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Boxing Stars Badou Jack, James DeGale, Jose Pedraza & Gervonta Davis Give Back Before Thanksgiving Holiday & Jaanuar 14 Showdowns


(Photo Credit: Amanda Westcott/SHOWTIME)


Fighters Deliver Thanksgiving Meals at

Bed-Stuy Campaign Against Hunger in Brooklyn

Showtime MEISTRIVÕISTLUSED BOXING Laupäev, Jaanuar 14

Barclays Center Brooklyn

Vajuta SIIN jaoks Fotod Amanda Westcott / SHOWTIME

Vajuta SIIN for Photos from Tom Casino/Mayweather Promotions/

DiBella Meelelahutus

BROOKLYN (November 22, 2016) – In the spirit of the Thanksgiving holiday, super middleweight world champions Badou Jack ja James DeGale, plus junior lightweight world champion Jose Pedraza ja löömata challenger Gervonta Davis, donated and distributed Thanksgiving meals at the Bed-Stuy Campaign Against Hunger in Brooklyn before their press conference last Wednesday to discuss their respective January 14 showdowns taking place at Barclays Center and live on SHOWTIME.


(Photo Credit: Amanda Westcott/SHOWTIME)


The fighters handed out 100 turkeys along with other Thanksgiving foods to help aid the organization that has provided millions of meals for people in the area. Hailing from countries all around the world, the fighters got together to give back in the borough that they will be competing in come January. To learn more about the Bed-Stuy Campaign Against Hunger visit www.bedstuyagainsthunger.org.


(Photo Credit: Tom Casino/Mayweather Promotions/DiBella Entertainment)


Piletid live sündmus, which is promoted by Mayweather Promotions and DiBella Entertainment, start kell $25. Tickets are available now and can be purchased online by visiting www.ticketmaster.com, www.barclayscenter.com või telefonil 1-800-745-3000. Piletid on saadaval ka American Express Box Office Barclays Center. Group soodustused helistades 844-BKLYN-GP.


(Photo Credit: Amanda Westcott/SHOWTIME)


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Barclays Center Brooklyni poks ™ programmeerimine platvormil esitatud AARP. Lisateavet www.SHO.com/Sports follow on Twitter @BadouJack, @JamesDegale1, @Sniper_Pedraza, @Gervontaa, @ShowtimeBoxing @SHOSports, MayweatherPromo, LouDiBella, BarclaysCenter, and @Swanson_Comm or become a fan on Facebook atwww.Facebook.com/SHOSports, www.facebook.com/MayweatherPromotions www.Facebook.com/DiBellaEntertainment, www.Facebook.com/barclayscenter. This event is sponsored by Corona Extra, Finest Beer.

Võitmatu võistleja Sergey Lipinets võitleb laupäevase alakaardi raames Austraalia Lenny Zappavigna juunioride poolkaalu maailmameistritiitliga., Detsember 10 galeni keskusest Los Angelese USC-s

Rohkem! Võitmatud kasvavad väljavaated
Erickson Lubin & Mario Barrio tegevuses
Kuigi kohalik talent, sealhulgas Hugo Centeno Jr.,
Josesito Lopez ja Adan Mares astuvad ringi
LOS ANGELES (November 21, 2016) – Põnev öö kaartidega saabub Los Angelesesse Laupäev, Detsember 10 ja seda tõstab esile lööv võitmatu võitja Sergei Lipinets (10-0, 8 Kos) 12-ringises nooremas poolkaalus maailmameistritiitli kõrvaldaja Austraalia vastu Lenny Zappavigna (35-2, 25 Kos) Galeni keskusest USC-s.
Detsember 10 WBA tiitliomaniku vaheline maailmakarika meistrivõistluste kokkuvõte Jeesus Cuellar ja endine kolm-divisjoni maailmameistriks Abner Mares. Live Showtime MEISTRIVÕISTLUSED BOXINGâ telesaade algab 10 Pärastlõunal. JA/7 Pärastlõunal. PT juunioride keskkaalu maailmameistriga Jermall Charlo võitmatu tippvõistleja üles võtmine Julian Williams parimatena võitmata tõusva tähe matšis.
Piletid live sündmus, mida propageerib Ringstar Sport ja TGB Promotions, on praegu müügil ja hinnaga $35, $50, $75, $150 ja $200. Piletite ostmiseks minge aadressile www.galentix.com.
Samuti on moes pakatava võitluste õhtu raames esile tõstetud võitmatud võistlejad Erickson “Haamer” Lubin (16-0, 11 Kos) juunioride keskkaalu arvestuses ja Mario Barrios (16-0, 8 Kos) võitlevad Argentina omadega Claudio Rosendo Tapia (24-18-4, 9 Kos) juunioride kergekaalus.
Rida andekaid võitlejaid Los-Angelesi piirkonnast ümardab õhtu Oxnardi nimega Hugo “Ülemus” Centeno Jr. (24-1, 12 Kos) võistleb keskkaalu atraktsioonis, endine tiitlitest väljakutsuja Josesito Lopez (33-7, 19 Kos) of Riverside kuuevoorulises keskkaalus ja Abner Mares’ noorem vend, Adan märad (14-1-3, 3 Kos) astub rõngasse kergekaalus.
Tehtud amatöör, kes on sündinud Kasahstan kuid võitleb välja Venemaa,Lipinets aasta aprillis profiks saanud 2014 otsuse võiduga Franklin Varela üle. 27-aastane noormees registreeris kuus nokaudi järjest, enne kui astus võistlustulle ja avaldas muljet võiduga märtsis Haskell Lydell Rhodese üle 2015 ja märtsis Levan Ghvamichava nokaud. Ta jätkas hoogu juulis, kui peatas seitsmendas voorus väljakujunenud võistleja Walter Castillo. Ta esitab 29-aastasele Zappavignale väljakutse Uus-Lõuna-Walesist, Austraalia. Ta astub sellesse võitlusse viimase võitjana 10 võistlused, sealhulgas ka tema viimane triumf, juulis Ik Yangi kuuenda vooru seiskamine.
Põneva stiiliga kõrgelt hinnatud väljavaade, 21-aastane Lubin plahvatas sündmuskohale ja soovis vastaseid juba varakult lõpetada, kui ta kinnistab oma eliitvõistleja staatust. Võitlus Orlandost välja, ta on juba maha võtnud kogenud veteranid, sealhulgas Orlando Lora, Ayi Bruce, Michael Finney ja Norberto Gonzalez. Novembris oli ta sensatsiooniline 2015 kui ta Alexis Camacho välja lõi ja jaanuaris pealkirjastas oma esimese kaardi ning domineeris Jose De Jesus Maciases oma esimeses 10-raundilises heitluses. Ta on hoidnud juunis kuuma seeriat, peatades veteran Daniel Sandoval kolmandas voorus ja domineerides juulis veteran Ivan Montero üle.
Pikk noorem kergekaalu üle kuue jala, 21-aastane Ümbruskond noppis moosipakendis seitse võitu 2015 milles ta peatas viis vastast distantsi sees, sealhulgas ülemise vasaku konksu kombo, mis lõpetas Manuel Videsi öö eelmise aasta detsembris. San Antoniost pärit põliselanik osutus profiks 2013 ning on kiirel teel maailmameistritiitli suunas, sest viimati alistas ta juulis tiitlivõistlustel Devis Boschiero. Nüüd näib ta, et jääb Mendozast välja Tapiaga peetud matšis võitmatuks, Argentina.
Lisateavet www.SHO.com/Sports jawww.premierboxingchampions.com,jälgida puperdama @ShowtimeBoxing, SHOSports, @PremierBoxing, JesusCuellarBOX, @AbnerMares, FutureOfBoxing, JRockBoxing, @TGBPromotions ja @Swanson_Comm või saate Facebooki fänniks aadressil www.Facebook.com/SHOSports jawww.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions.PBC-d toetab Corona, Finest Beer.

Esinevad poksi meistrid: 12 Ümberjooks juunioride keskkaalu maailmameistritiitli Julian Williamsiga

