Tag Archives: Tyson Fury


WBC Heavyweight Champion Fury & Former Heavyweight Champion Wilder Battle in Highly Anticipated Third Matchup Saturday, Júl 24 Live on Pay-Per-View from T-Mobile Arena in Las Vegas

Kliknite na tlačidlo TU for Photos from Mikey Williams/Top Rank via Getty Images

Kliknite na tlačidlo TU for Photos from Ryan Hafey/Premier Boxing Champions

Kliknite na tlačidlo TU for Photos from Sean Michael Ham/TGB Promotions

LOS ANGELES (Jún 15, 2021) – WBC Heavyweight World Champion Tyson “The Gypsy King” Fury and former longtime heavyweight champion Deontay "Bronze Bomber" Wilder squared off for a long and intense face-to-face stare down Tuesday in Los Angeles at a press conference to preview their highly anticipated third world title showdown taking place Saturday, Júl 24 from T-Mobile Arena in Las Vegas and live on pay-per-view.

Tickets are on sale now and can be purchased at www.t-mobilearena.com alebo www.axs.com. The event is promoted by Top Rank, BombZquad Promotions, TGB Promotions and Frank Warren’s Queensberry Promotions. Prezentácia Premier Boxing Champions.

Here is what the fighters and their trainers had to say Tuesday from The Novo by Microsoft at L.A. Živé:


“It was a crazy roller coaster toward this fight. I always say, ‘you’re never fighting someone, until you’re in the ring opposite them.’ It wasn’t hard for me to adjust to fighting Deontay Wilder again. It’s what I’m paid to do.

“I’m just always training and staying motivated. I’m happy to be living and here right now. I look forward to today. That’s how I manage everything. I’m a ‘living in the moment’ type of person.

“I hope Deontay brings something different for this fight. He needs to, if we’re facing facts. I hope he brings a challenge. Hopefully Malik Scott can bring the best out of Deontay Wilder.

“The beating from the last fight has had a physical, mental and emotional effect on his life. I was worried about him after the way I beat him.

“Deontay Wilder is a one-trick pony. He’s got great one-punch knockout power. I’m going to run him over like I’m an 18-wheeler. I guarantee he doesn’t go past where he did in the second fight. I’m looking for a big knockout straight away.

“He said all this stuff about bloodshed last time and we all know what happened last time. I’m going to keep it short and sweet today.”


“Enough has been said. It’s time to cut off his head. Come July the 24, there will be bloodshed. Get your tickets now and I’ll see you soon.

“A lot of things are going to be different in this fight. Júla 24, the world is going to see. We’re going to reveal everything we’ve been working on.

“I didn’t feel any way about Fury trying to negotiate another fight. We knew we were in the right and we knew they couldn’t run. Silence is golden.

“I’ve been happy and even happier in my time off. I’ve had time to spend with my family and now I’m rejuvenated and ready to go.

“I’ve been training non-stop during the pandemic and I’ve been building. All this time between fights is going to be good for me and bad for him. I’ve had nothing but time to progress.

“Whatever he does on July 24, we will have an answer for it. I’m training very hard and my mind is very violent. Som pripravený ísť."


“The amount of time me and Tyson have had together since joining forces hasn’t changed anything. Our chemistry has always been there. The only thing is, is that over that time, he now has the power to knock a man out with one punch.

“I’m glad he’s added that kind of power to go with his boxing skills and IQ. He now has the one-punch knockout power. He just needs to land that one punch.”

MALIK SCOTT, Wilderovou Trainer

“Deontay and I have always had a chemistry and a brotherhood between us. Before we talked about moving forward with me as his trainer, I wanted to make sure we had the same chemistry as trainer and fighter that we had with our brotherhood. Our chemistry as fighter and trainer by far passes it. I’m impressed with how he’s adapted.

“I believe that with a fighter like Deontay, who has naturally raw power, combined with my technically sound background, we just match well together.

“Deontay has made the mental adjustments. All I needed was a receptive athlete. He’s already made the adjustments to do whatever I need him to do in that ring.

“I only see this fight going one way. If you just let Fury do what he wants, he’ll do way more than what you want. I have no doubt that Deontay will become the two-time heavyweight champion of the world and it will come by knockout.”

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Wilder vs. Zúrte odvetu Hĺbkový náhľad a analýza

Podľa: Tony Penecale

Majstrovstvá v ťažkej váhe boli vždy najpozoruhodnejšou cenou v tomto športe. Za posledných pár rokov, záujem o prvých panovníkov sa zmenšil. To sa zmenilo vďaka vzrušujúcej sile Deontaya Wildera a charizmatickému prejavu Tysona Furyho.

Ich prvé stretnutie sa skončilo kontroverznou remízou, zistia, že opäť zdieľajú prsteň. Obaja muži s neporazenými rekordmi a iba jednou remízou (proti sebe) na ich hlavnej knihe.

Veľkí muži sa dostávajú do centra pozornosti nespornej ceny. „Bronzový bombardér“ a „Cigánsky kráľ“ .... Kto bude kraľovať?


Wilder:  Staroba:   34 rokov

Záznam:  42-0-1 (41 Vykrojenie)

Výška:  6„7“

Závažia:  219 * * Hmotnosť pre posledný zápas (11-23-19)

Dosiahnuť:  83"

Zúrivosť: Staroba:  31 rokov

Záznam:  29-0-1 (20 Vykrojenie)

Výška:  6„9“

Závažia:  254 * * Hmotnosť pre posledný zápas (9-14-19)

Dosiahnuť:  85"



WBC Heavyweight Champion (‘15 -Pres)


Šampión WBA v ťažkej váhe (‘15 – ‘16)

Šampión WBO v ťažkej váhe (‘15 – ‘16)

Šampión IBF v ťažkej váhe (‘15 – ‘16)

Šampión IBO v ťažkej váhe (‘15 – ‘16)

Priamy šampión v ťažkej váhe (‘15 -Pres)



Divoké hojdanie, často nedbalý bojovník s dlhými rukami a silou meniacou boj v oboch pästiach, Wilder rád nastavuje dostrel svojou olovenou rukou a sleduje ho rôznymi silovými údermi. Svoju silu si nesie neskoro do svojich bojov a je schopný kedykoľvek vyradiť knokaut.


Sebavedomý, sebaistý, a niekedy domýšľavý bojovník, Fury má pre tak veľkého bojovníka svižné pohyby a rýchlosť. Kombinuje dobrú prácu nôh s pohybom hornej časti tela a schopnosťou boxovať buď ortodoxne alebo ľavou labkou, udržiavanie súperov v nerovnováhe a zakladanie vlastného útočného útoku.


Wilder-Fury I: Fury otvoril zápas efektívnym pohybom, udržiavanie Wildera v nerovnováhe a neschopnosť pristáť nič významné. Wilder bol schopný pristáť niekoľko tvrdých úderov v 4th kolo, stekajúca krv z Furyho nosa. Fury strávil čas v prostredných kolách ako ľavá labka a našiel úspech. Wilder zaznamenal príklep v 9th kolo, ale následný útok ho unavil, umožnil Furymu získať späť hybnosť prostredníctvom 11th okrúhly. Pamätná 12th guľová píla Wilder prerazila a dopadla na kombináciu pravého a ľavého háku. Fury tvrdo spadol na plátno, plocho na chrbte. Úžasne vstal pri počte 9 a záverečné kolo skončilo outlanderom Wildera. Alejandro Rochin skóroval 115-111 Wilder, Robert Tapper skóroval 114-112 Zúrivosť, a Phil Edwards skóroval 113-113.



* Sila - detonácia na konci Wilderových pästí, predovšetkým je pravá ruka, je jadrových rozmerov. Zatiaľ čo jeho ľavá ruka nesie v sebe výrazný pop, je to Wilderova pravá ruka, ktorá sa považuje za možno najničivejší úder v boxe súčasnosti. Súboje môže ukončiť tak, že pravú ruku dopadne priamo do stredu, oblúkom cez vrchol, alebo rozdelenie krytu ako hák.

* Kondicionovanie - na začiatku svojej kariéry, keď v priebehu niekoľkých kôl ukončil všetky svoje boje, boli otázniky, či Wilder v ďalších kolách vybledne. Dokázal, že v posledných kolách dokáže rovnako tvrdo bojovať a je schopný knokautu až do záverečného zvonenia.

* Atletizmus - Wilder kombinuje vzácnu zmes veľkosti, rýchlosť, energie, a atletické schopnosti, pri ktorých je ľahké si predstaviť, že je dominantný v akomkoľvek type atletického prostredia.


