Tag Archives: super middleweight

Torontoko pisu arina garaitu gabeko Kareem "Supreme" Hackett-ek WBA Inter-Continental tituluaren defentsa egingo du martxoaren 30ean L.A-ko DAZN-n.

Kareem Hackett (R)(Photo kreditu: Cris Esquida/15:00)

LOS ANGELES (March 21, 2024) - Torontoko Munduko Boxeo Elkartea garaitu gabea (WBA) Kareem "Supreme" Hackett pisu arineko kontinentearteko txapelduna (12-0, 6 Kos) bere lehen tituluaren defentsa martxoan egingo du 30garren Rowdy Legend Montgomeryren aurka (10-5-1, 7 Kos) Arsen Goulimarian txapeldunaren eta Hackett-en egonaldikidearen arteko WBA Cruiserweight World tituluaren borrokan buru den Golden Boy Promotions txartelaren 10 txandako partidan., Gilberto “Zurdo” Ramirez munduko pisu superertaineko txapeldun ohia.

Ekintza guztiak zuzenean erreproduzituko dira DAZN-n Los Angeleseko YouTube Theater-etik.

WBA zenbakia. 13 mundu mailan Hackett-ek bere koroa bereganatu zuen joan den irailean 20garren Landare Hirian, Florida, zenean nagusi 4-1 faboritoa eta aurretik garaitu gabea Clay Waterman (11-0, 8 Kos) 10 itzuliko aho batez erabakitzeko bidean, bertan guztiak irabazi zituen 10 epaileen bi puntuazio-txarteletan biribiltzen dira eta bederatzi beste epaileenetan.

«Lehenago borrokatzea gustatuko litzaidake baina horrela doa negozio hau,", esan zuen Hackettek. «Nire titulua irabazi ondoren borrokak lortzea baino zailagoa da. Nire azken borrokatik gauza on asko gertatu dira. Ulertzen dut. Titulu bat daukat eta munduko sailkatua naiz. Bide argiagoa daukat munduko titulua lortzeko. Ringera sartzeko edozein aukera eskertzen dut.”

«Nire gaitasunak ProBox.TV-en erakutsi ditudanetik errespetu gehiago hartzen ari naiz. (Esatariak) Juan Manual Marguez, Paulie Malignaggik eta Chris Algierik atrezzo asko eman zizkidaten eta hori oso baliogarria izan da.”

Hackett-ek esperientzia eskerga lortu du "Zurdo" Ramirez bezalako munduko txapeldunen sparring, Dmitri Bivol, Peter "Kid Chocolate" Quillin, Sergio Mora, Mathew Macklin eta David Benavidez.

Hackett-ek lehenak ezarri ditu Torontoko boxeolari batek Golden Boy Promotions txartelarekin borrokatzeko eta WBA Inter-Continental Light Heavyweight titulua izateko..

«Torontoko boxeoaren aitzindaria naiz,” Harrotasun handiz azaldu zuen Hackett promozio askeko agenteak. «Lehen munduko titulua etxera ekarri nahi dut, ziur, eta egun batean titulu eztabaidaezinak eta bateratuak, gehiegi, Toronto talentu natural asko duen hiri handi bat da, baina ez dakit zergatik ez den boxeoak aurrera egin han».

Hackett Julian Chua-k entrenatzen du North Hollywood-eko Brickhouse Boxing Club-en (ESATERAKO) eta kudeatzen du 3 Puntuen kudeaketa (3 PM).

"(Dmitry) Bivol pisu arineko dibisioaren buruan dago, eta badakit tipo indartsua dela,” adierazi zuen Hackettek. «Nire azken borrokatik gauza batzuk aldatu ditugu amaiera buruan. Hirukoiztu egin dugu, indar-jakitun, berarekin topo egiten dugunean. Hori da aldaketa nagusia. Sentitzen dut gure dibisioko borrokalaririk arinena naizela eta sendotzen ari naizela nire trebetasunak eta eraztunaren adimenaren araberakoa izateko".

In 2024, Hackett-ek hardwarea gehitu eta lehen 10eko aurkari bati aurre egin nahi dio baina, oraingoz behintzat, pozik dago bere bigarren etxean Montgomeryrekin duen borrokan, Los Angeles.

"Maite dut borroka hau LAn egotea,", ondorioztatu zuen Hackettek. «Eroso nago Los Angelesen. Hemen etxean bezala sentitzen naiz eta Kaliforniako beste leku batzuetan borrokatzen. Boxeoan nire lagun minenetako batek izenburuko karta batean borrokan aritzeak ere pozten nau (Southpaw)."

INFORMAZIOA:Web: www.KareemHackett.comInstagram, Twitter & Tik Tok: @kareemwins

Gilberto “Zurdo” Ramirez Bere ondarearen alde borrokan

Gilberto “Zurdo” Ramirez Bere ondarearen alde borrokan
LOS ANGELES (March 20, 2024) -- Gilberto "Zurdo" Ramirez Munduko Boxeo Erakundeko pisu superertaineko txapeldun ohia (45-1, 30 Kos) bere ondarearen alde borrokatzen ari da, martxotik aurrera 30garren garaitu gabeko Munduko Boxeo Elkarteari aurre egiten dionean (WBA) Cruiserweight Munduko tituluaren jabea Arsen "Feroz" Goulamirian (21-0, 14 Kos) Inglewoodeko Hollywood Parkeko You Tube antzokian, California.

12 txandako Goulamirian vs. Zurdo ekitaldi nagusiak txartel sendo bat du izenburu, Golden Boy Promotions-ek sustatua Y12 Boxing-ekin batera, DAZN-en zuzenean erreproduzituko dena.

Ramirez, 32, pisu superertaineko munduko titulua lortu zuen lehen boxeolari mexikarra izan zen eta orain aurrekaririk gabeko balentria hori bikoiztu nahi du Goulamirianen aurka., Frantzian bizi eta Big Bear-en entrenatzen duen armeniar jatorriko txapelduna, California.