(Photo Credit: Leo Wilson / Premier Poks Champions)
Vajuta SIIN lugeda Premier Poksimeistrite veebisaidilt
Sündinud ja kasvanud poksirikkas linnas Philadelphias, Williams on kogu oma tõusu 154-naelasel tõusul tõestanud, et suudab sind pähe lüüa sama palju kui aju. Kuidas muidu seletate 26-aastase praegust seitsme järjestikuse heitluse seeriat nii palju, et ei kaotaks ühtegi vooru?
Rohkem kui lihtsalt osav poksija, Williams on ka tõeline magusa teaduse õppur, nii ja ringist välja. Tegelikult, “J Rock” peab nii sügavalt lugu oma spordiala ajaloost, et tekib tunne, et ta veetis mängulegende uurides sama palju aega kui kolme löögi kombinatsiooni täiustamiseks.
Rääkides ajaloost, Julian Williams (22-0-1, 14 Kos) soovib teha mõned oma Detsember 10 kui ta esitab väljakutse 154-naelasele meistrile Jermall Charlo Galeni keskuses USC ülikoolilinnakus Los Angeleses (Showtime, 10 Pärastlõunal. JA/7 Pärastlõunal. PT).
Hiljutisel pausil oma esimese maailmatiitlivõistluste treenimiseks, Williams vestles meiega mehest, kelle arvates on ta ajaloo suurim võitleja, jabi tähtsus, tema meeletu kulinaariaoskus ja ämbrite nimekirja esikoht (vihje: Ta on selle ületamise äärel).
Kas teil on poksikangelane?
Austan Muhammad Alit kui ajaloo nüüdisaegset kangelast asjade eest, mille eest ta seisis - mitte ainult selle eest, mida poksis tehti. Mulle, Ali poks [saavutused] on suhtelised ja väiksem osa tema pärandist võrreldes sellega, mis seisis väljaspool rõngast.
Muhammad Ali tõelist suurust esindas see, mida ta tegi maailma heaks, ja tribüünid, mida ta võttis rohkem kui oma võitlusi.
Kõigist poksijatest ajaloos, kes sa tahaksid, et sa oleksid võidelnud, ja kuidas oleks võitlus välja mängitud?
Ma ei taha teile tulemust anda, aga ma ütleksin, et Sugar Ray Robinson, sest minu arust, ta on parim võitleja, kes kunagi elanud. Ja ma tahaksin näha, kuidas ma seisaksin kõigi aegade parima võitleja vastu, kandes kindapaari.
Sugar Ray Robinsonil oli kõik-suurepärane löögivalik, oskused, jab, kiirus. Ta oli tohutu võitleja. Ma pole kunagi varem ega hiljem kedagi nii head näinud.
See toimus ajal, kui kutid kaklesid kaks-kolm korda kuus kuue untsi hobusejõhvikinnastega. Nad tegid seda parima konkurentsi vastu. Ma mõtlen, ta võitleks Jake LaMotta ja Kid Gavilaniga 15 vooru heitlustes. Nad lihtsalt ei ehita enam selliseid mehi. Seda ei juhtu.
Sugar Ray Robinson tooks minus esile parima ja annaks mulle hea ülevaate selle kohta, kui hea ma tegelikult olen. Ma ei austaks kunagi Sugar Ray Robinsoni, öeldes, et peksan teda. Austan legende. Tahaksin lihtsalt näha, kui hästi ma seda tüüpi tüüpide vastu teeksin.
Lõpeta see lause: Kui mitte poksimiseks, Oleksin …
… ilmselt alles lõpetamas ülikooli, õppelaenu tagasi maksmine ja armetus. Tõenäoliselt oleksin ärijuhtimise eriala.
Milline on avalikkuse suurim väärarusaam poksijate osas?
Et me kõik oleme rumalad.
Mis on kõige raskem, mida olete kunagi tabanud, ja kuidas sa sellega hakkama said?
Sa tead, mida, Ma ei püüa kõlada kidurana ega midagi sellist, aga ma ei mäleta. Mul on olnud raskeid võitlusi, aga ma ei mäleta tegelikult vastast, kes oleks mulle niimoodi väga haiget teinud.
Pole kunagi olnud seal, kus ma olin, “Oh mu jumal, lööb ta nii kõvasti,” või “Ta lõi mind nii kõvasti, Ma ei suutnud end kokku võtta.” Ma pole seda kunagi kogenud. Ma ei ütle, et see ei saaks juhtuda; Ma lihtsalt ütlen, et seda pole juhtunud.
Enda välistamine, kes on tänapäeval maailma parim nael-naela eest võitleja?
See on lähedal, sest arvan, et keegi pole praegu juhtpositsiooni võtnud. Ma ütleksin ilmselt Andre Ward, kuid samal ajal on tal olnud nii palju vaba aega.
Teil on seal selliseid tüüpe nagu Sergei Kovalev, kes on kõiki lahti teinud, ja siis on teil sellised tüübid nagu Guillermo Rigondeaux, kes on ilmselt parim võitleja maailmas, kuid tal pole kunagi olnud võimalust seda suurel laval tõestada.
Siis olete saanud Floyd Mayweather Jr., kes on minu arvates maailma parim selge võitleja, kui ta on aktiivne. Kuid ta on pensionil.
Sellist on lihtsalt raske valida. Ma ei suutnud ühte valida. Ma saaksin ühe valida järgmise aasta alguses.
Millisest toidust on kõige raskem loobuda võitluseks treenides?
Mulle meeldivad pasta ja punane liha. Treenides ei söö ma liiga palju punast liha, sest seda on liiga raske lõigata. Mulle meeldivad praad ja lambaliha ning pasta. Mulle lihtsalt meeldib kogu pasta üldiselt.
Koolitusest rääkides, mis on teie lemmikharjutus?
Mul pole tegelikult ühtegi. Ma vihkan neid kõiki. Ma lihtsalt teen neid, sest ma pean neid tegema.
Aga lemmikpunch viskamiseks?
See sõltub sellest, kellega ma võitlen, aga ma peaksin kindlasti ütlema, sest jab paneb kõik paika. See on tavaliselt minu kaugusemõõtja, ja tavaliselt suudan ma tüliga võitlust kontrollida. Ma kasutan seda üsna tõhusalt igas võitluses.
Kas teil on lemmik poksifilm?
Raevuv pull. mulle meeldis Kivine, ka. Mulle meeldisid enamasti kõik Kivine filmid.
Kes on teie esitusloendis üks artist, kes võitlusfänne üllataks?
Teddy Pendergrass. Kasvasin üles koos ema ja isaga, kellele tema muusika meeldis.
Kas jookseksite pigem rivistaja otsa või löönuks ta kingadest välja?
See sõltub sellest, kes see on. Kui on [pensionile jäänud Baltimore Ravensi legend] Ray Lewis, Ma peaksin teda hurjutama. Sest ma ei taha, et ta mind tabaks.
Lõpeta see lause: Inimesed oleksid seda teades üllatunud …
… Olen hämmastav kokk. Ma oskan süüa teha palju asju - peaaegu kõike.
Kui saaksite maailmas ühte asja muuta, mis see oleks?
Rassi suhted. Maailm oleks parem koht, kui kõik ei näeks nii palju värve.
Mis on teie elu koppade loendis?
Ma tahan olla maailmameister, mida ma saan järgmises võitluses Jermall Charlo peksmisega saavutada. See on see, mida ma olen kogu elu nii palju vaeva näinud.
Mul ei ole ämbernimekirja soovi langevarjuhüppesse minna enne, kui see kõik on läbi, või minna Jaapanisse või midagi muud. It’s simple: Olen pool elu töötanud maailmameistriks saamiseks, ja see on minu ämbrite nimekirjas kõige olulisem.
“12 Ümardab koos …” ilmub kolmapäeviti kell PremierBoxingChampions.com
Järgmine nädal: 154-naela meister Jermall Charlo.
See artikkel avaldati algselt Premier Boxing Championsi veebisaidil

