Архівы: Скендер Халілі

31шматгадовае кальцо 8 Свята Падзеі & Цырымонія ўзнагароджання сьнежня. 10 ў Нью-Ёрку

Васіль Ломаченко, Эвандер Холіфілд, Майкл Конлан,
Маркус Браўн, Аманда Серрана сярод 2017 Ўзнагароды
Васіль Ломаченко (R) – 2017 Кальцо 8 Мухамед Алі Міжнародны баец года)
(фота ласкава прадастаўлена Top Rank – больш фатаграфій ніжэй)
Нью-Ёрк (Кастрычнік 31, 2017) – The 31вуліца гадавое кальцо 8 Свята Святочныя і цырымонія ўзнагароджання адбудзецца Нядзеля пасля паўдня (12:30-5:30 p.m. І), Снежні 10, на Русо On The Bay ў Howard Beach, Нью-Ёрк.
Кальцо 8 абвясціла аб 2017 Ўзнагароды (см поўны спіс ніжэй), Юніёрскі чэмпіён свету ў лёгкай вазе WBO і двухразовы залаты прызёр Алімпійскіх гульняў Васіль “Прывітанне” Ламанчанка (Мухамед Алі Міжнародны баец года), Хол-оф-Славы Эвандэр “The Real Deal” Холіфілд (Прэмія Legends), двухразовы ірландскі Алімпіец Майкл Конлан (Міжнародная прэмія "Праспект года"), 2012 U.S. Алімпіец “Сэр” Маркус Браўн (Баец года штата Нью-Ёрк), Стейтен-Айлэнд, і пяціраздзельны чэмпіён свету Аманда “The Real Deal” Серрано, Брукліна шляхам Пуэрта-Рыка.
“У гэтым годзе да нашага святочнага банкету ўдзяляецца неверагодная цікавасць” Кальцо 8 прэзідэнт Джэк Хірш. “Васіль Ламачэнка, магчыма, найвялікшы баец у свеце, і Эвандэр Холіфілд - жывая легенда. Абодва яны, як пацвярджаецца, прысутнічаюць, як і будучыя суперзоркі Майкл Конлан і Маркус Браўн. Пад рукой будуць і іншыя гучныя ўзнагароды і асобы бокса. Гэта будзе пачастунак для заўзятараў, якія атрымаюць магчымасць узаемадзейнічаць з імі.
“Russo's on the Bay - выдатная пляцоўка; ежа фантастычная. Усе, хто прысутнічае, павінны застацца з цудоўнымі ўспамінамі пра падзею. На білеты такога маштабу квіткі вельмі разумныя. Звычайна мы прадаём, таму я прапаную ўсім, хто плануе прысутнічаць, набыць білеты як мага хутчэй. Наш прыбытак з поўдня вяртаецца ў баксёрскае братэрства, дапамога тым, каму менш пашанцавала, якія маюць патрэбу ў дапамозе.”
2017 RING 8 Лаўрэаты прэміі
Мухамед Алі Міжнародны баец года: Васіль Ломаченко
Прэмія Legends: Эвандер Холіфілд
Міжнародная перспектыва года: Майкл Конлан
Баец года ў Нью-Ёрку: Маркус Браўн
NYS Жаночы баец года: Аманда Серрано
Прэмія Санісайдскіх садоў:: Бобі Кэсідзі, Sr.
Праспект года ў Нью-Ёрку: Devaun Лі
Прэмія прэтэндэнта на ўздым: Скендэр & Энвер Халілі
Прэмія Сэма Келлермана: Мэт Крысці
Трэнер года NYS: Гектар Роза
Доўга & Паслуга: Эдвін Торэс
Чыноўнік года ў Нью-Ёрку: Роберт Перэс
Прамоўтэр года ў Нью-Ёрку: Мерседэс Васкес Сіманс
Некаранаваны чэмпіён: Рычард Кайлі
Урач года каля кальца: Доктар. Острык Кароль
Прэмія "Добры хлопец": Джоан Дойл Хатчынс
Кальцо 8 Член года: Джордж Ньюман
Супольнасць прэміі служба: Майк Рэно
Спецыяльныя госці будуць уключаць Тэдзі Атлас, Vito Antuofermo, Іран Барклая, Томі Галахер і шмат іншых.
Дэвід Diamante у чарговы раз паслужыць майстрам цырымоній мерапрыемства.
Квіткі $125.00 ўключаюць поўны сняданак з гадзінай кактэйлю пры ўваходзе, з наступным размяшчэннем на цырымоніі ўзнагароджання, вячэру і дэсерт, і верхняй паліцы адкрыты бар у другой палове дня. Там таксама будзе моўчкі аўкцыён баксёрскія памятныя. Чакаецца, што дадзенае мерапрыемства будзе распрададзена, і ўсім прапануецца як мага хутчэй набыць квіткі, каб забяспечыць выгадныя месцы. Ахвяраванні любы дэнамінацыі Запрашаем да тых, хто не наведваць ўрачыстасці.
Рэкламныя праграмы даступныя для задняй вокладкі ($500.00), Унутры пярэдняй альбо задняй вокладкі ($400.00), Поўная старонка ($200.00), Паўстаронкі ($100.00), і Квартал-старонку ($60.00). Тэрмін для ўсіх аб'яваў з'яўляецца Лістапада 26, 2017, і павінны быць па электроннай пошце (Ajhirsch5 @ aol) альбо адпраўлена на рынг 8, Перорально. Скрынка 153, Роквей-парк, Нью-Ёрк 11694. Усе чэкі на квіткі альбо рэкламу ў часопісах павінны быць аплачаны Ring 8 (крэдытныя карты прымальныя).
Для атрымання дадатковай інфармацыі пра кальцо 8 або яго штогадовыя святочныя мерапрыемствы і цырымонія ўзнагароджання, contact Ring 8 president Jack Hirsch (516.790.7592 або Ajhirsch5@aol.com) or go online to www.Ring8ny.com для атрымання дадатковай інфармацыі.
Русо на беразе заліва знаходзіцца на 162-45 Crossbay бульвар. у Howard Beach(718.843.5055).
Васіль Ломаченко (фота ласкава прадастаўлена Top Rank)
Эвандер Холіфілд (photo courtesy of Real Deal Sports and Entertainment)
Майкл Конлан (Picture courtesy of Top Rank)
Маркус Браўн (photo courtesy of Premier Boxing Champions)
Аманда Серрано (picture courtesy of DiBella Entertainment)
Аб RING 8: Сфармаваны ў 1954 па экс-баксёра, Джэк Гребельский, Кальцо 8 стаў восьмым даччынай тое, што было тады вядома як Нацыянальны Ветэран Баксёры асацыяцыі – такім чынам, RING 8 – і на сённяшні дзень дэвіз арганізацыі застаецца: Баксёры Дапамагчы баксёраў.
RING 8 цалкам адданыя падтрымцы менш удачлівых людзей у баксёрскім супольнасці, якія могуць мець патрэбу ў дапамозе ў плане выплаты арэнднай платы, медыцынскія выдаткі, або што-то абгрунтаванай неабходнасці.

