标记档案: 尤里克·马梅多夫(Yurik Mamedov)

ST. 帕特里克节CLASH: 周六《FIGHTNIGHT LIVE》再次震撼人心, MARCH 17 波士顿墨菲拳击现场直播

Dropkick Murphy 的音乐会和拳击卡免费运行 7-10 P.M.周六 在 FNL 制作 PPV 音乐和比赛之前.
纽约 (三月 14, 2018) – Facebook的 FIGHTNIGHT LIVE 适合每个人 这个星期六 作为粉丝友好且完全免费的平台庆祝圣. 帕特里克日在波士顿与踢反弹球墨菲和墨菲拳击. 来自全国和全球各地的音乐迷和拳击迷都可以在任何可以使用 Facebook 的设备上观看 Dropkick Murphys 的音乐会,并获得一张具有国际吸引力的精彩卡 7-10 P.M., 被踢反弹球墨菲流行凯尔特朋克乐队的诞生促进带给球迷.

三个小时的免费表演结束后 – 以 Dropkick Murphys 音乐为特色, 芬威球场附近的蓝调之屋现场直播拳手采访和四场免费比赛 – 粉丝可以收听 iN Demand, Vubiquity, DISH 和 FITE.TV 应用程序可观看另外四场按次付费的比赛以及乐队的现场音响表演. 加拿大拳击迷可以通过超级频道收看.

“拳击时代正在发生变化,就像流媒体改变了音乐一样. 我们为我们所进行的比赛和我们吸引的大量观众感到自豪, 对于我们的战士来说,获得曝光真是太棒了,” 说 肯·凯西, 踢反弹球墨菲主唱和总裁和创始人, 墨菲拳击.

最近超越 1.2 该系列的百万浏览量, 周六 圣. 圣帕特里克节冲突延续了《FIGHTNIGHT LIVE》连续 10 个月的迅猛增长, 其中已经包括新年前两个月的五场现场表演.

“我们很高兴能继续与墨菲拳击队进行两场比赛的促销活动,并迫不及待地想在我们的圣赛期间与他们一起举杯。. 波士顿帕特里克节演出,” 说 马克·弗拉托, 利纳克尔媒体的主要. “Facebook 是一个很棒的媒介,可以免费提供这些精彩的早期战斗和采访, 并设置圣. 帕迪的语气与肯·凯西和小伙子们的精彩音乐相结合. 我们鼓励格斗迷和音乐迷也查看 PPV 部分, 晚上晚些时候会有更多的音乐和令人难以置信的动作。”

作为 Facebook 比赛的一部分, 新英格兰冠军 格雷格 “小人” 我卖 (17-2-1, 10 科斯) 斯托纳姆, 质量。, 发生在 恩格尔贝托·巴伦苏埃拉(11-12, 3 科斯) 墨西哥; 雅兹迪人的战斗骄傲 尤里克 “不要抱歉, 当心” 马梅多夫 (6-1, 3 科斯) 布鲁克林, 纽约州. 会见 丹尼尔天花板(13-16-1, 5 科斯), 或波多黎各; featherweight 阿曼达·帕文 (2-0, 1 KO) 或伯灵顿, 质量. 面孔 萨拉请点击 (对于首次亮相) 弗雷明汉, 质量。; 轻巧 托马斯·罗曼(Tomas Romain) (6-1) 布鲁克林, 纽约州. 发生在 以色列罗哈斯 (13-20, 5 科斯) 墨西哥.

在编程的前九个多月里, 12 场 FIGHTNIGHT LIVE 系列节目的数据显示了新平台的前景和潜力,平均 82,153 观看每场比赛的拳击迷及超过 1.2 服务百万粉丝.

七. 9 “实打实促销: 帝国” 从云顶赌场 (225,000), 八月CES “超级 星期六” 从快活 (203,000) 和九月. CES “双子河Twinbill” 从林肯, R.I. (157,000) 所有居首 150,000 意见, 总共 15 场演出的系列节目总计几乎 28,000 观看 Facebook 视频的总小时数 1,232,299 所有设备上的用户.

除了原料收视人数, 完全互动, 风扇友好的生产已经看到 多于 155,000 集体生活后订婚(多于 10,000 每场), 几乎包括了 103,000 “喜欢” 或 “爱,” 多于 27,000 评论超过 7,000 分享.

FIGHTNIGHT LIVE 广播的观看者 76 %为男性, 24 %的女性. 顶尖人口包括 男性年龄 25-34, 其中包括大约 30.0 观众的百分比, 一般.

七. 9 “实打实促销: 帝国” 设置一个新栏 224,658 意见七. 15-16 迪贝拉-CES的连携带的系列四分之三的-A-万人点击,在短短四个多月. 该 二月. 10 强力促销 “费城战斗之夜” 节目单独站出来用 3,421 观看内容的实时时间, 而 七. 15 迪贝拉卡锯 多于 40,000 观众互动 几乎包括了 39,000 “喜欢” 或 “热爱。”

在Facebook上的FIGHTNIGHT LIVE页面已超过 80,000 球迷 而超过 82,000 追随者. Facebook 本身也注意到了 – 世界上没有. 1 社交网络最近在其网站上介绍了《FIGHTNIGHT LIVE》 “成功的故事” 媒体博客, 注意到该系列’ 使用行业最佳实践进行生产和交互:


Facebook FIGHTNIGHT LIVE 自 5 月推出以来已完全免费向粉丝提供 2017 由 Elite Heat Water 等系列企业合作伙伴推出, 蒙托克冰茶 (蒙托克贝夫网站), 先生. 定制 (mrcustommade.com) 和球洗 (ballwash.com).

星期六, 三月 17, 波士顿蓝调之屋现场直播, 球迷们可以期待一个高冲击, 多摄像头流媒体体验完整的图形, 动画, 重播, 采访和由详细播音员主持的播音团队 雷弗洛雷斯 顶级拳击冠军, 欣欣拳击, HBO 拳击频道和 CBS 体育频道, 与分析师 马克·艾布拉姆斯 亚洲国际博览馆, NBC体育费城, 15Rounds.com和AbramsBoxing.com. 为观众提供完全互动的场边体验, 评论家会问,并在整个直播从Facebook的听众的提问作出回应.