Badou Jack vs. James DeGale Press Conference Quotes & Fotod

(Photo Credit: Tom Casino/Mayweather Promotions)
Super Middleweight World Championship Unification Laupäev, Jaanuar 14 Barclays Center Brooklyn & Live Showtime
Featuring Junior Lightweight World Champion Jose Pedraza
Battling Undefeated Contender Gervonta Davis
Vajuta SIIN jaoks Fotod Amanda Westcott / SHOWTIME®
Vajuta SIIN for Photos from Tom Casino/Mayweather Promotions
BROOKLYN (November 16, 2016) – A star-studded press conference took place at Barclays Center in Brooklyn on Wednesday, kui Floyd Mayweather, along with several New York boxingambassadors,” signified the return of boxing to New York by announcing the super middleweight world championship unification fight featuring Badou Jack vastu James DeGale see toimub Laupäev, Jaanuar 14 at Barclays Center in Brooklyn and live on Showtime®.
Also announced on Wednesday and featured on the Showtime MEISTRIVÕISTLUSED BOXING telecast is undefeated junior lightweight world champion Jose “Sniper” Pedraza taking on unbeaten rising contender Gervonta “See üks” Davis.
Piletid live sündmus, which is promoted by Mayweather Promotions and DiBella Entertainment, start kell $25. Tickets are available starting this Reede, November. 18 juures 10 a.m. ja saab osta internetist aadressil www.ticketmaster.com, www.barclayscenter.com või telefonil 1-800-745-3000. Piletid on saadaval ka American Express Box Office Barclays Center. Group soodustused helistades 844-BKLYN-GP.
The press conference signified the return of boxing to New York for the first time since a controversial insurance measure instituted by the New York State Government. Participants were on hand to discuss the exciting doubleheader on Jaanuar 14 and celebrating the long awaited return of boxing to The Big Apple.
Siin on, mida pidid osalejad ütlevad kolmapäev:
JACK Badou
I think this will be an exciting fight. I’m going to give it my all and he’s going to give it his all. This is a bigger fight than anything we’ve been a part of. He’s going to turn it up and so will I.
Now it’s me and DeGale. All the other fights are in the past. We’ve had different results against the same fighters. But none of that matters, it’s time to fight.
A real champion can take a loss and bounce back. It shows what kind of person you are. I’ve proven I’m mentally tough.
Boxing is not dead. It’s here to stay. There are some very good fights coming up. Probably even more next year.
I came from Sweden, a country that has no boxing. Now I’m here headlining in New York for a unification fight. Taevas on piir. I always stay humble and never forget where I came from.
It’s not going to matter what people think on fight night. DeGale is definitely one of the top guys in the division. He’s a road warrior. He comes over here and fights guys in their backyards. He deserves a lot of credit. That’s why this fight is so big. We both want to be great.
I like being the underdog. If I’m the underdog in this fight, then that’s perfect for me. There won’t be any excuses when I beat him.
I just try to stay humble win after win and keep looking forward to bigger and better things. After this fight come talk to me about who is the best in the division.
I don’t want to compare myself to anyone else but I’ve had a couple of good years. Now we’re working to have two even better years.
I made a mistake and got caught in my loss. I was able to bounce back and it made me a way better fighter. It was definitely a blessing in disguise. People are still overlooking me because of it. I look at it as a good thing.
Everything happens for a reason. I’m very blessed to be here in Brooklyn. This is my second home in America. I trained at Gleason’s Gym in 2009 and now I’m headlining at Barclays Center. It’s amazing.
“See on siin. The big one. The best fighting the best. Number one against number two. Badou Jack is a very good fighter. He doesn’t do anything spectacular, but he’s a compete fighter.
I have that X-factor. I’ve lost before and I’m not going to lose again. I’ve come too far in my life to lose this opportunity.
“Edasi Jaanuar 14, Brooklyn is in for a treat. You will not want to miss this one. Make sure you get your tickets.
My people in London can’t wait for me to fight at home. It’s coming. But first I want to take over in America.
New York is one of my favorite cities. It’s a boxing city. I watched Santa Cruz vs. Frampton and it was a wicked atmosphere. I can’t wait to be in there.
I’m very confident in my abilities. I believe I’m the best in the division and one of the best in the world. I’ve been waiting for this fight for a long time and I’m ready to get in there.
I think in the last three fights I’ve shown everything. I haven’t been getting the respect that I deserve. I’ve beaten everyone put in front of me. This is what I love to do.
I’m a natural super middleweight. I want to be in fights where people think I’m going to lose. I’ll challenge anybody.
Me and Badou Jack are two different fighters. I think I’m going to beat him wide on the scorecards or stop him.
Jose Pedraza
I’m thankful to everyone here and my people from New York who I know will be supporting me on fight night.
I expect this to be a very exciting fight. I’m going to be ready for anything that Davis will bring into the ring. I’m going to take care of business.
I’m very privileged to help with this cause and to help push boxing in New York. I’m going to represent my people on Jaanuar 14 and I’m very proud of the opportunity.
If Davis says he has to be killed to be beaten, then he’s going to have to go down.
I’m undefeated and I will remain undefeated after Jaanuar 14. I know Davis is a strong kid, but he isn’t on my level. I am looking to dominate this fight.
Fighting at Barclays Center is really a dream come true. I know that I will have a lot of support from the Puerto Rican boxing fans and I’m going to train hard to perform for them.
I’m sorry for Davis to be signed for Mayweather, because when I take away his undefeated record, I’m going to feel like I beat Mayweather.
It feels great to fight in Brooklyn for the first time. I’ve never fought in New York and it’s tremendous. I’ll have a lot of hometown fans driving up to here for the fight.
Pedraza is a tough opponent. We’re going to work hard in camp and be ready to fight on Jaanuar 14.
My hometown has been backing me for all of these years. Edasi Jaanuar 14, I get my shot. It’s amazing. I know Pedraza is a great fighter. People will say he has more experience. But I had 206 wins in the amateurs and a lot of titles.
There’s nothing Pedraza can bring to the ring that I haven’t seen before. I’ve been battle-tested inside the ring and outside the ring.
He’s going to have to kill me to retain his title. I’m coming home a champion. There’s no doubt about it.
On paper this is definitely my hardest task. We’re both great fighters. I hope he trains hard because I’m training for the fight of my life.
I’m going to steal the show on Jaanuar 14. I’m going to get Pedraza out of there and then work to unify the division against the other champs.
Floyd Mayweather, President Mayweather Kampaaniad
We’re back. What other better city to be in, than New York City? It was always one of my dreams to fight in New York City. I’m glad I’m in a position to put fighters out there to give the fans what they want to see. New York City is the best place for boxing.
For years and years these fighters have worked so hard and dedicated their lives to get to this point. I’m thankful for everyone who is supporting us and supporting our movement.
The only thing we’re going to do is continue to build these fighters and help these fighters get to the highest heights. So many people have helped me get to this point, where I can give back to these young fighters.
Lou DiBella is a guy I love to work with. The boxing business is about working together. Leonard works hard day in and day out to put these fighters in the best position, and I do the same. It’s all about working to get these fighters to the next level.
We’re here in New York and we want to bring boxing to New York City. This is one of the meccas of boxing. The whole state has embraced me throughout my career.
I’m very proud of Badou Jack. He’s a guy who carries himself like a gentleman. That’s what a true champion does. He’s very respectful, humble and appreciative.
Badou Jack is such a hard worker and he’s very appreciative. I remember the position he was in. He’s still very thankful and humble now that he’s in a great position in his life and career.
I’m just happy that I’m able to put fighters in a good position. They then have to take advantage of the position I put them in.
We want to continue to do fights in this arena and bring championship boxing to New York City. We want to give you great shows again and again.
LEONARD Ellerbe, Tegevjuht Mayweather Kampaaniad
This is a tremendous platform. Coming to New York is something that Floyd has been advocating for. He’s wanted to bring a big event here and come Jaanuar 14 that’s what the fans are going to get. We have a great night of fights from top to bottom.
This is everything for Badou. This is why you lace them up when you’re a kid. This is an opportunity to be the best. He’s the best 168-pounder in the world and on Jaanuar 14 he’ll have that platform to do it.
When it comes to unification, you don’t see too many unified champions. The best fighting the best is what it’s all about. DeGale is an Olympic gold medalist and a world champion. He’s fought some very good fighters. Badou will be making his third title defense and there is no better opponent than DeGale.
When two guys come together and they want to determine who’s the best, with everything on the line, that’s what it’s all about.
The fans can expect to see Mayweather Promotions go back to Las Vegas with two world champions. One will be a unified champion and one will be the new super featherweight world champion.
This is a great step-up for Gervonta. That’s what life is about, stepping up and taking risks. That’s why you get into the sport. He’ll have his full arsenal on display on fight night.
LOU DIBELLA, President DiBella Meelelahutus
Fans should go out and buy their tickets once they go on sale. There is going to be a show here on Jaanuar 14. We have lawyers and insurance people on it and we will pay what needs to be paid.
This announcement not only represents a fight announcement, but a call to action to all boxing fans. Boxing needs your help in New York. We need to change or repeal this law that has really shut us down. Even if we can get really expensive insurance for Jaanuar 14, the small promoters and small fights and grassroots boxing have come to a standstill.
Come out to this incredible fight card on Jaanuar 14. Jack vs. DeGale is as good as it gets. Jose Pedraza is Puerto Rico’s only champion and he’s defending against Gervonta Davis. That is a great fight. The undercard is also going to be terrific.
It also represents boxing trying to take its rightful place back. We’re not sitting back in 2017 and letting our industry be brought to a halt. We’re going ahead and announcing Jaanuar 14. But we need everyone’s help with respect to making the necessary changes to allow our sport to thrive in this space again.
I promoted Badou early in his career and he is a terrific fighter. He does everything well. He’s active in the ring and he makes good fights, and so does DeGale. He comes forward and fights. These two guys are going to throw down. This is a fan friendly main event. With huge significance.
The opening bout features Puerto Rico’s only champion, fighting in front of New York’s huge Puerto Rican community. Gervonta Davis comes right up from Baltimore and it’s a can’t-miss fight.
BRETT YORMARK, CEO of Brooklyn Sports & Meelelahutus
We want to reinforce our commitment to boxing. Not just from a Barclays Center perspective, but from a state perspective. Boxing is very important to the history here in New York and we want that to continue. We want to take a lead position as the sport continues to grow and thrive in the marketplace.
We have become one of the premier venues in the country for boxing. We look forward to a very successful 2017. This fight in particular is very important to us. We haven’t had a championship event here since July. Floyd being involved brings a whole different dynamic as well and we’re excited for a tremendous undercard full of Brooklynites.
Floyd has been here to the Barclays Center several times and we’re thrilled that he’s back. It’s a pleasure to welcomes Badou Jack and James DeGale to Brooklyn and I’m confident that you will like the Brooklyn crowd.
There has not been a major boxing event at Barclays Center since the Juuli 30 Santa Cruz vs. Frampton card and we’re proud to take the lead on bringing boxing back to New York. We’re excited that Jaanuar 14 will be the first major boxing card in New York in 2017. We are more committed than ever before to bringing boxing to Barclays Center.
It’s a very exciting time for the building, for the sport and it should be an electric evening for the sport.
STEPHEN Espinoza, Executive VP & Peadirektor, Showtime Sport
This card is unique, high quality and special. You don’t see cards like this every day. These four fighters have made a combined 14 appearances on SHOWTIME. We’re very proud of these four fighters.
To create and deliver special events, it takes commitment. When you’re committed to a cause, special things happen. We’ve done special things with Mayweather Promotions and now we have this great card coming to us.
The four young men on the stage today are some of the most talented and accomplished athletes in the sport. This is the best this sport has to offer. They’re committed to taking on other accomplished athletes. We have four of those fighters here on the televised portion and we have to salute them.
New York City has a tremendous history in boxing. It’s hosted the biggest fights in the history of the sport. Barclays Center has emerged as the biggest and most aggressive supporter of boxing on the east coast. We’re optimistic that there won’t be any holdup getting to Jaanuar 14.
No network is as committed or as passionate about boxing as SHOWTIME is. The biggest and the best fights are on SHOWTIME. No other network is televising fights like these. Top five versus top five and champion versus champion. There is no better way to kick-off boxing in 2017 than with this great card at Barclays Center.
ERIC ADAMS, Brooklyn Borough President
Now is the call for action. We have witnessed what happens when the call for action is not personified and mobilized. Too many people pass legislation and are focused on the paper it’s written on, instead of the people who are impacted by it. It is clear that New York state is the Empire State where we build empires instead of destroying them and we are destroying the empire of boxing in New York.
If we don’t do something about this piece of legislation, then these fighters will no longer have the aspiration to fight in the state that they love. That cannot happen. New Yorkers don’t follow the agenda, we lead the agenda. We must do that to make sure this is done correctly.
We are going to mobilize and move in the right direction while protecting the fighters. We don’t want to knock out boxing in the state of New York. That cannot happen.
This is going to be a great opportunity for these fighters and for Brooklyn and we are thankful to the team at Barclays for putting these fighters on this great stage.
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Barclays Center Brooklyni poks ™ programmeerimine platvormil esitatud AARP. Lisateavet www.SHO.com/Sports follow on Twitter @BadouJack, @JamesDegale1, @Sniper_Pedraza, @Gervontaa, SHOSports, MayweatherPromo, LouDiBella, BarclaysCenter, and @Swanson_Comm or become a fan on Facebook at www.Facebook.com/SHOSports, www.facebook.com/MayweatherPromotionswww.Facebook.com/DiBellaEntertainment,www.Facebook.com/barclayscenter. This event is sponsored by Corona Extra, Finest Beer.

