Tag Arsip: Wisconsin


Bangor, Maine (Juli 16, 2018) - Gelut New England (NEF) will hold its next mixed-martial-arts event, “NEF 35: Wicked Season,” dina September 8 at the Cross Insurance Center in Bangor. Saméméhna ayeuna, the fight promotion announced the addition of a professional lightweight bout to the fight card. Josh “Hook OnHarvey (4-0) will return to the cage to take on Jay Ellis (15-79) di beurat fight of 155-pounds.

The fight with Ellis will take place just over 16 months since the last time Harvey did battle in the NEF cage. The former amateur lightweight champion is undefeated thus far in his professional career. Harvey has entered the cage four times in the pro ranks and has finished all four opponents in the first round with two knockouts and two submissions to his credit. He is a member of Young’s MMA based in Bangor, jeung “NEF 35will be Harvey’s first opportunity to fight in front of his hometown fans, family and friends sinceNEF Presents Dana bodas: Lookinfor a Fightwhich took place at the Cross Insurance Center in August 2016.

“I’m excited to display the improvements I made since my last fight,” Harvey said. “Thankful for any opponent willing to hook on, will be one for the highlight reel for sure!"

Lawan Harvey sacara, Jay Ellis, is a longtime veteran of the sport based out of Milwaukee, Wisconsin where he trains with Team Knockout. Ellis regularly travels to New England to compete and has gained a cult following throughout the region. Last summer, he shocked Bangor fight fans by taking the fight to Ryan Sanders (16-9) and nearly upsetting the hometown favorite with a submission attempt before Sanders was able to score a come-from-behind victory.

I’m so happy to be coming back to Maine to put on another great performance,” stated Ellis when reached for comment. “This time my hand will be raised high as the victorious one.

acara dicampur-silat-silat NEF urang salajengna, “NEF 35: Wicked Season,” will see the company make its return to the Cross Insurance Center in Bangor, Maine. The event is scheduled to take place Saptu, September 8, 2018 with a bell time of 7 WIB. Tiket anu diobral ayeuna di www.CrossInsuranceCenter.com.

Seconds Out Promotions Signs Light Heavyweight Powerhouse Marcus Oliveira to a Promotional Agreement

Tony Grygelko of Minneapolis-based Seconds Out Promotions proudly announces the signing of hard-punching former world-title challenger Marcus Oliveira to a promotional contract.


From Menominee, Wisconsin, and of Menominee Nation, asli, heritage, 36-year-old Oliveira (25-1-1, 20 KOs) is also a former NABF and WBA Fedebol Light Heavyweight Champion.

The promotional agreement is a reunion of sorts, as Grygelko was Oliveira’s promoter for much of his early professional career.


I used to promote Marcus, prior to him signing with Don King, and it’s truly an honor to be able to promote him again and help position him for another world title shot,” said Tony Grygelko. “It seems that with his previous promoter not actively seeking fights, and his loss to Jurgen Brähmer, that Marcus has been written off, but the truth is he is extremely focused and has a burning desire to show all his fans that he has the talent to win a World Championship! He plans to shake off some ring rust off with a couple fights and then he’ll be looking to go after some of the big names in the division, such as Andrezj Fonfara, Sergey Kovalev, Bernard Hopkins, and a rematch with Brähmer.


Oliveira, who was a heavily decorated amateur boxer before turning pro in 2006, said he feels his career had been stalled by an agreement he signed with another promoter. He says he happy to now be free of that contract and back to working with someone he trusts.


I was looking for someone who could get me to the next level in my career and Tony has already done that for quite a few guys, so it was an easy decision,” said Oliveira. “He’s always straight-up with me and treats me well. I have a great relationship with him. I’m very happy about this new direction.


We’re very excited to be back working with Tony,” said Oliveira’s Manager, Douglas Ward from the Underground Boxing Company. “It’s good to be working with a promoter that has our same set of goals.


Oliveira joins a Seconds Out stable that also includes Carson Jones and recent world-title challenger Caleb Truax.

