357, at UpperKuts gym, or from any of the local fighters on the card.

Açıq qapı 6 dək. PT, ilk bout 7:00 dək.



Cuqquldamaq: @ShearnsBoxing