创建和利纳克尔媒体产生了纽约市, 在FIGHTNIGHT LIVE系列的特色专业播音员, 多个摄像机角度, 电视图形, 重播和幕后的访问和采访. 流式传输的节目都可以在全球任何地方的Facebook可用. 不仅该计划使球迷从世界各地来调, 但也给了后起的战士一个全球性的平台,展示自己的能力, 给促销员的访问 “广播” 解决方案并给出了赞助商通过品牌内容达成大量观众的能力.

更多 FIGHTNIGHT LIVE 春季 2018 日期将在未来几周内正式公布.


按照通过在FaceFIGHTNIGHTLIVE在Facebook上社交媒体的所有行动, Instagram 上的@FaceFIGHTNIGHTLIVE 和 Twitter 上的@FIGHTNIGHTLIVE_, 或通过使用#标签#FIGHTNIGHTLIVE. 有关最新利纳克尔媒体事件和广播时间表, 遵循@LinacreMedia在所有社交平台或使用该标签#LinacreMediaEvents或#LinacreMediaOnTV.

托马斯 “玉米片” LaManna与Tomas Mendez争夺WBC白银拉丁美洲人时重返赛场 & 周六LBF洲际轻中量级冠军. 11月18日,在大西洋城的克拉里奇酒店

WBC青年冠军Devin Haney与Taiwo Ali Sulaimon对抗
雷蒙德·塞拉诺(Raymond Serrano)与Enver Halili合作
亚当·洛佩兹(Adam Lopez)与豪尔赫·迪亚兹(Jorge Diaz)争夺WBC Fecarbox超级最轻量级冠军

Skender Halili接替Jeff Lentz

汤米·雷恩(Tommy Rainone)出场

再加上不败的尤里克·马梅多夫(Yurik Mamedov)

大西洋城, 新泽西州 (十月 10, 2017)–上 周六晚上, 11月18日, 量级的竞争者 托马斯 “玉米片” 拉曼纳 当他接手时回到戒指 托马斯·门德斯(Tomas Mendez) 在LaManna的10轮比赛中 WBC银拉丁裔次中量级冠军, 以及 LBF洲际轻量级冠军. 战斗将成为拳击之夜的头条新闻 克拉里奇酒店.
该节目由Rising Promotions和Greg Cohen Promotions以及Devin Haney Promotions和Winner Take All Productions联合推广.
“这是我们的第十场表演,我们希望这是最好的结果,” 黛比·拉曼纳(Debbie LaManna)说, Rising Promotions的首席执行官. “带有堆叠式明信片, 和我的儿子再次成为头条新闻, 我们都可以期待拳击的美好夜晚. 我很高兴Thomas决定坚持下去, 之后超过 10 年,花了很多钱, 当他在那儿时停下来真是愚蠢的. 我们很高兴与格雷格·科恩(Greg Cohen)一起演出,我们期待着将来能有更大更好的合作。”
我很高兴与Rising Promotions一起使用这是从上到下的堆叠. 值得ShoBox卡,” 格雷格说,科恩, Greg Cohen促销总裁。. .”当您与托马斯一起捍卫自己的头衔以及德文·海尼这样的战士们一起表演, 以及Serrano对阵Enver Halili的战斗以及Skender Halili与Jeff Lentz的战斗, 每一场战斗都是值得的电视比赛. 我们很高兴将此带到The Claridge, 并且是在大西洋城度过这一年的好方法,并很高兴GCP成为该节目的联合推广人。”
米尔维尔拉曼纳, 新泽西将成为他赢得的WBC白银拉丁美洲人头衔的第一道防线 8月19日 当他在大西洋城The Claridge酒店的乔治·索萨(George Sosa)的十轮一致决定中途拿下两个淘汰赛时.
该 25 岁的拉曼娜(Lamanna)是一名六年职业选手,赢得了老兵艾伊·布鲁斯(Ayi Bruce), Kendal Mena, 爱德华多·弗洛雷斯, 和卡洛斯·温斯顿·贝拉斯克斯.
“我回来了! 我不能长时间离开. 它的疯狂, 经过我的最后一战, 我准备好要进行拳击,” 托马斯·拉曼纳说. “我无法承受压力了,这很难. 我的肩膀上有一块巨大的筹码,没有助推器, 没有更多的资金支持, 只有我和我的母亲. 我们有市场战略规划, 和一个梦想. 我觉得我还有很多东西,我会敲门 2018. 对我来说,, 门德斯很危险,因为你永远不知道他会带来什么. 我一直说记录对我没有任何意义. 我们会在11月看到 18 他带来了什么,就像我经常说的, 我进行调整,并尽我所能赢得胜利。”

“至于这张卡, 我觉得这是我们瑞星促销推广的最好的东西. 雷蒙德·塞拉诺(Raymond Serrano)和恩维尔·哈利利(Enver Halili), 我很高兴我们完成了. 我很高兴有德文·海尼(Devin Haney)出演, 汤米·雷恩(Tommy Rainone)的逃跑之战很特别. 期待另一个售罄. 谢谢所有参与此活动的人,包括所有参与其中的战士,将这张伟大的卡片放在一起, NJSACB, 专员拉里·哈扎德(Larry Hazzard)和朗达·乌特利·赫林(Rhonda Utley-Herring), 格雷格·科恩, LBF和女士. 玛丽安·穆罕默德|, 在WBC, GH3促销活动和The Claridge。”

