Tag Arsip: Tony Moran

Khan-Quaye Judul ngalawan Rojongan Pikeun 12 Roy Jones JR-Tony Moran September di Liverpool

Khan-Quaye Judul ngalawan Rojongan Pikeun Roy Jones JR-Tony Moran September 12th di Liverpool


Brebes sacara Tasif Khan nyaéta ngan leuwih saminggu jauh ti gelut pangbadagna karir to date, lamun manéhna nyanghareup dua waktu judul Pasamakmuran nangtang, Ghana sacara Isaac Quaye, pikeun tinju Federation Dunya (WBF) International Super Flyweight Championship, dina Stephen Vaughan diwanohkeun kajadian Katerangan, di Aintree Equestrian Centre dina Saptu 12thSeptember, nu headlined ku kahiji kungsi UK fight Roy Jones JR sacara, ngalawan Tony Moran.


Khan, anu ngan balik ka fray nu, di handap ieu hiji sabbatical dua puluh lima bulan ti olahraga, dina Januari taun ieu leuwih ti dijieun up for waktu kaluar ring jeung tilu ngéléhkeun kelas luhur.


Dina munggaran bouts ieu Khan disposed of Richard Voros di ngan leuwih menit tina babak kahiji, anjeunna tuluy dituturkeun ku anu meunangna waktu ampir identik leuwih Ladislav Miko dina Maret, nu dijejeran manéhna up for shot na judul nu International Masters dina Méi, ngalawan Mikheil Soloninkini, nu aman Khan kalawan meunangna titik unanimous alus teuing.


Pikeun ngagambarkeun pikagumbiraeun Khan ngeunaan meunang kasempetan ieu tarung judul WBF jadi jawara sanggeus-Na mulang mangrupakeun parnyataan nu ngahinakeun, tapi lamun dibandingkeun jeung parasaan ngeunaan pajoang judul dina undercard of Roy Jones JR versus Tony Moran dijieun nu bulak di ngabandingkeun, manéhna dijieun jelas sabot ngomong ngeunaan kajadian nu bakal datang.


"Waktu munggaran meunang ka Abdi gé jadi pajoang dina RUU Roy Jones, ieu kacida endah pisan, hehehehe endah ka pajoang dina acara sarua jeung Roy Jones.


Kuring tumuwuh nepi ningali manéhna fight, panon mah manéhna salah sahiji pajuang greatest kungsi, teu alatan accolade of judul anu ceuk urang meunang, jumlah belts manéhna meunang, ti Middleweight ka luhur, tapi nu unheard of ngomong ka saha poe ieu nu middleweight a bade indit sadaya jalan nepi ka Heavyweight jeung meunang gelar Dunya jeung di maranéhanana poé anu pangalusna perang anu pangalusna, Roy Jones keur kuring mah salah sahiji sadaya waktu pejuang pangalusna jeung jadi dina RUU sarua jeung manéhna téh sadayana kiridit ka MBC (Malta Komisi tinju), Stephen Vaughan jeung Francis Warren jeung kuring teu bisa hatur eta jeung dulur aub dina acara masif ieu cukup jeung écés pikeun letting kuring tarung dina acara. "


Khan saterusna nuluykeun omongan ngeunaan lawan-Na dina September 12th - Isaac Quaye


"Kuring geus meunang hormat full pikeun Isaac Quaye, ceuk urang meunang catetan alus, ceuk urang geus di jeung anu pangalusna jeung manéhna hiji Ghanaian tangguh sakumaha nu ayeuna urang apal, jadi datang September 12th urang bakal siap pikeun manéhna.


Kuring teu yakin ieu, ayeuna teh geus lalampahan pondok, tapi lalampahan amis, ngan waktu hésé Kuring geus kungsi ieu waktu jauh ti cingcin, Kuring kungsi gap kira-kira tilu taun tapi jelas MBC, sakabeh jalma aub jeung MBC jeung tim kira-kira kuring geus ditarik babarengan jeung méré kuring kasempetan ieu.


