Tag Archives: Thomas Mattice


Kartu Four-Fight Juga Menampilkan Prospek Tak Terkalahkan, Raeese Aleem, Montana Love dan Derrick Colemon Jr.. Dalam Tes Terberat Dalam Karir Mereka

NEW YORK - Januari 22, 2020 - Prospek ringan yang sedang naik daun, Thomas Mattice, akan menghadapi Isaac Cruz Gonzalez yang tangguh dalam acara utama 10 ronde. ShoBox: Generasi Baru pada hari Jumat, Februari 14 live pada SHOWTIME dari 2300 Arena di Philadelphia.

Siaran empat pertandingan adalah yang ketiga dari empat ShoBox presentasi selama enam minggu yang menampilkan beberapa prospek muda tinju paling cemerlang dalam ujian terberat mereka hingga saat ini, termasuk prospek super ringan Shohjahon Ergashev dan kelas menengah super Vladimir Shishkin, yang menang pada Januari 17. Pada Januari 31, Kelas bulu Ruben Villa dan kelas welter Taras Shelestyuk akan diuji dan pada bulan Februari 28, Malik Hawkins yang super ringan dan kelas welter Richardson Hitchins menghadapi oposisi yang tangguh.

Dalam pertarungan fitur bersama pada bulan Februari 14, kelas bantam super tak terkalahkan Raeese Aleem (15-0, 9 Biaya), Las Vegas, akan mengambilShoBox veteran dan San Antonio asli Adam Lopez (19-3-2, 9 Biaya) dalam pertarungan delapan ronde 122-pound. Dalam pertarungan kelas welter junior yang tak terkalahkan, Montana Love dari Cleveland (12-0-1, 6 Biaya) kembali ke ShoBox dalam pertarungan delapan ronde dengan Jerrico Walton dari New Orleans (16-0, 7 Biaya). Dalam pertarungan pembukaan siaran tersebut, kelas menengah junior yang tak terkalahkan Derrick Colemon Jr. (11-0, 8 Biaya), dari Detroit, dan Joseph Jackson (15-0, 12 Biaya), North Carolina, akan bertanding dalam pertarungan delapan ronde 154-pon.

Tiket untuk acara, yang dipromosikan oleh GH3 Promotions dan King’s Promotions $100, $75 dan $50 dan dibeli diwww.2300arena.com

Mattice dari Cleveland (15-1-1, 11 Biaya) adalah kemenangannya yang paling signifikan hingga saat ini, TKO delapan ronde dari Michael Dutchover yang sebelumnya tak terkalahkan September lalu ShoBox. Pertarungan dihentikan karena luka dalam pada Dutchover yang disebabkan oleh tangan kanan yang bersih dari Mattice. Kartu skor juri dibagi pada saat penghentian. Mattice akan membuat start keenam pada seri pengembangan prospek, termasuk kekalahan telak dari Will Madera 2019, kemenangan split decision dan split draw dengan Zhora Hamazaryan masuk 2018, dan KO Rolando Chinea. Pemain berusia 29 tahun itu berharap kemenangan meyakinkan atas peringkat 10 teratas Gonzalez akan membuatnya semakin dekat dengan tembakan gelar dunia..

“Kemenangan akan menjadi besar untuk karir saya dan menempatkan saya pada posisi yang bagus,Kata Mattice. “Itu akan menempatkan saya dalam percakapan dengan anjing-anjing teratas di divisi. Saya harus menampilkan performa yang luar biasa dan memberi tahu semua petarung terbaik bahwa saya di sini dan siap untuk melawan siapa pun. Ini harus dimenangkan bagi saya, tapi ini pertarungan besar bagi kami berdua. Dia berada di peringkat No.. 7 oleh IBF jadi ini terasa seperti pertarungan besar. Saya pikir kemenangan akan menempatkan saya di 10 besar. ”

Gonzalez (18-1-1, 14 Biaya), Mexico City, telah mencetak KO di 11 dari terakhirnya 14 perkelahian karena hanya kehilangan karirnya dalam pertarungan profesional keenamnya saja. Pemain berusia 22 tahun itu memiliki KO terbaik dalam karirnya dari mantan penantang gelar dunia sementara Jose Felix Jr. di 2018. Saat ini peringkat No.. 7 oleh IBF di 135 pon, Gonzalez membuat AS-nya. debut pada bulan Desember di kartu bawah non-televisi dari Jermall Charlo vs.. Acara Dennis Hogan di Barclays Center di Brooklyn Desember lalu.

“Saya senang bertarung di Amerika Serikat dan saya senang pertarungan saya ditampilkan pada SHOWTIME,Kata Gonzalea. “Begitu banyak petarung memulai karir mereka di ShoBox dan telah menjadi Juara Dunia.”

Aleem menyusun file 65-10 rekor sebagai amatir dan lima kali Juara Negara Sarung Tangan Emas di Michigan. Dia finis ketiga di National Golden Gloves in 2010 dan 2011 sebelum berbalik profesional dalam 2011. Pemain berusia 29 tahun itu baru-baru ini memindahkan kamp pelatihannya ke Las Vegas, di mana dia telah berdebat dengan Jessie Magdaleno, Nonito Donaire dan Jhack Tepora. Aleem, yang dilatih oleh Terry Markowski, akan menghadapi ujian terberat dalam karirnya di veteran Lopez.

