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LaManna و Sosa Chime در این مسابقه شنبه برای مسابقات WBC وزن سبک وزن WBC Silver Latino در The Clardige در Atlantic City

بوکس قهرمانی در مسابقات!!!
قهرمان سابق جهان امامو میفیلد با لامونت کاپرز می جنگد
آنتونی یانگ کارلوس وینستون ولاسکز را بازی می کند
به علاوه جوشفت اورتیز بدون شکست, ویدال ریورا, یوریک ممدوف, امانوئل رودریگز, فردریک Julán & آلوین Vermall, جونیور.
آزادی فوری

آتلانتیک سیتی, NJ (اوت 16, 2017)–این شنبه شب, توماس LaManna بر روی راجورج سوسا در یک مسابقه ده دوره برای مسابقه سبک وزن WBC Silver Latino که یک عنوان بزرگ خواهد بود 11 کارت تقلا در آنچه انتظار می رود فروخته شود هتل کالریج به آتلانتیک سیتی.
نمایش, تبلیغ شده توسط Rising Promotions, نهمین کارت است که قبل از جمع شدن ظرفیت به صحنه می رود.
هر دو مبارز اصلی این رویداد اخیراً آخرین اظهارات خود را قبل از مسابقه شنبه ارائه دادند.
” من فقط آماده جنگ هستم و امیدوارم او هم باشد. من مردم را تشویق می کنم که بسته بندی شده به این اقدام بیایند, رویداد انباشته شده. 12 دوره هایی که شامل داغترین خبرها و یک عنوان است,” گفت LaManna.
“من فکر می کنم لامانا بوکسوری است که هنوز با کالیبر من مبارزه نکرده است, و برخلاف من, من با همه جنگیده ام,” گفت سوسا. لامانا در طول زندگی حرفه ای خود محافظت شده است, آیا فکر می کنم او آسان باشد? نکن. چیزی به نام مبارزه آسان وجود ندارد. او مامان و باباش است;عزیزم. وقتی او با کالیبر با کسی جنگید, از دست داد.”
با وجود او 15-9 رکورد, سوزا می داند که یک پیروزی می تواند کل حرفه او را تغییر دهد.
“این مبارزه برای کسب عنوان نقره ای WBC است, و قطعاً شغل من را تغییر خواهد داد. قبل از این فقط دعوا می کردم زیرا برای نگهداری از خانواده ام در کوبا به پول نیاز داشتم. من بیش از حد مشغول مهمانی بودم, و جدی نگرفتن امور. مثل آخرین مبارزه من با آنتونی یانگ, من سه روز قبل از وزنه برداری رسیدم, و من بود 21 پوند بیش از وزن. من نه تنها وزن کردم, اما من با حریف قدرتمندی مسافت را طی کردم. نه این بار من برای شروع آموزش مستقیم به کوبا رفتم.”
در ویژگی هشت دور, قهرمان سابق کشتی های سنگین وزن در جهان, امام میفیلد (26-10-2, 19 کوس) از Freehold, نبردهای نیوجرسی لامونت کیپر (7-10-2) از هاولی, پنسیلوانیا.
در حملات شش دور:
آنتونی “آب” جوان (17-2, 6 در KO) از آتلانتیک سیتی, جنگهای NJ کارلوس وینستون ولاسکز (25-29-2, 14 کوس) از ماناگوا, نیکاراگوئه در یک رقابت سنگین وزن.
یوریک ممدوف (6-0, 3 کوس) از بروکلین. نیویورک آغاز می شود آریل واسکز (12-18-2, 9 کوس) از ماناگوا, نیکاراگوئه در یک رقابت سنگین وزن.
فردریک Julán (5-0, 2 کوس) از بروکلین, جنگ NY تاهلیک تیلور 2-7, (1ضربه فنی) از فری پورت, نیویورک در نبرد سنگین وزن.
آلوین Vermall, جونیور. (11-0-1, 10 کوس) از Catskills, NY خواهد در را تریسی جانسون (4-5-4) بوستون, کارشناسی ارشد در یک کار سنگین وزن.
در حملات چهار دور:
Joshafat اورتیز (1-0خواندن, PA خواهد در را مسدود کننده Sidell (1-8-1) از Pleasantville, NJ در یک مبارزه سبک وزن.
رونالد لوگان (0-1) نیویورک, نیویورک آغاز می شود ناهیر آلبرایت (1-1) از فیلادلفیا در نبرد وزنه سبک .
امانوئل رودریگز (1-0) از نیوآرک, NJ شروع به کار حرفه ای می کند ویلی اندرسون از پائولسبورو، نیوجرسی, NJ در یک مسابقه سنگین وزن.
مارکوس لوگو از وینلند، نیوجرسی, NJ خواهد اولین طرفدار خود را در برابر را توماس رومن (3-1) از بروکلین, NY در یک قراضه سبک.
ویدال ریورا (6-0, 4 کوس) از کمدن, NJ با ووسی جانسون مبارزه خواهد کرد (2-4) از ویلمینگتون, DE در یک مسابقه با وزن پر.
بلیط های این شب عالی بوکس با قیمت گذاری می شود $150, $125, $100, $80 و $55 و قابل خریداری در www.rspboxing.com

