Tag Archives: Juara dunia

Canelo ALVAREZ VS. Daniel JACOBS ** In-Depth Preview dan Analisa **

Oleh: Tony Penecale

Minggu terbesar dalam tinju ada di kita dengan ekstravaganza akhir pekan Cinco de Mayo tahunan di Las Vegas. Bintang tenda Meksiko Saul "Canelo" Alvarez kembali ke rumah-jauh-dari-rumah untuk menghadapi tantangan sesama titlist kelas menengah, Daniel "Manusia Ajaib" Jacobs, yang berniat memanjakan mudik.

Canelo menaburkan kayu manis ekstra untuk kemenangan yang eksplosif? Atau akankah Jacobs yang memberikan keajaiban lain dalam comeback buku ceritanya?


Alvarez: Usia: 28 tua tahun
Catatan: 51-1-2 (35 KO)
Tinggi: 5'9 "
Berat: 167 * * Berat untuk pertarungan terakhir (12-15-18)
Mencapai: 70"

Jacobs: Usia: 32 tua tahun
Catatan: 35-2 (29 KO)
Tinggi: 5’11 ”
Berat: 159 * * Berat untuk pertarungan terakhir (10-27-18)
Mencapai: 73"

Prestasi RING

WBC kelas menengah SMP Juara (’11 -’13)
WBA SMP kelas menengah Champion ('13)
Juara Ring Magazine Junior Kelas Menengah ('13)
WBC kelas menengah Champion ('15 -pres)
Juara Kelas Menengah WBA (’18 -Pres)
Juara Ring Magazine Kelas Menengah (’18 -Pres)
Juara WBA Super Kelas Menengah (’18 -Pres)
Cincin Majalah Pound-4-Pound #3 Petinju

Juara Kelas Menengah WBA ('14 -'17)
Juara IBF Kelas Menengah ('18 -'Pres)


Agresif, petarung fisik dengan keterampilan tinju yang diremehkan, Alvarez sering memakai lawan turun dengan tekanan yang konsisten dan pukulan berat tangan. Akan menggunakan tipuan dan counter untuk melempar adalah waktu lawan berhenti dan menciptakan celah untuk serangan tubuh yang menguras kekuatan. Carry melawan berubah kekuasaan di kedua tangannya tapi kadang-kadang tidak membuang cukup pukulan. Sementara ia paling dikenal untuk keterampilan ofensif, Alvarez memiliki layak, tapi tidak besar, keterampilan defensif tergelincir dan memblokir pukulan.

A kurus, petinju berlengan panjang dengan keterampilan serba guna yang sering bertarung secara agresif dan tidak takut untuk bertukar pukulan. Jacobs memadukan keterampilan tinju yang baik dan fundamental dengan kekuatan sistem gugur di kedua tangannya. Terkadang berpikiran terlalu ofensif dan rentan terhadap pukulan balik. Menunjukkan hati yang luar biasa dalam menghadapi kesulitan.


* Kekuatan - Alvarez membawa guntur di kedua tinjunya. Dia memiliki kekuatan knockout di kedua tangannya, tapi senjata paling dahsyat nya berada di hook kiri nya, terutama untuk tubuh. Dia memiliki tiga kandidat knockout-of-the-year dalam karirnya.

* Kekuatan - Alvarez adalah pejuang fisik-jatuh tempo dan tebal dibangun dengan kekuatan luar biasa. Dia adalah efektif dalam mendukung pejuang up, bahkan ketika tidak mendarat pukulan menyiram. Dia telah tumbuh dari kelas menengah junior dan baru-baru ini berkompetisi di kelas menengah super.

* Pengalaman - Alvarez telah berkembang pesat selama karir profesionalnya dan telah berkompetisi melawan beberapa nama besar dalam tinju. Dia telah berada di momen ini berkali-kali dan suasana parau akan menjadi kebiasaan baginya.

* Karakter - Jacobs berdiri dan mengalahkan musuh paling menakutkan dalam karirnya saat dia mengatasi kanker tulang 2011. Karakternya terlihat di atas ring karena ia telah menangani beberapa tantangan sulit dalam kariernya.

* Power - Jacobs telah terdaftar 29 nya 35 kemenangan profesional melalui penghentian. Dia memiliki kekuatan untuk mengubah pertarungan dengan satu pukulan dan naluri membunuh untuk menghabisi lawan yang terluka.

* Serbaguna - Jacobs memiliki keterampilan dan gerakan tinju yang baik, terkadang beralih antara sikap ortodoks dan kidal. Jika melawan lawan agresif lainnya, Jacobs akan bertinju dengan kaki belakangnya dan mencari peluang pukulan balik. Dia mahir dalam mempercepat kecepatan saat dibutuhkan.


* Kesalahan Taktis - Alvarez telah membuat kesalahan taktis dalam beberapa pertarungan sebelumnya, termasuk mencoba mengalahkan Floyd Mayweather Jr. dengan bertinju dengan dia di luar. Dalam pertarungan lainnya, dia telah membiarkan lawannya mengontrol kecepatan dan mencuri putaran.

* Easy-to-Hit - Sementara skill ofensifnya adalah kartu panggilnya, Alvarez memiliki pertahanan yang layak. Saat dia kehilangan fokus atau menjadi terlalu agresif, dia terbuka lebar untuk pukulan tangan kanan dan serangan balasan.

* Kaki Berat - Alvarez memiliki kemampuan tinju yang baik tetapi sering kali lamban di atas ring. Saat melawan petarung yang lebih tinggi dengan gerakan lateral yang bagus, dia sering berjuang, seperti halnya pertarungannya dengan Austin Trout dan Erislandy Lara.

* Tersangka Chin - Jacobs tidak asing dengan mencicipi kanvas. Dia tersingkir dengan cara yang menghancurkan oleh Dmitry Pirog dalam kekalahan profesional pertamanya. Dia juga berada di atas kanvas melawan Gennady Golovkin dan Sergio Mora.

