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PREMIER拳擊CHAMPIONS秒殺最後的新聞發布會行情 & 照片

點擊 這裡 對於照片盧卡斯·努南/英超冠軍拳擊

文華財經 (六月 10, 2015) – 總理拳擊冠軍今天在芝加哥的戰鬥週拉開序幕前的最後一次記者招待會 Erislandy “美國夢” 拉拉 (20-2-2, 12 科斯)發生在 Delvin羅德里格斯 (28-7-4, 16 科斯) 在主要事件 星期五, 六月 12 在UIC館.


行動開始於在穗 9 P.M. AND/PT不敗淘汰賽藝術家之間的輕重量級交鋒 阿圖爾Beterbiev (8-0, 8 科斯) 和 亞歷山大 - 約翰遜 (16-2, 7 科斯).


門票現場活動, 這是由勇士拳擊推廣聯同集團伊馮·米歇爾 (健身房) 和星拳擊, 售價為 $151, $101, $51, 和 $31, 不包括適用的服務費, 與現已公開發售. 要通過電話與充電主要信用卡, 致電特瑪在 (800) 745-3000 或UIC館票房為 (312) 413-5740. 門票也可在 www.ticketmaster.com 或者通過訪問UIC館票房 (星期四星期五 9:00 A.M. – 4:00 P.M.).





“在這裡我要感謝球迷在芝加哥. 這是一個很好的機會來展示我的技能穗在全國電視上.





“我很高興這場戰鬥. 我們有一個偉大的訓練營. 我們一直在持續三個月左右, 我真的覺得這是我曾經擁有過的最好的營地之一.


“一切都已經陷入到位這陣子. 作為戰鬥機, 你總覺得有可能已經丟失的東西. 對於這場戰鬥,我們有足夠的時間來準備.


“我在這場鬥爭,就好像它是我最後的機會. 這就是我要打好這場鬥爭. 這就是我編我的腦海裡對這場鬥爭, 好像我的背部靠牆. 這是我在一個世界冠軍的最後機會.


“我現在面臨一個偉大的拳擊手. 他是一個非常技術性的戰鬥機和他有很大的技巧. 而這有助於激勵我更加. 這讓我工作,所以更難這場鬥爭.


“我一直在閱讀了很多關於什麼媒體說,這場鬥爭. 我答應球迷,無論我做, 這將是一個激動人心的戰鬥. 它必須是Delvin羅德里格斯一個激動人心的戰鬥,因為這是我最後的機會。”



“我很高興能夠來到這裡在芝加哥這場鬥爭. 我準備在任何環.


“如果我的對手會自稱亞歷山大“大’ 約翰遜, 然後我會是'亞瑟王’ 而我在這裡贏得. 雖然我作出這樣的笑話,我在這裡取勝,這是真理.


“我們不能對新的對手做過多的研究, 但我們通過幾個視頻已經看了,所以我們知道對手是一個左撇子,我們已經準備好了.


“我不喜歡低估我的對手,我為大家一樣準備. 我會準備去對付他.


“我反對加布里埃爾坎皮最後一戰是對一個左撇子, 所以這件事情我已經習慣了,我相信我有知識,以便它不會是一個問題。”




I’m not a big talker. 星期五 we’ll see, 但我想他 (Beterbiev) 是所有炒作.


“我願意打任何地方任何人任何時候. 這是另一踏腳石我的遺產.


“我不知道他之前,我花了戰鬥, 但我已經打了大穿孔前,我的下巴強. 我將與他的​​力量沒問題.


“我來贏, 不管今天是什麼日子, 這是什麼時候, 不管是什麼地方; 我總是贏. 我總是準備戰鬥. 這是一個拳擊手的生活。”




“我知道,曼努埃爾克薩達是一個強硬的戰鬥機比我的傢伙在芝加哥打最後一次, 但我好多了,比我當時.


“我的波蘭球迷​​總是幫助我. 當我打邁克Mollo的, 我去了, 我聽到他們大喊我的名字; 我知道,我不能讓他們失望. 我會一直給他們我最好的.


“當然,我想敲出來克薩達, and hopefully it will be seen on Spike.


“我想成為英超冠軍拳擊中更大的一部分, 但我所能做的最重要的事情就是我的教練羅尼盾要我做,才能贏得。”


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欲了解更多信息,請訪問 www.premierboxingchampions.com,www.spike.com/shows/premier-拳擊冠軍, 在Twitter @PremierBoxing, LaraBoxing, @ DRodriguez1980, WarriorsBoxProm, yvonmichelgym, @starboxing和@SpikeTV,並成為一個風扇在Facebook上 www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxing冠軍, www.Facebook.com/WarriorsBoxingPromowww.Facebook.com/Spike.






