Arkivji Tag: Winner Take All Productions

Zab Ġuda Punti Ewlenin Lejla ta 'GCP Boxing fil Il Ispazju fi Westbury on September 10

Fuq Il-Ħamis, Settembru 10, promotur Greg Cohen ta Promozzjonijiet Greg Cohen u l-Promozzjonijiet Super Judah, flimkien ma Promozzjonijiet GH3 u Winner David Schuster ta Ħu Productions kollha, se tkompli s GCP “Kampjonat Boxing” serje ma 'avveniment ta' klassi dinjija, għal darb'oħra fil Il Ispazju fuq Westbury fil Westbury, New York.
Fil avveniment prinċipali 10-round super ħfief bil-lejl, five-time world champion and former Undisputed World Welterweight Champion Zab “Super” Judah (42-9, 29 Kos) ta Brooklyn, New York, se jiffaċċjaw Florida, permezz Barranquilla, Colombia’s Hevinson Herrera (18-11-1, 12 Kos).
Dan se jkun l-ewwel ġlieda Judah taħt banner GCP ko promozzjonali ġdid tiegħu. L-ċampjin ex charismatic se tfittex li tikseb lura fil-taħlita tal-proċeduri ta dinja aqwa fid-diviżjoni ma 'rebħa impressjonanti.
Fil-każ ta 'ko-prinċipali, women’s multiple-time world champion Amanda “Il Deal Real” Serrano (24-1, 18 Kos) tal Brooklyn se jiffaċċjaw Angel Gladney South Carolina (8-11, 6 Kos) fi ħfief sitt tond.
Biljetti huma pprezzati għal Golden ringside: $150, Ringside: $125 u Ammissjoni Ġenerali: $60 u huma disponibbli fuq u l-postijiet kollha Ticketmaster,, l-Ispazju fl-Uffiċċju Box Westbury:516.283.5566, jew billi ċċempel l-uffiċċju GCP: 212.851.6425.
U fil-bouts ta 'appoġġ ewlenin, Queens, New York “Jfissru” Joe Greene (26-1, 17 Kos) tkompli attakk tiegħu dwar id-diviżjoni middleweight ma tieni bout tiegħu fi żmien xahrejn, dan wieħed ta 'sitt round middleweight super battalja vs. TBA.
Wkoll, popolari New York middleweight junior Tommy “Il Razor” Rainone (23-6, 5 Kos) se jmorru sitt rawnds kontra Francisco Javier Reza Messiku (14-14, 11 Kos); filwaqt konkorrent notevoli Ġesù “Chuy” Gutierrez (13-0-1, 4 Kos) ta 'Las Vegas se jmorru sitta ta' diviżjoni super ħfief kontra TBA.
Fuq il-undercard, Steve Geffrard Miami (12-2, 7 Kos) se tfittex li jkompli 12-ġlieda rebbieħa Streak tiegħu kontra Cory Cummings Newark ta (18-9, 13 Kos) fil heavyweight 8 tond dawl; Dave Meloni New York (3-1, 1 KO) se tieħu fuq veteran 17-ġlieda Mikea Fergħa Cincinatti fil featherweight super erba; featherweight super undefeated Bienvenido Diaz (2-0, 2 Kos) ta Prospect Park, New Jersey, permezz tal-Dominikana se jiffaċċjaw Benjamin Burgos (2-12) ta 'Mount Pocono, Pennsylvania, fuq erba 'jew inqas rawnds; u Samuel Teah Philadelphia (6-1, 2 Kos) se jmorru erba 'rawnds super ħfief kontra Rashad Bogar Newark ta (4-5-1, 2 Kos).
“I am eċċitati li tkun ħidma mal Zab Judah u David Schuster u tkun tista 'tressaq karta bħal din f'munzelli għas-Ispazju fi Westbury,” qal Greg Cohen. “Għandna superstars maskili Zab u superstars femminili Amanda Serrano fuq juru waħda, flimkien ma 'xi kontendenti top fl-azzjoni u xi up-u-li jkunu waslu lokali. Huwa avveniment terrific u jien kburi li jpoġġi t-timbru GCP fuqha.”
Dan l-avveniment huwa avveniment hija sponsorjata mill Westbury Jeep Chrysler Dodge Ram, The Red Roof Inn Plus and Modell’s Sporting Goods. L-Ispazju fi Westbury tinsab fil 250 Post Ave fil Westbury, New York (Phone: 516.283.5566). Fuq lejl ġlieda, bibien miftuħa fil 6 pm u l-ewwel bout huwa fil 7 pm.
Dwar Promozzjonijiet Greg Cohen
Wieħed mill ħwejjeġ promozzjonali premier boxing l, Promozzjonijiet Greg Cohen (GCP) huwa isem tajjeb rispettati għall waqfien avvenimenti ta 'klassi dinjija boxing professjonali u promozzjoni ġellieda professjonali elite madwar id-dinja.
Fundatur u CEO Greg Cohen kien involut ma boxing professjonali fil-kapaċitajiet varji mill-1980 tard, imsin dgħajjes tiegħu u li jistabbilixxi lilu nnifsu bħala negozjant shrewd boxing internazzjonali.
Distinti mill-kapaċità tiegħu biex spot u jiżviluppaw it-talent prima, Cohen ewwel magħmula aħbarijiet promozzjonali għall-gwida espert tiegħu ta, fost ħafna oħrajn, ex WBA Junior Middleweight Champion Austin “Nru Dubju” Trota, li Cohen għenu gwida mis mhux magħruf prospett New Mexico to-pay per view superstars livell elite.
Minbarra l-Trota, Promozzjonijiet Greg Cohen ħadem ma 'ismijiet stabbiliti bħal eks champion unifikata u żewġ time heavyweight Hasim “Il Rock” Rahman u l-great-time-piż multipli champion klassi dinjija James “Dwal Out” Toney.
Cohen bħalissa tippromwovi champion dinja multipli u boxing superstar Zab Judah, boxing superstars tan-nisa Amanda Serrano, u eks champion dinja Kendall Holt, kif ukoll kontendenti ratata fid-dinja attwali inklużi cruiserweight undefeated top Lateef Kayode, żmien twil middleweight elite “Jfissru” Joe Greene, artist KO ħfief Ismael Barroso, featherweight super top Arash Usmanee, Kanadiżi eroj azzjoni ħfief u TV Tony Luis; WBA u ħames time Irish National Champion Amateur, Dennis Hogan; u l-prospett ħfief Awstraljan Josh King.
Promozzjonijiet Greg Cohen kien ospitat avvenimenti ta 'klassi dinjija boxing fil-postijiet ifjen madwar l-Istati Uniti u d-dinja u wkoll kburi provduta talent u / jew kontenut għal networks diversi televiżivi inklużi CBS Sports Network, HBO, Showtime, ESPN, NBC Sports Network, CBS Sports Network, MSG u FOX Sports Net.
Għal aktar informazzjoni, żjara Sib magħna fuq Facebook TwITES: GCPBoxing.

