標記檔案: 的ShoBox

不敗的重量級前景JERMAINE富蘭克林和奧托WALLIN測試了分離式的ShoBox: 新一代回合FRIDAY, JULY 12 住在SHOWTIME®


住在 10 P.M. ET / PT從翡翠女王賭場在塔科馬, 洗.

紐約 - 五月 30, 2019 - 兩位頂尖不敗的重量級前景將會把自己完美無瑕的記錄就行了,當他們在單獨的較量上打 的ShoBox: 新一代 星期五, 七月 12 住在Showtime從翡翠女王賭場在塔科馬, 洗.

美國頂尖重量級的前景 杰梅因·富蘭克林 回報的他連續第二次測試 2018 上 的ShoBox 針對裸奔 傑里福雷斯特 在10輪的頂篷. 在協調功能回合, 瑞典不敗重量級和前10名的排名競爭者 奧托沃林 將爭奪前世界冠軍挑戰者 北京弗洛雷斯 在第七個10輪比賽 的ShoBox 電視節目的 2019.

“重量級是它已經在一代人與一些希望自己定位為最終的冠軍射門新面孔最強,“戈登·霍爾說, 執行製片人 的ShoBox. “奧托·沃林就在酒店門口基於他的最高排名 10 但他需要的是勝利的語句到那裡. 北京弗洛雷斯不來測試瓦林. 他來要贏,覺得自己有什麼需要教瓦林一個教訓.

“杰梅因·富蘭克林是美國最好的重量級的前景和, 只有 25 歲, 仍然有一噸的增長潛力. 他通過了在ShoBox首次測試在四月,我們期待著在另一個升壓鬥爭獲得了第二次看他. 福雷斯特遠比富蘭克林更有經驗. 這將是他第五次打 2019, 他是完全知道什麼是勝利會為他的職業生涯做。“

門票活動, 這是由的Salita促銷在促進協會與布賴恩Halquist製作, 上市銷售星期六, 六月 1 並通過特瑪捷和翡翠女王票房可用.

“這是重量級並於7月一個激動人心的時刻 12 拳擊迷將有機會見證顯著測試兩個師的最好的新面孔,“子德米特里Salita說. “杰梅因富蘭克林的目標是成為美國的重量級世界冠軍, 在一個艱難的對陣傑里福雷斯特一個令人印象深刻的表現將是他的追求,標題一個顯著一步.

“奧托·瓦林是當你把夢想和努力工作會發生什麼的例子. 他在瑞典的一個小鎮長大,旨在挑戰重量級世界冠軍,並按照蒙面約翰遜的腳步. 奧托是戰鬥在北京弗洛雷斯一個成熟的老將誰是唯一的損失已經在世界冠軍戰鬥, 所以我希望這將是從開盤一個令人興奮的對決。“

這位25歲的富蘭克林 (18-0, 13 科斯), 從薩吉諾, 密歇根州。, 是前業餘突出和 2014 全國金手套冠軍. 一個可能的候選人,代表中美. 在 2016 奧運會, 富蘭克林拒絕了機會,在隊中的位置競爭,而是選擇開始他的職業生涯中 2015. 被廣泛視為美國頂尖重量級的前景, 自從轉為職業選手富蘭克林修建了他的不敗紀錄相對容易, 淘汰他的第一個九 10 專業的對手. 富蘭克林在Claressa盾的VS的協調功能回合做了他的精彩表演登場. 四月克里斯蒂娜錘事件, 收入超過前者沒有一個一致的決定. 1-中美排名. 業餘賴德爾布克.

“今年早些時候我的精彩表演登場, 我覺得我可以把一個更好的展現,但我贏了,這是最重要的,“富蘭克林說. “贏得這場戰鬥對我的戰鬥夢想的重量級冠軍的重要一步. 這場戰鬥也是對球迷有機會看到我更多的關注,並準備. 傑里阿甘一直圍繞遊戲了一段時間,他帶來了很多的技能到環. 我會為他準備好。“

福雷斯特 (25-2, 19 科斯), 紐波特紐斯, 弗吉尼亞州。, 因為下降背到後面比賽世界冠軍挑戰者杰拉爾德·華盛頓和邁克爾·亨特贏得了連續18回合, 其唯一的專業的損失來到前無可爭議的重量級冠軍奧萊克桑德·塞克. 福雷斯特, 一個6英尺1左撇子, 在四月取得了八輪一致決定在約書亞塔夫特他的最後一次.

“這是一個很長一段時間我來了,“阿甘說. “我的紀錄,我的潛力是絕對值得的主要事件爭取國家電視台. 這是我應該是. 我很舒服,我不是在所有的不堪重負. 我爭取在國民和大型賽事,我不怕聚光燈. 富蘭克林拋出了很多拳,並試圖欺負你了. 他不是從我所看到的超級準確. 他是一個重量級誰將會嘗試外發你. 我認為他是一個非常類似的戰鬥機安迪·魯伊斯. 我的訓練進行得很順利, 我沒有走形兩年. 我一直在健身房研磨和做舊學校“。

沃林 (20-0, 13 科斯, 1 ND) 使他的U.S. 首演SHOWTIME四月, 也盾,錘在undercard, 但他與尼克·基斯納戰鬥被剪短後,一個偶然的用頭撞左Kisner無法繼續, 導致沒有決定. 身高6尺5寸的沃林在轉為職業球員 2013 並通過記錄的排名逐漸上升 20 連勝在歐洲他的美國首演之前. 這位28歲的左撇子贏得了瑞典拳擊冠軍在16歲, 攻打安東尼約書亞兩次作為業餘選手,是瑞典國家拳擊隊的一員. 目前雙方的WBA和IBF排名的前十位, 沃林現在已經把目光瞄準了成為他的國家的第一個重量級冠軍以來,蒙面約翰松在設置 1960.

“我的中美. 出道沒去,我曾希望的方式,我沒有得到一個機會炫耀自己的技能,“沃林說. “我真的很期待去那裡再次得到表現的機會多了很多. 這是一個戰鬥,但是我需要贏,如果我想要去的地方. 我需要取勝,我需要尋找好做. 我需要的是尖銳的時刻,而不是想當然. 這是一項運動,這裡的一切能在眨眼間變“。

花卉 (34-4-1, 21 科斯) 轉為職業球員在 2003 並享有長, 成功的職業生涯大多競爭的重量級. 經過前七年不敗 25 他的職業生涯打架, 弗洛雷斯遭受了他的第一次挫折,當他前往澳大利亞挑戰丹尼·格林對他的國際文憑組織的重量級世界冠軍, 下降了一致的決定. 亞利桑那州的本土反彈由世界冠軍獲得了第二次機會面前贏得他的下九戰八, 再次前往他的對手的故鄉. 這次, 弗洛雷斯在利物浦停止由WBC重量級冠軍托尼·貝柳. 弗洛雷斯自從搬到重量級, 在那裡他贏得了他的兩個三個戰鬥的.

“這不僅是對我來說是能贏得戰鬥, 我 100 勝率此,“弗洛雷斯說. “我工作 [教練] 天使埃雷迪亞和伊本·卡森和世界級的重量級庫布拉·普爾瓦. 與這個團隊的工作是完美的讓我的力量和調節了這場鬥爭, 與在Pulev世界頂級球員之一陪練是讓我非常尖銳. 我知道瓦林是不敗,並具有良好的業餘風格. 他又高又具有良好的拳擊能力. 我知道他有一些天賦,是一個年輕的和未來的傢伙. 他會努力讓自己的名字了我的名字, 所以我會做好準備。“

巴里·湯普金斯將調用從馬戲團的動作與拳擊歷史學家史蒂夫Farhood和前世界冠軍勞爾·馬爾克斯作為專家分析. 執行製片人戈登·霍爾與理查德·高根生產和里克·菲利普斯導演.

# # #

欲了解更多信息,請訪問 www.sho.com/sports
在Twitter上關注@ShowtimeBoxing, @SHOSports, #的ShoBox, 或成為Facebook上的粉絲在 www.Facebook.com/SHOSports.

