усе паведамленні FNU47

Juergen Braehmer vs. Роберт Брант WBSS суперфінальны чвэрцьфінал

Juergen Braehmer vs. Роберт Брант
2 p.m. І / 11 a.m. PT
Пятніца, Кастрычнік. 27, 2017 * Швэрын, Германія
Праветрыванне жыць У КАНАДЕ У гэтую пятніцу

(фатаграфіі прадастаўлены Сусветнай серыяй бокса Супер)
EDMONTON, Канада (Кастрычнік 25, 2017) – Фінальны матч чвэрцьфіналу забаўляльнай Суперсерыі па боксе (WBSS) турнір знаходзіцца ў кране ў гэтую пятніцу калі былы двухразовы чэмпіён свету ў лёгкай вазе Юрген Braehmer твары непераможнага прэтэндэнта Рабаваць “Добра” Казарка, трансляцыя выключна ў Канадзе па Super Channel, жыць у Кангрэсхале ў Швэрыне, Германія.
The “Брэмер супраць. Казарка” карта, пачынаючы з 2 p.m. І / 11 a.m. PT,завяршае жывое чвэрцьфінальнае асвятленне турніру WBSS для аматараў канадскага бокса, выключна ў сетцы прызначэння бокса Канады, супер канал, які набыў правы ў Канадзе на трансляцыю Суперсерыі Сусветнай бокса ад дэпутата & Сільва, вядучая кампанія міжнародных сродкаў масавай інфармацыі, якая забяспечвае правы медыя, лічбавай, тэхналогіі і спонсарскія паслугі.
39-гадовы Брэймер (48-3, 35 КО) з'яўляецца былой сусветнай асацыяцыяй бокса (WBA) і Сусветнай баксёрскай арганізацыі (WBO) чэмпіён свету ў лёгкай вазе, які панізіўся на вазе, каб спаборнічаць у турніры WBSS у суперцяжкай вазе.
Нялёгкім з'яўляецца нямецкі 9-1 у змаганнях за тытул чэмпіёна свету і ўмелая ляўша перамагла двух чэмпіёнаў свету, Гектар Хаўер Веласко і Энцо Маккаринелли. Перавага Braehmer таксама будзе змагацца з Brant дома.
“Я вельмі рады, што гэты бой адбудзецца ў маім родным горадзе Швэрыне,” - сказаў Брэмер. “Карацей кажучы, Я не магу чакаць, каб пачаць свой шлях, каб выйграць Алі Трафей. Я адчуваю сябе добра, зверху матываваны. “Я не недаацэньваю Brant, але я ў гэтым турніры, каб выйграць яго. Ва ўзросце 39, гэта мой апошні шанец дасягнуць чагосьці вялікага, і я скарыстаюся магчымасцю.”
(L-Р) — Юрген Braehmer & Роб Брант
Казарка (22-0, 15 КО), змагаецца са святога Паўла, Мінесота, быў адзіным амерыканскім баксёрам, абраным для спаборніцтваў у WBSS. У адрозненне ад Брэмера, аднак, Брант перайшоў на адзін вагавы клас, каб удзельнічаць у турніры WBSS. Ён кіруе Паўночнаамерыканскай асацыяцыяй бокса (Таксама) у сярэднім вазе.
Braehmer is well accomplished and a proven boxer worldwide with star power in his own country,” the 27-year-old underdog Brant noted. “I have no problem going into his backyard for a fight, he is a seeded fighter in this tournament.
I feel this is a pure crossroads fight containing a proven well-known fighter toward the end of his career against a hot prospect looking to make his name in the sport. I feel confident in winning this fight as does everybody in my training circle. After researching Schwerin, I am excited to compete in such a beautiful and historic city.
Juergen has done it all, seen it all, but he hasn’t fought me. I am very confident that I will win у пятніцу. I have to be sharp mentally, but I feel in better shape than ever in every way. Я ведаю, што гэта клішэ, але у пятніцу натоўп і свет убачаць, пра што я кажу.”
Пераможца Braehmer-Brant выступіць у паўфінале WBSS у пачатку наступнага года на чэмпіён свету па тытуле непераможнага брыта Каллум “свет” Каваль (23-0, 17 КО), які ў мінулым месяцы выйграў у 12 раундзе аднагалоснае рашэнне адносна раней непераможных Эрык Скоглунд (26-1, 12 КО), Швецыі, у чвэрцьфінальным матчы WBSS.
Пяць захапляльных матчаў на “Брэмер супраць. Казарка” карта, садзейнічанне Sauerland Event, будзе транслявацца ў Канаду выключна па Super Channel. Брэмер супраць. Плануецца, што галоўнае мерапрыемства 12-га тура Brant пачнецца 5 p.m. І / 2 p.m. PT.
10-туравая сумесная функцыя - WBSS Supstitute Battle паміж былым часовым чэмпіёнам верхняй сярэдняй вагі WBA Вінцэнт Feigenbutz (27-2, 23 КО), Германіі, і яго аргентынскі праціўнік, Гастон Алехандра Вега (27-11-2, 11 КО).
Іншыя даследчыя паядынкі, запланаваныя ў эфіры на Super Channel, уключаюць сярэдні вага датчыны Абдул Хатаб | (15-2, 4 КО) супраць. Сапернік Германіі Апоўдні Роні (30-2-1, 15 КО) у восем-раўндавым паядынку, 2016 Бронзавы прызёр Алімпійскіх гульняў Філіп Хрговіч (1-0, 1 KO), Харватыя, супраць. Чэхія ў цяжкай вазе Павел “Падлогу” Кіслы 6-0, 5 КО) у шэсць круглых матчу, і дацкі ў цяжкай вазе Кем Лангквіст у сваім дэбюце супраць. Revaz Karelishvili (8-2, 7 КО), Грузіі, in a six-round clash.

