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Thomas Mattice Camp Oharrak

Undefeated Mattice borroketan Arina Rolando Chinea Ostiral honetan ShoBox on: Belaunaldi berriak

Ostirala, Feb. 2 Live On SHOWTIME® At 10 p.m. ETA/PT
WinnaVegas Casino Sloan ere aurrera, Iowa

NEW YORK (Jan. 30, 2018) – Undefeated perspectiva arin Thomas Mattice is preparing in Cleveland for his matchup against Rolando Chinea that is part of a ShoBox: Belaunaldi berriak tripleheader Ostiral honetan, Feb. 2, SHOWTIME bizi at 10 p.m. ET / PT batetik WinnaVegas Casino Sloan-en, Iowa.
Mattice (10-0, 8 Kos), Cleveland, Ohio, eta Lancaster, Pennsylvania en Chinea (15-1-1, 6 Kos) will clash in the eight-round co-feature of the three-fight telecast.
Mattice gogor egin du lan bere telebista nazional debuta.
Camp has been going great. We finished everything up over the weekend, eta orain ari gara lasaigarria eta prestOstirala.”
hau izanik Mattice kamera aurrean lehen borroka arren, 27 urteko da hau tratatzeko beste edozein borroka bezalako.
I am going in like this is any other fight. The only difference is that this is a progression, a step up. Like all the other fights, Besterik ez naiz irabazi lortzean oinarritzen da.”
Mattice bere taldeak dezazun egiten scouting guztia, while he focuses on his own business of training and getting ready for the opportunity ahead of him ostiralean.
I am just letting my team handle the scouting of Chinea. We drew up a gameplan based on that, and now I am just going to go in there and execute it.
I just expect a great performance. For the fans that haven’t seen me, they can expect a fighter who can box and can bang. I just want everyone to tune in, and see a great fight. I have a lot of confidence that I will get the job done ostiralean.”
Manifestazioak GH3 Promozioak sustatutako elkartea Roc Nation Kirol ekin, Victory Promotions and Ringside Ticket. Sarrerak besterik ez dira $10 general admission prior to the event and $20 on Feb. 2. For more information call: 1.800.HOT.WINN luz. 7117.


Love Replaces Injured Wellington Romero In Telecast Opener At 10 p.m. ETA/PT WinnaVegas Casino Resort Sloan ere aurrera, Iowa
NEW YORK (Jan. 30, 2018) – Undefeated super arin Montana Love Philadelphia perspectiva streaking aurre egingo Sam Seah in the opening bout of ShoBox: The New Generation this Ostirala, Feb. 2, bizi SHOWTIME (10 p.m. ETA/PT) batetik WinnaVegas Casino Resort in Sloan, Iowa.

Cleveland bertako Love, who was originally scheduled to fight on a non-televised undercard bout on Feb. 2, ordezkatuko Wellingtongo Romero, who was forced to withdraw astelehenean with a back injury.
Yeah (12-1-1, 5 Kos) vs. Love (8-0, 4 Kos), is an eight-round super lightweight matchup that will serve as the opening bout of what is now a three-fight ShoBox telecast.
In Ostirala en main event, boladan 168 kiloko irtenbideak Ronald Ellis (14-0-1, 10 Kos) eta Junior Younan (13-0, 9 Kos) will clash in a 10-round super middleweight bout. Co-Ezaugarri In, Thomas Mattice (10-0, 8 Kos) will face two-time ShoBox winner Rolando Chinea (15-1-1, 6 Kos) zortzi txandan arin matchup batean.
OHARRA: A previously announced matchup between Devin Haney and Harmonito Dela Torre was pulled from the ShoBox telecast after the Filipino Dela Torre encountered visa issues.
Love lortzen amateurra zen nor konpilatu a 174-13 erregistro eta brontzezko domina irabazi du etxean 2012 National Golden Gloves Championships. The 22-year-old southpaw recently sparred with Adrien Broner and served as head sparring partner for Robert Easter Jr. the IBF Arina munduko txapelduna bere izenburua Javier Fortuna aurkako defentsa Jan on prestatuta gisa. 20.
Yeah, Philadelphiako Liberia bidez, has won five in a row and owns a 2015 ShoBox victory over previously undefeated O’Shaquie Foster.
Manifestazioak GH3 Promozioak sustatutako elkartea Roc Nation Kirol ekin, garaipena Promozioak, eta ringside Ticket. Sarrerak besterik ez dira $10 general admission prior to the event and $20 on Feb. 2. For more information call: 1.800.HOT.WINN luz. 7117.
Barry Tompkins will call the ShoBox action from ringside with Steve Farhood and former world champion Raul Marquez serving as expert analysts. Ekoizle exekutiboa Gordon Hall da Richard Gaughan ekoizten eta Rick Phillips zuzentzen dituzten.
# # #
Informazio gehiago @ShowtimeBoxing jarraitu, SHOSports, #ShoBox, edo Facebook fan batean bihurtu


