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克里斯蒂娜·哈默(Christina Hammer)一致反对托里·尼尔森(Tori Nelson),为WBC和WBO中量级腰带辩护

赶上重播 星期一, 六月 25, 在 10 P.M. AND/PT在SHOWTIME EXTREME®

点击 这里 要下载图片; 信用斯蒂芬妮特拉普/欣欣


底特律 (六月 23, 2018) –克拉丽莎·希尔兹(Claressa Shields)成为两分区世界冠军, 克里斯蒂娜·哈默(Christina Hammer)保留了她的两个世界冠军腰带,因为他们在周五晚上均获得了一致的决定胜利 欣欣拳击: 特别版本 从底特律的共济会神庙出发, 我.








弗林特附近的两次奥运金牌得主盾牌, 密歇根州。, 在她的职业生涯中第一次被击倒 53 秒进入第一轮, 但之后她又能回来赢得每一轮冠军,成为两分区世界冠军,夺取了空缺的IBF和WBA中量级世界冠军对抗汉娜·加布里埃尔(Hanna Gabriels). 评委们打了这场比赛 98-91, 97-92 两次.




盾牌战斗后,锤子进入了戒指, 情感的盾牌朝着锤子逼去,随之而来的是一些推and. (观看视频 这里)




“我只是讨厌哈默一直无视我,”盾牌 (6-0, 2 科斯) 说. “在我所有的权利之后,她就成为了圈套, 谈垃圾, 然后她进去,看起来像 [掷骰子] 对纳尔逊. 我烦死了. 但我让她知道,我已经准备好与她作战. 她要我今晚输掉, 但我想她赢,因为我想和她战斗. 我们现在必须统一。”




Shields和Gabriels展开激烈的战斗, 但那是加百列 (18-2-1, 11 科斯) 在右上角连接的人将盾牌发送到画布. (观看击倒视频 这里)




“一旦我倒下, 我深吸了一口气,我记得自己在想, 希尔兹说:“我要鞭打这个女孩”. “我只记得想过让我们使用戳戳并变得聪明。”




哥斯达黎加的加百列, 统一的154磅标题持有者, 体重增加,并试图成为三分区世界冠军. (看到Shields-Gabriels的亮点 这里).




“我训练了距离,但我的心出卖了我, 因为在那之后第一次击倒, 我在找另一个,”加百列斯说, 在位的WBA和WBO卫冕冠军 12 自从赢得次中量级冠军以来,连续获得世界冠军头衔 2009. “我想向所有人展示我对战士的忠诚.




“我认为淘汰赛后我没有优势。. 我感到我不得不一轮又一轮地努力,甚至有可能获胜。”




添加加百列: “她很有力量. 这是一场伟大的斗争,你必须接受法官的决定. 她很强大,对于粉丝来说,我认为效果很好.




Shields的左脸颊部切成圆形 10, 还克服了头撞. 她回想起战斗中加布里埃尔(Gabriels)的拳头受到三次伤害. “第一轮, 第四轮和第八轮, 除此之外,她并没有击中我。”




Shields –在与新教练John David Jackson的第一次战斗中–说她在战斗后学到了一些关于自己的东西. “我可以穿上屁股, 起床回来赢,“ 她说. “今晚是我的夜晚,我必须向世界展示我是有史以来最伟大的. 我证明了我是谁. 现在, 我真的很危险,因为你甚至可以放下我, 而且我仍然会赢。”




战斗的不同之处在于Shields’ 准确性, 特别是在连接时的力量射击方面 42 百分率相比 26 百分.




战斗结束后,希尔兹被问及何时要面对锤子. “希望是下一个,“ 她说. “我不需要休息. 我今晚可以鞭打她. 我很讨厌她和她的整个团队。”






在她备受期待的美国取得了不平衡的胜利. 登场, 锤 (23-0, 10 科斯) 对托里·尼尔森的一致决定仍然不败 (17-2-3, 2 科斯). 该得分 100-90, 99-91 两次, 保留她的WBC和WBO中量级世界冠军腰带. (看到Hammer-Nelson的亮点 这里).




“获得一个KO会更好,”哈默说, 是谁 27 岁,来自多特蒙德, 德国. “我竭尽所能获得淘汰赛. 她很坚强. 我希望美国对此事很好,但我仍然是冠军。”




“我非常期待与克拉丽莎作战. 她会尽力与我抗争,但我的步伐和触手可及将有所作为. 与克拉丽莎的斗争将改变游戏规则. 这将是有史以来最大规模的女性斗争. 我想在一个中立的地点与她战斗。”




“我今晚的表现让我很失望,战斗后纳尔逊情绪激动. “这是一种损失, 当然令人失望. 我不够忙, 我猜。”




在她的最后一战, 尼尔森在一月份对希尔兹失去了一致的决定. “克拉丽莎更好,尼尔森说. “ Shields戳了戳并使用了戒指. 克拉丽莎站在那儿,想打架. 她全力以赴. 锤子只有一个。”




在转播揭幕战, 乌马尔·萨拉莫夫 (21-1, 16 科斯) 用致命的右手击倒布莱恩·霍华德 (13-2, 10 科斯) 53 排定的10轮轻量级比赛的第9轮进入秒数.




萨拉莫夫, 从Alkhan-Kala, 俄罗斯, 正在底特律著名的克朗克健身房(Kronk Gym)和Javan“ Sugar” Hill Steward进行他的美国首秀和训练. 在两个长而瘦长的战士之间的战斗中, 萨拉莫夫降落 34 他的力量拳的百分比相比 27 霍华德的百分比,并在淘汰赛时在所有三名法官的记分卡上领先.




