標記檔案: 杰梅因·富蘭克林

Claressa盾和Hannah RANKIN邁阿密的媒體訓練行情和照片

無可爭議的中量級冠軍Claressa盾和前世界冠軍王菀Habazin滿足了WBO超次中量級冠軍星期六, 十月 5 住在Showtime®弗林特, 我.

點擊 這裡 對於照片; 信貸: 朱利安Lajtai /欣欣

邁阿密灘 (九月 24, 2019) – 無可爭議的中量級世界冠軍Claressa盾 參加了在邁阿密的媒體鍛煉週二在準備為她即將到來的對決 伊万娜Habazin 下週六, 十月 5 住在Showtime從多特聯邦信貸聯盟活動中心弗林特, 密歇根.

希爾茲將期待成為歷史上增長最快的戰鬥機, 男女不限, 贏得世界冠軍,在三個部門,當她面對Habazin的WBO超次中量級世界冠軍的主要事件 欣欣拳擊: 特別版本 在她的弗林特的家鄉.

還參加了週二的訓練中IBO超中量級冠軍漢娜·蘭金, 誰在非電視undercard的吸引力競爭下週六.

盾VS. Habazin通過的Salita促銷推廣. 為現場活動門票可在Ticketmaster.com並在多特中心售票處購買.

在上月的電視共同特徵 5, 不敗次中量級的感覺攪得恩尼斯將重返國家電視台對一次挨打德米安丹尼爾·費爾南德斯在10輪的較量. 在SHOWTIME開門紅, 不敗重量級的前景杰梅因 - 富蘭克林會從他的薩吉諾的家鄉面臨一次挨打帕維爾酸奶不到一小時, 我.

這裡的戰士發自內心的,從著名的週二說 5 街健身房邁阿密海灘:

Claressa盾, 無可爭議的中量級世界冠軍

“我愛拳擊,我愛,我是誰攜帶運動的女性之一, 它放大和比較知名的. 我們得到更多的尊重.

“有戰士在那裡誰相信他們可以擊敗我,真正激勵我. 這就是為什麼我訓練和投入,我做的時候.

“我想告訴大家,我是一個真正偉大的戰士. 我可以擊敗贏得冠軍的瓦西裡Lomachenko的紀錄,在三個部門 10 戰鬥,而不是 12. 更多, 我退步, 在重不漲, 那裡有我更好的挑戰.

“我的表演會導致更大的戰鬥和更大的錢包,我和我的對手. 我只是要繼續建立我的名字和我的建設品牌.

“隨著對Habazin這場戰鬥, 我一定在尋找淘汰賽會. 如果我把它壯觀的時尚, 將去病毒,並幫助推動我的職業生涯向前.

“這意味著一切有這種反擊在我的家鄉. 我想成為弗林特的好消息,讓人會心一笑. 我很高興能成為將一拼回了家,而我仍然在頂部. 我覺得像弗林特將由被抬升.

“每個人都回了家就是這個事件真的很興奮. 這將是對我來說是巨大的衣錦還鄉十月 5.

“穆罕默德·阿里已經在這裡訓練了 5 街健身房和我每次訓練時間在這裡我覺得我在他面前我. 這讓我想成為更大. 他是山羊,我將成為GWOAT.

“作為這裡在佛羅里達州是偉大的重量切. 我已經在這裡下九個星期,它每一天都會是熱點. 我大汗淋漓,努力和英鎊只是脫落。”

漢娜RANKIN, IBO超中量級冠軍

“這是夢幻般的在佛羅里達州的訓練為這場鬥爭. 一切都非常完美,我感覺好極了.

“我真的很期待十月 5. 我和我的對手要提出一個偉大的演出為球迷六輪或者只要它持續. 我想告訴他們什麼樣的女子拳擊是關於.

“有很多在打牌令人興奮的事情對我來說這場戰鬥後. 我已經準備好採取對頂級戰鬥機,追求世界冠軍在154磅. 我迫不及待地向所有人展示我能做些什麼。”

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無可爭議的中量級世界冠軍Claressa盾將致力於通過成為在拳擊比賽中最快的戰鬥機創造歷史, 男女不限, 成為三處世界冠軍時,她需要對前世界冠軍王菀Habazin週六, 十月 5 住在Showtime.

對於空缺的WBO超次中量級冠軍的對決頭條欣欣拳擊: 在特別版的電視節目 9 P.M. ET /下午6時. PT從多特聯邦活動中心在盾牌’ 弗林特的家鄉, 我. 空缺的WBC女子超級鑽石次中量級冠軍也將在屏蔽線’ 在她的家鄉第一個專業的鬥爭.


更多 “所有底特律” 之間的攤牌 瑞星競爭者Ja'Rico O'Quinn & 詹姆斯·史密斯亮點非電視 UNDERCARD操作從多特聯邦活動中心在弗林特, 我.

紐約 – 九月 5, 2019 – 不敗的美國重量級的前景 杰梅因·富蘭克林將面臨帕維爾酸酸 週六, 十月 5 住在Showtime在弗林特多特聯邦活動中心, 我.

富蘭克林 (19-0, 13 科斯) 將會使他連續第三次亮相的精彩表演 2019 他尋求一個明確的勝利,不到一個小時,從他的薩吉諾的家鄉, 我. 這位25歲的將採取一次挨打捷克共和國重量級酸酸 (11-1, 6 科斯) 上的一個在undercard欣欣拳擊: 特別版本 由電視轉播Claressa盾VS標題. 伊万娜Habazin.

領銜 非電視的undercard將是一個 “所有底特律” 之間的對決 同城對手, 作為西底特律Ja'Rico “五大湖 王” O'Quinn 和東底特律詹姆斯 “烏龍球” 工匠 戰鬥在摩城的超輕量級至上一個10輪的戰鬥.