* Pohyb - Pre muža s veľkosťou a stavbou tela, ktorá pripomína strieborného chrbta, Fury sa pohybuje s ladnosťou a svižnosťou baletky. Je ľahký na nohy a má pohyblivý pohyb v hornej časti tela, ktorý je pre niekoho tak veľkého nezvyčajný.

* Dôvera - Fury si je nanajvýš istý v seba a verí vo svoje schopnosti. V ringu prejavuje malý alebo žiadny strach. Jeho sebavedomá charizmatická povaha mu dáva psychologickú výhodu.

* Odolný - či už to bolo zliezanie z plátna proti Wilderovi, prekonanie hrozného zásahu proti Wallinovi, alebo bojovať proti depresii a zneužívaniu návykových látok, Fury preukázal tvrdosť a odolnosť, ktoré treba obdivovať.



* Sloppy - Wilder prejavuje toľko viery v jeho silu, že je často divoký a nedbalý svojimi údermi a chodidlami. V ringu vyzerá často veľmi amatérsky.

* Problémy s boxermi - Bojovníci, ktorí používajú dobrý pohyb a boxerské schopnosti, potrápia Wildera. Bojuje s nastavením svojich nôh a často je o krok pozadu. V oboch súbojoch sledoval Luisa Ortiza a bol prekonaný po väčšinu svojho prvého zápasu s Furym.

* Brada - Niekoľkokrát bol Wilder vážne skontrolovaný bradou, ukázal nejaké nedostatky na svojej trvanlivosti. Ortiz ho ťažko zranil a bol blízko vyraďovacej straty.


* Rozptýlenie - Fury miluje svoju novú slávu a hovorí o WWE a MMA. Rozišiel sa so svojím trénerom Benom Davidsonom a dorovnáva vlastné strely. Fury má tiež kúzla v ringu, kde stráca sústredenie a počas výpadku koncentrácie sa viackrát ocitol na plátne..

* Osobný život - sú dobre zdokumentované minulé osobné démony Fury s depresiou a zneužívaním návykových látok, spolu s priberaním na váhe 400 lbs. Zatiaľ čo jeho triumfy nad týmito démonmi sú obdivuhodné, trvalé fyzické účinky nemožno poprieť.

* Koža - Je to len päť mesiacov, čo Fury utrpel strašnú ranu cez pravé oko proti Otto Wallinovi, vyžadujúce 47 stehy. Zatiaľ čo lekári považovali rez za dostatočne uzdravený, jeho jemná pokožka sa mohla znovu otvoriť v najnevhodnejšom čase.


Wilder:  (11/23/19) - Wilder si opäť pripísal protiútok proti Luisovi Oritzovi. Potom, čo bol odoslaný do väčšiny prvých šiestich kôl, Wilder nasadil proti unavujúcemu Ortizovi a dopadol na rozdrvenú pravú ruku, ktorá vyústila do jedného úderu.


(9/14/19) - Fury prežil krvavé súboje s neporazeným, ale neznámym Ottom Wallinom. Fury utrpel podrezanie na pravom oku v 3rd okrúhle a krv jasne ovplyvňovala jeho videnie. Napriek postihnutiu, Fury akciu stále kontroloval a na ceste k rozhodujúcemu víťazstvu niekoľkokrát zranil Wallina.

3 Najlepších výkonov


* Arthur Pin (1/16/16) - Po skorom zaostávaní, Wilder prevzal vedenie v 4th kolo a začal sa usadzovať a kontrolovať akciu. Jedna pravá ruka v 9th kolo poslal Szpilku dole a v bezvedomí, the 2016 Knockout roka.

* Zlatý pohár (1/17/15) - Wilder odpovedal na otázky o svojej výdrži naplno 12 prvýkrát v kariére a získal v tomto procese titul WBC. Wilder využil svoj dlhý úder a udržal Stiverna na uzde so svojou podceňovanou sadou schopností.

* Luis Ortiz (3/3/18) - Wilder prežil niektoré strašidelné chvíle proti kubánskemu veteránovi, ktorému sa často vyhýbali, a zvíťazil o 10th okrúhly knokaut. Wildera trápili Ortizove boxerské schopnosti skôr, ako ho zrazil do lopty 5th okrúhly. Zhromaždenie Ortiz v 7th sa Wilder vážne zranil, ale Wilder sa o pár kôl dokázal preskupiť a vyradiť vyradenie.


*  Wladimir Klitschko (11/25/15) - Fury odišiel do Kličkovho dvora a jednomyseľným rozhodnutím vybojoval zjednotené a priame majstrovstvá v ťažkej váhe. Zatiaľ čo o zápas išlo o opatrnú záležitosť, Fury dokázal prekonať Kličko vynikajúcou prácou nôh, pohyb, a vyšší výkon úderu.

* Derek Chisora (11/29/14) - Fury dominoval v odvete so svojím britským rivalom, box z diaľky, prepínanie medzi pravoslávnymi a južnými labkami, a potrestal svojho protivníka, až kým roh neprerušil boj 10 jednostranné kolá.

* Deontay Wilder (12/1/18) - S výnimkou dvoch knockdownov a niekoľkých kurióznych hodnotení, Väčšinu zápasu mal Fury pod kontrolou. Vyhol sa Wilderovým úderom a dopadol na efektívne počítadlá, To, že Wilder vyzeral v tomto procese zmätený a nevyvážený.

KEYS k víťazstvu


* Využite jeho úder a vylúčte Furyho nepríjemný štýl

* Udržujte jeho silové údery krátke a kompaktné

* Nenechajte sa hypnotizovať Furyho pohybom hornej časti tela


* Zmeňte tempo a nechajte Wildera hádať

* Bočným pohybom zabráňte Wilderovi v nastavení nôh

* Nenechajte sa nafúknuť proti lanám



* Dokáže Wilder zvládnuť Furyho neortodoxný pohyb?

* Will Wilder zamestná lepší herný plán?

*  Bude Wilder frustrovaný?


* Bude sa Fury príliš snažiť o knokaut??

* Je Fury úplne zameraný na box?? 

* Je jeho porezané oko náchylné na reinjury?


Obaja bojovníci sú výnimoční herci a ich príslušné vchody do ringu budú dav ohurovať. Elektrina bude pri horúčke pri úvodnom zvonení. S ich familiárnosťou, proces precítenia bude menší ako pri ich prvom stretnutí. Fury bude v strehu pri postupe vpred a Wilder sa pokúsi načasovať jeho postup a dopadnúť protiútoky. Na konci 1st kolo, Fury sa bude posmievať Wilderovi a dôjde k výmene slov.

Furyho neustály pohyb a jednotlivé údery budú Wildera trápiť, pretože jeho protiútoky nájdu väčšinou prázdny vzduch. Nasledujúce kolá budú vzrušujúcou hrou na mačku a myš s menším Wilderom v úlohe mačky, márnosť sa snaží dostať do kúta väčší Wilder.

Wilder nájde úspech so svojím úderom v 6th a 7th náboje a zalomená pravá ruka zachytí Furyho na vrchu hlavy, vyvrátil ho z rovnováhy na plátno. Zúrivosť stúpne, žmurknite v jeho rohu, a vrátiť sa späť do činnosti. Vzrušenie spôsobí, že sa Wilder divoko hojdá a sám padá na plátno, keď mu chýba prehnaná pravá ruka.

S Wilderom, ktorý bol zo svojho úderu zdanlivo unavený z predchádzajúceho kola, Fury sa otočí na juh a pristane niekoľko tvrdých pravých rúk, potom sa odrazte mimo dosah všetkých úderov pultom.

Furyho pohyb a vyššia pracovná rýchlosť prenesú akciu do majstrovských kôl, čo ho opäť viedlo k zjavnému náskoku smerujúcemu do finálového kola.

Rozhodnutie bude tentokrát jednomyseľné, keď obaja Dave Moretti a Glenn Feldman skórovali 115-112 a Steve Weisfeld o odtieň bližšie pri 114-113, všetko v prospech „The Gypsy King“ Tysona Furyho.


Kliknite na tlačidlo TU na stiahnutie vyššie uvedenej grafiky

Neprekonaný šampión WBC v ťažkej váhe Wilder & Neporazený šampión v priamej ťažkej váhe, Fury Square Off, v sobotu sa koná vysoko očakávaný odvetný zápas, Február 22 v historickej udalosti Mega PPV z MGM Grand Garden Arena v Las Vegas

LAS VEGAS (Február 13, 2020) – Nadchádzajúca odveta medzi šampiónom WBC v ťažkej váhe Deontay “Bronze Bomber” Wilder a priamy šampión Tyson “Cigánsky kráľ” Zúrivosť je najväčší boj o titul v ťažkej váhe v histórii.