Badou Jack & James DeGale Meet in Super Middleweight World Championship Unification Showdown Saturday, Jaanuar 14 From Barclays Center in Brooklyn Live on SHOWTIME

Junior Lightweight World Champion Jose Pedraza
Battles Undefeated Rising Star Gervonta Davis in
Piletid müügil Reede juures 10 a.m. JA!
BROOKLYN (November 16, 2016) – WBC super Middleweight maailmameister Badou Jack (20-1-2, 12 Kos) and IBF Super Middleweight World Champion James DeGale (23-1, 14 Kos)will look to stake their claim as the best 168-pound fighter in the world when they meet in a title unification clash on Laupäev, Jaanuar 14 from Barclays Center in Brooklyn and live on SHOWTIME as boxing returns to New York for the first time in five months.
The SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING telecast will also feature undefeated junior lightweight world champion Jose “Sniper” Pedraza (22-0, 12 Kos) defending his title against up-and-coming Mayweather Promotionsundefeated contender Gervonta “See üks” Davis (16-0, 15 Kos).
I’m expecting a very tough fight from James DeGale,” ütles Jack. “But I’m very confident that I’m going to win the fight and become the unified champion. This is an incredible stage to be at Barclays Center and on SHOWTIME and I’m going to take full advantage of it. I’m ready to make my mark as the best in the division.
I am so happy that this fight has finally been made,” said DeGale. “This is the best fighting the best. See on see, mida poks on kõike. Badou Jack is a very good fighter and he’s underrated. I am going to have to be 100 percent on my game to beat him, but I am confident I will deliver on January 14. I have already fulfilled my dream of becoming a world champion and now it is time to unify.
Davis is a great young fighter with an impressive record,” Said Pedraza. “He is a complete fighter and I am very happy to fight a challenger of his caliber. Aga, I do feel that Davis has been protected so I plan to really show off in this fight and perform at my best. Defeating Davis will be a great start to 2017, a year I would love to unify my division. I am thrilled to be back on SHOWTIME and look forward to putting on a great show for all those in attendance at Barclays Center.
I’m excited for the opportunity to fight a respected undefeated world champion like Jose Pedraza,” Said Davis. “I’m also ready to show the boxing world what I’m capable of doing. Boxing is searching for its next star and I believe that I’m the one. Edasi Jaanuar 14, I plan to show what over 200 amateur wins and 12 years of training with coach Calvin Ford looks like. Baltimore, me oleme siin. Brooklyn, I’m ready to shine for you. Jose Pedraza, get ready. I’m coming to kick your a**.
Mayweather Promotions is pleased to have the opportunity to bring this huge event to Brooklyn and Barclays Center,” said Floyd Mayweather, President Mayweather Kampaaniad. “Badou Jack versus James DeGale is one of the best match-ups in the sport. It’s the best fighting the best. I believe that Badou Jack has what it takes to be a unified world champion. I’m also excited to see Gervonta Davis fight for his first world title. He has the skills to be a fighter who carries the sport. He has a tough, undefeated world champion in front of him and I am looking forward to seeing him perform on Jaanuar 14. These are two evenly-matched fights that will bring a lot of explosive action to the ring on fight night, you don’t want to miss it.
Piletid live sündmus, which is promoted by Mayweather Promotions and DiBella Entertainment, start kell $25. Tickets are available starting Reede, November. 18 juures 10 a.m. ja saab osta internetist aadressil www.ticketmaster.com, www.barclayscenter.com või telefonil 1-800-745-3000. Tickets are also available at the American Express Box Office at Barclays Center. Group soodustused helistades 844-BKLYN-GP.
Both Jack and DeGale retained their titles on SHOWTIME in April. Jack kept his belt via a controversial split draw against Lucian Bute, a match in which many thought Jack had prevailed, while DeGale defeated mandatory challenger Rogelio Medina. Both fighters were sharp; each landed over 60 percent of his respective power punches to set up this showdown for the top spot in the super middleweight division.
We’re looking forward to bringing our first boxing event to Barclays Center in Brooklyn on Jaanuar 14, when Badou Jack will face James DeGale in a world title unification bout live on SHOWTIME,” Said Leonard Ellerbe, Tegevjuht Mayweather Kampaaniad. “Badou has a tremendous work ethic and ability to stay focused and this has helped him get to where he is now in his career. He’s prepared to keep putting the hard work in to stay on top. Every time he was counted out, it just made him work harder. He’s proof that if you stay focused and dedicated to your craft, you can reach your dreams. I’m also eager to see Mayweather Promotionsown Gervonta Davis in his first world title fight. We believe there is a bright future ahead for that young man and this could be the first step on his way to a truly special career.
Boxing will return to New York in 2017 with a tremendous card at Barclays Center on Jaanuar 14 featuring two high caliber championship contests,” ütles Lou DiBella, President DiBella Meelelahutus. “With Badou Jack and James DeGale facing off, you have champion versus champion, the best fighting the best in what promises to be an action-packed battle in a super middleweight unification. Puerto Rico’s only world champion, undefeated Jose Pedraza, will defend his junior lightweight title against a hungry, heavy-handed challenger in Gervonta Davis.
Jack vs. DeGale is a terrific start to 2017,” ütles Brett Yormark, CEO of Brooklyn Sports & Meelelahutus. “I want to thank Floyd Mayweather for making this fight happen and to Lou DiBella for his continued support of BROOKLYN BOXING. In our fifth year at Barclays Center, we are committed to boxing more than ever before.
“Sisse 2016, SHOWTIME delivered more high-quality, competitive fights than any other network and 2017 ei erine. We’re thrilled to kick off the year with a true ’50/50unification fight between two world champions in the prime of their career,” ütles Stephen Espinoza, Executive Vice President ja peadirektor, Showtime Sport. “Badou Jack vs. James DeGale is boxing at its besta matchup between the No. 1 – ja nr. 2-ranked boxers in the divisionthe right fight happening at the right time. And the Jose Pedraza-Gervonta Davis co-feature, which features two of boxing’s rising stars, could have been a main event on its own. There is no better way to begin the year, as well as our tremendous run of four separate SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING presentations over a seven-week span.
Tungraud, who fights out of Las Vegas by way of Stockholm, Rootsi, captured the WBC 168-pound crown with a 12-round majority decision over previously unbeaten defending champion Anthony Dirrelllast Aprill 24. A former amateur standout who represented Gambia in the 2008 Olümpiamängud, Jack retained his belt against former world title challenger George Groves last Seitse. 12 on the undercard of Floyd Mayweather’s final fight. Jack was an underdog against both Dirrell and Groves before retaining his title. 6-foot-1, 33-year-old won four in a row leading up to his controversial draw against Bute in April.
DeGale won the vacant IBF belt in his U.S. debut last May by dropping Andre Dirrell twice on his way to a unanimous decision. The 2008 Olympic Gold Medalist from London then successfully defended it last November in a thrilling shootout with the hometown favorite and former titlist Bute. The 30-year-old, who’s only blemish came in a majority decision in his 11th bout against the then-unbeaten Groves, will make his fourth consecutive start outside his native England as he looks to become a global power and a unified champion at 168 naela.
The switch-hitting Puerto Rican Olympian Pedraza backed up his “Snaiper” moniker against Andrey Klimov, picking apart the Russian with superior speed and accuracy on his way to a world title win last June. Pedraza earned a shot at the title in his previous bout with a career-best victory over former world title challenger Michael Farenas. The 27-year-old then went on to defend his title successfully against Edner Cherry last October and most recently against Stephen Smith in April. This fight marks the fourth consecutive time that Pedraza has fought on SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING.
A highly regarded prospect that won the 2012 National Kindad meistrivõistlustel, the 22-year-old Davis recorded five victories inside of the distance in 2015. The Baltimore native, who Floyd Mayweather has calledthe next big star in boxing,” kept his momentum going into 2016 as he recorded a sixth-round stoppage of Guillermo Avila in April and a first round knockout of Mario Macias in June. Davis enters his first world title showdown with seven straight victories by stoppage.
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Barclays Center Brooklyni poks ™ programmeerimine platvormil esitatud AARP. Lisateavet www.SHO.com/Sports follow on Twitter @BadouJack, @JamesDegale1, @Sniper_Pedraza, @Gervontaa, SHOSports, MayweatherPromo, LouDiBella, BarclaysCenter, and @Swanson_Comm or become a fan on Facebook at www.Facebook.com/SHOSports, www.facebook.com/MayweatherPromotionswww.Facebook.com/DiBellaEntertainment,www.Facebook.com/barclayscenter. This event is sponsored by Corona Extra, Finest Beer.