文華財經 (六月 9, 2015) – 古巴拳擊明星, Erislandy “美國夢” 拉拉 (20-2-2, 12 科斯), 已抵達芝加哥為他即將到來的回合 Delvin羅德里格斯 (28-7-4, 16 科斯) 如 總理拳擊冠軍 returns to Spike this 週五六月 12, 2015.

中國人民銀行關於斯派克這個版本開始在 9 P.M. AND. 在門UIC館開放 5 P.M. CT 與爭第一組 5:30 P.M. CT.

門票現場活動, 這是由勇士拳擊推廣聯同集團伊馮·米歇爾 (健身房) 和星拳擊, 售價為 $151, $101, $51, 和 $31, 不包括適用的服務費, 與現已公開發售. 要通過電話與充電主要信用卡, 致電特瑪在 (800) 745-3000 或UIC館票房為 (312) 413-5740. 門票也可在 www.ticketmaster.com 或者通過訪問UIC館票房 (星期四星期五 9:00 A.M. – 4:00 P.M.).

欲了解更多信息,請訪問 www.premierboxingchampions.com,www.spike.com/shows/premier-拳擊冠軍, 在Twitter @PremierBoxing, LaraBoxing, @ DRodriguez1980, @WarriorsBoxProm和@SpikeTV,並成為Facebook上的粉絲在 www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxing,www.Facebook.com/WarriorsBoxingPromowww.Facebook.com/Spike.

拉拉扔出去的第一球白襪隊VS前. 太空人賽明夜!

WBA超中量級世界冠軍Erislandy “美國夢” 勞拉將拋出儀式第一球之前, 明天 (星期三, 六月 10) 晚上的芝加哥白襪隊VS. 休斯頓太空人隊的比賽在U.S. 蜂窩場在芝加哥.


Cuban boxing sensation Lara (20-2-2, 12 科斯) 正在公示的幾輪風城提前他的總理拳擊冠軍爭奪, 斯派克電視實況轉播,這個星期五 (六月 12) 對Delvin羅德里格斯 (28-7-4, 16 科斯).


週三 芝加哥白襪隊VS. 休斯頓太空人隊的比賽將直播WPWR電視上播出, 渠道 50 (UHF digital channel 51) 和關於WSCR無線電 670 和WRTO 1200 西班牙.


32-歲的勞拉已經超過阿爾弗雷多·安古洛缺口勝利, 奧斯汀鱒魚和弗雷迪·埃爾南德斯在他的職業生涯. 作為一個業餘愛好者, 拉拉贏得了無數的冠軍,其中包括在次中量級的全國冠軍,也參加了 2007 泛美運動會. 最初從關塔那摩, 古巴, 但戰鬥了休斯敦, 拉拉最近擊敗了前世界冠軍ISHE史密斯在他的途中他的第20勝的專業.


還計劃於電視轉播行動 在週五 晚上是俄羅斯淘汰賽藝術家阿圖爾Beterbiev (8-0, 8 科斯), 誰設置為打擊馬里蘭州的亞歷山大·約翰遜廣場關閉 (16-2, 7 科斯).


中國人民銀行關於斯派克這個版本開始在 9 P.M. AND. 在門UIC館開放 5 P.M. CT 與爭第一組 5:30 P.M. CT.


門票現場活動, 這是由勇士拳擊推廣聯同喬DeGuardia的星拳擊和集團伊馮·米歇爾 (健身房), 售價為 $151, $101, $51, 和 $31, 不包括適用的服務費, 與現已公開發售. 要通過電話與充電主要信用卡, 致電特瑪在(800) 745-3000 或UIC館票房為 (312) 413-5740. 門票也可在 www.ticketmaster.com 或者通過訪問UIC館票房 (星期四星期五 9:00 A.M.4:00 P.M.).


再加上令人興奮的明星安東尼·彼得森, 多米尼克通程 & Elieder阿爾瓦雷斯所有在行動作為總理拳擊冠軍秒殺返回芝加哥


文華財經 (六月 9, 2015) – 令人興奮的戰鬥的充分的板岩圓了一個堆疊的undercard來UIC館在芝加哥 星期五, 六月 12 作為重量級的彪形大漢和球迷喜愛 亞瑟引腳 (18-1, 13 科斯) 發生在 克薩達曼努埃爾 (29-9, 18 科斯) 在10輪的重量級景點.


