Tag Archives: Showtime tinju


Kartu Four-Fight Juga Menampilkan Prospek Tak Terkalahkan, Raeese Aleem, Montana Love dan Derrick Colemon Jr.. Dalam Tes Terberat Dalam Karir Mereka

NEW YORK - Januari 22, 2020 - Prospek ringan yang sedang naik daun, Thomas Mattice, akan menghadapi Isaac Cruz Gonzalez yang tangguh dalam acara utama 10 ronde. ShoBox: Generasi Baru pada hari Jumat, Februari 14 live pada SHOWTIME dari 2300 Arena di Philadelphia.

Siaran empat pertandingan adalah yang ketiga dari empat ShoBox presentasi selama enam minggu yang menampilkan beberapa prospek muda tinju paling cemerlang dalam ujian terberat mereka hingga saat ini, termasuk prospek super ringan Shohjahon Ergashev dan kelas menengah super Vladimir Shishkin, yang menang pada Januari 17. Pada Januari 31, Kelas bulu Ruben Villa dan kelas welter Taras Shelestyuk akan diuji dan pada bulan Februari 28, Malik Hawkins yang super ringan dan kelas welter Richardson Hitchins menghadapi oposisi yang tangguh.

Dalam pertarungan fitur bersama pada bulan Februari 14, kelas bantam super tak terkalahkan Raeese Aleem (15-0, 9 Biaya), Las Vegas, akan mengambilShoBox veteran dan San Antonio asli Adam Lopez (19-3-2, 9 Biaya) dalam pertarungan delapan ronde 122-pound. Dalam pertarungan kelas welter junior yang tak terkalahkan, Montana Love dari Cleveland (12-0-1, 6 Biaya) kembali ke ShoBox dalam pertarungan delapan ronde dengan Jerrico Walton dari New Orleans (16-0, 7 Biaya). Dalam pertarungan pembukaan siaran tersebut, kelas menengah junior yang tak terkalahkan Derrick Colemon Jr. (11-0, 8 Biaya), dari Detroit, dan Joseph Jackson (15-0, 12 Biaya), North Carolina, akan bertanding dalam pertarungan delapan ronde 154-pon.

Tiket untuk acara, yang dipromosikan oleh GH3 Promotions dan King’s Promotions $100, $75 dan $50 dan dibeli diwww.2300arena.com

Mattice dari Cleveland (15-1-1, 11 Biaya) adalah kemenangannya yang paling signifikan hingga saat ini, TKO delapan ronde dari Michael Dutchover yang sebelumnya tak terkalahkan September lalu ShoBox. Pertarungan dihentikan karena luka dalam pada Dutchover yang disebabkan oleh tangan kanan yang bersih dari Mattice. Kartu skor juri dibagi pada saat penghentian. Mattice akan membuat start keenam pada seri pengembangan prospek, termasuk kekalahan telak dari Will Madera 2019, kemenangan split decision dan split draw dengan Zhora Hamazaryan masuk 2018, dan KO Rolando Chinea. Pemain berusia 29 tahun itu berharap kemenangan meyakinkan atas peringkat 10 teratas Gonzalez akan membuatnya semakin dekat dengan tembakan gelar dunia..

“Kemenangan akan menjadi besar untuk karir saya dan menempatkan saya pada posisi yang bagus,Kata Mattice. “Itu akan menempatkan saya dalam percakapan dengan anjing-anjing teratas di divisi. Saya harus menampilkan performa yang luar biasa dan memberi tahu semua petarung terbaik bahwa saya di sini dan siap untuk melawan siapa pun. Ini harus dimenangkan bagi saya, tapi ini pertarungan besar bagi kami berdua. Dia berada di peringkat No.. 7 oleh IBF jadi ini terasa seperti pertarungan besar. Saya pikir kemenangan akan menempatkan saya di 10 besar. ”

Gonzalez (18-1-1, 14 Biaya), Mexico City, telah mencetak KO di 11 dari terakhirnya 14 perkelahian karena hanya kehilangan karirnya dalam pertarungan profesional keenamnya saja. Pemain berusia 22 tahun itu memiliki KO terbaik dalam karirnya dari mantan penantang gelar dunia sementara Jose Felix Jr. di 2018. Saat ini peringkat No.. 7 oleh IBF di 135 pon, Gonzalez membuat AS-nya. debut pada bulan Desember di kartu bawah non-televisi dari Jermall Charlo vs.. Acara Dennis Hogan di Barclays Center di Brooklyn Desember lalu.

“Saya senang bertarung di Amerika Serikat dan saya senang pertarungan saya ditampilkan pada SHOWTIME,Kata Gonzalea. “Begitu banyak petarung memulai karir mereka di ShoBox dan telah menjadi Juara Dunia.”

Aleem menyusun file 65-10 rekor sebagai amatir dan lima kali Juara Negara Sarung Tangan Emas di Michigan. Dia finis ketiga di National Golden Gloves in 2010 dan 2011 sebelum berbalik profesional dalam 2011. Pemain berusia 29 tahun itu baru-baru ini memindahkan kamp pelatihannya ke Las Vegas, di mana dia telah berdebat dengan Jessie Magdaleno, Nonito Donaire dan Jhack Tepora. Aleem, yang dilatih oleh Terry Markowski, akan menghadapi ujian terberat dalam karirnya di veteran Lopez.

“Semua kerja keras saya membuahkan hasil dan sekarang saya bisa menunjukkannya di panggung besar,Kata Aleem. “Saya menantikan untuk mendapatkan penggemar baru dan terus berkembang. Saya tahu Lopez adalah petarung yang sangat tangguh dengan sesuatu untuk dibuktikan. Dia pernah ke sini sebelumnya, jadi saya tahu dia siap untuk tantangan. Ini adalah batu loncatan untuk mencapai tujuan yang saya inginkan, dan itu memperebutkan gelar juara dunia, hari gajian yang lebih besar dan lebih banyak eksposur. Akhirnya, Saya tidak hanya ingin menang, Saya ingin mendominasi. Menang tidaklah cukup - saya juga harus tampil bagus saat melakukannya. ”

Lopez adalah seorang amatir ulung yang memenangkan enam gelar nasional dan memegang No.. 1 Peringkat, tapi dia memiliki karir yang naik turun sebagai seorang profesional. Pemain berusia 29 tahun itu memulai karirnya dengan 15 kemenangan beruntun namun ia telah mengalami beberapa kemunduran karena tingkat lawannya telah meningkat secara dramatis. Lopez tidak terkalahkan dan satu kemenangan lagi dari tantangan untuk kejuaraan dunia sebelum kalah dari juara dunia 122-pound Daniel Roman dalam perebutan gelar di 2017 pada SHOWTIME. Lopez, siapa yang akan memecahkan rekornya sendiriShoBox penampilan saat dia melangkah ke atas ring untuk kedelapan kalinya, akan menghadapi lawan keenamnya yang tak terkalahkan dalam seri ini saat ia berusaha mengembalikan karirnya ke jalur yang benar.

“Aleem adalah petarung yang cukup bagus, tapi saya pikir pengalaman saya akan menjadi faktor,Kata Lopez. “Dia tidak melawan orang-orang papan atas kecuali Marcus Bates. Saya telah terlibat dalam pertarungan besar dan ini adalah pertama kalinya dia melakukan ini. Saya sedang dalam tiga kemenangan beruntun dan saya telah mendedikasikan kembali diri saya pada olahraga ini. Aku punya pelatih baru, Martinez yang membosankan, dan kamp yang benar-benar baru. Saya tidak sabar untuk menunjukkan bahwa saya kembali. "

The mencolok Love adalah seorang amatir ulung yang menyusun file 174-13 catatan. Southpaw berusia 25 tahun itu akan kembali untuk tes ketiganya ShoBox saat dia mencari kemenangan yang meyakinkan. Dalam pertarungan pertamanya di seri ini, dia memenangkan keputusan mayoritas atas Samuel Teah di 2018 dan mengikutinya dengan hasil seri beberapa bulan kemudian melawan Kenneth Sims Jr. Cinta Kasih, yang pernah berdebat dengan Adrien Broner dan Robert Easter Jr., akan menghadapi apa yang seharusnya menjadi lawan paling berbahaya di Walton sesama yang tak terkalahkan.

“Walton adalah petarung yang baik, tapi saya merasa dia masih hijau dan dia tidak memiliki banyak pengalaman,Kata Cinta. “Saya tahu dia tangguh, tapi saya membawa ini ke level berikutnya. Dia hanyalah batu loncatan. Sungguh mengasyikkan untuk bertarung di bawah cahaya terang. Beberapa pria terlipat, tapi saya dibuat untuk ini. Saya tidak melihat melewati dia, tapi ini akan membawa karir saya ke level selanjutnya. Kami berdua tidak terkalahkan dan tidak banyak orang yang mengambil risiko seperti ini, tapi ini menunjukkan bahwa saya adalah petarung sejati. Nama saya Montana “Terlalu Cinta yang Cantik” dan saya berjuang di Hari Valentine, jadi saya akan memberikan banyak cinta pada 14 Februari. "

Walton yang berusia 29 tahun lahir dan besar di New Orleans, di mana dia menyelamatkan ibu dan saudara perempuannya dari air banjir Badai Katrina saat dia masih hidup 13 tua tahun. Meninggalkan rumah, keluarganya pindah ke Houston, di mana Walton berkompetisi sebagai seorang amatir. Walton menjadi profesional 2014 dan telah sempurna melalui yang pertama 16 perkelahian, termasuk kemenangan terbaik dalam karirnya atas mantan juara dunia kelas bantam super Victor Terrazas di 2019. The boxer-puncher, yang dilatih oleh Bobby Benton dan bertarung enam kali tahun lalu, akan menghadapi lawan tak terkalahkan pertama dalam karirnya di Love.

