Таг Архива: Shakh Ergashev

To Fight Against Quarantine Inactivity, Salita Promotions Announces New YouTube Series ‘Train Like a Boxer’


зборот Промоции, boxing’s leading promotions company, announced today the launch of their new YouTube seriesTrain Like a Boxer,” featuring Company Founder Dmitriy Salita and Olympic Gold Medalist and multi-weight world champion Claressa Shields, as well as other premier fighters under the Salita banner including Otto Wallin, Shohjahon Ergashev and Kolbeinn Kristinsson.

Starting with a new webisode оваа среда, Април 1, 2020, on the Salita Promotions and Claressa Shields YouTube channels, “Train Like a Boxerwill seek to motivate people to remain active during quarantine by providing fitness advice and boxing-related routines perfectly suited for individuals with minimal equipment and limited space to exercise.

Before becoming boxing’s newest promotional powerhouse with an impressive stable of world champions, top contenders and blazing new prospects, Dmitriy Salita spent years training in some of the most recognized gyms in the sport’s history as a New York State Golden Gloves champion and professional top contender.

“During this worldwide Corona crisis, this series will help boxing fans with their physical and mental state by engaging with our fighters in these fun and healthy activities,” said Salita. “A boxer’s workout is perfect for these tough times because it is done in the isolation of training camp. Our fighters want to give back and connect with fans worldwide during this ‘isolation training camp’ period and soon together we are all going to enjoy the great victory of overcoming Covid 19.”

Three-division and current WBC and WBO Super Welterweight world champion Shields, who saw her bid to become the first boxer in the four-belt era to be crowned an undisputed world champion in two weight divisions against also unbeaten IBF Super Welterweight Champion Marie-Eve Dicaire officially postponed last week, says she hopes these videos help everyone stay physically and mentally fit during these trying times.

“With all that the world is going through right now, I want to help people in any way I can to feel better while staying at home until this pandemic is over,” said Shields. “These videos — even 20 на 40 minutes a day — can help. Let’s stay strong together!"

Check the зборот Промоции и Claressa Шилдс YouTube channels often for new episodes!



KO Artist Shohjahon Ergashev Records First-Round Knockout; Ja’Rico O’Quinn Impressive In Eight-Round Unanimous Decision Against Oscar Vasquez

Фати реприза понеделник, Јануари 20 На 10 вечер. ЕТ / PT На Showtime EXTREME®

Кликнете ТУКА за Слики; Кредит Дејв Мандел / SHOWTIME

SLOAN, Iowa – January 17, 2020 - Three promising and undefeated Detroit prospects shined during ShoBox: The New Generation’s 250та episode Friday night with Russia native Vladimir Shishkin leading the way with a solid unanimous decision win in the main event Friday night from WinnaVegas Casino in Sloan, Ајова.

Со тренерот на Тајсон Фјури, Шугархил Стјуард од познатата сала Кронк во Детроит, работи како негов агол, 28-годишниот брзорастечки Шишкин (10-0, 6 КО) победи по втор пат по ред на ShoBox во битка на непоразени борци додека тој доминираше во Улисес Сиера (15-1-2, 9 КО) од Сан Диего, Калифорнија. Натпреварот во 10 круга во супер средна категорија беше постигнат во корист на Шишкин 100-90 и 99-91 два пати.

Исто така, објавија победи и студентите на Стјуард, Шохјахон Ергасав, кој забележа нокаут во првиот круг, и родениот од Детроит, ’а’рико О’Квин, кој победи едногласно во доминантниот меч од осум круга во бантам категорија.

„Ергашев беше спектакуларен, но речиси се чувствувате како да посакувате да видите повеќе,“, Рече Салата на славните и ShoBox аналитичарот Стив Фархадиј. „Тој е најнапредниот од трите и Jaарико О’Квин се продаде вечерва и беше многу агресивен, maybe too aggressive.”

Shishkin said afterwards that he fought with an injured left bicep and left elbow. “It was a much tougher fight than I thought it would be because I fought with one hand for most of the fight,", Рече тој. “I was surprised he could take my punches, but I couldn’t move his hand out of the way with the left to hit him with the right. That affected me a lot because I use that a lot.”

Тој додаде: “I want Canelo (Алварез). Сакам (Дејвид) Benavidez. I want the champions next. I am ready for the next level. With Sugarhill in my corner I am ready for anyone. Even with one hand.”

Steward is the nephew of the legendary trainer Emanuel Steward. “I thought all the Detroit guys did great,” Sugarhill Steward said. “They all got good experience on television. Тоа е фактор што некои борци не го земаат предвид. Кога ќе излезат на телевизија, тие не знаат како да се справат со тоа. Треба да сте навикнати да бидете на ваква сцена и јас сум задоволен од начинот на кој тие настапија. Сите момци од Детроит се засилија на телевизија за да ја продолжат својата кариера. Јас сум многу среќен насекаде “.

Сиера немаше одговор за снимките на телото на Шишкин, додека Шишкин се вклучи 65 снимки на телото до 28 за Сиера. „Тој беше остар и беше силен,“, Рече Сиера, кој стана 189та боксер да го изгуби својот непоразен рекорд на ShoBox во 19 години од серијата. „Но, јас бев повреден и со истегната рака еден месец пред оваа борба и оттогаш не сум ги удрил торбите“.

