Tag Archives: Tokio

Top USA amateur boxers adjusting to life without fights & waiting another year for Olympics show

Arjan Iseni training during the pandemic

COLORADO SPRINGS, Kierros. (Huhtikuu 23, 2020) — Amateur boxing, as in the professional ranks, has been shut-down worldwide due to the Coronavirus pandemic. USA Boxing members are adjusting to these challenging and trying times all across the country.

Gyms and schools are closed, tournaments suspended, ja 2020 Summer Olympic Games in Tokyo have been postponed a year. Members of the Elite Qualification, Youth and Junior High Performance teams are home rather than in Colorado Springs training at the state-of-art United States Olympic and Paralympic Training Center.

How are some of the leading U.S. amateur boxers living during this period without fights?


Joseph Hicks (Grand Rapids, Michigan), 26-year-old middleweight, USA Ranking #2
Gold medal performances: 2019 National Golden Gloves; 2017 & 2018 Itä Elite Karsinta; 3-time Eastern Elite Qualifier (2017-2019)

Hicks was within one qualifier victory of officially becoming a member of the 2020 Team USA Olympic Boxing Team. He is taking advantage of the break, vaikka, spending quality time with his wife and young daughter.

I personally feel that this has been a blessing in disguise, because I have more time to improve on the things the USA coaches have been telling me to work on. I live in an apartment in Lansing (MY), but I’ve been staying with my mom in Grand Rapids so I can comfortably train. It’s weird in a way, but I miss getting punched at. I’ve been trying to adapt to the new normal, but I can’t wait to be back at the training center (Colorado Springs).

I love that I can see my daughter every day to give her all my attention, but she misses the gym as much as me. My wife and mother have been very supportive. I believe waiting another year will only make me better by the time the Olympics are here.

Oshae Jones, (Toledo, Ohio), 22-year-old welterweight, USA Ranking #1
Gold Medal Performances: 2020 Olympic Team Trials, 3-time Elite National Championships (2016-2019), 2017 Itä Elite Karsinta, 2016 Youth Open, 2014 Kansallinen PAL. kansainvälinen: 2020 Strandja-turnaus & 2019 Pan-American Games

Jones had been on a roll leading up to the since postponed Americas Qualifier to lock a roster spot on the 2020 Team USA Olympic Boxing Team. She has been training at her family’s gym in Toledo, as well as getting more involved in community services and functions.

I have not adapted to life without boxing, because boxing will never leave my life. Perheeni / coaches have a gym connected to our house we live in. Boxing is not a sport, it’s a lifestyle .

My heart dropped when I first heard that the Olympics were postponed. Everything that I have been working toward for basically my whole life is on pause until next July. I do not know how I feel or how to express how I feel. The only thing I can do is try to stay motivated.


Arjan Iseni (Staten Island, New York), 17-year-old light heavyweight, USA Ranking #1
Gold Medal Performances: 2019 Youth National Championships, Eastern Regional Open & Youth Open

Iseni lives in the Coronavirus epicenter, Staten Island, New York. He and his father built a small ring in their backyard (katso alla oleva kuva) because he couldn’t train in any gyms.

It’s very hard to know that I won’t be able to represent Team USA this year in any international tournaments. This is my last year as a youth boxer, but I have been training very hard during quarantine, and I will be ready for whatever is next for me.

It is hard knowing that I will not be fighting soon, but this gives me more time to perfect the little flaws in my game, and I’ll comeback stronger when this all ends. Toivottavasti, everything goes back to normal soon, so I can get back to fighting actively and hopefully make Team USA as an Elite boxer.

Shera Mae Patricio (Waianae, Havaiji), 17-year-old flyweight, USA Ranking #1
Gold Medal Performances: 2019 Youth National Championships & Western Regional Open; 2018 Youth National Championships & Western Regionals Open; 2017 Kansalliset nuorten olympialaiset & National Golden Gloves

Patricio lives the furthest away from training camp and her teammates, but her family owns a boxing gym, and training/sparring isn’t as a problem for her because she has eight siblings.

We are in quarantine and I have adapted to life without fights by continuing to train at our personal gym with my siblings. Training hasn’t been a problem for us because we have our own personal gym. We sanitize all the equipment and the gym before and after training. Since there are no fights coming soon, we have been sharpening up our skills and building more knowledge We’ve been gaining strength and keeping up our endurance. On weekends, my dad rides a bike while we run laps to get some sunlight, and sometimes we do sprint drills outside.

Our family is a boxing family that started with my dad as he was a boxer. He started training me, only for defense, but it started to get serious in 2015 when I won my first tournament in Kansas. All of my other siblings are also boxers and they’re also multiple-time champions. My siblings and I have been getting a ton of family time staying home together. This quarantine has made us even closer. Our bond makes us stronger individually and as one. I’m far away from training in Colorado Springs, but my teammates are only a phone call away. I’m able to stay in touch and that’s very warming. Some of the coaches check on me to see how I’ve been doing. I looked forward to all the tournaments I planned to fight in and I’m disappointed they’ve been postponed, but I have more time to be even better prepared for my next fight.