Перайсці на лініі www.Ring8ny.com для атрымання дадатковай інфармацыі аб КОЛЬЦЫ 8, Самая вялікая група ў сваім родзе ў ЗША з больш чым 350 Удзельнікі. Штогадовыя сяброўскія складкі толькі $30.00 і кожны член мае права на фуршэт у КОЛЬЦЫ 8 Штомесячныя сустрэчы, за выключэннем у ліпені і жніўні. Усе актыўныя баксёры, аматарскія і прафесійныя, маюць права на бясплатны RING 8 штогод сяброўства. Госці кольцы 8 Удзельнікі запрашаюцца ў кошце толькі ў $7.00 на чалавека

Томас “Cornflake” LaManna returns to the ring when he battles Tomas Mendez for WBC Silver Latino & LBF Intercontinental Welterweight titles on Saturday. November 18th at The Claridge Hotel in Atlantic City

WBC Youth Champion Devin Haney battles Taiwo Ali Sulaimon
Raymond Serrano battles Enver Halili in co-feature
Adam Lopez squares off with Jorge Diaz for WBC Fecarbox Super Bantamweight title

Skender Halili takes on Jeff Lentz

Tommy Rainone to make final ring appearance

Plus undefeated Yurik Mamedov

Атлантыка-Сіці, Нью-Джэрсі (Кастрычнік 10, 2017)–На У суботу ўвечары, November 18th, паўсярэдняй вазе прэтэндэнтам Томас “Cornflake” LaManna returns to the ring when he takes on Tomas Mendez in 10-round fight for LaManna’s WBC Silver Latino Welterweight title, так жа добра як LBF Intercontinental Welterweight title. The fight will headline a stacked night of boxing at Claridge Hotel.
The show is promoted by Rising Promotions and Greg Cohen Promotions in association with Devin Haney Promotions and Winner Take All Productions.
This is our 10th show and we expect this to be the best turn out,” said Debbie LaManna, CEO of Rising Promotions. “With a stacked undercard, and my son getting to headline again, we can all expect a great night of boxing. I’m happy Thomas decided to stick with it, after more than 10 years and a lot of money spent, it would be foolish to stop now when he is right there. We are happy to be doing this show with Greg Cohen and we look forward to bigger and better things together in the future.
I am thrilled to be working with Rising Promotions This is a stacked from top to bottom. It is worthy of a ShoBox card,” сказаў Грег Коэн, President of Greg Cohen Promotions.. .”When you have a show with Thomas defending his title and fighters like Devin Haney, and fights such as Serrano against Enver Halili plus Skender Halili fighting Jeff Lentz, every fight is a TV worthy fight. We are really excited to bring this to The Claridge, and a great way to finish out the year in Atlantic City and happy that GCP is a co-promoter on the show.
LaManna з Милвилл, New Jersey will be making the 1st defense of the WBC Silver Latino title that he won on August 19th when he scored two knockdowns en-route to a ten round unanimous decision over George Sosa at The Claridge Hotel in Atlantic City.
The 25 year-old Lamanna is a six-year professional who has wins over veteran’s Ayi Bruce, Kendal Mena, Эдуарда Флорэс, and Carlos Winston Velasquez.
This will be LaManna’s 7th bout at The Claridge and 16th in Atlantic City.
“Я вярнуўся! I couldn’t stay away for long. Гэта вар'яцтва, пасля майго апошняга бою, I was set on being done with boxing,” said Thomas LaManna. “I Couldn’t handle the stress anymore and it’s hard. I have a huge chip on my shoulder with no promoter, no more financial backing, just me and my mother. We have mart strategic planning, and a Dream. I feel I have a lot left and I’ll be knocking on doors in 2018. Мне, Mendez is dangerous because you never know what he will bring. I’ve always said records don’t mean anything to me. We’ll see on November 18 what he brings and like I always say, I make my adjustments and do what I have to do to win.

