ट्याग अभिलेखालयबाट: Winfred Harris Jr.

अपराजित Shishkin र Russ II सलिता पदोन्नतिको अर्को डेट्रोइट Brawl घटनामा युद्धको लागि निर्धारित, शनिबार, मार्च 5, Dearborn मा, मेरो

WBC #10- र IBF #9-रैंक गरिएको सुपर मिडलवेट व्लादिमिर शिस्किन (12-0, 7 KOS), साथै अपराजित डेट्रोइट सुपर वेल्टरवेट गोर्डी रस II (3-0, 3 KOS) सलिता प्रमोशनको अर्को "का लागि अलग-अलग बाउट्समा लाइनअपमा थपिएको छ।डेट्रोइट झगडा"घटना, शनिबार, मार्च 5, 2022, मा लिंकन बॉलरूम को फोर्ड समुदाय & प्रदर्शन कला केन्द्र मा प्रियजन्म, मिशिगन.

च्याम्पियन वा उच्च मूल्याङ्कन गर्ने प्रतियोगी विरुद्ध अपरिहार्य हाई-प्रोफाइल म्याच-अपको लागि महामारीको प्रतीक्षा गर्दै, पूर्व शौकिया स्टार Shishkin, मूल रूपमा Stepnoe बाट, रूस, अहिले सुपर ट्रेनर जाभान "सुगरहिल" स्टुअर्डसँग डेट्रोइटको क्रोनक जिममा बस्दै र प्रशिक्षण लिइरहेका छन्।. प्रतिभाशाली रूसी इक्वेडोरको ट्रायलहोर्स जेसन "भेर्डुगो" मिन्डा विरुद्ध तीव्र रहन खोज्नेछ। (14-6-1, 8 KOS), आठ राउन्डको लागि निर्धारित मुकाबलामा.

"म कार्डमा अर्को अपनाएको डेट्रोइटर थप्न उत्साहित छु,’ कार्यक्रम प्रवर्द्धकले भने, दिमित्री सालिता. "पौराणिक रूसी पाँच जस्तै, जसले स्टेनली कप च्याम्पियनशिपलाई 'अमेरिकाको ग्रेटेस्ट कमब्याक सिटी' डेट्रोइटमा ल्याउन ठूलो भूमिका खेलेको थियो।. मलाई विश्वास छ भ्लादिमिरको सुगरहिलसँगको साझेदारीले डेट्रोइट सहरको लागि अर्को विश्व उपाधि चाँडै प्राप्त गर्नेछ।. र स्थानीय बक्सिङ प्रशंसकहरूको लागि बोनसको रूपमा, तिनीहरूले यस स्ट्याक गरिएको डेट्रोइट ब्राउल कार्डमा अर्को भविष्य विश्व च्याम्पियन हेर्ने मौका पाउनेछन्!"

स्टुअर्डसँग प्रशिक्षण र डेट्रोइट ब्राउल बिलमा थपिएको उहाँको भाइ हो, माथि उल्लिखित सुपर वेल्टरवेट Russ II, जसले आफ्नो कीर्तिमानलाई सही राख्ने आशा गर्नेछ (हाल 3-0, 3 KOS) एक विपक्षी विरुद्ध पनि चार राउन्ड भन्दा TBA.

"Detroit Brawl" को लागि टिकटहरू सुरु हुन्छ $35 र क्लिक गरेर किन्न सकिन्छ यहाँ वा फोर्ड समुदायमा कल गरेर वा भ्रमण गर्नुहोस् & प्रदर्शन कला केन्द्र बक्स अफिस (313.943.2354) मा 15801 मिशिगन Ave. बक्स अफिस घण्टामा डियरबोर्नमा: बिहीबार र शुक्रबार देखि 11 गर्न हुँ 4 pm र 5 गर्न pm 8:30 कार्यक्रमको दिन दिउँसो.

रातको १०-राउन्ड हेवीवेट मुख्य कार्यक्रममा, सागिनाव, मिशिगन, spoiler रोबर्ट सिम्स (11-3, 3 KOS) अपराजित न्यूयोर्करको क्षमता परीक्षण गर्नेछ मोसेस "थन्डर ह्यान्ड्स" जोनसन (8-0, 7 KOS).