V stoji 6’7″ a 6’9″ príslušne, Wilder a Fury vytvárajú najväčšiu kombinovanú výšku, aká bola kedy v zápase WBC videná, Ring Magazine a priame tituly veľkej váhy, stojaci kolektív 13 nohy a 4 palcov. Jediný zápas o titul v ťažkej váhe “vyšší,” tak povediac, sa uskutočnilo v 2007, keď 7-stopový Nikolay Valuev obhájil titul WBA v ťažkej váhe proti 6’6″ Jameel McCline. Ale nikdy predtým neboli tí najlepší veľkí muži v športe takí veľkí ako dnes.

Pre predstavu, aký veľký je Wilder a Fury, najlepšie je porovnať ich s krajinou obrov: NBA. Zvážte skutočnosť, že o 6’7″ a v susedstve 220 libier, Wilder je rovnako veľký ako malý útočník Los Angeles Clippers Kawhi Leonard. Zúrivosť, zatiaľ, je takmer totožný s LeBron Jamesom, čo sa týka výšky a hmotnosti.

V týchto dňoch, pohľad na vrchol 10 zo všetkých rebríčkov, ktoré vyberiete, ukazuje, že väčšina uchádzačov je postavená ako tesný víťaz šampióna Super Bowl Travis Kelce, ktorý stojí na 6’6″ a váži okolo 250 libier.

Ako každý, kto sledoval napínavú prvú súťaž medzi Wilderom a Furym, to určite vie, tí dvaja sú skutočne športovci, ďaleko od drevárskych monštier, od ktorých by ste mohli očakávať, že muži budú ich rozmermi. Wilder by mohol byť známy svojou titánskou silou jedného úderu, ale tiež ukázal nejaký skutočne dynamický pohyb v ringu. Choďte sledovať pásku jeho vyradenia Bermana Stiverna a sledujte, ako je zviazaný do strany, aby vytvoril uhly, skôr ako dopadne jeho zničujúce výstrely., juking ako široký prijímač na otvorenom poli, a vidíš, prečo Wilder sníval o hraní univerzitného futbalu v Alabame, keď bol na strednej škole.

Fury nikdy nesníval o tom, že bude robiť niečo iné ako box - ako by ste mohli, keď vás pomenovali po legende ťažkej váhy a narodili ste sa do rodiny bohatej na históriu bojov v Írsku. Ale “Cigánsky kráľ” sa tiež narodil s pozoruhodnou obratnosťou ísť spolu s celoživotnou rozvinutou prezieravosťou v boxe, kĺzanie sa po kruhu a boxovanie v štýle, ktorý by sa hodil k welterovej váhe, nie výkonná ťažká váha veľkosti dopredu.

Wilder a Fury sú charakteristické tým, že sú ironické, obri nie sú na športových poliach zvyčajne dominantní. Zatiaľ čo niektorí boli velikánmi všetkých čias - t.j.. 6’9″ Obranca Bostonu Bruins Zdeno Chára, ktorý je zámkom hokejovej siene slávy - veľakrát sú veľkí muži známi hlavne tým, že sú veľkí, a nedosahujte vrchol ich športu. A pochopiteľne. Byť kolosálne veľký je často prekážkou v mnohých ohľadoch, ako je to výhodou, najmä pokiaľ ide o pohyb a obratnosť. Najvyšší hráč NFL, sedemstopový Richard Singh, odohral iba osem zápasov v kariére, historicky najvyšší hráč MLB, 6’11” Jon Rauch, bol odcestovačom, a tenis’ 6‘10” a 6’11” mrakodrapy Ivo Karlovic, John Isner a Rilley Opelka nemajú svoje veľké mená.

Ako sa ľudia v priebehu rokov stali väčšími a silnejšími, prirodzene, tak maj boxerky. Rocky Marciano, státie 5’10 ½” a vážiac tesne nad 180 libier, by bola podľa dnešných štandardov malá ťažká váha. Joe Louis a Muhammad Ali, mnohými považovaný za dve najväčšie váhy všetkých čias, a určite nie malí bojovníci vo svojej dobe, stál 6’1 ½” a 6’3″ príslušne. Teoreticky, Louis by sa vzdal deväť centimetrov na dosah Furymu, ktorých rozpätie krídel je 85″. V predchádzajúcich obdobiach existovali mimoriadne hodnoty, samozrejme - Jess Willard a Ernie Terrell mali 6’6″ a vyššie a zachytené tituly ťažkej váhy - ale celé desaťročia bolo možné byť veľkosťou moderného krížnika a nielen konkurovať, ale buďte impozantnou postavou v rozdelení.

Veci sa začali meniť koncom 80. a 90. rokov, keď Tony Tucker, Riddick Bowe a Lennox Lewis, trojica 6’6″ heavyies zachytil opasky. Novodobú éru však priniesli Vitali a Wladimir Klitscko, 6’6″ bratia, ktorí v podstate vládli rozdeleniu v lepšej časti desaťročia predtým, ako Fury zosadil Vladimira za priamu korunu v r. 2015.

Box mal v priebehu rokov svoj podiel gigantov, mnohé z nich nedosahovali elitnú úroveň. V poslednej dobe, Fanúšikovia si spomenú na veľmi vychýrenú americkú perspektívu Tye Fields, týčiaci sa 6’8″ southpaw kto napriek obrovskému humbuku, nikdy nebojoval o svetový titul. Julius “Tyčiace sa peklo” Long odštartoval svoju kariéru 5-0, a o 7’1″ s 90″ dosah vyzeral ako sila, s ktorou treba rátať, predtým, ako sa usadíte ako jeden z najslávnejších cestovateľov a spoľahlivých sparring partnerov.

Wilder a Fury sú pozoruhodnou zmesou veľkosti a atletiky a vzpierajú sa trendu, ktorým môžete byť “príliš veľký” byť skvelý. Keď sa odveta blíži, je vzrušujúce - alebo možno strašidelné - premýšľať o ďalšom vývoji ťažkých váh, ktorý príde po týchto dvoch. Boli časy, keď bol veľký George Foreman, o 6’3″ a s 78″ dosiahnuť, alebo Larry Holmes o 6’3″ s 81″ dosiahnuť, boli považované za jednu z najťažších fyzických prítomnosti, ktoré kedy mohli vstúpiť do ringu. Wilder a Fury však stanovili nový fyzický štandard. Budú sa ťažké váhy veľkosti NBA v nasledujúcich rokoch normou?

Aspoň pre túto chvíľu, Wilder a Fury sú ďaleko od normálu. Sú to kolosálne prítomnosti, áno, ale sú to tiež dve najlepšie ťažké váhy na svete na vrchole svojich síl, sa snaží nadviazať na jeden z najpamätnejších bojov, a živo diskutované ťaháky z nedávnej histórie.

Kto sa vo februári postaví do výšky 22?

# # #

Wilder vs. Fury II sa dočká očakávaného odvetného zápasu medzi neporazeným majstrom sveta WBC v ťažkej váhe Deontayom “Bronze Bomber” Divokejší a neporazený priamy šampión Tyson “Cigánsky kráľ” Fury, keď sú v titulku historického, mega PPV akcia sobota, Február 22 od MGM Grand záhrady Arena v Las Vegas.

The Wilder vs.. Fury II PPV sa začína o 9 p.m. ET / 6 p.m.. PT a predstavuje bývalého majstra sveta v ťažkej váhe Charlesa Martina, ktorý sa postavil proti bývalému vyzývateľovi na titul Geraldovi “The Black Rooster” Washington pre 12-kolový eliminátor titulu IBF v ťažkej váhe v hlavnej súťaži. Emanuel, juniorský majster sveta v mušej váhe WBO “Kovboj” Navarrete, a.k.a “Mexický Iron Man” obháji titul proti filipínskemu uchádzačovi Jeovi Santisimovi v zápase predstavenom PPV. Viac, v otváračke PPV, pocit super welterovej váhy Sebastian “Tyčiace sa peklo” Fundora bude čeliť 2016 Austrálsky olympionik Daniel Lewis v desaťkolovej bitke o neporazených.

Vstupenky na podujatie sú už v predaji a je možné ich zakúpiť nawww.mgmgrand.com alebo www.axs.com. Akciu propaguje spoločnosť BombZquad Promotions, TGB Promotions, Najlepšie hodnotenie Queensberry Promotions a Frank Warren. Prezentácia Premier Boxing Champions.