«Niretzat oso garrantzitsua da Mexikon jaiotako lehen gurutze pisuko munduko txapelduna eta bi dibisioko munduko txapelduna izatea,” esan zuen Ramirezek. «Legacy da mundu honetan atzean uzten dugun gauza bakarra, Harro nengoen pisu superertaineko munduko txapeldun izan den lehen mexikarra izateaz eta ezin dut itxaron gurutze pisuan berriro lehenengoa izateko.

«Oraindik egunero ikasten ari naiz. Joe Smith lan gogorra izan zen eta gauza berri batzuk ezarri behar izan nituen nire estiloan. Eta borroka hau ez da ezberdina; udaleku guztietan zerbait berria gehitzen saiatzen naiz irabazteko aukerak hobetzeko. Eroso sentitzen naiz pisu honekin. Berez, adinean aurrera egin ahala, pisua egitea zailagoa zen eta orain dena errazagoa omen da. Beti esaten dudan bezala, bizitza honetan esperientzia baino irakasle hoberik ez dago».

Zurdoren azken helburua, ordea, hiru mailako munduko txapeldun izatea da, pisu astuneko dibisioari zuzenduta, gurutzaldi pisuko pisua garbitu ondoren.

«Oraindik borroka asko egin daitezke dibisio honetan,” azaldu zuen Zurdok. «Gustatuko litzaidake bat egitea eta/edo eztabaidaezina den txapelduna izatea igoera egin aurretik. Dena esan eta eginda dagoenean, nire helburua maila anitzeko txapelduna izatea eta nire karrera pisu astun gisa amaitzea da».

INFORMAZIOA: Web: www.ZurdoPromotions.comFacebook: /ZurdoPromozioak, /GilbertoZurdoRamirezInstagram: @zurdoramirez, @zurdopromotionsTwitter: @ZurdoPromotions, @GilbertoZurdoRamirez

ZURDO PROMOZIOEI BURUZ: Las Vegasen eta Mexikon du egoitza nagusia, Zurdo Promotions Munduko txapeldun ohiak zuzendutako borroka kirol/ekitaldi nagusia da, Gilberto "Zurdo" Ramirez. Zurdo Sustapenak arlo guztietan onena izaten ahalegintzen da boxeoan estandar berria ezartzeko. Bisita gaitzazu www.ZurdoPromotions.com.


Plus All-Action Rising Middleweights Elijah Garcia eta

Armando Reséndiz Elkarretaratzea Pay-Per-View Opener-en

Canelo Promotions-ek Premier Boxing Champions aurkezten du

Las Vegaseko T-Mobile Arenatik ordaindutakoa

LAS VEGAS – Abuztua 25, 2023 -Hiru norgehiagoka goranzko izarrekin, hautagai nagusiak eta munduko txapeldun ohiak 147 ra 160 librak ordaintzeko azpiko txartela sendoa nabarmenduko duCanelo Alvarez vs. Jermell Charlopisu superertainen txapelketa eztabaidaezina larunbatean, September 30 zuzenean Las Vegaseko T-Mobile Arenako SHOWTIME PPV-n. Canelo Promotions-ek Premier Boxing Champions Pay-Per-View aurkeztuko du.

Co-nagusia gertatuz gero, garaitu gabeko sentsazioaJesus "Mono" Ramos Jr.,goi mailako lehiakide gogorra hartuko duErickson "Hammer" Lubin12 txandako super welter pisuko erakarpen berezi batean. Pay-per-view-ek munduko txapeldun ohiak ere biltzen dituYordenis UgasetaMario “El Azteca” BarriosWBC Welterweight Titulurako behin-behineko behatz-punta joatea. Ekintza irekitzea at 8 p.m. ET / 5 p.m. PT erdiko pisuak gora egiten ari diraElias GarciaetaArmando Reséndiz 10 txandako atrakzio batean koadratuz.

Zuzeneko gertaera sarrerak, Canelo Promotions eta TGB Promotions-ek sustatzen dutena, eskuragarri daude AXS.com-en.

"Hiru norgehiagoka hauek boxeo zaleek espero dezaketen guztia eskaintzen dute ordainpeko txartel batean eta ekarriko duten gertaera nagusi historikoa merezi dute.,” esan zuen Tom Brownek, TGB Promozioak lehendakaria. "Erringara sartzen den borrokalari bakoitzak bere dibisioaren gorenera katapultatzeko aukera du irailean irabazita. 30. Zaleek lehiakide hauek guztiak garaile irteteko SHOWTIME PPVn Las Vegaseko T-Mobile Arenan ikustea espero dezakete.

Hegoaldeko indartsu bat nor at 22 borrokalari gisa sabaia jotzera hurbildu behar da oraindik, Ramos (20-0, 16 Kos) orduan garaitu gabeko Joey Spencer blitz egin zuen martxoan, lehen txandan jaitsiz zazpigarren txandan gelditu baino lehen TKO irabazteko bere sentsazionalismoan 2023 debuta David Benavidez vs. Caleb planta SHOWTIME PPV-n. Casa Grandekoa jaiotzez, Ariz., Ramosek Brian Mendoza eta Javier Molinari buruzko 10 txandako aho batez hartutako erabakiak ere baditu. 2021, horren ostean, Luke Santamaria eta Vladimir Hernandez garaitu zituen 2022. Oro har, Ramos gazteak errekonozimendua lortu du nabarmendu-bobina KOekin, bere azkeneko zazpi geldituz 10 aurkarien, bere trebetasunak eta borrokak goiz amaitzeko gaitasuna erakutsiz.

“Ilusioz nago irailaren 30ean aurkari gogor baten aurka txartel handi honen parte izateak", esan zuen Ramosek.. «Badakit Lubin gogor entrenatzen ari dela eta irabaztera datorrela, borroka entretenigarria egingo duena. Txartel hau guztia pilatuta dago eta ez dugu hutsik egin nahi, beraz, zaleak boxeo gau bikainan daude.”

