Tag Archives: UFC

Kelebihan Padang Rumah: Sean O'Malley Kegemaran Peminat Menonjol Sterling di UFC 292, Kepulangan Chris Weidman Mencetuskan Bicara tentang Persaraan, Catona lwn. Gibson Mendapat Pertarungan Malam…dan banyak lagi daripada kepulangan UFC ke Boston pada Sabtu lalu

Oleh: Kaya Bergeron

UFC 292 adalah acara UFC pertama yang saya hadiri 16 tahun. Sebagai penulis MMA yang paling terkenal kerana mendedahkan skandal Xyience (lihat www.xyiencesucks.com), Saya menggali topi Xyience lama saya untuk memperingati peristiwa itu. Pernah menjadi penaja paling prolifik UFC, Xyience kini terutamanya sebuah syarikat minuman tenaga dan tidak lagi bersekutu dengan mana-mana liga MMA. Tak payah cakap, Saya adalah satu-satunya di seluruh arena yang menggunakan barang dagangan Xyience.

Saya membayar tiket saya sendiri kali ini, tetapi saya tidak dapat mengelak daripada memikirkan tentang UFC saya 292 pengalaman akan menjadi seperti jika saya UFC 78 pengalaman, dibayar oleh Xyience, telah ternyata jauh berbeza bagi saya hampir 16 tahun yang lalu.

Saya akan mengulas lebih lanjut mengenai kisah peribadi kepulangan saya di Boston dan perubahan yang kami lihat untuk UFC antara pertarungan terakhir yang saya hadiri dan yang ini dalam bahagian baru yang saya rancang untuk menulis www.paythefighters.com. Nantikan untuk itu, tetapi mula-mula mari kita lihat kad pertarungan UFC yang dibina dengan baik untuk malam Sabtu.

Ia bermula dengan kisah dua Silva kelas terbang: Karine Silva dan Natalia Silva. Pertarungan itu berakhir dengan dua kemenangan Silva melalui dua kaedah berbeza, tetapi setiap pejuang terbukti dominan dalam gaya tertentu mereka. Karine menghantar Maryna Moroz dengan pencekik guillotine saat terakhir sebelum tamat pusingan pertama. Ia adalah permulaan yang hebat untuk persembahan yang mempunyai beberapa puncak dan lembah sejauh nilai hiburan beberapa perlawanan. Natalia mengambil masa dan memilih permainan Andrea Lee dari jauh untuk majoriti pertandingan. Dia membuat keputusan sebulat suara dengan berhati-hati dan berhati-hati dengan sasarannya.

Seterusnya, keputusan perpecahan kontroversi memberikan pejuang kegemaran pembuat kemungkinan Andre Petrovski kemenangan ke atas Gerald Meershaert. Petrovski nampaknya tidak mempunyai kardio untuk bergaul dengan veteran berpengalaman Meerschaert. Apa yang kurang dalam pertarungan ini adalah kuasa pukulan tertumpu dari Meershaert untuk menjatuhkan Petrovski dan keluar.. Kedua-dua pejuang mempunyai detik mereka, tetapi nampaknya jelas bagi saya Gerald adalah pejuang yang lebih sibuk dan berkesan. Dia hanya salah seorang daripada mangsa rompakan yang dikepung oleh hakim malam Sabtu selepas jelas memenangi pertarungan teknikal terutamanya. Sentuhan slugfest yang ditaburkan dari semasa ke semasa nampaknya sentiasa memihak kepada permainan yang lebih dan bersemangat Meerschaert. Dia pasti layak untuk menang. Kami akan bercakap tentang satu lagi rompakan yang sama kaliber sedikit kemudian.

Sepasang pertarungan Ultimate Fighter Finale datang seterusnya dengan Bantamweights Brad Katona dan Cody Gibson memulakannya dengan memperoleh penghormatan "Fight of the Night". Perlawanan tinju kaki ke kaki mereka yang jarang melanda sejak sekian lama pastinya membuat penonton gempar dari awal hingga akhir. Katona akhirnya menjadi yang kedua lebih cepat dalam keputusan seri dan cukup tajam dengan pukulan dan balasnya untuk memastikan kemenangan dalam sekerap di mana dia sering terpaksa mengambil satu pukulan yang baik untuk mendaratkan dua pukulannya sendiri. Gibson memakai hasil ketepatan Brad pada mukanya yang dipukul pada loceng akhir, tetapi dia juga mendapat penghormatan yang tinggi untuk pendekatannya yang tidak pernah berhenti daripada orang ramai dan organisasi. UFC menawarkan kontrak kedua-dua pejuang untuk usaha mereka dan bukannya hanya pemenang yang mendapat keputusan.

Kurt Holobaugh terpaksa bertarung dengan rakan dan rakan seperjuangan Pasukan Chandler Austin Hubbard dalam perlawanan akhir Lightweight. Ia adalah pergaduhan yang bermula lebih baik untuk Hubbard daripada berakhir. Akhirnya selepas proses feeling out yang singkat, Holobaugh mengambil momentum dan memperoleh Triangle Choke yang luar biasa 2:39 ke dalam bingkai kedua. Kedua-dua pejuang mempunyai detik-detik dominan mereka, tetapi kemahiran jiu jitsu tali pinggang hitam Holobaugh yang memenangi malam itu dan trofi TUF.

Gregory Rodrigues benar-benar menumpaskan Dennis Tiuliulin dari Rusia dalam pertarungan kelas menengah yang menyebabkan orang ramai melaungkan "AS" secara ringkas sambil mencari pejuang Brazil.. “Robocop” menikmati sokongan orang ramai dan dengan cepat melafazkan sorakan mereka dengan kemahiran penyudahnya dalam paparan penuh. Rodrigues secara kebetulan kelihatan sedikit seperti watak utama dalam Netflix "The Lincoln Lawyer,” jika watak itu terkumpul selepas beberapa pusingan steroid. Rodrigues sudah tentu menetapkan undang-undang dan menghempas orang Rusia itu ke dalam pengsan dengan ketepatan seperti mesin. Dia mengambil masa hanya satu minit dan 43 saat untuk memberi orang ramai pemberhentian terakhir mereka sehingga acara utama.

