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Exploring The Intersection Of Combat Sports And Pop Culture Through The Eyes Of Former Fighter, Comedian And Red Carpet Host Brendan Schaub

Premieres On YouTube And Facebook On Trečiadienis, Vasaris 28

Nuotrauka kreditų: Stephanie Trapp / Showtime





NIUJORKAS - Vasaris 22, 2018 – SHOWTIME Sports continues to expand its position at the intersection of combat sports and culture with a first-of-its-kind, sports talk show, Žemiau diržo hosted by Brendan Schaub. The twice-monthly, 30-minute show debuts on Trečiadienis, Vasaris 28 on SHOWTIME Sports digital platforms, days before American heavyweight Deontay Wilder defends his WBC title against Luis Ortiz. The announcement was made today by Stephen Espinoza, Prezidentas, Sports and Event Programming, Showtime Networks Inc.





Žemiau diržo premieres each new show on the Below the Belt YouTube Channel ir Below the Belt Facebook Page. The program explores the latest news in combat sports and pop culture, Schaub'ui pristatant atviras mintis savo unikaliu ir nefiltruotu stiliumi. Žemiau diržo features interviews with the biggest names in combat sports and entertainment, keliones keliais, kovos stovyklos vizitai, eskizai, animation and pop-culture spoofs. The initial guest list of combat sports athletes and entertainers scheduled to appear on Žemiau diržo includes Stone Cold Steve Austin, Paulie Malignaggi and Joe Rogan.






“Brendan brings an edge that resonates with today’s fight fans,” said Espinoza. “He has a fresh voice that is equal parts knowledgeable, funny and opinionated. Žemiau diržo will complement SHOWTIME Sports programming to a broad audience on our digital platforms.”


This multi-platform program is unique in that it includes a weekly podcast and a composite program that airs once per month on SHOWTIME EXTREME. Following the digital debut on Vasaris 28, new shows launch on Kovas 14, Kovas 28, Balandis 11, Balandis 18, Gegužė 2 and May 16. The Žemiau diržo podcast premieres on Kovas 6, and the composite program premieres on Kovas 29 nuo Showtime EXTREME.


Schaub is a multi-platform entertainer, best known for his career in the UFC and as a personality in podcasting and comedy. Following his successful fighting career, where he was the runner-up of Spike TV’s “The Ultimate Fighter: Sunkiasvoriai,” Schaub has served as an expert analyst for both ESPN and Spike TV. Schaub currently co-hosts the popular podcast “The Fighter and The Kid” averaging over nine million downloads per month. His “Big Brown Breakdown” podcast, averaging over four million downloads per month, transitions under the Žemiau diržofrančizė. Parlaying his hosting talent from podcasts to television, Schaub was named a correspondent on “After Party” for the E! Tinklas, and co-hosted this year’s Golden Globes and Grammy Awards after-shows. Schaub is set to reprise his role in the upcoming Academy Awards after-show. Be, Schaub performs sold-out live comedy shows across North America, Australija, London and Dublin, including regular solo stand-up sets at the world-famous Comedy Store, Hollywood Improv and The Laugh Factory.


Žemiau diržo is produced by SHOWTIME Sports with Embassy Row.


Showtime Networks Inc. (SNI), visiškai priklausanti dukterinė CBS Corporation, valdo ir eksploatuoja priemoka televizijos tinklais Showtime®, Filmų kanalas ir FLIX®, ir taip pat siūlo Showtime On Demand®, Filmų kanalas Paklausos ir FLIX On Demand®, o tinklo autentifikavimo tarnyba Showtime ANYTIME®. Showtime Skaitmeniniai Inc, visiškai priklausanti dukterinė SNI, valdo atskira transliacijos paslaugą Ringo®. SHOWTIME šiuo metu abonentams pasiekiamas kabeliu, DBS ir Telco teikėjai, ir kaip savarankiškas transliacijos paslauga per Apple®, Metai®, Amazonė, "Google", "Xbox One" ir "Samsung". Vartotojai taip pat gali prenumeruoti Showtime per Hulu, "YouTube" televizija, diržas televizija, DirecTV Dabar, "Sony Playstation Vue and Amazon Channels. SNI taip pat valdo Smithsonian tinklai, bendra įmonė tarp SNI ir Smithsonian Institution, kuri siūlo Smithsonian kanalas, ir siūlo Smithsonian Žemęper SN Digital LLC. SNI parduoda ir platina sporto ir pramogų renginius parodos abonentams mokama už peržiūrą per Showtime PPV. Daugiau informacijos, eiti į

NAUJOJI ANGLIJA ČEMPIONŲ TURNYRAS Atviro diviziono pusfinalio rezultatai iš Lowell