“Semua kerja keras saya membuahkan hasil dan sekarang saya bisa menunjukkannya di panggung besar,Kata Aleem. “Saya menantikan untuk mendapatkan penggemar baru dan terus berkembang. Saya tahu Lopez adalah petarung yang sangat tangguh dengan sesuatu untuk dibuktikan. Dia pernah ke sini sebelumnya, jadi saya tahu dia siap untuk tantangan. Ini adalah batu loncatan untuk mencapai tujuan yang saya inginkan, dan itu memperebutkan gelar juara dunia, hari gajian yang lebih besar dan lebih banyak eksposur. Akhirnya, Saya tidak hanya ingin menang, Saya ingin mendominasi. Menang tidaklah cukup - saya juga harus tampil bagus saat melakukannya. ”

Lopez adalah seorang amatir ulung yang memenangkan enam gelar nasional dan memegang No.. 1 Peringkat, tapi dia memiliki karir yang naik turun sebagai seorang profesional. Pemain berusia 29 tahun itu memulai karirnya dengan 15 kemenangan beruntun namun ia telah mengalami beberapa kemunduran karena tingkat lawannya telah meningkat secara dramatis. Lopez tidak terkalahkan dan satu kemenangan lagi dari tantangan untuk kejuaraan dunia sebelum kalah dari juara dunia 122-pound Daniel Roman dalam perebutan gelar di 2017 pada SHOWTIME. Lopez, siapa yang akan memecahkan rekornya sendiriShoBox penampilan saat dia melangkah ke atas ring untuk kedelapan kalinya, akan menghadapi lawan keenamnya yang tak terkalahkan dalam seri ini saat ia berusaha mengembalikan karirnya ke jalur yang benar.

“Aleem adalah petarung yang cukup bagus, tapi saya pikir pengalaman saya akan menjadi faktor,Kata Lopez. “Dia tidak melawan orang-orang papan atas kecuali Marcus Bates. Saya telah terlibat dalam pertarungan besar dan ini adalah pertama kalinya dia melakukan ini. Saya sedang dalam tiga kemenangan beruntun dan saya telah mendedikasikan kembali diri saya pada olahraga ini. Aku punya pelatih baru, Martinez yang membosankan, dan kamp yang benar-benar baru. Saya tidak sabar untuk menunjukkan bahwa saya kembali. "

The mencolok Love adalah seorang amatir ulung yang menyusun file 174-13 catatan. Southpaw berusia 25 tahun itu akan kembali untuk tes ketiganya ShoBox saat dia mencari kemenangan yang meyakinkan. Dalam pertarungan pertamanya di seri ini, dia memenangkan keputusan mayoritas atas Samuel Teah di 2018 dan mengikutinya dengan hasil seri beberapa bulan kemudian melawan Kenneth Sims Jr. Cinta Kasih, yang pernah berdebat dengan Adrien Broner dan Robert Easter Jr., akan menghadapi apa yang seharusnya menjadi lawan paling berbahaya di Walton sesama yang tak terkalahkan.

“Walton adalah petarung yang baik, tapi saya merasa dia masih hijau dan dia tidak memiliki banyak pengalaman,Kata Cinta. “Saya tahu dia tangguh, tapi saya membawa ini ke level berikutnya. Dia hanyalah batu loncatan. Sungguh mengasyikkan untuk bertarung di bawah cahaya terang. Beberapa pria terlipat, tapi saya dibuat untuk ini. Saya tidak melihat melewati dia, tapi ini akan membawa karir saya ke level selanjutnya. Kami berdua tidak terkalahkan dan tidak banyak orang yang mengambil risiko seperti ini, tapi ini menunjukkan bahwa saya adalah petarung sejati. Nama saya Montana “Terlalu Cinta yang Cantik” dan saya berjuang di Hari Valentine, jadi saya akan memberikan banyak cinta pada 14 Februari. "

Walton yang berusia 29 tahun lahir dan besar di New Orleans, di mana dia menyelamatkan ibu dan saudara perempuannya dari air banjir Badai Katrina saat dia masih hidup 13 tua tahun. Meninggalkan rumah, keluarganya pindah ke Houston, di mana Walton berkompetisi sebagai seorang amatir. Walton menjadi profesional 2014 dan telah sempurna melalui yang pertama 16 perkelahian, termasuk kemenangan terbaik dalam karirnya atas mantan juara dunia kelas bantam super Victor Terrazas di 2019. The boxer-puncher, yang dilatih oleh Bobby Benton dan bertarung enam kali tahun lalu, akan menghadapi lawan tak terkalahkan pertama dalam karirnya di Love.

“Saya telah melihat Montana bertarung sebelumnya. Saya tahu dia mencolok dalam mode Adrien Broner, tapi selain itu saya tidak tahu banyak tentang dia,Kata Walton. “Kesempatan ini adalah berkah. Dunia akan melihatku dan mendengar ceritaku. Saya dari New Orleans dan sulit bagi saya untuk tumbuh dewasa, jadi ini kesempatan bagus. Saya tidak pernah dalam sejuta tahun berpikir bahwa saya akan berada di posisi ini. Saya hanya perlu memanfaatkan momen dan mendapatkan kemenangan. "

Baru Saja 20 tua tahun, Colemon mulai bertinju pada usia 4 dan mengasah keahliannya di Kronk Gym asli di bawah Emanuel Steward sampai dia meninggal 2012. Colemon memiliki karir amatir 135 pertarungan dan merupakan juara amatir nasional empat kali di divisi junior. Dia menjadi profesional saat dia masih muda 18 tahun dan memiliki delapan KO di pertamanya 11 perkelahian profesional. Colemon, yang dilatih oleh Marlon Thomas, sejauh ini akan menghadapi ujian terberat dalam karirnya di Jackson, seorang prospek yang tak terkalahkan namun belum teruji.