Seneca Niagara Resort & Casino and Greg Cohen Promotions Proudly Announce ‘Championship Boxing on CBS Sports Network

Tony “Lightning” Luis to fight for regional championship in Ġunju 26 main event of the Sully Huff Invitational at Seneca Niagara Resort & Casino


Niagara Falls, N.Y..The thrill of championship professional boxing is returning to Niagara Falls, NY. Seneca Niagara Resort & Casino and Greg Cohen Promotions (produced by David Schuster’s Winner Take All Productions), in compliance with the Seneca Nation of Indians Athletic Commission, announced today that an installment of the popular “Kampjonat Boxing fuq CBS Sports Network” series will be presented in the Seneca Niagara Event Center on Il-ġimgħa, Ġunju 26.

The night’s card is being dubbed the Sully Huff Invitational, in memory of StanleySullyHuff, a successful boxer from the Seneca Nation of Indians, li miet fil 2014 fl-età ta ' 84. Huff was a Courier-Express Golden Gloves champion in 1950 and later founded the Iroquois Boxing Club. He also served in the United States Army during the Korean War, earning the rank of Sergeant, and later was elected to serve on the Seneca Nation of Indians Tribal Council.

In the night’s televised 10-round main event, Canada’s popular, world-rated and fast-rising lightweight star Tony “Lightning” Luis (19-3, 7 Kos) will fight for a regional championship against an opponent TBA. This past weekend, Luis dropped a controversial decision to Derry Mathews in Liverpool, England (38-9-2, 20Kos), where the two battled for the interim WBA Lightweight title.