Naujoji Anglija
Čempionų turnyras

Atviro diviziono pusfinalio rezultatai iš Lowell

72kasmetinė Lowell Sun labdaros organizacija
Auksinių pirštinių čempionatas
Naujosios Anglijos turnyras čempionų
Atvirojo diviziono čempionato finalas šįvakar į Lowell
LOWELL, Mišios. (Vasaris 22, 2018) – Vakar vakare buvo surengtas labai konkurencingas pusfinalio etapas, paruošiantis šio vakaro Naujosios Anglijos čempionato finalo varžybas, istorinėje Lowell memorialinėje auditorijoje.
Naujosios Anglijos čempionų turnyras, taip pat žinomas kaip Naujoji Anglija, yra 72-ojo kasmetinio Naujosios Anglijos auksinių pirštinių čempionato dalis.
Šio susitikimo individualiai laimėjęs N.E. čempionai pateks į Naujosios Anglijos komandą, kuri varžysis Nacionaliniame auksinių pirštinių čempionate, pradedant Gegužė 14, 2018 Omaha, Nebraska. Vakarų Naujoji Anglija siekia penktosios iš eilės N.E. komandos titulas.
“Po praėjusios nakties pusfinalio peržiūros,” N.. Ir. Vykdantysis direktorius bobby Russo sakė, “Aš negaliu laukti vakaro puikios rungtynės finale. Tai yra geriausi Naujosios Anglijos boksininkai mėgėjai ir visi nugalėtojai turės šaudyti į nacionalinius titulus.”
Taip pat, „USA Boxing“ surengs JAV bokso absolventų asociacijos susitikimą ir pasveikinimą šįvakar.Visi JAV bokso absolventų asociacijos nariai, taip pat visi būsimi nariai, kviečiame dalyvauti šiame unikaliame susitikime, pradedant nuo durų atidarymo 6:30 p.m. IR, iki pirmosios kovos val 7:30 p.m. IR.
Dalyvaus daugelis visų laikų puikių Naujosios Anglijos boksininkų mėgėjų, įskaitant buvusius pasaulio čempionus, tokius kaip gimtojo miesto herojus ir tris kartus Naujosios Anglijos čempionus,“Airių” Micky Ward, Jose Antonio Rivera, Travisas Simmsas ir Iranas Barkley, Pretendentas žvaigždė Petras Manfredo, Jaunesnysis., Jonas Scully, Richie LaMontagne, Dave'as Sullivanas, JAV olimpietis Lawrence Molis-Bey ir daugelis kitų mėgstamiausių Naujosios Anglijos auksinių pirštinių, įskaitant Tarvis Simms, Bobis Harrisas, Džo Allojus ir Troy Wortham. (keistis)
Bilietus prasideda $18.00, tik $7.00 studentams (reikalingas ID) ir juos galima įsigyti paskambinę į Lowell Memorial Auditorium kasą 1.866.722.8881 arba užsisakyti internetu adresu Pirkite bilietus iš anksto, kad išvengtumėte ilgų eilių pasirodymo vakarą.
Pajamos iš Lowell Sun labdaros Golden pirštinės čempionatas eiti link siuntimo Naujosios Anglijos Golden Pirštinės čempionai į Nacionalinės Golden pirštinės čempionatas (pradedant Gegužė 14, 2018 Omaha, Nebraska), be to, remti vietos sportininkų ir plotas sporto salės, berniukai & Merginos Klubai, sriuba virtuvės, benamių prieglaudos, vėžio fondai, stipendijos ir daug kitų didžiojo labdaros priežastys.
(vasario 21 d, 2018)
Feliksas parilla, North Haven, KT / WNE
WDEC (5-0)
Juozapas Valdesas, Nashua, NH / Centrinė CNE
Lengvasvoriai (132 Svoris.)
Joseph DePina, Dorchester, MA / CNE
WDEC (3-2)
Joshua Orta, Springfildas, MA / WNE
JUNIOR pusvidutinio svorio kategorijų kovotojams (141 Svoris.)
Sharad Collier, Hartfordas, KT / WNE
WDEC (4-1)
Mike'as Bloodworthas, Woonsocket, R. / SNE
Ashleigh Moore, suopiai įlanka, MA / CNE
WDEC (5-0)
Debora Basra, Hartfordas, KT / WNE
Josnielis Castro, Portlandas, ME / KETURI
WDEC (5-0)
Luka Botis, West Point, NY / WNE
Jamesas Perella, Mansfieldas, MA / SNE
WDEC (5-0)
Charlesas Espinelis, Salem, MA / CNE
ŠVIESOS sunkiasvoriai (178 Svoris.)
miguel Teo, marlboro, MA / CNE
WDEC (5-0)
Tonis Adamsas, Bridžportas, KT / WNE
Sunkiasvoriai (201 Svoris.)
Edmondas Vorlis, Lowell, MA / CNE
WDEC (4-1)
Geriausi pasiūlymai: Hampton Milleris, Waterbury, KT / WNE
Tim Hatfield, Apvaizda, R. / SNE
WDEC (5-0)
Zakas Kalmusas, Glosteris, MA / CNE
WNE – Western New England
CNE – Centrinė Naujosios Anglijos
KETURI – Northern New England
SNE – Pietų Naujoji Anglija
72METINĖ Lowell Sun Labdaros Golden Pirštinės čempionatas Tvarkaraštis
(Lowell memorialinis Auditorija – 6:30 p.m. durys atviros, 7:30 p.m. Pirmasis bijau)
Naujosios Anglijos turnyras čempionų
Atvira klasė čempionato finalai – Ketvirtadienis, Vasaris. 22
Naujosios Anglijos auksinių pirštinių vykdomasis direktorius: bobby Russo
Direktorius varžovai: Menas Ramalho
Viršininkas pareigūnų: Laurie Purcell
žiedas Komentatorius: Jonas vena
Vieta: Lowell memorialinis Auditorija, 50 Merrimack Šv, Lowell, MA
"Twitter": @LowellGloves

Former Irish National Team head coach Billy Walsh Now rebuilding Team USA boxing program

2018 JAV prieš. Airija Šiaurės Boksas turas:
Jūra. 12 Bostono, Jūra. 15 Springfildas, Jūra. 21 Mančesteris, NH

billy Walsh (centras) is shown here receiving his Best of 2017 Elite World Championships Award

OLORADO SPRINGS, Etapas. (Vasaris 22, 2018) – USA Boxing head coach Billy Walsh was the head coach of his native country’s amateur program in Ireland for 12 years and, ironiškai, those two squads will compete in three friendly duals next month on the 2018 JAV prieš. Ireland Northeast Tour.
A 1988 Ireland Olympian, Walsh coached the Irish Team from 2003 į 2015, and he took over Team USA in 2015, capturing the AIBA’s World Coach of the Year the past two years.
JAV vs. Ireland Northeast Boxing Tour will commence Kovas 12 Bostono Royale "pramogų kompleksas, followed by match-ups on Kovas 15 tuo MassMutual centro Springfield, Mišios., and Manchester, NH will close out tours onKovas 21 The Manchester Downtown Hotel. Boksas prasidės 7:00 p.m. EST visų trijų miestų.

Tickets for any of these events may be purchased online at Kiekvienas miestas turės pademonstruoti iki 12 galai, each to be live-streamed, Nemokamas, ant USA Boksas svetainėje (

“Tuo dienos pabaigos,” the 54-year-old Walsh admitted, “it is an unusual situation for me. But I’ve been coaching here two years and Team USA is my team now. I didn’t come here for just a few years. When I eventually leave, Team USA will have developed continuity and a solid program.
I am a true Irishman who developed through a system that won multiple titles and I was the Irish Team captain for five years. I’m helping develop strong relations between USA and Ireland that can help both programs. Ireland has been among the best of the worldamazing considering the geographical size of Irelandwith its fightersgreat hearts along with their technique and skill. There’s a lot of talent and resources in the states, but amateur boxers have been taught to develop skills more for professional boxing. Here there is a variety of different ethnic groups: Mexicans, African-American and Caucasians, taip pat. It’s truly a melting pot and each has a unique style of boxing. We are now providing coaching education for US programs to be sustainable long term.
Bostono, žinoma, is known for being Irish friendly, to say the least. The Mayor of Boston, for example, yra Marty Walsh. Coach Walsh has only been in Boston once, 10 years ago with his wife for a short holiday.
I didn’t do or get to see too much,” Walsh added. “but I know that there’s a lot of Irish history in Boston. Boston is a home away from home for the Irish. I have some friends and family there. I even joke that the mayor is my cousin. I understand that there are a lot of Irish in Springfield and Manchester, o taip pat. I’m looking forward to going to all three cities on this tour.
Rosters for the USA and Irish teams will soon be announced.
To stay up to date on the USA vs. Airija Šiaurės Boksas turas paspauskite čia.

