Tūtohu Archives: Zimbabwe

Mamae Zimbabwe mekemeke Project Lion Heart o Heoi tētahi atu haamahutaraa i

New York, NY, March 26, 2015-Lion Heart mekemeke Productions’ gallant effort to resuscitate professional boxing in Zimbabwe may have been dealt a fatal blow. The Zimbabwe Boxing Board’s unexplained failure to act on a request by the company for permission to stage a boxing tournament in Harare may be the final straw that broke the camel’s back on the company’s “Zim Project.


I roto i te Hakihea o 2014, Lion Heart’s Board of Directors met and resolved to have one final go developing Boxing in Zimbabwe by exploring the possibility of promoting a quarterly boxing series in Harare starting in April 2015. Ka rite ki te hua, te kamupene faaoti ki te unga tona CFO, Edward Mendy, ki Zimbabwe tēra ki tetahi anake whāinga-te tirotiro i te whaihuanga o te hautū i te whakataetae mekemeke i Harare kia puritia i runga i April 16 ranei April 23, 2015 i roto i te taha ki te 35 whakanui Day Independence o Zim, or other date as feasible. Ancillary to same, Tēra Mendy i ki te whai ake: (1) te whakaū i te rā, (2) mau i te wāhi, (3) book Zim boxers to feature in the Main Event, a / ranei hui tahi-matua, a (4) whakaaetanga poari haumaru ki te manaaki i te kaupapa.


Ko te Takahanga Main o te Mei e whakaarohia 2015 inaugural event was slated to feature Former Two Time British Champion and Two Time Commonwealth Champion Danny Williams (46-18) tango i te ake Thamsanqa Dube o Bulawayo (12-3), a former WBA Pan-African Champion. In the Co-Main Event, Namibia me mua World Champion Harry Simon (30-0) was selected to take on an opponent to be announced. The Undercard was to be highlighted by a special feature boutWBC Africa Welterweight Charles Manyuchi (15-2) ko te ki te paruru i tona taitara i runga i te oneone te kāinga mo te wa tuatahi tonu tika te mahi i te whawhai whakatauranga ranei (raro ki te whakaae o tana Zambian kaiwhakatairanga Chris Malunga me ana hoa). Manyuchi is currently the most internationally recognized Zimbabwean Boxer and has been plying his trade in neighboring Zambia since 2012 for lack of options at home. The event would have been broadcasted live on ZTV and streamed live worldwide on the Internet. I tua atu, e te kaupapa kua rebroadcasted i runga i te kaupapa roa mā takere hākinakina rohe i roto i te USA, e tae ki runga 165 Miriona mau fare taura American (mo 100 Miriona mau fare ahurei) te whakamahi i Lion Heart Boxing Productions’ established contractual relationships. I tua atu, inumia te hui i ki kia tātahi rohe me i roto i te tahi atu hokohoko, te ao rite whaihua.


I roto i te ake o hiahia Zimbabwe te kamupene o, Mendy mahue New York no te Harare i te Hui-tanguru 26, 2015 on exploratory mission. He was received warmly by Zimbabweans of walks of life and spent a very enjoyable and productive ten days in Zimbabwe, visiting various cities and meeting with people. Lion Heart was able to achieve all of the stated goals except the last one, mau tautoko ZBB mo te kaupapa e whakaarohia ana, ahakoa te hui tuatahi whakaritea i runga i kaupapa o Mendy ko te Poari. Kia aroha mai, kihai noa kihai i te Mekemeke Poari Zimbabwe whakarato i te kamokamo taketake, e kore e ara karanga te reira i te hui mana o te Poari ki te farii i Mendy tepu Lion Heart o ranei mahere. Ki te rā, a toru wiki i muri mai, Lion Heart has not received any correspondence from the Board on its application to host an event in May. The only information it has received relative to the event is from media reports, ki te pānga e hiahia te Poari wa ake ki te whiriwhiringa.


Nā ki te aro-kore o te ZBB, Lion Heart regrettably has decided to put its Zim Project on hold indefinitely. Says Lion Heart Event Coodinator Sporty Smith, “We have no choice but to put our Zim Project on hold since the ZBB has failed to afford us the smallest of professional courtesy. We can understand a Board’s refusal to sanction an event it does not like it. A failure by a Board to reply, whakatutuki ngā rā kati whakaarohia reira, a te kore kore ki te communcate, Heoi, is unheard of. Not only was the board frosty in its welcome of Edward Mendy, it would not even convene a meeting of the board even though advance arrangements were made with it. I tua atu, the Board would not even give us the courtesy of a response despite numerous follow-up inquiries. What is most shocking about the whole thing, mahi o te ZBB (ranei inactions), Kei te e kore te rite i te reira i te ZBB kua whakatakotoria tetahi mau ohipa mekemeke tūturu i roto i tona wā o nāianei, he wā tau e toru-e pau i roto i te Hakihea, ranei kua whakaritea i tetahi mau ohipa mekemeke i runga i tona maramataka. E kore ano e tetahi whakatairanga atu i te Raiona Heart patoto i runga i nga tatau o te Poari ranei, e ngana ana ki te whakatairanga i ngā kaupapa mekemeke i Zimbabwe. Ko te kupu, e raruraru ana mo'oni hoatu matou i te pōwhiri tino mahana me te ngākau he pūkōrero to tatou kaupapa te kore riro mai i kaimekemeke, kaiwhakangungu, te tahi atu mau melo o te o te hapori mekemeke, nga pāpāho, tourism and other government officials as well as ordinary Zimbabweans. Basically we have a Boxing Board that has seen no boxing events in its current term, heoi e kore e te mea i mahi i runga i te takahanga mekemeke tūturu anake whakatakotoria ki mua i te reira, me te whakataetae nui whakaarohia ki te tīmatanga ao i taua.”