* Reckless - Dalam pertarungan pertamanya melawan Mora, Jacobs menjadi terlalu agresif setelah mencetak knockdown dan membiarkan dirinya terbuka lebar untuk pukulan balasan yang menempatkannya di atas kanvas. Dia juga tidak seimbang dan sembrono lagi ketika dia membuat Peter Quillin terpana.

* Atmosfir - Jacobs telah bertarung di Las Vegas sebelumnya dan acara utama di Madison Square Garden. Namun Begitu, ini adalah ekstravaganza akhir pekan pertama di Las Vegas Cinco-de-Mayo.


Alvarez: (12/15/18) - Alvarez membuat debut kelas menengah super yang sukses dengan menghancurkan permainan tetapi mengalahkan Rocky Fielding dalam tiga putaran. Alvarez menghukum tubuh Fielding, mencetak empat knockdowns, dan menyelesaikannya dengan hook kiri tanda tangannya ke hati.

(10/27/18) - Jacobs mengalami pertemuan yang sulit dengan Serhiy Derevianchenko yang tak terkalahkan tetapi tidak dikenal, memenangkan keputusan split 12 putaran. Jacobs mencetak knockdown ronde pertama dan mendaratkan lebih banyak pukulan selama kontes bolak-balik.


* James Kirkland (5/9/15) - Kembang api dipamerkan sejak bel pembukaan saat Kirkland menyerang Alvarez dengan serangan kamikaze. Alvarez membalas dan mencetak knockdown ronde pertama dan mengakhiri pertarungan di 3
rd bulat dengan tangan kanan yang indah.

* Liam Smith (9/17/16) - Alvarez secara metodis menghancurkan Smith yang sebelumnya tidak terkalahkan, mengendalikan pertarungan dari awal. Alvarez mencetak knockdown di 7
th dan 8th putaran sebelum mengakhiri pertunjukan dengan hook kiri ke hati di 9th bulat.

* Carlos Baldomir (9/18/10) - Alvarez adalah anak ajaib berusia 20 tahun yang menghadapi mantan juara dunia yang tangguh di Baldomir. Alvarez berhasil tinju awal dan menggunakan keuntungan dalam kecepatan dan keterampilan untuk menyapu lima putaran pertama. Tapi itu tampilan nya di 6 yang mengesankan. Alvarez mengguncang Baldomir sebelum akhirnya menjatuhkan dengan hook kiri, membuat dia sadar sebelum dia memukul tikar dan berurusan dia hanya kehilangan penghentian dalam karir 16 tahun.

* Sergio Mora (9/9/16) - Jacobs menghapus semua kontroversi dari pertarungan pertama mereka, yang berakhir dengan cedera pergelangan kaki Mora, dengan membedahnya dalam pertandingan ulang, berpuncak pada impresif 7
th putaran TKO. Jacobs mencetak knockdown masing-masing di 4th dan 5th putaran sebelum membuka dan menjatuhkan Mora tiga kali di 7th bulat, memaksa penghentian.

* Peter Quillin (12/5/15) - Dalam pertarungan untuk Brooklyn Bragging Rights, Jacobs mengejutkan yang tak terkalahkan dan menyukai Quillin dengan a 1
st putaran TKO. Jacobs mendaratkan tangan kanan lebih awal, mengirim Quilling terhuyung-huyung ke tali. Kesibukan lanjutan mengirim Quillin melintasi ring tempat wasit menghentikan pertarungan.

* Caleb Truax (4/24/15) - Jacobs mendominasi Truax dengan performa yang luar biasa 11 putaran, mengendalikan aksi dengan jab yang berat, dan menjatuhkan lawan permainannya. Nyaman di depan menuju babak final, Jacobs menurunkan lawannya yang lemah sampai wasit menyelamatkannya dari hukuman lebih lanjut.


* Mulailah dengan cepat dan jangan biarkan Jacobs menjadi percaya diri

* Potong ring dan paksa Jacobs bertarung di ruang terbatas

* Pergi ke tubuh lebih awal dan sering

* Gunakan jab yang kaku dan gerakan menyamping agar Alvarez tidak seimbang

* Mendaratkan sesuatu agar Alvarez dihormati lebih awal

* Jangan sembrono


* Akankah kepindahan kembali ke kelas menengah menguras Alvarez?

* Apakah Alvarez menghadap Jacobs?

* Akankah Alvarez menjadi frustrasi jika Jacobs menggunakan gerakan lateral yang efektif?

* Bisakah Jacobs memenangkan keputusan di Las Vegas?

* Akankah Jacobs dapat memanfaatkan kekurangan taktis Alvarez?

* Bagaimana Jacobs menangani atmosfer pro-Alvarez?


Penonton akan berdengung di bel pembukaan. Alvarez akan terus maju, tangan diatas, menyelidiki dengan jabnya dan mencoba mengatur kakinya. Jacobs akan bergerak kesamping, mengais jab tentatif dan menggunakan tipuan kepala. Hati-hati 1
st putaran akan berakhir dengan Alvarez masuk dan melakukan beberapa pukulan keras, menyebabkan kerumunan partisan bersorak sorai.

Alvarez akan terus melakukan tekanan di 2
nd dan 3rd putaran dengan Jacobs bekerja untuk membangun jabnya dengan otoritas lebih. Jacobs akan mendaratkan beberapa pukulan berat ke wajah dengan Alvarez membalas dengan tangan kanan di atas. Jacobs akan melangkah ke kiri untuk menghindari hook kiri Alvarez ke tubuh.

Aksinya akan terus diintensifkan hingga babak tengah. Jacobs akan mengikuti pukulannya dengan tangan kanan lurus. Alvarez akan berjongkok dan menggunakan kekuatannya di dalam, menggunakan hak overhand dan kait ke lengan dan tulang rusuk.

Alvarez akan mengalami kemerahan di sekitar matanya dan Jacobs akan menunjukkan bekas luka di tubuhnya. Kerumunan pro-Alvarez akan terkesiap saat Jacobs mendaratkan serangkaian tangan kanan yang keras di 6
th bulat tetapi kemudian akan meletus di 7th ketika pertukaran hook kiri melihat Alvarez mendarat lebih dulu, mengirim Jacobs terkapar kembali ke kanvas.