“Saya telah melihat Montana bertarung sebelumnya. Saya tahu dia mencolok dalam mode Adrien Broner, tapi selain itu saya tidak tahu banyak tentang dia,Kata Walton. “Kesempatan ini adalah berkah. Dunia akan melihatku dan mendengar ceritaku. Saya dari New Orleans dan sulit bagi saya untuk tumbuh dewasa, jadi ini kesempatan bagus. Saya tidak pernah dalam sejuta tahun berpikir bahwa saya akan berada di posisi ini. Saya hanya perlu memanfaatkan momen dan mendapatkan kemenangan. "

Baru Saja 20 tua tahun, Colemon mulai bertinju pada usia 4 dan mengasah keahliannya di Kronk Gym asli di bawah Emanuel Steward sampai dia meninggal 2012. Colemon memiliki karir amatir 135 pertarungan dan merupakan juara amatir nasional empat kali di divisi junior. Dia menjadi profesional saat dia masih muda 18 tahun dan memiliki delapan KO di pertamanya 11 perkelahian profesional. Colemon, yang dilatih oleh Marlon Thomas, sejauh ini akan menghadapi ujian terberat dalam karirnya di Jackson, seorang prospek yang tak terkalahkan namun belum teruji.

“Saya secara fisik dan mental lebih siap dari sebelumnya,Kata Colemon. “Saya tahu Jackson tidak terkalahkan dan tangguh, jadi saya tahu saya akan menghadapi ujian besar. Ini adalah langkah selanjutnya dalam karir saya, dan saya merasa bahwa saya tidak hanya akan menjadi juara hebat berikutnya yang terus berjuangShoBox, tapi petarung hebat berikutnya dari Detroit. Saya siap untuk menunjukkan kepada dunia bakat saya. Februari 14 akan menempatkan nama saya di benak penggemar tinju di seluruh dunia. ”

Jackson yang berusia 31 tahun terlambat memulai karirnya sebagai seorang profesional namun tetap aktif, termasuk tiga pertarungan 2019 dan tiga masuk 2018. Dia punya 12 KO di 15 perkelahian, termasuk KO dalam tujuh dari delapan laga terakhirnya. Penduduk asli Greensboro akan bertarung di luar North Carolina untuk pertama kalinya dalam karirnya saat dia menghadapi Colemon yang tak terkalahkan..

“I know Colemon is tough, and he had a long amateur career,” Jackson said. “He will come to fight, but I prepare for anything. That is what this sport is all about. I am looking forward to showcasing my talent to the world.”

Barry Tompkins akan memanggil tindakan dari ringside dengan tinju sejarawan Steve Farhood dan mantan juara dunia Raul Marquez menjabat sebagai pakar analis. Produser eksekutif Gordon Balai dengan Richard Gaughan memproduksi dan Rick Phillips mengarahkan.

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Tentang ShoBox: Generasi Baru

Sejak dimulai pada bulan Juli 2001, yang SHOWTIME seri tinju kritis diakui, ShoBox: Generasi Baru telah menampilkan bakat muda cocok tangguh. Itu ShoBox filsafat adalah untuk menyiarkan menarik, orang-menyenangkan dan pertandingan kompetitif sambil memberikan ajang pembuktian bagi prospek bersedia bertekad untuk berjuang untuk gelar juara dunia. Beberapa daftar tumbuh dari 81 pejuang yang telah muncul di ShoBox dan canggih untuk mengumpulkan gelar juara dunia termasuk: Errol Spence Jr., Andre Ward, Deontay Wilder, Erislandy Lara, Shawn Porter, Gary Russell Jr., Lamont Peterson, Guillermo Rigondeaux, Nonito Donaire, Devon Alexander, Carl Froch, Robert Guerrero, Timothy Bradley, Jessie Vargas, Juan Manuel Lopez, Chad Dawson, Paulie Malignaggi, Ricky Hatton, Kelly Pavlik, Paul Williams dan banyak lagi.


KO Artist Shohjahon Ergashev Records First-Round Knockout; Ja’Rico O’Quinn Impressive In Eight-Round Unanimous Decision Against Oscar Vasquez

Catch The Replay Senin, Bulan Januari 20 Di 10 p.m. ET / PT On SHOWTIME EXTREME®

Klik DISINI untuk Foto; Credit Dave Mandel/SHOWTIME

SLOAN, Iowa – January 17, 2020 - Three promising and undefeated Detroit prospects shined during ShoBox: The New Generation’s 250th episode Friday night with Russia native Vladimir Shishkin leading the way with a solid unanimous decision win in the main event Friday night from WinnaVegas Casino in Sloan, Iowa.

With Tyson Fury’s trainer Sugarhill Steward from the famed Kronk Gym in Detroit working his corner, the 28-year-old fast-rising Shishkin (10-0, 6 Biaya) won for the second consecutive time on ShoBox in a battle of unbeaten fighters as he dominated Ulises Sierra (15-1-2, 9 Biaya) dari San Diego, Kalif. The 10-round super middleweight bout was scored in favor of Shishkin 100-90 dan 99-91 dua kali.

Also posting victories were Steward’s students Shohjahon Ergashev, who registered a first-round knockout, and Detroit native Ja’Rico O’Quinn who won unanimously in a dominating eight-round bantamweight bout.

“Ergashev was spectacular but you almost feel like you wish you got to see more,” said Hall of Famer and ShoBox Analis Steve Farhood. “He’s the furthest advanced of the three and Ja’Rico O’Quinn sold himself tonight and was very aggressive, maybe too aggressive.”

Shishkin said afterwards that he fought with an injured left bicep and left elbow. “It was a much tougher fight than I thought it would be because I fought with one hand for most of the fight,"Dia berkata. “I was surprised he could take my punches, but I couldn’t move his hand out of the way with the left to hit him with the right. That affected me a lot because I use that a lot.”

Dia menambahkan: “I want Canelo (Alvarez). Saya ingin (David) Benavidez. I want the champions next. I am ready for the next level. With Sugarhill in my corner I am ready for anyone. Even with one hand.”

Steward is the nephew of the legendary trainer Emanuel Steward. “I thought all the Detroit guys did great,” Sugarhill Steward said. “They all got good experience on television. That’s a factor that some fighters don’t take in to consideration. When they get on television, they don’t know how to handle it. You have to be used to being on a stage like this and I’m happy with the way they all performed. All the guys from Detroit stepped up on television to further their careers. I’m very happy all-around.”

Sierra didn’t have an answer for Shishkin’s body shots as Shishkin connected on 65 body shots to 28 for Sierra. “He was sharp and he was strong,” said Sierra, who became the 189th boxer to lose his undefeated record on ShoBox dalam 19 years of the series. “But I was also hurt with a sprained hand a month before this fight and haven’t hit the bags since then.”

Dalam pertarungan co-fitur, hard-hitting super lightweight Shohjahon Ergashev (18-0, 16 Biaya) showed off his powerful left hand as the southpaw from Uzbekistan also trained by Steward knocked out Adrian Estrella (29-5, 24 Biaya). The fight ended at just 92 seconds into the first round with a devastating body shot as Estrella was unable to survive the entire 10-count.

“I just saw the window to the body, so I threw the shot,Kata Ergashev, who is ranked in the top-15 in three of the four major sanctioning bodies. “I wasn’t planning to knock him out in the first round. I wanted to get some rounds in. The guy is durable and experienced, so I thought I would, but when I saw that opening, Aku harus mengambil.

“I knew it was over the second it landed though. I knew he would not get up from that. No one could. That was a message to the super lightweight division. It’s Shoh Time! No matter where I fight, it is always Shoh Time.”

After Ergashev landed the knockout blow, Estrella of Fort Worth, Texas, went down writhing in pain from the left uppercut to the liver and unable to continue.

“I started moving and tried using my jab, but he was very quick with that punch,” Estrella said. “He just punched me very hard in the stomach and I was paralyzed on the canvas. I tried to stand up, but I couldn’t hear the referee counting. I couldn’t hear anything, and I couldn’t move. It was a hell of a shot.”

Di pembuka siaran, mantan Tidak ada. 1-peringkat di luar AS. amateur at bantamweight, Ja’Rico O’Quinn (14-0-1, 8 Biaya) was impressive in his ShoBox debut as he outclassed a game Oscar Vasquez (15-3-1, 3 Biaya) in a unanimous decision 79-73 three times at 118 pon.

The WBO No. 10-ranked junior bantamweight O’Quinn worked the body effectively throughout the eight-round fight connecting on 83 body shots to 40 for Vasquez of Reno, Nev. O’Quinn outworked Vasquez with an average of 88 punches per round to Vasquez’s 59.2.

“I give this performance a six, to be honest,” said O’Quinn. “I want to fight bigger and taller people, that’s what I’m used to. I’m not taking anything away from Oscar. No matter what I will always come out on top. Even when things can get ugly, I know how to win beautiful.”