大約 的ShoBox: 新一代

公司自成立以來日 2001, 廣受好評的欣欣拳擊系列, 的ShoBox: 新一代 有特色的年輕人才匹配強硬. 該 的ShoBox 理念是令人興奮的轉播, 萬人空巷,並同時為願意前景試驗場正式比賽確定為世界冠軍戰鬥. 一些的日益增長的列表的 80 誰曾出現在戰士 的ShoBox 和先進的,以爭取世界冠軍,包括: 埃羅爾小斯彭斯, 沃德, Deontay懷爾德, Erislandy拉拉, 肖恩·波特, 加里·拉塞爾小, 拉蒙特彼得森, 吉列爾莫·裡貢多·奧爾蒂斯, nonito Donaire主場, 德文亞歷山大, 卡爾Froch, 羅伯特·格雷羅, 蒂莫西·布拉德利, 傑西·巴爾加斯, 胡安·曼努埃爾·洛佩斯, 乍得道森, 保利Malignaggi, 哈頓, 凱利帕夫利, 保羅·威廉斯多.

不敗輕量級前景RUBEN VILLA出點路易斯·阿爾韋托·洛佩茲的ShoBox主要事件: 新一代週五SHOWTIME®

不敗的前景邁克爾Dutchover挖空Rosekie瓦爾在第一輪; 索爾·桑切斯科斯布蘭登貝尼特斯在演播開瓶器的第八輪

趕上週一重播, 五月 12 在 10 P.M. ET / PT在Showtime EXTREME®

點擊 這裡 對於照片; 信用戴夫·曼德爾/欣欣

CORONA, 加利福尼亞州. - 五月 10, 2019 - 不敗的前景魯別墅堅守他的冷靜和一貫作風, 記錄了路易斯·阿爾韋托·洛佩茲在他的第一個主要事件外觀上一致決定 的ShoBox: 新一代 週五歐米茄產品活動中心在科羅納, 加利福尼亞州.

法官的記分卡閱讀 98-92, 97-93 和 96-94 在輕量級回合, 雖然所有三個 的ShoBox 評論家曾贏得別墅每一輪的除外 10 圓, 讓最後一輪洛佩茲 (17-2, 8 科斯) 在看到近戰 1,400 拳腳相加.

“我給自己一個”C“級,“比利亞說, 使他連續第二次 的ShoBox 出現. “他是一個強硬的對手,有一個真正尷尬的風格,是不是一個真正的拳擊手. 我花了一段時間來適應他,這是很難不感到沮喪。“

兩者首次10輪距離他的職業生涯, 這位22歲的比利亞 (16-0, 5 科斯) 薩利納斯, 加利福尼亞州。, 拿了第一兩輪習慣的前15排名競爭者洛佩茲的笨拙的風格,他開始登陸沉重的身體拍攝稱霸第三輪之前.

在第七輪, 別墅外捅洛佩茲和持續身體拳的衝擊在第九輪, 但沒能獲得對比賽洛佩茲淘汰賽.

“我同意了法官的記分卡,“兩屆全國金手套業餘錦標賽冠軍說別墅. “我還是得到了一致決定勝利,所以我有沒有問題. 我可以把一大堆從這場戰鬥今晚“。

洛佩茲是度過了他在中美雷希梅內斯的爆冷擊敗. 出道二月份,但不能重複對備受推崇的別墅壯舉.

“我打他的投籃更好,“洛佩茲說. “我一直投擲和降落的電力桿,而他只是猛刺. 我感覺很好. 這是一個複雜的戰鬥左撇子, 但我想我是登陸打進拳“。

在共同特徵, 不敗的21歲上升前景邁克爾Dutchover (13-0, 10 科斯) 後期更換Rosekie瓦爾作出快速的工作 (15-4, 11 科斯) 菲律賓, 連接在右 - 左組合瓦爾的肝臟是把他送到兩個膝蓋在被算出來的裁判扎卡里揚前 1:46 第一輪預定的八輪超輕量級比賽的.

在他的 的ShoBox 登場, 聖塔菲泉的Dutchover, 加利福尼亞州。, 由米德蘭的方式, 得克薩斯州, 記錄了六體連他的中 11 登陸權力拳在持續了戰鬥 109 秒.

“我必須要能夠調整,“Dutchover說, 一個亞軍的 2016 全國金手套,並在一個銅牌得主 2016 奧運會預選賽. “我得到了在短時間內一個高大的左撇子由於原來的對手輟學. 成為一名專業的部分是能夠適應. 這是什麼我以前沒有見過. 我已經看到了相當多通過業餘愛好者和各種風格現在對打會議作為一個親中“。

Dutchover添加: “我很有耐心,等著空位投籃的機會. 他並沒有掩飾身體所以這是我的目標. 從一開始的計劃是打破他. 我很高興我能早日結束,並給球迷東西可談。“

在tripleheader的開幕回合, 不敗輕量級前景索爾·桑切斯 (12-0, 7 科斯) 對記錄布蘭登貝尼特斯第八輪淘汰賽 (14-2, 6 科斯) 在娛樂性和所有行動的戰鬥.

甚至第一輪後, 桑切斯和貝尼特斯延續了前三輪的貿易拍攝之前貝尼特斯的雙腿開始背叛他,並通過他第四次中途累, 大大減緩了戰鬥的節奏. 桑切斯, 北好萊塢, 加利福尼亞州。, 登陸該交錯貝尼特斯作為第四輪落下了帷幕三個巨大的拳, 煽動不敗的前景有信心達成的鬥爭發展到後來的幾輪.

在第七輪, 墨西哥的貝尼特斯遭遇傷病在他的右眼從桑切斯衝, 和裁判勞爾Caiz JR. 警告貝尼特斯前八輪,以保護自己. 在第八輪開始, 由21歲的桑切斯沖水右手連接乾淨,Caiz JR. 臨危受命,並隨即叫停 18 秒.

“我整個戰鬥震感強烈,“桑切斯說. “貝尼特斯是艱難的,所以我必須要小心,進取的同時. 我知道我傷害了他的時間屈指可數, 但我知道我可以做的更好. 我的空調是偉大的. 我正準備走的距離。“

桑切斯出落在21歲的貝尼特斯 145-94 整體和 123-78 在動力的同時連接登陸 42 他的力量拍攝的百分之貝尼特斯的 29 百分.

“我在每一輪反應良好,“從貝尼特斯說克雷塔羅, 墨西哥. “我不知道為什麼裁判停止了. 我更左有很多. 我只是很失望,我不能完成戰鬥。“

中量級的競爭者和 2018 冠軍 競爭者 冠軍布蘭登·亞當斯上週五的電視節目,討論他六月期間進行了採訪 29 精彩表演拳擊錦標賽® 攤牌不敗傑默爾·查洛, 這是週五早些時候公佈.

“我是一個新面貌,“亞當斯告訴名人堂成員史蒂夫Farhood大廳. “我在頂部 10. 我在討論,我認為這是足以撼動的一切行動. 散發出來無處的男孩是拳擊一個偉大的故事.

“我希望我得到最好的夏洛茨維爾,因為我把最好的'大砲'。我很迷友好,我肯定去痛下殺手. 當我在環獲得我喜歡招待自己. 我非常期待的戰鬥查洛. 這將是令人興奮的。“

週五的戰鬥是由橫幅促銷和湯普森拳擊推廣. 週一全telecastwill重播, 五月 12 在 10 P.M. ET / PT在Showtime極端,將可在SHOWTIME ANYTIME® 和SHOWTIME ON DEMAND®.

巴里·湯普金斯稱為從馬戲團拳擊歷史學家史蒂夫Farhood和前世界冠軍勞爾·馬爾克斯作為專業分析師操作. 執行製片人戈登·霍爾與理查德·高根生產和Chuck導演麥基恩.

# # #

欲了解更多信息,請訪問 www.sho.com/sports
在Twitter上關注@ShowtimeBoxing, @SHOSports, #的ShoBox, 或成為Facebook上的粉絲在 www.Facebook.com/SHOSports.

大約 的ShoBox: 新一代

公司自成立以來日 2001, 廣受好評的欣欣拳擊系列, 的ShoBox: 新一代 有特色的年輕人才匹配強硬. 該 的ShoBox 理念是令人興奮的轉播, 萬人空巷,並同時為願意前景試驗場正式比賽確定為世界冠軍戰鬥. 一些的日益增長的列表的 79 誰曾出現在戰士 的ShoBox 和先進的,以爭取世界冠軍,包括: 埃羅爾小斯彭斯, 沃德, Deontay懷爾德, Erislandy拉拉, 肖恩·波特, 加里·拉塞爾小, 拉蒙特彼得森, 吉列爾莫·裡貢多·奧爾蒂斯, nonito Donaire主場, 德文亞歷山大, 卡爾Froch, 羅伯特·格雷羅, 蒂莫西·布拉德利, 傑西·巴爾加斯, 胡安·曼努埃爾·洛佩斯, 乍得道森, 保利Malignaggi, 哈頓, 凱利帕夫利, 保羅·威廉斯多.