JAV prieš. Airija Tvarkaraštis

Kovas 12: Karališkoji pramogų kompleksas, Bostono, Mišios.
Kovas 15: MassMutual centras, Springfildas, Mišios.
Kovas 21: "Manchester Downtown, Mančesteris, N.H.
Visi boksininkai ir seansų gali kisti.
"Twitter": @USABoxing
Instagram: @USABoxing
"Facebook": /USABoxing

Action-Packed Deontay Wilder vs. Luis Ortiz Undercard Includes Long Island’s Alicia Napoleon vs. Femke Hermans for Vacant WBA Women’s Super Middleweight World Title

Šeštadienis, Kovas 3
"Barclays" centras BRUKLINAS
BROOKLYN (Vasaris 21, 2018) – The undercard for the heavyweight world title showdown between Deontay Wilder and Luis Ortiz nustatytas Šeštadienis, Kovas 3, iš "Barclays Center", Brooklyn Boksas namų, will now feature an outstanding 10-round women’s world title clash between Long Island’s Alicia “The Empress” Napoleonas (8-1, 5 Kos) ir nenugalėtas Femke Hermans (6-0, 3 Kos), of Londerzeel, Belgija, for the vacant WBA Women’s Super Middleweight World Title.
I’m thrilled to be fighting at Barclays Center for this world title,” said Napoleon. “This means so much to me and for women’s boxing in the United States. I’ve worked very hard for many years and dreamed of becoming a world champion and to have my Long Island fans see me challenge for the title makes it even more special.
“DiBella Pramogos, Premier Boksas Čempionų, Brooklyn Boxing and SHOWTIME remain committed to women’s boxing and together we have staged, or at least scheduled, a women’s fight of significance on every card we’ve worked on at Barclays Center,” sakė Lu DiBella, Prezidentas DiBella Pramogos. “Napoleon is a very charismatic and popular fighter from Long Island and, apie Kovas 3, she will have a chance to achieve her dream of becoming a world champion in front of her hometown fans.
Owner of the two popular Overthrow boxing gyms in Brooklyn and Manhattan, Napoleon made her professional debut in August 2015 winning her first seven fights, including five by stoppage.
Following her first loss on December 10, 2016, to world ranked contender Tori Nelson, Napoleon bounced back to defeat Nikolett Papp, lapkričio 18, 2017, in Queens, Niujorkas.
Victorious three times in 2017, Hermans will be leaving Belgium for the first time in her professional career for the world title fight with Napoleon. Paskutinėje jos kovoje, the 28-year-old won a unanimous decision against Ester Koneca, rugsėjo 30, 2017.
Bilietus į gyvą renginį, kuris yra skatinamas DiBella Pramogos ir TGB Akcijos, prasideda $50 ir yra parduoti dabar. Norėdami įsigyti bilietus, visit,, arba skambinkite 800-745-3000. Tickets for the event can also be purchased at the American Express Box Office at Barclays Center.
The Premier Boxing Champions event is headlined by the highly anticipated Wilder vs. Ortiz matchup and will see undefeated former 154-pound champion Jermall Charlo imtis Hugo Centeno, Jaunesnysis. for the interim WBC middleweight title in the co-feature. The SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING telecast begins live on SHOWTIME at 9 p.m. IR/6 p.m. PT with top super middleweight contender Andre Dirrell kovoja sunku pataikyti Jose Uzcategui in a rematch for the interim IBF168-pound world title.
# # #
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follow us on Twitter @PremierBoxing, LouDiBella, DiBellaEnt, TGBPromotions, BarclaysCenter, @Brooklyn_Boxing and @Swanson_Comm or become a fan on Facebook at,
ir TSK remia Corona Extra, geriausių Alus.






LOS ANGELES — The Monster Energy Bellator MMA Fight Series returns for its first event of 2018 in Atlanta when Monster Energy Supercross, an FIM World Championship, visits Mercedes-Benz Stadium on Šeštadienis, Kovas 3. The series kicks off its second season with fights set to take place just hours before Round 9 of the premier indoor off-road motorcycle racing championship.





Prior to the start of the race on Saturday, Kovas 3, the Monster Energy Bellator MMA Fight Series will feature mixed martial arts action throughout the afternoon beginning at 4 p.m. IR at the Pit Party inside the Georgia World Congress Center, located next to Mercedes-Benz Stadium. Monster Energy Pit Party Passes are $20 each and are available through Ticketmaster. A valid event ticket is also required along with the Pit Pass for entry. Fans can also recycle an empty can of Monster Energy at the entrance to the Pits for free entry into the Pit Party.





Be, fans will have the opportunity to meet Bellator heavyweight and Monster Energy athlete Roy “Big Country” Nelson, as well as former PRIDE and STRIKEFORCE titleholder Danas "Hendo" Hendersonas, apie Šeštadienis, Kovas 3 at the Pit Party at 2 p.m. IR. Pit Party access is required.





“Following the success of the Monster Energy Bellator MMA Fight Series last year, we knew that we wanted to continue hosting these unique shows in 2018,” said Bellator President Scott Coker. “We had the opportunity to put on exciting fights at Monster Energy NASCAR Cup races last season, ir dabar, we look forward to entertaining fans at Monster Energy Supercross events as well. The entire team at Monster Energy has been instrumental in making Bellator MMA a great part of the fan experience and helping to build crossover interest between MMA and motorsports.”





Through Bellator MMA, alongside longstanding partner Monster Energy, mixed martial arts will be included as a pre-race activation exclusively for fans in attendance. The lineup šeštadienį will consist of four MMA bouts featuring some of the best regional up-and-coming talent, with the main event prospects in consideration to be signed to a multi-fight Bellator MMA contract.





Monster Energy Supercross at Mercedes-Benz Stadium takes place Šeštadienis, Kovas 3 į 6:30 p.m. IR, with the Pit Party beginning at 12 p.m. IR. Tickets to the race and Pit Party are available at or by visiting





Atnaujinta Monster Energy Bellator MMA Fight Series Atlanta Fight Card:




Pagrindinis „Featherweight“ turnyras: Lawson McClure (12-7, Atlanta, Ga.) vs. Josh Blyden (6-2, Savannah, Ga.)




Artimieji Bout: Devorius Tubbs (4-1, 1 NC, Atlanta, Ga.) vs. Joseph Creer (4-0-1, Columbus, Ga.)




Gaidys Bout: Zac Cooper (4-4, Atėnai, Ga.) vs. Devante Sewell (4-2, Atlanta, Ga.)




Lengvas Bout: Mike Galitello (1-1, Atlanta, Ga.) vs. John Vaughan (Pro debiutas, McDonough, Ga.)


Please visit for details.

*Event schedule subject to change.