“Saya secara fisik dan mental lebih siap dari sebelumnya,Kata Colemon. “Saya tahu Jackson tidak terkalahkan dan tangguh, jadi saya tahu saya akan menghadapi ujian besar. Ini adalah langkah selanjutnya dalam karir saya, dan saya merasa bahwa saya tidak hanya akan menjadi juara hebat berikutnya yang terus berjuangShoBox, tapi petarung hebat berikutnya dari Detroit. Saya siap untuk menunjukkan kepada dunia bakat saya. Februari 14 akan menempatkan nama saya di benak penggemar tinju di seluruh dunia. ”

Jackson yang berusia 31 tahun terlambat memulai karirnya sebagai seorang profesional namun tetap aktif, termasuk tiga pertarungan 2019 dan tiga masuk 2018. Dia punya 12 KO di 15 perkelahian, termasuk KO dalam tujuh dari delapan laga terakhirnya. Penduduk asli Greensboro akan bertarung di luar North Carolina untuk pertama kalinya dalam karirnya saat dia menghadapi Colemon yang tak terkalahkan..

“I know Colemon is tough, and he had a long amateur career,” Jackson said. “He will come to fight, but I prepare for anything. That is what this sport is all about. I am looking forward to showcasing my talent to the world.”

Barry Tompkins akan memanggil tindakan dari ringside dengan tinju sejarawan Steve Farhood dan mantan juara dunia Raul Marquez menjabat sebagai pakar analis. Produser eksekutif Gordon Balai dengan Richard Gaughan memproduksi dan Rick Phillips mengarahkan.

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Untuk informasi lebih lanjut kunjungi www.sho.com/sports ikuti di Twitter @ShowtimeBoxing, SHOSports, #ShoBox, atau menjadi penggemar di Facebook di www.Facebook.com/SHOSports

Tentang ShoBox: Generasi Baru

Sejak dimulai pada bulan Juli 2001, yang SHOWTIME seri tinju kritis diakui, ShoBox: Generasi Baru telah menampilkan bakat muda cocok tangguh. Itu ShoBox filsafat adalah untuk menyiarkan menarik, orang-menyenangkan dan pertandingan kompetitif sambil memberikan ajang pembuktian bagi prospek bersedia bertekad untuk berjuang untuk gelar juara dunia. Beberapa daftar tumbuh dari 81 pejuang yang telah muncul di ShoBox dan canggih untuk mengumpulkan gelar juara dunia termasuk: Errol Spence Jr., Andre Ward, Deontay Wilder, Erislandy Lara, Shawn Porter, Gary Russell Jr., Lamont Peterson, Guillermo Rigondeaux, Nonito Donaire, Devon Alexander, Carl Froch, Robert Guerrero, Timothy Bradley, Jessie Vargas, Juan Manuel Lopez, Chad Dawson, Paulie Malignaggi, Ricky Hatton, Kelly Pavlik, Paul Williams dan banyak lagi.


Michael Dutchover Menghadapi Thomas Mattice dalam Pertarungan Mudik Sementara Ruben Villa Menghadapi Prospek yang Sangat Dipuji Enrique Vivas

NEW YORK - September 5, 2019 - Prospek welter terkalahkan Brandun Lee akan membuat debut televisinya melawan Nikaragua Milton arauz dalam pertarungan pembukaan delapan ronde dari tiga pertarungan ShoBox: Generasi Baru siaran pada hari Jumat, Bulan September 20 hidup di SHOWTIME (10:30 p.m. ET / PT) dari Pusat Acara La Hacienda di Midland, Texas.

Dalam acara utama diumumkan sebelumnya, Penduduk asli Midland dan prospek yang berkembang pesat Michael Dutchover akan menghadapi ShoBox veteran Thomas Mattice dalam pertarungan ringan 10 ronde sementara prospek kelas bulu tak terkalahkan Vila Ruben (16-0, 5 Biaya) dan Enrique Vivas (17-0, 9 Biaya) bentrok dalam pertarungan 10 ronde.

Tiket untuk acara, yang dipromosikan oleh Promosi Spanduk dan Tinju Thompson dalam kaitannya dengan Promosi GH3, Promosi Garcia dan Promosi Sekarang Tinju, adalah harga di $120, $100 dan $80 dan dapat dibeli secara online diwww.haciendamidland,dengan atau dengan menelepon 432-563-3737.

Prospek super ringan Lee (15-0, 13 Biaya), dari La Quinta, Kalif. menjadi profesional 17 setelah karier amatir yang dihormati (196-5). Dia telah berdebat dengan Mikey Garcia, Devin Haney dan Mauricio Herrera. Dilatih oleh ayahnya Bobby, pemain berusia 20 tahun itu telah membangun rasio KO 87 persen. Petarung yang sangat aktif, dia memiliki lima pertarungan 2018 dan dia akan menghadapi lawan keempatnya tahun ini. Dia terakhir bertempur pada bulan Agustus 23 dan sedang mencari kemenangan pasti atas debut TV-nya.

"Saya sangat senang dengan pertarungan televisi pertama saya ShoBox dan pertarungan delapan ronde pertama saya,"Kata Lee. “Saya berada di kamp pelatihan sangat keras dengan ayah dan pelatih saya. Ini adalah kesempatan luar biasa bagi saya. Saya tidak akan mengecewakan pada 20 September. "

27 tahun, Arauz (10-1-1, 5 Biaya), dari Jinotega, Nikaragua, memiliki run amatir yang sukses. Dia berkelahi 80 laga amatir dan mengumpulkan rekor 74 menang melawan enam kekalahan. Dia berbalik pro di 2014 dan memenangkan sembilan pertarungan pertamanya. Kehilangan satu-satunya datang pada bulan Mei 2017, ketika dia didiskualifikasi karena pukulan rendah berulang-ulang melawan Angel Galo. Dijuluki "El Norteño", Arauz akan bertempur di luar negeri asalnya Nikaragua untuk pertama kalinya pada September 20.

