Arkivji Tag: women’s boxing

Ejja tismagħha Mill Il-Bniet – Marston, Smith & Quotes kannella presser

Kien hemm aktar minn ħjiel ta 'faxxinu fl-attendenza fil-konferenza stampa riċenti, għall-fewdali jmiss Mark Lyon u Billy James Elliott-promossi TAL-avveniment Ring II, li saret fil Il Pie Pjazza fil Suq Spitalfields, bħala tliet boxers kollha femminili li ser tkun qed tieħu sehem kienu fl-attendenza, flimkien ma 'boxers oħra li se jkunu qed jikkompetu f'dan l-avveniment storiku.


Fewdali taċ-ċirku II huwa garantit huwa post fil-kotba tal-istorja tal-isport kif dan se jkun l-ewwel avveniment boxing professjonali, fir-Renju Unit, li karatteristika tliet kombattenti nisa.


L-ewwel li jitkellmu kien atleta Team GB Shaunagh Brown, minn Peckham, London, atleta suċċess fi tliet dixxiplini, Shot Putt, Throw Martell u Discus, li jagħmel id-debutt professjonali tagħha fuq Awissu 29th.


"Jien eċċitati li jkun qed jagħmel id-debutt pro tiegħi ġimgħa d-dieħla, I ma jistgħux jistennew.


Stajt dejjem ħadmet ħafna biex tħejji għal kompetizzjoni, imma x-xogħol ma għandek tagħmel bħala Boxer huwa livell ieħor għal kollox.


Kowċ Mark tiegħi (ex Champion Commonwealth Mark reefer) kien brillanti, Stajt tgħallmu tant mingħandu, huwa verament għamlet din il-mossa mid-atletika sa boxing ħafna aktar faċli milli kellu jkun.


Jien biss bil-ħerqa li jkollna fil-ċirku issa u tagħmel biss dak Mark għallmitni li tagħmel "


Li jmiss biex jitkellmu kienet Leeds, Sam Smith Yorkshire tal, li reċentement taħbit Zsofia Bedo biex jiżgura t-titolu Internazzjonali Masters Internazzjonali, fuq biss bout professjonali tagħha terza.


"Huwa kien vjaġġ twil biex tikseb hawn illum iżda huwa kien worth it, huwa kien ħolma tiegħi għall-ġlieda kontra fil York Hall ġurnata waħda u issa I am.


Dan kollu ġara hekk malajr, I iġġieled dwar Awissu 2nd u kienet se tieħu ġimgħa off mit-taħriġ, iżda meta Lee (ex Irish Champion Lee Murtagh) qal hu jista 'jikseb me fuq l-ispettaklu li marru straight out-bieb, I kellha tieħu dan, hekk biss ħa ftit jiem off u mbagħad straight lura fil-ġinnasju biex jitlesta.


Jien lest u raring li jmorru, ma tistax tistenna. "


Fl-aħħarnett British #1 u renjanti MBC International Champion, Woolwich, Londra Marianne Marston ħa l-Mike.


"Nixtieq mhux biss tixtieq tirringrazzja Mark u Billy (promoturi Mark Lyon u Billy James Elliott-) għall-għoti myself l-opportunità għall-ġlieda fuq Awissu tagħhom 29th juru, iżda wkoll nirringrazzjahom għall sod appoġġ tal boxing tan-Nisa.


Huwa ta 'unur li jkunu involuti fit-tali avveniment storiku, jkollhom jgħidu għalkemm huwa kien żmien pjuttost twil li ġejjin.


Kulħadd mistenni li boxing tan-Nisa se jieħu off hawn, wara s-suċċess ta 'l-isport fil-London 2012 Olimpjadi, imma hija biss issa li huwa, għalkemm qal li Jien għandi nenfasizza li dan huwa possibbli biss minħabba l-MBC (Malta Boxing Kummissjoni), peress li huma l-unika organizzazzjoni pro joperaw fir-Renju Unit li jinkoraġġixxu b'mod attiv u jappoġġjaw Professjonali Boxing tan-Nisa.