As for this card, I feel it’s the best one we at Rising Promotions have put together. Raymond Serrano and Enver Halili is a solid cross roads fight, and I’m glad we got it done. I’m excited to have Devin Haney on the show, and Tommy Rainone’s go away fight is special. Expect another sell out. Thank you to everyone involved putting this great card together including all the fighters involved, The NJSACB, Commissioner Larry Hazzard and Rhonda Utley-Herring, Грег Коэн, the LBF and Ms. Marian Muhammad, the WBC, GH3 Promotions and The Claridge.

Mendez of Santo Domingo, Domincan Republic has a record of 24-10 з 17 накаўты.
The 10 year-professional won 16 яго першага 17 канцы, and is a capable fighter who has fought top competition around the world. This will be Mendez 7th title fight, and he is coming off a stoppage defeat to Derrick Cuevas on June 17th in Caguas, Пуэрта-Рыка.
WBC Youth Champion, Devin Haney (16-0, 11 КО) of Las Vegas will take on Taiwo Ali Sulaimon (21-5-1, 16 КО) of Lagos, Nigeria in a junior welterweight bout.
Хэні, Лас-Вегасе, Nevada has a record of 17-0 з 11 накаўты.
Хэні, толькі 18 years-old has quickly emerged as one of the top prospects in the country.
Ён стаў прафесіяналам ва ўзросце 16, and has been more impressive with each performance.
Haney has impressive wins over Jairo Fernandez Vargas (4-0), Clay Burns (4-1-2), and in his last bout he scored a eight-round unanimous decision over Enrique Tinoco (16-4-1) on September 22nd in Philadelphia.
In the exciting welterweight bout, Райманд “Ціта” Серрано возьме на сябе Энвер Халілі in a bout scheduled for eight-rounds.
Serrano of Philadelphia has been on the cusp of a big fight in the welterweight division, ёсць запіс аб 23-4 з дзесяццю накаўтам.
The 28 year-old is a ten-year professional, has wins over Ashantie Hendrickson (1-0), Jay Krupp (12-1), Ronnie Warrior, Малодшы. (13-2-1), Айи Брус (15-2) & Jerome Rodriguez (6-1-3).
Serrano is on a two-fight winning streak with the latest win being a six-round unanimous decision over Zack Ramsey (8-1) верасня 22 у Філадэльфіі.
Halili is perfect with a record of 10-0 з трыма накаўтамі.
Halili of Bronx, New York is a five-year professional with wins over undefeated Raul Nuncio (2-0) and his latest bout where he scored his biggest win with a eight-round unanimous decision over Wesley Tucker (14-0) на Чэрвеня 30 in Toledo, Агаё.
У восем круглых баі.
Адам Лопес (16-1-2, 8 КО) Сан-Антоніо, Texas battles Jorge Diaz (18-5-1, 10 КО) Нью-Брансўік, New Jersey in a super bantamweight bout for the WBC Fecarbox title.

Скендер Халілі (14-2, 13 КО) з Бронкса, New York battles Джэф Ленц (5-1, 1 KO) of Belmar, New Jersey in a junior middleweight fight.

У шэсць круглых баі:
Томі Rainone (26-8-1, 6 КО) Нью-Ёрк, New York will make his final start of his career when he takes on an opponent to be named in a welterweight bout.
Yurik Mamedov (7-0, 3 КО) Нью-Ёрк, New York will take on an opponent to be named in a super lightweight bout.
In a rematch of lightweight’s. Tomas Romain (4-1) Брукліна, NY boxes Sidell Blocker (1-9-1) of Pleasantville, Нью-Джэрсі.
У чатыры круглых баі:
Jonathan Arroyo of Long Island will make his pro debut against Стыў Мур (0-1) Аранскі, New Jersey in a welterweight bout.
Tickets for this great evening of boxing are priced at $200, $125, $80 і $55 (Агульны Доступ) і могуць быць набыты ў www.RisingBoxingPromotions.com