Усе баі і байцы могуць быць зменены.

Сем. 9Cruiserweight Quarter-Final in Berlin, Германія
Аляксандр Усык (13-0, 11 КО), Кіеў, Украіна
Марка Хук (40-5-1, 27 КО), Berlin, Германія
(Usyk retained WBO cruiserweight title)
Сем. 16Super Middleweight Quarter-Final in Liverpool, Вялікабрытанія
Калум Сміт (23-0, 17 КО), Ліверпуль, Merseyside, Вялікабрытанія
Эрык Скоглунд (26-1, 12 КО), Nykoping, Швецыя
(Smith won WBC Diamond super middleweight title)
Сем. 23Cruiserweight Quarter-Final in San Antonio, Тэхас, ЗША
Юниер Дортикос (21-0, 20 КО), Маямі, Фларыда, USA by way of Cuba
Дзмітрый Кудрашоў (21-1, 21 КО), Прэтэндэнт, Volgodonsk, Расія
(Dorticos retained WBA cruiserweight title)
Сем. 30 – Cruiserweight Quarter-Final in Riga, Латвія
Mairis Deer (23-0, 18 КО), Чэмпіён, Рыга, Латвія
Майк Перэс (22-3-1, 14 КО), Прэтэндэнт, Cork, Ireland by way of Cuba
(Briedis retained WBC cruiserweight title)
Кастрычнік. 7 – Super Middleweight Quarter-Final in Stuttgart, Германія
Крыс “Next Gen” Eubank Jr. (26-1, 20 КО), Brighton Sussex, Вялікабрытанія
Аўні Йылдырым (16-1, 10 КО), Sivas, Turkey
(Eubank Jr. retained IBO super middleweight title)
Кастрычнік 14, 2017 – Super Middleweight Quarter-Final

Джордж Гровс (27-3, 20 КО), Hammersmith, Лондан, Вялікабрытанія

Джэймі Кокс (24-1, 13 КО), Swinton, Wiltshire, Вялікабрытанія
(Groves retained WBA super middleweight title)
Кастрычнік 21, 2017 — Cruiserweight Quarter-Finals
Мурат Гасіеў (25-0, 18 КО), Vladikavkaz, Расія
Кшыштаф Влодарчик (53-3-1, 37 КО), Piaseczno, Польшча
(Gassiev retained IBF cruiserweight title)
Кастрычнік 27, 2017 – Супер сярэдняя вага, чвэрцьфінал:
Спартыўная і кангрэс-зала ў Швэрыне, Германія
Юрген Braehmer (48,3 35 КО), Швэрын, Мекленбург-Заходняя Памеранія, Германія
былы WBO & WBA ў паўцяжкай вазе World
Рабаваць “Добра” Казарка (22-0, 15 КО), St.Paul, Мінесота, ЗША


Крэйсерскія вагі
Усык супраць. Лось, Dorticos vs. Гасіеў
Супер Блізкія вагі
Сміт супраць. Брэмер / Пераможца Бранта, Groves vs. Eubank
All WBSS fights will also be available on Супер канал па патрабаванні.
Супер канал нядаўна трансляваў асноўныя спаборніцтвы бокса, як Брук супраць. Спенс малодшы, Пакьяо-Horn, Eubank, Малодшы. супраць. Абрагам, Lomachenko vs.Marriaga and Crawford vs. Indongo.
Каб паглядзець ўсе дзеянні Сусветнай баксёрскай серыі Супер жыць, а таксама больш захапляльны бокс прыйсці, бой прыхільнікаў у Канадзе могуць звязацца са сваім мясцовым пастаўшчыком кабельнага, каб падпісацца на супер канал, і ўсё, што ён прапануе, у тым ліку прэміум-серыі, фільмы і многае іншае, па цане $9.95 памесячна.

