Welterweight matchup għandu l-makings ta “ĠLIEDA TAS-SENA”

Lewiston, Maine (Frar 11, 2015) - Tissielet New England (NEF), Amerika Numru ta 'wieħed promozzjoni ġlieda reġjonali, ritorni lejn il-Androscoggin Bank Colisee fil Lewiston, Maine fuq April 11, 2015 bl mħallta marzjali arti-sbatax tagħha (MMA) avveniment. The fight card, aptly titolat “NEF XVII,” ser jkollhom karatteristika ta 'livell għoli konkors welterweight professjonali bejn Jarod “Last Minute” Lawton (4-1) u Dennis Olson (12-7).


“Dan hu t-tip ta 'ġlieda we imħabba li jagħmlu fil NEF,” said NEF co-owner and matchmaker Matt Peterson. “Huwa żewġ ġellieda eċċitanti li jiġu ma ' 100% each and every time they step into that cage. Neither of them could have a boring fight if they tried. Dawn iż-żewġ atleti ġġib intensità rari li reġimens taħriġ tagħhom u stili nar. Meta aħna nħarsu lura lejn l-aħħar ta ' 2015, Nistenna din il-ġlieda li jkun fil-diskussjoni għall- "Ġlieda tas-Sena."”


Lawton, Brażiljan Jiu-Jitsu (BJJ) ċinturin iswed barra ta 'Augusta, Maine, recently signed a long-term promotional contract with NEF. He has been a regular in the NEF cage for three years, four of five of his professional bouts having been for the promotion. Lawton’s sole loss came to Darrius Heyliger (5-2) when the cage-side physician stopped the bout due to a cut. He had been beating Heyliger soundly up until that point.


Lawton se jmorru biex tirbaħ tlieta li jmiss tiegħu fir-ringiela, becoming known for his late fight finishes of opponents. He currently owns and operates Team Lawton Martial Arts – Tim New England Uniti (NEW) affiljat bbażata fil Farmingdale, Maine. With the Androscoggin Bank Colisee being just down the road from his base of operations, Lawton jħoss li hu se jkollu l-vantaġġ qasam dar fuq Olson fil tagħhom April 11 aħħar.


“Nispera li l-fannijiet huma kif eċċitati kif jiena about me jkollna lura fil-gaġġa,” Said Lawton. “I plan to make this a breakout year for myself and Team Lawton-NEU. I am ready to take this step up in competition against Olson. We are both very durable and I am expecting fireworks for this fight, imma NEF hija dar tiegħi – this guy is coming to my home, fannijiet tiegħi’ home. When we step in that cage, se jkun aktar minn lili fil dak gaġġa – it will be an entire arena against him. All my preparation will be thanks to my training partners, coaches, istudenti u l-mara tiegħi u iben, u NEF għall-opportunitajiet kollha li jkunu taw lili.”


Dennis Olson hija waħda mill-aktar rispettati, u beżgħu, athletes in the history of the New England MMA scene. He is a product of John Fain’s Team Triumph in Nashua, NH, u kien, f'ħin wieħed, the kingpin of the region’s welterweight division. Olson is a two-fight veteran of the Bellator cage and has spent over a decade competing in MMA. His list of opponents reads like a “Min hu xiex” ta 'New England welterweights matul is-snin, inkluż rebħa notevoli fuq veteran UFC u namesake Dolce Dieta Mike Dolce (4-9). Olson bla dubju se tfittex li jpattuha telf fil-passat mill Triumph tiegħu teammates John Ortolani (7-9) u Cody Anderson (1-2) fl-idejn ta Lawton.


April 11, 2015, I jitilgħu fil-gaġġa għall-22 darba, Lawton għas-sitt,” qal Olson. “I-rigward kull wieħed mill-avversarji tiegħi’ ability to throw a punch or snag a choke. Madankollu, with the level of competition that I have seen leads me to believe that there is nothing Lawton can use to surprise me or catch me off guard. Knowing this information leaves me with only one option. I have to take advantage of absolutely every second I have in order to prepare myself to prove that information as fact. I am going to do my best to take every ounce of heart and soul from you. I’m going to make you want to give up, tagħmel inti tixtieq li jmutu. I’m going to do my best to dismantle you piece by piece. To prove to you and I and everyone else that I am your alpha. I am hawn fuq inti, inti ma tistax u mhux se defeat me.”

Avveniment NEF tal-MMA jmiss, “NEF XVII,” hija skedata li sseħħ fuqApril 11, 2015 fil-Androscoggin Bank Colisee fil Lewiston, Maine. Bruce “Boy Pretty” Boyington (10-7) se tiddefendi l Titolu Ħfief NEF MMA kontra numru wieħed konkorrent Jamie Harrison (5-1). B'żieda, Jarod “Last Minute” Lawton (4-1) jissodisfa Dennis Olson (12-7) f'kompetizzjoni welterweight. Biljetti għall “NEF XVII” tibda fi ftit $25 u huma fuq bejgħ issa fil www.TheColisee.com jew billi ċċempel L-uffiċċju kaxxa Colisee fi 207.783.2009 x 525. For more information on the event and fight card updates, please visit the promotion’s website at www.NewEnglandFights.com. B'żieda, you can watch NEF videos at www.youtube.com/NEFMMA, jsegwu minnhom fuqnefights Twitter u jingħaqdu mal-grupp uffiċjali Facebook "New England Tissielet."


About New England tissielet


New England tissielet ("NEF") hija ġlieda promozzjonijiet avvenimenti kumpanija. Missjoni NEF huwa li jinħolqu l-avvenimenti ta 'kwalità ogħla għall-ġellieda Maine u supporters. Tim eżekuttiv NEF għandu l-esperjenza estensiva fil-ġestjoni isports miġġielda, produzzjoni avvenimenti, relazzjonijiet mal-midja, marketing, legali u r-reklamar.

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