Fight kapungkur mah méré kuring kasempetan pikeun meunangkeun beubeur kahiji mah (Masters International) karir mah, jadi saterusna jeung ka luhur.


Teu kasampak katukang lawan mana wae jeung sok ngalatih sasuai, urang nyaho Isaac Quaye nyaéta lawan tangguh jeung dina watesan Dunya ranking manéhna pisan nu leuwih luhur ti kuring, jadi eta win a, meunang kaayaan keur kuring sabab kuring gé nyiapkeun, kawas unggal fight, lamun Kaula underdog nu, mamang teu manéhna gé jadi datang di paporit jeung neuteup ka kesel kuring jeung balaréa.


Kuring geus aya kaitannana full pikeun manéhna di luar cingcin, tapi di jero ring mah teu boga rahmat keur saha, Kuring rék indit dina maranéhanana sarta ngabalukarkeun karuksakan salaku mah hayang meunang, jadi hayu urang meunangkeun eta dina ".


Tiket, dibanderol £ 40, £ 60, £ 100 jeung VIP Ringside £ 150 pikeun Stephen Vaughan Yuliadi Roy Jones JR. versus Tony Moran MBC International Cruiserweight Championship dipingpin kajadian Katerangan di Aintree Equestrian Centre di Liverpool Saptu September 12th 2015 sadia ayeuna, meuli dina jalur di www.tkoboxoffice.com jeung www.vaughanboxing.tv atawa télépon 0333 200 0905.


Sanctioning for ieu kajadian bakal budi Komisi tinju Malta - www.maltaboxingcommission.com

Si Kabayan JR. Vs Moran Open Pencét Konférénsi, Liverpool, Rebo 22nd Juli



Nu kabuka pikeun konferensi pers umum for acara Stephen Vaughan Katerangan, headlined ku Roy Jones JR. versus Tony Moran MBC International jeung World tinju Federation (WBF) Antar benua Cruiserweight championships bout, bakal lumangsung di 1:30WIB ieu Rebo datang, nu 22nd Juli di BIERKELLER, 6 Thomas Steers Way, Liverpool One, L1 8LW.


Sajaba Roy Jones JR jeung Tony Moran dina hadir oge jadi loba jelema nu bakal di aksi dina peuting, kaasup;


Paul Economides, anu bakal defending nya judul WBF antar benua Super Bantamweight ngalawan Prosper Ankrah.


Tasif Khan, anu bakal nangtang Isaac Quaye pikeun jawara WBF International Super Flyweight.


Nick Quigley, anu nyanghareup undefeated Nathan Decastro


Antonio Counihan, anu nyanghareup Ghana Kang Michael Ansah


Undefeated Liverpool dumasar prospek panas Rusia David Agadzhanyan.


Lee Boyce, anu dicokot Scunthorpe Kang Mateus Pepper.


Unbeaten Jay Carney, anu nyanghareup unbeaten Mathew Fitzsimons ti Belfast.


Prospek lokal Dayle Gallagher, anu nyanghareup oposisi pancer ti Matt Scriven


Unbeaten Heavyweight Rob Beech, anu bakal mawa kana Blackpool Kang Mathew Ellis


Plus prospek lokal Lee Monaghan, Lee Milner jeung Carl Donohue, anu baris sagala jadi nyieun debuts pro maranéhanana di September 12th.


Tiket, dibanderol £ 40, £ 60, £ 100 jeung VIP Ringside £ 150 pikeun Stephen Vaughan Yuliadi Roy Jones JR. versus Tony Moran MBC International Cruiserweight Championship dipingpin kajadian Katerangan di Aintree Equestrian Centre di Liverpool Saptu September 12th 2015 bakal aya keur meuli di konferensi pers atawa sadia meuli on line di www.tkoboxoffice.comjeung www.vaughanboxing.tv


Sanctioning for ieu kajadian bakal budi Komisi tinju Malta - www.maltaboxingcommission.com


Roy Jones JR. Vs Tony Moran Pencét Konférénsi siapkeun pikeun Rebo 22nd Juli.