Anthony Dirrell Flint Press Conference Quotes & Фота

Former World Champion Takes on Denis Douglin in Main Event of
Premier Boxing Champions Event Live on FS1 & FOX Sports
Пятніца, Лістапада 17 from Dort Federal Credit Union Center in
крэмень, Мічыган
Націсніце ВОТ for Photos from Kristie Marshall
FLINT, МАЕ. (Кастрычнік 25, 2017) – Экс-чэмпіён свету Энтані Диррелл spoke to media in his hometown Wednesday in advance of his showdown against Denis Douglin that headlines a Прэм'ер Бокс чэмпіёнаў падзея Пятніца, Лістапада 17 from Dort Federal Credit Union Center in Flint, Michigan and live on FS1 and FOX Deportes.
Квіткі на турніры, which is promoted by TGB Promotions and A.D.D. Enterprises in association with Salita Promotions, begin at $20 і ўжо ў продажы. Каб набыць квіткі, visit the Dort Federal Credit Union Center box office or visit Ticketmaster.com.
The former super middleweight champion returns to fight in Flint for the third time as a pro and the first time since knocking out Dante Craig at Atwood Stadium in 2011.
Here is what the press conference participants had to say Wednesday for Dort Federal Credit Union Center:
Энтані Диррелл
I’m so thankful to everyone who helped make this event happen. I wanted to bring something to Flint, because of all the negativity that’s been going on here. Flint was a big city when I was growing up. I want to bring some recognition and big events like this to my city.
It’s an honor to be fighting here again and I’m excited to showcase my talents for everyone in Flint. I’ve been wanting to do this for a long time and the moment is finally here. I will be great when the moment comes.
I’ve been preparing for this fight. I’ve stayed in the gym and worked hard every day and I’m going to continue to do that up until this fight.
I hope that we have a great show and we can have more events like this here. I want to give the fans in my city something to come to and enjoy themselves without worrying about anything. Come out, bring your family and just enjoy a great night of skill and talent.
Том Браўн, Прэзідэнт TGB Акцыі
“Энтані Диррелл, who was born and raised here in Flint along with his brother and top contender, Іншы, will be fighting for only the third time in his hometown. It’s something that Anthony has wanted for a long time and I can guarantee that he will be at his absolute best in front of his hometown fans and family on 17 лістапада.

I was trying to come up with the right charity to support with this event and it was right in front of my eyesDirrell’s Chance FoundationAnthony Dirrell is the founder of the Dirrell’s Chance Foundation, actively giving back to the community of Flint. Anthony is an inspiration to many and he is a true testament of never giving up, both inside and outside of the ring. A portion of ticket sales will be donated to the foundation.

Michigan is home to great world champions and some of the greatest boxers of all time. Anthony Dirrell follows in that rich history of exceptional fighters from the state of Michigan. I am grateful that we can work with TGB Promotions on a world class event in Flint, Michigan at the Dort Federal Event Center on Лістапада 17 йat will be a real treat to the areas boxing fans.
# # #
Вентылятары могуць жыць паток баі на FOX Sports GO, available in English or Spanish through the FS1 or FOX Deportes feeds. Паядынкі даступныя на працоўным стале ў FOXSportsGO.com і праз краму прыкладанняў, або падлучаных прылад, уключаючы Apple TV, Android TV, агонь ТБ, Xbox One і Roku. У дадатак, усе праграмы таксама даступныя на FOX Sports на канале SiriusXM 83 спадарожнікавыя радыёстанцыі і на дадатку SiriusXM.
Для атрымання дадатковай інфармацыі наведайце www.premierboxingchampions.comHTTP://www.foxsports.com/PressPass / хатнюю і www.foxdeportes.com.
Выконвайце па щебетатьPremierBoxing, @ FS1, FOXDeportes ИSwanson_Comm і стаць прыхільнікам на Facebook па www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions, іwww.facebook.com/foxdeportes. Асноўныя наяўныя на www.youtube.com/premierboxingchampions. PBC on FS1 & FOX Deportes was sponsored by Corona Extra, La Cerveza Mas Fina and promoted by Sampson Boxing.



“I want to be the savior of heavyweight boxing.” – Deontay Wilder

Wilder Shares His Thoughts With Brendan Schaub As He Prepares To Face Bermane Stiverne on Лістапада. 4 Live On SHOWTIME®


Фота крэдыт: ЧАС ДЛЯ ШОЎ

гадзіны, выгляд & Доля Via YouTube: HTTP://s.sho.com/2xm3iD2

Download For Your Video Player: HTTPS://we.tl/SUfjRW7ZiB


Video Restrictions: News outlets are cleared to use this clip on broadcast and digital platforms. Broadcast outlets must verbally mention that Wilder-Stiverne airs LIVE on SHOWTIME on Лістапада 4. Digital outlets must reference Wilder-Stiverne, Лістапада 4 and LIVE on SHOWTIME in the accompanying copy.


ШТО: SHOWTIME Sports correspondent Брэндан Шауб sits down with undefeated heavyweight world champion Deontay Уайлдэр for an intimate conversation on the pressures of being a world champion in boxing’s highest profiled division.


Wilder faces former heavyweight champion Залаты кубак на SHOWTIME ЧЭМПІЯНАТ БОКС® у Лістапада 4 rematch that headlines a Premier Boxing Champions event LIVE on ЧАС ДЛЯ ШОЎ (9 p.m. І/6 p.m. PT) ад Barclays Center, дом Брукліна БОКС ™.


“Even when people see me out and posting [on social media], it doesn’t mean I’m resting,” Wilder told Schaub. “I’m just taking a little bit of time off and relaxing my mind. In this sport there are a lot of things that I want to do, and things that have to be done. I want to be the savior of heavyweight boxing.”


Schaub asked Wilder as the only American heavyweight champion, why he hasn’t received the notoriety yet that he deserves in the U.S. “I don’t get it either,” Wilder said. “It’s mind boggling to see Americans support others before they support their own.”


Ён дадаў,: “I like to joke around. I like to laugh. I like to get corny sometimes. I like to get silly. Вы ведаеце, I just like to live life … I’m neutral when it comes to a lot of things. I’m an open-minded person. So whether it’s religion or whether it’s race or whether it’s sexuality; I’m not the person to judge. It’s not my place because if I judge you, then God is going to judge me the same way.”