Во ко опремен рунда, тешка супер лесна категорија Shohjahon Ergashev (18-0, 16 КО) showed off his powerful left hand as the southpaw from Uzbekistan also trained by Steward knocked out Adrian Estrella (29-5, 24 КО). The fight ended at just 92 seconds into the first round with a devastating body shot as Estrella was unable to survive the entire 10-count.

“I just saw the window to the body, so I threw the shot,” said Ergashev, who is ranked in the top-15 in three of the four major sanctioning bodies. “I wasn’t planning to knock him out in the first round. I wanted to get some rounds in. The guy is durable and experienced, so I thought I would, but when I saw that opening, Морав да го земе.

“I knew it was over the second it landed though. I knew he would not get up from that. No one could. That was a message to the super lightweight division. It’s Shoh Time! Без оглед каде се борам, секогаш е времето на Шох “.

Откако Ергашев го зададе нокаутот, Естрела од Форт Ворт, Тексас, се спушти со болка од левиот капак до црниот дроб и не може да продолжи.

„Почнав да се движам и се обидов да го користам ударот, но тој беше многу брз со тој удар,”Рече Естрела. „Само што ме удри многу силно во стомакот и бев парализиран на платното. Се обидов да станам, но не можев да слушнам како судијата брои. Не можев да слушнам ништо, и не можев да се движам. Тоа беше пеколен удар “.

Во отворачот за телевизиска емисија, поранешен бр. 1-рангирана САД. аматер во тешка категорија, ’А’Рико О’Квин (14-0-1, 8 КО) беше импресивен во неговиот ShoBox деби како што ја декласираше играта Оскар Васкез (15-3-1, 3 КО) во едногласна одлука 79-73 три пати во 118 фунти.

СБО бр. 10-рангирана јуниорска бантам категорија О’Квин го работеше телото ефикасно во текот на борбата во текот на осум рундата 83 снимки на телото до 40 за Васкез од Рено, Nev. О’Квин го надмина Васкез со просек од 88 удари по круг до Васкез 59.2.

„На оваа претстава и давам шест, да бидам искрен,”Рече О’Квин. „Сакам да се борам со поголеми и повисоки луѓе, на тоа сум навикнат. Јас не одземам ништо од Оскар. Без оглед на тоа што секогаш ќе излегувам на врвот. Дури и кога работите можат да станат грди, Јас знам како да освојам убаво “.

Фархудд го нарече овој меч „високо конкурентен, еднострана борба “.

Додадено е О’Квин: „Влегов во оваа борба знаејќи дека Оскар Васкез беше тврд човек. Знаев дека ќе се појави напред за да биде грдо, so my game plan was to box him but if I had to, stand there and trade with him. I knew I’d be stronger than him and be able to take his punch. It was hard to land my shots with him leaning on me. I couldn’t turn him like I wanted and cut off angles, but we came, we conquered and I got the win.”

O’Quinn, who overcame a slow start losing the first round, ended round seven emphatically with a series of punches that rattled Vasquez, who stayed on his feet and didn’t give up. “I think I did amazing,” said Vasquez, a 32-year-old crane operator. “It was a very close fight. I thought I was winning the first five rounds. He hurt me once in the seventh round and that took a lot out of me. He was a better fighter tonight.”

Петочните борби беа промовирани од Салита Промошн. Целосната предавам на телевизија ќе се повторува во понеделникот, Јануари 20 на 10 вечер. ЕТ / PT на Showtime EXTREME и ќе бидат достапни на Showtime секое време® и Showtime на побарувачката®.

Салата на славните, Бери Томпкинс, ја повика акцијата од рамо до рамо со колегата Сала на славните Фархед и поранешниот светски шампион Раул Маркез, како експертски аналитичар. Извршен продуцент е Гордон сала со Ричард Gaughan производство и Рик Филипс насочување.

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За ShoBox: Новата генерација

Од своето основање во јули 2001, на критиката Showtime бокс серија, ShoBox: Новата генерација е опремен млади таленти исти тешки. На ShoBox филозофија е да се телевизиски возбудливи, публиката веселат и сениорски натпревари истовремено обезбедувајќи полигон на подготвени изгледите решен да се бори за светската титула. Некои од растечката листа на 81 борци кои се појавија на ShoBox и напреден за да добие светски титули вклучува: Ерол Спенс Џуниор, Андре Вард, Deontay Вајлдер, Erislandy Лара, Шон Портер, Гери Расел Јуниор, Ламонт Петерсон, Гилермо Rigondeaux, Nonito Donaire, Девон Александар, Карл Froch, Роберт Гереро, Тимоти Бредли, Џеси Варгас, Хуан Мануел Лопез, Чад Досон, Paulie Malignaggi, Рики Хатон, Кели Pavlik, Пол Вилијамс и повеќе.