27 urteko Lubin (25-2, 18 Kos) ekainean itzuli zen ringera, Luis Arias beteranoaren bosgarren itzuliko geldialdi ikusgarria emateko, aurretik inoiz gelditu ez zena. Lubinen aurreko irteeran 2022ko borrokarik onenetariko batean buru-belarri ibili zen., apirilean SHOWTIME-n Sebastian Fundora lehiakidekidearekin eraitsiak trukatu baitzituen 2022. Fundoraren borrokara bidean, Lubinek sei garaipen bolada ikusgarria bildu zuen orduan Jermell Charlo 154 kiloko txapeldun bateratu eta orain eztabaidaezina galdu zuenetik. 2017, Jeison Rosarioren aurkako garaipenak barne hartzen zituen lasterketa, Terrell Gausha eta Ishe Smith. Orlandokoa jaiotzez, Fla., Lubin profesional bihurtu zen 18 urtean 2013 eta garapen seriean inoiz agertu den aukerarik gazteenetako bat bihurtu zenSHOBOX: Belaunaldi berriak®,urtean ESPN eta Ring aldizkariaren "Prospect Of The Year" sariak irabazi zituen 2016.

«Badakit mundua irailean ikusiko duela 30 eta modu handi batean irabazteko asmoa dut,” esan zuen Lubinek. «Borrokalari gazte eta talentu handiko bat dugu aurrean, baina gaztea naiz eta talentua ere bai. Aldea da 154 kiloko dibisioaren uztaren krema borrokatu dudala. Berdin du olinpiarrak diren ala ez, aurreikuspen nagusiak, hautagaiak edo txapeldunak, hartu ditut. Txip handia daukat sorbaldan eta hori badakit garaipen honekin, Mega borroka batean egongo naiz. Oso gogor entrenatzen ari naiz eta mundu osoak ikusiko du bere fruitua».

Ugas (27-5, 12 Kos) irailean jarriko da martxan 30 apiriletik lehen aldiz 2022 bateratzearen aurkako porrota Errol Spence Jr. SHOWTIME PPV-n. Bi urte baino gehiagoko kaleratze batetik itzuli ostean elite mailako pisu gisa ezarri zen 2016 atzeko galeren ondoren 2014. Munduko txapeldun izateko txartela zulatu zuen urtarrilean 2021 irailean Abel Ramos garaituz WBA gerrikoa irabazi ostean 2020. Abuztuan sendotu zuen bere munduko txapelketa 2021, Spence zauritu baten ordez sartu zenean Manny Pacquiao aretoko ospearen etorkizun mitikoa garaitzeko aho batez erabaki zuen. Santiagotik etorria, Kuba eta orain Miamin bizi da, Florida, brontzezko domina olinpikoa Las Vegasen entrenatzen du Ismael Salas entrenatzaile ospetsuarekin eta garaipen garaiko Jamal James borrokalarien aurka irabazi ditu., Omar Figueroa Jr. eta Bryant Perrella, gehi Thomas Dulorme eta Ray Robinson lehiakide beteranoak.

«Nik eta Mario Barriosek asko dugu irabazteko irailean garaipen batekin 30, beraz, badakit borroka hau gogoratzeko modukoa izango dela,"esan zuen Ugasek. «Errespetu izugarria diot Barriosekiko. Haietako onenekin ring-ean ibili den benetako gerlaria da, baina ziur daukat garaile izango naizela. Borroka asko geratzen zait eta nire trebetasun onenak erakutsiko dira borroka honetan. Aberria eta Bizitza, Nire herriaren alde borrokatzen dut».

28 urteko Barrios (27-2, 18 Kos) azkena, otsailean Jovanie Santiagoren kanporaketa zoragarria lortu zuen Santiago zortzigarren itzulian geldituz.. Barriosen aurreko borroka welter pisuko debuta izan zen, otsailean Keith Thurman txapeldun bateratu ohiari erabaki gogorra utzi baitzion. 2022. San Antonio-produktua, orain Las Vegasen Bob Santos entrenatzaile nagusiarekin entrenatzen duena, irailean 140 kiloko munduko txapeldun izan zen 2019, bere estilo oldarkorra erabiliz Batyr Akhmedov baztertzeko eta aho batez erabakia irabazteko. Barriosek super arina titulua galdu zuen betetako beste ekintza batean, lehia oso lehiatua, ekainean Gervonta Davis hiru dibisio eta bost aldiz munduko txapeldun izan baitzuen 2021.

«Borroka hau gerra bat izango da, biok bihotz askorekin borrokatzen dugulako eta gutako batek ere ez baitute atzera egiten,” esan zuen Barriosek. «Ezin dut itxaron horrelako partida batean urteko karta handienetako batean lehiatzeko. Boxeo gau bikaina izango da hasieratik amaierara eta Mexikoko zaleek 'El Azteca'ren emanaldi lehergarria ikustea espero dezakete.!"

Phoenixetik borrokan, Arizona, Garcia (15-0, 12 Kos) 2023ko izarrik handienetako bat da. Martxoan lehertu zen laugarren txandan garaitu gabeko Amilcar Vidal 160 kiloko presentzia iragartzeko.. 20 urteko gazteak emanaldi horri jarraipena eman zion Kevin Salgado beteranoa nagusituz apirilean aho batez erabakitzeko bidean, Gervonta Davis vs.. Ryan Garcia. Garcia goiztiarra azkar mugitu da profesional bihurtu zenetik 2020 eta bere azken zortzi aurkarietatik sei kanporatu ditu.

"Hau da aurtengo nire bigarren borroka ordainpeko txartel handi batean eta ilusio handiz nago eta lehen aldiz baino are prestatuago nago,” esan zuen Garciak. «Reséndiz borrokalari gosea da ni bezala, beraz, ez dut zalantzarik ikusten duten zale guztientzat izugarrizko ikuskizuna eskainiko dugula».