Undefeated Junior Welterweight KO Artist Shoh Ergashev Added to Jacobs vs. Arias Undercard


The one to watch, 25-year-old knockout sensation ShohjahonDescendant of TamerlaneErgashev has been added to the untelevised undercard of the Субота, Лістапада 11, Danny Jacobs vs. Luis Arias and Jarrell Miller vs. Mariusz Wach boxing event at NYCB LIVE: Nassau Veterans Memorial Coliseum in Uniondale, Нью-Ёрк.
Джэйкабс супраць. Arias and Miller vs. Wach are presented by Matchroom Boxing USA, in association with Brooklyn Sports & Забавы, Salita Promotions and Roc Nation Sports. It will be televised live on HBO World Championship Boxing beginning at 10:00 p.m. І/PT. Tickets can be purchased at ticketmaster.com, NYCBLIVE.com, па тэлефоне 800-745-3000 or at the Ticketmaster Box Office at the Coliseum.
Considered one of the best current prospects coming out of Central Asia, the popular Ergashev (9-0, 9 КО) is a former four-time national champion in his home country. Як прафесійны, the dangerous southpaw has won his last five fights in the first round.
I came to the US to show that I am the best fighter in the world,” said Ergashev. “I look for the knockout in every fight and Лістапада 11 is no different. It’s my biggest stage and I will put on a show!”
To prepare for his six-round showdown, Ergashev is training at Kronk Gym in Detroit with well-known Javan SugarHill Steward, who says he is looking fearsome in sparring.
He’s a big puncher, with good athleticism and great potential,” said Steward. “I look forward to working with him and seeing him develop in the talent-rich junior welterweight division.
Promoter Dmitriy Salita says although Ergashev is a new name in the United States, he is already well-known in his Uzbek community.
Shoh has the power, skills and charisma to be a star in boxing,” Саід Слова. “He has a very loyal fan base as well. Although it’s his first fight in the US, he will have hundreds of people from his community in New York City and from around the country, and even from Russia, coming to support him on Лістапада 11.”
In his last appearance, in June at the Floyd Mayweather Boxing Academy in Zhukovka, Расія, Ergashev needed less than a minute to knock opponent Sunatollo Rakhmatulloev down twice and stop him at 0:50 у першым туры.

In other action that night, undefeated New York City police officer Dimash “Маланка” Niyazov (12-0, 5 КО) born in Shymkent, Казахстан, now residing in Staten Island, Нью-Ёрк, will also fight in a six-round lightweight bout on the non-televised portion of the undercard.

BROOKLYN BOXING on Long Island is an extension of SE’s BROOKLYN BOXING™ brand. Для атрымання больш падрабязнай інфармацыі, візіт brooklynboxingshop.com.
Квіткі на турніры, on sale now, можна набыць у ticketmaster.com,NYCBLIVE.com або па тэлефоне 800-745-3000. Tickets can also be purchased at the Ticketmaster Box Office at the Coliseum.



Joshua Reflects As He Prepares To Defend Against Carlos Takam This Субота, Кастрычнік. 28 На 5 p.m. І/2 p.m. PT Live On SHOWTIME®

гадзіны, выгляд & Доля Via YouTube: http://s.sho.com/2yGcwhw


ШТО: Anthony Joshua reflects on his career-defining knockout of Wladimir Klitschko in this SHOWTME Sports video feature as the undefeated sensation prepares to make his first defense as unified heavyweight world champion у гэтую суботу на 5 p.m. І/2 p.m. PT жыць на SHOWTIME.


“I’ve gained a certain thick skin. You can’t teach that, it’s just who you are,” Joshua explains as he remembers the now-legendary Красавіка 29ускрыццё. “And I think he found that out that night. To knock this wall down you have to have a little bit more than power, a little bit more than skill. I think it’s in my DNA.”


Джошуа (19-0, 19 КО) got off the canvas to KO the long-reigning heavyweight kingpin in a leading candidate for Fight of the Year in front of a record 90,000 fans at London’s Wembley Stadium.


“This ain’t about tactics, this is about heart,” the IBF and WBA champ recalls thinking after suffering the first knockdown of his career. “This is about something that none of us have been taught. This is about who you are, so let’s find out who we are tonight.”


The 28-year-old defends against IBF mandatory challenger Carlos Takam (35-3-1, 27 КО) у гэтую суботу on SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING® in front of what is expected to be more than 75,000 fans at Principality Stadium in Cardiff, Уэльс.

Prince Ranch Boxing Invades Mexico Signs Top Prospects to Sugar Promotions

edwing ціснула, Ісаак Авелар, Майран Салазар, Israel Vazqez, Daniel Colula and Damien Vazquez
(Злева направа) Photo by Team Prince Ranch Boxing
Лас-Вегасе, Невада (Кастрычнік 24, 2017)Прынц Ranch бокса (ПРБ) has signed managerial agreements with four standout prospects from Mexico, звышлёгкая вага edwing ціснула(16-0, 9 КО), Featherweights Ісаак Авелар (13-0, 8 КО), Mexico Featherweight titlist Daniel Colula (12-1-2, 3 КО), and female Майран Салазар (6-2). All fighters were signed to Дэміен Vazquez’ “цукар Promotions” and will fight constantly in Агуаскальентес, Мексіка.
Signing talent from Mexico is a vital piece to my operation,” сказаў Грег Hannely. “Our goal here at Prince Ranch Boxing, is to have a solid foundation of fighters from Mexico, in addition to having great talent from America. Sugar Promotions will be having multiple shows in Mexico in the next twelve months, so as a promoter, they are a perfect fit for my fighters.
Sugar Promotions had their first show last week in Aguascalientes, Мексіка. Their next show will be scheduled before the end of 2017.
ціснула, Avelar, Colula і Salazar are very popular in Mexico and Sugar Promotions is happy to sign them to promotions agreements,” заявіў Oscar Vazquez. “Our next show happening in December will be announced shortly. I have big plans for Sugar Promotions moving forward.

