標記檔案: University of MMA

戰鬥之夜 11 快速結果和“院長名單”’ 獎項

洛杉磯, 例如 – 與傳說中的切manJacob “縫” 杜蘭包裝戰士’ 手在MMA的拳擊之夜大學 11, 拳頭飛得又硬又重. MMA大學的兩個冠軍挑戰者淘汰賽的方式打亂了衛冕冠軍. 庫爾特“拆’ 埃伯哈德 (Saekson的泰拳) 震驚阿爾伯特維羅茨 (凱奇戰鬥學院) 剛 45 秒進入第一輪贏得MMA大學的羽量級冠軍. 同樣, 虔誠的“巫毒’ Enilolobo JR. (BJMUTA /騰空飛腳) 收起安東尼奧·洛佩斯 (Saekson的泰拳) 有一個大的右手,實現成為MMA輕量級冠軍的大學他的夢想.
所有 34 對17的比賽節目戰士把自己的心就行了,並激動的人群詳盡演出. 到底, 在院長的名單表現獎搏擊之夜 11 是:
夜撲滅: 達蒙·雅各布斯 (BAS呂滕的精英MMA) VS. 雷明頓·索恩 (Saekson的泰拳)
夜淘汰賽: Garik米切爾 (蜥蜴團隊)

提交夜: 克里斯托弗·蘭斯 (團隊任務)