Lima keputusan lurus diikuti, dua daripada mereka diputuskan dengan penempatan sempurna sepakan kaki yang dahsyat daripada pemenang. Yang paling menyakitkan daripada dua pertarungan itu untuk ditonton ialah Chris Weidman menamatkan saingan awal dengan berhadapan dengan Brad Tavares dalam pertarungan middleweight yang menghukum.. Weidman, kembali dari kecederaan kaki ayam getah yang ganas di mana dia cuba menanam pada kaki yang patah sepenuhnya terhadap Uriah Hall, kelihatan berkarat sama seperti berkarat. Setiap takedown yang dia cuba seolah-olah disumbat dengan mudah oleh Tavares.

Setiap pertukaran tumbukan nampaknya terlalu sedikit, sudah terlambat untuk Weidman kembali dari sepakan kaki yang berterusan menyuburkan kedua-dua kaki dengan kecederaan lama dan kaki Weidman yang lain untuk tindakan yang baik. Walaupun dengan MCL atau ACL yang koyak (menurut Dana White yang memaksa Weidman bersara selepas pertarungan itu), Weidman mengintai Tavares di sekeliling sangkar dan mencuba yang terbaik untuk melawannya walaupun rodanya rosak. Tavares memenangi pertarungan yang sangat strategik dan bijak, mengecewakan seluruh orang ramai yang pro-Weidman mengharapkan persembahan semula keajaiban yang tidak pernah datang.

Marlon "Chito" Vera dan Pedro Munhoz membuka kad utama dengan urusan berat sebelah mempamerkan kesabaran Vera, ketajaman yang mencolok, dan teknik yang hampir sempurna. Munhoz menamatkan pertarungan di atas kakinya, tetapi dia mengalami banyak kerosakan muka sampai ke sana. Chito kekal pada jarak selamat untuk sebahagian besar pertarungan dan mengambil sedikit risiko dalam perjalanan untuk memenangi keputusan sebulat suaranya. Jangkauan dan kelajuan Vera nampaknya merupakan kelebihan paling berkesan yang dinikmatinya berbanding Munhoz yang lebih pendek dan gempal. Vera, membosankan kerana dia mungkin menonton pada masa-masa tertentu, membuktikan dia layak mendapat pukulan gelaran bantamweight sendiri.

Keputusan ketiga berturut-turut memberikan Mario Bautista kemenangan sebulat suara yang sangat kontroversi ke atas Da'Mon Blackshear. Bautista mengenepikan Blackshear dari segi kawalan tanah, tetapi Blackshear lebih tepat dalam pukulannya dan menghasilkan pukulan yang lebih ketara dalam sekerap featherweight. Saya pasti fikir dia sudah cukup untuk menang, tetapi para hakim tidak melihat pertarungan dengan cara yang sama dan memberikan pertandingan itu kepada Bautista.

Ian Garry dan Neil Magny bertembung seterusnya dalam pertandingan welterweight yang tidak sepadan. Magny menunjukkan semangat yang luar biasa untuk bangkit semula selepas setiap kekalahan, tetapi dia tidak dapat mengatasi sepakan kaki yang tidak putus-putus yang dilemparkan oleh Garry. Pengadil Keith Peterson hampir menghentikan pertarungan beberapa kali, tetapi Magny terus melakukan cukup untuk meneruskannya, melompat-lompat dengan sebelah kaki sekali-sekala. Pukulan Garry adalah tepat seperti permainan bual bualnya, membangkitkan semangat Nate Diaz dengan beberapa gerak isyarat tangan yang tepat pada masanya. Orang ramai meraikan penguasaannya yang berterusan dengan Garry memberitahu mereka tentang keinginannya untuk menjadi pejuang terbaik di muka bumi suatu hari nanti dalam ucapannya selepas pertarungan.. Magny perlu mencari jawapan kepada perjuangannya baru-baru ini jika dia mahu kekal relevan dalam UFC.

Weili Zhang dan Amanda Lemos bertanding dalam perebutan gelaran epik seterusnya. Lemos hampir memperoleh beberapa percubaan penyerahan yang ajaib, tetapi perebutan gelaran strawweight bertukar menjadi persoalan sama ada Lemos boleh bertahan atau tidak sehingga loceng akhir. Zhang mempamerkan bakatnya dalam semua bidang kepakarannya, dan Lemos hanya boleh berharap untuk menang melalui beberapa percubaan penyerahan Salam Mary yang ditepis Zhang.. Kelajuan Zhang, kuasa dan ketahanan mengatasi Lemos dan menyebabkan dia bergelut untuk mengelak daripada terhenti pada kebanyakan pusingan kemudian.. Entah bagaimana dia berjaya melakukannya, mengambil sejumlah besar kerosakan dalam perjalanannya. Zhang berjalan pergi sambil mengekalkan gelarannya, sangat menggembirakan peminat yang menyokongnya sepanjang perjuangan.

Akhirnya, acara utama tiba, baik selepas tengah malam. Sean O'Malley memasuki arena terlebih dahulu, dan orang ramai meletus. Ramai daripada mereka memakai rambut palsu hijau atau merah jambu untuk meniru rupa O'Malley. Sejujurnya O'Malley kelihatan sangat membatu, seolah-olah dia tidak tidur sepanjang malam sebelum acara itu. Aljamain Sterling memasuki sangkar dengan paduan suara ejekan yang cuba diremehkannya dengan mendorong orang ramai untuk mengejeknya lagi.

Pusingan pertama kebanyakannya merupakan persembahan gerak kaki daripada kedua-dua pejuang. Permainan kepala O'Malley mungkin berkesan pada Sterling, kerana dia berjanji dalam temu bual pra-pertarungan dia akan memperoleh TKO pusingan pertamanya sendiri. Daripada bergantung pada kekuatan terbesarnya, gustinya, Sterling mahu menewaskan O'Malley pada permainannya sendiri. Itu ternyata strategi yang salah, satu fakta yang akhirnya Sterling sedar apabila dia berada di pihak yang salah dalam TKO itu. Terdapat sedikit percubaan untuk menjatuhkan O'Malley, dan kesemuanya telah disumbat sepenuhnya. Sterling terlipat dan jatuh ke atas kanvas selepas terkena pukulan balas O'Malley pada awal pusingan kedua. Selebihnya adalah sejarah apabila O'Malley menutup "pertunjukan Suga" dengan beberapa pukulan ala McGregor.

