Tag Archives: USA Boxing

USA Boxing Women’s Championships in Ohio to be delivered in association with World Boxing

The inaugural USA Boxing Women’s Championships in Toledo, Ohio, Juillet 22-29, 2023, will be delivered in association with World Boxing.

The eight-day invitational event is open to novice (beginner) and open (expérimenté) boxers of all ages from pee wee (vieilli 8-10) to masters (35 et plus) and aims to create opportunities for women of all ages and abilities to compete.

Plus que 200 boxers from eight National Federations across four continents are currently registered to take part.

The President of USA Boxing and a member of World Boxing’s Interim Executive Board, Tyson Lee, dit: “USA Boxing is extremely proud to be able to host this event in association with World Boxing. The Championships aim to celebrate women and create valuable competition opportunities for female boxers of all standards and ages.

“Working with USA Boxing to deliver this event is a sign of World Boxing’s support for boxers at every level, from the grassroots to the elite, and its commitment to creating competitive opportunities that will enable all boxers to flourish.”

World Boxing was launched in April 2023. It will hold its inaugural Congress in November and plans to publish details of its competition strategy, tournament calendar and the bidding process for staging events in the latter part of 2023.

Le poids mouche géorgien Sa'Rai "Warrior Princess" Brown-El le futur visage de la boxe féminine

COLORADO SPRINGS, Tour. (Novembre 14, 2022) - Le poids mouche de Géorgie Sa'Rai "Warrior Princess" Brown-El est sur une course sensationnelle alors qu'elle se prépare à participer aux prochains championnats du monde de la jeunesse, Novembre 14-26, à La Nucia, Espagne.

Le joueur de 17 ans de Marietta est triple champion olympique national junior (2017-19) qui a également remporté des médailles d'or au 2021 Championnats nationaux de la jeunesse américaine de boxe, 2020 Championnats nationaux juniors de boxe des États-Unis, 2019 Junior Open et 2019 PAL national, parmi les nombreux titres qu'elle possède.

Elle a commencé la boxe à l'âge de 8 à Albany, New York, où sa famille était en visite, finalement les conduisant tous à la salle de gym de son oncle. Son père voulait à l'origine que ses frères boxent, mais Sa'Rai voulait aussi s'impliquer dans les sports de combat. C'était une transition naturelle pour elle, qui est un ancien boxeur parce que son père, mère et frères ont tous boxé.

"Ma mère et moi sommes allés chercher une paire de gants après qu'on nous a dit qu'il n'en restait plus. J'ai commencé à frapper le sac et puis j'ai fait des mitaines avec mon oncle. C'est là que je suis tombé amoureux du sport et que j'ai découvert que j'étais naturellement né pour le faire.

Elle a excellé dans tous les domaines grâce à son remarquable rôle, qu'elle tentera de prolonger aux Championnats du monde juniors au cours des deux prochaines semaines.

"Je suis super motivé et prêt à aller en Espagne pour les Mondiaux de la Jeunesse,", a déclaré l'ultra-confiant Sa'Rai. "Mon état d'esprit est sur l'or. Ma manifestation et mon travail acharné me placeront en tête le dernier jour avec la médaille d'or autour du cou sur ce podium numéro un. C'est vraiment une bénédiction de représenter les États-Unis.

"Mon plus grand défi est probablement moi-même; la boxe est mentale à 90%, ce qui signifie que je dois avoir un état d'esprit que rien ne peut être assez difficile pour m'empêcher d'atteindre mes objectifs. Mes objectifs à court terme, maintenant, sont de gagner les Mondiaux de la jeunesse et de terminer l'année en faisant partie de l'équipe de haute performance de la jeunesse. Longue portée, Je dirais, est de se battre dans 2024 Jeux Olympiques à Paris. Être champion du monde, considéré comme une source d'inspiration pour tous et, surtout, ayant prouvé être la boxeuse la plus redoutée.

Brown-El pense que USA Boxing a aidé à travailler contre d'autres styles lors de tournois, en plus de bénéficier d'entraînements avec ses camarades d'écurie d'élite, et sous la direction d'entraîneurs de classe mondiale, au centre d'entraînement olympique et paralympique ultramoderne des États-Unis à Colorado Springs, Colorado.

"Je peux montrer mes compétences et j'ai appris de nombreuses autres compétences et exercices là-bas (centre d'entraînement) devenir un boxeur universel,» a-t-elle noté. "J'ai pu aller à l'encontre de tous les styles de combats internationaux et être capable de dominer à chaque fois. USA Boxing m'a appris des leçons très précieuses: être professionnel, discipliné et dévoué, parce qu'il y a beaucoup d'obstacles qui viennent avec. Pour moi, être professionnel est le seul moyen de faire carrière dans ce sport.
Gagner au 2021 National pour faire partie du 2022 Équipe de haute performance des jeunes, jusque là, sont les moments forts de sa carrière de boxe relativement jeune. Pour gagner cette médaille d'or, Sa'Rai a expliqué, elle a dû surmonter des blessures qui l'ont presque forcée à se retirer du tournoi.