24 urteko Reséndiz(14-1, 10 Kos) karrerako garaipen onena lortu zuen bere azken irteeran Jarrett Hurd txapeldun bateratu ohia gelditu zuenean. 10garren eta martxoko norgehiagokaren azken txanpa SHOWTIME-n. Reséndizek hiru txarteletan lideratu zituen borroka gelditu zenean Hurden ezpainean zauri larriaren ondorioz.. Nayaritarra jaiotzez, Mexikon, orain Los Angelesetik borrokatzen du eta irailean Marcos Hernandezen aurka erabaki estua galdu zuenetik hiru garaipen jarraian lortuko du. 2021. Reséndiz profesional bihurtu zen otsailean 2018 eta arrakastatsua izan zen AEB. apirilean debuta 2021 Quilisto Woodren aurka erabakitako garaipenarekin.

«Oso pozik nago borroka-txartel garrantzitsu batean lehiatzeko aukera paregabe hau izateagatik,” esan zuen Reséndizek. «Ilusioz beteta nago Las Vegasen borrokatzeko nire ametsa, telebistan ikusten nituen nire boxeo idoloak bezala. Irailean ondoen ikusten lagunduko didan entrenamendu zoragarria izan dut 30 eta inspiratzen nauten boxeoaren kondairak merezi duen emanaldia eskaini».

#          #          #

Informazio gehiagosho.com/ppv etawww.PremierBoxingChampions.com, jarraitu #CaneloCharlo, Twitter @ShowtimeBoxing jarraitu, SHOSports, @PremierBoxing eta @TGBPromotions, Instagramen @ShowtimeBoxing, @PremierBoxing eta @TGBPromotionss edo egin zaitez zale Facebook-enwww.Facebook.com/ShowtimeBoxing etawww.Facebook.com/premierboxingchampions/.



Fight Night Photos: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1R0TreZJOHZc2DF-URwEEdOFV75RVhsht?usp=sharing
Argazkia Kreditu: David Martin-Warr / DKP
All official scorecards: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1t8LZip4oDLriuhUXnkTFiGbxP_U0DP8k?usp=sharing

Trevor Bryan (22-1, 15 Kos) vs. Daniel DuBois (18-1, 17 Kos)
Result: Daniel Dubois Wins via TKO (4garren Round at 1:58)
Scorecard: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1-PRjTMzT0u1xbTPLJkF8WbXuMNbE4UCH/view?usp=sharing

Daniel Dubois Quote: The only words are ‘and the newand I am just so glad it is now. It is happening now and we have made it real, my dad and my family, I’ve done everyone proud, the country and I can’t wait.

In the first round I was just trying to figure him out and see what he had. I said I was going to test the chin and I just went for it.

He brought out something in me, he brought out a wicked left hand! It was a punch-perfect ending, and I am just so happy. I had a few rough patches during this camp, but we pulled through and we got the victory.

I am just so happy to have got this world title. This is what all the hard work was for and, no disrespect to Trevor, but his 0 had to go and I was just in there on a demolition mission.

I am ready for whoever is next. I believe this will instantly make me a better fighter now. When you win the world title they say you become next level so names like Dillian Whyte and Joseph Parker are all on my hitlist. I will fight whoever Frank puts me in with next.

It has been amazing. Coming out here and winning a world title is what I dreamed of as a little kid and now it has finally happened.

Trevor Bryan Quote: “I’m feeling alright. I knew he was going to come out with big punches, and I was trying to land some and let him tire himself out. But I wasn’t shooting my jab enough.”

Luis Rodriguez (9-0, 9 Kos) vs. Ryan Adams (8-5-2, 6 Kos)
Result: Luis Rodriguez Wins via TKO (3rd Round at 2:26)
Scorecard: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1U7uzf55jwRHFwzibpQ_kMcNuMlIl0PKy/view?usp=sharing

Luis Rodriguez Quote: “It’s the best feeling finally getting the knockout. He was a complicated boxer, a brawler. I don’t like these types of fights. We will see what’s next – but I’m ready for the next challenge.”

DaCarree Scott (7-1, 6 Kos) vs. Jonathan Guidry (18 -1-2, 6 Kos)
Result: Johnathan Guidry Wins via TKO (7garren Round at 2:01)

Johnathan Guidry Quote: “I’m feeling good. I didn’t even get to have a proper training camp or the right sparring partners. I’m looking forward to whatever is next.”

Joltin Johnnie Langston (11-3, 4 Kos) vs. Isaiah Thompson (6-1-2, 5 Kos)
Result: Johnnie Langston Wins via Split Decision (95-94, 94-95, 92-97)

Johnnie Langston Quote: “I didn’t even have a chance for a full training camp. I blew up [in weight] during camp and was a bit dehydrated in the ring. I’m just glad we came up with this result and that I’m still a champ.”

Ahmed Elbiali (22-1, 18 Kos) vs. Dervin Colina (16-2, 14 Kos)
Result: Ahmed Elbiali Wins via Disqualification
Scorecard: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1URsbHgUf3xDThEOAXC-9z1dXVexiQo3l/view?usp=sharing

Ahmed Elbial Quote: “I’m just glad that the both of us left the ring healthy. I’m excited to be crowned the new champion, and I hope that the next show I get to better showcase my skills. We had a great, old-school boxing crowd out here tonight, and that made it a fun experience.”

Raynel Mederos (7-0, 2 KO) vs. Ryan Wilson 1-1, 1 KO
Result: Raynel Mederos Wins via TKO (2nd Round at 2:07)
Scorecard: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Mdnashyn81jVR6EDi1kePK46oGrJ3Wcq/view?usp=sharing

Raynel Mederos Quote: “I feel really great, and I want to give a special thanks to my trainer who has helped me get this far. We are taking my career step by step, round by round.”

Tre’Sean Wiggins (14-5-3, 8 Kos) vs. Travis Castellon (17-4-2, 12 Kos)
Result: Tre’Sean Wiggins Wins via TKO (1st Round at 2:07)
Scorecard: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Ra9wAwRWWoRHV41zFw1iYkfo-bFHfQYP/view?usp=sharing

Tre’Sean Wiggins Quote: “The gameplan for inside the ring was to take my time. I didn’t want to rush it,"
“I want to be in the top 10. Whatever Don King has for me next; I will do.”