的undercard的行動充分晚上的支持 總理拳擊冠軍連賽,具有古巴拳擊轟動 Erislandy “美國夢” 拉拉 (20-2-2, 12 科斯) 承擔老將 Delvin羅德里格斯 (28-7-4, 16 科斯) 和俄羅斯的淘汰賽藝術家 阿圖爾Beterbiev (8-0, 8 科斯) 面對 亞歷山大 - 約翰遜 (16-2, 7 科斯). 中國人民銀行關於斯派克這個版本開始在 9 P.M. AND. 在門UIC館開放5 P.M. CT 與爭第一組 5:15 P.M. CT.


此外,在undercard的行動是競爭的爆發力 安東尼·彼得森 (34-1, 22 科斯) 誰戰鬥 Ammeth迪亞茲 (32-11, 23 科斯) 在10輪超輕量級回合和不敗的競爭者不斷上升 Eleider阿爾瓦雷斯 (16-0, 9 科斯), 誰戰鬥 阿納托利Dudchenko (16-0, 9 科斯) 在10輪輕重量級對決.


羅納德Hearns, 傳奇托馬斯的兒子 “殺手” 赫恩斯, 返回到環,以(27-5, 21 科斯) 面 大衛·托馬斯 (10-4-2, 8 科斯) 在六輪超中量級的較量,而不敗的前景 Domonique通程 (16-0, 8 科斯) 面孔 維克多·豐塞卡 (9-4-1, 7 科斯)在八輪超中量級行動.


該卡還擁有伊利諾伊擺’ 頂級的前景,包括24歲的 拉米羅卡里略 (8-0, 5 科斯) 從芝加哥爭奪31歲 Dedrick貝爾 (12-23-1, 7 科斯) 孟菲斯出在六輪次中量級比賽和芝加哥 喬什 - 埃爾南德斯 因為他面臨著23歲的將他的親亮相 喬·埃斯特拉達 (0-3)從科爾尼, 在密蘇里州的四個輪次中量級的戰鬥.


為完善地方風味為20歲 克薩達聖荷西 (6-0, 5 科斯) 從阿爾希普, 生病了。, 以26歲的 杰弗裡·拉莫斯 (4-3, 2 科斯)來自波多黎各的六輪輕量級回合和22歲的不敗前景 埃迪·拉米雷斯 (8-0, 6 科斯) 出極光, 生病了。, 爭奪35歲 赫拉爾多·奎瓦斯 (17-14, 15 科斯) 從墨西哥城八輪初中量級的吸引力.


門票現場活動, 這是由勇士拳擊推廣聯同集團伊馮·米歇爾 (健身房) 和星拳擊, 售價為 $151, $101, $51, 和 $31, 不包括適用的服務費, 與現已公開發售. 要通過電話與充電主要信用卡, 致電特瑪在 (800) 745-3000 或UIC館票房為 (312) 413-5740. 門票也可在 www.ticketmaster.com 或者通過訪問UIC館票房 (星期四星期五 9:00 A.M.4:00 P.M.).


只有一個損失不​​敗科比詹寧斯在他的紀錄, 26歲的將目光建立在他最近的勝利, 11月一致決定. 2014 在重量級明星托馬斯·阿達梅克和第二輪將軍澳泰科布四月. 生於維利奇卡, 波蘭, 他做了一個名字對於他自己在芝加哥已經有戰鬥前和每次拿起擊倒勝利三倍. 他所面臨的38歲克薩達 出沃斯科的, 加州墨西哥方式.


前世界冠軍拉蒙特彼得森的兄弟, 30歲的 彼得森 希望在大舞台上很快使自己的名字. 戰勝丹尼爾阿塔赫的所有者, 多米尼克薩爾西多和馬科斯萊昂納多·希門尼斯, 華盛頓, D.C. 產品希望贏得他連續第五次在戰鬥 六月 12. 他將在32歲的前世界冠軍挑戰者反對 迪亞茲 誰打架了巴拿馬.


一 2008 哥倫比亞奧海, 31歲的 阿爾瓦雷斯 已經上升到了競爭者的地位,在輕重量級的分裂,因為他保持不敗,在三大勝 2014. 格鬥出來蒙特利爾哥倫比亞方式, 他的 2015 亮相也將是他的U.S. 當他在36歲出道 Dudchenko 誰打架了洛杉磯烏克蘭方式.