Brown-El a un QI élevé. Fondamentalement, la douce science consiste à frapper l'adversaire sans se faire toucher, surtout dans la boxe de style olympique. Son anneau IQ est avancé au-delà de ses années, utiliser des angles, constamment en mouvement, et confondre son adversaire avec son évasion. Et, Brown-El ajoute rapidement, cela ne veut pas dire qu'elle ne cognera pas si nécessaire.

"J'aime représenter mon pays," a-t-elle conclu. "Je veux montrer au monde que nous sommes les plus grands. L'équipe des États-Unis s'imposera aux Mondiaux de la jeunesse. Mon message pour les États-Unis. les fans de boxe doivent continuer à regarder. L'avenir de la boxe arrive à grands pas!"

INFORMATIONS: www.usaboxing,org Gazouillement: @USABoxingInstagram: @USABoxingFacebook: /USABoxing

À PROPOS DE BOXE USA: La mission des Etats-Unis de boxe est de permettre aux athlètes et aux entraîneurs des États-Unis pour atteindre l'excellence concurrentielle soutenue, développer le caractère, soutenir le sport de la boxe, et promouvoir et développer la boxe de style olympique aux Etats-Unis. La responsabilité des Etats-Unis de boxe est non seulement de produire de l'or olympique, mais aussi pour superviser et régir tous les aspects de la boxe amateur aux États-Unis.

Le poids plume de Pennsylvanie, Cornellio Phipps, vit son rêve 2022 Championnats du monde juniors novembre 14-26 à La Nucia, Espagne

COLORADO SPRINGS, Tour. (Novembre 10, 2022) - Alors que le talentueux poids plume Cornellio "Chada" Phipps se prépare pour les prochains championnats du monde de la jeunesse, il avoue vivre le rêve, et avant qu'il ne devienne pro dans quelques années, le plan de boxe de style olympique pour lui est de remporter des médailles dans le 2024 Jeux Olympiques à Paris.

Phipps, 17 ans, qui se bat hors d'Oxford, Pa., s'est mis à la boxe il y a quatre ans sur les conseils de son père. Phipps a joué au basket et au football, mais il ne pensait pas que l'un ou l'autre était sa vraie place. Il est tombé amoureux de la boxe en regardant des combats avant même de boxer, quand il avait sept ans.   

"Je dis aux gens de ne jamais abandonner leurs rêves, continuer à frapper, et ne laisse jamais personne douter de toi," dit Phipps. "Ça fait du bien (préparation aux Mondiaux de la Jeunesse). Je n'ai jamais pensé que j'arriverais à ce stade. Ça a été dur mais amusant. Je suis dans l'équipe des États-Unis représentant mon pays.

"Cela commence sur la grande scène en remportant une médaille aux Mondiaux de la jeunesse (Novembre 14-26, à La Nucia, Espagne). Faire partie de l'équipe américaine a fait une grande différence pour moi. J'ai appris à boxer contre différents mouvements, comprendre le système de points, et comment gagner. L'entraînement à Colorado Springs m'a aidé à réussir et aussi à m'amuser à apprendre de mes nouveaux entraîneurs.

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Phipps a déjà goûté au succès avant les Mondiaux de la Jeunesse. Il a remporté des médailles d'or au 2022 Qualification nationale de boxe aux États-Unis, 2021 Championnats nationaux de la jeunesse américaine de boxe, aussi bien que 2020 et 2019 Championnats nationaux juniors.

Le boxeur-puncheur polyvalent est la meilleure façon de décrire le style de Phipps sur le ring. Il peut se bagarrer, boîte, et bien bouger. "Je suis plus boxeur que bagarreur," il a noté. "Je peux me battre à l'extérieur ou m'allonger sur les cordes. Je bouge et montre des angles, en plus je peux facilement passer au gaucher (de sa position orthodoxe)."

Comme beaucoup de ses jeunes coéquipiers de USA Boxing, les Mondiaux de la Jeunesse seront la première compétition internationale de sa carrière. Ces championnats sont quelque chose qu'il attend vraiment avec impatience pour une grande variété de raisons.

"Je suis ravi de me battre pour ma première compétition internationale aux Mondiaux de la Jeunesse en Espagne," a conclu Phipps. "J'étais censé combattre dans un tournoi en Bulgarie en 2020, mais cela a été annulé en raison de COVID. Je vais montrer mes compétences aux Mondiaux de la Jeunesse pour prouver que j'appartiens au plus haut niveau, et ce sont les Jeux olympiques.

La compétition commence à La Nucia, L'Espagne ce mardi, Novembre. 15 et peut être suivi parcliquant ici.



Gazouillement: @USABoxing

Instagram: @USABoxing

Facebook: /USABoxing

À PROPOS DE BOXE USA:  La mission des Etats-Unis de boxe est de permettre aux athlètes et aux entraîneurs des États-Unis pour atteindre l'excellence concurrentielle soutenue, développer le caractère, soutenir le sport de la boxe, et promouvoir et développer la boxe de style olympique aux Etats-Unis. La responsabilité des Etats-Unis de boxe est non seulement de produire de l'or olympique, mais aussi pour superviser et régir tous les aspects de la boxe amateur aux États-Unis.