Fil-ko-karatteristika fuq it-televiżjoni, brand-new NABA-US Super Welterweight Champion and WBA #12- u IBF # 11 rated “Uragan” Dennis Hogan (21-0-1, 7 Kos), of Australia, permezz Kildare, Irlanda, will take on comebacking Kenny Abril (14-7-1, 7 Kos) tal Rochester, New York.

The televised opener will feature up-and-coming American heavyweight KO artist Jarrell “Big Baby” Taħħan (12-0-1, 10 Kos) of Brooklyn taking on an opponent that will be announced at a future date.

Biljetti għall “Kampjonat Boxing fuq CBS Sports Network” tibda fil $35 and go on sale on L-Erbgħa, April 22 at Noon. Tickets are available at select Seneca Resorts & Casinos retail outlets,, all Ticketmaster locations or by phone at800-745-3000.

Speed, energy, azzjoni, eċċitament, and entertainment are the hallmarks of any visit to Seneca Niagara Resort & Casino and exactly what our guests will enjoy with this world-class professional boxing card,” said Audrey Oswell, chief operating officer, Seneca Gaming Corporation. “We are happy to once again bring an incredible display of athletic competition to Western New York.

Before the highly debatable decision loss for the world championship in mid-April, the 27-year-old Tony Luis, minn Cornwall, Ontario, pulled off a dominant 10-round unanimous-decision upset victory over then IBF #15 ratata Karl “Dynamite” Dargan in January. Imbagħad fuq Frar 20, hu u lgħarus Manon Latulippe laqa 'l-ewwel tarbija tagħhom, tifel jismu Miguel. Luis hija ratata #11 fid-dinja mill-WBA u #14 mill-IBF.

30-Dennis Hogan sena kien ta 'erba' time champion dilettanti nazzjonali ma 'aktar minn 150 tissielet fil Kildare indiġeni tiegħu, Irlanda. Huwa issa jgħix u ferroviji Queensland, Awstralja. Hogan is the current NABA-US Super Welterweight Champion. Fil-karriera pro tiegħu erba 'snin, Hogan has also won the WBA Oceania Light Middleweight, Queensland State Super Middleweight, Queensland Stat Middleweight u Awstraljan Kampjonati middleweight.

Kenny Abril, a 30-year-old southpaw, started boxing at age seven and had 120 amateur bouts before turning professional in 2003. He has faced several undefeated and top contenders, scoring a late-2012 victory over heavily decorated veteran Dennis Laurente, which is still Laurente’s only loss in the last nine years.

Prior to boxing professionally, 26-year-old Jarrell Miller had a three-year, undefeated (18-0) kickboxing and MMA career. As a boxer, he was a New York Golden Gloves finalist and has worked as chief sparring partner for both Wladimir and Vitali Klitschko.

I’m excited to be helping bring nationally televised championship boxing to a world-class venue such as the Seneca Niagara Resort & Casino,” qal promotur Greg Cohen. “Tony Luis has a huge fan following in his nearby native Canada. His supporters will be out in force to watch. Kenny Abril is from nearby Rochester, New York and he’ll have a giant following in attendance as well. On the undercard will be several local favorites in exciting match-ups. I’m proud to be part of this great event and the resurgence of televised professional boxing.

Several other exciting match-ups will be announced soon.

The event is being conducted under the rules and regulations of the Seneca Nation of Indians Athletic Commission, whose members are Scott Snyder, Sean Crane, and Justin Schapp.

We look forward to welcoming the boxers and their teams to Seneca territory,” Commissioner Snyder said. “As a Commission, our primary focus is to ensure the safety and well-being of the fighters who will be competing at Seneca Niagara. We will be working with the fighters, promoters and everyone involved to ensure that we have a safe and enjoyable evening of sports entertainment.


About Seneca Niagara Resort & Casino

Seneca Niagara Resort & Casino is located just minutes from the world-famous Niagara Falls in Western New York, near the Canadian border. The property is open 24 hours a day, seven days a week and 365 days a year. Guests can enjoy 147,000 square feet of gaming space with more than 3,600 slot machines and 90 table games, 10 ristoranti, live entertainment and a AAA Four Diamond Award-winning, 26-story hotel with 604 deluxe rooms and suites, a spa and salon, fitness center, indoor pool and STIRthe new high-energy feature bar with a 43-foot high-definition video wall.