Foxboro, Massachusetts (Urtarrilaren 30, 2018) - Larunbat honetan Gau, New England Borrokak (NEF) Androscoggin Bank Colisee Lewiston itzuliko da, Maine with the fight promotion’s next mixed-martial-arts event, “NEF 32: SUPER SATURDAY.In keeping with theSuper Bowl weekendtheme, and in honor of the New England Patriots playing for their sixth championship the night following the event, not one but two former Patriots players will be conducting a meet-and-greet with ticketholders from 6 etara 7 pm at the Colisee. Max Lane, who started in Super Bowl XXXI for the Patriots, eta Ronnie Lippett who started for the Patriots in Super Bowl XX will be signing autographs and taking pictures with fans prior to the start of the first fight Larunbat honetan.




Goitizena “Big Country,” Max Lane was drafted by the Patriots in1994 and played offensive tackle for the team through his retirement in 2000, a total of seven seasons. During his tenure, Lane played under coaches Bill Parcels, Pete Carroll, and Bill Belichick. He was named to the PatriotsAll Decade Team for the 1990s. Lane was a member of the AFC 1996-1997 championship team that went on to lose to the Green Bay Packers at Super Bowl XXXI. In more recent years, Lane has been an on-air personality on NBC Boston AM station 1510.




Like Lane, Ronnie Lippett played his entire NFL career for the New England Patriots. He was with the team for eight seasons from 1983 ra 1991. Lippett was a starting cornerback for the team, remembered particularly for shutting down the passing attack of divisional rivals the Miami Dolphins. Izan ere, seven of Lippett’s 24 total career interceptions came against Dolphins Hall of Fame quarterback Dan Marino. He intercepted Marino twice in the same 1986 regular season game in Foxboro. Lippett was named to the PatriotsAll Decade Team for the 1980s. He was a member of the AFC 1985-1986 championship team that eventually lost to the Chicago Bears at Super Bowl XX.




NEF hurrengo mistoa-borroka-arteen gertaera, “NEF 32: Super Larunbata,” ikusiko enpresak bere Androscoggin Bank Colisee Lewiston itzuli egin, Maine. The event is scheduled to take place Larunbat honetan night with a bell time of 7 pm. Tickets are on-sale now online at

Bi zatiketa munduko txapelduna Beibut Shumenov bere Comeback iragartzen

ASTANA, Kazakhstan (Urtarrilaren 29, 2018) – Bi zatiketa World Boxing Elkartea (WBA) Munduko txapelduna Shumenov Beibu iragarri zuen bere Comeback gaur prentsaurrekoan bere Kazakhstan bertako ospatu.
“oso denbora luzez pentsatu nuen erabaki hori hartu aurretik,” Shumenov azaldu. “pisatu abantailak eta desabantailak guztia izateak, Nire familia eta taldeak kontsultatu gain, dute irmoki boxeoa profesionala itzultzeko erabaki dut. Aurrera lan asko da, baina gure helburua argi dago. Nire nor naiz onartzen me guztiei eskerrak adierazi nahi dut. denek mantendu egingo dut eguneratuta albisteak eta nire itzulera eraztuna xehetasun gehiagorekin.”
Las Vegas-oinarritutako Shumenov The (17-2, 11 Kos), a 2004 Kazakhstan Olympian, erretiratu ekainean ondorioz begi lesio bat, zion behartuz bere WBA cruiserweight munduko titulua uko egiteko.
“esango zergatik nire ibilbidean eten erabaki nuen nahi dut.” Shumenov gaurko presser Konferentzian iragarri. “nire begi trauma eragin nire erabakia. Nekea eta tentsioa emozionala metatutako. behar dut atseden bat. Orain, berreskuratu ditut, eta naiz nire boxeoa karrera berrekiteko joan. Negoziazioak nire hurrengo borroka abian dira dagoeneko.”