傳說中的托馬斯的兒子 “殺手” 赫恩斯, 36歲的 赫恩斯 看起來建立在他的最後勝利, 第五輪淘汰賽超過羅伯特·文圖拉12月. 2014. 該南菲爾德, 密歇根州的就是誰發揮事業部的特殊運動員 1 籃球在美國大學當得到他的程度在刑事司法. 他面臨著32歲的 托馬斯從埃文斯維爾, 印地安那.


自從不敗轉為職業選手在 2008, 25歲的 通程 下車後在一個良好的開端 2015 他主導的胡安·卡洛斯·羅哈斯在二月. 底特律本地看起來保住自己的勢頭時,他遇到了22歲的墨西哥 豐塞卡 六月 12.

欲了解更多信息,請訪問 www.premierboxingchampions.com,www.spike.com/shows/premier-拳擊冠軍, 在Twitter @PremierBoxing, LaraBoxing, @ DRodriguez1980, WarriorsBoxProm, yvonmichelgym, @starboxing和@SpikeTV,並成為一個風扇在Facebook上 www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxing冠軍, www.Facebook.com/WarriorsBoxingPromowww.Facebook.com/Spike.


文華財經 (六月 3, 2015) – 亞歷山大 “大” 約翰遜 (16-2, 7 科斯) will replace 豆豆Ngumbu as the opponent for 阿圖爾Beterbiev (8-0, 8 科斯) 在星期五, 六月 12總理拳擊冠軍event taking place at UIC Pavilion in Chicago with coverage beginning at 9 P.M. AND/PT.

This fight precedes the evening’s headlining bout that features Cuban boxing sensation Erislandy “美國夢” 拉拉 (20-2-2, 12 科斯) taking on the veteran Delvin羅德里格斯 (28-7-4, 16 科斯). 在門UIC館開放 5 P.M. CT 與爭第一組 5:30 P.M. CT.


門票現場活動的價格在 $151, $101, $51, 和 $31, 不包括適用的服務費, 與現已公開發售. 要通過電話與充電主要信用卡, 致電特瑪在 (800) 745-3000 或UIC館票房為 (312) 413-5740. 門票也可在 www.ticketmaster.com 或者通過訪問UIC館票房 (星期四星期五 9:00 A.M.4:00 P.M.).


Having floored every opponent he’s faced professionally, the now 30-year-old former amateur standout Beterbiev will be seeking to keep his knockout streak alive in Chicago. Having notched impressive wins over Tavoris Cloud in 2014 and Gabriel Campillo earlier this year, the heavy-fisted Russian is ready to pass another tough test with flying colors on六月 12.


親自 2007, 約翰遜 has been a steady force in the light heavyweight division, especially in the mid-Atlantic region. The fighter out of Oxon Hill, Maryland won the first 12 fights of his professional career, including a victory over the previously unbeaten Farah Ennis. The 33-year-old is coming off of a first round TKO over Henry Buchanan in Sept. 2014 and is looking to follow that up with another explosive performance on 六月 12.


欲了解更多信息,請訪問 www.premierboxingchampions.com,www.spike.com/shows/premier-拳擊冠軍, 在Twitter @PremierBoxing, LaraBoxing, @ DRodriguez1980, @WarriorsBoxProm和@SpikeTV,並成為Facebook上的粉絲在 www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxing, www.Facebook.com/WarriorsBoxingPromowww.Facebook.com/Spike.


Lara Takes On Delvin Rodriguez On 星期五, 六月 12 Installment Of

Premier Boxing Champions On Spike Live From UIC Pavilion In Chicago

點擊 這裡 For Photos From Francisco Perez/Team Lara

HOUSTON (六月 2, 2015) – 超中量級世界冠軍 Erislandy “美國夢” 拉拉 (20-2-2, 12 科斯) is wrapping up his final days of training camp in anticipation of his Premier Boxing Champions on Spike debut taking place at UIC Pavilion in Chicago on 星期五, 六月 12.


中國人民銀行關於斯派克這個版本開始在 9 P.M. AND/PT. 在門UIC館開放 5 P.M. CT 與爭第一組 5:30 P.M. CT.


Before escaping communist Cuba, where Lara had to swim in dangerous waters to reach freedom, he was a decorated international amateur champion, winning numerous titles against some of today’s champions. He has followed his dream of becoming a world champion and now looks to build on his legacy.