Jacobs akan bangkit dan menegaskan kepada wasit Tony Weeks bahwa dia baik-baik saja untuk melanjutkan. Alvarez akan menyerang, melempar hook kirinya ke tubuh dan kepala. Jacobs akan terhuyung mundur, mengatur kakinya, dan menanggapi dengan tangan kanan dan hook kiri liar. Alvarez akan mendaratkan hook kiri counter ke kepala dan Jacobs akan meraih, dengan bel mengakhiri ronde.

Penonton akan menjadi liar dengan antisipasi masuk ke 8
th bulat, merasakan Alvarez mungkin mendekati kemenangan. Jacobs akan menggunakan gerakan lateral saat dia menjernihkan kepalanya, menyelidiki dengan jabnya untuk menahan Alvarez. Alvarez akan terus mencari pukulan homerun, tapi Jacobs akan tetap berada di luar jangkauan selama durasi tersebut.

Sepanjang 9
th dan 10th putaran, Jacobs akan cukup pulih dan bersedia untuk melibatkan Alvarez, melempar lebih banyak tangan kanan, dan meningkatkan tempo. Alvarez akan mendaratkan serangkaian kait berdebar ke tubuh dan Jacobs akan melawan dengan potongan atas di bagian dalam.

Itu 11
th ronde akan melanjutkan aksi intens dengan kedua petarung menikmati momen mereka. Alvarez akan menjadi tidak aktif selama putaran ronde, memungkinkan Jacobs untuk kembali mengontrol kecepatan.

Melaju ke babak final, Jacobs akan tahu bahwa dia dalam bahaya dengan pertarungan yang sudah sangat dekat. Dia akan memulai tekanan pada Alvarez dan akan ada beberapa pertukaran kaki-ke-kaki. Saat Alvarez menarik napas dalam-dalam, Jacobs akan berhasil mendukungnya dengan jab, diikuti dengan tangan kanan lurus. Alvarez akan menggulung dengan pukulan dan membalas dengan tangan kanannya sendiri. Penonton akan berdiri saat para petarung bertukar pukulan dan merangkul bel terakhir.

Keputusan akan disepakati dengan Dave Moretti dan Glenn Feldman sama-sama mencetak gol 115-112 dan Steve Weisfeld dengan margin yang lebih lebar sebesar 117-110, semuanya mendukung Saul "Canelo" Alvarez.

Di bawah Anda dapat mengakses acara radio minggu ini di mana Tony , “Cenayang” Tom Padgett dan “Rakyat jelata Rousin '” Rich Bergeron membahas pertarungan itu.

Mendengarkan “Canelo vs. Jacobs Preview, Lesnar Pensiun dari MMA, pertanyaan MacDonald akan terus menyakiti orang-orang setelah Fitch Menggambar” di Spreaker.

USA Boxing Alumni Association Profile: John “The Quietman” Ruiz

From the projects to owning boxing’s ultimate crown

COLORADO SPRINGS, Putaran. (Bulan Maret 12, 2019) – From the projects to owning arguably the most respected individual title in sports, John “The Quietman” Ruiz remains the only Latino to capture the coveted world heavyweight title.

Ruiz, 47, is a proud Puerto-Rican American boxer who grew-up in a Chelsea, Massachusetts. The two-time World Boxing Association (WBA) juara kelas berat, defeated USA Boxing Alumni Association Hall of Famer Evander Holyfield in the second of their three title fights, to secure for the first time, the world heavyweight crown.

Seorang petinju amatir dihiasi, Ruiz compiled a 50-5 catatan, similar to his final pro record of 44-9-1 (30 Biaya) antara 1992-2010, including gold- medal performances at the All-New England Championships, USA Boxing National Championships and the Los Angeles Olympic Festival, which elevated him to the No. 1 light heavyweight position in the United States ratings.

Ruiz was also an outstanding all-around athlete at Chelsea High, particularly in football, in which he was an all-star. He started boxing at the age of seven, eventually developing his skills at the Somerville Boxing Club.

Boxing was the only sport I figured I’d have a good chance of succeeding,” Ruiz (pictured here on far left) explained why he pursued boxing as opposed to football or another team sport. “The other sports you had to go to college, and I didn’t have the grades.

Ruiz never looked back and no boxer ever got more out of their God-given skills than him. After winning his first tournament (PAL in New Jersey), he became part of the USA Team that traveled to Sweden to compete in a dual-meet.

Outside of Puerto Rico (he lived there for 6-7 years in his early youth),” Ruiz remembered fondly. “I had never traveled outside of the United States. USA Boxing gave me an opportunity to travel there, Australia, Italy and all over the United States. Even more than how those experiences prepared me for the pro ranks, it gave me a taste of life experience, traveling to places I never would have been able to go to on my own. Amateur boxing also gave me structure and confidence in myself for when I turned pro. I also met so many different people, fighters and coaches, from all over the world.

In addition to his aforementioned victory at the Los Angles Olympic Festival, which qualified him as a Team USA member to compete in the World Championships in Australia (selesai 6th Di dalam dunia), perhaps the highlight of his amateur career was defeating Torsten May, itu 1992 Olympic gold medal winner from Germany, at a dual meet in Florida.

My association with John goes back to 1990,” ditambahkan Al Valenti, USA Boxing Special Projects Consultant. “I was thrilled that a local kid was honing his skills in the boxing ring. John made an incredible impact on the National Amateur boxing scene in the early nineties; making it all the way to the Olympic Trials in Worcester (MA). Having been involved in the trials was extra special for me because John was such a great competitor and good kid. Boxing history will have a place for John Ruiz, not many survived 36 rounds with Evander. Being the first Latino World Heavyweight Champion was quite an accomplishment for “The Quietman”.

Ruiz turned pro August 20, 1992, winning a four-round unanimous decision over Kevin Parker. During his pro career, he defeated top contemporary names such as Holyfield,James Thunder, Jerry Ballard, Fernely Felix, Kirk Johnson, Fres Oquendo, Andrew Golota dan Jameel McCline.