Promotor Stephen Vaughan JR. kiwari ngumumkeun yén konferensi pers pikeun Roy Jones JR. versus Tony Moran Championship bout, nu lumangsung di Aintree Equestrian Centre, di Liverpool Saptu 12th September, bakal lumangsung di Bierkeller, 6 Thomas Steers Way, Liverpool L1 8LW di 1:30WIB dinten Rebo 22nd Juli.


On nyieun pengumuman nu, Bapa. Vaughan, ceuk. "Ieu a ngahargaan nyata pikeun mibanda legendaris Roy Jones JR. datang leuwih ti gelut di Inggris pikeun kahiji kalina, komo leuwih alus yen urang geus manéhna pajoang katuhu euy di Liverpool dina salah sahiji nempokeun urang, ngalawan salah sahiji lads lokal urang sorangan, Tony Moran, dina 12th September.


Tapi saencan urang meunangkeun ningali Katerangan dirina dina aksi, kahiji urang boga konferensi pers, nu bakal lumangsung di Bierkeller di Liverpool One.


Sajaba Roy jeung Tony urang ogé gé geus sagala lads ti sisi imah kartu jeung sababaraha of lawan maranéhanana dina hadir teuing.


Ieu bakal jadi Pencét Konférénsi open jadi dulur wilujeng sumping datang sapanjang. "


Pencét Konférénsi


Waktu & Tanggal: 1:30WIB dinten Rebo 22nd Juli 2015


Lokasi: Bier Keller, 6 Thomas Steers Way, Liverpool L1 8LW


Dina hadir:


Roy Jones JR. versus Tony Moran

MBC International Cruiserweight Championship


Paul Economides (17-5-0) versus Prosper Ankrah (24-5-0)

World tinju Federation antar benua Super Bantamweight Championship


Tasif Khan (10-1-2) versus Isaac Quaye (27-11-1)

World tinju Federation International Super Flyweight Championship


WBU Junior World Super Bantamweight Jawara Stevie Quinn JR. (7-2-0) (Lawan tba)


Unbeaten Lightweight prospek Antonio Counihan (7-0-0) (Lawan tba)


Prospek Featherweight Unbeaten Jay Carney (2-0-0) versus Mathew Fitzsimons (1-0-0)


Unbeaten Featherweight prospek David Agadzhanyan (5-0-0) (Lawan tba)


Unbeaten Heavyweight prospek Rob Beech (5-0-0) (Lawan tba)


Middleweight: Nick Quigley (13-2-0) versus Nathan Decastro (4-0-0)


Cahaya Heavyweight: Lee Boyce (2-1-0) versus Mateus Pepper (1-9-0)


Welterweight: Dayle Gallagher (1-0-0) versus Matt Scriven (14-89-1)


Plus debuting boxers: Bantamweight; Tom Bell, Cahaya Heavyweight; Liam Milner jeung Welterweight; Lee Monaghan


Tiket, dibanderol £ 40, £ 60, £ 100 jeung VIP Ringside £ 150 pikeun Stephen Vaughan Yuliadi Roy Jones JR. versus Tony Moran MBC International Cruiserweight Championship dipingpin kajadian Katerangan di Aintree Equestrian Centre di Liverpool Saptu September 12th 2015 sadia ayeuna, nelpon 0333 200 0905 atawa meuli di jalur di www.tkoboxoffice.com jeung www.vaughanboxing.tv


Sanctioning for ieu kajadian bakal budi Komisi tinju Malta - www.maltaboxingcommission.com

13 Time KB World Champ Hunt Signs With VaughanPro Boxing Debut, Liverpool 23rd May

Undisputed and unified WBC, ISKA, WAKO, IKF & WKA World Champion, Marlon Hunt, is set to begin his professional boxing career later this month, following his signing management papers with renowned Liverpool based promoter Stephen Vaughan.


Hunt, who has held World titles in three different disciplines – Kick Boxing, K-1 Rules and Muay Thai – and five different weight categories, will be making his professional boxing debut on Vaughan’s upcoming NEW ERA event, which takes place at the Grand Central Hall in Liverpool on Saturday 23Rd Mei.


