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Unbeaten Mykquan Williams staying in boxing shape as much as possible under pandemic conditions

MANCHESTER, Conn. (Maret 23, 2020) – Like most professional boxers, unbeaten super lightweight prospect“Marvelous” Mykquan Williams (15-0-1, 7 KOs) is making the most out of a challenging situation, as he prepares for his unknown future in boxing.

The coronavirus has shutdown boxing worldwide. Events are suspended indefinitely, boxers restricted in terms of training, and the immediate future remains tenuous at best.

Unable to train at his gym, Manchester ROCS, which is closed due to a Connecticut state order, the 21-year-old Williams is handling this pandemic in a mature manner that belies his young age. No whining, no ‘poor me’ feelings.

”This is a difficult time for everybody, including those of us in boxing,” East Hartford (CT) resident Williams said. “There’s no boxing on TV, nobody can compete, and everybody is isolated. It’s just unfortunate, but I’d rather be safe than sorry. Health concerns are and should always be the top priority.”

Williams hasn’t been in action since last October 24th, when he fought to a questionable eighth-round majority draw withTre’Sean Wiggins, in which Williams retained his World Boxing Council (WBC) Amérika Serikat (USNBC) super lightweight title. Most observers felt that Williams deserved a win by decision.

Since the beginning of 2020, Williams had been training for an expected fight in the first third of the year, and he’s still training to stay in shape, albeit it not the same way as if he had a confirmed fight date.

“I’m still doing some training,” Williams explained. “I need to stay in shape for when the call comes after boxing returns. I’m in decent shape and when I get my next fight date, I won’t have to go from zero to get ready. I want to maintain 50 ka 60 percent shape and then finish off training on schedule for my next fight.”

“I know Mykey has still been running,” Williams’ head trainerPaul Cichon added. “We’re going to be back training soon. I believe everything happens for a reason. Mykey and me had a conference call with (pingpinan) Jackie Kallen jeung (promoter) Lou DiBella, and we trust that, as soon as possible, Mykey will be back in action.”

Because Williams doesn’t turn 22 until this April 6, in addition to already being a pro boxer for nearly four years, his young boxing career figures to resume quicker and stronger than for many older boxers. Losing six months shouldn’t hinder a prospect like Williams as much as a veteran who may not have nearly as much comparable quality competitive time left in the ring.

“I’m not sure if age is that big an advantage,” Williams countered. “If some fighters were getting burned out because they were fighting a lot, taking time off, whether it’s due to the virus or not, a break may help them come back better and stronger than when they last fought.”

Williams was a five-time national amateur champion, compiling a 45-13 catetan amatir, highlighted by three Ringside World titles, in addition to gold medal performances at the National PAL and National Silver Gloves championship.

“I don’t know when boxing will return,” Williams concluded, “but boxing will never die. People will always want to see guys punching each other in the face. Boxing is a sport rich in tradition and, ayeuna, there is still a lot of talent coming up.”

And Mykquan Williams will be right at the head of that next wave when the boxing ban is finally lifted.


Twitter:  @MarvelousMyke, @JackieKallen

Instagram: @M.mkw_, @jackie.Kallen

Facebook: /MykquanWilliams, /PaulCichon, /JackieKallen


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Atlanta, Ga (Pebruari 28, 2019) - Crypto Boxers, the first and only boxing game operating on blockchain technology, continues to make strategic moves around the virtual ropes. Concept creator Andrew Gilliam, founder and CEO of Me N’ Mines Media, has come out swinging with a defiant new logo; a new website (http://cryptoboxers.io/), designed by independent game development studio, PlayStakes; and a TKO game plan to bring “real boxing to the blockchain. Pushing the technology envelope beyond what is currently available in the crypto gaming space, Crypto Boxers has gamers in feverish anticipation as it will feature real life boxers as collectible tokens for the virtual fighting action on Ethereum.

Crypto Boxers’ new logo now promotes the player as the ultimate crypto contender, switching the emphasis off the professional boxers and over to the gamer. The dynamic new website provides a preview into Crypto Boxers’ fully immersive, user friendly world where gamers will experience a fantasy boxing arena and engage in an interactive “gloves on” ring experience with the boxer of their choice.

“They said it couldn’t be done but we are doing it,” reveals Gilliam. “After 459 rejections, I now have major commitments, partners and growing interest from professional boxers who are calling us now. We are the first professional sports game on blockchain, and we plan to go every round! The logo and website are just a teaser of what is yet to come.”