History was made March 3, 2013 di Las Vegas, when he became only the second fighter to drop Holyfield en route to his WBA title-winning fight by way of a 12-round unanimous decision, earning him instant notoriety as the first Latino to hold the coveted world heavyweight title belt.

John Ruiz met President George W. Bush in the White House after becoming the first Latino to become world heavyweight boxing champion (Picture courtesy of the Boston Herald)

I’m very proud to have accomplished that,” he continued, “but my main goal was to provide for my family and I always maintained that goal. Most fighters don’t succeed, but at the end of the day, that’s what pushed me. I don’t really think about being the only Latino to win the world heavyweight title, tapi, when I hear people talk about it today, Saya pikir, wow, I’m still the only Latino to do that.

Several years ago, Ruiz opened a gym (Quietman Olahraga Gym) in Medford, MA, not too far from where he grew up in Chelsea and trained in Somerville. It has been a registered club member by USA Boxing since 2012, tapi, lebih penting, it’s Ruizway of giving back to amateur boxing.

I felt there was a need to help more kids and give them an opportunity to get out of the house and do something productive and fun,” Ruiz commented. “They all have a chance to work on self confidence and one could possibly become world champion. I feel obligated to help kids because I remember years ago when I was in the same position. They need guidance. If I didn’t have all the support I did growing up, I wouldn’t have turned out the way I did. I want to help kids understand how to accomplishment their goals.

Asosiasi Alumni Tinju AS

Diciptakan untuk juara seumur hidup, hubungan yang saling menguntungkan antara USA Boxing dan alumninya, –petinju, pejabat, pelatih dan penggemar tinju — Asosiasi Alumni menghubungkan generasi juara, menginspirasi dan memberikan kembali kepada juara tinju masa depan USA Boxing, masuk dan keluar dari ring.

Asosiasi Alumni Tinju AS terbuka untuk siapa saja yang menyukai tinju dan ingin tetap terhubung dengan tinju amatir. Anggota diberikan akses ke berbagai acara khusus yang diselenggarakan oleh Asosiasi Alumni, termasuk penerimaan tahunan Hall of Fame Asosiasi Alumni Tinju USA.

Untuk bergabung dengan Asosiasi Alumni, cukup mendaftar di alumni@usaboxing.org untuk sebuah $40.00 biaya keanggotaan per tahun. Anggota baru akan menerima kaos, gantungan kunci dan e-wallet.

Hari Ini, John lives in Palm City, Florida. He’s a correctional officer for the Martin County Sheriff Department. “Winning the world title twice as a pro was awesome,” Ruiz concluded, “but I definitely enjoyed the amateurs more than the pros, even though I would have loved to have represented the USA in the Olympics. USA Boxing opened up my mind to different things, taking me off the streets of Chelsea to made me feel……special.

John Ruiz has always preached, “Follow Your Dreams!” and he’s still doing that today.

INFORMASI: www.usaboxing.orgKegugupan: @USABoxing, @USABoxingAlumn iInstagram: @USABoxing Facebook: /USABoxing


SHOWTIME® To Produce And Distribute The Most Significant Heavyweight Fight In The U.S. Sejak 2002 – A Blockbuster Matchup of Undefeated Champs

Wilder_Fury (002)

Wilder and Fury first met in the ring after Wilder’s KO of Artur Szpilka (Jan. 2016); Kredit: SHOWTIME Olahraga

NEW YORK – September 27, 2018 - WBC World Champion Deontay Wilder will defend his title against lineal champion Tyson Fury in a blockbuster matchup of undefeated heavyweights on Saturday, Bulan Desember 1, hidup di SHOWTIME PPV® di 9 p.m. ET / 6 p.m. PT from STAPLES Center in Los Angeles.




Wilder vs. Fury tests the raw power of Wilder against the unmatched size and mobility of Fury. America’s only heavyweight champion since 2007, Wilder has 39 KO di 40 perkelahian profesional, including knockouts in all seven of his title defenses. Fury is a former IBF, WBA and WBO heavyweight world champion who is undefeated in 27 professional fights and holds boxing’s coveted lineal heavyweight title.




The evenly matched showdown of top-ranked heavyweights pits boxing’s two largest champions against each other in the most significant heavyweight fight in the United States since Lennox Lewis vs. Mike Tyson di 2002. In addition to physical stature – Wilder is 6-foot-7, Fury 6-foot-9 – both are among boxing’s greatest showmen, with outsized personalities and heavyweight charisma.




“Wilder vs. Fury is a throwback to the glory days of heavyweight boxing – a 50/50 matchup between two larger-than-life athletes with towering physical frames and captivating personalities,"Kata Stephen Espinoza, Presiden, Sports and Event Programming for Showtime Networks Inc. “Deontay Wilder has proven he’s the hardest puncher in boxing. Tyson Fury‘s size and skill set present a challenge unlike any other in the heavyweight division. No one knows what will happen when these two giants step into the ring, and that’s what makes this fight so fascinating.”




Wilder vs. Fury is the latest major heavyweight event to take place in the Southland, expanding an already deep history of heavyweight boxing featuring Hall of Famers Joe Louis, Muhammad Ali, Lennox Lewis and Vitali Klitschko, the last of whom faced off at STAPLES Center in 2003.




Tiket untuk acara, which is promoted by BombZquad Enterprises and Queensberry Promotions, in association with DiBella Entertainment and TGB Promotions, go on sale Wednesday, Bulan Oktober 3 di 12 p.m. PT. Tickets are priced starting at $75, ditambah biaya pemesanan, and are available via AXS.com. Wilder vs. Fury will be produced and distributed by SHOWTIME PPV.




“I can’t wait to fight Tyson Fury in the biggest fight in the heavyweight division and all of boxing,” said Wilder. “I have tremendous respect for Fury for agreeing to leave England and come to the U.S. to challenge me. I’m the WBC champion, he’s the lineal champion, and the winner of this fight will show the world who is ‘The Man’ in the heavyweight division. As much as I respect Fury, I fear no man and fully intend to knock him out like every man that I’ve ever faced in the ring.”