Hammer Time! World Boxing Super Series comes to the U.S. as Dorticos vs. Kudryashov set for September 23 at Alamodome in San Antonio

سن آنتونیو (اوت 16, 2017) – The quest for the World Boxing Super Series Muhammad Ali Trophy in the cruiserweight division comes to San Antonio, در تگزاس سپتامبر 23 when Cuban WBA World Champion Yunier ‘The KO Doctor’ Dorticós (21-0, 20 کوس) faces Russian Dmitry ‘Russian Hammer’ کودریاشوف (21-1, 21 کوس) in a quarter-final bout at the Alamodome.
بلیط برای رویداد زنده, which is promoted by Ringstar Sports in association with World Boxing Super Series, در قیمت $250, $125, $100, $50, و $30, و در حال حاضر فروش هستند. بلیط موجود در Ticketmaster.com هستند اینجا.
It’s a thrill to promote the first World Boxing Super Series fight in the United States,” گفت ریچارد شفر, رئیس و مدیرعامل Ringstar Sports. “This fight may very well turn out to be the best clash of the entire tournament. The WBSS is a first class organization and I am proud to be working with them to bring the best fighters in the world to the US competing for the Ali trophy. San Antonio is a great boxing town and the Alamodome is the perfect place to kick-off the US leg of the tournament.
We can’t wait to bring the Ali Trophy to San Antonio,” said Kalle Sauerland, Comosa’s Chief Boxing Officer. “This is a real boxing Mecca and the US will get their first taste of what this tournament is all about
A full slate of undercard bouts will be announced soon.
I’m proud to attend a tournament where Muhammad Ali’s name is on the trophy and I’m looking forward to proving that I’m the best cruiserweight in the world,” said 31-year-old Dorticos from Miami, فلوریدا.
I am also happy that this bout is in the United States, which I now consider my country. I am sure that on 23 سپتامبر, من پیروز خواهد شد.”
There are two KO specialists, two effective hammers colliding when the World Boxing Super Series hits Texas.
Kudryashov calls himself ‘Russian Hammer’, but do not forget that there is also a Cuban hammer in this fight. My nickname is ‘The KO Doctor’, and Kudryashov is my next patient.
The Draft Gala in Monaco in July paved the way the clash of the KO kings between fourth-seeded Dorticos and unseeded Kudryashov.
I can’t wait for this fight to take place. یک چیز برای مطمئن – the crowd in San Antonio gets an explosive affair that doesn’t go the distance!” said 31-year-old Kudryashov from Volgodonsk in Russia.
I think it’s amazing that this tournament only contains the best of the best, all four reigning cruiserweight champions. I have respect for Dorticos and the other participants, but they will also respect my hammer because it will bring me all four titles and the Muhammad Ali Trophy,” said Kudryashov.