Kedua-dua pejuang memberikan ucapan selepas pertarungan yang hebat, benar untuk membentuk. Sterling bermurah hati dalam kekalahan dan menunjukkan rasa hormatnya kepada O'Malley yang berusaha mencapai impiannya. Memandangkan Sterling mengkritik O'Malley sebelum berjuang untuk menjadi projek haiwan kesayangan Dana White dan tidak layak mendapat gelaran, ia adalah mea culpa yang besar. Juga, jika memang semua tentang disenangi oleh En. White, O'Malley mungkin telah menandai Baldfather dengan menunjukkan dia ingin melawan Boxer Gervonta Davis lebih daripada mana-mana pejuang UFC sebenar.

Sebagai satu-satunya pejuang Dana White Contender Series kedua yang mendapat gelaran dunia, O'Malley pastinya boleh memanggil tembakannya sendiri sedikit sebanyak, tetapi crossover tinju adalah subjek yang sangat sensitif berikutan Francis Ngannou baru-baru ini membuat gelombang untuk menarik diri daripada kontrak UFC dan mendaftar untuk perlawanan tinju heavyweight dengan Tyson Fury yang akan mengatasi pendapatan UFC kerjayanya sebanyak satu batu.. Hanya Conor McGregor yang dapat meyakinkan pemain UFC untuk menyertai pertarungan silang ke dalam tinju setakat ini. Dana White telah membatalkan sepenuhnya rancangan tentatif untuk mencipta "Zuffa Boxing" untuk menjelaskan pejuangnya yang ingin meniru profil McGregor, rekod prestasi kewangan dan keberanian berani yang memberinya peluang untuk melawan Floyd Mayweather dalam pertarungan pameran.

Selalunya, untuk mendapatkan perhatian dan penghormatan Dana White, pejuang hanya perlu menjual diri mereka cukup untuk itu untuk diterjemahkan ke dalam barangan besar-besaran dan jualan tiket yang dihasilkan daripada buzz mereka. Sama seperti WWE, persona besar dan watak yang berwarna-warni sering memenangi peluang dalam UFC berbanding atlet yang hanya menumpukan pada set kemahiran fizikal mereka. Penyerang amat digemari, kerana mereka menyampaikan standard kecemerlangan UFC yang tersirat "mempamerkan pertunjukan" yang dikenakan ke atas setiap pejuang yang melangkah ke dalam sangkar. Ia adalah gaya pengurusan dan kepimpinan lobak merah dan tongkat yang memperbodohkan pejuang untuk berfikir lebih baik untuk kerjaya mereka untuk sentiasa tampil ke hadapan dengan sedikit kebimbangan terhadap pertahanan dan mengambil risiko yang besar untuk menjadi lebih menarik dan menghiburkan daripada yang mereka perlukan untuk memenangi pertarungan tertentu.

Kini kanak-kanak O'Malley ini mengaku mahu menjadi seperti Dana sendiri, cukup selesa dari segi kewangan untuk bertaruh $250,000 setiap tangan poker. Bakat paling istimewa sebelum O'Malley menggunakan persona bintangnya yang semakin meningkat untuk membina jenama namanya sendiri dan membeli syarikat wiskinya sendiri. Dia mempunyai sebuah kapal layar dan sebuah Lamborghini, dan dia masih menjadi pejuang yang paling banyak diperkatakan dan dipanggil sebagai pejuang dalam organisasi walaupun selepas kalah dalam pertarungan berat sebelah dengan Dustin Poirier dan diketepikan kerana patah kaki selama beberapa tahun.. Hakikat bahawa O'Malley boleh menyedari dan menghayati bahawa dia mungkin tidak akan sampai ke tahap Conor tanpa pertarungan silang yang besar dalam tinju bercakap banyak tentang di mana UFC berada hari ini.

Ia adalah jenis perkembangan yang saya perlu ketawa mengetahui betapa sukarnya untuk membawa semua gaji pejuang dan isu kontrak ke mahkamah tanpa tentera peguam untuk menghadapi pasukan undang-undang yang hebat UFC. Satu tentera undang-undang sebegitu baru-baru ini mendapatkan kebenaran untuk meneruskan tuntutan mahkamah anti-amanah tindakan kelas bagi pihak lebih 1,200 bekas pejuang UFC. Hakim dalam kes itu nampaknya sudah berpihak kepada plaintif. Reaksi terhadap pensijilan tuntutan mahkamah tindakan kelas UFC: Apa yang berlaku, dan apa yang seterusnya? (msn.com)

Setiap kali organisasi berhadapan dengan statistik yang menunjukkan bahagian hasil untuk pesilat adalah kecil berbanding sukan utama lain dengan persatuan pemain, tindak balas biasanya sesuatu kepada kesan: “Kami telah menghasilkan begitu ramai jutawan. Pejuang kita baik-baik saja, dan mereka semua mendapat banyak peluang kewangan dengan kemasyhuran yang telah kami bantu mereka capai."

Sebagai pakar dalam sejarah kewangan UFC dan ahli penonton di UFC 292, Saya tidak dapat mengelak daripada menghadapi realiti bahawa begitu ramai wartawan "UFC Nut-hugger" mendapat semua faedah sampingan daripada keistimewaan akhbar kerana mereka bermain dengan baik dengan mentaliti "Mitos Zuffa" itu. Orang yang meletakkan UFC pada peta secara subliminal menggoda penyokong mereka dengan akses dan janji kemasyhuran dan peluang, dan pejuang dan ahli media sama-sama terjebak dalam teater pengurusan seperti itu. Seterusnya, anda tidak berakhir dengan banyak pelaporan penyiasatan dalam kalangan media MMA, dan pejuang yang bertanya banyak soalan dan menuntut syarat kontrak yang lebih baik tidak ditandatangani semula atau disediakan dengan perlawanan pertarungan utama.