“在第二轮中,他的一杆球让我有点受伤, 但我没有让我感到困扰,因为这是我的美国. 登场,”萨拉莫夫说, 六年职业球员 24 岁. “我一直在战斗. 当我受到重击之后, 我开始挺身而出,, 战斗发生了变化。”




萨拉莫夫说,他知道在第一个右路接上霍华德就受伤了. “我一拳就知道他会很受伤,“他说,. “我的肘部感觉到了. 之后,我不想再打他,因为我知道他已经完成了。”




这位前轻量级选手霍华德有几个亮点,能够多次有效地使右手落地, 包括在第七回合中使萨拉莫夫(Salamov)震惊的一个强大的右十字架.




“我会说我做得很公平, 我没事,”霍华德说, 一位前小联盟足球运动员,住在亚特兰大以外,并首次亮相SHOWTIME. “我很幸运得到了萨拉莫夫团队和SHOWTIME的接听. 我会回来的。”




星期五的三重标题将在星期一重播, 六月 25 在 10 P.M. ET / PT在Showtime极端,将可在SHOWTIME ANYTIME® 和SHOWTIME ON DEMAND®.




巴里·汤普金斯称为从马戏团拳击历史学家史蒂夫Farhood和前世界冠军劳尔·马尔克斯作为专业分析师操作. 执行制片人戈登·霍尔与理查德·高根生产和里克·菲利普斯导演.


# # #




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Claressa盾VS. 汉娜·加布里埃尔和克里斯蒂娜·汉莫vs. TORI NELSON世界冠军头衔, 照片和官方明天直播SHOWTIME®


从底特律的共济会神庙出发, 我.

点击 这里 对于照片; 信用斯蒂芬妮特拉普/欣欣


欣欣拳击: 特别版本 - 10 P.M. AND/PT



克拉丽莎·希尔兹– 159 ½磅.

汉娜(Hanna Gabriels)– 159 ½磅.

裁判: 杰拉德·怀特 (加利福尼亚州); 士师记: 迈克尔·安科纳 (俄亥俄), 杰里米·海斯(Jeremy Hayes) (多伦多, 加拿大), Pasquale Procopio (蒙特利尔, 加拿大)



克里斯蒂娜·哈默(Christina Hammer)- 159 ½磅.

托里·尼尔森– 157 ½磅.

裁判: 弗兰克·加萨(Frank Garza) (密歇根); 士师记: 卡特里亚·钱伯斯(Katealia Chambers) (密歇根), 伯努瓦鲁塞尔 (蒙特利尔), Pasquale Procopio (蒙特利尔, 加拿大)


乌马尔·萨拉莫夫- 174 ½磅.

布莱恩·霍华德– 174 ½磅.

裁判: 山姆·威廉姆斯 (密歇根); 士师记: 安塞尔·斯图尔特 (密歇根), 迈克尔·安科纳 (俄亥俄), Pasquale Procopio (蒙特利尔, 加拿大)

注意: 请参阅PDF电子邮件附件,以获取有关练习表和所有重量的信息.




“我现在有了约翰·戴维·杰克逊,自从二月份我们聚在一起以来,我已经从他身上学到了很多东西. 过去,我曾经有教练试图改变我的风格和比赛方式, 但是到了最后,我只需要去那里战斗,就像我知道如何.




“在弗林特参加我的最后一个营地, 你不会相信我必须处理的所有事情. 世界冠军不该发生的事情. 压力很大, 甚至在战斗的一周我都感到压力 [一月]. 我必须出去. 这次我能够在佛罗里达州训练.




“[汉娜的] 好战士. 她拥有技巧,并且拥有自己的生活方式. 她非常镇定,面部表情永远不变. 我看着她被打倒的战斗, 即使那样她的表情也没有改变. 我觉得她很坚强, 但没有我强. 我知道我是更好的战士.




“托里低估了我的力量. 我认为花托有打孔机的机会 [对锤]. 我的职业生涯不会围绕Hammer. 我们的生活不会交织在一起. 我要担心我面前的事. 我不会看那场战斗.




“我专注于这场战斗的饮食. 我在佛罗里达没有多少家庭,也没有任何干扰。”





“我们需要站稳脚跟,并确保我们的比赛计划正确无误,并向粉丝们提供他们想要看的东西, 这是一场伟大的战斗. 您必须付出很多努力和牺牲才能达到目标, 而我的团队已经做到了.




“我从不惧怕任何人. 言语无能为力. 当我戴上戒指时,我将成为野兽.




“无论如何我都很好, 胜负. 我是冠军,这就是我的心态. 我们要争取胜利, 我很感激为这场战斗做的一切.




“我不会小看她的力量. 但是拳击不仅仅是力量, 还有更多. 你可以强大, 但是你能重拳出击吗? 可以精确吗? 环上有太多事情要担心。”









“我当时在克拉丽莎·希尔兹(Claressa Shields)-托里·尼尔森(Tori Nelson)的比赛中,现在轮到我参加比赛了. 我喜欢勇往直前. 什么时候可以完成, 你完成. 美国人民会喜欢我的风格.




“拳击是我的激情和工作, 我已经准备好了,期待着. 现在是今天,就在SHOWTIME. 我们没有考虑克拉丽莎·希尔兹(Claressa Shields). 出于对托里·尼尔森的敬意, 我只专注于这场战斗。”









“他们说只有一次雷击, 但是我又有机会. 我很感激我接到这场战斗的电话. 这是我的第二次机会. 很多人没有第二次机会.




‘我确实有一些要证明的东西. 很多人都相信我,我必须证明我在戒指中能做些什么.




“我认为克里斯蒂娜俯瞰着我. 没礼貌但我很高兴. 对我来说,她确实忽略了我是更好的选择。”





“这场斗争将是一个很好的考验. 我知道我可以做到最好 10, 这是我的开始.




“底特律的住所有很大的不同, 但是很像莫斯科, 大城市.