藍籌榮譽: 馬特烏斯·桑托斯 (MMAFC /淘汰賽拳擊俱樂部)
在院長的名單是由OTM撲滅商店和WSS贊助, 這些都有助於 $100 禮品卡給獲獎者. 除夜的傳統撲滅, 夜淘汰賽, 與提交的住宿獎勵, Blue Chip 榮譽是一個特殊的類別,授予表現出色的戰士, 魅力與讀者意識.
進入拳擊之夜 11, 每個人都知道,以保持眼睛雷明頓·索恩. 他的首演比賽, 對非常老將Michael'Blackjack’ 傑克遜 (系統培訓中心), 在拳擊之夜 10, 是夜性能打架. 少得多的球迷不得不索恩的對手任何以往的印象, 該debutingDamon雅各布 (BAS呂滕的精英MMA健身房), 但他沒有時間浪費在填補空白. 雅各布斯登上索恩強大的組合早, 留下的人想知道他如何還站在. 索恩留在戰鬥, 然而, 將近完成雅各布與出軌由無意的非法膝蓋到頭部速射亂舞. 儘管犯規, 兩個戰士又繼續了兩輪爆發式打擊作用而點燃球迷’ 狂熱的歡呼聲. 人群中的反應作出雅各布 - 索恩一個容易的選擇在晚上撲滅.
有四個KO夜候選人在節目中的, Garik米切爾的第二輪頭踢完成從包中脫穎而出. 如果這還不夠令人印象深刻, 米切爾的比賽是他的業餘MMA亮相, 這決定他和他的對手穿護腿. 要生成與侍衛權力意味深長的力量和速度的年輕人帶來的籠子.
提交夜常被人們去浮華或最後第二次提交butChristopher蘭斯 (團隊任務) 表現無可挑剔的技術,爭取情報確保tapout. 蘭斯發起了爭奪與一個偉大的希臘羅馬罰球,並立即轉移到一個armbar. 他很快就意識到他沒有這已經足夠讓他能夠調整並獲得水龍頭對一個非常遊戲對手蒂姆·巴納德 (瓦爾哈拉ETC).
一個獨特的獎勵為MMA的大學是他們的藍籌榮譽, 以獎勵不僅是一個偉大的運動性能,而且還一個有趣和引人入勝的舞台表現. 不僅沒有馬特烏斯桑托斯的 (MMAFC) 擊倒一個艱難的和獨特的對手維克托頁 (系統培訓中心), 但他還展示了迷人的信心,他的戰鬥後的採訪, 解決他的球迷在這兩個葡萄牙語和英語. 桑托斯’ 整體呈現出, 在籠子上的麥克風, 是提出總包的最近例子, 從而贏得了他藍籌榮譽搏擊之夜 11.
展望未來, 無論傑克遜和弗拉維朝聖者 (CMMA) 穿上這為他們贏得冠軍戰鬥在MMA賽事的下一個大學佔主導地位的演出, 搏擊之夜 12, 暫定為 11月22日. 朝聖者將採取新的冠軍Enilolobo, JR. 對於MMA輕量級冠軍的大學, 和傑克遜將面臨新加冕的埃伯哈德為MMA大學輕量級帶.
快速結果MMA大學: 搏擊之夜 11:
1) 149 磅. (3 X 2 分鐘。, 小腿) – RYAN AGUILAR (CMMA) DEF. OREN沙博 (Hayastan MMA學院) 通過TKO, R1, 0:17
2) 130 磅. (3 X 2 分鐘。, 小腿) – ERIC阿里亞斯 (尤馬美國MMA) DEF. STUART購物車 (獨立) 通過一致決定
3) 145 磅. (3 X 2 分鐘。, 小腿) – MASON IACOBELLIS (團隊任務) DEF. ARDANY OLIVA (系統培訓中心) 通過TKO, R1, 0:51
4) 125 磅. (3 X 2 分鐘。, 小腿) – ERICK PIERRE (巴斯呂滕的精英培訓中心) DEF. 提佐克Froese (MMAFC) 通過一致決定
5) 150 磅. (3 X 2 分鐘。, 小腿) – 邁克爾BLACKJACK’ JACKSON (系統培訓中心) DEF. ANGEL PERLA (團隊任務) 通過一致決定
6) 137 磅. (3 X 2 分鐘。, 小腿) – 里奇MEISTER (BJMUTA /埃里克·諾蘭的复刻培訓中心) DEF. 塞爾吉奧·岡薩雷斯 (尤馬美國MMA) 通過提交 (三角阻氣), R3, 1:12
7) 195 磅. (3 X 2 分鐘。, 小腿) – 克里斯托弗·蘭斯 (團隊任務) DEF. TIM巴納德 (瓦爾哈拉精英培訓中心) 通過提交 (armbar), R1, 1:16
8) 175 磅. (3 X 2 分鐘。, 小腿) – CRISTIAN NAJERA (游擊國家MMA) DEF. Chris的熊寶寶’ 羅德里格斯 (格雷西柔術/球隊勝利泰拳) 通過TKO, R1, 1:56
9) 145 磅. (3 X 2 分鐘。, 小腿) – 小麥MITCHELL (蜥蜴團隊) DEF. 史蒂芬 (KYLER) SCOTT (團隊任務) 通過KO, R2, 0:48
10) 230 磅. (3 X 2 分鐘。, 小腿) – 安德里·Vasylenko (BJMUTA) DEF. 朱利葉斯白 (獨立) 通過提交, R1, 0:51
11) 157 磅. (3 X 2 分鐘。, 小腿) – DAMON JACOBS (BAS呂滕的精英MMA健身房) DEF. REMINGTON THORNE (Saekson的泰拳) 通過一致決定
12) 125 磅. (3 X 2 分鐘。, 小腿) – MATHEUS SANTOS (MMAFC) DEF. VICTOR PAGES (系統培訓中心) 通過KO, R2, 1:58
13) 145 磅. (3 X 2 分鐘。, 小腿) – BENITO門德斯 (王搏擊運動) DEF. DAVID SECAIDA (獨立) 通過一致決定
14) 160 磅. (3 X 2 分鐘。, 小腿) – 弗拉維PILGRIM (CMMA) DEF. TROY HARDGROW (獨立) 通過拆分TKO, R2, 1:24
15) 205 磅. (3 X 2 分鐘。, 小腿) – TRAVIS WILLIAMS (精英培訓中心) DEF. 大衛·博伊科 (BAS呂滕的精英MMA) 一致決定
16) 145 磅. (3 X 3 分鐘。, 沒有小腿) – KURT“拆’ EBERHARD (Saekson的泰拳) DEF. ALBERT VELOZ (凱奇戰鬥學院) 通過KO, R1, 0:45
17) 155 磅. (3 X 3 分鐘。, 沒有小腿) – 虔誠“VOODOO’ ENILOLOBO JR. (BJMUTA /騰空飛腳) DEF. 安東尼奧·洛佩斯 (Saekson的泰拳) 通過KO, R2, 0:34