Keputusan acara utama mengambil masa untuk benar-benar menjelaskan isu bagi saya tentang bagaimana UFC sentiasa mengekalkan fokus pada keupayaan mereka yang sepatutnya mencipta bintang hebat hanya dengan membenarkan pejuang menandatangani sebarang kontrak dengan organisasi. Sebilangan orang yang bersetuju bahawa kes itu akan mengatakan bahawa ia adalah keupayaan organisasi untuk melihat bakat yang mencukupi dalam O'Malley untuk meletakkannya dalam Siri Penantang Dana White yang membawa kepada peningkatan yang menakjubkan untuk kemasyhuran juara baharu itu.. Sudah tentu, O'Malley tidak akan berada di Boston malam Sabtu jika dia tidak pernah menyertai organisasi itu. Walau bagaimanapun, terdapat banyak pejuang DWCS yang tidak mendapat peluang UFC lagi kerana mereka kalah dalam pertarungan peringkat permulaan itu. O'Malley terpaksa menang dan terus menang untuk berada di tempatnya pada malam Sabtu.

Apa yang saya maksudkan: Pengikut kultus Sean O'Malley dan keyakinan diri yang luar biasa adalah hasil perjuangan peribadinya untuk menjadi seseorang yang istimewa dengan potensi tanpa had dan bakat yang menakjubkan. Dia tidak akan pernah berada dalam perbualan untuk mendapatkan gelaran jika dia tidak menghabiskan masa yang tidak terperi di gimnasium untuk menjadi lebih baik.. UFC tidak mencipta Sean O'Malley, mereka hanya memberinya platform untuk menunjukkan jenis pejuang yang dia boleh. Dan semasa dia menikmati kehebatan bintang UFC akan menghargai diri mereka sendiri, O'Malley perlu tahu satu-satunya cara dia boleh memaksimumkan potensi pendapatannya adalah dengan mengatasi organisasi itu sendiri. Dia perlu melampaui sempadan kewangan mereka yang terhad kepada sukan di mana bahagian hasil adalah lebih baik dan lelaki seperti Francis Ngannou boleh membuat lebih banyak dalam satu pertarungan daripada yang dia buat sepanjang karier UFC..

Jadi, Jika Dana White benar-benar menjadikan Sean O'Malley sebagai projek peliharaannya seperti yang dicadangkan oleh Aljamain Sterling, dia melakukan kerja yang hebat. Malangnya, raksasa yang diciptanya mungkin akan kembali menggigitnya dalam jangka masa panjang. Satu lagi kad tinju yang dipromosikan bersama UFC akan menyebabkan terlalu ramai pekerja mereka cuba mengambil laluan yang sama dan tertanya-tanya mengapa rakan kecil Dana mendapat semua rehat dan faedah. Veteran dan pendatang baru mungkin akan melihat mana-mana Davis vs. Perlawanan tinju O'Malley sebagai pengakuan oleh kepimpinan mereka bahawa UFC tidak boleh membayar pejuang mereka cukup untuk menahan mereka di dalam sangkar.

“Nak, anda tidak tahu berapa banyak wang yang anda akan buat,” Dana White memberitahu O’Malley selepas kemenangan itu menurut temu bual O'Malley baru-baru ini. Saya membayangkan dalam kepalanya, Dana menghabiskan pemikiran itu dengan “kami.”

Ken Shamrock’s Valor Bare Knuckle Boxing Returns April 22nd in Miami

Ken Shamrock.jpg
RENO, Nev. (Januari 31, 2022) – Ken Shamrock’s Valor Bare Knuckle (ValorBK) Boxing returns to action April 22, 2022, with “real bare-knuckle fights,” featuring thrilling bouts between professional fighters, often matching mixed-martial-arts fighters versus boxers, at the James L. Knight Center in Miami.

ValorBK, presented by Valor Sports Inc. and Ken Shamrock, showcases all-action, unfettered entertainment by fierce fighters stepping into the Bout Circle. ValorBK brings forth the world’s first true Bare-Knuckle competition, setting the industry standard for both fighters and fans.
Shamrock, universally known in combat sports as “The World’s Most Dangerous Man,” is a living legend and industry pioneer who is responsible for accelerating some of the most successful companies, brands, and movements in the last two decades of combat sports.
Best known for his participation in the Ultimate Fighting Championships (UFC), Pride Fighting Championships, the World Wrestling Federation (WWF), Total Nonstop Wrestling Action, and Pancrase, Shamrock is taking Valor Bare Knuckle to the forefront of contemporary combat sports.

“ValorBK is a lifelong vision realized after decades of global competition at the highest level across various combat sports,” Shamrock said. “With the innovation of the Bout Circle and our unique rulesets, ValorBK will take the industry by storm. No gloves, no ropes, no cages, no dirty boxing, is a concept born in part out of competition and is perfect for the next phase of combat sports.

“‘Stand them up’ was a theme I heard throughout my career. I know what fans want to see and what real fighters want to do. Our first event was the proof. ValorBK will be the platform to disrupt bare-knuckle boxing while also enhancing the great sport of boxing by developing a generation of skilled fighters tilted towards action. We are pleased to announce our return and hope you tune in for more big updates.”

Due to a restructuring and COVID-19 restrictions, ValorBK has been regrouping since its inaugural event, September 20, 2019, di 4 Bears Casino in Newtown, North Dakota. (ValorBK1 replay available to watch at https://valorbk.com/events/)

ValorBK 2 matchups, as well as viewing and ticket information, are coming soon.

Valor Bare Knuckle LOGO-05.png


Laman web : valorbk.com, kenshamrock.com
Facebook: /valorbk, /worldsmostdangerousman
Twitter: @ValorBK, @ShamrockKen
Instagram: @valorbk, @kenshamrockofficial
TikTok: @kensharmrockwmdm

ABOUT VALOR BARE KNUCKLE: ValorBK is a well-organized TRUE bare-knuckle professional sport that was founded by Ken Shamrock, UFC & Wrestling Hall of Famer.

Valor Hanya Knuckle (ValorBK) is founded upon a “By a fighter for the fighters” principle.

ValorBK™ is committed to preserving the purity of bare-knuckle boxing and passing that immersive experience to the audience by showcasing the God-given talents of fighters worldwide through safer, but faster, and more exhilarating bare-knuckle bouts.

Valor Sports Inc is a media-based technology company that creates exciting sports entertainment content in part by securing and promoting combat sports events.