Round4RoundBoxing, LatinoAthlete, FightTyme, jeung RichPlaceMedia are the first official partners to be announced by Crypto Boxers. Crypto Boxers will be releasing the names of confirmed professional boxers, boxing officials and judges that will be in the game soon. Some of the current talks with professional boxers include legendary champs like Evander Holyfield, Larry Holmes, Michael Spinks jeung Antonio Tarver, along with currently active champsTerrance Crawford and female boxer Christina Hammer.

To throw your glove into the digital ring and stay updated on launch details, weigh in with Crypto Boxers dina Twitter, Facebook, jeung Instagram and #GetIntheRing now at cryptoboxers.io !

Petr Petrov to host Q and A, TOMORROW at 12 PMnoon Eastern time live on Twitter

WBO World Lightweight Championship Bout streamed LIVE exclusively in the United States on Twitter Saptu ieu

Pikeun ngaleupaskeun Geura

WBO number-two ranked lightweight in the world, Petr Petrov bakal taking questions from boxing fans live on BannerBoxing di 12 PM Eastern time dina Jumaah. Petrov will take on undefeated WBO world Lightweight champion Terry Flanagan dina dinten saptu in a fight that can be streamed exclusively in the United States on Twitter.
Fans can ask Petrov questions on @BannerBoxing by using any of the following hashtags:

The live stream of Saptu sacara Championship fight will be available for free to logged-in and logged-out users exclusively on Twitter and connected devices in the United States. Access to the live stream will be available Saptu peuting di boxing.twitter.com and on @BannerBoxing. Follow at @BannerBoxing to find out the exact timing of the live stream in the coming days.

Banner Promotions Partners with Twitter to stream WBO Lightweight World Championship Bout

Banner Promotions is pleased to announce that it will live-stream the WBO Lightweight world championship bout between undefeated champion Terry Flanagan and number-two contender Petr Petrov live exclusively on Twitter in the United States Saptu ieu.

The live stream of Saptu sacara Championship fight will be available for free to logged-in and logged-out users exclusively on Twitter and connected devices in the United States. Access to the live stream will be available Saptu peuting di boxing.twitter.com and on @BannerBoxing. Follow at @BannerBoxing to find out the exact timing of the live stream in the coming days.
I am very excited about the opportunity to bring the WBO Lightweight World Championship exclusively to Twitter in the United States on April 8th ,” ceuk Banner promosi Présidén, Artie Pelullo. “This is a great opportunity to partner with Twitter on this unique medium, in order to reach a broader fan base and to reach potential new fans of boxing.
We are thrilled to partner with Banner Promotions to bring more live boxing to Twitter,” said Anthony Noto, COO at Twitter. “Our passionate boxing fans can view the live stream of the WBO Lightweight World Championship and join the live conversation all on Twitter.

Saptu sacara title bout features the undefeated Flanagan, who will be attempting to make the 5th defense of the title that he won on July 11th, 2015 with a 2nd round stoppage over Jose Zepeda. Flanagan, 27 umurna taun, has made defenses of former world champion Mzonke Fana as well as his last bout when he stopped Orlando Cruz in eight-rounds on November 26th.

Petrov tina Madrid, Spanyol ngabogaan rékaman 38-4-2 jeung 19 knockouts, and has won six straight bouts. Nu 2014 Boxcino Lightweight champion has victories over undefeated Fedor Papazov (14-0), Chris Rudd (13-1), former world champion Gamaliel Diaz, and Marvin Quintero (28-6). Dina bout panungtungan-Na, he stopped Michael Perez in six rounds on September 30th.

Jon Santang Fined Pikeun Cocaine Pamakéan, Tapi UFC Lampu Heavyweight Champ Leungit Sigana Kudu Meunangkeun Treatment Special di Cocaine Skandal

Diropéa 1/19/2015 jeung video wawancara full:

Ku: Beunghar Bergeron

Pikeun campuran fans Seni bela diri enthralled ku kontrovérsi sabudeureun Jon Si Kabayan jeung tes teu kahaja nu snagged manéhna dina skandal kokain, “Wawancara Nu” teu hiji komédi starring James Franco jeung Seth Rogen.