圣多明哥的门德斯, 多明尼加共和国有记录 24-10 同 17 击倒.
该 10 年度专业奖 16 他第一 17 结束, 并且是一位干练的战士,曾在世界各地进行过顶级比赛. 这将是门德斯的第七次冠军争夺战, 并且他在停工中击败了德里克·库瓦斯(Derrick Cuevas) 6月17日 在卡瓜斯, 波多黎各.
WBC青年冠军, 德文 - 哈尼 (16-0, 11 科斯) 拉斯维加斯将承担T阿里·苏莱蒙说 (21-5-1, 16 科斯) 拉各斯的, 尼日利亚在一个次中量级比赛中.
哈尼, 拉斯维加斯, 内华达州有记录 17-0 同 11 击倒.
哈尼, 刚 18 年已迅速成为该国的顶级前景之一.
他在年龄转为职业选手 16, 每次表演都给人留下深刻的印象.
Haney击败Jairo Fernandez Vargas获得了令人印象深刻的胜利 (4-0), 粘土烧伤 (4-1-2), 在上一回合中,他对恩里克·蒂诺科(Enrique Tinoco)做出了八轮一致决定 (16-4-1) 9月22日在费城.
在激动人心的次中量级比赛中, 雷蒙德 “铁托” 塞拉诺 将在 恩维尔·哈利利 在预定八轮的回合中.
费城的塞拉诺(Serrano)处于中量级比赛的风口浪尖, 有创纪录 23-4 十击倒.
该 28 岁的是十年专业人士, 胜过Ashantie Hendrickson (1-0), 杰伊·克虏伯 (12-1), 罗尼·战士, JR. (13-2-1), 阿姨布鲁斯 (15-2) & 杰罗姆·罗德里格斯(Jerome Rodriguez) (6-1-3).
塞拉诺取得了两连胜,最近的胜利是对扎克·拉姆西的六轮一致决定 (8-1) 九月 22 费城.
Halili完美的记录了 10-0 三击倒.
布朗克斯的替补, 纽约是一名五年职业球员,击败不败的劳尔·努西奥(Raul Nuncio) (2-0) 以及他的最新一轮比赛,他在八轮比赛中对韦斯利·塔克(Wesley Tucker)达成一致,从而赢得了最大的胜利 (14-0) 上 六月 30 在托莱多, 俄亥俄.
亚当·洛佩兹 (16-1-2, 8 科斯) 圣安东尼奥, 德州战役 豪尔赫·迪亚兹(Jorge Diaz) (18-5-1, 10 科斯) 新不伦瑞克省, 新泽西参加WBC Fecarbox冠军赛的最轻量级比赛.

Skender哈利利 (14-2, 13 科斯) 布朗克斯, 纽约之战 杰夫·伦茨 (5-1, 1 KO) 贝尔玛, 新泽西初中级比赛.

汤米Rainone (26-8-1, 6 KO的) of New York, 纽约将在中量级回合中与一名对手入围,这将是他职业生涯的最后起点.
尤里克·马梅多夫(Yurik Mamedov) (7-0, 3 科斯) of New York, 纽约将以超轻量级比赛的身份与对手比赛.
在轻量级的. 托马斯·罗曼(Tomas Romain) (4-1) 布鲁克林, 纽约盒 西得乐阻滞剂 (1-9-1) 普莱森维尔的, 新泽西州.
乔纳森·阿罗约 的长岛队将首次对阵职业球员 史蒂夫·摩尔 (0-1) 奥兰治, 新泽西在次中量级比赛中.
拳击这个美好夜晚的门票价格为 $200, $125, $80 和 $55 (普通门票) 并可以在购买 www.RisingBoxingPromotions.com

LaManna decisions Sosa; wins WBC Silver Latino Title; Announces retirement

梅菲尔德 & Capers battle to a draw
Vermall, 朱兰, 罗德里格斯, 马梅多夫, 里维拉 & Ortiz remain undefeated

大西洋城, NJ-It was a bittersweet night for welterweight contender 托马斯·拉曼纳 as he won a 10-round unanimous decision over George Sosa in an entertaining bout in front of a capacity crowd at 克拉里奇酒店大西洋城.

The 11-bout card was promoted by Rising Promotions.

LaManna won the WBC Silver Latino Welterweight title and shortly after, 被称为战斗机 “玉米片” promptly announced his retirement in the ring.

The two traded big blows throughout the bout as Sosa came out very aggressively and was able to land some good right hands. LaManna was giving better of the two-way action, which had the sold-out crowd very enthused throughout the contest.
在第二轮, Sosa started to swell under his left eye. 在第六轮中, He started bleeding badly from his nose as the result of pinpoint shots from LaManna.

在第六轮中, LaManna was dominant by scoring two knockdowns from body shots. LaManna was relentless in battering Sosa all over the ring with Sosa lucky to hear the bell to culminate the round. Both guys traded hard shots down the stretch with LaManna getting the better of the action. Every so often, Sosa was able to score with hard shots, but they were few and far between.
LaManna sat down on his punches and landed thudding blows as he tried to get the stoppage against the tough Sosa.

拉曼纳, 147 米尔维尔磅, 新泽西州赢得的分数 98-90 两次, 99-88 提高他的纪录 24-2. 阅读索萨, PA 下降到 15-10.

The body work, the distance and the jab was working for me. He was long and tall so we worked on the distance and I started to put my punches together. The body work is what put him down,”说拉曼纳. “I took some shots from him, but that is not what I go in wanting to do. I wore him down, worked the body, touched his arms and touched his body.

It feels so great to win a championship and to get that hardware.

Then LaManna announced that this would be his last fight.

It’s Over. It’s Over. I put a lot of years into this. 这是它. I want to thank my parents, Vinny Ponte my promoter, my trainer and everybody who have helped me along the way.
前世界冠军 Imamu Mayfield 拉蒙特雀跃 slugged it out to an eight-round split draw in their cruiserweight bout.

在第六轮中, Mayfield was cut over his left eye from a punch, and Capers had bad swelling over his left eye from a headbutt.Each fighter took a card by a 77-75, tally while 3rd card read even at 76-76.

梅菲尔德, 200 lbs of Freehold, 新泽西现在 26-10-3. Capers, 196 lbs of Hawley, PA是 7-10-3.

尤里克·马梅多夫(Yurik Mamedov) won a six-round unanimous decision over Ariel Vasquez in a welterweight bout.

马梅多夫, 145.5 磅的布鲁克林, 纽约以几十分获胜 60-54 在所有卡, 并且现在 7-0. 瓦斯奎兹, 145.3 马那瓜磅, NIC is 12-19-2.

埃马纽埃尔·罗德里格斯 won a four round unanimous decision over pro debuting Willie Anderson.