“我喜欢战斗, 这是梦想成真来到美国. 布莱恩·霍华德(Brian Howard)是一个坚强的对手. 这不是一个容易的战斗,但我相信我能战胜他。”





“我有点环锈, 但我会变得敏锐. 我已经做好了准备,而且身体状况良好. 我的新陈代谢很好, 容易减肥.




“我第一次遭受损失 2012 在我蒙受了损失之后,我没有所需的支持. 我回到它那里,很难打架. 我有很多错.




“我看过对手的录音带. 但是你不知道他会改变还是带来其他东西.




“我的拳击能力比踢足球更好. 我的昵称是MVP-最凶恶的拳手.




“我不认为我是B面战斗机. 对我来说这是一次真正的机会, 我将充分利用它。”




门票活动, 这是由的Salita促销推广, 可在 Tick​​etmaster.com 或位于的共济会神庙票房 (313) 832-7100. 贵宾票定价为 $300, 马戏团门票 $125, 和剩余的门票 $75, $50 和 $35.


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欲了解更多信息,请访问 www.sho.com/sports 在Twitter上关注@ShowtimeBoxing, @SHOSports, #的ShoBox, 或成为Facebook上的粉丝在 www.Facebook.com/SHOSports.

Claressa盾VS. HANNA GABRIELS决赛新闻发布会 & 照片


克里斯蒂娜·哈默(Christina Hammer)与共同演绎的托里·尼尔森(Tori Nelson)交战

乌马尔·萨拉莫夫(Umar Salamov)在公开赛中与布莱恩·霍华德(Brian Howard)搭Take

星期五, 六月 22 住在Showtime®

“当有人说他们要击败我时, 它激怒了我. 我生气了,我把袋子砸了,直到摔倒了。” –克拉丽莎·希尔兹

点击 这里 从萧蔷特拉普/ SHOWTIME照片

Claressa盾VS. HANNA GABRIELS最终锻炼报价 & 照片


当她面对IBF的加百列时,盾牌将争夺第二重赛的世界冠军 & WBA女子中量级世锦赛 星期五, 六月 22 在Showtime®

点击 这里 从萧蔷特拉普/ SHOWTIME照片


底特律 (六月 19, 2018) – 统一女子超级中量级世界冠军 Claressa盾 和统一的154磅冠军 汉娜Gabriels的 在两次冲突之前几天,在底特律的一次健身会议上向媒体发表了讲话,以决定IBF & WBA女子中量级世锦赛将于本周五(SHOWTIME)举行.




欣欣拳击: 特殊版电视广播从以下位置开始 10 P.M. ET / PT并具有否. 1 fighter at 168 磅面对否. 1 fighter at 154 磅,因为他们俩都试图在中量级比赛中首次成为冠军. 该电视转播还包括统一的女子中量级冠军 克里斯蒂娜·哈默 捍卫她的白细胞 & 她在美国的WBO冠军. 对阵前世界冠军的处子秀 托里·纳尔逊. 还, 轻量级的前景 乌马尔·萨拉莫夫布莱恩·霍华德 将在10轮对决中碰面,这将打开底特律共济会神庙的三人头.




门票活动, 这是由的Salita促销推广, 可在 Tick​​etmaster.com 或位于的共济会神庙票房 (313) 832-7100. 贵宾票定价为 $300, 马戏团门票 $125, 和剩余的门票 $75, $50 和 $35.








“已经辛苦了七个星期. 很多人不知道,我真的不喜欢对此公开, 但是我必须 183 我在一月份的最后一战之后磅,现在我 160. 这是 23 英镑. 我当时在营地里跑步,为战斗做准备,而专注于体重对我来说却大不相同.



“我感觉很好,准备出发. 我很高兴她能安全地完成一切,但是现在我很兴奋. 你们都知道我打架之前会怎样. 冠军在这里.





“自从我第一次成为专业人士以来,发生了很多变化. 在我的第一次战斗中, 我对弗朗肯感到沮丧 (船员德祖恩) 在战斗中. 整个营地我都很沮丧,我真的无法应付正在发生的一切. 现在我知道如何处理媒体, 锻炼, 采访并仍然保持纪律. 我必须在这个训练营中减轻很多体重,这只能增加更多纪律.




“这让我非常高兴,并且在主战海报上看到四名女战士简直令人感动。. 我很高兴他们决定将它们放到电视上. 他们之前给我穿上衣服,但一直是其他女人穿上我的目标,所以当他们决定穿上Tori Nelson和Christina Hammer时,我感到非常兴奋,因为以前从未做过. 女子拳击运动正在到某个地方.




“我一直都知道,要让女子拳击达到更高的水平,我将需要转为专业。. 这就是为什么我在成为专业人士之前一直等着获得第二枚金牌的原因. 成为领导者很特别. 我觉得我在每场比赛中都尽力而为,尽我所能,证明我的拳击能力比 90 那个男人的百分比. 如果您可以选择让男人成为主要事件,或者让我成为主要事件, 我一直希望他们选择我.




“There’s always mutual respect between me and my opponents. I’m thankful for them because I can’t do this by myself. I thank Hanna for stepping up and it’s mutual respect until Friday. I start getting really mean on Thursday,Friday is the fight and then after that we can exchange numbers and be friends.




“I expect her to use her gifts. She’s really good on her legs and she’s strong up top. I think she lacks in speed so I expect her to try to counter me and try to force me to make mistakes with her movement. I think she underrates my power.




“I never said that I wanted to get more knockouts. I’m perfectly fine being 5-0 有两个击倒. 在一天结束时, I’m fine with that. The longer I’m in the ring boxing, 更好. The more they get to see me on TV, that’s fine. Of course I would love to get the big knockout but look how disappointed Errol Spence Jr. was to get such a quick knockout of Ocampo. That didn’t please his fans. 如果谈到淘汰赛, 它来了.