Steven Navarro (Los Angeles, Kalifornia) 16-year-old flyweight, USA Ranking #1
Gold Medal Performances: 2019 Junior National Championships & Kansallinen PAL; 2018 Junior National Championships; 2017 Prep Open & Western Regional Open

Navarro was training in Colorado Springs to prepare for international competition in Bulgaria, but the trip was cancelled two days before Navarro and his teammates were scheduled to depart.

As a member of the USA Boxing Junior Team, I look forward to every fight / turnaus, because it could be my last. So it was very heartbreaking when I was notified that our fights in Bulgaria and future international fights were cancelled due to this pandemic. I continue working as hard as I do on a regular basis: waking up at 5 aamulla, running 5-6 miles in nearby hills, of course wearing my mask. I come home to take my online classes from 9 a.m.-2 p.m., which gives me a 2-hour nap before heading to my private gym. I am the only person who trains at my gym every day at 4:30 p.m. Once I get to the gym, I begin stretching for 3 kierrosta (3-minute rounds), shadow box for 5-7 kierrosta, then I hit five varieties of punching bags (3 kierrosta kukin). Afterwards, I work mitts (5-8 kierrosta) where I focus on different movements and situations that could possibly happen in a fight. I often hit the double-end bag and speed bag for 3 kierrosta. I finish my boxing training with 15 min. of jump rope.

I train on a daily basis for 2 hours with my father/coach Refugio Navarro. This pandemic is a bit of a gamble due to not having access to sparring. I do tend to ‘movewith my father once every week, but the experience is different. Once finished, I head to my grandparentshouse (only one block away from my home) to do my strength and conditioning. I do wear a mask and gloves when working out there. My grandfather is a bodybuilder and has his gym setup in his garage. I work-out with my grandfather for a good hour, constantly disinfecting all equipment, to wrap-up my day. I work with what I have, which is a blessing. Boxing isn’t a season sport, you must stay ready all year for anything, and that’s what I continue to do as I strive for greatness.

Fernanda Chavez (Dallas, Texas), 14-year-old bantamweight, USA Ranking #2
Gold Medal Performances: 2019 Junior Open; 2018 Prep Open & Eastern Regional

Chavez is a first-year member of the Junior High Performance Team and her inaugural training camp in Colorado Springs was pushed back.

Adapting to this new lifestyle hasn’t been the easiest. I’m thankful I have my family, as we’ve been going on daily runs and workouts at parks. My family understands the importance of my athleticism and staying fit, which is why we continue to motivate each other during this tough time. I’m not sure when our lives will return to normal, which is why I’m still prepared at all times.

The things I’m looking forward to most at camp in Colorado Springs is meeting other junior females on the team, as well as learning the different styles they bring. I also look forward to creating bonds between my new teammates and coaches from across the nation.

Arjan Iseni’s backyard ring in Staten Island


Viserrys: @USABoxing
Instagram: @USABoxing
Facebook: /USABoxing

TIETOA USA: N NOKSISTA: To promote and grow Olympic-style amateur boxing in the United States and to inspire the tireless pursuit of Olympic gold and enable athletes and coaches to achieve sustained competitive excellence. Lisäksi, USA Boxing pyrkii opettamaan kaikille osallistujille hahmon, itsevarmuutta ja keskittymistä heidän täytyy tulla joustaviksi ja monipuolisiksi mestareiksi, sekä sisään ja ulos rengas. USA Boxing is one team, yksi kansa, menee kullalle!

Itä-LA:sta Team USA:han perhosarjan nyrkkeilijä Anthony Herrera elää unelmaansa

COLORADO SPRINGS, Kierros. (Helmikuu 20, 2020) – Itä-Los Angelesin ikävistä kaduista Team USA:n laituriin on 19-vuotiaalle perhosarjalle merkittävä saavutus.Anthony Herrera, joka äskettäin valittiin jäseneksi 2020 Tokion olympialaisten nyrkkeilyn karsintajoukkue.

"Hyvin nuoresta asti,Herrera puhui kasvamisesta East LA:ssa, ”Vanhempani pitivät minua aina urheilussa. Urheiluharrastus häiritsi itse asiassa sitä, mitä kaupungissa tapahtui. Niin, Minulla ei koskaan ollut aikaa joutua ongelmiin, ja vanhempani pitivät minut poissa huonosta elämäntavasta. Kerran aloitin nyrkkeilyn, Otin sen vakavasti, keskittyä ja asettaa tavoitteita. Olin tuolloin hieman vanhempi ja halusinko osallistua nyrkkeilyyn vai halusinko tehdä siitä uran, oli minusta kiinni., ja minulla on aina ollut vanhempieni täysi tuki. Nyrkkeily on ollut iso osa elämääni. Odotan aina innolla seuraavaa harjoitusta tai kaikkea nyrkkeilyyn liittyvää. Se on osa imagoani tässä vaiheessa."

Toistaiseksi, vaikka, Herrera valmistautuu joukkuetoveriensa kanssa Yhdysvaltojen olympialaisissa ja paralympiakoulutuskeskuksessa Colorado Springsissä Amerikan karsintaturnaukseen, 26. maaliskuuta - huhtikuuta 3, Buenos Airesissa, Argentiina.