Shumenov ere agerian zuela etxeko pro boxeo Kazakhstan programa bat garatzeko Kazakhstan gazteei euren altuerak iristen lagundu Kazakh talde batekin lan.
bakarrik bere 10. pro borroka batean, Shumenov ezarritako gutxien-borrokak errekorra argi heavyweight munduko txapeldun for 10 Duela urte, zenean decisioned Gabriel Campillo Las Vegas.
Shumenov bi zatiketa mundu Kazakhstan txapelduna bakarra bihurtu zen bere azken borroka batean, zenean gelditu Junior Wright in the 10garren Beren maiatzaren txandan 2, 2016 titulua borroka, the WBA cruiserweight Munduko Txapelketan atzemateko.
34 urteko Shumenov ibilbide profesionala zehar, lau munduko txapeldun garaitu ditu (Campillo, Byron Mitchell, William Joppy eta Montell Griffin), baita zazpi munduko titulua challengers (Epifanio Mendoza, Vlacheslav Uzelkov, Danny Santiago, Enrique Ornelas, Tamas Kovacs, BJ Flores eta Wright).

Twitter @Beibut_Shumenov, Instagram – @BeightShumenov, Facebook – BeibutShumenov / fanpage.

Rising Star Elena Gradinar Olivia Gerula aurpegira IBF Intercontinental Txapelketan Narva egiteko, Estonia, martxoan 24

emakumezkoak izar goranzko, Elena San Petersburgoko Gradinar, Errusiak, izango lehen txapelketa bere ibilbide profesionalaren gerriko lortzeko lehiatuko denean ohia munduko txapelduna Olivia hartzen zuen “Predator” Gerula du IBF Intercontinental Featherweight Txapelketan.
The 10-txandan Gradinar vs. Gerula bataila ospatuko da Larunbata, March 24, Energia Sport Aretoan Narva at, Estonia.
The boladan Gradinar 27 urteko (8-0, 2 Kos) joan 73-8 amateur gisa, ugari nazio eta nazioarte amateur torneo irabazi. Gradinar halaber lortu du Sport Errusiako Master izendapena.
A ondo-errespetatu eta lortzen profesionalak, gerula, Winnipeg batetik, Manitoba, Kanadan, ohia WBC World Emakumezkoen Super Featherweight txapelduna da eta bi defentsak arrakastatsua egin. Horrezaz gain, ondo-errespetatu WIBA Munduko Txapelketan.
“Oso pozik IBF Intercontinental ohia WBC Munduko txapelduna Olivia Gerula aurka gerriko borrokatzeko naiz,” Said Gradinar. “We will bring for boxing fans a dramatic and exiting clash between us. Oso harro nire herrialdean Errusiako ordezkari izango dut naiz eta IBF Intercontinental Gerriko hori egoitza topatuko gloriosa St hirian errusieraz espero dut. Petersburgo!”
“zer etorriko oso hunkituta nago. I look forward to visiting Estonia and soaking up some of its culture while proudly representing Canada,” esan Olivia Gerula. “Ezagutzen dut Elena ikusgarria amateur erregistro eta bat boladan errekorra profesionalak ditu, baina ez dut uste zuen inoiz Biribilean izan da nire kalitatea eta esperientzia borrokalaria batekin, beraz, gauza astindu hasi espero dut.”
Gerula co-sustatzailea Dmitriy Salita, Errusiako oinarritutako Alexander Nevskiy Sustapena Group batera, dio Gerula borrokan Gradinar trantsizioa buruz asko frogatu du profesionalari jabe izateko.
“Hau Elena karrera gazte proba gogorrena izango da,” esan zuen hitz. “Olivia Gerula borrokatu du eta jipoitu askok goi-mailako emakumezko borrokalari zatiketa. Aurrera nabil borroka handi bat eta, garaipen batekin, jarraitu gure mundua etorkizuneko txapelduna garapena.”