“People talk about me only having two fights since my layoff, but that doesn’t bother me at all,” Fury said. “This is the Tyson Fury show. It always has been. This is my era, and I proved that when I beat Klitschko in his own backyard. Is Wilder the biggest puncher I have faced? You don’t know that until you are on the floor. It is all about not getting hit in this fight. Until someone beats me, I am the king of the heavyweight division. Long live the king.”




“There is no better place in the world than STAPLES Center to have these two giant heavyweights, WBC champion Deontay Wilder and lineal champion Tyson Fury, clashing in an epic championship fight,” said Lee Zeidman, Presiden, Staples Center. “This is the kind of match that will add to the rich tradition of Southland boxing and we are incredibly proud to host it.’’




After winning bronze at the 2008 Olimpiade, Wilder knocked out his first 32 professional opponents inside of four rounds to earn a shot at WBC Heavyweight Champion Bermane Stiverne on Jan. 17, 2015. The Tuscaloosa, Ala., native defeated Stiverne via near-shutout decision, going the distance for the first time in his career to become America’s first heavyweight world champion since Shannon Briggs in 2007.




As WBC champion, Wilder has knocked out all seven of his world title challengers, including a devastating first-round knockout of Stiverne in a 2017 pertandingan ulang. Dalam laga terakhirnya, Wilder survived the toughest test of his career in undefeated top-five ranked world title challenger Luis Ortiz. Wilder knocked out the Cuban slugger in a leading candidate for 2018 Fight of the Year.




In Fury, Wilder will face his second consecutive top-five heavyweight in what experts have set as the closest odds of his professional career.




Kemarahan, who was born in 1988 and named after then-heavyweight champion Mike Tyson, competed as an amateur for both England and Ireland before turning professional in 2008. The self-proclaimed “Gypsy King” dominated the competition early in his career to earn a world title shot against Wladimir Klitschko, who had ruled over the heavyweight division for nine consecutive years.




Fury shocked the world with a unanimous decision win over Klitschko in 2015, limiting the future Hall of Famer to the worst offensive output of his professional career. Subsequent battles with drugs, mental health and weight gain, along with a failure to face his mandatory challengers, cost Fury his belts and led to a nearly three-year hiatus from the sport.




Fury was triumphant in his long-awaited return on June 9 against Sefer Seferi, leading to a second comeback fight less than 75 days later against former world title challenger Francesco Pianeta. Weighing within 11 pounds of his fighting weight when he dethroned Klitschko, Fury displayed prime movement, hand speed and footwork in a shutout decision to earn the opportunity to become a two-time heavyweight world champion on December 1.





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WILDER vs. FURY TRAILER: https://s.sho.com/2Ii7PwA


WBC Heavyweight World Champion Deontay Wilder and lineal heavyweight champion Tyson Fury announced pada hari Sabtu that they have agreed to a heavyweight showdown later this year. The announcement was made in Belfast immediately following’s the undefeated Fury’s shutout decision of Francesco Pianeta. VIDEO:https://s.sho.com/2vVYtlj

Wilder vs. Kemarahan, a 12-round matchup for Wilder’s WBC Heavyweight World Championship, will be produced and distributed by SHOWTIME PPV. A date and venue for the event will be announced shortly.

The 6-foot-7 Wilder is 40-0 dengan 39 knockouts and American’s only heavyweight champion since 2007. The 6-foot-9 Fury is a former IBF, WBA and WBO Champion who has never been defeated in 27 perkelahian profesional.



Lima divisi juara tinju dunia Amanda “The Real Deal” Serrano telah menandatangani eksklusif, kesepakatan promosi multi-tahun dengan Combate Americas, dan dijadwalkan untuk membuat debut MMA nya Maret.

Pound-for-pound tinju fenomena diatur untuk membuat dia banyak-diantisipasi
Debut MMA untuk waralaba olahraga MMA Hispanik utama dunia


NEW YORK - Januari 11, 2018 - Combate Amerika hari ini mengumumkan penandatanganan juara dunia tinju lima divisi, termasuk memerintah Organisasi Tinju Dunia (WBO) bantam (118 pon) juara, Amanda “The Real Deal” Serrano (Tinju: 34-1-1, 26 KO; MMA: 0-0) untuk eksklusif, kesepakatan promosi multi-tahun.



Satu-satunya petarung wanita dalam sejarah serta satu-satunya pesaing Puerto Rico yang pernah memenangkan lima gelar dunia di lima divisi berat badan yang berbeda, Serrano 29 tahun yang lahir di Carolina, Puerto Rico dan perkelahian dari Brooklyn, N.Y., akan membuat Mixed Martial Arts nya (MMA) Debut di La Jaula, kandang Combate Americas, pada tanggal Maret akan diumumkan segera.



“Kami sangat antusias untuk membawa Amanda Serrano, salah satu superstar yang paling menarik tinju ke dalam familia Combate Americas, dan berharap untuk menempatkan dirinya di panggung global yang adalah olahraga utama properti di 21 negara-negara berbahasa Spanyol di seluruh dunia,”Kata Combate Americas CEO Campbell McLaren.



Serrano, top 10 pound-for-pound fighter, akan terus berkembang karir tinju nya di bawah promosi DiBella Hiburan, dan berusaha untuk menjadi atlet pertama dalam sejarah untuk secara bersamaan memegang gelar juara dunia di MMA dan tinju.



Serrano ditangkap besar gelar juara dunia pertamanya, Federasi Tinju Internasional (IBF) mahkota bulu yang super, di hanya 22 tua tahun, dengan brutal, KO putaran kedua dari Kimberly Connor September 10, 2011.



karena dia telah robek melalui jajaran pejuang di empat divisi berat lainnya, mulai dari kelas bantam ke ringan (135 pon), dan yang paling baru mencetak KO di ronde pertama Marilyn Hernandez November 4, 2017.



Serrano terinspirasi untuk menyeberang ke dunia MMA oleh juara dunia pensiun Miesha Tate, yang sejak itu menjadi co-manager Serrano.