“Saya sangat bersemangat untuk menunjukkan bakat saya di jaringan yang begitu besar,Kata Arauz. “Mengetahui begitu banyak petarung hebat memiliki kesempatan untuk terus berjuang ShoBox, Saya siap untuk tampil. Juga bisa datang ke Amerika Serikat untuk pertama kalinya. Saya siap memberikan segalanya dan menampilkan kinerja yang luar biasa. "

Arauz mengatakan dia menyadari latar belakang Lee yang tidak terkalahkan dan bahwa dia juga seorang amatir yang luar biasa. “Itu tidak akan menghentikanku, dan saya siap untuk memberikan segalanya dan menyerahkannya kepadanya,Kata Arauz. “Ini adalah kesempatan sekali seumur hidup bagi saya dan saya akan memanfaatkannya. Saya bersedia melakukan apa pun untuk mendapatkan kemenangan. "

Barry Tompkins akan memanggil tindakan dari ringside dengan tinju sejarawan Steve Farhood dan mantan juara dunia Raul Marquez menjabat sebagai pakar analis. Produser eksekutif adalah Gordon Hall dengan produser Chuck McKean dan Rick Phillips sebagai sutradara.

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Untuk informasi lebih lanjut kunjungi www.sho.com/sports ikuti di Twitter @ShowtimeBoxing, SHOSports, #ShoBox, atau menjadi penggemar di Facebook di www.Facebook.com/SHOSports

GH3 Promotions Wade, Mattice and Hines back in May

NUTLEY, NJ – Bulan April 22, 2019 – Three members of the GH3 Promotional stable will be back in action next month as super middleweight Dominic Wade, ringan Thomas Mattice dan kelas berat Roney Hines akan kembali beraksi.

On May 18th, former middleweight world title challenger Wade will take on Nick Brinson in a ten-round bout for the IBO International title at the ESA Entertainment & Sports Arena in Washington, D.C.

Wade and Brinson met five years-ago for which Wade took a close unanimous decision.

A week earlier on May 11th at The Agora Theater and Ballroom in Cleveland, Ohio, lightweight Thomas Mattice battles Angel Sarinana, and former National Golden Gloves champion and undefeated heavyweight Roney Hines takes on an opponent to be named in a four-round bout.

Wade of Largo, Maryland memiliki rekor 20-1 dengan 14 KO. Menyeberang, 28, adalah 10 year-professional who vaulted up the middleweight rankings with wins over Chris Davis (3-0), Michael Faulk (2-0), Grover Young (4-0), Nick Brinson (16-1-2) and former world champion Sam Soliman.

After challenging world middleweight champion Gennady Golovkin, Wade took two-plus years off, and has comeback with two knockout wins, with the latest being a 5th round stoppage over Josue Obando on February 23rd in Charlotte, North Carolina.

Brinson of Geneva, New York memiliki rekor 19-4-2 dengan sembilan KO.

Itu 31 year-old Brinson is an eleven year-pro who has faced quality opposition.

Brinson has wins over Markus Williams (2-0 & 10-2) & Jorge Melendez (26-2-1)

Brinson has won two in a row, and is coming off a 6th round stoppage over Jaime Barboza on June 9th in Verona, New York.

Mattice will be returning to his home of Cleveland, Ohio.

Itu 28 year-old Mattice has a record of 13-1-1 dengan 10 KO.

Mattice has wins over Robert O’Quinn (4-0), Eliseo Cruz Sesma (9-2-1), Rolando Chinea (15-1-1) and Zhora Hamazaryan (9-0). Mattice is coming off his lone defeat as he dropped a bout to undefeated Will Madera on February 1st in Rochester, New York.

Sarinana of Durango, Meksiko memiliki rekor 10-7-2 dengan empat KO.

The capable Sarinana has wins over Dimash Niyazov (13-0-3) and former world title challenger Cosme Rivera.

Hines, also from Cleveland was the 2018 Juara Golden Gloves nasional, and has raced out to a perfect mark of 5-0 with five 1st round stoppages.



Mattice and Hamazaryan Fight To Split Draw in Highly Anticipated Rematch

Catch The Replay Senin, Bulan Oktober 1, Di 10 p.m. ET / PT On SHOWTIME EXTREME®

Klik DISINI Untuk Foto; Credit Dave Mandel/SHOWTIME

Zhora Hamazaryan: “I will beat-down Thomas Mattice in rematch

PHILADELPHIA / ORANGE, Kalif. (Tujuh. 27, 2018) –Ringan Zhora Hamazaryan wants to show the world that he is indeed better then undefeated Thomas Mattice when they meet in the rematch of their controversial July 21st bout, this Friday night in the co-feature bout of a ShoBox: Generasi Baru card from Pechanga Resort Casino, dan hidup di SHOWTIME® (10 PM ET / PT).




Hamazaryan (9-1, 6 Biaya) was on the wrong end of what most people thought was a very controversial decision on that July night in Sloan, Iowa. The native of Armenia has been in Los Angeles, training very hard for the rematch.




“Semuanya sempurna. My camp has been great, and I am just ready for Friday night,” said Hamazaryan.




Hamazaryan has been able to block out the first fight, and he believes that what happened in the ring has no bearing on what will happen on Friday.




It is a totally new fight for me. I am taking this more seriously because this is a rematch. I did not lose the last fight, so it doesn’t make any difference to me. It will not change my game plan.




Itu 22 year-old Hamazaryan feels the experience he gained in the first fight will be beneficial to him for even a more dominant performance.




I feel like I am a champion. I will do great again, and perform even better. I took this fight to prove that I am better then him. I showed that in the previous fight, and now nothing can stop me.