For more information visit worldboxingsuperseries.com or www.ringstar.com

در توییتر @WBsuperSeries دنبال کنید, @Ringstar and become a fan on Facebook at facebook.com/WBSuperSeriesو Facebook.com/RingstarSports




Photos are free to use, but please credit World Boxing Super Series.
وسایل جهانی بوکس سوپر سری
09/09/17 – Cruiserweight چهارم نهایی:
الکساندر Usyk در مقابل. مارکو Huck (WBO World)
سالن ماکس اشملینگ, برلین, آلمان

16/09/17 – سوپر میان یک چهارم نهایی:
کالوم اسمیت در مقابل. اریک اسکاگلند (WBC Diamond)
اکو آرنا, لیورپول, انگلستان

23/09/17 – Cruiserweight چهارم نهایی:
Yunier مقابل Dorticos. دیمیتری کودریاشوف (WBA جهانی)
آلامودوم, سن آنتونیو, وابسته به تکزاس, آمریکا

30/09/17 – Cruiserweight چهارم نهایی:
MAIRIS گوزن در مقابل. مایک پرز (WBC World)
ریگا آرنا, ریگا, لتونی

07/10/17 – سوپر میان یک چهارم نهایی:
کریس یوبانک جونیور در مقابل. Avni ییلدریم (IBO World)
سالن هانس-مارتین-شلیر, اشتوتگارت, آلمان

14/10/17 – سوپر میان یک چهارم نهایی:
جورج نخلستان در مقابل. جیمی کاکس (WBA سوپر)
که SSE آرنا, ومبلی, لندن, انگلستان

تایید شدن
Cruiserweight مرحله یک چهارم نهایی:
مراد Gassiev و غیره. کریستوف ولادارزیک (IBF جهانی)

میان سوپر مرحله یک چهارم نهایی:
یورگن Braehmer در مقابل. راب برنت

جهانی بوکس سوپر سری در یک نگاه
تعداد شرکت کنندگان: 16
تعداد کمربند: 7
تعداد قهرمان جهان: 6
تعداد قهرمان سابق جهان: 3
تعداد جنگجویان شکست نخورده: 9
ترکیبی رکورد شرکت کنندگان: 423 برنده, 17 تلفات, 294 کوس

در مورد جهان بوکس سوپر سری
سازماندهی شده توسط Comosa AG, جهان بوکس سوپر سری آغاز خواهد شد در ماه سپتامبر 2017, این برنامه شامل بخش های Cruiserweight و سوپر میان. در هر کلاس وزن, هشت مشت زنان نخبه آن را نبرد در مسابقات حذف براکت سبک, با چهار مرحله یک چهارم نهایی (سقوط 2017), دو نیمه نهایی (زود 2018) و یکی از نهایی (مه 2018). این باعث می شود به مدت هفت دعوا بالا در هر کلاس وزن, و در مجموع 14 دعوا در فصل اول به در سالن برتر در سراسر جهان برگزار می شود. برندگان جهانی بوکس سوپر سری به حق را دریافت خواهد کرد بزرگترین جایزه در بوکس, محمد علی جایزه. Please visit our website WorldBoxingSuperSeries.com for more information or follow @WBSuperSeries on Twitter, فیس بوک, یا اینستاگرام.

One-on-One with M-1 Global president Vadim Finkelchtein

سنت پترزبورگ, روسیه (اوت 16, 2017) – رئيس جمهور M-1 در جهان وادیم فینکلشتین recently sat down with mixfight.ru to discuss the recent M-1 چالش 82 in Finland, M-1 چالش 83 in next month in Kazan, روسیه, and what fight he considers to be the most anticipated this autumn.

M-1 چالش 82 tournament has just ended in Helsinki. Tell us your impressions and did everything go as planned beforehand?

VF: “بله, the tournament fully met our expectations. We initially set it very high, promotingM-1 چالش 82 at the largest venue in Finland, Hartwall Arena. In the history of Finland’s MMA tournaments, prior to our show, MMA shows had never been held in large arenas. There were halls for 1,500 به 2,000 بینندگان, at most, and that’s why M-1 Global had such as a large responsibility. I am very glad that we managed to fill the arena by 70-80 در صد, setting record attendance for MMA tournaments in Finland. Our matchmakers did a great job. They managed to gather some of the best Finnish fighters for this tournament and found some worthy opponents for them as well. This attracted a lot of attention to the tournament, البته, for Finnish MMA fans.

Do you plan to come back to Finland and hold tournaments on a regular basis there?

VF: “Undoubtedly! We have such intentions. We have seen good interest in our tournaments, not only on the part of the audience, but television and the media as well. This year we have signed a contract with one of the leading TV channels of FinlandRUUTUto broadcast all M-1 Challenge tournaments. I think we will definitely return next year to Finland.

When is the next M-1 Challenge tournament and where?