Владимир Шишкин, Shohjahon Ergashev и Ja’Rico O’Quinn во Tripleheader во живо во SHOWTIME (10 вечер. ЕТ / PT) Од WinnaVegas казино во Слоун, Ајова

ЊУЈОРК - декември 19, 2019 - Три талентирани, непоразените изгледи ќе ги стават своите неискрени рекорди на линија во 250таиздание ShoBox: Новата генерација, изгледите ориентирани серии 81 идни светски шампиони, Петок, Јануари 17 во живо на Showtime (10 вечер. ЕТ / PT) од одморалиштето Казино ВинаВегас во Слоун, Ајова.

Во 10 круг главниот настан, Владимир Шишкин (9-0, 6 КО), брзо растечката супер средна категорија во моментов рангирана како WBC бр. 12 кандидат, ќе се врати на својот втор последователен тест на ShoBox против непоразената Улисес Сиера (15-0-2, 9 КО).

Shakh Ergashev (17-0, 15 КО), рангирани број. 6 by both the WBA and IBF at 140 фунти, will face Adrian Estrella (29-4, 24 КО) in the 10-round super lightweight co-featured bout of the first ShoBox предавам на 2020. In the opener, Detroit native Ja’Rico O’Quinn (13-0-1, 8 КО) faces Nevada’s Oscar Vasquez (15-2-1, 3 КО) in an eight-round super flyweight contest.

Билети за настан, кој е промовиран од страна Salita Промоции, со почеток во $20 и се на продажба сега www.WinnaVegas.com.

“Vladimir Shishkin was a stellar amateur with over 300 краеви. We believe he is destined to become a world champion,” said Gordon Hall, who has been the Executive Producer and steward of ShoBox: Новата генерација for all 19 years and 250 editions of the cornerstone boxing series. “Shohjahon Ergashev was on prospects to watch lists in 2018 and has lived up to lofty expectations. His aggressive style and punching power make him a fighter who boxing fans want to see. 2020 will be a big year for both fighters. This series was built on giving young, талентирани борци, изложба на национална телевизија и ние сме возбудени што прв поглед ќе го видиме Ja’Rico O’Quinn, а САД. аматерски извонреден играч кој е борец на сите активности и има големи очекувања “.

„На јануари 17, fansубителите на боксот ќе видат некои од најдобрите изгледи во боксот од големи до мали,”Рече промоторот Дмитриј Салита. „Картичката има млади, гладни борци во супертешка категорија, помлади оддели во средна и супер средна категорија. Владимир Шишкин, Шохјахон Ергасав и Jaа’рико О’Квин се без пораз, светски рангирани борци на пат кон национално признавање и светски титули. Прво, тие треба да ги поминат најголемите тестови во својата кариера “.

28-годишниот Шишкин блесна во своите Соединетите држави и ShoBox: Новата генерација албум во август, регистрирање на технички нокаут во осмата рунда против тогаш поразениот ДеАндре Вер. Стои на 6-метар-1, Шишкин беше одличен аматер во Русија, каде што состави 301 победи во 330 се бори пред да се претвори професионално во 2016. Тој победи на последните четири натпревари - сите закажани 10 или 12 круг борби - преку нокаут, вклучувајќи 10та околу ТКО на поранешниот предизвикувач на светската титула Наџиб Мохамеди пред неговото американско деби во октомври 2018. Тековна обука во Детроит под ридот Јаван „Шеќер“, Стјуард во новата сала Кронк, Шишкин бара да продолжи со искачувањето на ВТА ранг-листата во супер категорија во средна категорија со втора последователна победа во изјавата ShoBox.

„Тренингот со Sugar Hill во салата Кронк оди навистина добро, и можам да гарантирам дека ќе бидам подготвен и ќе ги ставам во употреба моите новоучени вештини,”Рече Шишкин. “I hope for another emphatic victory that impresses the American boxing fans. I’m looking forward to putting on a great fight and letting the champions at 168 know that this is my year.”

The 30-year-old Sierra, from San Diego, Калифорнија., is riding an eight-bout winning streak including a unanimous 10-round decision over Fidel Hernandez for the vacant WBC Silver Super Middleweight Championship in April. The son of former San Diego Padres pitcher Ulises “Candy” Sierra, he has sparred with future Hall of Famers Andre Ward and Canelo Alvarez and former world champion Peter Quillin. Prior to Sierra’s career-best win in April, he won four straight contests in Mexico, вклучувајќи и три со нокаут.

“I’m happy for the opportunity to face a good opponent and I’ll use him as a steppingstone to get where I want to get,“, Рече Сиера. “I still have a month of preparation to get into the best shape of my life. I know Shishkin is undefeated and has a Russian amateur pedigree. It’ll be the hardest fight of my career, but I will do anything and everything to come out victorious.”

Hard-hitting super lightweight Shohjahon Ergashev (17-0, 15 КО), на Узбекистан, is ranked in the top-15 in three of the four major sanctioning bodies. The 28-year-old is coming off an impressive fourth-round knockout of veteran Abdiel Ramirez this past August onShoBox. In his previous appearances on the prospect developmental series, the former member of the Uzbek national team scored a third-round knockout against then top-10 rated Sonny Fredrickson, and a 10-round unanimous decision over previously unbeaten Mykal Fox. The powerful southpaw currently trains alongside stablemate Shishkin in Detroit.

