Lewiston, Maine (Pebruari 11, 2015) - Gelut New England (NEF), Amérika sacara jumlah-hiji promotion fight regional, mulih deui ka Androscoggin Bank Colisee di Lewiston, Maine dina April 11, 2015 jeung dicampur-bela diri-seni seventeenth anak (MMA) kajadian. The fight card, aptly judulna “NEF XVII,” bakal Fitur hiji-tingkat luhur welterweight panarjamah kontes antara Jarod “Menit Tukang” Lawton (4-1) jeung Dennis Olson (12-7).


“Ieu jenis fight cinta urang nyieun dina NEF,” said NEF co-owner and matchmaker Matt Peterson. “Ieu dua pejuang seru nu datang jeung 100% each and every time they step into that cage. Neither of them could have a boring fight if they tried. Kadua atlit ieu nyangking inténsitas jarang ka regimens latihan maranéhanana jeung gaya tarung. Lamun urang kasampak deui di ahir 2015, Ngaku ayana ieu tarung jadi dina sawala pikeun 'ngalawan tina Taun.'”


Lawton, hiji Brasil Jiu-Jitsu (BJJ) sabuk hideung kaluar ti Augusta, Maine, recently signed a long-term promotional contract with NEF. He has been a regular in the NEF cage for three years, four of five of his professional bouts having been for the promotion. Lawton’s sole loss came to Darrius Heyliger (5-2) when the cage-side physician stopped the bout due to a cut. He had been beating Heyliger soundly up until that point.


Lawton bakal balik asup pikeun meunang tilu saterusna di sakaligus, becoming known for his late fight finishes of opponents. He currently owns and operates Team Lawton Martial Arts – hiji Tim New England Sarikat (NEW) affiliate dumasar dina Farmingdale, Maine. With the Androscoggin Bank Colisee being just down the road from his base of operations, Lawton karasaeun yén anjeunna bakal ngabogaan kaunggulan widang imah leuwih ti Olson di maranéhanana April 11 tungtung.


“Kuring ngaharepkeun fans anu jadi bungah salaku Kami ngeunaan kuring meunang balik di kandang,” Ngadawuh Lawton. “I plan to make this a breakout year for myself and Team Lawton-NEU. I am ready to take this step up in competition against Olson. We are both very durable and I am expecting fireworks for this fight, tapi NEF nyaéta imah mah – this guy is coming to my home, fans mah’ imah. When we step in that cage, mah bakal leuwih ti kuring di kurung nu – it will be an entire arena against him. All my preparation will be thanks to my training partners, peringkat pelatih, siswa jeung pamajikan jeung anak, jeung NEF for kabeh jeung kasempetan maranéhanana geus dibikeun ka kuring.”


Dennis Olson mangrupa salah sahiji anu pang-dimangfaatkeun, jeung takwa, athletes in the history of the New England MMA scene. He is a product of John Fain’s Team Triumph in Nashua, NH, jeung ieu, di hiji wanci, the kingpin of the region’s welterweight division. Olson is a two-fight veteran of the Bellator cage and has spent over a decade competing in MMA. His list of opponents reads like a “nu nu nu” tina welterweights New England leuwih taun, kaasup kira meunang kasohor leuwih UFC Samaun jeung Dolce Diet namesake Mike Dolce (4-9). Olson undoubtedly bakal neuteup ka avenge karugian katukang ku Triumph-Na teammates John Ortolani (7-9) jeung Cody Anderson (1-2) di leungeun Lawton.


April 11, 2015, Kuring nanjak kana kandang for jaman ayeuna 22nd, Lawton pikeun kagenep,” ceuk Olson. “Kuring hormat ka unggal salah sahiji lawan mah’ ability to throw a punch or snag a choke. Tapi, with the level of competition that I have seen leads me to believe that there is nothing Lawton can use to surprise me or catch me off guard. Knowing this information leaves me with only one option. I have to take advantage of absolutely every second I have in order to prepare myself to prove that information as fact. I am going to do my best to take every ounce of heart and soul from you. I’m going to make you want to give up, ngajadikeun hayang maot. I’m going to do my best to dismantle you piece by piece. To prove to you and I and everyone else that I am your alpha. Kami di luhur anjeun, Anjeun teu bisa jeung moal bisa ngelehkeun kuring.”

Kajadian MMA saterusna NEF sacara, “NEF XVII,” ieu dijadwalkeun pikeun nyokot tempat diApril 11, 2015 di Androscoggin Bank Colisee di Lewiston, Maine. Bruce “Geulis Boy” Boyington (10-7) bakal membela nu Ibing Lightweight NEF MMA ngalawan jumlah-hiji contender Jamie Harrison (5-1). Salaku tambahan, Jarod “Menit Tukang” Lawton (4-1) meets Dennis Olson (12-7) dina kontes welterweight. Tiket pikeun “NEF XVII” mimitian jam saukur $25 jeung nu diobral ayeuna di www.TheColisee.com atawa ku nelepon Nu Colisee kotak kantor di 207.783.2009 x 525. Kanggo inpo nu langkung lengkep ihwal kajadian jeung fight apdet kartu, mangga buka website kampanye nu aya di www.NewEnglandFights.com. Salaku tambahan, Anjeun bisa lalajo video NEF di www.youtube.com/NEFMMA, turutan éta kontak dina Twitternefights jeung ngiluan gugus Facebook resmi "New England gelut."


Ngeunaan gelut New England


Gelut New England ("NEF") nyaéta gelut pausahaan kajadian promosi. Misi NEF nyaéta pikeun nyieun kajadian kualitas nu pangluhurna pikeun pejuang Maine sarta fans sapuk. Tim eksekutif NEF sacara miboga pangalaman éksténsif dina ngokolakeun olahraga tempur, produksi kajadian, Hubungan média, pamasaran, hukum jeung pariwara.

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