USA Boxing finalise 2022 Membres de l'équipe des championnats du monde juniors

COLORADO SPRINGS, Tour. (Novembre 7, 2022) — USA Boxing a annoncé aujourd'hui les neuf boxeurs qui représenteront l'équipe américaine à La Nucia, L'Espagne au 2022 Championnats du monde de boxe jeunesse. La liste complète de l'équipe peut être vue ci-dessous.

Chad Wigle, entraîneur national de développement de boxe aux États-Unis (Colorado Springs, Colo.) dirigera l'équipe en Espagne, avec les entraîneurs adjoints Gilberto Garza (San Antonio, Texas), Blanca Gutierrez (Pacifica, Calif.), Elisabeth Navarro (Mission, Texas) et Richard Stephenson (Middletown, N. Y.), ainsi que Gillian Brennan, membre de la force et du conditionnement de la boxe américaine (Parc terrestre, Pouvoir.). Le personnel supplémentaire voyageant avec l'équipe comprend Morgan Bergquist, coordinateur de la haute performance de USA Boxing (Colorado Springs, Colo.), Brian Taylor, responsable des communications pour la boxe aux États-Unis (Whiteville, N.C.) et le Dr. Ingrid Carter (Doral, Floride), qui servira de médecin d'équipe lors de ces championnats.

Ces championnats du monde juniors seront les premiers championnats du monde juniors auxquels l'équipe américaine participera depuis 2018, où l'équipe a remporté trois médailles d'or et une de bronze. Le tirage au sort officiel aura lieu lundi, Novembre. 14, la compétition devant commencer mardi, Novembre. 15. Les finales seront divisées en deux jours de compétition vendredi, Novembre. 25 et le samedi, Novembre. 26.

Les neuf boxeurs feront leurs débuts internationaux avec l'équipe américaine à ces championnats du monde.

89 nations ont demandé à participer au tournoi, avec 476 mâle et 208 boxeuses inscrites pour concourir. Les numéros définitifs seront annoncés lors du tirage au sort du tournoi.

USA Boxing continuera à mettre à jour le2022 Site Internet des championnats du monde juniors tout au long de la compétition, y compris les feuilles de match, résultats, informations sur la diffusion en direct et plus encore.

Composition de l'équipe

51 kg: Ryan Williams, Toledo, Ohio

52 kg: Sa’Rai Brown-El, Mariette, Géorgie.

57 kg: Cornellio Phipps, Oxford, Pennsylvanie.

57 kg: Yoseline Perez, Houston, Texas

60 kg: Randi Griffith, Gouverneur, N. Y..

63.5 kg: Dedrick Crocklem, Tacoma, Laver.

71 kg: Amir Anderson, Syracuse, N. Y..

75 kg: Talia Halvorsen, Hauteurs de Harwood, Malade.

80 kg: Patrick O'Connor, Fort Washington, Md.


Gazouillement: @USABoxing

Instagram: @USABoxing

Facebook: /USABoxing

À PROPOS DE BOXE USA:  La mission des Etats-Unis de boxe est de permettre aux athlètes et aux entraîneurs des États-Unis pour atteindre l'excellence concurrentielle soutenue, développer le caractère, soutenir le sport de la boxe, et promouvoir et développer la boxe de style olympique aux Etats-Unis. La responsabilité des Etats-Unis de boxe est non seulement de produire de l'or olympique, mais aussi pour superviser et régir tous les aspects de la boxe amateur aux États-Unis.

USA Boxing Alumni Association to Host Northeast Ohio Celebration at National Qualifier

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COLORADO SPRINGS, Col. (Mars 10, 2023)The USA Boxing Alumni Association will host two events during the 2022 National Qualifier in Cleveland, Ohio, to honor Northeast Ohio Olympians, Champions du Monde, legendary coaches and officials, and others who have helped shape history of amateur Olympic-style boxing in the region.

The weekend celebration will begin with a meet and greet gathering on Saturday, Avril 23 at Masthead Brewing Company. This will be open to all USA Boxing Alumni Association members to gather ahead of the weeklong national tournament. L'événement, which will be free entry, will run from 7:30 p.m. à 10:00 p.m.

The events will continue on Sunday, Avril 24 at the Crowne Plaza Ballroom for the Northeast Ohio Alumni Celebration Banquet. Two-time welterweight champion and Northeast Ohio native “Showtime” Shawn Porter will serve as Master of Ceremonies of the event that is expected to include Ohio greats like Ray “Boom Boom” Mancini, Raynell Williams, Charles Conwell, Terrell Gausha, delante Johnson, Oshae Jones, Mickey Bey, Kelly Pavlik, et beaucoup plus.

“I’m excited about Cleveland hosting this major National USA Boxing tournament,” said former IBF and WBC welterweight champion, Shawn Porter. “We were like a family growing up through the amateur system. I can’t wait to MC this Alumni Association banquet and have fun just like old times.”

The USA Boxing Alumni Association will also be awarding Lifetime Achievement Awards at the event.

L'événement, which will be from 6:30 p.m. - 9:00 p.m., will be a ticketed event. Tickets will be $65.00 and will include dinner. Limited tickets will be available for purchase here. There will be no tickets sold at the door, so be sure to get them while they last.