The decision was chastised throughout the boxing world, and even called the one of the worst decisions seen in ShoBox expert analyst Steve Farhood’s 40-year boxing career. Hamazaryan will not let the judges decide his fate in the rematch.




Everyone was disappointed by decision because they saw clearly that I won. It was disappointing for the fans, but It did not break me. This time it won’t be a decision. I am going to do what I am good at. I will win this anyway, whether it’s a decision or knockout. Either way it’s going to be a beat down. Hopefully this will be the right the decision. I just hope everything will be fair, and I am coming for a win.




Hamazaryan is promoted by Banner Promotions and Thompson Boxing






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Immediate Rematch Set For Co-Feature Of Tripleheader Featuring Devin Haney vs. Juan Carlos Burgos From Pechanga Resort Casino In Temecula, Kalif.

Photo Kredit: Rosie Cohe / SHOWTIME

Perhiasan, Share or Embed Mattice vs. Hamazaryan: https://s.sho.com/2OhsH9G

APA YG: Fans can relive the controversial first fight between lightweight contenders Thomas Mattice and Zhora Hamazaryan, available now in its entirety on SHOWTIME Boxing YouTube channel ahead of the rematch September 28 in the second of back-to-back Fridays of ShoBox: The New Generation action.

In one of the most widely disputed fights of 2018, Mattice (13-0, 10 Biaya) kept his undefeated record intact when he overcame a knockdown in the second round to escape with the eight-round split-decision victory over the previously undefeated Hamazaryan (9-1, 6 Biaya). Two judges scored the fight 76-75 in favor of Mattice with the third judge scoring it 77-74 in favor of Hamazaryan.

Less than three months after judges in Iowa awarded Mattice what Hall of Fame analyst Steve Farhood called “the worst decision I’ve ever seen in the history of ShoBox”, Mattice and Hamazaryan will face off in the co-feature of the ShoBox telecast from Pechanga Resort Casino in Temecula, Kalif.

Hamazaryan, who recently returned stateside after an extended stay to be with family and train in his native Armenia, is looking forward to his opportunity to exact revenge.

“I respect Thomas Mattice,” said Hamazaryan, who is currently training with John Pullman and Buddy McGirt. “He fought a good fight last time, but everyone knows I won the fight and he does too. I respect that I got a rematch and we can settle this once and for all.

“My game plan is to do the same thing I did last time, but just more pressure and aggression. Because of what happened last time, I can’t leave it up to judges. I must get the knockout. If I don’t, then the same thing will happen again and I will get robbed. I can’t have that.”

Mattice, who has watched the July fight multiple times, is hoping to prove that his decision win was no fluke.

“It was important to me to get this rematch so that I can display to the fans the kind of fighter I am and show that I deserved to win the first fight. I’m looking to continue my rise and show the world that I’m the real deal.

“We’re just trying to work on the mistakes we made in the first fight. He may try to do things differently this time, but we’ll adjust and be ready come fight night. It was a controversial decision but I have to remember that at the end of the day I’m a fighter and not a judge. I just have to go out there and fight my fight, and things will be taken care of.”

September 28 ShoBox is headlined by top undefeated lightweight prospect Devin Haney (19-0, 13 Biaya) facing three-time world title challenger Juan Carlos Burgos (33-2-2, 21 Biaya). The opener will see two undefeated middleweight prospects meet as Cem Kilic (11-0, 7 Biaya) and Donnie Marshall (9-0, 6 Biaya) face off in the ninth matchup of undefeated prospects of 2018 pada ShoBox: Generasi Baru. The previous Friday, Jon Fernandez (16-0-0, 14 Biaya), one of the top prospects in boxing and Sergio Martinez protégé, will face O’Shaquie Foster (13-2, 8 Biaya) in the main event of a ShoBox telecast from Firelake Arena in Shawnee, Okla.

For more information visit www.sho.com/sportsfollow on Twitter @ShowtimeBoxing, SHOSports, #ShoBox, or become a fan on Facebook at www.Facebook.com/SHOSports.

Tentang ShoBox: Generasi Baru

Sejak dimulai pada bulan Juli 2001, yang SHOWTIME seri tinju kritis diakui, ShoBox: Generasi Baru telah menampilkan bakat muda cocok tangguh. Filosofi ShoBox adalah untuk menyiarkan menarik, orang-menyenangkan dan pertandingan kompetitif sambil memberikan ajang pembuktian bagi prospek bersedia bertekad untuk berjuang untuk gelar juara dunia. Beberapa daftar tumbuh dari 77 pejuang yang telah muncul di ShoBox dan maju untuk mengumpulkan gelar dunia termasuk: Errol Spence Jr., Andre Ward, Deontay Wilder, Erislandy Lara, Shawn Porter, Gary Russell Jr., Lamont Peterson, Guillermo Rigondeaux, Nonito Donaire, Devon Alexander, Carl Froch, Robert Guerrero, Timothy Bradley, Jessie Vargas, Juan Manuel Lopez, Chad Dawson, Paulie Malignaggi, Ricky Hatton, Kelly Pavlik, Paul Williams dan banyak lagi.


Immediate Rematch Of Widely Disputed Thomas Mattice vs. Zhora Hamazaryan Bout Set For Co-Feature Of Tripleheader From Pechanga Resort Casino In Temecula, Kalif.

NEW YORK (Bulan Agustus 20, 2018)Top undefeated lightweight prospect Devin Haney will face three-time world title challenger Juan Carlos Burgos di acara utama 10-putaran dari ShoBox: Generasi Baru tripleheader Friday Sept. 28 hidup SHOWTIME (10 p.m. ET / PT) from Pechanga Resort Casino in Temecula, Kalif.