VF: “The next tournament will be held in Kazan (روسیه) بر 23 سپتامبر. This will be the first M-1 tournament in this city and we’re thoroughly prepared for it. The main event forM-1 چالش 83 is a fight between Brandon Halsey and Mikhail Ragozin, one of the most promising Russian heavyweights. Mikhail is a pupil of Alexander Shlemenko, who is also a New Stream team fighter.

Fans are now excited about the tournament in St. پترزبورگ, البته, especially the title super-bout between two bright punchers, Alexei Kunchenko and Sergei Romanov. What do you expect from this fight?
VF: “I’m sure this fight will be the pinnacle of the entire season in Russian MMA. This will be a duel between the two strongest fighters in this weight category in Russia, but it’s also a fight between two bright and prominent shock-punchers. Kunchenko has never been defeated. He is more experienced of the two, he has already won the belt and has defended it a few times. And Romanov is very hungry, winning fighter, who improves progressively as a professional from fight to fight. و, البته, there will be crowded fan sectors on his side in St. پترزبورگ. Already, as of today, 2 ½ months before the tournament, Sergey’s fans have bought more than 1000 بلیط! I myself am looking forward to this fight!”



توییتر & اینستاگرم:

@ M1GlobalNews
@ M1Global
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آزادی فوری

WASHINGTON D.C. – اوت 15, 2017Victory Boxing Promotions continues to keep its top talent in the ring, با جارون “چکمه ها” انیس و Brandun لی adding wins to their records روز شنبه at the historic Howard Theatre in Washington DC. در رویداد شرکت اصلی, Ennis defeated veteran Ricardo Cano via stoppage 40 seconds into the first round of their bout, بهبود به 14-0, 12ضربه فنی. Brandun Lee impressed on the undercard, stopping experienced journeyman Roy Garcia in the second round.

2017 has been an incredibly busy year for 20 year old Ennis, who fights out of Philadelphia. He’s racked up six wins, and it was recently announced that he would be awarded his third Briscoe Award in October. The Briscoe Awards are a staple of Philadelphia boxing, and Ennis will receive the Rookie of the Year award for 2016. The welterweight sensation kicked off his professional career in 2016, winning eight bouts under the Victory Promotions banner.روز شنبه fight was to be Ennisfirst eight-round fight, but it was clear from the opening bell that he wouldn’t see the eighth round.

در undercard به, 18 year-old junior welterweight Brandun Lee used his range and experience to wow fans at Howard Theatre, breaking down his opponent with speed and style. Favoring the overhand right, Lee had Garcia backing up the entire fight, and in the first round, even turned toward the crowd for a quick photo, much to fansdelight. After one and half rounds of Lee’s precision and power, the referee stopped the fight in the midst of a barrage of unanswered punches.

We are committed to keeping these young fighters busy, and getting them the experience they will need on a larger stage,” said Chris Middendorf, Promoter and Founder of Victory Boxing Promotions. “I’m excited to bring them both back to Philadelphia in October, and I think fans there are going to be impressed with how much they’re growing with all the experience they’re getting in these bouts. Most people who have seen them fight agreethey are both world champion material, and both are working hard to get there.

Both Ennis and Lee will return to fight in Philadelphia on روز شنبه, اکتبر 21. Both fighters are managed by Cameron Dunkin, who has managed 34 world champions over the course of his 30+ year career in boxing. “Both fighters will continue to stay busy throughout the fall in addition to their bouts in Philadelphia in October,” said Dunkin. “I am committed, as Chris is, to keeping our fighters learning and fighting, developing and advancing, until they reach their goals.

For more information on Ennis, لی, and the rest of the Victory Boxing stable, بازدیدwww.victoryboxingpromotions.با.