Farhood called the bout a “highly competitive, one-sided fight.”

Added O’Quinn: “I went into this fight knowing Oscar Vasquez was a tough guy. I knew he would be coming forward to make it ugly, so my game plan was to box him but if I had to, stand there and trade with him. I knew I’d be stronger than him and be able to take his punch. It was hard to land my shots with him leaning on me. I couldn’t turn him like I wanted and cut off angles, but we came, we conquered and I got the win.”

O'Quinn, who overcame a slow start losing the first round, ended round seven emphatically with a series of punches that rattled Vasquez, who stayed on his feet and didn’t give up. “I think I did amazing,” said Vasquez, a 32-year-old crane operator. “It was a very close fight. I thought I was winning the first five rounds. He hurt me once in the seventh round and that took a lot out of me. He was a better fighter tonight.”

Friday’s fights were promoted by Salita Promotions. Siaran penuh akan memutar ulang pada hari Senin, Bulan Januari 20 di 10 p.m. ET / PT pada SHOWTIME EXTREME dan akan tersedia pada SHOWTIME kapan saja® dan SHOWTIME di PERMINTAAN®.

Hall of Famer Barry Tompkins called the action from ringside with fellow Hall of Famer Farhood and former world champion Raul Marquez serving as expert analysts. Produser eksekutif Gordon Balai dengan Richard Gaughan memproduksi dan Rick Phillips mengarahkan.

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Tentang ShoBox: Generasi Baru

Sejak dimulai pada bulan Juli 2001, yang SHOWTIME seri tinju kritis diakui, ShoBox: Generasi Baru telah menampilkan bakat muda cocok tangguh. Itu ShoBox filsafat adalah untuk menyiarkan menarik, orang-menyenangkan dan pertandingan kompetitif sambil memberikan ajang pembuktian bagi prospek bersedia bertekad untuk berjuang untuk gelar juara dunia. Beberapa daftar tumbuh dari 81 pejuang yang telah muncul di ShoBox dan canggih untuk mengumpulkan gelar juara dunia termasuk: Errol Spence Jr., Andre Ward, Deontay Wilder, Erislandy Lara, Shawn Porter, Gary Russell Jr., Lamont Peterson, Guillermo Rigondeaux, Nonito Donaire, Devon Alexander, Carl Froch, Robert Guerrero, Timothy Bradley, Jessie Vargas, Juan Manuel Lopez, Chad Dawson, Paulie Malignaggi, Ricky Hatton, Kelly Pavlik, Paul Williams dan banyak lagi.


Welterweight Sensation Jaron Ennis Continues Knockout Streak; Elin Cederroos Edges Alicia Napoleon Espinosa In Super Middleweight World Championship Unification

 Watch The Encore Presentation Monday At 10 P.m. ET/PT On


 KlikDISINI For Photos from Stephanie Trapp/SHOWTIME

ATLANTIC CITY – January 11, 2020 – Claressa Shields made history yet again by claiming the WBC and WBO 154-pound world championships with a dominating unanimous decision over Ivana Habazin Friday on SHOWTIME from Ocean Casino Resort in Atlantic City.

Shields menjadi pejuang tercepat dalam sejarah, laki-laki atau perempuan, untuk memenangkan gelar dunia di tiga divisi berat badan yang berbeda, surpassing the record of Vasiliy Lomachenko and Kosei Tanaka, yang baik dicapai prestasi di 12 perkelahian. The near-shutout was scored 99-89, 100-90, 100-89. 

Shields (10-0, 2 Biaya) dikuasai Habazin dari bel pembukaan, memanfaatkan jab kuat dan diet stabil tembakan tubuh yang meninggalkan Kroasia sebagian besar dalam mode defensif sepanjang laga 10 ronde. Pada ronde keenam, a series of body shots forced Habazin to take a knee in the first knockdown of her career. It was also the first knockdown for the two-time Olympic Gold Medalist and undisputed middleweight world champion in her professional career.

Following the knockdown, Habazin continued forward but did so without throwing many punches. Habazin (20-4, 7 Biaya) threw just 285 dibandingkan dengan 516 for Shields, who also connected on 38 percent of her power shots compared to just 18 percent for Habazin.

Dalam pertarungan co-fitur, welterweight sensation Jaron Ennis scored his 15th consecutive knockout with a dominating fourth round TKO over the durable Bakhtiyar Eyubov.

The switch-hitting Philadelphia native came out with a blistering pace in the first, switching from southpaw in the opening minute while displaying his signature power and hand speed. An onslaught of perfectly timed punches floored the normally durable Eyubov for the first time in his career midway through the opening round. Eyubov (14-1-2, 12 Biaya) got up but was dropped against just 20 seconds later as the torrid pace continued. Eyubov survived the round and Ennis (25-0, 23 Biaya) took his foot off the gas a bit in the second, but the unbeaten welterweight still landed at will against Eyubov, who continued to press forward.

Prior to the fourth round, Commissioner Larry Hazzard warned Eyubov that he would stop the fight if he didn’t see improvement. With Eyubov still pressing forward but eating dozens of punches, referee Earl Brown stepped in to stop the fight at :34 at the instructions of the Hazzard.

Ennis now has 23 KO di 25 perkelahian dan 13 knockdowns over his last six fights. Through four rounds the incredibly effective Ennis landed 47 percent of his power shots.

“We knew he was coming to fight and bring pressure so we mixed it up,” Ennis said. “He was a good fighter but he wasn’t really that strong. I was getting hit a little too much but that’s how we did it to get the knockout.

“We were just setting him up for power shots. I just had to calm down, that’s all. I was too hyped. Once I calmed down and got into my rhythm that was it.

“He was taking a lot of punishment. He definitely was a great fighter though. I appreciate him taking the fight because a lot of guys don’t want to fight me.”

With another dominating performance, Ennis now sets his sights on the upper echelon of one of boxing’s deepest and most exciting divisions.

“We have been wanting all the guys,” Ennis said. “They keep running. They can’t run no more. I’m right here.”

Dalam pertarungan pembukaan siaran tersebut, IBF Super Middleweight World Champion Elin Cederroos edged WBA champion Alicia Napoleon Espinosa to unify the super middleweight division in an all-action slugfest scored 95-94 three times.

Cederroos (7-0, 4 Biaya) was more active from the opening bell, pelemparan 747 total punches over 10 rounds compared to 432 for the slightly more effective Napoleon Espinosa (12-2, 7 Biaya).  But the difference in the close scorecards was a second round knockdown that Cederroos registered with a perfectly timed check left hook in the closing moments of the second. It was the first knockdown of Napoleon Espinosa’s career and ultimately the deciding factor in the scorecards.

“I’m so happy. I showed that I can box and take a war,” Cederroos said. “But when I relaxed the punches just came. It feels so wonderful. Alicia was a great opponent.”

Napoleon Espinosa was game and hurt the Swedish Cederroos multiple times but she was largely unable to get inside against her taller opponent who consistently landed the bigger punches from a distance.

“I didn’t think I lost. I thought that it was fairly close but I thought I was ahead,” Napoleon Espinosa said. “It is what it is, but I don’t think that I lost this fight.

“I know she was strong, but I wanted a tough fight. I know that Elin is an athlete. I don’t feel that I lost. I feel like it was close.”

Napoleon Espinosa had been hoping that a win would position her for a 2020 fight with Claressa Shields at middleweight with all four of Shields’ 160-pound titles on the line.

“Congrats on the fight with Shields because that was what I was looking forward to,” Napoleon Espinosa said.

The event was promoted by Salita Promotions in association with T-REX BOXING PROMOTIONS.

Friday’s SHOWTIME BOXING: SPECIAL EDITION tripleheader will replay on Monday at 10 p.m. ET/PT pada SHOWTIME EXTREME.

An industry leading production team and announce crew delivered all the sights, sounds and drama from Atlantic City. Veteran broadcaster Brian Custer hosted the telecast, versatile combat sports voice Mauro Ranallo called the action ringside alongside Hall of Fame analyst Al Bernstein and former two-division world champion Paulie Malignaggi. Three Hall of Famers rounded out the SHOWTIME telecast team – Emmy® award winning reporter Jim Gray, unofficial ringside scorer Steve Farhood and world-renowned ring announcer Jimmy Lennon Jr. The Executive Producer of SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING was David Dinkins, Jr., the Producer was Ray Smaltz and the Director was Bob Dunphy.

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Undisputed Middleweight Champion Shields Battles Habazin for Vacant WBC & WBO 154-Pound Titles Live on SHOWTIME from

Ocean Casino Resort in Atlantic City, N.J.

MIAMI(Bulan Januari 2, 2020) – As the calendar flips to a new decade, undisputed middleweight championClaressa Shieldsshared her New Year’s resolution ahead of her upcoming showdown against former championIvana Habazinfor the vacant WBC and WBO 154-pound titles taking place Friday, Bulan Januari 10 live on SHOWTIME from the Ocean Casino Resort in Atlantic City, N.J.

“I really have just one main resolution for the new yearno compromising,Kata Shields. “That goes for both my personal and professional life. I also want to get closer to God and stay undefeated. I was going to say stop cursing also, but that’s just not happening.”