得分 40-36 on all cards for Rodriguez, 119 纽瓦克磅, 新泽西州, 他现在是 2-0. 安德森, 122 lbs of Paulsboro, 新泽西州是 0-1.

Anderson is the son of former Los Angeles Rams Wide Receiver WillieFlipper” 安德森.

维达尔·里维拉 won a four-round unanimous decision over Weusi Johnson in a featherweight bout.

Despite being cut over his left eye in round two, Rivera was able to sweep all cards to the tune of 40-36.

里维拉, 128.6 磅卡姆登, 新泽西现在 7-0. 约翰逊, 130.3 lbs of Wilmington, DE 是 2-5.

弗雷德里克巨澜 stopped Tahlik Taylor in the 6th and final round of their light heavyweight bout.

Julan landed a hard left that sent Taylor staggering back into the ropes, 和布特是在停止 1:15.

朱兰, 173 布鲁克林磅现 6-0 with three stoppages. 泰勒, 177 磅自由港, 纽约是 2-8.

阿尔文Vermall, JR. stopped LeMarcus Tucker in round two of their scheduled six-round cruiserweight bout.

Vermall was dominant as he landed power shots from the early stages in round one. 在第二轮, he landed three vicious shots that sent Tucker into a defenseless state, 和布特是在停止 2:18.

Vermall, 小, 192 lbs of Catskills, 纽约现在是 13-0-1 同 11 击倒. Tucker is 4-3-1.

托马斯·罗曼(Tomas Romain) win a four round majority decision over pro debuting Marcos Lugo in a lightweight bout.

罗曼, 131.7 磅的布鲁克林, 纽约以几十分获胜 40-36, 39-37 和 38-38 并且现在 4-1. 卢戈, 131.6 磅的葡萄园, 新泽西州是 0-1.

纳希尔·奥尔布赖特(Nahir Albright) flattened Ronald Logan in 77 seconds of their scheduled four-round junior welterweight bout.

Albright landed a perfect right that sent Logan down for several minutes.

奥尔布赖特, 139.1 磅的费城是 2-1 一个淘汰赛. Logan, 140 lbs of New York, 纽约是 0-2.

安东尼·扬 won a six-round unanimous decision over Carlos Winston Velasquez in a welterweight bout.

年轻, 144 1/2 lbs of Pleasantville, 新泽西州赢得的分数 60-54 在所有卡, 并且现在 18-2. 贝拉斯克斯, 145 1/2 马那瓜磅, NIC is 25-30-2.

Joshafat Ortiz won a four-round unanimous decision over Sidell Blocker in a lightweight bout.

奥尔蒂斯, 129 磅的阅读, Pa won on two cards 40-36 和 39-37 并且现在 2-0. Blocker, 128 lbs of Pleasantville, 新泽西州是 1-9-1,

For More information, 联系:

马克·艾布拉姆斯在 856 287 7611phillyboxing@gmail.com

LaManna and Sosa Chime in for this Saturday’s WBC Silver Latino Welterweight title bout at The Clardige in Atlantic City

Former world champion Imamu Mayfield battles Lamont Capers
Anthony Young takes on Carlos Winston Velasquez
Plus undefeated Joshafat Ortiz, 维达尔·里维拉, 尤里克·马梅多夫(Yurik Mamedov), 埃马纽埃尔·罗德里格斯, 弗雷德里克巨澜 & 阿尔文Vermall, JR.

大西洋城, 新泽西州 (八月 16, 2017)–这个星期六 夜晚, 托马斯·拉曼纳 将在乔治·索萨 in a ten-round bout for the WBC Silver Latino Welterweight bout that will headline a big 11 bout card at what is expected to be a sold out Calridge Hotel大西洋城.
演出, promoted by Rising Promotions, is the 9th card that will be staged before a capacity crowd.
Both main event fighters recently gave their final comments before Saturday’s showdown.
I’m just ready to fight and I hope he is too. I encourage people to come to this action packed, stacked event. 12 bouts featuring some of the hottest prospects and a title fight,” 说拉曼纳.
I think LaManna is a boxer who has not fought anyone of my caliber yet, and unlike me, I have fought everyone,” said Sosa. LaManna has been protected during his whole career, Do I think he will be easy? 别. There is no such thing as an easy fight. He is his Mommy and Daddy;s baby. When he fought somebody with caliber, he lost.
Despite his 15-9 记录, Sosa knows a win can change his whole career.
This fight is for the WBC Silver title, and would definitely change my career. Before I would just take fights because I needed the money to take care of my family in Cuba. I was too busy partying, and not taking matters seriously. Like my last fight with Anthony Young, I arrived three days before the weigh-in, 我是 21 pounds over the weight. Not only did I make the weight, but I went the distance with a formidable opponent. Not this timeI went directly to Cuba to begin training.
In the eight-round feature, former cruiserweight world champion, Imamu Mayfield (26-10-2, 19 科斯) of Freehold, New Jersey battles 拉蒙特雀跃 (7-10-2) 霍利, Pennsylvania.
安东尼 “液” 年轻 (17-2, 6 KO的) 大西洋城, NJ battles 卡洛斯·温斯顿·维拉斯克斯 (25-29-2, 14 科斯) 马那瓜, Nicaragua in a welterweight bout.
尤里克·马梅多夫(Yurik Mamedov) (6-0, 3 科斯) 布鲁克林. 纽约发生在 阿里尔·巴斯克斯 (12-18-2, 9 科斯) 马那瓜, Nicaragua in a welterweight bout.
弗雷德里克巨澜 (5-0, 2 科斯) 布鲁克林, 纽约闯荡 塔赫利克·泰勒(Tahlik Taylor) 2-7, (1KO) 自由港, NY in a light heavyweight battle.
阿尔文Vermall, JR. (11-0-1, 10 科斯) 卡茨基尔的, 纽约州将在 Tracy Johnson (4-5-4) 波士顿, MA in a cruiserweight affair.
Joshafat Ortiz (1-0读, PA将在 西得乐阻滞剂 (1-8-1) 普莱森维尔的, NJ in a lightweight fight.
Ronald Logan (0-1) of New York, 纽约发生在 纳希尔·奥尔布赖特(Nahir Albright) (1-1) of Philadelphia in a battle of lightweights .
埃马纽埃尔·罗德里格斯 (1-0) 纽瓦克, NJ will take on pro debuting Willie Anderson 保罗斯伯勒的, NJ in a bantamweight bout.
马科斯·卢戈(Marcos Lugo) 葡萄园的, NJ将他的亲亮相反对 托马斯·罗曼(Tomas Romain) (3-1) 布鲁克林, NY in a lightweight scrap.
维达尔·里维拉 (6-0, 4 科斯) 卡姆登, NJ will fight Weusi Johnson (2-4) 威尔明顿, DE in a featherweight bout.
拳击这个美好夜晚的门票价格为 $150, $125, $100, $80 和 $55 并可以在购买 www.rspboxing.com