१०-राउन्ड सुपर मिडलवेट सह-मुख्य कार्यक्रममा चित्रित डेट्रोइटको आफ्नै हुनेछ विन्फ्रेड "हट केटा" ह्यारिस जूनियर. (21-1-1, 10 KOS) कहिलेकाहीं आश्चर्यहरू तान्नका लागि परिचित अर्को अनुभवीलाई लिँदै, पूर्व NABA-US सुपर मिडलवेट च्याम्पियन Dashon "फ्लाई केटा" जोनसन नदी को, क्यालिफोर्निया.

साथै कार्य देख्दा अपराजित मिडलवेट आतंक हुनेछ मार्लोन ह्यारिङटन (6-0, 5 KOS) मोन्टेभिडियोको सामना गर्न कक्षामा कदम चाल्दै, उरुग्वेको एन्ड्रेस विएरा (11-4, 8 KOS) छ-राउन्ड झगडा मा.

मिल्दो शोकेस बाउटहरूमा चित्रित लोकप्रिय ग्रान्ड र्यापिडहरू हुनेछन्, मिशिगनमा आधारित पूर्व एमेच्योर स्टारहरू जोसेफ "सुग" हिक्स जूनियर. (1-0, 1 KO) मा लिएर जस्टिन बेसम्यान (0-2) Herlong को, क्यालिफोर्निया, र जोशुआ पगन (1-0, 1 KO) अलग-अलग चार राउन्डरहरूमा.

TBA विपक्षीहरू विरुद्ध डेट्रोइट ब्राउल डेब्यू गर्नु डियरबोर्नको आफ्नै 19-वर्षीय अपराजित साउथपाउ हुनेछ। हुसम अल मशादी (2-0, 2 KOS) सुपर वेल्टरवेट चार राउन्डरमा; र डेट्रोइटको Vernon Webber ह्यामन्ड विरुद्धको आफ्नो हेवीवेट प्रो डेब्यूलाई यादगार बनाउने आशा गर्नेछ, इन्डियानाको गेब्रियल मोटा (1-2).

कृपया नोट गर्नुहोस्: अनलाइन अर्डर गरिएका टिकटहरू घटना मिति भन्दा एक हप्ता अघि मेल गरिनेछ. कार्यक्रमको एक हप्ता भित्र अर्डर गरिएका टिकटहरू पिकअपको लागि बक्स अफिसमा कल गरिनेछ. Rhyan Neco लाई कल गरेर सीमित मात्रामा VIP टिकटहरू पनि उपलब्ध छन्: 313.765.7698.

फोर्ड समुदाय & प्रदर्शन कला केन्द्र मा स्थित छ 15801 मिशिगन Ave. Dearborn मा. झगडा रात, मा खुला ढोका 6:00 pm र कार्य सुरु हुन्छ 7:00 pm.

को बारेमा फोर्ड समुदाय & प्रदर्शन कला केन्द्र:

Dearborn Recreation को मिशन & निकुञ्ज विभागले सामाजिक परिपूर्ति गर्न सहयोग गर्ने हो, बालबालिकाको शैक्षिक र मनोरञ्जन आवश्यकताहरू, वयस्क र परिवारहरूलाई स्वच्छ र राम्रो संगठित सुविधाहरूमा गुणस्तरीय कार्यक्रमहरू र गतिविधिहरू प्रदान गरेर र उदाहरणीय ग्राहक सेवा मार्फत यो प्राप्त गर्न. थप जानकारीको लागि, उनीहरूको भ्रमण गर्नुहोस् आधिकारिक साइट.

Heavyweights Simms and Johnson to Rumble in Main Event of Salita Promotions’ Next Detroit Brawl on Saturday, मार्च 5, Dearborn मा

मा शनिबार, मार्च 5, 2022, मालिंकन बॉलरूमको फोर्ड समुदाय & प्रदर्शन कला केन्द्रमा प्रियजन्म, मिशिगनशब्दहरुमा प्रचार will present another edition of the “डेट्रोइट झगडा” series, this time featuring Saginaw, मिशिगन, heavyweight spoilerरोबर्ट सिम्स(11-3, 3 KOS) taking on undefeated New Yorkerमोसेस "थन्डर ह्यान्ड्स" जोनसन (8-0, 7 KOS) 10-गोल मुख्य घटना मा.