Nisperaw li dan huwa l-bidu ta 'affarijiet kbar għalina, sena li għaddiet kellna myself u Angel (McKenzie) ġlieda kontra fuq l-istess ispettaklu, issa għandna Sam, Shaunagh u myself kollha ġlied fuq l-istess avveniment, nisperaw minn dan iż-żmien sena d-dieħla aħna se toħloq aktar istorja ma 'l-avveniment femminili.


I ma jistgħux jistennew li jiksbu lura fiċ-ċirku, huwa kien kważi għaxar xhur peress I aħħar ġġieldu, li huwa mod wisq twil.


Ninsab kuntenta li jgħidu li l-ħsara li waqfet lili ġlied kmieni fis-sena issa hija fieqet, so I kienu kapaċi li jħarreġ b'mod sħiħ għall IS-SIBT li jmiss ġlieda.


Aħna qed kollha bit-tama li se jkun hemm xi appoġġ tajjeb mis-sapporters, mhux biss huwa l-opener istaġun ġdid u l-ewwel ċans biex jaqbad xi azzjoni boxing fil-Kapital wara l-waqfa tas-sajf, iżda wkoll huwa l-ewwel darba li hemm tliet boxing bouts tan-Nisa fuq pro juru.


Sabiex tikseb biljetti tiegħek issa, dan huwa definittivament juru li ma għandiex tintilef. "


Il-Mark Lyon u Billy James Elliott-Wise Guys promozzjonijiet Lords 'l-avveniment Ring II se ssir fil York Hall, Bethnal Paper, London nhar is-Sibt 29th Awissu 2015.


Dan l-avveniment huwa sanzjonat korteżija tal-Boxing Kummissjoni Malta (MBC)


Biljetti, pprezzati £ 35 (standard bilqiegħda) u £ 65 (Ringside) huma disponibbli minn xi wieħed mill-boxers jieħdu sehem, on-line u jew sejħa 07960 850645 jew 07807 282559.

Female Boxing: Marston, Smith u Brown Fil-Azzjoni F'Londra, Awissu 29

Promoturi Mark Lyon u Billy James Elliott-illum ħabbret li huma jkunu miżjuda żewġ bouts professjonali oħra Female, minbarra l-wieħed diġà fuq il-karta, li fewdali li jmiss tagħhom 'L-avveniment Ring II, li sseħħ fil-York Hall famużi fid Bethnal Paper, London nhar is-Sibt Awissu 29th.


Intestatura up-kontinġent femminili fuq opener il-Belt Kapitali tal-istaġun ġdid, huwa British #1 iggradata (Super Bantamweight & Lira Għal Lira) u renjanti MBC International Super Bantamweight Champion Marianne Marston.


Dan se jkun l-ewwel opportunità għall-fannijiet MARSTON biex tara tagħha fl-azzjoni din is-sena, kif hi sofriet rikaduta għall-piriformis muskolu severament ħsara hi Tore matul il-buildup għall-isfida titolu WBU Ewropea kontra Hana Horakova Marzu sena li għaddiet.


Marston se tfittex li tkun fuq formola aħjar tagħha, issa l-ħsara hija kompletament imfejqa, bħala l-Londoner ġie ħejjew jiġi kkontestat fis titolu World aktar tard din is-sena.


Tgħaqqad Marston fuq il-fewdali 'l-avveniment Ring II se jkun unbeaten Ħfief Sam Smith minn Leeds u sħabi Londoner Shaunagh Brown, li se tkun qed tagħmel id-debutt professjonali tagħha.


