THIRD-ROUND RESULTS: 72nd annual Lowell Sun Charities Golden Gloves Championships

N.E ċentrali. semifinals round action
this Thursday night at Lowell Auditorium
LOWELL, Massa. (Jannar 20, 2018) – The 72nd annual Lowell Sun Charities Golden Gloves Championships continued last night with Central New England (akbar Lowell) novice and open class action at historic Lowell Memorial Auditorium.
Novice quarterfinals and semifinals matches were held last night, as well as preliminary bouts in the open division. The female championship bout in the middleweight class was also held last night, in which Amesbury’s (MA) Jessica McFadden edged Brookline’s Samantha Surface, 3-2.
The Fight of the Night was an open-class welterweight showdown between Salem’s (MA) charlie Espinal and Amesbury’s Kenny Lawson, which Espinal won by a score of 5-0.
It was a good night,” New England Golden Gloves Direttur Eżekuttiv Bobby Russo qal. “Good weather helped draw a big crowd, the largest of the season so far. There were a lot of good matches, some open division to go along with the novices. The Espinal-Larson match was the best of the night, a war from start to finish. It was the type fight you didn’t want either fighter to lose. Espinal had a little better boxing and experience that carried him to victory.
The action switches to Il-Ħamis filgħaxija (Jan. 19) next week at Lowell Memorial Auditorium with more novice and open class matches. Ara l-sħiħ 2018 iskeda ta 'avvenimenti taħt kif ukoll riżultati kompluti aħħar lejl li.
Season tickets for the remaining seven events are still available and reasonably priced at $75.00 (ammissjoni ġenerali). Li tixtri jsejħu l-uffiċċju kaxxa Lowell Memorial Awditorju fil 1.866.722.8881 or order online at biljetti każ individwali huma wkoll disponibbli għax-xiri, jibda $13.00, biss $7.00 għall-istudenti (ID meħtieġa).
Rikavat mill-Karitajiet Lowell Sun Ingwanti Golden Kampjonat imorru lejn jibgħat il Ingwanti ċampjins New England Golden għall-Ingwanti Nazzjonali Golden Kampjonat (bidu Mejju 14, 2018 fl-Omaha, Nebraska), minbarra li jappoġġja atleti lokali u gyms żona, is-subien & bniet Club, kċejjen soppa, xelters bla dar, fondi kanċer, boroż ta 'studju u ħafna kawżi oħra ta' karità kbira.
(Frar. 19, 2018)
Lightweights (132 lbs.)
Shane Jordan, Brockton, MA / Everybody Fights
Diċembru (5-0)
Michael Correa, Manchester, NH / Manchester Pal
Nelson Perez, Marlboro, MA / Upperkuts
Diċembru (5-0)
Robert Tomczyk, Sterling, MA / Palladin Martial Arts
Alexander Lynch, Quincy, MA / Grealish Boxing
Diċembru (4-1)
Konstantinos Papatsas, Waltham / Nontntum Boxing
Jessica McFadden, Amesbury, MA / Union Street
Diċembru (3-2)
Samantha Surface, Brookline, Ma / Everybody Fights
(CNE championship final)
Mohammed Ibrahim, Boston, MA / mhux imwaħħla
Diċembru (5-0)
Jose DaCosta, Clinton, MA / Paladin
Lightweights (132 lbs.) – Semifinali
Jonathan DePina, Dorchester, MA / Everybody Fights
ESC1 (1:42)
Emmanual Antonetty, Lowell, MA / Lowell West End
Clay Scata, Framingham, MA / Nonantun Boxing Club
Diċembru (5-0)
David Semprit, Lowell, MA / Intenze 978
Peter Maher, Korsa, MA / Somerville Boxing Club
Diċembru (5-0)
Matt Difraia, Melrose, MA / Firicano Noxing
charlie Espinal, Salem, MA / Privat Jewels Boxing
Diċembru (5-0)
Kenny Larson, Amesbury, MA /Haverhill Downtown Boxing
Yamarco Guzman, Methuen, MA / Canal Street Boxing
RSC1 (2:35)
Kevin Lewis, Framingham, MA / Bancroft Boxing
Henry Gedney, Gloucester, MA / Gloucester Boxing Club
Diċembru (5-0)
Julien Baptiste, Lowell, MA / Lowell Boxing Club
72nd Karitajiet annwali Lowell Sun Golden Ingwanti Kampjonat Skeda

(Lowell Memorial Awditorju – 6:30 p.m. bibien miftuħa, 7:30 p.m. ewwel bout)
Ċentrali New England (akbar Lowell)
Semifinali: – Il-Ħamis, Jan. 25
Championship FinalsIl-Ħamis, Frar. 1
New England Tournament tal Champions
Novice Klassi semifinali – Il-Ħamis, Frar. 8
Novice Klassi Kampjonat Finali – Il-Ħamis, Frar. 15
Open Klassi semifinali – L-Erbgħa, Frar. 21
Miftuħa Klassi Kampjonat Finali – Il-Ħamis, Frar. 22
Tournament Executive Director: Bobby Russo
Direttur ta 'kontestanti: Art Ramalho
Kap ta 'Uffiċjali: Lauri Purcell
ring announcer: john Vena
Post: Lowell Memorial Awditorju, 50 Merrimack St, Lowell, MA
Twitter: @LowellGloves

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