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ÞRIÐJA ROUND NIÐURSTÖÐUR: 72ND árleg Lowell Sun góðgerðarmála Golden Hanskar Championships

Central N.E. semifinals round action
þetta fimmtudagskvöld á Lowell Auditorium
LOWELL, Mass. (Janúar 20, 2018) – 72. árlegu Lowell Sun Góðgerðarmála Golden Gloves Championships áfram í gærkvöldi með Central New England (Greater Lowell) nýliði og opna bekknum aðgerð á sögulega Lowell Memorial Auditorium.
Nýliði fjórðungsúrslit og undanúrslit útkomum voru haldnir í gærkvöldi, auk bráðabirgðatölur lota í opnum deild. Kvenkyns úrslita lota í middleweight bekknum var einnig haldin í gærkvöldi, sem Amesbury er (MA) jessica McFadden beittur Brookline er samantha Surface, 3-2.
Baráttan í nótt var opin flokks veltivigtar lokauppgjör milli Salem er (MA) charlie Espinal og Amesbury er kenny Lawson, sem Espinal vann með a skora af 5-0.
“Það var góð nótt,” New England Golden Hanskar Executive Director Bobby Russo sagði. “Gott veður hjálpaði draga stór mannfjöldi, stærsta tímabilsins hingað. Það voru fullt af góðum leikjum, sumir opinn deild að fara með byrjendur. The Espinal-Larson Leikurinn var the bestur af the nótt, stríð frá upphafi til enda. Það var gerð berjast þú ekki vilja annaðhvort bardagamaður missa. Espinal hafði lítið betri box og reynslu sem fluttu hann til sigurs.”
Aðgerðin skiptir Fimmtudagur kvöld (Jan. 19) næstu viku á Lowell Memorial Auditorium með meiri nýliði og opnum flokki samsvörun. Sjá heill 2018 Dagskrá viðburða fyrir neðan auk heill úrslit í gærkvöldi.
Ársmiða fyrir hinar sjö atburðum eru enn í boði og á sanngjörnu verði á $75.00 (Almenn inntökuskilyrði). Til að kaupa hringja í Lowell Memorial Auditorium aðgöngumiðasala á 1.866.722.8881 eða panta á netinu á www.lowellauditorium.com. Einstök miðar atburði eru einnig í boði að kaupa, byrja á $13.00, aðeins $7.00 fyrir nemendur (ID er krafist).
Tekin frá Lowell Sun góðgerðarmála Golden Gloves Championship fara í að senda New England Golden Hanskar meistarar á National Golden Gloves Championship (byrja Maí 14, 2018 í Omaha, Nebraska), auk þess að styðja staðbundin íþróttamenn og svæði gyms, strákarnir & Girls Club, súpa eldhús, heimilislausir skjól, cancer sjóðir, styrkir og mörgum öðrum mikill góðgerðamála.
Opinber úrslit
(Febrúar. 19, 2018)
Lightweights (132 lbs.)
Shane Jordan, Brockton, MA / Everybody Berst
Desember (5-0)
Michael Correa, Manchester, NH / Manchester Pal
Nelson Perez, Marlboro, MA / Upperkuts
Desember (5-0)
Robert Tomczyk, Sterling, MA / Palladin Martial Arts
Alexander Lynch, Quincy, MA / Grealish Boxing
Desember (4-1)
Konstantinos Papatsas, Waltham / Nontntum Boxing
jessica McFadden, Amesbury, MA / Union Street
Desember (3-2)
samantha Surface, Brookline, Ma / Everybody Berst
(CNE Championship endanlega)
Mohammed Ibrahim, Boston, MA / unattached
Desember (5-0)
Jose DaCosta, Clinton, MA / paladin
Lightweights (132 lbs.) – Undanúrslit
Jonathan DePina, Dorchester, MA / Everybody Berst
ESC1 (1:42)
Emmanual Antonetty, Lowell, MA / Lowell West End
Clay Scata, Framingham, MA / Nonantun Boxing Club
Desember (5-0)
David Semprit, Lowell, MA / Intenze 978
Peter Maher, Arlington, MA / Somerville Boxing Club
Desember (5-0)
matt Difraia, Melrose, MA / Firicano Noxing
charlie Espinal, Salem, MA / Private Jewels Boxing
Desember (5-0)
kenny Larson, Amesbury, MA / Haverhill Downtown Hnefaleikar
Yamarco Guzman, Methuen, MA / Canal Street Boxing
RSC1 (2:35)
kevin Lewis, Framingham, MA / Bancroft Boxing
henry Gedney, Gloucester, MA / Gloucester Boxing Club
Desember (5-0)
Julien Baptiste, Lowell, MA / Lowell Boxing Club
72ND árleg Lowell Sun góðgerðarmála Golden Hanskar Championship Stundaskrá

(Lowell Memorial Auditorium – 6:30 p.m. Húsið opnar, 7:30 p.m. Fyrsta lota)
Central New England (Greater Lowell)
Undanúrslit: – Fimmtudagur, Jan. 25
Championship Finals – Fimmtudagur, Febrúar. 1
New England Tournament of Champions
Nýliði Class Undanúrslit – Fimmtudagur, Febrúar. 8
Nýliði Class Championship Finals – Fimmtudagur, Febrúar. 15
Opnum flokki Undanúrslit – Miðvikudagur, Febrúar. 21
Open Class Championship Finals – Fimmtudagur, Febrúar. 22
Mót Framkvæmdastjóri: Bobby Russo
Forstöðumaður keppenda: Art Ramalho
Æðstu Embættismenn: Lauri Purcell
Ring Announcer: John Vena
Venue: Lowell Memorial Auditorium, 50 Merrimack St., Lowell, MA
Twitter: @LowellGloves