Anthony Lenk (17-9, 7 Kos) vs. Ian Green (16-2, 11 Kos)
Result: Ian Green Wins via Unanimous Decision (91-99, 92-98, 92-98)
Scorecard: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1m8trcSoLu6qRDwSPi_2tP6sbhlz-xaz1/view?usp=sharing

Ian Green Quote: “I am feeling really good, this was the first time I’ve pushed to 10-rounds. Lenk was a crappy opponent and didn’t really bring anything to the table. He was just really good at surviving and pacing himself.”

Anthony Lenk Quote: "Borrokalari ona da. He came to represent for Don King, ziur. I’m still one of your fighters, and I just hope you still keep me here after this.”

Devar Ferhadi Takes on Khainell Wheeler in Super Middleweight Showdown on March 11th at Wind Creek Bethlehem

Kenny Robles takes on Naim Nelson in Co-feature

James Bernadin battles Kevin Asmat

Plus Undefeated Jonathan Rodriguez, Julian Gonzalez, Quadir

Albright, LeAnna Cruz and James Bernadin
Belen, PA (Otsaila 11, 2022)–Super Middleweights Devar Ferhadi eta Khainell Wheeler will appear in the eight-round headline bout of a King’s Promotions card at the Wind Creek Bethlehem Events Center on Ostiral gauean, March 11th.

The eight-bout card is promoted by King’s Promotions.

Ferhadi, 27 years-old of Frederick, Maryland via Iraq is 9-0 zazpi knockouts ekin. The 10 year veteran has a win over undefeated Vincent Baccus (4-0-1). Bere azken bout, Ferhadi took an eight-round unanimous decision over Blake Mansfield on June 5, 2021 Philadelphia.

Wheeler, 28 years-old of Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, erregistro bat dauka 6-1 bost knockouts batera. The three-year pro is coming off his career best win as he took a six-round split decision over previously undefeated Frederick Julan (12-0) Abendua on 2, 2021 New Yorken.

Zortzi txandan lankideei Ezaugarri In, Kenny Robles gudu Naim Nelson in a junior welterweight contest.

Robles, 30 years-old of Staten Island, New York, erregistro bat dauka 8-1 Hiru kanporaketa batera. The five-year pro has a win over previously undefeated Shawn West (3-0), and his last outing when he won a six-round unanimous decision over Isaac Luna on March 19, 2021 Tampa, Florida.

Nelson, 31 urte, of Philadelphia is 14-5 Azken batekin. The 11 year-professional has wins over Korey Sloane (1-0), Esteban Rodriguez (5-1-1) and Jerome Rodriguez (6-0-3). Nelson is coming off a 4th round stoppage defeated to undefeated Jesus Ramos on December 26, 2020 Los Angelesen.

In a six-round bout, boladan James Bernadin (5-0, 3 Kos) Lancaster, PA takes on tough Kevin Asmat (6-2, 5 Kos) North Bergen, NJ.

The 29 year-old Bernadin has been on a roll as in his last two fights, he has wins over Osvaldo Morales (4-0) and a first-round stoppage of Edgar Torres (8-2-1).

Asmat, 27 urte, has a win over Ernesto Ornelas (1-0). He is on a three-fight win streak, with his latest win being a third-round stoppage over Weusi Johnson on June 22, 2019 Philadelphia,

Bouts sei-txandan:

Jonathan Rodriguez (9-0, 6 Kos) Philadelphia-k hartzen du Jose Flores Chavez (9-13, 5 Kos) of Baja, Mexico in a bantamweight contest.
Julian Gonzalez (5-0, 5 Kos) Reading of, PA takes on an opponent to be named in a junior lightweight fight.
Quadir Albright (4-0, 4 Kos) Philadelphia batailak Antonio Wattell (3-8-3, 2 Kos) Houston, Texas in a junior welterweight affair.

Bouts lau txandan:

LeAnna Cruz (1-0) Belengo, PA off plazan egingo dituzten Anyela Lopez (2-1-1, 1 KO) Tucson, AZ in a bantamweight bout.
Thanjae Teasley Belengo, PA and Ajoola Oladeinde of La Plata, MD in a welterweight fight of pro debuter’s.

Tickets for this great evening are priced at $75, $100 eta $150 eta hemen eros daiteke

42-0 Gilberto “Zurdo” Ramirez marches towards boxing milestone in exclusive 50-0 club

Zurdo logo.jpg
43rd pro fight Dec. 18 vs. Yunieski Gonzalez on DAZN

LAS VEGAS (Abendua 6, 2021) – As he marches towards a special boxing milestone, former World Boxing Organization Super Middleweight World Champion Gilberto “Zurdo” Ramirez (42-0, 28 Kos), now an undefeated world light heavyweight contender, will be fighting Yunieski “The Monster” Gonzalez on December 18th for his 43rd consecutive victory.

Ramirez vs. Gonzalez headlines a DAZN-streamed card, presented by Ramirez’ promoter Golden Boy Promotions, in a 12-round WBA Light Heavyweight Title Eliminator from San Antonio (TX) with the winner becoming the mandatory challenger for World Boxing Association Light Heavyweight World Champion Dmitry Bivol (18-0, 11 Kos), assuming the Kyrgyzstan-native gets past Umar Salamov (26-1, 19 Kos) Dec on. 11garren Errusian.

The 30-year-old Ramirez is fighting for membership in the exclusive 50-Club, winning his first 50 professional fights without a loss or draw. Ramirez’ idol and fellow Mexican, Julio Cesar Chavez, holds the record in that category by winning his first 87, his first blemish coming in 1993 in a 12-round majority draw with the great Pernell Whitaker in their WBC World welterweight title fight.


1. Julio “J.C. Cesar Chavez 87 (13 Kos) 1980-1993 México
2. Willie “Wil ‘O The Wisp” Pep 62 (23 Kos) 1940-1943 USA
3. Wanheng Menayothin 54 (18 Kos) 2009-2019 Tailandiako
4. Carlos “Canas” Zarate 52 (51 Kos) 1970-1978 México
5. Floyd Mayweather, Jr.. 50 (27 Kos) 1996-2017 USA

"The 50-0 Club is a very exclusive list I’m proud to be working toward,” esan zuen Ramirezek. “All fighters go through ups and downs and understand the blood, sweat and tears to achieve anything in this sport. I feel very blessed and fortunate to be in the position I’m in today and I will never stop giving it my all in the sport. Zorionez, when I’m finished, I can leave a legacy in the sport that I can be proud of.”