Smith, li tissielet barra mill-Gym Betlem fil Leeds, għamlet pjuttost dikjarazzjoni, peress tidwir pro f'Marzu ta 'din is-sena, skorja tlett waqfien jirbaħ kif ukoll diġà iżgurar ewwel Accolade Kampjonat tagħha, meta hi taħbit Zsofia Bedo minn waqfien tond terzi biex jassiguraw it-titolu Internazzjonali Masters Bronż Lightweight.


Nagħmlu debutt professjonali tagħha dwar l-avveniment huwa Team GB atleta Shaunagh "Il-Hammer" Brown minn Peckham, Nofsinhar ta 'Londra.


Brown, li qed iggwidati mill-eks Champion Commonwealth Mark reefer fil-ġinnasju Champions TKO fil Hackney, gawdiet suċċess enviable matul il-karriera atletika tagħha, inkluż tirbaħ il-midalja tad-deheb (Discus) fil-Kampjonati ESAA kemm 2005 u 2006, Fidda fil-Kampjonati U20 AAA wkoll fil 2006.


Fil-Kampjonati U20 Ingilterra Atletika fil 2008, Kannella ggarantit ma wieħed iżda żewġ midalji f'dixxiplini differenti, Deheb għall-Discus u Silver għall-Shot Poġġi. Fl 2009, lejn l-Aviva Ingilterra Atletika Kampjonati U20, Kannella u mbagħad magħduda l-Midalja tad-Deheb għall Shot Poġġi għall-ġbir tagħha.


Taħdit promotur qabel Mark Lyons għamilha ċara li hu u s-sieħba tan-negozju tiegħu Billy James Elliott-huma elated li tkun fuq quddiemnett ta 'boxing tan-Nisa fir-Renju Unit,


"Dan huwa l-opener istaġun ġdid għall boxing f'Londra u aħna iddeċieda li staġun ġdid, ġdid tibda sabiex dak aħjar milli biex iġibu fuq quddiem xi wħud mill-ġellieda femminili magnífico għandna f'dan il-pajjiż.


Mingħajr dubju huwa dwar iż-żmien kien hemm ġlied aktar nisa fil-gradi pro, matul l-aħħar ftit snin dwar l-uniċi ġellieda femminili Brittaniċi li raw l-azzjoni regolari huma Marianne (Marston) u Angel McKenzie, iżda issa ma Sam (Smith), Shaunagh (Brown) u oħrajn bħal Juliette Winter ġejjin abbord, Boxing tan-nisa tista 'verament bidu biex jiksbu xi momentum.


Huwa fantażija li jkollhom tliet bouts femminili fuq avveniment pro fir-Renju Unit, wara l- 29th Awissu wieħed jittama li dan mhux se jibqa 'jkun il-każ u nikbru biex tara dawn in-nisa żgħażagħ fl-azzjoni, kif ukoll jkollna l-kopertura tal-midja li jistħoqqilhom.


Marianne għandha aktar minn ppruvat hi livell Kampjonat u bir-raġun kiseb xi sparatura fil-titolu World aktar tard din is-sena u I M'għandix dubju għal minuta li Sam se jkunu wkoll ta 'sfida għal titoli ewlenin fil-futur qarib wisq, kif ser Shaunagh.


Shaunagh gawdiet suċċess fl-arena sportiva qabel, Discus, Shot Poġġi u Hammer Jitfa, kemm nazzjonalment u internazzjonalment, t-tfajla r-rebbieħ u jiena ċert hi se tkun daqstant ta 'suċċess bħala Boxer kif hi kienet tkun sports magħżula tagħha oħrajn.


Huwa ser tkun avveniment kbir, minbarra t-tliet bouts femminili, hemm ħafna ta 'ġlied kbir ħejjew li karatteristika xi ġellieda top, bħal WBF World Champion Chris Goodwin, ex Team GB star Iain Weaver u Jimmy Campbell, Jimmy kien ma 'l-aħjar ta' diviżjoni tiegħu, bħal Champions tad-Dinja Anthony Dirrell u Virgil Hill.