“The USA Boxing Alumni Association is extremely excited to honor Northeast Ohio legends to kick off the National Qualifier,”A déclaré Chris Cugliari, Association des anciens Etats-Unis de boxe Directeur. “This weekend will bridge the past with the present. By celebrating the accomplishments of these great champions, entraîneurs, and officials, we hope to inspire the next generation of champions on their road to the 2024 Olympics.”

Pour plus d'informations, s'il vous plaît contacter alumni@usaboxing.org.

Association des anciens de boxe Etats-Unis
Créé pour le champion à vie, des relations mutuellement bénéfiques entre les Etats-Unis de boxe et ses anciens élèves, –boxeurs, fonctionnaires, entraîneurs, and boxing fans — L'Association des anciens relie générations de champions, source d'inspiration et de redonner aux futurs champions de boxe Etats-Unis Boxe, dans et hors de l'anneau.

L'Association des anciens de boxe Etats-Unis est ouvert à toute personne qui a un amour pour la boxe et souhaite rester en contact avec la boxe amateur. Les membres bénéficient d'un accès à une grande variété d'événements spéciaux organisés par l'Association des anciens, y compris la réception annuelle de l'Association des anciens Etats-Unis de boxe Hall of Fame.

Pour adhérer à l'Association des anciens, inscrivez-vous simplement à alumni@usaboxing.org pour un $40.00 par année cotisation. Les nouveaux membres recevront un T-shirt, keychain, and e-wallet.

Gazouillement: @USABoxing, USABoxingAlumni
Instagram: @USABoxing
Facebook: /USABoxing

À PROPOS DE BOXE USA: La mission des Etats-Unis de boxe est de permettre aux athlètes et aux entraîneurs des États-Unis pour atteindre l'excellence concurrentielle soutenue, développer le caractère, soutenir le sport de la boxe, et promouvoir et développer la boxe de style olympique aux Etats-Unis. La responsabilité des Etats-Unis de boxe est non seulement de produire de l'or olympique, mais aussi pour superviser et régir tous les aspects de la boxe amateur aux États-Unis.

Three Fighter Locker stable members competing in The Olympics

BOSTON (Juin 6, 2021) – Ryan Roach’s Fighter Locker managerial company will have three representatives competing in Tokyo this summer in the Summer Olympic Games.

Colombian light flyweight Yuberjan “El Tremendo” Martinez, who captured a silver medal at the 2018 Olympics in Brazil, is currently rated fourth in the world by AIBA. His main opposition figures to be Artur Hovhannisyan (Arménie), Oscar Collazo (Puerto Rico) et Nodirjon Mirzakhmedov (Ouzbékistan).

Martinez lost in the 2018 Olympic championship final to Uzbekistan’sHasanboy Dusmatov, 3-0.   Un amateur décoré, Martinez won gold medals at the 2018 Central American and Caribbean Games and 2018 Jeux sud-américains, argent à la 2019 Pan American Games and 2014 Central American and Caribbean Games, et bronze au 2017 World Amateur Championships.

Another 2-time Olympian is Dominican Republic lightweightLionel de los Santos, qui est classé n. 3 by AIBA behindLazaro Jorge Alvarez (Cuba) etTsendbaster Erdenebat (Mongolie).  Santos, who was eliminated in the last Olympics in the preliminary round, is already 3-0 as a professional with three first-round knockouts.

Santos, 26, was a silver medalist at the prestigious Pan-American Games in 2019, where he lost to 3-time Pan-Am gold medalistLazaro Alvarez, the 3-time World amateur champion and 2-time Olympic bronze medalist.

The third Fighter Locker Olympian is Colombian middleweightJorge Vivas, a 33-year-old who won a silver medal at the 2015 Jeux panaméricains.

“Adding these fighters to the Fighter Locker family was a huge accomplishment,” managerRyan Roach said. “These guys are the best of the best in the world. You’re talking less than one-percent chance of making an Olympic team and two of three of my fighters are going back to the Olympics for the second time.

“After the Olympics, I will quickly transition these fighters into the professional ranks, as long as they are healthy and so forth. We have four fight dates set for them and representing their homelands proudly. I am very honored to represent these young men and guide their careers.”

L'écurie croissante de boxeurs talentueux de Fighter Locker comprend le super poids mouche de CalifornieRocco «So Cal Kid» Santomauro (21-1, 6 KOs), Troy, NY ABF American West super légerRay Jay «The Destroyer» Bermudez(12-0, 9 KOs), Toronto, Canada poids welter West Haven, CT super poids welterJimmy «Quiet Storm» Williams (17-5-2, 6 KOs), super-moyens«L'incroyable» Shawn McCalman(7-0, 4 KOs), U.S.. Super poids coq de l'arméeBailey Daniel, Jr. (5-0, 4 KOs), légerLeonel de los Santos(2-0, 2 KOs), une 2-heure République dominicaine Olympien, Poids plume de BostonTroy Anderson, Jr. (1-0, 1 KO), poids welter pro-débutants en République dominicaineJuan Solano, et Salt Lake City, 2016 Brazilian Olympic silver medalistYuberjen Martinez, Brazilian OlympianJorge Vivas, Colorado super middleweight Marvin “Too Much” Cordova, Jr. (23-2-1, 12 KOs), West Palm Beach, FL light heavyweight Robert Daniels, Jr. (4-0, 4 KOs),  Frères de l'Utah, super légerIgnacio Chairez (8-0-1, 5 KOs) et légerGabriel Chairez (3-0-1, 2 KOs).