Herrera pääsee edustamaan maataan olympialaisissa sijoittumalla viiden parhaan joukkoon Buenos Airesissa, tai kuusi ensimmäistä sijaa MM-karsinnassa, Toukokuu 13-14, Pariisissa, Ranska.

"Paineen alla viihdyn,"Herrera sanoi. "En anna paineiden tunkeutua henkisesti niin paljon, että se vaikuttaisi negatiivisesti suoritukseeni. Se saa minut suoriutumaan paremmin, kun olen kehässä. Olen ollut paineen alla koko nyrkkeilyurani. Se ei ole vain tehnyt minusta paremman taistelijan tietyissä pelottavissa tilanteissa, mutta myös vahvempi ihminen kaiken kaikkiaan. Argentiinaan meno ei ole erilainen, hermot ovat edelleen siellä, mutta niin on päättäväisyyteni päästä Tokioon."

A 2018 Kansallinen PAL ja 2019 Western Elite Qualifierin mestari, Herrera sijoittui äskettäin kilpailussa toiseksi 2020 US-. Olympic Team Trials ja kolmas klo 2020 Strandja-turnaus Bulgariassa.

"Amatöörinyrkkeilysaavutus, josta olen ylpein, on tehdä Yhdysvaltojen karsintajoukkueesta kärpässarja," hän huomautti. ”Oli vaikea päästä tänne, ja tieto siitä, että voitin kohtaamani esteet tällä pitkällä matkalla siihen, missä olen nyt, tekee minut erittäin iloiseksi. Voin todella sanoa, että ansaitsin sen.

”Ensimmäinen kansainvälinen nyrkkeilyotteluni (Strandja) oli hieman erilainen kuin mihin olen tottunut. Käyttämämme varusteet ja ilman päähineitä taistelut loivat enemmän riskiä taistelussa, mutta minulla oli hauskaa ensimmäisessä kansainvälisessä taistelussani. Tunnen jo tuon ympäristön ja olen nyt mukavampi.

”Nautin todella harjoittelusta Colorado Springsissä joukkuetovereideni kanssa, koska se on hieno kokemus, jonka vain parhaat urheilijat saavat. Pidän myös kotona treenaamisesta, mutta Colorado Springsissä on vähemmän häiriötekijöitä. Saan keskittyä 100-prosenttisesti käsitöihini ja matkustaa enemmän.

Herrera, joka kuvailee tyyliään "swarmeriksi", painostaa ja murtaa vastustajansa, elää unelmaansa.

”Olympialaisissa taisteleminen oli minulle aina iso asia, mutta kultamitali on unelmani," hän lisäsi. "Olen aina halunnut sitä, koska kukaan ei voi koskaan ottaa sitä minulta pois, ja kultamitalin takana oleva tarina ja työ ovat korvaamattomia. Mielestäni se on vaikeampaa kuin ammattinyrkkeilyn maailmanmestaruuden voittaminen. Ollaan näin lähellä olympialaisia, Olen ylpeä itsestäni, mutta en tyytyväinen. Tiedän, että minulla on vielä tehtävää ja otan askeleen kerrallaan. Seuraava askel minulle on päästä olympialaisiin olympiakarsinnoissa.

Herrera selittää osan menestyksestään entisiltä ja nykyaikaisilta nyrkkeilijöiltä oppimisen ansioksi, toteuttaa kaikki käyttämänsä tekniikat hänen tyyliinsä, mukaan lukien, esimerkiksi, jalkatyötä ja pään liikettäJulio Cesar Chavez Sr., jaMike Tyson's kokoonpanot kehosta päähän.

Tokio on Anthony Herreralle kaukana East LA:sta.



Viserrys: @USABoxing

Instagram: @USABoxing

Facebook: /USABoxing

TIETOA USA: N NOKSISTA:  Edistää ja kasvattaa olympialaistyylistä amatööriyrkkeilyä Yhdysvalloissa ja innostaa olympiakullan väsymätöntä harjoittamista ja antaa urheilijoille ja valmentajille mahdollisuuden saavuttaa kestävä kilpailuosaaminen. Lisäksi, USA Boxing pyrkii opettamaan kaikille osallistujille hahmon, itsevarmuutta ja keskittymistä heidän täytyy tulla joustaviksi ja monipuolisiksi mestareiksi, sekä renkaassa että sen ulkopuolella. USA Boxing on yksi joukkue, yksi kansa, menee kullalle!

2020 US-. Olympic Team Trials for Boxing Women’s Field Finalized

COLORADO SPRINGS, Kierros. (Marraskuu 22, 2019)Following four qualifying tournaments that began in December 2018, the field of 40 elite female boxers who will compete next month at the 2020 US-. Olympic Team Trials for Boxing in Lake Charles, La. is final. Yhteensä 117 elite female boxers competed throughout the year for the 40 available spots. Only ten will advance from the trials competition to the next stage of the selection process and the opportunity to represent Team USA at the Olympic Games Tokyo 2020. Here is a closer look at the field in the five weight classes.