Jermall Charlo vs.. Julian Williamsi meediakonverentsi kõne ärakiri

Richard Schaefer
Suur aitäh. Ja tänan kõiki meediakanaleid, kes osalesid tänases kõnes. Ma olen väga põnevil. Minu esimene poksi konverentskõne pärast peaaegu kolme aastat spordist väljas olemist. Nii, Ma olen väga põnevil, et saan sellega uuesti tegeleda.
Ja mis oleks parem viis seda teha, kui sellise topeltpäisega? See on piisavalt haruldane, kui kohtumine on nagu Jesus Cuellar versus Abner Mares, mis on kogu aasta kirjutatud aasta võitlusest.
Kuid selleks on Jermall Charlo versus Julian Williams, mis on veel üks aasta kandidaadi võitlus – Ma võin teile seda kohe öelda. Et oleks kaks aasta võitlust kandidaati, see on nagu tänapäev ja vanus peaaegu ennekuulmatu. Ja nii, see on tõesti väga eriline maius.
Tahan ennekõike tänada võitlejaid nende suurepäraste matšidega nõustumise eest. Tahan tänada SHOWTIME-d spordile pühendumise eest, selliste võitluste tutvustamiseks. Stephen Espinoza läheb sinna välja ja tahab kokku panna konkurentsivõimelised matšid. Ja ma arvan, et ta teeb täiesti kohutavat tööd.
Aga enne kui alustame, Ma tahan lihtsalt lühidalt kommenteerida. Poksisport kaotas eile suure sõbra, Todd Harlib, keda võis näha lugematutes hävitajate ruumides, sealhulgas Jermall Charlo, kes on täna meiega telefonis.
Meie mõtted ja palved on sel ajal tema pere ja sõprade ning kogu poksiringkonna juures. Nii, Mul on väga kahju, et pean sellest teatama.
See võitlus siin, mida me täna arutame, on kahtlemata üks parimaid võitlusi, mida selles spordis saab teha, olenemata kaaluklassist. See on võitlus, mida võitluse fännid ja meedia tõesti nõudsid.
Paljud inimesed mõtlesid, kas see kunagi juhtub? Ja siin see on. Siin see on, üks enim räägitud kaklustest, 10. detsembril SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXINGis pakuti üks enim küsitletud võitlusi selle Cuellari ja Marese kohutava topeltpea osana.
Võitlus toimub koostöös Los Angelese Lõuna-California ülikooli Galeni keskuse otseülekandega poksi meistrivõistlustega, mis on suurepärane uus tipptehnoloogia areen, kus mängivad ka ülikooli korvpalli- ja võrkpallimeeskonnad. Seal on ka varem peetud võitlust raskekaalu tiitlivõistlusega Bermane Stiverne'i ja Chris Arreolaga.
Nii, kui elate Los Angelese piirkonnas ja selle ümbruses või kuskil Lõuna-Californias, palun, veenduge, et tulete välja ja olete osa sellest kohutavast kahest peast. Piletid on saadaval ja nende hinnad algavad nii vähe kui $35.00. Fantastilised istmed $35.00
Piletite ostmiseks, palun, minna www.galentix.com.
Nüüd on rõõm teile tutvustada meie kaasreklaamijat. See võitlus on Ringstar Spordi ja TGB Promotions'i kaasreklaam. Tom Brown on sealse Galeni keskuse areeniga väga tuttav. Tema oli see, kes pani Stiverne'i ja Arreolaga võitluse juba päevil kokku. Nii et nüüd on rõõm anda see mõne kommentaari tegemiseks üle Tom Brownile.
Tom Brown
Hästi, tänan teid väga, Richard. Ma tahan lihtsalt öelda, et TGB Promotionsil on hea meel olla taas kord partneriks Stephen Espinoza ja SHOWTIME suurepärase meeskonnaga koos Richard Schäferi ja Ringstar Sportsiga.
Samuti on mul hea meel naasta Lõuna-California ülikooli kaunisse ülikoolilinnakusse Galeni keskuses.
Charlo ja Julian Williamsi meistrivõistluste võitluse idee on – nagu Richard just mainis – on kahe parema juunioride keskkaalu vahelise matši vahele jätmine.
Nii, see, koos põhiturniiriga – WBA sulgkaalu meistrivõistluste võitlus Cuellari ja Marese vahel muudab selle ilma. Ja nagu Richard ütles, kaks võimalikku aasta võitlust kandidaadivõitlust.
Richard ja mina töötame välja kaardi alla pakitud tegevuse kokkupaneku, mis kuulutatakse välja varsti. Nii, ootame suurepärast ööd 10. detsembril suurepärases kohas, kus on veelgi suuremad võitlused. Suur aitäh.
R. Schaefer
Suur aitäh, Tom. Nüüd on järgmine mees, keda ma tutvustan, minu hea sõber. Oleme tuttavad juba ammu. Ja panime kokku ühed mineviku suurimad võitlused. Tagasi 2013 kui olime tules.
Kõik tunnistasid SHOWTIME'i poksispordi liidriks. Ja seda Stephen Espinoza tõttu. Stephen on ennekõike fänn. Ja talle meeldib seal istuda ja suurepäraseid matše näha. Ja see on täpselt see, mida te siin saate.
Nii, meie kui võitlusfännid. Meie kui meedia liikmed oleme promootorid või mis iganes, võime tõeliselt kasu saada Stepheni kirest neid hämmastavaid võitlusi kokku panna.
Nii, mul on rõõm teile nüüd tutvustada – Ma tean, et tema tiitel on spordi eest vastutav asepresident, kuid kutsun teda SHOWTIME Spordi presidendiks. ma alati – ja ma tegin seda alati. Pidage meeles?
Stephen Espinoza
Jah, sul on õigus. Esimesest päevast alates oli mul see töö. Aitäh, Richard. Oleme põnevil, et saame taas koos töötada Richard ja Ringstar ning Tom Brown ja TGB. Ja eriline teretulnud Richard, keda meil on hea meel spordis tagasi näha. Mitte ainult sellepärast, et ta on mu sõber, vaid ka sellepärast, et ta on üks selle spordi standup-poisse. Väga professionaalne ja sirge laskur. See on midagi, mida see spordiala saab rohkem kasutada.
Nii, Tomi ja Richardi kombinatsioon on kaks sirget noolt – nii sirged kui nad tulevad. Ja mul on hea meel mõlemaga koostööd teha.
Sel aastal on SHOWTIME tõesti jätkanud suurimate ja parimate võitluste pakkumist. Ja ma arvan, et pole mingit kahtlust, et meil on poksi kõigi võrkude parimatest ja olulisematest matšidest kõige tugevam koosseis.
2016 siiani on kaasatud kaks aasta võitluse kandidaati, aasta KO kandidaat. Võitlus kümne parima vastase võitluse ees.
Ja kui mähkime 2016 ja minna sisse 2017, kindlasti tahame seda hoogu jätkata. Teatasime hiljuti seitsmest suurepärasest matšist – 14 top 10 võitlejad võtavad üksteist – kuues maailmameistritiitlivõistluses.
Ja me võiksime numbritega jätkata. Kolm võitlust, mis on divisjonis number kaks versus number kaks. Kuid selle tegemise naudingute hulka kuulub ka selliste võitluste tekitamine.
Sellest ajast peale, kui Floyd pensionile jäi, veidi enam kui aasta tagasi, on üks küsimus, mille isiklikult saan, ja me kõik siin SHOWTIME saame järjekindlalt.
Ja see on, sa tead, kes on järgmine täht? Kes on järgmine superstaar? Kes hakkab seda sporti edasi kandma. Ja selle poksi spordi hea külg on see, et see selgub ringis. Ma ei saa sulle öelda.
Isegi kui ma peaksin valima kaks või seal, mis arvasin, et see areneb nii, vaata – nad peavad ringis esinema. Kuid see on selline võitlus. Meeldib, Jermall Charlo versus Julian Williams, mis määravad, kes on järgmised tähed.
Nende karjääri tippudes on kaks noort võitlejat. Üks maailmameister, kes on ennast tõestanud selle spordiala tulevaste staaride hulka. Ja võttes ette ühe kõige kõvema pretendendi Williamsi mis tahes divisjonis.
Oleme mõlema võitleja üle väga uhked. Mõlemad on SHOWTIME siin kodus kasvanud. Jermall on meiega varem viis korda võidelnud. Julian on SHOWTIME-l olnud seitse korda. Nii, oleme uhked, et mõlemad rollid, mida SHOWTIME on mänginud nende mõlema karjääri jooksul.
Kuid mis veel tähtsam, oleme uhked, et need tüübid astusid üles sellist lahingut pidama. Jermall Charlo oli üks põnevamaid, noor, meistrid spordis. Ta on seda tiitlit edukalt kaitsnud, rajas oma kodulinna Houstoni fännibaasi, ja tõesti ootab tõesti jagunemise üle võtmist ja selle spordiala staaride tõusmist.
Julian Williams on olnud mees, keda inimesed on juba mõnda aega vaikselt tõusvate tähtede seas tuvastanud. Ma tean, et ta on kannatlikult oodanud – ja mõnikord mitte nii kannatlikult ootama – tema lasu eest. Ja nii ma tean, et ta saab valmis.
Ma arvan, et see on mõnevõrra kohane, et see võitlus kestab 10. detsembril, nädal enne väga legendaarse Philadelphia maailmameistri Bernard Hopkinsi pensionile jäämist. Philly võitlejad on pikaajaline traditsioon. Ja selleks, et nimetada Philly võitlejaks, on vaja palju tööd ja erilist isiksust. Lihtsalt Philly's kaklemine ei tee sinust Philly võitlejat. Ja ma tean, et Julian on valmis seda Philly võitleja tiitlit kandma veel aastaid uhkelt ja aktiivselt.
Nii, kõigist võitlustest, mille oleme välja kuulutanud. Ja seal on palju kvaliteetseid võitlusi. See võitlus – Charlo-Williamsi võitlus – on üks neist, millest ma olen kõige põnevil. Kaks noort kutti oma karjääri tipul võitlevad tõepoolest selle üle, kes võiks seda jaotust veel pikka aega kontrollida.
See aitab kindlaks teha, kes on meie spordiala tulevikutähed. Richard?
R. Schaefer
Suur aitäh, Stephen, väga hästi öeldud. Ja minu jaoks, me kõik teame, et nad on kohutavad võitlejad. Mõlemad on võitmatud. Olen neid tundnud – mõlemad – pikka aega. Olen olnud seotud paljude nende võitlustega.
They are terrific young men outside of the ring as well. And just as good as it gets inside of the ring. Nii, they’re really – mõlemad – they carry the total package. And you’re right, Stephen, he has patience and sometimes not so patiently been waiting.
It is a pleasure for me now to introduce to you Julian Williams, who is trained by Stephen Edwards. He’s the number one ranked contender by the IBF in the Junior Middleweight division. And he secured his top ranking after stopping Marcello Matano in the 7th round in March.
He’s undefeated with a record of 22-0-1, 14 knockouts, Julian Williams.
Julian Williams
Hei, how’s everybody doing? First I want to send my thoughts prayers out to Todd Harlib and his whole family and loved ones. He was a great guy. He was a great cut man and even better guy. And I consider him as a friend. Ma arvan, et see on praegu kurb aeg, nii, Ma tahan seda kõigepealt teha.
Koolitus on läinud väga hästi. Meil on väga hea meeskond ja palju head sparringut. Meil on siiani olnud väga hea laager. Ma arvan, et see on tõesti, väga hea võitlus. Ma arvan, et see oli võitlus, mida hardcore poksifännid pidid nägema.
See oli võitlus, mis pidi juhtuma. Tunnustan Charlot, et ta astus üles ja oli tõeline meister. Ja ma tahan näidata maailmale seda, mida ma juba tean. Olen äärmiselt motiveeritud. Ja ma tean, et ka Jermall on motiveeritud.
Nii, Ma arvan, et te näete tõelist tulistamist. Tal on olemas kõik tööriistad ja oskused. Ja mul on olemas kõik tööriistad ja oskused. Ja te näete, kes sel õhtul välja tuleb.
Ja mina olen 100% kindel, et see olen mina.
R. Schaefer
. Now Jermall Charlo and his brothers, hästi, I’ve known them since their first fight. And what a journey it has been.
Today he is the undefeated IBF Junior Middleweight World Champion. He’s training with Ronnie Shields. One of the most legendary trainers out of Houston, Texas.
He won his title by stopping Cornelius Bundrage in the third-round last September. And has defended his belt already twice including a unanimous decision victory over formervery game world championAustin Trout in May.
And it’s a pleasure now for me to introduce to you again, somebody I’ve introduced before many times. The IBF Junior Middleweight World Champion, Jermall Charlo.
Jermall Charlo
Aitäh, Richard. Like Julian said, Todd was my man. And I want to give his family and everyone that’s close to Todd my prayers and my condolences.
I hear Julian talk about he’s 100% valmis. And he’s 100% sure he’s going to win this fight. But I’ve heard that before. I’m ready for the stakes. I’m ready for this level. Sorry the fight took so long. It wasn’t necessarily up to me. But I think everything happens for a reason. And it’s perfect timing and I can’t wait to get in there and show the world what I’m actually made of against a guy that’s so highly confident about the things that I do.
R. Schaefer
Korras. I agree with you. Things do happen for a reason. I’m very happy that I’m the one who has the honor to promote this fight and this entire card. I know it’s going to be toe-to-toe battles with the two of you.
And I know with Cueller and Mares as well. Nad ütlevad, et stiilid panevad kaklema. Ma arvan, et nende nelja võitleja stiilid on suurepäraselt tehtud. Ja ma lihtsalt ei jõua oodata 10. detsembrit Galeni keskuses ja elada SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING.
Avame selle nüüd meediale, et esitada küsimusi kõigile kõnes osalejatele.
Jermall, Ma tean, et teil pidi olema protseduur, mille tegite vabatahtlikult silma peal. Kas saaksite selle kohta üksikasju anda? Mis küsimus täpselt oli? Kas see oli lihtsalt küsimus, nagu, sa oled pime nagu nahkhiir? Või oli seal midagi muud toimumas?
J. Charlo
See ei olnud tingimata vabatahtlikult. Mul oli üsna palju nägemisprobleeme kuni viimase võitluseni Las Vegases.
Ma võitlesin võitlusega. Korrigeerisin ennast, et saaksin ebaselgelt võidelda. Nii et nüüd sain protseduuri tehtud. Jah, the fight was supposed to happen in October. And I wanted it then. But it was just for me to be able to clear the medical exam. Less stress now to go ahead and go 20/20 and I’m ready now.
Like I said everything happens for a reason. And crystal clear vision is one of the things that helps me make the fight easier.
And which eye was it, muide, Jermall?
J. Charlo
Both eyes.
Both of them? Korras, and now you feel like a new person?
J. Charlo
Ma olen 110%, crystal clear, Ma olen hea. Ma olen valmis.
How much better will that make you? That you can now see clearly. I mean your fighting skills are one thing. But now you can see the target, ilmselt, much better it sounds like. I mean do you think that will make you a much better, precise fighter?
J. Charlo
It gives me a lot more confidence. Muidugi, it’s something important and I probably had to get it. I haven’t fought with crystal clear vision my whole life.
So now I’m even more motivated motivated. I’m eager to get in there to see what the new person is like.
Did you think about having this earlier in your career?
J. Charlo
Jah, I always wanted it. I always wanted it. But I’m a superstitious guy. Nii, I like to keep things, the way I always wanted. It’s just something I feel like it’s going to take me to the next level.