41-0 Gilberto “Southpaw” Ramirez all in for WBC Interim World light heavyweight clash with “Sir” Marcus Browne

LAS VEGAS (Urtarrilaren 14, 2021) — The first super middleweight world champion of Mexican decent, boladan Gilberto “Southpaw” Ramirez (41-0, 27 Kos) is all in for a potential World Boxing Council (WBC) Interim light heavyweight World title fight against 2012 U.S. Olympian “Sir” Marcus Browne (23-1, 16 Kos).

The WBC ordered Ramirez vs. Browne this past Monday because reigning WBC light heavyweight World champion Artur Beterbiev (15-0, 15 Kos) hasn’t defended his title since capturing it October 18, 2019, due to getting COVID-19 during training camp, as well as for other pandemic related restrictions. Beterbiev is also the reigning International Boxing Federation (IBF) light heavyweight World champion.

Ramirez is the No. 1 light heavyweight contender in the WBC ratings, while Browne is ranked No. 4. Team Zurdo and Team Browne have until February 5garren to work out a deal before it’ll go to purse bid. Martinez is promoted by his own company, Zurdo Promotions, while Browne is represented by PBC.

This is an interesting opportunity and I’m ready to fight anyone in the light heavyweight division to leave my mark on the sport,” Ramirez said. “I know Marcus has been out of the ring for a while, but he’s a U.S. Olympian and still one of the best in the game. I know he’s wanted this fight for a while and hopefully we can make something happen.

“Horrez gain, it’s always been my dream to get the green belt (WBC) and bring it back to Mexico. I have a lot of respect for the WBC and Mauricio Suliman and I am grateful for all their love and support throughout my career.

Azken hilabetean, Ramirez fought for the first time in 20 hilabete, stopping defending champion Alfonso “El Tigre” Lopez (32-4, 25 Kos) in the 10th round of theBattle of Rio Grande” main event, which marked the debut of Zurdo Promotions.

The 29-year-old Ramirez became the first Mexican fighter to capture a world super middleweight crown in 2016, when the ultra-gifted, athletic southpaw pitched a complete shutout against defending title holder “King” Arthur Abraham(44-4), winning each round for a 12-round unanimous decision (120-106 X 3) to become the World Boxing Organization (WBO) munduko txapeldun.

Ramirez successful defended his WBO title five times against 33-4-1 Maksym Bursak (DEC12), 22-0 Jessie Hart (DEC12), 25-0-1 Habib Ahmed (25-0-1), 23-0 Roemer Alexis Angulo (DEC12), and Hart again in a rematch (DEC12). “Southpaw” moved up to the light heavyweight division in 2019, destroying 29-6-1 Tommy Karpency, who was unable to continue fighting after four rounds.

A talented southpaw as well, Browne was a decorated U.S. amateur out of New York City, who won gold medals at the 2010 U.S. PAL Nazionala txapelketak eta 2012 U.S. Nazionala txapelketak, prior to representing the U.S. at the Olympic Games in London.

Browne, 30, is a past WBA Interim light heavyweight World champion. He has beaten a pair of word champions, 22-1-3 Badou Jack (DEC12) eta 25-7-1 Gabriel Campillo (25-7-2). Other notable opponents he has defeated include 21-0 radivoje Kalajdzic (DEC8), 20-2 Thomas Williams (KO6), 28-0 Sean Monaghan (TKO2), eta 18-1-1 Lenin Castillo (DEC10). Browne’s last fight was August 3, 2019, when he suffered his first loss as a professional to former world champion Jean Pascal(33-6-1) via an eight-round technical decision, after Browne suffered a severe cut over his left eye from an accidental head-butt.

There are always challenges to making a fight become reality,” Ramirez concluded, “but me being both the fighter and sole promoter, I’m flexible on the common problems that takes to make a fight. I’m not sure how much time Marcus will need to be ready, but both time and location can be determined when the other preliminary items are agreed upon. If it goes to a purse bid, I’m ready for the process and, hopefully, this fight can happen for both of us.

Web: www.ZurdoPromotions.com
Instagram: @zurdoramirez, @zurdopromotions
Twitter: @ZurdoPromotions, @GilbertoZurdoRamirez


Welterweight Sensation Jaron Ennis Continues Knockout Streak; Elin Cederroos Edges Alicia Napoleon Espinosa In Super Middleweight World Championship Unification

 Watch The Encore Presentation Monday At 10 P.m. ET/PT On


 KlikatuHEMEN For Photos from Stephanie Trapp/SHOWTIME

ATLANTIC CITY – January 11, 2020 – Claressa Shields made history yet again by claiming the WBC and WBO 154-pound world championships with a dominating unanimous decision over Ivana Habazin Friday on SHOWTIME from Ocean Casino Resort in Atlantic City.

Shields became the fastest fighter in history, male or female, to win world titles in three different weight divisions, surpassing the record of Vasiliy Lomachenko and Kosei Tanaka, who both accomplished the feat in 12 Borrokak. The near-shutout was scored 99-89, 100-90, 100-89. 

Shields (10-0, 2 Kos) overpowered Habazin from the opening bell, utilizing a strong jab and a steady diet of body shots that left the Croatian mostly in defensive mode throughout the 10-round fight. In the sixth round, a series of body shots forced Habazin to take a knee in the first knockdown of her career. It was also the first knockdown for the two-time Olympic Gold Medalist and undisputed middleweight world champion in her professional career.

Following the knockdown, Habazin continued forward but did so without throwing many punches. Habazin (20-4, 7 Kos) threw just 285 compared to 516 for Shields, who also connected on 38 percent of her power shots compared to just 18 percent for Habazin.

Co-featured bout batean, welterweight sensation Jaron Ennis scored his 15garren consecutive knockout with a dominating fourth round TKO over the durable Bakhtiyar Eyubov.