Flyweight/112 lbs./51 kg

2016 US-. Olympic Team Trials for Boxing champion Virginia Fuchs (Houston, Texas) fell short of advancing to the Rio 2016 Olympic Games during the international qualification but has dominated the flyweight division ever since. Having won eight international medals since those trials, Fuchs could face her biggest competition from the young talent of Heaven Garcia (El Monte, Kalifornia.). Garcia, a two-time World Champion in the junior and youth divisions, has been the one to watch for many years, and these trials could be her coming out party in the elite division. Kuitenkin, Christina Cruz (Helvetin keittiö, N.Y.), two-time Elite World Championship bronze medalist, will bring experience to her third U.S. Olympic Team Trials for Boxing that will be tough for any boxer that she faces. Mariana Gonzalez (Sunnyvale, Kalifornia.) stood atop the podium at the Western Elite Qualifier, while runner-up Jazzelle bobadilla (Ewa Beach, Havaiji) has international experience on her side that can help her to upset this division. Jasmine Hampton (Ann Arbor, Mich.) was victorious at the Last Chance Qualifier to punch her ticket to Lake Charles, kanssa Lina Vezzani (Brooklyn, N.Y.) ja Stephanie Chavez (Orange, Kalifornia.) rounding out the flyweight division.

Featherweight/125 lbs./57 kg

Expected to be the most competitive weight class in the women’s field, the featherweight division has numerous boxers looking to advance to the next stage of the selection process. Five of the eight boxers have World Championship medals, with the last three boxers having impressive performances at their qualifiers. Yarisel Ramirez (Las Vegas, Nev.) won a silver at the 2015 Juniorien MM-kisat, as well as a bronze at the 2019 Pan American Games in her first year in the elite division. Two-time Youth World Championships bronze medalists Isamary Aquino (Universal City, Texas) leads the way in the medal count and will look to continue making a name for herself. Lupe gutierrez(Sacramento, Kalifornia.) ja Iyana Verduzco (Los Angeles, Kalifornia.) won gold medals in their World Championship debuts, with Gutierrez winning at the 2015 Junior World Championships and Verduzco at the 2018 Youth World Championships. Mikiah Kreps(Niagara Falls, N.Y.) won the bronze medal at this October’s Elite World Championships in her international debut, and will be using the confidence from that performance in Lake Charles. Andrea Medina (San Diego, Kalifornia.) impressed many in Reno, defeating numerous World Championship medalists on her way to the title, kun taas Destiny Jasso(Dallas, Texas) ja Melanie Costa (Norton, Mass.) survived a tough bracket out of the Eastern Elite Qualifier to advance to these trials.

Lightweight/132 lbs./60 kg

Rashida Ellis (Lynn, Mass.) enters the 2020 US-. Olympic Trials with confidence on her side, after an impressive 2019 run that included bronze medals at the 2019 Pan American Games and World Championships. Amelia Moore (Alexandria, Va.) ja Stacia Suttles(Bronx, N.Y.) both have World Championship experience, as well as winning international performances to be strong contenders to take the title and advance to the next stage of the qualification to the Olympic Games Tokyo 2020. Ravven Brown (San Antonio, Texas) recently made her international debut at the 2019 Elite World Championships and had a quick rise to success in her short boxing career. Kimberly Carlson (Chicago, Ill.) jaWhitney Gomez (Bend, Tuntia.) left the Western and Last Chance Qualifiers golden, kun taasJennifer Lopez (Jersey City, N.J.) ja Rebecca Maine (Pittsburg, Pa.) round out the field following their silver medal performances in Ohio and California.

Welterweight/152 lbs./69 kg

Oshae Jones (Toledo, Ohio) made history this year with her gold medal at the 2019 Pan American Games and looks to be one of the favorites for the welterweight division. The comeback of a few boxers and the rise of some up and comers will make this another exiting weight class to watch. Two boxers who recently came back to the sport and looking to shake things up are Danyelle Wolf (San Diego, Kalifornia.) ja Mary Spencer (Boulder, Colo.). Susi, a three-time USA Boxing National Champion and two-time Continental Champion made her return to the ring in impressive fashion in Reno this year, while Spencer, who is a dual-citizen, represented Canada at the 2012 Olympic Games and won three World Championships under the Canadian flag, won the Eastern Qualifier to punch her ticket to the U.S. Olympic Team Trials for Boxing. Sharahya Moreu (Albuquerque, N.M.) may be the youngest in the division at 20-years-old but has a great deal of experience and will use that against her elder opponents. Briana Che (Madison, WISC.), Arika Skoog(Boston, Mass.) ja Jill Stafford (La Mesa, Kalifornia.) all won silver medals in their respective qualifying competitions and could easily surprise many in Lake Charles, kun taas Liz Flores(Woodland Hills, Kalifornia.) grabbed the last spot to compete after Morelle McCain decided to compete in the middleweight division following her qualifying in both weight classes.