"Detroit Brawl" को लागि टिकटहरू सुरु हुन्छ $35. Order tickets online or call or visit the Ford Community & प्रदर्शन कला केन्द्र बक्स अफिस (313.943.2354) मा 15801 मिशिगन Ave. बक्स अफिस घण्टामा डियरबोर्नमा: बिहीबार र शुक्रबार देखि 11 गर्न हुँ 4 pm र 5 गर्न pm 8:30 कार्यक्रमको दिन दिउँसो.

A proven spoiler, in six years as a professional, Simms has faced a number of quality opponents, often as the B side of the bout sheet, taking upset victories over then 15-1 Joe Cusumano (यो 6), त्यसपछि 8-0-2 Colby म्याडिसन (यो 8), and in his last ring appearance, a unanimous decision over then 8-1 Aaron Quintana last March. Still improving, Simms has lost only one fight of his last seven.

Born and raised in Huntington, न्यूयोर्क, 29-year-old Johnson has gone undefeated, अहिलेसम्म, in his four-year career, stopping all but one opponent. As an amateur, Johnson was a 2015 Golden Gloves Champion in the super heavyweight open class. Johnson has worked as a sparring partner for top heavyweight Daniel Dubois. Simms represents, द्वारा सम्म, his toughest opponent to date.

Featured in the co-main event will be Detroit super middleweightविन्फ्रेड ह्यारिस जूनियर. (21-1-1, 10 KOS). साथै कार्य देख्दा अपराजित मिडलवेट आतंक हुनेछमार्लोन ह्यारिङटन (6-0, 5 KOS), as well as popular Grand Rapids, मिशिगनमा आधारित पूर्व एमेच्योर स्टारहरू जोसेफ "सुग" हिक्स जूनियर. (1-0, 1 KO), रजोशुआ पगन (1-0, 1 KO) अलग-अलग चार राउन्डरहरूमा.

All undercard opponents will be announced shortly.

“The last Detroit Brawl was a tremendous success and we’re coming back to the same terrific venue for another night of world-class Michigan boxing,’ कार्यक्रम प्रवर्द्धकले भने, दिमित्री सालिता. “We’ve got many of the best prospects in the state that will be in tough match-ups, starting with our heavyweight main event, that I can’t pick a winner of. Both guys have a lot to prove, so it should be a sensational night of boxing from beginning to end.”

कृपया नोट गर्नुहोस्: अनलाइन अर्डर गरिएका टिकटहरू घटना मिति भन्दा एक हप्ता अघि मेल गरिनेछ. Tickets ordered within a week of event will be placed in will call in the box office for pickup. A limited quantity of VIP tickets are also available by calling Lina at 313.529.7604.

फोर्ड समुदाय & प्रदर्शन कला केन्द्र मा स्थित छ 15801 मिशिगन Ave. Dearborn मा. झगडा रात, मा खुला ढोका 6:30 pm र कार्य सुरु हुन्छ 7:00 pm. This event will also be streamed on the Salita Promotions’YouTube Channel.

About Salita Promotions
Salita Promotions was founded in 2010 Dmitriy शब्दहरुमा द्वारा, a professional boxer and world-title challenger who saw the need for a promotional entity to feature boxing’s best young prospects and established contenders in North America and around the world. Viewers watching fighters on worldwide television networks including Showtime, एचबीओ, ईएसपीएन, स्पाइकले टिभी, Universal Sports Network, UFC Fight Pass, DAZN, ESPN+ and MSG have enjoyed Salita Promotions fight action in recent years. We pride ourselves on offering our fighters opportunities inside and outside the ring. Salita Promotions looks forward to continuing to grow and serve the needs of fight fans around the globe.
Check the Salita PromotionsYOUTUBE CHANNEL for regular updates of the modern world’s greatest fighters, contenders and prospects in action.

19-1 Winfred Harris, जूनियर. predicts an “easy win” against Vaughn Alexander


वेगास (अगस्ट 19, 2021)Detroit super middleweight Winfred Harris, जूनियर. (19-1, 9 KOS) is aware of future implications regarding his August 26th match against Vaughn “The Animal” Alexander (15-6, 9 KOS) in the 8-roiund co-featured event on the next installment of RJJ Boxing on UFC FIGH PASS®.

Presented by Roy Jones Jr. (RJJ) Boxing in association with Next Up Fight and the World Cup Boxing Series, the Aug. 26th event will stream live and exclusively on UFC FIGHT PASS, the world’s leading digital subscription service for combat sports, मा शुरू 10 p.m. र / 7 p.m. PT, from Humble Civic Center in Humble, टेक्सास.