UFC #1 Ranked Featherweight Max Holloway Becomes CHERRY BO2MB® Business Partner


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LAS VEGAS, NV.CHERRY BO2MB and UFC #1 Ranked Featherweight Max Holloway, fresh off his Saturday night main event victory, has joined the team as a business partner.

Holloway (23-6), who took care of Yair Rodriguez on Saturday night, will become one of the faces of CHERRY BO2MB®, the leading brand in cognitive enhancers that improves memory, creativity, motivation and enhances brain neuron oxygenation. CHERRY BO2MB®is a BSCG certified drug-free powder supplement that when added to water becomes a brain-stimulating nutritional beverage designed for all ages wanting to think smarter, react faster and perform better. Whether you are an elite athlete, a weekend warrior in any sport, a student immersed in studies or an employee who needs to have sharp focus to get the job done, this product is for you.

To be a champion and perform at the highest level, the mind must be incredibly sharp to make split-second decisions, process information and think ahead of the competition.

“CHERRY BO2MB®is a great supplement to my daily training program not only for getting me ready for my next test in the Octagon, but also for improving my reaction times for my gaming career,” said Holloway.


CHERRY BO2MB® is more than just an average energy drink: it is a powerful and complete dietary supplement packed with essential vitamins, minerals amino acids and nutritional 27 extracts to promote a healthy mind and healthy body.

CHERRY BO2MB® provides amino acids, minerals, botanicals and essential nutrients to maintain your brain and body at optimum performance. We use ingredients that have been clinically proven in independent studies to increase your mental alertness, clarity and focus; to give you give you more energy; and to last longer than most other energy drinks.

CHERRY BO2MB® helps the body and the brain work together smoothly. The amino acids in CHERRY BO2MB® contribute directly to the proper functioning of the brain’s neurotransmitters, which are responsible for sending signals to the rest of the body. The vitamins and minerals in CHERRY BO2MB® keep muscles and organs functioning properly.

CHERRY BO2MB® is the first, and ONLY, energy shot featuring an oxygen-charged component to help promote energy production. Oxygen is the key to all metabolic energy. And with the brain demanding more than 25% of the oxygen we breathe, oxygen is at the heart of memory and mental acuity (sharpness) and alertness. Our powerful blend of nutritional ingredients assists in the breakdown of the magnesium oxide blend which releases oxygen to be absorbed into the bloodstream. No other energy drink contains our powerful nutritional blend for complete body and mind health and wellness. Because it’s in a water-soluble powered blend, we’ve eliminated unhealthy preservatives, stabilizers and coloring chemicals. We deliver pure nutrition in a delicious formula.

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/cherrybo2mb/

Paradigm Sports Signs UFC Strawweight Mackenzie Dern

#6 UFC Strawweight Mackenzie Dern signs with Paradigm Sports

Irvine, SEPERTI (Jun 22, 2021) Paradigm Sports is proud to announce its full-service representation of mixed martial arts (MMA) star Mackenzie Dern.

Dern is the current #6 ranked UFC Strawweight, and has been steadily climbing the rankings with a 4-fight win streak. Dern boasts an impressive professional record of 11-1, her most recent win being a first round submission over Nina Nunes in April.

On signing with Paradigm Sports, Dern said: “I’m excited for the next phase of my career and working with Paradigm. I really feel that, sebagai satu pasukan, we will reach my full potential as a fighter inside and outside of the cage!"

Paradigm Sports Senior Vice President, Tim Simpson, dinyatakan: “We are thrilled to welcome Mackenzie into the Paradigm Sports family. She is a phenomenal athlete and one with championship potential. On behalf of our whole team, it is an honor to partner with her and her family, and we look forward to helping her build upon the successful career she has already begun.”

Paradigm Sports is a full-service management agency that has set itself apart as a multi-platform sports business and media company that handles the careers of a global roster of elite combat sports athletes, including Conor McGregor, Israel Adesanya, Michael Page and Cris Cyborg.


KlikDI SINI untuk Foto dari Amanda Westcott / SHOWTIME

MIAMI(Jun 4, 2021) – Social media superstar and undefeated pro boxerJake “The Problem Child” Paul faced off with his next opponent, five-time UFC championTyron Woodley, at the historic 5ke- Street Gym in Miami on Thursday ahead of their highly anticipated summer showdown on SHOWTIME PPV.

Here is what Paul and Woodley had to say following their heated stare down in Miami:


“I told him I’ll pay you double your purse if you beat me. But if you lose, you have to pay your purse to my charity. He lacks confidence. Why wouldn’t you take that bet as a fighter if you knew you were going to win? To make double the money? This is the biggest pay day of your life and you can make double? Put your money where your mouth is.

“He’s a good striker. He’s known for knocking people out. But I think when I beat Tyron, people have to put respect on my name. But that’s not what I’m here for to be honest. I already know how good I am. I know that this is going to be another easy fight. That’s why SHOWTIME is in business with me. Anda sedang melihat masa depan tinju.

“He’s not as good as me and he’s playing catch-up. We see holes in his whole entire game and he has try to learn how to box. He’s stiff. Muscles don’t fight and he’s going to be out of his element. This is boxing. This isn’t MMA. You can’t learn how to box in this amount of time. Now we’re going to show him the reins. The Disney kid is going to beat up the five-time UFC champion of the world. It’s going to be hilarious.

“I haven’t even shown my fighting abilities at all. I haven’t even made it past two rounds in my professional career. I haven’t been hit in the face. Nobody can even see if I have a chin or my inside fighting game. I haven’t even warmed up yet. And by the way, I’m the type of fighter that gets better the longer the fight goes on. I get better in sparring so I haven’t even been able to warm up and I’m excited to show my ability if he can make it out of the first round.

“I’ve predicted every single one of my fights. I said Ben Askren, pusingan pertama. I said Nate Robinson, pusingan pertama. He got to the second. I said in my first pro fight, pusingan pertama. I don’t think Tyron will make it out of two rounds. You might not even get to see my boxing abilities in this fight to be honest.”


“I’ve always wanted to box my whole life but never did it. This is my opportunity. This is a kid that’s a power-puncher. He’s got a lot of strength behind him. This is going to be a big platform to showcase what I can do in a boxing ring. And he’s a fighter. Dia boleh melawan. Pada akhir hari, you can watch him and the timing, the rhythm and the footwork is there.