Ray Flores and Paulie Malignaggi call the action live from the boardwalk; Ten month-old fan-friendly fight series averages 88,952 views per show and recently eclipsed 1,000,000-view milestone
NEW YORK (Vasaris. 21, 2018)Recently reaching 1,000,000 views for the series, Facebook FIGHTNIGHT LIVE looks to establish another benchmark šį penktadienįŠeštadienis, Vasaris. 23-24, with back-to-back-to-back shows spanning from the casinos of New England to the Boardwalk of Atlantic City. A red-hot card from the Jersey Shore caps the epic weekend, as the fan-friendly streaming service partners with Rising Star Promotions šeštadienį naktis, Vasaris. 24. Fans from across the globe can catch seven bouts beginning at 7 p.m. wherever Facebook is available, including a crossroads main event battle featuring Tomas “Cornflake” Lamanna (25-2, 9 Kos) ir Gabrielius “Tito” Bracero (24-3, 5 Kos).
We’re excited to be taking this next step for the series, and to be capping the weekend with an outstanding card that will delight fight fans, called by Ray Floresas ir Paulie Malignaggi,” sakė Pažymėti Fratto, Vyriausioji Linacre Media. “Boardwalk Boxing at The Showboat will be back in a big way šeštadienį night with names like LaManna, Bracero, Rainone, Julan, Varmall and hot prospects and local favorites all displaying their talents and passion on Facebook. As a bonus, we’re proud to produce the PPV and pro debut of mike Rašidas, who has conquered the worlds of fitness and digital media and is looking to do big things in the fight game.
Į pagrindinį renginį šeštadienį naktis, New Jersey’s LaManna fights for the 19th time in the shore town, as he takes on the battle tested, Brooklyn-based Bracero. The card will feature some of the best prospects in the region that includes Jahmal Dyer Baltimore, Md. (4-0, 2 Kos), DonaldNo Love” Kalvis (5-0, 3 Kos) Filadelfijos, Frederikas Julán (8-0, 6 Kos) of Brooklyn and Alvinas Varmall, Jaunesnysis. (14-0, 12 Kos) iš Catskill, N.Y..
We are excited to be bringing this great event and our first Boardwalk Boxing card from The Showboat to the fans all over the world on FIGHTNIGHT Live. We have a main event that everyone is talking about, and we are featuring some terrific prospects on an outstanding undercard,” sakė Debbie LaManna, President of Rising Star Promotions.
Over the first nine-plus months of programming, the numbers on the 12-show FIGHTNIGHT LIVE series have showed promise and potential for the new platform with an average of close to 90,000 fight fans tuning in per event and more than one-million fans served.
The Septyni. 9 “Real Deal Akcijos: "Empire State"” nuo Resorts World "kazino (225,000), rugpjūčio BEE “Super Šeštadienis” nuo Foxwoods (203,000), rugsėjis. BEE “Dvivietis upės Twinbill” iš Linkolno, R.I. (157,000) visi papildyta 150,000 Peržiūros, and collectively the 12-show series saw a total of more than 21,000 total hours of Facebook video consumed by 1,067,435-plus users across all devices.
Be to, žaliavų žiūrinčių skaičių, visiškai interaktyvios, fan-friendly productions have seen daugiau negu 142,000 kolektyviniai gyvi post įsipareigojimai (beveik 12,000 per show), including almost 97,000 “teig” arba “myli,” daugiau negu 22,000 comments and almost 6,000 akcijų.
FIGHTNIGHT LIVE broadcasts are viewed by 76 procentų vyrų, 24 procentų moterų. The top demographic is comprised of males ages 25-34, kuris apima maždaug 30.0 procentų auditorijos, vidutiniškai.
The Septyni. 9 “Real Deal Akcijos: "Empire State"” set a new bar with 224,658 Peržiūros ir Septyni. 15-16 DiBella-CES doubleheader carried the series to three-quarters-of-a-million views in just over four months. Vasario mėn. 10 Hard-Hitting PromotionsPhilly Fight Night” Rodyti išsiskiria individualiai su 3,421 live hours of content viewed, o Septyni. 15 DiBella card saw more than 40,000 žiūrovas sąveika including almost 39,000 “teig” arba “myli.”
The FIGHTNIGHT LIVE page on Facebook has more than 80,000 gerbėjai ir daugiau nei 82,000 followers. And Facebook itself has taken noticethe world’s No. 1 social network recently profiled FIGHTNIGHT LIVE on itsSuccess Storiesmedia blog, noting the seriesuse of industry best practices for production and interactivity:
Facebook FIGHTNIGHT LIVE has been delivered to fans absolutely free since its May 2017 launch courtesy of series corporate partners like Elite Heat Water, Montauk Iced Tea (, Ponas. Custom Made( ir BallWash (
Šeštadienį naktis, Vasaris. 24, live from live from The Showboat in Atlantic City, N.J., gerbėjai gali tikėtis didelio poveikio, kelių kamera transliacijos patirtis visiškai su grafika, animacija, pakartojimais, interviu ir paskelbti komandą, kurią įtvirtino „smūgis po smūgio“ diktorius Ray Floresas „Premier“ bokso čempionų, Showtime Boksas, HBO Boxing and CBS Sports Network and former IBF and WBA World Champion Paulie Malignaggi, now of Showtime, Sky Sports and CBS Sports Network. Suteikti žiūrovams visapusišką interaktyvų įspūdį, komentatoriai prašys ir atsakyti į klausimus iš "Facebook" auditoriją visoje laidoje.
Sukurta ir pagaminta Linacre Media iš New York City, FIGHTNIGHT LIVE serija pasižymi profesionalūs diktoriai, kelis kameros kampai, televizijos grafika, pakartojimais ir už-the-scenos prieiga ir interviu. Transliuojamus pasirodymai yra prieinamas visame pasaulyje, kur "Facebook" yra prieinama. Iniciatyva ne tik leidžia gerbėjams iš viso pasaulio tune, bet taip pat pasiduoda ir dar kovotojų pasaulinę platformą pademonstruoti savo gebėjimus, suteikia rengėjams pasiekiamas “transliacija” sprendimas ir suteikia Rėmėjai galimybę pasiekti masinę auditoriją per firminių turinį.
Daugiau FIGHTNIGHT LIVE Žiemos / Pavasario 2018 datos bus oficialiai paskelbta artimiausiomis savaitėmis.
FIGHTNIGHT LIVE galima rasti internete adresu: /
Follow all the action via social media at FaceFIGHTNIGHTLIVE on
"Facebook", @FaceFIGHTNIGHTLIVE „Instagram“ ir @FIGHTNIGHTLIVE_ „Twitter“, or by using the hashtag #FIGHTNIGHTLIVE. Dėl naujausių Linacre žiniasklaidos renginius ir transliuoti grafiką, follow @LinacreMedia across all social platforms or use the tags #LinacreMediaEvents or #LinacreMediaOnTV.