SITE INTERNET:  fighterlocker.compunch4parkinsons.com

FACEBOOK:  /combattant

TWITTER:  @RoachRyan

INSTAGRAM: @ RyanRoach82

À PROPOS DE FIGHTER LOCKER: Établi en 2019, Fighter Locker est une agence sportive complète qui gère des boxeurs professionnels. Fighter Locker aide également les boxeurs de marque en trouvant leur voix avec un service personnalisé à 100%. Fighter Locker ne croit pas vraiment aux modèles fonctionnels. Elle croit aux modèles d'optimisation des partenariats en mouvement.

Fighter Locker utilise quatre étapes créatives, car il croit en "la fondation est tout": 1. conçu avec sagesse, 2. sobre de manière créative, 3. Fièrement jugé, 4. sharply targeted.

La boxeuse de troisième génération Kayla Gomez acculée par sa mère et sa grand-mère / 2020 Championnats nationaux de boxe des États-Unis mars. 25-Avril. 4, à Shreveport, Louisiane

COLORADO SPRINGS, Tour. (Mars 15, 2021) – There is no more of a family affair in USA Boxing thanKayla Gomez’s, in which her motherCrystal Aceves, and grandmotherCindy Aceves, work her corner.

They will be together once again at the 2020 Championnats nationaux de boxe USA, postponed due to the COVID-19 pandemic from last December to March 25 – Avril 3, à Shreveport, Le.

The 18-year-old Gomez, who lives in El Paso (TX), is a youth flyweight (112 lbs.) boxeur, who finished second at the 2019 Championnats nationaux, highlighting her first year in Youth competition. She has a growing supply of gold medals having finished on top at the 2019 & 2018 Open régional de l'Ouest, 2018 & 2017 Junior Open Championships, et 2018 & 2017 Open régional de l'Est. She is also a 5-time National Junior Olympic champion (2015 par 2019).  

A self-described multi-dimensional boxer, Kayla is a counter puncher and consummate boxer, displaying veteran-like “ringmanship,” but also capable of being a technical brawler and pressure fighter. She first started boxing in 2012 after watching a documentary on the 2012 Olympics.

“The inspiration of the boxers training to earn a gold medal motivated me to learn this unique sport,” Gomez explained. “I dedicate my whole life to boxing and as of right now, amateur boxing has impacted my life in a positive manner, paving my way in the near future to earn different accolades and experience for an Olympic gold medal and my pro career.”

Her mother, Crystal, is an amateur boxer who has competed in many tournaments. She will not compete in these championships this year because she is fully focused right now on her daughter and her future. She will be competing at other 2021 tournaments.

“As a boxer, my mom knows what it’s like to be in my position, so instead of getting mad at me, she gives me alternatives to do when I’m feeling low or not myself to have a better chance of being the best fighter I can be,” Kayla explained what it’s like having her mother and grandmother working her corner. “We all have a great relationship and work well in the ring together. They understand what it’s like to be in my position.”

A high school senior, Kayla is in a K-12 program for an online school due to her busy schedule. She does plan to attend college and share her boxing with educational opportunities.

“My education is just as important as my boxing,” She concluded. “I will attend college and work really hard to accomplish my goal of earning a gold medal at the 2024 Olympics and beginning my pro career afterwards.”

Kayla Gomez is a legacy boxer with a promising future.



Gazouillement: @USABoxing, @USABoxingAlumni

Instagram: @USABoxing

Facebook: /USABoxing

À PROPOS DE BOXE USA:  La mission des Etats-Unis de boxe est de permettre aux athlètes et aux entraîneurs des États-Unis pour atteindre l'excellence concurrentielle soutenue, développer le caractère, soutenir le sport de la boxe, et promouvoir et développer la boxe de style olympique aux Etats-Unis. La responsabilité des Etats-Unis de boxe est non seulement de produire de l'or olympique, mais aussi superviser et diriger tous les aspects de la boxe amateur aux États-Unis.

Syracuse’s Amir Anderson Goes from underdog to top dog

2020 USA National Boxing Championships

Mer. 25-Avril. 4, à Shreveport, Louisiane 

COLORADO SPRINGS, Tour. (Mars 8, 2021) – In the 2019 USA National Boxing ChampionshipsAmir Anderson was a relatively unknown competitor from Syracuse (N. Y.), but this year he believes he’s one of the “top dogs” in the 165-pound decision.

Anderson will be competing in the youth division at the 2020 Championnats nationaux de boxe USA, postponed due to the COVID-19 pandemic from last December to March 25 Avril 3, à Shreveport, Le.