More information is available by calling 1-877-8-SENECA (1-877-873-6322) or visiting
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Dwar Promozzjonijiet Greg Cohen

Wieħed mill ħwejjeġ promozzjonali premier boxing l, Promozzjonijiet Greg Cohen (GCP) huwa isem tajjeb rispettati għall waqfien avvenimenti ta 'klassi dinjija boxing professjonali u promozzjoni ġellieda professjonali elite madwar id-dinja.


Fundatur u CEO Greg Cohen kien involut ma boxing professjonali fil-kapaċitajiet varji mill-1980 tard, imsin dgħajjes tiegħu u li jistabbilixxi lilu nnifsu bħala negozjant shrewd boxing internazzjonali.


Distinti mill-kapaċità tiegħu biex spot u jiżviluppaw it-talent prima, Cohen magħmula aħbarijiet għall-gwida esperta tiegħu ta ', fost ħafna oħrajn, ex WBA Junior Middleweight Champion Austin “Nru Dubju” Trota, li Cohen għenu gwida mis mhux magħruf prospett New Mexico to-pay per view superstars livell elite.


Minbarra l-Trota, Promozzjonijiet Greg Cohen ħadem ma 'ismijiet stabbiliti bħal eks champion unifikata u żewġ time heavyweight Hasim “Il Rock” Rahman (50-8-2, 41 Kos); u piż multipli champion klassi dinjija great-time kollha James “Dwal Out” Toney (74-7-3, 45 Kos).


Kontendenti kurrenti rated dinjija fil-roster GCP jinkludu Arash Usmanee, rikonoxxut universalment bħala top-10 featherweight super; ex WBA Internazzjonali Middleweight Champion u rated dinja middleweight konkorrent Jarrod Fletcher; featherweight top-rated Joel Brunker; cruiserweight Lateef Kayode; Kanadiżi eroj azzjoni ħfief u TV Tony Luis, u WBA u ħames time Irish National Champion Amateur, Dennis Hogan; u Rising sensazzjoni welterweight Cecil McCalla.


Promozzjonijiet Greg Cohen kien ospitat avvenimenti ta 'klassi dinjija boxing fil-postijiet ifjen madwar l-Istati Uniti u d-dinja u wkoll kburi provdut talent u / jew il-kontenut tan-netwerks diversi televiżjoni inkluż HBO, Showtime, ESPN, NBC Sports Network, MSG u FOX Sports Net.

Għal aktar informazzjoni, żjara Sib magħna fuq Facebook

GCP Signs Fighting Serrano Sisters to Exclusive Promotional Contracts

Greg Cohen ta Promozzjonijiet Greg Cohen, in association with David Schuster’s Winner Take All Productions, proudly announces the signing of Brooklyn via Puerto Rico’s fighting Serrano sisters, Amanda and Cindy to exclusive promotional contracts.

The heavily decorated family duo made boxing history in 2013 when both sisters held Universal Boxing Federation titles in the same super featherweight division.

26-year-old southpaw Amanda “Il Deal Real” Serrano (23-1-1, 18 Kos) is a former Staten Island amateur champion, New York City Golden Gloves amateur champion, and Empire State amateur champion. She turned professional in 2009 and has already won the NABF Featherweight, Universal Boxing Federation World Featherweight, Women’s International Boxing Association World Featherweight, IBF World Super Featherweight, Universal Boxing Federation Inter­Continental Super Featherweight, and WBO World Lightweight Championships.

Older sister, Cindy “Checkmate” Serrano (22-5-3, 10 Kos), fought to a draw for the Women’s International Boxing Association World Featherweight Championship in 2005 and has gone on to win the Women’s International Boxing Association International Lightweight, Universal Boxing Federation Super Featherweight International and Universal Boxing Federation Super Featherweight World Championships. The 32-year-old orthodox fighter turned professional in 2003 after winning the 2003 Empire State Games Tournament as an amateur. Cindy Serrano was unbeaten in her first 16 bouts as a professional.

Both Serrano sisters are currently ranked in world’s top ten at super featherweight: Amanda is #1 and Cindy is #8 and both work with dedicated, no nonsense trainer Jordan Maldonado, who has been a key catalyst to their success.

These are two of the best female fighters to ever lace up the gloves,” said a happy Greg Cohen. “I am honored to be working with them and we’ve got big plans for them. They are a history-making fighting family and both sisters still have plenty of fight left in them. This is a huge acquisition for my company.

I’ve been working with Jordan and the girls for years. These are two of the toughest women in pro boxing today. I am very excited to see them involved with GCP!” said David Schuster.