Having fought some of the top names in the super welterweight division, Lara is looking to keep the momentum roaring with a dominant performance against the always tough Delvin Rodriguez. Known as one of the most skillful fighters in boxing, Lara spoke on his recent training camp, his opponent and fighting on PBC:


On training camp

My trainer Ronnie Shields and I have been sharpening up what I do best. It’s been a long hard camp and I’m going into this fight with a 100 percent healthy body.


On fighting on PBC on Spike

PBC on Spike is a great series that shows a lot of good fights. A lot of young fight fans are tuning into Spike on a regular basis. I want to gain new fans with a great performance.


On sparring with top level partners

I’ve been sparring with the (Jermell and Jermall) Charlo brothers and a few other top contenders. The work I’m getting is unbelievable. I feel my timing is right on point. I’m getting pushed by some of the best fighters in the world.


On being a Cuban-American boxer:

“對我來說, defecting to the United States was a shot at achieving my dreamthe American dreamof being a world champion. I love my former country and look forward to the day when the world can see the talent in Cuba and allow my fellow boxers the chance to truly pursue their dream. This is my dream, and it’s come true.


On fighting in Chicago

I know there’s a lot of great boxing fans in Chicago. I’m coming to put on a great show for everyone and I’m going to look electrifying on fight night.


On fighting Delvin Rodriguez

Since this fight is for my world title, I know Delvin Rodriguez is hungry for victory. He’s my main focus and all my concentration is on the defeating him.


欲了解更多信息,請訪問 www.premierboxingchampions.com, www.spike.com/shows/premier-拳擊冠軍, 在Twitter @PremierBoxing, LaraBoxing, @ DRodriguez1980, @WarriorsBoxProm和@SpikeTV,並成為Facebook上的粉絲在www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxing, www.Facebook.com/WarriorsBoxingPromowww.Facebook.com/Spike.



Cuban boxing sensation Erislandy “美國夢” 拉拉 (20-2-2, 12 科斯)returns to the ring on Friday, 六月 12 to face veteran Delvin羅德里格斯 (28-7-4, 16 科斯) as Premier Boxing Champions heads back to Spike.


另外, Russian knockout artist 阿圖爾Beterbiev (8-0, 8 科斯) is set to square off against the ring-savvy 豆豆Ngumbu (34-6, 13 科斯) of Haute-Garonne, 法國.


中國人民銀行關於斯派克這個版本開始在 9 P.M. AND. 在門UIC館開放 5 P.M. CT with the first fight set for 5:30 P.M. CT.


I’m very excited to be fighting on Spike TV on June 12th in Chicago.said Erislandy “美國夢” 拉拉. “Delvin Rodriguez is a tough veteran fighter who I respect. He has a lot of heart and determination. But once the bell rings I’m looking for the knockout!”


“六月 12, I am going to change everyone’s mind about me and show that I can beat Lara,” 羅德里格斯說.


門票現場活動, 這是由勇士拳擊推廣聯同集團伊馮·米歇爾 (健身房), 售價為 $151, $101, $51, 和 $31, 不包括適用的服務費, 一個d are on sale now. To charge by phone with a major credit card, 致電特瑪在 (800) 745-3000 或UIC館票房為 (312) 413-5740. 門票也可在 www.ticketmaster.com 或者通過訪問UIC館票房 (Thursday or Friday 9:00 A.M. – 4:00 下午).


The 32-year-old 拉拉 is a slick boxer with the ability to deliver punishment while taking very little of it in return. Lara has notched victories over Alfredo Angulo, 奧斯汀鱒魚和弗雷迪·埃爾南德斯在他的職業生涯. 作為一個業餘愛好者, 拉拉贏得了無數的冠軍,其中包括在次中量級的全國冠軍,也參加了 2007 泛美運動會. 從關塔那摩最初的戰鬥機, Cuba but fighting out of Houston most recently defeated former world champion Ishe Smith on his way to his 20 professional victory.


Already deep into an accomplished career, the 35-year-old 羅德里格斯 looks to give Lara a stiff test and entertain the crowd at UIC Pavilion on June 12. Having battled the likes of Miguel Cotto and Austin Trout, Rodriguez has also picked up victories over Mike Arnaoutis, Pawel Wolak and Shamone Alvarez throughout his accomplished career. Born in Santiago de le Caballeros, Dominican Republic but fighting out of Danbury, 康涅狄格, Rodriguez will look to improve on his last outing, a draw against Joachim Alcine in May 2014.