Some people suggested maybe he would vacate the title and go up to middleweight to not fight you. When all that was happening and you were sitting there as a mandatory for himwhat was your personal feeling about what was going on?
J. Williams
I didn’t really know about the medical situation until about mid-September.
I actually thought that he would fight. And not think about the notion that he would vacate. The fact that he kept complaining about weight the previous fights. If the fight was being delayed, people are going to start saying this is how boxing is.
But I didn’t think that he wasI thought that he was putting the fight off for whatever reason. But like I said, at the time I didn’t know what the reason was.
All that is under the bridge. It doesn’t even matter anymore. The fight is December 10th. You know what I mean. He said he’s going to bring his A game. He’s got 20/20 vision. I had 20/20 vision my whole life. Now we’re even.
Nii, there will be no excuses.
When you found out that it was finally done and it was good to go. And SHOWTIME was going to announce it and the fight was on. What was your feeling? Was it relief? Was it excitement?
J. Williams
I just felt like I wanted to get to work. The whole process has made me practice my patience.
I wasn’t overly excited because I knew I would fight for the world title my next fight with someone. I was more so like let’s look at the work. I want to start training camp immediately and get myself ready to win.
Was there any frustration that you guys were not in the main event? And that you’re in a co-feature. Or did you kind of understand because Abner Mares is Southern California. And that’s the reason why you guys are put in the co-feature.
J. Charlo
Richard Schaefer is a good promoter. He has a lot of experience in the game. I’m not worried about being the opening or the main event or any of that.
Muidugi, I’m tired of being in second place. I feel like Kevin Durant. But it’s not in the sense of, nagu, nothing I can do about it.
And then Julian, same question for you. Is there any surprise that you guys were put in the co-feature and not the main event?
J. Williams
Et olla aus, I didn’t really even think about it. I just want to get in the ring and put some gloves on so we can get this thing going.
I think everything happens for a reason. Abner Mares is a really good fighter. He’s like a three division champion. He earned his stripes.
Nii, ilmselt, we’ve got more work to do before we can headline the card. Nii, I didn’t think about it and on top on of that I never thought about.
R. Schaefer
The fact is you’re absolutely right. Each one of those events could be a main event. And in any other network would be a main event. Some other networks would probably even make it a pay-per-view.
Nii, that’s how good this card is. It could have very easily brrn Charlo-Williams is the main event if it would have been in Philly. It would have been. If it would have been in Houston, it would have been.
It’s in LA in Southern California. Nii, that’s why we have Cuellar and Mares. This is about creating excitement. It’s about the fans and so on. All four of those guys are just terrific champions. That’s what they are. Terrific people. It doesn’t really impact one way or the other.
S. Espinoza
And I’ll add from the network perspective, one of the things that we were grateful for in working with fighters like these and promotors like Tom and Richard is, what we want to put together as far as blockbuster events, we don’t have those ego problems.
Richard is absolutely right. Not every network programs this way. But what we’re trying to dowe as a group of fighters, edendajaid, juhid, is show off the best this sport has to offer.
Nii, we’re really over delivering on each card. This clearly could’ve been a main event in Houston or Philly or anywhere else. But the idea was, this was going to be a slate of A++ level fights top to bottom.
And that requires the commitment of everybody. And people realizing it’s about not having ego. And just realizing that rising tide lifts all boats.
Jermall, where do you think Julian Williams rates as an opponent?
J. Charlo
We’re both on the way up to the top level. He’s definitely one of my best opponents up to this date. He’s hungry as me. I’m not necessarily worried about any of the things he said about being as hungry as he is to be fighting me. I was that guy too. Being ready to fight K9 and waiting and waiting.
He’s my toughest opponent. And I’m ready for it.
Tell us about taking this fight. And why it’s important to you.
J. Charlo
Every fight is a hard fight. Every fight I have to come out and give my best and be on my A-game. So it’s a good fight to me technically. This is the Roy Jones and Bernard Hopkins back in middleweight type of fight. We’re going to get down and get ready. I’m ready for it.
This part of our legacy is everything that I’ve wanted, growing up as a young fighter, young champion. Seeing these great fights being broadcast on SHOWTIME. And it’s, nagu, now is my turn. And I have to deliver everything that I’ve always wanted. And that is something I’ve been waiting for.
And it just so happens it has to be Julian Williams. And like I said we both came up the hard route. It wasn’t, nagu, as easy as I give my hand off to my challenger being one of the best in the world. And that’s kind of what I want to be classified as.
Julian, ka, you’ve been very vocal about this fight. Tell us why you’re so confident you’re going to be able to win this fight.
J. Williams
I’m confident because of what I can do.
I’m confident because I want to be the junior middleweight champion of the world. I think Jermall’s a good fighter. But he doesn’t recognize the scene before. He’s engaged, tugev, and fast. I just want to make sure we have no excuses about weight and that kind of talk.
J. Charlo
No weight problem. There’s no weight problem. Get that out of your mind. There’s no weight problem. I’ll tell you everybody knows.
You had talked about Todd Harlib earlier. Can you elaborate on what he meant to you? And the confidence he brought to you as a cutman?
J. Charlo
Todd taught me a lot. He meant a lot to me also. Ronnie Shields and Todd elaborated about how long they’d been around the boxing game and seen the same things they’re seeing now.
Todd, meant a lot. Just spoke to him, nagu, a couple of days ago because he sent me a few guys to work with. I know he had went over to Russia and caught a little bug. But I didn’t think it would be nothing. I prayed for him. And hoped he got better.
It’s like I said, it just happened to be something that, I can’t control. Nii, I just have to keep fighting. And hope that my next cut man is just as good as Todd. I’ve even been across the ring and looked at Todd working on another guy. And he came talked to me and let me know that it was just all business. And Jermall, just stay focused. Don’t worry about anybody.
I’m just putting the fight in God’s hands. And hoping that I never have to need the urgency to need Todd again.
I spoke to Ronnie, he said that you told him that this fight is going to be a little more special because you’re going to possibly dedicate this fight to him. Is that going to take any form representing his name on your robe or your trunks or anything like that?
J. Charlo
Jah, I’m dedicating this fight to Todd. Actually once we map everything out. But I want to keep talking about it.
I dedicate this fight to Todd. He’s a real close friend of mine. And it’s just unfortunate for me to have to get in the locker room and not have Todd helping me out and everything like that. So of course, I feel some sadness about him not being here. But I know he’s in good hands. So that’s the main thing.
Is this fight right here the first one that really will test you and perhaps take you to the next level and start to light that fuse for you?
J. Williams
Jah, kindlalt. Kindlalt. Whenever you’ve got a 50/50 võitlus, two guys 26-years-old both in the prime of their careers. It’s going to be a test for both fighters.
It’s rare we see two fighters get in the ring in this type of fight. So I think it’s definitely the first step in building my legacy.
Richard, what does this fight represent in the scheme of this division which is a stacked division and these two fighters in particular?
R. Schaefer
I think you have two of the best fighters in their division fighting in this particular fight. And so this is an extremely significant fight for the division. And these are twosomebody said beforethese are two young undefeated and confident fighters who dare to be great.
At this point in their career fighting each other they dare to be great. And that is. These kinds of fights will separate one from the other. And I think the sky is the limit here for within that division and potentially other divisions.
But that’s how you build a champion into a star and then a super star. These kinds of fights, sa tead, these kinds of meaningful fights. And in order for that to happen, you need to have two fighters who are willing to challenge themselves.
And as I said, dare to be great.
Jermall, what weaknesses do you see in Julian Williams that you plan to exploit on fight night?
J. Charlo
Nothing, he’s a strong guy. Whatever you all want to say about him. He’s good, old-school fighter. I’m tired of hearing questions about what he’s done or what he does.
I’m a champion for a reason. I’m staying champion. I don’t plan on moving. I don’t plan on none of that stuff that you all talked about. Ma olen hea.
What do you consider your biggest advantage going into this fight?
J. Charlo
That I’m not supposed to go and be in some superstar. Vaata. It’s a business. I’m betting and fighting for everything that boxing has to offer.
And my advantage is being focused and humble and strong-minded like I’ve always been.
Nii võitlejad, how important is building a new chapter in your career? And maybe a new idol in boxing.
J. Williams
Oi, it’s an extremely big fight. I think whoever wins this fight is going to be considered the best junior middleweight in the world. I think whoever wins the fight will have the most significant win in the junior middleweight division.
I think since Canelo was basically says he’s not fighting in this division. Whoever wins the fight is going to be king of the division.
Nii, I think it’s extremely, extremely important.
J. Charlo
Very big fight, very important fight for me, clinch the division. See saab olema hea võitlus, üks. I’m ready to just give everything I have. It’s going to be a good fight for me. And it’s going to be a good fight for Julian. We both hit it big and we both need to give the fans what they want to see. Nii, it’s that time.
Richard, how important for you was what this first event with Ringstar Sports would be? And for Stephen, how important was having these great fights for Showtime this year?
S. Espinoza
Hästi, from the SHOWTIME perspective, our goal is to provide spectacular fights every month or more often if we can. Sometimes dues to scheduling or injuries or things, there are some gaps in our schedule.
But once we came back, we wanted to end the year strong. And really, send a message about our commitment to the sport. Nii, with the help of the promotors, the managers, and most importantly the fighters, we’re able to put together a slate that is stronger than anything we’ve seen again in recent boxing programming schedule. It really is all without the use of pay-per-view. And it’s all top guy versus top guy.
It’s something that is very special to us. We’re very proud of. And we’re looking to continue it throughout all of 2017.
R. Schaefer
Hästi, and for me, I think my reputation speaks for itself. I like to put together big events, significant fights, and that’s what I’ve always done.
And this right here is no exception to come back and together promote a card which consists without any question of two potential Fight of the Year candidates. Two barn burners in one night is a dream come true.
And to do that for my hometown. To do it from the University of Southern California, USC, Galen Center the newest indoor venue in Los Angeles. And the university where two of my sons go to school. It’s a very special night for me.
And it’s a very special night as well because Charlo and Williams and Mares and CuellarI have known these young men for a long time. So really it’s niceit’s like a coming home or coming back.
Since this was the last question, Ma saan aru,, I’d like to thank you all. But I want to make one comment. Jah, they both have 20/20 vision. But let there be no question about it. The name of this card is 50/50. And you know why it’s 50/50.
Because these two fights are 50/50 võitleb. Ja nii, may the better man win that night. Nagu fänn, Ma olen põnevil. I can’t wait for December 10th. Palun, palun, make it out to Galen Center. Jaoks $35.00 you can watch two of the best fights of the year in one night at the Galen Center. Or if you can’t make it there. Then make sure you turn in on SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING at 10:00 pm ET/7:00 pm PT. I’m looking forward to see you all during fight week. And thank you very much.
Lisateavet www.SHO.com/Sports ja www.premierboxingchampions.com,jälgida puperdamaSHOSports,@PremierBoxing, JesusCuellarBOX, @AbnerMares, FutureOfBoxing, JRockBoxing, @TGBPromotions ja @Swanson_Comm või saate Facebooki fänniks aadressil www.Facebook.com/SHOSports ja www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions. PBC-d toetab Corona, Finest Beer.