Middleweight/165 lbs./75 kg

Since the departure of two-time Olympic Champion Claressa Shields to the professional ranks, Naomi Graham (Fayetteville, N.C.) has been the leader for Team USA in the middleweight division, winning multiple international medals including a silver at the 2019 Pan American Games and a bronze at the 2018 Maailmanmestaruus. 2017 Youth Maailmanmestari Citlalli Ortiz (Coachella, Kalifornia.) put on a dominating performance at the recent Last Chance Qualifier, including two wins by RSC, and will be looking to continue her winning ways into Lake Charles, kun taas Morelle McCane (Cleveland, Ohio) had an impressive 2019, taking a bronze in her international debut earlier this year. Alexis Gomez(South San Francisco, Kalifornia.) ja Kendra Reeves (Twin Falls, Idaho) picked up titles at the Western and Eastern Qualifiers to punch their tickets to Louisiana and will be looking to have another victorious tournament, kun taas Fallon Farrar (Colorado Springs, Colo.),Melody Popravak (Brooklyn, N.Y.) ja Rachael Washington (New York, N.Y.) took the silver medals at the three qualifying tournaments and will hope to improve their performances in Lake Charles.
Follow USA Boxing on social media, sekä 2020 US-. Olympic Team Trials for Boxing and 2019 USA Boxing National Championships website for news, tulokset, selection procedures and updates of the tournament by clicking here: http://bit.ly/BoxingTrials20




LOS ANGELES – For the first time in the organization’s history, Bellator travels to Japan and the iconic Saitama Super Arena for an historic event, kuten Fedor Emelianenko (38-6, 1 NC) ja Quinton "Rampage" Jackson (38-13) square off in a long-awaited heavyweight showdown. Bellator Japan: Fedor vs. Riehua, powered by RIZIN, takes place Sunday, Joulukuu 29 and will air LIVE on Paramount Network.

Liput Bellator Japan: Fedor vs. Riehua go on sale November 3. Additional bouts are expected to be announced in the coming days.

“For Bellator’s debut in Japan, we wanted to bring a massive event and fighters that the Japanese fans really connect with,” said Bellator President Scott Coker. “Given the vast history of martial arts and MMA in Japan, and especially at Saitama Super Arena, this will be a very special show that no one will want to miss.This will, unquestionably, be a monumental event for Bellator and I am looking forward to the moment that Fedor and ‘Rampage’ walk out to a crowd that has known them since their careers began. I would also like to thank RIZIN for their help in making this event a possibility and we look forward to working together in the near future to showcase the best talent each organization has to offer.”

Taistelevat pois Stary Oskol, Belgorod Oblast, Venäjä, Fedor Emelianenko returns to Japan following a successful run in the Bellator Heavyweight World Grand Prix earlier this year, where he earned consecutive first-round knockouts over Chael Sonnen ja Frank Mir. A former PRIDE FC Heavyweight Champion and PRIDE 2004 Heavyweight World Grand Prix Champion, “The Last Emperor” returns to where his career started. Often referred to as “The GOAT” by fans around the world, his career resume stands as one of the most impressive in the history of the sport with victories over Antônio Rodrigo Nogueira, Mirko Cro Cop, Mark Hunt, Mark Coleman and Andrei Arlovski, muutamia. Kanssa 29 career victories ending via finish, the punching power and world-class Sambo of the stoic Russian could result in yet another defining moment in his illustrious career.

An eight-fight veteran of Bellator, “Rampage” Jackson’s legendary career has seen him compete against some of the top names in the sport, generating a loyal army of fans along the way. The former PRIDE and UFC champion is the proud owner of many epic highlight reel slams and knockouts that he has racked up throughout his epic battles with the likes of Chuck Liddell, Dan Henderson, "Kuningas Mo" Lawalin, Kevin Randleman and, perhaps most-notably, his four-fight series with Wanderlei Silva. The Memphis, Tennessee-native has long been seen as an icon to MMA fans around the globe and has openly voiced a desire to face Fedor in front of a Japanese crowd before his career comes to an end. Nyt, the two legends will finally meet inside the Bellator cage on December 29 at the famed Saitama Super Arena.

Päivitetty Bellator Japan: Fedor vs. Riehua taistella kortti:

Raskaansarjan päätapahtuma: Fedor Emelianenko (38-6, 1 NC) vs. Quinton "Rampage" Jackson (38-13)

*Kortti voivat muuttua.

Käy Bellator.com lisätietoja.

Lewkowicz Secures Right to Broadcast KO King Guzman’s Title Defense This Saturday in Japan