USA Boxing iragartzen USA vs. Irlanda iparralde Boxing Tour

Top amateur boxeolariak den martxoan zehar hiru hiritan lehiatuko
COLORADO SPRINGS, Lap. (Urtarrilaren 29, 2018) — USA Boxing gaur iragarri hiru hiri hori hartuko du 2018 USA vs. Irlanda iparralde Boxing Tour.
Boston, Manchester (NH) eta Springfield (MA) munduko amateur boxeoa taldeetako bi lagunarteko izapidetzen for ongietorria egingo. Hiri bakoitzak erakutsiko du gora 12 muturretan, Hori izango da guztien zuzeneko erreproduzitu, doakoak, USA Boxing webgunean.
Biraren irekiko du March 12 Boston Royale aisialdia konplexua at, jarraian on matchups arabera March 15 MassMutual Center Springfield at, Mass. Manchester out itxiko da izapidetzen on March 21 The Manchester Downtown Hotel at. Boxeo egingo etan hasiko 7:00 p.m. EST Hiru hiri guztietan, eta sarrerak eskuragarri izango dituzte datozen asteetan erosteko.
American ordezkaritza izango da buru Entrenatzailea arabera Billy Walsh (Colorado Springs, CO), nor irudikatzen Irlanda aldean 1988 Olinpiadak Irish boxeo programaren buru bihurtu baino gehiago aurretik 10 urte.
Team USA en zerrendari Headlining izango da 2017 Munduko Txapelketan brontzezko dominaren Troy Isley (Alexandria, VA). USA Boxing taldea ere sartuko dira, hala nola, up-eta-comers kopurua 2016 Gazteen Munduko txapelduna Marc Castro (Fresno, ESATERAKO), nork bere oso aurreikusi nazioarteko elite debuta aurtengo egiteko.
Beste American ren artean, 2016 Gazteen Munduko txapelduna eta 2017 Elite Continental Txapelketan zilarrezko dominaren, delante Johnson (Cleveland, OH), 2017 USA Boxing Heavyweight Espainiako txapelduna Jared Anderson (Toledo, OH) eta 2016 Gazteen Munduko Txapelketan brontzezko dominaren eta 2017 USA Boxing Super Heavyweight txapelduna, Richard Torrez (Tulare, ESATERAKO). hiri bakoitzeko zerrendari erabateko estreinaldia egingo du hurbilago biraren hasieran.
Irlandako taldeak, hau da, munduko txapeldun ohia eta entrenatzailea gidaritzapean egon Bernard Dunne, Beren boxeolariak iragarriko du bere National Championships ondorioa otsailean tan.
USA vs. Irlandako Ordutegiak
March 12: Royale aisialdia konplexua, Boston, Mass.
March 15: MassMutual Center, Springfield, Mass.
March 21: The Manchester Downtown Hotel, Manchester, N.H.
boxeolariak eta bouts guztiak dira aldaketaren menpe.
Twitter: @USABoxing
Instagram: @USABoxing
Facebook: /USABoxing

Subriel Matías eta Alfredo Santiago ezartzen dira otsailaren munduko titulua challengers aurre egiteko 17 Fajardo,PR

Fajardo, Puerto Rico – arrakastatsuaren ondoren 2017, WBA #15, Alfredo 'Begien’ Santiago eta urdin txipa perspectiva, Matthew Matthias sub-trenbide, egon defendatzen ditu dagozkien boladan erregistroak Larunbata, Otsaila 17, 2018 Fajardo Udal Zaldi Parkean,PR Fresh Productions sustatutako txartel bat parte gisa.



Matthias (8-0, 8 KO en), Kolonbiako ohia eta munduko titulua challenger aurre egingo, Daulis Prescott (31-6, 23 KO en) batean 10 errondak junior welterweight zatiketa at bout.



In 2012, Prescott preziatuak aukera Jamaikako aurkako munduko titulua bat borrokatzeko izan, Nicholas Walters, duten beat ausartak Kolonbiako TKO by zazpigarren txandan Jamaica ospatutako partidu batean.



Bere aldetik, Alfredo Santiago (8-0, 2 KO en), antzinako munduko titulua contender aurka indarrak neurtuko du, Juan Jose Montes (25-6-2, 15 KO en) Mexikoko, batean 10 Txanda pisua gehienez ere aurka 133 kilo.



Montes, titulua ere challenger zen 2011, denean ohia WBC txapelduna aurrean zuen, Tomas Rojas, Nork atxiki bere gerriko knockout teknikoak Mexikon hamaikagarren txandan.