門票直播 事件, 這是由的Salita促銷推廣, 現已公開發售,並可以 在Ticketmaster.com並在多特中心售票處購買.

考慮的一個 美國頂尖重量級的前景, 富蘭克林是前業餘突出和 2014 全國金手套冠軍. 他通過對競爭的機會 用於在一個點 2016 奧運會和, 在轉職業後 2015, 內置了相對容易的不敗紀錄在他第一 17 打架. 在 2019, 富蘭克林加強了他反對的水平上連續戰鬥 開演時間, 收入超過前者沒有一個一致的決定. 1-中美排名. 業餘 韋迪爾布克四月, 接著用傑里一場惡戰分裂決定 阿甘在七月. 現在, 6尺2寸富蘭克林返回他的第三個回合 今年尋求他的家鄉球迷一個決定性的勝利.

“這是我 一直在等待的,” 富蘭克林說:. “我迫不及待地把節目上 與在人群中的朋友和家人我的家鄉前. 我已經工作 在我的飲食,並採取更好的照顧自己的身體,因為我的最後一戰. 我很專注 在不浪費任何拳,讓淘汰賽自然來, 不推 為了它. 我會得到更好的條件和更多的耐心,最終證明 球迷為什麼我美國的下一個偉大的重量級。”

酸味轉為職業選手 在 2016 並先後榮獲 11 他第一 12 專業的較量. 這位36歲的 度過了職業生涯最好的戰勝此前不敗的托馬斯Salek為 捷克區域重量級冠軍. 身高6尺5寸的酸奶已轉戰所有但之一 他在他的家鄉捷克共和國專業的較量,將讓他的中美. 針對富蘭克林登場. 他是一個多才多藝的業餘海外和折磨了 一個 80-43-2 記錄同時代表捷克國家隊 2008 到 2015. 就酸酸的記錄中的唯一缺陷是 2017 損失高度重視不敗 重量級菲利普·哥維奇.

“我有 技術, 速度和力量擊敗杰梅因 - 富蘭克林,” 說酸奶. “一世 我在偉大的形狀, 我刻苦訓練,我非常有信心標題進入該 鬥爭. 富蘭克林低估了我,因為我的年齡, 但我要告訴 他,他是錯的,並已我的手提出的最後的鐘聲響起的時候。”

“杰梅因·富蘭克林 是一個使命,向世界展示他是頂級的重量級新車上 現場,” 所述啟動子德米特里Salita, 的Salita促銷總裁. “他會打大和強的帕維爾酸味誰即將關閉 職業生涯最好的勝利. 這是一個顯著重量級的鬥爭,將添加到 已經歷史並於10月電事件 5 通過Claressa盾標題 VS. 伊万娜Habazin。”

該 24歲的O'Quinn (12-0-1, 8 科斯) 站在5英尺6英寸,額定功率無. 13 在裡面 世界由WBO. 超快的手和輕鬆的組合沖壓有 允許不敗O'Quinn成為中汽車城打的最愛 球迷. O'Quinn是否. 1-排名業餘輕量級全國前 在轉職業 2015. 他最後一次露面於四月 13 在今年的 浮橋霍爾在大西洋城, 贏得了主導一致八輪 在明尼蘇達州的老將維森特·阿爾法羅·馬丁內斯決定.

“上 十月 5 你可以期望無非是我一直做的少,這就是 贏得!” 說O'Quinn. “這是我的職業中最大的打擊 職業生涯和我的第10輪的戰鬥,我把它非常重視. 我會 最好看我看是親那天晚上,並且戰鬥結束後我會 尋找更大的名稱採取的超輕量級師。”

一個 29歲的站立5英尺3, 工匠 (13-2, 7 科斯) 帶有美譽 倒退和過去十年中最激動人心的底特律戰鬥機之一. 知道他在擂台上無畏的侵略, 史密斯的戰鬥總是 “必看” 票價為Detroiters. 也是一個多才多藝的業餘, 工匠 是前全國業餘冠軍和八次金手套冠軍. 他的最後一戰,在表演藝術中心,排在今年二月 迪爾伯恩, 密歇根州。, 在那裡他贏得了墨西哥的一致六輪的決定 喬納森Lecona拉莫斯.

“我的對手是 固體, 但他不是我的水平,” 史密斯說. “他拋出了很多的 拳,但他摑了很多. 他沒有什麼可以告訴我,我有沒有 之前已經看到. 球迷們總是可以期待一個激動人心的戰鬥,當談到 對我來說. 我要始終把它全部上線取勝。”

“底特律是一個 在全國最好的拳擊打的城市,這是鬥爭的一個例子 那,” 所述字. “Ja'Rico被吹捧為美國最好的之一 超級飛鐵, 而詹姆斯·史密斯是一個不容錯過的前景時,他轉為職業選手. 這場鬥爭可能變成是夜晚的戰鬥,因為這兩個傢伙會 離開這一切在擂台上取勝。這將是Ja'Rico的速度和時機, 或將詹姆斯·史密斯磨他打倒在他的侵略和壓力? 不管 誰贏, 這將是一個令人難忘的戰爭。”

巴里·湯普金斯會 調用欣欣拳擊: 特別版本 從馬戲團的動作 拳擊歷史學家史蒂夫Farhood和前世界冠軍勞爾 馬爾克斯作為專家分析. 執行製片人戈登 與理查德·高根生產和里克·菲利普斯指揮大廳. U5rkl

權重股WALLIN案和弗洛里斯BOTH期待勝利當他們碰撞在ShoBox: 新一代FRIDAY, JULY 12 住在SHOWTIME®

紐約 - 七月 9, 2019 瑞典語和英語重量級奧托瓦林說,他有太多的身體優勢, 而前世界冠軍挑戰者北京弗洛雷斯說,他有太多的經驗,失去了即將到來的10輪比賽.