“I am adding new dimensions to my game and plan on making a big statement in the first ShoBox of the year,” said Ergashev. “2020 is going to be my year and I am going to set the tone in my fight with Estrella.”

Ѕвезда, who hails from Monterrey, Мексико, станал професионалец во 2010 и го освои 22 consecutive fights before he suffered his first setback in 2015. With just seven of his 33 pro fights going the full distance, Estrella is an all-action fighter typical of his Mexican roots. He earned a career-best win, a closely-contested split decision over Oscar Duarte, во неговата U.S. debut in February. Estrella will face his fourth undefeated prospect in his last five fights as he looks to get his career back on track with a win over the highly-regarded Ergashev.

“This is an opportunity I’m going to take full advantage of,” said Estrella. “I’ve been in camp for the last two months, so I’ll be in perfect shape to go in there and do my thing. I know Ergashev is a southpaw and a hard puncher with a big KO record, but I’ve been in this situation before. I have too much experience for him. Knowing that if I win this fight I could get a world title shot is all the motivation I need.”

The 24-year-old O’Quinn is rated No. 10 in the world by the WBO. Ranked as the No.1 amateur bantamweight in the country compiling a record of 130-18 пред да стане професионалец во 2015, O’Quinn boasts blazing-fast hands and an ability to throw effortless combinations. A fan favorite in his hometown of Detroit, he was last seen winning a unanimous decision over James Smith of Flint, Мичиген., во октомври.

“The time has finally come,”Рече О’Квин. “It’s my time to show the world who the king is on live TV. For those that don’t know, Јануари 17, I’m going to show the world greatness in is purest form. They are going to see charisma, skills and explosiveness. I know I’m fighting a tough competitor. Тој не доаѓа да се утврдат. I’m coming prepared for war. It’s going to be a great night for boxing in the super flyweight division. I’m putting all the champions on notice.”

Васкез, from Reno, Nev., is a former streaking prospect in the super flyweight division. After losing his third professional fight, the 5-foot Vasquez rattled off thirteen consecutive wins between 2012 и 2017 and was well on his way to making a name for himself in the division before a unanimous decision loss to once-beaten Ricardo Sandoval in May 2018 halted his momentum. After a year-and-a-half layoff, Vasquez returned by fighting Gilberto Mendoza to a majority draw in October. На 32 години, the hungry Vasquez finds himself in a do-or-die fight against O’Quinn.

“Training in Reno is going amazing,” said Vasquez. “It’s such a tremendous opportunity for my life. I’m trying to get to a high ranking and it’s a dream come true. I know O’Quinn is undefeated. He’s a boxer who likes to grab a lot. He doesn’t like pressure. I’m hoping I will tire him out. I think he’ll eventually give in as the fight goes on if I put on a lot of pressure. In the later rounds, he won’t even want to come out of his corner.”

Бери Томпкинс ќе се јавите на ShoBox акција од рингот со Стив Farhood и поранешниот светски шампион Раул Маркез служат како експерт аналитичари. Извршен продуцент е Гордон сала со Ричард Gaughan производство и Рик Филипс насочување.

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England’s Thomas Ward Wins In U.S. Debut With Impressive Unanimous Decision Over Jesse Hernandez

Фати реприза понеделник, Февруари 18 На 10 вечер. ЕТ / PT На Showtime EXTREME®

Кликнете ТУКА За Галерија; Кредитна Рози Cohe / Showtime

MULVANE, Мај. – February 15, 2019 – Shohjahon Ergashev overcame a five and a half-inch height advantage recording a unanimous decision victory over fellow undefeated prospect Mykal Fox in the 10-round super lightweight main event of ShoBox: Новата генерација Friday on SHOWTIME from the Kansas Star Casino.

With famed trainer Sugarhill Stewart shouting instructions from his corner, the Detroit-based power-punching Ergashev (16-0, 14 КО), by way of Fergana, Uzbekistan, did enough to beat the rangy 6-foot-4 Fox (19-1, 5 КО) in a matchup of two exciting undefeated prospects. Резултатите беа 96-94 и 98-92 два пати (Кликнете ТУКА за да се види).

“I didn’t think it was a close fight,” said Ergashev, who was only able to land two jabs the entire fight missing more than a hundred times. “He was awkward and his head was very low. He was very long and tall too, so it was hard to hit him in the head. I expected him to run all fight and he did.”

Ergashev did connect on 29 проценти од својата моќ удари (66 за 225) compared to Fox at 27 проценти (41 за 153).

Ergashev said he was disappointed in his performance. “I come to fight,", Рече тој. “I like fighters who stand and fight. Јас сум борец. I like guys who let me showcase my skills and bang. Fox wasn’t even boxing. He was just running around the ring. I wanted to sit down and fight.”

The 23-year-old Fox of Forest Hill, Md., one of the tallest fighters in the 140-pound division, said he agreed with one of the judges’ cards, but not the two 98-92s. “I knew it was close, and thought maybe I did enough to win,” said Fox, who did a nice job slowing the pace of the fight. “I think it was closer than 98-92. I took a few shots, but I knew he was going to be strong.”

Fox became the 186та fighter to lose their undefeated record on the prospect developmental series.