The 19-year-old Haney (19-0, 13 Biaya) returns for his second consecutive challenge of 2018 pada tanggal ShoBox, this time against Burgos (33-2-2, 21 Biaya), seorang veteran 37 fights whose only defeats have come in world championship bouts.




The co-feature of the second Friday of back-to-back ShoBox telecasts will feature an immediate rematch of one of 2018’s most controversial and widely disputed fights. Lightweights Thomas Mattice (13-0, 10 Biaya) dan Zhora Hamazaryan (9-1, 6 Biaya) will face off less than three months after judges in Iowa awarded Mattice what Hall of Fame analyst Steve Farhood calledthe worst decision I’ve seen in the history of ShoBox.”




Two undefeated middleweight prospects will meet in the opening bout of the tripleheader as Cem Kilic (11-0, 7 Biaya) dan Donnie Marshall (9-0, 6 Biaya) face off in the ninth matchup of undefeated prospects of 2018 pada tanggal ShoBox: Generasi Baru.




Devin Haney exceeded all expectations on ShoBox in May and he’s returning in another step-up fight against a three-time world title challenger,” said Gordon Hall, Produser EksekutifShoBox: Generasi Baru. “Haney is already one of the best prospects in boxing, and a victory against Burgos could put him in a position for a title shot in 2019.




We’re thrilled to deliver the immediate rematch between Mattice and Hamazaryan. Sederhananya, it’s good for the fighters and good for the sport of boxing. Credit goes to the fighters, their promoters and managers that both camps were ready and willing to accept this immediate rematch.




Tiket untuk acara, which is promoted by Devin Haney Promotions and Ringside Tickets Inc., priced $19 Pendaftaran Umum, $29, $59, $79, $99, dan $129 untuk Ringside, yang dijual sekarang, and can be purchased by calling the Pechanga Casino Box Office at 1-888-810-8871 atau online di www.ticketmaster.com.


Devin Haney vs. Juan Carlos Burgos – 10-pertarungan ringan putaran

Haney was a seven-time national junior amateur champion and has been considered one of boxing’s top prospects since turning professional at the age of 16 di Meksiko. He faced the toughest test of his career this May on ShoBox, shutting out Mason Menard over nine rounds before Menard’s corner threw in the towel before the start of the 10th dan babak final. VIDEO:https://youtu.be/1NM2lOWdzHw




The young and flashy Haney, who grew up in Oakland, California., fights out of Las Vegas, where he has earned a reputation as a prodigy having sparred with Floyd Mayweather, Shawn Porter, Jessie Vargas and Rances Barthelemy. Haney, who is trained and managed by his father, William Haney, received a special exception to make his U.S. debut on the undercard of Manny Pacquiao vs. Timothy Bradley III when he was just 17 tua tahun.




Burgos is a tough fighter who has been in several world title fights, so I know he’s going to be ready for war,” Haney said. “He’s been in with Mikey Garcia and Rocky Martinez, so I know he’s my toughest opponent to date. I’m ready to shine once again on SHOWTIME, give the fans another great performance and prove I’m ready to take the next step.




Burgos ran up a 25-0 record dengan 19 KOs to start his professional career before earning a world title shot when he was just 22 tua tahun, dropping a decision to Hozumi Hasegawa in 2010 di Jepang. Tijuana, Mexico native went unbeaten in his next seven fights, including a draw in a title challenge against then-WBO Junior Lightweight World Champion Roman Martinez.




Burgos challenged 130-pound champion Mikey Garcia in 2014, losing a unanimous decision against the pound-for-pound mainstay. He has since won three consecutive bouts from 2016-17 after taking a nearly three-year hiatus from boxing.




Devin Haney is good fighter but my experience in big fights will be the difference when we step in the ring,” Burgos said. “My back is against the wall and I’m ready to rise to the occasion and get this victory. He might think he’s the next big thing, but I’m at a whole different level.

Thomas Mattice vs. Zhora Hamazaryan IIEight-round lightweight bout

Mattice and Hamazaryan initially faced off in a matchup of unbeaten prospects on July 20, with the judges in Iowa awarding Mattice a 76-76, 76-75, 77-74 keputusan split. The result, akan tetapi, was widely disputed. Hamazaryan floored Mattice in the second round and pressed the action in the final three rounds before leaving the decision in the judges’ tangan. Two days after the fight, Thompson Boxing and Banner Promotions appealed the decision on behalf of their fighter, Hamazaryan.




The 28-year-old Mattice, dari Cleveland, had scored five consecutive knockouts before winning the split decision over Hamazaryan. This will be Mattice’s third ShoBox appearance of the year.




I didn’t hesitate one second when the rematch was offered,” Mattice said. “I’m going into this fight with victory on my mind, and there’s nothing Hamazaryan can do to stop me. My hands will be raised once again.




Hamazaryan was the No. 1 fighter in Armenia during an amateur career that spanned over 200 perkelahian. The 22-year-old will make his third consecutive start in the U.S. as he looks to avenge the only loss of his professional career.




Everyone knows I beat Mattice in our last fight but I was robbed,” Hamazaryan said. “Now it’s time to put matters into my own hands and go for the knockout. He better be ready for the onslaught because it’s coming. He went down last time, but this time he won’t be getting up.


Cem Kilic vs. Donnie Marshall – Eight-round middleweight bout



Kilic trains in Los Angeles under Buddy McGirt and won silver at the 2012 European Championships for Turkey. Berusia 24 tahun, who recorded an 82-6 rekor sebagai seorang amatir, has served as a sparring partner for Errol Spence, Jermell Charlo, Jean Pascal and Miguel Cotto. While Kilic has scored knockouts in five of his last six fights, he will face by far the toughest opponent of his career in Marshall, a fellow unbeaten yet untested prospect.