“borrokak onak ekartzen ari gara dira oso esperientzia Santiago eta Matías for aurkaria delako, beraz, zale ekintza ona arratsaldean izan dezake Fajardo. Borrokalariak garapen egokia buruz eta, aldi berean zaintzen dugu, Hori ematen prozesu horretan zirraragarria borroka. 'Begien’ eta Subriel frogatu dute beste maila egon. Dagoeneko jipoitu dute Olympians ohia, irtenbideak eta contenders, and that same quality is what you will get on February 17. Nire borrokalariak borrokatu behar, eta borroka gogorra” esan Fresh Productions sustatzailea, Juan Orengo.



zatiketa arin batean kanpainaren, Santiago, Moca jaiotzez, Dominikar Errepublika, Hiru garaipen nabarmenak baino gehiago ditu: antzinako Mexikoko Olympian, Arturo Santos Reyes, Mundu contender Jayson 'La Maravilla’ Velez eta beti ondu du, Andres 'Straw’ Navarro.



Junior welterweight Matías Mateo, Bere profesionala laugarren borroka eta ororen aurka garaitu, goranzko perspectiva, Caguas batetik Jeffrey FONTANEZ jo zuen brawl batean amaitu zen bigarren txandan knockout tekniko batekin.



Bere azken aurkezpenean, ospatuko den azaroan Hotel Jaragua at Dominikar errepublika, Matthew Matias, knockout tekniko bat lortu Olympian ohia gaineko bigarren txandan, Venezuelatik Patrick Lopez.


Sarrerak ($ 20 eta $ 25) eskuragarri edo deituz 787-303-0334.


Lewiston, Maine (Urtarrilaren 29, 2018) - Larunbat honetan Gau, Jesse “Viking du” Erickson (9-7) of Central Maine Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu and Mike “Bibote” Hansen (5-8) of Berserkers MMA will square off at a fight weight of 179-pounds. That is a full nine pounds heavier than the original agreed-to weight. The change in contract terms was a result of a request from Hansen who realized he would not be able to cut to 170-pounds just over a week out from the fight. Erickson, upon learning that Hansen could not make weight, immediately took to Facebook with his outrage.

One week from weigh ins my opponent Michael B. Hansen wants the fight moved up 9 pounds or he’s going to pull from the fight,” wrote Erickson on his Facebook status on January 25. “We took this fight in October man. I’m on weight now, am I supposed to gain 8 pounds in a week? I’m already fighting up a weight class as it isyou can’t even do 175?”

The post was immediately met with anger from Erickson’s friends and teammates with several calling Hansenunprofessionalfor his actions. In the fall of 2017, Hansen and Erickson had agreed to fight this coming February at welterweight. 170-pounds was heavy for Erickson who had spent the majority of his career fighting in the 155-pound lightweight division. Flash forward nearly four months, eta, orain,, with Hansen unable to make 170-pounds, Erickson was on the spot to accept or decline a fight in what was essentially the middleweight divisiontwo weight classes higher than where he would normally compete. If he declined, Erickson would be wasting months of training in preparation for the fight.

Momentos geroago, Hansen came to his own defense on Erickson’s Facebook thread.

Hey sorry for the bad news but just being honest with people,” wrote Hansen. “I’m currently 9 pounds over my marks. I’m only 2 weeks off from my medical suspension from a fractured tibia. It was a set back for sure in getting in the work I needed. I’m down to fight, but j [s.i.c.] will not give up 50% of my show/win/and commission. Sorry but you know I’m game to fight

Hansen is referring to the standard contract terms in which he had agreed to forfeit $100 per pound for each pound he weighed over 170-pounds at weigh-ins.

F**k you, I’m still going to kick your ass,” retorted Erickson on the thread. “179 it is scumbag. Hope your [s.i.c.] happy you got your way.

The argument went on publicly for several days between the two sides with many of each fightersfriends and teammates chiming in with their opinions. Azkenean, the fight was saved with Hansen and Erickson agreeing to meet at a catchweight of 179-poundsLarunbat honetan night in Lewiston. The fans will be the winners as they will get to see one of the most anticipated fights in recent memory.

We agreed to fight at 170,stated Erickson when reached for comment. “Normalean borrokatzen dut 155, and I’m not the biggest 155er as it is. I didn’t pressure him to take it at 170. He accepted and should make the weight or pay the fine for missing. Horren ordez, he decided to say he wants the bout at 179 or he’s going to pull from the fight one week from weigh-ins. I don’t care about his bulls**t excuses, you agreed, you should do what you agreed to do. We had almost four months for this. With that much time, there is absolutely no excuse. We’re supposed to be professionals. So here we are now, fighting at 179, which only gives him a greater size advantage. Even still, it won’t be enough. I would have been merciful and just finished him quick, but now he’s going to pay for his disrespect.