Фокс, who had his father Troy and brother and fellow professional boxer middleweight Alantez in his corner, became the ninth fighter in ShoBox history to have a brother who also fought on ShoBox joining brother duos like Jermall and Jermell Charlo, Andre and Anthony Dirrell and Glenn and Nonito Donaire.

Во отворањето рунда од предавам на телевизија, England’s Thomas Ward (26-0, 4 КО) put on an impressive performance and showed U.S. fight fans he will be a force to be reckoned with in the wide-open 122-pound weight class as he won a unanimous decision against ShoBox veteran Jesse Hernandez (11-2, 7 КО).Кликнете ТУКА to watch a recap.

Fighting for the first time in the States, the WBO No. 4-ranked Ward of West Rainton, Англија, scored a fourth-round knockdown and took the 10-round super bantamweight fight easily against Fort Worth’s Hernandez. Резултатите беа 100-89, 99-90 и 98-90.

“I came to America and fought a home fighter and won quite comfortably, I even got a knockdown,” the 24-year-old Ward said. “He was supposed to be the puncher and I was supposed to be the boxer. A lot of people think I can’t punch, then they get over-confident and get clipped. Then they realize I can punch. Look at his face compared to mine. That will tell you something.”

Ward started strong, and seemed to get better as the fight went on. “He’s been on the gas from the opening bell, and he hasn’t gotten off it,” said International Boxing Hall of Famer and ShoBox play-by-play commentator Barry Tompkins in the final minutes of the 10та и последен круг.

Ward exceeded double-digit connects in every round and topped 30 in five of the final six rounds while Hernandez reached double digits just three times.

It was a clean left hook that sent Hernandez to the canvas in the final seconds of the fourth round (КликнетеТУКА за да се види). Ward controlled the middle of the fight and landed consistent three-punch combinations against Hernandez, who at the end of round six was warned by referee Bill Clancy that he was taking a lot of punishment and had to show him something or he would stop the fight. At the top of the ninth, the referee still concerned about Hernandez lack of action, called the doctor and asked once again the same question. The doctor cleared Hernandez to continue.

Hernandez said he felt Ward’s power, and was impressed. "Да, he got me with that left, but I recuperated,", Рече тој. “But all the credit to him. A knockdown is a knockdown.”

Ward said Hernandez asked for the fight, but wasn’t prepared for the it. “I knew he was a good, experienced fighter,"Вели Вард. “He’s fought some good guys and knocked out some good guys. He’s supposed to be a puncher, but I was just on another level tonight.

“I wanted a good fight to showcase my skills and I’m glad the people on ShoBox got to see it.”

Farhood interviewed undefeated middleweight world champion Claressa Shields before the main event. Shields and fellow undefeated champion Christina Hammer will meet on Saturday, Април 13 live on SHOWTIME to crown the women’s undisputed 160-pound world champion. The blockbuster unification from Boardwalk Hall in Atlantic City, N.J. will be the main event of SHOWTIME BOXING: SPECIAL EDITIONживеат во 9 вечер. ET/PT and is arguably the most significant women’s boxing event in history (Кликнетеhttps://s.sho.com/2UVWXtE to watch full interview).

Shields talked about her disdain for Hammer. “I’m going to keep it 100 percent professional,” she said. “I don’t like her as a person but that doesn’t matter. I want to beat her well. She’s just mad because I’m meaner that her and I’m better than her. I’m the GLOAT. Greatest lady of all time. I’m fighting every person that they say I can’t beat. I’m going to unify my division. I’m going to be the undisputed champion and nobody is going to be able to say otherwise.”

Петочните борби беа промовирани од Салита Промошн. Целосната предавам на телевизија ќе се повторува во понеделникот, Февруари 18 на 10 вечер. ЕТ / PT на Showtime EXTREME и ќе бидат достапни на Showtime секое време® и Showtime на побарувачката®.

Barry Tompkins called the action from ringside with boxing historian Steve Farhood and former world champion Raul Marquez serving as expert analysts. The executive producer was Gordon Hall with Richard Gaughan producing and Rick Phillips directing.

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За повеќе информации посетете ја страницата www.sho.com/sports
следат на Твитер @ShowtimeBoxing, SHOSports, #ShoBox, или да стане фан на Фејсбук на www.Facebook.com/SHOSports.

За ShoBox: Новата генерација

Од своето основање во јули 2001, на критиката Showtime бокс серија, ShoBox: Новата генерација е опремен млади таленти исти тешки. На ShoBox филозофија е да се телевизиски возбудливи, публиката веселат и сениорски натпревари истовремено обезбедувајќи полигон на подготвени изгледите решен да се бори за светската титула. Некои од растечката листа на 79 борци кои се појавија на ShoBox и напреден за да добие светски титули вклучува: Ерол Спенс Џуниор, Андре Вард, Deontay Вајлдер, Erislandy Лара, Шон Портер, Гери Расел Јуниор, Ламонт Петерсон, Гилермо Rigondeaux, Nonito Donaire, Девон Александар, Карл Froch, Роберт Гереро, Тимоти Бредли, Џеси Варгас, Хуан Мануел Лопез, Чад Досон, Paulie Malignaggi, Рики Хатон, Кели Pavlik, Пол Вилијамс и повеќе.