The switch-hitting Philadelphia native came out with a blistering pace in the first, switching from southpaw in the opening minute while displaying his signature power and hand speed. An onslaught of perfectly timed punches floored the normally durable Eyubov for the first time in his career midway through the opening round. Eyubov (14-1-2, 12 Kos) got up but was dropped against just 20 seconds later as the torrid pace continued. Eyubov survived the round and Ennis (25-0, 23 Kos) took his foot off the gas a bit in the second, but the unbeaten welterweight still landed at will against Eyubov, who continued to press forward.

Prior to the fourth round, Commissioner Larry Hazzard warned Eyubov that he would stop the fight if he didn’t see improvement. With Eyubov still pressing forward but eating dozens of punches, referee Earl Brown stepped in to stop the fight at :34 at the instructions of the Hazzard.

Ennis now has 23 ere knockouts 25 borrokak eta 13 knockdowns over his last six fights. Through four rounds the incredibly effective Ennis landed 47 percent of his power shots.

“We knew he was coming to fight and bring pressure so we mixed it up,” Ennis said. “He was a good fighter but he wasn’t really that strong. I was getting hit a little too much but that’s how we did it to get the knockout.

“We were just setting him up for power shots. I just had to calm down, that’s all. I was too hyped. Once I calmed down and got into my rhythm that was it.

“He was taking a lot of punishment. He definitely was a great fighter though. I appreciate him taking the fight because a lot of guys don’t want to fight me.”

With another dominating performance, Ennis now sets his sights on the upper echelon of one of boxing’s deepest and most exciting divisions.

“We have been wanting all the guys,” Ennis said. “They keep running. They can’t run no more. I’m right here.”

Inaugurazio telecast bout batean, IBF Super Middleweight World Champion Elin Cederroos edged WBA champion Alicia Napoleon Espinosa to unify the super middleweight division in an all-action slugfest scored 95-94 three times.

Cederroos (7-0, 4 Kos) was more active from the opening bell, Bota 747 total punches over 10 rounds compared to 432 for the slightly more effective Napoleon Espinosa (12-2, 7 Kos).  But the difference in the close scorecards was a second round knockdown that Cederroos registered with a perfectly timed check left hook in the closing moments of the second. It was the first knockdown of Napoleon Espinosa’s career and ultimately the deciding factor in the scorecards.

“I’m so happy. I showed that I can box and take a war,” Cederroos said. “But when I relaxed the punches just came. It feels so wonderful. Alicia was a great opponent.”

Napoleon Espinosa was game and hurt the Swedish Cederroos multiple times but she was largely unable to get inside against her taller opponent who consistently landed the bigger punches from a distance.

“I didn’t think I lost. I thought that it was fairly close but I thought I was ahead,” Napoleon Espinosa said. “It is what it is, but I don’t think that I lost this fight.

“I know she was strong, but I wanted a tough fight. I know that Elin is an athlete. I don’t feel that I lost. I feel like it was close.”

Napoleon Espinosa had been hoping that a win would position her for a 2020 fight with Claressa Shields at middleweight with all four of Shields’ 160-pound titles on the line.

“Congrats on the fight with Shields because that was what I was looking forward to,” Napoleon Espinosa said.

The event was promoted by Salita Promotions in association with T-REX BOXING PROMOTIONS.

Friday’s SHOWTIME BOXING: SPECIAL EDITION tripleheader will replay on Monday at 10 p.m. ET/PT on SHOWTIME EXTREME.

An industry leading production team and announce crew delivered all the sights, sounds and drama from Atlantic City. Veteran broadcaster Brian Custer hosted the telecast, versatile combat sports voice Mauro Ranallo called the action ringside alongside Hall of Fame analyst Al Bernstein and former two-division world champion Paulie Malignaggi. Three Hall of Famers rounded out the SHOWTIME telecast team – Emmy® award winning reporter Jim Gray, unofficial ringside scorer Steve Farhood and world-renowned ring announcer Jimmy Lennon Jr. The Executive Producer of SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING was David Dinkins, Jr., the Producer was Ray Smaltz and the Director was Bob Dunphy.

#          #          #


Undisputed Middleweight Champion Shields Battles Habazin for Vacant WBC & WBO 154-Pound Titles Live on SHOWTIME from

Ocean Casino Resort in Atlantic City, N.J.

MIAMI(Urtarrilaren 2, 2020) – As the calendar flips to a new decade, undisputed middleweight championClaressa Shieldsshared her New Year’s resolution ahead of her upcoming showdown against former championIvana Habazinfor the vacant WBC and WBO 154-pound titles taking place Friday, Urtarrilaren 10 live on SHOWTIME from the Ocean Casino Resort in Atlantic City, N.J.

“I really have just one main resolution for the new yearno compromising,” said Shields. “That goes for both my personal and professional life. I also want to get closer to God and stay undefeated. I was going to say stop cursing also, but that’s just not happening.”

Shields vs. Habazin will open up the 2020 year of big boxing events, with Shields seeking to become the fastest fighter in boxing history, male or female, to become a three-division world champion.

“I’m very happy to kick off 2020,” said Shields. “Gervonta Davis ended 2019 on SHOWTIME and then the GWOAT brings in the New Year for SHOWTIME in 2020. It’s going to be a great start to the year. I’m coming in with a bang and gunning for the knockout.

“I’m super excited to have Jaron Ennis on the undercard, gehiegi. Niretzat, he’s the next Roy Jones Jr. of boxing. He’s slick, he has power, he can box and he’s an all-around dedicated athlete. I look forward to sharing the card with him as a future world champion.”

Shields has trained in Miami with her head coach John David Jackson ahead of her 154-pound debut and has been able to maintain her focus and worked to stay sharp despite the fight’s two postponements.

“I made 154 pounds back in October before the cancellation,” said Shields. “After our fight was cancelled, I stayed active and only put on about 10 kilo. I’ve been down in Florida for the last six or seven weeks. It’s been hard work. I’ve pushed myself and I’m not taking Habazin lightly. I want the knockout because Ivana talks too much. I’m staying focused on being focused, and not letting anyone throw me off by talking nonsense.