Former Champion Devon Alexander Returns to Battle Tough Contender Walter Castillo in 147-Pound Showdown Headlining Premier Boxing Champions TOE-TO-TOE TUESDAYS on FS1 & BOXEO DE CAMPEONES on FOX Deportes from The Coliseum in St. Пецярбург, Штат Фларыда., у аўторак, Лістапада. 21

Больш! Unbeaten Miguel Cruz Clashes With David Grayton in
Са-галоўная падзея & Antonio Russell and Antuanne Russell Compete In Separate Bouts
ST. САНКТ-ПЕЦЯРБУРГ, Фларыда. – (Кастрычнік 24, 2017) – Former 147-pound world champion Дэвон Аляксандр will battle rugged contender Вальтэр Касціла in the main event of Premier Boxing Champions ГА да пят аўторак на FS1 і Бокс чэмпіёнаў на FOX Депортес Аўторак, Лістапада. 21 from The Coliseum in St. Пецярбург, Florida with televised coverage beginning at 8:00 p.m. І/5:00 p.m. PT.
The 10-round bout will headline a show promoted by Warriors Boxing and Fire Fist Boxing Promotions and features a 10-round co-main event between unbeaten welterweight prospect Мігель Крус against once-beaten Дэвід Grayton. Two of the fighting Russell brothers, Antonio and Antuanne, brothers of featherweight champion Gary Russell Jr., will enter the ring in separate six-round matches.
Tickets for the live event begin at $35 і ўжо ў продажы. Каб набыць квіткі візіт www.ticketmaster.com.
This show is packed with talent and should deliver a great night of boxing for fans in Florida and watching on FS1 and FOX Deportes,” сказаў Леон Маргулес, Прэзідэнт Warriors Boxing. “Devon Alexander is a former two-division champion on the comeback trail and he’ll be tested by Walter Castillo, who is always in exciting fights. Miguel Cruz and David Grayton are both hungry prospects looking to raise their status and Antuanne and Antonio Russell are hoping to follow their brother Gary on the path to a world title. I want to thank my partner Fire Fist Boxing Promotions, for their hard work to make this event happen in Florida.
The 30-year-old Alexander (26-4, 14 КО) will end a two-year layoff due to health issues when he steps in against Castillo. Аляксандр, Св. Луіс, Місуры, won the 147-pound world championship with a unanimous decision victory over Randall Bailey in 2012. He lost the title via unanimous decision against Shawn Porter the next year. Аляксандр, a southpaw, was a unified champion at 140-pounds and owns victories over Marcos Maidana, Lucas Matthysse and Jesus Soto Karass.
Two years is a long time to be away from something you love but I wanted to make sure when I come back that I would be 100 percent my old self,” Alexander said. “My last outings were not me, and a lot of my fans and people that know me are aware of that. I’ve been in constant training since then while getting my personal situation in order. Castillo is a good solid fight that is going to bring the best skills out of me. He’s not a slouch and he’s coming to fight. But it’s not about what Castillo coming to do. It’s about me making a statement to show people that I am still up there with the elite fighters, and I know that when I’m right, ніхто не можа перамагчы мяне.”
After campaigning the last few years at 140 фунты, Замак (26-4-1, 19 КО) is stepping up to 147 pounds to take on the former champion Alexander. The 29-year-old Castillo, Манагуа, Нікарагуа, will be ending a 16-month layoff onЛістапада 21. Castillo lost by TKO to Sergey Lipinets in a 140-pound clash his last time out after previously fighting to a draw against Keita Obara in a title eliminator.
I think this could be one of my last great opportunities and I’m very excited for it,” Саід Касціла. “Devon Alexander is a great boxer and I will have to be at my very best. Even though I’ve been out of the ring, my condition will not be a problem. Мне 100 percent ready to give Alexander trouble. I am working very hard on a game plan to stop Alexander shock everyone.
The unbeaten Cruz (16-0, 11 КО) has been very busy in 2017 as he steps into the ring for his fourth fight this year. The 27-year-old welterweight from St. Mary, Florida scored a unanimous decision victory over Alex Martin in a rematch in his last fight on Чэрвеня 27 after earning a split-decision in their first fight and beating Ali Mammadov in between.
The 30-year-old Grayton (15-1-1, 11 КО) is coming off a technical draw against former champion Kermit Cintron in his last fight on Сакавіка 17. Грейтон, Вашынгтон акруга Калумбія, suffered the only loss of his career when he was stopped by technical knockout by Bryant Perrella on June 4, 2016 before returning to defeat Kareem Martin in August last year leading up to the Cintron fight.
# # #
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Джоі Тыберый, Малодшы. takes on Justin Savi in main event on Saturday, November 11th at the Hockessin PAL in Hockessin, Дэлавэр

Lamont Singletary battles Hafiz Montgmery

Plus undefeated Murice Horne in action


Hockessin, Дэлавэр (Кастрычнік 24, 2017) – Папулярныя лёгкі Джоі Тыберый будуць улагоджвае з Justin Savi in the main event in an eight-round bout for the USBU Lightweight title at the Hockessin PAL у Hockessin, Дэлавэр на У суботу ўвечары, November 11th.