Watch A Video Preview Of The Knockout Bracket: http://s.sho.com/2eWL44G

NEW YORK (November. 4, 2016) – This election season, boxing fans will vote for the greatest knockout in the 30-year history of SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING. A Knockout Bracket consisting of 32 of the most dramatic and memorable KOs of the past 30 years launched reedel, and an ultimate winner will be revealed during the Detsember. 10 SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING doubleheader.

The 32 candidates are into broken into four regions – heavyweights, middleweights, welterweights and the lighter weight divisions – with some of the greatest fighters of the last 30 years facing off in this unique tournament.

In the opening round of the heavyweight region, former undisputed heavyweight champion Evander Holyfield will square off with current WBC heavyweight champ Deontay Wilder, while Hall of Famer Felix Trinidad takes on former champ Lucas Matthysse in the welterweight region.

The 16 matchups in the round of 32 launched reedel juures www.showtimeknockouts.com, and the winners will advance to the next round of voting beginning November. 14. Subsequent rounds will continue over the next six weeks until the ultimate reveal Detsember. 10 Showtime.

Fans can join the conversation on social media using the hashtag #SHObestKO.


Vajuta SIIN Sest Fotod; Credit Lawrence Lustig/Matchroom Boxing

LONDON (November. 4, 2016) – Undefeated IBF Heavyweight World Champion Anthony Joshua (17-0, 17 Kos) ja väljakutsuja Eric Molina (25-3, 19 Kos) went face-to-face Friday at the kickoff press conference at Dorchester Hotel in London to formally announce their heavyweight world title fight on Laupäev, Detsember. 10, live on SHOWTIME from Manchester Arena in Manchester. Seal olid 17,000 tickets sold on the first day to purchase tickets.

Joshua, a British sensation and the 2012 Olympic Games heavyweight gold medalist, will be making the second defense of the title he won over Charles Martin viimane Aprill 4. Joshua knocked out previously unbeaten Dominic Breazeale in the seventh round last Juuni 25 in his initial defense.

Molina will be getting his second opportunity at a world title. Molina has won two straight since challenging WBC title holder Deontay Wilder sisse 2015, sealhulgas 10th-ringi TKO üle endine maailmameister Tomasz Adamek viimane Aprill 4 Poolas.

Here’s what the heavyweights said:


“I don’t think that I’ll be rusty. I’m not going to say camp is smooth or great because it’s always tough and exhausting for the body. I needed a break because I live in the gym, it’s what I’ve been doing since I was 18 and I haven’t taken my foot off the gas since. The task is to express myself under the bright lights in the arena and show what we’ve worked on in the dark corners of the gym.

“I started preparing my body for camp and then training for this date. I don’t want to mention Wladimir Klitschko too much because that’s not the relevant opponentEric Molina is the man that will stand across the ring from me on Detsember 10. He’s a tough competitor and represents a strong challenge to me. We are competing for my belt and the guys that want to become world champion raise their levels by 50-60 protsent.

“There’s nowhere to hide on fight night. There’s no change in my focus for Eric. Wladimir doesn’t enter the equation for me. People will talk about him and I’ll answer the questions, but that’s as far as it goes. He’s not in my mind, Eric is.

“It takes courage to step into the ring. Deontay Wilder is known as a one-punch KO artist and Eric stood up to his power, so it shows that he’s here to push the champion and take my title.

“I don’t get involved in other people’s issues or stories, it’s nothing to do with me. It wasn’t that long ago that no one cared what I was doing, so I don’t really have to prove myself to anyone aside from myself.