“I don’t eat meat anymore. I haven’t in over three months, so my body is more toned now. I actually have a six-pack already with just a little more weight to lose. I think people are going to be surprised at the 154-pound version of me. I’m going to be very strong and very fast because I’ve basically had five months to prepare and to get ready for her specifically.”

Despite training camp taking her through the many holiday events that are gluttonously celebrated by the masses, Shields has stayed disciplined ahead of her opportunity to make more history.

“Balancing around the holidays is something I’ve been doing for years,” said Shields. “I saved a lot of money by not going home for Christmas, hori ziur. But I still spoke with all my family and connected with everyone. I have a very strict diet in camp and I actually trained on Christmas. I consider my diet more of a life plan in general, and I have my days where I’ll splurge, but I stay disciplined.”

Ahead of next week’s event in Atlantic City, Shields plans to unleash and make another statement on her way to another championship-winning performance.

“No matter what she says, this beat down was coming in October,” said Shields. “All I’m doing is bringing it to Atlantic City. I’m going to knock her out. I’m going to put down a whole different beat down on her because of the level of disrespect she has shown me. I’m not going to let her be disrespectful towards me and I’m going to knock her out to shut her up.”

The event is promoted by Salita Promotions in association with T-REX BOXING PROMOTIONS.


Women’s Superfight Added to Blockbuster Shields vs. Habazin Showdown on SHOWTIME BOXING: SPECIAL EDITION® Live At 9 P.m. ET / 6 p.m. PT from Ocean Casino Resort in Atlantic City, N.J.

NEW YORK - Abendua 13, 2019 – A second women’s superfight has been added to the blockbuster Claressa Shields vs. Ivana Habazin event on Friday, Urtarrilaren 10, at Ocean Casino Resort in Atlantic City, N.J., as WBA Super Middleweight Champion Alicia “The Empress” Napoleon-Espinosa will face undefeated IBF Champion Elin Cederroos in a 10-round unification live on SHOWTIME.

Napoleon (12-1, 7 Kos), of Lindenhurst, N.Y.. and Cederroos (7-0, 4 Kos), of Vasteraas, Suedian, will meet in the opening bout of SHOWTIME BOXING: SPECIAL EDITION (9 p.m. ET / 6 p.m. PT) in support of the long-awaited showdown between undisputed middleweight world champion Claressa Shields and former champion Ivana Habazin for the vacant WBC and WBO 154-pound world titles.

If Shields and Napoleon win their respective bouts on January 10, they are expected to face off for the undisputed middleweight world championship in 2020 with all four of Shields’ 160-pound titles on the line.

The event is promoted by Salita Promotions in association with T-REX BOXING PROMOTIONS. The Napoleon-Espinosa vs Cederroos fight is promoted by Salita Promotions in association with DiBella Entertainment.

Napoleon became IBF Super Middleweight Champion with a 10-round unanimous decision over former world champion Femke Hermans in March 2018. The 33-year-old successfully defended her belt with another 10-round decision, this time over Scotland’s Hannah Rankin in August 2018. Napoleon was last seen making the second successful defense of her title by stopping Philadelphia’s Schemelle Baldwin in four impressive rounds in August 2019.

“I’m really excited to be unifying with IBF World Champion Elin Cederroos on SHOWTIME,” said Napoleon. “I’m extremely grateful to my promoter Lou DiBella, manager Brian Cohen, coaches Leon Taylor and Delen Parsley and my husband Roberto Espinosa for being the key ingredients to making this dream come true. I have an amazing team of men that stand strong by my side believing in me, preparing me and working hard to open doors for me to thrive. I’m blessed and prepared to win and put on a memorable performance for all the world to see that night. I’m in tremendous spirits and excited and ready for the night to come. Thank you to everyone, my team, family and fans, for making this opportunity materialize into a dream come true.”

The 34-year-old Cederroos claimed her IBF championship in just her sixth fight with a majority decision over Hermans in March of 2019. Fighting as the underdog in her opponent’s backyard, Cederroos was still able to impress the judges enough to pull off the impressive feat. Azken boladan, Cederroos defeated Kenya’s Florence Muthoni in a non-title fight in November 2019 by dominant third-round KO.

“Alicia Napoleon is a great champion and she will be my toughest test, but I am ready,” said Cederroos. “It is an honor for me to make my U.S. debut on such a prestigious card and to do so in a world title unification battle. Alicia and I will put on a great show.

“January 10 just got even more exciting with the addition of the matchup between two champions in the super middleweight division,” said Dmitriy Salita. “Those attending the fight at Ocean Casino Resort and everyone watching it live on SHOWTIME will see the best fighting the best in this very competitive ‘pick-em’ fight. A great start to boxing in 2020.”

Alicia Napoleon-Espinosa is a world champion who has the whole package. She’s athletic, fierce, physically strong and charismatic,” esan zuen Lou DiBella, DiBella aisialdia presidenteak. “urtarrilaren On 10, she gets her biggest opportunity to shine against Elin Cederroos, another world champion. This is the biggest stage to date for both Alicia and Elin and I expect them to bring everything they have. One of them will leave the ring as a unified world champion and an elite rival for Claressa Shields. Alicia is confident that her hand will be raised.

An industry leading production team and announce crew will deliver all the sights, sounds and drama from Atlantic City. Veteran broadcaster Brian Custer will host the telecast while versatile combat sports voice Mauro Ranallo will call the action alongside Hall of Fame analyst Al Bernstein and former two-division world champion Paulie Malignaggi at ringside. Three Hall of Famers round out the SHOWTIME announce team – Emmy® award winning reporter Jim Gray, unofficial ringside scorer Steve Farhood and world-renowned ring announcer Jimmy Lennon Jr. The Executive Producer of SHOWTIME BOXING: SPECIAL EDITION is David Dinkins, Jr.. with Bob Dunphy directing. The telecast will be available in Spanish via Secondary Audio Programing (SAP) with Alejandro Luna and former world champion Raul Marquez calling the action.