STATEN ISLAND-Today, بوید Melson, former WBC USNBC champion, 2008 جایگزین های المپیک, and Captain in the U.S. Army Reserve, publicly launched his campaign for Congress against Republican Dan Donovan. The campaign released a تصویری to mark the announcement which highlights Melson’s dedication to helping others through his service to our country, his passion and commitment to finding a cure for spinal cord injuries, and the personal struggle and vow he made to help those struggling with drug addiction.
Melson’s deep passion for helping others motivated his stalwart advocacy and support for spinal cord research. He donated all of his professional boxing winnings and worked to raise a combined total of nearly $400,000 to fund research to cure spinal cord injuries. Melson has continued to support the non- profit he co-foundedTEAM FIGHT TO WALKand has also taken on a new challenge-raising awareness about opiate and opioid addiction. He has donated earnings from fights to a non-profit which aims to defeat drug addictions among young adults and he conducts a weekly free boxing clinic on Staten Island for any resident in the borough who is battling a drug addiction.
I’ve spent my entire life fighting-for people I love, for causes I believe in, and for this country,” said Melson. “I want to represent those who live on Staten Island and in South Brooklyn because I can be their Champion and make sure their voices, needs, and concerns are heard throughout the halls of Congress.
Melson, who is mixed with Louisiana Creole and Jewish, is a native New Yorker who spent most of his childhood in South Brooklyn and Staten Island. After graduating from High School, he earned an appointment at the U.S. Military Academy at West Point, following in the footsteps of his family to serve his country. While at West Point, Melson was quickly recognized as a skilled pugilist and racked up many achievements, including his winning of the National Collegiate Boxing Association National Championship.
The struggle that so many people here in New York, in this district, and all over the country are facing every day is tragic,” said Melson. I understand the challenges and barriers individuals with a drug addiction face and I want to do everything I can to help them. Ramping up law enforcement part of the solution, but by itself, is not the solution. We need to tackle this issue by helping people and giving them the resources they need to get healthy.
Melson filed paperwork to run for Congress in April. For four weeks spanning from May to June following Melson’s filing, he was away on Active Duty orders serving at Fort Huachuca in Arizona. His campaign raised more than $50,000 in the second quarter of the year.
For more information on the campaign, مراجعه کنید : www.boydmelson.com

Super Channel to air Terence Crawford vs. Julius Indongo card

آزادی فوری
زنده این شنبه night in Canada
ادمونتون, آلبرتا, کانادا (اوت. 15, 2017) – Continuing its strong efforts as the television destination for viewing world-class boxing in Canada, Super Channel subscribers will be able to watch این شنبه مسابقات قهرمانی شبانه قهرمانی سبک وزن نوجوانان جهان بین قهرمانان شکست ناپذیر جهان, ترنس کرافورد و ژولیوس “ماشین آبی” Indongo, شروع 9 p.m. و / 6 p.m. PT, زنده از Pinnacle Bank Arena در لینکلن, نبراسکا.
برنده مسابقه کرافورد-ایندونگو همه چهار عنوان اصلی سبک وزن نوجوانان جهان را در اختیار خواهد داشت., به علاوه بند معتبر مجله The Ring.
کرافورد (31-0, 22 کوس), fighting out of nearby Boise (NE), is a two-time champion who has won six of his last eight fights by stoppage. The 2014 جنگنده از سال, Crawford is the reigning World Boxing Council (WBC) and The Ring magazine world champion.
ترنس کرافورد
(عکس از رتبه بالا).

در خود 2017 debut this past مه 30 at New York City’s famed Madison Square Garden, Crawford successfully defended his crowns by way of a 10هفتم round knockout over former Olympic gold medalist فلیکس دیاز.