Former UFC fighter Steve “The Boss” Bossé To make his professional boxing debut

Febrúar 15 at the CASINO DE MONTRÉAL

MONTREAL (Janúar 20, 2018) – popular fighter Steve “The Boss” Bossé will make his professional boxing debut as part of the third installment of the 2017-2018 “CHRONO AVIATION Boxing Series 2017-2018”, February 15th at the Cabaret du Casino de Montréal.
A former pugilist on skates, as well as an ex-Ultimate Fighting Championship (UFC) MMA fighter, Bossé will face tough Bolivian heavyweight Júlí “ConcealiCuellar Cabrera (12-6-0, 11 Kos), í sex umferð lota.
CHRONO AVIATION Boxing Seriesis presented by Mise-O-Jeu, in association with Videotron, at the Cabaret du Casino de Montréal.
Bossé will attempt the Tour de force in terms of achieving popularity and success in his third contact sport. He was a great senior hockey star in Quebec, known asThe King of Fight on Ice”, followed by an MMA career that peaked when he was signed by UFC in 2014.
Cabrera, who started his career in 2009, has power in both hands with 11 knockouts í hans 12 victories to date.
A native of Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu in Quebec, Bossé clearly needs boxing experience before he steps up to face elite opponents in 10 or 12-round fights, en Michel Hamelin and the R.A.C.J. demanded that the former UFC star make his boxing debut in a six-round match, rather than the more traditional four-rounder for a debut fight.
Don’t look for finesse, she won’t be at the rendezvous! ‘The Bosswants and must quickly face a brawler. said the vice president of operations and recruiting at Groupe Yvon Michel (GYM), Bernard Barré.
The 36-year-old, Bossé had 14 pro MMA fights, gerð glæsilega 12-2-0 (9 Kos) met, Ásamt 2-1-0 (1 KO) in the UFC.
His violent knockout of Australian James Te Huna (16-8-0) mars 19, 2016 in Brisbane, Australia before 9552 aðdáendur, as well as his victory in a spectacular clash against the American Sean O’Connell (17-7-0), júní 18, 2016 in Ottawa, fyrir framan 10,490 aðdáendur, earned him performance bonuses.
He also won the Ringside MMA light heavyweight (205 lbs.) title belt, needing only 2:45 to stop Ontario’s Craig Brown (6-1-0), September 19, 2009, at the Claude-Robillard sports Complex.
Prior to his MMA fighting, Bossé was recognized as thechampion skaterin the North American Hockey League (LNAH), when he was a fan favorite who has more than 300 entertaining fights.
He got his nickname, “The Boss” after a brief career in amateur boxing as a heavyweight, in which he faced the tournament champion of the Battle of the Hockey Enforcers, Dean “The Machine” Mayrand, pro MMA fighter Jacques Dubé, in addition to officers on skates, Justin Leinhos and Louis Bédard.
Marie Eve-Dicaire in NABF title fight
Í sam-lögun atburður, charismatic Marie Eve Dicaire (10-0) continues her march towards a world title KatiaLa LeonaAlvarino (8-4-1, 3 Kos), of Uruguay, for the vacant North American Boxing Federation (NABF) junior middleweight title. The winner will be better positioned for a future world title fight.
Marie-Eve can climb one step closer to the heights of women’s boxing. This fight represents a rendezvous with glory,” Barré added.
DiCaire, a former karate world champion, is undefeated in pro boxing, coming off a unanimous eight-round decision over Mexican invader Patty Ramirez (11-4) síðastaDesember 7 at the Cabaret du Casino de Montréal.
Alvarino’s last two appearances were in world title fights. In her last outing, back on Október 21 in Montevideo, she lost as hard fought 10-round unanimous decision to International Boxing Federation Junior Middleweight World Champion Chris Namus(24-4, 8 Kos).
Mikael Zewski also fighting on loaded Feb. 15th kort
World-class junior middleweight/welterweight Mikael Zewski (29-1, 22 Kos) mun einnig vera í aðgerð Febrúar 15 versus battle-tested Mexican Jose “El Changuitode Jesus Macias (23-7-2, 12 Kos) in a potentially explosive eight-round fight. The latter notably lost a 10-round unanimous decision to American hopeful Erickson Lubin (13-0-0, 9 Kos) a year ago in Florida.
Zewski, who will be on his third outing under the GYM banner, won his last confrontation by knockout of Argentinian Enrique Martin Escobar (17-3, 14 Kos) síðastaDesember 7 at the Casino de Montréal. With an impressive win over Macias, Zewski will be in line a North American championship title shot.
A protégé of former world champion Lucian Bute, welterweight Bruno Bredicean (9-0, 3 Kos), as well as the spectacular welterweight prospect JessicaThe CobraCamara (3-0) will also see action.
Bredicean will face an opponent to be determined, while Camara will be opposed byGuadalupe “Pantera” Lincer Ortiz (2-5-0, 1 KO), Mexíkó.
The beginning forWild ThingPellerin
In the evening’s opening fight, Steve Bossé’s training partner and experienced mixed martial arts fighter, YanWild ThingPellerin de Granby, will also make his pro boxing debut. He’s had 24 MMA fights (11-13-0) and will be facing an opponent to be determined.
Pellerin, who never feared adversity, has faced the best pugilists of his time, including former UFC middleweight champion Rich Franklin, in addition to UFC veterans from Quebec, Jonathan Goulet og Patrick Côté, as well as his current training partner, Bossé.
Tickets can be purchased via by going on line to https://www.admission.com/event/gala-de-boxe-gym-billets/893715.


LFA koma
LÉTT titli heimsins berjast
LFA léttur meistari
LÉTT titli heimsins berjast
LÉTT lokauppgjör
PLUS Endurkoma kvennadaginn MMA PIONEER:
KELLY Kobold
Föstudagur, 2. mars Í beinni á AXS TV
inni í nýja
Miðasala 26. janúar á MysticLake.com
HOUSTON, Texas – Legacy Fighting Alliance (LFA) CEO Ed Soares announced today that the LFA will return to Minnesota in March with a lightweight title fight, a hár-húfi léttur lokauppgjör, and the return of a women’s MMA pioneer.