Barra minn dan għandna karta rammed ma 'talenti żgħażagħ li jmiss, kif ukoll xi stilla futuri jagħmlu debuts pro tagħhom, għalhekk definittivament huwa avveniment li jaħseb għall-fannijiet kollha boxing, żgħażagħ, qodma, maskili jew femminili hemm xi ħaġa għal kulħadd. "


Il-Mark Lyon u Billy James Elliott-Wise Guys promozzjonijiet Lords 'l-avveniment Ring II se ssir fil York Hall, Bethnal Paper, London nhar is-Sibt 29th Awissu 2015.


Dan l-avveniment huwa sanzjonat korteżija tal-Boxing Kummissjoni Malta (MBC)


Biljetti, pprezzati £ 35 (standard bilqiegħda) u £ 65 (Ringside) huma disponibbli minn xi wieħed mill-boxers jieħdu sehem, on-line u jew sejħa 07960 850645 jew 07807 282559.

Undefeated Super Middleweight Derrick “Ħu lill-Bank” Webster back in action on TONIGHT in Memphis

Memphis, Tennessee ( Mejju 29, 2015)Tonight at the W.C. Handy Pavilion in Memphis, Tennessee, undefeated Super Middleweight, Derrick “Take it to the Bank” Webster will make his first start of 2015 when he takes on William Johnson in a six-round bout that is part of a card that will be televised live on CBS Sports Network.
Webster is promoted by GH3 Promotions and Greg Cohen Promotions.
Webster ta Glassboro, New Jersey għandha rekord ta ' 18-0 ma 9 knockouts and has not been sitting idle during the six months he has not been in the ring.
“Taħriġ kien kbir. We had some dates moved on us, so we stayed at home for camp. We used a lot of different sparring partners and I have a new strength and conditioning coach. I did a lot of new things such as running the bleachers, some great ab work as well, ” said Webster.
Webster has been no stranger to layoffs as guys are not running fast to face the 6’4″ inch southpaw who has displayed good boxing ability and power.
“It frustrates me but I have been dealing with it my whole career. I know I should be a lot further along but now I have promoters and managers (D & D Management) that should help ease that problem. Allura jekk wieħed iżomm f'moħħu, I can’t wait to see what is to come.”
In Johnson, Webster is fighting a guy with a pedestrian record but that was not by choice.
“It is hard to get up for this opponent. We had at least 12 guys turn down the fight for one reason or another. There is nothing I can do to make guys fight me. I am just going into this fight to get a win and start fighting the upper echelon guys. I think I will come right back in July and we will be fighting for some regional titles.”
“I appreciate the support. I love my family and fans. This fight will end in a knockout. I am glad I can display this on national television and the world will finally recognize what they have been missing and that is that I am the best southpaw in boxing.”
Promozzjonijiet GH3 karatteristiċi undefeated Middleweight Antoine Douglas, Jerry Odom Super Middleweight ta & Derrick Webster, undefeated Super Bantamweight Adam Lopez as well as Boxcino Jr. Middleweight champion John Thompson, undefeated welterweight Jerrell Harris,undefeated Super Bantamweight Qa'id Muhammad, undefeated ħfief Oscar Bonilla, Heavyweight Natu Visinia u Ħfief Heavyweight Lavarn Harvell għall-Promozzjonijiet GH3 stabbli.

Lightweight Contender Tony Luis to Serve on Broadcast Commentary Team on CBS Sports Network, din il-ġimgħa, Mejju 29 fil Memphis

Lightweight contender Tony “Lightning” Luis says it’ll be the realization of a childhood dream when he serves as guest analyst on the broadcast team this Friday, Mejju 29.

Luis will join Ron Kruck, Steve Kim and Patrick Ortiz for the live call of “Kampjonat Boxing fuq CBS Sports Network,” will air live on CBS Sports Network (10:00 PM, U) from the WC Handy Pavilion on Beale Street in Memphis, Tennessee.