Pre viac informácií: návšteva www.premierboxingchampions.com,www.toprank.com, http://www.
, www.foxdeportes.com a www.espn.com/boxing, sledovať na TwitteruPremierBoxing, @trboxing, @PBConFOX, FOXSports, FOXDeportes, @ESPN, @ESPNRingside, TGBPromotions, a @Swanson_Comm alebo sa staňte fanúšikom Facebooku na adrese www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions,www.Facebook.com/trboxing, www.facebook.com/foxsports, www.facebook.com/foxdeportes a www.facebook.com/espn.


Kvarteto majstrov sveta Anchor FOX Sports a ESPN
Wilder vs. Fury II Pay-Per-View Broadcast

Wilder vs. Fury II na FOX Sports PPV a ESPN + PPV,
spoločná historická prezentácia, Počnúc sobotou, Február. 22 na 9:00 PM ET

LAS VEGAS – Dnes, FOX Sports a ESPN ohlásili rozsiahly Wilder vs.. Fury II bojuje proti týždňu a bojuje proti nočnému programovaniu pred vysoko očakávanou odvetou medzi neporazeným šampiónom v ťažkej váhe Deontay “Bronze Bomber” Wilder a neporazený priamy šampión Tyson “Cigánsky kráľ” Zúrivosť koná v sobotu, Február. 22, v historickom, spoločná prezentácia FOX Sports PPV a ESPN + PPV naživo z MGM Grand Garden Arena v Las Vegas.

The Wilder vs.. Fury II PPV sa začína o 9:00 PM ET a predstavuje bývalého majstra sveta v ťažkej váhe Charles Martin vyrovnanie proti bývalému vyzyvateľovi titulu Gerald “The Black Rooster” Washington v 12-kolovom eliminátore titulov IBF v ťažkej váhe ako hlavnej udalosti. Svetový šampión muší v ľahkej váhe WBO Emanuel “Kovboj” Navarrete, a.k.a “Mexický Iron Man” obháji titul proti filipínskemu uchádzačovi Jeo Santisima v zápase PPV. Plus v otváračke PPV, pocit super welterovej váhy Sebastián “Tyčiace sa peklo” Fundora bude čeliť 2016 Austrálsky olympionik Daniel Lewis v 10-kolovej bitke neporazených.

Prelimy sa začnú o 7:30 PM ET na FS1, ESPNEWS a v španielčine na FOX Deportes a ESPN3, predstavovať dva výbušné záchvaty. ESPNEWS’ pokrytie sa prepne na ESPN o 8:00 PM ET.

Programovanie bojových týždňov a nočných bojov bude obsahovať kvarteto bývalých šampiónov a súčasných analytikov FOX Sports a ESPN, vrátane trojnásobného majstra sveta v ťažkej váhe Lennox Lewis, bývalý dvojdivízový majster sveta a 2004 U.S.. Olympijský víťaz Andre Ward, dvojnásobný majster welterweight svetový Shawn Porter a budúca sieň slávy Timothy Bradley. Lewis a Ward sa pripoja k vysielaniu veteránov ESPN Joe Tessitore za komentár zvonenia. Bradley a Porter sa pripoja k ESPN Max Kellerman Fox Sports’ Brian Kenny (hostiteľ) žiť na stole. Zasvätenci ESPN do boxu Mark Kriegel a Bernardo Osuna bude slúžiť ako reportér po boku spoločnosti FOX Sports’ Kate Abdo. Sieň slávy boxu Larry Hazzard Sr. bude slúžiť ako neoficiálny zapisovateľ a expert na pravidlá, zatiaľ čo Jimmy Lennon, Jr. bude slúžiť ako hlásateľ zvonenia. Pokrytie stránky v španielskom jazyku zahŕňa prehrávanie podľa hry od ESPN Deportes’ Jorge Eduardo Sánchez a FOX Sports’ Adrian García Márquez, po boku bývalých šampiónov Juana Manuela Márqueza (ESPN) a sieň slávy Erik “Hrozný” Morales (FOX Sports) na analýze. ESPN’ David Faitelson a FOX Sports’ Jaime Motta poskytne komentár.

FOX Sports a ESPN predstavili Wilder vs.. Fury II bude obsahovať jedinečné výrobné vylepšenia, vďaka ktorým sa fanúšikovia dostanú bližšie k ringu a poskytnú pohľady, ktoré vylepšia ich zážitok. Súčasťou výroby bude 35 fotoaparáty – bezprecedentné pre výrobu boxu ESPN – sedem super-spomalených a šesť robotických kamier, 4D kamerový systém, ktorý umožňuje 360 stupňové reprízy, mini FlyCam, kamera JITA pre jedinečné zábery, rovnako ako kamery v rohu nárazníka.

Pokrýva historickú ťažkú ​​váhu, Spoločnosti FOX Sports a ESPN budú od utorka produkovať nevídané množstvo obsahu z mnohých miest v Las Vegas, Február. 18. Zahrnuté úvodné pokrytie:

SportsCenter na ceste (Utorok-nedeľa, od MGM Grand, ktorý sa nachádza neďaleko divadla KÀ): Toni Collins, Mark Kriegel, Bernardo Osuna, Joe Tessitore a Stan Verrett rotujú a sú hostiteľskými segmentmi vlajkového spravodajského a informačného programu ESPN.
Wilder vs. Záverečná tlačová konferencia Fury II (Streda o 4:30 PM ET na FS1 a ESPN2): Sledujte Joe Tessitore, Brian Kenny a Shawn Porter ukážku sobotňajšieho zúčtovania, zatiaľ čo Kate Abdo hostí bojovníkov na ich poslednej tlačovej konferencii z MGM Grand Garden Arena. Pokrytie v španielskom jazyku na serveroch ESPN Deportes a FOX Deportes.
Wilder vs. Oficiálne váženie Fury II: (Piatok o 6:00 PM ET na FS1 a ESPN2 z MGM Grand Garden Arena): Joe Tessitore, Brian Kenny a Shawn Porter diskutujú o boji o titul v ťažkej váhe, zatiaľ čo sa hlási Kate Abdo. Pokrytie v španielskom jazyku na serveroch ESPN Deportes a FOX Deportes.
Wilder vs. Predvádzanie Fury II na ABC: Od stola sa predstaví Joe Tessitore, s analýzou prstenca od Tima Bradleya, Max Kellerman, Mark Kriegel, a Andre Ward, a správy od Bernarda Osunu.
Max na box (Utorok & Štvrtok od MGM Grand v blízkosti divadla KÀ; Streda & Piatok z MGM Grand Garden Arena): Boxerskú sériu ESPN hostil Max Kellerman vysielaný na ESPN2 o 5:00 PM ET, Utorok, Štvrtok, Piatok a 5:30 PM ET v stredu. Ukazuje v utorok, Štvrtok, Piatok bude každý hodinu, zatiaľ čo streda bude 30 minút po záverečnej záverečnej tlačovej konferencii.
Hovor za seba (Streda-piatok o 3:00 PM ET na FS1): Jason Whitlock a Marcellus Wiley je hostiteľom 90-minútového diskusného a názorového programu naživo v hoteli MGM Grand & Kasíno sa nachádza neďaleko MGM Grand Race & Športová kniha.
Najprv vezmite (Štvrtok - piatok o 10:00 AM ET na ESPN): Ranná diskusná šou ESPN, ktorú moderuje Molly Qerim s komentátormi stephen. Kovář a Max Kellerman bude mať Smitha, Kellerman a Qerim žijú na scéne v sade MGM Grand neďaleko divadla KÀ.

Wilder vs. Fury II Pôvodný obsah
ESPN je RingScience moderuje Andre Ward, výlučne na ESPN +.Odpočítavanie: Deontay Wilder vs.. Tyson Fury II, hodinové špeciály v zákulisí a vo vnútri života oboch bojovníkov, keď sa pripravujú na dlho očakávanú odvetu. Znovu vysielané počas bojového týždňa na platformách ESPN a FOX Sports.
Inside Wilder vs.. Fury II, podrobná štvordielna séria, ktorá skúma prípravu bojovníka vedúcu k boju v noci. Vysiela sa cez platformy ESPN a FOX Sports počas celého bojového týždňa.
Wilder vs. Fury II: Okrúhly stôl premiéry v piatok ESPN, Február. 14.
E60: (Slnko o 7:00 PM ET na ESPN): Tyson Fury je 31-ročný Angličan a neporazený priamy šampión. V 2017, bol na pokraji úplného sebazničenia, a bojovali s depresiou a úzkosťou. Februára 22, Fury vstupuje do ringu, aby vyrovnal staré skóre, keď sa ujme aktuálneho šampióna WBC Deontay Wildera. Skôr ako to urobí, Fury si sadá k A:60 reportér Jeremy Schaap, aby diskutoval o svojich démonoch, cesta k uzdraveniu a jeho návrat.
Andre Ward’s Nestrážený s Tysonom Furym, teraz k dispozícii výlučne na ESPN +.