Anderson’s goal at these championships is simple: he wants to win to lock down a slot on the USA Boxing Youth Team, which will give him a leg up in terms of qualifying for the 2024 Olympics in Paris.

“The winner in each weight class qualifies for the USA Boxing Youth Team,” he explained. “Runner-ups are alternates and can make the team if the winner can’t for whatever reason. je veux gagner! 

“Last time I had nothing to lose at Nationals. Maintenant, I have everything to lose. I do my research and breakdown other fighters in my weight class. I’ll be more focused this time because I was an underdog then and now, I’m the top dog in my division.”

The 17-year-old Anderson has already tasted success, capturing top honors at the 2019 Junior Open et 2019 Open régional de l'Est, in addition to finishing in the runner-up position at the 2018 & 2019 Jeux olympiques nationaux juniors.

Still a high school senior, Amir describes himself as an all-around boxer with a unique style in which he can box or bang, hit the angles and throw a lot of punches.

Like every amateur boxer, last year was a tremendous challenge to train, due to COVID-19 pandemic restrictions. “I trained six hours a day in my basement to get in really good workouts,” Anderson said. “And I ran my miles, trop. When my gym opened-up last July 2Dakota du Nord, it was limited so I had to still workout in my basement. It was hard to stay focused, but I knew how.

“I really planned to win a lot of regional and national tournaments to get national recognition. I wanted to fight in Bulgaria with the junior team, but that was canceled, trop. The pandemic was a setback for me, but we’ll see what’s in store for 2021.”

The National Championships is the first trip towards Amir Anderson’s Parisian goal for 2024 at the Olympics.



Gazouillement: @USABoxing, @USABoxingAlumni

Instagram: @USABoxing

Facebook: /USABoxing

À PROPOS DE BOXE USA:  La mission des Etats-Unis de boxe est de permettre aux athlètes et aux entraîneurs des États-Unis pour atteindre l'excellence concurrentielle soutenue, développer le caractère, soutenir le sport de la boxe, et promouvoir et développer la boxe de style olympique aux Etats-Unis. La responsabilité des Etats-Unis de boxe est non seulement de produire de l'or olympique, mais aussi superviser et diriger tous les aspects de la boxe amateur aux États-Unis.

USA Boxing Converts Abandoned Department Store Into National Training Gym for Preparations for Olympic Games Tokyo 2020

(COLORADO SPRINGS, Colo.) – When the boxers of the USA Boxing Olympic Qualification Team arrived in Colorado Springs, Colorado. this week they walked into a new training facility with just over six months left until the Olympic Games Tokyo 2020, and even less time to their qualification tournaments.

Due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, USA Boxing athletes have not been allowed to train in the national boxing gym at the United States Olympic and Paralympic Training Center (USOPTC) since March 2020 and have had to continue to make adjustments to their training plans, which included training at the French National Training Center in Paris in late 2020.

After being told they would not be allowed to begin 2021 at the USOPTC, the coaching and national office staff had to find a new home to begin the final preparations for the qualification tournaments taking place in May and June.

“After spending most of 2020 waiting to be allowed entry back into our national gym at the Colorado Springs OPTC, it was time that we took matters into our own hands and established a training space that can properly accommodate our team’s training needs,” said Matt Johnson, USA Boxing Directeur de haute performance.

USA Boxing ended 2020 and the beginning of 2021 moving all equipment, which included four boxing rings, numerous heavy bags and strength and conditioning equipment, from their gym at the USOPTC to an abandoned department store in a mall in Colorado Springs to hold training camps, while housing the boxers and coaching staff at the nearby Hotel Eleganté.

“We are able to continue to move forward in this COVID environment by applying multi-layer protection protocols, pre-travel testing, mandatory mask wearing, social distancing, regular cleaning, regular rapid antigen testing, daily health surveys and follow up PRC pool testing, as well as provide a top notch training facility in our temporary facility, which we are greatly thankful for John Bushman, owner of Hotel Eleganté and the training facility, to help provide these opportunities to our boxers,” stated Mike McAtee, USA Boxing Executive Director.

“The training facility and environment we have created has greatly reduced the risk to our boxers and coaches. USA Boxing strives to fulfill our stated mission to our boxers, ‘… (à) inspire the tireless pursuit of Olympic gold and enable our boxers and coaches to achieve sustained competitive excellence…’ in the face of a worldwide pandemic.”

The first training camp of 2021 began Jan. 14 and will run until Feb. 18, before the boxers head to Bulgaria and Spain for international competitions. USA Boxing will hold the final training camp before the America’s Olympic Qualification Tournament at the Chula Vista Elite Athlete Training Center, in Chula Vista, Calif., in another makeshift boxing gym, which held the final training camp of 2020 en Novembre.



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Instagram: @USABoxing

Facebook: /USABoxing

USA Boxing Alumni’s 1992 USA Trials virtual reunion a major KO

Olympian Raul Marquez on USA Boxing Alumni’s 1992 US Trials virtual reunion

COLORADO SPRINGS, Tour. (Novembre 24, 2020) – USA Boxing and the USA Boxing Alumni Association recently held a virtual reunion via Zoom for competitors at the 1992 USA Boxing Trials, including a pair of 1992 USA Olympians, Raul Marquez and Montell Griffin. The group was comprised of 19 fighters who competed at the 1992 USA Olympic Trials, plus a few administrators, who happily spoke non-stop for an hour and 45 procès-verbal. They gleefully reminisced, shared personal updates from the past 22 ans, remembered their most memorable experiences as amateur boxers, and even got emotional at times as they rebounded.