ЊУЈОРК - јануари 16, 2019 – A 10-round clash between undefeated super lightweight prospects will headline ShoBox: Новата генерација when Uzbekistan’s power-puncher Shohjahon Ergashev takes on Mykal Fox Friday, Февруари 15 live on SHOWTIME from Kansas Star Casino in Mulvane, Мај.

The second of two February editions of the prospect developmental series will feature four fighters with a combined record of 71 wins against just one loss. Undefeated super middleweight prospect Ronald Ellis will take on DeAndre Ware headlines a three-fightShoBoxtelecast on February 1.

In the February 15 co-featured fight, 28-годишниотShoBox veteran Jesse Angel Hernandez returns to face WBO No. 4-ranked Thomas Ward in what will be the toughest test of his career in a 10-round super bantamweight bout.

“Shohjahon Ergashev is one of the hardest punchers in all of boxing. He will be facing a challenge in the undefeated skilled, determined fighter in Mykal Fox. A great fight the winner of which will cement himself as one of the best in the Jr. Welterweight division,” said Dmitriy Salita, President of Salita Promotions. “The co main event is one of the best fights in the super bantamweight division between two proven world title contenders. A real cross roads fight with lots on the line for the winner to emerge as the new dominant name in the talent packed super Bantamweight division.”

The 27-year-old Ergashev (15-0, 14 КО) is a former member of the Uzbek national team where he won 202 на неговата 216 amateur bouts. A decorated amateur, Ergashev owns a win over Uzbekistan’s Shakhram Giyasov, a silver medalist in the welterweight division at the 2016 Rio Olympics.

Ergashev, who started his pro career by registering 11 consecutive knockouts, made hisShoBox debut in January 2018, handing then-unbeaten and top-10 ranked 140-pound prospect Sonny Fredrickson the only loss of his career with a third-round TKO. The southpaw slugger, who was named one of ESPN’s top prospects of 2018, trains in Detroit under Javan “Sugar” Hill Steward and Rick Phillips at the famed Kronk Gym in Detroit.

“I’m very excited to fight on SHOWTIME again,” said Ergashev. “Everyone says Mykal Fox is my toughest opponent to date, but that doesn’t concern me. It actually excites me because when I knock him out, just like I knocked out Sonny Fredrickson, all of the champions in my weight class will know I am coming for them soon. It’s going to be Shoh-time in 2019!"

Unlike his opponent, Фокс, 23, had a rocky amateur journey amassing 40 победи и 60 losses—two of his wins came over undefeated top prospect Lamont Roach. Фокс, 6-нога 3 ½-inches from Forestville, Md., admitted that he was not disciplined and fully committed to the sweet science in his teenage years, but once he turned pro in 2014 everything changed and boxing became his way of life. Оттогаш, he has defeated all of his 19 противници, five by way of knockout. Фокс, who is promoted by King Promotions, owns victories over the likes of former world champion DeMarcus “Chop Chop” Corley, Ricardo Garcia and Anthony Mercado.

Fox comes from a family of boxers. He is trained by his father Troy and his older brother and formerShoBox fighter Alantez (24-1-1, 11 КО) is a 160-pound prospect whose only defeat came by the hands of Demetrius Andrade.

“It’s been a dream of mine to fight onShoBox. It has catapulted the careers of some of my favorite fighters,” said Fox, who is making his debut on the series. “I’m hoping it will catapult my career too.

“My opponent is a good fighter. He has good feet, good speed and great power. This is going to be a fight that can potentially steal the show. I look forward to seeing how our styles matched up.”

Хернандез (12-1, 7 КО) broke onto the scene in 2017 with back-to-back wins over previously undefeated, top-15 ranked fighters onShoBox– a unanimous decision over Glenn Dezurn and a fifth-round TKO of Vladimir Tikhonov. Hernandez followed up those performances with a split-decision over Ernesto Garza in January 2018. The 28-year-old Hernandez, the youngest of 15 деца, беше 73-6 as an amateur and took five years off from boxing between 2009 и 2014 to work construction jobs in his hometown of Fort Worth, Тексас.

“On February 15, fans can expect to see the best performance from Jesse Hernandez yet,” said Hernandez, who will be making his fourth appearance onShoBox. “It’s been a long time coming and I won’t let this opportunity pass me. A win over Thomas Ward will definitely boost my career and hopefully lead to a world title shot. I know I will have all eyes on me on national television, I must impress. I believe the bantamweight division is mine for the taking. So I will go head and take what’s rightfully mine.”

Ward hails from County Durham in North East England, where he compiled an amateur record of 60 победи, just four losses. The 24-year-old turned professional in 2012 на возраст од 17 и од страна на 2017, he had won 20 straight fights and the British super bantamweight title. Currently ranked No. 4 by the WBO, Ward hopes a win in his U.S. debut will set him up for a world title shot.

“This is a really good fight,"Вели Вард. “I’m looking forward to it and a win will put me in place for a world title fight, which is exactly what I want. It’s great to be boxing on SHOWTIME, I can’t wait and I hope for many more opportunities to be fighting on the network in the future.”