Presented by Greg Cohen Promotions, in association with GH3 Promotions, Prize Fight Promotion and Adam Wilcock’s Fight Card Productions and produced by David Schuster’s Winner Take All Productions, Championship Boxing on CBS Sports Network will be headlined by a 10-round cruiserweight battle between Lateef “Power” Kayode (20-0, 16 Kos) u “Roqgħa” Nick Kisner (14-1-1, 5 Kos).

Fil-każ ta 'ko-prinċipali, promising WBO #10 lightweight Josh King of Australia will make his US television debut against Batesville, Arkansas’ Rogelio Casarez (9-3, 4 Kos). Also featured in televised action that night will be women’s superstar Amanda “Il Deal Real” Serrano (23-1-1, 18 Kos) in a six-round super featherweight showcase against Nairobi, Kenya’s Fatuma Zarika (24-10-2, 14 Kos), as well as super middleweight Derrick “Ħu lill-Bank” Webster (18-0, 9 Kos) putting his undefeated record on the line in a six-rounder against Mississippi’s William Johnson.

Biljetti għall “Kampjonat Boxing” huma pprezzati għal $20 General Admission and $30 VIP and are available by calling 901.900.2236. Fuq lejl ġlieda, doors open @ 6:00 pm. The live television telecast will run from 10 pm biex 12 am EST on CBS Sports Network. Għal aktar informazzjoni, żjara

“It’s another childhood dream come true,” said Luis of doing commentary. “My mom was a stickler with me over reading when I was little, but once I got the hang of it and discovered boxing, look out! I drove her crazy reading my dad’s boxing collection to her all the time. And she would always say I had what it took to do what the guys on HBO were doing. I can hear the ‘I told you so,’ from heaven.”

Luis will be joining a solid broadcast team of veterans. Blow-by-blow man Ron Kruck is an MMA correspondent for the longest-running Mixed Martial Arts news show on television, Ġewwa MMA, on Mark Cuban’s AXS TV. Long-time boxing journalist Steve Kim is internationally recognized for his commentary and opinion preceding major pay-per-view boxing bouts. Patrick Ortiz is the President of Ringside Ticket Inc and Lords of the Cage, which specializes in providing Mixed Martial Arts and Boxing events for Tribal Casinos.

Max Kellerman motivated me when i was younger,” said Luis of his influences. “I saw a young guy with a passion for boxing. Max is a very good commentator and has developed a good eye for the sport, but I feel I have an edge because I actually live it and know what it is like to be in that ring.”

Luis (19-3, 7 Kos), who lost a controversial decision in a world-title fight in England against England’s Derry Matthews in April, will next be seen, in ring, dwar Ġunju 25 fil Niagara Falls, New York against an opponent that is TBA.


Mejju 2 Installment Of Annual Breakfast Celebrated Hard Working Professionals in Sports and Entertainment

Las Vegas (Mejju 20) – Promozzjonijiet Mayweather kicked-off the Saturday, Mejju 2 Mayweather vs. Pacquiao festivities with the Titāns tal-Kummerċ breakfast entitled “Breakfast tal Champions,” in celebration of the hard working professionals in sports and entertainment. Din is-sena, the Titans of the Trade Committee honored three formidable women who have forged their own paths to success in the sports industry – renowned sportscaster Lesley Visser, eks champion tad-dinja Mia St. John and New York State Athletic Commission Chairwoman Melvina Lathan.


“I accept this award on behalf of anyone who has faced the odds and over came them,” said Visser. “Mandela once said, ‘Sport has the power to change the world,’ and I agree because this honor I’ve received today is an example of how sport has changed the world.”


In addition to the honorees, there was a full program of speakers and other activities. Guest speakers included boxing legend and Hall of Famer Lucia Rijker u Andrea Haynes u Dr. Rena Menard of the United States National Committee for United Nations Women (Houston Chapter).