洛杉磯, 例如 – MMA的大學 marks its latest milestone on 星期天, 五月 31, with the tenth installment of its ‘Fight Night’ 系列. Taking place at 諾基亞俱樂部在L.A. LIVE (又名 “the U of MMA campus”), 大學 of MMA: 搏擊之夜 10 is packed with 15 打架, including three title matches to crown new University of MMA champions. 門票現已發售www.UofMMA.comwww.axs.com.


A new University of MMA’s lightweight champion will be decided between Julio ‘The Gr818er’ 洛佩茲 (Kings Combat Sports)安東尼奧·洛佩茲 (Gooch Training Academy/Saekson Muay Thai). Julio advanced from the opening round of the University of MMA lightweight championship tournament, still undefeated. Antonio was originally scheduled to be in the tournament as well, before injury sidelined him from action. But both men ride four-fight win streaks going into this title match, meaning pride and glory are on the line.


Elite Training Center’s featherweight star Tommy Aaron vacating his University of MMA title to turn pro, the crown at 145 磅. once again finds itself without a king. That won’t be for long, 然而, as U of MMA perennial favorite 瑞恩“獅子’ 李潔明 (巴斯呂滕的精英培訓中心) and the fast-rising 阿爾伯特·維洛茲 (凱奇戰鬥學院) vie to become the third-ever University of MMA featherweight champion.

The University of MMA has definitely grown as a live event series with the expansion of our fan base and the shows getting bigger and better every time. The same can be said for amateur fighters who have grown and matured within our promotion. Guys like Ryan ‘The LionLilley who will be fighting for us for the eighth time, and Albert Veloz, who is improving right under our eyes. We’re proud to see the development of fighters like Ryan and Albert, who will go on to be great pros,” 評論 U of MMA founder Turi Altavilla.

Two more U of MMA favorites will also square off to become the first-ever University of MMA bantamweight champion, 如 Vince ‘The AnomalyCacheroDemar ‘King’ 喬治· revisit each other in a rematch from 2013. The two met originally at Fight Night 3, when both were very young in their MMA careers. More seasoned in experience and sharper in skill, they are very much different fighters.


The six individuals vying for University of MMA titles on this show are people of heart, technical skill, character and integrity. We’ve seen their championship efforts on previous shows and they deserve the recognition these matches offer,” 說 U of MMA matchmaker Jay Tan.


Other confirmed matches for University of MMA: 搏擊之夜 10 包括:


大學 of MMA Lightweight Championship Tournament Finals:

155 磅. – 胡里奧·洛佩茲 (Kings Combat Sports) VS.安東尼奧·洛佩茲 (Gooch Training Academy/Saekson Muay Thai)


University of MMA Bantamweight Championship:

135 磅. – Vince ‘The AnomalyCachero (系統培訓中心) VS. Demar ‘King’ 喬治· (Dream Killer Fight Team)

大學 of MMA Featherweight Championship:

145 磅. – 瑞恩“獅子’ 李潔明 (BAS呂滕的精英MMA健身房) VS. 阿爾伯特·維洛茲 (凱奇戰鬥學院)


155 磅. – 雷明頓·索恩 (Saekson Muay Thai) VS.Carnation ‘The FlashContreras (Krav Maga Unyted)


120 磅. (catchweight) – 茉莉花“Tapout女王’ Pouncy (努比亞MMA) VS. Akari Wang (系統培訓中心)


205 磅. – 特拉維斯·威廉姆斯 (精英培訓中心) VS.Jonathan ‘Jonny McGregorSweitzer (瓦爾哈拉ETC)


155 磅. – Troy Hargrow (努比亞MMA) VS. Zach Kraschinsky (巴斯呂滕的精英培訓中心)


125 磅. – Karlee Pagilinan (團隊任務) VS. Gilbert Nakatani (Sityodtong LA)