Helstu atburði LFA 34 will feature the return of LFA lightweight champion Robert “Viltu samband við” Watley when he defends his title against LFA #1 léttur keppinautur Brandon “The Human Highlight Reel” Jenkins. LFA 34 – Watley vs. Jenkins takes place Föstudagur, 2. mars at the Minnetonka Ballroom inside the new Mystic Lake Center in Prior Lake, Minnesota. Allt Helstu kort verður sjónvarpað í beinni og á landsvísu á AXS TV á 9 p.m. OG / 6 p.m. PT.
“Ég er spennt að koma LFA léttur heimsmeistaramótið í Minnetonka Standard inni í nýju Mystic Lake Centre á LFA 34”, Yfirlýst Soares. “Við áttum fjóra frábær viðburði á Mystic Lake síðasta ári. Ég er ánægður með að tilkynna að half og Mystic Lake Casino hafa samning í stað að framleiða fjórar lifandi landsvísu sjónvarpað MMA atburðum í heimsklassa aðstöðu Mystic Lake í 2018. Mystic Lake has been a great partner and we are all looking forward to watching Robert Watley defend his lightweight title against Brandon Jenkins in Minnesota on 2. mars.”
Tickets for LFA 34 – Watley vs. Jenkins verður í boði í boði fyrir kaupin Janúar 26 á MysticLake.com.
Watley (9-1) is widely considered the top lightweight prospect in the world. The Man Þekktur eins “Viltu samband við” was highly regarded on the east coast regional MMA scene before signing with LFA in 2017. His fight résumé consisted of multiple regional titles and a seven-fight win streak. That earned him an immediate shot at the inaugural LFA lightweight title against the final RFA lightweight champion Thiago Moisés at LFA 17. The Maryland native shut down the RFA champion on every score card. Watley then punctuated his championship reign with a dominant TKO victory over Daryl Wilson in his first title defense at LFA 27 í nóvember. The champ now has his sights set on picking up his tenth straight victory and second successful title defense at LFA 34.
Jenkins (11-5) unnið skot hans í LFA gull eftir að vinna einn af eftirminnilegri berst frá 2017. The Man Þekktur eins “The Human Highlight Reel” added further proof to that nickname with his three round thriller against Carl Wittstock at LFA 29. Jenkins battered his foe in a highly entertaining affair that many fans and pundits considered a “Fight ársins” tilnefndur. Sigurinn lauk vel 2017 fyrir Mystic Lake öryggisvörður, sem byrjaði með TKO sigur á Billy Christianson á LFA 2. Athyglisvert, The Lone áfall ársins kom á stöngina spil LFA 20. While many felt that Jenkins had done more than enough to earn the decision, staðbundin uppáhalds lækkað hættu ákvörðun í heimabæ sínum. Jenkins wasted no time reflecting on the controversial decision and quickly rebounded with his epic win over Wittstock. Nú hefur hann markið hans sett á LFA gull á LFA 34.
Co-helsta viðburði LFA 34 will feature a battle between two of the LFA’s top lightweight contenders. Perzynski (22-9) gerði stór yfirlýsingu í LFA frumraun hans á LFA 20 síðasta sumar, Þegar hann hætti RFA dýralæknir Carl Wittstock um Rear Naked Choke inni fyrstu tveimur mínútum fyrir opnun umferð. The Minnesotan set up the submission with a barrage of strikes that thrilled his home state fans. Perzynski now looks to repeat that feat with a man who made an equally impressive LFA debut just seven days after him last summer.
Ogden (9-2) þarf minna en helming umferð á LFA 21 last summer to match Perzynski’s accomplishment one week earlier at LFA 20. Ogden, eins Perzynski, also used a Rear Naked Choke to defeat an RFA vet in his LFA debut. Sigurinn kom gegn T.J. Brown og setja upp lokauppgjör með manni sem gerði nánast eins kynningar Frumraun. The Kansas City based fighter Ogden now meets Perzynski in the co-main event of LFA 34. The winner is looking to gain separation in a highly competitive and deep LFA lightweight division.
The main card of LFA 34 will also feature the return of women’s MMA pioneer “Vélbyssa” Kelly Kobold. Eftir sex og hálfs árs hlé frá íþróttinni, she made her return to MMA last summer at LFA 20.
Kobold (18-3-2) er einn af virtustu konur í íþróttum. Hún hefur notið illustrious faglega MMA feril sem nær aftur næstum sextán ára. A true pioneer for women’s MMA, Kobold returned to the sport against Christine Stanley in a bout that was ruled a draw at LFA 20. Now she is back and ready to stake a claim at the top of the LFA women’s flyweight division at LFA 34.
Eins Tilkynnt Main Card (Sjónvarpað á AXS TV á 9 p.m. OG / 6 p.m. PT):
Main Event | Léttur Title Bout (155 £)
– Robert Watley (10-1) vs. Brandon Jenkins (11-5)
Co-Main Event | Léttur Bout (155 £)
– Travis Perzynski (22-9) vs. trey Ogden (9-2)
Featherweight Bout (145 £)
– Jordan Griffin (14-5) vs. Darrick Minningar (20-7)
Featherweight Bout (145 £)
– nate Jennerman (10-3) vs. John Devall (15-8)
Kvenna Flyweight Bout (125 £)
– Kelly Kobold (10-5) vs. TBD
flyweight Bout (125 £)
– Bobby Lee (7-1) vs. nate Ammerman (4-0)
Middleweight Bout (185 £)
– Tim Hiley (5-0) vs. Willie Whitehead (2-1)
Í september 2016, Rfa og Legacy FC embættismenn tilkynnt að þeir yrðu að sameina til að mynda LFA. This new powerhouse promotion would serve as the premier developmental organization in the sport of Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) hefst í janúar 2017. RFA og Legacy FC hafa hóf störf á yfir 150 íþróttamenn sem hafa náð hátindi MMA með því að keppa í UFC.
LFA 34 verður fimmta LFA atburður að eiga sér stað í stöðu Minnesota. RFA og Legacy FC hýst sameinaðri níu atburðir í “Land 10,000 Lakes” fyrir sameiningu. Sex af þeim atburðum áttu sér stað undir RFA merkjum inni í Mystic Lake Casino Hotel. Allt Helstu kort af LFA 34 verður sjónvarpað beint og á landsvísu á AXS TV á 9 p.m. OG / 6 p.m. PT.
Vinsamlegast heimsækja LFAfighting.com til að fá uppfærslur og upplýsingar. LFA is on Facebook at Legacy Fighting Alliance. LFA is also on Instagram at @LFAfighting og Twitter kl @LFAfighting.