WBSS Pusfinaliai Finale Super Middleweights Vokietijoje: Callum Smithas prieš. Niek Holzken

Pasivaikščiojimas gyvenu Kanadoje Šį šeštadienį

(L-R) – Niek Holzken & Callum Smithas
(Paveikslėlis mandagumo Pasaulio bokso Super Series)
EDMONTON, Kanada (Vasaris 21, 2018) – Pasaulio bokso taryba (WBC) deimantiniai čempionas Callum “pasaulis” Kalvis (23-0, 17 Kos) įgauna pabaigoje pakeitimo kažkur “Natūralus” Holzken (13-0, 10 Kos) šį šeštadienį per pastaruosius Pasaulio bokso super serija (WBSS) pusfinaliai ištisus rungtynės super vidutinio svorio pasidalijimas, ne NÜRNBERGER Versicherung arenoje Niurnberge, Vokietija
Smith vs. Holzken kortelės, pradedant 2 p.m. IR, transliuos gyvenu Kanadoje, tik "Super Channel.
Holzken, nenugalėtas Olandų perspektyva, pakeitė du kartus pasaulio čempionas Jurga Braehmer, Vokietijos, kas pasitraukė iš WBSS pusfinalį rungtynių dėl ligos.
“Aš jau kovoja su karščiavimu infekcija, nes sekmadienį,” Braehmer paaiškino. “Deja, kova šioje valstybėje yra iš klausimų. Neįmanoma man eiti į žiedą, kaip tai ir aš norėčiau atsiprašyti savo gerbėjų. Buvau gerai pasirengusi ir laukiu kovos Callum.”
Smith-Holzken laimėtojas bus iš anksto į WBSS Super vidutinio svorio čempionate galutinio prieš Pasaulio bokso asociacijos (WBA) ir Tarptautinės bokso organizacijos (IBO) Super vidutinio svorio pasaulio čempionas “Ponas” George'as išvaikščiojau (28-3, Kos), Jungtinės Karalystės, Birželis 2"The O2" arenoje Londone, skirtame prestižinį mūšio Muhammad Ali Trophy.
Super kanalas įsigijo išskirtines teises Kanadoje transliuoti Pasaulio bokso Super serija nuo MP & Silva, pirmaujanti tarptautinė žiniasklaidos bendrovė, teikianti žiniasklaidos teisių, skaitmeninis, technologijų ir rėmimo paslaugos.
Smitas buvo mažiausiai išbandyti WBSS Semifinalist požiūriu turintys susidūrė kokybės priešininkus, taip pat ne jauniausias 27. Undefeated Brit yra viena iš keturių kovinių Smith brolių.
Per WBSS ketvirtfinalį, Smith paėmė 12-apvalios vieningą sprendimą nuo ankstesnio nenugalėtas Erikas Skoglund užfiksuoti Pasaulio bokso taryba (WBC) Deimantiniai Super vidutinio svorio pavadinimas.
“Aš davė interviu praėjusią savaitę sakė, kad buvo didelis nebuvo jokių drop-out,” Smith sakė. “Atrodo, kad aš per greitai kalbėjo. Mes turime skambutį, kaip mes buvo lipant į lėktuvą. Aš esu įsipareigojusi kovoti su Šeštadienis ir kovosiu, kas jos Pasaulio bokso Super serijos pasiuntė priešais mane.”
34-metų Holzken ruošėsi kovoti Dmitrijus Chudinov į Šeštadienio WBSS super vidutinio svorio Pavaduojantis kova. Jis turėjo tik keturių suplanuotų 10 turas rungtynes ​​per visą savo penkerių metų profesinę karjerą, Ryškiausias būdamas laimėti 10-apvalios vieningu sprendimu 2016 per Farouk DAKU (20-9-1) į laisvą Beniliukso super vidutinio svorio pavadinime.
Holzken yra pasiryžusi išnaudoti šią galimybę iki Sutrikimas Smith, nepaisant jo akivaizdus šuolis klasės. “Aš jau laukia šis šansas ateiti,” Holzken komentarų. “Aš užsiregistravau kaip pakaitalas naikintuvas, todėl aš labai formos ir paruošti Šeštadienis. Aš žiūrėdavau Callum kovoti daug kartų. Aš tyrimas kiekvienas mano svorio kategorijoje. Jis geras, kietas kovotojas. Mes abu Big Body punchers. Tai bus puikiu kovos. Callum, jums geriau būti pasirengę, Nes aš esu, ir aš einu įveikti jus!”

Penki įdomių kovų, SUSIJUSIOS SU “Smith-Holzken” korta, pateikė Sauerland Event, transliuos tik Kanados Super Channel.
Per 10-apvalios WBSS Pavaduojantis kovos, Dmitrij “Naktinis vilkas” Chudinov (20-2, 13 Kos), Rusijos, susiduria su priešininkas turi būti nustatomas bendrai matomas atveju. 2016 Olimpinis bronzos medalininkas filip Hrgović (3-0, 3 Kos), Kroatijos, susiduria airis sean “didelis Seksualus” tekintojas (12-1, 8 Kos) į aštuonių apvalios bijau; buvęs WBC jaunimo šviesos sunkiasvoris čempionas Jamesas "Kraft (13-0, 9 Kos), Vokietijos, atitinka Kamerūnas gimtoji Bernardas Donfack (23-17-3, 11 Kos) į aštuonių apvalios super vidutinio svorio rungtynių; 19-metų vokiečių Super vidutinio svorio Leonas Bauer (12-0-1, 8 Kos) kvadratų ne su marco MIANO (6-6, 2 Kos), Italijos, į šešių pusių kovos atidaryti Super Channel transliacijos. Šešių turas “sūpynės bijau” tarp Vokietijos super vidutinio svorio toni jėga(12-0-1, 4 Kosas) ir Vengrijos Jozsefas Racz (7-20-1, 2 Kos) taip pat gali būti eteryje.
Visi kovoja ir kovotojai gali kisti.
Pasaulio bokso SUPER SERIJA pusfinalį TVARKARAŠTIS
Sausis 27, Ryga arena, Ryga, Latvija – WBO / WBC unifikavimas
Aleksandras “Katė” Usyk (14-0, 11 Kos), Ukraina
WMDEC12 (115-113, 115-113, 114-114).
Mairis Elniai (23-1, 18 Kos), Latvija
(Usyk išsaugojo savo WBO titulą ir iškovojo WBC čempionatą)
Vasaris 3, Bolšoj ledo kupolas, Sočis, Rusija – IBF / WBA unifikavimas
Murat “Geležis” Gassiev (26-0, 19 Kos), Rusija
Yunier “KO daktaras” Dorticós (21-1, 20 Kos), Kuba
(Gassiev išlaikė savo IBF titulą ir laimėjo WBA čempionatą)
Vasaris 17, Mančesteris, Arena, Mančesteris, Jungtinė Karalystė – WBA / IBO unifikavimas
“Šventasis” George'as išvaikščiojau (28-3, 20 Kos), Jungtinė Karalystė
WDEC12 (117-112, 116-112, 115-113)
Chrisas “Kitas Pr” Eubank jaunesnysis. (26-2, 20 Kos), IBO pasaulio čempionas, Jungtinė Karalystė
(Išvaikščiojau išlaikė savo WBA titulą ir laimėjo IBO čempionatą)
Vasaris 24, Nurnberger Versicherung arena, Niurnberge, Vokietija
Callum “pasaulis” Kalvis (23-0, 17 Kos), Jungtinė Karalystė – Žiedas #3
(WBC Diamond super vidutinio svorio čempionas)
kažkur “Natūralus” Holzken (13-0, 10 Kos), Nyderlandai
Pasaulio bokso SUPER SERIES Čempionato finalai
Gegužė 11, 2018, Džida, Saudo Arabija – WBC / WBC / WBA / IBF / Žiedas unifikavimas
Aleksandras “Katė” Usyk (14-0, 11 Kos), WBO / WBC čempionas, Ukraina – Žiedas #1
Murat “Geležis” Gassiev (26-0, 19 Kos), WBA / IBF čempionas, Rusija – Žiedas #2
Birželis 2, 2018, O2 arena, Londonas, Jungtinė Karalystė – WBA / IBO unifikavimas
“Šventasis” George'as išvaikščiojau (28-3, 20 Kos), Jungtinė Karalystė, WBA / IBO čempionas – Žiedas #2
Callum Smithas-Nieky Holzken nugalėtojas
Visi WBSS pusfinaliai ir čempionato kovos, taip pat bus galima rasti Super kanalas on Demand.
Be to visiems WBSS ketvirtfinalio ir pusfinalio rungtynes, Super kanalas transliavo pagrindiniai bokso įvykiai gyventi 2017 kaip Brook vs. Spence Jr, Pacquiao-ragas, Eubank, Jaunesnysis. vs. Abraomas, Lomachenko vs.Marriaga, Crawford vs. Indongo Smith vs. williams II.
Žiūrėti visus Pasaulio bokso super serija veiksmų gyvai, taip pat įdomesnis Boksas ateiti, kovoti gerbėjų Kanadoje gali kreiptis į savo vietinį kabelinės televizijos tiekėją prenumeruoti Super Channel ir visų, kad ji siūlo, įskaitant premium serija, Filmai ir daug daugiau, už ne mažiau kaip $9.95 per mėnesį.