Having grown up the son of a former undisputed and two-time World Heavyweight Champion, Hasim Rahman Jr., doesn’t mind that the world will be watching from the beginning of his professional boxing career.
This isn’t new,” explained Rahman. “I’m so used to being who I am and having eyes on me that it would be awkward to not have them. It hasn’t mattered who I was my whole life, or what I did. The world was watching because of who my father is.
Rahman Jr., чый бацька, Hasim “Рок” Rahman famously knocked out Lennox Lewis in April 2001 to win the WBC and IBF Heavyweight Championships, will make his professional debut against Kansas City’s Brian Imes (1-4, 1 KO) на Чацвер, Сакавіка 23, 2017, at Greg Cohen PromotionsSUPER BRAWL® III, boxing event at the Skylands Event & Conference Center (ECC) in Randolph, Нью-Джэрсі.
Presented in association with Rising Promotions and GH3 Promotions (sponsored by David Schuster’s Winner Take All Productions), SUPER BRAWL® III will also feature the Bronx, New York’s Halili brothers: power-punching super-welterweight action hero Skender Halili (13-1, 13 КО) taking on Ecuadorian veteran EduardoEl Cheíto” Кветкі (25-25-3, 15 КО) in the eight-round main event, and undefeated Enver Halili (8-0, 2 КО) facing Nicaragua’s Ariel Vasquez (13-16-2, 9 КО) in the six-round welterweight co-main.
Tickets for SUPER BRAWL® III are priced at Golden Ringside $150, Рынга $100 і генеральны Прыём $50 and can be purchased by calling the GCP office: 212.851.6425 або на сайце gcpboxing.com.
My dad is like an advisor,” he continued. “My dad is the only person I know that truly has my best interests at heart. Anybody else I ever dealt with, it always came down to money at the end of the day. My dad never asks me for anything. I know he knows the game and I know that with him on my team, the sky is the limit.
25-year-old Rahman is getting a later-than-expected start at his highly-anticipated boxing career. Coming off his successful 100-fight run as an amateur, the buzz was all around the 6′ 3″ 250-фунт. fighter, but a fatal car accident in 2012 saw him serving a 2- to 5-year sentence with the Department of Corrections.
Recently released and now ready to go on with life, Rahman says the entire experience changed him for the good. “It was an eye-opener for me. Going through that really changed my career and how I felt as a person, and a son, бацька, and a husband. It changed me. I am grateful god blessed me to be in this position today.
Rahman says he doesn’t know much about first opponent Imes, but he and trainer Kenny Ellis are hard at work at Upton Boxing Center in Baltimore.
“Я выдатна сябе адчуваю. I’m really anxious, but the nervousness hasn’t kicked in. It will around fight time. My team says it’s a good fight for me. Being off for two and a half years, I’m looking to get in some rounds.
Despite the delayed start, Team Rahman has no plan on rushing things.
I just want to stay busy as I can and learn as much as I can and fight for a world title when I’m ready. I’m not going to rush. There’s no rush. It’s not like I’m going to wait forever. I will fight for the title when I’m ready and I know if it put in the work, I’ll be ready in a about two years. That’s the goal for me. If it takes three or four years, it does. Whatever the case may be. I’ll keep racking up the knockouts until it happens.
For Rahman, the decision to follow in his famous father’s footsteps was a rational one.
I’ve always been taught to plan ahead. When I was in middle school, I was really into football. I played tight end, running back and wide receiver. I had dreams. But it dawned on me how many people have the same dream that I do. For instance, there are a million young African American men wanting to go to the NBA every year. 400,000 of them will play high school basketball. 4000 of those will play college. 35 will be drafted. Out of the that 35, толькі 7 will start. That means there are a million people trying to get 7 працы. And the average career in the NBA is four years. That’s a problem. People have to look at their odds. I did. Так, I said ‘know what? Instead of being in this giant pool of people trying to be the next Ray Lewis. I rarely run across someone who wants to be heavyweight champion of the world,’ so that’s what I decided to do. No father and son duo have ever become heavyweight champions. It’s never been done. For me to be in the position to cement our family name in heavyweight championship history is very motivating and I’m ready to take full advantage of it.
Signing with Greg Cohen Promotions was an easy decision, according to Rahman, who has known the Jersey-based promoter for most of his life.

I really want to thank Greg Cohen for the chance he’s given me,” ён сказаў. “I’ve known Greg since I was a kid and he has always believed in me. He has always supported me and kept in contact and followed me. He has a real genuine interest in me. Greg already knows he has the best new heavyweight in the world. I’m really dedicated to making him and my father and the City of Baltimore proud.
SUPER BRAWL® III will be broadcast, tape-delayed, on Sportsnet New York (SNY). На бой ноччу, Дзверы адкрываюцца ў 6:00 вечара і дзеянне пачынаецца ў 7:00 вечара. The Skylands ECC is located at 792 Маршрут 10 West in Randolph, Нью-Джэрсі. Тэлефон: 973.328.8600.
Twitter @Skylandsecc @gcpboxing


Greg Cohen Promotions Proudly Presents
SUPER BRAWL® III also featuring Undefeated Enver Halili and the
Professional Debut of Hasim Rahman Jr.
На Чацвер, Сакавіка 23, 2017, Greg Cohen Promotions will proudly present SUPER BRAWL® III, a night of world-class professional boxing at the Skylands Event & Conference Center (ECC) in Randolph, Нью-Джэрсі.
Presented in association with David Schuster’s Winner Take All Productions, Rising Promotions and GH3 Promotions, SUPER BRAWL® III will feature power-punching super-welterweight action hero Skender Halili (13-1, 13 КО) з Бронкса, Нью-Ёрк, taking on the Dominican Republic’s tough veteran Jonathan Batista (16-10, 9 КО) in the eight-round main event.
Tickets for SUPER BRAWL® III are priced at Golden Ringside $150, Рынга $100 і генеральны Прыём $50 and can be purchased by calling the GCP office: 212.851.6425 або на сайце gcpboxing.com