Z webu FOXSports.com: Martin Rogers o tom, ako sa epický Wilder vs.. Nový zápas Fury bude formovať krajinu boxu a ich dedičstvo.
„Ešte jedno kolo’ s Wilderom a Furym – obaja bojovníci prerušili rozhodujúce kolá od svojho prvého zápasu
Najlepší z “Vo vnútri PBC boxu” vrátane oboch bojovníkov’ Kľúče k víťazstvu podľa členenia Shawn Porter a Abner Mareš
Celý rad originálneho obsahu na sociálnych kanáloch @ PBConFOX, vrátane Wildera a Fury’s Top 3 Vyrážky a ich box Mount Rushmores

Z ESPN.Com: Horská dráha Tyson Fury – pohľad na vzostupy a pády divokej kariéry
Mark Kriegel o tom, ako všetko zmenilo rozhodnutie Tysona Furyho zmeniť trénera
Príbehy o Deontayovi Wilderovi, ktoré potrebujete vedieť, ako povedali tí, ktorí ho najlepšie poznajú
Mark Kriegel o tom, ako sa Deontay Wilder stal najpravdepodobnejšou ikonou amerického boxu
Búranie “Úder”: Orálna história spoločnosti 12th kolo v prvom boji Wilder-Fury
Ako každý bojovník vykonáva svoju prácu? Tim Bradley ponúka herný plán pre oboch bojovníkov (E +)
Sociálnej: @ESPNRingside Twitter, Facebook a Instagram

Program FOX Sports a ESPN Fight Night na sobotu, Február 22:

Sat., 2/22

Čas ET
11:00 AM
*Do rán
1:00 Premiér
Wilder vs. Predvádzanie Fury II (Živé)
5:00 Premiér
Deontay Wilder vs.. Tyson Fury II (Včasné undercardy)

Aplikácia FOX Sports, Aplikácia ESPN nie je overená (Angličtina & Španielsky),
6:00 Premiér
Wilder vs. Prehliadka Fury II (ABC Re-air)

7:00 Premiér
Wilder vs. Fury II Live Pre-Show

FS1, ESPNEWS; Španielsky: ESPN3, FOX Sports
7:30 Premiér
Deontay Wilder vs.. Tyson Fury II (Undercards)

Španielsky: ESPN3, FOX Sports
8:00 Premiér
Deontay Wilder vs.. Tyson Fury II (Undercards)

Španielsky: ESPN3, FOX Sports
9:00 Premiér
Wilder vs. Fury II PPV
Dostupné na PPV od hlavných poskytovateľov káblových a satelitných služieb, Aplikácia FOX Sports a ESPN +
Záver PPV
Deontay Wilder vs.. Príspevok Tyson Fury II (Živé)

Záver PPV
V španielčine – Deontay Wilder vs.. Príspevok Tyson Fury II (Živé)

ESPN, FOX Sports
*mierne oneskorenie

Hlavné Card, Undercards a Early Undercards (Všetky časy ET)

9:00 Premiér
Deontay Wilder (C) proti. Tyson Fury (Lineárne)
Charles Martin vs.. Gerald Washington
Špeciálna vlastnosť
Emanuel Navarrete (C) proti. Jeo Santisima
Sebastian Fundora vs. Daniel Lewis
8:00 Premiér
Amir Imam vs. Javier Molina
7:30 Premiér
Subriel Matias vs.. Petros Ananyan
5:00 Premiér
Rolando Romero vs.. Arturs Ahmetovs
Gabriel Flores ml. proti. Matt Conway
Vito Mielnicki Jr. proti. Cory šampión
Isaac Lowe vs.. Alberto Guevara

Pre viac informácií, návšteva FOX Sports Press Pass alebo ESPNPressRoom.

# # #

Pre viac informácií: návšteva www.premierboxingchampions.com, www.toprank.com, http://www.
, www.foxdeportes.com a www.espn.com/boxing, sledovať na TwitteruPremierBoxing, @trboxing, @PBConFOX, FOXSports, FOXDeportes, @ESPN, @ESPNRingside, TGBPromotions, a @Swanson_Comm alebo sa staňte fanúšikom Facebooku na adrese www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions, www.Facebook.com/trboxing, www.facebook.com/foxsports, www.facebook.com/foxdeportesa www.facebook.com/espn.


Neprekonaný šampión WBC v ťažkej váhe Wilder & Neporazený šampión v priamej ťažkej váhe Fury - ukážka vysoko očakávaného odvetného zápasu, ktorý sa uskutoční v sobotu, Február 22 v spoločnosti FOX Sports PPV & ESPN+ PPV from the MGM Grand Garden Arena in Las Vegas

Kliknite na tlačidlo TU for Photos from Frank Micelotta/FOX Sports
Password: foxsports

Kliknite na tlačidlo TU for Photos from Mikey Williams/Top Rank

Kliknite na tlačidlo TU for Event Highlights from FOX Sports

LOS ANGELES (Január 28, 2020) – Unbeaten WBC Heavyweight World Champion Deontay “Bronze Bomber” Wilder and undefeated lineal heavyweight champion Tyson “Cigánsky kráľ” Zúrivosť continued their war of words at a special attraction press event on Saturday at FOX Studios in Los Angeles, as they near their highly anticipated showdown taking place Saturday, Február 22 v historickom, joint FOX Sports PPV & ESPN+ PPV from the MGM Grand Garden Arena in Las Vegas.

Vstupenky na podujatie sú už v predaji a je možné ich zakúpiť na www.mgmgrand.com alebo www.axs.com. Akciu propaguje spoločnosť BombZquad Promotions, TGB Promotions, Najlepšie hodnotenie Queensberry Promotions a Frank Warren. Prezentácia Premier Boxing Champions.

The two gargantuan heavyweights traded words and shared updates on training camp leading up to one of the most heavily awaited fights in recent memory. A large media contingent was on hand to watch the undefeated titans square off once again, less than one month before they will finally meet in the ring to settle the score, 14 months after their unforgettable first clash.

Here is what the fighters had to say Saturday in Los Angeles:


Things are going amazing. I’m the happiest I’ve ever been in my life. To come from where I come from, it’s amazing to be here. When you get a happy Deontay Wilder in training camp, you can definitely expect great things from me. To je’ what I’m going to give you.

We haven’t seen his power displayed like he’s been talking about. It hasn’t been continuous, like mine. I think he has pillows as fists. That’s what I felt in our last fight.

With the strategies that he’s talking about, I don’t really know how to take it. I don’t know if he’s trying to throw me off my game by saying he’s going to knock me out. But it’s exciting to hear and I’m looking forward to February 22.

Everything on his body is a target, not just his cut. Everything that is permissible for me to hit, I’m going to hit it.

When you fight someone like me, it’s a mistake to tinker around with your training camp. I’m unpredictable in that ring. When you have too many opinions and too many people who think they have the remedy, it usually backfires.

I think this win will be more special than the others. Because of the history that we have, with that controversial draw. I consider Tyson a brother of this era, especially in the heavyweight division. The other fighters don’t want to let themselves loose and have fun. We’re both able to enjoy what we do day after day. Because when the bell rings, môže sa stať čokoľvek.

“Boj s chlapom ako je Fury, musíš byť opatrný. Čas v ringu plynie tak rýchlo. Snažíte sa robiť všetko, na čo ste sa pripravili. S tým, čo svojimi boxerskými schopnosťami prináša na stôl, musíte mať určité povedomie o hodinách. Ale s mojou silou, jeho úlohou je skutočne sledovať hodiny a snažiť sa mi vyhnúť 36 zápis.

“Obaja musíme vojsť, akoby sme zvládli prvý boj, so srdcom na rukávoch a mentalitou bojovníka, ktorú vždy prinášame. Keď sa dostanete do tohto bodu, scenéria sama o sebe vedie k veľkému boju. Všetci vieme, kedy prídem bojovať, Nehrám sa dokola. Dnes sa tu môžeme hrať, ale budeme mať tú vražednú mentalitu v ringu.”


“Som pripravený. Cítim sa dobre na sústredení. Všetko išlo naozaj dobre. Neexistujú žiadne zranenia ani výhovorky. Všetko je to odhodlanie a obeta, jeden deň za druhým.

“Prvý súboj, do ktorého som chcel ísť a vyboxovať ho. Nefungovalo to. Bez ohľadu na to, čo ľudia hovoria, Nevyhral som. Remízu počítam ako prehru.