Klip luhur nembongkeun saukur sababaraha snippets tina Fox Olahraga full 1 rintakan diuk-handap sakurilingna hasil a 4 Désémber “kaluar ti kompetisi” tes nu paling fans MMA sakuliah dunya ayeuna sadaya teuing teu wawuh jeung. Pikeun maranéhanana dina planet beda nu teu ngadangu warta, uji wangsit Si Kabayan geus métabolit kokain dina sistem-Na.

Ieu peuting, Si Kabayan anu muncul dina hiji-tunggu lila “datang ka Yesus” moment di hareup kaméra, tapi tinimbang Neneng Walters nanyakeun pertanyaan, éta Charissa Thompson. The Jones Interview is slated for an 11PM EST time slot, lila sanggeus kabéh kids saeutik nu kasampak nepi ka manéhna pindah ka bed. Pikeun wincikan nu langkung lengkep ihwal naon bakal katutupan, parios sawangan ieu nunda kaluar ku Fox sateuacanna.

Eta teu mawa pisan lila sanggeus laporan tes positif surfaced pikeun guyonan Scarface , memes jeung parodies pikeun ngamimitian sirkulasi. Though the situation is far from funny to many folks who are truly disgusted by these developments, it’s really hard not to laugh at some of the stuff plastered sadaya di sakuliah Twitterverse nu about Jones. Nyieun perkara parah nu ngalaporkeun yén UFC Lampu Heavyweight Jawara spent ngan 24 jam di rehab, tapi folks dina Twitter sakali deui kapanggih sababaraha cara pikeun Toké fun di tumuwuhna nu ogé:

Nu hiji ngajangjikeun tumuwuhna datangna agama luar ka kaayaan sakabeh nyaeta yen UFC pamustunganana stepped luhur jeung ka levied sababaraha hukuman nu diwates dina Santang. Padahal eta jigana sapoé kasep jeung sababaraha rébu pérak pondok, promosi pencét budak poster maranéhanana kalawan $25,000 rupa jeung ngaluarkeun pernyataan di handap ieu:

"Kabayan dites positif pikeun kokain salila uji ubar kaluar-of-kompetisi anu dilakukeun ku Nevada Athletic Komisi dina Dec. 4, 2014. Nu $25,000 bakal disumbangkeun ka program zat nyiksa pencegahan.

Nu UFC datang ka kaputusan ieu nalika reviewing fakta sabudeureun masalah, jeung sanggeus narima konfirmasi ti Nevada Athletic Komisi nu Santang diliwatan sagala tes ubar diperlukeun di handap ieu bout-na di UFC 182 dina Jan. 3."

Teu nu UFC kakara nyebut maranehna boga kode etik maranehna menta sagala atlit maranéhanana dikontrak nuturkeun? Ieu pertanyaan adil, tapi complicating urusan nyaeta kanyataan yén Nevada Athletic Komisi téhnisna overstepped bounds ku cara komo subjecting Santang ka ujian pikeun hiji hal anu sabenerna ngalarang dina kaluar ti lingkungan kompetisi. The UFC’s legal bigwigs had to take a step back and figure out how to defend whatever punishment Jones would face in light of the test.

A kode etik palanggaran seemed kawas hiji kasus kabuka sarta Cicing ka seueur ahli, tapi nyieun hukuman teuing ongkosna mahal dipikaresep bakal méré Santang hiji Avenue ka sengketa rupa nu. Sadaya manéhna baris geus ngalakonan nyaéta perhatian telepon ka komisi athletic ngarujuk kana uji sorangan salaku “pangawasan administrasi.” Nyieun rupa ka tutulung hiji sigana kawas cara gede pikeun nyegah sagala tangtangan hukum ku Si Kabayan.

Leungit, mandang nu sisi masalah ieu basa Anjeun asup, sakabeh kajadian smacks tina pilih kasih damang dipintonkeun ku UFC ka arah Santang. Gampang pisan dibayangkeun jalma anu gelut dina kartu awal nu UFC sacara lalaki langsung dialungkeun kaluar ti organisasi lamun bray dina kaayaan nu sarua. Tapi, Si Kabayan ieu slapped dina pigeulang jeung denda minimal jeung literatur dibéré pujian luhur pikeun confronting masalah kawas jawara manéhna. He even gets to go on national television and explain why he “messed up.”

