Orodyahanka EE celin ku Baasaysanay XUN EE Shorey AT NEF XX?

Lewiston, Maine (September 30, 2015) - Dagaaladu New England (NEF), America ayaa tiro-mid dhiirrigelinta dagaalka gobolka, qaban doonaan ay dhacdo ee soo socota, “NEF XX: TAARIIKHDA gacan ka hadal” on Saturday, November 21, 2015 at Colisée Androscoggin Bank ee Lewiston, Maine. The event will feature a first for Maine – isku dhafan-martial-arts (MMA) bouts and professional boxing bouts on the same event with an MMA cage and a boxing ring set up side-by-side. Goor hore oo maanta, the promotion announced the addition of a professional featherweight bout to the MMA portion of the fight card. “Shatterproof 2.0” Derek Shorey (3-2) ayaa qalinka ku duugay in ay la kulmaan soo laabtay Damon “Fidneeyey ayaa” Owens (2-0) at miisaanka dagaalka ee 145-pounds a.


Tababaraha asaasaha iyo madaxa Club dagaalka Shatterproof in Dexter, Maine, Derek Shorey has been impressive in his professional career thus far. All three of his wins have come by first-round stoppage, oo ay ku jiraan Shorey soo gaartay ee Tollison Lewis (0-5) horaantii bishan ka dhacay “NEF XIX.” Ku guuleysto iyo haddii, Shorey oon rumayn daynin dagaal tagaan si ay xaakinnadii’ scorecards. All fifteen of his combined amateur and pro fights have ended by either knockout, knockout farsamo (WHO) ama soo gudbinta.


“Mahadisaan Waxaan ahay in qeyb ka mid ah dhacdo taariikhi ah in uu yahay NEF XX noqon,” Saciid Shorey. “Thank you Matt Peterson and Nick DiSalvo for providing a platform for me to chase this ridiculous dream. Damon is an interesting matchup for me because, stylistically, we are very similar. I’m excited to get in there and mix it up with him and I think the fans will be the biggest winners on this night because they’re in for a hell of a show. Waxaan kaliya oo kaliya bilaabeen in ay ka jaftaa aan si buuxda, iyo in ay soo jiid ah "W’ in ka badan dagaalka ah xerada ugu fiican Maine, noqon doono daqiiqad ku faani ii.”


Ka hor inta uusan u dhaqaaqin Colorado ka Maine ee 2013, Damon Owens was on the verge of becoming a breakout star on the regional MMA scene. Owens put together a pair of solid, dib-iyo-gadaal guul ka dhanka ah John Raio (2-8) iyo Josh Parker (4-8). Like Shorey, Owens came into his own after leaving the amateur ranks. Also like Shorey, Owens does not believe in letting the judges decide the outcome of his fights. Only one of his bouts out of seven has gone the distance. Owens is a member of Young’s MMA in Bangor, Maine. Returning home, he has been welcomed back with open arms to his team. Owens has been inactive from competition since moving to Colorado two years ago.


“Ku darista dagaalka si ay sida dhacdo taariikhi ah sida 'NEF XX’ ahaa ma-brainer,” ayaa sheegay in NEF co-milkiilaha iyo horumariyaha Nick DiSalvo. “Derek and Damon have both proven themselves to be big finishers. They match up very well and they’re both incredibly exciting fighters. This fight has a very good shot at stealing the show!”


Dagaaladu New England’ Haddii ay dhacdo ee soo socota, “NEF XX: TAARIIKHDA gacan ka hadal,” dhacdaa November 21, 2015 at Colisée Androscoggin Bank ee Lewiston, Maine. The event will mark the first time in Maine history a mixed-martial-arts (MMA) event and a professional boxing event have taken place together on the same show. Qiimaha tikidhada “NEF XX” bilaaban doono oo kaliya $25 oo waa on sale hadda atwww.TheColisee.com ama adigoo wacaya xafiiska sanduuqa Colisée at 207.783.2009 x 525. Wixii macluumaad dheeraad ah ee ku saabsan dhacdada iyo dagaalka kaarka updates, fadlan booqo website horumarinta ee www.NewEnglandFights.com. Waxaa intaa dheer, waxaad daawan kartaa NEF videos at www.youtube.com/NEFMMA, oo iyaga raac onnefights Twitter iyo Facebook ku biiro kooxda rasmi ah "New England oo gaaf wareegaya."


About Dagaaladu New England


Dagaaladu New England ("NEF") waa dagaalka shirkadda dalacsiiyo ama dhacdooyinka. Howlgalka NEF ee waa in la abuuro dhacdooyinkii tayada ugu saraysa ee Maine ee dagaalyahanno iyo taageerayaasha si isku mid ah. Kooxda Fulinta NEF ee uu leeyahay waayo-aragnimo ballaaran u leeyahay arrimaha maamulka isboortiga dagaal, wax soo saarka dhacdooyinka, xiriirka warbaahinta, marketing, sharci iyo advertising.

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