标记档案: 特鲁希略·阿尔托

维尔弗雷多·宾比托’ 门德斯将争夺 WBA 联邦拳王头衔



赢得世界拳击联合会冠军后 (UBF) 去年12月空缺的美洲冠军头衔, 维尔弗雷多·宾比托’ 门德斯 (9-0, 4 KO的) 从 特鲁希略阿尔托, 波多黎各, 将寻求世界拳击协会的顶级排名 (WBA ) 当他面对尼加拉瓜莱曼·贝纳维德斯时 (13-6-1, 2 KO的) 争夺空缺的 WBA 轻量级联邦拳王头衔.





门德斯-贝纳维德斯决斗将于 星期六, 三月 17 圣多明各雅拉瓜酒店的嘉年华大厅, 多明尼加共和国.





“Fedelatin 头衔至关重要,因为它将拳击手置于首位 15 WBA 排名以及两到三场额外的比赛, 争夺世界冠军的机会是很有可能的. 我们相信“Bambito”’ 技能如此 三月 17, 波多黎各将有另一位拳击手接近世界冠军机会” 劳尔·帕斯特拉纳说, 管理公司“斯巴达拳击俱乐部”总裁.





不败的门德斯, 谁是波多黎各国家业余拳击队的一员说:





“我见过赢得 Fedelatin 冠军的拳击手, 眨眼间, 他们已经在为世界冠军而战, 为了那个伟大的时刻,我从童年开始就一直在努力. 特鲁希略阿尔托和波多黎各在我心中, 我希望能够再迈出一步 三月 17 在不久的将来成为世界冠军”.





在他在圣多明各的最后一场比赛中, 去年12月的DR, 门德斯击败多米尼加共和国选手胡安·古兹曼 (22-10, 12 KO) 第二回合被TKO夺取UBF腰带.





“斯巴达拳击俱乐部”’ 其阵容中有职业拳击手: WBO/WBC排名 122 磅。, 耶尼费尔·埃尔·拉约’ 维森特 (31-3-2, 23 KO的) 在多明尼加共和国的, 波多黎各业余拳击队前成员, 伯纳德·宾博’ 勒布朗 (9-0, 4KO的), 约翰“野兽”’ 科雷亚 (3-0, 3KO的) 和维尔弗雷多·“宾比托”·门德斯, 轻重量级和前奥运选手, 列宁卡斯蒂略 (17-1- 1, 12 KO的) 在多明尼加共和国的, 等等.

WBO Champion Amanda Serrano calls out IBF Champion Jennifer Han for a world title unification bout

四月 22, 2016, history was made in Puerto Rico’s professional boxing, when a female boxing match was the featured bout of the evening, held in the city of Trujillo Alto, where the four-time world champion in three divisions, Amanda ‘The Real Deal’ 塞拉诺 ( 28-1-1, 21 KO的 ) defeated the number 6th ranked, Edina ‘DNAKiss of Budapest, Hungary by TKO in the fourth round.
Just a week later, IBF featherweight world champion, Jennifer Han of El Paso, 得克萨斯州, was also in a main event match in front of her people from El Paso, and defeated Colombian, Calixta Silgado via unanimous decision in a ten round fight.
“我觉得时机是完美的!” Amanda Serrano said, “We both come from recent fights, both of us scored victories and are uninjured and in great condition. Women’s boxing and our fans deserve to see who is the best featherweight in a unification bout”.
他 ( 14-3-1, 1 KO的 ) has fought her last four fights in her hometown of El Paso, 得克萨斯州.
It’s funny because a few weeks ago I had my first fight in Puerto Rico, and have fought in the United States, 瑞士, Argentina and Dominican Republic. True Champions often leave their comfort zone to prove they are the real deal in boxing. 我随时准备,” 塞拉诺说, who is the current WBO featherweight World Champion.