Sanajan loba kasus nu ngawengku pejuang UFC nu dites positif pikeun pot di taun anyar kaasup skenario lengkep beda ngeunaan dina tes kompetisi, Dana bodas teu kaluar dina salah sahiji maranéhanana instansi ngawangkong ngeunaan sabaraha maranéhanana pejuang diperlukeun pitulung. Anjeunna teu baris nepi mana wae ngawawancara for wae nya eta pejuang jeung jaringan utama nu UFC ngabogaan siaran deal multi-juta dollar jeung.

Sababaraha fans Si Kabayan bisa ngajawab yén lolobana hukuman harsher dished kaluar pikeun pamaké ganja anu kasus offenders ulang. Teges, ieu mangrupa ngalanggar kahiji pikeun Santang lamun datang ka uji ubar. Tapi, urang ogé teu bisa malire kanyataan yén manéhna dibungkus Bentley-Na kira-kira hiji kutub telepon, earning DUI hiji, sababaraha rébu pérak di fines jeung hukuman (kaasup $7,000 pikeun ngaganti kutub) jeung gantung lisénsi hiji genep bulan supir pikeun mreun nya isuk-isuk Méi 19, 2012. Aya teu hukuman resmi ku UFC pikeun kacilakaan nu. Manéhna diidinan membela judul di September tina taun anu sarua.

Ieu hésé dibayangkeun komo atlit pangalusna di mana wae olahraga séjénna meunang perlakuan sarua ku bos maranéhanana. Pertimbangkeun kasus Diego Maradona, arguably the best soccer player ever. Manéhna kungsi eureun ti olahraga pikeun 15 bulan dina 1991 sanggeus gagal tes ubar alatan kokain. Deui dina 2007, Martina Hingis dites anu positif pikeun métabolit sarua kapanggih dina Santang, tapi tingkat nya éta sabenerna di handap tingkat ditarima di protokol screening ubar Amérika Sarikat militer sacara. Féderasi ténis International masih ditunda nya pikeun dua taun. Ieu dua olahraga mana obyektif nyatakeun teu ka menyakiti lawan Anjeun supados meunang. MMA nyaeta sato nu béda, komo di latihan pejuang mindeng meunang menyakiti.

Sanaos “kaluar ti kompetisi” teu kaasup gelut resmi hiji artis bela diri husus dicampur mayar bersaing dina, éta periode lamun deal agung sparring bisa lumangsung. Padahal sababaraha bakal ngabantah kokain ngarupakeun ubar kinerja enhancing, aya alesan frasa “hopped nepi dina kokainis so common. Lamun Jon Santang ieu dina pangaruh ubar pas mana wae sesi latihan mana sparring lumangsung, manéhna bisa geus nunda dirina jeung / atawa pasangan sparring di bahaya serius. Not to mention the damage a long-term cocaine habit can do to a person. Padahal manéhna insists ceuk urang mah hiji mikaresep, éta hiji refrain ilahar jalma nu manggihan masalah ubar serius.

Loba kali, urang dina posisi kawas Si Kabayan ngan teu bisa nélépon ka nu Kinérja sarta perhatian nu hadir kalawan stardom. Maranéhanana saterusna giliran zat pikiran numbing tina rupa-rupa hukum jeung nu haram. Gampang pisan ngarti kunaon Santang ieu ngabogaan isu ieu, tapi dina waktu nu sarua geus kabéh leuwih perlu nolak méré manéhna kawas mangrupakeun cara nu panggampangna kaluar.

Malah leuwih ti kitu ti rata-rata Joe nu ends nepi experimenting jeung narkoba, ka batur kawas Si Kabayan bisa kalayan gampang mampuh boga watek bener bad, jeung manéhna geus unggal alesan pikeun nyumputkeun ti masarakat umum. Ieu hartina ciri khas tina kecanduan–ngagunakeun bari nyorangan–bisa conceivably jadi concealed ku Si Kabayan periode nu lila.

Ngalamar nepi hukuman minimal, bertindak kawas éta teu masalah anu serius, jeung anu ngamungkinkeun manéhna ku anjeun dina catetan ka resmi kufur manehna geus mana wae masalah jeung kokain bisa jadi pisan detrimental ka recovery-Na. Ieu utamana bener lamun manéhna memang teu boga masalah anu serius nu ceuk urang nyoba jadi teuas pikeun nyegah admitting.