大 11 bout card on tap for Saturday, August 19th at The Claridge Hotel in Atlantic City

托马斯 “玉米片” LaManna takes on George Sosa for WBC Silver Latino Welterweight title

Former world champion Imamu Mayfield takes on Lamont Capers
Plus undefeated Joshafat Ortiz, 尤里克·马梅多夫(Yurik Mamedov), 埃马纽埃尔·罗德里格斯, 弗雷德里克巨澜, 阿尔文Vermall小. & Malik Jackson
安东尼 “液” Young takes on Carlos Winston Velasquez

大西洋城, 新泽西州 (七月 27, 2017)–上 周六晚上, 8月19日, it will be wall to wall boxing action as 11 big fights will make up a tremendous night of boxing at 牛逼he Claridge Hotel in Atlantic City.
卡片, which is promoted Rising Promotions will feature a title bout, 前世界冠军, and some of the brightest prospects in well matched bouts. The show is just another in the line of terrific cards by Rising Promotions. The show will feature an unheard of 11 big fights, which are strategically matched for the fans, who will get their full monies worth of action.
在主要事件, 当地人的最爱, 托马斯 “玉米片” 拉曼纳 (23-2, 9 科斯) 米尔维尔, NJ will take on knockout artist, 乔治·索萨 (15-9, 15 科斯) 读, PA in a ten-round battle for the WBC Silver Latino Welterweight title.

The winner of the fight will garner a top-20 world ranking by the WBC.

In the eight-round feature, former cruiserweight world champion, Imamu Mayfield (26-10-2, 19 科斯) of Freehold, New Jersey battles 拉蒙特雀跃 (7-10-2) 霍利, Pennsylvania.
安东尼 “液” 年轻 (17-2, 6 KO的) 大西洋城, NJ battles 卡洛斯·温斯顿·维拉斯克斯 (25-29-2, 14 科斯) 马那瓜, Nicaragua in a welterweight bput.
尤里克·马梅多夫(Yurik Mamedov) (6-0, 3 科斯) 布鲁克林. 纽约发生在 阿里尔·巴斯克斯 (12-18-2, 9 科斯) 马那瓜, Nicaragua in a welterweight bout.
弗雷德里克巨澜 (5-0, 2 科斯) 布鲁克林, 纽约闯荡 Brian Macy (5-2, 2 科斯) 纽黑文, CT in a light heavyweight battle.
阿尔文Vermall, JR. (11-0-1, 10 科斯) 卡茨基尔的, 纽约州将在 Tracy Johnson (4-5-4) 波士顿, MA in a cruiserweight affair.
Joshafat Ortiz (1-0读, PA将在 西得乐阻滞剂 (1-8-1) 普莱森维尔的, NJ in a lightweight fight.
临开张 Biheem Billups 发生在 纳希尔·奥尔布赖特(Nahir Albright) (1-1) in a battle of Philadelphia based lightweights.
埃马纽埃尔·罗德里格斯 (1-0) 纽瓦克, NJ will take on pro debuting Willie Anderson 保罗斯伯勒的, NJ in a bantamweight bout.
马科斯·卢戈(Marcos Lugo) 葡萄园的, NJ将他的亲亮相反对 托马斯·罗曼(Tomas Romain) (3-1) 布鲁克林, NY in a lightweight scrap.
Malik Jackson (2-0, 2 科斯) 华盛顿, DC will fight an opponent to be named in a super bantamweight bout.
拳击这个美好夜晚的门票价格为 $150, $125, $100, $80 和 $55 并可以在购买 www.rspboxing.com

托马斯 “玉米片” LaManna takes on George Sosa for the WBC Silver Latino title on Saturday, August 19th at The Claridge Hotel in Atlantic City, 新泽西州

Former world champion Imamu Mayfield tangles with Lamont Capers in co-feature bout
安东尼 “液” Young takes on Carlos Winston Velasquez
Plus undefeated Joshafat Ortiz, 尤里克·马梅多夫(Yurik Mamedov), 埃马纽埃尔·罗德里格斯, 弗雷德里克巨澜 & Malik Jackson