Бери Томпкинс ќе се јавите наShoBox action from ringside with Steve Farhood and former world champion Raul Marquez serving as expert analysts. The executive producer is Gordon Hall with Richard Gaughan producing and Rick Phillips directing.

Билети за настан во живо, which is promoted by Salita Promotions, will go on sale on Friday, Јануари 18та на 10 изутрина. ET and are priced at $110, $75, $60, $45 and $25. Tickets can be purchased atwww.KansasStarCasino.com , www.Ticketmaster.com and at the Lucky Star Players Club at Kansas Star Casino.

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За повеќе информации посетете ја страницатаwww.sho.com/sports следат на Твитер @ShowtimeBoxing, SHOSports, #ShoBox, или да стане фан на Фејсбук наwww.Facebook.com/SHOSports.

ЗаShoBox: Новата генерација

Од своето основање во јули 2001, на критиката Showtime бокс серија, ShoBox: The New Generation е опремен млади таленти исти тешки. НаShoBox philosophy is to televise exciting, crowd-pleasing and competitive matches while providing a proving ground for willing prospects determined to fight for a world title. Некои од растечката листа на 79 борци кои се појавија наShoBox and advanced to garner world titles includes: Ерол Спенс Џуниор, Андре Вард, Deontay Wilder, Erislandy Лара, Шон Портер, Гери Расел Јуниор, Ламонт Петерсон, Гилермо Rigondeaux, Nonito Donaire, Девон Александар, Карл Froch, Robert Guerrero, Тимоти Бредли, Џеси Варгас, Хуан Мануел Лопез, Чад Досон, Paulie Malignaggi, Рики Хатон, Кели Pavlik, Paul Williams and more. v

Super Prospect Shohjahon Ergashev Returns Against African Puncher Badru Lusambya on December 14

It’s Shoh Time!

A year ago, Shohjahon “Shoh” Ergashev was a little-known super lightweight prospect from Central Asia.

Меѓутоа, being able to punch holes in brick walls has a way of helping people remember your name and the Uzbekistani power puncher has taken the boxing world by storm this year.

Со повеќе 300,000 followers on Instagram and his brutal knockout videos on YouTube regularly getting over 500,000 ставови, 2018 is Shoh time.

Promoted by Salita Promotions, boxing’s Russian diamond mine, Ergashev (14-0, 13 КО) has recently signed a co-managerial deal with TV executive turned super manager Mark Taffet. He will be looking to further his growing reputation on December 14 in a 10-round showdown against Uganda’s Badru Lusambya (26-4-2, 24 КО) in Krasnodar, Русија.

“I am very happy to be able to show my skills to my fans in Russia on December 14 and I am training hard for a great victory,” said Ergashev. “Nothing will stop me from realizing my dreams!"
The showdown against Lusambya will be Ergashev’s fifth ring appearance this year (4-0, 3 КО). He started the year with an impressive nationally televised TKO 3 over then 18-0 Сони Фредриксон.

“Shohjahon has had a tremendous year fighting both in the US and Russia on a consistent basis,” said Dmitriy Salita of Salita Promotions. “His skills, power and charisma are making him a star on both continents. I look forward to a spectacular performance against Lusambya to end the year.”

26-year-old Ergashev is the current WBA International Super Lightweight Champion. His brand-new co-manager Mark Taffet says he appreciates the Uzbek’s willingness to take on dangerous opponents anywhere and any time.

“We are very excited that Shohjahon will be returning to the ring in Russia in what should be a tremendous fight between two knockout artists. The fans are in for a real treat December 14 as Shoh continues his march toward a world title.”

Super Prospect Shoh Ergashev Brutalizes Ramsey with First-Round KO, Saturday in Chicago

Uzbekistani super lightweight Shohjahon “Shoh” Ergashev showed why he’s the new 140-lb fighter to watch in boxing last Saturday, Ноември 10, at the UIC Pavilion in Chicago, as he destroyed opponent Zack Ramsey in the first round.




The current WBA International Super Lightweight Champion, Ergashev (сега 14-0, 13 КО), tore into Ramsey from the opening bell of their scheduled six-rounder, dropping him within the first 15 seconds with a right hand and finishing it at 1:09 with a thudding body shot.




Fighting on the undercard of the World Boxing Super Series Cruiserweight Tournament doubleheader Ergashev elicited “oohs and ahhhs” from the crowd with his brutal display of force. Former unified super lightweight and current welterweight champion Terence Crawford was among the impressed onlookers in the crowd.




Ergashev’s promoter, Dmitriy Salita, says that in preparation for this fight, Ergashev had been knocking out heavyweights in the Kronk Gym where he trains.




“Shohjahon is one of the hardest punchers in any weight class,” said Salita. “His skills and physical strength make him not only one of the best in his division, but I believe one of the most exciting and powerful fighters in all of boxing.”




26-year-old Ergashev growls that he’s ready for anyone in the world.




“I want to fight the best names in the division and look forward to having an opponent that can last some rounds with me! I am coming!"

Crushing Power Puncher Shohjahon Ergashev Returns This Saturday in Chicago

Fearsome super lightweight crusher Shohjahon “Descendant of Tamerlane” Ergashev will return to action this Saturday, Ноември 10, at the UIC Pavilion in Chicago against Springfield, Масачусетс, veteran Zack “AK47” Ramsey.