不敗輕量級前景RUBEN VILLA將觀眾通過“天CAMP”AHEAD的ShoBox: 路易斯·阿爾貝托·洛佩斯新一代主賽事對決

這個星期五, 五月 10 住在Showtime® 在 10:30 P.M. ET / PT從歐米茄產品國際電暈, 加利福尼亞州.

手錶, 分享 & 嵌: https://s.sho.com/2LCZxES

什麼: 魯本別墅將返回他連續第二次 的ShoBox: 新一代 外觀 2019, 但此時的不敗輕量級前景將是標題的吸引力時,他對前15的排名競爭者路易斯·阿爾韋托·洛佩斯在本星期五, 五月 10 (10:30 P.M. ET / PT) 從歐米茄產品國際電暈, 加利福尼亞州.

欣欣體育發布了“一天CAMP: 魯山莊“的視頻功能,拍攝別墅的卑微心態, 嚴罰訓練方案和飢餓的成功,因為他準備為他的職業生涯中最嚴峻的考驗. “天訓練營”數字專營權的最新分期付款是可用於觀看 這裡: https://s.sho.com/2LCZxES

比利亞的訓練在上午開始在羅伯特·加西亞拳擊健身房里弗賽德, 加利福尼亞州。, 其中教練馬克斯·加西亞的指導下,他的步法和技巧的22歲的作品,並結束與一個5英里跑通過濱江山丘. 在這兩者之間, 別墅經過激烈的對打會議,並從他的最後一戰,他在第一次調度,然後保持不敗魯本塞韋拉手錶帶 的ShoBox 電視節目的 2019.

雖然他現在還早在他的職業生涯, 兩屆全國金手套業餘錦標賽冠軍有很大的抱負.

“一旦我能叫我自己的鏡頭,並擁有世界冠軍, 我希望能夠說我打的最好的,我打的最好。“

在這個週五的共同特徵 的ShoBox 電視節目, 快速上升的21歲的邁克爾·德克薩斯Dutchover (12-0, 9 科斯) 將於同胞不敗的前景和智利前全國冠軍拉蒙Mascarena JR. (10-0, 5 科斯) 在八輪輕量級比賽. 在tripleheader的開幕回合, 不敗輕量級前景索爾·桑切斯 (11-0, 6 科斯) 再戰墨西哥萊昂布蘭登貝尼特斯 (14-1, 6 科斯) 在八輪較量.

週五 的ShoBox 轉播緊跟首映 ALL ACCESS: WILDER VS. BREAZEALE 在 10 P.M. ET / PT在Showtime.

不敗輕量級前景魯本別墅FACE一次挨打路易斯·阿爾韋托·洛佩茲的ShoBox主要事件: 新一代FRIDAY, MAY 10 住在SHOWTIME®

不敗輕量級邁克爾Dutchover和Ramon Mascarena JR. 衝突在Tripleheader住在的協調功能回合 10:30 P.M. ET / PT從歐米茄產品國際電暈, 加利福尼亞州.


紐約 - 四月 23, 2019 - 不敗輕量級前景魯別墅將面臨一次挨打和前15的排名競爭者路易斯·阿爾韋托·洛佩茲的主要事件 的ShoBox: 新一代 在週五, 五月 10 住在Showtime在 10:30 P.M. ET / PT從歐米茄產品國際電暈, 加利福尼亞州.

這位22歲的比利亞 (15-0, 5 科斯) 返回一個10輪的回合對前景發展系列他連續第二次測試中第一個派遣當時的不敗魯本後塞韋拉 的ShoBox 電視節目的 2019. 兩屆全國金手套業餘錦標賽冠軍和高度吹捧前景別墅將在墨西哥洛佩茲 (17-1, 8 科斯), 誰是度過了他在中美雷希梅內斯的爆冷擊敗. 出道二月.

在共同特徵, 快速上升的21歲的邁克爾·德克薩斯Dutchover (12-0, 9 科斯) 將於同胞不敗的前景和智利前全國冠軍拉蒙Mascarena JR. (10-0, 5 科斯) 在八輪輕量級比賽. 在擁有6架戰鬥機與合併兩負的tripleheader的開幕回合, 不敗輕量級前景索爾·桑切斯 (11-0, 6 科斯) 再戰墨西哥萊昂布蘭登貝尼特斯 (14-1, 6 科斯) 在八輪較量.

門票活動, 這是由橫幅促銷和湯普森拳擊推廣, 售價為 $125, $75 和 $60 並可以在網上購買的 www.thompsonboxing.com
或致電 714-935-0900.

“這種ShoBox 節目帶回前業餘出色的魯本·比利亞在他最艱難的考驗至今,他繼續他的追求,從前景轉向競爭者,“戈登·霍爾說, 執行製片人 的ShoBox: 新一代. “我們能看到首次不敗邁克爾Dutchover, 誰去 130-17 在業餘, 而現在所面對他的第一個對手保持不敗. 在揭幕戰, 我們有 的ShoBox 新人不敗索爾·桑切斯誰將會試圖站出來反對一次毆打對手. 所有這三個頂級業餘, 頂級職業前景和希望做一個名字為自己作為必須看到戰鬥機. 只有時間會給出答案。”

“我對魯本很興奮 [別墅] 和邁克爾 [荷蘭在],“阿蒂Pelullo說, 總裁兼首席執行官, 橫幅促銷. “魯本是領銜五月 10 的ShoBox 只是他在網絡上的第二次. 有關於這個22歲了很大的壓力, 他預計實現生產偉大的事情,由於他的業餘背景. 邁克爾是在粗糙的鑽石. 也是一個業餘突出誰在左右手有電, 他正在尋找這個SHOWTIME事件是他的出山黨“。

“這是我們19週年有什麼更好的方式來慶祝它比我們的三位頂級前景的戰鬥 的ShoBox,“肯·湯普森說, 總統, 湯普森拳擊. “這將是一個真正的樂趣上演的節目赫克與我們的朋友阿蒂Pelullo因為我們看到魯本 [別墅], 邁克爾· [荷蘭在] 掃羅 [桑切斯] 採取巨大步驟,明星“。

別墅, 誰開始拳擊時,他只有五歲, 編譯一個令人印象深刻 166-17 記錄作為一個業餘. 薩利納斯, 加利福尼亞州. 本機是兩屆少年奧林匹克全國冠軍和 2014 和 2015 全國金手套冠軍. 他擁有超過派克史蒂文森令人印象深刻的業餘的勝利, 達文哈尼和加里·安東尼奧·拉塞爾.

別墅已註冊 15 自轉為職業選手連續的專業勝利 2016 不久後奧運選拔賽, 包括在塞韋拉一個主導一致決定他的 的ShoBox 出道一月. 一個合法的前景, 維拉希望繼續他的快速提升在輕量級行列對抗洛佩茲令人印象深刻的表現.

“我很高興能有機會在頭條 的ShoBox 是今年早些時候的共同特徵後,,“比利亞說. “我一直很努力,並在濱江得到很好的陪練. 我的對手是 17-1, 他已經贏得了一些地方標題. 他是在泥沾不. 我知道他挺身而出,並應作出一個令人興奮的戰鬥. 我期待把一個偉大的表現,因為我知道一場勝利將打開大門,更大的戰鬥“。

洛佩茲, 墨西卡利的原生, 墨西哥, 即將關閉他的職業生涯中最大的勝利. 在他的U.S. 出道和墨西哥以外的第一次戰鬥, 洛佩茲贏得了前景雷希梅內斯技術決策拿起空置WBO國際羽量級冠軍. 排名否. 11 輕量級世界由WBO, 因為在他的痛苦唯一的失敗作為一個親亞伯拉罕蒙托亞21歲的洛佩茲贏得了他過去五年的較量 2018.

“我是有原因的皮帶和我要驕傲地捍衛它在5月10日,”洛佩茲說. “我知道魯本別墅被視為頂級的前景, 但我知道我比他好,我打算在5月世界展示 10.”

這位21歲的Dutchover, 從米德蘭, 得克薩斯州, 開始拳擊,當他八歲編譯一個顯著的業餘紀錄. 他是一個亞軍的 2016 全國金手套和銅牌得主在 2016 奧運會預選賽. 轉為職業選手在 2016 在年齡 18, Dutchover贏得了他的第一次 12 專業的戰鬥, 包括在他的最後四個回合擊倒.

