Arkivji Tag: Willie Pastrano

Boxing trainer Orlando Cuellar goes Back to the Future at 5th St. Gym

MIAMI (Ottubru 26, 2016) — Internationally renowned boxing trainer Orlando Cuellar has come full circle, right back to the famed 5th St. Gym in South Beach, where he once visited as a teenager to learn and now trains fighters out of six days a week.
Born in Havana, Kuba, Cuellar’s family resettled in Miami when he was three with Orlando living there through high school. Bħala Boxer dilettanti, Cuellar vividly remembers watching boxers at 5th St. Gym such as Cassius Clay, Willie Pastrano, Vinnie Curto u Florentino Fernandez, as well as legendary trainers, brothers Angelo u Chris Dundee.
I watched and learned, picking up as much as much as I could,” Cuellar qal. “Issa, I find myself working out of the 5th St. Gym for the past six weeks. It’s been an incredible experience. Kuljum, you never know who is going to walk through the doors there. It’s been one of the best boxing gyms in the world for more than 50 snin. From the days dating back to Muhammad Ali, fighters have been attracted to this gym because of its rich history and great sparring, as well as to the area with South Beach’s restaurants, clubs and beach. The warm, humid weather also makes it easier for fighters to lose weight running and training.
“(Owner) Dino Spencer is carrying on the 5th St. Gym’s tradition. Everyday I’m there is exciting for me. Mixed ethnic groups train there and it’s a magnet for talent. There’s sparring three days a weekI call it Spar-a-ramaand everybody’s welcome to challenge themselves. The sparring is better than a lot of TV fights.
“5th St. Gym trainer Guy Laieta had been trying to convince me to join the team for the last five years. I spoke to Dino on several occasions, expressing my desire to train fighters out of the 5th St. Gym. He said, ‘Let’s do it.The success of the 5th St. Gym today has a lot to do with ownership. Dino has a passion for boxing and he is very hospitable, which trickles down to his staff and fighters. Good vibes all of the time!”
Cuellar left for Las Vegas in 1976 u, after he realized that being a boxer wasn’t in his best interest, he started training fighters there in 1981 out of Johnny Garcia’s Gym. A year later, he shifted his base Brooklyn and started training fighters out of another boxing icon, Gym Gleason tal-. Fl 2000, he resettled in Miami.
Best known as world light heavyweight champion the head trainer of Glen Johnson, Cuellar also worked with future champions such as Nicolas Walters, Rances Barthelemy u Erslandy Lara, kif ukoll Luis Franco, Aaron Davis u Juan Carlos Gomez, to name a few of the more notables. Illum, he’s the chief second for several top fighters including Antonio Tarver.
Recognized throughout boxing as a superior teacher, Cuellar’s success is mostly attributed to his training of fighters on an individual basis, focusing on their personal needs rather than giving all fighters the same instructions and attention.
Each fighter needs personal and specific work to complement their God-given talents,” Cuellar explained. “You can’t teach all fighters the same way. I specialize on what I call old school meets new school. Old school was upfront and personal to go 15 rawnds, new school is about throwing more punches, more foot movement and fighting from the outside. I teach doffense: defense + offense. Punches aren’t vitamins, none should be taken. Boxing is little more than a battle of reflexes; one fighters versus another, but the real trick is how the fighter uses his reflexes. I teach my fighters how to turn the ring apron into a minefield.
Boxing has played a huge role in Cuellar’s life. Back in the 5th St. Gym is just another chapter in his unique life.
I live through my fighters,” Cuellar concluded. “Every victory is my proudest moment. There are no big or little victories, every win is a happy moment because of all the hard work and sacrifices me and my fighter made during training camp.
Orlando Cuellar is thrilled to have gone back to the future.

Manager John Seip jiffirma Taljan prospett middleweight super Daniele Marco Scardina

(L-R) – Daniel Mark Scardina u John Seip


MIAMI (April 6, 2015) – Maniġer boxing Veteran John Seip għandha iffirmat imżejjen ħafna boxer dilettanti Taljan Daniel Mark Scardina għal kuntratt ta maniġerjali esklussiv.


Seip huwa aħjar magħruf għall-gwida Peter “Ċikkulata Kid” Quillin lill-Organizzazzjoni Dinjija Boxing (WBO) titolu middleweight dinja. Il-New Yorker nattiva wkoll tamministra jogħlew middleweight super British Steed “Il Żiemel” Woodall (7-0-1, 5 Kos).


Il Scardina 21-il sena qodma hails minn Rozzano, belt ta 'inqas minn 40,000 nies fil-Provinċja ta 'Milan. Huwa beda boxing fl 2008 fl-età ta ' 16, ġejjin fil-passi ziju tiegħu li kien boxer dak iż-żmien, kif ukoll ir-rwol-mudell Daniele ta.


