Hometown UNBEATEN Izintandokazi sammy Vasquez JR. Ifuna 10 Knockout iqonde lapho ibhekene EZIKANYE SOUTHPAW EMMANUEL LARTEY NGOLWESIHLANU FEB. 20, PHILA ON SHOWTIME® FROM Consol AMANDLA CENTER, Pittsburgh, PA.

World-zibalwa Once-Beatens Humberto Savigne & Claudio Marrero Okufakiwe in iziqubu elihlukile Of ShoBox: The New Generation Tripleheader at 10 p.m. ET / PT

"Ngiyazi Ngizofika ukugcina KO streak wami uya ... ..He akakaze akhishwe futhi Ngithanda labo izinhlobo izinselelo '' -. Sammy Vasquez

"Yena Kuye engqongqoza a lot of guys, kodwa ongakaze abhekane ngubani ofana nami "- Emmanuel Lartey


Pittsburgh, Pa. (UJan. 29, 2015) - Welterweight High-energy langakubo intandokazi futhi unbeaten Sammy Vasquez Jr. (17-0, 13 Kos) uzobuyela isinyathelo befuna yakhe 10th Ukunqoba alandelanayo by Knockout uma ethatha southpaw nabo Emmanuel Lartey (17-2, 8 Kos, 1 NC), of Brooklyn, N.Y.. ngendlela Ghana, in the 10-round umcimbi main of a ShoBox: The New Generationtripleheader bephila ISIKHATHI SOMBUKISO® (10 p.m. ET / PT, kwabambezeleka the West Coast) kusukela Consol Energy Center e Pittsburgh, Pa.


In the co-isici Goossen Promotions umcimbi, zangaphambili osenesikhathi amateur Cuban star and lamanje third-zibalwa WBC ukukhanya sosondonzima Humberto Savigne (12-1, 9 Kos, 1 NC), of Miami nge Guantanamo, Cuba, uzothatha on Ezingakanqotshwa Craig Baker (15-0, 11 Kos), of Baytown, Texas, in an iziqubu 8/10-round.


In the iziqubu ukuvulwa telecast, southpaw abanamakhono and WBA No. 7 featherweight zibalwa Claudio Marrero (17-1, 13 Kos), of Miami ngendlela Dominican Republic, ngeke ebhokisini Umphikisi ukuba kumenyezelwe an nesishiyagalombili round match.


"Sizoba ahlonishwe ukwethula ukubuya Sammy sika isinyathelo ngokumelene Lartey,"Kusho Tom Brown of Goossen Promotions. "Sekungamashumi eminyaka Western Pennsylvania bukhicite ompetha bomhlaba futhi abanye amaqhawe ezinzima kunazo the boxing kanye Sammy kufanela kwesokudla in. Uthi wenza ngempela Consol ekhaya lakhe. With the okumangazayo support esedlule kusukela endaweni Pittsburgh for ukulwa kwakhe, thina kakhulu ukukhuthaza abalandeli ukuthenga amathikithi kusenesikhathi. "


"Sijabula kakhulu ukuba waphinda ukusingatha langakubo hero Sammy Vasquez, Jr., at Consol Energy Center njengoba Headlines the iziqubu feature for a kakhulu professional boxing ikhadi on Feb. 20,"Kusho Tim Hassett, CONSOL Energy Center General Manager and Regional VP of AEG Facilities. “The City of Pittsburgh has a rich history and tradition in boxing, and is the center of a region full of enthusiastic sports fans. We are thrilled that Goossen Promotions and SHOWTIME have chosen our venue as the site for this event, futhi sibheka phambili bonke abathintekayo ujabulela konke umuzi wethu omkhulu oluyohlala. "


Omunye amasosha ethandwa kakhulu kusukela endaweni eminyakeni, isixuku ojabulisa Vasquez, 28, kuyoba ngokwenza yesibili yakhe ShoBox ukuqalisa nowesithathu ukubukeka alandelanayo at Consol Energy Center, lapho uyeza off ezimbili ngokunqoba lekhethelo umsebenzi wakhe othembisayo.


In isiqalo sakhe yakamuva, the Vasquez nolaka-minded ezibhalisiwe isiqhumane 2:35, lokuqala round Knockout phezu Alberto Mosquera (21-1-2 uya e) last Nov. 14. He scored a smashing ninth-round TKO over then-unbeaten James Stevenson (21-0 uya e) on Aug. 8. Vasquez dropped Mosquera twice with body shots, Stevenson once.