“The division has been blown wide open but they’ve been saying that for a while and they will keep saying it until someone dominates the division again. It’s not so much about brand and hype, it’s about guys like Eric that come with true heart and are gladiators and fight for the love of the sport, and leave everything in the ring on fight night.

“There’s a lot at stake and with Sky Sports and SHOWTIME behind us, this is a big stage to show what you have got. I’m serious about what I do and about moving forward. I don’t have a script, I can only speak from the heart; whatever Eric’s destiny is, that’s what will happen on the night. If his destiny is to become heavyweight champion, olgu nii. But my destiny is to carry on the path I am on and put in a dominant performance on an explosive night of boxing in Manchester."


I’ve been in these fights before. I have no amateur experience so I’m learning no the joband I’m getting better every fight. I fought five rounds against Wilder with a busted ankle, so everything you saw from me was done on one ankle. That’s the kind of guy this young man is facing. I fight with everything I’ve got. Even if I’m hurt, I still fight, because I know that one punch at any given moment can win me the fight. Anything can happen in the heavyweight division.

“I knew this fight was coming my way because nobody wants to fight him. Let’s be real. All the other fighters want to go and fight other guys and for the other belts and not face Anthony Joshua. I’m a guy that’s been in with Wilder – no one wants to fight Wilder, but I did, and that’s why I’m in London today and will be in Manchester on Detsember. 10 putting it all on the line, body and soul. I want that IBF belt, I don’t have the option to go for another belt or down another route. This is it for me, and that means he’s going to have the toughest fight of his career, I can guarantee that.

“Tomasz Adamek had never been KO’d, so the momentum from that win in Poland was big. I felt it was time to take time off from work and put 100 percent into this.

“Back home, people know me as a certain type of fighter. On day one of my career I lost in the first round and that’s why on the back of my shirt it says ‘The Art Of Bouncing Back.’ Those aren’t just words. Boxing is the most brutal sport when it comes to trying to bounce back. Once you lose, everybody is gone from your side. There are fighters out there that say they want to bounce back but they don’t have the guts to put themselves in a position to do it. I put myself in the fight with Wilder and I went to Poland and beat Adamek to bounce back and show people who I am.

“You have to prove yourself in this sport and then you can claim the rewards. I didn’t have an easy road to get here, I’ve had to do it the hard way and I’ve earned my way here.’’

About Showtime Networks:

Showtime Networks Inc. (SNI), tütarettevõtja CBS Corporation, omab ja opereerib premium telekanalites Showtime®, Filmikanaliga ™ ja Flix®, ja pakub Showtime demand®, Filmikanaliga ™ nõudluse ja Flix demand®, ja võrgu autentimise teenus Showtime pakkumistele®. Showtime digitaalne Inc., täielikult kuuluv tütarettevõtja SNI, tegutseb omaette striimingteenuse Showtime®. SHOWTIME is currently available to subscribers via cable, DBS ja telco pakkujad, ja kui eraldiseisva striimingteenuse läbi Apple®, Aasta®, Amazon and Google. Tarbijad saavad tellida ka SHOWTIME kaudu Hulu, Sony PlayStation® Vue and Amazon Prime Video. SNI haldab ka Smithsonian Networks, ühisettevõte SNI ja Smithsonian Institution, mis pakub Smithsonian Channel, ja pakub Smithsonian Maa läbi SN Digitaalne LLC. SNI turustab ja levitab spordi- ja meelelahutusürituste näitusele tellijatele pay-per-view alusel läbi Showtime PPV. Lisainformatsiooni, minna www.SHO.com.



Watch A Video Preview Of The Knockout Bracket: http://s.sho.com/2eWL44G

NEW YORK (November. 4, 2016) – This election season, boxing fans will vote for the greatest knockout in the 30-year history of SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING. A Knockout Bracket consisting of 32 of the most dramatic and memorable KOs of the past 30 years launched on Friday, and an ultimate winner will be revealed during the Detsember. 10 SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING doubleheader.

The 32 candidates are into broken into four regions – heavyweights, middleweights, welterweights and the lighter weight divisions – with some of the greatest fighters of the last 30 years facing off in this unique tournament.

In the opening round of the heavyweight region, former undisputed heavyweight champion Evander Holyfield will square off with current WBC heavyweight champ Deontay Wilder, while Hall of Famer Felix Trinidad takes on former champ Lucas Matthysse in the welterweight region.

The 16 matchups in the round of 32 launched on Friday at www.showtimeknockouts.com, and the winners will advance to the next round of voting beginning November. 14. Subsequent rounds will continue over the next six weeks until the ultimate reveal Detsember. 10 Showtime.

Fans can join the conversation on social media using the hashtag #SHObestKO.

Joshua vs. Molina and Whyte vs. Chisora land on huge December 10 show

AJ welcomes American to Manchester – Whyte and Chisora meet for Brit belt – Yafai in World title action – Quigg returns


Anthony Joshua MBE is set to defend his IBF World Heavyweight title against Eric Molina at the Manchester Arena on Detsember 10, live on Sky Sports Box Office in the UK and on Showtime in the U.S.


Joshua puts his crown on the line for the second time and fights his third American in a row having destroyed Charles Martin inside two rounds to rip the title from the St. Louis man in April at The O2 in London and then stopping Dominic Breazeale in the seventh round at the same venue in June, extending his unbeaten run in the paid ranks to 17 võitu, all inside the distance.


Molina becomes the latest man to attempt to derail the Olympic Gold medal hero, the Texan is looking to get his hands on the top prize in his second World title tilt after challenging Deontay Wilder for the WBC crown in June 2015. The 34-year-old enters the bout full of confidence after travelling to Poland and knocking out Tomasz Adamek in the tenth round of their clash for the IBF Inter-Continental strap in April.


“I am pleased that everything is now set for Detsember 10 and I can concentrate on getting the business done in the ring,” said Joshua. “There has been plenty of talk about who I may face but all I’m doing is concentrating on finishing Molina in style and putting on a great show.


“Every fight is dangerous in this division and this is no exception. I saw Molina have a great fight with Wilder and he is now coming off a strong KO win against Adamek in Poland.


“I’m expecting this to be the toughest fight of my career so far and I will be ready for an all-out war.”


“There is no Heavyweight in the world that has bounced back like I have,” said Molina. “That’s the man that Joshua faces on Detsember 10, and that man is a very dangerous one.


“He’ll fight the toughest Molina that anybody has ever seen, just like Adamek fought the toughest Molina.


“I’m confident. These type of fights don’t shake me up, I’m a very strong mental fighter. I know exactly what I’ve got to do to prepare myself in the amount of time. I know exactly what I’ve got to do, vaimselt, füüsiliselt, to go there and perform.


“When you walk out into the atmosphere, half the battle is the mental battle, and if you can stay in the moment mentally you have a shot in any fight.”


There’s a huge card in support of the main event as Dillian Whyte defends his British Heavyweight title against bitter London rival Dereck Chisora in an official eliminator for the WBC title. Whyte makes the second defence of his strap after seeing off fellow Brixton man Ian Lewison in Glasgow last month, while former World title challenger Chisora can get his hands on the Lord Lonsdale belt for the second time.


Scott Quigg returns to action after treatment on his broken jaw following his unification blockbuster with Carl Frampton, and the Bury star moves up to Featherweight as he looks to regain his status as a World champion.


Kal Yafai can become Birmingham’s first World champion but the unbeaten 27 year old faces a tough task to rip the WBA Super-Flyweight title against Luis Concepcion, the two-weight World champion that will enter the ring in his 11th World title outing.


Irish amateur sensation Katie Taylor boxes for the second time in the paid ranks after making her pro debut at The SSE Arena, Wembley on November 26, Heavyweight wrecking ball ‘King Kong’ Luis Ortiz fights in Europe for the second time after clashing with Malik Scott in Monte-Carlo on November 12 and Hosea Burton will defend his British Light-Heavyweight title against Frank Buglioni.


“The Heavyweight division has been turned on its head in the last few months and while many are standing still waiting, I’m delighted to get this huge card up and running in Manchester,"Ütles edendaja Eddie Hearn.


“I have spoken to Eric Molina at length and I know this is going to be a big test for Anthony. We saw in the Wilder fight that he can punch and doesn’t give in and is coming off a strong knockout win against Adamek in his back yard in Poland. We have requested an exception from the IBF for this fight and although the plans are for a major unification in the spring this fight requires Anthony’s full focus.


“The card is one of the strongest we have produced, supported by a huge all-British Heavyweight grudge match between Dillian Whyte and Dereck Chisora which will be an official eliminator for the WBC World title.


“We are delighted to see the return of Scott Quigg who will now campaign at Featherweight and Birmingham’s Kal Yafai has a chance to make history in a brutal fight against World champion Luis Concepcion.


“One of the most exciting Heavyweights in world boxing Luis Ortiz will feature and Ireland’s Katie Taylor will continue to break the mould in front of a sold out 21,000 rahvahulk. The re-scheduled Britsih Light-Heavyweight clash between Hosea Burton and Frank Buglioni is sure to produce fireworks and there will also be further names added in the following weeks.”


Tickets go on sale to Matchroom Boxing Fight Pass members at midday on Thursday November 3 from the Fight Pass members via this link: bit.ly/JoshuaMolina. Tickets are priced at £40, £ 60, £80, £100, £150, £200, £300 and £500, with Inner Ringside VIP tickets priced at £800 – due to the high demand for the event, tickets are capped at FOUR per Fight Pass member.


Tickets go on general sale at midday on Friday November 4. Tickets priced £40 to £500 will be available from http://www.manchester-arena.com/ ja 0844 847 8000 VIP tickets are £800 and available exclusively from Matchroom Boxing www.matchroomboxing.com.