125 磅. – Matheus Leaondro Santos (MMAFC) VS.Angel Diaz (系統培訓中心)


170 磅. – 亞倫蘭德里 (Ring of Fire Martial Arts Academy) VS. 蘭斯'黑遊俠’ 灌木 (蜥蜴團隊)


145 磅. – Victor Rivera (努比亞MMA) VS. Juan Vasquez (Team Victory Muay Thai/Dream Killer Fight Team)


195 磅. (catchweight) – 克里斯托弗·蘭斯 (團隊任務) VS. David Boyko (BAS呂滕的精英MMA健身房)


145 磅. – Andrew Secaida (Dream Killer Fight Team)VS. 庫爾特·艾伯哈德 (Saekson Muay Thai)


135 磅. – David Perez (Riverside Submission) VS. Julio Santa Cruz (系統培訓中心)


145 磅. – Benito Mendez (Kings Combat Sports) VS.Sergio Gonzalez (Yuma United Fight Team)


MMA的大學: 搏擊之夜 10 發生在5:00下午星期天, 五月 31, 2015, 在諾基亞俱樂部在L.A. LIVE, 800 西奧林匹克大道. 門開處 4:30下午. 拼卡可隨時更改. 門票現,可以通過購買 www.UofMMA.comwww.AXS.com, 通過手機充電時888-9AXS-TIX或 888-929-7849, 從 10:00 AM-5:00 PM, Mon-Fri at the STAPLES Center Box Office located at 1111 S. 菲格羅亞街. 適用的費用,可申請. 諾基亞俱樂部的票房將在開 2:00pm the day of the event.



洛杉磯, 例如 – The old adagebigger is betterproved to be true for the first University of MMA event of 2015, 如 搏擊之夜 9 set several new records, all stemming from the show’s 18-match fight card. The event took place on 三月 8諾基亞俱樂部在L.A. LIVE, producing several candidates for Fight of the Night, 藍籌榮譽, and Submission of the Night.


It’s rare when you have quantity and quality in such perfect synergy, but the fighters and fans gave us exactly that. When it was done, I was still had energy to watch a few more matches,” 說 University of MMA matchmaker Jay Tan.


到底, 該 院長s List performance awards for Fight Night 9 是:


夜撲滅 (TIE): Jasmine Pouncy (努比亞MMA) VS. Daria Berenato (系統培訓中心) and Ryan Lilley (Bas Rutten’s Elite MMA Training Center) VS. 喬納森·基羅斯 (加州MMA)


夜淘汰賽: Lance Lee (國王MMA)


提交夜: 湯姆Landeros (所有在MMA)

藍籌榮譽: Angel Diaz (系統培訓中心)


We’re proud of all of the award winners. Without a doubt these men and women earned their acknowledgements by making an impact on the audience, earning glory in the cage, and taking home $100 gift cards courtesy of our sponsors OTM Fight Shop and WSS,” 說 University of MMA founder Turi Altavilla.


除夜的傳統撲滅, 夜淘汰賽, 與提交的住宿獎勵, Blue Chip honors recognizes fighters who show great showmanship, 魅力與讀者意識.


Pouncy and Lilley both won their respective matches by unanimous decision, but the results betray how closely scored were the rounds in each fight. Pouncy and Berenato traded furious striking combos in a barnburner that exemplified why women’s MMA is so popular. And with twenty amateur MMA matches between them, Lilley and Quiroz displayed masterful fight maturity, strongly pointing towards destined pro debuts.


Lance Lees knockout of A.J. Lavar advances him to the finals of the University of MMA lightweight championship tournament, where he’ll face胡里奧·洛佩茲 (Ruckus的MMA) 搏擊之夜 10 在五月. 湯姆Landerosguillotine choke victory was both swift and technically complete, while Blue Chip Honors winner Angel Diaz exhibited charisma and stage presence that boosted an adept first-round submission win.


另外, University of MMA featherweight and welterweight champions Tommy Aaron and Roman Todorovich (both of 精英培訓中心), 分別, successfully defended their titles with undeniable first-round victories.