“Sme obrovské ťažké váhy. Mal som 20 priechodky, takže som veľmi schopný vyraziť ľudí. Keď podceníte moc niekoho iného, zvyčajne končíš odlepený. Či už som skvelý puncher alebo nie, Neverím, že sa mi niekto iný vyrovná srdcom a odhodlaním. Svoju železnú vôľu hodím na Deontaya Wildera.

“Cítil som, že potrebujem v tomto boji získať náskok. So mnou a mojimi trénermi to nie je osobné, cutmen a odborníci na výživu. Je to biznis. If I think someone else is going to improve my business, I’ll do it.

How do you beat a massive puncher? You have to back him up. He gets massive leverage in those long arms while coming forward. I have to put him on the back foot and make him absorb some of my power.

I’m the Gypsy King. There’s only been one and there’s only likely to be one going forward. That’s one belt that Deontay Wilder can’t ever win.

He had a great performance against Ortiz. He did what he was supposed to do. He knocks guys out. He was relaxed and calm under the pressure. I was impressed. Not by the knockout, but by the way he was conducting himself under pressure.

I’m always real. Deontay Wilder has knocked out 43 opponents in a row. Even if I hate this guy, I respect that. He has amazing power and his name is up there with all-time greats. He’s a great puncher who gets the job done.

# # #

Pre viac informácií: návšteva www.premierboxingchampions.com,www.toprank.com, http://www.
, www.foxdeportes.coma www.espn.com/boxing, sledovať na TwitteruPremierBoxing, @trboxing, @PBConFOX, FOXSports, FOXDeportes, @ESPN, @ESPNRingside, TGBPromotions, a @Swanson_Comm alebo sa staňte fanúšikom Facebooku na adrese www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions, www.Facebook.com/trboxing, www.facebook.com/foxsports, www.facebook.com/foxdeportesa www.facebook.com/espn.


Neprekonaný šampión WBC v ťažkej váhe Wilder & Neporazený šampión v priamej ťažkej váhe Fury - ukážka vysoko očakávaného odvetného zápasu, ktorý sa uskutoční v sobotu, Február 22 v spoločnosti FOX Sports PPV & ESPN+ PPV from the MGM Grand Garden Arena in Las Vegas

Kliknite na tlačidlo TU for Photos from Scott Kirkland/FOX Sports
(Password: foxsports)

Kliknite na tlačidlo TU for Photos from Ryan Hafey/Premier Boxing Champions

Kliknite na tlačidlo TU for Photos from Sean Michael Ham/TGB Promotions

Kliknite na tlačidlo TU for Photos from Mikey Williams/Top Rank

LOS ANGELES (Január 13, 2020) – Unbeaten WBC Heavyweight World Champion Deontay “Bronze Bomber” Wilder a neporazený priamy šampión Tyson “Cigánsky kráľ” Zúrivosť continued their war of words and previewed their much anticipated rematch at a Los Angeles press conference on Monday before they square off Saturday, Február 22 v historickom, joint FOX Sports PPV & ESPN+ PPV from the MGM Grand Garden Arena in Las Vegas.

Wilder vs. Fury II will come 14 months after their thrilling first fight that saw Wilder retain the title via split draw, after Fury miraculously rose from a 12th round knockdown to finish the fight. It is one of the most memorable moments in recent heavyweight history, and on February 22 the two undefeated titans will take their war of words back into the ring to stake their claim as the best heavyweight in the world.

Vstupenky na podujatie sú už v predaji a je možné ich zakúpiť na www.mgmgrand.com alebo www.axs.com. Akciu propaguje spoločnosť BombZquad Promotions, TGB Promotions, Najlepšie hodnotenie Queensberry Promotions a Frank Warren. Prezentácia Premier Boxing Champions.

The charismatic stars put their magnetic personalities on display at the press conference, each laying claim to a rightful victory in their first contest, while also declaring their intent on finishing the rematch with an emphatic knockout victory. Here is what the press conference participants had to say Monday from The Novo by Microsoft at L.A. Živé:


It’s great to be back for another big event. This is the biggest title fight of this era for sure and I can’t wait. I’m always in my element. I’m always in the zone. Right now I just can’t wait for February 22.

My body feels like its walking into the sixth week of camp instead of the third week. It’s been amazing to have the quick turnaround after the Ortiz fight in November. I’m coming in shape. I put shape on top of shape and it’s allowed me to prepare even harder for Fury.

We all know in rematches I’m always sharp because I’ve been in there before and I know what my opponent is capable of doing and what they plan on doing. I’m prepared more than ever for this fight.

I knocked him out the first time we fought. I told him two years ago I was going to baptize him. Rising up is part of the baptism. But this a different story. This is unfinished business. Because he’s in WWE I’m going to make sure he gets knocked out of the ring, I might even come down with a flying elbow from the top rope.

Fury not wanting the rematch me immediately definitely made this fight bigger. We had two warmups. I had a lot more dangerous road than he had though. He played it safe, while I went to the mountain top and climbed it. I’m building for my legacy.

If he beat me, then why all the new trainers? Every day it changes. Firing and hiring. He wants to talk about being out of shape the first time, ale on bol v skvelej forme. He spent 100,000 pounds on all those camps. I still to this day have the same people with me and I don’t need to change it.

When you’re facing power there’s no way around it. You can’t prepare for that. You just have to hope that when it lands, it doesn’t do that much damage. He doesn’t even know how he got on the ground or how he got up in the first fight. He’s been dealing with feeling ever since the end of the first fight.

I’m going to do exactly what I said I would do. Chystám sa ho knokautovať. I’m the lion. I’m the king of the jungle. I’m going to rip his head off his body. Everyone sit tight and buckle up. It’s going to be a fun ride on the way to giving everyone the best fight you’ve seen in your lives.

This is a major fight for the public and everyone should be excited. It doesn’tget any better than this. Two giants and two champions, putting it all on the line for everyone’s entertainment. We’re leaving it all in the ring to see who is the king.

There’s so many things that go through my head as I take my time to adjust and time my opponent’s movements. I’m building the data I need to set him up for that perfect punch. There’s a lot of things that come with skills. Not just the average fundamentals. There are a lot of different things and that’s what makes boxing what it is. My ring IQ is very high and that’s how I set them up. I know everything he wants to do. He gave me 100% of him already.

He believes in his heart that he’ll knock me out. I always teach people to speak it, believe it and receive it. The magic of it all is in the belief. Though he’s saying those things, I don’t feel in his energy that he believes that. I feel like he’s nervous because of what happened the first time.

I just learned from the first fight that I need to be calmer. I’m going to be a lot more patient in this fight, just like in the second Luis Ortiz fight. The object of boxing is to win, not just to win rounds. And I win in devastating fashion.


The consensus is either he knocks me out, or I win on points. Usually when people have that opinion, it goes the opposite way around. Expect him to box and me to be looking for the knockout.

He thinks I’m going to come out herky-jerky with my famous style, but I want him to meet me in the center of the ring and have a slugfest, best man wins. I didn’t have the gas to finish him in the last fight, but this time I can turn that screwdriver until he’s gone. Let’s make it a Marvin Hagler vs. Tommy Hearns type of fight. I’ll meet you Inthe middle of the ring on February 22. Just watch out for the right hand, because you’re going to sleep in two rounds.

We finally have the rematch and I can’t remember a bigger heavyweight fight in a long time. Maybe Lennox Lewis vs. Mike Tyson was the last big one like this and that was another U.S. proti. U.K. meranie síl.

Deontay Wilder hasn’t been returning my calls or messages since I beat him last time. He’s trying to keep his distance. He didn’t want to be around me so I can get in his head. But I don’t think you can really get in anyone’s head. At the end of the end of the day, it’s just talk. It doesn’t really matter what we say. It matters what happens on February 22.

What’s going to happen in this fight is that I’m going to get what I rightfully won last time. I’m going to get the green belt and keep my lineal title. And if he wants to rematch me after, I’ll beat him again. I’ve already beat him once, and I know I can beat him three times in a row.

“Chystám sa vyhrať, that’s what I do. Deontay Wilder can make all the excuses he wants to make. Everyone on his team can tell him he won that fight, but as a fighting man, you know when you win and lose a fight. I’m going to go out there give him a boxing lesson and knock him out.

You’re never a finished article, you can always improve. I like to keep freshening things up every now and again. I don’t make excuses. I won fair and square and we get to do it again. I’m ready for a fight today.

I’m the best of my era and I took that title from Wladimir Klitschko. Nobody disputed he was the best and I took that from him, until someone beats me, that’s my title.

He’s going to try to and the right hand. If I’m stupid enough to get hit with it, I deserve to lose. I hit the floor twice in the first fight, but it’s all about how you respond, I’m a fighting man. If he can’t finish me, I’m going to eat him up.