Combate Americas datang dari tahun banner, memproduksi peringkat televisi yang luar biasa di AS, Meksiko dan Spanyol, termasuk dua peristiwa Telemundo MMA pertama dalam sejarah yang menghasilkan peringkat tertinggi dari setiap bahasa Spanyol MMA menunjukkan di AS. pada musim panas dan musim gugur 2017, dan sebanyak 6.9 juta pemirsa untuk satu episode dari serial televisi mingguan di TV Azteca di Meksiko.

Evander Holyfield & Luis Collazo Ring 8’s Special Guest Speakers

Hari Selasa, November. 21 di O’Neill's Restaurant
In Maspeth, NY
NEW YORK (November 15, 2017)) – Hall of Fame Evander “Real Deal” Holyfield and former world welterweight champion Luis Collazo will be special guest speakers at Ring 8’s next monthly meeting,Hari Selasa malam, November 21, di O’Neill's Restaurant (64-21 53rd Drive) di Maspeth, New York,
Because a large crowd is expected, only Ring 8 members will be allowed to attend this meeting, but membership may be obtained at the door for those interested in joining Ring 8.
Evander Holyfield is one of the few living legends in our sport,” Cincin 8 presiden Jack Hirsch tersebut. “Jadi, you can imagine how thrilled we are to have him as a guest speaker. We had planned to present Holyfield with the Ring 8 Legends Award at our holiday banquet, but a lucrative business opportunity will prohibit him from being there that afternoon. Malah, we will present him with that award at O’Neil’s. It says a lot about Evander that he adjusted his schedule to remain in New York to attend our meeting.
Luis Collazo is a terrific fighter in his own right, having been a former world champion. His career seems to be on an upswing once again and we are anxious to hear about his future plans.
Holyfield has retired as a boxer with an outstanding 44-10-2 (29 Biaya), but this past year he has operated a New York City-based promotional company, Real Deal Tinju. A U.S. Olimpiade, Holyfield is the only unified world cruiserweight champion, as well as a four-time heavyweight champion of the world.
He had a 16-7-2 record in world title fights and won 19 dari 30 fights with two draws against past or present world champions, defeating a Who’s Who list of all-time greats such as Dwight Muhammad Qawi, George Foreman, Larry Holmes, Riddick Bowe dan Mike Tyson (dua kali), antara lebih tokoh-tokoh.
Born in Brooklyn and now a resident of Queens, Collazo (37-7. 20 Biaya) captured the World Boxing Association (WBA) welterweight world title on April 2, 2005, winning a 12-round split decision over hometown favorite and defending champion Jose Antonio Rivera di Worcester, Massachusetts.
The 26-year-old Collazo, who has also defeated world champions Gambar placeholder Miguel Angel Gonzalez dan Victor Ortiz, remains a world title contender having upset 21-1 Sammy Vasquez in his last action by way of a sixth-round knockout last February.
TENTANG RING 8: Cincin 8 menjadi anak kedelapan dari apa yang kemudian dikenal sebagai Veteran Nasional Boxers Association – karenanya, RING 8 – dan hari ini motto organisasi tetap: Petinju Membantu Boxers.
RING 8 berkomitmen penuh untuk mendukung orang yang kurang beruntung di komunitas tinju yang mungkin memerlukan bantuan dalam hal membayar sewa, biaya pengobatan, atau apa pun dibenarkan kebutuhan.
Pergi pada baris ke www.Ring8ny.com untuk informasi lebih lanjut tentang RING 8, kelompok terbesar dari jenisnya di Amerika Serikat dengan lebih dari 350 anggota. Iuran keanggotaan tahunan hanya $30.00 dan setiap anggota berhak makan malam prasmanan di RING 8 pertemuan bulanan, termasuk Juli dan Agustus. Semua petinju aktif, amatir dan profesional, dengan lisensi tinju saat ini atau buku berhak mendapatkan RING gratis 8 keanggotaan tahunan. Para tamu Ring 8 anggota dipersilahkan dengan biaya hanya $7.00 per orang.


Joshua vs. Takam, The First of Consecutive Heavyweight World Title Fights On SHOWTIME, Replays TONIGHT at 10:40 p.m. DAN/PT pada SHOWTIME; And On Sunday Morning at 10 a.m. DAN/PT pada SHOWTIME EXTREME



CARDIFF, WALES (Oktober. 28, 2017) – Undefeated and Unified Heavyweight World Champion Anthony Joshua stopped IBF mandatory challenger Carlos Takam in the 10th bulat pada hari Sabtu night at Principality Stadium in Cardiff, Wales, where the British sensation improved to 20 menang, semua dengan KO, and retained both his IBF and WBA world title belts.

Joshua vs. Takam was contested before a record 78,000 penggemar, the largest ever for an indoor boxing event and was the first of back-to-back heavyweight world title fights airing live on SHOWTIME. Berikutnya Hari Sabtu, November. 4, WBC Heavyweight World Champion Deontay Wilder headlines a three-fight telecast when he faces former world champion Bermane Stiverne at the Barclays Center in Brooklyn, NY.

Creative combinations and some inside fighting rarely seen from the rangy Joshua opened up a cut over Takam’s right eye and floored the challenger in the 4th. Nanti Saja, Joshua opened another gash over the left eye but a bloody and battered Takam continued to press forward. Takam was able to land some significant punches in the middle rounds but not enough to take Joshua off his game.

Dalam 10th, after Joshua landed several big punches including a left-right combination that rocked the courageous challenger, referee Phil Edwards stepped in and stopped the fight at 1:34.

“I kept my composure,” said Joshua when asked about a head butt in the second round that may have broken the champion’s nose. “We will get my nose cracked back into place and then we can get back to training.”

When SKY Sports’ ringside reporter Andy Scott asked the beloved champion about a unification bout with fellow undefeated champion Wilder, Joshua said, “It has to happen. It has to happen for sure. When it comes down to it, the IBF, IBO and WBA have mandatory challengers. I can’t just fight any Joe Blow I want. I have to fight the obligations as champion and once I fulfill those, my door is open to fight anyone, be it Wilder or anyone else.

“Everyone saw how hard it took to get the belts,” he continued. “I am not giving them up for anyone.”