“This will be my toughest fight. She’s the most skilled and has the most experience. She’s a three-time world champion. I’ve fought former world champions but she’s a three-time world champion to date. The girl that beat her, Hanna avenged that loss. I’m looking forward to her coming out and putting 100 percent in and I hope for us to have a great fight.


“I’m always confident going into fights. I’m not leaving the ring without having two new belts.”




“I think that this is a time right now where women can have this type of platform. Claressa is a great champion and I have faced great women’s champions. I think it’s a great time for boxing fans to enjoy a quality fight. She’s a champion. 我是冠军. This will be a great matchup.




“You are going to see a very technical and aggressive fighter. That’s the only way that you can fight Claressa because she’s so aggressive herself and so tough, you can’t go in the ring passive against her. You have to put your life on the line in there and that’s what I’m planning to do.




“I feel honored to be on such a great card. 这是一个很好的机会,我只希望大家能像我一样. 我们刻苦训练. 就我而言, 我想带出最好的自己,这样球迷们才能离开赛场,感觉很棒. 这就是拳击是所有关于. 带来大多数其他体育运动无法带给人们的娱乐和情感.




“这场斗争对我来说意义重大. 我爱的每个人现在都处于艰难时期, 包括我的家人. 我只想以身作则,向所有人展示一切都是零. 您仍然可以使用尽可能多或更少的资源来进行战斗. 我将这场战斗奉献给我所有的亲人,因为我保证会有更好的时光.




“当我五岁时,我遭受了性虐待,因此我的少年时期很艰难. 体育总是让我远离那个. 当我受伤时,我不得不停止参加比赛, 我以为我的生活结束了. 在接下来的五六年中, 我非常具有破坏性,觉得我没有目标. 当我转身 24, 我开始另辟passage径,得知发生在我身上的一切都使我成为了今天的我.




“我们并不是真的专注于任何人的弱点,因为我们相信,如果您是一个优秀的专业人士,并且您将为此献身, 你应该在自己的弱点上变得更好. 所以我们专注于她的优势,我认为我们有一个很好的计划. They say that she’s been underestimating me a lot but I think it’s part of her game and part of what she does.




“I think her strengths are pretty obvious. She has great feet. I don’t know if she punches hard but she’s very explosive. She must have a lot of power and she’s very defensive. She keeps her distance and she’s so big and I’m so small that we will have to risk a lot of things. Her confidence is one of her biggest strengths.




“This will probably be my toughest fight so far. I never had an amateur career, I had just one fight. Claressa has fought 80-something times so my schooling has been in the professional environment and I have had to learn in the process. Every fight has been a hard fight because I have to solve problems and I think she is definitely the toughest opponent because she’s so tall and so fast. She must walk around normally at 185 pounds and I’m not as big so we were a little worried at the beginning at how we would reach her body but we finally were able to figure that out in training and I’m confident that my game is going to surprise her a lot.




“Hopefully we can bring a surprise and people will get to see me and let everybody know that there are more great boxers out there that aren’t getting the same exposure or marketing that Claressa is getting. I don’t feel disrespected, I see this is an opportunity to show what I’ve been working on. Let them plan. Maybe those plans will fall.




“这将是一场伟大的战斗. She’s coming for the victory and I’m coming for the victory as well. She’s in for a big surprise.”


# # #




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埃罗尔SPENCE JR. 在达拉斯牛仔世界总部的 Showtime® 周六返校防守中,通过首轮淘汰赛卫冕次中量级世界冠军


丹尼·罗曼 (Danny Roman) 在 SHOWTIME 冠军拳击赛中卫冕 WBA 超最轻量级世界冠军® 共同特征;


周一观看安可演示,地址: 10 P.M. AND/PT在SHOWTIME EXTREME®


点击 这里 for Photos; 信用阿曼达韦斯科特/欣欣


点击 这里 for Photos; 图片来源:Ryan Hafey/PBC


弗里斯科, TEXAS (六月 16, 2018) ——小埃罗尔·斯彭斯. 周六,在星报福特中心的 SHOWTIME 返校赛中,他首轮淘汰了之前不败的强制挑战者卡洛斯·奥坎波,卫冕了 IBF 次中量级世界冠军. 视频: https://s.sho.com/2HTG4Zv




现场售票人数超过 12,600 球迷们挤满了弗里斯科星报的福特中心,见证斯彭斯作为冠军的首次返校辩护以及自此以来他在达拉斯的首次战斗 2015. 公认的前 5 磅对磅战斗机并没有让人失望, 从开场钟起,他就以他标志性的身体攻击和出色的指挥能力来重击身体.




斯彭斯, 作为147磅冠军的第二次卫冕, 残酷地击倒了奥坎波 1-2 身体射击组合, 第二拳击中挑战者一侧,并在首轮结束时立即将他击倒在地. 奥坎波 (22-1, 13 科斯) 在画布上痛苦地瘫痪, 在斯彭斯庆祝胜利时,他无法击败计数并在地板上停留了两分多钟.




“我有点失望. 我想让观众物有所值,”斯宾塞说. “我希望他能坚持一下并给他一些惩罚, 但身体中弹击中了他,我把他摔倒了。”




这是斯彭斯第九次 (24-0, 21 科斯) 用身体中弹将对手击倒 24 专业的战斗.




“我知道如果我再打他,他可能会摔倒,”斯宾塞说. “这就是我的比赛计划. 我是身体掠夺者. 如果他反应奇怪, 我只是不断地接近他的身体,不断地分解他。”




战斗结束后, 达拉斯牛仔队老板杰里·琼斯和斯彭斯一起上场祝贺他的胜利.