FNU Bardagaíþróttir Sýna, Event Sýnishorn / recaps og 10 ára afmæli Tony eins Host

Þessi þáttur við að eyða miklum tíma og rifjuðu Tony að vera hluti af baráttunni Fréttir Ótakmarkaður lið fyrir 10 ár. Við tökum einnig að líta til baka á UFC Fight Night 124 og líta fram á tveimur gríðarstór atburða á laugardag: Bellator 192 nafnið eftir Sonnen vs. Jackson og UFC 220 leiddi af þungavigtar og ljós þungavigtar Championship slagsmálum milli Stipe Miocic og Francis Ngannou (HVY) og Daniel Cormier og Volkan Oezdemir (L.HVY). Við ræðum enn nokkur NFL fótbolta og nokkrar aðrar íþróttir. Að sjálfsögðu tökum einnig að líta á box vettvangi. Hlustaðu á sýningunni á tengilinn hér að neðan:



https://www.dropbox.com/s/fjqsgzqeltnf31z/january18show2018.mp3?dl = 0


Easter to Defend IBF Lightweight Title Against Javier Fortuna Á morgun
I’m going to show him why he didn’t want to take this fight.” – Robert Easter
Photo Credit: Showtime

Watch, Útsýni & Deila með YouTube: HTTP://s.sho.com/2mR0av5
HVAÐ: SHOWTIME Sports reporter Jim Gray sat down with undefeated world champion Robert Easter Jr. at the famed Gleason’s Gym in Brooklyn ahead of his 135-pound title defense against former world champion Javier Fortuna. The pair discussed Easter’s motivations to enter the sport of boxing, his life outside the ring and future aspirations inside the ring.
The IBF Lightweight World Title Bout serves as the co-feature of the Janúar 20 Showtime CHAMPIONSHIP Hnefaleikar, a Premier Boxing Champions event LIVE on SHOWTIME (9 p.m. OG/6 p.m. PT) frá Barclays Center, the home of BROOKLYN BOXING™. The event is headlined by IBF Welterweight World Champion and 2012 Bandarískt. Olympian Errol Spence Jr. making his first title defense against former two-division world champion Lamont Peterson.
Nothing concerns me about Fortuna”, said Easter. “He hasn’t been in the ring with no one like me with my attributes. I’m going to show him why he didn’t want this fight.
Looking ahead to what a successful title defense á laugardag night would mean for his career, Easter made it clear his goal was to unify the division. “Mikey Garcia, Jorge Linares – either or, það skiptir ekki máli. It’s all in these guyshands if they want to face me.
SHOWTIME Sports will stream two live boxing undercard bouts featuring Marcus Browne and Adam Kownacki á laugardag on SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING PRELIMS. Browne, an unbeaten 175-pound contender from Staten Island, will face Francy Ntetu in a 10-round fight while undefeated heavyweight Kownacki, fighting out of Brooklyn by way of Poland, will take on Iago Kiladze of Kiev, Úkraína í 10-umferð lota.


Unbeaten Three-Division World Champion Garcia Challenges Unbeaten Junior Welterweight World Champion Lipinets in SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING Main Event
SAN ANTONIO, TX (Janúar 19, 2018) – The highly anticipated showdown between undefeated three-division world champion Mikey Garcia and IBF 140-pound champion Sergey Lipinets has been rescheduled for Saturday, Mars 10th. The Premier Boxing Champions event was set to take place on 10. febrúar, but Garcia’s quest for a fourth world title had to be rescheduled following a training injury to Lipinets’ hönd. The fight will be live on SHOWTIME and will remain in San Antonio but move to the Freeman Coliseum.
Ticket information will be released early next week. Those holding tickets for the original date at the Alamodome will receive priority on seat exchange for the new venue. Miðar eru verðlagðar á $250, $150, $75, $50 og $20 and will be available at Ticketmaster.com or by calling 210 556-6390. The event is promoted by Ringstar Sports and TGB Promotions, in association with Leija-Battah Promotions.
The remainder of the card will remain the same including the SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING co-feature, which will see two-division world champion Rances Barthelemy taka á Kiryl Relikh in a rematch of their thrilling fight last May, this time for the vacant WBA 140-pound world title. The doubleheader af viðureign titli í breiður-opinn 140 pund deild setur á svið fyrir hugsanlegum sameiningu leik.
The 29-ára gamall Garcia (37-0, 30 Kos), eindregið aftur pund-fyrir-pund listum í 2017 með því að skora á hápunkta knockout af Dejan Zlaticanin að vinna WBC Léttur heimsmeistari í janúar og þá ráðandi fjögurra deild meistari Adrien Broner á leið til samhljóða ákvörðun í júlí. Garcia er meðlimur frægur hnefaleikafjölskyldu, and is noted for his sportsmanship and his commanding presence in the ring, honed by his brother and acclaimed trainer Robert Garcia.
Garcia, of Moreno Valley by way of Oxnard, Calif., returned to the ring after a two-and-half-year layoff in July 2016 without missing a beat by stopping former champion Elio Rojas. Garcia, who has held world titles at 126, 130 og 135 £, has stopped 19 af síðasta sinn 22 opponents including Roman “Rocky” Martinez, Juan Manuel Lopez and Orlando Salido.
With a win, Garcia would become only the third fighter in modern history to become champion at 126, 130, 135 and 140-pounds, joining future Hall of Famers Juan Manuel Marquez and Manny Pacquiao*.
The unbeaten Lipinets (13-0, 10 Kos) captured a super lightweight world title in just his 13th pro fight by defeating Akihiro Kondo via a unanimous decision on Nóvember 4 á Showtime. He is originally from Kazakhstan but moved to Russia when he was six years old. He currently lives in Beverly Hills, California, Lipinets and is trained by Buddy McGirt.
The 28-year-old moved up the 140-pound rankings with victories over then unbeaten Haskell Rhodes, Levan Ghvamichava and Walter Castillo before knocking out Leonardo Zappavigna in a world title eliminator last December. Lipinets will look to stamp his place as an elite fighter when he takes on the accomplished and dangerous Garcia on March 10.
*Pacquiao won lineal championships at 126 and 140-pounds, although he did not win alphabet titles.
# # #
Fyrir fleiri upplýsingar heimsókn www.sho.com/sports , www.premierboxingchampions.com,
Fylgdu okkur á Twitter @ShowtimeBoxing, @PremierBoxing, @Ringstar @TGBPromotions, and @Swanson_Comm or become a fan on Facebook at www.Facebook.com/SHOBoxing og www.Facebook.com/Hringja í Star Sports. PBC er styrkt af Corona Extra, Finest Beer.