在他的第一個衛冕, Aaron faced 塞爾吉奧 Surge the Kid 佩雷斯 (Hayastan MMA), who imposed his will early on the champion with a defiant takedown and constant body control for much of the first round. Once the fight got back to the feet, 然而, Aaron landed a textbook spinning back kick that stunned Perez enough for the champion to swarm in for the TKO finish.


Todorovich faced a unique challenge in rematching former University of MMA welterweight champion Jarett康納 (independent), who returned to the U after a year-long hiatus. Himself the reigning welterweight king prior to Todorovich wresting the title from him in 2014, Conner demonstrated his trademark strength and unstoppable takedowns with the same adeptness for which he’s known. With his champion’s conviction, Todorovich secured an armbar early, which he kept through an elevated power bomb by Conner. Todorovich shifted position to full mount, leading to a ground-and-pound finish at 1:11. The match was stopped due to injury, when Conner based to his arms and knees, severely dislocating his elbow.


快速結果MMA大學: 搏擊之夜 (三月 8, 2015):


1) 155 磅. (3 X 2 分鐘。, 小腿) – ERNESTO LEYVA (CSW) DEF. VICTOR RIVERA (努比亞MMA) via unanimous decision\

2) 125 磅. (3 X 2 分鐘。, 小腿) – ANGEL ‘The KrakenDIAZ (系統培訓中心) DEF. SONNY ASHTON (粉碎隊) 通過提交 (後方赤裸阻氣), R1, 1:46

3) 170 磅. (3 X 2 分鐘。, 小腿) – AARON LANDRY (Ring of Fire Martial Arts Academy) DEF. DANNY LLAMAS (該協會) 通過TKO, R1, 0:51

4) 155 磅. (3 X 2 分鐘。, 小腿) – ANITA HOEHENLEITER (JFM拳擊/系統培訓中心) DEF. ASHLEE ‘SmileyGRANT (鮑曼的道場) 通過提交 (standing guillotine), R1, 1:03

5) 170 磅. (3 X 2 分鐘。, 小腿) – SERGEY MARTIROSYAN (Docando/Hayastan MMA) DEF. CRUZ MARTINEZ (10 Planet Van Nuys) 通過一致決定

6) 165 CW lbs. (3 X 2 分鐘。, 小腿) – YASKIN SOLANO (巴西柔術的Paragon) DEF. ARSALAN HOMAYUN (10 Planet Burbank) 通過提交 (armbar), R1,0:50

7) 205 磅. (3 X 2 分鐘。, 小腿) – MICHAEL ‘Lazer’ REYES (10 Planet Van Nuys) DEF. TRAVIS WILLIAMS (精英培訓中心) 通過一致決定

8) 125 磅. (3 X 2 分鐘。, 小腿) – KELLY VANHOY (千年MMA) DEF. STEFANI POGUE (系統培訓中心) 通過一致決定

9) 145 磅. (3 X 3 分鐘。, 沒有小腿) – RYAN ‘The LionLILLEY (BAS呂滕的精英MMA健身房) DEF. JONATHAN QUIROZ (加州MMA) 通過一致決定

10) 135 磅. (3 X 2 分鐘。, 小腿) – 里奇MEISTER (BJMUTA) DEF. MILTON ‘The DiamondARGUELLO (10 Planet Van Nuys) 通過多數決定

11) 125 磅. (3 X 2 分鐘。, 小腿) – JASMINE ‘Tapout QueenPOUNCY (努比亞MMA) DEF. DARIA ‘The Jersey DevilBERENATO (系統培訓中心) 通過一致決定

12) 125 磅. (3 X 3 分鐘。, 沒有小腿) – THOMAS ‘The BeastLANDEROS (所有在MMA) DEF. HUGO ‘Young GunARANDA (冠軍之家) 通過提交 (斷頭台), R1, 1:40

13) 135 磅. (3 X 2 分鐘。, 小腿) – VINCE CACHERO (系統培訓中心) DEF. MICHAEL ‘SlayerDERDERIAN (10 Planet HQ Fight Team) 通過一致決定