Shields vs. Habazin will open up the 2020 year of big boxing events, with Shields seeking to become the fastest fighter in boxing history, laki-laki atau perempuan, to become a three-division world champion.

“I’m very happy to kick off 2020,” said Shields. “Gervonta Davis ended 2019 on SHOWTIME and then the GWOAT brings in the New Year for SHOWTIME in 2020. It’s going to be a great start to the year. I’m coming in with a bang and gunning for the knockout.

“I’m super excited to have Jaron Ennis on the undercard, terlalu. Untuk me, he’s the next Roy Jones Jr. of boxing. He’s slick, he has power, he can box and he’s an all-around dedicated athlete. I look forward to sharing the card with him as a future world champion.”

Shields has trained in Miami with her head coach John David Jackson ahead of her 154-pound debut and has been able to maintain her focus and worked to stay sharp despite the fight’s two postponements.

“I made 154 pounds back in October before the cancellation,Kata Shields. “After our fight was cancelled, I stayed active and only put on about 10 pon. I’ve been down in Florida for the last six or seven weeks. It’s been hard work. I’ve pushed myself and I’m not taking Habazin lightly. I want the knockout because Ivana talks too much. I’m staying focused on being focused, and not letting anyone throw me off by talking nonsense.

“I don’t eat meat anymore. I haven’t in over three months, so my body is more toned now. I actually have a six-pack already with just a little more weight to lose. I think people are going to be surprised at the 154-pound version of me. I’m going to be very strong and very fast because I’ve basically had five months to prepare and to get ready for her specifically.”

Despite training camp taking her through the many holiday events that are gluttonously celebrated by the masses, Shields has stayed disciplined ahead of her opportunity to make more history.

“Balancing around the holidays is something I’ve been doing for years,Kata Shields. “I saved a lot of money by not going home for Christmas, itu sudah pasti. But I still spoke with all my family and connected with everyone. I have a very strict diet in camp and I actually trained on Christmas. I consider my diet more of a life plan in general, and I have my days where I’ll splurge, but I stay disciplined.”

Ahead of next week’s event in Atlantic City, Shields plans to unleash and make another statement on her way to another championship-winning performance.

“No matter what she says, this beat down was coming in October,Kata Shields. “All I’m doing is bringing it to Atlantic City. I’m going to knock her out. I’m going to put down a whole different beat down on her because of the level of disrespect she has shown me. I’m not going to let her be disrespectful towards me and I’m going to knock her out to shut her up.”

The event is promoted by Salita Promotions in association with T-REX BOXING PROMOTIONS.


Two-Time Super Featherweight Champion Gervonta Davis Battles Former Champion Yuriorkis Gamboa for Vacant WBA Lightweight Title this Saturday, Bulan Desember 28 Live on SHOWTIME from

State Farm Arena in Atlanta

Klik DISINI untuk Foto dari Amanda Westcott / SHOWTIME

Klik DISINI untuk Foto dari Sean Michael Ham /

Mayweather Promotions

ATLANTA (Bulan Desember 26, 2019) – Boxing’s hottest attraction, Gervonta “Tank” Davis, dan mantan juara bersatu Yuriorkis Gamboa, went face to face Thursday at the final press conference two days before they battle for the vacant WBA Lightweight Title this Saturday, Bulan Desember 28 hidup di SHOWTIME dari pemenang penghargaan State Farm Arena di Atlanta dalam acara Premier Boxing Champions.

The press conference also featured WBA Light Heavyweight Champion Jean Pascal dan juara dua divisi Badou Jack, who will square off in the co-main event, dan mantan juara Jose Uzcategui dan Lionell Thompson, who battle in the opener of the SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING telecast beginning at 9 p.m. ET / 6 p.m. PT.

Tiket untuk acara, yang dipromosikan oleh Mayweather Promotions, GTD Promosi dan TGB Promosi, yang memberikan promosi dan tersedia melalui Ticketmaster.com. Tiket yang baik masih tersedia. Semua tiket mulai dari $54 dan $104.

Here is what the press conference participants had to say Thursday from the Sheraton Atlanta Hotel:


“Training camp has been great. I’ve been training with my brothers and sister on the undercard. Saturday night we’re going to make history again. There hasn’t been a title fight in over 20 years and I’m excited to be in this position to open doors for others and myself.

“This is my first time fighting in Atlanta. I’ve been coming here for over four or five years and I’ve been wanting to fight here. Atlanta always shows me love and I always thought that me fighting here would be big. I knew I had a big fan base here.

“Saturday night we’re going to have a big fight. Thank you to Gamboa for taking the chance. Saturday night it’s going to be an action-packed fight and we’ll see who’s got what it takes.

“I’m pretty sure Gamboa watched my last fight. He’s just saying he didn’t to be cocky. I know he at least watched it heading into this fight. We’ll see Saturday night. He’s been a little cocky, so I have to make him pay.

“I can’t say whether I’ll get the knockout, but I’ve trained very hard and I’ve been focused on the main goal, which is to get the win. I know that Gamboa is a tough opponent and he’ll lay it all on the line. If it goes 12 putaran, it doesn’t matter to me. I’m looking to make this a great fight for me and also for the fans.

“I believe that I haven’t gone past nine rounds and I’m undefeated, so I think that’s a good thing for me. I’ve been doing this for so many years that I believe Gamboa can’t bring anything to the ring that I haven’t seen.

“I know that I have to come in there focused, strong and fast. Let’s see what it all comes out to. I’m ready and hopefully he’s ready to give the fans what they want to see.

“Saturday night everyone should be looking for a great fight, not just from Gamboa and me, but the whole undercard. On Saturday night the fight fans win. We’re both bringing our all and we’ll see what Saturday night brings for each of us.”

Yuriorkis GAMBOA

“My job isn’t to pay attention to any trash talk. My only focus is to go in there at 150% and give it my all. I don’t care about any of the chatter outside of the ring.

“The confidence that I have comes from my focus and the hard work that I’ve put into this camp. I know what I have to do December 28. Everything from camp has unfolded how I wanted to leading into fight night.

“I’m very appreciative to have this opportunity to fight for the world title on Saturday night. I have to make the best of this position that I’m in. I’m still at the level where I know that I can compete and beat the best fighters in the sport.

“My focus and discipline has allowed me to get to the position that I’m in today. I’ve always relied upon that heavily and it hasn’t failed me yet.

“Gervonta knocking his opponents out and not going past the ninth round is great for him, but I don’t think it has anything to do with my resume. I’ve faced stronger fighters than Gervonta and I’ve been able to beat them. He’s not going to bring anything I haven’t seen.

“We’re thrilled that the fight landed in Atlanta and we can tell you that the fans are going to be very happy with the fight they see Saturday. I came here to win and I’m definitely ready to go all 12 rounds if I have to.

“I’ve had a great training camp and I know what I’m able to give on Saturday. I’m giving my all and then some. Atlanta, be ready. We’re going to give you a war.”


“This is my first time in the city of Atlanta and I might have to move here after my victory on Saturday night.

“I’m excited to be able to display my talents on SHOWTIME on Saturday night. I’m at the top of my game and my whole team has helped me get to here.

“Badou Jack is a solid fighter with great defense and good attack. I’ve had a great camp in Puerto Rico. I’ve been away from my family for three months and I’m war ready. Pastikan Anda mendengarkan.

“Badou and I sparred, but it was a long time ago back in 2014. Sparring is sparring. I was getting ready for Sergey Kovalev. It was a good session, but at the time he was at 168-pounds. I don’t rely on that sparring because it was so long ago.

“I know that Badou has had a long layoff and he’s fresh and will be even hungrier. I’m always hungry and that will make it a great fight on Saturday night.

“I’ve been fighting at the highest level for the last 11 tahun. That means something. I’m a special fighter. I have things that nobody can teach, which is a chin and a heart.”

JACK Badou

“I had a great training camp, which everyone says, but I really do feel great. Saya m 36 and I feel like I’m 26 lagi. I can’t wait for Saturday night to hear ‘and the new’.

“I guess you have to wait until Saturday night for me to prove that I still have it. I was flat against Marcus Browne, regardless of the cut, but I feel much better this time than I did heading into that fight.

“All of the close decisions I’ve had in the past, everyone who watched those fights knows that those were wins. Saturday night I’m going to win and there will be no doubt.

“Gervonta was on my undercard and now I’m on his and I’m very proud of him. He’s already a superstar.

“I take care of myself. I don’t do anything outside the ring to jeopardize my career. I have a great nutritionist who gives me all organic foods. You can talk to my strength and conditioning coach as far as how I’m looking, but I feel amazing.

“I’m going to take everything one fight at a time. I think Pascal can bring the best out of me on Saturday night. Styles make fights and I think our styles will mesh.

“Pascal and I both come to fight. Marcus Browne is a southpaw and he’s more evasive. So it’s hard to compare. Pascal is a tough guy and I expect nothing less than a tough fight.”


“I’m grateful to be back in this position and I promise the crowd won’t be disappointed. I’m going to be around for a long time and I’m going to get my world title back.

“I don’t talk much, but since he says I only have power, we’ll see on Saturday. Don’t talk today and then run around the ring.

“After I knock out Lionell Thompson, we’ll see what Caleb Plant has to say after that. I hope he will stand and fight. The only reason Plant is champion is because I messed up.

“When I’m at my best, I’m the best super middleweight on the planet. Everyone will see on Saturday.”