Texas rivals Eridson Garcia (13-0, 9 KOS) र Armando Frausto (9-1-1, 5 KOS) headline in the 10-round main event for the vacant North American Boxing Federation (NABF) super featherweight title.

Harris’ most impressive victories to date have been a pair of 2017 8-round unanimous decisions over former California State welterweight and New England middleweight champion, Chris Chatman (14-7-1), र भेटेरान Lanardo Tyner (32-10-2) for the vacant UBF All American middleweight title.

सेन्ट. Louis’ Alexander is the brother of 3-time, 2-division World champion Devon सिकन्दर. मा 2017, “The Animal” stopped former IBF World Middleweight Champion Elvin Ayala in seven rounds and two years later, Alexander took an 8-round majority decision from previously undefeated prospect Money Powell (10-0, 7 KOS).

“I’ll probably come out boxing him, beat on him a little, and then see from there,” Harris predicted. “He may take me the distance, but I’m going to win easily. I’ll have 20 wins and that should position me at the next level, especially fighting on UFC FIGHT PASS. I’ve never fought on a televised (or streamed) show before.

“I’m a boxer-puncher with real good power and speed. I’m a big guy for my weight class and smart. I do a lot of different things and I definitely have a lot of heart.”

Undefeated Austin (TX) सुपर हल्के Robert Kevin Garcia (8-0, 6 KOS) पूरा हुनेछ Antonius Grable (3-1, 3 KOS), of Sarasota (FL), in a 6-round match.

Opening the UFC FIGHT PASS stream is a 4-round middleweight bout between Houston prospect Eugene Hill, जूनियर. (1-0, 1 KO) र Shane Hall (0-1), of Clovis, नयाँ मेक्सिको.

Former WBA World light welterweight champion Austin “No Doubt” Trout will join veteran James “Smitty” Smith on the RJJ Boxing on UFC FIGHT PASS announcing team for this show.

मा मूल्य $800.00 (VIP table of 6), $75.00 (reserved) र $50.00 (सामान्य भर्ना), tickets are available to purchase online at https://events.com/r/en_US/registration/nextfightup-xiiiufc-fightpass-humble-august-815051


Websites: http://www.RoyJonesJrBoxing.com, www.ufcfightpass.com
फेसबुक: /UFCFightPass, /KeithVeltre
ट्विटर: @UFCFightPass, @Keith_Veltre, @RoyjonesJRfa @RoyJonesJrOfficial
Instagram: @UFCFightPass, @KeithVeltre, @RoyJonesJrBoxing

Reyes to face veteran Vazquez September 15 in Nashville

September 15 resume.jpeg
तत्काल रिहाई लागि
Nashville, TN (सेप्टेम्बर 11, 2017) – Junior flyweight Edwin Reyes will face his most experienced foe to date when he battles spoiler Armando “Chiquita” Vazquez in an eight round contest on शुक्रबार, सेप्टेम्बर 15 as part of “State Fair Boxing Showdown 2” from the Fairgrounds Sports Arena in Nashville.
The card is presented by Tri Star Boxing in association with Blue Chair Bay Rum and tickets can be purchased by going totristarboxing.com/tickets.
Originally from Guatemala, Reyes is 6-2-2 with five of those victories by knockout. His exciting style immediately made him a fan favorite in his hometown of Nashville, where he’s 4-0 with three KO’s.
Living and fighting out of Mexicali, मेक्सिको, Vazquez has a record of 25-18-1 (6 KO गरेको). A pro for 12 वर्ष, Vazquez faced world champions Donnie Nietes and Brian Viloria along with nine undefeated fighters. He conquered three of the then unbeaten foes (5-0 Jose Luis Alvarado, 2-0-1 Pablo Cruz Ortega and 10-0-1 Ricardo Armenta) while also besting 10-1 Juan Carlos Hernandez.
Headlining the card is fellow Nashville transplant Sena “African Assassin” Agbeko versus Johnson City, TN’s Brad Austin in a six rounder for the Tennessee Light Heavyweight championship. Originally from Ghana, Agbeko has an impressive 18-1 ledger and 17 नकआउट द्वारा जीत. With close to 40 bouts under his belt, Austin’s fought many top opponents including Peter “Kid Chocolate” Quillin, Yunieski गोंजालेज, Ismayl Sillah, Isiah Thomas and Edwin Rodriguez.
In a battle for the Tennessee State Welterweight crown, DeMarcus Rogers and Dedrick Bell will battle it out over six rounds. A native of Chattanooga, Rogers has 11 wins against only three defeats with four wins by KO. The Memphis bred Bell’s a veteran of 48 fights and virtually all of his losses came against world class opposition.
Middleweight rising star Winfred “Hot Boy” Harris Jr. travels from his boxing-crazed hometown of Detroit, MI to meet Tennessee based Cuban Yolexcy Leiva in a six round affair. हैरिस, 14-0 (8 KO गरेको), is only 22-years-old and coming off a career best win against highly regarded Lanardo Tyner. Having faced a number of quality fighters, Leiva owns a deceptive record of 5-6 चार knockouts संग. मा 2012, he knocked out previously undefeated Benny Costantino (7-0) and is confident he’ll upset Harris.
Rounding out the card is debuting junior welterweight Eduardo Aguiar fighting Augusta, GA’s William Ware in a four rounder.
"We’ve had a few changes but I’m still very pleased with how this card looks heading into शुक्रबार,” said Tri Star Boxing’s Matt Young, who is also a firefighter in nearby Murfreesboro, TN. “Our plan is to keep building Nashville’s interest in local boxing and the best way to do that is showcasing talented fighters from the area. The Tennessee State Fair is a huge event and Tri Star Boxing’s goal is to provide affordable entertainment while creating new fans for the sweet science.”