14) 170 磅. (3 X 2 分鐘。, 小腿) – LANCE ‘The Black RangerBUSH (蜥蜴團隊) DEF. SCORPIO SKY (該協會) 通過分裂的決定


15) 155 磅. (3 X 3 分鐘。, 沒有小腿) – JULIO ‘The Wolf’ LOPEZ (Ruckus的MMA) DEF. PIOUS ‘VoodooENILOLOBO, JR. (BJMUTA /飛踢武術) 通過TKO, R2, 1:23


16) 170 磅. (3 X 3 分鐘。, 沒有小腿) – ROMAN ‘The GladiatorTODOROVICH (精英培訓中心) DEF. JARETT CONNER (獨立) via TKO/doctor’s stoppage, R1, 1:11


17) 155 磅. (3 X 2 分鐘。, 小腿) – LANCE LEE ‘Vanquish’ (國王MMA) DEF. A.J. ‘The People’s ChampLAVARIAS (系統培訓中心) 通過KO, R2,1:30


18) 145 磅. (3 X 3 分鐘。, 沒有小腿) – TOMMY ‘The Spaniard AARON (精英培訓中心) DEF. SERGIO ‘Surge the KidPEREZ (Hayastan MMA) 通過TKO, R1, 2:09

University of MMA: 搏擊之夜 10 發生在 星期天, 五月 31, 在諾基亞俱樂部在L.A. LIVE. 門開處 4:30下午 and first fight takes place at 5:00下午. Tickets are on sale now through www.UofMMA.com


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聯繫: Either Turi Altavilla at turi@UofMMA.com and phone (310) 701-8339 or Jay Tan at jaytan@UofMMA.com and phone (213) 618-0332.


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About the University of MMA (www.UofMMA.com): 混合武術的大學 (又名 “The U”) is a Los Angeles-based fight promotion specializing in exciting, high-octane, upscale amateur MMA events around the Southern California region. 其任務是為年輕的舞台, 有抱負的戰士磨練自己的技能,MMA和發展自己作為適銷對路的個性和運動的尊敬大使. The U was founded in 2010 and has run sixteen shows in Southern California. Each event is sanctioned by the California Amateur MMA Organization (CAMO), which upholds the highest safety standards in the nation for amateur competition. The team behind the U collectively has over 20 years of experience in promoting professional MMA at the highest level of the sport, including international and domestic events broadcast on pay-per-view, 電纜, and network television. 為 明天‘s MMA stars and champions …IT從這裡開始!
About OTM Fight Shops (www.OTMfightshops.com): On The Mat (OTM) is an American company and brand dedicated to the sport and lifestyle of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (巴西柔術), submission grappling (no-gi), and mixed martial arts (MMA). 公司成立於 1996 by owner Scotty Nelson in Mountain View, 例如, OTM has become best known for its website, OnTheMat.com, which provides the largest online library of jiu-jitsu and grappling footage, including video magazines, instructional videos, and tournament compilations. Its online store and eight retail fight shops in California, 內華達, and New Mexico offer the widest selection of fight gear and apparel for fighters from every discipline. 另外, OTM’s clothing line is among the most recognizable brands in BJJ and MMA, including a custom made jiu-jitsu gi called Lucky Gi. OTM has sponsored dozens of BJJ / MMA household names, such as B.J. 佩恩, Nick Diaz, 內特 - 迪亞茲, 傑夫·蒙森, Kenny Florian, and Diego Sanchez.

About WSS (www.shopWSS.com):WSS is a leading Southern California retailer founded in 1984. WSS (formerly Warehouse Shoe Sale) offers a wide variety of footwear, clothing, and accessories from all major brands. WSS carries over 3,000 of the latest styles from such brand names as Nike, 約旦, Vans, Converse, Sketchers, Reebock, Adidas, Puma, New Balance, DC Shoes, Timberland, K-Swiss, and many, many more. 擁有超過 25 years in business and 55 stores (維克多維爾, Bakersfield and Lancaster coming soon), WSS has an unrivaled reputation for having great values and great selection and for bringing customers the latest in the best styles. Participating in over 350 local events per year, WSS is also committed to giving back to the community.