This is the turning point in my career fighting on SHOWTIME against another undefeated fighter,” Kilic said. “I’m going to leave it all in the ring and the fans are going to see a great fight. Satu hal yang pasti, Saya akan menang.”




Marshall was born in Buffalo, N.Y., and fights out of Raleigh, N.C. Former title challenger Ross “The Boss” Thompson trains the 29-year-old Marshall, who was named the 2017 North Carolina Fighter of the Year.




I’m ready to take my career to the next level and remain undefeated,” Marshall said. “Kilic is in for a rude awakening. He’s never been in the ring with a hungry fighter like me. I’m going to win and win impressively.




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Banner Promotions and Thompson Boxing to appeal Hamazaryan – Mattice

PHILADELPHIA, Penn. / ORANGE, Kalif. (Bulan Juli 23, 2018) – Artie Pelullo, co-promoter of lightweight Zhora Hamazaryan will be appealing the outcome of last Friday’s Zhora HamazaryanThomas Mattice fight with the Iowa commission.




Pelullo spoke to Iowa Commissioner Joe Walsh right after the fight on Friday, which took place at the WinnaVegas Casino.




The bout was seen by a nationally televised audience as the co-feature of a ShoBox: The New Generation card on SHOWTIME.




In the fight, Hamazaryan scored an explosive 2nd round knockdown; rocked Mattice several more times, and dominated the action. Hamazaryan badly hurt Mattice in round seven. Most people who saw the fight, thought that Hamazayan won 6 putaran ke 2, plus the 2nd round knockdown.




Hall of Fame SHOWTIME announcer Steve Farhood called the decision the one of the worst in the history of the series, while his fellow Hall of Fame broadcaster Barry Tompkins went even farther by calling it the worst decision in 40 tahun.








Hamazaryan co-promoter, Artie Pelullo said, “I spoke to commissioner Joe Walsh right after the fight. I informed him that we were going to appeal the decision, and he understood our position, and he said that we are within our rights to appeal.




Hamazaryan is promoted by Banner Promotions and Thompson Boxing.




Below are just a sample of the articles and social media reaction from this misjustice.















































https://twitter.com/CommishRandyG/status/1020661697932152833 (Gordon was the former New York State Boxing Commissioner)

























Untuk update reguler pada pejuang kami, Peristiwa, dan promosi, silakan periksa Halaman Facebook Promosi Banner , dan ikuti kami Instagram dan Kegugupan BannerBoxing


Thomas Mattice Stays Unbeaten With Controversial Split Decision Win Over Zhora Hamazaryan and Montana Love and Kenneth Sims Jr. Battle to Draw In Co-Featured Bouts

Menangkap Replay The Hari Senin, Bulan Juli 23 Di 10 p.m. DAN/PT On SHOWTIME EXTREME®

Klik DISINI To Download Fight-Night Photos; Kredit: Rosie Cohe / SHOWTIME

SLOAN, Iowa (Bulan Juli 20, 2018) – Jaron Ennis continued his knock out streak in impressive fashion in his ShoBox: Generasi Baru debut on Friday night as the highly-touted prospect from Philadelphia scored a third-round TKO against previously unbeaten Armando Alvarez in an exciting night of fights from WinnaVegas Casino.




The 21-year-old Ennis (21-0, 19 Biaya), a former National Golden Gloves Champion, dominated the Key West fighter Alvarez (13-1, 7 Biaya) from the start, knocking him down four times in the third round before the fight was waved off with one second remaining in the round. The win was Ennis’s 11th consecutive knockout in a step-up fight for the welterweight prospect, who appeared composed in the ring from the outset.




I feel so great after this fight,” Ennis said. “I came out and did what we planned on, which was to just get out there and break him down. I wasn’t nervous and I had fun in the ring, I’ve been here before and I’m aware of everything. I’ve been in the ring my entire life and this is always what I’ve been doing.”




Ennis came out aggressive against a game Alvarez and started his attack by going directly to the body. Ia mendarat 46 percent of his power shots and led 35-8 in body connects during the short fight, which was originally scheduled for 10 putaran.




Ennis, who has never been past the sixth round, didn’t have plans on making this a long night, as he connected on a left cross to the jaw to put Alvarez on the canvas for the first time after 30 seconds had elapsed in the third round. A delayed-reaction left to the pit of the stomach sent Alvarez down for the second time and a three-punch combination capped by a hook was good for knockdown No. 3.




Referee Adam Pollack waved the fight off with Alvarez on his knees with just one second remaining in the third round following a right uppercut to the chin that ended the fight.




“Alvarez was just another opponent,”Kata Ennis, who out-landed Alvarez 23-3 in power punches in the final round. “He’s a great fighter but it feels like I’ve been here before. I’ve been fighting forever so it was nothing new. I’ve been doing this since I was a kid.”




Ennis’s two older brothers have both fought previously on ShoBox but came up with losses. “This was my coming out party and it really feels great to be the third Ennis to fight on ShoBox,” Ennis continued.




The previously undefeated Alvarez became the second fighter of the night to lose his undefeated record and the 176th overall in the history of the ShoBox seri, which this week celebrated 17 years since its inception in July of 2001.




He was faster than I expected and I didn’t execute my game plan,"Kata Alvarez. “I was supposed to pressure and I didn’t. He hit me with a surprising shot. He had enough power that I had to respect him. He was just the better man tonight.”




In middle fight of the tripleheader, undefeated Thomas Mattice overcame a knockdown in the second round to escape with a controversial eight-round split decision victory over Armenian Zhora Hamazaryan. Two judges scored the fight 76-75 in favor of Mattice with the third judge scoring it 77-74 in favor of Hamazaryan.