“I want to thank Uzcategui and his team for taking the fight. This is my first time in the super middleweight division and I plan on being victorious.

“To everybody that has helped me and supported me, I promise I won’t let you guys down. I’m planning on giving my best performance on Saturday night.

“I’ve been in there with bigger punchers at light heavyweight and the only time I was stopped was early in my career. I’ve beaten good guys and undefeated prospects that could punch.

“I believe that moving down in weight, and doing it right with a nutritionist, will be better for me. Anyone can hurt you. Everyone says that he can punch, but anyone who hits you right can hurt you.

“I’m focused on being perfect. I don’t plan on making any mistakes. Saya tahu apa yang bisa kulakukan. Anyone who has shared the ring with me will say I’m one of the most skillful fighters out there. Floyd Mayweather even said it.

“I know Uzcategui is tough, but I’m not worried because I’m bringing my best. I believe I’ll be victorious. I respect him and he’s definitely a force to be reckoned with, but I just believe in myself.”

LEONARD Ellerbe, CEO Mayweather Promotions

“Saturday night, it’s going to be lit. I’m very excited about this card. I can recall when we first talked about bringing this fight to Atlanta, there was only one name that was synonymous with tapping into a market that hasn’t had a big fight in 20 tahun. When it comes to excitement, the name Gervonta Davis goes hand in hand.

“We knew that this entire community would be involved. We know that this would be the most talked about event and create a buzz that we haven’t seen in many years.

“We have an outstanding undercard, including a great co-main event with Jean Pascal and Badou Jack, which I guarantee will be a very entertaining match. These two are going to lay it all on the line.

“From top to bottom this is a very entertaining card. Looking at the main event, when you look at Gamboa, you know what he brings to the table. We’re not buying anything about him being an older fighter. He has a phenomenal pedigree and he has seen everything in that ring. This is a very dangerous fight for Gervonta and that’s what we want. We want nothing but the best for Gervonta.

“I think that Gamboa is going to bring out the best in “Tank” on Saturday night. We’re going to give you an entertaining card from top to bottom, with a main event that’s going to end in a knockout.”

STEPHEN Espinoza, Presiden Olahraga & Pemrograman acara, Showtime Networks Inc.

“It’s a big weekend for SHOWTIME as we have eight big boxing shows over the next 10 minggu, featuring some of the biggest names in the sport and some of boxing’s top young prospects. We couldn’t kick it off with a better fight card this Saturday night.

“It’s time to quit calling Gervonta a young star or a rising star, because what he has demonstrated this year is that he’s a bonafide star. That is without question when you go into three cities and bring out all the people that he has.

"Pada akhir hari, none of that matters on Saturday night. That’s what we love about this sport. You have labels, critics and big names, but none of it matters when the bell rings. Each one of these six fighters up here fights like an underdog, because they’ve all been underdogs before.

“Gervonta and Gamboa fight like they’re hungry and like they’re angry. They fight like there’s one plate in the middle of the ring. Dalam acara co-main, with Badou Jack and Jean Pascal, I’ll put their resumes against any fighter in the sport. They’ve fought tough fight after tough fight and they’re still fighting on this stage. Uzcategui is one of the hardest punchers in the sport, and Lionell Thompson is looking for his shot. With all of this together, we’re in for an entertaining night.”

# # #


Davis vs. Gamboa akan melihat dua kali juara kelas bulu super Gervonta “Tank’’Davis, atas rising star Promosi Mayweather dan tarik tinju terpanas, saat ia mengambil mantan juara dunia bersatu Yuriorkis Gamboa untuk WBA Ringan Judul hidup SHOWTIME Sabtu, Bulan Desember 28 di pemenang penghargaan State Farm Arena di Atlanta dalam acara Premier Boxing Champions.

Hari libur khusus SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING® siaran dimulai pada 9 p.m. ET / 6 p.m. PT dan fitur WBA Cahaya Heavyweight Champion Jean Pascal berjuang melawan juara dua divisi Badou Jack dalam acara co-utama.

Untuk informasi lebih lanjut kunjungi www.SHO.com/sports,

ikuti di Twitter @ShowtimeBoxing, @PremierBoxing, MayweatherPromo, @TGBPromotions dan @Swanson_Comm atau menjadi penggemar di Facebook di www.Facebook.com/SHOBoxing


Vladimir Shishkin, Shohjahon Ergashev And Ja’Rico O’Quinn in Tripleheader Live on SHOWTIME (10 p.m. ET / PT) Dari WinnaVegas Casino di Sloan, Iowa

NEW YORK - Desember 19, 2019 – Three talented, undefeated prospects will put their unblemished records on the line in the 250thedisi ShoBox: Generasi Baru, the prospect-oriented series that has featured 81 future world champions, Hari Jumat, Bulan Januari 17 hidup di SHOWTIME (10 p.m. ET / PT) from WinnaVegas Casino Resort in Sloan, Iowa.

Dalam acara utama 10-round, Vladimir Shishkin (9-0, 6 Biaya), the fast-rising super middleweight prospect currently ranked as the WBC No. 12 juara harapan, will return for his second consecutive test on ShoBox against the unbeaten Ulises Sierra (15-0-2, 9 Biaya).

Shakh Ergashev (17-0, 15 Biaya), Tidak ada peringkat. 6 by both the WBA and IBF at 140 pon, will face Adrian Estrella (29-4, 24 Biaya) in the 10-round super lightweight co-featured bout of the first ShoBox siaran dari 2020. In the opener, Detroit native Ja’Rico O’Quinn (13-0-1, 8 Biaya) faces Nevada’s Oscar Vasquez (15-2-1, 3 Biaya) in an eight-round super flyweight contest.

Tiket untuk acara, yang dipromosikan oleh Salita Promosi, mulai dari $20 dan yang memberikan promosi sekarang di www.WinnaVegas.com.

“Vladimir Shishkin was a stellar amateur with over 300 berakhir. We believe he is destined to become a world champion,”Kata Gordon Balai, who has been the Executive Producer and steward of ShoBox: Generasi Baru for all 19 years and 250 editions of the cornerstone boxing series. “Shohjahon Ergashev was on prospects to watch lists in 2018 and has lived up to lofty expectations. His aggressive style and punching power make him a fighter who boxing fans want to see. 2020 will be a big year for both fighters. This series was built on giving young, talented fighters national television exposure and we are excited to get a first look at Ja’Rico O’Quinn, a U.S. amateur standout who is an all-action fighter with high expectations.”

“On January 17, boxing fans are going to see some of the best prospects in boxing from big to small,” said promoter Dmitriy Salita. “The card features young, hungry fighters in the super flyweight, junior middleweight and super middleweight divisions. Vladimir Shishkin, Shohjahon Ergashev and Ja’Rico O’Quinn are all undefeated, world-rated fighters on their way to national recognition and world titles. Terlebih Dahulu, they have to pass the biggest tests of their careers.”

The 28-year-old Shishkin shined in his United States and ShoBox: Generasi Baru Debut pada bulan Agustus, registering an eighth-round technical knockout against then once-beaten DeAndre Ware. Standing at 6-foot-1, Shishkin was a standout amateur in Russia where he compiled 301 wins in 330 fights before turning professional in 2016. He has won his last four contests – all scheduled 10 atau 12 round fights – via knockout, termasuk 10th round TKO of former world title challenger Nadjib Mohammedi prior to his American debut in October 2018. Currently training in Detroit under Javan “Sugar” Hill, Steward at the new Kronk Gym, Shishkin is looking to continue his ascent up the rankings in the super middleweight division with a second consecutive statement win on ShoBox.

“Training with Sugar Hill at Kronk Gym is going really well, and I can guarantee that I will be ready and I will put my newly learned skills to use,” Shishkin said. “I hope for another emphatic victory that impresses the American boxing fans. I’m looking forward to putting on a great fight and letting the champions at 168 know that this is my year.”

The 30-year-old Sierra, from San Diego, California., is riding an eight-bout winning streak including a unanimous 10-round decision over Fidel Hernandez for the vacant WBC Silver Super Middleweight Championship in April. The son of former San Diego Padres pitcher Ulises “Candy” Sierra, he has sparred with future Hall of Famers Andre Ward and Canelo Alvarez and former world champion Peter Quillin. Prior to Sierra’s career-best win in April, he won four straight contests in Mexico, termasuk tiga dengan KO.

“I’m happy for the opportunity to face a good opponent and I’ll use him as a steppingstone to get where I want to get,” said Sierra. “I still have a month of preparation to get into the best shape of my life. I know Shishkin is undefeated and has a Russian amateur pedigree. It’ll be the hardest fight of my career, but I will do anything and everything to come out victorious.”

Hard-hitting super lightweight Shohjahon Ergashev (17-0, 15 Biaya), Uzbekistan, is ranked in the top-15 in three of the four major sanctioning bodies. The 28-year-old is coming off an impressive fourth-round knockout of veteran Abdiel Ramirez this past August onShoBox. In his previous appearances on the prospect developmental series, the former member of the Uzbek national team scored a third-round knockout against then top-10 rated Sonny Fredrickson, and a 10-round unanimous decision over previously unbeaten Mykal Fox. The powerful southpaw currently trains alongside stablemate Shishkin in Detroit.