“这一刻是一场梦,”斯宾塞说. “我想为达拉斯牛仔队效力,现在我在达拉斯牛仔队和杰里·琼斯面前战斗. 感谢整个达拉斯牛仔队组织.




“在我统一一些头衔后我们肯定会回来. 我们会让这成为我每年在这里战斗的事情。”




琼斯对星报福特中心内的首场拳击比赛感到非常兴奋, 达拉斯牛仔队世界总部和训练设施占地 91 英亩的校园的中心.




“这个房间里挤满了支持你的达拉斯牛仔队橄榄球运动员,”琼斯说. “他们分享你的热情. 我在这个擂台上看到了一个知道自己想要什么的人. 当你击打一个人的背部一侧把他击倒时, 你太坏了.




“我喜欢他的意识. 他从一开始就有一个计划. 他天赋异禀. 他背后有家人和我们的家人, 牛仔队, 也想跟在他身后。”




战斗结束后, SHOWTIME 体育记者吉姆·格雷, 上周日入选国际拳击名人堂, 问斯彭斯下一步想做什么.




“我想争取最好的,”斯宾塞承诺道. “丹尼·加西亚和肖恩·波特正在互相争斗 (争夺WBC冠军) 我绝对想让这成为一场统一的战斗. 我们都有相同的管理, 我们都在 SHOWTIME 上吵架. 为什么不实现这一点? 只要有机会,我绝对想要这场战斗。”




在电视的共同特征, 丹尼·罗曼 (Danny Roman) 在 12 回合比赛中一致判定击败此前不败的莫伊塞斯·弗洛雷斯 (Moises Flores),卫冕 WBA 超轻量级世界冠军 116-112, 118-110, 120-108.




冠军罗马 (24-2-1, 9 科斯) 是开场钟起更快、更犀利的战斗机. 罗马, 他正在对他的 122 磅腰带进行第二次防守, 反复敲打身体 12 发, 连接上令人震惊 50 他身体投篮的百分比. 花卉 (25-1, 17 科斯), 他未能在冠军争夺战中增重,也无法赢得腰带, 在战斗的后半程中,他已经疲惫不堪,并且在很大程度上成为了罗曼的固定目标。 12 发.




两位拳手投掷均超过 1,000 拳, 但罗曼是更有效的拳击手, 连接到令人印象深刻的 42 他的力量,投篮的百分比.




“我试图拳击他. 我们试图进行一场聪明的战斗,”罗曼说. “我们试图把他带出去, 但不幸的是我们不能.




“我想统一. 我想挑战任何一个冠军. 我很想对阵 Rey Vargas 或 Isaac Dogboe. 我也不介意回日本。”




“我知道我在训练中搞砸了,”弗洛雷斯说. “我没有称重, 但我仍然想表演并付出我所拥有的一切.




“我们都经常互相攻击. 我打 (罗马) 有一些好的镜头, 我就是没能完成他. 我可能就在附近 60 能源百分比. 从第五回合开始我就只能用纯粹的心去战斗.




“(罗马) 穿上了球迷一场精彩的演出, 这就是让我感觉很棒的原因. 我只想打一场漂亮的仗。”




在精彩表演拳击锦标赛转播的开幕回合, 哈维尔·福图纳(Javier Fortuna)在第四轮比赛中因意外推倒而从绳索上摔下来受伤,他与阿德里安·格拉纳多斯(Adrian Granados)的140磅比赛被判定为无判定.




格拉纳多斯 (18-6-2, 11 科斯) 和福图娜 (33-2-1, 23 科斯) 两人都在开场钟声中摇摇晃晃地出来了. 在狂野的第四轮中, 福尔图纳被扣两分, 首先是对后脑勺进行猛击, 第二个用于持有. 第二次扣分后, 前130磅冠军福尔图纳积极向前推进,连续投篮.




过了一会儿, 格拉纳多斯和福图纳在格拉纳多斯角落附近的绳索上紧紧抓住,这时福图纳向后摔倒了。, 当他向后倒下时,鞭打他的脖子. 抱怨疼痛和缺乏活动, 福尔图娜被颈托固定住,并在担架上从吊环上取下,这后来被称为预防措施.




在停止时, 格兰多斯在三位评委的评分卡上均领先.




“我没有逼他. 我认为他是和自己一起摔倒的,”格拉纳多斯说道. “我认为他是在寻找借口离开. 我们都在战斗, 但我知道他能感觉到我正在变得更坚强. 他一枪抓住了我,这让我兴奋不已.




“首先,我只想祈祷他没事. 让我们进行复赛. 我已经140岁了,一直渴望战斗。”








# # #



The Star 是达拉斯牛仔队世界总部和位于弗里斯科的训练设施的校园,占地 91 英亩, 得克萨斯州. 作为弗里斯科市和弗里斯科独立学区之间的首个此类合作伙伴关系, 星号设有福特中心, 拥有 12,000 个座位的体育场,举办弗里斯科 ISD 足球比赛和其他活动; 牛仔合身, 一 60,000 与领先的健身开发商合作开发的平方英尺健身房, 马克·马斯特罗夫; 牛仔俱乐部, 乡村俱乐部与 NFL 相遇的会员制俱乐部; 奥姆尼弗里斯科酒店, 一个16层, 300-房间豪华酒店; 贝勒斯科特 & 白色运动疗法 & 星报的研究, 一 300,000 平方英尺的运动医学卓越中心将于 2018; 以及各种购物, 作为娱乐区一部分的餐饮和夜生活场所. 欲了解更多关于星报的信息, 访问 www.TheStarInFrisco.com.