When asked about fighting overseas in America or elsewhere, Joshua replied to the delight of the U.K. penggemar, “As I said, it’s not my decision what happens outside the ring… but look at what boxing is doing. We are getting people coming in from all around the U.K. and from different countries. I think we should keep on boxing right here in the U.K.”

Untuk informasi lebih lanjut kunjungi www.SHO.com/Sports, ikuti di Twitter @ShowtimeBoxing, atau menjadi penggemar di Facebook diwww.Facebook.com/SHOBoxing.




SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING® Tinggal di 5 p.m. DAN/2 p.m. PT From Sold-Out Principality Stadium In Cardiff, Wales


Klik DISINI For Photos Credit Esther Lin/SHOWTIME


CARDIFF, WALES (Oktober. 27, 2017) – Unified Heavyweight World Champion Anthony Joshua tipped the scales at a career-high 254 pounds and IBF mandatory challenger Carlos Takam measured 235 ½ pounds for their heavyweight showdown hari esok pada SHOWTIME.


The SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING telecast begins live at 5 p.m. DAN/2 p.m. PT from sold-out Principality Stadium in Cardiff where an estimated 78,000 fans will converge for the largest indoor event in boxing history.


Joshua, who went past the 10th round for the first time with a sensational knockout of Wladimir Klitschko on Bulan April 29, promised conditioning wasn’t an issue.


“I’ve been doing a lot more running. Maybe I’m starting to fill out as I get older and I’m starting to find my natural weight,” Joshua said. “Who knows what it is. I definitely feel a lot fitter than I have in previous fights.”


The referee for Sabtu contest is Phil Edwards and the judges scoring ringside are Michael Alexander (Inggris), Pawel Kardyni (Polandia) and Ron McNair (New York).


If Joshua’s previous 19 bouts are any indication, the judges might not be necessary.


“I’m not going to say I’m going to knock him out and smash him up and all these types of things,” said Joshua, who has knocked out all of his professional opponents en route to unifying the heavyweight division. “But that’s what I have to do.”





“He’s definitely going to take me into late waters and that’s where it’s going to be interesting.” – Anthony Joshua

“I saw Joshua go down. I saw he has a weak point.” – Carlos Takam


SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING® Tinggal di 5 p.m. DAN/2 p.m. PT From Sold-Out Principality Stadium In Cardiff, Wales

Klik DISINI For Photos Credit Esther Lin/SHOWTIME


CARDIFF, WALES (Oktober. 26, 2017) – Unified Heavyweight World Champion Anthony Joshua and IBF mandatory challenger Carlos Takam faced off at the National Museum in Cardiff pada hari Kamis during the final press conference for their heavyweight blockbuster Sabtu inilive on SHOWTIME from sold-out Principality Stadium.


Joshua and Takam will square off in front of an all-time indoor boxing record of 78,000 fans on SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING beginning at 5 p.m. DAN/2 p.m. PT in the U.S.


Joshua (19-0, 19 Biaya) returns for the first time since unifying the heavyweight division via knockout in a leading Fight of the Year thriller with long-reigning kingpin Wladimir Klitschko this past April.


“We’re going to have to put that Klitschko win to the side at some stage because boxing is unforgiving,” Joshua said pada hari Kamis. “That was that. This is now. Carlos is a completely different animal than Klitschko.


“Who knows what’s going to happen in that ring Hari Sabtu. This division is unpredictable. You saw I got tired in the fifth round against Klitschko. Am I going to find out I’m only a five round fighter? Takam is tough and can go the distance. He’s definitely going to take me into late waters and that’s where it’s going to be interesting.”


Takam (35-3-1, 27 Biaya) has experience in close bouts with reigning WBO Heavyweight Champion Joseph Parker and former challenger Alexander Povetkin. Itu 2004 Olympian from Cameroon enters the contest having boxed more than three times the professional rounds as Joshua.


“My experience will help me win the fight,” Takam said. “I’ve been in there with a champion. When we get in the ring it’s just two fighters. Only at the end of the fight will we know who the real world champion is.


“I saw Joshua go down. I saw he has a weak point, and we’ve been working on targeting that.”


Joshua and Takam meet 24 years after Lennox Lewis and Frank Bruno squared off in the first all-British heavyweight world championship in front of more than 25,000 fans at the National Stadium in Cardiff. There will be more than 78,000 at the new National Stadium – Principality Stadium – pada hari Sabtu.


Here’s what the fighters had to say pada hari Kamis:


Anthony Joshua


“Fighting is all I do. It’s all I know. It’s an honor to be defending these belts. I don’t always like to talk about the belts because I’ve always been a fighter before that and I’ve always had the ambition of being a talented fighter before I became champion. I’m just looking forward to getting in the ring and handling business.


“We’re going to have to put that Klitschko win to the side at some stage because boxing is unforgiving. That was that. This is now. Carlos is a completely different animal than Klitschko.


“I do know that I’m willing to do whatever it takes to win. In terms of style, technique and preparation, it’s completely different. Every camp is completely different. My mindset is completely different. All will be revealed Hari Sabtu. Best of luck to both men and the best man will win.


"[Trainer Rob McCracken] has never just trained me for one style of opponent. He’s trained me to be the best me. He’s trained me to be ready, to be fit, to be focused and to adapt new skills to my boxing. No matter who my opponent is, I’ll always be in good condition to compete against any champion or any contender in the world.


“We’re in the business of providing really good fights. We’re not here to tip and tap and run for 12 putaran. We’re here to get stuck in.


“I know what it’s like to be the non-champion fighting for a championship. When there’s that pot of gold at the end of the rainbow, it’s going to be competitive. This is heavyweight championship boxing. Both of us are on the same elite level so you’re going to see an elite fight.


“Who knows what’s going to happen in that ring Hari Sabtu. This division is unpredictable. You saw I got tired in the fifth round against Klitschko. Am I going to find out I’m only a five round fighter? Takam is tough and can go the distance. He’s definitely going to take me into late waters and that’s where it’s going to be interesting.