LFA alum shine at UFC Fight Night 126 in Austin, Teksasas

9 former fighters compete, 7 laimėjimas, ir
$150,000 in bonus money earned
HOUSTON, Teksasas – Palikimas Kova aljansą (MPŪV) and the two promotions that merged to create it, RFA and Legacy FC, were well-represented and shined on the biggest stage when the UFC traveled to the state capital of Texas sekmadienį naktis.

Nine former fighters competed, which included five former champions. This included former titleholders from LFA, RDA, and Legacy FC. The nine fighters included Derrick Lewis, Curtis Millender, Steven Peterson, Šalavijas Northcutt, Diego Ferreira, Geoff Neal, Brian Camozzi, Roberto Sanchezas, and Alex Morono. That group made up 37.5% of the entire card. Seven of the nine fighters were victorious, but that is because one of the fights pitted two of these fighters against each other. The other loss, resulted in a $50,000 “Kova Nakties” bonus and also received widespread praise.
I was excited to watch so many of the talented fighters from LFA, RDA, and Legacy do so well at UFC: Ostinassekmadienį naktis,” stated LFA CEO Ed Soares. “The goal of LFA is to develop top prospects, so when they get to the UFC, they will continue to impress under the bright lights of the UFC for years to come.

Be bendro pagrindinis renginio, former Legacy FC heavyweight champion Derrick Lewis, who also fought for RFA, did whatThe Black Beastdoes best. The no-nonsense Texan unleashed his unforgiving power-punching in the third round to pick up the TKO, his tenth UFC win, while also picking up his fourth UFC bonus. This time it was a $50,000 UFC “Performance of the Nightbonus.
Millender made his UFC debut on the main card just one month after winning the main event of LFA 30. The win at LFA 30 was Millender’s third straight win in an LFA headliner and his second straight via Head Kick KO. The win earned him a UFC contract and a debut fight against a former UFC title challenger in Thiago Alves. Šį kartą, he used a knee to score the walk-off KO. The impressive debut also earned Millender the other $50,000 UFC “Performance of the Nightbonus.
The main card also saw Northcutt, a former Legacy FC star, earn his fifth win inside the UFC Octagon, while former Legacy FC bantamweight champion and LFA standout Peterson earned a $50,000 UFC “Kova Nakties” bonus for his wildly entertaining UFC debut, which took place in the featherweight division. Peterson’s UFC debut also earned him widespread praise from fans and fellow fighters alike. Former UFC middleweight champion Chris Weidman was quick to tweet: “Peterson is my new favorite fighter!!”
Ferreira, a former Legacy FC lightweight champion, showed no signs of ring rust as he picked up a quick TKO win in less than two minutes into the final fight of the preliminary card. The win came after Ferreira made a come back to the sport after a two-year layoff. In the bout before Ferreira’s successful return, it was a battle of LFA / Legacy FC star Geoff Neal and former RFA welterweight champion Brian Camozzi. Neal made a big statement in his UFC debut and picked up the win via Rear Naked Choke.
Sanchez also picked up his first UFC win. The inaugural LFA flyweight champion earned a submission win via Rear Naked Choke less than two-minutes into the bout. Morono got things moving in the right direction for our LFA/RFA/Legacy FC alum, when the former Legacy FC welterweight champion submitted longtime UFC vet Josh Burkman via Guillotine Choke early in Round 1.
Rugsėjį 2016, RFA ir palikimas FC pareigūnai paskelbė, kad jie būtų sujungti suformuoti LFA. This new powerhouse promotion would serve as the premier developmental organization in the sport of Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) pradedant sausio 2017. RDA ir palikimas FC beveik pradėtas daugiau nei karjeros 150 sportininkai, kurie pasiekė MMA viršūnę konkuruojančių UFC.

LFA returns on Penktadienis, kovo 2nd with LFA 34 – Watley vs. Jenkins. The main event will feature the return of LFA lightweight champion Robert “Kontaktas” Watley when he defends his title against LFA #1 lengvas varžovas Brandonas “Žmogaus Paryškinti ritės” Jenkins. The event will take place at the Minnetonka Ballroom inside the new Mystic Lake Center in Prior Lake, Minesota.
MPŪV 34 bus penktasis MPŪV renginys vyks Minesotos valstybės. RDA ir palikimas FC surengė kombinuotą devyni įvykiai “Sklypai 10,000 ežerai” prieš susijungimą. Šeši iš šių įvykių įvyko pagal RFA banerio viduje mistikas ežero Casino Hotel. Visa pagrindinė kortelė MPŪV 34 bus tiesiogiai transliuojamos ir šalyje nuo AXS TV ne 9 p.m. IR / 6 p.m. PT.
Prašome apsilankyti už šoninių atnaujinimus ir informaciją. LFA is on Facebook at Palikimas Kova aljansą. LFA is also on Instagram at @LFAfighting ir "Twitter" ne @LFAfighting.