WBA無. 5-瓦林排名 (20-0, 13 科斯) 和弗洛雷斯 (34-4-1, 21 科斯) 將滿足這個星期五, 七月 12, 在a的協調功能回合 的ShoBox: 新一代 tripleheader轉播 (住在Showtime 10 P.M. ET / PT) 從翡翠女王賭場在塔科馬, 洗.

通過的Salita促銷和Brian Halquist製作呈現, “戰鬥在船122”也將採用美國頂尖重量級的前景杰梅因·富蘭克林 (18-0, 13 科斯), 從薩吉諾, 密歇根州。, 返回的他連續第二次 的ShoBox 針對裸奔傑里阿甘測試 (25-2, 19 科斯), 紐波特紐斯, 弗吉尼亞州。, 在10輪的頂篷和在該開口電視轉播回合, 羽量級不敗喬瓦尼Mioletti (16-0, 7 科斯) 芝加哥將面對厄瓜多爾的路易斯·Porozo (14-0, 7 科斯).

這位28歲的瓦林, 從松茲瓦爾一個左撇子, 瑞典, 說,他在曼哈頓不斷擴大自己的視野與教練喬伊·加馬奇工作在門德斯拳擊.

“培訓已經很不錯了. 我一直在紐約的六個星期,現在我已經有一些偉大的爭吵有很多不同的人,不同風格的,“28歲的瓦林說. “散打是你可以得到最好的訓練. 這是最喜歡的拳擊賽, 所以只是與所有這些不同的人在獲得是一個偉大的體驗。“


“北京弗洛雷斯是很有經驗一個人, 但我知道該怎麼做,“沃林說. “我有工具來打他. 他是很好的一個重量級, 但是這是一個重量級的鬥爭. 這是不是就是一個很好的巡洋艦不同. 我會贏,因為我有更好的技能更好的拳擊手. 我太高大了, 年輕力壯的他. 我打架前總是很緊張, 但是這是它的一部分. 作為神經讓我更清晰. 我終將打破他。“

它已經為瓦林旋風事業的東西, 誰在瑞典國家隊轉為職業選手的頭號重量級剛過 50 業餘打架. 發起人重拉攏他的巨大天賦, 沃林現在發現自己用的Salita促銷,並在上面簽字 5 在WBA評級後 20 親打架.

他相信教練Gamache, 自己是一個流行的前戰鬥機, 用他的成功的.

“喬伊以前住在丹麥,所以沒有我,“沃林說. “這就是我們六年前遇見. 我跟著他回到美國的時候,他回來了,我在今年年初的Salita簽署. 我們有很大的關係. 我愛他作為一個教練和作為一個人,他做了很多對我來說,包括把我在這裡,使所有這些連接. 我相信他 100% 他信任我。“


“我希望今年有三個或四個打架. 我還沒有,許多戰鬥在過去幾年, 所以保持忙碌是對我很重要. 明年, 我將尋找一個更大的戰鬥. 我對所發生的一切感到非常興奮。“

這位40歲的弗洛雷斯, 最初是從亞利桑那州, 說準備去出奇地好這場鬥爭.

“培訓不可能更好了,“弗洛雷斯說. “我有八個好幾個星期的訓練,我有零傷害. 說實話, 我以為陣營採取強硬立場, 但一切反彈很好. 我一直在爭吵七週. 我通常得到的東西在打架週嘮叨, 但我對打 10 週六輪. 今天我對打四輪. 我有 22 幾輪自上週三,我感覺好極了。“

花卉, 兩屆世界重量級冠軍挑戰者, 瓦林說,將面臨一個完全不同類型的對手比他用的那些.

“他從來沒有被誰想到他能贏得一個傢伙測試. 他轉戰每個人都進來作為對手. 這並不是說他不是好, 但我對他的簡歷第一戰鬥機在期待贏得快到了,我一直在與好得多反對.

“我覺得像有一次我讓他在中間兩輪,並告訴他他是誰不會去任何地方有人在, 這時候,我們會發現什麼他做的. 我的經驗和比賽計劃是完美的測試未經考驗的傢伙. 就因為他是未經測試並不意味著他不能打, 但我們要找出星期五晚上。“

與大多數戰士的偏好, 弗洛雷斯說,他很高興瓦林是一個左撇子戰鬥機.

“我一直在爭吵什麼,但高大的左撇子. 事實上, 我沒有九週對打一個正統的戰鬥機. 我喜歡打左撇子. 這是我的一拳選擇打左撇子更好. 我從來沒有一個問題,它和我從來沒有輸給一個“。

現在,16年的職業, 弗洛雷斯說,如果年輕的戰士出來了一些早期的侵略,他會不會擔心.

“如果他要下手快, 沒關係. 我不關心第兩輪或三輪. 真正的戰鬥第四輪開始後,. 我打算贏得幾輪, 但即使我不, 不要緊,直到我們在中間兩輪獲得. 我要進攻,侵略性,去上下對他. 讓他在中間兩輪,看看他在. 我知道我在哪裡. 我一直在用最好的重量級人物和的cruiserweights世界過去 15 歲月. 我感覺好極了,我已經準備好了。“

巴里·湯普金斯將調用從馬戲團的動作與拳擊歷史學家史蒂夫Farhood和前世界冠軍勞爾·馬爾克斯作為專家分析. 執行製片人戈登·霍爾與理查德·高根生產和里克·菲利普斯導演.

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不敗的重量級前景JERMAINE富蘭克林和奧托WALLIN測試了分離式的ShoBox: 新一代回合FRIDAY, JULY 12 住在SHOWTIME®


住在 10 P.M. ET / PT從翡翠女王賭場在塔科馬, 洗.