Having floored every opponent he’s faced professionally, the now 30-year-old former amateur standout Beterbiev will be seeking to keep his knockout streak alive in Chicago. Having notched impressive wins over Tavoris Cloud in 2014 and Gabriel Campillo earlier this year, the heavy-fisted Russian knows he’ll be tested with an experienced opponent on June 12.


Following a hard-fought loss to Andrzej Fonfara in November 2014, 法國的 Ngumburebounded nicely with a knockout win in January of this year. The battle-tested 33-year-old veteran will look to use his wealth of professional experience at UIC Pavilion in order to emerge victorious.


欲了解更多信息,請訪問 www.premierboxingchampions.com,www.spike.com/shows/premier-拳擊冠軍, 在Twitter @PremierBoxing, LaraBoxing, @ DRodriguez1980, @WarriorsBoxProm和@SpikeTV,並成為Facebook上的粉絲在 www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxing,www.Facebook.com/WarriorsBoxingPromo www.Facebook.com/Spike.


點擊 這裡 對於照片從埃德·迪勒/ DiBella娛樂

點擊 這裡 對於照片盧卡斯·努南/英超冠軍拳擊

布魯克林 (五月 30, 2015) – 總理拳擊冠軍 (PBC) returned to Brooklyn’s Barclays Center 在週五 night with another explosive night of bouts for fight fans. 在主要事件, 阿米爾 “王” 汗 (31-3, 19 科斯) scored a crafty and hard fought unanimous decision over 克里斯Algieri (20-2, 8 科斯) 和 哈維爾財神 (28-0-1, 20 科斯) won a crowd-pleasing unanimous decision victory over Bryan Vasquez (34-2, 18 科斯) 在首戰電視.


Below are comments made by the televised fighters after their performances 今晚:




I thought I worked well inside. I’ve never done a lot of work in the pocket like that and I plan to do more of that in the future.


I give Chris a lot of credit. He came forward a lot more than we thought he would and he had a big chin 今晚.


Chris gave it his all 今晚. This is the best Algieri we’ve seen in a long time, and if he’d have fought Manny (帕奎奧) that way he might have won.


Everyone knows I want Floyd (梅威瑟) next after all the talk about it, but when you wait and hope for something for this long it can set you back. I don’t want to overlook any other fighters, including Chris.


My first show with PBC has been great. The New York crowd was awesome and really got into it. The promotion was excellent and I’m proud to be a part of this team.




I thought I pressured Khan well and got my touches. He definitely didn’t like it when I got into his body.


I thought I hurt him several times, but Khan’s a cagey fighter and he spins off. I guess the judges liked that 今晚. I would think the cleaner, harder shots would get a little more respect.


I think PBC is fantastic. The focus is on the fighters, not the politics or the promoters. This is helping bring the sport back to boxing’s glory days of primetime events for the fans.


I haven’t thought much about after this fight. 我很失望, but I’ll watch the film from this fight and we’ll go from there.




I’m very surprised that the fight went the distance. Vasquez is a strong fighter. 第五輪後, I was boxing to score points.


I was never really hurt by Vasquez, but I hurt my own hand on his head.


Vasquez didn’t really affect me throughout the fight. The swelling on my eye is from a headbutt.


The biggest key to my success 今晚 was my training. Before this I didn’t have the stamina that I needed. 然而, after my work with Hector Bermudez leading up to this fight I was more than ready.


Becoming a champion here in New York is huge for me. I’m very proud of my performance 今晚.”




My style is to box and then move. Fortuna fought a smart fight 今晚. He wouldn’t engage me and fight.


Fortuna used his head and elbows a lot 今晚, but I don’t want to use that as an excuse. I tried telling the referee, but nothing was done.


I worked very hard for three months of training to get to this fight. I hope I won over some fans today because I fight to please them.


Hopefully I get a rematch because this is not the end of my career, and I’d love the chance to take that belt from Fortuna.


I want to thank PBC for this opportunity. It was great being a part of this show and I hope they’ll think of me again in the future.


# # #

The card was promoted by DiBella Entertainment and Star Boxing. 欲了解更多信息,請訪問 www.premierboxingchampions.comwww.spike.com/shows/premier-拳擊冠軍, 在Twitter @PremierBoxing, @LouDiBella and @SpikeTV and become a fan on Facebook at www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingwww.Facebook.com/Spike.