“He hasn’t fought very long. But the little action that I have seen was clean. Good defense. Nate was rushing him, he protected himself and he came out of his shell and cracked him.

“He’s trying to downplay his ability. He’s a fighter. Don’t let him play you by saying, ‘I’m just a YouTuber.’ Last week, he was a fighter. When he was saying nobody wanted to fight him, he was a fighter. You’re not a YouTuber anymore. You’re not on Disney. It’s been a long time since he was on Disney. That’s like me saying I’m just a collegiate wrestler and I don’t punch people.

“I just want to have fun. I want to train hard. I want to get better. I want to go out there and do things on my terms and be the one to call the shots. I want to go out there and make history. I always make history. I may not always get the credit for it but I’m always the first. Fighters always hit me up asking what they should do, what they’re doing wrong. Now it’s time for me to go do it myself.”

Mercedes-Benz Stadium in Atlanta To Host Triller Fight Club’s 2021 Kickoff Event on April 17, the PPV Boxing Card Headlined by Jake Paul and Ben Askren

iNDemand is Exclusive North American Cable, Satellite & Telco Pay-Per-View Distributor; FITE to Handle Live Global Digital Streaming and Power TrillerFightClub.com

Atlanta and Los Angeles, Mac 8, 2021 - Triller Fight Club today announced that Mercedes-Benz Stadium in Atlanta, Georgia, will be the home for TFC’s inaugural event of 2021, the April 17 boxing Pay-Per-View card headlined by Jake Paul dan Ben Askren. This will be the first-ever fighting event at one of the most dynamic venues in the world, which was the home of Super Bowl LIII.

iNDemand, the leading transactional video-on-demand and PPV programming provider in North America, will serve as the exclusive U.S. and Canadian cable, satelit, and telco PPV provider for the event. Fans will be able to order the event on PPV through their existing cable, satellite and telco PPV providers, including Xfinity, Spectrum, Contour, DirecTV, AT&T TV, Dish, Fios, and Optimum (U.S.), as well as Rogers, Bell, Shaw, Videotron, and Sasktel (Kanada). FITE, the premier PPV digital platform will handle worldwide live pay-per-view streaming distribution online, and via FITE mobile and Smart TV apps, game controllers and all major OTT devices as well as power TrillerFightClub.com.

The suggested PPV retail price for the event is $49.99 (A.S.. & Kanada). Fans outside North America can check the FITE link at https://www.fite.tv/watch/jake-paul-vs-ben-askren/2p8y0/ for international pricing.

The four-hour show, which will kick off at 8pm ET with the live PPV main card starting at 9pm ET, will also feature an exciting undercard of fights that will be announced shortly. Triller Fight Club is a partnership between Triller and Snoop Dogg and is spearheaded by Ryan Kavanaugh.

“Our vision of big fights, big entertainment and world class events can only fit into a world class venue, and Mercedes-Benz Stadium fits that vision,” said Kavanaugh. “April 17th will have an element of surprise and action for everyone, from music fans to the casual and diehard fight fan. The way we will present the night in this state-of-the-art venue will continue to redefine consumer engagement for a global consumer, with world class partners like iNDemand and FITE joining us not just for this event, but for the others we will have in 2021 and beyond.”

“Mercedes-Benz Stadium will continue to be the place where sports and entertainment’s biggest events are held, and we welcome Triller Fight Club for this special event,"Kata Tim Zulawski, Chief Revenue Officer for AMB Sports and Entertainment. “We look forward to showcasing our stadium to the global audience that Ryan and his team are building, and are proud to be a part of this historic night of boxing and entertainment.”

Mercedes-Benz Stadium serves as the home stadium of the Atlanta Falcons of the National Football League (NFL) and Atlanta United of Major League Soccer (MLS). One of the most acclaimed venues in the world, the Stadium has hosted the College Football Playoff National Championship in 2018, MLS All-Star Game and some of the biggest music and entertainment events in addition to its NFL and MLS tenants. There will be no public sale of tickets for the event. A very limited number of fans and guests will be selected to join in the live event, with details to be announced in the coming weeks, and everything will be subject to stringent local, state and federal protocols due to COVID 19.

“We’re thrilled to be working with Triller again after the incredible success of our Tyson vs. Jones Jr. PPV event last November—it was one of the best-selling PPV events of all time,"Kata Mark Boccardi, iNDemand’s SVP, Pengaturcaraan & Marketing. “2021 is going to be a great year for the Pay-Per-View event category, and we know that Jake Paul and Ben Askren will put on an exciting main event on April 17th.”

Triller Fight Club has already reinvented the fight sport presentation genre, and we are excited to be a part of bringing this event to a global audience,” berkata Michael Weber, COO of FITE. “Triller and FITE are the perfect pair to deliver a flawless, no-filler fan experience worthy of this moment.

The April 17th card will be Triller Fight Club’s first in a series of 2021 special events, following the debut record setting Tyson vs. Jones Jr. PPV fight in 2020, which shattered all digital fight PPV records and became the eighth most successful fight PPV in history. This event will feature Jake Paul taking on former Bellator and ONE Championship champion Ben Askren in the headline matchup of the night. Paul, whose boxing debut against former professional athlete Nate Robinson set all kinds of records for fan engagement, will face Askren, who transitions to boxing after an MMA record of nineteen wins and two losses, six knockouts and six submissions. Askren made his professional MMA debut in 2009 against Josh Flowers where he won by TKO in the first round. As a former Bellator Champion, ONE Championship Champion, PAN American Champion in freestyle wrestling, two-time NCAA wrestling champion for Missouri and two-time winner of The Dan Hodge Trophy, Askren joins Triller’s Fight Club with a significant amount of experience in the ring.

In addition to being a co-owner, Snoop also provides strategic counsel to Triller Fight Club, helping to select fighters and musical acts for the show-stopping events. An entertainment expert who has successfully maneuvered through a range of projects in a variety of different fields, Snoop secured his spot as a fan favorite during Triller’s first sporting event, Tyson vs. Jones.