Nu awon bagian skenario ieu sakabeh, sanajan, nyaeta talatah dikirim ku wahyu nu aya aturan teuas forbidding dipake kokain kaluar ti kompetisi, sahenteuna sajauh salaku Nevada Athletic Komisi museur. Kuring ragu loba seniman bela diri dicampur atawa boxers terang nu saméméh kajadian dijieun ieu judul warta. Ayeuna maranehna ngalakukeun, jeung anu bisa nyieun masalah pisan serius.

Pejuang mindeng asalna ti backgrounds kasar, jeung tinimbang perpetuating paripolah nu ngan ngabalukarkeun jail, maranéhanana giliran tarung kabur ti ubar jeung kajahatan. Kajadian ieu ngajadikeun eta jelas ka unggal nu bajoang nu bisa jadi geus nampik pikeun meunangkeun aub jeung kokain dina jaman baheula nu manéhna atawa manéhna ayeuna bisa meunangkeun jauh jeung ngalakonan eta dina whim hiji, sakali atawa dua kali, atawa iraha wae maranehna teu pajoang. Kumaha loba pejuang ieu bakal luncat katuhu balik deui ka nu gaya hirup heubeul sakali maranehna meunang tepi gawir nu?

Tinggal sabaraha bisa berpotensi jadi ancur, sabaraha panutan bakal kakeunaan salaku frauds, jeung sabaraha careers bakal permanén derailed sabab pejuang ayeuna nyaho tanpa ragu nu maranéhanana bisa ngalakukeun ubar liar sakabeh rupa salami eta urang teu kauninga dina anu leutik “di kompetisi” jandela? Urang moal nyaho, sabab sabab nangtung urang teu bisa nyaho. Urang keur teu sakuduna nyaho. Cara nu scourge terus salawasna nyumput, nu mana dipake ubar jeung nyiksa festers jeung tumuwuh leuwih rampant jeung bahaya ka maké jeung maranéhanana kira-kira manéhna atawa nya.

Naha Kabayan mangrupakeun hiji mikaresep atawa teu henteu masalah. Mémang nyatana, manehna nyieun pilihan bad nu countless pejuang bisa nyieun lamun nunda dina posisi nu sarua. Sometimes it just takes one poor decision to start a downward spiral that only ends in tragedy. Nyampurkeun bodo beda ngan alatan manéhna bisa meunangkeun di kandang jeung buang turun jeung pangalusna di division nya éta resep Musibah.

Komo lamun urang keur gantung genep bulan ti olahraga, hiji hal nu leuwih kudu dipigawé ku UFC pikeun ngirim hiji talatah beda jeung anu leuwih penting. Nu UFC perlu pejuang maranéhanana nyaho ieu téh teu OK, moal bisa ditolerir, jeung teu matak ngulang ku saha dina roster maranéhanana. Pausahaan teu perlu pejuang maranéhanana mikir nu tingkat luhur Kinérja sarta status maranéhanana earn di olahraga ieu hartina paripolah leuwih troubling maranéhanana bisa meunangkeun jauh jeung.

Pamanggih sakabeh Ieu nu stardom atawa prowess athletic equates ka perlakuan husus aya kahayang méré NFL jadi loba headaches unggal taun jeung nyimpen jadi loba selebriti di kuburan awal. Pejuang nu sakuduna dituju dicekel ka standar pangluhurna nunjukeun hal, jeung talatah pangalusna pikeun ngirim hiji nu nembongkeun eta leuwih hade pikeun nyegah sagala intoxicants jeung paripolah troubling upami Anjeun hoyong suksés di olahraga tempur. Kacilakaan jeung kasalahan lumangsung ka pangalusna jalma anu miboga karakter neneng, tapi ieu molehills leutik bisa jadi jangkah pagunungan nu lamun ditinggalkeun unchecked.

Mah tangtu bener kawas ningali UFC ngegel bullet jeung mawa dina hiji organisasi kawas Anti Doping Agénsi World pikeun ngalakonan jenis uji ubar random maranéhanana sakali jangji bakal kaula sadaya pejuang dina maranéhanana roster ka. Uji nu kudu di antarana tes random pikeun ubar jalan nu haram salian PEDs. Lamun kuningan pausahaan bener cared leuwih ngeunaan pejuang ti garis handap finansial sorangan, bakal hayang nyaho sabaraha pagawé maranéhanana teu boga masalah jeung euy kudu “tulung.”