Vasquez ulwisane one time esedlule nxazonke lesithupha. Akakaze gone ngaphezu nesishiyagalolunye unqobile last nine ukulwa kwakhe elandelanayo by Knockout. Lartey, Ngakolunye, Uye 10 noma emahlandla ngaphezulu kahlanu, Angikaze akhishwe futhi angakaze abhidliza.


"Lartey kuyinto enhle, fighter ezinzima futhi kuzoba khona ukulwa okuhle,'' Vasquez wathi. "Ngiyazi Ngizofika ukugcina KO wami streak ngokuya. Noma ngabe in the kuqala noma 10th, kuzokwenzeka. Akakaze akhishwe futhi Ngithanda labo izinhlobo izinselelo. ''


In yakhe ShoBox DEBUT, Vasquez amaphuzu knockdowns ezintathu en eya a 2:49, lokuqala round Knockout phezu Juan Rodriguez Jr. ngo-Ephreli 18, 2014, in Monroeville. Pa. Despite all the stoppages, 5-foot-10 Vasquez akakaze acabange a puncher Knockout.


"Ngizibheka kahle babanjwa kodwa uma ithuba livela, I ngokunenzuzo,” Vasquez said. “Whether I am considered by others as a KO or guy or not, Ngizothatha leli thuba. Ngiyazi ukuthi izongena rankings ngokushesha. Kodwa, okwamanje, Angazi ngempela unake kubo. ''


An amateur kufezeke (2011 National Championships PAL futhi 2010 All-Army Championships gold medalist at 152 amakhilogremu), Vasquez bekulokhu intandokazi isixuku kusukela turning pro in August 2012. Zonke ezintathu ukulwa wakhe baye endaweni Pittsburgh.


"Ukulwa aphinde at Consol Energy Center, enkundleni for the Pittsburgh Penguins ekhaya, mkhulu,'' Kusho Vasquez, a United States Army veteran ababekhonza ezimbili combat izinkambo Iraq (2005-2006 futhi 2008-2009) ngesikhathi ukuhlala oneminyaka engu-njengoba ilungu Guard National. "Ngibonga kakhulu ukuba ukwazi kusihloko khona futhi ngiyajabula ukuba bakwazi ukuletha ukunakwa obala Pittsburgh for the abalandeli boxing ukujabulela. Ngiyajabula ukuletha boxing emuva futhi agqoke show kuhle umuzi lendawo yethu.


"Ayikho ingcindezi ekushayeni isibhakela emva ezinye izinto bengilokhu ngokusebenzisa ngaphandle boxing. Njalo ngifuna ukunqoba, kodwa ukunqoba, ulahlekelwe noma udwebe, ekushayeni isibhakela wena njalo phuma ukuthi ring ephila. ''


Lartey (libizwe "Lar-isandla"), 32, uyeza off ukunqoba kwakhe kuphawuleka kakhulu, a ngazwilinye 10-round isinqumo phezu wangaphambilini emhlabeni iqhawe ukunqoba Steve Forbes on June 7, 2014 e Tacoma, Geza.


“I owabhekana nazo umncintiswano obuqinile okuningi kunalokho Vasquez futhi angikhathazekanga mayelana ukulwa in lakubo,” Lartey said. “Sammy is a very tough fighter, kodwa kanjalo am I. He’s been knocking out a lot of guys, kodwa ongakaze abhekane ngubani ofana nami. "


In iziqubu yakhe ngaphambi last, yakhe ShoBox DEBUT, Lartey wakhuphuka on the end of a engafanele kanzima uqhekeko nesishiyagalombili round isinqumo 2008 U.S. Olympic Gold MedalistFelix Diaz.


Three ukulwa edlule umdlalo, Lartey okuhlala wanika unbeaten star kweludvweshu 2012 U.S. Olympian Errol Spence fight yakhe ezinzima kunazo pro, ukuthatha kuye nesishiyagalombili round ibanga okokuqala. Nakuba ngokucacile ngemuva futhi ebonakala washaywa, Lartey landed a body shot near the end of the seventh before rocking Spence with a big right hook late at the bell. Lartey came forward for most of the eighth round, sokuphoqa Spence ukuma emhlabathini wakhe ngomzuzu wokugcina of the fight.