Some have kept in touch through emails and social media, but visibly seeing each other on the Zoom call was eye-opening for these ring brothers. “You all are part of USA Boxing,” said call host Mike McAtee, Executive Director of USA Boxing. “Hector Colon and Raul Marquez got their brothers on this call. It was a natural fit. Nous avons 13 kids getting ready to qualify in May for the Olympics. USA Boxing touches 36,000 kids every day. It changed our lives, and we can have an impact saving lives. “It’s an honor seeing you all. You are the backbone of USA Boxing. Boxing made us who we are, you have inspired boxers. This was long overdue, and we plan to have reunions with other Olympic Trials classes in the future.

This is very cool to see everybody and I enjoy listening to you,” ajoutée Chris Tofflemire, Association des anciens Etats-Unis de boxe Directeur. “You’re all helping bring the spirit back to USA Boxing Alumni. Boxing people love being around boxing people, and that’s what the USA Boxing Alumni Association is all about. We’re bringing that spirit back. I love having you guys in our alumni program. This has been a blast!”

I’m not much of a boxer, but I’m happy to be part of this boxing program,” commenté Barry Siff, USA Boxing volunteer marketing advisor. “I grew up in Detroit during the 1980’s and hung out at Kronk (Gym). I’m happy to be on this call. We all need to help Mike and the team going forward. Don’t wait until 2028 à Los Angeles. We have Tokyo next year and Paris in 2024. Kids can learn from you. I’m happy to be part of USA Boxing.

Association des anciens de boxe Etats-Unis Créé pour le champion à vie, des relations mutuellement bénéfiques entre les Etats-Unis de boxe et ses anciens élèves, –boxeurs, fonctionnaires, les entraîneurs et les amateurs de boxe — L'Association des anciens relie générations de champions, source d'inspiration et de redonner aux futurs champions de boxe Etats-Unis Boxe, dans et hors de l'anneau. L'Association des anciens de boxe Etats-Unis est ouvert à toute personne qui a un amour pour la boxe et souhaite rester en contact avec la boxe amateur. Les membres bénéficient d'un accès à une grande variété d'événements spéciaux organisés par l'Association des anciens, y compris la réception annuelle de l'Association des anciens Etats-Unis de boxe Hall of Fame. Pour adhérer à l'Association des anciens, inscrivez-vous simplement à alumni@usaboxing.org pour un $40.00 par année cotisation. Les nouveaux membres recevront un T-shirt, porte-clés et porte-monnaie électronique.

FIGHTERS’ CITATIONS(Robert Allen et Tarick Salmaci were also on the call but unable to speak due to technical problems)

HECTOR COLON: I love you guys. It’s been so long. I hope we can communicate like this more often. We need you all to support USA Boxing and USA Boxing Alumni. My first international fight was in Barbados and I knocked out my opponent in 26 secondes. I remember receiving the Adidas bag and shoes. It was such a special thing. I dreamed of making the Olympics and I should have, but I found God calling me away from the sport. I was proud watching you and I rooted for you. “It’s great to be back in USA Boxing and giving back to USA Boxing, because it helped me become the person I am today. I could have gone the wrong way. Let’s do this again and keep giving back to our sports.

RAUL MARQUEZ:I’m very excited to be here. I feel honored and I’m probably the only one here who fought most of the guys here. I have a lot of memories. I’m honored to be here with you, my boxing family. It’s beautiful. “Everybody here knows how hard it is to win a tournament. We know what it takes because we were all elite. We have to give back. I’m still involved in boxing.

ORLANDO HARRIS:I had the greatest time in USA Boxing. I started late. I fought once before I went into the military. I got better and learned how to fight in the military. I had to because I had to do good or go back to my unit. En ’04 I got into car accident. Everybody died but me. They say I’m disabled, but I’m not, I still coach boxing.

PAULIE AYALA:The ’92 Olympic Trials is my most memorable moment because I was there. En 1988, I lost in The Westerns in the semifinals and I left boxing. I wasn’t focused. I watched you people excel and didn’t fight again until 1992. I lost to Sergio (Reyes), who I had fought 16 times before that fight. I met a lot of you guys fighting in Russia. What’s inspiring is listening to all of you.

MONTELL GRIFFIN:I was late going to the rty, coming in 1991. I had two fights going into the Golden Gloves, but I lied and said I had 12 so I could fight in the opens. My first fight was in 1991. I had to fight the No. 1 gars, Jeremy Williams, to make the Olympic team. Ceux 1 ½ years as were the best of my life. I looked up to all of you guys and have respect for all.