Dawejko nilik kasempetan utama dina mangsa nu bakal datang tapi kudu meunangkeun ku Umohette Jumaah ieu di 2300 Aréna dina Philadelphia

Philadelphia (Maret 5, 2015 ) – Jumaah ieu peuting di 2300 Aréna dina Kidul Philadelphia, streaking Heavyweight Angga Dawejko (13-3-2, 6 KO sacara) tina Philadelphia dicokot Enobong Umohette (9-2, 8 KO sacara) tina Milwaukee, Wisconsin dina bout dijadwalkeun pikeun 8-rounds.
Dawejko bakal néangan padeukeut kahiji buleud knockout kaopat sarta manehna kakara réngsé hiji camp latihan lila bulan di Easton, Pa.
Camp Nu diwangun ti sakabeh anggota Club Mark Cipparone sacara 1957 Manajemén jeung disadiakeun suasana alus nu diwangun ti saloba hiji belasan boxers.
“Camp latihan indit gede. sakabeh tim ieu mah aya sarta Kami siap balik pikeunJumaah,” Ngadawuh Dawejko.
Dina Umohette, Dawejko ieu pajoang hiji bodo manehna teu nyaho loba ngeunaan séjén saterusna manéhna geus perang lolobana aya dina Midwest jeung nahan hiji knockout leuwih urut AS. Olympian, Ohi Craig.
“Aya teu pira pita asup manehna. Anjeunna ngeunaan 6-suku jangkung tur anjeunna kedah tiasa punch saeutik saeutik dumasar kana catetan-Na.”
Kudu urut dunya JR. Jawara amatir jadi victorious, anjeunna bisa jadi di garis pikeun Mei 8 showdown jeung Amir Mansour di bout anu bakal bagian ti hiji ESPN Jumaah Kartu gelut peuting.
“Teu teuas teuing cicing difokuskeun dina ieu tarung. Abdi peryogi ieu tarung nempatkeun kuring di posisi for gelut naon keur dikaitkeun.”
Sanajan tilu bouts panungtungan Dawejko sacara geus réngsé nyanghareupan ahir babak kahiji, manéhna henteu kungsi mana dina néangan nu stoppage awal.
“Kuring teu kungsi balik kana perang nu mana wae nu nempo ka sambel saha kaluar. Urang ngalatih pikeun 8 rounds atawa leuwih sarta lamun asalna, eta asalna.”
Dawejko bakal pajoang tambahan teuas salaku manéhna na nya fiancee Maria nu expecting anak maranéhanana 2nd kira-kira April 9.
Anjeunna teu hayang diajak ngobrol teuing ngeunaan Mansour, tapi Mansour artis bakal ringside nelepon aksi dina gfl.tv jeung Comcast jeung lamun ditaros upami Dawejko bakal gaduh nanaon ngomong ka Mansour, “Jigana eta nu agung nu Amir bakal ringside sangkan manéhna bisa jadi saksi naon bisa manéhna kasampak maju ka dina Mei 8.”
Pangatur Said Dawejko sacara Mark Cipparone tina Club 1957 Manajemén,” realitas teh nya eta Joey Dawejko “Bak” geus nyiptakeun buzz oge ​​deserved di tinju sakali deui. Kuring yakin nu panungtung-Na 3 gelut tungtung di babak kahiji ngabeledug KO sacara mibanda nu ulah jeung eta! Jeung ayeuna, Kuring teu bisa sigana rék di mana waé tanpa batur nanyakeun ka kuring lamun “Bak” bakal pajoang deui? Ieu seru sabab Angga geus renewed dipikaresep ku loba di tinju ranging ti kipas dedicated ka comer anyar jeung dulur di antara. Sarerea hayang nempo fight Angga!

Salaku leungeun dina Pangatur mah méakkeun loba wayah di boxers gym ukur jeung Angga jelas ngabogaan luhur rata-rata laju, di luhur daya rata-rata jeung pangpentingna manéhna boga IQ tinju pisan luhur. Salaku hasil ieu, Angga geus earned boh mah, nengetan jeung ngarojong mah pinuh jeung Kami Bangga accomplishments-Na. Cicing katala sabab Hadé pisan can datang salaku hal gede anu dihareupeun pikeun “Tim Dawejko”.
Dawejko ieu diwanohkeun ku Peltz tinju.
Angga Dawejko 022115
Angga Dawejko
Klub 1957 Manajemén diadegkeun dina 2013 ku pangusaha lokal Mark Cipparone. Cipparone mangrupakeun nu boga ti lega suksés tur populér Rocco urang Tabrakan. Kusabab formasi Club 1957 Manajemén manéhna geus dipandu nu careers sababaraha pajuang luhur di nagara. Ayeuna manehna manages Heavyweight Joey Dawejko, Welterweight Raymond Serrano, JR. Lightweight Tevin Farmer jeung JR. Lightweight Jason Sosa jeung sajabana.