Arguably one of the top five pound-for-pound fighters in the world today, Crawford unified the world titles July 23, 2016, winning a 12-round unanimous decision over then undefeated WBC super lightweight titlist ویکتور Postol.
His triumph against Postol also earned Crawford The Ring title and designated him as the 140-pound division lineal champion. Crawford has also defeated جان مولینا, جونیور., توماس Dulorme, هنک Lundy, ریکی برنز,Yuriokis Gamboa و ری بلتران در میان برجسته تر.
Namibia-native Indongo (22-0, 11 کوس) has become a unified world champion — فدراسیون بین المللی بوکس (IBF) و انجمن جهانی بوکس (WBA) – the most difficult way as a true road warrior. He captured the IBF title by knocking out defending champion ادوارد Troyanovsky in the opening round of their December 3, 2016 title fight in Russia, and he unified the world titles this past آوریل 15, when he took a dominant 12-round unanimous decision over ریکی برنز in Scotland.
The 34-year-old Indongo was a 2008 Namibia Olympian.
سه مبارزه هیجان انگیز در لود “کرافورد در مقابل, Indongo” کارت, ارتقاء توسط رتبه برتر, به طور انحصاری در کانادا در سوپر کانال هوا خواهد.
سوپر کانال است که اخیرا پخش شد رویدادهای مهم بوکس مثل بروک در مقابل زندگی. اسپنس جونیور, Pacquiao در شاخ, Eubank است, جونیور. در مقابل. ابراهیم, and Lomachenko vs.Marriaga.
Other fights on the Crawford-Indongo card also airing live on Super Channel include a 10-round light heavyweight clash between unbeaten North American Boxing Federation champion الکساندر “ناخن” گوزدیک (13-0, 11 کوس), رتبه بندی بدون. 2 توسط WBC, and upset-minded Texan Craig “گربه سیاه” نانوا (17-1, 13 کوس). Gvozdyk is a former Ukrainian amateur standout who lives and trains in Oxnard, کالیفرنیا.
The televised opener on Super Channel will feature 2016 مدال نقره المپیک شکور استیونسون (2-0, 1 ضربه فنی), fighting out of Newark (NJ), against Argentinian featherweight David Paz (4-3, 0 کوس) در یک جلسه شش دور.
Bouts and order are subject to change. دعواهای دیگری که قبلاً ضبط شده اند ممکن است در صورت نیاز برای تکمیل اهداف اضافه شوند. تمام مبارزات توسط a ادامه خواهد یافت “گرافیک آینده.
برای دیدن “کرافورد در مقابل. Indongo” زنده, و همچنین هیجان انگیز بوکس بیشتر به آمده, مبارزه با طرفداران در کانادا می تواند محلی ارائه دهنده کابل خود تماس برای عضویت در کانال فوق العاده و تمام است که آن ارائه می دهد, از جمله سری حق بیمه, فیلم و بیشتر از حد, برای به عنوان کم $9.95 هر ماه.
توییتر: SuperChannel
اینستاگرم: SuperChannelTV
فیس بوک: /SuperChannel

Chicago Cruiserweight Junior Wright to Face Russia’s Ruslan Fayfer for IBF #2 Spot This Friday in Russia

این جمعه, اوت 18, در کراسنودار, روسیه, IBF #14-rated cruiserweight “طوفان” تاریخ و رایت (16-2-1, 13 کوس) of Chicago will face hometown favorite and IBF #8-rated Ruslan Fayfer (20-0, 14 کوس) in an eliminator for the #2 contender spot.
For the talented 31-year-old Wright, a victory would spell another shot at a world championship. But when a fighter is coming into a Russian fighter’s hometown, that isn’t always easy. هنوز, Wright and his trainer Rick Wilson have spent eight weeks preparing for this fight, believing that Junior is coming back to US with the victory.
Fighters come from the US to fight in Russia they all come home with a bad story,” said Wright, “but we’re not. We’re coming out of Krasnodar with a beautiful gift.
Wright was last seen stopping Detroit’s Damon McCreary in two rounds in January of this year.

Junior Wright has shown throughout his career that he is one of the most dedicated fighters in the cruiserweight division,” said his promoter, دیمیتری Salita. “Fighting the best available contenders, Junior is once again showing his will and desire to be the best cruiserweight in the world. I expect a ‘Hurricane-likeperformance from him در جمعه.”


July FIGHTNIGHT LIVE broadcast drew 65,000 combined views as burgeoning combat sports platform continues to heat up this Summer
نیویورک (اوت 15, 2017) – Fight fans who want to whet their appetite prior to Mayweather-McGregor will be able to do so on روز شنبه, اوت. 26, thanks to a new partnership between veteran promoter Jimmy Burchfield Sr. و FIGHTNIGHT فعال Facebook series. CES بوکس and the tech-forward, fan-friendly Facebook broadcast platform are set to deliver once againthis time from Foxwoods Resort Casino in Connecticut – از 6-9 p.m. وon that روز شنبه before action heats up in the desert later that night.

Highlighting the CES Boxing card at FoxwoodsPremier Ballroom is New London, هدایت کردن., بومی جیمی ویلیامز (13-0-1, 5 کوس), as he defends his WBC-USNBC Welterweight Title against veteran Bronx N.Y. pugilist نیمه issouf (18-4, 7 کوس). Also appearing on the card: New London’s Cristobal Marrero (4-0, 3 کوس), در هارتفورد ریچارد ریورا (2-0, 2 کوس) و خوزه ریورا (3-1, 3 کوس), Miguel Ortiz (2-0, 1 ضربه فنی) اسپرینگفیلد, توده., و دیگران.