紐約 - 五月 30, 2019 - 兩位頂尖不敗的重量級前景將會把自己完美無瑕的記錄就行了,當他們在單獨的較量上打 的ShoBox: 新一代 星期五, 七月 12 住在Showtime從翡翠女王賭場在塔科馬, 洗.

美國頂尖重量級的前景 杰梅因·富蘭克林 回報的他連續第二次測試 2018 上 的ShoBox 針對裸奔 傑里福雷斯特 在10輪的頂篷. 在協調功能回合, 瑞典不敗重量級和前10名的排名競爭者 奧托沃林 將爭奪前世界冠軍挑戰者 北京弗洛雷斯 在第七個10輪比賽 的ShoBox 電視節目的 2019.

“重量級是它已經在一代人與一些希望自己定位為最終的冠軍射門新面孔最強,“戈登·霍爾說, 執行製片人 的ShoBox. “奧托·沃林就在酒店門口基於他的最高排名 10 但他需要的是勝利的語句到那裡. 北京弗洛雷斯不來測試瓦林. 他來要贏,覺得自己有什麼需要教瓦林一個教訓.

“杰梅因·富蘭克林是美國最好的重量級的前景和, 只有 25 歲, 仍然有一噸的增長潛力. 他通過了在ShoBox首次測試在四月,我們期待著在另一個升壓鬥爭獲得了第二次看他. 福雷斯特遠比富蘭克林更有經驗. 這將是他第五次打 2019, 他是完全知道什麼是勝利會為他的職業生涯做。“

門票活動, 這是由的Salita促銷在促進協會與布賴恩Halquist製作, 上市銷售星期六, 六月 1 並通過特瑪捷和翡翠女王票房可用.

“這是重量級並於7月一個激動人心的時刻 12 拳擊迷將有機會見證顯著測試兩個師的最好的新面孔,“子德米特里Salita說. “杰梅因富蘭克林的目標是成為美國的重量級世界冠軍, 在一個艱難的對陣傑里福雷斯特一個令人印象深刻的表現將是他的追求,標題一個顯著一步.

“奧托·瓦林是當你把夢想和努力工作會發生什麼的例子. 他在瑞典的一個小鎮長大,旨在挑戰重量級世界冠軍,並按照蒙面約翰遜的腳步. 奧托是戰鬥在北京弗洛雷斯一個成熟的老將誰是唯一的損失已經在世界冠軍戰鬥, 所以我希望這將是從開盤一個令人興奮的對決。“

這位25歲的富蘭克林 (18-0, 13 科斯), 從薩吉諾, 密歇根州。, 是前業餘突出和 2014 全國金手套冠軍. 一個可能的候選人,代表中美. 在 2016 奧運會, 富蘭克林拒絕了機會,在隊中的位置競爭,而是選擇開始他的職業生涯中 2015. 被廣泛視為美國頂尖重量級的前景, 自從轉為職業選手富蘭克林修建了他的不敗紀錄相對容易, 淘汰他的第一個九 10 專業的對手. 富蘭克林在Claressa盾的VS的協調功能回合做了他的精彩表演登場. 四月克里斯蒂娜錘事件, 收入超過前者沒有一個一致的決定. 1-中美排名. 業餘賴德爾布克.

“今年早些時候我的精彩表演登場, 我覺得我可以把一個更好的展現,但我贏了,這是最重要的,“富蘭克林說. “贏得這場戰鬥對我的戰鬥夢想的重量級冠軍的重要一步. 這場戰鬥也是對球迷有機會看到我更多的關注,並準備. 傑里阿甘一直圍繞遊戲了一段時間,他帶來了很多的技能到環. 我會為他準備好。“

福雷斯特 (25-2, 19 科斯), 紐波特紐斯, 弗吉尼亞州。, 因為下降背到後面比賽世界冠軍挑戰者杰拉爾德·華盛頓和邁克爾·亨特贏得了連續18回合, 其唯一的專業的損失來到前無可爭議的重量級冠軍奧萊克桑德·塞克. 福雷斯特, 一個6英尺1左撇子, 在四月取得了八輪一致決定在約書亞塔夫特他的最後一次.

“這是一個很長一段時間我來了,“阿甘說. “我的紀錄,我的潛力是絕對值得的主要事件爭取國家電視台. 這是我應該是. 我很舒服,我不是在所有的不堪重負. 我爭取在國民和大型賽事,我不怕聚光燈. 富蘭克林拋出了很多拳,並試圖欺負你了. 他不是從我所看到的超級準確. 他是一個重量級誰將會嘗試外發你. 我認為他是一個非常類似的戰鬥機安迪·魯伊斯. 我的訓練進行得很順利, 我沒有走形兩年. 我一直在健身房研磨和做舊學校“。

沃林 (20-0, 13 科斯, 1 ND) 使他的U.S. 首演SHOWTIME四月, 也盾,錘在undercard, 但他與尼克·基斯納戰鬥被剪短後,一個偶然的用頭撞左Kisner無法繼續, 導致沒有決定. 身高6尺5寸的沃林在轉為職業球員 2013 並通過記錄的排名逐漸上升 20 連勝在歐洲他的美國首演之前. 這位28歲的左撇子贏得了瑞典拳擊冠軍在16歲, 攻打安東尼約書亞兩次作為業餘選手,是瑞典國家拳擊隊的一員. 目前雙方的WBA和IBF排名的前十位, 沃林現在已經把目光瞄準了成為他的國家的第一個重量級冠軍以來,蒙面約翰松在設置 1960.