“I’m not exactly sure why Jesse took this to Facebook, but great idea really, now everyone is talking about it again,” said Hansen when contacted for comment. “The situation sucks, baina zer den da. I was injured a few weeks after signing this fight. I was medically suspended and had to see how this injury would heal and if it would stop me from competing. I don’t think it’s bad enough to stop me from competing, but it stopped me from getting in a camp the way I should. Ezer bada, Jesse should be happy he is fighting a lesser version of myself. I’m not at my best right now. I didn’t want to pull out and Jesse is the one running around telling everyone he will fight me no matter at what weight. I believe him, so what’s the big deal. If I would of pulled out due to injury a few weeks back, everyone would be saying the same s**t for that reason. I didn’t make this fight, Egin zuen. He knew where I fought and decided he wanted to fight. I didn’t ask him to do this. He wants to fighthe will get a fight.

NEF hurrengo mistoa-borroka-arteen gertaera, “NEF 32: Super Larunbata,” ikusiko enpresak bere Androscoggin Bank Colisee Lewiston itzuli egin, Maine. The event is scheduled to take place Larunbat honetan night with a bell time of 7 pm. Tickets are on-sale now online at

Buruz New England Borrokak

New England Borrokak ("NEF") borroka ekitaldiak promozioak enpresa bat da. NEF eginkizuna da kalitate Maine en borrokalari eta zale alike ekitaldiak altuena sortzeko. NEF exekutiboa taldeko borroka kirol kudeaketan esperientzia zabala dauka, ekitaldiak ekoizpen, komunikabideekin harremanak, marketing, lege eta publizitatea.

Undefeated cruiserweight world champions Oleksandr Usyk vs. Mairis Briedis opens World Boxing Super Series semifinals

Undefeated cruiserweight world champions
Oleksandr Usyk vs. Mairis oreinak
World Boxing Super Series semifinals

Mairis oreinak (L) & Oleksandr Usyk
(photo courtesy of World Boxing Super Series)
EDMONTON, Kanadan (Urtarrilaren 27, 2018) — Thenbeaten cruiserweight world champions Oleksandr “Katua” Usyk eta Mairis oreinak open the entertaining World Boxing Super Series (WBSS) semifinals today in Latvia, Honela hasten 2 p.m. ETA, live exclusively on Super Channel in Canada.