Scardina, li kellhom 56 bouts dilettanti, unuri top maqbuda fil tournaments Taljan numerużi inkluż il-National Rovereto, Glove Silver Nazzjonali, u żewġ Golden Ingwanti Nazzjonali. Hu wkoll rebaħ midalja tal-bronż fil-avveniment Internazzjonali.


Fl 2013, hu boxed għall-Boxing Team Italia Thunder fil-World Series of Boxing, rebbieħa biss logħba tiegħu kontra avversarju Ġermaniż.


Scardina ewwel ġibed l-attenzjoni Seip fiż-dinja famużi 5th St. Gym fil Miami Beach, oriġinarjament miftuħa fl- 1950 billi Chris Dundee, u l-dar ta 'ċampjins tad-dinja bla għadd jkunu tħarrġu hemm inkluż Muhammad Ali, Carmen Basilio, Willie Pastrano, Emile Griffith, Archie Moore, Roberto Duran, Sonny Liston u Willie Pep. It-tradizzjoni għanja tkompli fil-ġdida 5th St. Gym, jinsabu fil-qrib fil 1434 Triq Alton, fejn ġellieda top minn madwar id-dinja bħall- Bernard Hopkins xorta ferrovija.


“I ewwel raw lilu taħriġ fil- 5th St. Gym u hu dehru qishom dilettanti tipiku,” Seip spjegat. “Huwa threw puntelli wiesgħa u ma kinux jafu kif tarmi jab tajba. Min iħarreġ Guy Laieta u Dino Spencer beda jaħdem miegħu u issa hu li jużaw il bogħod tiegħu, tifi f'distanza, u jitfg kombinazzjonijiet ta 'jabs u ganċijiet. Hu passjonat dwar boxing, smigħ u t-tagħlim kuljum. Daniele għandu veloċità idejn tajba u l-qawwa. Hu a kid gustuż, wisq. Rajt xi ħaġa fil lilu, intanġibbli, u ddeċieda li jiffirmaw lilu.


“Dino hija sid li ħolqot ġinnasju top-talja ma 'opportunitajiet sparring kbar f'atmosfera jidhru tant ġellieda talent li verament timbotta xulxin. Huwa diġà evidenti li Danielle tjiebet ħiliet ta 'taħriġ tiegħu hemmhekk. He twil, fast u qawwija. Etika tax-xogħol tiegħu huwa inkredibbli; hu l-ewwel fil-gym, aħħar li jħallu. Inti ma tistax iweġġgħu dan kid, jew. Aħna kollha nemmnu li huwa għandu futur sabiħ ħafna.”


Scardina hits heavy-borża fil-5 St. Gym fil Miami Beach

B'differenza ġellieda mir-Russja u eks-nazzjonijiet tal-blokk Sovjetiku, kif ukoll dawk mill-Amerika Latina li jiġu biex l-Istati Uniti biex jistabbilixxu karrieri tagħhom boxing professjonali, Ġellieda Taljan tat-twelid rarament segwew l-istess rotta bħal Scardina, li ressaq għal Miami aħħar sena u jorqod fuq l-art ta 'appartament ħuh.


Il Taljan imwieled champion dinja isolati li ġġieldu professjonalment fl-Amerika huwa Vito Antuofermo (50-7-2, 21 Kos), li kien il-middleweight champion WBC / WBA fl 1979-1980. Antuofermo, għalkemm, mċaqalqa mal-familja tiegħu li Brooklyn minn Puglia, Italja meta kien 17 u hu tgħallmu kif kaxxa fl-Amerika.


“Jiena dejjem ried li jkun champion fl-Amerika,” Scardina qal. “Dik hija l-ħolma Amerikana għalija. I think I ser ikollhom opportunità kbira f'dan il-pajjiż li jkun l-akbar boxer I jista 'jkun bl-għajnuna dritt. John Seip huwa l-maniġer dritt għalija għaliex huwa jemmen li nistgħu l-kampjonat mondjali flimkien bħala tim.”


Boxers favoriti Scardina huma Mike Tyson, Muhammad Ali, Guillermo Rigondeaux u Miguel Cotto. “Jien jaħdmu fuq perfezzjoni bħala ġellied barra u biex ewlenin armi tiegħi eqreb,” Scardina miżjud. Jien ġlieda biex issir champion tad-dinja.”


Scardina huwa mistenni li jagħmel id-debutt pro tiegħu dan ta 'Mejju jew Ġunju.


Segwi fuq Instagram Scardinadanieletoretto.