Mikey Garcia & Sergey Lipinets Los Angeles Media Workout Quotes & Nuotraukos

garcia prieš. Lipinets Junior Welterweight World Title Showdown Headlines SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING Šeštadienis, Kovas 10 from Freeman Coliseum in San Antonio
Spauskite ČIA už Nuotraukos iš Esther Lin / Showtime
LOS ANGELES (Vasaris 20, 2018) – Three-division world champion Mikey Garcia and IBF Junior Welterweight World Champion Sergey Lipinets participated in an open media workout in Los Angeles Antradienis as they prepare for their world title showdown Šeštadienis, Kovas 10 live on SHOWTIME from Freeman Coliseum in San Antonio and presented by Premier Boxing Champions.
The SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING telecast will also see two-division world champion Rances Baltramiejaus sala atsižvelgiant į Kiryl Relikh in a rematch of their thrilling fight last May, this time for the vacant WBA 140-pound world title.
The night also features a SHOWTIME BOXING on SHO EXTREME telecast beginning at 8 p.m. IR/PT that will see undefeated 140-pound contender and San Antonio-native Mario Barrios veidas Eudy Bernardo in a 10-round bout and undefeated Alejandro Luna taking on former world title challenger Richard Commey in a 12-round IBF Lightweight Title Eliminator.
Bilietus į gyvą renginį, which is promoted by Ringstar Sports and TGB Promotions in association with Leija-Battah Promotions, yra kaina $250, $150, $75, $50 ir $20 ir yra parduoti dabar. Tickets are available at or by calling 800-745-3000 arba 210 556-7390.
Joining Garcia and Lipinets at Antradienio workout was former title challenger Josesito Lopez, who competes in undercard action at Freeman Coliseum on Kovas 10.
Štai ką dalyviai turėjo pasakyti Antradienis from the City of Angels Boxing Club in Los Angeles:
Mikey Garcia
I’m excited to have another opportunity on Kovas 10 to show my fans what I’m all about and what I can do in the ring. I’m preparing to win another world title and that’s all that’s on my mind right now.
Neither one of us wants to lose. We’re both undefeated and no one wants to give up that ‘0". That’s going to make this a great fight for the fans.
I don’t have a number of titles that I’m chasing, but I do believe I will be a champion at 140-pounds and eventually at welterweight. Each fight is unique and I’m going to keep taking it one fight at a time.
I’ve been winning and dominating my fights, but I still have room to show the fans more of my skills. I need opponents who will bring the best out of me. I’m going to keep trying to dominate each fight and make it easy for myself in the ring.
It was a little upsetting that we had to wait to have this fight, but it’s part of the sport. We took a day off when we heard the news and then we went back to work. Now we’re ahead of schedule so it worked out great.
We’re excited to be where we’re at and to have the opportunity to win another world title. I’m most excited that this really takes me closer to the kind of recognition we deserve and the goals I want to achieve.
Sergey Lipinets is the number one priority right now. He’s an undefeated world champion and I can’t take him lightly at all. I’m going to follow my game plan and right now I’m on track to put on a great performance.
The number one thing I see in Sergey is his size. He’s the bigger man so I’ll have to be prepared for the weight. Because he’s a young new champion, he’s really got nothing to lose. He’s coming with everything he has.
I know he’s going to take this fight more seriously than any other he’s taken. I know that he has that fire in him. I have to be aware of his power and use my boxing skills to overcome it.
“Tai bus puiki kova. We’ll both be at 100 percent on fight night and ready to give our best. This won’t be a one-sided fight. It’s going to be two gladiators going at each other.
Mikey is a great fighter. He has a lot of skills, especially defensively. I’m going to be ready for him. It’s going to be blood, sweat and tears.
If you’ve watched my previous fights you know that this will be a great fight. We’re both going to be there in front of each other and we won’t be kissing and hugging.
I’m very excited to be in this position and I’m planning to take advantage of it. It meant a lot to win a world title, but these are the kind of fights you get into boxing for. This is a chance to really put my name in the history books.
Everything is on schedule for the hand. I’ve been using it at will with no problems. I’ll be ready to go on fight night. I never stopped working so the transition was very easy once the hand had healed.
I can’t wait to show some new things that I’ve worked on in camp. I feel really strong, fast and quick and I’m excited to put it all together on fight night.
Sparring with Mikey Garcia has been good for me. He’s a really intelligent fighter, he’s very precise and he does everything with a purpose. Being in there with him makes me a better fighter.
I’m anxious to get back in the ring. I’ve worked hard with Robert Garcia on different game plans and perfecting my style. My body feels good and I’m ready to compete with the top fighters.
Robert has a great gym in Riverside with a lot of talented fighters. We’re always working and you have to be ready to spar with anybody. The young guys have really given me good work and kept me on my toes, which I’ve needed these last few years.
Robertas GARCIA, Garcia’s Brother & Treneris
Lipinets has power and we’re fighting in his weight division. Lipinets is the naturally bigger fighter and we know he’s a dedicated fighter. I’m sure he’s training like never before.
This is an opportunity of a lifetime for Lipinets. Winning this fight puts him in a great position, so we have to be very careful. We can’t take him lightly, because it won’t be easy. But fighters like Mikey, with his skills, are sometimes able to overcome any disadvantage.
Fighters like Floyd Mayweather and Manny Pacquiao were able to move up in weight and still dominate, because of their great skills. Very few fighters are able to do that. We believe that Mikey is one of those special fighters.
BUDDY MCGIRT, Lipinets’ Treneris
The key is to not be one-dimensional. Sergey is going to give him different looks all night. Once he steps on the gas, we’ll see what Mikey’s made of.
Mikey hasn’t fought anyone competitive since he came back. I believe it’s been awhile since Mikey’s been in a fight where he’s had to dig down and work. Once Sergey steps on the gas, we’ll see what’s inside of him. I don’t doubt him, because he comes from a family of great fighters and trainers. But sometimes that ring rust will kick in at a time when you can’t afford it.
We’re prepared for any and everything. Once we get in there, we’ll give Mikey all we can when the time comes.
We’re watching Sergey and we could tell if he’s hesitating or holding back when throwing his right hand. He hasn’t been doing that. It’s just a matter of time now. Everything is running on schedule.
# # #
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atlikite mus twitter @ShowtimeBoxing, @PremierBoxing, @Ringstar @TGBPromotions, and @Swanson_Comm or become a fan on Facebook at ir žvaigždučių Sportas. TSK remia Corona Extra, geriausių Alus.