“我的中美. 出道沒去,我曾希望的方式,我沒有得到一個機會炫耀自己的技能,“沃林說. “我真的很期待去那裡再次得到表現的機會多了很多. 這是一個戰鬥,但是我需要贏,如果我想要去的地方. 我需要取勝,我需要尋找好做. 我需要的是尖銳的時刻,而不是想當然. 這是一項運動,這裡的一切能在眨眼間變“。

花卉 (34-4-1, 21 科斯) 轉為職業球員在 2003 並享有長, 成功的職業生涯大多競爭的重量級. 經過前七年不敗 25 他的職業生涯打架, 弗洛雷斯遭受了他的第一次挫折,當他前往澳大利亞挑戰丹尼·格林對他的國際文憑組織的重量級世界冠軍, 下降了一致的決定. 亞利桑那州的本土反彈由世界冠軍獲得了第二次機會面前贏得他的下九戰八, 再次前往他的對手的故鄉. 這次, 弗洛雷斯在利物浦停止由WBC重量級冠軍托尼·貝柳. 弗洛雷斯自從搬到重量級, 在那裡他贏得了他的兩個三個戰鬥的.

“這不僅是對我來說是能贏得戰鬥, 我 100 勝率此,“弗洛雷斯說. “我工作 [教練] 天使埃雷迪亞和伊本·卡森和世界級的重量級庫布拉·普爾瓦. 與這個團隊的工作是完美的讓我的力量和調節了這場鬥爭, 與在Pulev世界頂級球員之一陪練是讓我非常尖銳. 我知道瓦林是不敗,並具有良好的業餘風格. 他又高又具有良好的拳擊能力. 我知道他有一些天賦,是一個年輕的和未來的傢伙. 他會努力讓自己的名字了我的名字, 所以我會做好準備。“

巴里·湯普金斯將調用從馬戲團的動作與拳擊歷史學家史蒂夫Farhood和前世界冠軍勞爾·馬爾克斯作為專家分析. 執行製片人戈登·霍爾與理查德·高根生產和里克·菲利普斯導演.

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大約 的ShoBox: 新一代

公司自成立以來日 2001, 廣受好評的欣欣拳擊系列, 的ShoBox: 新一代 有特色的年輕人才匹配強硬. 該 的ShoBox 理念是令人興奮的轉播, 萬人空巷,並同時為願意前景試驗場正式比賽確定為世界冠軍戰鬥. 一些的日益增長的列表的 80 誰曾出現在戰士 的ShoBox 和先進的,以爭取世界冠軍,包括: 埃羅爾小斯彭斯, 沃德, Deontay懷爾德, Erislandy拉拉, 肖恩·波特, 加里·拉塞爾小, 拉蒙特彼得森, 吉列爾莫·裡貢多·奧爾蒂斯, nonito Donaire主場, 德文亞歷山大, 卡爾Froch, 羅伯特·格雷羅, 蒂莫西·布拉德利, 傑西·巴爾加斯, 胡安·曼努埃爾·洛佩斯, 乍得道森, 保利Malignaggi, 哈頓, 凱利帕夫利, 保羅·威廉斯多.


WBO Middleweight Champion Hammer Takes on Fellow Middleweight Champion Claressa Shields for Undisputed Middleweight Championship Saturday, 四月 13 住在Showtime® from Boardwalk Hall in Atlantic City

點擊 這裡 for Video from Salita Promotions

大西洋城, N.J. (四月 5, 2019) – Before she arrived in New York Thursday for the final part of her training camp, WBO中量級世界冠軍 克里斯蒂娜·哈默shared her thoughts on her showdown for the Undisputed Middleweight Championship against WBA, WBC and IBF Middleweight Champion Claressa盾 週六日 13 live on SHOWTIME from Boardwalk Hall in Atlantic City, N.J.

Germany’s Hammer has held a middleweight world title since 2010, defending it numerous times including in her U.S. debut last June on SHOWTIME in which she defeated Tori Nelson. Now she looks to stamp her name in the history books in this matchup against Shields that many are calling the most significant fight in women’s boxing history.

門票現場活動, 這是由的Salita促銷推廣, 售價為 $150, $100, $55 和 $35 and can be purchased through Ticketmaster and atboardwalkhall.com.

Here are highlights of what Hammer had to say as we head into fight week for this historic event:

How excited are you about fighting in the U.S.?

克里斯蒂娜·哈默: I’m really excited about it because this is a very big fight. I can’t wait to get there, step into the ring and put on a great performance.


CH: This is going to be the biggest women’s fight in history. 我們都是冠軍, she has Olympic gold medals and other accolades, so with all of that combined, it’s going to be a game changer for our sport.

What do you need to do to win?

CH: “I’m a long time champion and I know what to do in the ring. I know I have the skills to beat her. I have great foot work and my goal is to beat her badly.

What do you think of Claressa inside and outside of the ring?

CH: Claressa has obviously accomplished a lot going back to the Olympics. This is a big step for her and I think it’s going to be a challenge for her. As a person, she’s just my opponent, that’s all.

Can you describe your style of fighting and what fans can expect on April 13?

CH: “I’m tall for my division so I use my reach. I have great footwork and technique and power and I want to show off all those skills. I’m going to show that Christina Hammer is a great champion. I like to play with my opponent, and when the moment is right, I beat her down.

Can you talk about your experiences as a fashion model and why that’s important to you?

CH: I like modeling because it’s a different part of me. You can be more feminine and athletic. I did my first shoot three years ago and I had never done anything like that. I’ve worked on my skills there too.

To be a model is an easy job, it just gives me confidence. Being a fighter is hard. You have to give everything, because in the ring you can’t run away. You have to fight and defeat someone.

Would you ever want to compete in another sport?

CH: “我不知道. Boxing is the best sport to me. It’s my passion. I give everything to the sport and my dream now is to be successful in America.

Is there anyone in boxing history you’d have loved to fight?

CH: Laila Ali was a great champion and If I fought her that would be a great fight.

Do you see women’s boxing as a sport on the rise?