Sampson Lewkowicz of Sampson Boxing is proud to announce he has secured the rights to broadcast a special early-morning Woz Promotions tripleheader of world-class boxing, on TyC Sports, päällä Lauantai, Joulukuu 31, 2016 (4:30 pM ET/6:30 pm JST), from the Shimazu Arena in Kyoto, Japani, and featuring boxing’s next superstar, Jonathan “Salomon kuningas” Guzman.
Yhdysvalloissa, TyC Sports can be found on DirecTV channel 469.
One of boxing’s most feared punchers, the undefeated KO artist Guzman (22-0, 22 KOs) Santo Domingo, Dominikaaninen tasavalta, will be making the first defense of his IBF World Super Bantamweight Championship against Yukinori Oguni (18-1-1, 7 KOs) Tokyo, Japani.
Vuonna yhteistyössä päätapahtuma, multiple-time world champion and current WBA World Flyweight Champion Kazuto Ioka (20-1, 12 KOs) Osakasta, Japan will defend against Yutthana Kaensa (15-0, 6 KOs) of Bangkok, Thaimaa.
In the eight-round super bantamweight opener, hometown product Shohei Omori (17-1, 12 KOs) of Kyoto will face a stern test against solid veteran RockyThe Road WarriorFuentes (35-8-2, 20 KOs) of Cebu City, Cebu, Filippiinit.
A regular source of top-quality professional boxing with its weekly SaturdayBoxeo de Primera” sarja, TyC Sports is a Buenos Aires, Argentina-based sports network that currently operate the domestic pay TV channel TyC Sports, TyC Sports 2, TyC Sports 3, as well as two international pay TV channels, TyC Sports Latin America and TyC Sports USA.
On the last day of the year, boxing fans around the world can watch the next superstar of boxing in action,” Said Sampson Lewkowicz. “Jonathan Guzman is the hardest puncher and the most exciting fighter in boxing. I am happy to be able to bring this fight to the world outside Japan.
For more information on TyC Sports, osoitteessa www.tycsports.com.
Tietoja Sampson Nyrkkeily
Kun erittäin onnistunut ajaa kuin matchmaker ja neuvonantaja, Sampson Lewkowicz siirtyi myynninedistämistarkoituksessa puolelle ammatillisen nyrkkeily tammikuussa 2008.
Sampson Nyrkkeily on kasvanut yhdeksi maailman arvostetuimmista myynninedistämistarkoituksessa yrityksille, edustavat monia maailman parhaita taistelijoita ja lupaavimmat nuoret kilpailijat.

Sampson Nyrkkeily on myynninedistämistarkoituksessa yhteistyökumppaneita ympäri Pohjois-ja Etelä-Amerikka, Afrikka, Aasia, Uusi-Seelanti, Australia, Eurooppa ja Keski-Amerikan ja Sampson Boxing tapahtumia on televisioidaan kuten ensi-ilta verkkoja HBO, Showtime, ESPN, VS. ja useissa kansainvälisissä verkostoissa.

Re'zin FF Ilmoittaa turnaus suluissa, Matchups kahdeksan-Man raskas turnaus joulukuuta 29 ja 31

Fighters comment on the highly-anticipated tournament that will award its winner a $300,000 grand prize

TOKIO, JAPANI (Marraskuu. 30, 2015) -A Piirustus määrittää turnaus suluissa ja ensimmäisessä vaiheessa matchups varten RIZIN FIGHTING GRAND-PRIX 2015 kahdeksan miehen, raskaansarjan turnaus että tapahtuu aikana kaksi päivää – Joulukuu 29 ja joulukuu 31and will award its winner a grand prize of $300,000, was held today in Tokyo.

BAMMA Heavyweight Champion Mark Godbeer, jotka oli määrä kilpailla turnauksessa, was forced to withdraw due to a neck injury sustained in training. BAMMA will announce a replacement fighter for the tournament soon.

Ennen piirustukseen, Puheenjohtaja Nobuyuki Sakakibara totesi, "Tämä turnaus on kohokohta RIZIN. Fighters ympäri maailmaa, jotka ovat ylpeitä edustamaan edistäminen ja maa, ja ovat innokkaita käyttää tilaisuutta lisätä uransa tehdä nimeä itselleen ovat kokoontuneet turnaukseen. Suurin osa median jotka kokoontuivat tänään ei tiedä paljoakaan nämä urheilijat, mutta kun K-1 ensimmäinen käynnistyi 1993, kukaan ei tiennyt Branko Cikatić tai Mike Bernardo. Taistelijat, jotka avaavat uusia ovia ovat ne, jotka ylittävät odotukset. "

The seven contestants slated for tournament action appeared at the press conference. Each drew an envelope numbered one through seven, and those who drew numbers one through four received the opportunity to choose their respective places in the tournament draw.

The first stage tournament matchups will be as follows:

Ottelu # 1: Lawal vs BAMMA fighter
Ottelu # 2: Aukstuolis vs Cappelozza,
Ottelu # 3 Ishii vs Prochazka,
Ottelu # 4: Reljic vs Nemkov.

A tournament reserve bout between Valentine Moldovsky and Yuta Uchida was also announced during the press conference.

Fighter Quotes:

– 1st Pick = “Kuningas Mo” Lawalia – valittu Slot

"Minulla on kunnia taistella RIZIN. Olen innostunut esitellä taitoni edessä japanilaiset fanit ja saada työ. Olen iloinen voidessani valita numero yksi. Olen aina numero yksi. Olen paikkaan, jossa toiset hakemaan minut, minun tehtäväni on murskata kuka seisoo vieressä minulle. "

“"En hetkellä ei ole vastustaja, mutta olen varma, että BAMMA lähettää hyvä taistelija minulle. Mutta valitettavasti kuka tulee saavat kännissä joten hän parempi olla valmis. Mielestäni Ishii tehnyt fiksu valinta välttämällä minun ja kiinnike. Hyvä hänelle. "