點擊 這裡 對於照片盧卡斯·努南/英超冠軍拳擊

點擊 這裡 對於照片從埃德·迪勒/ DiBella娛樂

點擊 這裡 For Barclays Center TV Interview With Amir Khan

布魯克林 (五月 27, 2015) – Fight week activities for 總理拳擊冠軍持續 星期三 as fighters participated in the final press conference and media workouts at Barclays Center before they enter the ring on Friday, 五月 29.


門票現場活動, 由 DiBella Entertainment 和 Star Boxing 推廣, 售價為 $250, $150, $75, 和 $45, 不包括適用的服務費和稅款, 與現已公開發售. 門票可在 www.barclayscenter.com, 萬維網.ticketmaster.com 並在美國運通票房巴克萊中心. 要通過電話進行充電, 致電特瑪在 (800) 745-3000. 對於團體票, 請致電800-GROUP-BK.


這裡是參與者不得不說 星期三:




I really believe that I have the movement, the skills and the technique to beat Chris Algieri and look spectacular doing it.


Algieri has been in the ring with big names before so we know that’s not going to scare him and he won’t get nervous. I’m going to be ready for anything he brings to the table.


This is going to be an entertaining fight because of our styles. We both like to throw a lot of punches and there will be a lot of movement. This will be a more skillful fight and I think the fans will enjoy what they see.


I’ve always wanted to fight here at Barclays Center and I really am excited to put on a great performance for all the New Yorkers.


Virgil Hunter has been great for me as a fighter and he’s helped me really understand the sport of boxing. I’ve worked on my technique and my defense and really just everything.


Training camp for me has been really good. I’m focused on my opponent and I’m not going to make any mistakes. It’s going to be a great performance from me 在週五.”




This is going to be a great fight with two fast-paced boxers. It’s going to be very exciting for everyone watching.


Working down in Florida with John David Jackson really refreshed a lot of things in boxing for me. I got to see new things and try new things. 我學到了很多.


The only thing that matters is proving something to myself and I do feel like I have to prove something. I wasn’t happy with my last performance at all. I know I belong here at the elite level and it’s time for me to prove it.


I like to challenge myself and this is a great opportunity. 我為此做好準備, I will challenge anybody in the welterweight division.


I feel very comfortable being here in New York and I’m happy to be back at Barclays Center.




For me it is an honor to be here in Brooklyn. This will be a great night for all of my fans.


I hope my opponent doesn’t have any excuses 在週五, because I’m going to knock him out.


Everyone here is going to see a great performance and I can’t wait to get in the ring.


I’m a strong fighter and I am looking forward to showing everyone what I am capable of.




I’m very thankful to be here and I look forward to a great fight. I promise it’s going to be a war.


I’m an exciting fighter who always comes to fight. This is my time and I will not disappoint.


Fighting in New York is a great opportunity. I want people to see that Costa Rica has great fighters.


I know I have a tough opponent, but he has never faced anyone like me. I’m going to give it my all and I hope he does the same.




I feel like having a daughter has given me the kick in the rear that really has me focused on what I want to do, which is becoming a world champion. I want to give her a better life than I ever had.


My intensity and focus has never been higher. The fun part of boxing is back again.


I told my daughter that ‘daddy is going to give you the world.So I guess I need to become a world champion to give her the world. Her first word might be ‘champ.'


I’m so thankful to all the people at Barclays Center that allow me to continue to show off my talent and skills in this beautiful building.


Fighting on this Premier Boxing Champions card is really special and amazing. When I went to the Olympics in 2012 we stayed in Bolton and worked out at Amir Khan’s gym, now it comes full circle.


Fans can expect to see ‘spizazzfrom me. That’s a word I came up with back in my amateur days. I’m here to bring that ‘spizazz’ 背部, if you want to know what that is you have to buy a ticket for 星期五 夜晚。”




I don’t look past what is in front of me. I have a really tough challenge in front of me 在週五. I know she has an incredible desire to win and I’m ready for that.


I’m a pretty aggressive fighter but I’ve been known to box. I go in there and make adjustments but I’m not afraid to throw punches.


There was a really unfinished feeling after my last fight, I was disappointed. I expected more from my opponent. I wanted to put on a show for fans to remember.


I definitely want to make up for my last fight this time and I feel like my opponent is on the same page with me about where we need to go to take this sport further.