CH: “是的, it’s really grown in recent years. There are more fights on big platforms for us and I think this is just the start.

Would you recommend for other women to go into boxing?

CH: Boxing is a great sport. You need technique, intelligence and it makes you feel more confident. If something happens, you can take care of yourself. It’s the best workout and I suggest it to everyone.

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關於盾牌VS. 錘子
盾VS. 錘將坑不敗的中量級世界冠軍Claressa盾和克里斯蒂娜錘彼此在戰鬥中冠無可爭議的160磅重的世界冠軍, 什麼可以說是最顯著婦女在歷史拳擊事件. 共同特徵將坑杰梅因·富蘭克林承擔韋迪爾布克一場驚心動魄的10輪的重量級回合,並在電視節目開門紅, 權重股奧托沃林和尼克·基斯納將在10輪比賽戰. 欣欣拳擊: 特別版tripleheader將現場直播在SHOWTIME 9 P.M. 從浮橋廳ET / PT在大西洋城, N.J.


“Christina doesn’t know what’s coming for her. I’m going to break that Hammer in half” – 希爾茲

點擊 這裡 for Photos from Jose Pineiro/SHOWTIME

WBC, WBA & IBF Middleweight Champion Claressa Shields Prepares for Undisputed Middleweight Championship Showdown Against Christina Hammer Saturday, 四月 13 住在Showtime®

from Boardwalk Hall in Atlantic City


點擊這裡 for Photos from Jose Pineiro/SHOWTIME


MIAMI(四月 4, 2019) – WBA, WBC and IBF Middleweight World ChampionClaressa盾hosted a media workout at 5 Street Gym in Miami Thursday as she nears her showdown against WBO Middleweight World Champion克里斯蒂娜·哈默 for the undisputed middleweight world championship Saturday April 13 live on SHOWTIME from Boardwalk Hall in Atlantic City, N.J.

The two-time Olympic Gold Medalist Shields and unbeaten Hammer will look to become the sixth fighter in history to unify all four major world titles in the main event of a SHOWTIME BOXING: 特別版本 (9 P.M. ET / PT).

門票現場活動, 這是由的Salita促銷推廣, 售價為 $150, $100, $55 和 $35 and can be purchased through Ticketmaster and atboardwalkhall.com.

Shields has been training in Florida for the last week with her trainer John David Jackson, after spending the previous five weeks at the U.S. Olympic Training Center in Colorado. Here is what Shields had to say Thursday:


“Christina doesn’t know what’s coming for her. I’m going to break that Hammer in half.

“When we’re in there, it’s about who punches harder. 這是一個真正的戰鬥. Just because she has height, doesn’t mean she’s going to dictate what happens. She’s going to have to do a lot to keep me off of her.

“I have two Olympic Gold Medals, three belts and more coming. I’ll have all the titles at the end of the night on April 13.

“I work hard, really hard. If I was a man, I would probably be one of the most famous boxers out there. There is a gender gap. We all know it. I’m working towards changing that. We work hard, we get less money and less recognition, but the world is changing. We are changing it.

“Hammer has been talking smack but I’m not worried about her. I’m just ready for a fight. She talks about a lot of stuff that has nothing to do with boxing. I’m waiting for her to say she’s going to hit me with an uppercut or something, but it’s more of the same.

“Being here in Florida to finish up camp has really been ideal. I’ve still been working extremely hard, but here I have a little extra space and sunshine. It was time for some new scenery in camp and I think this was the perfect move to take me into fight week.

“I’ve been working on my ‘Ali shuffle,’ this gym inspired me. Don’t be surprised if you see me break it out during the fight. I’ve got some tricks up my sleeve. At the press conference there will be some surprises too — I have an outfit picked that is going to steal the show.”

“This fight is long overdue and I’m just glad I’m going to get my chance to show her what a real champion is. Someone is going down on April 13 and I promise it’s not going to be me.

“People can say they’re not paying attention to you and not studying you, but they’re lying. I’m glad she’s looking at me closely though. Hammer flew one of my friends out there to be a sparring partner, not even knowing that she hasn’t sparred me in years and knows nothing about me. It makes me know I’m on her mind. She can spar with Ann Wolfe and she still isn’t going to beat me.”

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關於盾牌VS. 錘子

盾VS. 錘將坑不敗的中量級世界冠軍Claressa盾和克里斯蒂娜錘彼此在戰鬥中冠無可爭議的160磅重的世界冠軍, 什麼可以說是最顯著婦女在歷史拳擊事件. 共同特徵將坑杰梅因·富蘭克林承擔韋迪爾布克一場驚心動魄的10輪的重量級回合,並在電視節目開門紅, 權重股奧托沃林和尼克·基斯納將在10輪比賽戰. 欣欣拳擊: 特別版tripleheader將現場直播在SHOWTIME 9 P.M. 從浮橋廳ET / PT在大西洋城, N.J.

UNBEATEN RISING HEAVYWEIGHTS JERMAINE FRANKLIN & OTTO WALLIN TALK UPCOMING BOUTS & ROAD TO HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPIONSHIPFranklin Battles Rydell Booker While Wallin Faces Nick Kisner Live on SHOWTIME Saturday, 四月 13 from Boardwalk Hall in Atlantic City, N.J.


Franklin Battles Rydell Booker While Wallin Faces Nick Kisner Live on SHOWTIME® 星期六, 四月 13 Leading Up to Claressa Shields vs. Christina Hammer Main Event from Boardwalk Hall
在大西洋城, N.J.

大西洋城, N.J. (四月 3, 2019) – Unbeaten rising heavyweight contenders杰梅因·富蘭克林 奧托沃林 will be looking to make a splash and announce themselves in the heavyweight division when they step in for separate bouts live on SHOWTIME Saturday, 四月 13 from Boardwalk Hall in Atlantic City.