ANTWUN ECHOLS:I made it to Team USA, and I was an Olympic alternate. Raul (Marquez), he likes to talk, and I was excited to fight him. J'ai beaucoup appris. I love being with all the guys. Larry Nicholson took me under his wing. He talked to me daily. I was a young kid, and my family life wasn’t good. When I went to the ’92 championships, these people were my family. “I was raw off the streets of Davenport (Iowa) and Larry took care of me…merci. If it wasn’t for the people at the Olympic Center, I don’t know where I’d be today.

DANNY RIOS: “En 1992, I lost in the semifinals of the US Championships. Si, I had to win the Golden Gloves to go to the Olympics. At the Trials I won my first fight and lost my second. I later turned pro. I’m working security and helping to train fighters at a local gym. I hope to have my own gym. I’m glad to see you all after all these years.

SKIPPER KELP: “I’m in Vegas. I moved here when I was in the amateurs. The best thing was the camaraderie. We grew up together. Ensemble, we came of age as teenagers and I met some of my best friends for life. We were all at the elite level, the best versus the best, and eventually we fought each other. I met a lot of guys in 1989 en Russie. “I own Fight Capital Gym in Las Vegas. When you go to Vegas, call me and come to my gym. We have a brotherhood for life. Amateur boxing brings people together. To reconnect like this is awesome.

DANELL NICHOLSON:My most memorable moment was representing USA Boxing at the 1992 Jeux olympiques, because I became an Olympian and met all these great athletes. Meeting you is really my most memorable. You can’t beat boxing!”

RONALD SIMMS:I was probably on the amateur team longer than anybody. I stayed on so long that I have a lot of memories. I was part of the 1988, 1992 et 1996 Olympic teams. I saw a lot of talent come through. J'ai commencé à 1995; this sport is addictive and I’m still involved in amateur boxing. We still have the most talented kids in amateur boxing. “My dream was to make the Olympic Team and I still haven’t made it. My goal was to be No. 1 and I was in 1995. Puis, I wanted to quit, but my coach said it wasn’t the time. The lessons I learned from you guys and sharing with kids is what it’s all about. I’m in India working as the chief coach, doing what I love.

PAUL VADEM:I’m glad to see everyone. I have so many memories, the most memorable is seeing you, my boxing brothers. We trained together to make names for ourselves. We will always have this to go back on. I get emotional. It didn’t matter where you came from, your economical values, and we competed against each other. But at the end of the day we respected each other. “I’m a speaker and author today. What I had learned in boxing is why I’m able to do what I do. Merci. C'est beau. I’m thankful to see you all.

JAMES JOHNSON:It’s amazing to see some of these faces, It’s great to see you, gars! I remember the Olympic Festival. Randall Crippen. He was talkative……I gave him a diploma at the end of the match. “I broke my hand in competition and they wouldn’t let me fight. I did and I drew a hometown kid in (Worcester) Massachusetts, Bobby Harris, et a remporté. With one hand, I lost in the final. It’s good to see you guys. I’m living in Flint, Michigan. I went on to get my college career and today I’m a network engineer.

DEAN FLETCHER:I was an amateur a long time. I have many memories, but one is the years I was on the Board of Directors as an athlete representative. Kids today, the reason you can’t fight twice a day is me. “The traveling, I can’t let that go. When things aren’t going well, I think of my amateur days. Nothing but love for you guys.

LARRY NICHOLSON:My most memorable things is being the 1993 Boxer de l'année. I accomplished a lot. I won silver at the 1993 et 1994 Championnats du monde. Should have been gold. You were great fighters and role models. I had an opportunity to go to collegeNorth Michigan Universityand I have a degree. “I’m still involved in boxing today as head coach of the Michigan Golden Gloves. I’m very happy where I am right now. I didn’t go pro because I love amateur boxing, the discipline and life. I worked with three Olympic teams. We’ve done well as frat brothers.

MARK LANTON:It’s a pleasure to see everybody like this. My most memorable moment was winning the Western Trials. I was an Army soldier when I was an amateur fighter. In Iraq, parfois, Frank Vassar kept in touch with me. I’m retired now from the military. I worked at the VA as a federal police officer. I’m totally retired. I coach kids at a local gym and I’m living the life in Orlando.

FRANK VASSAR:Winning the US Olympic Sports Festival and National Golden Gloves in 1999 was my most memorable. I was in the Army, the National Guards, when I was boxing. I got commissioned in the Air Force. I did three combat tours and was injured. Crazy stuff. I’m glad I made it back. I always enjoyed going to tournaments and seeing you guys. I love all you guys.

RICHARD BONDS: En 1989, I remember fighting Jeremy Williams. He was the best and that put me on the map. The next four years I was going to Colorado and that was the best. I was a college student and got a criminal justice degree at the University of Memphis. I met Echols at dual. We’d come together three or four times a year, maybe more and when you saw somebody it was like yesterday. “En 1992, I wanted to make the Olympic team. I lost my first fight in Worcester and didn’t make it to the Olympics. There were only 12 weight classes and I was one of those guys. You are my frat brothers.

2020 Championnats nationaux de boxe USA Le 2020 USA Boxing National Championships will be held December 5-12 au Shreveport Convention Center à Shreveport, Louisiane.



Gazouillement: @USABoxing, @USABoxingAlumni

Instagram: @USABoxingFacebook: /USABoxing