欲了解更多信息,请访问 www.sho.com/sports , www.premierboxingchampions.comwww.thestarinfrisco.com. 在 Twitter 上关注我们@ShowtimeBoxing, ErrolSpenceJr, @PremierBoxing, @TGBPromotions, @TheStarinFrisco 和 @Swanson_Comm 或成为 Facebook 粉丝: www.Facebook.com/SHOBoxingwww.Facebook.com/thestarfrisco. PBC是通过电晕额外赞助, 最好的啤酒.




Christina Hammer vs. Tori Nelson in the Co-Feature

All Four Women’s Middleweight Titles To Be Contested on 星期五, 六月 22 LIVE On SHOWTIME®

纽约 (六月 13, 2018) – Light Heavyweight prospects 乌马尔·萨拉莫夫布莱恩·霍华德 will meet in a 10-round matchup that will open the 欣欣拳击: 特别版本 tripleheader 星期五, 六月 22 住在Showtime® (10 P.M. AND/PT) from Masonic Temple in Detroit.




在主要事件, unified champions from different divisions will meet in the middle. Two-time Olympic Gold Medalist and Unified Super Middleweight World Champion Claressa盾 将面临 Unified Jr. 中量级世界冠军 汉娜Gabriels的 for the vacant IBF and WBA Middleweight World Championships. Both fighters have a lot at stake when they meet as Shields will look to become a two-division champion and Gabriels will seek to win titles on a third weight class. 在联合专题比赛中, women’s unified WBC and WBO Middleweight World Champion 克里斯蒂娜·哈默 will defend against former world champion 托里·纳尔逊 as all four women’s middleweight world titles will be at stake.




萨拉莫夫 (20-1, 15 科斯), of Alkhan-Kala, 俄罗斯, will be making his United States debut and is currently in training at Kronk Gym in Detroit with famed Javan “Sugar” Hill Steward. In his six-year career, the 23-year-old has already won the IBO Youth and World Light Heavyweight, WBO Youth World, European and International, and the IBF East/West Europe Light Heavyweight Championships.




霍华德 (13-1, 10 科斯) of Bartow Fla., currently resides in Loganville, 嘎。, outside of Atlanta. He started boxing 12 years ago at the age of 26, after playing three years in minor league football for the Polk County War Eagles. 尽管是 38, Howard has shown natural talent and has knocked out previously undefeated fighters in two of his last three appearances.




I waited a long time to make my U.S. debut and I am thrilled that it’s going to be on SHOWTIME,” said Salamov. “Training at the Kronk Gym in Detroit has been a phenomenal experience. I look forward to putting my skills and experience together to make a powerful statement. Howard is an accomplished and skilled boxer. I am coming in ready and know that it will be an exciting fight for the fans at Masonic Temple. This is my opportunity to show that I belong at the top of the light heavyweight division.




Howard is also excited to be making his SHOWTIME debut. “It’s one of the opportunities that every fighter hopes to get,“他说,. “I want to thank team Salamov for giving me the chance to take part in this event. I look forward to future opportunities and putting on a great show on fight night. I know he’s a champion, which I respect. He’s a skilled fighter who handles himself well in the ring, but I predict I will get him out of there between the fifth and 10round.




“I believe Umar has the skills, experience and hunger to be the best light heavyweight in the world,” said event promoter Dmitriy Salita of Salita Promotions. “Umar will have a chance to prove a point against a big puncher and spoiler in Brian Howard. It will be an exciting fight with both fighters needing a win to get into world title contention.”




门票活动, 这是由的Salita促销推广, 可在 Tick​​etmaster.com 或位于的共济会神庙票房 (313) 832-7100. 贵宾票定价为 $300, 马戏团门票 $125, 和剩余的门票 $75, $50 和 $35.


图片来源: 斯蒂芬妮特拉普/欣欣

An encore presentation of last Saturday’s “scintillating” (ESPN) “slugfest” (雅虎) between Leo Santa Cruz and Abner Mares will air 今晚 10 P.M. AND/PT在Showtime EXTREME and is available on SHOWTIME ANYTIME and SHOWTIME ON DEMAND platforms.

Santa Cruz and Mares combined to throw nearly 2,000 拳 星期六 在复赛的 2015 惊悚片. After the 12 and final round of their “electrifying war” (Boxing Scene), fans at STAPLES Center, also site of their first meeting, were once again on their feet clamoring for more.

今晚的 精彩表演拳击锦标赛® replay also features WBC Super Welterweight World Champion Jermell Charlo’s title defense against Austin Trout. VIDEO RECAP: HTTPS://youtu.be/SkaSBnE9VGE.

周六 event was the 10 SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING event of 2018, an unrivaled schedule televising the brightest stars in boxing’s most meaningful events. SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING returns 这个星期六 (9 P.M. AND/6 P.M. PT) as consensus top-10 pound-for-pound champion Errol Spence Jr. defends his welterweight world title in a Dallas homecoming fight against undefeated IBF mandatory challenger Carlos Ocampo.


Unbeaten Stars Collide Saturday, 七月 28 住在Showtime® from STAPLES Center in Los Angeles in an Event Presented by 总理拳击冠军
Tickets on Sale Today at 12 P.M. PT!




LOS ANGELES, (六月 11, 2018) – WBC Lightweight World Champion 米奇·加西亚 和IBF轻量级世界冠军 罗伯特·JR复活节. will square-off in a 135-pound unification showdown between unbeaten stars Saturday, 七月 28 live on SHOWTIME from STAPLES Center in Los Angeles in an event presented by Premier Boxing Champions.




The main event of the SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING® 电视节目 (10 P.M. ET /下午7时. PT) will see Garcia look to become a unified champion for the first time in a career that has seen him win titles in four weight classes. 复活节, who enters with a 5-inch height and 8-inch reach advantage, looks to stamp his name amongst boxing’s elite by unifying titles at 27 岁, less than two years after capturing his first belt.