I had a few setbacks and I’m very grateful for this opportunity. This is my time to shine and show the world how good I am.


The 5-foot-8 Lartey waphenduka pro in April 2005 in Ghana, futhi walwa ngokusebenzisa 2009 lapho. Ube kade 11-0 kanye 1 NC - iwina African and Ghanaian Imiqhudelwano super engasindi endleleni - ngaphambi kokuthuthela e-United States nokwenza DEBUT yakhe stateside in February 2011.


Lokhu kuyoba isikhathi wesine yona bebhekene themba unbeaten on the road. Ungu 1-2, ukulahlekelwa ngamaphuzu ku Diaz in April 2014 futhi Spence in October 2013 futhi esinqobayo nge amaphuzu ngokumelene Jonathan Bautista (13-0 uya e) in April 2013.


Savigne (liphinyiselwe "sa-Peat-yay"), 34, akhishwe zangaphambili emhlabeni iqhaweJeff Lacy in the round yesibili in ekuqaleni yakhe yokugcina mhlaka July 10, 2014. Lokho upped irekhodi lakhe ukuba 10-0 kanye 1 NC kusukela ukuhlupheka esehlulwe oyedwa ukuba isinamumva Harvey Jolly ngoDisemba 2009, a fight in okungenzeka wangena nge iqakala olimele.


A yangaphambili international amateur standout kanye ilungu Cuban team National iminyaka eyisikhombisa, Humberto (libizwe "Umberto" - with a "H" buthule) wenza DEBUT yakhe pro futhi stateside at the age of late 30. Baker represents the fourth undefeated fighter that Savigne has faced as a pro.


"Into Ngiyazi nje wukuthi Baker uya ukwehlela phambi round lwesihlanu,” Savigne said. “I’m going in there to knock him out and make it a quick night. I don’t know what he is thinking about me, but I know I’m not underestimating him. I’m going to do my job like I always do. It doesn’t matter what he does. I’ll be ready.


"Ngizofuna ukufakazela ukuthi sengisele don entsha ukukhanya division sosondonzima,"Said Savigne, ngubani ngokuthi "El Don."


A yemvelo kwesokunxele-hander, Waya Savigne 398-23 in the nayizimfundamakhwela. Wanqoba ubuqhawe kazwelonke izikhathi ezine, and was on the national team for seven years. Savigne defected from Cuba to the United States in April 2009. The 6-foot-1 Savigne, oye balwa kuphela in the U.S. kusukela turning pro, uye ngokushesha wasukuma No. 3 the WBC 175-ganda rankings ngemva nje 14 iziqubu professional.


"Ngizizwa sengikulungele a fight isihloko emhlabeni kusukela ngonyaka odlule,” Savigne said. “I’m looking forward to getting a win on Feb 20 and facing the big names in the light heavyweight division. I’ve been training hard and I’ve been patient and humble. When the time comes, I’m going to be in prime shape and ready to fulfill my dream of becoming a world champion. Whether it’s early this year, late nonyaka noma ngonyaka ozayo, Ngikulungele.


"Ngifuna ukuba alwe Champions at 175 amakhilogremu, but I need to take care of Baker first. I want Adonis Stevenson. I feel that I’m better than him. He’s never fought a guy like me and I don’t see enough skill set in him to be able to defeat me.”


Baker, ophendukela 31 on Feb. 10, kuyoba ngokwenza kwakhe ShoBox DEBUT. A oneminyaka eyisikhombisa pro, Baker kuyinto fighter ingcindezi othanda ukugqoka phansi izimbangi ngokukhalipha. Uyeza off a third-round Knockout phezu Sergio Cordoba lastNov. 15 e Argentina. Unqobe yakhe ezintathu zokugcina ukulwa ngaphakathi emahlandla lamatsatfu, kodwa hhayi ngokumelene fighters ezingeni Savigne.


"Ngihlale isinamumva, ngakho lokhu akuyona into entsha,” Baker said. “I’ve been in this position before. You just have to do what you’re supposed to do you’ll get the win. “We’ve been waiting for this opportunity to prove who we are.