I’m looking for a knockout. That’s why I hired Sugarhill. He gets you to sit down on that big right hand. That’s what I’m looking for. There’s the game plan. If I wasn’t looking for a knockout, I would have sharpened up what I did in the last fight. I’m not coming for that. I’m looking for my 21st knokaut.

When I get him in there again, I’m going to make him feel the fury. I’ve never been as sure of anything in my whole life. As sure as I was this morning putting this suit on. 100 percent he can’t win He’s got a puncher’s chance like anyone else. I’m much sharper and more fit now. I’m ready to rumble right now. I hope he train hard and goes to bed sleeping thinking about me.

TOM BROWN, Prezident TGB Promotions

“Februára 22, v MGM Grand Garden Arena, it’s going to be bombs away. We have two superstars here. The best two heavyweights in the world. Both fighters are going to show a lot of passion at this press conference and all the way leading up to this fight because there is so much at stake.

These are the best in boxing. There is nothing like a big heavyweight championship fight. We have the undefeated hardest punching, the most feared heavyweight in the world and I believe one of the all-time great heavyweights in Deontay Wilder.

There is a reason Fury and his team didn’t want the immediate rematch right after the first fight. He’s taken a couple of tune-up fights instead because he felt that power on December 1. That’s not going to change this time, he can just ask Luis Ortiz.

I was lucky enough to promote the first fight and I believe we have something special in this rematch. I look forward to a fantastic fight on February 22 and we’ll see everyone there.

TODD DUBOEF, President of Top Rank

We talk about boxing having a renaissance, but it’s really about the heavyweight division. That’s what is going to create that renaissance more than anything right now.

Tyson is so true, so gritty and he backs it up with everything he does. When you combine it with Deontay Wilder, you have two great personalities. This is really the beginning of the next super heavyweight run for the sport of boxing.


This fight here is one of those fights that you don’t want to miss. The first one was one not to miss as well and I’m sure you all watched the replay. You have two great champions here going at each other. Both fighters left the ring still undefeated last time and still wanting to settle the store. Februára 22, the score will be settled.

The heavyweight division is still the biggest and most powerful division in boxing. It always will be. Everyone wants to see the fighters throwing the big blows. Wilder is one of the hardest hitters in history and Tyson is one of the best boxers. I’m happy to be training. with Tyson Fury. It’s been about 10 years since we trained together. He trained with me and Emanuel Steward and I’m here to complete what Emmanuel started.

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Who will be the true king of heavyweights? Wilder and Fury will decide in 2020

Despite rumors surrounding it for years, professional boxing is still alive, and it’s still far in front of MMA judged by public interest and the prize money. One of the reasons for that are heavyweights, especially Deontay Wilder, Tyson Fury and a bit less Anthony Joshua who just avenged the only loss of his career. Stále, there is no doubt that Wilder and Fury are the cream of the crop, and their fight in 2020 will decide who is the king of the most popular division.

We won’t have to wait much for the dream match, as the contract is signed for February 22nd, as the fight will take in Las Vegas, probably in MGM grand where Fury made his impressive American debut, destroying Tom Schwartz in June 2019. Wilder also loves the place, since he became a champion there, defeating Bermane Stiverne and he recently defended the title against Ortiz. But what makes their second bout as exciting as RPG Sex Games, is that no one is a clear favorite.

The thing is Wilder and Fury are extremely different fighters. Fury is in the best shape of his career recently, and when it comes to boxing skills, he is far ahead of Wilder. As demonstrated by their first meeting, Fury is not a one-trick pony as he knows how to change pace and attack his opponent with both hands and in different ways. He can punch, but he is far from being impatient. He is the reason why no one believes that his match against the American will end early. Even on his bad day, Fury can withstand almost anything and knows how to overturn the match. As for the Wilder, he is a whole different story. He started boxing very late, and during his career, he was doubted even by experts that claimed he is a contender at best. There is no doubt about itWilder is the one with the ultimate power. Give him a chance to land a solid punch, and that is probably it for the night. That alone is what made him come out of the match with Fury undefeated, rocking him twice. Ale, Fury is the first opponent that was able to get up after such devastating shots, even though that took away his victory.

It’s hard to predict the winner as it’s much easier to make a list of excellent Android Sex Games. What we can predict is that this fight will highly unlikely be finished in early rounds, as it is highly unlikely that Wilder will win if he doesn’t drop Fury a few times. Judged by that, Fury looks like an early favorite in this one, but when you have a strong puncher like Wilder, it’s almost impossible not to let him land a single devastating punch in all 12 kolesá. If you are neutral and want to see a good fight, this is the one you don’t want to miss!

Undefeated Super Middleweight Cem Kilic to take on Martez McGregor on Saturday, June 15th on FurySchwarz undercard at The MGM Grand in Las Vegas

Beverly Hills, Kalif. (Jún 5, 2019) – Neporazený Super stredná Cem Kilic will look to take another step towards the world rankings when he takes on Martez McGregor on Saturday, June 15th at The MGM Grand in Las Vegas.

The fight will be part of the Tyson FuryTom Schwarz undercard.

Kilic of Frankfort, Nemecko, who now calls Los Angeles, California home, má rekord 13-0 s ôsmimi knockouts.

The 24 year-old Kilic has upped his resume and reputation thanks to wins over Jerhed Fenderson (1-0), Joe Amouta (7-1-1), and a nationally televised win over DeAndre Ware (12-0-2).

Vo svojom poslednom záchvate, Kilic stopped Zacariah Kelly in two rounds on February 15th in Hinckley, Minnesota.

I have had a great training camp for this fight with my head trainer Buddy McGirt,” said Kilic. “I have been sparring with Sergey Kovalev for the last month, and I am in the best shape of my life. I am excited to showcase my talent on June 15th, and to make history as the first fighter from Turkey to fight at the MGM Grand! Big thanks to my manager Shane Shapiro and my promoter Greg Cohen for getting me this opportunity.

Cem is really peaking at the right time of his career. While this is only his 14th pro fight, being in training camps the last four years with legendary fighters like Miguel Cotto, Shane Mosley, Sergey Kovalev, Jermell Charlo, and Errol Spence Jr. has helped him develop into a fighter well beyond 13 fights on his professional record. I am anxious for the world to see Cem Kilic live on ESPN 2 come June 15th,” said Shane Shapiro of No Limit Mindset LLC.

McGregor of Chicago. má rekord 8-1 with six knockouts.

The 28 year-old McGregor has a win of previously undefeated Luis Jimenez (3-0). McGregor has won five in a row, which includes his last bout, when he stopped David Mason in the 1st round on February 22nd in Elk Grove, Illinois.

Kilic is the 1st fighter from Turkey to fight at The MGM Grand.

Kilic is managed by No Limit Mindset LLC. He is promoted by Greg Cohen Promotions.

The bout can be seen on ESPN 2.



ALL ACCESS: WILDER vs. FURY EPILOGUE Premieres on SHOWTIME Immediately Following The Delayed Telecast of the Dramatic Main Event

Photo Credit: Esther Lin / SHOWTIME


The thrilling Deontay Wilder vs. Tyson Fury heavyweight blockbuster, a sure-fire Fight of the Year candidate, will air on SHOWTIME this Saturday, December 8 na 9 p.m. ET / PT. The WBC Heavyweight World Championship bout between the 6-foot-7 unbeaten American champion Wilder and 6-foot-9 challenger Fury originally aired live on SHOWTIME PPV® v sobotu, December 1 od Staples Center v Los Angeles.

V sobotu, both Wilder and Fury made strong cases for 2018 Fighter of the Year honors. Wilder faced the two toughest opponents of his career this year including a spectacular knockout win over Cuban slugger Luis Ortiz in a Fight of the Year candidate in March. Zúrivosť, the lineal heavyweight champion, returned from a two-and-a-half-year layoff to score two wins in a span of 10 weeks before facing Wilder. V sobotu, he miraculously withstood a devastating, final-round knockdown that appeared to knock him out cold. Fury rose dramatically and continued to fight until the final bell to cap an effort that will go down as one of the greatest comeback stories in all of sports.

The SHOWTIME presentation of the Wilder vs. Zúrivosť, a bout that has been hailed as “…the greatest night for boxing in the U.S. in recent memory,"By Podlý človek! Športové, will be immediately followed by the premiere of ALL ACCESS: WILDER vs. FURY EPILOGUE. The networks’ Emmy Award winning Epilóg reveals the drama of fight night from a unique perspective and introduces viewers to the rarely seen aftermath of world championship prizefighting. ALL ACCESS: WILDER vs. FURY EPILOGUE goes behind the scenes, into the locker rooms, corners and inner circles as Fury aims to complete a storybook comeback and Wilder looks to continue his reign as the “baddest man on the planet.”