TV: Cable, satelit & telco PPV providers, including Xfinity, Spectrum, Contour, DirecTV, AT&T TV, Dish, Fios, and Optimum (U.S.), as well as Rogers, Bell, Shaw, Videotron, and Sasktel (Kanada).

Worldwide Streaming: FITE.TV and all FITE mobile, Smart TV, game controller and OTT apps as well as the event microsite hub: TrillerFightClub.




LOS ANGELES – Bellator officials today announced that the eagerly anticipated promotional debut of Liz Carmouche (13-7) will take place on Friday, Mei 29 at Pechanga Resort Casino in Temecula, Calif. against undefeated SBG Ireland’s flyweight prospect Mandy Böhm (6-0, 1 NC).

Tiket untuk Bellator 243: Carmouche vs. Böhm go on sale March 13 di 3 petang. PT and are available at the Pechanga box office, sertaBellator.com, Ticketmaster.com dan Pechanga.com.

The event will be broadcast live Friday, Mei 29 pada Paramount Network dan DAZN di 10 petang. ET/9 p.m. CT, while preliminary action will stream on Bellator’s MMA YouTube channel. Serangan tambahan akan diumumkan dalam beberapa minggu akan datang.

A United States Marine Corps veteran and established flyweight competitor, Carmouche joined Bellator’s women’s flyweight division this past December following a six-year run in UFC – a tenure that includes world title bouts in both the bantamweight and flyweight divisions, as well as notable wins over Katlyn Chookagian and Jessica Andrade.

Fighting out of San Diego, the 36-year-old Team Hurricane Awesome-product also formerly competed for Strikeforce, notching a pair of victories with the promotion. She also earned a win over Valentina Shevchenko earlier in her career. Prior to “Girl-Rilla’s” days as a professional athlete, the Lafayette, Louisiana-native spent five years serving as an aviation electrician in the United Stated Marine Corps, where she completed three tours of duty in the Middle East.

Fresh off a flyweight title victory on the regional MMA scene last May, Mandy Böhm is ready to bring her undefeated mark as a professional to the highest levels of the sport when she meets former two-division title challenger Liz Carmouche on May 29. Hailing from Germany, but training under the tutelage of John Kavanagh at SBG Ireland in Dublin, “Monster” is a force to be reckoned with on the feet, but showcased her strong submission skills when she handed top Canadian prospect Jade Masson-Wong the first loss of her career in 2019.

Dikemaskini Bellator 243: Carmouche vs. Böhm Fight Card:

Flyweight Main Event: Liz Carmouche (13-7) vs. Mandy Böhm (6-0, 1 NC)



UNTUK SIARAN SEGERA: Orono, Maine (Februari 28, 2020) - New England Melawan (NEF) will present its next mixed-martial-arts (MMA) event at the Collins Center for the Arts on the University of Maine’s flagship Orono campus. Acara ini, titled “NEF 43: Mengamuk,” will take place on Saturday, April 18, 2020, with a bell-time of 7 pm EDT. Awal hari ini, the fight promotion announced the addition of an amateur flyweight bout to the card. Caleb “Dr. Feelgood” Austin (4-0) akan menghadapi James Ploss (1-2) at a fight weight of 125 pound.

The bout will be a rematch of the first fight between Austin and Ploss that took place three years prior in April 2017 at “NEF 28.” Austin was declared the winner of that first contest, but not without controversy. Seconds into the first round, Ploss had a tight guillotine choke applied to Austin. Austin tapped out, but the referee was out of position to see the tap. Ploss released Austin from the hold, thinking he had won the fight. The referee, to Ploss’ bewilderment, ordered the fight to continue. As Ploss tried to make sense of the situation, Austin took him down and finished the fight moments later by technical knockout.

In the days that followed, many were critical of Austin on social media. The matter seemed to die down after a few days, only to be brought back to the forefront with a vengeance late last year when former UFC and WEC star Mike Brown (26-9) shared the clip on Twitter as an example of “fighting until the referee tells you to stop.” Suddenly, the fight received global attention from major online news sources likeBloody ElbowMMA JunkieThe Athletic, danUnderground.

The first fight with Ploss was Caleb Austin’s amateur MMA debut. He was 18-years-old at the time and still a senior at Mountain Valley High School in Rumford, Maine. Austin was a standout wrestler in high school, putting together a record of 208-11 over four years and winning state titles at 126 pounds his junior and senior years. He was named the 2017 “Wrestler of the Yearby the Lewiston Sun Journal. After graduation, Austin continued his wrestling career at the University of Southern Maine, but he took the next two years off from MMA competition. He returned last summer and has won three fights in a row since he made his comeback. Austin currently represents Central Maine Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (CMBJJ) di Lewiston, Maine.

“I’m excited to finally be able to fight James again to gain some closure,” said Austin of the rematch with Ploss. “My MMA debut has haunted me since it happened almost three years ago. I’m thankful to James and his team for giving me this opportunity to get back in there with him. I’ve wanted this for a long time and I promise to make the most of the moment. When I exit the cage this time, it will be without question or controversy—it will end definitively.”

James Ploss went on to fight two more times in 2017 and has not competed since. He is a member of Greg Williams’ Team Kaze based in Lancaster, New Hampshire. Like Austin, Ploss will be looking for closure to the outcome of their first encounter.

“I’m grateful for a rematch with Caleb,” said Ploss. “Reflecting, I have pondered the question, ‘Am I better than Caleb or is he better than me?’ This is the perfect chance to find out—a second chance for us both to give it our all and see who comes out on top giving the fans, MMA community, and both of us the rematch we all want! 18 April, we both test ourselves.”

Melawan New England’ next mixed-martial-arts event, “NEF 43: Mengamuk,” will take place on Saturday, April 18, 2020, at the Collins Center for the Arts at UMaine Orono. Tiket-tiket boleh dijual sekarang diwww.CollinsCenterfortheArts.com.  

Mengenai Melawan New England

Melawan New England ("NEF") adalah acara promosi syarikat perjuangan. NEF’s mission is to create the highest quality events for fighters and fans alike. Pasukan eksekutif NEF ini mempunyai pengalaman yang luas dalam pengurusan sukan tempur, pengeluaran acara, hubungan media, pemasaran, undang-undang dan pengiklanan.