Spence Makes First Title Defense In Main Event Of SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING® From Barclays Center In Brooklyn, Presented By Premier Boxing Champions


Smelltu HÉR Fyrir Myndir; Credit: Tom Casino / Showtime




IBF veltivigtar World Championship



Errol Spence Jr.: 147 £



Lamont Peterson: 146 ¾ £



Dómarinn: Harvey Dock; Judges: Julie Lederman (N.Y.), Don Trella (Conn.), Steve Weisfeld (NJ)



IBF Lightweight World Championship



Robert Easter Jr.: 134 ½ £



Javier Fortuna: 136 ½ pounds**



Dómarinn: Ricky Gonzalez; Judges: Glenn Feldman (Conn.), John McKaie (N.Y.), Kevin Morgan (N.Y.)



**Fortuna does not make the 135-pound lightweight limit and cannot win IBF title. Fortuna initially weighed 136.8 pounds and measured 136.4 pounds after the two-hour allowance.



SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING PRELIMS – 7 p.m. OG/4 p.m. PT On Facebook Live &YouTube



Light Heavyweight Bout – 10 Umferðir



Marcus Browne: 175 ¾ £



Francy Ntetu: 174 ½ £



Heavyweight Bout – 10 Umferðir



Adam Kownacki: 260 £



Iago Kiladze: 220 ½ £







“This is a tough challenge. If you know Lamont, you know he’s a tough fight but I came to dominate the division and it started with Kell Brook. I’m going to get Lamont Peterson and then I’m going to get the other welterweights that are out there.



“It’s definitely important not just to win the fight, but how I win the fight. I came to dominate the division and I came here to look good. I’m the future of the division and I’m the future of boxing.”






“I wouldn’t say that Errol isn’t the bigger guy, I just believe that it doesn’t matter. It’s all about boxing skills.



“I think we’ll both make each other look pretty good, but I’m going to win.”

# # #

Fyrir fleiri upplýsingar heimsókn www.sho.com/sports , www.premierboxingchampions.com,

Fylgdu okkur á Twitter @ShowtimeBoxing, @PremierBoxing, LouDiBella, TGBPromotions, @BarclaysCenter and @Swanson_Comm or become a fan on Facebook at www.Facebook.com/SHOBoxing, www.Facebook.com/barclayscenter,
og www.Facebook.com/DiBellaEntertainment. PBC er styrkt af Corona Extra, Finest Beer.


Lewiston, Maine (Janúar 19, 2018) – The night before the National Football League (NFL) delivers its 2017-2018 season finale, New England Berst (NEF) will return to the Androscoggin Bank Colisee in Lewiston for the first time in eight months as the fight promotion presents “NEF 32: Super Laugardagur.” And while New England football fans will have to wait until this Sunday’s AFC championship game to find out whether their beloved Patriots will play in the Super Bowl, area mixed-martial-arts fans learned today which of their favorites will compete atNEF 32as promotion executives released the full fight card for the February 3rd atburður.



Í helstu atburði kvöldsins, Bruce “Pretty Boy” Boyington (14-11) tekur á Taylor Trahan (7-8) at a catchweight of 150-pounds. One of the biggest MMA stars ever to come out of Maine, Boyington will make his return to the NEF cage after a two-year absence that saw him compete on the global stage in places like Russia and New York City’s famed Madison Square Garden. Trahan makes his third trip to Maine to compete. He is coming off a win over Connor Barry (3-2) síðasta haust.



Aaron “Hörð” Lacey (4-1) andlit burt með Josh Parker (6-9) í featherweight lota. Lacey suffered the first loss of his pro career in November when a fight he was arguably on the way to winning was stopped by a doctor due to a cut on Lacey’s head. Parker will look to continue his recent success in the MMA cage after recent victories over Andre Belcarris (0-2) og Derek Shorey (4-9).



CJ Ewer (3-0) is out to make history by becoming the first competitor to hold NEF championships simultaneously in multiple weight divisions. Ewer is the reigning NEF Pro Middleweight Champion. Á “NEF 32,” he has the opportunity to capture the NEF Pro Welterweight Title when he meets Kemran Lachinov (5-2) for the vacant strap.



Also in professional welterweight action will be Mike “The yfirvaraskegg” Hansen (5-8) og Jesse “The Viking” Erickson (9-7) in a fight billed asThe Berserker vs. The Viking.Hansen and Erickson have developed a rivalry as coaches of local gyms Berserkers MMA and Central Maine Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (CMBJJ), sig.



Speaking of which, Nate Boucher (2-1), a product of CMBJJ, og Ryan Burgess (2-2) of Berserkers MMA will headline the amateur portion of the fight card. The flyweights, former teammates on the Mountain Valley High School wrestling squad, have engaged in a recent war of words heading into the bout. The winner will be in line for a shot at the amateur flyweight title later this spring.



2017 NEF “Nýliði ársins” Jayda “lil Killah” Bailey (1-0) returns to the cage on February 3rd to meet Florida’s amanda Gallo (0-1). Bailey made history in November atNEF 31by becoming the youngest competitor ever to compete, (and win), í NEF búr. She turned 18, the legal age for competing in MMA in Maine, just a week prior to the event.