“Навучанне будзе выдатна,” said Halili. “Я адчуваю рэзкі. I’ve haven’t taken any breaks since my last fight. After every fight, I take two days off and I’m back in the gym.
Halili, who recently won THE RING Magazine’sRound of the Year 2016for the second round of his super welterweight war against Jason Thompson last Мая 27, says he’s ready for his first career main event, against Batista.
It feels good to be fighting in the main event. I’m prepared to go in and take care of business. I’ve got a full house coming, including my Albanian fans. There should be a couple hundred of them there. They yell and scream and go crazy at my fights. I love it.
With every fight, 26-year-old Halili is building a reputation as one of boxing’s most exciting new fighters, a reputation he says he doesn’t chase deliberately. “It’s just natural,” he explained. “You can’t try to be an exciting fighter. That’s not it. I’m a power puncher and if I feel like I’m losing, I go off and do something crazy and things seem to fall into place; like they were meant to happen.
Halili says he’s aware that Batista has a reputation of his own.
I know he’s a very dirty fighter. Every fight I watch of him, he’s low blowing somebody four or five times a fight. But boxing is a rough sport and I can learn a lot from him before I get him out of there. Я гатовы пайсці адлегласць, but I think I can knock him out. I just have to stay focused and not let him get in my head. If he hits me low I can’t lose my focus. That’s what he wants.
After about 30 amateur fights with mixed success, Halili says he decided to listen to the people telling him his style was more for the prosa decision he’s now glad he made.
Soon as I turned pro, I started doing better. People were telling me I’d make a great pro because I set up my opponents. Спачатку, I turned pro just to give it a try But then when I started doing good, my confidence skyrocketed and I began to believe I can really do this.
Also featured at SUPER BRAWL® III will be Halili’s promising brother, super welterweight Enver Halili (8-0, 2 КО), in a six-round appearance, as well as the long-awaited professional debut of Hasim Rahman Jr., son of former undisputed and two-time Heavyweight World Champion Hasim Rahman Sr., in a four-round heavyweight bout.
On the exciting undercard will be Baltimore welterweight Malik Hawkins (10-0, 7 КО) and Baltimore super featherweight Glenn Dezurn (8-0, 6 КО) у асобных баях. All un-named opponents are TBA.
SUPER BRAWL® III will be broadcast, tape-delayed, on Sportsnet New York (SNY). На бой ноччу, Дзверы адкрываюцца ў 6:00 вечара і дзеянне пачынаецца ў 7:00 вечара. The Skylands ECC is located at 792 Маршрут 10 West in Randolph, Нью-Джэрсі. Тэлефон: 973.328.8600.

Greg Cohen Promotions Congratulates Skender Halili for Winning Ring Magazine ‘Round of the Year’ для 2016

Greg Cohen Promotions wishes to congratulate their fighter, Скендер Халілі, one of the most exciting fighters in boxing, for winning THE RING Magazine Round of the Year 2016 for the second round of his super welterweight war against Jason Thompson.
Held on Мая 27 at the Seneca Niagara Resort and Casino in Niagara Falls, Нью-Ёрк, the second round of Halili vs. Thompson featured three knockdowns. After an average first round, Halili (13-1, 13 КО) went down twice in the second under heavy fire from the unexpectedly aggressive veteran Thompson (5-12-4, 4 КО).
Аднак, in a breathtaking display of boxing’s exciting unpredictability, a dazed Halili, reeling around the ring badly hurt, somehow found the strength to launch a fight-ending right hand at 2:59.
Those thrilling three minutes have now cemented Fort Worth’s Halili and New York’s Thompson in boxing history. Watch the video ВОТ.
“Гэта дзіўнае пачуццё,,” said Halili. “I found out right before my last fight, so i was trying to forget about it and stay focused. I saw the names I was up against, and it was guys like Keith Thurman and Sean Porter. That shocked me because their fight was great. Every round was great.
26-year-old Halili says a lot of the credit for the classic brawl goes to Thompson.
“Я даю яму крэдыт. He came in with a game plan. У першым туры, I thought I could out-jab him all day, but he stayed calm and got me to make mistakes. He took me out of my plan and that’s why it became a war. Thompson is smart fighter and his record is very deceiving. He made me realize you can’t judge anyone by their record. Але ў рэшце рэшт, he didn’t know I could also be the bull.
Skender has the type of power and the level of heart that can lead to fights like this,” сказаў прамоўтэр Грег Коэн. “We are very proud to be working with him and he’s never let us down. Almost all of his fights turn into crowd-pleasing wars and he always finds a way to win in the end. This fight was just the perfect example of the kind of excitement he brings.

Brant Stops Hloros with Body Shot and Defends WBA-NABA Championship in Hinckley

У Пятніцу, Студзеня 20, in front of a standing-room-only crowd of 3000+ at the Grand Casino’s Events & Convention Center in Hinckley, Мінесота, WBA #3-, IBF #13- and WBO #5-rated middleweight contender Rob “Добра” Brant stayed busy and defended his WBA-NABA Middleweight Championship by stopping Detroit’s Alexis Hloros.
With a possible title-shot opportunity on the near horizon, the Saint Paul, Minnesota-based Brant (22-0, 15 КО) wasted no time in dispatching Hloros at2:33 у першым туры. A huge body shot dropped Hloros for a count of nine, but he arose still wincing in pain, and was in no condition to continue.
I was happy with the way the night ended up,” said Brant. “When you get a guy last minute like Alexis Hloros, you have to treat them like they have been training to be the best version of themselves. Overlook them and you can get beat. I feel like I am ready for a bigger name now and am ready to showcase myself at the top level.
Падзея, presented by Greg Cohen Promotions in association with David Schuster’s Winner Take All Productions, also featured GCP’s always exciting super welterweight KO artist Skender Halili.
Halili (13-1, 13 КО) kept his KO percentage at 100% by stopping Wichita’s Romon Barber (7-13, 6 КО) ў пятым раўндзе.
The anvil-fisted Halili landed some bombs early that Barber was able to absorb. Аднак, Halili’s power eventually wore him down. In the fifth, he caught Barber with an uppercut that staggered him backwards into the ropes where he then pounded him relentlessly until the referee stopped the fight. It was a spectacular show of brutal punching power.
I was very impressed with both our fighters tonight,” сказаў Грег Коэн. “Rob Brant is clearly at the top of his game and ready for a big opportunity. Despite the opponent change on short notice, he handled it the way a future champion should. And Skender Halili continued his run as one of the most exciting punchers in boxing with another fan-friendly win. It was a great event in front of a huge crowd of fans. I am proud to have been able to promote it.