Jarrett Hurd Defends WBA, IBF 154-Pound Titles With Fourth-Round KO Over James Welborn; Luis Ortiz Registers 10-Round TKO of Travis Kauffman; Joe Joyce Remains Undefeated With First-Round KO Against Joe Hanks
Kliknite na tlačidlo TU na obrazoch od Esther Lin / SHOWTIME

LOS ANGELES (Decembra. 1, 2018) – Deontay “The Bronze Bomber” Wilder and Tyson “The Gypsy King” Fury fought to a split-decision draw on SHOWTIME PPV® on Saturday night from STAPLES Center​ ​in​ ​arguably ​one of the best heavyweight fights in years​.​




After controlling the WBC World Championship fight early, Zúrivosť (27-0-1, 19 KO) miraculously overcame two knockdowns by Wilder (40-0-1, 39 KO) – including one in round 12 – in the improbable draw. Sudcovia skóroval záchvat 115-111 for Wilder, 114-112 for Fury and 113-113.




“I think with the two knockdowns I definitely won the fight,” said Wilder, who has recorded a knockdown in each of his 41 pro fights and was defending his WBC belt for the eighth time since 2015. “We poured our hearts out tonight. We’re both warriors, but with those two drops I think I won the fight.”



Fury saw it differently, stating that he gave it everything he had.




“We’re on away soil, I got knocked down twice, but I still believe I won that fight,” said England’s Fury, whose amazing comeback continues following a two and a half-year absence from the sport from drug and alcohol addiction and mental health issues.​ “I hope I did you all proud after nearly three years out of the ring. I was never going to be knocked down tonight. I showed good heart to get up. I came here tonight and I fought my heart out.​”​



It was an electrifying night with an attendance announced at 17,698 Fanúšikovia, which included Hollywood stars and fight fans like former Lakers greats Shaquille O’Neal, Jerry West, former NFL stars Michael Strahan and Michael Irvin, and ​boxing ​legends Evander Holyfield and Floyd Mayweather.




Zúrivosť, who out-landed Wilder 84-71 celkovo, was caught by a short right hand by Wilder just behind the left ear to drop Fury for the third time in his career in the ninth round. Then in the 12th, a Wilder right hand and left hook combination sent the 6-foot-9 Fury down again, hitting his head on the canvas. Znovu, he managed to ​stand​ up and referee Jack Reiss let him continue to fight.




“Boxing is always the theater of the unexpected, and that’s what we had tonight,” SHOWTIME expert analyst Al Bernstein said.




Bernstein said seeing Fury get up and continue to fight after the brutal knockdown was “one of the most astonishing things I’ve ever seen in the boxing ring.”




SHOWTIME boxing historian and commentator Steve Farhood had Fury controlling the early rounds and Fury winning rounds 3-8, and ultimately scored the fight, 115-111.




Because of a rematch clause, both fighters were asked if they would like to do it again. “I would love for it to be my next fight,” Wilder said. “Why not? Let’s give the fans what they want to see. It was a great fight and let’s do it again. It doesn’t matter to me where we do it.”




“​One hundred​ percent we’ll do the rematch,” said Fury, fighting in the first heavyweight title pay-per-view bout in America since 2002. “We are two great champions. Me and this man are the two best heavyweights on the planet.”




Wilder said he came out slow and rushed his punches. “I didn’t sit still. I was too hesitant. I started overthrowing the right hand and I just couldn’t adjust.”




Zúrivosť, fighting for the third time this year with 26-year-old trainer Ben Davison in his corner, also had former boxing great Ricky Hatton and seven-time Trainer of the Year Freddie Roach in his corner.




In the lead-up fight to Wilder-Fury, “Swift” Jarrett Hurd (23-0, 16 KO) defended his 154-pound IBF and WBA world title belts with a fourth-round knockout against United Kingdom’s James Welborn (24-7, 7 KO), who was fighting for the first time on American soil.



Welborn was the aggressor in the first minute of the fourth round, sending Hurd to the ropes with punch after punch to the body and head. Suddenly realizing he might be in trouble, Hurd of Accokeek, Md., countered back from sudden adversity in dramatic fashion and sent Welborn back-tracking before a devastating body punch sent him to one knee. He was counted out at 1:55 by referee Lou Moret, who was officiating the final fight of his 30-plus year career.




Po boji, undefeated super welterweight Jermell Charlo entered the ring to challenge for Hurd’s coveted belts. “We definitely want Charlo,” Hurd told SHOWTIME Sports’ Jim Gray, saying the matchup would likely occur after one more fight. “I’m calling the shots. I’m No. ​1​ right now. When I say answer the phone, answer the phone. I got the date.”




Charlo shot back. “This is easy money. I like those belts – they look real good on you. He said he wants another fight. I’m ready now.”




Hurd, who unified the WBA and IBF belts by beating WBA champion Erislandy Lara in April in Las Vegas, was returning with a surgically repair left shoulder. He threw 118 Jabs, more than half of the 220 punches he threw in the fight.




“I’m just coming off surgery so I wanted to see how I worked off the jab,” Hurd said. “I felt good I was working behind the jab I got caught on the ropes and got caught with some shots and said ‘that’s enough. He got enough TV time.’ I heard the crowd and I didn’t want to get brave. So I turned it up and got the knockdown.​”​




Former Wilder foe and heavyweight southpaw Luis “The Real King Kong” Ortiz (30-1, 26 KO) returned to STAPLES​ Center​ for a second consecutive victory with a resounding 10th-round TKO against Travis “My Time” Kauffman (32-3, 23 KO) v Readingu, Pa.




The 39-year-old Ortiz of Camaguey, Kuba, registered left-cross knockdowns in the sixth, eighth and 10th rounds before the final blow coming later in the 10th round against a gritty Kauffman. It was the 26th career stoppage for Ortiz, who lost to Wilder in a Fight of the Year candidate back in March.




The fight was officially called at 1:58 of the 10th round. "Som bojovník,” Ortiz said. “Nothing contains me. We didn’t have to knock him out but we wanted to show everything we have in our repertoire, and we showed it tonight.”




Ortiz, who was warned twice for low blows, clipped Kauffman for a second time by a lethal left hand of Ortiz at 2:29 V ôsmom kole. But just like the first time he was send to canvas in the sixth round, Kauffman was able to get up and continue fighting.




The technically sound performance by Ortiz included 376 jab attempts to Kauffman’s 99 and out-landing him 66-7. That led to a 135-37 lead in total connects and a 69-30 margin in power connects against Kauffman, who SHOWTIME commentator Paulie Malignaggi called, “a stubborn guy who wouldn’t go away.”




“Of course I’ll fight the winner of this fight [Wilder-Fury],” Ortiz said. “I want that second fight with Wilder. I want to fight anybody.”




In the ​pay-per-view​ telecast opener, Joe “The Juggernaut” Joyce (7-0, 7 KO) recorded a massive first-round knockout against Joe “The Future” Hanks (23-3, 15 KO). A rising heavyweight, Joyce, z Londýna, Anglicko, ended the fight officially after just 2:25 as he used a right jab to set up a near-perfect left hook sending Hanks to the canvas and down for the count.




Trained by noted trainer Abel Sanchez, Joyce told Gray he’s ready for anyone. “I want to get in some bigger fights,” said the former Olympic silver medal winner who recorded his fourth first-round KO. “I’ve been doing well so there is plenty more to come. All the support from back home in England, thanks for coming. I hope I put on something good to watch.”




It was the second win in the United States for Joyce, who also picked up the vacant WBA Continental heavyweight title. “I’m getting people out quickly,"Povedal. “I’ve got a lot of experience, I’m just going to improve on my strength and my speed. I’ve heard comments that I’m slow but I seem to land the shots and get the job done.”




It was the third time during his career that Hanks, from Newark, New Jersey, has been knocked down by a left hook.




Earlier in the night on SHOWTIME BOXING: SPECIAL EDITION Adonis Stevenson’s five-and-a-half year reign as the WBC Light Heavyweight Champion of the World ended as Oleksandr Gvozdyk dethroned boxing’s longest reigning champion with a devastating 11th round knockout from Videotron Center in Quebec City. VIDEO: https://s.sho.com/2BMNZIx. Saturday’s one-fight telecast from Quebec City will replay on Monday, December 3 na 10 p.m. ET/PT on SHOWTIME EXTREME and will be available on SHOWTIME ANYTIME® and SHOWTIME on DEMAND®. The SHOWTIME BOXING: SPECIAL EDITION streamed live on SHOWTIME Sports social platforms and is archived on the SHO Sports YouTube channel and Facebook page.




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