“我很興奮, 我已經工作了這個機會,我所有的生活,“Dutchover說, 現在誰列車在洛杉磯丹尼·薩莫拉師從. “我知道我的對手是堅韌耐用. 作為上 的ShoBox是一個很好的機會,它是下一個跳板,達到我的最終目標, 那就是成為世界冠軍。“

智利出生的Mascarena, 誰目前居住在蒂華納, 墨西哥和在聖地亞哥的列車, 加利福尼亞州。, 轉為職業球員在 2017 並通過他的前十場比賽,全部在剛剛編譯了一個完美的記錄 12 個月. 僅在他的家鄉戰鬥, Mascarena最終將能夠使他的中美. 出道他鬥爭後,在後期告吹 2018 和第二次戰鬥在二月取消. Mascarena, 誰曾在戰鬥大多 140 英鎊, 因為他的一致決定勝利赫克托梅迪納還沒有打過 10 個月前.

“我已經在最大市場份額,而現在, 我被設置在二月打不過我的戰鬥被取消了,“25歲的Mascarena說. “我來自一個家庭拳擊手,我們走甜美科學非常重視. 五月 10, 我不僅將戰鬥留下一個好印象在我的中美. 登場, 我將爭取我的家人和我的整個國家. 我會讓他們感到驕傲。“

這位21歲的桑切斯, 恩西諾的, 加利福尼亞州。, 開始拳擊,當他是八和編譯​​的業餘紀錄 90-18 在轉為職業選手之前 19 歲. 只在他加州的家國戰, 桑切斯已經建立了一個 11-0 在著名教練喬爾·迪亞茲記錄. 輕量級前景埃米利奧·桑切斯的兄弟, 索爾即將關閉在路易斯·費爾南多·薩維德拉的多數決定,但面臨著對貝尼特斯的競爭硬升壓.

“我一直夢想著能有這樣的機會的,“桑切斯說. “要在全國電視上打擊對一個硬漢像貝尼特斯. 我知道這場戰鬥並不容易, 但我準備好了. 我會照耀在5月10日“

貝尼特斯, 從克雷塔羅, 墨西哥, 一直保持忙碌於晚 2018 和早期 2019, 在六個月的跨度戰鬥四倍. 這位21歲的, 誰打 186 時代作為一個業餘, 是輕量級前景貴妃尼爾森的簡歷唯一瑕疵. 因為他的職業生涯中唯一的損失貝尼特斯贏取了五戰連勝, 它來到,然後 10-0 和電流 20-0 墨西哥歐文Turrubiartes.

“我很年輕,餓了,我知道索爾·桑切斯是一個偉大的對手,我, 但我不關心他,“貝尼特斯說. “我不認為他做什麼特別的環. 我做, 我相信我會成功. 我要為KO“。

巴里·湯普金斯將調用 的ShoBox 從馬戲團的動作與史蒂夫Farhood和前世界冠軍勞爾·馬爾克斯作為專家分析. 執行製片人戈登·霍爾與理查德·高根生產和Chuck導演麥基恩.

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欲了解更多信息,請訪問 www.sho.com/sports
在Twitter上關注@ShowtimeBoxing, @SHOSports, #的ShoBox, 或成為Facebook上的粉絲在 www.Facebook.com/SHOSports

大約 的ShoBox: 新一代

公司自成立以來日 2001, 廣受好評的欣欣拳擊系列, 的ShoBox: 新一代 有特色的年輕人才匹配強硬. 該 的ShoBox 理念是令人興奮的轉播, 萬人空巷,並同時為願意前景試驗場正式比賽確定為世界冠軍戰鬥. 一些的日益增長的列表的 79 誰曾出現在戰士 的ShoBox 和先進的,以爭取世界冠軍,包括: 埃羅爾小斯彭斯, 沃德, Deontay懷爾德, Erislandy拉拉, 肖恩·波特, 加里·拉塞爾小, 拉蒙特彼得森, 吉列爾莫·裡貢多·奧爾蒂斯, nonito Donaire主場, 德文亞歷山大, 卡爾Froch, 羅伯特·格雷羅, 蒂莫西·布拉德利, 傑西·巴爾加斯, 胡安·曼努埃爾·洛佩斯, 乍得道森, 保利Malignaggi, 哈頓, 凱利帕夫利, 保羅·威廉斯多.


Angelo Leo, Xavier Martinez And Andres Cortes Featured In Separate Bouts Live on SHOWTIME From Sam’s Town Live in Las Vegas


LAS VEGAS – 三月 13, 2019 – Three undefeated prospects will make their 的ShoBox: 新一代 debut as super bantamweight Angelo Leo and super featherweights 澤維爾·馬丁內斯安德烈斯·科爾特斯 compete in separate bouts on a Mayweather Promotions card live on SHOWTIME Friday, 四月 5 (10 P.M. ET / PT) 從 山姆城直播 在拉斯維加斯.

Top 122-pound prospect Leo (16-0, 8 科斯) will square off against Filipino Neil Tabanao (17-4, 11 科斯) in a 10-round bout in the 的ShoBox 主要事件, while super featherweight Martinez (13-0, 9 科斯) 將在 John Moralde (21-2, 11 科斯) in a 10-round co-featured attraction. 在轉播揭幕戰, Las Vegas prospect Cortes (10-0, 6 科斯) will face Baltimore’s Jahmal代爾 (9-1, 5 科斯) 在八輪超羽量級較量.

Tickets for the Mayweather Promotions’ Sin City Showdown are priced at $25, $50 和 $75 並且可以通過訪問購買: https://mayweatherpromotions.com/events/

“Mayweather Promotions is excited to bring the Sin City Showdown back this year, as it is home to a roster of talented prospects,”倫納德·埃勒比(Leonard Ellerbe)說, 梅威瑟促銷的CEO. “The card features three of our young talented undefeated prospects Angelo Leo, 澤維爾·馬丁內斯, and Andres Cortes making their television debuts. It’s exciting to see these guys climb the ranks, as they look to take their careers to the next level. Each one of them will be facing tough competition on fight night. I expect nothing but fireworks.”

“We have three unbeaten and untested prospects ready for the next step of their careers in Angelo Leo, Xavier Martinez and Andres Cortes,“戈登·霍爾說, Executive Producer, 高級副總裁, Production, 欣欣網絡公司. “的ShoBox is all about introducing and developing new talent. It’s about pushing young prospects outside of their comfort zone, matching them tough and discovering the next generation of champions in the process. I look forward to see whether or not Leo, Martinez and Cortes will rise to the occasion.”

Originally from New Mexico and currently residing in Las Vegas, 獅子, 24, recorded a unanimous decision over Alberto Torres in his 2019 debut on the non-televised undercard of Gervonta Davis vs. 雨果·魯伊斯. 獅子, who started boxing when he was eight, amassed a notable amateur resume, winning the state Golden Gloves and Jr. Golden Gloves Championships before turning pro at 18. Leo debuted under the Mayweather Promotions banner in November of 2017 with a fourth-round knockout of Dominican Republic’s Yasmaly Basilio Peguero-Nieves.

“This fight came to me at the perfect time,” said Leo, who has fought four of his last six bouts at 山姆城直播. “I’m in great condition coming off my recent fight last month. I think Tabanao is good fighter and a good counter-puncher. He fought good competition and he went the distance with a former world champion, so I know I have a tough fight ahead. He is a dangerous fighter but I have a solid plan. I have a unique style and I think I bring a lot to the table with my speed, angles and body shots. Fans should expect an exciting fight on April 5.”

Tabanao, 24, made his pro debut in 2012 in his home country of the Philippines. He will make his United States debut next month as he looks to move up the super bantamweight ranks. Tabanao won the WBO Oriental Featherweight Title in 2016 with a third-round technical knockout of Ibrahim Balla. In his next fight, Tabanao lost the belt when he dropped a unanimous decision to Isaac Dogboe, who would go on to become the WBO Super Bantamweight World Champion. Tabanao suffered two consecutive defeats after losing to Dogboe but has admirably rebounded by winning his last four bouts.

My trainer Sonny Dollente is working hard to prepare me for this fight,” said Tabanao. “We know this is our first fight in the States and TV debut, so we are working especially hard to put on a great performance and we thank Mayweather Promotions for this opportunity. Angelo Leo is a good fighter but we have a good strategy. It has always been my dream to represent The Philippines and to be known as a great boxer. This fight will bring me one step closer to my dream.”