“I am adding new dimensions to my game and plan on making a big statement in the first ShoBox of the year,Kata Ergashev. “2020 is going to be my year and I am going to set the tone in my fight with Estrella.”

Bintang, who hails from Monterrey, Meksiko, berbalik profesional di 2010 dan memenangkan 22 consecutive fights before he suffered his first setback in 2015. With just seven of his 33 pro fights going the full distance, Estrella is an all-action fighter typical of his Mexican roots. He earned a career-best win, a closely-contested split decision over Oscar Duarte, di luar AS nya. debut di bulan Februari. Estrella will face his fourth undefeated prospect in his last five fights as he looks to get his career back on track with a win over the highly-regarded Ergashev.

“This is an opportunity I’m going to take full advantage of,” said Estrella. “I’ve been in camp for the last two months, so I’ll be in perfect shape to go in there and do my thing. I know Ergashev is a southpaw and a hard puncher with a big KO record, but I’ve been in this situation before. I have too much experience for him. Knowing that if I win this fight I could get a world title shot is all the motivation I need.”

The 24-year-old O’Quinn is rated No. 10 di dunia oleh WBO. Ranked as the No.1 amateur bantamweight in the country compiling a record of 130-18 sebelum berbalik profesional dalam 2015, O’Quinn boasts blazing-fast hands and an ability to throw effortless combinations. A fan favorite in his hometown of Detroit, he was last seen winning a unanimous decision over James Smith of Flint, Mich., pada bulan Oktober.

“The time has finally come,” said O’Quinn. “It’s my time to show the world who the king is on live TV. For those that don’t know, Bulan Januari 17, I’m going to show the world greatness in is purest form. They are going to see charisma, skills and explosiveness. I know I’m fighting a tough competitor. Dia tidak datang untuk meletakkan. I’m coming prepared for war. It’s going to be a great night for boxing in the super flyweight division. I’m putting all the champions on notice.”

Vasquez, from Reno, Nev., is a former streaking prospect in the super flyweight division. After losing his third professional fight, the 5-foot Vasquez rattled off thirteen consecutive wins between 2012 dan 2017 and was well on his way to making a name for himself in the division before a unanimous decision loss to once-beaten Ricardo Sandoval in May 2018 halted his momentum. After a year-and-a-half layoff, Vasquez returned by fighting Gilberto Mendoza to a majority draw in October. Di 32 tua tahun, the hungry Vasquez finds himself in a do-or-die fight against O’Quinn.

“Training in Reno is going amazing,” said Vasquez. “It’s such a tremendous opportunity for my life. I’m trying to get to a high ranking and it’s a dream come true. I know O’Quinn is undefeated. He’s a boxer who likes to grab a lot. He doesn’t like pressure. I’m hoping I will tire him out. I think he’ll eventually give in as the fight goes on if I put on a lot of pressure. In the later rounds, he won’t even want to come out of his corner.”

Barry Tompkins akan memanggil ShoBox tindakan dari ringside dengan Steve Farhood dan mantan juara dunia Raul Marquez menjabat sebagai analis ahli. Produser eksekutif Gordon Balai dengan Richard Gaughan memproduksi dan Rick Phillips mengarahkan.

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Untuk informasi lebih lanjut kunjungi www.sho.com/sports
ikuti di Twitter @ShowtimeBoxing, SHOSports, #ShoBox, atau menjadi penggemar di Facebook di www.Facebook.com/SHOSports.


Davis Dan Gamboa Wajah Off Untuk WBA Ringan Kejuaraan Dunia Di Atlanta Pertama Dunia Judul Berjuang Di Lebih dari 20 Tahun Berikutnya Sabtu, Bulan Desember 28 Hidup Pada SHOWTIME® Dari State Farm Arena

ATLANTA – Bulan Desember 18, 2019 – Pada Saat Gervonta Davis dan Yuriorkis Gamboaberbenturan untuk kosong Championship WBA Ringan Dunia pada Desember 28 di pemenang penghargaan State Farm Arena di Atlanta, mereka akan membuat sejarah dalam tinju panjang terlayani sarang yang telah menjadi tuan rumah perkelahian monumental menampilkan Hall of Famers Muhammad Ali dan Evander Holyfield.

“Hanya disebutkan dengan orang-orang Hall of Famers menakjubkan,” kata Davis. “Aku kehilangan kata-kata. Ini tidak hanya besar bagi saya, itu besar untuk tinju di kota dan semua pejuang lain yang memiliki kesempatan untuk bertarung pada kartu.”

The Davis vs. Gamboa SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING siaran memiliki dua pertarungan gelar dunia dan akan menjadi yang pertama event kejuaraan dunia di Atlanta di lebih dari 20 tahun. Jean Pascal akan membela WBA Cahaya Heavyweight World Championship melawan mantan juara dua divisi Badou Jack di co-fitur dari acara Premier Boxing Champions.

Sebelum Desember 28, gelar juara dunia terakhir bertarung di Atlanta disatukan juara dunia kelas berat Evander Holyfield IBF dan WBA pertahanan terhadap Vaughn Bean September 19, 1998. SHOWTIME televisi yang pertarungan hidup dari Georgia Dome sejak-dihancurkan mana 41,357 penggemar yang hadir melihat Atlanta lantai penduduk Bean di 10th bulat perjalanan ke kemenangan keputusan bulat.

Meskipun jumlah pemilih yang kuat dan suasana meriah untuk Holyfield vs. Kacang, Hall of Fame Holyfield berjuang hanya empat kali di Atlanta dalam bukunya 57 pertarungan profesional yang mencakup hampir tiga dekade. Kota ini melakukan host Holyfield pertarungan gelar pertama, pertarungan yang secara luas dianggap yang terbaik pertarungan penjelajah dalam sejarah dan salah satu besar terakhir 15 perkelahian putaran. Pada tanggal 12, 1986, Holyfield menantang WBA penjelajah Juara Dwight Muhammad Qawi dalam pertarungan back-dan-sebagainya yang Holyfield menang dengan keputusan split untuk menangkap gelar juara dunia pertamanya.

Sementara Holyfield vs. Qawi dianggap pertarungan terbaik dalam sejarah Atlanta tinju, acara yang paling terbesar signifikan dan di kota itu Muhammad Ali comeback bertarung di 1970. Ali telah dilucuti dari gelar kelas berat dan diasingkan dari tinju setelah secara kontroversial dihukum karena rancangan penggelapan di 1967. Sementara kasusnya masih dalam banding di AS. Mahkamah Agung, Ali menerima lisensi untuk bertarung di Georgia untuk pertarungan pertamanya dalam lebih dari tiga-dan-a-setengah tahun. Ali berhenti Jerry Quarry di babak ketiga Oktober 26, 1970 di Auditorium di sebuah acara yang akan menandai kembali kemenangannya. Keyakinan Ali terbalik pada tahun berikutnya di bulan Juni 1971, hanya tiga bulan setelah “Melawan Abad” dengan Joe Frazier.

Sementara Georgia telah menjadi rumah bagi sejumlah juara dunia baru-baru ini, tak ada satupun yang bertempur di Atlanta sebagai titlists. Almarhum dua divisi juara dunia Vernon Forrest lahir di dekatnya Augusta dan tinggal di Atlanta, Namun ia tidak pernah berjuang sebagai juara di ibukota negara. Demikian pula, mantan juara dua divisi Paul Williams, juga dari Augusta, berjuang hanya sekali di Atlanta di 2001 sebelum ia menjadi juara.

Davis, yang on-track untuk menjual keluar tempat ketiga berturut-turut dari tahun di tiga kota yang berbeda, berharap untuk membuat besar waktu tinju di Atlanta fixture permanen.

“sorotan akan di Atlanta,” kata Davis. “Mereka tidak bertengkar hebat ada bertahun-tahun. Jadi mimpi untuk membawa besar waktu tinju kembali seperti yang saya lakukan di Baltimore. Atlanta menyambut saya dengan tangan terbuka selama bertahun-tahun. Aku selalu tahu aku punya basis penggemar dan saya selalu ingin berjuang di sini. Sekarang adalah waktu yang tepat dalam karir saya untuk hal itu terjadi.

“Saya seorang pejuang, tapi aku juga penggemar. Jadi saya melihat ke depan untuk itu sebanyak orang lain. Saya akan memberikan semua saya, Aku tahu Gamboa akan memberikan semua nya. Ini akan menjadi malam yang besar pada tanggal 28 Desember.”

Tiket untuk acara, yang dipromosikan oleh Mayweather Promotions, GTD Promosi dan TGB Promosi, yang memberikan promosi dan tersedia melalui Ticketmaster.com. Tiket yang baik masih tersedia. Semua tiket mulai dari $54 dan $104.
Davis vs. Gamboa akan melihat dua kali juara kelas bulu super Gervonta “Tangki” Davis, Mayweather Promotions’ atas rising star dan tarik tinju terpanas, saat ia mengambil mantan juara dunia bersatu Yuriorkis Gamboa untuk WBA Ringan Judul hidup SHOWTIME Sabtu, Bulan Desember 28 di pemenang penghargaan State Farm Arena di Atlanta dalam acara Premier Boxing Champions.

Hari libur khusus SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING® siaran dimulai pada 9 p.m. ET / 6 p.m. PT dan fitur WBA Cahaya Heavyweight Champion Jean Pascal berjuang melawan juara dua divisi Badou Jack dalam acara co-utama.