欣欣拳擊: SPECIAL EDITION tripleheader will air beginning at 9 P.M. ET/PT and is headlined by Claressa Shields battling Christina Hammer for the undisputed women’s middleweight championship.

Franklin will face Rydell Booker while Wallin takes on Nick Kisner in a pair of 10-round attractions leading up to the main event. For both Franklin and Wallin, they see April 13 as a step towards their larger goals.

Booker is in the way of where I’m eventually trying to be,” 富蘭克林說:. “I’m part of that next generation of heavyweights and I’m working hard to end up as the heavyweight champion when the dust settles. I always find a way to win and I’m going to show it on April 13.

Coming to the U.S. for the second part of my career is very exciting,” said Wallin. “I’ve accomplished a lot in my career in Europe but this is a new beginning. This is the moment I’ve been dreaming of since I first laced up mitts and I can’t wait to introduce myself to the fans here.

A 25-year-old from Saginaw, 密歇根, Franklin hopes to show that he’s primed to become the next American heavyweight champion, and is ready to take the mantle from current WBC titlist Deontay Wilder and the long line of American heavyweight champions that came before him.

I’m going to raise the competition amongst the heavyweights,” 富蘭克林說:. “The division is definitely back on the map and I’m planning on having a hand in making it must-watch TV once again. America needs another face in the heavyweight division and that’s going to be me.

I already believe that I am the best heavyweight in the world. There are a lot of big, strong heavyweights, but I’m a balanced athlete, which makes me different. 我很堅強, 快, athletic and getting better with each fight.

Although his native Sweden is not known for boxing, Wallin’s home country has previously produced a heavyweight champion in Ingemar Johansson, who famously stopped Floyd Patterson in their first fight at Yankee Stadium in 1959. After defeating fellow Swedish heavyweight Adrian Granat in his last fight, Wallin decided it was time to fight in the U.S., following previous training camps in New York with trainer Joey Gamache.

Training here in New York brings me a great energy and it shows in my performance,” said Wallin. “It’s the center of the world, and while I’m fully focused on training, I feed off the energy of the city.

Ingemar Johansson is of course a big inspiration for me. When he came to the U.S. and beat Floyd Patterson, he was the baddest man on the planet. I’m looking to take that mantle and become a hero for young Swedish boxers, just like he has been for me.

In addition to being Wallin’s U.S. 登場, the unbeaten heavyweights will make their first appearances on SHOWTIME and it will be Franklin’s first time fighting in the northeast. They each hope to show off their respective talents and are prepared for what comes with the increased platform.

This is a great chance for me to showcase my skills, but I still treat it like just another fight,” 富蘭克林說:. “I’m going to adapt to my opponent and expose his weaknesses. I’m always improving because once you think you know it all, that’s when you find out you know nothing.

I’m just a kid from a small town in Sweden and I’ve worked hard to get to this point,” said Wallin. “Training here in the U.S. and fighting here is going to help me put on the best performance of my career. The fun begins on April 13 and I’m not stopping until I am champion.

Both recently signed with Dmitriy Salita’s Salita Promotions and on April 13 will begin a year that could leave each fighter on the precipice of a title shot.

“四月 13 two of the best heavyweight in the world, one from the U.S., one from Sweden, will both have a chance to make a claim that they are ready to challenge for the heavyweight title,” 所述字.

Jermaine Franklin is by far the best American heavyweight prospect who is soon to be a contender and a champion. He will have a great opportunity to showcase his skills and worth against the experienced, hungry and accomplished Rydell Booker.

Boxing is a sport of individual stories and Otto Wallin is a great example of that. A top-rated heavyweight from a small town in Sweden, he is showing that dreams, combined with hard work, can come true. He is one of the best heavyweight contenders from Europe and on April 13 he will show that he belongs with the elite in the U.S.

With this opportunity to announce themselves in the resurgent heavyweight division, Franklin and Wallin are keyed for eye-opening performances next Saturday.

My ultimate goal is to become world champion and I believe right now I’m on the right path,” said Wallin, 誰是排名第. 5 by the IBF and WBA. “I had good years fighting in Europe, but now is the time for me to go to the next level. I can’t wait to show everyone what I’m all about and give the fans great fights.

I’m planning to be a major force in the heavyweight division by the end of the year,” 富蘭克林說:. “It’s my coming out party. I feel like my dreams are going to come true. I’m going to show everyone who I am: the best new heavyweight in the world.

門票現場活動, 這是由的Salita促銷推廣, 售價為 $150, $100, $55 和 $35 and can be purchased through Ticketmaster and atboardwalkhall.com.

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關於盾牌VS. 錘子
盾VS. 錘將坑不敗的中量級世界冠軍Claressa盾和克里斯蒂娜錘彼此在戰鬥中冠無可爭議的160磅重的世界冠軍, 什麼可以說是最顯著婦女在歷史拳擊事件. 共同特徵將坑杰梅因·富蘭克林承擔韋迪爾布克一場驚心動魄的10輪的重量級回合,並在電視節目開門紅, 權重股奧托沃林和尼克·基斯納將在10輪比賽戰. 欣欣拳擊: 特別版tripleheader將現場直播在SHOWTIME 9 P.M. 從浮橋廳ET / PT在大西洋城, N.J.


Claressa Shields and Christina Hammer Meet in
欣欣拳擊: 特別版本® 主要事件
To Crown Undisputed Women’s Middleweight Champion

紐約 – 三月 7, 2019 – Two undefeated heavyweight prospects will put their unblemished records on the line when they fight in separate bouts on Saturday, 四月 13 live on SHOWTIME from Boardwalk Hall in Atlantic City, N.J on the undercard of the Claressa Shields-Christina Hammer groundbreaking event. 美國頂尖重量級的前景 杰梅因·富蘭克林 will take on former No. 1-中美排名. 業餘 Rydell Booker in the 10-round co-featured bout while undefeated Swedish heavyweight 奧托沃林 will battle highly decorated amateur Nick Kisner in a 10-round clash that will open the SHOWTIME BOXING: SPECIAL EDITION tripleheader at 9 P.M. ET / PT.