Top-Rated Brant Defends WBA-NABA Championship Against Hloros This Friday in Hinckley, Мінесота

На Пятніца, Студзеня 20, at the Grand Casino’s Events & Convention Center in Hinckley, Мінесота, WBA #3-, IBF #13- and WBO #5-rated middleweight contender Rob “Добра” Brant will put his lofty rankings and his WBA-NABA Middleweight Championship on the line against Mount Clemens, Michigan’s Alexis “Ураган” Hloros (18-5-2, 12 КО) in a 10-round slugfest.
A native of Saint Paul, Мінесота, Казарка (21-0, 14 КО) will return to his home state to headlineGrand Friday Night Fightsa nine-bout professional boxing event, presented by Greg Cohen Promotions in association with David Schuster’s winner take all productions.
Квіткі на “Grand Friday Night Fights” па цане $800 Table, $100 Рынга, $50 Reserved and $35 General Admission and are available at grandcasinomn.com, Ticketmaster.com and all Ticketmaster outlets. The entire event will also be streamed live on FloBoxing.tv (7:30 p.m. CST).
It has been five months since I’ve been in the ring, but haven’t taken much time off,” said Brant. “I have focused on nothing but preparing for the top level of the middleweight division. Though my original opponent fell through last minute, I am well-prepared for whoever is across from the ring from me. I treat everyone across from me like a world champion and I am prepared to showcase the best version of myself.
He’s going to have get past me if he wants to fight the best in the division,” said Holoros. “How he does against me will give a good indication of who he is. If he beats me he’s got something. I know he’s undefeated and coming to fight and so am I. I’ve been fighting a lot of years. I’m ready and I’ll put on a performance the fans that night will remember.
Other Greg Cohen Promotions prospects in action will be all-action super welterweight Skender Halili from Fort Worth, Тэхас, via Klina, Kosovo; and ultra-talented welterweight prospect Malik “Альпініст” Hawkins (10-0, 7 КО) from Baltimore, Мэрыленд.
Never in a bad fight, the the 26-year-old power-punching Halili will take on Wichita, Канзас, veteran Romon Barber (7-12, 6 КО) in a six-round battle.
21-year-old Hawkins, a highly decorated amateur boxer and now undefeated professional, will face an opponent yet to be announced in a six-rounder.
Rob Brant is on the verge of a very big opportunity and I commend him for wanting to stay sharp and not rest on his laurels,” сказаў Грег Коэн. “The Grand Casino has been a terrific site to work with throughout my company’s history and I’m very happy to be returning once again. Our fighters Skender Halili and Malik Hawkins are in good match-ups on the undercard and we’ve got FloBoxing.tv streaming the event online. It’s a great even I’m proud to have the Greg Cohen Promotions name on.
На бой ноччу, the action starts at 7 p.m. Grand Casino Хинкли знаходзіцца ў 777 Lady Luck Drive ў Хинкли, Мінесота.
How to Watch FloBoxing Fight Series: Брант супраць. Hloros
On TV: Now Available on Roku & Apple TV 4
STREAMING: Available only on FloBoxing. Sign up today for $20 monthly or $150 yearly. Yearly FloPRO access gets you premium content and events from ALL FloSports sites, including FloCombat, FloWrestling, and FloGrappling. The commentary team for Студзеня. 20 will feature Mike Letourneau, national boxing writer Steve Kim and former heavyweight champion of the world Hassim “Рок” Рахман. The eight-bout card will begin streaming on FloBoxing.tv at 7:30 p.m. CST. SIGN UP HERE