大西洋城, 新泽西州 (七月 14, 2017)–次中量级竞争者, 托马斯 “玉米片” 拉曼纳 将在 乔治·索萨WBC Silver Latino Welterweight 锦标赛 in the ten-round main event that will headline a great night of championship boxing on 星期六, 8月19日克拉里奇酒店 大西洋城.
The show is expected to be the 9th sold-out show at the Claridge promoted by Rising Promotions.
Rising Promotions is looking forward to ending the Summer with another great show here at the Claridge. We have a good line up on the card so we are hoping for a packed house, and we are looking forward to staging our first championship bout,” Rising Promotions 的 Debbie LaManna 说.
The championship bout is the first major sanctioning body championship bout in Atlantic City in almost three years. (Kovalev vs Hopkins, 十一月 8, 2014).
LaManna will be looking to win his first belt in the welterweight division. A win will propel him into the rankings as he looks for a high profile bout later this year.
该 25 一岁的拉曼娜有一个记录 23-2 九击倒, and he is currently riding a two fight win streak, and is undefeated in 2017.
The six-year professional is 4-1 as a Welterweight and has credible wins over Kendal Mena, and Ayi Bruce as well as his last two victories, which have come over Eduardo Flores and Carlos Winston Velasquez, who stepped into the ring with 52 和 54 fights under their belt.
LaManna dropped a ten-round unanimous decision to undefeated Dusty Hernandez-Harrison (30-0-1 16 KO的) on September 15th, 2016 in a very high intense battle that was contested for the USBA Title. The LaManna/Harrison fight is a candidate for Fight of the Year for local Philadelphia boxing awardBriscoe Award
This will be LaManna’s 6th fight at The Claridge, and his 16th fight in Atlantic City.
This is a great blessing for me. I get another shot at a meaningful title that will place me in the right spots with a victory. I have seen Sosa fight on our last card and he is very game, durable and strong so I cannot take him lightly. Training camp is intense, we know what we are gunning for so come August 19th, it’s going to be dark places for George Sosa,” Said Thomas LaManna.
Sosa of Philadelphia, PA有纪录 15-9 with all victories coming by way of knockout.
该 30 year-old Sosa is a high energy fighter, who has fought the likes of Emmanuel Taylor, 萨米瓦斯奎兹, Wilkens Santiago, Javontae斯塔克斯, Terrell Gausha and Ray Robinson.
Like LaManna, Sosa is a six-year professional, and is coming off a grueling eight-round unanimous decision defeat to Anthony Young on 6月10日 at The Claridge.
在八轮的共同特征, former world cruiserweight champion, Imamu Mayfield will take on upset minded 拉蒙特雀跃.
Mayfield of Freehold, 新泽西州有纪录 26-10-2 同 19 击倒. At a young 45 岁, Mayfield is making the 3rd start since taking an eight-year hiatus from the sport.
在 1997, Mayfield captured the IBF Cruiserweight title with a 12-round unanimous decision over Uriah Grant. He made one defense of the crown with an 11th round stoppage over previously undefeated Terry Dunston (17-0).
Over his 23 year-career, Mayfield has racked up wins over Rayco Saunders (两次), Okello Peter (11-2), Gary Wilcox (15-2-1), Ernest Mateen (23-5-1), Ismael Gneco (3-0) & Lew Chester (1-0).
Mayfield is coming off a sixth-round stoppage over Anthony Caputo Smith on November 12, 2016 at The Claridge.
霍利刺山柑, PA has a deceiving record of 7-10-2.
该 26 year-old is a five-year pro, and already has produced upset victories over Nick Kisner (16-2-1), Josh Himes (3-0), 戴夫Valykeo (4-0) & Earl Platt (4-1). Capers also has a draw with previously unblemished Alvin Vermall, JR. (6-0).
Capers is coming off a four-round unanimous decsion defeat to Garrett Wilson on June 9thin Tannersville, PA.
安东尼 “液” 年轻 (17-2, 6 KO的) 大西洋城, 新泽西州发生在 卡洛斯·温斯顿·维拉斯克斯 (25-29-2, 14 KO的) 马那瓜, Nicaragua in a welterweight bout.
尤里克·马梅多夫(Yurik Mamedov) (6-0, 3 KO的) 布鲁克林, 纽约州将争取 泰沃·阿里·苏莱蒙 (21-5-1, 16 KO的) 拉各斯的, Nigeria in a welterweight fight.
弗雷德里克巨澜 (5-0, 2 KO的) 布鲁克林, NY will take on an opponent to be announced in a light heavyweight bout.

阿尔文Vermall, JR. (11-0-1, 9 KO的) will see action in a cruiserweight bout against an opponent to be named.

Joshafat Ortiz (1-0) 读, PA将广场下车用 西得乐阻滞剂 (1-8-1) 普莱森维尔的, NJ in a lightweight fight.
埃马纽埃尔·罗德里格斯 (1-0) 纽瓦克, NJ will take on an opponent to be named in a bantamweight affair.
托马斯·罗曼(Tomas Romain) (3-1) 布鲁克林, NY will take on pro debuting 马科斯·卢戈(Marcos Lugo) 葡萄园的, NJ in a lightweight bout.
Malik Jackson (2-0, 2 KO的) 华盛顿, DC will take on Edward Kakembo (10-2, 3 KO的) of Lugogo, Uganda in a super bantamweight bout.
拳击这个美好夜晚的门票价格为 $150, $125, $100, $80 和 $55 并可以在购买 www.rspboxing.com

安东尼 “液” Young decisions Samuel Amoako in main event at The Claridge in Atlantic City

加布里埃尔范 & Brendan Barrett score stoppage victories

Pasciolla, 威尔逊, Romain and Francis all post wins on Rising Promotions card

大西洋城, 新泽西州 (三月 13, 2017)–刚刚过去的这个 星期六 夜晚, welterweight Anthony “液” Young registered his 5th consecutive victory as he won an 8-round unanimous decision that highlighted a 7- bout card at The Claridge Hotel in Atlantic City.
The card was promoted by Rising promotions, which staged it’s 7th consecutive card in front of a capacity crowd at The Claridge.
It’s bitter sweet knowing this was my last event. This show was a great way to end the #ACFightNight series. Awesome crowd, great fights and dramatic endings. It’s now time for me to focus on my fighting career and continue my path to become a world champion,” said Thomas LaManna of Rising Promotions.
Young controlled action against the tough veteran, and Young was able to win in shutout fashion by scores of 80-72 在所有卡.
Young of Atlantic City raised his mark to 16-2. Amoako of Silver Spring, Maryland via Accra, Ghana is now 21-14.
在共同特征, Gabriel Pham scored his 2nd consecutive stoppage, as he took out Chauncey Fields at 1:29 of round four of their scheduled 6-round super middleweight bout.
同赢, Pham of Atlantic City improves to 8-1 同 4 击倒. Fields of Lynchburg, Virginia falls to 4-2.
Heavyweight Brendan Barrett remained undefeated as he stopped Philly tough guy Brian Donahue at 2:33 of round two of their scheduled 4-round bout.
Barrett hurt Donahue on the ropes and stopped him after a hard flurry. Barrett is now 5-0-2 with all his wins coming via the stoppage variety.
多纳休现 3-14-3.
In another heavyweight tussle, Dan Pasciolla won a 6-round split decision over LeMarcus Tucker.
It was a close fight with the each man having moments throughout the contest.
砖的帕肖拉, NJ won two cards via 58-56 分数, while Tucker took a card 58-56.
Pasciolla is now 9-2-1. Tucker of Forest City, Arkansas is 4-2.
Adrian Wilson of Atlantic City got his first professional win by winning a 4-round unanimous decision over Henry Tyrone Paige,
Wilson won on all cards 40-36 现 1-3. 贝茨维尔的佩奇, Arkansas is 0-4.
Thomas Romain of Brooklyn, New York won a 4-round unanimous decision over Sidell Blocker.
Romain won all cards by 40-36 scores and is now 2-1. 普莱森特维尔拦截器, 新泽西州是 1-7-1.
In a battle of pro debuters, Cesar Francis defeated Steve Moore by scores of 40-36 两次, 39-37.