Tiberi of Newark, Дэлавэр ёсць запіс аб 15-2 з васьмю накаўты.
The 31 year-old Tiberi is on a three fight winning streak, and coming off a 2nd round stoppage over Marlon Lewis on June 23rd in New Castle, Дэлавэр.
Savi of Silver Spring, Maryland by way of Cotonou, Benin has a record of 31-14-2 з 21 накаўты.
Savi is a very accomplished 16-year veteran who is a former IBF Mediterranean Featherweight champion & WBC Silver Featherweight champion.
The 32 year-old Savi has wins over Dramane Nabaloum (28-2-3), Osumanu Акаба (15-1-1), Pastor Humberto Maurin (49-10), Cyril Thomas (36-3-4) &. Yacine Aberkane (11-0-3).
Savi is coming off a stoppage loss to Jeremy Cuevas on September 22nd у Філадэльфіі.
У восем круглых са-функцыя, Lamont Singletary возьме на сябе Хафіз Мантгомеры for the USBU Cruiserweight title.
Singletary of Dover, Дэлавэр ёсць запіс аб 8-2 з пяццю накаўтам.
The 32 year-old Singletary is a six-year professional, who has a win over undefeated Earl Platt (3-0). Singletary is coming off a no-contest with Ernest Reyna on June 23rd in New Castle, Дэлавэр.
Montgomery of Toms River, NJ has a record of 4-1 з двума накаўтамі.
The 36 year-old Montgomery is a two -year professional who is coming off his biggest win when he took a six-round majority decision over previously undefeated Austin Bryant on June 22nd in Durham, Паўночная Караліна.
In a six-round super bantamweight bout, Ariel Lopez (7-0, 5 КО) of Puebla, Mexico will fight against Angel Carvajal (2-7) Чыкага, Ілінойс.
У чатыры круглых баі:

Shamelle Baldwin will make her pro debut against Chrystal Beyers (0-1) of Ohio in a Welterweight bout.

Weusi Johnson (2-5) Уилмингтон, DE will face Edgar Cortez (4-4) з Вайнленд, NJ in a super bantamweight fight.
Michael Crain of Smyrna, DE will make his pro debut against Anthony Woods (0-5) of Douglasville, GA in a middleweight bout.
Maurice Horne (1-0, 1 KO) Мідлтан, DE battles an opponent to be named in a light heavyweight bout.
Sonny Duversonne Арланда, Florida will take on Dino Peralta of The Dominican Republic in a battle of pro debuting middleweights.

Brandon Mullins will make his pro debut in super middleweight bout against Greg Thomas (1-10) Філадэльфія.

Warris Armany Каралёў, Нью-Ёрк зробіць свой прафесійны дэбют супраць Joshua Cook (0-1) Ньюарк, NJ in a welterweight contest.

Tickets for this outstanding night of boxing range from $60 для General Admission ($65 at the door) і $45 для General Admission ($50 at the door) і могуць быць набыты па тэлефоне 302-540-7203, 302-339-0648 або 302-650-8678.
Service members will receive a $10 discount with ID

Sensational McAllister Secures Crown in Scintillating Style in Aberdeen

Даклад Джанлука Дзі Каро

The Aberdeen Glitterati turned out in force in support of local hero, three division World Champion Lee ‘The Aberdeen Assassin” McAllister’s latest promotion at the stunning Beach Ballroom у пятніцу ноч.

McAllister is proving to be one of the most creative of promoters on the circuit today. Little touches like turning the stunning Beach Ballroom venue into a pseudo high end Casino added another level of cache to the excellent four-bout dinner show.

The show itself was originally due to feature four International Championship contests, unfortunately one of the title fights was cancelled after Ghana’s Ekow Wilson failed to obtain his visa in time, but the fans were not to be disappointed in any way at all as the three remaining Championship contests plus a late replacement International four rounder provided more than enough action and drama to sate any pugilistic appetite.

First fight of the night sees Bardley, Lincolnshire’s Nathan Decastro in action against Estonian Eduard Belas.

This bout had been added to the card a week or so prior, following Decastro’s challenge against Spain’s Ronny Landaeta for the IBF European title, which was due to take place the same weekend in Malaga, Іспанія, being called off due to rather unsavory actions by the Spanish Federation.

It was clear from the off that Decastro was still smarting from the cancellation of his IBF European Title Challenge, as right from the opening bell went in hard and fast letting rip with vicious uppercuts and body shots at every conceivable opportunity, no surprise then that within the first twenty seconds or so Belas was sent to the canvas.

Belas managed to make the count but was soon under increasing pressure from Decastro, who peppered the Estonian with a series of combinations before letting rip with a big shot to the body to send Belas to the canvas once more.

Surprisingly Belas made it to his feet for a second time, however immediately the fight was restarted Decastro went straight in hard and fast to send the Estonian to the canvas a third time, this time Belas couldn’t make the count, leaving referee Lee Murtagh no option but wave the fight of on the 52 second mark of the first round.

Decastro’s record now reads 10 перамог, 8 by way of Knockout, no losses or draws.