The fullNEF 32” Baráttan kort (geta breyst):






150 Bruce Boyington 14-11 (MMA Young) vs Taylor Trahan 7-8 (Team Link)



170*TITLE Kemran Lachinov 5-2 (Team Link) vs CJ Ewer 3-0 (MMA Young)


170 Jesse Erickson 9-7 (CMBJJ) vs Mike Hansen 5-8 (Beserkers MMA)



155 Zenon Herrera 0-6 (Independent) vs Nate Charles 0-0 (Charles Fighting Family)



145 Josh Parker 6-9 (Miskunnarlaus MMA & Box) vs Aaron Lacey 4-1 (MMA Young)






205 Ryan Glover 3-2 (Fire & Iron Athletics) vs Joe Berube 0-0 (3Ronin Athletics)



175 Carlton Charles 1-1 (Charles Fighting Family) vs Delmarkis Edwards 0-0 (Independent)



155 Stacy Lupo 0-1 (The Outlet) vs David Hart 0-2 (Kenney’s MMA)



145 Devin Corson 1-0 (The Outlet) vs Shawn Lunghi 2-0 (RMNU)



135 Chelsea Elizabeth 0-1 (First Class MMA) vs Catie Denning 0-0 (MMA Young)



135 Kam Arnold 1-0 (CMBJJ) vs Kyle Kenney 0-0 (Kenney’s MMA)



135 Jayda Bailey 1-0 (MMA Young) vs Amanda Gallo 0-1 (RMNU)



125 Nate Boucher 2-1 (CMBJJ) vs Ryan Burgess 2-2 (Beserkers MMA)



115 BJ Garceau 0-0 (MMA Young) vs Jepha Mooi 0-0 (Gracie Brandon)




Næsta NEF er blönduð Martial-Arts atburði, “NEF 32: Super Laugardagur,” munu sjá fyrirtækið til að snúa aftur til þess að Androscoggin Bank Colisee í Lewiston, Maine. The event is scheduled to take place on Laugardagur, Febrúar 3, 2018. Tickets are on-sale now online atwww.TheColisee.com.

“New Englands Future 5” Press Conference Quotes

“New Englands Future 5”
Febrúar. 10 í Worcester, MA
(L-R) – Richard “Páfi The Sailor Man” Rivera and Kevin “The New England Bully” Cobbs
WORCESTER, Mass. (Janúar 18, 2018) – Rivera Promotions Entertainment (RPE) hosted a press conference last night in Worcester, Massachusetts at Beatniks to formally announce its February 10th “New Englands Future 5” á The Palladium í Worcester.
Undefeated Hartford (CT) ljós þungavigtar Richard “Páfi The Sailor Man” Rivera (5-0, 4 Kos) will headline the fifth installment of the “Future New Englands” röð, gegn Kevin “The New England Bully” Cobbs (10-2, 4 Kos), fighting out of South Boston (MA), fyrir laust Universal Boxing Federation (UBF) New England titill í átta umferð aðalkeppni.
tveggja tíma landsvísu áhugamaður meistari Worcester er Bobby “BH3” Harris, III (2-0) uppfyllir Brazilian frábær middleweight Saul Almeida (0-8-1) í fjórum umferð co-lögun atburði, while Hartford super middleweight Jose “Rated R” Rivera (4-1, 3 Kos) mætir Troy “Omar KO Artist” listamaður (4-7-1 (3 Kos), um Danbury (CT) í sex umferð jafningi.
“New Englands Future 5” charity choice: Luis Rosa, Jr. Scholarship Fund
For each RPR event, forgöngumaður Jose Antonio Rivera selects a charity to donate a portion of the proceeds to, and for “New Englands Future 5” he has announced that it will be the Luis Rosa, Jr. Scholarship Fund.
We believe it’s important to give back to the community and for this show we have selected the Luis Rosa, Jr. Scholarship fund. Luis died last weekend in a tragic car accident at the age of 26. He was a great fighter and an even better person who will be terribly missed. Our company will also push the news about the Luis Rosa, Jr. Scholarship Fund when it’s finalized through our social media.
Berjast á undercard, allt í fjögurra umferð lota, are Danbury junior welterweight Omar Bordoy, Jr. (2-0) vs. Puerto Rican foe Alexander “El Bravo” Picot (2-4-1), Southbridge (MA) yngri welterweight Wilfredo “sem Sucaro” Pagan (3-0, 1 KO) vs. Pro-debuting nick Peralta, Lawrence, undefeated Springfield (MA) ljós þungavigtar Ray “bazooka” Graceski (5-0, 3 Kos). vs. HARTFORD er Pro-debuting Paul Bansiak, Springfield veltivigtar Derrick “Slæmur strákur” Whitley (2-0) vs. Roger Blankenship (1-2), undefeated Puerto Rican frábær middleweight Jelame Garcia (6-0, 6 Kos) vs. Brazilian Rodrigo Almeida 1-7), Bridgeport er (CT) Pro-debuting veltivigtar Joseph Goss vs. Seth Basler (0-3), og Hartford yngri léttur vs. Bridgeport er Carlos Marraro, III (0-1).
Öll berst og bardagamenn eru háð breytingum.
Blaðamannafundi Quotes
Jose Rivera, RPE CEO: “I’m excited because a press conference means the fights are getting closer. We plan to build our promotional company this year. There is a lot of talent in New England and that’s why we have so many Connecticut fighters on this card. I want the fighters here to understand the importance of a press conference. They will gain valuable experience speaking in public and being interviewed by the media. One of the primary reasons we’re promoting is to give young fighters a platform to box and prepare them for their pro careers.
A.J. Rivera, RPE President/Matchmaker: “The support we’ve received has been tremendous and we exceeded expectations in our first year. This is just the begining for RPE. We’re going to get better this year. We’re not satisfied just being a small promotional company. Boxing is the loneliest sport in the world and these boxers need fanssupport. There’s a lot of talent in New England and much of it is concentrated in Connecticut. We have more Connecticut fighters on this card than fighters from Massachusetts.
Richard Rivera: “Þetta er stórt tækifæri fyrir mig. Rivera Promotions accomplished so much in its first year. I fought in the co-main twice of two previous RPE shows I fought on. This is going to be an awesome show, not just the main event. There are competitive boxers up and down the card. Ekki blikka, don’t go to the bathroom because any one of these fights could end at any time.
This is a big step up for my career. Boxing is my passion. We’re both coming to fight. Win, lose or draw we’ll see who the Alpha dog is at the end. “I’m ‘Popeye The Sailor Man’, and I’m good to the finish because I eat my spinach.
kevin Cobbs: “I respect Rivera and believe in what I hear. He seems like a good dude. I’m excited about this fight. A lot of people weren’t sure about what I was doing because I hadn’t fought á tveimur árum þegar ég fékk símtal (to fight Rivera). Boxing took me out of the space was in and I never stopped boxing. This is going to be a big year for the Rivera’s. I like to switch it up and I’m ready to go.
Bobby Harris, III: “My opponent wants to redeem his brother’s loss to me. I want to thank RPE for putting me in the co-feature in only my third pro fight. My first two fights were a learning experience and this fight I’m looking to make a statement to showcase my talents. I have a lot to prove as the only Worcester fighter on this card.
Omar Bordoy, Jr:I’m fighting a tough opponent. Fighting is easier for me than talking up here. I’m fighting a guy from Hartford. I have a lot of love for his trainer and Hartford. I want my hand raised at the end of the fight.
Derrick Whitley:I want to thank Rivera Promotions for putting me on this card. I fought on two of their shows last year and came out 2-0. I’m looking to be 3-0. It was a learning experience going from the amateurs to pros. Everybody’s goal is to raise your level. I’m in the best shape of my life for this fight and doing things in the gym I’ve never done before. I’m looking for a stoppage.
Wilfredo Pagan: “Ég er 37 years old and I’ve always had a glad to fight at least one pro fight. A couple of fights fell through but the Riveras opened the doors for me. I put it all into my fights. I was looking for one fight and this will be my fourth. I’m going to be 4-0.
Carlos Marraro, III: I want to thank Rivera Promotions for the opportunity to showcase my talents February 10th. This will be my first fight on a Rivera Promotions card, but I’m familiar with most of the fighters on this card.
Miðar, verð á $75.00 (Ringside) og $45.00 (Almenn inntökuskilyrði), eru á sölu og laus til kaupa á www.ThePalladium.net eða Palladium aðgöngumiðasala (Almennt aðgangur aðeins), eða með því að hafa samband við Jose Rivera (elgallojar@gmail.com/508.864.6954), AJ Rivera (anthoneerivera@gmail.com/774.272.2269) eða einhverju bardagamenn.
Húsið opnar kl 6 p.m. OG, Fyrsta lota 7 p.m. OG.
Styrktaraðilar eru Lundgren Honda, Top Royalty, Allstate, USANA, Atty. maria M. Rivera-Cotto, metnaður Musik, Hill Team Associates and Lundren Insurance & Financial Services.
Twitter: @RiveraPromoEnt @joseriverachamp @KingRivera_