Two-Division World Champion Danny García Takes on Hard-Hitting Ivan Redkach in WBC Welterweight Title Eliminator Live on SHOWTIME® Saturday, Bulan Januari 25 in Premier Boxing Champions Event at Barclays Center in Brooklyn

Former Super Welterweight Unified Champion Jarrett Hurd Returns to the Ring in Co-Feature

Undefeated Sensation Stephen Fulton Battles Arnold Khegai in Super Bantamweight Title Eliminator in SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING® Action Beginning at

9 p.m. ET / 6 p.m. PT

Tiket Sale Now!

BROOKLYN (Bulan Desember 16, 2019) – Juara dunia dua divisiDanny “Swift’’ Garcsayasebuah returns to the ring to take on hard-hitting sluggerIvan “El Terrible’’ Redkach in a 12-round WBC welterweight title eliminator Saturday, Bulan Januari 25 hidup SHOWTIME dari Barclays Center, rumah dari BROOKLYN BOXING ™, dalam acara Premier Boxing Champions.

Dalam co-fitur, former unified 154-pound championJarrett Hurd “Cepat”will return to battle all-actionFrancisco “Chia” Santanadalam 10 putaran yang super welter kontes, lebih banyak sensational super bantamweight Stephen “Cool Boy Steph’’ Fultonakan menghadapi tak terkalahkanArnold Khegaiin a 12-round WBO Super Bantamweight title eliminator to open SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING action at 9 p.m. ET / 6 p.m. PT.

García’s blend of power and sublime boxing skills has made him one of the most popular boxers of the last decade and secured him as a box-office fixture at Barclays Center, where he holds the record for the largest crowd for a boxing event. He set the benchmark when 16,533 attended his welterweight title unification match against Keith Thurman on March 4, 2017 in a bout that aired in primetime on SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING on CBS. The fight against Redkach will be Garcia’s eighth appearance at Barclays Center.

“Barclays Center fan-favorite Danny García is back in Brooklyn as he continues his quest for the top spot in the welterweight division,”Kata Tom Brown, Presiden TGB Promosi. “Danny has been in the biggest fights at Barclays Center and on January 25 there are sure to be fireworks when hard-hitting Ivan Redkach looks for a career-defining win. Redkach has upset the odds before and there’s no doubt he’ll leave it all in the ring with this opportunity to move closer to a world title fight. Combined with a former unified champion known for action fights in Jarrett Hurd, plus a rising star in Stephen Fulton, this card is loaded with intrigue from top to bottom.”

“Danny García and Jarrett Hurd are two of the biggest stars in the sport because they have consistently taken on the toughest challenges and they are always in all-action, perkelahian menarik,"Kata Stephen Espinoza, Presiden Olahraga & Pemrograman acara, Showtime Networks Inc. “On January 25, both men are fighting to maintain their place at the top of two of boxing’s deepest divisions in important, must-win fights. Add in two undefeated, promising contenders in the opener and we have the recipe for an explosive night of fights on SHOWTIME.”

“We’re thrilled to host our first boxing event of 2020 by welcoming Danny García back for his eighth fight at Barclays Center and have Jarrett Hurd return to the arena where he’s had some memorable victories,” said Keith Sheldon, EVP of Programming and Development for BSE Global. “Danny specifically has built an enthusiastic fan base in the borough, becoming one of the most popular fighters in our arena, and we can’t wait to see his supporters out in full force as he steps back into our ring against Ivan Redkach.”

Tiket untuk acara, which is promoted by TGB Promotions and DSG Promotions, are on-sale now and can be purchased atticketmaster.com danbarclayscenter.comTickets also can be purchased at the American Express Box Office at Barclays Center. Diskon kelompok tersedia dengan menelepon 844-BKLYN-GP. The Fulton vs. Khegai bout is promoted in association with Salita Promotions.

García (35-2, 21 Biaya) is the latest in a long line of great boxers from Philadelphia who have made their mark on the sport. His run through the super lightweight division and two-year reign as a unified champion is one of the most impressive in modern history as he defeated a string of champions, including Nate Campbell, Kendall Holt, Erik Morales, Amir Khan, Zab Judah dan Lucas Matthysse.

After dominating the super lightweight division, the 31-year-old García moved up to welterweight where he won the vacant WBC title with a unanimous decision over Robert Guerrero in 2016. He lost a split decision to Thurman in a unification match in 2017 and dropped a narrow unanimous decision to Shawn Porter for the WBC title in 2018. García and many pundits thought he won both those matches. Dalam laga terakhirnya, García scored a spectacular knockout victory over Adrian Granados on April 20 to get back into position to regain the welterweight crown.

“I’m very excited to be headlining another SHOWTIME card and to go back to Barclays Center, my home away from home,” said García. “I can’t wait to step in the ring in Brooklyn and give fans the Danny García show. I watched a few of Redkach’s recent fights and he had a great knockout win over two-time champion Devon Alexander. Jadi, I know he’s a tough fighter and competitor who I expect to bring the best out of me, and he’s someone who deserves this opportunity. But January 25 is tax season, so I’m going to have to tax him and pay him with a reality check.”

REDK (23-4-1, 18 Biaya) has his sights set on winning a welterweight title and will face the toughest challenge of his career when he steps in against Garcia. The 33-year-old Redkach, who was born in Shostka, Ukraine and now lives in Los Angeles, is accustomed to stern tests. He started boxing as an amateur in Ukraine where he had over 300 perkelahian. When he turned professional he traveled to Mexico to train and develop the “Mexican Style’’ – a style that emphasis standing in the pocket and throwing hard shots to the body.

Things started out slowly for Redkach, but soon he began to hold his own in Mexico and prevailed, earning the nickname “El Terrible’’ from his training partners. Redkach won 14 dari pertama 18 professional fights by stoppage and has won three in a row, including most recently knocking out former world champion Devon Alexander in June.

“I’m very motivated to take a massive step in my career and get closer to becoming world champion against a strong and accomplished fighter like Danny García,"Kata Redkach. “I have been to a lot of Danny’s fights and now I get the chance to test myself against him. I am training very hard so that I am the best that I have ever been on January 25. I’m going to shock the boxing world just like I did against Devon Alexander. I’ve never been this hungry before and I’m confident I will win this fight.”

The former WBA and IBF champion at 154-pounds, Hurd (23-1, 16 Biaya) returns to action for the first time since losing his belts via decision against Julian Williams in one of 2019’s best fights. The 29-year-old from Accokeek, Maryland captured his first title by stopping current WBC titlist Tony Harrison in 2017 and then added the WBA belt by defeating Erislandy Lara in 2018’s consensus Fight of the Year. Hurd earned his title opportunity by going on a run of knocking off unbeaten fighters including Frank Galarza and Oscar Molina, and also owns a successful title defense against Austin Trout at Barclays Center in 2017.

“Just because I fell back, doesn’t mean I fell off,” said Hurd. “I’m back and excited to fight at Barclays Center for the third time. I’m bringing the storm back on January and I’m going to make a statement everyone is going to see. You’re not going to want to miss this fight and the best Jarrett Hurd anyone’s seen.”

Santana (25-7-1, 12 Biaya) has taken on the toughest challenges at 154 dan 147 pounds and has made his name with an all-action action style throughout a long career as a contender. The 33-year-old will look to bounce back from a close decision loss to Abel Ramos in March, in a fight where Santana dropped Ramos in the second round. Prior to the setback against Ramos, the Santa Barbara, California native was coming off of a victory over Olympic gold medalist Felix Diaz in April 2018. Santana has faced former champions Jermell Charlo and Sadam Ali while also owning a six-round draw against Julian Williams in 2011.

“This is a great opportunity for me against a fighter like Jarrett Hurd,” said Santana. “When you get an opportunity like this, it’s hard to turn it down. My job is to rise to the occasion and have the best moment of my career on fight night. This is my Super Bowl. When I last fought at 154-pounds, I was basically self-trained. Now I have my coach Joseph Janik training me and I really think he’s the missing piece of the puzzle for me. I’m going to go in there and leave it all in the ring January 25.”

The 25-year-old Fulton (17-0, 8 Biaya) has made a rapid rise through the super bantamweight ranks with superb boxing skills, befitting a slick fighter from Philadelphia. Lately Fulton has shown flashes of power that have caught his opponents off guard. In his last fight he stopped Isaac Avelar with a body shot to end their fight in the fifth round on August 24.

Fighting out of Odessa, Ukraine and training for this fight in Los Angeles, Khegai (16-0-1, 10 Biaya) will make his third start in the U.S. Januari 25, after a successful U.S. debut in in May 2018 when he defeated Adam Lopez on the prospect developmental seriesShoBox: Generasi Baru. The 27-year-old has already been victorious twice in 2019, stopping Haidari Mchanjo in March and most recently winning a unanimous decision over Vladimir Tikhonov in August onShoBox.

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Untuk informasi lebih lanjut kunjungiwww.SHO.com/sportswww.PremierBoxingChampions.com, ikuti di Twitter @ShowtimeBoxing, @PremierBoxing, @BrooklynBoxing, @TGBPromotions dan @Swanson_Comm atau menjadi penggemar di Facebook diwww.Facebook.com/SHOBoxing


Women’s Superfight Added to Blockbuster Shields vs. Habazin Showdown on SHOWTIME BOXING: SPECIAL EDITION® Live At 9 P.m. ET / 6 p.m. PT from Ocean Casino Resort in Atlantic City, N.J.

