Arkivji Tag: signing

sinjali Borizteca Boxing ilu ma jitlef flyweight super Dewayne Beamon

San Diego, kif. (Diċembru 26, 2017) – Borizteca Boxing huwa kuntent li jħabbar l-iffirmar ta undefeated super flyweight Dewayne konkorrent “stop Running” Beamon għal kuntratt ta promozzjonali esklussiva.
Beamon ta GOLDSBORO, North Carolina għandu marka qatt ma ġew kundannati ta 13-0 ma 'għaxar knockouts.
Il 32 Beamon sena huwa ta 'tliet snin professjonali, u diġà għandu jirbaħ kbar fuq Hedge Rudolph (10-2); ex titolu dinja isfidant William Gonzalez (30-6) & Jose Alfredo Rodriguez (32-5).
Beamon huwa ġejjin off waqfien rawnd 2 fuq Zenon Venancio fuq 17 Novembru fil Tijuna, Messiku.
I am very excited to sign with Borizteca Promotions. I like what Saul and Christine had to say. I had a lot of other offers, but they share my vision. I am an active fighter, u Borizteca Boxing hija promettenti lili attività,” Said Beamon.
Beamon jistenna li l-sena li jmiss li tkun sena li transizzjonijiet lilu fis contendership.
“Fl 2018, Ninsab ħerqan li jkun champion tad-dinja, a Fighter of the Year nominee and to be a major player in the super flyweight division. I feel like I can beat the champions like Naoya Inoue. He has been fighting lower ranked guys then I am. Borizteca Boxing will get me those regional titles where it will get me into mandatory positions. I wanted to fight on the 1st SuperFly card in September, and I was hoping to fight Brian Viloria. Those fights will happen this year and people will understand why they call me “Mr. Stop Running.”
“Aħna nħossu ħafna kburin li jkollhom Dewayne taħt magħna. Għandna pjanijiet kbar għall Dewayne fil 2018,” said Saul Rios of Borizteca Boxing. “Aħna qed jagħmlu outcall għall-promoturi kollha li Dewayne hija lesta għall-ġlieda kontra xi ħadd fid-diviżjoni flyweight super, biss agħtina sejħa.”

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Sammy Vasquez Jr. welcomes Billel Dib to ProBox Management stable

Miami, FL (Frar 5, 2016) – Pro Box Management is proud to announce the signing of junior lightweight contender Billel Dib to a management contract.

Dib of Sydney, Australia has a record of 18-1 with nine knockouts and is a former two-time Australian Super Featherweight champion and the current WBO Interim Oriental champion. He is currently ranked number-twelve by the WBO.
Dib won his first nine bouts before his only blemish, which was a split decision that he later avenged with an eighth-round stoppage over Dylan Sendeckyi.
Minn dakinhar. Dib is currently riding a ten fight win streak in which he captured the WBO Interim Oriental Super Featherweight title with a 12-round unanimous decision over Brent Elliot. a
Dib is the cousin of former IBF Featherweight champion. Billy Dib.
Being around, training with my cousin and seeing his success is a great motivation for me. I look forward to becoming the second Dib in the family to become world champion,” said Dib.
I am very excited to have signed with ProBox and to be represented by Henry Rivalta and Gary Jonas. You can’t help but notice how many good fighters that have and how well they have built their careers, I am looking forward to them doing the same with me.
The Dib’s are very family oriented and my father and I were impressed were impressed by the family culture,”said Dib.
We signed Billel because he has all the characteristics that we look for. He is a hard worker, well spoken, good looking action fighting young man, who is very marketable . We definitely think he can be a significant world champion sometime soon,” said Gary Jonas.


LAS VEGAS (Novembru 5, 2015) -World Serje ta 'Fighting ( ħabbret illum li ffirmat żewġ featherweight (145 liri) sensazzjonijiet - undefeated Bekbulat Magomedov u Wizard sottomissjoni Alexandre "Popo" Bezerra - Biex esklussiv, ftehimiet multi-ġlieda.

Data debutt promozzjonali kull ġlied u avversarju se jitħabbru dalwaqt.

"Aħna kuntenti li jilqgħu Bekbulat u Alexandre biex stabbli tagħna ta 'atleti ta' klassi dinjija, u ħerqana li tara kif dawn munzell up kontra taħlita tagħna ta 'featherweights talent u titwettaq,"Qal World Series tal-ġlieda kontra President Chiefs missier.

Il Magomedov 24-il sena (16-0) ta 'Makhachkala, Dagestan, Russja hija imħawwar Sambo champion ma impressjonanti 89 rata finitura mija. Of his 16 rebħiet karriera, 8 waslu permezz ta ' (T)KO u 3 waslu permezz ta 'sottomissjoni.

A professjonali peress 2011, Magomedov is the number two ranked featherweight in Ukraine and the number seven ranked featherweight in Russia. He boasts notable wins over fellow touted prospects Denis Mutsnek u Guan "Il-Tiger Dongbei" Wang, u huwa l-uniku ġlied li imsawta Wang, veteran ta ' 17 bouts professjonali.

Il-ġlieda kontra minn Philadelphia, Penn., l Bezerra 28-il sena (17-4) ta 'Sao Paulo, Brazil holds a black belt in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu and boasts tremendous wrestling skills. Eleven of his 17 rebħiet Karriera sal waslu permezz ta 'sottomissjoni.

Bezerra sploda fuq ix-xena MMA fil 2008, tmexxija għal kważi perfetta, 8-1 rekord matul il-kors ta 'l-ewwel tiegħu 27 xhur bħala professjonali qabel ma din courted minn promozzjonijiet indana ta 'fuq fl-Istati Uniti.

Live World Series ta 'azzjoni Fighting jirritorna NBCSN fuq Il-ġimgħa, Novembru. 20, fi 11 p.m. U/8 p.m. PT ma 'l-ewwel qatt one-lejl il-promozzjoni tal, eight-man tournament in history. The winner, li se ġġieldu tliet darbiet fl-lejl wieħed, se jkun jisimha l konkorrent numru wieħed fid-diviżjoni ħfief coveted.

Dwar “World Series tal Fighting” (WSOF®)
“World Series tal Fighting” (WSOF) huwa Arts premier fid-dinja kollha professjonali Imħallat Martial (MMA) ġlieda promozzjoni ddedikati għall-għoti l-azzjoni ppakkjati ġlied aħjar għall-fannijiet ġlieda billi jipproduċu l-aħjar possibbli jaqblu-ups bejn ġellieda elite minn madwar id-dinja. Għal aktar informazzjoni jekk jogħġbok żur Segwi “World Series tal Fighting” fuq Twitter MMAWorldSeries u “World Series tal Fighting” President Ray Sefo SugarRaySefo. WSOF u l-World Series tal Fighting huma trademarks ta MMAWC rreġistrati, LLC.