With a record breaking thirteen World titles to his name already, Hunt has made it clear that he is not entering the world of professional boxing to just make up the numbers, as when he spoke earlier he made it crystal clear that the change of discipline is so that he can focus on becoming a record holding four discipline World Champion.


“I’ve obviously done Kick Boxing, K-I Rules and Muay Thai, went through all the ranks there, won literally all the World titles in those sports, all the major World titles as well, so now I think it’s time to give pro boxing a shot.


I only signed with Stephen Vaughan on the 2nd May and it looks like I’m going to be busy straight away, he has me boxing on May 23Rdin Liverpool and again on the 25th July in Malta.


That was a shock, so let’s get it done, that’s the good thing about Steve, anjeun terang, it was literally I wanted to be managed by him as he sorts things out really quick.


This really suits me, I want to start challenging for titles as soon as possible, I’ve done everything that I’ve done in the other sports, I’ve been told for many years I should switch to pro boxing, but I didn’t think it was the right time, especially now with what I have won, again it will help me going up the rankings a little faster than I would have done otherwise, because of my experience, yeah I think it is the right time now.


I will still compete occasionally at Kick Boxing, as long as it doesn’t interfere with my pro boxing, I do want to do the mandatory defenses in my other sports, yeah I really want to defend my World titles still, apart from that I am concentrating fully on my pro boxing career.


There’s only a few people that have successfully transferred from one sport to the other, Chris Algieri, he was a kick boxer and has won a pro boxing World title, if Algieri can do it, I’m sure if I push the right way and I’m getting the right fights, I’m sure I can do the same thing.


I’m going to do the best that I can and become a four sport Champion, I don’t think to my knowledge that has actually done that yet, you know World Champion at Kick Boxing, K1, Muay Thai and Pro Boxing, so really would like to be the first to do that.


I’ve got some good loyal fans and they’ll be following me through the boxing as well and hopefully when I start pro boxing I’ll attract even more fans too, I feel that this is really good for the sport, not just by being able to attract new blood from the other sports, but also by doing that introduce new fans to both sports.


I’m really looking forward to the 23Rd May and the beginning of a new pro boxing career for myself.”


On Saturday May 23Rd, Hunt will be in first class company, as others boxing on the star studded bill include; reigning World Boxing Federation (WBF) World Welterweight Champion Chris Goodwin in action against London’s Mark ‘The Flash’ Alexander.

Reigning World Boxing Federation (WBF) Intercontinental Super Bantamweight Champion, Paul Economides, former British Super Middleweight and International Boxing Organisation (IBO) International Light Heavyweight Champion Tony Dodson.

BBBofC Welsh Area Middleweight Champion Lee Churcher, Britania, Commonwealth and WBF World Title challenger Tony Moran in a local derby with Blackpool’s Mathew Ellis, and Prizefighter Light Middleweight finalist and English title challenger Nick Quigley, who is set to face Scunthorpe’s highly entertaining Jody Meikle.


In addition to the Championship experienced boxers, there are also a host of upcoming, unbeaten young prospects boxing on the bill, kaasup; sensational former England amateur Captain Antonio Counihan, Liverpool based hot Russian prospect David Agadzhanyan, who faces former Ghanaian Champion Isaac Owusu, Featherweight prospect Jay Carney, Light Heavyweight prospect Lee Boyce, anu dicokot Scunthorpe Kang Mateus Pepper.


Also making his debut on the 23Rd Mei, alongside Hunt, is local lad Dayle Gallagher, whose first opponent as a pro is Nottingham’s Matt Scriven.


Marlon Hunt, against a yet to be named opponent, features on the Stephen Vaughan promoted NEW ERA event, which takes place at the Grand Central Hall in Liverpool on Saturday 23RdMei 2015.

Sanctioning for ieu kajadian bakal disadiakeun kahadean KPK tinju Malta (MBC) -www.maltaboxingcommission.com

Tickets priced £30 & £40 are available direct from Marlon Hunt, from any of the boxers taking part or call Stephen Vaughan on 07789 037802.