门票现场活动, 这是由Ringstar体育和TGB促销推广, 开始于 $50, 再加上适用的费用, 并在销售中今天 12 P.M. PT. 购买门票, visit AXS.com.




SHOWTIME Sports continues to lead the industry with the biggest events, the most important matchups, week after week, 月复一月,” 斯蒂芬说埃斯皮诺萨, 总统体育 & 活动编程, 欣欣网络公司. “米奇·加西亚VS. 罗伯特·JR复活节. is the third world championship unification match on SHOWTIME this year. A consensus top-10 pound-for-pound champion facing an undefeated young champion while both are in the prime of their careers. 七月 28 has all the makings of an instant classic.




“米奇·加西亚VS. Robert Easter is an outstanding lightweight matchup that is sure to deliver drama for fight fans at STAPLES Center and on SHOWTIME,” Said Tom Brown, TGB促销总统. “Garcia will look to unify in his hometown and further solidify his credentials as boxing’s pound-for-pound best. He’ll have perhaps the toughest test of his career in the unbeaten Easter, who has a lethal combination of size, speed and power that he brings to the ring. With both fighters defending their titles and undefeated records, this is shaping up to be a can’t-miss night of boxing in downtown Los Angeles.




This is the kind of matchup that boxing fans love and a fight that I believe will certainly live up to expectations,” 理查德·谢弗说, 主席 & Ringstar体育的CEO. “With two undefeated world champions, and two of the top guys at 135 英镑, this fight is guaranteed drama. Mikey Garcia will look to become a unified world champion and add another accolade to a career that is already shaping up to be historic. 罗伯特·JR复活节, a proud champion in his own right, is coming to STAPLES Center on July 28 to upset Mikey Garcia in his hometown. This is the quality of matchup that fans watching on SHOWTIME have come to expect and I suspect they will be fulfilled once again when these two warriors meet in the ring.




We are really looking forward to this incredible fight at STAPLES Center,” Lee说Zeidman, 总统, 斯台普斯中心. “These two fighters will undoubtedly headline an amazing night of fights for boxing fans in Los Angeles and we are looking forward to welcoming back Premier Boxing Champions and SHOWTIME for the second time in just two months.




One of Southern California’s most popular fighters, Garcia returns to STAPLES Center for his first fight since becoming a world champion, and his first in California in seven years. Easter returns to the site of his professional debut, having started his career at STAPLES Center in 2012 after serving as an alternate in the London Olympic Games.




加西亚 (38-0, 30 科斯), of Moreno Valley by way of Oxnard, 加利福尼亚州。, became only the third fighter in modern history to become champion at 126, 130, 135 和140磅, joining future Hall of Famers Juan Manuel Marquez and Manny Pacquiao, when he defeated Sergey Lipinets for the IBF 140-pound title in March. The 30-year-old relinquished that title so that he can unify the WBC Lightweight World Championship that he won in January 2017 with a highlight reel knockout of Dejan Zlaticanin (点击这里 to watch Garcia-Zlaticanin KO video)




These wins, combined with a summer 2017 victory over Adrien Broner, have seen Garcia return to the top of pound-for-pound lists after a layoff of two and a half years. Garcia accrued wins over a list of notable names while winning his first two titles at 126 and 130-pounds, including Orlando Salido, Roman Martinez and Juan Manuel Lopez.




This is the toughest fight of my career to date,” said the four-division champion Garcia. “罗伯特·JR复活节. is an undefeated world champion who presents serious challenges that I’m going to have to work hard to overcome. Unifying titles is something I’ve dreamed of doing for many years, and to do it at STAPLES Center in Los Angeles will make it even more special. This is the kind of fight that will help my legacy. To be the best you have to beat the best, and Easter is certainly one of the best out there. I’m very thankful to have this opportunity and I’m going to make the most of it on July 28.




Representing his hometown of Toledo, 俄亥俄, 复活节 (21-0, 14 科斯) has made three successful defenses since winning his world title in an exciting contest over Richard Commey in 2016. The 27-year-old delivered a fifth-round destruction of former champion Argenis Mendez to earn the title shot, and since winning the title has held off challenges from Javier Fortuna, Denis Shafikov and Luis Cruz to retain his 135-pound belt.




Easter will be making the move to work with Kevin Cunningham for the first time for this fight and conducting training camp in West Palm Beach with him. 坎宁安, the longtime trainer of former world champions such as Devon Alexander and Cory Spinks, spurred Adrien Broner to a strong performance in a draw against Jessie Vargas and Gervonta Davis to a dominant knockout of Jesus Cuellar in their first fights together in April.




This is a fight I’ve been waiting for and I’m really excited that the time is now,” 说复活节. “这是最好的战斗最好的. These are the fights that boxing is all about. I made the move to train with Kevin Cunningham down in Florida and I think it’s going to help me reach another level. It’s just eat, sleep and train down there. We’re going to be ready on July 28 to put on a show and deliver fireworks.


# # #





欲了解更多信息,请访问 www.SHO.com/Sports, www.premierboxingchampions.comwww.staplescenter.com 在Twitter上关注@ShowtimeBoxing, @SHOSports, @PremierBoxing @MikeyGarcia, @RobertEaster_Jr, @Ringstar, @TGBPromotions@STAPLESCenter 和 @Swanson_Comm 或在 Facebook 上成为粉丝www.Facebook.com/SHOSports, www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampionswww.facebook.com/STAPLESCenter.PBC由电晕赞助, 最好的啤酒.


从底特律的共济会神庙出发, 密歇根州。; 门票现已公开发售
Eyubov to Face Givhan; Idigov vs. 巴拉德; 奥奎因 VS. Kareem
Franchon Crews Dezurn Returns; Russian Heavyweight Apti Davtaev in Action
Leon Lawson III & Joseph Bonas also Scheduled


The un-televised undercard of the “Shields vs. Gabriels” event on Friday, 六月 22, at the Masonic Temple in Detroit, is stacked with great fights between local and international prospects.