CES Boxing starts the fireworks with a live, action-packed card at Foxwoods Resort Casino leading up to the Mayweather-MacGregor PPV,” proudly states CES President Burchfield Sr. “We are extremely excited to be partnering with Linacre Media to broadcast this event worldwide on the FIGHTNIGHT LIVE Facebook page.

بلیط ها در قیمت $55, $90, $155 و $325 و می تواند به صورت آنلاین در خریداریcesboxing.com, foxwoods.com, یا ticketmaster.com, و یا از طریق تلفن در 401-724-2253 یا 800-200-2882. As an added bonus, all CES ticket holders receive a free, reserved seat to the exclusive Pay Per View showing of Mayweather فلوید در مقابل. کونور مکگرگور in FoxwoodsGrand Theater.

We’re happy to be involved in what will be a great night for fight fans all over the globe,” گفت:علامت گذاری به عنوان فراتو, اصلی Linacre رسانه. “In addition to the great crowd that Jimmy Burchfield Sr. and Team CES is sure to deliver with a packed, local card and the May-Mac PPV following on the big screen at Foxwoods, we’re thrilled to deliver all of the action from coast-to-coast and around the world through our Facebook FIGHTNIGHT LIVE channel. We hope a lot of boxing and MMA fans having fight parties will enjoy our free New England Facebook show on any device before turning their attention toward the desert and Showtime.

The numbers on the FIGHTNIGHT LIVE series have showed promise and potential for the new platform. The July Roy Jones Jr. “مسابقه مسابقه کویر” از Phoenix, ماه مه “Slugfest در خورشید” from Mohegan Sun and the June “روزمونت رامبل” from Chicago drew audiences of 65,000, 44,000 و 31,000, به ترتیب, with more than 6,000 of hours of LIVE video consumed by Facebook users. در علاوه بر اعداد بینندگان خام, به طور کامل تعاملی, تولیدات فن پسند بیش از 27,000 جمعی ارسال درگیری زندگی می کنند, از جمله بیش از 15,500 “دوست دارد” یا “را دوست دارد,” بیشتر از 9,000 comments and 1,600-plus shares.

Facebook FIGHTNIGHT LIVE از ماه مه کاملاً رایگان به طرفداران تحویل داده شده است 2017 از شرکای شرکتی مانند باربور وان استفاده کنید 9, مدیریت استعداد و تولید سرگرمی (www.barbourone9.com) و جواهرات زیبای شمال شرقی (www.nefj.com).

در روز شنبه شب, اوت 26, live from Foxwoods Resort Casino in Ledyard, هدایت کردن., طرفداران می تواند یک تاثیر بالا انتظار, چند دوربین جریان تجربه کامل با گرافیک, تصاوير متحرك, تکرار, مصاحبه ها و تیم اعلان شده توسط اعلان ضربه ای ضربه بزنید مایکل وودز از پادکست TalkBox, NYFights.com and The Ring and analyst Xavier Porter of BrooklynFights.com and Notorious Boxing. ارائه یک تجربه کاملاً تعاملی در بینندگان به تماشاگران, مفسران از شما خواهد خواست و پاسخ به پرسش های حاضران فیس بوک در سراسر پخش.

ایجاد و خارج از شهر نیویورک تولید شده توسط Linacre رسانه, سری FIGHTNIGHT LIVE دارای چندین زاویه دوربین است, گرافیک, تکرار و پشت صحنه دسترسی و مصاحبه. داخل اتاق نشان می دهد جهان قابل دسترس هستند هر کجا فیس بوک در دسترس است. این ابتکار نه تنها طرفداران را قادر می سازد از سراسر جهان به لحن در, بلکه می دهد تا و آینده مبارزان یک پلت فرم جهانی به نمایش گذاشتن توانایی های خود, می دهد مروج دسترس “پخش” راه حل می دهد و حامیان مالی توانایی برای رسیدن به مخاطبان انبوه از طریق محتوای مارک.

تاریخ های FIGHTNIGHT LIVE بیشتر طی هفته های آینده رسما اعلام می شود.