Errol Spence Jr. vs. Lamont Peterson Final Press Conference Quotes & Myndir

Welterweight World Title Showdown Headlines Laugardagur, Janúar 20 Live on SHOWTIME from Barclays Center in Brooklyn & Kynnt af Premier Boxing Champions
Smelltu HÉR for Photos from Tom Casino/SHOWTIME
Smelltu HÉR fyrir myndir frá Ed Diller / DiBella Skemmtun
BROOKLYN (Janúar 18, 2018) – Undefeated welterweight world champion Errol Spence Jr. and two-division world champion Lamont Peterson faced off Thursday at the final press conference before they enter the ring Laugardagur, Janúar 20 in the main event live on SHOWTIME from Barclays Center, heimili BROOKLYN hnefaleikum®, og kynnt Premier Boxing Champions.
The Showtime CHAMPIONSHIP Hnefaleikar útsending hefst á 9 p.m. OG/6 p.m. PT and features unbeaten lightweight world champion Robert Easter og fyrrum heimsmeistari Javier Fortuna, who met face to face for the first time on Thursday.
Competing in SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING PRELIMS á laugardag will be unbeaten light heavyweight Marcus Browne and once-beaten Francy Ntetu, who meet in a 10-round bout, plus undefeated heavyweight Adam Kownacki and once-beaten Iago Kiladze, who step into the ring for a 10-round affair.
Miðar á viðburð í beinni, sem er kynntur með DiBella Skemmtun og TGB Tilboð, eru verðlagðar byrja í $50, og eru á sölu núna. Tickets can be purchased at ticketmaster.com, barclayscenter.com, at the American Express Box Office at Barclays Center or by calling 800-745-3000. Group afslætti eru í boði með því að hringja 844-BKLYN-GP.
ERROL Spence JR.
“Þessi barátta þýðir allt fyrir mig. I still have a chip on my shoulder. I want to be the last man standing. I want to beat the top fighters in my division. Lamont is the one standing in front of me, so it’s fight time.
I think it’s going to turn into a war. A lot of people have thought this would be an easy fight for me. But if you follow Lamont Peterson, you know this will be tough. He’s always in great shape and has a lot of skills. IT might be a dog fight and that’s what I wanted. He’s the guy who wanted to fight and I said of course. It’s going to be a rugged fight. Later on in the fights, he always gets rough and stands toe-to-toe.
There might not be a lot of talking and bad blood between us, but you know that the two of us always give a great fight for the fans.
I had to wait for my title defense and then I had a lot of guys not answer the call for this fight. I have a belt and I still have to call these other guys out. Lamont Peterson answered the call like a real fighter.
In a perfect world I’d be unifying with Keith Thurman this year. I’m going to fight three times this year though. You don’t get time back. I’m ready to strike now.
I’m just excited to fight. Ég vil berjast. I can’t wait to be in front of those bright lights in front of the fans. Brooklyn is a great place to fight and my family from the area can come see me live. I can’t wait to display my skills.
A true champion can’t fight everybody who calls them out, it’s still a business. But a true champion fights other champions, especially when they’re available. You can’t avoid questions and try to delay a fight. You fight the next champion that’s available, that’s what a true champion does.
When I got into boxing, I had goals. First I wanted to be a National Champion, then a world champion as a professional, but the ultimate goal is to be in the Hall of Fame. With that being my goal, I wouldn’t put myself in that conversation yet. With wins over a guy like Errol Spence and the other top welterweights, I think I’m right there in it. That’s my goal and I’ll give it my all to get there.
If you left it to me I’d fight every month. That’s how much I love the sport. I know a victory would help me get in the ring even more often. Sometimes if you lose at the top level, other top guys don’t want to take a chance against you. I can fix all of that this weekend
I don’t worry about any negativity. My resume is written in the history books. All I can do is respect the opinion of others and work hard to get this win.
I’m excited and looking forward to the skill level that’s going to be displayed this weekend. It’s going to be a rough fight for sure. But I look forward to the technique and skill level. Defense, offense and transitioning between the two. That’s the part of boxing that I love.
Errol even taking the Kell Brook fight was impressive to me. Most guys in his position take their time leading up to the first title shot, but he ended up fighting someone in his prime in his country. To will himself to that win was very impressive.
When you get to the big stages and those big fights, you have to win more than you lose. I think if I can win some big fights these next few years my career will be in a good place.
I have no concerns fighting a southpaw. I made my last fight hard, but this time I’m going to use my reach, my feet and my speed to dominate.
I’m looking for a great performance. This is going to be the best Robert Easter the fans have ever seen. We prepared to dominate this fight.
Javier Fortuna is an accomplished fighter but I don’t know too much about him. I know what I came to do. I’m a world champion and everyone knows what I bring to the fight game. I won’t leave without my strap.
I’m ready to fight the best in this sport. I want to become the man at this weight and I know I have to beat the other champions to do that.
Boxing is all about showing you’re the best and fighting the best. I just want to fight these other champions in my weight class. I’m looking to stay healthy in 2018 and remain on top.