Tautooraa Lion Heart o ki te tauturu i te whakawhanake i te hākinakina o Boxing i Zimbabwe, te “Zim Project,” Kua hora ki runga i te tekau tau. In addition to sponsoring various tournaments in Zimbabwe over the last decade, Kua ngana Lion Heart Mekemeke Productions me ona rangatira ki te āwhina i mua i te mahi o te maha kaimekemeke TIMUWAWE, tae atu ka tūturu Thamsanqa Dube me Ihimaera Kuckocha, na roto i te tautoko ia ratou no te faahaere i to ratou whakangungu me mahi i roto i te USA. Heoi, ahakoa te mea e whakapono ana te reira ki te waiho ona mau tautooraa pai, A kua Lion Heart Mekemeke Productions tino iti angitu me ona Project Zim me he kahore iti ranei ki te whakaatu mo ona mau tautooraa nānā ki te tauturu i te ahunga whakamua Boxing i Zimbabwe.


Kihai i ngā tauwhāinga Boxing i Zimbabwe e Lion Heart tautoko whakatutuki i te hua pūtea e hiahiatia ana. I tua atu, ngā kaiwhakatairanga rohe me hoa TIMUWAWE (atu i te Gilbert Munetsi) that Lion Heart Boxing Productions had contracted with over the years had turned out to be unreliable and unproductive. Many of local promoters and partners promised much and delivered little. I tua atu, the Zimbabwe Boxing Board would not approve the signing of any of the fighters that Lion Heart had interest in the 2000’s. Te nuinga tata, Whakaae Lion Heart ki te tauturu i te kaiwhakatairanga iti rohe, Delta Force Whakatairanga, with an event he planned by securing the event’s purse money and depositing same with the Boxing Board. The local Promoter, Heoi, was unable to organize the event to the Board’s satisfaction. After that experience, Lion Heart te hopea whakatauria i roto i te 2014 to give up on its Zim Project. Heoi, I whakaae Lion Heart e Chit Town kaituhi e hāngai ana, me te Poari ZBB mua Mema Gilbert Munetsi ki te vilitaki i roto i ona mahi Zim, ka pupuri i runga i te mahi i runga i te Zim Project.


Ta CFO kamupene Edward Mendy, “Hei faitotonu, equal credit for our perseverance on the Zim Project should go to Gilbert Munetsi and I. But for our continued pleading and my obstinacy in the face of adversity, Lion Heart e kua roa poroa tona waitaua ki Zimbabwe Boxing.”


Ange Mendy, “I muri i runga i nga tau kotahi tekau o te mahi i waho te angitu i runga i to tatou Zim Project, to tatou kore o te angitu i roto i te ngana ana ki te haina i ngā kaimekemeke Zim ki te kawe ki te USA i roto i 2004-2005, te te tokomaha ki Cox Chigwana i roto i 2013 me to tatou atu tata tautooraa tutuki ki te āwhina Clyde Musonda me tona Delta Mekemeke Productions whiwhi ratou hui o nga whenua o roto i 2013-14, tatou noa i ki te kanohi i te mooni e kore ai Zimbabwe e no tatou. Our trials and tribulations in Zimbabwe are well-documented, covered in great part by the Zim media and well-known to members of the current Board. While I am not one to give up easily, I learnt a long time ago that there is really no sound business reason for force a promotion in a jurisdiction with an unfriendly board. This is very unfortunate considering the scale of the proposed May event, tona pea ki te jumpstart Boxing i Zimbabwe, ka mahi ano he waka mō te tauwhiro Sports Tourism, te ngākau o te tahi atu ngä kaiwhaipänga me te nui nui o te mahi hoatu kē i roto i te Zim Project.”


Mō Whakatairanga Lion Heart Boxing (te kaiwhakatairanga)

Lion Heart mekemeke Productions te hāngai ao Mekemeke kaiwhakatairanga, me Sports Entertainment Company i roto i te US. Whakaturia te kamupene i runga i roto i 2001 mo te whakaaro anake o te whakarato ngā kaupapa kounga runga ki teitei uara whakangahau, me kua whakatairangatia ana ngā huihuinga mekemeke i te wha fenua. Ko te Kamupene hohoro roaa te rongo, he kaihanga o te kounga tiketike whawhai, me te pai te whakaute hoki tona maimoatanga ataahua o whawhai, me te ū ki te whawhai’ tika.


A Lion Heart Mekemeke Productions kua rite ki tetahi o ona pou mo te kawenga rangatōpū he motuhake pānga i roto i te āwhina ki te whakawhanake i te takaro o te mekemeke i roto i Africa. Tenei moni arahina reira ki te whakatairanga i te mekemeke i Zimbabwe, me whenua Awherika ki te he hawhe tatini, katoa ki taumata o te angitu.


Mōhiohio Whakapā

Mō ētahi atu pārongo e pā ana ki Lion Heart Boxing Productions, Ltd., Rāpare Whawhai te po @ yas Island, ranei te Rāpare Raupapa whawhai Night, tēnā karanga Edward B. Mendy, Āpiha Pūtea Chief, i +973-650-9721 tuhituhi ranei ki a ia iebmendy@gmail.com ranei 11 Eric Drive, Kinnelon, Nj 07405.