فعال FIGHTNIGHT در آنلاین در دسترس است: HTTPS://www.facebook.com/FaceFIGHTNIGHTLIVE /

تمام اقدامات را از طریق رسانه های اجتماعی در FaceFIGHTNIGHTLIVE در فیس بوک دنبال کنید, FaceFIGHTNIGHTLIVE در اینستاگرام وFIGHTNIGHTLIVE_ در توییتر, یا با استفاده از هشتگ # FIGHTNIGHTLIVE. برای اطلاع از آخرین رویدادهای Linacre رسانه ها و برنامه پخش, LinacreMedia را در تمام سیستم عامل های اجتماعی دنبال کنید یا از برچسب ها #LinacreMediaEvents یا #LinacreMediaOnTV استفاده کنید.

بوید Melson: Retired pro boxer continuing fight outside of ring, battling to KO Drug Addition, running for U.S. Congress

Checkout this moving video about BoydRainmakerMelson and his cause: This is a true leader for our future:
قابل اعتماد و متخصص www.boydmelson.com برای کسب اطلاعات بیشتر.


Rosado returns to finish what she started in the Bull City
آزادی فوری

دورهام, کارولینای شمالی – اوت 15, 2017 -This time last year, “خشمگین بیب” Michelle Rosado touched down in Raleigh for the first time, determined to help a local boxing promoter make his mark in North Carolina. Rosado and her company, خشمگین بیب, did just that, and have now emerged as North Carolina’s newest boxing promoter. بر نوزدهم اکتبر, Raging Babe promotes its own event at the زره پوش دورهام, aptly named The Return. The card will feature some of the best young talent from across North Carolina in competitive fights, matched by Hall of Fame Matchmaker and mentor to Rosado, راسل Peltz.

با ترکیبی 50+ years of experience in the rough and tumble world of boxing, Rosado and Peltz brought a well-tested formula to Wilson in their first North Carolina endeavor in February. The sell-out event was followed up by the debut of پنج شنبه Night Fights in Durham. Throwing a boxing event on aپنج شنبه night was a hard sell for Rosado. “I had to really work on the promoter to get them to give پنج شنبه Night Fights a shot. Durham is a fight town. I knew that if we threw a solid, quality card, with good fights, that fans would come out on a پنج شنبه شب, and they did.When planning The Return, Rosado opted to bring back پنج شنبه مبارزه شب, and return to the Durham Armory.

After two wildly successful events, followed by a dramatic falling out with the now defunct promotional company, Rosado was reluctant to return to the Tar Heel State. She realized, گرچه, after so many months of putting her sweat and passion into boxing in North Carolina, she owed to herself and the gyms, fighters and fans she met there to return, and fulfill the commitments she made to them to deliver quality fights, while treating the fighters ethically and with respect.

It took a while to get to know the personalities, the gyms, the fighters and their stories,” گفت: روزادو. “برای مدت طولانی, North Carolina was a place that managers and promoters brought their fighters to rack up wins. The fighters here deserve so much more than that, as do the fans. I made it a point to let everyone I met in North Carolina know that we were here to work on changing that.

In planning The Return, Rosado has felt that she could fully put her passions and ideas to work for North Carolina boxing. “I’m excited for the opportunity to do it my way,” گفت: روزادو, who has put on events in Phoenix, توسان, Philadelphia and Danbury, کانکتیکات. “I’m happy to work with any fighter that wants to step up and fight. There are no easy touches on my cards. We want to pack the venue and give fans a night to remember. Russell is putting together a phenomenal fight card. The main and co-main events are going to have people so excitedI get goosebumps thinking about it. These guys are really stepping up to give the fans some of the best fights Durham has seen in a while. I wasn’t even sure we could put these fights together, and all of these fighters signed on the dotted line with no hesitation. They are daring to be great, and putting their undefeated records on the line, and I can’t wait to formally announce what we’ve been working on these last few weeks.

Rosado is also planning to work with the fighters to help the community in and around Durham. “I want to bring positivity to Durham, and to North Carolina boxing. These guys are given a stage to showcase their talent, and we want to use that platform to give back to the community in any way we can.

The complete fight card will be announced August 24th, and tickets for The Return go on sale that morning. Tickets can be purchased through the fighters or at ragingbabe.com.