馬丁內斯, 薩克拉門托, 加利福尼亞州。, is best known for his crafty and powerful fighting style and is regarded by many as a prospect to watch. After losing his first two amateur fights, he amassed a record of 88-10. He won the Jr. Golden Gloves in 2010, 參加了 2012 和 2013 Nationals Championships and was ranked No. 3 amateur in the country in 2013. He turned pro in Mexico at 17 and joined the Mayweather Promotions team in late 2016 with a unanimous decision win over Wilfredo Garriga at 山姆城直播. He’s coming off five straight knockout victories, with his most recent being an impressive fifth-round knockout against Deivi Julio Bassa on February 9. Martinez is looking for a statement victory over Moralde to assert his pedigree in the 130-pound division.

“It feels great to get back in the ring,“馬丁內斯說. “I’m happy Mayweather Promotions found another great matchup for me, and on national television. Now it’s time for me to do my part as a fighter by training hard and getting the win. I came in to training camp with a fresh mindset and ready to go to war. I’m ready for whatever Moralde brings to the table. I don’t know much about him other than he has the guts to fight me. I heard two opponents said, ’No,’ to this fight because they didn’t want to face me.”

Moralde, who made his pro debut in 2011 as a 17-year-old, will see his toughest test to date when he meets rising star Martinez. Hailing from Davao del Sur in the Philippines, Moralde, 是誰 2-2 在他的最後四戰, is looking to redeem himself in this pivotal matchup. 他U.S. 在首次亮相 2017 didn’t go as planned as he was handed the first loss of his career at the hands of Toka Khan Clary. He rebounded quickly against Ismail Muwendo but lost by decision against Jamel Herring in his next fight. He scored a second-round knockout victory over Elmer Colve in his last outing.

“It feels great to have another opportunity to put my skills on display for the world to see on national TV,” said Moralde. “I’m up against a tough fighter; we both have a tough fight ahead. I have to make a statement. This is the fight that will get me where I want to go. I want to fight the toughest and I’m ready to face anyone they put in front of me.”

Born and raised in Las Vegas, Cortes, 22, fell in love with the sweet science at an early age as he watched his brother Luis at the gym. He started training at Elite Boxing Gym when he was six, alongside Juan Heraldez and Andrew Tabiti, who would later become his Mayweather Promotions stablemates. He had a reported record of 130-20 as an amateur and turned pro in 2016. He caught the attention of Floyd Mayweather while sparring with lightweight champion Gervonta Davis. Cortes joined Mayweather Promotions soon after. He has won four of his last six fights by knockout including his last outing against Eder Amaro Fajardo on January 17. With a win, Cortes will be one step closer to becoming a legitimate contender.

“I’ve only taken off one week from the gym since my last fight in January,” said Cortes. “我感覺好極了. 我 100 percent prepared for whatever my opponent brings my way. I’ve been working on my power and my strength with my conditioning coach and overall development as a fighter. I’m ready for my next challenge.”

Baltimore’s Dyer, 27, picked up boxing at 19 and after a brief amateur career turned pro in March of 2017. He scored an impressive 22-second first-round knockout of Dwayne Martin in just his third professional bout. He was named 2017 Rookie of the Year by Boxing Along the Beltway, a Washington, D.C. boxing publication, and has won five fights in a row, most recently against promising undefeated prospect Carlos Dixon.

I’m coming fresh off a fight so I’m still in great shape,” said Dyer. “Andres Cortes is a good fighter, 但我是一個更好的戰鬥機. I’m training to go a full eight rounds, but if I find an opportunity before then, 我打算把它. I’ve been waiting for a chance to show the world how good of a fighter I am, 這是它. This is my time to show the world who I am.”

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欲了解更多信息,請訪問 www.sho.com/sports
, www.mayweatherpromotions.com
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大約 的ShoBox: 新一代

公司自成立以來日 2001, 廣受好評的欣欣拳擊系列, 的ShoBox: 新一代 有特色的年輕人才匹配強硬. 該 的ShoBox 理念是令人興奮的轉播, 萬人空巷,並同時為願意前景試驗場正式比賽確定為世界冠軍戰鬥. 一些的日益增長的列表的 79 誰曾出現在戰士 的ShoBox 和先進的,以爭取世界冠軍,包括: 埃羅爾小斯彭斯, 沃德, Deontay懷爾德, Erislandy拉拉, 肖恩·波特, 加里·拉塞爾小, 拉蒙特彼得森, 吉列爾莫·裡貢多·奧爾蒂斯, nonito Donaire主場, 德文亞歷山大, 卡爾Froch, 羅伯特·格雷羅, 蒂莫西·布拉德利, 傑西·巴爾加斯, 胡安·曼努埃爾·洛佩斯, 乍得道森, 保利Malignaggi, 哈頓, 凱利帕夫利, 保羅·威廉斯多.


England’s Thomas Ward Wins In U.S. Debut With Impressive Unanimous Decision Over Jesse Hernandez

趕上週一重播, 二月 18 在 10 P.M. ET / PT在Showtime EXTREME®

點擊 這裡 對於照片; 信用羅西Cohe / SHOWTIME

MULVANE, 五月. – 2月 15, 2019 – Shohjahon Ergashev overcame a five and a half-inch height advantage recording a unanimous decision victory over fellow undefeated prospect Mykal Fox in the 10-round super lightweight main event of 的ShoBox: 新一代 Friday on SHOWTIME from the Kansas Star Casino.

With famed trainer Sugarhill Stewart shouting instructions from his corner, the Detroit-based power-punching Ergashev (16-0, 14 科斯), by way of Fergana, Uzbekistan, did enough to beat the rangy 6-foot-4 Fox (19-1, 5 科斯) in a matchup of two exciting undefeated prospects. 該得分 96-94 和 98-92 兩次 (點擊 這裡 觀看).

“I didn’t think it was a close fight,“Ergashev說, who was only able to land two jabs the entire fight missing more than a hundred times. “He was awkward and his head was very low. He was very long and tall too, so it was hard to hit him in the head. I expected him to run all fight and he did.”

Ergashev did connect on 29 他的權力拳%的 (66 為 225) compared to Fox at 27 百分 (41 為 153).

Ergashev said he was disappointed in his performance. “I come to fight,“他說,. “I like fighters who stand and fight. 我是一個戰士. I like guys who let me showcase my skills and bang. Fox wasn’t even boxing. He was just running around the ring. I wanted to sit down and fight.”

The 23-year-old Fox of Forest Hill, MD。, one of the tallest fighters in the 140-pound division, said he agreed with one of the judges’ cards, but not the two 98-92s. “I knew it was close, and thought maybe I did enough to win,” said Fox, who did a nice job slowing the pace of the fight. “I think it was closer than 98-92. I took a few shots, but I knew he was going to be strong.”

Fox became the 186 fighter to lose their undefeated record on the prospect developmental series.

狐狸, who had his father Troy and brother and fellow professional boxer middleweight Alantez in his corner, became the ninth fighter in 的ShoBox history to have a brother who also fought on 的ShoBox joining brother duos like Jermall and Jermell Charlo, Andre and Anthony Dirrell and Glenn and Nonito Donaire.

在轉播的開幕回合, England’s Thomas Ward (26-0, 4 科斯) put on an impressive performance and showed U.S. fight fans he will be a force to be reckoned with in the wide-open 122-pound weight class as he won a unanimous decision against 的ShoBox veteran Jesse Hernandez (11-2, 7 科斯).點擊 這裡 to watch a recap.

Fighting for the first time in the States, the WBO No. 4-ranked Ward of West Rainton, 英國, scored a fourth-round knockdown and took the 10-round super bantamweight fight easily against Fort Worth’s Hernandez. 該得分 100-89, 99-90 和 98-90.

“I came to America and fought a home fighter and won quite comfortably, I even got a knockdown,” the 24-year-old Ward said. “He was supposed to be the puncher and I was supposed to be the boxer. A lot of people think I can’t punch, then they get over-confident and get clipped. Then they realize I can punch. Look at his face compared to mine. That will tell you something.”

Ward started strong, and seemed to get better as the fight went on. “He’s been on the gas from the opening bell, and he hasn’t gotten off it,” said International Boxing Hall of Famer and 的ShoBox play-by-play commentator Barry Tompkins in the final minutes of the 10 而最後一輪.

Ward exceeded double-digit connects in every round and topped 30 in five of the final six rounds while Hernandez reached double digits just three times.

It was a clean left hook that sent Hernandez to the canvas in the final seconds of the fourth round (點擊這裡 觀看). Ward controlled the middle of the fight and landed consistent three-punch combinations against Hernandez, who at the end of round six was warned by referee Bill Clancy that he was taking a lot of punishment and had to show him something or he would stop the fight. At the top of the ninth, the referee still concerned about Hernandez lack of action, called the doctor and asked once again the same question. The doctor cleared Hernandez to continue.