安东尼 “液” Young takes on Samuel Amoako this Tomorrow night at The Claridge in Atlantic City

Gabriel Pham vs. Chauncey Fields in co-feature
不败的重量级 “残酷” Brendan Barrett back in the boxing ring this Saturday night at The Claridge in Atlantic City
Also seeing action: 和Pasciolla

大西洋城, 新泽西州 (三月 10, 2017)–次中量级 安东尼 “液” 年轻 将在 塞缪尔阿莫亚科 这个星期六大西洋城的克拉里奇酒店.
该节目由Rising Promotions推广.
年轻, 15-2 with six knockouts of Atlantic City will be looking for his 5th consecutive victory when he takes on Amoko (21-13, 14 KO的) 阿克拉, 加纳.
Amoako turned professional in 2005 with a victory over contender Albert Mensah (9-2-1). Amoako, 32 years-old is the former WBO African Lightweight champion Lightweight champion.
Amoako is coming off a 4-round unanimous decision loss to Sam Teah on August 6th 在布里斯托尔, PA.
My training is good. It’s fight week, so I am just maintaining weight. I had a good camp working on my footwork. I sparred with Danny Garcia,” 说年轻.
The transition to Amoako was easy, as he was already sparring orthodox fighters, even thought original opponent Rogelio Casarez was a southpaw.
I was sparring right handers anyway, and when Amoako came in, it was no big deal with the switch of the opponent.
在他的最后一个回合, Young was dominating James Robinson until the final round when he got caught and eventually knocked down. Young was able to get out of the round and hang on for the victory on 1月20日.
I leaned it’s boxing, and one punch can change the fight. I need to stay sharp for the whole fight and not get lackadaisical.
In now his 18th bout, Young is taking a minor step up against a veteran who has fought 201 professional rounds.
This is my first official 8-round bout. I plan to put on a great performance for the fans. I am grateful for Rising promotions. They gave me a opportunity to fight in front of my fans, and I am looking for them to keep it going.
In a 6-round bouts:
和Pasciolla (8-2) 砖, 新泽西州将争取 勒马库斯·塔克 (4-1,2 KO的) of Forrest City, Arkansas in a heavyweight bout.
加布里埃尔范 (7-1, 3 KO的) 大西洋城, 新泽西州发生在 Chauncey Fields (4-1, 2 KO的) 林奇堡, VA un a super middleweight bout.
Brendan Barrett (4-0-2, 4 KO的) 小蛋港, 新泽西州发生在 布莱恩多纳休 (3-13) 费城的重量级回合.
阿德里安·威尔逊 (0-3) 大西洋城战役 亨利·泰隆·佩奇 (0-3) of Little Rock, Arkansas in a welterweight bout.
凯文·阿斯玛特(Kevin Asmat) (1-1) 北卑尔根, 新泽西州将在 埃德加·科尔特斯 (3-4) 葡萄园的, NJ on a super featherweight bout.
托马斯·罗曼 (1-1) of New York will square off with 西得乐阻滞剂 (1-6-1) 普莱森维尔的, NJ in a lightweight fight.
In a battle of pro debuting welterweights, Cesar Francis of New York boxes 史蒂夫·摩尔 奥兰治, 新泽西州
There will be several amateur bouts that will precede the professional bouts beginning at 6 PM ET.
Tickets for this great evening of boxing are $150, $80 和 $55 并可以在购买 www.RSPboxing.com

不败的重量级 “残酷” Brendan Barrett back in the boxing ring this Saturday night at The Claridge in Atlantic City

安东尼 “液” Young battles Samuel Amoako in main event

Plus undefeated Yurik Mamedov

Also seeing action: Dan Pasciolla and Gabriel Pham

大西洋城, 新泽西州 (三月 8, 2017)–不败的重量级 Brendan Barrett returns to the boxing 这个星期六 晚上,在 克拉里奇酒店大西洋城.
Barrett will take on Philly tough guy Brian Donahue in a bout scheduled for 4-rounds.
The Show is promoted by Rising Promotions.
小埃格港的巴雷特, New Jersey has a pro boxing record of 4-0-2 同 4 击倒, and will be making his return to the ring after being out of the squared circle for 11 个月. In his last boxing match, he stopped Alando Pugh in 2 rounds in Atlantic City.
巴雷特, who is an MMA veteran of 19 fights last fought in the cage on 9月23日.
Everything is going well,”巴雷特说. “My focus has been on boxing, and since my last boxing match, I have been focusing more on strength and conditioning plus my diet. Fans will see a bigger version of me. You can really see the transformation as I been concentrating a lot on what I eat and meal prepping on my Facebook and Instagram accounts.
In Donahue, he is facing a guy whose record reads just 3-13-3, but Donahue is known for his hard nosed style and is always a tough-out.
Donahue is a tough guy. A brawler, and is a hard guy to stop
该 11 month layoff was not something that Barrett wanted. He was scheduled to fight during the summer, but opponents have been hard to come by.
I am always looking at opportunities to fight. 我有 7 或 8 opponents fall through on me, so I took the MMA fight in September.
Going back and forth between boxing isn’t a problem for Barrett as he has a gameplan on how he bides his time between the 2 sports.
It all depends on the opportunity. I make more money in MMA, but I am very interested in boxing. After this fight there could be some boxing opportunities in China, so I am still gathering all the information on that.
This will be Barrett’s 3rd consecutive fight on the boardwalk, and that is conducive for his fans in Little Egg Harbor, which is just up the coast on the Jersey Shore.
“我的工作是打架, but it is always great to have the fans and support. 当钟声响起, It’s only me and him in there, but to have my fans there gives me more motivation. I am looking for an exciting and explosive fight 周六.”
I want to thank my sponsors which are Sweet Jenny’s in Barnegat, The Law Offices of Paulie Haberman, Adventure Vapors in Manahawkin and Eric Sauer of Natural Pharmacy.
在主要事件, 安东尼 “液” 年轻 (15-2, 6 KO的) of Atlantic City takes on 塞缪尔阿莫亚科 (21-13, 15 KO的) 银泉, MD in a 8-round welterweight bout.
In a 6-round bouts:
尤里克·马梅多夫(Yurik Mamedov) (4-0, 2 KO的) of New York will fight Rafael Montalvo (3-5, 3 KO的) 圣. 克莱尔, 次中量级的PA.