"Se on paljon rahaa! Olin ostaa nippu jäätelöä, muutamia kivoja vaatteita, ja mennä Disney World ja nähdä joukko elokuvia. Menisin Vegasiin ja puolueen, ja ostaa tonnia kultaa tarvikkeet. "
– 2ND Pick = Theodore Tall (BUSHIDO Eurooppa Champion) – valittu Slot C

"Olen kiitollinen annetaan tällainen mahdollisuus. Tällä tasolla kilpailun, sinun täytyy olla valmis taistelemaan ketään niin en välitä kuka minun Vastaväittäjänä toimii. Uskon itseeni ja olen valmis taistelemaan ketään. "

"Minulle, tulossa mestari tärkeämpää kuin raha. Raha seuraa seurauksena on todellinen mestari. Mieleni on asetettu voittaa turnauksen. "

"Syy miksi olen tässä, koska uskon itseeni. Aion taistella edustamaan minun pieni maa. Oma vastustaja on villi silmiinpistävä mutta ei ole mitään syytä, miksi en menettäisi. Aion shown ja tulla ulos voittajana.”

– 3rd Pick = Goran Reljic (Entinen KSW Light Heavyweight Champion) – valittu Slot G

"En välitä kuka taistelee minua. Unelmani koska olin lapsi oli taistella Japanissa, ja minä elän unelma juuri nyt, minun tavoite on osoittaa minun paras suorituskyky uudenvuodenaattona. "

"Pidän matchup. Olen harjoitellut Sambo maailmanmestari Blagoi Ivanov ja olen perehtynyt Sambo taistella tyyli. Tiedän, että hän tulee hyvä tiimi, mutta olen valmis ottamaan mitä hän on tarjota niin se on hyvä taistelu. "

"Minä elän lapsuuden unelma. Olen keskittynyt enemmän jatkoin matkaa minun unelma tulla mestari Japanissa. Aion ajatella mitä tehdä rahaa kun olen saavuttaa minun tavoite. "

– 4th Pick = Satoshi Ishii (Pekingin olympialaiset Judo kultamitali) – valittu Slot E

"Valmistautuminen on hyvä. En tunne, että taistelu on taistelu, taistelu NYE on vasta alkanut. "

"Suunnitelmani on investoida puolet palkintorahoista uhkapeli ja lahjoittaa loput."

"Tämä oli hyvä tarjous, että en voinut kääntää alas. MMA turnaus, Hyvä vastustajat, hyvä palkintorahoja. En halua keskittyä liikaa voittaa turnauksen koska vaikuttaa minun henkinen peli, joten aion keskittyä yhteen taistelu kerrallaan. "

– 5th Pick = Bruno Cappelozza (Jungle Fight 100kg Champion) – valittu Korttipaikka D

"En todellakaan tiedä mitään taistelijoista täällä tänään, joten aion valita vastustajani ja toivon olen onnekas. "

"Tämän tyyppinen iso rahaa muuttaa elämäni ja perheeni elämän. Ja myös tulossa mestari. Näitä kahta seikkaa on valtava saavutuksista minulle.”

"Se on ollut unelmani taistella Japanissa. En tiedä liikaa vastustajani, mutta olen varma, että olemme molemmat valmiita jännittävä taistelu. Mielestäni tämä on erinomainen taistelu. "

– 6th Pick = Vadim Nemkov (MMA unionin Heavyweight Champion) – valittu Slot H

"Minä edustan Sambo. Haluan osoittaa kauneus Sambo ja taiteen Sambo.”

– 7th Pick = Jiri Prochazka (GCF Tšekin Light Heavyweight Champion) – valittu Slot F "Olen erittäin innoissani pystyä näyttämään taitojani maassa, jossa Samurai on syntynyt. En petä sinua. "

"Kaikki täällä on kova. Koska olen taistelevat kotikaupunki suosikki, minun taistelu on kerätä huomiota. Haluaisin käyttää tämän tilaisuuden ja haasteen tulla seuraava iso juttu. "

"Se on niin paljon rahaa en tiedä mistä aloittaa. Uskon, että rahat tulevat myöhemmin. Joten jo nyt, minun painopiste on antaa sille kaikki minun täytyy tehdä RIZIN ylpeitä siitä, että he valitsivat minut osallistuja. "

Toimitusjohtaja Nobuhiko Takada otti mikrofonin jälkeen piirustus, "Tunnen tuttu, mukava vielä jännittynyt ilmapiiri juuri nyt. Olen vain innoissani todistamassa syntymän tulevaisuuden tähteä. Toivon Ishii voi suorittaa tavalla, jossa hän tekee meistä japanilaiset fanit ylpeä. Ishii ensimmäinen saavutus oli voittaa kultamitalin, mutta emme ole nähneet mitään erinomaisia ​​tuloksia häneltä MMA. Toivon todella, että hän voi käyttää tätä mahdollisuutta saavuttaa suurin saavutus uransa.”

Legendary Referee Mickey Vann To Officiate MBC’s Inaugural Scottish Event This Saturday

Legendary globe trotting Championship referee Mickey Vann will be making one of his shortest international journeys in a long while, this coming weekend, when he officiates the first Malta Boxing Commission (MBC) sanctioned event in Scotland, the Stewart Allan promoted event at the Rivals Gym in Wishaw on Saturday 25th Huhtikuu 2015.