Super Channel eskubide esklusiboak erosi Kanadan MP batetik World Boxing Super Series emititzeko & Silva, a nazioarteko media enpresa media eskubide ematen du, digital, teknologia eta babesari zerbitzuak.
Usyk (13-0, 11 Kos), the World Boxing Organization (WBO) Cruiserweight World Champion is a
two-time Ukrainian Olympian, who captured gold medals at the 2012 Olympics and 2011 World Championships, twice defeating current International Boxing Federation (IBF) Light Heavyweight World Champion Artur Beterbiev, the two-time Russian Olympian now based in Montreal.
I am going to entertain the crowd at the Arena Riga,” Usyk said. “That I can promise! I have worked on some new thing and Larunbata you will see what I’m talking about.
Briedis (23-0, 18 Kos), Munduko Boxing Kontseilua (WBC) Cruiserweight World Champion, will be fighting in his hometown in front of an expected crowd of 10,000.
My team is doing everything to take pressure off my shoulders,” Briedis commented. “We are just concentrating on the fight. My dream is to deliver a fight that can go into the Boxing Hall of Fame.
The Usyk-Briedis world title unification winner will advance to the WBSS championship final in May to fight the winner of the other WBSS semifinals match, Feb. 3 Errusian, between IBF World Champion Murat “Iron” Gassiev (25-0, 18 Kos) and WBA World Champion Yunier “KO Doctor” Dorticós (21-0, 20 Kos).
Five exciting fights on the “Usyk vs. Briedis” Epaileak txartel, promoted by Sauerland Event, will air in Canada exclusively on Super Channel.
Ekitaldi nagusia – 12 ERRONDA – WBSS SEMIFINALS
Oleksandr “Katua” Usyk (13-0, 11 Kos), WBO Champion, Errusiak (90,4 kg (199.3 kgs.)
Mairis oreinak (23-0, 18 Kos), WBC Champion, Letoniako 90,3 kg (199.1 kgs.)
Noel Gevor (23-1, 10 Kos), Germany by way of Armenia
Olanrewaju Durodola (27-4, 25 Kos), 2008 Olympian, Nigeria
Yoann Kongolo (10-0, 4 Kos), Suitzan, Txapelduna
Andrejs Pokumeiko (15-12-1, 11 Kos), Letoniako
Heavyweights – 8 ERRONDA
Filip Hrgovic (2-0, 2 Kos), 2016 Olympic bronze medalist, Kroazia
Tom Little (10-4, 3 Kos), Erresuma Batua
Nikolais Grisunins (6-0-1, 3 Kos), Letoniako
Jozsef Darmos (8-1-1, 7 Kos), Hungaria
(Borrokak eta borrokalari guztiak dira aldaketaren menpe)
WBSS finalerdietan eta txapelketan borrokak guztiak ere eskuragarri izango da Super Channel On Demand.
Super Channel aired boxeo ekitaldi handiak bizi 2017 Brook vs bezalako. Spence Jr., Pacquiao-Horn, Eubank, Jr.. vs. Abraham, Lomachenko vs.Marriaga, Crawford vs. Indongo eta Smith vs. Williams II.
Munduko Boxeo Super Series ekintza guztiak zuzenean ikusteko, baita zirraragarria boxeoa etortzen, borrokatzeko zale Kanadan tokiko kable-hornitzaileak harremanetan jarri ahal izateko Super Channel eta horren eskaintza hori guztia harpidetu, premium serie barne, filmak eta askoz gehiago, bezain txikia for $9.95 hilean.
Munduko Boxeo Super Series FINALERDIAK AGENDA
Urtarrilaren 27, Riga Arena, Riga, Letoniako – WBO / WBC bateratzea
Oleksandr “Katua” Usyk (13-0, 11 Kos), WBO World Champion, Ukrainako – Ring #1
Mairis oreinak (23-0, 18 Kos), WBC Munduko txapelduna, Letoniako – Ring #3
Otsaila 3, Bolshoy Ice Dome, Sochi, Errusiak – IBF/WBA Unificatiion
Murat “Iron” Gassiev (25-0, 18 Kos), IBF munduko txapelduna, Errusiak – Ring #2
Yunier “KO Doctor” Dorticós (21-0, 20 Kos), WBA Munduko txapelduna, Cuba – Ring #5
Otsaila 17, Manchester, Arena, Manchester, UK – WBA / Ibo bateratzea
“Saint” George Groves (27-3, 20 Kos), WBA Munduko txapelduna, Erresuma Batua – Ring #2
Chris “hurrengo Gen” Eubank Jr.. (26-1, 20 Kos), Ibo munduko txapelduna, Erresuma Batua – Ring #4
Otsaila 24, Arena Nurnberger Aseguru, Nurenberg, Alemanian
Juergen Braehmer (49-3 35 Kos), Alemanian – Ring #10
(ohia WBO & WBA Argia Heavyweight munduko txapelduna)
Callum “mundu” Smith (23-0, 17 Kos), Erresuma Batua – Ring #3
(WBC Diamond Super middleweight txapelduna)
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FOURTH-ROUND RESULTS 72nd annual Lowell Sun Charities Golden Gloves Championship

Central N.E. novice & open championship finals this Thursday night at Lowell Auditorium

The Fight of the Night was an open semifinals welterweight match between
winner Xavier Vega (R) and Harrison Gigliotti
(all pictures courtesy of Ed Boches / Boches Photography)
LOWELL, Mass. (Urtarrilaren 26, 2018) – The 72nd annual Lowell Sun Charities Golden Gloves Championships continued last night in front of a jacked-up crowd at historic Lowell Memorial Auditorium, featuring later round Central New England (Greater Lowell) novice and open class matches.