ShoBox commentator Steve Farhood had Hamazaryan (9-1, 6 Biaya) winning by a score of 78-73. “That was the worst decision I’ve seen in the history of ShoBox,"Kata Farhood.




Mattice (13-0, 10 Biaya) said he thought he did enough to win the fight, even though he was floored by a devastating right hook from Hamazaryan at 2:30 di babak kedua.




“Tonight wasn’t my best performance,Kata Mattice. “I felt like I Iost the few early rounds. [Hamazaryan] landed some clean shots and he’s a crazy competitor; he wasn’t giving me anything. Saya pikir keputusan itu adil. I out-jabbed him and it may have looked like he was hitting me more but he wasn’t really touching me. The crowd was going crazy over him tapping my gloves. I outpointed him overall.”




Hamazaryan’s pressure enabled him to work his way inside and render Mattice’s normally powerful jab mostly ineffective, as he landed just 19 percent of his jabs. Besides scoring the fight’s only knockdown in round two,Hamazaryan controlled the seventh round and applied more pressure than Mattice in the final three rounds.




“I am extremely upset,” said Hamazaryan, who was fighting for the second time in the U.S. “I deserve a lot more being here in the United States. I worked many years for this opportunity, and for the judges to take it from me is just terrible. I know I won. I’m always a champion. I have already talked to my team and we are going to protest this fight to the right outcome and we will give him a rematch.




Dia menambahkan: “I knocked him down, hurt him several more times and dominated the fight. And how could they just take this from me.”




Di pembuka siaran, young super lightweight prospects Montana Love (11-0-1, 5 Biaya) of Cleveland and Kenneth Sims Jr. (12-1-1, 4 Biaya) of Chicago fought to an eight-round split draw. Para hakim mencetak pertarungan 77-75 for Love, 77-75 for Sims and 76-76.




The action-packed fight was fought in flurries as both fighters came out swinging. Sims was the busier and more accurate fighter, throwing a total of 638 punches and connecting on 211 (33 persen) while Love threw 529 punches and connected on 159 (30 persen).




“I worked well in the beginning even though I was a little rusty,” said Sims, 24, who had not fought in more than a year because of right elbow surgery. “I slacked off in the middle rounds, and picked it up in the last three. Saya pikir saya memenangkan pertarungan, but I can’t complain. I haven’t fought in a year and I feel like I am a stronger and a better fighter than I was then.”




In his second appearance on the series, the 23-year-old Love came alive in the middle rounds, highlighted by a blistering right hook midway through the fifth round that knocked out Sims’s mouthpiece.




“Today wasn’t my best day and I just wasn’t able to get in to a groove,” said Love, who fought against Sims when the two were teenagers in the amateurs. “I definitely didn’t fight my best. I felt good in the third and fourth rounds.





“We definitely want a rematch,” Love continued. “Today was an off day but we hundred percent want a rematch and want to fight again, wherever and whenever.”




Friday’s tripleheader will replay on Monday, Bulan Juli 23 di 10 p.m. ET / PT pada SHOWTIME EXTREME dan akan tersedia pada SHOWTIME kapan saja® dan SHOWTIME di PERMINTAAN®.




Barry Tompkins called the action from ringside with boxing historian Steve Farhood and former world champion Raul Marquez serving as expert analysts. The executive producer was Gordon Hall with Richard Gaughan producing and Rick Phillips directing.




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“I’m fighting for my family. I’m putting Philly on my back and I’m ready to show the world my talent.”

Ennis Faces Fellow Undefeated Armando Alvarez In The Main Event Of ShoBox: The New Generation Live On SHOWTIME At 10 p.m. DAN/PT


Photo Kredit: SHOWTIME Olahraga


Perhiasan, Melihat & Share Via YouTube: sho.com/2O1pJGC



APA YG: SHOWTIME Sports provides a glimpse into the life and training camp of Philadelphia’s Jaron Ennis as he prepares to face fellow undefeated welterweight prospect Armando Alvarez in the main event of ShoBox: Generasi Baru ini Hari Jumat, Bulan Juli 20, hidup di SHOWTIME di 10 p.m. ET / PT from WinnaVegas Casino in Sloan, Iowa.




Ennis (20-0, 18 Biaya), who has knocked out 10 consecutive opponents, membuat nya ShoBox debut against the 28-year-old Alvarez (18-0, 12 Biaya) in the 10-round main event of a three-fight telecast featuring six fighters with a combined record of 82-1.




Baru Saja 20 tua tahun, Ennis trains under the tutelage of his father Derek “Bozy” Ennis Sr., who also trained his other sons Derek Jr. and Farah. The 5-foot-10 former amateur standout will be the third Ennis brother to appear on ShoBox; Derek Jr. appeared on the series in 2007, and Farah faced Badou Jack on the series in 2013.




“Having my Dad as a trainer means everything,” said the youngest Ennis. "Dia 63 years old and he puts in the same work I put in.




“My brothers always tell me to stay focused, it’s my turn now. I’m fighting for my family. I’m putting Philly on my back and I’m ready to show the world my talent.”




Dalam co-fitur, undefeated lightweight Thomas Mattice (12-0, 10 Biaya) returns to Iowa for his second ShoBox appearance of the year when he clashes with former Armenian amateur standout Zhora Hamazaryan (9-0, 6 Biaya) dalam 10 putaran pertarungan.




Juga pada kartu, undefeated super lightweight prospect Montana Love (11-0, 5 Biaya) will take on former national amateur champion Kenneth Sims Jr. (12-1, 4 Biaya) dalam delapan putaran pertarungan super ringan.