Vann, who has been the MBC’s chief referee since 2013, has been officiating for close to forty years, the first bout he refereed was Eddie Smith versus Joe Jackson at the Anglo American Sporting Club in Manchester on the 11thLokakuu 1976.


It would be some seven years later before Vann refereed his first domestic Championship bout, the BBBofC Central Area Featherweight Title fight between Steve Pollard and Steve Farnsworth at the Tiffany’s Nightclub in Hull on the 29th Maaliskuu 1983.


Three years later Vann refereed his first International Championship contest, the Commonwealth Lightweight Title fight between Zimbabwe’s Langton Tinago and Australia’s Graeme Brooke at the Granada Studios in Manchester on 23rd Elokuu 1986.


With numerous British, Commonwealth and European title contests under his belt on the 8th Kesäkuu 1990 Vann refereed his first World Championship bout, the WBC World Minimumweight title fight between Japan’s Hideyuki Ohashi and Thailand’s Napa Kiatwanchai in Tokyo, Japani.


To date Vann has refereed one hundred and forty three International, Inter-Continental and World title contests for the World Sanctioning Organisations, such as WBC, WBO, IBF, WBU etc as well as an even higher number of European, Commonwealth, British and Irish domestic title fights during his eight hundred and eighty two bout career to date.


The most recent of these bouts being the WBO Inter-Continental Cruiserweight title fight between Ukrainian Oleksandr Usyk and Russian Andry Knyazev, which took place in Kiev just last weekend.


In addition Vann has also judged one hundred and seventy three Championship contests since 1978, taking his officiating career total to an incredible one thousand and fifty five contests, sorry make that one thousand and fifty six contests if we include the upcoming event this weekend.


Shortly after returning from Kiev, the effervescent Vann spoke briefly about his career and the upcoming event he is to officiate in Scotland lauantaina.


“What can I say I didn’t realise I’d refereed that many fights,


My most memorable fight would naturally be Lennox Lewis and Frank Bruno at Cardiff Arms Park, that was history.


But have refereed so many memorable fights, where do I start, Shea Neary and Mickey Ward, now that was a great fight.


There’s some from years ago I can remember, like Jean-Marc Renard against Farid Benredjeb, oh what a war that was, they both ended up in hospital.


Another memorable fight was Cassius Boloyi against Phillip Ndou, It was a war, absoluuttinen sota


They were two South Africans but from different tribes, they wanted me to referee it, not a South African, which was very much appreciated.


I remember refereeing the WBC mandatory Lightweight title fight, between Leavander Johnson and Miguel Angel Gonzalez, in a bullring, which was an experience.


I refereed in America Jorge Paez and Angel Manfredy, that was a terrific fight, in fact refereed three or four times in America.


I think if you count them all I think I refereed in thirty nine different countries, I left school at seven and went back at thirteen and left again at fourteen and I didn’t know at that time that there were that many countries in the world. En, rehellisesti.


I just enjoy what I do, you know I’ve been to Russia, Argentiina, Japani, all over, I just got back from Kiev.


People come up for photographs, even in Kiev, with Mickey the dancer and then they pretend they are you moving about, it’s lovely.


I pick out nothing really, I just pick out what has been the big fights that I’ve enjoyed.


I qualified as a star grade referee in 1978 and I’m still going, I’d done hundreds of fights by then, it’s not a job really, it’s just enjoyment as such.


I wasn’t a very good pro fighter, I was a pretty good amateur, I had sixty six fights as an amateur and lost nineteen, but you used to have three fights a day in the Championships, you fought in the morning, won that you fought in the afternoon and if you won that you fought at night to get through to the next round, in the Army Championships and the boys clubs sort of thing, that’s what we all did.


As a pro I have fourteen fights but I lost nine, but I enjoyed it, I’m glad I turned pro and I’m glad I fought, I’m glad I fought amateur and pro and I missed it when I retired and I wanted to do something and my manager suggested I referee, I wanted to coach but Tommy Miller, my manager said to me ‘Jesus Mick what could you teach anyone’, so he said to me you want to be a referee, so I put in for it and it took me two years and I qualified.


I’ve enjoyed every minute of it and some times have been better than others, in fact they used to hate me in Scotland, they thought I hated the Scots. I heard this on the radio many times.


Alex Morrison will tell you, he thought I was hater of Scotsmen, En ollut, just they never seemed to get the verdict from me, so it’s quite ironic that lauantaina it’s the Scottish promoter and the Scottish boxers that asked for me for this show.


I’ve always had great fun there and my all time favourite fighter is a Scotsman, Ken Buchanan, so it’s really nice that they want me to be there for the first MBC sanctioned event there, I can’t wait.”


Mickey Vann will be the referee for both the Sandy Robb versus Mathew Ellis and Scott Allan versus Isaac Quaye that co-headline the Stewart Allan (Rivals kampanjat) event at the Rivals Gym in Wishaw, Skotlanti lauantaina 25th Huhtikuu 2015.


Liput hinnoitellaan £ 30 ja £ 40 ovat saatavissa suoraan tahansa nyrkkeilijät osallistu, tai soita Stewart 07711 725257.

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