Arkivji Tag: Stacey Verbeek


Photo Billi Stacey Verbeek


PHILADELPHIA, PA (Jannar 27, 2015) – Prospett middleweight undefeated, Caleb “Idejn ħelu” Pjanti (5-0, 4 Kos), ritorni lejn il-ring din IS-SIBT Jannar 31, 2015 kontra David Lopez (4-11, 1 KO). The 4-round bout will take place at the 2300 Arena fl Philadelphia, PA.


Immexxi minn Al HAYMON, Plant is looking to extend his unbeaten record to 6-0. With power in both hands, Caleb Plant is rapidly making a name for himself in the middleweight division. Pjanti, li dejjem tfittex l-eliminatorja, believes his power will take him to the top. Plant has knocked out four of his last five opponents.


“I know I jkollhom ħafna biex jitgħallmu f'dan l-isport u jien b'saħħitha biex tikseb aħjar kull jum jien fil-gym.” qal Caleb Pjanti. “With Al taking charge of my career, I know I will have opportunities to become something special in boxing. My plan is to come out aggressive and take the fight to my opponent. Jekk nara avversarju tiegħi huwa fl-inkwiet, Jien definittivament jmorru għall-eliminatorja.”


Bil u stil ġlied eċċitanti, Impjant għandu l-ingredjenti kollha li ssir Superstar fid-diviżjoni middleweight. With a high level amateur pedigree and a great team around him Sky is the limit for the Tennessee native.