Ergashev (13-0, 12 КО) of Detroit via Uzbekistan and Ramsey (8-4, 4 КО) will meet in a six-round battle on the undercard of the World Boxing Super Series Cruiserweight Tournament doubleheader featuring former WBO Cruiserweight World Champion Krzysztof Glowacki (30-1, 19 КО), from Walcz, Полска, will face Maksim Vlasov (42-2, 25 КО) Самара, Русија, in a 12-round battle for the Interim WBO World Championship and former WBC World Cruiserweight Champion Mairis Briedis (24-1, 18 КО) from Riga, Летонија, will take on Hamburg, Germany’s Noel Mikaelian (23-1, 10 КО) for the WBC World Diamond Belt Championship.




Ergashev is off to a roaring start as a professional, going the distance only once, досега. He is the current World Boxing Association International Super Lightweight Champion. The 26-year-old moved from is native Uzbekistan to train at Detroit’s Kronk Gym last year and his thudding power has only improved.




“I have been training in Detroit for seven weeks and I feel that I am getting better and better with each camp,” said Ergashev. “I look forward to putting my skills on display November 10 in Chicago.”




Dmitrriy Salita, the promoter mining Russia and Central Asia for super prospects like Ergashev, says the powerful southpaw is headed for greatness.




“Shohjahon Ergashev is the best super lightweight in the world and, фунта-за-фунта, one of the hardest punchers in boxing,” said Salita. “I look forward to another impressive showing from him on a big championship night of boxing in Chicago.”

Power Punching Shoh Ergashev Wins Again in Russia, Calls Out Brandon Rios, Post-Fight

Undefeated junior welterweight slugger Shohjahon “Shoh” Ergashev notched another dominating victory on Sunday night, in front of a packed house at the Korston Club Hotel Moscow, во Москва, Русија, as he demolished opponent Juma Waswa in four one-sided rounds.




Fighting in the 10-round main event, Uzbekistan-born southpaw Ergashev (сега 13-0, 12 КО) was even able to drop Uganda’s Waswa for the first and second times ever, before stopping him the first time in his career.




Ergashev showed his versatility, as he dug a lot of punches to the body to lower the defense of his opponent, who was fighting out of a high-hand-raised peekaboo stance. Throughout the fight, Waswa (сега 10-3-1, 4 КО) didn’t manage to land even one clean punch.




Afterwards, the confident Ergashev called for a high-profile opponent to face him.




“I am happy I got to get in some rounds and the fight concluded as I wished with a stoppage,” said Ergashev, “but now I am ready to come back to the US and get some big names under my belt. How about Brandon Rios? I would break him in half.”




25-year-old Ergashev, a national hero in Uzbekistan, trains at the Kronk Boxing Gym in Detroit under the watchful eyes of Javan SugarHill Steward and co-trainer Rick Phillips.




“Shoh is one of the most exciting and hardest punchers in boxing,” said Ergashev’s promoter, Dmitriy Salita. “I feel very confident that he can beat all the champions in the division and he is still getting better in every fight. With his power, the sky is the limit.”

Junior Welterweight Power Puncher Shoh Ergashev Returns to Action on August 19

Uzbekistan-born junior welterweight sensation Shohjahon “Shoh” Ergashev will return to action on Sunday, Август 19, at the Korston Club Hotel Moscow, во Москва, Русија. The fearsome punching southpaw Ergashev (12-0, 11 КО) will face Kampala, Uganda’s Juma Waswa (10-2-1, КО) во главниот настан 10-круг.




Во неговата последна борба, at the Barclays Center in Brooklyn in April, the WBA #7-ranked Ergashev went the 10-round distance for the first time while winning every round and the WBA International title against former World Series of Boxing Champion Zhimin Wang of China.




Ergashev, who spends most of his time training at the Kronk Boxing Gym in Detroit, says that even though Wasma has never been stopped or knocked down in his career, he is shunning the boxer’s convention of saying he will go for the KO only if it presents itself.




The fearless Uzbek says he’s only out for one thing in this and every fight.




“I am happy to be fighting in Moscow in front of my fans from Russia and Uzbekistan. My goal is to score exciting knockouts and that’s what I plan on doing August 19.”




“Shoh is one of the hardest punchers in boxing,” said Ergashev’s promoter, Dmitriy Salita. “I believe he has all the ingredients to be a dominant force and one of the most exciting fighters in the sport. Август 19, he will take another step toward his goal of winning a world title in the near future.”




Word, says the 25-year-old is a bright light, even in his formidable stable of Soviet Bloc fighters that includes undefeated Kazakhstani junior welterweight showman Bakhtiyar Eyubov, world-rated super middleweight Aslambek Idigov, world-rated light heavyweight Umar Salamov, undefeated heavyweight Apti Davtaev, world-rated Ukrainian-born Korean Arnold Khegai, cruiserweight contender Alexey Zubov, undefeated women’s future champion Elena Savelyeva, top-rated bantamweight Nikolai Potapov and undefeated IBF #1 contender Elena Gradinar.