Salita Promotions has put together several strong match-ups in addition to the nationally televised SHOWTIME BOXING: 特别版本 (10 P.M. ET / PT) portion of the show, which features two-time Olympic Gold Medalist and current Unified Women’s Super-Middleweight Champion Claressa Shields (5-0, 2 科斯) taking on unified 154-pound champion Hanna Gabriels for the vacant IBF and WBA Women’s Middleweight World Championships.




Topping the off-TV action will be worldwide fan favorite Bakhtiyar “Bakha Bullet” Eyubov (13-0, 11 科斯) of Aktjubinsk, 哈萨克斯坦, taking on Nicholas “King Beamen” Givhan (21-1-1, 11 科斯) of nearby Kalamazoo, 密歇根, in a 10-rounder for the USBA Great Lakes Region Welterweight Championship




The action will further heat up with a 10-round light heavyweight showdown between Grozny, Russia’s Aslambek Idigov (12-0, 5 科斯) and Detroit’s own James “The Equalizer” Ballard (10-1, 3 科斯).




Detroit bantamweight favorite Ja’Rico “Great Lakes King” O’Quinn (8-0-1, 5 科斯) will bring his monstrous legion of fans in to watch him go eight rounds for the first time while taking on West Bloomfield, 密歇根, veteran Yaqub Kareem (14-9-1, 8 科斯).




The sensational Franchon Crews Dezurn (3-1, 1 KO) of Baltimore will put on a six-round showcase against Ohio’s Crystal Byers; and in an eight-round heavyweight match-up,

Kurchaloi, Russia’s Apti Davtaev (14-0-1, 13 科斯) will attempt to continue his tear through the big man’s division against Catlettsburg, 肯塔基州, veteran Cory Phelps (16-10-1, 8 科斯).




Appearing in match-ups that are still being made, “Lethal” Leon Lawson (6-0, 4 科斯) of Flint will fight in a super welterweight six-rounder and Detroit’s undefeated Joseph Bonas (3-0, 3 科斯) will go four welterweight rounds. Both opponents are currently TBD.






Also on Showtime, Unified Women’s Middleweight Champion Christina Hammer (22-0, 10 科斯) of Germany defends her WBC & WBO Titles in her U.S. debut against former world champion Tori Nelson (17-1-3, 2 科斯) and in the 10-round opener, Russia’s Umar Salamov (20-1, 15 科斯) will face Georgia’s Brian Howard (13-1, 10 科斯) for the IBF North American Light Heavyweight Championship.

门票活动, 这是由的Salita促销推广, 可在 Tick​​etmaster.com 或位于的共济会神庙票房 (313) 832-7100. 贵宾票定价为 $300, 马戏团门票 $125, 和剩余的门票 $75, $50 和 $35.



点击 这里 for Photos; Credit Stacey Verbeek/Frank Warren

Maurice Hooker Scores Split-Decision Upset Victory Over Terry Flanagan For WBO 140-Pound World Championship Belt

LOS ANGELES (六月 9, 2018) – Former Unified Heavyweight World Champion Tyson Fury scored a fourth-round TKO over Sefer Seferi at Manchester Arena in Manchester, 英国, on Saturday in a bout that was streamed live to U.S. audiences via SHOWTIME Sports social media platforms.




The 6-foot-9, 275-plus pound Fury, who outweighed Seferi by more than 65 pounds following Friday’s weigh-in, looked rusty in the scheduled 10-rounder, his first bout in more than 31 个月. Seferi sat on his stool after four completed rounds and did not answer the bell for round five.




愤怒 (26-0, 19 科斯) 调皮附近反弹的第几轮, 甚至被警告在第二轮对阵一个严重人员不足Seferi缺乏活动 (23-2, 21 科斯). 愤怒可能面临在他的下一场集的强硬的对手九月在目前的世界冠军头衔持有者安东尼约书亚和Deontay怀尔德统治的分工.




愤怒的回归环来了以后 924 由于抑郁症发作,并承认吸毒活动的天以下的爆冷击败弗拉基米尔克里琴科采取克里琴科的WBA, IBF和WBO世界冠军.




在战斗中,先狂怒Seferi, 不败的美国莫里斯·胡克赢得了家乡的喜爱特里那根一个分裂决定爆冷击败捕捉空置WBO初中量级世界冠军腰带. 该得分 117-111, 115-113 对于胡克, 和 117-111 对于那根.




鲜血从脸上滑落, 前轻量级卫冕冠军的那根 (33-1, 13 科斯), 谁在第七回合遭受的额头上深深的伤口,一个偶然的用头撞人后, 无法克服的侵略性胡克 (24-0-3, 16 科斯), 谁就像训练伙伴罗尔·斯彭斯小, 不得不前往海外赢得他的第一个世界冠军.




妓女, 一个28岁的达拉斯本地人, 为争取美国的第一次打击外那根, 谁是135磅重的冠军三年五个防了移动到140磅级前.




凭借这场胜利, 胡克成为 76 的ShoBox: 新一代 明矾,赢得了世界冠军, 加入斯宾塞和狂放的喜欢.








后来上周六晚, WBA超羽量级世界冠军 狮子座圣克鲁斯 会前再战三处世界冠军 押尼珥Mares精彩表演拳击锦标赛® (10 P.M. 东部/太平洋时间延迟在西海岸) 从斯台普斯中心在洛杉矶. 在转播揭幕战, 休斯敦火箭队的 Jermell夏洛茨维尔 将捍卫他的WBC超中量级世界冠军对前世界冠军 奥斯汀鳟鱼.