Tri Star Boxing returns for “State Fair Boxing Showdown 2” September 15

Nashville, TN (अगस्ट 30, 2017) – Fight night returns to Nashville when Tri Star Boxing presents “State Fair Boxing Showdown 2” शुक्रबार, सेप्टेम्बर 15.
The six-fight card is in association with Blue Chair Bay Rum and takes place at the State Fairgrounds Sports Arena, मा स्थित 500 Wedgewood Lane in Nashville. देखि टिकट $25 मा खरिद गर्न सकिन्छ tristarboxing.com/tickets.
In the six round main event, Nashville based Ghanaian SenaAfrican AssassinAgbeko meets Johnson City, TN’s Brad Austin for the Tennessee Light Heavyweight championship. The heavy-handed Agbeko has an excellent 18-1 संग रेकर्ड 17 wins by knockout and looks for a fourth straight victory since his lone setback. एक भेटेरान 37 झगडे, Austin’s faced many tough opponents including Peter “Kid Chocolate” Quillin, Yunieski गोंजालेज, Ismayl Sillah, Isiah Thomas and Edwin Rodriguez among others.
Junior flyweight knockout king Edwin Reyes, 6-2 (5 KO गरेको), faces a foe to be announced in the eight round co-feature. Originally from Guatemala and now residing in Nashville, six of Reyeslast seven bouts have taken place in the Volunteer State.
DeMarcus Rogers and Dedrick Bell will square off in a six rounder for the Tennessee State Welterweight Championship. Chattanooga’s Rogers owns a solid 11-3-1 professional ledger with four victories by KO but will have his hands full with his Memphis based foe. Bell’s deceptive ledger is 18-29-1 (9 KO गरेको) but the majority of his defeats came against championship level fighters.
22-year-old middleweight Winfred Harris Jr. डेट्रोइट, MI looks to run his record to 15-0 when he battles Tennessee based Cuban Yolexcy Leiva over six rounds. मा जुन 23, Harris took a quantum leap in competition and impressively outpointed notoriously tough Lanardo Tyner. Leiva, 5-6 (4 KO गरेको), is expected to give Harris all he can handle having previously faced quality foes in Marcus Willis, फ्रैंक Galarza, Boyd Melson, Thomas Lamanna and Kanat Islam.
Additional undercard bouts include debuting light heavyweight Maidel Sando versus Justin Brown (0-1), र 140 pounder Eduardo Aguiar fighting for the first time against William Ware (2-5).
"It’s great to come back to Nashville,” said Tri Star Boxing’s Matt Young. “The city’s interest boxing has grown tremendously during the last few years. We’ve got a diverse and talented group of fighters on the card and it’s a great forum for them as well. The State Fair is a major event and we’re expecting a huge crowd on September 15.”