Hernandez said he felt Ward’s power, and was impressed. “是啊, he got me with that left, but I recuperated,“他說,. “But all the credit to him. A knockdown is a knockdown.”

Ward said Hernandez asked for the fight, but wasn’t prepared for the it. “I knew he was a good, experienced fighter,“沃德說. “He’s fought some good guys and knocked out some good guys. He’s supposed to be a puncher, but I was just on another level tonight.

“I wanted a good fight to showcase my skills and I’m glad the people on 的ShoBox got to see it.”

Farhood interviewed undefeated middleweight world champion Claressa Shields before the main event. Shields and fellow undefeated champion Christina Hammer will meet on Saturday, 四月 13 live on SHOWTIME to crown the women’s undisputed 160-pound world champion. The blockbuster unification from Boardwalk Hall in Atlantic City, N.J. will be the main event of 欣欣拳擊: 特別版本住在 9 P.M. ET/PT and is arguably the most significant women’s boxing event in history (點擊https://s.sho.com/2UVWXtE to watch full interview).

Shields talked about her disdain for Hammer. “I’m going to keep it 100 percent professional,” she said. “I don’t like her as a person but that doesn’t matter. I want to beat her well. She’s just mad because I’m meaner that her and I’m better than her. I’m the GLOAT. Greatest lady of all time. I’m fighting every person that they say I can’t beat. I’m going to unify my division. I’m going to be the undisputed champion and nobody is going to be able to say otherwise.”

週五的戰鬥被的Salita促銷推廣. 完整的電視節目將重播週一, 二月 18 在 10 P.M. ET / PT在Showtime極端,將可在SHOWTIME ANYTIME® 和SHOWTIME ON DEMAND®.

巴里·湯普金斯稱為從馬戲團拳擊歷史學家史蒂夫Farhood和前世界冠軍勞爾·馬爾克斯作為專業分析師操作. 執行製片人戈登·霍爾與理查德·高根生產和里克·菲利普斯導演.

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欲了解更多信息,請訪問 www.sho.com/sports
在Twitter上關注@ShowtimeBoxing, @SHOSports, #的ShoBox, 或成為Facebook上的粉絲在 www.Facebook.com/SHOSports.

大約 的ShoBox: 新一代

公司自成立以來日 2001, 廣受好評的欣欣拳擊系列, 的ShoBox: 新一代 有特色的年輕人才匹配強硬. 該 的ShoBox 理念是令人興奮的轉播, 萬人空巷,並同時為願意前景試驗場正式比賽確定為世界冠軍戰鬥. 一些的日益增長的列表的 79 誰曾出現在戰士 的ShoBox 和先進的,以爭取世界冠軍,包括: 埃羅爾小斯彭斯, 沃德, Deontay懷爾德, Erislandy拉拉, 肖恩·波特, 加里·拉塞爾小, 拉蒙特彼得森, 吉列爾莫·裡貢多·奧爾蒂斯, nonito Donaire主場, 德文亞歷山大, 卡爾Froch, 羅伯特·格雷羅, 蒂莫西·布拉德利, 傑西·巴爾加斯, 胡安·曼努埃爾·洛佩斯, 乍得道森, 保利Malignaggi, 哈頓, 凱利帕夫利, 保羅·威廉斯多.


Super Middleweights Ellis And Ware Face Off In Main Event Of ShoBox Doubleheader Live at 10 P.M. ET/PT From Main Street Armory In Rochester

ROCHESTER- 一月 31, 2019 – Undefeated super middleweight prospect Ronald Ellis and once-beaten DeAndre Ware both made weight on Thursday for their 10-round super middleweight clash in the main event of a的ShoBox: 新一代 doubleheader tomorrow/Friday live on SHOWTIME (10 P.M. ET / PT) from Main Street Armory in Rochester.
埃利斯 (15-0-2, 10 科斯), who recently sparred with Canelo Alvarez and Sergey Kovalev, 返回到的ShoBox for the fourth time seeking a statement win. 林恩, 質量。, native faces Ware (12-1-2, 8 科斯), a come-forward fighter out of Toledo, Ohio who trained with Tony Harrison in preparation for his upset win over Jermell Charlo.
本次活動由GH3促銷推廣聯同格雷格·科恩促銷. Tickets can be purchased by calling 585-232-3221.
在轉播的開幕回合, undefeated lightweights Thomas Mattice and Will Madera will face off in an eight-round 135-pound matchup. Like Ellis, Mattice (13-0-1, 10 科斯), 克利夫蘭, returns for his fourth bout on the prospect developmental series. Madera (12-0-2, 6 科斯), a three-time New York Golden Gloves Champion out of Albany, 紐約州, will make his television debut.
The scheduled televised opener between Abraham Nova and Oluwaseun Joshua Wahab was cancelled after Wahab was forced to withdraw from the bout due to immigration issues entering the U.S. from Ghana.
Super Middleweight 10-Round Bout
Ronald Ellis – 167 ½ Pounds
DeAndre Ware – 166 ¾ Pounds
Lightweight 8-Round Bout
Thomas Mattice – 134 ¼ Pounds
Will Madera – 134 ½ Pounds
“It’s my fourth time on的ShoBox, this time I have to get it right, this time I have to go out with a bang.
“I’m going to show a lot, I’m going to show boxing, banging, whatever they want to see we’re going to bring.
I trained at Buddy McGirt’s new boxing gym in Northridge, 加利福尼亞州. I sparred Canelo Alvarez for his last fight and was in camp with Sergey Kovalev for his fight this weekend.
“I learned a lot from Canelo and Kovalev. I feel like sparring with them gave me an edge, so I’m going to look like a whole different fighter in there. Canelo is more compact and he comes a little bit faster. Kovalev, he’s big and he’s a banger.
DeAndre Ware is tough. He’s just a real tough guy who comes to fight. He got a lot of heart and he’s just going to do what he got to do. He’s not going to stick and move. He’s going to be there all night unless I get him out. I think his game plan is just going to be to come in and do what he does.
I think it’s a perfect fight for SHOWTIME. This one is going to be entertaining.”
“我感覺好極了, feeling strong. We had a full camp this time around so I’m looking for good things. My training camp was about six to eight weeks at the Glass City Gym in Toledo. Prior to that, I was in Tony Harrison’s camp helping him to get ready to fight (Jermell) 夏洛茨維爾.
“Sparring was great, it was probably the best sparring and best camp I’ve had so far. I only had about 12 days to prepare for my last fight and I’m in much better shape this time. I think that’s going to play a big difference in this fight tomorrow night.
Ronald Ellis is just another guy in my way. I think Ellis is a tough fighter. From what I’ve seen, he’s a come-forward guy. He tries to box a little bit – there’s skill. I respect anybody that gets in that ring, but come fight time, all that stuff goes out the door. I’m coming to win.”
“It’s a great feeling to come back to的ShoBox for the fourth time. 我的最後一戰 [a draw against Hamazaryan] was a great fight, a very exciting fight, but I thought I edged it five rounds to three. We’re going to do what we have to do to make sure this fight doesn’t turn out like that.”
“If I use my skills and my ability to use the ring it should help me tomorrow night. I don’t really know much about my opponent, I haven’t watched him since he was a last-second opponent and I got him like two weeks ago.
“Training camp was great. We were training for a southpaw and then they switched it when my opponent switched but I’m confident and I feel ready.
“I’m better than what I’ve shown in the past. My plan is to show that tomorrow night.”
“我感覺好極了, I’m confident and I’m looking to put on a show. 我有一個偉大的訓練營, I trained hard and I have no worries.
“For tomorrow, the key is pressure, intelligent pressure. I don’t want to come in overwhelming myself but still keep the pressure on him.
“Our styles should make for an exciting fight. If I bring the pressure it’s going to be a fun fight
[The Hamazaryan fight] was controversial. The first fight was a really close fight and I think if I apply the same pressure and fight smarter, I’ll get the victory.
“I’ve been waiting for an opportunity like this. Now I just need to finish the job.”
#          #          #
w on Twitter @ShowtimeBoxing, @SHOSports, #的ShoBox, 或成為Facebook上的粉絲在www.Facebook.com/SHOSports.
大約的ShoBox: 新一代
公司自成立以來日 2001, 廣受好評的欣欣拳擊系列, 的ShoBox: 新一代 有特色的年輕人才匹配強硬. 該的ShoBox 理念是令人興奮的轉播, 萬人空巷,並同時為願意前景試驗場正式比賽確定為世界冠軍戰鬥. 一些的日益增長的列表的 79 誰曾出現在戰士的ShoBox 和先進的,以爭取世界冠軍,包括: 埃羅爾小斯彭斯, 沃德, Deontay懷爾德, Erislandy拉拉, 肖恩·波特, 加里·拉塞爾小, 拉蒙特彼得森, 吉列爾莫·裡貢多·奧爾蒂斯, nonito Donaire主場, 德文亞歷山大, 卡爾Froch, 羅伯特·格雷羅, 蒂莫西·布拉德利, 傑西·巴爾加斯, 胡安·曼努埃爾·洛佩斯, 乍得道森, 保利Malignaggi, 哈頓, 凱利帕夫利, Paul Williams and more.