在主要事件, undefeated middleweight world champions Shields and Hammer will meet to crown the women’s undisputed 160-pound world champion in what is arguably the most significant women’s boxing event in history.

門票現場活動, 這是由的Salita促銷推廣, 售價為 $150, $100, $55 和 $35 與現已公開發售. Tickets can be purchased through Ticketmaster and at boardwalkhall.com.

The heavyweight division is as talented and exciting as ever,and we are thrilled to add two undefeated warriorsto the April 13 電視節目,” 所述啟動子德米特里Salita. “We have the best American heavyweight prospect in Jermaine Franklin and one of the best European heavyweight contenders in Otto Wallin. These fights will be tremendous lead-ins to the historic Shields vs. Hammer main event and will create a night to remember for boxing fans worldwide.

這位25歲的富蘭克林 (17-0, 13 科斯), 從薩吉諾, 密歇根州。, 是前業餘突出和 2014 全國金手套冠軍. 一個可能的候選人,代表中美. 在 2016 奧運會, 富蘭克林拒絕了機會,在隊中的位置競爭,而是選擇開始他的職業生涯中 2015. 被廣泛視為美國頂尖重量級的前景, 自從轉為職業選手富蘭克林修建了他的不敗紀錄相對容易, 淘汰他的第一個九 10 專業的對手. Coming off a lopsided 10-round decision over Craig Lewis in July, Franklin aims to continue moving up the ranks of the resurgent heavyweight division in 2019 and position himself for a title shot.

“我不能等 – I am ready to show that I am the new man in the heavyweight division,” 富蘭克林說:. “Rydell is a good fighter but he is in the way of my goal of winning the heavyweight world title. 四月 13 will be my coming out party and I am very honored to have this opportunity on SHOWTIME.

布克 (25-1, 12 科斯), from Detroit, 密歇根州。, is a former No.1-ranked U.S. amateur who was once a rising heavyweight prospect with a 22-0 記錄. He suffered his lone defeat to former three-division world champion James Toney, who was coming off wins over Vassiliy Jirov and Evander Holyfield, 在 2004. After serving a 12-year prison sentence, Booker has returned to the ring looking to get his life back on track and live up to his once promising expectations, registering three unanimous decision victories in 2018 under the tutelage of former world champion Jimmy Paul.

It means a lot to have this opportunity to fight on SHOWTIME,” said the 38-year-old Booker, who sparred with heavyweight world champion Anthony Joshua in preparation for his September 2018 bout with Alexander Povetkin. “I’m ready to show my talents on a national stage so everyone will know who Rydell Booker is once again. I think Jermaine Franklin is a pretty good fighter but he has never fought anybody with my experience, knowledge in the ring or my ring savvy. I am going to teach him some new lessons on April 13. I have a bag full of goodies and tricks at my disposal that I will teach this young whipper snapper.

沃林 (20-0, 13 科斯), 誰將會使他的U.S. 登場, 轉為職業球員在 2013 並通過記錄的排名逐漸上升 20 連勝. The 28-year-old southpaw, who originally played ice hockey and soccer in his native Sweden before finding the sweet science, won the Swedish Boxing Championship at 16-years-old, fought against Joshua twice as an amateur and was a member of the Swedish National Boxing Team. 目前排名第. 5 by both the WBA and IBF, Wallin most recently won a 12-round unanimous decision over Adrian Granat in April 2018 and now has his sights set on becoming his country’s first Heavyweight Champion since Ingemar Johansson in 1960.

I’m very excited about making my U.S. debut on SHOWTIME,” said Wallin, who has spent the last two years conducting training camp in New York with his trainer and former two-division champion Joey Gamache. “To be fighting on such a big card is very inspiring. I’ve been dreaming of this moment since I first started boxing at the age of 15. I will put on a good performance on April 13 and introduce myself to the American fans. I will be one step closer towards my goal of winning the heavyweight world title. Like I’ve said before, I’m a kid from a small town in Sweden and I’m proud of where I’m from and what I’ve achieved so far, but I feel like this is when all the fun starts.

The 28-year-old Kisner (21-4-1, 6 科斯) has competed at both cruiserweight and heavyweight since turning professional in 2010 after a successful amateur career. Among Kisner’s numerous amateur recognitions, the Baltimore, 馬里蘭州. native was a three-time National Silver Gloves Champion, two-time Junior National Golden Gloves Champion and Ringside World Champion. He holds the distinction of being the youngest boxer in American history ever to win a Men’s National Title in the heavyweight division at 17 歲. As a pro, three of Kisner’s four losses have come against opponents who boasted an undefeated record on fight night. 在他的最後一個回合, Kisner defended his WBA U.S. cruiserweight title with a majority decision win over Scott Sigmon.

I’ve dreamt my whole life of one day fighting on national television and now that the time is here, 我要充分利用它,” said Kisner. “Wallin is very good but I’m going to prove I’m one of the best heavyweights on the planet. I have proven my ability to beat the best in the world at both the amateur and professional level and I will do it again on April 13.

巴里·湯普金斯將調用欣欣拳擊: 從馬戲團特別版動作與拳擊歷史學家史蒂夫Farhood和前世界冠軍勞爾·馬爾克斯作為專家分析. The executive producer of SHOWTIME BOXING: SPECIAL EDITION is Gordon Hall with Richard Gaughan producing and Rick Phillips directing.