HONOLULU - On the same night as Bellator dan USO Hadir: Salut Pasukan, Bellator is proud to announce the signing of United States Marine Corps veteran and established flyweight competitor Liz Carmouche (13-7) kepada pelbagai tahun eksklusif, kontrak berbilang perjuangan.

Carmouche joins Bellator’s women’s flyweight division following a six-year run in UFC – a tenure that includes world title bouts in both the bantamweight and flyweight divisions, as well as notable wins over Katlyn Chookagian and Jessica Andrade.

Fighting out of San Diego, the 35-year-old Team Hurricane Awesome-product also formerly competed for Strikeforce, notching a pair of victories with the promotion. She earned an additional win over Valentina Shevchenko earlier in her career.

Prior to her days as a professional athlete, the Lafayette, Louisiana-native spent five years serving as an aviation electrician in the United Stated Marine Corps, where she completed three tours of duty in the Middle East. A longtime friend and teammate of Hawaii’s own Ilima-Lei Macfarlane, “Girl-Rilla” finally has the opportunity to compete alongside Bellator women’s flyweight world champion in an already-stacked 125-pound division.

Carmouche’s promotional debut will take place early 2020 in the flyweight division, which is championed by her training partner, Ilima-lei Macfarlane, who headlines Bellator 236on DAZN tomorrow night in Honolulu, Hawaii. The division also features Macfarlane’s opponent Kate Jackson, as well as other top athletes competing this weekend in Hawaii, Termasuk Juliana Velasquez, Veta Arteaga, Bruna Ellen dan Alejandra Lara.

Heavyweight Alex “The Great” Flores looking ahead to Nov. 7 return headlining RJJ Boxing on UFC FIGHT PASS®

AT 10 Kepala kantor pos. E.T. / 7 Kepala kantor pos. P.T.

LAS VEGAS (November 4, 2019) – California heavyweight and former World Boxing Council (WBC) World Youth champion, Alex “The Great” Bunga, will be looking ahead, not in the past, when he enters the ring November 7 terhadap Mario “Chabelo” Heredia, headlining the latest instalment of RJJ Boxing on UFC FIGHT PASS®. kepada

Flores vs. Heredia, promoted by Roy Jones Jr. (RJJ) Promosi Tinju, be streamed live and exclusively on UFC FIGHT PASS, the world’s leading digital subscription service for combat sportsfrom Casino Del Sol’s outdoor AVA Amphitheater in Tucson, Arizona at 10 petang. DAN / 7 petang. PT.

In his last fight this past December, the 29-year-old Flores (17-2-1, 15 KOs) lost a controversial fight to former world champion Joseph Parker in New Zealand, in which Parker struck Flores numerous times below the belt, leading to a knockout.

“Saya rasa baik,” Flores said during a break from training camp. “I’m focused and ready to step back in the ring. I’m over my last fight. The past is the past, I can’t go back in time. I’m more than ready and excited to step back in the ring November 7ke-.

My main focus is to win and get momentum going again. I always work hard for every fight. The only thing I switched up was buy an iron groin protector (he joked).”

Flores’s opponent in the 10-round main event is former WBC FECOMBOX championHeredia (16-7-1, 13 KOs), Mexico, who only two fights ago upset former WBC heavyweight world champion and Nigerian Olympian Samuel Peter dengan keputusan perpecahan.

Heredia is a cool, humble guy but also a very tough opponent,” knockout artist Flores added. “We were supposed to fight years ago, but it never happened. I’m preparing to beat him come November 7ke- and anticipating a victory with my hands raised in the air.

Undefeated Mexican welterweight Santiago “SomerDominguez (19-0, 15 KOs) battles tough Uzbekistan-native Ravshan Hudaynmazarov, yang merupakan 2007 World Military Games champion, for the vacant World Boxing Council (WBC) United States Silver welterweight title in the eight-round, co-featured event.

Undefeated California super middleweight Juan JoseJust BusinessBarajas (10-0, 7 KOs) makes his long awaited RJJ Boxing debut versus Phoenix boxer Fidel Hernandez(20-7-01, 11 KOs) dalam lapan bulat.

The UFC FIGHT PASS opener pits undefeated California super middleweight Juan JoseNazzyDominguez (11-1-1, 10 KOs) in his RJJ Boxing debut against Fidel Hernandez(20-7-1, 11 KOs), Phoenix, dalam pertarungan lapan pusingan.

Dominguezyounger brother, welterweight Marcos “NazzyDominguez (11-1-1, 10 KOs), will open the UFC FIGHT PASS live-steam versus unbeaten Tucson welterweightChristopher Gonzalez (5-0-1, 1KO) in yet another eight-round match.

Also fighting on the undercard in four-round bouts are Tucson flyweight BrianaAmenaza” Sanchez (2-0, 2 KOs) vs. Albuquerque, New Mexico’s pro-debuting Amanda Borg, and Arizona super flyweight Edriech Rosa (3-0, 3 KOs) vs. TBA.

Cards are subject to change.

Ticket are available for purchase online at www.casinodelsol.com and priced at the following: $10.00 (lawn), $15.00 (pavilion), $25.00 (gold), $75.00 (platinum) dan $100.00 (elite)..

Veteran, active-duty military and first responders can receive free lawn tickets or 50% off reserved seat tickets to Roy Jones Jr. Live Boxing on Nov. 7. For free lawn tickets, just show relevant ID day-of at the AVA gate. Discounted seat tickets can be purchased in advance at the Casino Del Sol gift shop or the AVA box office.

Pintu terbuka di 5:30 petang. MT, pertarungan pertama 6:30 petang. MT, and UFC FIGHT PASS starts at 8 petang. MT / 10 petang. DAN

To sign up for UFC FIGHT PASS, sila layari www.ufcfightpass.com


Laman web: http://www.RoyJonesJrBoxing.com, www.casinodelsol.com,www.ufc.tv/page/fightpass
Twitter: @RoyjonesJRfa, @RoyJonesJrOfficial, @UFCFightPass, @KeithVeltre, @CDSResort
Instagram: @RoyJonesJRboxing, @artofmusiclv, @rivalboxinggear, @UFCFightPass, @KeithVeltre, @casinodelsolresort
Facebook: /KeithVeltre, /UFCFightPass, /CasinoDelSol