"Uma ngimehlula kuzokutjho konke, it will be a dream come true. It’s going to open some doors for me. I’ll be 16-0 futhi kube khona ukuba abhekane ezinye amasosha phezulu at 175 ukushaya. "


Baker waphenduka isibhakela 2005 njengendlela ukunciphisa umzimba. Ngaleso sikhathi, walinganisa 293 amakhilogremu. Wayeyolahlekelwa amateur yakhe DEBUT kodwa wabe eseqhubeka ukunqoba Gloves kanye Texas State USA Championships Texas State Golden kokubili 2007 futhi 2008. Baker Wayebuye umgijimi phezulu National PAL Tournament in 2007, a quarterfinalist zombili National Championships USA Tournament kanye Gloves National Golden, okuyinto wamzuzela USA Boxing simo of No kazwelonke. 3.


"Ngiye babhekana guys onjengaye ngaphambi,” Baker said. “At the end of the day, all that matters is what you bring to the ring. On the national level in the amateurs you can face guys with a few hundred fights on the first day of a tournament. So his amateur pedigree doesn’t scare me.


“I’m just expecting a W anyway it comes. That’s what I want and that’s what I’m getting. He’s just like any other fighter. You have to wait and see what they have. We’ll find out on fight night.”


Marrero, 25, akakuqabuki fans wendawo, kokuphunyuka alwa kabili endaweni ngonyaka odlule, kokubili izikhathi on amakhadi futhi featuring Vasquez.


An fighter omuhle ukulahlekelwa ogama kuphela weza on a Friend 12-round isinqumoUJesu Cuellar in a ake-it-all-hang-out, ezimatasa slugfest for the WBA Interim featherweight World Championship (amaphuzu 114-113, 115-114 futhi 111-111) in August 2013, Marrero uzobe ngokwenza kwakhe ShoBox futhi 2015 DEBUT. Uhambile 3-0 ngonyaka odlule, ngokuwina by lesithupha-round TKO phezu Ira Terry in ekuqaleni kwakhe yakamuva last Nov. 21 e Tulsa, Okla.


Phambili amathikithi ontengo yakhe yayinqunyiwe at $238, $100, $60, $40 futhi $25 kubafundi empini ID esebenzayo (Ibhokisi Office kuphela), plus izimali ezifanele, ngoba "The Ukuziqhenya Pittsburgh III" uzohamba ukudayiswa Friday, January 30 at 10:00 a.m. ngokusebenzisa Sporting Goods Box Office the Dick sika at Consol Energy Center, Ticketmaster.com, bonke Izitolo noma Ticketmaster icala ngocingo at 800-745-3000. Amanani ukwandisa $5 ngosuku lomcimbi. Doors lizovula ngobusuku umcimbi 5:30 p.m. kanye insimbi yokuqala at 6:30 p.m.


Consol Energy Center sise 1001 Fifth Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA, 15219. Eminye imininingwane kungenziwa akhiwe at website yabo,www.consolenergycenter.com


Social Media: Landela Goossen Promotions on TwitterGoossenBoxing, Sammy Vasquez on TwitterTeamSVasquez, Showtime Sports @ SHOsports and Consol Energy CenterCONSOLEnergyCtr. Sebenzisa hashtag #VasquezLartey ukulandela ingxoxo.


Ukuze uthole ukwaziswa okwengeziwe Goossen Promotions ukubuka website yabo atwww.GoossenPromotions.com. Ukuze uthole ukwaziswa okwengeziwe Showtime Sports ukuvakashelwa www.Sho.com/sports.


About ShoBox: The New Generation
Kusukela yaqala ukuba khona ngo July 2001, the akukhuthazwa bajule Showtime boxing series, ShoBox: The New Generation kunyatheliswa talent young abafanelana ezinzima. The ShoBox ifilosofi iwukuba televise okuthakazelisayo, isixuku ejabulisa nokufana yokuncintisana kuyilapho sihlinzeka kuyindlela yokunquma for amathemba uzimisele sizimisele ukulwa for isihloko emhlabeni. Ezinye uhlu elandayo 58 fighters abaye bavele on ShoBox sezihambile ukuletha izihloko emhlabeni kuhlanganisa: Andre Ward, Deontay Wilder, Erislandy Lara, Shawn Porter, Lamont Peterson, Guillermo Rigondeaux, Omar Figueroa, Nonito Donaire, Devon Alexander, Carl Froch, Robert Guerrero, Timothy Bradley, Jessie Vargas, Juan Manuel Lopez, Chad Dawson, Paulie Malignaggi, Ricky Hatton, Kelly Pavlik, Paul Williams and more.

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