Results from CBS Sports Network Championship Boxing in Temecula, Каліфорнія

‘BravoBrant Stops Fitzpatrick in Three, Continues March to Middleweight Title Shot
Current WBO NABO and WBA NABA Middleweight Champion and WBA #4- and WBO #7-rated middleweight Rob “Добра” Казарка (21-0, 14 КО) of Saint Paul, Мінесота, kept his momentum plowing forward and continued to impress tonight with a one-sided beatdown of ChrisThe Irish GhostFitzpatrick (15-5, 6 КО) Кліўленда.
Fighting in the 10-round main event of CBS Sports Network Championship Boxing from the Grand Ballroom of the Pechanga Resort & Казіно ў Темекула, Каліфорнія, Brant had too many weapons for the game Fitzpatrick.
Падзея, a televised quadrupleheader, was Presented by Greg Cohen Promotions in association with the International Championship Boxing League (ICBL), Ringside Ticket Inc., and David Schuster’s Winner Take All Productions.
Brant moved smoothly around the ring, landing at will. He dropped Fitzpatrick with an uppercut in round two (Fitzpatrick nearly fell out of the ring) and finished it with another knockdown at 1:18 тры раўнда з.
Typically candid, Brant said the game plan was to not let Fitzpatrick get a toe hold in the fight. “He’s the type of guy, if you let him hang in there, he’ll hang for a number of rounds,” said Brant, пасля бою. “I wanted to make an example of him and make sure I put him down.
The future looks bright for the red-hot Brant, who seems to tighten up his game with every performance. “Under the tutelage of Derrick James, I’ve learned to sit down on my punches and stay defensively sound at the same time,” he continued, “but now it’s time to step up the level of competition. As nice as it is to get these kinds of win, it’s a lot nicer to get them up a level.
У са-галоўную падзею, Fort Worth, Тэхас, sluggerNo SurrenderSkender Halili made quick work of Silver Springs, Мэрыленд, veteran Ben Odamattey.
Halili, з запісам 11-1, 11 КО, caught Odamattey with his proven power early and it quickly became apparent he couldn’t handle it. Odamattey tried bravely to keep his feet under the hell fire. He rose from a knockdown but was quickly under siege again and with Odamattey’s legs betraying him, Referee Ray Corona waved it off at 1:17 з першых.
Odamattey slips to 16-15-3, 9 КО. Halili, never in a bad fight, is becomingmust see TVwith his action-packed way of doing things.
Undefeated middleweight CemThe ChampKillic (6-0, 3 КО) did what he was supposed to do in his tryout fight for GCP, by tearing through debuting Vegas fighter Jerhed Fenderson (0-1).
Fenderson looked to have some skills and fought evenly with Killic in the first round.
Аднак, Killic, of Frankfurt, Германія, now residing in Sherman Oaks, Каліфорнія, took over in round two, clubbing a tiring Fenderson against the ropes with heavy shots until dropping him hard to get the stoppage.
Канец наступіў у 1:50 два туры.
To start the televised bouts, Балтымор, Maryland welterweight MalikIce ManHawkins had to work all four rounds to move his record to 9-0, 7 KOs against a surprisingly determined SeanThe Beast of War” Вось выдатна (3-4) of Portland, Oregon.
Hawkins had too much speed and skill for the brawling Gee, but Gee kept it interesting with his wild swings and willingness to exchange. Hawkinsbrilliance carried the night though as he was given a unanimous decision (40-36 х 3).
In the night’s opening bout, Detroit’s JaricoGreat Lakes KingO’Quinn (3-0, 2 КО) survived a scare from nearby Oceanside California’s Jonathon Quiroz (6-3, 1 KO) in their bantamweight four-rounder.
O’Quinn came out firing in the first, as expected, but Quiroz figured out how to time him with looping shots in the second. He rocked O’Quinn to his boots with a right but wasn’t able to finish.
O’Quinn did a little more in the final two rounds, but credit the California judges for not playing home favorites. The scores, met with booing, былі 39-37 перасекчы мяжу.
It was a good step up for me, being 2-0, fighting someone with nine fights,” said O’Quinn. “I learned that not everybody is going to lay down and that’s exactly what I wanted. I didn’t want a cake-walk.
What was supposed to be a routine dual-pro-debut for two unknowns quickly turned into an epic war for ages, як “Пляма” Will Davis finally managed to stop a wild-swinging Erick Fowler in four rounds.
A classicskill vs. воля” матч-, Davis would land his sharp, educated combinations only to be answered every time by the clubbing shots of the iron-chinned Fowler.
With momentum swinging back-and-forth every few seconds, Davis dropped Fowler in the second. Fowler returned the favor in the third.
By the fourth round even the crowd was exhausted, as Davis landed a barrage of unanswered shots that finished things at the :39 seconds mark of round four.
Local super flyweight product Danny Andujo (1-0, 1 KO) turned professional with a quick stoppage of San Jose’s Israel Hernandez, зараз 1-3-1, 1 KO.
Andujo swarmed, landing hard shots against the outgunned Hernandez, who took the 10 count at :55 у першым туры.
And finally, undefeated Temecula featherweight Robert Meza (3-0-0, 1 KO) cruised to a dominant four-round decision over brave, but crude Jose Fabian Naranjo (3-3-1, 1 KO)
of Baja California, Мексіка.
Ацэнкі былі 40-36 х 3.

Undercard Announced for CBS Sports Network Championship Boxing Quadrupleheader, ў гэтую пятніцу, Жнівень 5, at Pechanga