Haynes and Menard spoke specifically about HeForShe, a solidarity movement for gender equality developed by UN Women to engage men and boys as advocates and agents of change for the achievement of gender equality and women’s rights. The campaign encourages them to speak out and take action against inequalities faced by women and girls.


“Why I’m passionate about the HeForShe campaign is because it is important that we get the men involved to support us,” said Haynes. “UN Women and He for She is dear because what it’s saying is that we all recognize that for us to be better and do better, we have to support our women.”


Titans of the Trade has created a platform for the revered honorees, noteworthy speakers and worthy causes to be front and center on the biggest days of the boxing calendar and will continue to do so moving forward.


“What started as a women-only event with 25 attendees has grown to a Floyd Mayweather fight day tradition with over 100 women and men from across the sports industry and it has been a pleasure to see the event thrive,” qal Nicole Craig, Viċi President tal-Marketing u l-Operazzjonijiet għall-Promozzjonijiet Mayweather. “This year we honored three incredible women and welcomed new guests that got the opportunity to network and form lasting relationships.”

NY women’s boxing history to be made Friday by Ring 8 & FDNY pro boxer Susan Reno


NEW YORK (Mejju 14, 2015) – New York women’s boxing history will be madegħada lejl (Il-ġimgħa, Mejju 15) as FDNY boxing team and Ring 8 membru Susan Reno tissielet Paola Ortiz in a 6-round bout featuring 3-minute rounds for the first time. Women professional fights in New York have always had 2-minute rounds in the past.


Reno vs. Ortiz II is a scheduled 6-round bout between fighters who originally fought to a 4-round majority draw this past Frar 13 at Long Island City in Queens. The rematch will be held Friday evening on a card presented by Uprising Promotions at Masonic Temple in Brooklyn, New York.


Susan is making New York State boxing history by being the first woman to compete in 3-minute rounds,” Ring 8 president Bob Duffy qal. “We’re very proud of her. She is opening doors for female boxers to compete on a level playing field with their male counterparts. You can only be first once. Not only will Susan be the first woman in New York State history to fight 3-minute rounds, we want another first from her by winning the first women’s 3-minute round fight every held in New York.”

ABOUT RING 8: Ring 8 saret it-tmien sussidjarja ta 'dak li kien imbagħad magħrufa bħala l-Veteran Nazzjonali Boxers Assoċjazzjoni – għalhekk, RING 8 – u llum motto tal-organizzazzjoni għadha: Boxers Ngħinu Boxers.


RING 8 hija impenjata bis-sħiħ biex tappoġġa lin-nies inqas ixxurtjati fil-komunità boxing li jistgħu jeħtieġu assistenza f'termini ta 'kera ħlas, spejjeż mediċi, jew kwalunkwe ħtieġa ġustifikabbli.


Mur fuq il-linja biex għal aktar informazzjoni dwar RING 8, l-akbar grupp tax-xorta tiegħu fl-Istati Uniti ma 'aktar minn 350 membri. Drittijiet tas-sħubija annwali hija biss $30.00 u kull membru hu intitolat għal pranzu buffet fil RING 8 laqgħat ta 'kull xahar, esklużi Lulju u Awissu. Boxers attivi kollha, dilettanti u professjonali, b'liċenzja boxing kurrenti jew il-ktieb huma intitolati għal RING kumplimentari 8 sħubija annwali. Mistednin ta Ring 8 membri huma milqugħa bi spiża ta 'biss $7.00 kull persuna.

Amanda Serrano ‘Honored’ to Represent Women’s Boxing’s Return to Network Television

Serrano to Face Jackie Trivilino, Live on CBS Sports Network on Il-ġimgħa, Mejju 29, fil Memphis, TN

Women’s multiple-time world champion Amanda “Il Deal Real” Serrano says she considers it a great honor to be part of the return of women’s boxing to network television.