# # #

欲了解更多信息,請訪問 www.premierboxingchampions.com,www.spike.com/shows/premier-拳擊冠軍, www.barclayscenter.comwww.dbe1.com. 在Twitter @PremierBoxing, AmirKingKhan, ChrisAlgieri, LouDiBella, @SpikeTV和@BarclaysCenter,並成為Facebook上的粉絲在www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions, www.Facebook.com/他們rKha nThePage,www.Facebook.com/ChrisAlgieriwww.Facebook.com/Spike. 按照使用#PremierBoxingChampions和#BrooklynBoxing談話.


點擊 這裡 對於照片從埃德·迪勒/ DiBella娛樂

布魯克林 (五月 26, 2015) – Fight week for 週五 總理拳擊冠軍 event kicked off today with 阿米爾汗 (30-3, 19 科斯)和 克里斯Algieri (20-1, 8 科斯) hosting a photo opportunity at Brooklyn Bridge Park before they square-off at Barclays Center on 五月 29.


Coverage on Spike begins at 9 P.M. AND/6 P.M. PT with an exciting showdown between哈維爾財神 (27-0-1, 20 科斯) 和 Bryan Vasquez (35-1, 18 科斯).


門票現場活動, 由 DiBella Entertainment 和 Star Boxing 推廣, 售價為 $250, $150, $75, 和 $45, 不包括適用的服務費和稅款, 與現已公開發售. 門票可在
www.barclayscenter.com, 萬維網.ticketmaster.com 並在美國運通票房巴克萊中心. 要通過電話進行充電, 致電特瑪在 (800) 745-3000. 對於團體票, 請致電800-GROUP-BK.


Here is what Khan and Algieri had to say about training camp, each other and more:




Algieri is a fighter that has a lot of skills and assets. His range and height give him good advantages against opponents but I believe with my speed, movement and style it will be too much for him.


Each day me and Virgil Hunter are getting stronger and we have built a really good rapport. It takes time to get that but he understands my style even more now and what works for me so we’re only going to keep growing.


My aim since I was a kid and got into this sport was to be the very best. I fulfilled a dream when I got to the Olympics at 17 and brought back a silver medal. Later I became a world champion and then unified the light-welterweight division. My goal now is to fight the very best at 147 pounds and make my mark on this division too.


I was away in training camp when my daughter turned one last week. It’s hard to be away from her but as a fighter those are the sacrifices you have to make. Everything I do is for her and I can’t wait to see her and spend time with her after this fight. Her birthday celebrations have been put on hold until after the fight!


I’m really looking forward to returning to New York and fighting at Barclays Center in Brooklyn. I have good memories of this city because it’s the place where I had my first fight on US soil against Paulie Malignaggi in 2010 and also where I got married. I’m out to make it another good time this weekend.




I know that it gets said all the time, but this was truly the best and most intense training camp of my life. Working with John David Jackson has truly been a blessing. He has brought out the best Chris Algieri there is. You are going to see a whole new fighter come 星期五 夜晚.


I am excited to be back in New York and excited to show the world what I am really made of 在週五 夜晚. We are just a few days away from the fight and I am so anxious to get in there and get to work.


Amir is a tough fighter there is no doubt about that, but I am very confident in my ability and the game plan that coach has come up with for me.


You are going to see two proven champions in a high intensity and high level fight, laying everything on the line come 星期五 夜晚。”

# # #

星期五, 五月 29總理拳擊冠軍 特徵 阿米爾汗 (30-3, 19 科斯)和 克里斯Algieri (20-1, 8 科斯) squaring off in a 12-round welterweight battle and the 12-round junior lightweight battle between 哈維爾財神 (27-0-1, 20 科斯) 和 Bryan Vasquez (35-1, 18 科斯).


This event is promoted by DiBella Entertainment and Star Boxing with live coverage beginning on Spike at 9 P.M. AND/6 P.M. PT.

欲了解更多信息,請訪問 www.premierboxingchampions.com,www.spike.com/shows/premier-拳擊冠軍, www.barclayscenter.comwww.dbe1.com. 在Twitter @PremierBoxing, AmirKingKhan, ChrisAlgieri, LouDiBella, @SpikeTV和@BarclaysCenter,並成為Facebook上的粉絲在www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions, www.Facebook.com/他們rKha nThePage,www.Facebook.com/ChrisAlgieriwww.Facebook.com/Spike. 按照使用#PremierBoxingChampions和#BrooklynBoxing談話.