Next up was Sandy Robb versus Latvia’s Aleksandrs Roldiguns for the vacant Professional Boxing Council (PBC) Silver Cruiserweight Championship.

To describe the first round as ‘technical’ would be an understatement; both protagonists took their time, testing their opponent’s mettle with impressive strong jabs to body and head. As the round progressed Robb kicked up the pace a little and started to slip in the occasional combination, in an attempt to break down the Latvian’s defense.

У другім, both decided to step up the pace, which worked well for the Scotsman, as this opened up more opportunities for Robb to breakdown Roldiguns excellent defense with crisp flowing combinations as well as a couple of big right hands to the body.

Больш за тое ж у трэцім, about half way through the round Robb backed Roldiguns onto the ropes and landed a cracking shot to the side of the Latvian’s head before switching to the body, the Latvian appeared disoriented and shortly after began grabbing hold of Robb at every conceivable opportunity, in a vein attempt to prevent the Scots lad landing further big shots. Roldiguns received numerous warnings, not just for holding but also to keep his head up when in close.

The fourth round was very messy, as Roldugins continued to keep grabbing and holding Robb each time the Scotsman came close. Quite early on in the round Referee Lee Murtagh decided to put an end to the Latvian’s shenanigans by deducting a point.

Even after the deduction Robb’s attempts to get back down to boxing were thwarted, as Roldugins persisted in holding each time Robb closed the Latvian down. After numerous further warnings for holding Referee Lee Murtagh’s patience came to an end and Roldugins once more had a point deducted.

Shortly after the restart, during another close quarters foray, there was a sickening thud as the boxers heads clashed, leaving a cut over Robb’s eye. Referee Lee Murtagh deemed it to be an accidental clash of heads.

Almost immediately after this Roldugins once more grabbed hold of Robb, who had backed the Latvian onto the ropes, and began rubbing his head against the cut over Robb’s eye. This infringement was the final straw as far as Referee Lee Murtagh was concerned, immediately disqualifying Roldiguns on the 2 minute 50 second mark of the fourth round.

Following the official results announcement PBC President Mr. Russell Jacques presented Sandy Robb with the PBC Silver International Cruiserweight Championship Belt.

The third fight of the night see local lad Nathan Beattie in action against Ghana’s Tackie Annan for the PBC Silver International Lightweight title.

Right from the opening bell both lads went to work methodically, Beattie utilizing his strong jab to keep Annan at bay, whilst the Ghanaian sought out angles in an attempt to land some strong right hands to the Scotsman’s body, mostly in vein though as Beattie’s defense was as strong as they come.

Second round started out with Beattie very much in control, the Scotsman thwarting the efforts of the highly mobile Ghanaian with panache. As the round reached the midway point Annan found an opening and let rip with a big looping right hand to send Beattie crashing to the canvas.

Beattie just about made the count but was clearly disoriented and unsteady on his feet, leaving Referee Lee Murtagh no option but to wave the fight off after just 1 minute and 34 seconds of the second round.

After the official result was read out MC Douglas McAdam announced that as Tackie Annan had failed to make the Championship weight, at the weigh-in the day before, that the PBC International Lightweight Title remains vacant, as under Championship rules a boxer that fails to make the weight can still compete but is not be eligible to win the Championship, only the boxer that made the weight could actually win the crown.

The fourth and final fight of the night featured Aberdeen’s very own Lee McAllister against the very tough Ghanaian Ishmael Tetteh, for both the PBC International and Commonwealth Super Welterweight Championships.

With over a hundred pro contests between them, including numerous Championship bouts, it didn’t surprise anyone in attendance that McAllister and Tetteh would put on an all action, slick display of boxing at it’s very best, and boy oh boy did they do just that.

From the off both vied for centre ring position as if their lives depended on, no pussyfooting around with these two, it was all out war. Surprisingly it was the Ghanaian that eventually wrestled control of the middle ground, or maybe not as that seemed to suit McAllister, who throughout the first round utilized the outer ring with great effect, often he would step in and let rip with blisteringly fast combinations before moving back or stepping to the side just out of range of the countering exocets thrown by Tetteh.

Round two was just phenomenal, you just couldn’t take your eyes of the action for a second, it was mesmerizing to watch as the pair set to work on their game-plans, one moment they were going at it hammer and tongs in a toe to toe war, and the next some seriously slick boxing which had the ensemble crowd on their feet.

As the round was moving towards it’s conclusion McAllister stepped up the pace and went in hard and fast, letting rip with shots from every conceivable angle, much to the delight of the fans, who seemed convinced that their man was going in for the kill. Wow what a round.

It was more of the same in the third, but the fourth was something special. McAllister seemed determined to end the fight as quickly as possible, letting rip with power shots to head and body. Initially Tetteh would cover up and try and withstand the onslaught, but about midway through the round changed tactics and met the Scotsman head on in centre ring and started throwing bombs of his own.

Round five started off with a beautiful close quarters exchange, which must have lasted close to ten seconds and only came to an end when Tetteh appeared to slip and fall to the canvas.

As Tetteh rose to his feet, and yes Referee Lee Murtagh deemed it a slip, McAllister began rousing the crowd before going straight for the Ghanaians jugular with power shot after power shot. Tetteh stood his ground countering with great effect but on about the minute mark McAllister threw a pinpoint perfect power shot to the Ghanaian’s lower rib, to send him down to the canvas and gasping for breath.