Dropkick Murphy’s Boxing Card runs from 3-7 p.m. šeštadienį as part of a big weekend of free boxing on Facebook.
NEW YORK (Vasaris. 20, 2018) – "Facebook" FIGHTNIGHT GYVAI continues its tripleheader weekend with a Murphys Boxing matinee šeštadienį, live from the Mohegan Sun Ballroom in Connecticut. Fight fans from across the nation and around the globe can catch an outstanding card with international appeal on any device wherever Facebook is available from 3-7 p.m., brought to fans by the promotion born out of the Dropkick Murphys popular Celtic punk band.
Times are changing for boxing just like streaming changed music. With the built-in audiences we have we are reaching a higher viewership with our streams than many of the televised fight cards are these days. We are proud of the fights we are putting on and the big audiences we are drawing, and it’s great for our fighters to get the exposure,” sakė Kenas Casey, Dropkick Murphys Frontman and President and Founder, Murphys Boksas.
Recently hitting the 1,000,000 views mark, Šeštadienis afternoon’s show continues FIGHTNIGHT LIVE’s historic Vasaris. 23-24 back-to-back-to-back Penktadienis ir Šeštadienis shows spanning from the casinos of New England to the Boardwalk of Atlantic City. The Dropkick Murphys are live in concert at Mohegan Sun Arena for fans onsite after Murphys Boxing, but ringside access on the Facebook FIGHTNIGHT LIVE channel takes viewers to the Jersey Shore after the closing bell in Uncasville, Conn.
We’re excited about Šeštadienis, and also to begin a two-fight promotion with Murphys Boxing,” sakė Pažymėti Fratto, Vyriausioji Linacre Media. “The card is filled with undefeated up-and-comers with international appeal, and Facebook is a terrific medium to deliver these great fights and outstanding athletes to a global audience. We’re thrilled that the Murphys are part of the action and can’t wait to hoist a pint with them during our St. Patrick’s Day show in Boston as well.
Murphys Boxing action at Mohegan Sun šeštadienį afternoon features a battle for the WBA-NABA light heavyweight title between undefeated Charlesas Fosteris (14-0, 8 Kos) New Haven, Conn. ir Justin Thomas (19-3, 7 Kos) of Baton Rouge, La. A bevy of unbeaten battlers will be featured on a packed undercard that includes heavyweight Niall Kennedy (10-0, 6 Kos), Super lengvas Viljamas Fosteris III (4-0, 3 Kos), super vidutinio svorio Carlos Gongora (10-0, 8 Kos), Super lengvas Abraomas Nova (9-0, 8 Kos) and super lightweight Ray Jay Bermudez (2-0, 1 KO).
Over the first nine-plus months of programming, the numbers on the 12-show FIGHTNIGHT LIVE series have showed promise and potential for the new platform with an average of close to 90,000 fight fans tuning in per event and more than one-million fans served.
The Septyni. 9 “Real Deal Akcijos: "Empire State"” nuo Resorts World "kazino (225,000), rugpjūčio BEE “Super Šeštadienis” nuo Foxwoods (203,000), rugsėjis. BEE “Dvivietis upės Twinbill” iš Linkolno, R.I. (157,000) visi papildyta 150,000 Peržiūros, and collectively the 12-show series saw a total of more than 21,000 total hours of Facebook video consumed by 1,067,435-plus users across all devices.
Be to, žaliavų žiūrinčių skaičių, visiškai interaktyvios, fan-friendly productions have seen daugiau negu 142,000 kolektyviniai gyvi post įsipareigojimai (beveik 12,000 per show), including almost 97,000 “teig” arba “myli,” daugiau negu 22,000 comments and almost 6,000 akcijų.
FIGHTNIGHT LIVE broadcasts are viewed by 76 procentų vyrų, 24 procentų moterų. The top demographic is comprised of males ages 25-34, kuris apima maždaug 30.0 procentų auditorijos, vidutiniškai.
The Septyni. 9 “Real Deal Akcijos: "Empire State"” set a new bar with 224,658 Peržiūros ir Septyni. 15-16 DiBella-CES doubleheader carried the series to three-quarters-of-a-million views in just over four months. Vasario mėn. 10 Hard-Hitting PromotionsPhilly Fight Night” Rodyti išsiskiria individualiai su 3,421 live hours of content viewed, o Septyni. 15 DiBella card saw daugiau negu 40,000 žiūrovas sąveika including almost 39,000 “teig” arba “myli.”
The FIGHTNIGHT LIVE page on Facebook has more than 80,000 gerbėjai ir daugiau nei 82,000 followers. And Facebook itself has taken noticethe world’s No. 1 social network recently profiled FIGHTNIGHT LIVE on itsSuccess Storiesmedia blog, noting the seriesuse of industry best practices for production and interactivity:
Facebook FIGHTNIGHT LIVE has been delivered to fans absolutely free since its May 2017 launch courtesy of series corporate partners like Elite Heat Water, Montauk Iced Tea (, Ponas. Custom Made( ir BallWash (
Šeštadienį popietė, Vasaris. 24, live from live from Mohegan Sun Casino in Uncasville, Conn., gerbėjai gali tikėtis didelio poveikio, kelių kamera transliacijos patirtis visiškai su grafika, animacija, pakartojimais, interviu ir paskelbti komandą, kurią įtvirtino „smūgis po smūgio“ diktorius Vladimir Lik of The RING, Round By Round Boxing and the Russian language newspaper Russkaya Reklama, ir analitikas Xavier Porter of and Notorious Boxing. Suteikti žiūrovams visapusišką interaktyvų įspūdį, komentatoriai prašys ir atsakyti į klausimus iš "Facebook" auditoriją visoje laidoje.
Sukurta ir pagaminta Linacre Media iš New York City, FIGHTNIGHT LIVE serija pasižymi profesionalūs diktoriai, kelis kameros kampai, televizijos grafika, pakartojimais ir už-the-scenos prieiga ir interviu. Transliuojamus pasirodymai yra prieinamas visame pasaulyje, kur "Facebook" yra prieinama. Iniciatyva ne tik leidžia gerbėjams iš viso pasaulio tune, bet taip pat pasiduoda ir dar kovotojų pasaulinę platformą pademonstruoti savo gebėjimus, suteikia rengėjams pasiekiamas “transliacija” sprendimas ir suteikia Rėmėjai galimybę pasiekti masinę auditoriją per firminių turinį.
Daugiau FIGHTNIGHT LIVE Žiemos / Pavasario 2018 datos bus oficialiai paskelbta artimiausiomis savaitėmis.
FIGHTNIGHT LIVE galima rasti internete adresu:
Stebėkite visus veiksmus per socialinę žiniasklaidą „Facebook“ „FaceFIGHTNIGHTLIVE“, @FaceFIGHTNIGHTLIVE „Instagram“ ir @FIGHTNIGHTLIVE_ „Twitter“, or by using the hashtag #FIGHTNIGHTLIVE. Dėl naujausių Linacre žiniasklaidos renginius ir transliuoti grafiką, follow @LinacreMedia across all social platforms or use the tags #LinacreMediaEvents or #LinacreMediaOnTV.