Ellis Takes On DeAndre Ware In Main Event Of Tripleheader Beginning Live At 10 P.M. ET/PT From Main Street Armory In Rochester, 紐約州.

紐約 – 一月 29, 2019 – Undefeated super middleweight prospect and Massachusetts native Ronald Ellis (15-0-2, 10 科斯) will look to set the tone for a successful sports weekend for New England when he takes on DeAndre Ware (12-1-2, 8 科斯) in the 10-round main event of ShoBox: The New Generation this Friday live on SHOWTIME (10 PM ET / PT).

戰鬥, which will take place at The Main Street Armory in Rochester, 紐約, will serve as another opportunity for Ellis, a native of Lynn, 馬薩諸塞州.

埃利斯, who is a huge fan of his beloved New England Patriots, is eager to earn a big win and then return to his new residence in Los Angeles to see Tom Brady bring home a record sixth Super Bowl title.

My camp went beautiful. I have had a couple camps in a row, so I was able to work on a lot of things. I learned a lot in this camp,” 埃利斯說.

The 29-year-old Ellis knows that he has a tough customer in front of him in once-beaten Ware.

Ware is a solid fighter. He is real tough, and he comes forward. He is not a tall guy, but he makes up with it with his toughness. He is a former football player, and he likes to come forward, so I know he will be there.

This will be the fourth appearance on ShoBox for Ellis, and he feels that a strong performance will lead him to major fights in the next year.

“今年,, I have to execute. Now it’s time to perform. I just need to keep fighting, and if that happens I feel that I will be in line for a title shot in the next year. There is a lot of talent in the division, and now it’s time to knuckle up and all fight each other. I feel that I can compete with the elite of the division.

When talking about the Patriots, Ellis lights up. He has been a fan of the team since he was a youth growing up in the Boston suburbs.

It’s is going to be a great game. 具有諷刺意味的, I moved to Los Angeles to train a couple of years ago, and for the last week all I’ve been hearing about is the Rams. It has been fun going at with the guys in the gym about the game, but I will always represent the Patriots. I am going to get the state of Massachusetts off to a good start on Friday, and the Patriots will have their arms raised on Sunday.

Ellis and Ware headline a tripleheader that will also feature undefeated lightweights Thomas Mattice (13-0-1, 10 科斯) of Cleveland taking on Will Madera (12-0-2, 6 科斯) 奧爾巴尼, New York in an eight-round bout. The broadcast kicks off with a eight-round super featherweight contest between undefeated fighters Abraham Nova (14-0, 10 科斯) 奧爾巴尼, New York and Oluwaseun Joshua Wahab (18-0, 11 科斯) 阿克拉, 加納.

門票現場活動, which is promoted by GH3 Promotions in association with Greg Cohen Promotions, 售價為 $100 for VIP Ringside, $50 for Preferred Seating, $30 一般入學和 $2,000 for VIP Tables. Tickets can be purchased by calling 585-232-3221.


紐約 - 一月 16, 2019 – A 10-round clash between undefeated super lightweight prospects will headline 的ShoBox: 新一代 when Uzbekistan’s power-puncher Shohjahon Ergashev takes on Mykal Fox Friday, 二月 15 live on SHOWTIME from Kansas Star Casino in Mulvane, 五月.

The second of two February editions of the prospect developmental series will feature four fighters with a combined record of 71 wins against just one loss. Undefeated super middleweight prospect Ronald Ellis will take on DeAndre Ware headlines a three-fight的ShoBoxtelecast on February 1.

In the February 15 co-featured fight, 28-歲的ShoBox veteran Jesse Angel Hernandez returns to face WBO No. 4-ranked Thomas Ward in what will be the toughest test of his career in a 10-round super bantamweight bout.

“Shohjahon Ergashev is one of the hardest punchers in all of boxing. He will be facing a challenge in the undefeated skilled, determined fighter in Mykal Fox. A great fight the winner of which will cement himself as one of the best in the Jr. Welterweight division,” said Dmitriy Salita, President of Salita Promotions. “The co main event is one of the best fights in the super bantamweight division between two proven world title contenders. A real cross roads fight with lots on the line for the winner to emerge as the new dominant name in the talent packed super Bantamweight division.”

The 27-year-old Ergashev (15-0, 14 科斯) is a former member of the Uzbek national team where he won 202 他 216 amateur bouts. A decorated amateur, Ergashev owns a win over Uzbekistan’s Shakhram Giyasov, a silver medalist in the welterweight division at the 2016 Rio Olympics.

爾加舍夫, who started his pro career by registering 11 consecutive knockouts, 讓他的ShoBox debut in January 2018, handing then-unbeaten and top-10 ranked 140-pound prospect Sonny Fredrickson the only loss of his career with a third-round TKO. The southpaw slugger, who was named one of ESPN’s top prospects of 2018, trains in Detroit under Javan “Sugar” Hill Steward and Rick Phillips at the famed Kronk Gym in Detroit.

“I’m very excited to fight on SHOWTIME again,“Ergashev說. “Everyone says Mykal Fox is my toughest opponent to date, but that doesn’t concern me. It actually excites me because when I knock him out, just like I knocked out Sonny Fredrickson, all of the champions in my weight class will know I am coming for them soon. It’s going to be Shoh-time in 2019!”

不像他的對手, 狐狸, 23, had a rocky amateur journey amassing 40 勝 60 losses—two of his wins came over undefeated top prospect Lamont Roach. 狐狸, 6-腳 3 ½-inches from Forestville, MD。, admitted that he was not disciplined and fully committed to the sweet science in his teenage years, but once he turned pro in 2014 everything changed and boxing became his way of life. 自那以後, he has defeated all of his 19 對手, five by way of knockout. 狐狸, who is promoted by King Promotions, owns victories over the likes of former world champion DeMarcus “Chop Chop” Corley, Ricardo Garcia and Anthony Mercado.

Fox comes from a family of boxers. He is trained by his father Troy and his older brother and former的ShoBox fighter Alantez (24-1-1, 11 科斯) is a 160-pound prospect whose only defeat came by the hands of Demetrius Andrade.

“It’s been a dream of mine to fight on的ShoBox. It has catapulted the careers of some of my favorite fighters,” said Fox, who is making his debut on the series. “I’m hoping it will catapult my career too.

“My opponent is a good fighter. He has good feet, good speed and great power. This is going to be a fight that can potentially steal the show. I look forward to seeing how our styles matched up.”

埃爾南德斯 (12-1, 7 科斯) broke onto the scene in 2017 with back-to-back wins over previously undefeated, top-15 ranked fighters on的ShoBox– a unanimous decision over Glenn Dezurn and a fifth-round TKO of Vladimir Tikhonov. Hernandez followed up those performances with a split-decision over Ernesto Garza in January 2018. The 28-year-old Hernandez, the youngest of 15 孩子們, 是 73-6 as an amateur and took five years off from boxing between 2009 和 2014 to work construction jobs in his hometown of Fort Worth, 得克薩斯州.

“On February 15, fans can expect to see the best performance from Jesse Hernandez yet,” said Hernandez, who will be making his fourth appearance on的ShoBox. “It’s been a long time coming and I won’t let this opportunity pass me. A win over Thomas Ward will definitely boost my career and hopefully lead to a world title shot. I know I will have all eyes on me on national television, I must impress. I believe the bantamweight division is mine for the taking. So I will go head and take what’s rightfully mine.”

Ward hails from County Durham in North East England, where he compiled an amateur record of 60 勝, just four losses. The 24-year-old turned professional in 2012 在年齡 17 並通過 2017, he had won 20 straight fights and the British super bantamweight title. 目前排名第. 4 by the WBO, Ward hopes a win in his U.S. debut will set him up for a world title shot.

“This is a really good fight,“沃德說. “I’m looking forward to it and a win will put me in place for a world title fight, which is exactly what I want. It’s great to be boxing on SHOWTIME, I can’t wait and I hope for many more opportunities to be fighting on the network in the future.”