I have no excuses on Janúar 20. I hope he doesn’t either. I will be taking that title to the Dominican Republic for my fans. I’ve been dreaming about it and I will take it.
I have the style and the skills to beat Robert Easter. I know how to make sure his height does not affect me at all. Everyone will see it on fight night.
I’ve prepared myself very well. I have a plan to win every round. If he’s able to stand there, I’m going to break him down round by round.
I am fighting for more than just myself and that is why I’ll be successful. I am going to prove that I’m truly one of the top fighters in the sport.
Robert Easter is a fighter I respect, but I believe I can defeat anyone in front of me. If he takes me lightly, it will go even worse for him. I’ve been training hard to make sure I’m at my absolute best on fight night.
A win would be great for my country, my fans and my family. Winning this title is everything for me. That’s why I’m here and I will not be stopped.
DERRICK JAMES, Spence er Trainer
I started training Errol about nine years ago but I never really knew just how special he was until about a year or so into our training. I thought Olympics were definitely possible, because I didn’t want to look too far ahead. Now that we’re here, I think he can beat any of the top guys. I want him to be undisputed welterweight champion just like he wants to be.
I never worry about comparing Errol to other guys in the sport. He’s a hard puncher who breaks ribs and breaks faces. The longer the fight goes, the more pain he inflicts. I’ve never seen anybody who punches that hard.
I think Lamont knew when he moved up to welterweight that this fight would be a possibility. It’s time for us to go to work because I know Lamont and Barry Hunter are working on a game plan. They have a great team and I know Lamont will be ready for what we bring.
BARRY HUNTER, Trainer Peterson er
We stay in the gym all the time. We didn’t have to deal with the weight monster this camp. Weight issue can really derail a camp leading up to a fight of this magnitude. We didn’t have to deal with any of that.
There are several different things in Errol’s arsenal that I think we can exploit. Errol will make adjustments though, so I think strategy will be a key in this fight.
Lamont has always been a coach’s dream. He’s the type of athlete that you would love to coach. He does everything a coach asks of him. He will train until he passes out. All he wants is to work hard and compete.
LOU DIBELLA, Forseti DiBella Skemmtun
This is a great night for boxing. The first January date of the year drums up a lot of excitement and we expect a great turnout á laugardag nótt á Barclays Center. It’s going to be a great crowd and an exciting night from top to bottom.
“Errol Spence Jr. is one of the best young fighters in the world testing himself against another great fighter in Lamont Peterson It’s the best fighting the best. Lamont Peterson is a guy with a tremendous resume. If anybody thinks Errol is going to take Lamont lightly, they’re mistaken and he would be too.
Both of these main event fighters are lucky to have trainers who are real teachers. They are old school and two of the best. Derrick James and Barry Hunter know the game inside and out.
Robert Easter is a beast, he’s got reach, power and boxing ability. He’s facing a guy in Javier Fortuna who is a confident former world champion. Javier has been talking a big game. He’s talking about knockouts. You want to see a guy come into a fight like this with that kind of confidence.
This year in boxing is starting out just like last year started, at Barclays Center with a great, even matchup like Badou Jack vs. James DeGale last year.
STEPHEN Espinoza, Executive Vice President & General Manager, Showtime Sports
In terms of representing the sport, you don’t get any better than Errol Spence Jr. and Lamont Peterson. The professionalism of these guys is unmatched and they represent the best of the sport. I’m proud to have them on the network.
You can’t play boxing. You have to be dedicated and passionate. Those values are going to be reflected in the ring á laugardag.
This is a special fight. These are the best in the sport. They’re both top 10 krakkar. Errol Spence Jr. has grown up on SHOWTIME.
He made his pro debut on ShoBox and won his first world title on SHOWTIME. This is Lamont’s eighth appearance on SHOWTIME and he has one of the strongest resumes in the sport.
Robert Easter and Javier Fortuna is another matchup of top 10 krakkar. What we’re doing here is special. This isn’t just another network doing boxing, this is the cream of the crop.
BRETT YORMARK, CEO of Brooklyn Sports & Entertainment
I’m really excited about Laugardagur nótt. We’ve been very fortunate to host the first big event of the year. There’s an appetite to get back into the game and we’re happy to be hosting it.
I want to welcome back Errol and Lamont to Barclays Center. Both have been there before and we’re thrilled to have you back. We’re pleased that Robert has finally decided to take his show to Barclays Center and give the fans a performance. Last time Javier won at Barclays Center he won his world title and we’re happy to have him back.
We’re going to create something great here in Brooklyn and it continues á laugardag night at Barclays Center.
# # #
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og www.Facebook.com/DiBellaEntertainment. PBC er styrkt af Corona Extra, Finest Beer.