“With [Takam’s] style and his strength, I wish I came into this fight heavier so we could just stand there and slug it out with each other. Why’d I come in lighter? I thought I was fighting Pulev – a real amateur-style boxer. I had to stay off the line, jab with him and match his speed. Takam is a completely different style of fighter so I might have come in a bit heavier if I knew I was fighting Takam.


“I’m just a reflection of hard work. The UK boxing scene is quite grassroots. I still go to my amateur club. Just before this championship fight, I was training with all the amateurs – kids that were just 10 tahun. You can only achieve what you see, so when they’re training with Olympians and professional World Champions, they’re inspired. That’s real nice to be the champion and still keep it real training with the grassroots athletes.”


Carlos Takam

“My experience will help me win the fight. I’ve been in there with a champion. When we get in the ring it’s just two fighters. Only at the end of the fight will we know who the real world champion is.


“I saw Joshua go down. I saw he has a weak point, and we’ve been working on targeting that.”


“I’m going to box my way. I’m going to come forward, fight my fight.


“I believe in myself. I’m confined. It wouldn’t be a shock if I won because of the confidence I have.


“When I heard about the fight, I was already in preparation for another fight so I had to completely change the way I trained to be ready for this fight. I’m coming out on the 28th to win the fight.


“All I can do is invite you to see the outcome of the fight on the 28th. I’m coming out to win.


“I know it’s going to be a great fight. This will change my life in boxing but not from the person I am.”




Unified Champion Joshua Defends On SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING® Tinggal di 5 p.m. DAN / 2 p.m. PT From Principality Stadium In Cardiff, Wales


Klik DISINI Untuk Foto; Kredit Esther Lin / SHOWTIME


CARDIFF, WALES (Oktober. 25, 2017) – Unified Heavyweight World Champion Anthony Joshua and IBF mandatory challenger Carlos Takam worked out in front of approximately 1,400 fans on Wednesday at St. David’s Hall in Cardiff, just three days before they square off Sabtu ini hidup di SHOWTIME.


The near-capacity crowd at the National Concert Hall of Wales serves as a prelude to the record-breaking audience expected at Principality Stadium pada hari Sabtu where more than 75,000 fans will set boxing’s all-time indoor attendance record at the retractable roof facility.


The SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING telecast begins live at 5 p.m. DAN/2 p.m. PT from ringside in Cardiff as Joshua (19-0, 19 Biaya) returns for the first time since unifying the heavyweight division. The undefeated British sensation picked up the WBA belt to go along with his IBF crown on Bulan April 29 in a leading Fight of the Year thriller with Wladimir Klitschko.


“We’re going to have a war. We’re going to wear our hearts on our sleeves,” Joshua said. “This is what fighting’s about. With me, it ain’t about all this other stuff that goes on outside the ring. When people come to watch me box, they know they’re going to have a good time. They know they’re going to see knockouts.”


Takam (35-3-1, 27 Biaya), sebuah 2004 Olympian from Cameroon, packs a lengthy resume as he looks to shock the world and become heavyweight champion.


“He’s a world champion, he’s earned his belt,” said the 36-year-old Takam. “But I’m coming here to take it.”


Joshua vs. Takam is the first of two consecutive heavyweight world bouts on SHOWTIME. Berikutnya Hari Sabtu, November. 4, WBC Heavyweight World Champion Deontay Wilder will defend his title in a rematch with Bermane Stiverne, the only opponent to last the distance with the American champion in 38 pertarungan profesional.


Here’s what the fighters had to say on Wednesday:



“I’ve never been nervous about fighting but I think this stadium is going to be different. There’s a closed roof. I know the energy and the atmosphere is going to be bouncing up and down off the roof and it’s going to be nothing like before. Seperti yang saya katakan, if Hari Sabtu night is a little bit like the people today here at the public workout, it’s going to be phenomenal.


“This is what fighting’s about – different styles and different types of opponents. But the best opponent you can work on is yourself so I’ve definitely been improving myself. I can talk about a million things I’ve been working on but at the end of the day, as soon as that first bell rings, that’s when it matters.


“We’re going to have a war. We’re going to wear our hearts on our sleeves. This is what fighting’s about. With me, it ain’t about all this other stuff that goes on outside the ring. When people come to watch me box, they know they’re going to have a good time. They know they’re going to see knockouts. They’re going to see a bit of blood and a bit of respect after.


“I think the UK has been sending a statement for a long time. It wasn’t so long ago that U.K. heavyweights or boxers weren’t getting a look. Saat Ini, all the Americans are talking about U.K. pejuang. We’ve definitely been sending a statement over to the States for a long time.


"[Joseph Parker and Deontay Wilder] can watch me a million times but it’s so different when you get in these ropes. When you get in here, you can watch somebody a million times, but it’s a different challenge when you face someone face-to-face.


“We have to deliver. The fans know what they want, I know what they want. It’s my job to deliver. I haven’t got to say it – I know already and the fans know. Let’s just deliver Hari Sabtu night and we’ll look forward to a promising 2018.”


On opponent Takam, who became the mandatory challenger after an injury to Kubrat Pulev:

“First and foremost, massive credit to Eddie [Hearn] because he’s done amazing work. He was ahead of the game and he’s managed to allow this show to go ahead. Credit to Carlos Takam, a true athlete who stays fit all year round. He’s not someone who just trains for a fight, he seems to keep himself conditioned and that’s what we like. He’s the same as myself. And I think – what would I do? Would I give up the IBF belt? Hell no. I worked too hard for it.”



“Saya siap untuk laga ini, I’m ready for everything he has. I’ve been waiting for this opportunity for a long time. We were in the gym getting ready, hoping we would get this chance.


“He’s a world champion, he’s earned his belt. But I’m coming here to take it. You have to defend your title, and I’m not going to make it easy. I’m going to make this the fight of the year.


“If I can do things differently from what other boxers have done against him, I’ll have a chance to win by knockout.


“A lot of people have asked me if I see any weaknesses in Joshua’s style. All I can say is we will see on fight night.


“I’m not bothered about fighting in front of 80,000 orang orang, the only people in the ring will be myself and Joshua, nothing else matters except us.”