巴里·湯普金斯將調用的ShoBox action from ringside with Steve Farhood and former world champion Raul Marquez serving as expert analysts. The executive producer is Gordon Hall with Richard Gaughan producing and Rick Phillips directing.

門票現場活動, which is promoted by Salita Promotions, will go on sale on Friday, 一月 18 在 10 A.M. ET and are priced at $110, $75, $60, $45 and $25. Tickets can be purchased atwww.KansasStarCasino.com , www.Ticketmaster.com and at the Lucky Star Players Club at Kansas Star Casino.

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欲了解更多信息,請訪問www.sho.com/sports 在Twitter上關注@ShowtimeBoxing, @SHOSports, #的ShoBox, 或成為Facebook上的粉絲在www.Facebook.com/SHOSports.

大約的ShoBox: 新一代

公司自成立以來日 2001, 廣受好評的欣欣拳擊系列, 的ShoBox: The New Generation 有特色的年輕人才匹配強硬. 該的ShoBox philosophy is to televise exciting, crowd-pleasing and competitive matches while providing a proving ground for willing prospects determined to fight for a world title. 一些的日益增長的列表的 79 誰曾出現在戰士的ShoBox and advanced to garner world titles includes: 埃羅爾小斯彭斯, 沃德, Deontay Wilder, Erislandy拉拉, 肖恩·波特, 加里·拉塞爾小, 拉蒙特彼得森, 吉列爾莫·裡貢多·奧爾蒂斯, nonito Donaire主場, 德文亞歷山大, 卡爾Froch, Robert Guerrero, 蒂莫西·布拉德利, 傑西·巴爾加斯, 胡安·曼努埃爾·洛佩斯, 乍得道森, 保利Malignaggi, 哈頓, 凱利帕夫利, Paul Williams and more. v


Californian Ruben Villa Dominates Colombian Ruben Cervera in Co-Feature

趕上週一重播, 一月 14 在 10 P.M. ET / PT在Showtime EXTREME®

點擊這裡 對於照片; 信用羅西Cohe / SHOWTIME

Watch the Haney Knockdown這裡

SHREVEPORT – January 12, 2019 – Devin Haney passed the biggest test of his young career Friday night on的ShoBox: 新一代, kicking off the 2019 boxing year with a dazzling performance and unanimous decision victory over fellow undefeated former South African champion Xolisani Ndongeni live on SHOWTIME from StageWorks of Louisiana.

哈尼 (21-0, 13 科斯) scored a second-round knockdown and wore Ndongeni (25-1, 13 科斯) down with punishing body shots in the latter part of the fight in winning easily on all three judges’ scorecards, 100-89 兩次, and 99-90.See the second-round knockdown這裡.

Haney told SHOWTIME’s Steve Farhood in the ring after the fight he only wants to be considered a contender from here on out. “I want those top guys,“他說,. “Now they really can’t deny me. I’ve been saying this for a long time but now, I’m a contender.”See the post-fight interview這裡

The knockdown came at 1:30 of the second round as a Haney right hand landed flush knocking the unbalanced Ndongeni to the canvas. But it was Haney’s body shots that wore out the stubborn Ndongeni, who was fighting in the United States for just the second time. Haney badly wanted to end the fight with a knockout, even telling his father Bill Haney between rounds, “I’m going to knock him out!”

“He’s a great fighter,“哈尼說, who with the victory takes home the WBO Intercontinental and WBC International belts. “You don’t make it to 25-0 without being anybody. I knew it was going to be tough opponent from the very beginning. He’s a really good fighter and I didn’t choose him. That was the opponent that came up and you know me, I don’t turn down anybody. I fight whoever comes in front of me.”

Farhood said 2019 could be the year Haney fights for a world title. “I’m impressed because he showed a side of himself that we hadn’t seen before,” the International Boxing Hall of Famer Farhood said. “For a young fighter, although he’s very skilled, you want to see him handle all kinds of situations. He went to the body effectively and if the fight goes 30 seconds longer he gets the stoppage. Is a world title fight in 2019 a possibility? Certainly. Just because he’s 20 doesn’t mean he’s not good enough. It’s clear there’s no one that’s going to out-box him.”

Farhood finally gave Ndongeni a round for the first time in the seventh as he used some effective body work to control the round, although never visibly hurting Haney or putting him in too much danger.

As the fight went deeper and deeper, Haney just kept getting stronger. In the final two roundshe led 69-28 on overall landed punches (16-6 刺戳和 53-22 動力). In the final minute of the final round, Haney out-landed Ndongeni 23-3 in total connects.

“I’m getting stronger with each fight and I feel my man strength emerging,” Haney said. “Ndongeni is a very durable fighter. I attribute his big heart for keeping him in the fight. I knew I was the superior fighter. I showed everyone I can fight coming forward, 我可以框, I can bang, I do it all. 我準備好了…no one is stopping me.”

In a battle of undefeated Rubens, former decorated amateur Ruben Villa (15-0, 5 科斯) handed Colombian Ruben Cervera (10-1, 9 科斯) his first career defeat scoring a dominating unanimous decision, 80-72 on all three scorecards in the eight-round featherweight co-feature bout.See fight highlights這裡.

The 21-year-old two-time Junior Olympic National Champion and the 2014 和 2015 National Golden Gloves Champion from Salinas, 加利福尼亞州。, Villa outworked and outperformed the slower but determined Cervera en route to a decisive decision victory.

“It felt good fighting on the big stage and I got the victory against a very tough undefeated fighter,” the one-time Olympic alternate Villa said. “I felt I controlled the entire fight with my superior boxing skills. I’m ready to step up to the next level. I’m taking on all comers no matter who they are, I feel I’m the best featherweight in the world.”

In the sixth round, Villa got to work featuring a strong right hand and following up with jabs and combinations that seemed to buzz Cevera, who was out-landed on punches in the round 35-5.

The jab was the key weapon for Villa as he led 105-23 in connects as well as holding a 36 percent to eight percent advantage in jab accuracy. Villa exceeded double-digits in jabs in every round but the first.

The lefty Villa said visiting Riverside and spending time with noted trained Robert Garcia has helped his game. “I’ll give myself an 8 或 9 今晚,“他說,. “I believe in my speed. I know there are guys like [押尼珥] Mares and [獅子] Santa Cruz who people know, but visiting Riverside let me see I can step in there with anyone.”

Cevera became the 182ND career fighter to lose his undefeated record on的ShoBox. “I knew Ruben Villa was a very fast fighter because I saw some video of him, but I didn’t know he was that fast,” Cervera said. “He’s much faster when you see him inside the ring. I tried everything I could but my distance was off. I was able to hit them with a couple of combinations and he probably felt my power. I don’t disagree with the judges’ decision, he was the better man tonight.”

在轉播揭幕戰, Cuban heavyweight Frank Sanchez (11-0, 9 科斯) overcame a 14-minute delay between the first and second rounds knocking out former college football player Willie Jake, JR. (8-2-1, 2 科斯) 在 2:59 第二輪. Both fighters sat calmly on their stools as local promoters worked to repair two of the ropes that had fallen from their post.See fight highlights這裡.

After controlling the action in the first round, Frank’s raw punches simply overpowered the heavier Jake, catching him with a glancing right to the head and a cuffing hook to the body that caused Jake to fall face-first to the canvas and the fight was waved off with just one second remaining in the second round.

Sanchez was the more accurate fighter landing 39 percent of his power shots to Jake’s 25 百分. He also outlanded the Indianapolis native in total connects (28-15) and in landed power shots (20-14).

“I wanted to show the world that I’m the new Cuban boxing sensation,“桑切斯說, who grew up in Guantanamo, 古巴, and now resides in Miami. “I didn’t let the ring rope delay affect my performance. I was ready to go no matter what happened. My manager the great Richard Steele [former boxing referee] is already putting together my next fight. I’m coming for everyone in the heavyweight division. All contenders better watch out.”

The event was promoted by Devin Haney Promotions and Bishop Promotions LLC, in association with Banner Promotions and Thompson Boxing. The full telecast will replay on Monday, 一月 14 在 10 P.M. ET / PT在Showtime極端,將可在SHOWTIME ANYTIME® 和SHOWTIME ON DEMAND®.

巴里·湯普金斯稱為從馬戲團拳擊歷史學家史蒂夫Farhood和前世界冠軍勞爾·馬爾克斯作為專業分析師操作. 執行製片人戈登·霍爾與理查德·高根生產和里克·菲利普斯導演.

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