A host of local up-and-comers in exciting match-ups highlight the untelevised undercard forў гэтую пятніцу (Жнівень 5, 2016) CBS Sports Network Championship Boxing quadrupleheader in the Grand Ballroom of the Pechanga Resort & Казіно ў Темекула, Каліфорнія.
Presented by Greg Cohen Promotions in association with the International Championship Boxing League (ICBL), Ringside Ticket Inc., and David Schuster’s Winner Take All Productions, the 10-round main event will feature WBA #4- and WBO #7-rated middleweight and current WBO NABO and WBA NABA Middleweight Champion, Рабаваць “Добра” Казарка (20-0, 13 КО) of Saint Paul, Мінесота, taking on ChrisThe Irish GhostFitzpatrick (15-4, 6 КО) Кліўленда.
Tickets for CBS Sports Network Championship Boxing are priced at $85, $65 і $50 і даступныя на www.pechanga.com or by calling the Pechanga Box Office:(877) 711-2946.
In the six-round super welterweight co-featured bout, Fort Worth, Тэхас, slugger Skender Halili (10-1, 10 КО) will look to keep his perfect knockout record intact against experienced Ghanian veteran (now living in Silver Springs, Мэрыленд) Ben Odamattey (16-14-3, 9 КО). In another televised four-rounder, undefeated former amateur world champion Cem Killic (5-0, 2 КО) of Sherman Oaks, Каліфорнія, via Frankfurt, Германія, will take on pro-debuting middleweight Jerhed Fenderson of Las Vegas. And in the night’s opening televised bout, red-hot prospect Malik Hawkins (8-0, 7 КО) Балтымор, Мэрыленд, will look to keep his march to the top of the welterweight division alive against Portland, Oregon’s Sean Gee (3-4).
Topping the night’s undercard will be Temecula, California’s undefeated Robert Meza (2-0-0, 1 KO) in a four-round featherweight duel with Baja California, Mexico’s Jose Fabian Naranjo (3-2-1, 1 KO).
Also in action will be Detroit-based bantamweight Jarico O’Quinn (2-0, 2 КО) taking on the more experienced Jonathon Quiroz (6-3, 1 KO) from Oceanside, Каліфорнія.
Making his anticipated professional debut will be Temecula, California’s Danny Andujo in a super flyweight four-rounder against San Jose’s Israel Hernandez (1-2-1, 1 KO).
A dual-pro-debut lightweight four-rounder will pit Las VegasErick Fowler against Sacramento’s Will Davis.
And opening up the action will be a super welterweight four-rounder between San Diego’s undefeated Kevin Ottley (2-0, 2 КО) and Hawthorne’s Brian True (1-4, 1 KO).
The Pechanga Resort & Casino is located at 45000 Pechanga Parkway in Temecula, ТАКОЙ ЯК. Для атрымання больш падрабязнай інфармацыі, call 1-888-PECHANGA or visit www.pechanga.com. На бой ноччу, Дзверы адкрываюцца ў 6 вечара і дзеянне пачынаецца ў 7 вечара. All bouts subject to change.



Гэта Пятніца, Жнівень 5, 2016, in the Grand Ballroom of the Pechanga Resort and Casino in Temecula, Каліфорнія, Greg Cohen Promotions and Ringside Ticket Inc., in association with David Schuster’s Winner Take All Productions, will proudly present a quadrupleheader of professional boxing, televised live on CBS Sports Network (11 PM ET/8 вечара па ціхаакіянскім).
In the night’s televised main event, red-hot WBA #4- and WBO #7-rated middleweight and current WBO NABO and WBA NABA Middleweight Champion, Рабаваць “Добра” Казарка (20-0, 13 КО) of Saint Paul, Мінесота, will look to keep his momentum going in a 10-round battle against Cleveland’s ChrisThe Irish GhostFitzpatrick (15-4, 6 КО).
In the six-round super welterweight co-featured bout, Fort Worth, Тэхас, slugger Skender Halili (10-1, 10 КО) will look to keep his perfect knockout record intact against experienced Ghanian veteran (now living in Silver Springs, Мэрыленд) Ben Odamattey (16-14-3, 9 КО).
In another televised four-rounder, undefeated former amateur world champion Cem Killic (5-0, 2 КО) of Sherman Oaks, Каліфорнія, via Frankfurt, Германія, will take on pro-debuting middleweight Jerhed Fenderson of Las Vegas.
And in the night’s opening televised bout, red-hot prospect Malik Hawkins (8-0, 7 КО) Балтымор, Мэрыленд, will look to keep his march to the top of the welterweight division alive against Portland, Oregon’s Sean Gee (3-4).
Tickets for CBS Sports Network Championship Boxing are priced at $85, $65 і $50 і даступныя на www.pechanga.com or by calling the Pechanga Box Office:(877) 711-2946.
25-year-old Brant has already won two fights this year. In April, he took care of Arkansas veteran Delray Raines in less than a round and in January, he scored a nationally televised “Накаўт года” candidate against formidable contender DeCarlo Perez. The victory put Brant on the radar of the boxing world.
29-year-old Fitzpatrick went undefeated in his first 15 fights and only suffered setbacks against some of the world’s top middleweights, including world champion Daniel Jacobs. “The Irish Ghostis never in a bad fight and will test any would-be contender’s true mettle.
Promoter Greg Cohen says he’s excited to be bringing his popular televised boxing series to California.
This is our first scheduled quadrupleheader and we’re excited to be bringing it to a classic boxing venue like the Pechanga,” сказаў Коэн. “Rob Brant will be in against a guy who will take you out if you don’t have the goods. Skender Halili’s last fight was one of the best of the year, so I look forward to another slugfest. Cem Kilic won’t have it easy. Although his opponent is making his debut, he can really fight. And we all get another look at the amazing talent of Malik Hawkins to open the night. It’s truly a great night of boxing. Thanks to my partners and the wonderful staff at Pechanga for helping make it happen.
The night’s jam-packed undercard will be announced later this week.
The Pechanga Resort & Casino is located at 45000 Pechanga Parkway in Temecula, ТАКОЙ ЯК. Для атрымання больш падрабязнай інфармацыі, call 1-888-PECHANGA or visit www.pechanga.com. На бой ноччу,Дзверы адкрываюцца ў 6 вечара і дзеянне пачынаецца ў 7 вечара. All bouts subject to change.