The fans thought it was all over and began celebrating, however that soon came to an abrupt end as terminator Tetteh rose to his feet to just beat the count.

McAllister once again encouraged the crowd to get behind him, which they did with gusto, and then proceeded to go in hard and fast with sensationally quick hands to body and head, initially Tetteh stood his ground countering, but in doing so left a smidgeon of an opening that the canny Scot just couldn’t resist, letting rip with huge uppercut to the floating rib, no surprise Tetteh returned to the canvas but this time there was no chance of him making the count no matter how hard he tried.

Referee Lee Murtagh waved the bout of on the 1 minute 48 second mark of the fifth round and shortly after PBC head honcho Russell Jacques proudly presented McAllister with the stunning PBC International and Commonwealth belts.

It must have been over an hour before McAllister finally vacated the ring though as he then proceeded to invite various dignitaries, as well as numerous well wishers, into the ring to have photos taken with him and the PBC belts, which I thought was a really nice touch.

2016 Olympic bronze medalist Nico Hernandez To fight for first pro title, Снежні. 2 at home vs. Hungarian invader Jozsef “чырвоная” Ajtai

“KO Night бокса: золата & слава” на Хартмана Arena у Парк-Сіці, Канзас
Ніка Hernandez
Tony Schock / GS Memory Maker

PARK CITY, KANSAS (Кастрычнік 23, 2017) – 2016 Бронзавы прызёр Алімпійскіх гульняў Ніка Hernandez will be fighting for his first professional title on Субота, Снежні 2, when he takes on Hungarian invaderЙожеф “чырвоная” Ajtai in the eight-round main event for the vacant International Boxing Association (IBA) Flyweight Championship, хэдлайнерамі “KO Night бокса: золата & слава” на Хартмана Arena у Парк-Сіці, Канзас.

“KO Night бокса: золата & слава” з'яўляецца прэзентацыя KO Night бокса LLC., у сувязі з Хартмана Arena, і аўтары часткова Twister City Harley-Davidson Metro PCS, Mort’s Cigar Bar і Jimmy Egg.

Дзеянне будзе тасьмой жыць для будучага выхаду ў эфір на CBS Sports Network.
The 21-year-old Hernandez (3-0, 2 КО), змагаюцца Вічыта, will be fighting in a scheduled eight-round bout for the first time. His three pro fights to date were all scheduled for six rounds and each was held in Kansas, the last two in his second home, Hartman Arena.
In his last fight this past September 23й, Hernandez was forced to fight late replacement Kendrick “Uprising” Latchman who outweighed the celebrated American Olympian by more than 10 фунты. Hernandez won a six-round unanimous decision by scores of 60-54 і 59-55 двойчы.
Despite being younger than Hernandez by almost a year to the day, Ajtai (19-9, 12 КО) has already had 28 пра баі, including a full 10-round distance loss by decision last year to two-time Olympic gold medalist Shiming Цзоу, былы Сусветнай баксёрскай арганізацыі (WBO) найлягчэйшых вазе свету.
By far, Nico is fighting the toughest opponent of his pro career,” Эрнандэс’ прамоўтэр John Andersen (“KO Night Boxing LLC) сказаў. “Ajtai has much more experience as a pro than Nico, plus he went the distance against a two-time Olympic gold medalist, Zou. Ajtai is a busy fighter with a good knockout ratio (63%). This fight is going to tell us a lot about Nico, especially his power at 112 фунты.
Nico fighting for a title in only his fourth pro fight proves that all our hard efforts of KO Night Boxing and Team Nico has paid off quickly and we’re grateful that the IBA has given him this great opportunity. I didn’t realize the high quality of champions the IBA has had in the past and we’re proud that Nico can someday join this group. In the flyweight division, Nico may enter world title fight shot discussions earlier than I had originally thought, which was in his third year as a pro. An impressive performance against Ajtai could position him for a world title fight next year with less than 10 fights under his belt.
We’re excited to have an American Olympian fighting for our first Americas title,” IBA PresidentJ.C. Courreges дабаўленай. “Nico Hernandez is an Olympic bronze medalist and we’re hopeful that he will develop into an IBA world champion in the not too distant future. His amateur pedigree speaks for itself and we’re very happy to have this young man fighting for the IBA Americas title.
IBA world champions during the past quarter-century include Hall-of-Famers Оскар дэ ла Хойя,Джордж Форман, Раберта Дзюран і Артура Гаці, as well as stars such as Рой Джонс, Малодшы,Бернард Хопкінс, Шэйн мослы, Джэймс Тоні, Mikkel Kessler, Eric Morales, Дыега Корралес, Хасэ Луіс Касціла, Глен Джонсан і Антоніо Тарвер.
Other fights on the “золата & слава” card will soon be announced. Усе баі і байцы могуць быць зменены.
Квіткі паступяць у продаж заўтра (Аўторак, Кастрычнік. 24 @ 12 p.m. Канэктыкут) у касе Хартман Arena і HTTP://www.ticketmaster.com/месца / 50551?Марка = Hartman. цэны $115.00 (VIP), $75.00, $50.00, $35.00, $25.00 і $20.00 (Цэны не ўключаюць у сябе плату за паслугі) .
Гэта ўсё-ўзросты паказваюць. Дзверы адкрываюцца ў 5:00 p.m. Канэктыкут з адкрыццём бой запланаваны на 6:00 p.m. Канэктыкут.
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