Serrano (23-1-1, 18 Kos), ta Brooklyn, will face Plattsburgh, New York’s two-time world title challenger Jackie “The Force” Trivilino in a six-round super bantamweight rematch on Il-ġimgħa, Mejju 29, at the WC Handy Pavilion on Beale Street in Memphis, Tennessee, and broadcast nationally on CBS Sports Network (10:00 PM, U).

Serrano vs. Trivilino will serve as one of the televised supporting bouts on a show, intitolat “Kampjonat Boxing fuq CBS Sports Network”, presented by Greg Cohen Promotions, in association with GH3 Promotions, Prize Fight Promotion and Adam Wilcock’s Fight Card Productions, produced by David Schuster’s Winner Take All Productions. Headlining the show will be a 10-round cruiserweight battle between Lateef “Power” Kayode (20-0, 16 Kos) u “Roqgħa” Nick Kisner (14-1-1, 5 Kos).

Fil-każ ta 'ko-prinċipali, promising WBO #10 lightweight Josh King of Australia will make his US television debut in a regional title fight against Batesville, Arkansas’ Rogelio Casarez (9-3, 4 Kos). Also featured in televised action will be super middleweight Derrick “Ħu lill-Bank” Webster (18-0, 9 Kos) putting his undefeated record on the line in a six-rounder.

Biljetti għall “Kampjonat Boxing” huma pprezzati għal $20 General Admission and $30 VIP and are available by calling 901.900.2236.

Serrano will be facing Trivilino for the second time. The pair met in both of their pro debuts in 2009, with Serrano winning a majority decision. “I’m excited and ready,” she said. “I’m honored to have a team in place that can put me on TV and showcase women’s boxing across the country. Girls can fight too! It’s a great honor. I’m super pumped and getting ready to show my talent.”

“She (Trivilino) is the one that got away,” said Serrano’s career-long trainer, Jordan Maldonado. “We only won a majority decision against her. Jackie has got skills and is very tough and durable, but Amanda has progressed a long way since then. We will be looking to make a statement against Jackie. It’s awesome to have a promoter behind us that believes in female boxing. We’re ready to put on a great performance.”

David Schuster of Winner Take All Productions, who will be producing the Mejju 29 juru, is a close associate of both Maldonado and promoter Greg Cohen. It was Schuster along with Sarah Fina who arranged the co-promotional deal with the Serrano sisters, Amanda and Cindy, who signed with Cohen not long ago.

I applaud Greg Cohen for having the courage to put female fighters back on national TV,” said Schuster. “I’ve been working with Jordan Maldonado and the girls since 2012 and they are ready to dominate. The Serrano sisters have the talent to not only produce ratings, but generate respect from both male and female fans of the sport. Amanda is one of the most feared female fighters in the world and that pool of talent includes Rhonda Rousey.

Amanda is a force of nature in the ring, of course I want her on national television”qal Greg Cohen. “Women’s MMA has shown there is a market for talented fighters, regardless of gender and Amanda and Cindy are two fighters ready to take it to the next level as female ambassadors of a suddenly rejuvenated and thriving sport. It is my honor and pleasure to be making this rematch happen on CBS Sports Network.”

Several local favorites will be showcased on the night’s undercard. Fuq lejl ġlieda, doors open @ 6:00 pm. The live television telecast will run from 10 pm biex 12 am EST on CBS Sports Network. Għal aktar informazzjoni, ż

Support Keisher “Fire” McLeod-Wells in her Next Title Championship Fight


New Legend Boxing and DiBella Entertainment continue their support of Women’s Boxing at Resorts World Casino on IS-SIBT, Mejju 30, 2015.


Gleason’s very own World Champion Keisher “Fire” McLeod-Wells will be featured in a title bout for the NYS super flyweight title.


Fire has a professional boxing record of 7 jirbaħ u 2 telf.