NEW YORK - Desember 13, 2019 – A second women’s superfight has been added to the blockbuster Claressa Shields vs. Ivana Habazin event on Friday, Bulan Januari 10, at Ocean Casino Resort in Atlantic City, N.J., as WBA Super Middleweight Champion Alicia “The Empress” Napoleon-Espinosa will face undefeated IBF Champion Elin Cederroos in a 10-round unification live on SHOWTIME.

Napoleon (12-1, 7 Biaya), dari Lindenhurst, N.Y.. and Cederroos (7-0, 4 Biaya), of Vasteraas, Swedia, will meet in the opening bout of SHOWTIME BOXING: EDISI KHUSUS (9 p.m. ET / 6 p.m. PT) in support of the long-awaited showdown between undisputed middleweight world champion Claressa Shields and former champion Ivana Habazin for the vacant WBC and WBO 154-pound world titles.

If Shields and Napoleon win their respective bouts on January 10, they are expected to face off for the undisputed middleweight world championship in 2020 with all four of Shields’ 160-pound titles on the line.

The event is promoted by Salita Promotions in association with T-REX BOXING PROMOTIONS. The Napoleon-Espinosa vs Cederroos fight is promoted by Salita Promotions in association with DiBella Entertainment.

Napoleon became IBF Super Middleweight Champion with a 10-round unanimous decision over former world champion Femke Hermans in March 2018. The 33-year-old successfully defended her belt with another 10-round decision, this time over Scotland’s Hannah Rankin in August 2018. Napoleon was last seen making the second successful defense of her title by stopping Philadelphia’s Schemelle Baldwin in four impressive rounds in August 2019.

“I’m really excited to be unifying with IBF World Champion Elin Cederroos on SHOWTIME,” said Napoleon. “I’m extremely grateful to my promoter Lou DiBella, manager Brian Cohen, coaches Leon Taylor and Delen Parsley and my husband Roberto Espinosa for being the key ingredients to making this dream come true. I have an amazing team of men that stand strong by my side believing in me, preparing me and working hard to open doors for me to thrive. I’m blessed and prepared to win and put on a memorable performance for all the world to see that night. I’m in tremendous spirits and excited and ready for the night to come. Thank you to everyone, kelompok ku, family and fans, for making this opportunity materialize into a dream come true.”

The 34-year-old Cederroos claimed her IBF championship in just her sixth fight with a majority decision over Hermans in March of 2019. Fighting as the underdog in her opponent’s backyard, Cederroos was still able to impress the judges enough to pull off the impressive feat. In her last bout, Cederroos defeated Kenya’s Florence Muthoni in a non-title fight in November 2019 by dominant third-round KO.

“Alicia Napoleon is a great champion and she will be my toughest test, but I am ready,” said Cederroos. “It is an honor for me to make my U.S. debut on such a prestigious card and to do so in a world title unification battle. Alicia and I will put on a great show.

“January 10 just got even more exciting with the addition of the matchup between two champions in the super middleweight division,"Kata Dmitriy Salita. “Those attending the fight at Ocean Casino Resort and everyone watching it live on SHOWTIME will see the best fighting the best in this very competitive ‘pick-em’ fight. A great start to boxing in 2020.”

Alicia Napoleon-Espinosa is a world champion who has the whole package. She’s athletic, fierce, physically strong and charismatic,” kata Lou DiBella, Presiden DiBella Hiburan. “Pada Januari 10, she gets her biggest opportunity to shine against Elin Cederroos, another world champion. This is the biggest stage to date for both Alicia and Elin and I expect them to bring everything they have. One of them will leave the ring as a unified world champion and an elite rival for Claressa Shields. Alicia is confident that her hand will be raised.

An industry leading production team and announce crew will deliver all the sights, sounds and drama from Atlantic City. Veteran broadcaster Brian Custer will host the telecast while versatile combat sports voice Mauro Ranallo will call the action alongside Hall of Fame analyst Al Bernstein and former two-division world champion Paulie Malignaggi at ringside. Three Hall of Famers round out the SHOWTIME announce team – Emmy® award winning reporter Jim Gray, tidak resmi ringside pencetak gol Steve Farhood dan penyiar cincin terkenal di dunia Jimmy Lennon Jr. The Executive Producer of SHOWTIME BOXING: SPECIAL EDITION is David Dinkins, Jr. dengan Bob Dunphy mengarahkan. The telecast will be available in Spanish via Secondary Audio Programing (SAP) with Alejandro Luna and former world champion Raul Marquez calling the action.


Lionell Thompson Membuat super kelas menengah Debut Terhadap Mantan Juara Jose Uzcategui Live pada SHOWTIME Sabtu, Bulan Desember 28 dari State Farm Arena di Atlanta

Klik DISINI untuk Foto dari Sean Michael Ham /

Mayweather Promotions

LAS VEGAS (Bulan Desember 13, 2019) – pesaing veteran Lionell “Lonnie B” Thompson dulu showdown mendatang dari kamp pelatihan saat ia mempersiapkan untuk mengambil mantan juara Jose Uzcategui hidup di SHOWTIME Sabtu, Bulan Desember 28 dari pemenang penghargaan State Farm Arena di Atlanta.

Acara Premier Boxing Champions berjudul oleh tarik tinju terpanas Gervonta “Tank” Davis saat ia bergerak naik berat untuk mengambil mantan juara terpadu Yuriorkis Gamboa untuk Judul WBA Ringan kosong.

The SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING siaran dimulai pada 9 p.m. ET / 6 p.m. PT dan juga fitur Jean Pascal membela nya Judul WBA Cahaya Heavyweight melawan juara dua divisi Badou Jack dalam co-fitur.

Tiket untuk acara, yang dipromosikan oleh Mayweather Promotions, GTD Promosi dan TGB Promosi, yang memberikan promosi dan tersedia melalui Ticketmaster.com.

untuk Thompson, itu akan debut bertarung di 168 pon, setelah pertempuran di divisi kelas berat ringan sepanjang karirnya. Berikut adalah apa yang harus dikatakan tentang pembagian barunya Thompson, Desember nya 28 lawan dan lebih, dari pelatihan kamp di Mayweather Boxing Club di Las Vegas:


“Aku tidak khawatir tentang kekuasaannya. Aku sudah di sana dengan pemukul besar seluruh karir saya. Aku hanya siap tampil. Aku tidak khawatir tentang apa yang dapat ia lakukan. Aku hanya berkonsentrasi pada apa yang bisa saya lakukan. Setiap orang dapat pukulan dalam pro. Satu pukulan dari siapa pun dapat menyakiti Anda. Saya sepenuhnya fokus pada menjadi sangat baik pada tanggal 28.

“Kami bekerja keras. Ini kelas berat baru bagi saya dan itu memotivasi saya bahkan lebih untuk menjadi yang terbaik. Kemenangan ini akan melakukan keajaiban bagi hidup saya dan karir. Saya percaya saya akan menang di Atlanta. Jangan berkedip.

“Semua perkelahian saya penting bagi saya. Uzcategui hanya pejuang lain. Saya tidak fokus pada apa persepsi Uzcategui adalah. Orang mengatakan dia pons besar, tapi bagaimana Anda tahu apakah dia pernah memukul Anda sebelum? Ini tugas seseorang untuk memompa tempur mereka sampai, tapi aku hanya terfokus pada apa yang bisa saya kontrol.

“Ini adalah kesempatan besar bagi saya dan saya pasti berterima kasih kepada tim Promosi Mayweather untuk menempatkan saya di posisi ini. Ketika saya melihat bahwa Uzcategui sedang mencari lawan, saya sudah memberitahu (Mayweather Promotions CEO) Leonard Ellerbe bahwa saya ingin melawan dia dan dia membuat hal itu terjadi.

“Aku tahu itu langka bagi seseorang di usia saya untuk turun berat. Saya merasa segar untuk usia saya meskipun. Aku sedang membuat berat badan dengan cara yang benar dan cara yang sehat. Saya pikir dengan kamp pelatihan dan tantangan yang menyajikan Uzcategui, itu akan membawa keluar yang terbaik dari saya pada tanggal 28.”

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Davis vs. Gamboa akan melihat dua kali juara kelas bulu super Gervonta “Tank’’Davis, atas rising star Promosi Mayweather dan tarik tinju terpanas, saat ia mengambil mantan juara dunia bersatu Yuriorkis Gamboa untuk WBA Ringan Judul hidup SHOWTIME Sabtu, Bulan Desember 28 di pemenang penghargaan State Farm Arena di Atlanta dalam acara Premier Boxing Champions.

Hari libur khusus SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING® siaran dimulai pada 9 p.m. ET / 6 p.m. PT dan fitur WBA Cahaya Heavyweight Champion Jean Pascal berjuang melawan juara dua divisi Badou Jack dalam acara co-utama.

Untuk informasi lebih lanjut kunjungi www.SHO.com/sports,

ikuti di Twitter @ShowtimeBoxing, @PremierBoxing, MayweatherPromo, @TGBPromotions dan @Swanson_Comm atau menjadi penggemar di Facebook di www.Facebook.com/SHOBoxing