Novice semifinals and championship finals, as well as some open semifinals and championship final, were held last night. USA Boxing’s No. 7-rated light heavyweight Miguel Teo (Marlboro, MA) captured the Central New England (CNE) open division championship, gelditu John Xifafas. of Nashua, N.H., hirugarren txandan. CNE novice division champions crowned last night include East Walpole (MA) flyweight Noelle Boran and Chelsea (MA) middleweight Jordy Artica
We had another good crowd of great Lowell fans on a very cold night,” N. Eta. Executive Director Bobby Russo esan. “The Vegas-Gigliotti match was interesting and the Fight of the Night. It got very rough at times. Vegas dominated for the most part but Gigliotti showed super toughness. He took some shots but kept coming back.
Charlie Espinal (R) knocked off Peter Maher’s headgear
The championship round of the novice and open division is next Thursday (Feb. 1) at Lowell Memorial Auditorium. Ikusi osoa 2018 ekitaldien ordutegia beherago baita bart emaitzak osoa.
Championship packages are now available for all five remaining championship events (CNE novice & open championships, NE novice and open division semifinals and finals) and reasonably priced, Honela hasten $70.00 (onarpen orokor). deitu Lowell Memorial Auditorio leihatilan erosteko 1.866.722.8881 edo ordena online at Banakako gertaera sarrerak ere eskuragarri erosi, Honela hasten $13.00, bakarrik $7.00 ikasleentzat (NAN beharrezkoa).
Lowell Sun Ongintza Golden eskularruak hasten Txapelketan New England Golden eskularruak Txapeldun bidaliz Golden National Eskularruak den txapelketa aldera joan (hasita Maiatza 14, 2018 Omaha, Nebraska), tokiko kirolariak eta eremu gimnasioak lagunduz gain, mutilak & Girls Club, zopa sukaldeak, aterpetxe etxerik, minbizia funtsak, Beka eta beste hainbat ongintza arrazoiak handia.
Apostolus Lolos (L) connects with a jab vs. Arsham Bedrossian
Emaitza ofizialak
(Feb. 25, 2018)
Thomas Curtis, Methuen, MA / Haverhill Downtown Boxing
DEC (5-0)
Danny DeJesus, Lawrence, MA / Haverhill Inner City Boxing
Noelle Boran, East Walpole, MA / Boston Boxing
DEC (5-0)
Melissa Giroux, Lowell, MA / Lowell West End
(CNE Championship)
Lightweights (132 kgs.) SEMIFINALS
Jessica Lamproon, Dorchester, MA / Boston Boxing
DEC (4-1)
Kerrin McNeil, Boston, MA / Grealish Boxing
Apostolus Lolos, Manchester, NH / Manchester, NH
DEC (4-1)
Arsham Bedrossian, Waltham, MA / Nonantum Boxing
Middleweights (165 kgs.)
Jordy Artica, Chelsea, MA / Grealish Boxing
DEC (4-1)
Mohammed Ibrahim, Boston, MA / lotu gabe
(CNE Championship)
Ashleigh Moore, Buzzards Bay, MA / Nonantum Boxing
DEC (3-2)
Kimberly Wabik, Everett, MA / Quietman Sports
Erika Skoog, Roxbury, MA, Nonantum Boxing
DEC (5-0)
Britney Stockton, Keene, NH / Boston Boxing
Brandon Higgins, North Chelmsford, MA / Lowell West End
DEC (5-0)DEC (3-2)
Edwin Rozen, Haverhill, MA / Haverhill Downtown Boxing
Peter Maher, Arlington, MA / Somerville Boxing Club
DEC (3-2)
Charlie Espinal, Salem, MA / Pribatua Bitxiak Boxing
Xavier Vega, Lawrence, MA / Canal Street Boxing
DEC (5-0)
Harrison Gigliotti, Bradford, MA / Haverhill Downtown Boxing
Middleweights (165 LBS.) SEMIFINALS
Michael Fontanez, Nashua, NH / Nashua, NH
DEC (4-1)
Yamarco Guzman, Methuen, MA / Canal Street Boxing
LIGHT heavyweights (175 kgs.)
Miguel Teo, Marlboro, MA / Hudson Boxing
RSC3 (2:58)
John Xifafas, Nashua, NH / Nashua PAL
(CNE Championship)
72nd Urteko Lowell Sun Ongintza Golden eskularruak Txapelketaren egutegia
(Lowell Memorial Auditorioan – 6:30 p.m. Ate irekiak, 7:30 p.m. Lehenengo bout)
Central New England (Greater Lowell)
Novice & Open Championship FinalsOsteguna, Feb. 1
New England Champions Txapelketa
Hasibe Class finalerdiak – Osteguna, Feb. 8
Hasibe Class Txapelketaren finala – Osteguna, Feb. 15
Open Class finalerdiak – Asteazkena, Feb. 21
Open Class Txapelketaren finala – Osteguna, Feb. 22
New England Golden Gloves Tournament Executive Director: Bobby Russo
Lehiakideek zuzendaria: Art Ramalho
Funtzionarioen bidegorria: Lauri Purcellen
Eraztun aurkezlea: John vena
Lekua: Lowell Memorial Auditorioan, 50 Merrimack St., Lowell, MA
Twitter: @LowellGloves