The address is 110-00 Rockaway Blvd, 43rd Ave. Ġamajka, NY 11420.


Il-bibien miftuħa fil 6:00 pm and the first bout starts at 7:00 pmsharp.


Prezzijiet tal-biljetti huma $50 (Ammissjoni ġenerali), $75 (Reserved Seating), $125 (Ringside) u $150 (VIP ringside)


The event will be a sell out so order your tickets early.

Buy the tickets through Gleason’s Gym and you will be supporting Fire.

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GCP Signs Fighting Serrano Sisters to Exclusive Promotional Contracts

Greg Cohen ta Promozzjonijiet Greg Cohen, in association with David Schuster’s Winner Take All Productions, proudly announces the signing of Brooklyn via Puerto Rico’s fighting Serrano sisters, Amanda and Cindy to exclusive promotional contracts.

The heavily decorated family duo made boxing history in 2013 when both sisters held Universal Boxing Federation titles in the same super featherweight division.

26-year-old southpaw Amanda “Il Deal Real” Serrano (23-1-1, 18 Kos) is a former Staten Island amateur champion, New York City Golden Gloves amateur champion, and Empire State amateur champion. She turned professional in 2009 and has already won the NABF Featherweight, Universal Boxing Federation World Featherweight, Women’s International Boxing Association World Featherweight, IBF World Super Featherweight, Universal Boxing Federation Inter­Continental Super Featherweight, and WBO World Lightweight Championships.

Older sister, Cindy “Checkmate” Serrano (22-5-3, 10 Kos), fought to a draw for the Women’s International Boxing Association World Featherweight Championship in 2005 and has gone on to win the Women’s International Boxing Association International Lightweight, Universal Boxing Federation Super Featherweight International and Universal Boxing Federation Super Featherweight World Championships. The 32-year-old orthodox fighter turned professional in 2003 after winning the 2003 Empire State Games Tournament as an amateur. Cindy Serrano was unbeaten in her first 16 bouts as a professional.

Both Serrano sisters are currently ranked in world’s top ten at super featherweight: Amanda is #1 and Cindy is #8 and both work with dedicated, no nonsense trainer Jordan Maldonado, who has been a key catalyst to their success.

These are two of the best female fighters to ever lace up the gloves,” said a happy Greg Cohen. “I am honored to be working with them and we’ve got big plans for them. They are a history-making fighting family and both sisters still have plenty of fight left in them. This is a huge acquisition for my company.

I’ve been working with Jordan and the girls for years. These are two of the toughest women in pro boxing today. I am very excited to see them involved with GCP!” said David Schuster.

Dilettanti Female Boxers Wanted Għal April 11 Avveniment fil Gym Gleason ta

Uri Li jmiss tagħna fuq l Gleason huwa

IS-SIBT, April 11



Qegħdin infittxu boxers nisa li jikkompetu. Juniors, Seniors u Masters huma milqugħa.


Jekk inti tixtieq li jikkompetu, jekk jogħġbok ikkuntattja matchmaker tagħna Jieun Lee fuq jew test tagħha fil 917 858 3955.

Tlaqqigħ kollu qed isir bl-email jew test.


Bouts kollha tagħna huma sanzjonati mill-USABoxingMetro. Boxers kollha għandu jkollhom boxing ktieb tagħhom magħhom sabiex jipparteċipaw.


Il-iżen fl għal dan juri se jibda fi 4:00PM u l-ewwel bout se jibda fi 6:00PM.


Il-prezz tal-biljett huwa $20 kull persuna. Tfal 6 u taħt mhumiex addebitati. Il-membri kollha ġinnasju u dilettanti rreġistrati mal-kotba tagħhom fil-paga idejn $15 kull persuna.


P.S. Jekk inti ma tistax tagħmel dan, iżda xorta tixtieq li tara l-ġlied, they’ll be streaming at Gleason’s Gym website:






Kollha Klinika Female