和Pasciolla (8-2) 砖, 新泽西州将争取 勒马库斯·塔克 (4-1,2 KO的) of Forrest City, Arkansas in a heavyweight bout.

加布里埃尔范 (7-1, 3 KO的) 大西洋城, 新泽西州发生在 Chaucey Fields (4-1, 2 KO的) 林奇堡, VA un a super middleweight bout.
Brendan Barrett (4-0-2, 4 KO的) 小蛋港, 新泽西州发生在 布莱恩多纳休 (3-13) 费城的重量级回合.
阿德里安·威尔逊 (0-3) 大西洋城战役 亨利·泰隆·佩奇 (0-3) of Little Rock, Arkansas in a welterweight bout.
凯文·阿斯玛特(Kevin Asmat) (1-1) 北卑尔根, 新泽西州将在 埃德加·科尔特斯 (3-4) 葡萄园的, NJ on a super featherweight bout.
托马斯·罗曼 (1-1) of New York will square off with 西得乐阻滞剂 (1-6-1) of Plesantville, NJ in a lightweight fight.
In a battle of pro debuting welterweights, Cesar Francis of New York boxes Chris Moore 奥兰治, 新泽西州
There will be several amateur bouts that will precede the professional bouts beginning at 6 PM ET.
Tickets for this great evening of boxing are $150, $80 和 $55 并可以在购买 www.RSPboxing.com

安东尼 “液” Young takes on Rogelio Casarez in headline bout on Saturday, March 11th at the Claridge Hotel in Atlantic City

Gabriel Pham takes on Edgar Perez

Plus undefeated Brendon Barrett, 达洛拉(Lerooy davila), 尤里克·马梅多夫(Yurik Mamedov)

Also seeing action: 加布里埃尔范, John Magda and Dan Pasciolla

大西洋城, 新泽西州 (二月 14, 2017)–安东尼 “液” 年轻 将在 罗赫略Cerdeño in a welterweight bout scheduled for 8-rounds that will headline a big night of boxing on 星期六, March 11th 大西洋城的克拉里奇酒店.
This will be the 7th card promoted at the Claridge by Rising Promotions.
大西洋城的杨有记录 15-2 有六个淘汰赛.
该 29 year-old Young turned professional in 2011, and won his first ten bouts, which was highlighted by a win over Jose Javier Calderon (4-1-1).
After suffering his 1st loss, Young has won five of his last six, including four straight. 在他的最后一个回合, Young won a six-round unanimous decision over James Robinson on January 20th in Atlantic City.
This will be Young’s 9th appearance in Atlantic City.
“我不太了解我的对手, 但我会为他准备好. I do know that he has a good record and is moving up in weight,”说年轻. “It’s always good to fight at home in Atlantic City. I get to sleep in my bed, and get to fight in front of my hometown fans.
Casarez of Batesville, Arkansas has a record of 13-5 同 5 击倒.
该 26 year-old is a five year-professional. 七月 9, 2016, Casarez traveled all the way to Chengdu, 中国, and won a 12-round unanimous decision and upset the previously undefeated Ronnakit Boontree (8-0) to capture the NABF Junior Lightweight title.
十月 29, he defended that title with 12-round unanimous decision over Blake Franklin in Batesville, 阿肯色州.
I watched some tape of Young, and he is fast and moves well,” said Casarez. “I know that I am stronger, and will bring pressure to him. I feel confident after the win in China. That fight gave me good experience and it taught me that I just need to be in 100% condition to win fights, and it really does not matter where I fight.
在6轮的共同特征, 加布里埃尔范 (7-1, 3 KO的) 大西洋城将承担 埃德加·佩雷斯 (7-19, 3 KO的) of Chicago in a super middleweight bout.
Also in 6-round bouts:
尤里克·马梅多夫(Yurik Mamedov) (4-0, 2 KO的) 布鲁克林, 纽约州将争取 Rafael Montalvo (3-5, 3 KO的) 圣. 克莱尔, PA in a welterweight bout.
约翰·玛格达 (11-1, 7 KO的) 卢瑟福, 新泽西州将在 Wesley Maldonado (8-2, 7 KO的) 阿雷西博的, Puerto Rico in a light heavyweight bout.

和Pasciolla (8-2) 砖, 新泽西州将在 勒马库斯·塔克 (4-1, 2 KO的) of Forrest City, Arkansas in a heavyweight bout.


Brendon Barrett (4-0-2, 4 KO的) 小蛋港, 新泽西州将在 布莱恩多纳休 (3-13-3) 在一个重量级的较量.
勒罗伊·达维拉(Leroy davila) (5-0, 3 KO的) 新不伦瑞克省, NJ will take on an opponent to be named in a bantamweight bout.
阿德里安·威尔逊 (0-3) 大西洋城将承担 Harry Tyrone Paige (0-3) of Little Rock Arkansas in a welterweight affair.
托马斯·罗曼(Tomas Romain) (1-1) of New York, New York will fight 西得乐阻滞剂 (1-6-1) 普莱森维尔的, NJ in a lightweight fight.
There will be several amateur bouts that will precede the professional bouts beginning at 6 PM ET.
Tickets for this great evening of boxing are $150, $80 和 $55 并可以在购买 www.RSPboxing.com